solved InstructionsStep 1: Obtain the ArticleYou have three options for obtaining

InstructionsStep 1: Obtain the ArticleYou have three options for obtaining and viewing the article.Option 1 – Read on Accessible Webpage:Grumbach, Jacob M., and Alexander Sahn. 2020. “Race and Representation in Campaign Finance.” The American Political Science Review 114 (1): 206–21. (Links to an external site.)The article’s tables, charts, or graphs are unfortunately not accessible for some screen readers. However, the contents of tables, charts, or graphs are sufficiently explained in the body of the article.Option 2 – Download PDF: Download (Links to an external site.) a PDF copy of the journal article from 3 – View in Canvas: Grumbach, Jacob M., and Alexander Sahn. 2020. “Race and Representation in Campaign Finance.” The American Political Science Review 114 (1): 206–21. 2: Analyze the ArticleIdentify the 12 parts of the article, as described in the Anatomy of a Journal Article and elaborated upon in the Details of Analyzing Journal Articles, and you can also review the Walkthrough.Optional: Schedule a tutoring appointment with the Writing Center or meet with a NetTutor (if available) if you want a 3rd party to help you think through this assignment.Optional: Upload a picture of you Writing Center Tutoring slip or a screenshot of your NetTutor interaction as evidence.Step 3: Demonstrate identification of partsRecall there are twelve parts of a journal article:The Title of an article appears on the first page of the article. The Title is brief, typically no more than 5-10 words, and identifies for the reader the subject of the article.The Main Point of an article is typically found in the Abstract. An Abstract is a summary of the article which is located on the first page, after the Title. The main point may be in the Introduction of the article.The Question of an article is typically found in the Abstract. The question may be in the Introduction of the article as well.The Puzzle is a missing piece of knowledge that the article seeks to fulfill.The Debate is how scholars currently argue the subject of the article. Debates have at least two sides, and the two sides we are most familiar with are “pro” and “con”. However, debates can be more complex.The Theory is how the author thinks something works. For example, we may have a theory about how campaigns influence voters. Theories consists of constants, variables, and the relationships between variables.The Hypotheses are derived from the Theory. A hypothesis is the expectation that one variable affects another variable in a specific way.The Research Design is how the author compares the effect of the explanatory variable (X) on the outcome variable (O) in a group (G) or set of groups.The Empirical Analysis is the use of quantitative or qualitative evidence to explore whether the hypothesized relationship between two variables does indeed occur in the world.The Policy Implications are how the findings of the article should influence the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, or governments.The Contribution to the Discipline is how the article helps fill the missing Puzzle piece.Future Research offers suggestions for future research that build on the findings from the article.You need to identify each part, with the exception of needing to write out a Research Design, which is explained in the next step.Where you annotate each part depends on whether you are annotating on a paper copy or electronic copy of the journal article.Electronic: electronically highlight the text and/or comment in margins of the page.Step 4: Write Out the Research DesignOf the 12 parts, only one of them needs to be written out: Research Design. The Research Design is how the author compares the effect of the explanatory variable (X) on the outcome variable (O) in a group (G) or set of groups.I want to emphasize that you need to use the G O X notation when writing out a Research Design. Again, I want to emphasize that you need to use the G O X notation when writing out a Research Design. Step 5: Use Student Annotation within Canvas or Upload your fileStudent Annotation within Canvas: Visit Assignments: Student Annotation Submissions (Links to an external site.) for brief overview of using Student Annotation within Canvas.Electronic Option 1: If you used Adobe PDF software to annotate, then you can upload the annotated file.Electronic Option 2: You can try annotating in the Canvas Student App.How do I submit a PDF assignment with annotations in the Student app on my iOS device? (Links to an external site.)How do I submit a PDF assignment with annotations in the Student app on my Android device? (Links to an external site.)RubricRubricCriteriaRatingsPointsTitle IdentifiedYesNo10Main PointYesNo50QuestionYesNo50Puzzle IdentifiedYesNo100Debate IdentifiedYesNo100Theory IdentifiedYesNo100Hypotheses IdentifiedYesNo150Research Design WrittenYesNo190Empirical Analysis IdentifiedYesNo100Policy Implications IdentifiedYesNo50Contribution to the Discipline IdentifiedYesNo50Future Research IdentifiedYesNo50

solved Use capital budgeting tools to determine the quality of three

Use capital budgeting tools to determine the quality of three proposed investment projects, and prepare a 6-8 page report that analyzes your computations and recommends the project that will bring the most value to the company.IntroductionThis assessment is about one of the basic functions of the finance manager, which is allocating capital to areas that will increase shareholder value and add the most value to the company. This means forecasting the projected cash flows of the projects and employing capital budgeting metrics to determine which project, given the forecast cash flows, gives the firm the best chance to maximize shareholder value. As a finance professional, you are expected to:Use capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs.Evaluate capital projects and make appropriate decision recommendations.Prepare reports and present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.ScenarioSenior leadership has now called upon you to analyze three capital project requests based on forecasted cash flow as they relate to maximizing shareholder value.Your RoleYou are one of Maria’s high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and she trusts your work and leadership. Senior leadership was impressed with your presentation in Assessment 1 and they are tasking you with the analysis of these three proposed capital projects based on forecasted cash flow. You have completed forecasting the projected cash flows of the projects as reflected in the attached spreadsheets, Projected Cash Flows [XLSX]. You now need to conduct your analysis recommending which will provide the most shareholder value to the organization.RequirementsUse capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs. Remember to only evaluate the incremental changes to cash flows.Employing capital budgeting metrics, determine which project, given the forecast cash flows, gives the organization the best chance to maximize shareholder value.Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI). The analysis of the capital projects will need to be correctly computed and the resulting decisions rational.Evaluate capital projects and make appropriate decision recommendations. Accurately compare the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools and then make rational decisions based on the findings.Select the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the company. Provide a rationale for your recommendations based on your financial analysis.Prepare reports and present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.Project A: Major Equipment PurchaseA new major equipment purchase, which will cost $10 million; however, it is projected to reduce cost of sales by 5% per year for 8 years.The equipment is projected to be sold for salvage value estimated to be $500,000 at the end of year 8.Being a relatively safe investment, the required rate of return of the project is 8%.The equipment will be depreciated at a MACRS 7-year schedule.Annual sales for year 1 are projected at $20 million and should stay the same per year for 8 years.Before this project, cost of sales has been 60%.The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%. Project B: Expansion Into Three Additional StatesExpansion into three additional states has a forecast to increase sales/revenues and cost of sales by 10% per year for 5 years.Annual sales for the previous year were $20 million.Start-up costs are projected to be $7 million and an upfront needed investment in net working capital of $1 million. The working capital amount will be recouped at the end of year 5.The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%.Being a risky investment, the required rate of return of the project is 12%.Project C: Marketing/Advertising CampaignA major new marketing/advertising campaign, which will cost $2 million per year and last 6 years.It is forecast that the campaign will increase sales/revenues and costs of sales by 15% per year.Annual sales for the previous year were $20 million.The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%. Being a moderate risk investment, the required rate of return of the project is 10%.Deliverable FormatIn this assessment, you will prepare an appropriate evaluation report to senior leadership using sound research and data to defend your decision.Report requirements:Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.Format your paper according to APA style and formatting.Use at least three scholarly resources. Length: Between 6–8 pages of content beyond the title page, references, and any appendices.Use 12 point, Times New Roman.

solved Draft a reply to another student’s discussion board post. Here

Draft a reply to another student’s discussion board post. Here are the instructions: The student must then post 1 reply to another student’s post. The reply must summarize the student’s findings and indicate areas of agreement, disagreement, and improvement. It must be supported with scholarly citations in the latest APA format and corresponding list of references. Here is the students post you are responding to: D3.4.1 Using Outputs 4.1a and 4.1b: (a) What is the mean visualization test score? (b) What is the skewness statistic for math achievement tests? What does this tell us? (c) What is the minimum score for mosaic pattern test? How can that be? The mean of the visualization test score is 5.2433. The Skewness statistic for the math achievement test is .044. This tells us the data for math achievement is not significantly different from normal, with a slight positive skew from a normal distribution (Mason, 2013). -4.0 is the minimum score for the mosaic pattern test. This was the bare minimum possible score which means that at least one answer for all the students had to score the minimum. This could also be an error that needs to be investigated to ensure that the data is correct. It would be challenging to believe that this score result is accurate (Mason, 2013). D3.4.2.Using Output 4.1b: (a) For which variables that we called scale, is the skewness statistic more than 1.00 or less than –1.00? (b) Why is the answer important? (c) Does this agree with the boxplot for Output 4.2? Explain. The data from 4.1b shows that the skewness for all but one variable was between -1.00 and 1.00. The one statistic was the competence scale and had a result of -1.634 (Mason, 2013). This answer is important because further investigation is needed to discover what caused the competence score skewness outside the normal range. This can be caused by multiple outliers that generated the data to pull the skewness to one side significantly (Mason, 2013). The boxplot explains the previous answer in output 4.2. The box plot shows data from the competence score having four significant outliers well below the rest of the participants. The low scores from the outliers caused the skewness statistic to be below -1.00 (Mason, 2013). D3.4.3.Using Output 4.2b: (a) How many participants have missing data? (b) What percent of students have a valid (non-missing) motivation scale or competence scale score? (c) Can you tell from Outputs 4.1 and 4.2b how many are missing both motivation scale and competence scale scores? Explain. Based on the output from 4.2b, there are 4 participants missing data. The percent of students with valid data for motivation scale and competence scale is 94.7% (Mason, 2013). The outputs from 4.1 do show data missing; however, for motivation score and competence score, it shows 73 for each variable, meaning there are two missings. The N value in 4.1 does show 71 valid. The output from 4.2b shows this is not the case, and the number is 71 with four missings, which lines up with the N value from 4.1 output. This would need to be researched to ensure that all data was entered correctly as the data for these two variables from the missing information could be found. The data would be excluded from the outputs (Mason, 2013). D3.4.4.Using Output 4.4: (a) Can you interpret the means? Explain. (b) How many participants are there altogether? (c) How many have complete data (nothing missing)? (d) What percent are in the fast track? (e) What percent took algebra 1 in h.s.? The means for the data set from 4.4 can be interpreted as how the students lean for each variable. For example, algebra 1 in h.s. mean is .79, which shows the majority of participants did take algebra 1. The same is true for each of the other variables according to the data chart. Reviewing the data shows that as the math classes continued, fewer students took the advanced courses. Math grades also leaned less than and AB average (Mason, 2013). The valid N shows the number of participants as 75 (Mason, 2013). The valid N matches all the N values for each variable showing there is no data missing. All 75 participants have complete data (Mason, 2013). 55% of participants are on the fast track (Mason, 2013). According to output 4.4, 79% of participants took algebra 1 in h.s (Mason, 2013). D3.4.5.Using Output 4.5: (a) 9.6% of what group are Asian-Americans? (b) What percent of students have visualization two scores of 6? (c) What percent had such scores of 6 or less? 6% of the participants are Asian-Americans. This is the valid percent which shows the percent of participants that do not have data missing (Mason, 2013). According to output 4.4, 5.3% of students scored a 6 on the visualization 2 test. This is seen by the percent column (Mason, 2013). The percent of students that scored a 6 or less on the visualization 2 test was 70.7%. This can be seen in the cumulative percent column in the score of 6 row (Mason, 2013). References Mason, G. A., Leech, N. L., Gloeckner, G. W., & Barrett, K. C. (2013). IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics. ROUTLEDGE.

solved I don’t understand this Marketing question and need help to

I don’t understand this Marketing question and need help to study.

GM Micro-Challenge OverviewThe GM Micro-Challenges are intended to help you appreciate the resources available and challenges associated with engaging in global marketing activities in another country. For these assignments, you will assume the role of an employee at a company providing global marketing assistance. You will engage in tasks and research related to the specific country and US state which you have been assigned (YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE). The GM Micro-Challenges will involve your responding to a selection of memos from your manager. Your responses will require the collection, analysis, and concise provision of the information requested of you in a business memo format. (My country is Malta and my state is Minnesota)Memo FormatUse a standard business memo format for your response. Your memo should include all the pertinent parts of a business memo. A Standard Business Memo with Its Parts can be found in the file i posted.M1 – GM Micro-Challenge: Country ResearchYour manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response. Your memo should start with an introduction that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, overview the information your manager can expect to find in your memo. After that, respond to each topic you were requested to address in sequence. For each topic, your response should clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written response to the question that summarizes the source information. Your written response should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source information you used, and (2) a weblink to that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional information. Note: An image does not replace your written response, it only shows the source information used. Finally, you may choose to provide a conclusion to your memo.You should provide info about the sources as is illustrated in the example below. Screen clip an image of each source and include it. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY. Also include the weblink for that source. This is the sample.1.CIA – World Factbook (Links to an external site.)The CIA – World Factbook has information about … To: YouFrom: Your ManagerDate: October 11, 2021Subject: Country ResearchA small U.S. business has contacted our organization and requested help. They want to know more about YOUR COUNTRY because they may want to export to it.You have been tasked with helping identify and review some information sources for the management team to aid in that evaluation. Finding quality information is very important task as that information will serve as the foundation for the company’s recommendations and decisions. Your efforts will be focused on two distinct objectives: (1) locating helpful secondary research about YOUR COUNTRY in general, and (2) finding US governmental resources that the company may need to assist in this effort and evaluate export compliance. A. Below are eight sources that our organization has used in the past along with their weblink. Examine all of them for information about YOUR COUNTRY. Complete the table below using these resources. Include the name of the resource, an image of some information in the resource about YOUR COUNTRY, and a one sentence description of the kind of country information available in this resource. B. Supplement your table with information about YOUR COUNTRY from two additional resources. These resources should be from an international organization or U.S. agency. Include the resource name, an image, and a one sentence description for them as well. C. Find two individuals that work with the US Commercial Service that can help facilitate the company’s export efforts of a sports product to YOUR COUNTRY. Include their names, titles, agency, and contact information. At least one of these individuals should be located in YOUR COUNTRY, or its region of the world. Secondary Research Sources for YOUR COUNTRY: 1.CIA – World Factbook Trade Administration – Country Commercial Guides Dept of Agriculture – Country: Exporter Guide Trade Representative – 2018 National Trade Estimate Report on FOREIGN TRADE BARRIERS of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions DEPT of STATE — BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS – Travel Advisories…7.Culturegrams (Troy Library – see note above) Insights – COUNTRY COMPARISON TOOL

solved Below are two sets of questions that are intended to

Below are two sets of questions that are intended to reinforce key concepts that have or will be covered in the next few classes. The first set is focused on evolution and how to use phylogenetic trees as tools for understanding the history of life on earth and the second is focused on the history of earliest life on Earth. Each questions is worth 5 points.
Evolution, Phylogeny and Reading Family Trees
Read the following pages on UC Berkeley’s Understanding Evolution site: (Links to an external site.)

Read from the introduction through “Mechanisms of Change”
Read “Macroevolution” and “The Big Issues” through “Diversity in Clades” (Links to an external site.)

Read through “Tree Reading Tips”

Complete the reading and viewing and then answer the following questions:
As discussed in class, through descent with modification, the common ancestor of all life on Earth gave rise to the diversity of life we see today. We did not discuss in any detail how “lineages” of life split to give rise to this diversity. This set of questions should help you understand lineage splitting. Note that we use the websites above uses a term “clade”. In the class on phylogentics, this was called a monophyletic group. So monophyletic group = clade.

Briefly describe the concept of Natural Selection. Include the four elements discussed in class. (Go to the class slides)
Briefly describe macroevolution. (1-2 sentences)
What is a transition fossil (transitional form)?
Look up transition fossils online and describe one example (don’t use whales). (1-2 sentences).

Use this figure to answer the question below:
Blue Green Red

5. What color(s) on the diagram above represent monophyletic groups (clades)? What color(s) do(es) not represent a monophyletic group? What two colors can be combined to make a monophyletic group?
6. Using the OneZoom Tree of Life (Links to an external site.) exploration tool found here (Links to an external site.), navigate your way to humans. It may take a bit to get used to the tool. List five nested “clades” or monophyletic groups that include humans, starting anywhere you like in the tree. There is no single answer to this question. Remember that a clade is a branch of the tree and all of the smaller branches that are included on that branch.
7. Using the diagram here (Links to an external site.), which are more closely related? Explain your logic in 1-2 sentences maximum.
a. Crocodiles and amphibians
b. Crocodiles and primates
8. List the animals on this diagram that have 4 limbs (tetrapods).
9. What characteristic distinguishes the clade (monophyletic group) that includes primates and birds from the one that includes amphibians? Look up that characteristic using internet resources and describe it in 1-2 sentences.
Read this short article on cetacean (including whale) evolution (Links to an external site.)
and watch this short film on evolution (Links to an external site.)

10. List five pieces of evidence for whale evolution from land mammals (be specific, don’t just list the general lines of evidence like “comparative anatomy”. Give a specific example in that or the other categories.
11. Describe the bones in the front flipper of a whale. Are they more similar to a bat wing or a ray-finned fish fin (look this up if you need too).
12. From the film on evolution, what characteristics and behaviors do hippos and whales share? Name five.
History of life on earth
Use the following interactive to answer the questions (Links to an external site.)
Note: Here is a definition that will be important as we move on through the course material.
Adaptation: An adaptation is a feature that is common in a population because it provides some improved function.
Click on Stage 1 and read the “Environment” and “Life” tabs in the upper right
13. What major categories of life existed during this time?
14. List two pieces of evidence for life on Earth during this time. One sentence each (really).
Click on Stage 2 and read the “Environment” and “Life” tabs in the upper right
15. What major categories of life existed during this time?
16. What adaptation did eukaryotes have that allowed them to evolve and diversify during Stage 2 in this interactive diagram? (Answer is in the Life tab)
Click on Stage 3 and read the “Environment” and “Life” tabs in the upper right
17. What is the impact of relatively low and steady O2 levels on life during this “boring billion” years of earth history?
18. Click on Howie in the lower right. Briefly describe how chloroplasts evolved.
19. How did life evolve in response to the increase in O2 during Stage 4? (click on Howie and watch the video clip)
20. What caused O2 to increase in Stage 5? How did life on earth respond to this increase? 

solved Part one Generate Ideas by Freewriting In your research log,

Part one
Generate Ideas by Freewriting In your research log, freewrite in response to one of the following prompts, replacing the blanks with the ideas for topics that you generated during your brainstorming session. Before you begin, set a goal of a certain number of minutes or a set amount of pages you will write. 

Writing about ____ will help me accomplish the following purposes . . . 
I am personally interested in ____ because . . . 
I am academically interested in ____ because . . . 
My readers need or would like to know about ____ because…

Part two
“The Evolving Legend of La Llorona” and answer question 5 from Monsters.
This article appeared in History Today, which describes itself as a “serious” magazine. What about the article–its language, its use of evidence, its tone–separates it from less serious publications and from peer-reviewed journals intended to be read by other historians?
Part three
Find a Written Conversation We’re surrounded by written conversations. Some focus on politics, others on sports, and still others on issues in an academic discipline. You’ll find contributions to conversations on the front page of newspapers, on websites such as and, in academic and professional journals, and in the blogs at “Tumblr or Spend some time locating a conversation about a topic that interests you. Use the following prompts to find the conversation. 

List a topic that interests you. Because you’ll be searching for sources, jot down a list of search terms, or keywords (p. 146), that you can use to locate sources on the topic. 
Choose a newspaper or magazine or search for sources. Browse a newspaper or magazine or search for sources on a Web search site (p. 33), a library database (p. 33), or a library catalog (p. 32) using the keywords you jotted down about your topic. 
Identify sources that seem to address the topic. Skim each source (p. 61) to get a sense of how it addresses your topic. 
Decide whether the sources are engaged in the same conversation. Ask whether the sources are addressing the same topic. If they are, list the ways in which they are “talking” to one another about the topic. Identify any agreements, disagreements, or differences in their approach to the topic. 
Reflect on the conversation. Ask whether the sources you’ve identified tell you enough to understand the conversation. Consider whether you might need to locate more sources to give you a fuller picture of the conversation

Part four
My Research Project Create a Plan to Explore Your Topic In your research log, answer the following questions After you create your plan, use it to guide your work and to remind yourself of steps you might overlook. A note such as “talk to Professor Chapman about recent clinical studies” can come in handy if you’ve become so busy searching the Web or your library’s catalog that you forget about your other plans for exploring your topic. After you’ve drafted your plan, share it with your instructor, your supervisor, or a librarian, who might suggest additional resources, shortcuts, and alternative strategies. Take notes on the feedback you receive and, if necessary, revise your plan. My Research Project Create a Plan to Explore Your Topic In your research log, answer the following questions. 

Who can help me learn more about my topic? 
What questions should I ask people on my list? 
What settings can I observe to learn more about my topic? 
What resources can I search or browse through to learn more about my topic? 
How can I keep track of information I collect as I explore my topic? 

Using your responses, write your plan as a series of steps and ask your instructor, your supervisor, or a librarian to review it
Part five
My Research Project Manage Sources in Your Research Log A critical aspect of working with sources is deciding how to manage them so that you can easily locate information when you need it. You can choose from several options. 
Saving, downloading, or e-mailing sources 
Adding sources to cloud-based services such as DropBox, iCloud, or OneDrive 
Organizing your sources with Web-based tools, such as Google Drive or Delicious 
Printing sources and saving them in a notebook or folder
These and related strategies are discussed in Chapter 8. 
My Research Project 

What is my topic? 
Have I discussed my topic with others? If so, what have I learned? If not, who are likely candidates for interviews—such as librarians, instructors, and people involved with or affected by my topic—and what questions should I ask them? 
Are there any preliminary observations I should conduct? Have I done so? If so, what have I learned?”
Have I identified types of sources that are appropriate for my project? What kind of sources are they? 
Have I found and reviewed sources? Have I searched the library catalog and browsed the shelves? Have I searched databases and the Web? Have I skimmed, marked, annotated, and taken brief notes on the sources I’ve found? If so, what have I learned about my topic?

solved Chapter One: Starting from Social Media Scratch Creative Exercise Assignments

Chapter One: Starting from Social Media Scratch
Creative Exercise Assignments
Social media is both a science and an art, so it is important to emphasize the creativity of what can be accomplished using social media. Creativity is a process, and this exercise will help in creating more opportunities to formulate your own vision of what creativity means to you, but also for how it can be applied in a social media context. It is important not only to have a great idea, but to be able to execute it effectively and strategically.
Describe what social media means to you visually. How would you describe social media visually? Pick one of the following creative options to help you share how you would define social media:

Draw what social media means to you (hand or computer).
Create a 3 × 3 grid (nine total boxes) and choose nine emojis that represent your view of social media.
Make a social media mood board (like fashion designers do) or collage on what comes to mind when you think of social media.
Create a 15-second video (using Adobe Spark Video or another mobile app video) showing what social media means to you.

Think of how social media can help solve a big problem or opportunity. In your opinion, what big problem facing the world can social media address? Use your imagination when considering how social media can help address and solve this problem.
Implement new ideas for how to use social media. Pick a company, nonprofit, or brand that is known for a platform (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.). Describe how the company, nonprofit, or brand is using this platform, and propose a new and innovative way to use it.
Self-Awareness Exercise
This exercise will gauge how you perceive you overall expertise and understanding of the field of social media.
Watch Gary Vaynerchuk’s self-awareness video, available from (but be aware of language).

How would you define social media? List several attributes that come to mind.
How would you characterize yourself as a social media user?
How would you characterize yourself as a social media strategist? Provide evidence and support for your answer.
On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (completely), how self-aware are you about your social media work? Discuss how this applies to what Gary Vaynerchuk highlighted in his video.
What do you consider to be your strengths in your understanding of social media? What are your challenges?
What are some takeaways you hope to get from this class.

chapter 2
Social Media Platform Assessment Assignment
Professor Dunn-Square
You are asked to provide an overview of one social media platform for class. Your responsibility is to research on the history, trends and features, platform background, key case studies, crises that used this platform, campaigns that have used this platform, and future implications of the platform.
You will be asked to create a report on the platform, of course. Each entry will be collected and then incorporated into an e-book for the class on all of the social media platforms.
Overview of the Assignment

Choose your favorite social media platform and make sure to discuss the following:
History and key trends of the platform. When was the platform first launched? Who founded the platform? Who are the main competitors for features and audience members?

If you are covering Facebook or Twitter, discuss an international platform that is similar to it (e.g., Twitter and Weibo).
Discuss whether it is public or has been purchased by another company, and so on.

User information and statistics. How many people are on the platform? You might want to either visit the platform’s About Us page (e.g., or check out the latest report from We Are Social on global social media trends.
Platform’s place in social media. Where does the platform stand in the social media industry? Is it popular globally? In certain industries (entertainment, media, news, public relations, journalism, etc.)?
Analysis of media content. What is being shared on this platform? How are users creating content here? What are the ways in which brands interact on the platform? Highlight a campaign that has been praised for using this platform successfully.
Unique characteristics and metrics. What elements make this platform different from others?
Benefits and challenges. What are the unique benefits of this platform? What are some of the positive ways brands, individuals, and others have used this platform? What are some challenges/risks you need to be aware of about the platform? Share one example of how this platform has been involved in a crisis and/or been at the forefront of creating new challenges for a brand, a person, or another entity.
Best practices. Highlight five best practices for how to use this platform professionally and personally.
Do you use this platform personally, professionally, or both? Provide your rationale.
What is your take on this platform for the future? Will it stay successful? Will it fade out? What are three predictions you have here?

solved Post A) I interviewed my good friend and prior colleague

Post A) I interviewed my good friend and prior colleague in the United States Army, Corey, who has TRICARE Prime since he is currently Active Duty and station stateside. I also interviewed my wife’s work colleague, Krystal, who has United Healthcare PPO plan. Both are great plans and have their ups and downs in the healthcare field and the payment aspects. Corey has used his health care for treatment in sleep amenia, general sickness and primary care visits, and help with tobacco quit aids. Corey has used his family plan for the pregnancy and birth of 2 children, and his wife and kid’s checkups. Krystal has used her United Healthcare plan for a pregnancy and birth of 1 child, bloodwork, vaccines, and annual visits. Whenever Corey needs a healthcare visit, he schedules one on base though a health portal and meets with a specialist at the health center, let that be vision, dental, hearing, or primary care. Through that he gets a referral and appointment set for more screening like a sleep study, therapist, or field specialist. There is no cost to Corey, and he is able to access all his health records under one health portal to see all updates and exchanges between doctors. His family is covered under the same plan. If he is off base or on vacation, he is able to access the emergency room at no cost for seeking the healthcare he seeks. Tricare is like a PPO as they would like a government agency to be seen first. Krystal needs to stay in network to keep her costs down. She can look online at the United Healthcare portal to find providers covered under her insurance. She then needs to schedule and appointment and pay the copay before or after. She has a monthly premium that is automatically taken from her paycheck weekly. Her employer covers her insurance premium and has to pay out f pocket for her family of 2. Her records are needed to be transferred from provider to provider in order to maintain an up-to-date health record. The cost structure is difficulty to revamp in order to meet the needs of everyone. A medical bill is expensive and even with insurance can bankrupt you. An increase in premium can lower or eliminate a co pay for procedures and appointments needed for healthcare. In order to offset the pain, health insurance can be covered by the government like countries like Canada and rely solely of federal funding. There is backlash to that, with provider salaries capped and appointments difficult to come by with severity ranking and age contributing to the availability.References:Cutler, D. M. (2005, April 6). The anatomy of health insurance. Handbook of Health Economics. Retrieved September 14, 2021, from Post B) The first person I spoke to, Person A, has a BCBS PPO insurance policy through their place of work that they are automatically enrolled in. This person does not have dental or vision included in their insurance, and their deductible for health insurance is quite high. However, with the policy being PPO, they have the freedom to go to any PPO provider they want — someone with an HMO policy is not able to do. Person A’s copayments are affordable but due to the high deductible, they do not go to their doctor as much as they should in fear they may have a large copay for something unexpected. Person B has insurance through Medicare and has an HMO policy. This person, being elderly, has to go to the doctor quite frequently, but having an HMO policy can make it difficult to go to providers they want — or just flat-out impossible. While their copayments are low, the HMO model has caused them some difficulty finding providers in a timely manner. A lot of times the wait lists are 3-4 months long so getting proper care can be very challenging. However, the bonus of having a Medicare plan is that this person does not pay much at all, which is worth it since they are also retired and live off their social security income. Dental and vision are not included, either, so this person has to pay out of pocket for those services.The US is very unique in its healthcare system. Many countries globally have a drastically different healthcare system that provides services to its citizens for either very low cost or none at all. The idea of universal healthcare has long been debated in US politics for decades now, as many people believe that healthcare is a right and therefore not something someone should not receive because they cannot afford it. A popular model that other countries use and see success with is the Beveridge Model; this is used by the UK, New Zealand, the VA system in the US, Cuba, Spain, and Hong Kong (Vera Whole Health, 2020). I believe insurance should be government regulated and not reliant on someone being employed, and I think the US would benefit extraordinarily from the Beveridge Model.ReferenceVera Whole Health. (2020, September 10). Global healthcare: 4 major national models and how they work.

solved Replies require short essays and must contain a minimum of

Replies require short essays and must contain a minimum of 100 words each. Replies must be constructive which means they do not simply state agreement or disagreement re-highlighting points already made in prior posts (those words do NOT count). Replies must offer additional information or input to the discussion of the current event and lesson concepts. All statements using points that are not general knowledge should be properly cited to their source in the contents of this essay with a reference listing at the bottom.

When undergoing a process improvement initiative, how important is it to use a process map and why?

When undergoing a process improvement initiative, using a process map can mean the difference between a successful process improvement initiative or a failed process improvement initiative. There are various reasons that a process map should be used. In one way, a process map can explain the various steps in the process improvement initiative. The process map can identify problems and where the problems are. The process map can assist us in other ways, as well. The process map can delay transport caused by wasted time in the process improvement initiative. Another issue is the handover and the potential issues that can arise from that. The handover issues can be from department to department or person to person, that the process map can be used to identify any communication issues that result from this. Finally, the process map assists us in identifying the participants of the process improvement initiative. This will allow us to put a code with the person’s name on the process improvement initiative team.
A process map’s importance will vary from process to process, but that importance should never be overshadowed. In my opinion, any process improvement initiative that does use a process map is not serious about doing a process improvement initiative.

What other ways can you effectively understand a process other than a process map?

There are other ways to understand a process instead of using a process map, one of which is called a sight book. A sight book can identify all the critical process inputs, outputs, steps, customers, and suppliers on one page. This also can potentially help identify where problems are. Another way is called activity diagramming that takes the significant critical steps of an activity and puts them down to coincide with the participant that performs the activity the most. Other ways are called detailed process mapping, also called swimlanes.

Process mapping is defined as a graphical depiction, similar to a flow chart, along with illustrations defining how processes are completed (Murthy). The mapping assists participants in visualizing the details of the proposed plan and possible solutions to rectify any complications. A large benefit of process mapping is communication between the parties involved in the process, thus opening new ideas and information, improving the culture within the organization. The mapping should use a common language so that all involved can easily understand (Murthy). Process maps should contain multiple paths with ideas and solutions and should be open to additional ideas and rework loops. An ideal process map will give visuals using charts or image guides, which make it easier for a person to read and retain as opposed to complex data reports. By using a process map the company can track improvements and make locating specific areas that need changes, which in turn increases productivity and performance of the process (Murthy).
Although there are many alternatives to process mapping such as flowcharting, the one I focused on was mind mapping. Mind mapping uses the participant’s visual thinking to present information and organize elements into a large picture (Rouillier, 2011). Mind mapping places the company’s goal at the center and then branches outward connecting the steps to achieve the set goal. Similar to process mapping this idea can be done using colored charts or diagrams making it easier to read, retain information and motivate the participant. Mind mapping can be used in many situations such as finances, using colors like red for negative investments and green for positive investments (Rouillier, 2011). A hospital can also use mind mapping for patient improvement. Place the patient at the center, then expand outward to each individual that comes into contact with that patient and address issues such as handwashing, mask-wearing, comfort measures, and cleanliness. All have effects positive and negative on a patient and the end result prior to being discharged from the hospital. By providing this system the individuals that come into contact with patients can see where improvement needs are increased and can input ideas on how to do so.
Murthy, D. R. (n.d.). Process Mapping. Retrieved from 6ó Study Guide:
Rouillier, P. J. (2011, May/June). Mind Mapping: Visualize Money in Motion. Journal of Financial Planning. 

solved PurposeThis group project will help you to understand and apply

PurposeThis group project will help you to understand and apply the different theories re. educational development. Applying this knowledge to this task will deepen the meaningfulness of the theoretical material. Additionally, working in a group will develop your team work skills.You will work in a small group on this project. You have been assigned to a group. Your group area will allow you to email your group members and collaborate throughout this project. DirectionsYou are part of a preschool board that has just been awarded a large grant to design a new preschool in your area. This is a tremendously exciting and daunting task, and you are very glad to have the other members of your board to work with as a team on this project! The institution awarding the grant has asked that you design an alternative preschool and you have one week to put together a presentation to address the areas listed below and secure the next phase of your grant.You will compile all of this information into a Powerpoint presentation. You will need to write and design a professional presentation as though it were for an educated audience. Estimated length of the presentation is 10 slides, including a title slide (with all team members’ names) and a reference slide. The reference slide will include all sources used, in APA format, is required. Please see the APA format folder for assistance!In your presentation, include the following:1. First, your team will need to decide upon a guiding philosophy for your program. You are free to choose any model(s) from the following list (all found in your textbook):PiagetVygotsky (apprentices/scaffolding)Sternberg (successful intelligence)Gardner (multiple intelligence)Head Startextrinsic motivation and “lessons for teachers” p. 224-6Use your textbook as a starting point and then find at least three other sources on this model/theory. After doing all this research, summarize your school’s guiding philosophy in 100-150 words on the first slide after a title slide. What wisdom or research will guide your teachers? What do you hope students will take away from your program? How is this program different from a traditional preschool do you imagine? Remember to properly cite and give credit for direct quotes and paraphrased material. 2. Next, you will get into the specifics… How does this philosophy translate into your day-to-day program? Please address the following specific areas:What is the name of your school? What is the significance of this name and how does it reflect your philosophy?What is the physical layout of your school? In other words, what will your school look like? How many rooms will there be and what size will they be? What function(s) will each of the rooms serve? Will there be walls? Doors? Windows? What learning and play materials will be present? Remember to explain how these choices reflect your chosen philosophy.What will a typical day look like at your preschool? In other words, what is the schedule/agenda? How is the lesson plan determined? Are children separated by age level or integrated? If integrated, for some or all of the day? Do children stay in one room or switch rooms? If they switch, how much and for what purpose? What field trips might you include? Again, how does this typical school day reflect your chosen philosophy?Lastly, design an activity that a preschool teacher might have in her classroom. Make sure this activity is within the framework of your school philosophy. Compare this activity to that of a “traditional” preschool activity – how are the two tasks different? What are the benefits of the “alternative” preschool activity?To submit your work: Once your presentation is complete you will submit it. Only one group member is required to submit your presentation. Click the Submit Assignment button (top right of screen).You will also have a chance to grade your group members on their contributions to the project once the project is completed. Therefore, keep in mind that to earn a good grade, you will need to impress your group members with timely, consistent, and full participation on this project.GradingThis assignment is worth 30 points. Late work is not accepted. This assignment will be graded based on the completeness, accuracy, and quality of how each required component above is addressed. The philosophy of your program (your explanation of it’s foundation) is worth 35% and the day-to-day specifics of your alternative preschool program is worth 35%. The professionalism of your presentation will be worth 20% and your writing and adherence to APA format is worth an additional 10%. PowerPoint for Chapter 7 Module 07: Video – 6 videosTED Talk: Education Innovation in the Slums (Links to an external site.)TED Talk: Kids Can Teach Themselves (Links to an external site.)TED Talk: Do Schools Kill Creativity? (Links to an external site.)Gardner’s School of Multiple Intelligences (Links to an external site.)Sternberg Successful Intelligence (Links to an external site.)Lev Vgotsky, Learning Theories, ZPD (Links to an external site.)