OVERVIEW You will lead a 1–2-hour group session in your local community. The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain experience planning and leading a group with attention to group dynamics; content and process; ethical and effective group facilitation; and leadership responsibilities.
The proposed group must have between 5–12 adult participants present (not online), excluding yourself and any co-leader.
• You may use a group that you already lead.
• You may lead a session for a group that you are a member of (with the leader’s approval).
• You may “guest lead” an existing group (with the organization’s and leader’s approval); however, not the same group you are attending for the Support Group Experience.
• You may organize a one-time group meeting for the purpose of this assignment. The group must not consist only of your own family members.
Note that after submitting this proposal, you must check for correspondence from your instructor regarding changes/feedback/approval of your proposal prior to leading the group. While there is some flexibility in the type of group and its purpose, these important parameters must be met:
1. All group members must be engaged and participate orally.
2. The session must give opportunity for all group members to share meaningful, personal information openly.
3. You will practice the group leader skills described in the Jacobs et al. text, including:
a. Opening the meeting in a way that engages and provides necessary information;
b. Guiding and keeping the group on task and purpose;
c. Holding, shifting, and deepening the focus;
d. Using active and empathetic listening;
e. Reflecting, clarifying, and summarizing;
f. Asking effective and appropriate questions;
g. Linking, cutting off, and drawing out members; and
h. Closing the meeting within an agreeable timeframe.
4. The meeting may take place in a church context, but the focus must not be Bible study/discussion or prayer with little or no time for or emphasis on sharing personal information. Possible topics could be grief, anger, time management, parenting, etc.
5. While there may be a psychoeducational component of the meeting, it must not be mainly a lecture, presentation, sermon, etc. The majority of time must be spent in group interaction.
6. As the leader, you must model appropriate behavior and cultivate a caring, supportive, safe, encouraging, and accepting environment. You must closely observe members and facilitate effective processing of the meeting’s content while managing your own emotions and reactions.
7. You must not lead a psychotherapy group, which would normally require licensure.
Any exceptions to these parameters must be discussed with and approved by the instructor at his/her discretion on a case-by-case basis. Also, note that in order to receive credit for leading, the group and the meeting must be consistent with your approved proposal.
The paper must be submitted as a Word document and be well written; well organized; and free of grammar, spelling, or other writing errors. Although you may use first person, it must otherwise be in current APA format. An abstract and references page are not required. Provide the following information, using these headings:
Introduction and Background
Briefly describe your prior experience leading groups. Explain your choice of group for this assignment.
The Group Context
Briefly describe the (organizational) context for the group you propose to lead, as well as its nature and general purpose. Is it an existing group? If so, is it open or closed, how long has it been meeting, and how frequently? Is participation voluntary or mandatory? What is your prior role and involvement in this group? Is the group created solely for this assignment?
The Setting
Disclose when you will lead your meeting (date, time, and length). What is the location and setting for this meeting? How many participants do you expect? Provide relevant demographic information about them. What is their relationship to you? What communication will be used to announce/promote the meeting?
Meeting Goal and Norms
Identify the goal of the meeting and explain how and why this goal is appropriate for this particular group and this meeting. Describe the ice-breaker or warm-up activity you plan you use to open the meeting. What expectations and norms will you need to communicate up front in regards to your role, confidentiality, member participation, etc.?
Meeting Content and Process
Describe the content for the middle phase of the proposed meeting in some detail and how it will be processed, including format and type of exercise(s), if any. What materials, supplies and/or props will you distribute? Provide a timeline for the session. You must plan with the number of participants and the available time in mind, allowing enough time for processing and sharing.
Conclude your proposal with a final paragraph articulating your thoughts and feelings about the proposed meeting. Also, disclose any additional pertinent information that was not asked above.

solved Exploratory Case Study Assignment Instructions In this module, you will

Exploratory Case Study Assignment Instructions
In this module, you will demonstrate your knowledge of preparing and collecting case study (evidence) data. The overview used the term process as you will not only develop a case study protocol and explain the use of pilot studies, but dive into the sources of data, and how to comprehensively collect and care for your study’s data. Finally, you will scratch the surface of the first type – Exploratory Case Study. After reviewing the Reading & Study material for the module, address the following paper in current APA format:
1. Develop Case Study protocol as it relates to describing how to screen candidate cases and select final cases
2. Explain why, when, and how to use pilot case studies
3. Describe and triangulate the six sources of evidence
4. Explain the purpose and requirements of a comprehensive case study database (consider from raw data to final conclusion and the reader may need access to all data to draw their own conclusions)
5. Draft an Exploratory Case Study Model that determines whether a topic is worthy of further investigation and serve as a prelude to a survey or experiment (use Yin’s (2018) Application #1 [p. 66] as a template)
Use the following to include in a References list:
Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications: Design and methods (6th edition). SAGE.
Keller, T. (with Alsdorf, K. L.) (2012). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. Riverhead Books, Penguin Group.
Hall, J. & Scott, T. (2016). Lean six sigma: A beginners guide to understanding and practicing lean six sigma. CreateSpace Independent Publishing.
George, M. L., Rowlands, D., Price, M., & Maxey, J. (2005). The lean six sigma pocket toolbook. McGraw-Hill.
Recommended Resource:
American Psychological Association. (2010), Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), American Psychological Association
Bible Example:
King James Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. (Original work published 1769)
Zwetsloot, I.M., Kuiper, A., Akkerhuis, T. S., & de Koning, H. (2018). Lean six sigma meets data science: Integrating two approaches based on three case studies, Quality Engineering, 30(3), 419-431. 10.1080/08982112.2018.1434892
BoonSin, A., Zailani, S., Iranmanesh,M., & Ramayah, T. (2015).Structural equation modelling on knowledge creation in six sigma DMAIC project and its impact on organizational performance, International Journal of Production Economics 165, 105-117.
Guerrero, J. E., Leavengood, S., Gutiérrez-Pulido, H., Fuentes-Talavera, F. J., & Silva-Guzmán, J. A. (2017). Applying lean six sigma in the wood furniture industry: A case study in a small company, Quality Management Journal, 24(3), 6-19. 10.1080/10686967.2017.11918515
Furterer, S. L. (2018). Applying lean six sigma methods to reduce length of stay in a hospital’s emergency department, Quality Engineering, 30(3), 389-404. 10.1080/08982112.2018.1464657
Zhang, M., Wang, W., Goh, T. N., & He, Z. (2015) Comprehensive six sigma application: A case study, Production Planning & Control, 26(3), 219-234. 10.1080/09537287.2014.891058
Srinivasan, K., Muthu, S., Devadasan, S. R., & Sugumaran, C. (2016). Six sigma through DMAIC phases: A literature review, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 17(2), 236–257. 10.1504/IJPQM.2016.074462
Cabrita, M. R., Domingues, J. P., & Requeijo, J. (2016). Application of lean six-sigma methodology to reducing production costs: Case study of a Portuguese bolts manufacturer, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 11(4), 222-230. 10.1080/17509653.2015.1094755 
Please use only paraphrase like

As Lucas (1988) wrote
Solow (1956) provided the basis
Lucas (1988) identified
Gali (1995) noticed
Lagos (2006) presents
Klenow (2009) evaluates
Howitt (1990) put forth
Banerjee and Duo (2005) find
Epifani and Gancia (2011) provide
Mankiw, Romer, & Weil (1992) use
Chari, Kehoe and McGrattan (1997) include
Acemoglu (2009) and Jones (2011b) discuss
In Acemoglu (2009), the effect
Jones (2011a) emphasizes
Jones (2011a) shows
Hsieh and Klenow (2009) evaluate
Bartelsman, Haltiwanger, & Scarpetta (2008) provide evidence
Midrigan and Xu (2009) evaluate
Peters (2012) adds
Epifani and Gancia (2011) [removed] Asker, & De Loecker (2011) analyze
For misallocation between sectors, McMillan and Rodrik (2011) have shown
Jones (2011a) introduces a model
Buera, Kaboski, and Shin (2009) look at aggregate
La Porta et al (1998) document
Hall (1990) extends the previous work
Basu and Fernald (1997) also identify
Bils (1987) used the labor margin
Rotemberg and Woodford (1999) review the many corrections
De Loecker and Warzynski (2009) build on the Hall (1986) literature and develop
Nekarda and Ramey (2013) review the literature and find
Parente and Prescott (1999) present a model
Herrendorf and Texeira (2011) further show that barriers to entry 

solved Students will write a five-page/approximately 1600 words (double-spaced, 12-point font)contex

Students will write a five-page/approximately 1600 words (double-spaced, 12-point font)contextual analysis paper on any of the films and/or television shows we have watched during the course. You can write about any of the films/TV shows we’ve watched in class, either individually or as a comparative analysis with one another; it is OK to bring in other film/TV examples in your analysis, but your primary subject must center around a film and/or TV series from the syllabus.Avoid paper topics that present a survey of all the titles we’ve watched this term as examples of the respective decade.Papers must present a clear argument supported by evidence including a combination of sources (see criteria below) and interpretive analysis of the film and/or television shows that are the focus of the paper. Please consult the Thesis Statement Worksheet attached a the bottom of the page.Paper Requirements:Choose which media text(s) to write on.Meet minimum word count: 1600 words.Use at least three sources: two must be “scholarly sources”, one of these can be from our course reader, the second must be a new source; the third source can be from a credible mainstream press source (paper or on-line). Source criteria explained below.Use MLA format to cite your sources. For information/examples of how to use MLA visit:MLA Purdue Owl.Avoid extensive plot summary. It’s OK to include one—short—paragraph briefly describing the plot of the film/TV series, but your discussion of the story should be an interpretive analysis.Visual Rhetoric: each paper must include two images and one video clip that help to illustrate various points in your paper’s argument. The criteria for the paper’s visual rhetoric are the same as the media clips you’ve included in your weekly discussion board posts.All submitted material must be 12-point font, double-spaced and to Canvas by 11:59PM, in whatever your timezone, on the due date.For the written assignments, students are encouraged to explore topics discussed in class, as well as ideas they have developed on their own and in doing so should stay close to the film texts at all times. Papers must provide an analysis that relies on an interpretive commentary: use specific details from the movies as evidence to illustrate your points and avoid plot summary; students are also expected to draw from readings (those on the syllabus or in addition to) to help form their essay’s argument(s).Here are some questions to ask of your film that will help you to start gathering information on your topic, and organize that material into a coherent essay format. You do not need to answer all of these questions, they are just meant to get you thinking!Industrial: Under what circumstances was this media text produced? What actresses/actors appear in it and how does their star brand impact the production/distribution/reception of the product? Was the film/series’ success or failure related to the reputation of any of its cast or crew? How was the film/series marketed? What was its target audience? What kind of reviews did it receive? What kind of box office grosses did it earn? In what way was the production of the film/TV series characteristic of the decade in which it was made; and/or how does it represent shifts taking place with the entertainment industry at that time?Historical: What social and political issues influenced the making and/or release of the film/series? In what way can you trace the themes and characterizations in the media text to topical issues? How might the media text be a response (reinforcement of OR challenge) to certain social values of the era in which it was made? How do you interpret the legacy of the film/TV series beyond the decade in which it was produced?Stylistic/Aesthetic/Narrative: What artistically stands out about the work? How is music (score and/or soundtrack), editing, cinematography, set, and/or costume design used in a distinctive way to influence—through visual style—the narrative themes and/or characterizations? What are the narrative themes that stand out in the film/TV show? How does the film/TV series represent stylistic shifts distinctive to the decade? How has the visual style of the film/TV series impacted future media?0Paper SourcesIn your paper you must cite three sources, which means actively drawing on the authors’ ideas as a way to cultivate your own. Of these three sources, two must be scholarly sources (books or journal articles—you can use readings from class); one can be from popular press (established magazines or newspapers) or established websites (e.g.,, Huffington Post). Wikipedia cannot be used as a source!DO NOT PLAGIARIZE ITS MY FINAL PAPERI HAVE THE SCHOLARLY ATTACHED, PLEASE QUOTE IT IN THE PAPERPlease:Include one in-text citation for every body paragraph in MLA Format with page numbers and video timestimesNo plagiarism & No Course Hero & No CheggUse all of the scholarly sources that I have attached. If you use additional sources please be sure that they are scholarly sources published within the last five years, so between 2017-2021

solved Good research is driven by the synthesis of one’s passion

Good research is driven by the synthesis of one’s passion or interest with a topic that has been under-studied in the professional literature. Out of that synthesis emerges a gap—an area in need of further study that is consistent with your interests—that defines the research problem. Clarifying the research problem takes time, effort, and thought. Once you have developed your research problem, the research purpose and research question become self-evident. What also becomes evident is your position with respect to the topic, the question, and what you hope to find. Qualitative research recognizes that the research “space” is shaped by both the participants and the researcher. … the identities of both researcher and participants have the potential to impact the research process. Identities come into play via our perceptions, not only of others, but of the ways in which we expect others will perceive us. Our own biases shape the research process, serving as checkpoints along the way. Through recognition of our biases, we presume to gain insights into how we might approach a research setting, members of particular groups, and how we might seek to engage with participants (Bourke, 2014, p. 1). For this Discussion, you will examine a research question based on the purpose for inquiry, a rationale for the study, and issues of positionality. To prepare for this Discussion: Consider the research topic you are developing for your Major Assignment 1. Review Chapter 3 and 4 of the Ravitch and Carl text and use Table 3.1, page 65 to help you create a rationale using the questions as your guide. Review the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question media program as a guideline to help you create a research question. Transform your notes from your preparation work into four paragraphs and briefly explain in your post the following: The research purpose of your inquiry The rationale Issues of positionality The research question Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style. Learning ResourcesRequired ReadingsRavitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2021). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological (2nd ed.) Sage Publications. Chapter 3, “Critical Qualitative Research Design” “Qualitative Research Design” (pp. 62–103) (focus on pp. 62-63) Chapter 4, “Design and Reflexivity in Data Collection” (pp. 105–122) Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Chapter 3, “Qualitative Data-Gathering Methods and Style” (pp. 25–39) Chapter 4, “Designing Research for the Responsive Interviewing Model” (pp. 42–57) Walden University Center for Research Quality. (2015). Research resources: Research design & analysis. Retrieved from Use this website to guide as you as you consider research design and analysis for your Discussions and Assignments during this week.Walden University Library. (n.d.). Course guide and assignment help for RSCH 8310. Retrieved from Use this website to search for articles based on the requirements for the Discussion and/or Assignment.Document: Video Field Notes Guide (Word document)Use this guide to help you as you take notes for your Scholar of Change video.Document: Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Guidelines (PDF) Use this document to help you as you write your purpose statement for Part 1 of your Major Assignment 1.Required MediaYale University. (2015, June 23). Fundamentals of qualitative research methods: Developing a qualitative research question (Module 2) [Video file]. Retrieved from Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 12 minutes. As you review this video, focus on how you will develop a good research question for your Major Assignment 1.Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Doctoral research: Ensuring quality in qualitative research [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.In this media program, qualitative research expert Dr. Laura Lynn talks about the issue of researcher bias in the interview process.Accessible player –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript Scholar of Change Video #3Anner, J. (2015). John Anner, PhD student in public policy and administration [Video file].Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.In this media program, John Anner describes how he is using his Walden education to help NGOs build capacity and create solutions that address some of the world’s most-pressing problems—not only on a case-by-case basis but also on a global scale. As you observe, take notes using the Video Field Notes Guide. Accessible player –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript

solved Discussion: Behavioral/Style Perspective to Leadership In the early 20th century,

Discussion: Behavioral/Style Perspective to Leadership
In the early 20th century, rural areas of China experienced deplorable health conditions. Due to extreme poverty and lack of access to adequate medical care, nearly 80% of China’s population, the percentage living in rural areas, teetered on the verge of death. In an attempt to solve the public health crisis, the Chinese government commissioned doctors, known as “barefoot doctors.” These doctors used specific behaviors that connected to and were understood by residents in the community. With specific behaviors that shaped a style of leadership, these doctors educated rural residents on basic healthcare practices. Although “barefoot,” these doctors projected a wealth of knowledge, leading others to better health and a better way of life (Valentine, 2005).
For this Discussion, select an article depicting a behavioral perspective to public health leadership. Think about particular strengths and limitations of this perspective. Consider how this perspective relates to Trait Theory of leadership.
By Day 3
Post a brief explanation of the behavioral perspective reflected in the article you selected. Then explain the strengths and limitations of this perspective. Finally, explain how this perspective you selected relates to both Trait Theory and the Skills Approach.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.
By Day 5
Respond to your colleagues’ postings. Provide a substantive reply to your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

Expand on the colleague’s posting with additional insight and resources.
Offer polite disagreement or critique, supported with evidence.

In addition, you may also respond as follows:

Offer and support an opinion.
Validate an idea with your own experience.
Make a suggestion or comment that guides or facilitates the discussion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.
Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and the current literature.
Reference: Valentine, V. (2005). Health for the masses: China’s ‘Barefoot Doctors.’ National Public Radio. Retrieved from

Project: Scholar-Practitioner Project: Literature Review and Problem Statement
This week, you begin development of your Scholar-Practitioner Project—Public Health Leadership Theory. In order to achieve success in this program and as a future leader in public health, developing your skills for effectively assessing current literature and evaluating problems is critical. One of the goals of the Scholar-Practitioner Project is to help you develop such skills.
For this Project Assignment, think about common trends in public health leadership, or critical areas of need for leadership in the field. Prepare a literature review of scholarly articles related to your topic. This review should contain a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed or scholarly resources.

For this Project Assignment, think about common trends in public health leadership, or critical areas of need for leadership in the field.
Prepare a literature review of scholarly articles related to your topic in public health leadership. This review should contain a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed or scholarly resources.
Based on what you find in the current public health leadership literature, Create a problem statement, (Learn how to write a good one) It must addresses:

Identified gaps while incorporating implications for positive social change.
Located within the Learning Resources for the week, you may find the information from Walden’s Online Writing Center helpful for your completion of the assignment.

Organize the project in the following manner. Each section should be represented for a comprehensive overview.
Literature Review and Problem Statement (5–7 pages):
The Literature Review section should be written in the narrative form integrating concepts from the articles you find. The section should include:

A synthesis of a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly resources that give the reader a good overview of the issue. The section should show the reader  common trends in public health leadership, or critical areas of need for leadership in the field
A description of theoretical gaps in the research area – Based on the research you just did in leadership, what seems to be missing (Theoretical gaps)?
Problem Statement should include:

An explanation of the specific problem that addresses identified gaps within the literature – If you are not sure of what a problem statement should include look it up. I’ll be looking for good comprehensive statements
An explanation of how your problem statement incorporates implications for positive social change – As students at Walden, “We” are preparing to become agents of social change, based on your leadership topic, the research you just did and the gaps you found how would you be a social agent for change?  

solved 1- Hi In the United States there has been a

1- Hi In the United States there has been a push back by the construction industry on some types of foreign steel. The products have been tested and failed for strength and content. Is this something that could be used by governments to exclude (non-tarriff) based on its quality?2-One of the government’s main responsibilities is the focus on protecting, growing, and enhancing its domestic economy. There are a variety of reasons why governments impose trade barriers on imports. Sure, imposing tariffs are revenue-generating (Cateora et. al, 2016), but protectionism is even more so critical to the long-term, continued economic growth and success of a country. For example, protectionism aids in ensuring the domestic standard of living for its citizens, stable wages, and industrialization of underdeveloped nations (Ma & Lu, 2011). The government holds the responsibility of ensuring a balance of trade through controllable elements in the form of trade barriers.The most common trade barrier to international commerce is inflicted tariffs on imported goods. This is meant to discourage consumers from buying foreign imported products and influence the customer to purchase domestically manufactured items (Ma & Lu, 2011). This supports domestic economic growth, promotes job opportunities, and is mean to reduce unemployment, critical to economic stability (Ma & Lu, 2011). In limiting foreign market share, countries can remain relevant and participative in global commerce CITE. Besides tariffs, governments may also impose other non-tariff trade barriers such as embargos, boycotts, quotas, and money barriers (Cateora et. al, 2016). All of these barriers are imposed in order to protect domestic economic growth from foreign competition. International marketing textbooks recognize a myriad of other reasons for protectionism. Such reasons would include conservation of natural resources or for maintaining/strengthening national defense (Cateora et. al, 2016)- both of which are crucial to national and economic longevity. Governments may also impose trade barriers to protect infant industries. This allows such firms the time to develop in new and potentially promising markets, providing the opportunity to compete internationally (Ma & Lu, 2011). Cateora, P., Gilly, M., & Graham, J. (2016). International marketing. 17th Edition. McGraw-HillEducation.Ma, J., & Lu, Y. (2011). Free trade or protection: a literature review on trade barriers. Researchin World Economy, 2(1), 69.3-Hello class, Economists generally agree that trade barriers are detrimental and decrease overall economic efficiency. This can be explained by the theory of comparative advantage. In theory, free trade involves the removal of all such barriers, except perhaps those considered necessary for health or national security. In practice, however, even those countries promoting free trade heavily subsidize certain industries, such as agriculture and steel. Trade barriers are often criticized for the effect they have on the developing world. Because rich-country players set trade policies, goods, such as agricultural products that developing countries are best at producing, face high barriers (Elliott, 2019).Trade barriers, such as taxes on food imports or subsidies for farmers in developed economies, lead to overproduction and dumping on world markets, thus lowering prices and hurting poor-country farmers. Tariffs also tend to be anti-poor, with low rates for raw commodities and high rates for labor-intensive processed goods. The Commitment to Development Index measures the effect that rich country trade policies actually have on the developing world. Another negative aspect of trade barriers is that it would cause a limited choice of products and, therefore, would force customers to pay higher prices and accept inferior quality. In general, for a given level of protection, quota-like restrictions carry a greater potential for reducing welfare than do tariffs. Tariffs, quotas, and non-tariff barriers lead too few of the economy’s resources being used to produce tradeable goods (Elliott, 2019).An export subsidy can also be used to give an advantage to a domestic producer over a foreign producer. Export subsidies tend to have a particularly strong negative effect because in addition to distorting resource allocation, they reduce the economy’s terms of trade. In contrast to tariffs, export subsidies lead to an over allocation of the economy’s resources to the production of tradeable goods. Internationally recognized ethical practices such as the UN Global Compact have been instituted to facilitate mutual cooperation and benefit between governments, businesses, and public institutions. Nevertheless, countries continue to face challenges around ethical trading and business practices, especially regarding economic inequalities and human rights violations (Chakrabarty, & Nag, 2014).References:Chakrabarty, S., & Nag, B. (2014). Perceptions of international trade barriers: Empirical study of small apparel firms.Elliott, G. (2019). Tariff Procedures and Trade Barriers. University of Toronto Press.


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.Partnerships involve strong servant leadership that builds trust based on transparency and honesty. Often, the needed programs and practices are known but a respectful partnership with the community is missing. Based on your experiences and the assigned reading, discuss the importance of servant leadership in building trust and sustainable partnerships. Identify an example of someone who exhibited servant leadership skills in building a cross-cultural partnership and why these efforts were successful. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement and provide two reasons for your stance: A true partnership involves risk shared by all parties.PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPHS AND MAKE IT COHESIVE AND TRY TO INCORPORATE THE READINGS BELOWPLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.…Read Chapter 13 in For the Love of God: Principles and Practice of Compassion in Missions.URL: Read “Understanding Global Health and Development Partnerships: Perspectives From African and Global Health System Professionals,” by Barnes, Brown, and Harman, from Social Science and Medicine (2016). URL: Watch the “Partnership Development” video in the Participatory Community Development playlist, located in the Student Success Center. The video highlights important characteristics when building effective and sustainable relationships within a cross-cultural context and with faith-based entities, including the local church. URL: Read “Working Together For Global Health Goals: The United States Agency for International Development and Faith-Based Organizations,” by Powell, from Christian Journal for Global Health (2014). URL: Read “Partnerships for Development: Perspectives From Global Health,” by the United Nations System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda (2013), located on the United Nations website. URL: Read “What Makes a Global Health Partnership Succeed?” by Saldinger (2014), from the Devex website.URL: Watch “Start Small, Change the World: Lori DiPrete Brown at TEDxUWMadison,” by TEDx Talks (2014), located on the YouTube website. URL: Read “The 7 Standards,” located on the Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission website. URL: MUST have at least three citations with the page numbers and three references in APA format and all questions clearly answered in paragraphs.(The List of References should not be older than 2017 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classI am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.References American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved Respond to the blog posts of three colleagues in one

Respond to the blog posts of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Make a suggestion to your colleague’s post.Rasheeda—During my field education experience I have learned that clients struggle to talk about their depression & anxiety when it comes to their IPV experiences. But sometimes the keys are the assessments that they are asked to complete most focus on anxiety & depression past & present. What I have found is that clients are a lot more forth coming when completing the assessments. “The call for awareness rests in the understanding that people are often unaware of the values that underlie and guide their behaviors” (Savaya, Gardner, 2012). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21-item, self-report rating inventory that measures characteristic attitudes and symptoms of depression (Beck, et al., 1961). This assessment gives a counselor an idea of the seriousness of their depression symptoms. After the assessment, we can determine how to best address their anxiety & depression. And determine what interventions would best fit & be beneficial for the client. When looking at the assessments determining their strengths/weaknesses is also useful in understanding in using the most therapeutic interventions.American Psychological Association. (2011). Beck depression inventory (BDI). Https:// reflection to identify gaps between espoused theory and theory-in-use. Social Work, 57(2), 145-154Savaya, R., & Gardner, F (2012).Jehan—An explanation of how you have addressed assessment or how you might address assessment during your field education experiencePeople are often unaware of the values that underlie and guide their behaviors. We tend to prompt our point of view and dismissing the clients. As an intern, there may be a situation that may cannot effectively manage these behaviors, which may, as a result, have unintended – and undesired – consequences. I address these during my field education by believing in the importance of careful and thoughtful documentation. Documentation is a key to ensure that practice decisions are well-considered. It is vital to be aware of all organizational policies pertaining to documentation. Social work documentation is essential for the client, the social worker, and the organizations within which services are provided. The bottom line is that careful and diligent documentation enhances the quality of services provided to clients and, ultimately, can protect practitioners (Savaya & Gardner, 2012). Another strategy is supervision because it is an essential component in monitoring interns engaged in stressful forms of practice. The supervisor is responsible for providing direction to the supervisee, who applies social work theory, standardized knowledge, skills, competency, and applicable ethical content in the practice setting (Birkenmaier & Berg-Weger, 2018). The supervisor and the supervisee both share responsibility for carrying out their role in this collaborative process. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that the supervisee provides competent, appropriate, and ethical services to the client. The supervisory relationship is built on trust, confidentiality, support, and empathic experiences. Other qualities inherent in the supervisory relationship include constructive feedback, safety, respect, and self-care.Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.Savaya, R., & Gardner, F. (2012). Critical reflection to identify gaps between espoused theory and theory-in-use. Social Work, 57(2), 145–154.Montiyah—Assessment is the process of gathering , analyzing and synthesizing data ( Hepworth & Larsen , 1986 ) . At my field site, under the supervision of my field placement supervisor , I have been able to complete assessments to determine if a client is meeting the eligibility of programs that we have to offer. I have been completing assessments for intakes for new clients on my caseload. The assessment process usually takes up to an hour to complete . Which consist of me asking the client numerous questions regarding their background history as well as their present. These questions touch on the client ‘s personal information , family history , drug use , legal issues , education , social life , medical , hobbies , and employment. As assessment is part of the primary or itself is the primary step in the interaction with a client , group , for a project or for drafting a plan, it’s role is vital and must be done in the most professional and technically perfect way ( Whittington C. , 2007 ). The assessment phase helps me understand the client and also build that initial rapport. I can learn a lot about my clients through assessments, therefore, if I don’t have rapport established before completing the assessments, my client may not disclose as much important information with me.

solved INITIAL POSTSYour initial posts will be due by Sunday of

INITIAL POSTSYour initial posts will be due by Sunday of each week of the module. All original threads should be at least 250 words. This parameter helps to promote writing that is thorough, yet concise enough to permit other students to read all the postings. The thoughts and opinions expressed in your thread need to be substantiated by research and literature (from the textbook or outside sources). All references should be in correct APA style. While this is a formal discussion environment, you are allowed to use the first person perspective in all your posts since you will be expressing your personal opinions. All original threads should: Bring clarity to the issues being discussed. Raise new and novel (yet relevant) points. Relate issues to personal experience. Rationally defend your stated position.Tata Motors and ExportingThis activity is important because, as a manager, you must be able to understand exporting as a mode of foreign market entry, its promise and pitfalls, and how to use it to improve overall profitability.The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of exporting and how firms can use exporting to increase their profitability.Read the case and answer the questions that follow.Tata Motors Limited ( was formerly called TELCO, an abbreviation for Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company. Today, Tata Motors is an Indian multinational automotive company headquartered in Mumbai and a core member of the very successful Tata Group. The Tata Group was founded in 1868 and has annual sales of more than 105 billion U.S. dollars, of which Tata Motors makes up about INR 262,796 crores or about 42 billion U.S. dollars. Tata Motors has more than 60,000 employees; was founded in 1945; and serves a worldwide clientele with Tata Motors Cars, Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Daewoo, and Tata Hispano. The company entered the passenger vehicle market in 1991 with the launch of the model Tata Sierra (a three-door sport utility vehicle).Tata Motors thrives in exporting, strategically using exporting as a global vehicle to sell cars worldwide, as well as to help offset cyclical tendencies in sales in the home market of India. Tata Motors exported about 55,000 commercial vehicles last year and plans to export 100,000 commercial units within two years. The target for the increase in exporting is everywhere worldwide except Europe and North America. The global strategy for Tata Motors specifically includes making deeper inroads into the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.As the fourth-largest bus manufacturer globally, Tata Motors provides innovatively designed and technologically sophisticated buses for the smart cities of tomorrow. The buses personify safety and comfort, reliability, and profitability. Designed using the most advanced technology, Tata Motors’ bus chassis are a benchmark in terms of performance and reliability in the bus industry. Fully finished, built buses from Tata Motors are often viewed as a hallmark of excellence, and these buses have been designed with the utmost quality standards in mind.Tata Motors exports buses and trucks to nearly 47 countries, including 18 countries in Africa; four markets in Latin America; Russia; and various countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific. Some of the popular vehicles exported include the company’s globally benchmarked range of Prima and Ultra. These brands have been developed with modern design and global markets in mind. Tata Motors also export a variety of premium buses and coaches, from luxurious intercity travel vehicles to safe transportation choices for elementary school children. The buses come in 12 seaters to 67 seaters. Additionally, in the pickup and small commercial vehicle (SCV) segments, Xenon XT and Super Ace have been popular choices in many of the countries.Future exporting activities for Tata Motors are mainly planned to target an increased presence in emerging countries (e.g., Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle Eastern, and Latin America). The company will place its worldwide bets on world-class products like the Xenon, Super Ace, Prima, and Ultra range of trucks. The overall exporting goal is to continue to enter into new markets and keep expanding the global footprint of Tata Motors.Sources: Shally Seth Mohile, “Tata Motors Plans to Double Export of Commercial Vehicles in Two Years,” Live Mint, September 16, 2016; “Tata Motors Exports Up 12% in December at 5,119 Units,” Indian Information Online (IIFL), January 2, 2017; and “Tata Motors Expect 30% Growth in Exports,” Business Standard, October 23, 2015.Tata Motors is an Indian multinational automotive company headquartered in Mumbai and a core member of the very successful Tata Group. India is a potentially enormous market, and Tata Motors is doing well in that market. How can Tata Motors use their core competencies in doing well in India as a way to also do well in exporting?Tata Motors is primarily targeting emerging countries (e.g., Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle Eastern, and Latin America) for its future exporting growth. Is this a viable and logical exporting strategy?

solved GM Micro-Challenge OverviewThe GM Micro-Challenges are intended to help you

GM Micro-Challenge OverviewThe GM Micro-Challenges are intended to help you appreciate the resources available and challenges associated with global marketing to another country. For these assignments, you will assume the role of an employee at a company providing global marketing assistance. You will engage in tasks and research related to the specific country and US state which you have been assigned (YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE). The GM Micro-Challenges will involve your responding to a selection of memos from your manager. Your responses will require the collection, analysis, and concise provision of the information requested of you in a business memo format.YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATESee the list of assigned countries and U.S. states in Module 1. My country is Portugal and my state is Illinois Memo FormatUse a standard business memo format for your response. Your memo should include all the pertinent parts of a business memo. A sample memo can be found HERE (Links to an external site.).M1 – GM Micro-Challenge: Country ResearchYour manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response. Your memo should start with an intro statement that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, respond to each question in sequence. For each response, clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written answer to the question that summarizes your understanding of the source info and state what source you used. Your written answer should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source info you used, and (2) a weblink for that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional info. You should provide info about the sources as is illustrated in the example below. Include a screen clipping of each source and that image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY. 1.CIA – World Factbook (Links to an external site.)The CIA – World Factbook has information about … Note: The Culturegrams are available to you for free from the Troy library. Use the following instructions to access them: (1) Go to the Troy library website. (2) Use the Search box, with the Keyword “Culturegrams”. (3) If applicable, Login For Full Access. (4) Culturegrams should be the first resource on the list. Select “Retrieve Catalog Item”. (5) Next select “Access Journal”. (6) Next search for YOUR COUNTRY. You can now download a Full text-PDF file of a country’s Culturegram. To: YouFrom: Your ManagerDate: August 6, 2021Subject: Country ResearchA small U.S. business has contacted our organization and requested help. They are evaluating exports to YOUR COUNTRY.You have been tasked with helping identify and review some information sources for the management team to aid in that evaluation. Finding quality information is very important task as that information will serve as the foundation for the company’s recommendations and decisions. Your efforts will be focused on two distinct objectives: (1) locating helpful secondary research about YOUR COUNTRY in general, and (2) finding US governmental resources that the company may need to assist in this effort and evaluate export compliance. A. Below are eight sources that our organization has used in the past along with their weblink. Examine all of them about YOUR COUNTRY. Include the name of the resource, an image of some information in the resource about YOUR COUNTRY, and a one sentence description of the kind of country information available in this resource. Supplement your table with two additional resources with information about YOUR COUNTRY. These resources should be from an international organization or U.S. agency. Include the resource name, an image and a summary statement as well. B. Find two individuals that work with the US Commercial Service that can help facilitate the company’s export efforts of a sports product to YOUR COUNTRY. Include their names, titles, agency, and contact information. At least one of these individuals should be located in YOUR COUNTRY, or at least in its region. Secondary Research Sources for YOUR COUNTRY: 1.CIA – World Factbook Trade Administration – Country Commercial Guides Dept of Agriculture – Country: Exporter Guide Trade Representative – 2018 National Trade Estimate Report on FOREIGN TRADE BARRIERS of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions DEPT of STATE — BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS – Travel Advisories…7.Culturegrams (Troy Library – see note above) Insights – COUNTRY COMPARISON TOOL