solved I need an essay to be written and here are

I need an essay to be written and here are the instructions:Choose (1) one of the following Prompts and construct a well-written Essay. Your Essay #2 MUST solve problems of immigration. Your Essay MUST follow the Argumentative Essay Outlines below.Your 3-Part Thesis Statement MUST be Argumentative and answer one of the following Prompts:Argue (3) three reasons why you are EITHER for or against American immigration. Your choice and viewpoints MUST be backed up with your research quotations. Meaning, it is not enough just to have an opinion. You MUST support your opinion with articles that are either Pro-immigration or Anti-immigration. Your solutions MUST be backed up by your research quotations.Who are the immigrants in your hometown? What issues and problems do they face? Choose and give solutions for (3) three of the problems that immigrants face in your hometown. Be sure to identify the immigrant people in your Essay. Your solutions MUST be backed up by your research quotations.Many of us have lived around, gone to school with, worked with, and done business with immigrants. Choose an immigrant that you know and solve (3) three of the problems faced by that immigrant and his/her family. Your solutions MUST be backed up by your research quotations.From Westside Story, choose (1) one of the conflicts between the men and the women. Who is right? Who is wrong? Pick EITHER the side of the women or the side of the men? Then, construct a Thesis Statement that offers solutions for the problems of the side that you choose. For example, in order to break their image as immigrants, the women in Westside Story should (1), (2), and (3). Or, in order to achieve social-economic equality, the men in Westside Story should (1), (2), and (3). Your solutions MUST be backed up by your research quotations.Choose (1) one problem of immigration from Westside Story and offer (3) three solutions to that problem. Your solutions MUST be backed up by your research quotations.What are (3) three general problems with American immigration. Offer (3) solutions to these problems. Your solutions MUST be backed up by your research quotations.Argumentative Essay Outline (in complete sentences)orArgumentative Essay Outline 2.doc (Click here)I. Introductiona. General points of discussion on your of topic only (2-3 sent.)b. Specific points of discussion on your topic only. (2-3 sent.)c. (So What?) Points of discussion as to why your topic/argument is important. (2-3 sent.)d. Three-part thesis statement (Points 1, 2, and 3), with (qualifier) quality as argument or (quantifier) quantity of argument (1 sent.)II. Body Paragraph #1a. Topic Sentence – Presents argument on thesis point #3 only. (1 sent.)b. 1st Main Idea – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (2-3 sent.)Your opinions only!c. Research Quotation #1 with MLA Citation- The evidence and/or argument for your Topic Sentence argument and you Main Idea. (1-3 sent.)d. Explain what the Quotation means in your own words. – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (1 sent.)e. 2nd Main Idea – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence.(1 sent.)Your opinions only!f. Research Quotation #1 – The evidence and/or argument for your Topic Sentence argument and you Main Idea. (2-3 sent.) –g. Explain what the Quotation means in your own words. – Presents a sub-point orspecific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (2-3 sent.)h. Transition sentence to next paragraph. (1 sent.)III. Body Paragraph #2a. Topic Sentence – Presents argument on thesis point #3 only. (1 sent.)b. 1st Main Idea – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (2-3 sent.) Your opinions only!c. Research Quotation #1 with MLA Citation- The evidence and/or argument for your Topic Sentence argument and you Main Idea. (1-3 sent.)d. Explain what the Quotation means in your own words. – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (1 sent.)e. 2nd Main Idea – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (1 sent.) Your opinions only!f. Research Quotation #1 – The evidence and/or argument for your Topic Sentence argument and you Main Idea. (2-3 sent.) –g. Explain what the Quotation means in your own words. – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (2-3 sent.)h. Transition sentence to next paragraph. (1 sent.)IV. Body Paragraph #3a. Topic Sentence – Presents argument on thesis point #3 only. (1 sent.)b. 1st Main Idea – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (2-3 sent.) Your opinions only!c. Research Quotation #1 with MLA Citation- The evidence and/or argument for your Topic Sentence argument and you Main Idea. (1-3 sent.)d. Explain what the Quotation means in your own words. – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (1 sent.)e. 2nd Main Idea – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (1 sent.) Your opinions only!f. Research Quotation #1 – The evidence and/or argument for your Topic Sentence argument and you Main Idea. (2-3 sent.) –g. Explain what the Quotation means in your own words. – Presents a sub-point or specific emphasis of you Topic Sentence. (2-3 sent.)h. Transition sentence to next paragraph. (1 sent.)V. Conclusiona. Restate your thesis and overall point of view (1 sent.)b. Restate 1st thesis point and briefly restate argument (2-3 sent.)c. Restate 2nd thesis point and briefly restate argument (2-3 sent.)d. Restate 3rd thesis point and briefly restate argument (2-3 sent.)e. Closing restatement of overall argument

solved Please check the attachment to see question properly. No specific

Please check the attachment to see question properly. No specific length. Just quality work which will get me A/A+ gradePersonal and Career Development undefinedAssignment 2: Career Valuesundefined Student: Student E-mail: Submission Date: undefinedAbout this assignment:undefinedIn this course you will have multiple opportunities to strengthen your ability to be self-aware. Your first assignment asked you to reflect on your Strengths and Skills, this assignment focuses on Values. Use the template to complete each section. Submit your completed assignment via Canvas. undefined Values Values are qualities considered to be the most important guiding principles that help set priorities in your career and life. They are highly personal and define what is purposeful and meaningful to you. Though values may change in response to life circumstances, they are generally thought to be enduring and provide a compass for setting goals and making decisions. In a career context, where changes occur rapidly and decisions about opportunities in a current work role or new job possibilities can present themselves unexpectedly, it is critical to pause and reflect on the values that are most essential to you. “Why” Exercise This exercise can be a useful tool in clarifying values related to work satisfaction. Jotting down answers to these questions, or perhaps sharing them with a career mentor familiar with your current work situation, is a great way of reaffirming values that are priorities for you in work/co-op. What would you miss most if you left your current Co-op? Why? What was your “best job/co-op ever?” Why? When was a time you felt really energized in your work/co-op? Why? What value would you not compromise in a job? Why? undefined Taking Inventory – Work Values Exercise Review each value and note in the left column if it is “Essential (E)”, “Acceptable (A)” or “Not Important (NI)”. In the column to the right, use an “X” or a check mark to note which of these values you associate with your current co-op placement. undefined E/A/NI WORK VALUES Co-Op Achievement: Occupations that are results oriented and allow employees to use their strongest skills and provide a sense of accomplishment Adventure: Work duties that involve risk taking Aesthetics: Appreciation in the beauty of things, people, art, nature, and surroundings Affiliation: Be recognized as part of an organization Altruism/Help Society: Contributes to greater good Balance: Job that allows for family, social, and work Benefit Package: Range of advantages an employee may receive such as insurance, vacation, sick leave, salary, etc. Challenge: Perform tasks that are difficult or require great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully Change/Variety: Wide range of changing tasks Community: Work connected with service, politics, or community affairs Competition: Activities that can compare abilities with others Creative Expression: Express new ideas, programs, systems, etc. Excitement/Fun: Experience high degree of stimulation on the job Fast Pace: Quick pace of activity with quick outcomes Financial Reward: Earn larger than average amount of income Harmony: Avoid pressure and stress in role, people, and setting Help Others: Assist others in direct way in groups or individual Independence: Work without constant supervision; ability to make decisions without consult Influence Others: Significant impact on others to change attitude or opinion Knowledge/Learning: Gather new information and ideas Leadership: Inspire, motivate, or direct others Location: Live somewhere conducive to lifestyle Make Decisions: Have power to decide course of action/policies Personal Growth: Work that enables growth as a person Physical Challenge: Job that has physical demands that find rewarding Public Contact: Much day to day contact with people Recognition: Acknowledged for quality of work Relationships: Occupations that allow employees to provide support/service to others and have opportunities to work with others in non-competitive setting Spiritual Fulfillment: Work that is consistent with ideals or morals Security: Stable work environment and financial compensation Stability: Consistent duties that are predictable and do not change over time Status/Prestige: Gain respect of others given nature and level of work Support: Occupations that offer advocacy, resources, and guidance from management Teamwork: Close working collaborations with group Time Freedom: Complete tasks on own schedule Travel: Job has opportunity to travel Work Alone: Do projects individually with little contact with others Working Conditions: Comfortable work environment, dress code, additional amenities Work Under Pressure: Work where time pressure is significant and quality critically reviewed undefinedundefined Co-Op Connection: Of the values you associated with your co-op, share an example of what that value looks like in practice. undefined FOR INSTRUCTOR USE ONLY Review Date: Grade: Feedback: undefined

solved How do we regulate interest groups and lobbying activity? What

How do we regulate interest groups and lobbying activity? What are the goals of these regulations? Do you think these regulations achieve their objectives? Why or why not? If you could alter the way we regulate interest group activity and lobbying, how might you do so in a way consistent with the Constitution and recent Supreme Court decisions? Respond to at least 2 other students’ posts.
Chapter 10 Learning Objectives:
10.5 Free Speech and the Regulation of Interest Groups
• Identify the various court cases, policies, and laws that outline what interest groups can and
cannot do
• Evaluate the arguments for and against whether contributions are a form of freedom of speech
Remember to incorporate the course readings to form a foundation for your responses. Additionally, you must properly cite the course text (Krutz, 2020, page number). Consult the Discussion Grading Guidelines for additional details. 
First peer below
Lawmakers rely on special interest groups to get an idea on what is on the mind of the people. Special interest groups rely on lawmakers to get laws and policies that will benefit their members in the best way. Lobbying is the method that interest groups use to get their message to the members of Congress that they need the most. Lobbying is protected under the freedom of speech and right to assembly clause of the first amendment. Lobbying requires payments in the forms of campaign dollars and that’s where regulation is required.
Regulations have been established and changed several times over the years. In 1971, the Federal Election Campaign Act limited candidates for President and Vice President and their families to how much they could contribute to their campaigns. It did allow for PAC money and required public disclosure. The Federal Election Campaign Act was amended in 1974 to include candidates for Congress but the amended law banned the transfer of union, corporate, and trade associations money to parties for distribution to campaigns. The supreme court upheld the right of Congress to regulate contributions to candidates with Buckley v Valeo (1976) but at the same time overturned restrictions on expenditures (Krutz, 2020, p. 392)
Is lobbying entitled to free speech protection? The Supreme Court has said that interest groups are expressing their freedom of speech by donating to campaigns. Two cases, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) and McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission have won in favor of unrestricted campaign donations from unions, corporations, and trades without aggregate limits. (Krutz, 2020, p.393) In reality, these cases caused what achievement was made to back pedal. Lobbying has become more active. Once again, interest groups with the largest wallets will have the loudest voice.
Lobbyists still have rules and regulations that they must follow. Not following the law by not registering or not disclosing expenditures carry still penalties like fines, being banned from lobbying and possible prison time. The Federal Election Commission must be a better watchdog for corruptness. Limitations should be placed on the number of lobbyists per interest group. One thing I would like to see changed is the amount of time increased between leaving office and joining the lobby pool. 
Second peer below
The federal government places limits on contributions to candidates and their campaigns. However, in the case of Buckley v. Valeo (1976), while the supreme court upheld those limits, they overturned the restrictions on expenditures by candidates (Krutz, 2020, 392.) Basically, the supreme court said that while there are limits on what can be donated, if the candidate has it, they can spend it. There was a loophole in this policy, referred to as soft money, for the grassroots voter registration drives that said that interest groups could spend money on behalf of the candidates and they used that to get around the limits on donations to a campaign. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act sponsored by McCain and Feingold in 2002 banned the soft-money loophole. However, in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the courts overturned the ban on soft money (Krutz, 2020, 392.) The supreme court also helped strike down aggregate contribution limits on total contributions allowed in the case of McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission citing that campaign expenditures are a form of speech and are allowed under the first amendment (Krutz, 2020, 392.)
There are regulations in place for lobbyists in the United States as well. Both federal and state governments have restrictions in place for interest groups and lobbyists. Policies like The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 and the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 are in place to ensure transparency amongst lobbyists. Aside from having to register the group with the government before being allowed to lobby, no compensation can be given to lobbyists, limits on how much money lobbyists can spend on lobbying lawmakers are in place, along with requiring disclosures about the amount of money being spent. Contact between members of Congress and lobbyists that are married to other members of Congress is prohibited (Krutz, 2020, 394.) President Obama signed an executive order prohibiting members of the executive branch from accepting gifts from lobbyists. This order also kept any member from participating in any matter that involved a former client or employer within a two-year time frame (Krutz, 2020, 394.) There are penalties like fines, being banned from lobbying, or prison time for violating these laws and requirements. 

solved Directions:Â Preparation: It is necessary to read the articles listed

Preparation: It is necessary to read the articles listed above as well as those in your classroom materials. This assignment cannot be completed without reviewing required learning materials, in particular the articles on cultural values and Geert Hofstede’s website.
Orientation/perspective: Continuing on with our scenario, you are a newly-hired manager not yet placed into a permanent assignment. Since Week 1, you and Chinn have been talking about your vision for VMI’s future as given in last week’s assignments. Ultimately, you are convinced that the future VMI needs to be cognizant of the changing workplace while embarking upon VMI’s further international expansion, all under the umbrella of developing a learning organization culture to support this.
1. By THURSDAY, complete the following:
The below points are not distinct questions to be answered. Gather your thoughts about the points into a conversation with your reader (Chinn) that convinces him of their importance. Your report should incorporate key concerns and knowledge from our readings this week while also tying in your knowledge gained from past weeks (all cited). In order to accomplish this, your report must be focused on VMI’s situation, the type of work the company performs, and how to carry forward the company’s excellence and familial culture. Do not include ideas that do not apply to VMI’s situation.

Chinn      has a sense of cultural differences between his own heritage and that of      VMI. Explain to him your understanding of these differences and how these      may be underlying his observations.
Share      with him your knowledge of workplace stress: its effects upon employees,      the idea of work and family life balance, differing cultural and      generational views on this, and ways that organizations address it.
Enlighten      him as to the difference of an engaged versus happy employee, with that      difference expressed in effects upon specific types of performance and      commitment. (As we have had readings explaining engagement every week, you      need to express your own understanding of this and not paraphrase an      article).
Your      explanations should indicate that you understand typical pitfalls,      misunderstandings, and misperceptions in cross-cultural communications and      age-cohort attitudes.
Include      specific and clear recommendations to address the above at VMI.
You      must use course material to support your report and APA in-text citations      with a reference list.

2. THROUGHOUT the week, complete the following:

Respond      to FOUR of your classmates over THREE OR MORE      DAYS throughout the week and until MONDAY at 11:59 PM      eastern time. Remember that you are trying to develop the best answers to      the questions. Your classmates are doing the same, so read the posts      carefully looking for the best ideas being presented. The goal is that by      the end of the week, the class will come to some consensus as to the best      answers giving you the chance to submit the best ideas in the final post.
You      must use course material to support your responses and APA      in-text citations with a reference list.
Participation      is worth 2.5 points each week (20% of the final grade). Participation must      be reflected in the final post so grades will be affected by the content      portion of the post if participation is not shown. Therefore, it is      important to get in the class often and with the idea of improving your      initial post with the discussion so that the final grade will be the      best you can deliver.

3. By MONDAY, complete the FINAL POST:

Attach      it as your final post in the classroom by MONDAY 11:59 PM ET. This      post will be a 2-page, single-spaced report (no more than 750      words) for President Chinn that will address the new, modern      workplace and how the content you address is important.
The      final post must reflect the brainstorming activities and should      be different than the Saturday initial post.
The      final post must include a variety of sources from the class material and      scenario or case study facts where appropriate.
You      must use course material to support your report and APA in-text citations      with a reference list.

Managing Stress and Emotions

Week Four is meant to be an integrating activity since it pulls together on our many learnings. You will study more about cultural intelligence but will also focus on stress, and how both can influence your relationships and even the jobs you choose.
I also wanted to mention about access to some course materials. Open Educational Resources (OERs) are materials that UMGC and many, many other educational institutions use. They are public domain materials (in digital or other forms) that permit access and use with no or limited restrictions, at no cost. Those with limited restrictions allow access only a certain number of times and one of these resources is Forbes. So, if you are taking two or three classes and each of them has a couple of Forbes articles, at some point you may get a pop-up that prohibits any more viewing. We have a work-around for this! Open a new browser and an incognito window. See the following link to learn how to do this. 

solved Week 6 Assignment – The Impact of Climate Change on

Week 6 Assignment – The Impact of Climate Change on Food SecurityOverviewThe United Nations (UN) has hired you as a consultant, and your task is to assess the impact that global warming is expected to have on population growth and the ability of societies in the developing world to ensure the adequate security of their food supplies.Case AssessmentAs the world’s population nears 10 billion by 2050, the effects of global warming are stripping some natural resources from the environment. As they diminish in number, developing countries will face mounting obstacles to improving the livelihoods of their citizens and stabilizing their access to enough food. The reason these governments are struggling even now is that our climate influences their economic health and the consequent diminishing living standards of their peoples. Climate changes are responsible for the current loss of biodiversity as well as the physical access to some critical farming regions. As such, these changes in global weather patterns diminish agricultural output and the distribution of food to local and international markets. These difficulties will become even more significant for these countries as the Earth’s climate changes for the worse. Temperatures are already increasing incrementally, and polar ice caps are melting, so the salient question is: what does this suggest for developing societies?The issue before the developing world is not its lack of food, but rather how to gain access to food. Simply put, changes in our climate are affecting the global food chain, and hence, the living standards of entire populations. Added to this is the fact that food is not getting to where it is needed in time to prevent hunger or starvation. In many developing countries, shortages are due to governments’ control over distribution networks rather than an insufficient supply of food itself. In effect, these governments are weaponizing food by favoring certain ethnic or religious groups over others. When added to dramatic climate changes that we are experiencing even now, the future for billions of poor people looks increasingly dim.InstructionsYou are to write a minimum of a 5 page persuasive paper for the UN that addresses the following questions about the relationship between atmospheric weather patterns and food security in the developing world:Climate change and global warming are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same phenomenon. What are the differences between the two concepts and what leads to the confusion between them?In 1900, the average global temperature was about 13.7° Celsius (56.7° Fahrenheit) (Osborn, 2021), but as of 2020, the temperature has risen another 1.2°C to 14.9°C (58.9°F). According to the Earth and climate science community, if the Earth’s surface temperature rises another 2°C (3.6°F), we will suffer catastrophic weather patterns that, among other things, will raise sea levels, cause widespread droughts and wildfires, result in plant, insect, and animal extinctions, and reduce agricultural productivity throughout the world (Mastroianni, 2015 and Lindsey & Dahlman, 2020). How much credibility do you place in these projections? Why?There is no question that the Earth’s food sources are threatened by changes in its weather patterns, but what specific challenges does climate change pose to the food security of people in the developing world?There is currently a debate among some multinational lending agencies like the International Monetary Fund, UNICEF, and AID over the financial support for food security has been misused by recipient government officials. On the other hand, U.S. authorities insist that misuse of its assistance is not occurring because it has strict monitoring oversight in place. What is your position on this matter? Is there evidence that financial assistance to developing governments is being widely misused by government officials?GuidelinesThis course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the SWS link in the left-hand menu of your course and check with your professor for any additional instructions.In order to earn full credit, your paper must be divided into at least four full pages of content (one page to address each of the four questions above), and include at least a one-half page introduction and a one-half page conclusion – making a minimum total of five full pages of text.You must use at least seven credible sources (excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias) that are appropriate for the subjects under discussion.You must use only double-spacing and not place extra spacing between paragraphs or section headings.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:Evaluate the impacts that climate changes are having on the growth of global populations and the security of their food sources.ReferencesLiz Osborn. 2021. History of Changes in the Earth’s Temperature.… Mastroianni. 2015. Why 2 degrees are so important.… Lindsey and LuAnn Dahlman. 2020. Climate change global temperature.…By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssignâ„¢ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Bl

solved Develop a 2-4-page scholarly paper in which you describe a

Develop a 2-4-page scholarly paper in which you describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, and then identify and analyze credible evidence that could be used as the basis for applying EBP to the issue.
The goal of using evidence-based research findings is to enhance safety and quality of patient care and ensure optimal outcomes are achieved. It is not uncommon to hear a nurse say, “why change it as we’ve always done it this way.” However, this is no longer acceptable in today’s practice environment. The profession of nursing has evolved, and the expectation is that the professional nurse has a scientific foundation to support the care that is provided. As the profession of nursing continues to evolve and engage in health care transformation, baccalaureate-prepared nurses are expanding taking on leadership roles that include incorporating EBPs. To be able to do this, the nurse needs to understand the criteria and makes a resource credible, as this is crucial when deciding if the research is valid and reliable for implementation into health care settings. The nurse will need to incorporate the use of evidence-based practice models. EBP models are designed to assist the nurse in developing a plan to gather evidence to answer a practice problem or question. It is a systematic approach to direct the user to incorporate scholarly findings into current practice. These EBP models lead the nurse through the decision-making process of evaluating the literature to determine the best practice evidence for the practice issue or question.
It would be an excellent choice to complete the Vila Health Determining the Credibility of Evidence activity prior to developing the report. The activity is a media simulation that offers an opportunity to review a scenario and work on determining the credibility of presented evidence. These skills will be necessary to complete Assessment 2 successfully. This media simulation is one potential source of context on which to base your assessment submission. This will take just a few minutes of your time and is not graded.
Professional Context
As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for locating and identifying credible and scholarly resources to incorporate the best available evidence for the purposes of enhancing clinical reasoning and judgement skills. When reliable and relevant evidence-based findings are utilized, patients, health care systems, and nursing practice outcomes are positively impacted.
For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the context for the quality or safety issue or chosen diagnosis for researching and completing this assessment:

The specific diagnosis you identified in your previous assessment.
A personal practice experience in which a sentinel event occurred.

The purpose of this analysis is to better understand what constitutes credibility of journal articles as well as websites. The role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in incorporating evidence-based research continues to growth in clinical practice. As quality improvement (QI) measures to reduce safety risks continue to be emphasized, the need for evidence-based models and evidence-based templates is growing. This type of systematic approach to incorporating evidence-based findings allows nurses to make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence. When the most up-to-date evidence-based findings are utilized, patient-centered care improves outcomes and enhances the patient experience.
For this assessment:

Explain the criteria that should be used when determining the credibility of journal articles as well as websites.
Support your explanations with references to the literature or research articles that describe criteria that should be used to determine credibility.

Your identification and determination of credibility should be done within the context of your chosen scenario for this assessment. For example, if you choose to use the provided Vila Health scenario, your initial identification of resources should be of resources that will best help address the presented issue. However, if you are locating resources to help provide evidence-based care for the diagnosis you identified in the first assessment, you may want to begin your literature and evidence search from the databases that identified. Any of the three scenario options are acceptable. So, pick the one that most interests you.

Be sure to address the following in this assessment, which correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you will know what is needed for a distinguished score.

Describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, that could benefit from an evidence-based approach.
Explain criteria that should be considered when determining credibility of resources such as journal articles and websites.
Analyze the credibility and relevance of evidence and resources within the context of a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.

This is where you are selecting the specific resources to help address the issue in your chosen scenario. 

Explain the importance of incorporating credible evidence into an EBP model used to address a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis.

Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models help explain the various evidence-based nursing models.

Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.

solved This week you will submit a thesis statement for your

This week you will submit a thesis statement for your compare/contrast essay. Be sure to look at the resources available in Brightspace, as they demonstrate what is expected in your thesis.
There are also some topics that are off limits–so check out the directions.
Your thesis must be approved before you begin writing the first draft of your paper. A good thesis will either compare or contrast two things, state an assertion, and provide some reasons to support the assertion.
While it is only 1 sentence, it may take you some time to create. Don’t be fooled by the fact that it is only 1 sentence. Be sure to read all the tips in this week’s assignment directions. 
Finally, please don’t guess. Don’t rely on how you wrote a thesis in your 9th grade English class, or what you did for you last paper in History class. Read the directions. If you have questions, please let me know before Friday. Remember that I am not available on weekends. 
Essay Assignment: Compare and Contrast Essay
Overview:    Write an essay that compares or contrasts two separate things (well-known people/ideas/ places/times, things, experiences, events, etc.) Develop a single sentence thesis, and then support this thesis in the body of the paper. You will only be comparing OR contrasting—not both. Comparing means looking for similarities, while contrasting means looking for differences. If you use research, you must use the library database and include in-text citations and a Works Cited page. See the Compare/Contrast Essay Resources folder for materials.                   
Topic:  Compare or contrast any two things that are not obvious or commonly covered; local and current themes are often the least covered and most interesting. Avoid trite, simplistic topics such as comparing dogs to cats, summer to winter, healthy lifestyles/eating, etc.
Be sure to compare similar points. Review the two main ways to organize a compare/contrast essay from the Compare / Contrast Resources folder in Brightspace.
Products we will not evaluate are cell phones, computers, video games, and cars.
[Suggestions (Note: these suggestions all REQUIRE research and are not meant to be unsupported personal opinion):
Compare 2 products/tools used in your field: For example, two different stethoscopes, tracheostomy tubes, surgical masks, Photoshop vs. Pixlr, two kinds of architecture software programs, two kinds of bulletproof vests, etc. Check your field to see what tools are used and compare or contrast two of the same kind of tool.
Compare two ideas: Compare or contrast Hobbes and Locke’s ideas on government, the risks of pasteurized milk vs. raw milk, incorporated vs. unincorporated cities, U.S. occupation of Afghanistan vs. withdrawal, vaccinated vs. unvaccinated citizens and personal responsibility, the social/family life of crows vs. humans.
Compare two time periods: Compare or contrast the Renaissance and Baroque periods, Classical and Romantic era music, East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, etc.]
Research:    This is not a research paper; however, you may use credible, scholarly sources if you choose.  The sources may come from a website, journal, book, or the CPCC online databases (like ProQuest or Opposing Viewpoints) or the CPCC library. You must include a correctly cited in-text citation and a Works Cited page. You cannot use Wikipedia,,, sites with advertising, sites without authors, sites written for middle or high school students, The Onion, Daily Mail, blogs, social media, or any fake news web site. See Brightspace for information about what resources you should use. Please contact me for help if needed.
Plagiarism:  Your essay will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn to check for plagiarism. Plagiarized essays will earn a grade of 0. Please review the plagiarism policy as stated in the course syllabus. 
Length:  5-7 paragraphs. The essay should have an introduction with thesis (underlined), support paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Format: Use MLA 9 format for title, heading, citations, and the works cited page (if you use research). A works cited page does NOT count as part of the length requirement.
Word Choice: Use third person point of view and a formal tone. Avoid using slang (“kids” “stuff” texting acronyms such as OMG, “u”, etc.), informal language, and contractions (can’t, won’t, shouldn’t etc). 
Do not use first person (I, me, my) or second person (you, your) pronouns
Assessment:  Your essay will directly reflect your capacity for critical thought and your ability to write for a college audience. Please see the rubric below.
Grading: The final essay is worth 100 points.
The body of your essay should be at least 3 paragraphs.
If you are comparing a product, you can compare two products to each other to prove a point. Avoid comparing just to compare. Your paper must take a position.
For example,
Brand X stethoscope is better for nursing students because X, Y, and Z.
X,Y, and Z are reasons that support the claim that brand X is better for nursing students.
Based on research and your own observations, make a recommendation or judgment about the two items that you compare and contrast. This opinion will be the thesis of your essay and should be fully developed. It is not enough to say that X is better than Y; you also need to summarize in your thesis the reasons supporting your recommendation. For example:
The Fitbit Flex is a product that all health-conscious individuals should buy because it is more convenient, effective and affordable than the Garman fitness band..

solved DSC1552 Critical infrastructure protection1 – Identify five assets in your

DSC1552 Critical infrastructure protection1 – Identify five assets in your community that can be classified as “critical infrastructure.” Explain how the destruction of each asset might affect the community? (Limit to 200 words)2 – Provide one example of how an emergency response organization can assist in the protection of a critical infrastructure asset(Limit to 150 words)**Read the following article describing law enforcement’s role in protecting a nuclear power plant. After reading the article, submit your answers to the instructor through the drop box .Article_Police_Nuclear_Plant.pdfLaw Enforcement ArticleQuestions1.What prompted the use of police officers to secure the nuclear power plant?2.What kind of information should the police officer receive before being assigned to security of the nuclear plant?3.What possible problems could arise between the Seabrook Nuclear Plant’s private security and the Seabrook Police Department?Read the following article describing fire service’s role in responding to the NE Blackout. After reading the article, submit your answers to the instructor through the drop box.NE_blackout_report.pdfQuestions1.Why did the respondents criticize private industry after the blackout?2.How did the Cleveland Fire Department respond when the Cleveland Water System’s pumping stations lost power?Fire_Road_AAR.pdf Tanker Fire AARDiscussion Questions1.Why was this tanker fire significant?2.What issue with the towing company caused a delay in the removal of the tanker?3.What problems did the After Action Report Identify in regards to Transportation?4.How were passengers aboard the Metro notified of the incident?5.What was the result of the Communications group delayed arrival?6.Of the Areas to Improve On, section of the report, which area do you think is most important for the emergency responders to correct?Requirements: Assignments/homeworkExamples of Critical InfrastructuresThe National Strategy for Homeland SecurityIdentifies thirteen sectors of critical infrastructures. The following table provides the thirteen sectors and the agency that is responsible for its protection.SectorAgencyAgricultureDepartment of AgricultureFoodDepartments of Agriculture and Health and Human ServicesWaterEnvironmental Protection AgencyPublic HealthDepartment of Health and Human ServicesEmergency ServicesDepartment of Homeland SecurityGovernmentDepartment of Homeland SecurityDefense Industrial BaseDepartment of DefenseInformation and TelecommunicationsDepartment of Homeland SecurityEnergyDepartment of EnergyTransportationDepartment of Homeland SecurityBanking and FinanceDepartment of the TreasuryChemical Industry and Hazardous MaterialsDepartment of Homeland SecurityPostal and ShippingDepartment of Homeland SecurityThe critical infrastructure sectors in the National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets contain many physical assets, but only a fraction of these could be viewed as critical according to the DHS definition. For example, out of 33,000 individual assets cataloged in DHS’s “national asset database,” the agency considers only 1,700, or 5%, to be nationally critical. The 33,000 assets in the DHS database themselves constitute only a subset of all assets in the critical infrastructure sectors.Because federal agencies, state agencies and the private sector often have different views of what constitutes criticality, compiling a consensus list of nationally critical assets has been an ongoing challenge for DHS.8 hours agoCritical Infrastructure ProtectionTerrorists’ pursuit of their long-term strategic objectives includes attacks on critical infrastructures and key assets. Terrorists target critical infrastructures to achieve three general types of effects:Direct infrastructure effects: Cascading disruption or arrest of the functions of critical infrastructures or key assets through direct attacks on a critical node, system, or function.Indirect infrastructure effects: Cascading disruption and financial consequences for government, society, and economy through public- and private-sector reactions to an attack.Exploitation of infrastructure: Exploitation of elements of a particular infrastructure to disrupt or destroy another target.Generally, critical infrastructure protection (CIP) consists of the proactive activities to protect indispensable people, physical assets, and communication/cyber systems from all hazards.More formally, it is an analytical process to guide the systematic protection of critical infrastructures by the application of a reliable decision sequence that assists leaders to determine exactly what needs protection and when security measures must occur. As a time-efficient and resource-restrained practice, the process ensures the protection of only those infrastructures upon which survivability and mission success actually depend.Such is the philosophy of CIP from a municipal perspective: protect first those infrastructures absolutely required for citizen survivability and continuity of operations. For the community emergency services, CIP has a corresponding philosophy: protect first those infrastructures absolutely required for the survivability of emergency first responders and the success of their missions.The process involves the following steps:Identifying the organization’s critical infrastructuresDetermining the threats against those infrastructuresAnalyzing the vulnerabilities of threatened infrastructuresAssessing the risks of degradation or loss of a critical infrastructureApplying countermeasures where risk is unacceptable

solved Core Objective Writing AssignmentFor GOVT 2305Your assignment must meet all

Core Objective Writing AssignmentFor GOVT 2305Your assignment must meet all of the following criteria:Includes your name and student ID number in the headerBe word processedBe double-spacedBe submitted electronically via eCampusHave a minimum length of 800 words (excluding cited text/direct quotations & Works Cited/bibliographic info) saved and submitted as a .doc or .docx fileBe presented in paragraph format featuring complete sentencesIncludes at least two formal citations from a credible journalistic source, government website, book, or peer reviewed journal utilizing APA formatting (Your textbook can be used as a supplementary source, but it would not count towards this requirement.)Follow all of the conventions and rules of Standard Written EnglishMust be completed by 11:59pm, May 9, 2021For this writing assignment you will be required to closely follow the instructions.Do not skip steps!!!!!The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to identify one of your elected federal-level legislative representatives and the issues they have prioritized as your representative, then compare the work they are doing with your personal political beliefs. Do you care about the same issues that they do? This assignment will be scored out of 100 points, and will constitute 10% of your final grade in the class.Step 1: Go to GovTrack Congressional Member Finder to input your address and determine who your elected federal-level legislative representatives are. You must choose to write on either your member of the US House of Representatives or one of your members of the US Senate. You must submit the name of your chosen legislator to me via e-mail by 11:59pm, April 18, 2021.Step 2: After selecting one of those federal-level legislators, click on his/her name. On that next page, you will find varied information about your legislator, including links to other websites you can use for research, as well as the link to his/her official website, which is found on the upper-right of the page.Step 3: Go to VoteSmart List of National Interest Groups to locate an interest group that lobbies on behalf of an issue you care about. This can be any issue, from abortion to tax relief, as long as it is an issue that interests you. Navigate on the page to find an issue category (like “Campaign Finance and Elections” or “Foreign Aid”) that you are interested in. Then, under that category heading, select one of the particular groups in that category to research. {Those particular groups are located on the far right under the “SIG Name” heading.} You must select and submit the name of your chosen interest group to me via e-mail by 11:59pm, April 18, 2021.Step 4: Respond to the following list of questions in sequential order. Each question should be answered completely and numbered accordingly in separate paragraphs.NOTE: This is not a position paper. You do not need to offer or support a thesis, but your answers are required to be submitted in complete sentences, and in your own words. DO NOT copy and paste from any of the websites you will utilize during this assignment. Part of the challenge of this type of assignment is to strengthen your ability to discuss political issues using your unique ‘voice’.Question 1: What is the name of your chosen federal-level legislator and what is his/her office? What is his/her race/ethnicity, gender, and religious affiliation? What political party does s/he belong to? Does s/he share your preferred party preference? How long has s/he been in office?Question 2: On the website for your legislator, there will be a section labeled “Bills Sponsored”. Click on “View All” to see a list of that legislator’s list of sponsored legislation. Select and describe two pieces of legislation sponsored by your legislator during the most recent regular legislative session. (If your legislator has not sponsored a bill before, you should describe his/her two most recent co-sponsored bills).Question 3: Compare and contrast the mission and goals of your chosen interest group with the political beliefs and legislative priorities of your chosen legislator, providing AT LEAST two specific examples of either agreement or disagreement between them. Has your chosen interest group endorsed your elected legislator? What, if any, role do you think this interest group had in getting your legislator elected?Question 4: Why do you think your chosen legislator was able to win their most immediately recent general election? In order to answer this question, you must include a description of the demographic makeup of your district (if you are writing about your US House member) or state (if you are writing about your US Senator). That demographic makeup should include race/ethnicity, gender, and the level of voting turnout. Was your legislator an incumbent officeholder prior to his/her most recent election, and was this a factor in getting elected? This information could be located on the web page of your chosen legislator, but might need to be gathered via other appropriate sources (see requirements above regarding citation sources).Question 5: Now that you have this information, (please assume/pretend you are eligible to vote) are you more or less likely to vote in the next election? Why? Would you vote to keep this legislator, or would you vote for his/her opponent? Why? Would your cultural and family background affect your vote for this legislator? Why?*Failure to submit your chosen representative and interest group to me by the required deadline will result in an automatic 10-point deduction for each.

solved Both replies must be at least 400 words each and

Both replies must be at least 400 words each and must have at least 3 references no older than 5 years.
The 2 original responses will be provided
This is the actual Discussion theme: 
Urinary System Homeostatic Imbalances
The urinary system works hard to cleanse our blood of waste products and excess fluid. Sometimes a disease or disorder disrupts this process and our body needs some help to expel these wastes.
Use your textbook readings and other reliable resources to research these topics in further detail. Then, in your main post, answer the following discussion questions:

Choose one urinary system disease or disorder (list the topic in the subject line of your post), then answer the following questions:

What causes your chosen disease/disorder to occur.
Describe relevant signs and symptoms of this disease/disorder.
Describe at least one treatment option and how it works to correct the chosen disease/disorder.

Dialysis is often required when a person’s kidneys are unable to function correctly.

How does dialysis work to cleanse the blood?
What is the difference between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis?
If you had were prescribed dialysis, which method would you utilize and why?

What is one interesting fact that you have about the urinary system.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate)
The prostate gland is located beneath your bladder. The tube that transports urine from the bladder out of your penis (urethra) passes through the center of the prostate. When the prostate enlarges, it begins to block urine flow. Most men have continued prostate growth throughout life. In many men, this continued growth enlarges the prostate enough to cause urinary symptoms or to significantly block urine flow. It isn’t entirely clear what causes the prostate to enlarge. However, it might be due to changes in the balance of sex hormones as men grow older. A wide variety of treatments are available for enlarged prostate, including medication, minimally invasive therapies and surgery. The best treatment choice for you depends on several factors, like the size of your prostate, age, health and discomfort.
A pump in the hemodialysis machine slowly draws out your blood, then sends it through another machine called a dialyzer. This works like a kidney and filters out extra salt, waste, and fluid. Your cleaned blood is sent back into your body through the second needle in your arm. In hemodialysis, blood is pumped out of your body to an artificial kidney machine, and returned to your body by tubes that connect you to the machine. In peritoneal dialysis, the inside lining of your own belly acts as a natural filter. If I had to choose I would utilize peritoneal because you can do it at home without the hassle, but the down side of it is that it is not always effective.
I found it very interesting that the urinary tract system is important because it filters wastes and extra fluid from the bloodstream and removes them from the body. It is also the common cause in complications and elderly people.

The causes for a UTI include frequent sexual intercourse, diabetes, poor personal hygiene, problems with completely emptying the bladder, a urinary catheter, bowel incontinence, kidney stones, pregnancy, suppressed immune system, immobility for long periods of time, heavy use of antibiotics, and use of spermicides or tampons (McIntosh,2018). Some symptoms of a UTI are strong and frequent urge to urinate, cloudy and strong urine odor, pain and burning when urinating, abdominal pain and aching in the muscles, and nausea or vomiting (McIntosh 2018). A treatment option for a UTI would be use of an antibiotic (McIntosh, 2018). If women tend to have recurrent UTIs they may be told to take an antibiotic after sexual contact, take one for 6 months, or to take 2-3 days course of one if symptoms seem to reappear (McIntosh, 2018). Antibiotics are good to use for bacterial infections such as a UTI.
Dialysis works to clean the blood by 2 needles being placed in the arm where the graft is located (WebMD, 2020). The hemodialysis machine uses the pump to draw the blood out slowly so it can send it through a dialyzer (WebMD, 2020). The dialyzer works likes a kidney by filtering out extra salt, waste, and fluid (WebMD, 2020). The blood that is cleaned is then sent back to the body though the second needle in your arm (WebMD, 2020).
Hemodialysis is ongoing and involves treatment 3-5 times a week at a dialysis center. This form cleans your blood (UMMC, 2021). Peritoneal is daily and can be done at home. It collects waste from the blood and washes space in the abdomen (UMMC, 2021).
I would more than likely choose peritoneal so I would be able to continue working and not have to worry about going somewhere else for dialysis. I could use it at night and not have to worry about it during the day.
One fact I am amazed by is that we are our kidneys are the size of our fist. I always thought they were a lot smaller than that!
McIntosh, J. (2018, November 6). What to know about urinary tract infections. Retrieved from
WebMD. (2020, December 7). When do I need Dialysis?. Retrieved from
University of Maryland Medical Center. (2021). Types of Dialysis. Retrieved fromÂ