solved This was the questionCompany is walt Disney Company pg 481

This was the questionCompany is walt Disney Company pg 481 ofDavid, F. R., & David, F. R. (2017). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases (16th ed.). Pearson. is a 3-part assignment with 3 separate assignments that are a continuation project of one another. Please follow instructions carefully and use the book listed above and attached study guides as resources.Assignment #1: 2 page case studyImplementation Plan: Part 1During
Unit IV, VI, and VIII, you will be working on an implementation plan
for a business. The components within these three units combined will
create this plan.Please take a look at the 30 case studies
located in your textbook on pages 370–625. There are multiple
corporations that provide a large array of services and products. Please
select one of these 30 organizations that interests you. You will use
this company for the Unit VI and Unit VIII assignments, as well.For
Part 1, describe the company that you selected, the products/services
they offer, and the history of the company. Next, analyze the company’s
strategy, mission, and organizational structure. In your analysis,
include the information below.What does the strategy, mission, and organizational structure say about the company?What are the positive aspects of the strategy, mission, and organizational structure?What are the company’s short-term and long-term goals?What are ways to improve the strategy, mission, and organizational structure?You
will need to reference your textbook and at least one outside source
for this assignment. You are encouraged to utilize the CSU Online
Library, but you may also use external sources, as long as the source is
reliable.Your project must be a minimum of two full pages in
length, not counting the title and reference pages. Include an
introduction paragraph.Assignment #2: 3 page projectImplementation Plan: Part 2In
Unit IV, you started to create an implementation plan. You selected a
company and analyzed their strategy and mission. In Unit VI, we will
continue your work with this company and develop a SWOT analysis.Remember
that a SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats of an organization. This is an important analysis for any
organization as it can be used for strategic planning. Your SWOT
analysis must be a minimum of two pages in length. Once you have
completed your SWOT analysis, write a minimum of one page, explaining
how this information could be used by the company.Please use the
template below to complete the SWOT analysis and explanation. Save the
template using your last name and student ID. For example, John Smith
whose student ID is 12345 would save his assignment as Smith12345. The
information you need to complete this analysis can be found in the case
studies located in your textbook on pages 370-625. You will need to
reference your textbook and at least one outside source for this
assignment. You are encouraged to utilize the CSU Online Library, but
you may also use external sources, as long as the source is reliable.Click here to access the Unit VI Project Template. (will attach in comments)Assignment #3: 3 page projectImplementation Plan: Part 3For
the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with
the company you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. For the Unit VIII Project,
you will complete the final components of your implementation plan.For Part 3, you will focus on the following points:internal and external issues,competition,future outlook for the organization, andimplementation of tools for measuring business success.Much
of the information you will need to complete this segment can be found
in the case study in the textbook. However, you will also need to
conduct some outside research. For the future of the organization, you
may be creative and add your own insight on where you see the company
going. You will need to reference your textbook and at least one outside
source for this assignment. You are encouraged to utilize the CSU
Online Library, but you may also use external sources, as long as the
source is reliable.Your project must be a minimum of three full
pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Make
certain to include an introductory paragraph.These were the professors responsesAssignment 1 has several grammar and technical errors. I corrected
most of them and attached an edited version. With that said, there were
also missing components to the assignment which I have listed below.What does the strategy, mission, and organizational structure say about the company? mission is listed twice but they are different?What are the positive aspects of the strategy, mission, and organizational structure? NOT MENTIONEDWhat are ways to improve the strategy, mission, and organizational structure? Limited details…please expandInclude a conclusion paragraphAssignment 2#SWOT ANALYSIS – needs to be 2 pages long…HOW INFO WILL BE USED – needs to reference the textbook at least oncecreate a separate document to include the references for just this assignmentAssignment #3review grammar and technical errorsEach of the sections are a little weak and need to be expandedcurrently is less than 2 pages and needs to be a minimum of 3 full pagesneeds an intro and conclusionAlso each of the 3 assignments needs to be in separate documents APA format with title and reference pgattached is the documents for the first 3 assignments and the mini-edited assignment 1

solved Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook:

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 11 ——-> Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy (9th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Initial Post Instructions
In week three, we were looking at rights ethics with regards to Locke. As a reminder, Locke said we have inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. It is immoral to violate them. Many think we have more rights than those listed by Locke. Some even think we have a right to health care. That means it is the duty of the state to provide each citizen with their medical needs.
Rights theory says to respect the entitlements we have. If a right is inalienable, it cannot truly be violated ethically even with our consent. We have basic needs. Rights are something beyond needs. They are what we should be authorized to have. We are due what we have a right to. That is not always the case with need. For example, we need food, but people often go hungry. A need refers to something we need physically to exist. A right is a moral entitlement to something. Asking if we have a right to food is a moral question. Needs are determined by the requirements of the body and of material existence. Rights are determined by moral reflection, inquiry, an argument We have a right to own property. We do not need it to live. We could imaginably be allowed to use another’s. We have a right to own a home. We can rent.
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:
Option 1: Assess the moral solutions arrived at through “care” (care-based ethics) and “rights” ethics to social issues of ethical import such as poverty, drug use, and/or lack of health care,
That is, note any ethical problems that arise related to those particular issues. Then, say how both care-based and rights theory of ethics would solve those problems.
Are those solutions correct? Why or why not?
What is your own approach there?
Option 2: What moral guidelines should we use when it comes to recently introduced healthcare technologies of any kind (you will note and engage with your own examples) and social technologies of any kind (you will note and engage with your own examples)?
Involve care-based ethics in your answer
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. If possible, respond to one peer who chose an option different than the one you chose. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Make sure that you add additional information and not repeat the same information already posted on the discussion board as you further the dialogue.
Student Sample:
Option I:
As healthcare professionals, we want to provide the best possible care for our patients which means we should hold ourselves to higher standards. This includes fostering trust, accountability, respect, and minimizing errors. When it comes to new healthcare and social technologies, ethics plays a big role. We should consider patient confidentiality, autonomy, cultural sensitivity, humanitarianism, the environment, non-maleficence, safety, efficacy, trust, and others. “The most powerful and socially legitimate claims in a technology design project usually involve efficacy, safety, and what is considered ‘good for the patient’ (Lehoux, et. al., 2014).” Technology has been and can continue to be beneficial for patients and society, but they need to be developed appropriately that considers all members of society.
One example of healthcare or social technology would be AI or artificial intelligence. Sure, this could potentially be amazing and provide quick results, wise decision making, enhanced customer experience, manage multiple tasks at once, research, and analyze data. But, what about the people? Wouldn’t it take away from the one-on-one, personal interaction between patient and Dr. or just from person to person in society? There could be the potential of patient confidentiality breaches or less privacy, manipulation of behavior, robotic human interactions, as well as higher costs and fewer job opportunities. “If technology is not ethical, creating and deploying it can become a risk to the hospital, increase costs (including reputation costs), reduce the quality of the patient experience, and destroy trust and cooperation between patients and staff as well as within the medical team itself (Cossitt, 2020).”
From the perspective of care-based ethics or ethics of care, robotics takes away from our personal virtues and ability to care. As people, we need social interaction, human to human contact to survive. Ethics of care focuses on being kind, generous, courageous, just, and prudent. Ethics of care relates to empathy. It says that we make decisions based on how we would want to be treated or if we were walking in their shoes. We need to be able to accommodate both private and personal factors for technology advancements to be successful. “Public life requires justice and beneficence, while private life requires love and caring (Rachels, 2019, p. 165).”
Cossitt. (2020, February 5). Why Health Care Organizations Need Technology Ethics Committees. The Hastings Center.…
Lehoux, et. al. (2014, June 21). Examining the ethical and social issues of health technology design through the public appraisal of prospective scenarios: a study protocol describing a multimedia-based deliberative method. NCBI.…
Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The Elements of Moral Philosophy (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill

solved Instructions undefined Read the “Franklin Electronics” case study on pages

Read the “Franklin Electronics” case study on pages 545–546 of your textbook. As you complete the analysis, address the topics below.

Explain the earned value measurement system and whether you believe that Franklin Electronics truly understands it.
Analyze the cost projections completed by Franklin Electronics. Reconstruct the cost projections toward the compilation of a realistic project budget. Include a theoretical discussion around the steps involved in the budget that you built.
Create a project management schedule that would be more effective than the one proposed in the case. Use scheduling techniques learned in this class to date. Include an assessment of why you selected this scheduling technique instead of others.
Evaluate sources of project risk, and develop strategies that would decrease the impact of these risks.

FRANKLIN ELECTRONICSIn October 2013 Franklin Electronics won an 18-month labor-intensive product development contract awarded by Spokane Industries. The award was a cost reimbursable contract with a cost target of $2.66 million and a fixed fee of 6.75 percent of the target. This contract would be Franklin’s first attempt at using formal project management, including a newly developed project management methodology.Franklin had won several previous contracts from Spokane Industries, but they were all fixed-price contracts with no requirement to use formal project management with earned value reporting. The terms and conditions of this contract included the following key points:Project management (formalized) was to be used.Earned value cost schedule reporting was a requirement.The first earned value report was due at the end of the second month’s effort and monthly thereafter.There would be two technical interchange meetings, one at the end of the sixth month and another at the end of the twelfth month.Earned value reporting was new to Franklin Electronics. In order to respond to the original request for proposal (RFP), a consultant was hired to conduct a four-hour seminar on earned value management. In attendance were the project manager who was assigned to the Spokane RFP and would manage the contract after contract award, the entire cost accounting department, and two line managers. The cost accounting group was not happy about having to learn earned value management techniques, but they reluctantly agreed in order to bid on the Spokane RFP. On previous projects with Spokane Industries, monthly interchange meetings were held. On this contract, it seemed that Spokane Industries believed that fewer interchange meeting would be necessary because the information necessary could just as easily be obtained through the earned value status reports. Spokane appeared to have tremendous faith in the ability of the earned value measurement system to provide meaningful information. In the past, Spokane had never mentioned that it was considering the possible implementation of an earned value measurement system as a requirement on all future contracts.Franklin Electronics won the contact by being the lowest bidder. During the planning phase, a work breakdown structure was developed containing forty-five work packages of which only four work packages would be occurring during the first four months of the project.Franklin Electronics designed a very simple status report for the project. The table below contains the financial data provided to Spokane at the end of the third month.Totals at End of Month 2Totals at End of Month 3Work PackagesPVEVACCVSVPVEVACCVSVA38K30K36K<6K><8K>86K74K81K<7K><12K>B17K16K18K<2K><1K>55K52K55K<3K><3K>C26K24K27K<3K><2K>72K68K73K<5K><4K>D40K20K23K<3K><20K>86K60K70K<10K><26K>Note: BCWS = PV, BCWP = EV, and ACWP = AC.A week after sending the status report to Spokane Industries, Franklin’s project manager was asked to attend an emergency meeting requested by Spokane’s vice president for engineering, who was functioning as the project sponsor. The vice president was threatening to cancel the project because of poor performance. At the meeting, the vice president commented, “Over the past month the cost variance overrun has increased by 78 percent from $14,000 to $25,000, and the schedule variance slippage has increased by 45 percent from $31,000 to $45,000. At these rates, we are easily looking at a 500 percent cost overrun and a schedule slippage of at least one year. We cannot afford to let this project continue at this lackluster performance rate. If we cannot develop a plan to control time and cost any better than we have in the past three months, then I will just cancel the contract now, and we will find another contractor who can perform.”QUESTIONSAre the vice president’s comments about cost and schedule variance correct? What information did the vice president fail to analyze?What additional information should have been included in the status report?Does Franklin Electronics understand earned value measurement? If not, then what went wrong?Does Spokane Industries understand project management?Does proper earned value measurement serve as a replacement for interchange meetings?What should the project manager from Franklin say in his defense?Notes1. Russell D. Archibald, Managing High-Technology Programs and Projects (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976), p. 191.Section 14.11 is adapted from Quentin W. Fleming, Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria (Chicago: Probus Publishers, 1992), pp. 151–152.PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.Section 14.11 is adapted from Quentin W. Fleming, Cost/Schedule Control Systems Criteria (Chicago: Probus Publishers, 1992), pp. 151–152.PMP and CAPM are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

solved Listen ReadSpeaker webReader: Listen Competencies In this project, you will

Listen ReadSpeaker webReader: Listen 
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Apply relevant aspects of law to current business situations
Differentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in business situations
The Friendly Dawg is a retail pet supply store owned by Dave Dawgs.  Dave has worked in the store since high school and took over running the  store after his father died two years ago. Originally the store sold  only pet food and supplies, such as animal food, bird cages, water  bowls, pet beds, and so forth. Upon taking ownership, Dave added fish  tanks with fish for sale. Recently he built a kennel and cages in a  former storage area in the rear of the store in order to sell live  animals, such as snakes, birds, dogs, and cats. Landlord Lou came by  during renovations and asked what was going on. One of Dave’s employees  told Lou that The Friendly Dawg was expanding its inventory and needed  the space. Landlord Lou told the employee, “Very exciting! Good luck!”
A few weeks later, landlord Lou began receiving complaints from the  neighboring tenant, the Sunshine Yoga studio, that the noise from the  dogs and parrots was very disruptive.

The signed lease between Dave Dawg’s deceased father and Lou  describes the business as a pet supply store only and does not mention  selling live animals. The lease specifies a rent in the amount of $500 a  month. Sunshine Yoga does not have a written lease. The owner of  Sunshine Yoga, Jasmine, met Lou one night in a bar two years ago where  he verbally offered to rent her the space for $300 a month. Jasmine  claims that landlord Lou told her that night that she could rent from  him forever and that he would never evict her.
Lou called Dave, asking him to quiet the animals. Dave said he would  try, but the complaints from Jasmine continued. Dave also demanded that  Lou improve the air-conditioning system, claiming it was too hot in the  rear of the store for his animals and it was causing them to become  agitated. Landlord Lou refused, claiming that air-conditioning was not  meant to cool that area and it was not his job as landlord to take care  of live animals.

Dave stopped paying his rent, claiming that he was not obligated to  do so because Lou was breaching his obligation under the lease to  maintain the property in good repair. The next day, a dangerous snake  escaped through the air vents and slithered into the neighboring yoga  studio, frightening Jasmine, the owner, such that she had a heart  attack.
After recovering, Jasmine stopped paying her rent, claiming that the  premises were unsafe due to the presence of wild animals. She also  claimed that she has been very depressed and anxious as a result of the  ongoing situation. And she contends that she has lost clients because of  the noise coming from The Friendly Dawg.
The Friendly Dawg has been a good tenant, enjoys a strong customer  base, and pays more in rent than Sunshine Yoga. Sunshine Yoga has always  been late with rent, and Jasmine constantly bothers Lou over minor  issues.
Write two short papers—one on contract law and one on tort law.
Contract Law
Evaluate the potential rights, claims, defenses, obligations, and  remedies for each party from the perspective of contract law. Determine  whether landlord Lou has a right to evict either party. Use reliable  resources, such as the textbook and other course resources, to support  your evaluation. Specifically, include the following components in your  evaluation:
Contract between The Friendly Dawg and landlord Lou 
Analyze the scenario to determine whether a valid contract still exists between The Friendly Dawg and landlord Lou. 
Explain the elements of a valid contract, and identify which  contract elements, if any, exist between The Friendly Dawg and landlord  Lou.
Analyze the potential rights, claims, defenses, obligations, and remedies available to both landlord Lou and The Friendly Dawg in this scenario. 
Support your analysis by referencing specific legal principles or laws.
Contract between Sunshine Yoga and landlord Lou 

Analyze the scenario to determine whether a valid contract still exists between Sunshine Yoga and landlord Lou. 

Explain the elements of a valid contract, and identify which  contract elements, if any, exist between Sunshine Yoga and landlord Lou.
Analyze the potential rights, claims, defenses, obligations, and remedies available to both landlord Lou and Sunshine Yoga in this scenario. 
Support your analysis by referencing specific legal principles or laws.

Grounds to evict 

Describe whether, based on your analysis of each party’s rights and  obligations, landlord Lou has the grounds to evict either The Friendly  Dawg or Sunshine Yoga.
Support your conclusions by referencing specific legal principles or laws.

Include a References section and cite your sources using APA style.
Tort Law

Evaluate the implications of tort law in this scenario and what legal  claims Sunshine Yoga might have. Use reliable resources, such as the  textbook and other course resources, to support your evaluation.  Specifically, include the following components in your evaluation:
Tort law: Define what tort law is and how torts may affect business practices.

Relevant tort laws: Identify tort laws relevant to the scenario, specifically the incident involving the snake.
Legal claims 

Identify what legal claims Sunshine Yoga might have against The  Friendly Dawg and landlord Lou, based on those tort laws and related  legal principles.
Support your conclusions by referencing the applicable tort laws and related legal principles.

solved The two posts are the responses of the following questions(

The two posts are the responses of the following questions( for you to have a better idea what are the posts about)Which of the competencies do you still need to learn and/or practice?Which ones do you think will be challenging for you as a community counselor?Please reply to each posts, 200 words each post.Post 1To be culturally competent, I need to be aware of common values of different cultures and assumptions to avoid bias and do my work effectively. To achieve my goal, I have to learn awareness competencies, skills, and knowledge competencies. In awareness competencies, I need to be culturally aware, diverse, and sensitive to my own culture while respecting the value of other cultures. To achieve awareness competency, I will learn of my background, values, and attitudes in my culture. With this understanding, I will value the differences between cultures and cultivate respect for them. Knowledge competencies is for me to have extensive knowledge of my cultural and racial heritage and know how these factors affect my counseling process. I need to learn about common social issues such as stereotyping, racism, oppression, and my feelings and belief. I will also know my social impact on those I am interacting with, how I communicate to facilitate the counseling process. As a community counselor, I have to seek out training and educational skills to enrich my understanding of different cultures. To be competent, I need to seek an understanding racial and cultural composition of societies constantly.The most challenging competency as a community counselor will be awareness. We are all raised in different environments, and awareness is something to practice every day while around different communities to get it right. To be aware of the culture and race of the people I am dealing with; I have to accurately interpret verbal and nonverbal communication and know certain culturally bound approaches. Awareness competencies will be challenging because some responses are impulsive, and one can realize their mistakes later, which were not intentional. To be culturally sensitive will require a lot of work, and I will give my best in this field to be a competent counselor in all sectors.Post 2To be effective in our roles, counselors should enjoy helping others and possess specific attributes and skills. Counselors today are working with increasingly diverse populations that have diverse sets of needs. Improving a solid set of essential skills is required for an effective and successful mental health practitioner.1-Multicultural Counseling Competencies:- Culturally competent counselors have to be aware and sensitive to their own cultural heritage and to valuing and respecting differences.- Culturally competent counselors are aware of how their own cultural background and experiences, attitudes, values, and biases influence psychological processes.- Culturally competent counselors are able to recognize the limits of their competencies and expertise.- Culturally competent counselors seek out educational, consultative, and training experiences to enrich their understanding and effectiveness in working with culturally different populations. Being able to recognize the limits of their competencies2- American Counseling Association (ACA) Advocacy CompetenciesIn direct interventions with clients and students, the advocacy-oriented counselor is able to:- Identify the strengths and resources that clients/students bring to the counseling process.- Identify the social, political, economic, and cultural factors that affect the client/student.- Recognize the signs indicating that an individual’s behaviors and concerns reflect responses to systemic or internalized oppression.- Advocacy is integral to the counseling process. When counselors become aware of external factors that act as barriers to an individual’s development, they may choose to respond through advocacy.3- Competencies for Counseling Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) ClientsCompetent counselors will:-Understand that biological, familial, and psychosocial factors influence the course of development of LGBT orientations and transgendered identities.- Identify the heterosexist assumptions inherent in current lifespan development theories and account for this bias in assessment procedures and counseling practices.- Recognize that identity formation and stigma management are ongoing developmental tasks that span the lives of LGBT persons.- Acknowledge that heterosexism is a worldview and value system that may undermine the healthy functioning of the sexual orientations, gender identities, and behaviors of LGBT persons.- Understand that heterosexism pervades the social and cultural foundations of many institutions and traditions and may foster negative attitudes toward LGBT persons.4- Advocacy Competencies Self-Assessment Survey.- Self-assessments or self-evaluations survey allow you to self-reflect and consider your strengths and weaknesses. Respondents can gain insight that helps them improve in any setting needed.After reading the chapter I concluded that I needs to learn and practices more in my Analytical and research skills. I need take the time to analyze the situation more deeply and think of all possible scenario. Being analytical, but also having strong research skills it very important for me. It demonstrates my determination, my ability to assess different scenarios, and my commitment to be sure before giving an answer to my patients. Moreover, an ability to manage multiple assignments at the same time, and being flexible enough to work under ever changing conditions, management, environment and rules is highly appreciated for me and is another setting that I need improvers my skills.

solved Assignment 2: Assessing and Treating Patients With Sleep/Wake DisordersSleep disorders

Assignment 2: Assessing and Treating Patients With Sleep/Wake DisordersSleep disorders are conditions that result in changes in an individual’s pattern of sleep (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Not surprisingly, a sleep disorder can affect an individual’s overall health, safety, and quality of life. Psychiatric nurse practitioners can treat sleep disorders with psychopharmacologic treatments, however, many of these drugs can have negative effects on other aspects of a patient’s health and well-being. Additionally, while psychopharmacologic treatments may be able to address issues with sleep, they can also exert potential challenges with waking patterns. Thus, it is important for the psychiatric nurse practitioner to carefully evaluate the best psychopharmacologic treatments for patients that present with sleep/wake disorders.Reference: Mayo Clinic. (2020). Sleep disorders.…To prepare for this Assignment:Review this week’s Learning Resources, including the Medication Resources indicated for this week.Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend for the assessment and treatment of patients with sleep/wake disorders.The Assignment: 5 pagesExamine Case Study: Pharmacologic Approaches to the Treatment of Insomnia in a Younger Adult. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. Before you make your decision, make sure that you have researched each option and that you evaluate the decision that you will select. Be sure to research each option using the primary literature.Introduction to the case (1 page)Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision making when prescribing medication for this patient.Decision #1 (1 page)Which decision did you select?Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.Decision #2 (1 page)Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.Decision #3 (1 page)Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.Conclusion (1 page)Summarize your recommendations on the treatment options you selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendations and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.Note: Support your rationale with a minimum of five academic resources. While you may use the course text to support your rationale, it will not count toward the resource requirement. You should be utilizing the primary and secondary literature.Reminder : The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.By Day 7Submit your Assignment. Submission and Grading InformationTo submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK8Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.Click the Week 8 Assignment 2 Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.Click the Week 8 Assignment 2 link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK8Assgn2+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.I will share rubric and material

solved ScenarioDate of Complaint: May 1, 2011Complaint:ABC Consulting Corporation is charged

ScenarioDate of Complaint: May 1, 2011Complaint:ABC Consulting Corporation is charged with discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Specifically, Jane Doe has initiated a complaint that she is a victim of sexual harassment. The alleged sexual harassment is a result of being required to work in a hostile environment. She also alleges that she has been the target of retaliation after requesting that the harassment stop.She seeks relief; the maximum that she is allowed in compensatory and punitive damages retroactive to the date of the complaint. Additionally, the organization and its management must create an environment free from sexual harassment.Background:Jane was transferred into the department in May 2010. She was assigned to a senior consultant for 4 weeks of training and orientation in the department. For each phase of training there was a performance checklist and she had to go to him for weekly reviews. After the second week, the feedback sessions felt uncomfortable as John Doe made a remark to her. She suggested a different way of doing the task and he replied, “You’re a woman, what do you know.” Jane ignored it as she did not want to make waves.The following week they were working on a project with a male co- worker, Thorn Doe. Thorn asked John if he or Jane were thirsty. They both replied, “yes.” Jane asked to be excused to get her purse as she didn’t have any change. John replied, “Don’t worry about it, why don’t you reach down in my pants pocket and get some change.” Jane was appalled and when John noticed this he said, “Don’t worry, it won’t bite.” Thorn said, “I can’t believe he said that. Never mind, I’ll get the sodas.” From that point, Jane knew she was in a hostile environment. She began logging each encounter in a notebook.By the fourth week, Brenda her supervisor began to notice some changes in Jane’s performance. She did not seem as eager to work on projects with John, her trainer. She came in a couple of days late without an excuse. At that point, Brenda called her in her office to determine the cause of this behavior. Jane gave an excuse that she was stressed about the newness of the situation. Brenda let her know that she could come to her with anything at anytime.The verbal incidents continued and so did the display of pinup calendars. On July 3 before the holiday, Jane was working on a project with a deadline. Brenda asked her to stay late to finish the project; not knowing that John would also be working late. While she was working on her project, John came by her cubicle and asked if she needed any help. She hesitated; however, John had knowledge on the subject and she wanted to go home. So she said OK and they proceeded to work on the project. At the completion, she yawned and stretched. He said, What’s wrong?She said, It ‘s been a long day; I’m tired and want to go home. He said, Oh relax, we’re done. He proceeded to rub her shoulders. She asked, What are you doing and stop please. He continued. She jumped up from her chair and firmly said, stop. He replied, fine, but you don’t know what you’re missing and walked away.She went home over the holiday weekend and thought about it and felt she needed to tell Brenda on Monday. Brenda suggested that maybe it would die down in a couple of months. If she (Jane) felt it was a serious situation, she should go to human resources. Jane went to personnel and they recommended she go directly to EEOC.Word spreads fast and John got wind of it. One day in the lunchroom, John approached her and warned her about spreading rumors. He made the statement,If you keep it up, you’ll never be a senior consultant. Don’t you know, my analysis of your review counts? She knew he meant business as from that point she was assigned to fewer assignments than Thorn. She was also ignored at team meetings.Thorn went to Brenda and asked her why was he assigned to so many projects, more than one person could possibly handle and Jane was only assigned to one. Brenda said she would investigate the matter and get back with him.Since the July 3, incident, Jane didn’t know how to cope with her feelings so she sought outside counseling which her insurance did not cover. She felt at this point her reputation was damaged; her life wasn’t the same. She felt she had no future. She was stuck. It affected her social life as she didn’t want to be near a man because of fear of what he would do. She went to the doctor because she began having headaches and losing weight. She used to be calm and collected, but now she has become irritable and jumpy.Thorn was assigned to a project with Jane and asked to be removed as she couldn’t concentrate on the issues and it was difficult to work on the project with her. Jane noticed a difference in herself and her working relationship with other men. She used to be able to joke and talk with Thorn, but now, all she does is get angry.Jane went to Brenda and asked to work with a female consultant as she was having difficulty working with Thorn.Imagine you are an HR consultant working with the organization involved in this situation. The organization wants to be responsive and fair. As the hr consultant, please consider the following questions:1) How should Brenda (supervisor) handle the work situation? What are your thoughts about the recommendations provided to Jane by Human Resources?2) Identify the laws, which regulate discrimination in the workplace and are pertinent to this case?3) How do you think John should be managed? Please support your opinions?4) Be certain to integrate reading and research from the online library to support your opinions.Requirements: APA | Discussion | 1 pages, Single spaced

solved Assessment 4 Instructions: Customer Knowledge and the InternetSelect a company

Assessment 4 Instructions: Customer Knowledge and the InternetSelect a company and write an analysis of how it uses the Internet to better educate its current and potential customers about its products in order to build greater brand recognition.IntroductionWhile the process consumers go through to determine what products to buy is fascinating, the ways in which consumers actually use the products they have purchased is equally as interesting. Some products are associated with certain types of events or behaviors, but often consumers branch out on their own and use products in new and innovative ways. Consumers typically use dryer sheets to soften and add scent to clothing in a dryer, but some customers also use dryer sheets to deodorize their shoes. Companies that pay attention to such behaviors can expand the uses for their products and thereby increase the sales of their products. In fact, one brand of fabric softener now promotes the use of dryer sheets in shoes by placing a picture of that use on the side of the package.Each consumer is distinct because of the unique composition of traits. However, groups of consumers can be identified based on the individual traits that they share. By studying a consumer’s age, gender, ethnicity, and income, marketers are better able to predict behavior.Yet, specific pieces of demographic information alone cannot be calculated or analyzed in the same way as financial sales figures. Behavioral predictions that are based on demographics are more likely to provide insight into what direction a company should take its products rather than providing a specific answer.For example, the age of a consumer might be seen as a determiner of whether or not he or she will purchase a motorcycle. You might predict that younger people would be more likely than older ones to buy a motorcycle. Harley-Davidson, however, knows that age is not the only key determinant. The median age for the purchaser of Harley-Davidson’s motorcycles has been rising over the past five years and is now approximately 47 years! However, the typical Harley owner does not just fit in that age category; the typical Harley owner also fits a certain income profile. The median income of a typical Harley customer is at least $80,000 per year. So, for Harley-Davidson, the age of the consumer and the income together help paint a clearer picture of a typical customer.ReferenceHarley-Davidson. (2008). Investor relations.… a company and analyze how it uses the Internet to better educate its current and potential customers about its products in order to build greater brand recognition.Complete the following:Select a firm that uses the Internet to offer consumers detailed and helpful information on its products.Describe the selected firm and its business.Locate the firm’s website. Analyze the website and how the firm uses it for brand recognition.Explain how the website is used to educate customers about the firm’s products. Provide examples.Describe how the website is used to create a lasting, favorable impression of the firm with customers. For example, consider how the firm may use its website to increase top-of-mind awareness of its products.Describe how the strategies used may affect customer behavior toward the firm’s products.Use proper APA style and formatting. The content of your assessment should determine its length. Visit Evidence and APA for help with APA.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 2: Analyze consumer behavior.Describe a firm that uses the Internet to provide brand recognition and information about its products to customers.Competency 3: Assess the managerial application of customer behavior concepts.Analyze how a firm uses the Internet to educate customers on its products.Describe how the strategies used by the firm may affect customer behavior.Customer Knowledge and the Internet Scoring GuideCRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDDescribe a firm that uses the Internet to provide brand recognition and information about its products to customers.Does not identify a firm that uses the Internet to provide brand recognition and information about its products to customers.Identifies but does not describe a firm that uses the Internet to provide brand recognition and information about its products to customers.Describes a firm that uses the Internet to provide brand recognition and information about its products to customers.Describes a firm that uses the Internet to provide brand recognition and information about its products to customers and compares with non-Internet branding decisions.Analyze how a firm uses the Internet to educate customers on its products.Does not identify a firm that uses the Internet to provide brand recognition and information about its products to customers.Identifies but does not analyze how a firm uses the Internet to educate customers on its products.Analyzes how a firm uses the Internet to educate customers on its products.Analyzes how a firm uses the Internet to educate customer on its products and contrasts with competing firms that use the Internet.Describe how the strategies used by the firm may affect customer behavior.Does not identify how the strategies used by the firm may affect customer behavior.Identifies but does not describe how the strategies used by the firm may affect customer behavior.Describes how the strategies used by the firm may affect customer behavior.Describes how the strategies used by the firm may affect customer behavior and predicts the level of effectiveness of the activities.

solved Module 5 Case StudyPART 1: Response to two of these

Module 5 Case StudyPART 1: Response to two of these discussions questions and respond to one student.Discussion 1: Think of some recent examples of decision making by spot managers (e.g., general managers, head caches etc.). Do you believe their decisions were rational (or irrational)? What would you have done differently?Ra’sean Davie (student) said: “One recent example of decision making that I can think of is the Georgia Southern University and its athletic department firing Chad Lunsford their head coach. This decision was made after the University’s football team had a rough start to the season falling 1-3 so far. With the evidence presented I feel that they made a rational decision in terminating him from his position. The given end that the University and their football program want to achieve is a winning and successful season. With the head coach on a losing streak so far and only being 28-21 after 4 years it was in their best means to get rid of Chad Lunsford. The college sports world can be one of the most cutthroat industries known to man as it is all business and if you are not producing you get fired. Coaches know they are subject to be in the hot seat if results are not produced fast. The only thing I would have done differently was probably let him at least get 1-2 conference games in to see if he can put us in a position to win a conference title. The first four non conference games are considered the pre season for some teams as their goal is to win their conference championship.” Discussion 2: What were the decision styles of the various sport managers you have worked for and/or observed? Have you ever confused a sport manager’s decision style with her/his personality? How? Which type of sport manager and decision style do you prefer to work for?Ted (student) said:”I have seen many, but multiple examples of Consult Group strategy, and “Decide” where no one else really has input. Consult group has gotten very time-consuming and sometimes borderline burning out everyone involved because of how much time and energy it can suck. But at the same time, Authoritarians who make the judgement that their assistants aren’t good enough to help as very dangerous! Sometimes the ego can overrule all rationality, and leaders end up believing they are the only ones with the answers even if this isn’t the case. I think it is very easy to confuse someone making decisive decisions with an authoritarian “Decide” type leader when truly it is just the way it must be done sometimes (for the sake of time).I think a balance is certainly the best way, but in terms of leaning one way or another, I would lean Consult Group. Working for someone who is selective who is in the consult group, and limiting the time on each topic to talk about seems to be my ideal situation.”PART 2:Name(s): Some years ago, the Milwaukee Brewers’ ( then-president Bud Selig made the decision that, in order to keep the Brewers in Milwaukee, the organization needed to construct a new stadium. Under the supervision of the new president, Wendy Selig-Prieb (Selig’s daughter), ground was broken for MillerPark on November 9, 1996. In 2000, President Selig-Prieb stated, “The Miller Park era is beginning soon, and with it a renewed vitality for major league baseball in Wisconsin. Accordingly, we are committed to bringing a championship to Wisconsin. Our fans will enjoy a world class ballpark, and also deserve a rewarding game experience.” Selig-Prieb believed that Miller Park would bring fortune to Milwaukee, the surrounding area, and the Brewers; the same is true for any organization that thinks it is necessary to build a multimillion dollar facility. Countless Major league baseball teams all over the nation have considered, are considering, or are in the process of building new stadiums in order to keep players, the community, fans, and team executives happy. Most cities and teams turn to the idea of the new facility when they are facing a buyout, relocation considerations, player and fan dissatisfaction, and so on. Baseball club officials understand that the decision to construct a new facility can often reverse these negatives. County Stadium, the former home of the Milwaukee Brewers, opened on April 6, 1953, and increased its seating capacity over the years to hold 53,192 fans. Miller Park, on the other hand, holds only 43,000 spectators but features a convertible, fan-shaped roof. Miller Park is a more elaborate establishment than the old County Stadium; it is the extra details found in new stadiums that executives of major league teams believe will help keep their organizations competitive from all angles.Discussion Questions (20 points): Identify and explain the potential problems and opportunities that both the team and the city might have faced that could have led to the decision to construct a new facility (4 pts)Use the steps provided in the ‘classical model of decision making’ to decide whether you would have tried to build a new stadium if you were in Selig-Prieb’s shoes (4 pts)Do you believe that facility construction is a rational decision for (1) team executives and (2) local citizens? Explain (4 pts)When making decisions about building a new facility, what type of decision style(s) and problem attributes are most relevant and important? Explain (4 pts)Identify how Miller Park has helped or hindered the Brewers organization by finding statistics from attendance records at County Stadium in 1999 and comparing them to current records at Miller Park. With what you have learned, and with any additional information you have found, justify whether or not the decision to build the stadium was a positive move for the team (4pts)

solved Purpose: To give the student experience in the actual formulation

Purpose: To give the student experience in the actual formulation and design of a proposedresearch study. In it, students will not actually conduct the research study, but rather, they will propose in significant detail how the study would be conducted.Content of Research Proposal: For details on the content of the proposal, refer to the supplemental document, Instructions for Preparing the Research Proposal for PA 6601, located under Week 1 in Canvas Modules.Research proposal projects will be graded based on degree of completion and thoroughness related to the specifications requested. They will be evaluated according to the following matrix:SLO#CriteriaDoes Not meet ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsExceeds Expectations1-5Develop the Introduction (Chapter 1, Sub-section 1) and Theoretical Orientation and Purpose (Chapter 1, Sub-section 2) for the research proposal.0-7 Points8-13 Points14-20 PointsThe research topic and theoretical orientation need further development in their presentation, justification, or sources.The research topic and theoretical orientation are adequately presented with strong, documented evidence to support assertions and is well-sourced with good connection to course concepts.The research topic and theoretical orientation are presented, defined, and justified in great detail with multiple sources and a very tight connection to course concepts.1-5Develop a Literature Review (Chapter 1, Sub-section 3) for the research proposal.0-7 Points8-13 Points14-20 PointsThe literature review needs further development in support, interpretation, and synthesis and moderately supports the research topic in terms of relevance.The literature review provides good, relevant, and consistent support for the research topic and interprets and synthesizes ideas and concepts from multiple sources. The literature review demonstrates an expert ability to clearly and thoughtfully analyze and synthesize information related to the research topic.1-5Develop Hypothesis(es) (Chapter 1, Sub-section 4) for the research proposal.0-5 Points6-10 Points11-15 PointsResearch hypotheses do not reflect the purpose of the research; null hypotheses are missing.Research hypotheses reflect the purpose of the research; null hypotheses are included.Research hypotheses are directional where possible and reflect the purpose of the research; null hypotheses are included.1-5Develop a Research Design section (Chapter 2, Sub-section 1) for the research proposal.0-7 Points8-13 Points14-20 PointsThe methodology needs further development in the research design and data collection strategy and has little or no linkage to course concepts and overall relevance.The methodology adequately identifies an appropriate research design and data collection strategy for the proposed study and has moderate linkage to course concepts and overall relevance.The methodology strongly identifies and supports a relevant research design and data collection strategy appropriate for the research being proposed with significant linkage to course concepts and overall relevance.1-5Develop a Subjects section (Chapter 2, Sub-section 2) for the research proposal.0-7 Points8-13 Points14-20 PointsThe sampling method and plans for ensuring data confidentiality are only minimally explained.The sampling method and plans for ensuring data confidentiality are sufficiently described and explained.The sampling method and plans for ensuring data confidentiality provide unquestionable support for the research study being proposed.1-5Develop a Variables and Measures Section (Chapter 2, Sub-section 3) for the research proposal.0-7 Points8-13 Points14-20 PointsThe variables and measurement techniques are only minimally explained.The variables and measurement techniques are sufficiently described and explained.The variables and measurement techniques provide unquestionable support for the research study being proposed.1-5Develop a Data Analysis Section (Chapter 2, Sub-section 4) for the research proposal.0-7 Points8-13 Points14-20 PointsThe proposed data analysis is only minimally explained.The proposed data analysis is sufficiently described and explained.The proposed data analysis provides unquestionable support for the research study being proposed.1-5Develop a discussion of the Anticipated Findings (Chapter 3) for the research proposal.0 Points1-2 Points3-5 PointsThe proposed anticipated findings are only minimally explained.The proposed anticipated findings are sufficiently described and explained.The proposed anticipated findings provide unquestionable support for the research study being proposed. 1-5Develop a Conclusion (Chapter 4) that includes a discussion of the Implications (Chapter 4, Sub-section 1) and Recommendations (Chapter 4, Sub-section 2) for the research proposal .0 Points1-2 Points3-5 PointsThe suggested implications and recommendations are only minimally explained.The suggested implications and recommendations are sufficiently explained.The suggested implications and recommendations are fully explained in significant detail.Sources0-6 Points7-9 Points10 Points0-67-9>10Length0-6 Points7-8 Points9-10 Points< 15 Pages15-20 Pages > 20 PagesMechanics, organization, and style0-2 Points3-4 Points5 PointsThe research proposal requires improvements or corrections in grammar, mechanics, organization, and/or APA style.The research proposal demonstrates quality spelling, grammar, and syntax; has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion; establishes a clear topic or focus; and, includes appropriate and adequate citations and quotations throughout.The research proposal is nearly perfect in grammar, mechanics, organization, and APA style and demonstrates a strong command of the English language.