solved business info, excell template, and original budget info is attached.This

business info, excell template, and original budget info is attached.This assignment consists of two sections: Marketing plan and sales strategy (an MS Word document).Marketing budget (using the Business Plan Financials Excel Template). To successfully complete this assignment, you must attach both
documents to the submission area as separate files and then click Submit. Reminders Your company, whether it’s a startup you created or one based on
the snack food company scenario, will operate in a 100-mile radius from
your home address. Your goal is to reach $1 million in sales by the end
of the second year.Be sure to follow the guidelines, whether you chose the snack food company or your own startup company.
Snack Food Company Guidelines [DOCX].Company of Your Choice Guidelines [DOCX]. Section 1: Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy In MS Word, write the 3–5 page marketing plan and sales strategy section of your business plan, in which you: Revise the company’s target market based on the feedback received in the Week 3 discussion thread.
Be sure to include demographic, geographic, lifestyle,
psychographic, purchasing patterns, and buying sensitivities in the
target market description. Assess your chosen company’s market competition.
Use the factors listed in the graphic in your textbook labeled
“Assess the Competition” (page 125), to assess the company’s market
When assessing the competition, specify the exact company and
particular product or service you are competing against. For example,
Coca Cola offers a portfolio of products, such as water, fruit juice,
and cola. Are you competing against Coca Cola’s fruit juice product? Or
its cola product? Be sure to detail your plan to differentiate yourself from the competition. Outline the company’s value proposition and create a marketing slogan/tagline for the product.
The value proposition tells your customers why they want to do business with you. You need to know what message you want to convey in your
marketing slogan before selecting the marketing vehicles in the next
step. Specify the marketing vehicles you will use to build your chosen
company’s brand and justify the key reasons they will be effective.
Marketing vehicles are ways to promote your product. Examples
include social media, sponsored events, trade shows, and sampling. You
will use a combination of these tactics.Planning to use online marketing tactics? Consult the “Online
Marketing Tactics” worksheet on page 177 of your textbook to guide your
response. Formatting Format your assignment according to these requirements: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).
For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.You must include headings in your paper for each major topic.Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name,
the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is
not included in the required page length.Include a source list page. All sources used must be listed in the
source list page and have a corresponding in-text citation. Citations
and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not
included in the required page length.
Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in this assignment. Section 2: Marketing Budget In this portion of your assignment, you will develop a marketing
budget. This budget is critical to helping you determine how much it
will cost you to reach your market and achieve your sales goals. To
create your marketing budget, you will use the Business Plan Financials
Excel Template. This is the document you downloaded using the access
code you purchased from the Strayer Bookstore. Reminders You will complete only the Setup and Marketing Budget worksheets
for this assignment; be sure to submit the entire Excel Template,
however.You have already worked on your marketing budget in the Week 5
discussion. Incorporate information from your post and the feedback you
received into this section of your assignment. Instructions Develop a marketing budget, supporting your marketing plan and sales goals, in which you: Prepare the Setup worksheet for your selected company based on the appropriate guidelines instructions.Prepare the Marketing Budget worksheet for your selected company
based on the appropriate guidelines instructions. When filling out the
Marketing Budget worksheet in the Business Plan Financials Excel
Template, do the following:
Begin with the current year and complete a marketing budget for the business’s first two years.Leave at zero any marketing vehicles you do not plan to use.Reminder: All marketing activities involve
costs. If social media represents a significant portion of your
marketing plan, assume you will incur advertising costs; reflect these
in your marketing budget. Even if a social media site charges nothing to
use it, you will need to use company resources to manage the site,
execute your social media marketing campaigns, and most likely pay for
ads on that site.Do not leave the Marketing Budget worksheet blank assuming you will not have any marketing costs.Do not complete all the rows; only fill in the costs for the
marketing vehicles you will actually use. These must match the content
you described in Item 4 of Section 1 of this assignment. Learning Outcomes The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Create a marketing plan for a company that identifies a target
market, market competition, a company message, marketing vehicles, and a

solved Reply to each of these post Jennifer Richards: Quotation- Pleasure-

Reply to each of these post 
Jennifer Richards: 
Quotation- Pleasure- Create an aesthetically pleasing environment through the use of plants, color, and bulletin board displays (Powerpoint page 6).
Response- Creating an environment that is safe but full of print, vibrate colors allows to students to feel welcome. The book states on page 232, “that room arrangement is an issue that can be decided before school starts. Take into account the fixed features in the room, instructional materials and supplies, traffic areas, work. areas, boundaries for activity areas, visibility (being able to see all students), and the purpose of various seating arrangements.” Some teachers may forget that how students are sitting in the classroom makes a big difference. The teacher should make sure that her desk in located in an area where she can see every student in her classroom. The bulletin boards should be bright and serve a purpose. For example, one could have the class rules, a daily or weekly schedule, lunch menus, and classroom helpers. Another bulletin board could be simple and full of decoration with seasonal and motivational. By adding a plant or an aquarium to your classroom brings life and responsibility to your students. By allowing the students to water the plant and feed the fish daily gives them a since of responsibility. The aquarium is fun, educational tool that parents and children can enjoy together. Students not only develop learning skills but because they get excited about the aquarium, they are eager to share what they learned with family members and friends. Plants help remove pollutants from the air by absorbing them into their roots and leaves. Students can also learn about photosynthesis. Plants can also improve students mental well being. Plants add a touch of freshness and vibrancy to any dull windows. It is also a good idea to have the students birthdays and major holidays posted in the classroom. Make sure its bring and inviting for students to look for their birthdays. It will make them feel even more comfortable.
Question: By adding plants and aquarium to your classroom what how would you incorporate them into your lessons and helpers? How would you set up the desk and bulletin boards in your classroom to make students feel welcome? 
Keyla Lopez
“Psychological Security is the feeling that the classroom is a secure, comfortable place to be. Establishing a warm psychological climate is a prerequisite for a focused learning environment.”
Weinstein C. (2007). Uploaded to Creating an Inviting Classroom Environment. (Links to an external site.)
I chose this quote because I feel like one of the most important things a classroom should have established is a safe learning environment. Students deserve to feel safe and accepted within a class, both by peers and teacher, enough that it promotes learning. Creating a welcoming classroom is more than just being open minded to every student, it includes building a relationship with the student to learn about their strengths, weaknesses, or what they need support in. This also should include any multicultural or english language learner student; by taking the time to talk to them and parents, teachers can get a better idea of their student’s background and what method would be best to teach and support them. Having that trust with students can then continue into being positive and encouraging with their progress – either academic or behavioral. By being direct in the high expectations we expect in students academically while remaining supportive, they feel more inclined to believing in themselves as well and try to complete assignments even they find hard. When it comes to behavior, the reading from Burden and Byrd on page 250 states “Communicate basic attitudes and expectations to students, and model them in your behavior,” meaning that if we want students to exhibit a certain behavior, we ourselves should model that expectation for others. One of the benefits to this is that we can also use it to reinforce expected behaviors while correcting bad ones. For example, in a scenario of a student not following a rule such as holding your hand up to answer a question, teachers can reinforce the rule by stating it before asking for responses and then showing a positive reaction towards those who do – you don’t necessarily have to punish behaviors such as this as long as you reinforce the correct one if you are teaching them these skills. All of these examples were the benefits of the positives that an established safe learning environment can come from a teacher-student trust, but there is also benefits for students and their peers. 
A main point of establishing a safe learning environment is to create a classroom that is welcoming and respectful of each other. By putting an emphasis of this in a classroom and showing that ourselves, students would then learn to also be accepting of others. Which is a huge importance not only to make sure that it feels like a community and has students feeling safe, but also for a way to prevent bullying. We should take the time to have small talks on how important it is that students don’t bully others, be respectful, and to confront it if they’re seeing it happen. 
While this is being said in mind with a best scenario, there may be students who might not want to take part in the environment in the classroom and continue to misbehave. What is the best method to help that misbehaving student not in a way to negatively punish them but rather in supporting them to exhibit correct behaviors?

solved Your final assignment will require the development of a business

Your final assignment will require the development of a business research proposal that includes the core elements of research. As presented in the textbook, “the key purpose of any [full] research report is to offer a clear description of what has been done in the various stages of the research process” (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016, p. 353). The research proposal represents the initial stage of the research process where both the study and researcher are properly authorized and the methodology, cost and duration of the study are determined to ensure the research process is carried out as smoothly as possible. The research proposal also provides the purpose of the study and the research design details of the investigation to be carried out by the researcher. Upon completion, the research proposal will be approved by the sponsor who will issue a letter of authorization to proceed with the study. The research proposal will typically contain the elements below (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016, p. 45):A working title – anchors the focus of the study in a similar way as the research problem and keeps the researcher oriented to the main purpose of the study; a final title may be selected later in the study to more accurately reflect the subject and scope of the study (Sacred Heart University Library, 2019).Background of the study/Literature Review – identifies and describes the history and nature of the research problem with reference to existing literature and shows that the researcher has a basic understanding of the research problem (Sacred Heart University Library, 2019).The problem statement – a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation (Sacred Heart University Library, 2019).The purpose of the study – introduces readers to the importance of the topic being studied.Research questions – The research problem posed in the form of questions.The scope of the study – the extent to which the topic will be covered in the study.The relevance of the study – shows how meaningful the topic studied is in the context of a larger body of research.The research design – a blueprint or plan for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data, created to answer research questions (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016, p. 108). The research design should address these areas:Type of study – exploratory and descriptiveData collection methods – established manner in which data or information will be collected to answer the research question or test a hypothesis. The sampling design – the method that supports the process of selecting the right individuals, objects, or events as representatives or a subset of the population to be studied.Data analysis – using statistical methods to organize, represent, describe, evaluate and interpret data.Time frame of the study -includes information on when the written report will be handed over to the sponsors.The budget – details the costs, with reference to specific items of expenditure.Selected bibliography/Reference List – A listing of all sources used in the research process that acknowledges and gives credit to the contributions of the authors whose sources were used in the study.In Part 1 of your Business Research Proposal, you identified a business problem, selected a working title, provided background on the proposed study, developed your problem statement, and described the scope and relevance of the study. By now, you should have also received feedback on the Business Research Proposal assignment you submitted at the end of Week 4. For the Business Research Proposal Part 2 assignment, you will finalize your proposal by completing the remaining elements of the business research proposal process and submit a full research proposal.Complete the following requirements for the Business Research Proposal – Part 2 assignment:Make edits to Part 1 of the Business Research Proposal Describe the research design, showing how you will plan for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data, created to answer the research questions. The research design should address these areas:Type of study – exploratory and descriptive;Data collection methods – established manner in which data or information will be collected to answer the research question or test a hypothesis; The sampling design – the method that supports the process of selecting the right individuals, objects, or events as representatives or a subset of the population to be studied; andData analysis – using statistical methods to organize, represent, describe, evaluate and interpret data.Describe the proposed time frame of the study, including information on when the written report will be handed over to the sponsors.Create a budget that details the anticipated costs of specific items of expenditure related to the proposed study.Include a “Reference List” of all sources used that is formatted in APA writing style.References:Sacred Heart University Library. (2019). Organizing academic research papers: Purpose of guide.Retrieved from, U. & Bougie, R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building approach (7th ed.).Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-1-119-26684-6 Paper Details:Combine all elements of the Business Research Proposal from the Part 1 and Part 2 assignments.Eight to 10 pages, not including title or reference pages.Minimum of five peer-reviewed reference sources.APA writing style must be used for all formatting.


OVERVIEWThe United Nations (UN) has hired you as a consultant, and your task is to assess the impact that global warming is expected to have on population growth and the ability of societies in the developing world to ensure the adequate security of their food supplies.
CASE ASSESSMENTAs the world’s population nears 10 billion by 2050, the effects of global warming are stripping some natural resources from the environment. As they diminish in number, developing countries will face mounting obstacles to improving the livelihoods of their citizens and stabilizing their access to enough food. The reason these governments are struggling even now is that our climate influences their economic health and the consequent diminishing living standards of their peoples. Climate changes are responsible for the current loss of biodiversity as well as the physical access to some critical farming regions. As such, these changes in global weather patterns diminish agricultural output and the distribution of food to local and international markets. These difficulties will become even more significant for these countries as the Earth’s climate changes for the worse. Temperatures are already increasing incrementally, and polar ice caps are melting, so the salient question is: what does this suggest for developing societies?The issue before the developing world is not its lack of food, but rather how to gain access to food. Simply put, changes in our climate are affecting the global food chain, and hence, the living standards of entire populations. Added to this is the fact that food is not getting to where it is needed in time to prevent hunger or starvation. In many developing countries, shortages are due to governments’ control over distribution networks rather than an insufficient supply of food itself. In effect, these governments are weaponizing food by favoring certain ethnic or religious groups over others. When added to dramatic climate changes that we are experiencing even now, the future for billions of poor people looks increasingly dim.
INSTRUCTIONSYou are to write a minimum of a 5 page persuasive paper for the UN that addresses the following questions about the relationship between atmospheric weather patterns and food security in the developing world:

Climate change and global warming are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same phenomenon. What are the differences between the two concepts and what leads to the confusion between them?
In 1900, the average global temperature was about 13.7° Celsius (56.7° Fahrenheit) (Osborn, 2021), but as of 2020, the temperature has risen another 1.2°C to 14.9°C (58.9°F). According to the Earth and climate science community, if the Earth’s surface temperature rises another 2°C (3.6°F), we will suffer catastrophic weather patterns that, among other things, will raise sea levels, cause widespread droughts and wildfires, result in plant, insect, and animal extinctions, and reduce agricultural productivity throughout the world (Mastroianni, 2015 and Lindsey & Dahlman, 2020). How much credibility do you place in these projections? Why?
There is no question that the Earth’s food sources are threatened by changes in its weather patterns, but what specific challenges does climate change pose to the food security of people in the developing world?
There is currently a debate among some multinational lending agencies like the International Monetary Fund, UNICEF, and AID over the financial support for food security has been misused by recipient government officials. On the other hand, U.S. authorities insist that misuse of its assistance is not occurring because it has strict monitoring oversight in place. What is your position on this matter? Is there evidence that financial assistance to developing governments is being widely misused by government officials?


This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the SWS link in the left-hand menu of your course and check with your professor for any additional instructions.
In order to earn full credit, your paper must be divided into at least four full pages of content (one page to address each of the four questions above), and include at least a one-half page introduction and a one-half page conclusion – making a minimum total of five full pages of text.
You must use at least seven credible sources (excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias) that are appropriate for the subjects under discussion.
You must use only double-spacing and not place extra spacing between paragraphs or section headings.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

Evaluate the impacts that climate changes are having on the growth of global populations and the security of their food sources.

ReferencesLiz Osborn. 2021. History of Changes in the Earth’s Temperature.… Mastroianni. 2015. Why 2 degrees are so important.… Lindsey and LuAnn Dahlman. 2020. Climate change global temperature.…

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solved This short paper assignment allows you to reflect more on

This short paper assignment allows you to reflect more on reconciliation, which many scholars and practitioners consider as the end-goal of peacebuilding efforts. A key part of this paper is presenting your own arguments and supporting them with evidence from the conflict cases covered in the readings and in class.Please respond to both prompts and include a subheading to divide your responses to each prompt. Students are permitted to draw on sources from outside of class, but they are not required to consult outside sources.Prompt 1 (400-500 words):In both the course readings and recent class meetings, we’ve explored different ways of thinking about the term “reconciliation.”Identify and describe two different ways of thinking about the term “reconciliation”. What component(s)/ ingredient(s)/ condition(s) does each emphasize? What (if anything) is required of the perpetrator and victim in each way of thinking about “reconciliation”?In your opinion, which is the more compelling way to think about the term, and why?Prompt 2 (500-800 words):The course has concluded by showing some impediments that lie in the path toward peace and reconciliation in the Bosnian conflict and by showing how reconciliation has been applied in other contexts (eg, Germany-France, Germany-Israel). We see that reconciliation is a lengthy process, but that there can be important Track I and Track II interventions to facilitate it.While reconciliation is still a far-off prospect for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we can hope that it will someday reach a settlement and that the parties will begin to embark on the journey toward reconciliation. Based on lessons learned from the Bosnian case and the cases of Germany, what recommendations do you have to help promote “reconciliation” in a future post-settlement Israel-Palestine? If you were to create a plan for the post-settlement reconciliation process, what would it entail and why?In putting forth your ideas for Track I and Track II interventions to facilitate “reconciliation”, please draw on the conceptualization of “reconciliation” that you found most compelling in Prompt #1. What is necessary to achieve “reconciliation,” as you think of the term?Be sure to address interventions on both the Track I and Track II/III levels. However, if you think either of these tracks is unimportant, or even counterproductive to achieving “reconciliation”, then explain why you think so.Pay particular attention to the sequencing of Track I and Track II/III interventions, as well as the specific types of interventions. Don’t just say that parties should engage in “dialogue” to achieve reconciliation. Explain who should be involved and describe the content and purpose of the dialogue. Also, describe what (if anything) needs to happen before or after “dialogue” so that “dialogue” can advance reconciliation. Should “dialogue” happen before, after, or at the same time as other interventions?DO NOT focus your attention on the terms of a settlement to the Israel-Palestine conflict (eg, how to divide Jerusalem, how to repatriate refugees, etc.). Rather, assume that a realistic settlement has been achieved that satisfies both parties. You can make assumptions about what this settlement would be (eg, one-state solution, two-state solution), but quickly state any relevant assumptions about the settlement in a footnote.AdviceUse good paragraph structure. Begin your paragraphs with a topic sentence that very explicitly states the argument that you’re making in the paragraph. Then, each of the sentences in the paragraph should aim to prove the argument in the topic sentence.Be selective about the supporting details you use. Don’t treat your response as an opportunity to showcase all the facts you know about the conflict cases. Rather, be judicious in selecting facts that support your argument. Think about your argument and how you can best support it with evidence from the readings and class lectures. This is an exercise in critical thinking, not an exercise in regurgitating facts.Pay attention to the rubric. Please be sure to review the rubric carefully. It can also be helpful to structure your paper so that each paragraph of your paper addresses its own component of the rubric.SOURCES. (YOU CAN ONLY USE THESE SOURCES)Beyond Intractability: What are intractable conflicts?Beyond Intractability: Characteristics of intractable conflicts (Links to an external site.)Beyond Intractability: Interests, Needs, Positions, and Values (Links to an external site.)Thomas Edsall: America, We Have a ProblemBI: The Core Causes of Intractable Conflicts (Links to an external site.)BI: Effects of Colonization (Links to an external site.)BI: NationalismBI: High Stakes Distribution Issues ◦ BI: Within Party Differences (Links to an external site.)BI: Moderates (Links to an external site.)BI: Extremists and Spoilers (Links to an external site.)BI: Dealing with Extremists (Links to an external site.)BI: Ethos of Conflict (Links to an external site.)BI: Enemy Images (Links to an external site.)BI: DehumanizationBI: Peacebuilding (Links to an external site.)BI: Track I Diplomacy (Links to an external site.)BI: Track II Diplomacy (Links to an external site.)BI: Track I-II CooperationBI: Stable Peace (Links to an external site.)BI: Toward Better Concepts of Peace (Links to an external site.)BI: Negotiation Strategies (Links to an external site.)BI: Distributive Bargaining (Links to an external site.)BI: Integrative BargainingBI: Mediation (Links to an external site.)BI: DiaglogueReconciliation (Links to an external site.)Retributive Justice (Links to an external site.)Restorative Justice

solved A review of the impacts of Prolonged Exposure (PE) vs.

A review of the impacts of Prolonged Exposure (PE) vs. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among adult women and teens.    )

This literature review will discuss what is known in the contemporary peer-reviewed literature about how and if the independent variables in question have an effect on the dependent variable. You will identify gaps in the peer-reviewed social welfare literature. These gaps include, but are not limited to, instances where the independent variables have not been assessed in your target population (race, ethnicity, age groups, sociodemographic status, etc), that the independent variable has not been assessed with regard to the dependent variable you have selected, or, perhaps the gap is with respect to the methodology of the previous studies (limited to one geographic area, small sample sizes, etc).
Skills: The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course, for the overall development of your research proposal, and for the development of college-level writing and critical thinking skills. These skills include:

Displaying your depth of knowledge on a topic or issue through writing,
Comparing, analyzing, and evaluating the scholarly writing of others,
Understanding of scholarly writing, debates, and competing arguments,
Beginning awareness of different research methodologies,
Ability to construct your own argument while citing the published work previously conducted in your field,
Taking responsibility for the direction of your learning by pursuing a topic area that is interesting to you.

The final product will consist of:

A cover sheet in APA format
A second page that includes your revised research question and hypothesis. Be clear about what your independent variables, and the dependent variable are. Please use subheadings on this page.
A 5-page literature review
References (no limit on the number, but most include at least 10-15 different scholarly references)

Npte: The cover sheet, second page, and reference pages are not included in the 5-page literature review page count. Please use the following naming convention when submitting your paper – LastNameFirstName
Your paper should be structured as follows:
Introduction:Identification of the problem, study objectives, research question(s) and/or hypothesis (es).
This section is typically be 3-5 pagraphs and should contain at least3 unique citations. Here you should define key concepts and provide critical background information to frame the problem (e.g. magnitude of problem, who and how it affects general and specific populations, key characteristics of populations, ect.). In this section your should address:

Clearly state your research questions/hypotheses (What is your research trying to find out?)
Why is this important research, what is its significance, and why should someone reading the proposal care about the outcomes of the proposed study?
Answer the “So What? question [i.e., why should anyone care].
Present the rationale of your research question and base that rationale in available evidence. Identify gaps that your research will address.
Note how your proposed study builds on previous assumptions about the research problem.

Body:In the body of this paper, you will provide an assessment of your two interventions (independent variables in your hypothesis). You will accomplish this by selecting and critically examing one peer reviewd article for each intervention. This article must report the effects of the chosen intervention. (~3 pargraphs for each intervention article).

CBT as a tx for depression (reported in article 1) versus MBSR as a treatment for depression (reported in article 2).
Group therapy as tx for anxiety disorders among youth (reported in article 1) versus individualized therapy as tx for anxiety disorders among youth.

This section must be well-written and logically organized. Be specific about the methodological approaches each study chose, the strength of their data sources, and the trustworthiness or their results.  For each article: describe the study design, including a description of participants and sampling methods, data collection procedures, measures, and analytic/ statistical approach.
Conclusions:In this section, you will summarize the findings of your review and draw conclusions. Compare and contrast the strengths and weakness of the the articles under review. Make conclusions about limitations and relevant areas for future inquiry. This is where you demonstrate your critical reflection of the content and tie in key concepts from the course into your appraisal. Dig deeper by asking questions such as:

What were the key results and what conclusions did the authors draw?
Are these conclusions justified by the methods?
Were the research approaches comprehensive or did it leave you with questions?
Was there a better methodology that could have been undertaken to address the original research question proposed in the article(s)?
Were there flaws in the measures used?
Were there flaws in the research process or author conclusions?
Were ethical issues present?
Are results generalizable? To what extent?
What are the limitations and implications for future research and/ or social work practice? Include those that are reported in the article as well as those you suggest based on your critical review.
What are the next steps to continue to move the research understanding forward on this topic?

References: Provide the full reference list in APA style.

Additional resource for APA formatting:

solved Mitigating Circumstances and Coerced Consent: The Case of Professor Julie

Mitigating Circumstances and Coerced Consent: The Case of Professor Julie Ponesse Overview of the Issue: In a number of western countries, individuals are being mandated to take one of the Covid-19 vaccines that have been developed by pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Europe and distributed around the world. Canada has mandated that all of its citizens take the Covid-19 vaccine, with penalties for non-compliance. Those penalties include being refused the right to travel, work, or attend school. Many employers are disallowing the option of taking a test that determines if an individual is infected with the coronavirus in lieu of taking one of the vaccines available. Mandates like the one in Canada have become commonplace in other countries, including the United States, where employers with 100 or more employees are being ordered by the president of the United States to fire anyone who refuses vaccination. Many private and state employers are offering testing in lieu of vaccination to employees who wish to remain employed, but who do not wish to take a vaccine for Covid-19. Western Connecticut State University offers both employees and students the option of weekly testing in lieu of vaccination as a condition of employment or enrollment. United States federal government employees do not have a testing option and must comply with vaccination rules, unless they are granted a medical or religious exemption, by law. In the United States, hospitals, nursing homes, medical facilities, and so forth are requiring that their staff be vaccinated or face termination. In New York, the religious exemption for vaccination has been repealed, and only those with medical exemptions are allowed to forgo vaccination if they want to keep their jobs, attend schools, and so forth. The United States Federal Government has threatened to withdraw all federal funding from nursing homes that do not require their employees to be vaccinated. Opinions on the ethics of mandatory vaccination are mixed in western countries such as the United States and Canada. There are those who argue that it is the government’s and employer’s right to mandate vaccination and set the terms and conditions for employment and admission into schools and places of business, even if those terms and conditions are punitive or result in serious hardship (i.e. unemployment and the loss of income). There are those who argue that employers and governments have no right to coerce people into injecting substances into their bodies under pain of losing their income, educational opportunities, jobs, and other necessities and opportunities. In some states in the United States, laws have been created prohibiting the firing, mandating of vaccines, and penalizing of those who choose not to be vaccinated, while other states have passed laws mandating vaccination and imposing penalties on those who do not comply. There is considerable disagreement between individuals and groups about mandatory vaccinations and coerced consent in the United States and other western countries. Paper Formatting Instructions: When you type your response in a Word document, please make sure that your document has one-inch (1″) margins on the top, bottom, and sides. Be sure that you type your first and last name in the upper left-hand corner. Under your name, place the due date (October 14, 2021). Under the due date, type the course number (HUM 110-71). Under the course number, type Professor Stephenson. Underneath my name, include the title of the paper (i.e. the question/statment to which you are responding). Each of these lines should be single-spaced. However, be sure that you double-space your (2) two-page response. Be sure that each page is numbered.Assignment Instructions: Click on the links below or place them in your browser for viewing. Choose one of the following statements below. Be sure that you carefully explain your response with details and sound reasoning. Be sure that your response is two (2) pages in length and turned in as an attachment. Use the “Attach Files” option and not the “Text” box for this assignment. When you are finished, attach your Word document in the area provided. Please do not use the “Text Submission”/”Write Submission” area to turn in this assignment:To answer ONE of the following, you must RESEARCH AND CITE the soruces for Ponesse’s claims:AGAIN.. ONLY HAVE TO ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:1) Does Dr. Ponesse face a mitigating circumstance? Why or why not? Be detailed and specific.2) Dr. Ponesse is facing what is called coerced consent, which forces an individual to make a choice under pain of penalty, punishment, torture, dismissal, or some other negative consequence. Why is coerced consent, the opposite of informed consent, an important ethical and moral principle in western cultures such as Canada and the United States? Be detailed and specific.3) Many in western cultures such as the United States and Canada, where there is a strong belief in individual rights and freedom, often argue that “the right to choose” and “bodily autonomy” are important, but nonetheless relative to the situation or circumstances. In certain instances, they argue, individuals should have no right to choose what happens to or is done to their bodies, arguing in favor of coerced consent if it’s in the interest of what is called the common good and/or the public good. How might Ayn Rand, from her philosophical and ideological standpoint of moral objectivism, view coerced consent by an employer and/or government and the moral relativism that informs it and legitimates it? Be detailed and specific.

solved (1) Kenichi Ohmae’s “Managing in a Borderless World” is considered

(1) Kenichi Ohmae’s “Managing in a Borderless World” is considered an important article in global marketing. (a) IDENTIFY, DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN each of the various sections of Ohmae’s article in SUBSTANTIVE DETAIL. (NOTE: EXPLAIN THE ARTICLE USING YOUR OWN WORDS. STATED DIFFERENTLY, DO NOT CUT AND PASTE SENTENCES OR ENTIRE PASSAGES FROM THE ARTICLE, WHICH WOULD CONSTITUTE PLAGIARISM.)Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.) (b) While Ohmae also discusses the issues of standardization and customization of global marketing strategy, which strategy does he primarily advocate? What are his contentions? Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(c) Do you agree or disagree with Ohmae’s perspective? If so, explain why. If not, explain why not? (You may also conduct additional research and use external sources of information to explain your answer, but be sure to cite ALL your sources of information after each answer.)Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)—————————————————————-(2) Vishwanathan and Dickson’s (2007) article entitled “The Fundamentals Of Standardizing Global Marketing Strategy” provides additional insights into the standardization of global marketing strategy going above and beyond the views articulated by Ted Levitt over two decades ago. (a) Provide an ELABORATE EXPLANATION of the various sections of Vishwanathan and Dickson’s article. In your EXPLANATION be sure to expound on the three-factor standardization model that includes (1) homogeneity of customer response to the marketing mix, (2) the transferability of competitive advantage, and (3) homogeneity of economic freedom. (NOTE: EXPLAIN THE ARTICLE USING YOUR OWN WORDS. STATED DIFFERENTLY, DO NOT CUT AND PASTE SENTENCES OR ENTIRE PASSAGES FROM THE ARTICLE, WHICH WOULD CONSTITUTE PLAGIARISM.)Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(b) Explain if Vishwanathan and Dickson message is similar or dissimilar to that of Levitt? If so why? If not, why not. Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(c) Are Vishwanathan and Dickson more correct about Standardizing Global Marketing Strategy than Levitt or vice-versa? Offer a suitable explanation in defense of your position. Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(d) Do you agree or disagree with the Vishwanathan and Dickson contentions? If so why? If not, why not. Explain your opinion in SUBSTANTIVE DETAIL. (You may conduct additional research and use external sources of information to explain your answer, but be sure to cite ALL your sources of information after each answer.)Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)—————————————————————-(3) The following questions are based on the HBS Case on MARY KAY COSMETICS—ASIAN MARKET ENTRY (MKC). (a) Based on your assessment, what is the central problem facing MKC? Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(b) Identify and explain in SUBSTANTIVE DETAIL EACH OF the 4 key action issues (solutions or courses of action) that need to be addressed by MKC to resolve their problem(s) as identified in the case. ACTION ISSUE 1 (Provide Sub-Heading):Explain your answer here. (Use as much space you need.) ACTION ISSUE 2 (Provide Sub-Heading):Explain your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)ACTION ISSUE 3 (Provide Sub-Heading):Explain your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)ACTION ISSUE 4 (Provide Sub-Heading):Explain your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(c) Based on your assessment, would you recommend MKC entering China or Japan or both or neither? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL (HINT: You can only answer this question by assessing what are the PROS and CONS of entering each country: China and Japan.)Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)



Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)

Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)

Add additional columns and rows as needed

Add additional columns and rows as needed

ADVANTAGES FOR ENTERING CHINADISADVANTAGES FOR ENTERING CHINAWrite your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)Add additional columns and rows as neededAdd additional columns and rows as needed(d) If you suggest entering China and/or Japan, identify each of the following: (i) What is the TARGET MARKET you suggest that MKC pursue for Japan and/or China? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL.Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(ii) What PRODUCT STRATEGY do you suggest that MKC should use for Japan and/or China? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL.Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(iii) What PROMOTION STRATEGY do you suggest that MKC should use for Japan and/or China? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL.Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(iv) What PRICING STRATEGY do you suggest that MKC should use for Japan and/or China? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL.Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(v) What DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY do you suggest that MKC should use for Japan and/or China? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL.Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(vi) What FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY do you suggest that MKC should use for Japan and/or China? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL.Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)(vii) In which order should MKC enter China and Japan? EXPLAIN your answer in DETAIL to justify your position. Write your answer here. (Use as much space you need.)

solved ASSIGNMENT DEVELOPMENT: Week 8 Signature Assignment : )Week 8 Signature

ASSIGNMENT DEVELOPMENT: Week 8 Signature Assignment : )Week 8 Signature Assignment : )Hello, everyone!It is time to begin the week 8 signature assignment! Make sure that you include all of the required components for the signature assignment in ONE Word file, turning the requirements into the headings of your assignment to make sure that you aren’t missing components. Please read through the assignment directions carefully, as the attachments included in the link in the assignment directions provide clear directions for the required components: unit introduction, resource toolkit, 3 literacy-focused lesson plans, and reflection.Again, the Integrated Reading Unit for Exceptional Learners* link in week 8 provides specific requirements for each of the required components for the integrated reading unit. In addition, make sure to follow the required lesson plan template as you create the three reading lesson plans required for the unit; the required lesson plan template is provided on page 3 in the Integrated Reading Unit for Exceptional Learners* assignment directions. To begin to create the integrated reading unit, start with a 4th grade reading level text that integrates ONE content area subject. Then, the content area provides the vehicle for the reading instruction required for the integrated reading unit as READING INSTRUCTION is the focus of each of the three lessons that YOU create (finding lessons or handouts or worksheets online is not part of the signature assignment). Remember to use the tips for locating reputable text that was provided in the week 5 team assignment discussion.Once I’ve selected a 4th grade reading level expository math OR science OR social studies text for students to read, I am ready to create 3 lesson plans using the text I’ve selected. For the 3 lesson plans, I can connect a science to the text that is the focus of the unit with science vocabulary used for the before reading, during reading, after reading activities for vocabulary from the course readings. Then, I can connect the science text to another lesson that uses guided note taking and create a problem solution or other graphic organizer of some type. Finally, I can use science vocabulary from the science text with an annotated text activity and a summarizing graphic organizer along with sentence frames provided for the students to write a paragraph or students could write a story using the word wall words from the vocabulary lesson plan completing a graphic organizer for prereading, sentence starters to help students draft, a revising/editing checklist for peer interaction, and online publishing of some type. Use the course readings to integrate quality, best practice literacy instruction and assessment into each of the three lessons, following the required lesson plan template.It will be important to read all of the assignment directions carefully and to begin this assignment this week. Let me know as questions arise as you put together the signature assignment. You’ve got this! : )SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT TIPS:Yes, this is a READING unit. The first step is to decide upon the 4th grade text and the ONE 4th grade content area subject – mathematics OR science OR social studies – to integrate into the READING unit. Then, follow these assignment directions for what is required each step of the way: Integrated Reading Unit for Exceptional Learners*In terms of headings to use, here are headings for each of the 4 parts of the signature assignment file:IntroductionFor part 1, use each step of the assignment directions as a heading:1) A unit title that is demonstrative of the unit and captures the reader’s attention2) Justification of how this unit addresses the diverse needs of each specific exceptional learner identified above3) Introduction to the core book and a summary of how this unit integrates reading and writing strategies to support vocabulary, reading comprehension, fluency, and writing strategies4) Justification of why this is an elementary grade level appropriate unit of study and an explanation of the appropriateness of the book to the needs of the exceptional learners5) Description of the technology selected for the unitb. State standards covered in the unit – (remember to include standards for both ELA and your ONE selected subject area)Resource ToolkitFor part 2, follow APA format for an annotated bibliography. Here is a sample:APAAnnotatedBibliography.pdfLesson PlansFor part 3, use the required lesson plan template to write the three detailed and original lesson plans using ideas from the course readings. The first step is to decide upon the 4th grade text and the ONE 4th grade content area subject – mathematics OR science OR social studies – to integrate into the READING unit. Remember to use the tips in the week 5 team assignment discussion for locating reputable mathematics OR science OR social studies expository text for students to read as the basis of each lesson plan. lesson_segment_template.docxReflectionFor part 4, use 1-4 below for headings for the reflection.Solicit feedback from a practicing teacher concerning the following areas of your unit (consider seeking feedback during the required field experience for this course):1) Appropriateness of the unit and book for the grade level2) Appropriateness of the lesson procedures (content and instructional strategies) for the exceptional learners3) Potential for the students to achieve the objectives and meet the content standards4) Words of advice for designing and delivering integrated unitsAfter the feedback session, write a 350-word reflection that describes implications for professional development and growth based on the specific teacher feedback.

solved Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’

Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’ Discussion PromptsDiscussion: The outbreak of the novel H1N1 flu virus in 2009 caused widespread anxiety throughout the world. However, the incidence of this flu was lower than anticipated. You may read more about H1N1 and its progress at (Links to an external site.).Briefly describe the time line of this outbreak and the ways in which it was investigated. Discuss why you think the incidence was low. Include the human and environmental factors that could have contributed. Be sure to support your opinions with scholarly evidence from your readings. Respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ or your instructor’s posts. Your responses should include elements such as follow-up questions, a further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made.ALL citations and references needs to be APA 7th edition format. THANK YOU!Peers# 1 On April 15th, 2009 the first known person to be infected with H1N1 was found in California. Within the next week more people around the US became infected, so between April 22nd and April 25th the Center for Disease Control (CDC) activated emergency operations and World Health Organization (WHO) declared a public health emergency with international concern. April 25th The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a test to detect the flu virus. By June 19th, all US states and territories had confirmed cases. By early June, some strains of the virus had become immune to antiviral medications. By mid-July, the virus activity started to decline. On July 22nd vaccine trials began. On August 2nd the second wave of H1N1 virus hit and caused a spike in cases. By October 5th vaccine distribution had started. By January 2010, the virus declined and on August 11th the H1N1 pandemic ended (CDC, 2019).The virus was identified and investigated within weeks of it being detected. According to the CDC, 2010: CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on April 22, 2009, to coordinate the response to this emerging public health threat. Response activities were organized into a team structure according to the National Incident Management System (NIMS). These teams had different areas of focus including but not limited to surveillance, laboratory issues, communications, at-risk populations, antiviral medications, vaccine, and traveler’s health issues. As the outbreak unfolded, team structures and staffing were periodically assessed for functionality and utility.The early detection and investigation allowed the FDA to start vaccine trials within a few months of the first case found. The human factor, which includes vaccination status, could be the reason the incidence of infection was lower than expected because the CDC and WHO were quick to respond to declare a state of emergency and start vaccine trials. The environmental factors include temperature, humidity, and crowding to name a few (Fleming, 2015). The virus was controlled by reducing these factors, such as letting kids out of school early to control crowds. The quick response and vaccine distribution helped reduce the prevalence of the H1N1 virus.Peers# 2 In April 2009, a new virus was confirmed amongst a 10-year-old and 8-year-old patient in California. The H1N1 influenza (flu) was reported to be associated with close contact with infected pigs rather than human-to-human contact. However, the H1N1 flu was circulating and spreading among humans. This led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to open an investigation and work with local and state health officials in California raising concerns regarding exposure/spread among humans. During the investigation, the United States International Health Regulations (IHR) Program, reported the 2009 H1N1 influenza cases to the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and Canada and Mexico (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). As part of the investigation, the CDC and health officials examined both patients to determine if there is a connection between the two and if there is any link with the pigs. Later however, three more reports were made in California regarding positive test pertaining to the H1N1 flu. To further prepare for a pandemic, the CDC began working on a vaccine that helped protect individual from the virus and was immediately sent to companies to manufacture. Due to the CDC responding quickly with a few cases of H1N1 and having these vaccines manufactured almost immediately, the CDC was prepared to address this new virus and therefore, reducing the incidence. The WHO also took part in the low incidence rates considering they raised a pandemic alert so other countries become aware and deploy a plan for a pandemic. Throughout the outbreak, the CDC continued to release reports along with measures to be taken to prevent the spread of this virus. School administrators also contributed with low incidence by having school closures during possible outbreaks. Furthermore, there were a few human factors that contributed to incidence rates. This includes staying home, avoiding large gathering, and telecommuting. If the population follow these standards, it decreases the incidence rates, however, if they chose not to comply, the incidence would have been higher. Lastly, environmental factors such as climate change impacts incidence rates (Fleming, 2015). For example, during low temperatures, H1N1 is likelier to spread due to the increase of survival rates of the virus. If temperature rises, chances of survival for the virus decreases (Dong et al., 2020).