solved 1) Review the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys.

1) Review the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys. What do the rules state regarding relationships between different clients of an attorney? Can an attorney represent someone who may have an adverse relationship to a prior client? What about husbands and wives? What are these rules meant to protect against?***Use the GCU Library for sources ( )The DQ response must be at least 200 words and should have at least one reference in APA format2) Write a 100-word response to each student in first person as if you were writing it to the students. Talk about how you agree with their ideas and add your own thoughts. Make sure it’s respectful.Student 1) Good Evening Class,After reviewing the Arizona Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys, there are many rules put in place to ensure no ethical boundaries are crossed when dealing with individuals being represented. As expected, it is important that the attorney representing their clients should keep all cases and information between clients confidential. However, when it comes to the clients communicating together outside of the courtroom, or away from the attorney, there is much less control that can be had on that situation. However, due to the required professionalism of the attorney, they must remain professional and keep all client information confidential when moving through a case.If an attorney is to get involved with a client who has an adverse relationship with a prior client, the only issue that could potentially come up there is if the representation involves the same situation. It could be a conflict of interest, and cause many issues for the attorney and clients at large, depending on the severity of the situation. The same is true for husbands and wives. Having representation for a personal relationship could be seen as biased, and the attorney, regardless of how honest they are, could have more potential to do whatever they need to do to benefit their significant other.The whole reason for these boundaries to be put in place, is so that there is written documentation of boundaries that are spelled out for those who many come across ethical difficulties. There will always be situations where outside parties, whether they be relatives or conflicts of interest, are bound to get involved in attorney services, and having an established set of rules on how to handles those situations can better assist the attorney in how to move forward in those situations.Resource:State Bar of Arizona. (2021). Rule 42. Arizona rules of professional conduct. Retrieved from: 2) When attorneys represents different kinds of clients in the same issue or in meaningful related matters which are closely related by blood or marriage, then there may be a significant risk that client confidences will be revealed and that the lawyer’s family relationship will interfere with both loyalty and independent judgment; in addition, the relationship between lawyer and client is of a high trust nature in which the lawyer maintains the highest position of trust and confidence, therefore, because of this fiduciary obligation to clients, mixing a professional relationship with any intimate personal relationship raises doubts or concerns about conflict of interest, impairment of the judgement of both lawyer and client, and preservation of lawyer-client privilege, (Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, n.d).Rule 1.7 of the rules of professional conduct in Arizona states that a lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation involves the existence of a concurrent conflict of interest such as: the representation of one client will be directly adverse to another client and there is also a significant risk that the representation of one or more clients will be materially limited by the lawyer’s responsibilities to another client, a former client or a third person or by a personal interest of the lawyer; Rule 1.8 also inputs that a lawyer shall not have sexual relations with a client unless a consensual sexual relationship existed between the two when the client-lawyer relation commenced (State Bar of Arizona, n.d). Although lawyers are allowed to represent their spouses, they must be really careful in not letting their emotions influence their ability to represent the client, especially if it will be materially limited by the relationship. Unless the client gives consent and both parties are comfortable enough to proceed, then they can move on with working the case.ReferenceRules of professional conduct rule 1.7: Conflict of interest: Current clients. (n.d.). Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Retrieved from:…Rules of professional conduct. (n.d.). State Bar of Arizona. Retrieved from:…

solved Discussion Post #10: MEDIASo far, our reflections have been onthe,

Discussion Post #10: MEDIASo far, our reflections have been onthe, let’ssay, “positive” spectrum. This week, our focus changes to the “darker” side of our culture. For many of you, this week’s reflection will force you to see beyond the “smoke and mirrors” of our media, political system, and often misguided understandings of our culture; looking at both domestic and international agencies.Being honest, informing you on all of the lies being propagated by the media and our political system would take more time than we have in this course. Additionally, many of you would have a hard time believing the extent of manipulation and oppression being advanced by those in “control”. The truth is sometimes hard to believe when it forces you to accept that for the majority of your life you may have been lied to and seen more as a commodity than a human being. However, this can only change when you become informed and possess the critical thinking skills necessary to decipher fact from fiction and recognize your own oppression. This is not to imply that all media is bad or is based on lies. On the contrary, media can serve as a valuable source of information. The key is possessing the critical thinking skills required to acknowledge our own bias, to look at an issue from multiple perspectives, and to try to find out who is the source from which presented information occurs. Not just who is presenting the information, but who is providing the information to the persons presenting the information. Back to this week. The documentary you are assigned for this week will hopefully start to open your eyes to what is going on behind the scenes. I can’t pretend to know all of what is going on, nor how to properly connect all the pieces. What I can do is provide you with a starting point that allows you to begin to see the bigger picture for yourself.Getting to this week’s reflection – You are to watch the very insightful documentary”Requiem for the American Dream”(can be found on Amazon Prime & other online sites). Heads up, this is a very dense documentary. I encourage you to watch it with friends and discuss its implications afterward. Once you watch the documentary respond to the questions below. 500 words min. and feel free to write as much as you’d like.(1) What is your overall takeaway from watching this documentary? Give specific details that indicate you watched this documentary in full.(2) What is the connection between this documentary and the Culture of the United States?Now, please watch this short video and then respond to the last question.PBS: How do you feel about the current state of the U.S. media? Why do you feel this way? Can you provide empirical evidence to support your beliefs? (if so, please provide it) For your peer responses, focus on questions 1 and 3. While I encourage healthy disagreements it is very important to me that you remain respectful to one another’s viewpoints. People are more than just their ideas. Separate a person from their ideas and the person still exists. Furthermore, ideas are fluid and can change with time, life experience, and exposure to new information. Personal attacks are never necessary and generally indicate that someone does not feel comfortable enough with their arguments, therefore resorting to insults. If you chose to disagree with a classmate, you are welcome to do so. Once again, just focus on the arguments themselves. I will step in as a mediator if I feel necessary. Personal Opinion:I recognize and acknowledge my orientation to the left. I share many values that could be categorized as both Republican and Democratic. For social issues, I do generally lean toward the left. For fiscal issues, I sometimes lean to the right. Regardless of my own opinions and beliefs, I find tremendous value in listening (not just arguing, but actually listening) to those who view the world different than me. From doing this, I am able to view the world from new perspectives I may have not thought of. If I agree with what was said, then I try to remain open to adjusting my own beliefs. If I disagree with what was said, my ideas become even stronger because I allowed them to be challenged and despite these challenges they still remain.I feel that because of the complexity of the world, how subjective life can be, how much we don’t actually know in the grand scheme of things, the large amount of misinformation being presented, and all the special agendas behind the scenes, it can be very difficult to come to an “objective truth” on most issues. However, one way we can get closer to deciphering fact from fiction is to talk about it; for both sides to come together and have civil conversations that focus on the issues, not the person … just my opinion. Below is one more video that you may find insightful. There are no questions pertaining to this. John Oliver:

solved Nursing Conceptual Frameworks in Clinical PracticeWeekly Objectives 1, 2, and

Nursing Conceptual Frameworks in Clinical PracticeWeekly Objectives 1, 2, and 3 will be addressed in this discussion.In order to post to this forum, first complete Week 4 readings. You will also need to search the literature to describe a selected nursing conceptual framework according to specific instructions, below. The purpose of this discussion is to select a nursing conceptual framework and summarize how it has been used in clinical practice.Instructions:The table below provides an overview of features of the three Nursing Paradigms: Particulate-Deterministic; Interactive-Integrative; and Unitary-Transformative (Fawcett, 2005). Select nursing theories and models, referred to as “Conceptual Frameworks,” are identified. Of the conceptual frameworks listed in the table, select one to explore further. You may use your Alligood text and/or the eBooks available on nursing theorists (found on the Library Guide for NUR 18200). These texts have reference lists that are helpful as well, if you’d like to dig deeper in understanding a particular conceptual framework. Several nurse theorists even have their own websites!The conceptual framework you select is your choice. Perhaps you personally and professionally identify strongly with one of the nursing paradigms. Each is like a “lens,” offering a certain way of viewing nursing phenomena. Chances are you already view nursing (and the world in general) according to one of the three nursing paradigms but just didn’t have a name for it…until now!Nursing ParadigmParticulate-DeterministicInteractive-IntegrativeUnitary-TransformativeFeaturesBio-psycho-social-cultural-spiritual beingInteracting with the environmentReducible into partsCausal relationshipsHealth-Illness decided by societal normsPromote and maintain health and prevent diseaseDiagnosis and treat human responses to health problemsHealth is a state of biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual well-beingNursing focuses on preventing disease, maintaining and promoting health according to societal normsReality is multidimensional and interactiveEntities are context-dependent and relativeChange is a function of multiple antecedent factors and probabilistic relationshipsRelationships can be reciprocalBoth objective and subjective phenomena are studied, with emphasis on objectivity, control, and predictabilityIrreducible/unitary whole (no parts)In mutual process with the environmentAcausalityFocus is on patterns and experiencesChange is unpredictable, rhythmical, continuousPersons are unfolding/becoming and moving toward increasing diversityHealth is a changing process of changing value prioritiesHealth is defined by the personNursing focuses on patterns, lived experiences, and quality of lifeConceptual FrameworkJohnson’s Behavioral System ModelKing’s Systems ModelLevine’s Conservation ModelNeuman’s Systems ModelOrem’s Self-Care ModelRoy’s Adaptation ModelPeplau’s Theory of Interpersonal RelationshipsRogers’ Science of Unitary Human BeingsNewman’s Theory of Health as Expanding ConsciousnessParse’s Human Becoming TheoryWatson’s Theory of Human CaringFawcett, J. (2005). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories (2nd ed.). F.A. Davis Company.Once you’ve selected a nursing conceptual framework, conduct a literature search to identify 2 published reports of clinical practice guided by the selected conceptual framework. You will describe each of the reports in your post. Please be sure to include clinical practice reports, not research reports. For example and to illustrate, please view these two articles:End of Life Decision-Making- Watson’s Theory of Human Caring.pdf Orem’s Self-Care Model with Multiple Sclerosis Patients’ Balance and Motor Function.pdfThe article using Watson’s Theory of Human Caring explains how the theory can be used to understand end-of-life situations in clinical practice. The article using Orem’s Self-care Model with MS uses the model to guide a research study. While research guided by nursing theory is very important, the intent with the discussion is for you to gain an understanding of clinical practice guided by nursing theory. You should include the following:Identify the nursing conceptual framework you chose to explore in-depth. Why did you choose it?Select 2 published reports of clinical practice situations that were guided by your selected conceptual framework.For each of the 2 reports, identify the clinical situation and clinical population. Then, describe how the author(s) of the report applied the conceptual framework to the clinical situation/population. Use examples to illustrate.Explain how you can use your selected nursing conceptual framework to guide your own practice.Present your posts and replies in a professional, scholarly manner. Include a reference list with your 2 published reports and any other references used to complete your post and replies.

solved Nursing Conceptual Frameworks in Clinical PracticeWeekly Objectives 1, 2, and

Nursing Conceptual Frameworks in Clinical PracticeWeekly Objectives 1, 2, and 3 will be addressed in this discussion.In order to post to this forum, first complete Week 4 readings. You will also need to search the literature to describe a selected nursing conceptual framework according to specific instructions, below. The purpose of this discussion is to select a nursing conceptual framework and summarize how it has been used in clinical practice.Instructions:The table below provides an overview of features of the three Nursing Paradigms: Particulate-Deterministic; Interactive-Integrative; and Unitary-Transformative (Fawcett, 2005). Select nursing theories and models, referred to as “Conceptual Frameworks,” are identified. Of the conceptual frameworks listed in the table, select one to explore further. You may use your Alligood text and/or the eBooks available on nursing theorists (found on the Library Guide for NUR 18200). These texts have reference lists that are helpful as well, if you’d like to dig deeper in understanding a particular conceptual framework. Several nurse theorists even have their own websites!The conceptual framework you select is your choice. Perhaps you personally and professionally identify strongly with one of the nursing paradigms. Each is like a “lens,” offering a certain way of viewing nursing phenomena. Chances are you already view nursing (and the world in general) according to one of the three nursing paradigms but just didn’t have a name for it…until now!Nursing ParadigmParticulate-DeterministicInteractive-IntegrativeUnitary-TransformativeFeaturesBio-psycho-social-cultural-spiritual beingInteracting with the environmentReducible into partsCausal relationshipsHealth-Illness decided by societal normsPromote and maintain health and prevent diseaseDiagnosis and treat human responses to health problemsHealth is a state of biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual well-beingNursing focuses on preventing disease, maintaining and promoting health according to societal normsReality is multidimensional and interactiveEntities are context-dependent and relativeChange is a function of multiple antecedent factors and probabilistic relationshipsRelationships can be reciprocalBoth objective and subjective phenomena are studied, with emphasis on objectivity, control, and predictabilityIrreducible/unitary whole (no parts)In mutual process with the environmentAcausalityFocus is on patterns and experiencesChange is unpredictable, rhythmical, continuousPersons are unfolding/becoming and moving toward increasing diversityHealth is a changing process of changing value prioritiesHealth is defined by the personNursing focuses on patterns, lived experiences, and quality of lifeConceptual FrameworkJohnson’s Behavioral System ModelKing’s Systems ModelLevine’s Conservation ModelNeuman’s Systems ModelOrem’s Self-Care ModelRoy’s Adaptation ModelPeplau’s Theory of Interpersonal RelationshipsRogers’ Science of Unitary Human BeingsNewman’s Theory of Health as Expanding ConsciousnessParse’s Human Becoming TheoryWatson’s Theory of Human CaringFawcett, J. (2005). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories (2nd ed.). F.A. Davis Company.Once you’ve selected a nursing conceptual framework, conduct a literature search to identify 2 published reports of clinical practice guided by the selected conceptual framework. You will describe each of the reports in your post. Please be sure to include clinical practice reports, not research reports. For example and to illustrate, please view these two articles:End of Life Decision-Making- Watson’s Theory of Human Caring.pdf Orem’s Self-Care Model with Multiple Sclerosis Patients’ Balance and Motor Function.pdfThe article using Watson’s Theory of Human Caring explains how the theory can be used to understand end-of-life situations in clinical practice. The article using Orem’s Self-care Model with MS uses the model to guide a research study. While research guided by nursing theory is very important, the intent with the discussion is for you to gain an understanding of clinical practice guided by nursing theory. You should include the following:Identify the nursing conceptual framework you chose to explore in-depth. Why did you choose it?Select 2 published reports of clinical practice situations that were guided by your selected conceptual framework.For each of the 2 reports, identify the clinical situation and clinical population. Then, describe how the author(s) of the report applied the conceptual framework to the clinical situation/population. Use examples to illustrate.Explain how you can use your selected nursing conceptual framework to guide your own practice.Present your posts and replies in a professional, scholarly manner. Include a reference list with your 2 published reports and any other references used to complete your post and replies.

solved After watching viewing the videos, and reading the supplied material,

After watching viewing the videos, and reading the supplied material, contribute to the discussion.

Primary Post:  Contribute your initial post to our discussion. In your post, please write 350-500 words to discuss reliability and validity and its impact on knowledge. 
Two Responses: please respond to at least two posts in our discussion; 200 words or less for each. You might discuss a related experience, share a relevant resource, or provide a different perspective.

 Here’s the first post to response to:
Reliability and Validity and Its Impact on Knowledge
Recording and interpreting data requires consistency in the measure used to collect and record data. Reliability and validity are primary concepts to ensure that consistency and measure represent variables that they ought to mean. Reliability is the stability of measurement. To understand and interpret data, researchers rely on consistent methods of measurement. Test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and interrater reliability are the types of consistency utilized by psychologists. Working with test-retest reliability requires measures used to produce consistent results over time. When researchers assess a concept that they believe is stable over time, the results they acquire ought to be stable over time as well. Measure that produces different outcomes for concepts that should remain constant over time is not a good measure under test-retest. Internal consistency is the uniformity of an individual’s responses on numerous item measures across the items. Internal consistency can only be determined through data collection and analysis. Interrater reliability is the degree to which various observer’s judgments are similar.
Validity is the degree to which the results from a measurement match the parameter for which they were designed. Scores from measures with good test-retest reliability give researchers confidence that they represent what they were supposed to. Face validity, content validity, and criterion validity are the commonly used types of validities. Face validity is the extent to which the appearance “face of” a measure captures the construct of interest. Content validity is the scope to which an assessment “encompasses” the concept of interest is known as content validity. 

This is the second post to response to:
When the term reliability is used in quantitative research, it refers to how consistent measurements are within the study. Quantitative research depends on the replicability, repeatability, and stability of results to show reliability of the phenomenon studied. Validity in quantitative research refers to whether the measurements are measuring what they are intended to measure. These two terms have different meanings in qualitative research.
Qualitive research is not necessarily focused on measurable data and is most often used to make sense of phenomena rather than measuring their frequency, causation, or correlation (Leung, 2021). In qualitative research, reliability refers to the accuracy of recording the interviews or data gathered. Reliability can be enhanced by:

using detailed notes or recording the interviews,
conscientious wording of the interview questionnaire,
conducting the interviews in a neutral environment,
asking the questions in the same order and manner, and
being aware of the ‘power relationship’ between the interviewer and participants.

Another method recommended for demonstrating reliability in qualitative research is inter-rater reliability, which is having two or more researchers analyze the same data and comparing the results (Armstrong, et al., 1997). This can be time consuming and inconsistent due to the subjectivity of the data interpretation that is the foundation of qualitative research.
Validity in qualitative research is “trying to assess the accuracy of the results, as best described by the researcher, the participants, and the readers (Creswell & Poth, 2013).” This has more to do with the process used to gather the information rather than extensive time spent in the field, detailed description, and a close relationship between the researcher and the participants. Some researchers believe that the term validity should be exchanged for trustworthiness (Hayashi, et al., 2019).
The trustworthiness of a study can be corrupted by researcher bias, reactivity, and respondent bias and can be restored by credibility, authenticity, criticality, and integrity (Whittemore, et al., 2001). Credibility can be established by accurately interpreting the data. In qualitative research, authenticity can be shown by portraying the true meanings and experiences of the research participants. Criticality can be demonstrated by a systematic research design that includes a critical appraisal and analysis. Finally, integrity can be exhibited by a process that ensures interpretation and conclusions are supported by the data. 

solved You will read each group member’s rough draft and respond

You will read each group member’s rough draft and respond to all of the questions below. In addition to answering these questions directly in your feedback replies, download your group members’ rough drafts and insert any comments, highlight any sections, etc. Then, rename these and attach them to your replies.Use the grading rubric for writing workshops to help you develop your forum posts. Make sure your feedback to all group members is posted by 10:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 16 (note that these questions are adapted to illustrate the essay grading criteria/rubric in the Course Syllabus.).STUDENT GUIDELINES FOR PEER REVIEWBefore you even make your first comment, read the rough draft all the way through.Make sure you leave enough time for you to read through, respond, and for your peer to edit his/her document with your comments before any deadlines.Point out strengths as well as the weaknesses of the document.Offer suggestions, not commands.As a reader, raise questions that cross your mind, points that may have not occurred to your peer author.Try not to overwhelm your peer with too much commentary. Follow the questions/instructions below and the issues you are supposed to address.Be careful to not let your own opinions bias your review (e.g. don’t suggest that your peer completely rewrite the paper just because you don’t agree with his or her point of view).Read your comments before passing them on to your peer. Make sure all your comments make sense and are easy to follow.ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS, WHICH ARE ADAPTED FROM THE GRADING CRITERIA FOR ESSAYS:THESIS:Is there a thesis?Is the thesis clearly introduced and maintained throughout the rough draft?Is it too general or ambitious to thoroughly address in the essay’s length requirements (1000 words maximum)?Explain your answers:DEVELOPMENT:Are there areas that require further development and/or specific phrasing? If so, please, point these out to the author—mark these directly in the rough draft, and offer comments in the margin. Directly in the rough draft, explain to the author why additional development or phrasing revision is necessary.Identify areas where ideas are well-developed. Again, point these out directly in the rough draft, marking these sections directly in the rough draft and offering marginal comments. Directly in the rough draft, explain what works well in these areas.Does the author maintain a reasonably objective tone throughout the rough draft?If not, please point out where the shifts in tone take place.Remember, this is the author’s opportunity to receive feedback from members of his or her “general audience” and your opportunity to further fine-tune your critical reading skills. Does the author maintain a reasonably objective tone throughout the rough draft? If not, please point out where the author’s opinion reveals itself.ORGANIZATION:Are ideas logically organized?Do strong paragraph-to-paragraph and sentence-to-sentence transitions make connections clear between these ideas?Is unity or coherency lost anywhere within the rough draft? If so, where exactly? Mark these directly in the rough draft.DOCUMENTATION AND TREATMENT OF SOURCES:Sources are limited to those in the textbook (this excludes any of the videos Behrens and Rosen suggest throughout the chapter). Has the author used any sources not found directly in the book? If so, kindly remind them of the essay’s source requirements.Does the author cite all paraphrased and quoted material?If the author has not cited any paraphrased or quoted material, remind him or her that forgetting to cite sources is plagiarism.Randomly select a quote and a paraphrased idea and compare it to the original (in your textbook).Highlight this quotation and paraphrased idea directly in the essay.Has the quote been treated appropriately (i.e., Is it accurate and not “taken out of context”)?Is the paraphrase acceptable, or is it still too close to the original phrasing, which would fall under the realm of plagiarism?Do you see any plagiarism, intentional or unintentional? (Point out areas where sources may need to be cited.)Are there any dropped quotations?Are the author’s ideas distinguishable from his or her sources?Remember to mark directly on the rough draft any potential concerns.LANGUAGE SKILLS:You should focus on the global concerns—the big picture—rather than the local concerns (e.g. grammar). However, if you do come across any grammatical or phrasing concerns, point these out to the author. Remember, though, that your feedback should not focus on grammatical issues (your peer authors will address these kinds of concerns when the essay is near completion).LEARNING OUTCOMES:UO:1.1: Meet and work with your classmates (CO:6),UO:1.6: Evaluate ideological and rhetorical perspectives for a general audience and explanatory synthesis (CO:5).UO:1.8: Construct an explanatory synthesis (CO: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)Requirements: no length

solved I would like for the topic to be along the

I would like for the topic to be along the lines of Marijuana and it’s affects with serotonin(depression). The PICOT question is due on the 23rd!Draft of paper is due on 10/14Final Draft is due sometime in NovemberLearning Outcomes for the ROL Assignment 1. Identify relevant primary research evidence related to an identified nursing problem/clinical issue. 2. Analyze and interpret findings from the research evidence. Discuss the current state of research-based knowledge. Discuss adequacy of knowledge to direct change in clinical nursing practice. Discuss the potential impact of the findings on and relevance to clinical nursing practice. 3. Demonstrate use of appropriate academic writing skills and accurate APA formatting. Review of Literature Writing Assignment Identify an appropriate descriptive nursing problem. Feel free to use one on the list provided. Topics and PICOT questions must be approved by Dr. Becker Locate 5 research articles from research journals regarding the variable. Articles must have been published within the past 8 years. Nursing research journals should be given priority; other professional research journals may be used IF you are not able to locate 5 articles from nursing research journals. Must be PRIMARY RESEARCH STUDIES. -NO LITERATURE REVIEWS, META-ANALYSIS, META-SYNTHESIS OR BEST PRACTICE GUIDELNES. Must be primary sources. Using the ROL guidelines and the Review of Research Article Guidelines, write a review of literature that includes an introduction, review of each of the five articles and a synthesis of the findings of all the articles. The ROL should be a minimum of 7 pages and make use of APA formatting. Refer also to the lecture notes from class related to Review of Literature and this assignment, as well as the grading rubric.First level headings should be used to organize the paper – Introduction, Review of Literature, Synthesis and Discussion. Refer to APA guidelines. The paper should be written an academic writing style (formal writing) and make use of transitions in the body of the paper to move from the discussion of one article to another. Review of Literature Guidelines IntroductionNursing problem and relevance to nursing (Focus and purpose of review) Include at least one reference/in text citation to support why this is important to nursing. Research Question (PICO[T]) questionOrganization of sources (ordering)BodyAnalysis of each research article (study), addressing all prompts for each source. Identify and discuss:Author(s)Year of StudyJournal in which the article was published (title)Discussion of the Review of Literature provided by the researchers (is the information discussed current, relevant, critiqued; are gaps in the knowledge base identified to support need for the current study)Purpose of the studyResearch design (quantitative or qualitative)SettingSample, sample sizeData CollectionQuantitative Study: Measurement method/Tool, including name of tool and what it measures/description;reliability and validity of tool as provided by researchers; brief discussion of how study was carried out/how data was collectedQualitative Study: Data collection technique; brief discussion of how study was carried out/how data was collectedResults/Findings/ConclusionsQuantitative:Results/Findings discussed by the researchersConclusions provided by the researchersQualitative: Themes or categories identified by the researchersConclusions provided by the researchersStrengths and Limitations of this study (refer to our ‘cheat sheet’ for possible strengths and limitations). Include explanation/rationale as to why point is a strength or limitation. Synthesis/DiscussionCompile findings from all selected studiesAnalyze and interpret findings; specify current state of research-based knowledge: Concise presentation of research knowledge about selected topic—what is known and not knownDiscussion as to whether there is adequate knowledge to direct change in clinical practice Analysis of each research article (study), based on guidelines indicated in the Review of Research Article .All prompts must be addressed for each study. Identify and discuss: Brief statement of proposed potential impact on and relevance to nursing practice Paper Format Title PageIntroduction (no heading)Review of SourcesSynthesis and DiscussionReferences APA format:Make use of the resources posted in BlackBoard! This paper must be written following APA (7th e) guidelines, Times New Roman 12 double spaced. Include a reference list. Academic Writing: Refer to Academic Writing Guideline posted in BlackBoard in the Assignments tab. No first person/limit first person, limit pronouns. Tone of writing: Do not refer to authors by first names, and do not identify the title of the article. That is what the reference page is for.Example: Becker(2017) examined the relationship between drinking coffee and being happy.

solved There is he major requirement for this essay:

There is he major requirement for this essay: Use 2 Quotations IN THE BODY OF YOUR ESSAY: Introduce, Incorporate, and Explain them2. write 3 sentences by using “Appositives”)There are the link of two article I choose, choose one of them for the Essay: 1. (Let me know if you cant access them)Some Suggestions for Structuring your Rhetorical Analysis:The purpose of a rhetorical analysis is to analyze and explain how the different elements of a work function together to achieve the author’s point. Some of the elements that are normally considered in this type of analysis are:the author’s intended audience/purposethe organization of the work and how that organization might influence the readerthe use of languagethe type of appeals being used (ethos, logos, pathos)the overall logic/illogical use of argumentation (are they using fallacious premises)the type(s) of evidence being offered by the authorIn addition, a rhetorical analysis essay usually begins with the student introducing his own thesis. In other words, the student-writer is making an overarching point about the work being analyzed. For example, the student’s own thesis may be something like this:Despite the lack of supporting statistics, Leonard Calloway’s essay is effective because he appeals to our desire to be thought of as patriotic Americans.Every element that is subsequently addressed in the rhetorical analysis would be explained in such a way as to support the student’s thesis. Rhetorical analyses may also vary in length and detail depending on the assignment.While the body of the essay may be structured differently, the Introduction usually introduces the work to the reader and your thesis.Introductory paragraph:State the title of the essay; the author’s complete name; a description of the author (qualifications?); the historical background for the article, if there is one; a very brief summary of the article; and the stated or implied purpose of the author. LEAD THE READER TOWARD YOUR THESIS.Body of the essayHere are some options for the body, not a complete organizational structure; the body of the essay is where you meet your word count requirements, so if you need more words, add a paragraph.Possible Body Paragraph: Explain who the intended audience. Possible questions to answer: How much knowledge might the audience have concerning this topic? Is the audience likely to agree or disagree with the author? Will readers of the work be likely to agree or disagree with each other? Does the author try to appeal to certain values the audience may hold, and what are those values?Possible Body Paragraph: What is the organizational strategy of the author. Possible questions to answer: How is the essay sectioned for the reader? What are the major parts and the ordering of the parts? Does this sequencing of the ideas build the reader’s understanding of the concept? Could the ideas have been presented in a different way/ordeer?Possible Body Paragraph: What types of appeals does the author use (pathos, ethos, logos)? Does the author appeal to the audience by using emotional messages (pathos) or by conveying trustworthiness and authority (ethos)? This can include using reliable sources. Or does the author present facts and statistics (logos)? The author may use a combination of appeals. Provide specific examples from the work to support your remarks in this paragraph.Possible Body Paragraph: Does the author use Fallacious reasoning in the work? If so, identify the specific fallacies being incorporated, giving clear examples from the text (quotations) and explain how this undermines or helps the argument (why he should or shouldn’t have employed this fallacious reasoning. Possible Body Paragraph: What overall is the tone of the language? Find examples of language that either is ambiguous or strong in delivering meaning. Analyze use of metaphor or analogy or other types of more literary conventions. Explore overall tone of language.Possible Body Paragraph: Consider the other side. If you have been mostly going over strengths, consider a weakness, and if you’ve been mostly considering weaknesses, consider a strength to explore.Possible Body Paragraph: Evaluate the effectiveness of the work. This is your opinion, of course. Explain why you think the author has, or has not, adequately accomplished his or her purpose. You may refer to yourself in this paragraph.Concluding Paragraph: After summarizing your main idea/thesis, go beyond this idea, to explain why this kind of analysis of this work is important for the reader.CHECK OUT A SAMPLE HERE:

solved The topic that I chose related to biotechnology, that is:

The topic that I chose related to biotechnology, that is: Do Genetically Modified (GM) Foods cause Cancer?

The journal chosen for analysis was:  Seralini, E. (2020). Update on long-term toxicity of agricultural GMOs tolerant to roundup. Environ Sci Eur, 32 (18).
This topic intrigued me and was my choice for this assignment based on the fact that there has been a serious debate concerning GM foods and if their long-term use increases the chances of developing cancer. In the journal above, published very recently, the researcher concludes that these kinds of foods do not cause cancer and that the prolonged ingestion of inorganic or insoluble pesticide residues used on them is the main cause of any developments of cancerous cells in GM food consumers. The dialogue below presents this concept better. It is a creative and hypothetical (imaginary) dialogue between Seralini, the author of the journal selected for analysis in this topic and a student taking this course who has not yet had a chance to read this journal. 
Applications of Cellular, Molecular, and Evolutionary Biology Assignment 
– Encourage exploration on a topic of your interest related to this course 
– Learn about the differences in sources of communication of scientific knowledge 
– Practice explaining and communicating a scientific discovery using your own unique skills 
Skills you will practice 
– Searching for information about a topic in biology outside of the textbook 
– Accessing and trying to interpret the information in a primary research article 
– Communicating information about a recent discovery into a format more accessible to the general public 
– Using proper citation practices and formatting 
Assignment Theme 
If you learned a lot of detail about something specific in biology, how would you communicate it to someone else? 
What was something that we talked about in lecture or lab that you would be interested to learn more about? 
What was something that we talked about in lecture or lab that you found challenging and are not satisfied with how well you think you understand it and want to understand it better? 
What is something we didn’t spend a lot of time about that you would like to go deeper in? 
What is something that you think might be related to what we’re learning but we haven’t really discussed it and you wish we learned more about it? 

– Find a topic related to this course that you would like to learn about recent discoveries. It can be any topic you’re interested in, the only requirement is that it is related to something we’ve learned (or are about to learn) in lecture or lab. o One approach is to find a recent news article that reports on a new scientific discovery and identifies either the scientists involved in the study or names the scientific journal the article was published in. 
– Search for a primary journal article about that topic that sounds interesting to you (use the library, Google Scholar, Pubmed, or other search tools. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!) 
– Read the article and any additional material you need to help you understand the article and learn more about the topic 
– Communicate your findings to the public (the class or the world!) in a format of your choosing (write a report, record an explanation using slides, make an original drawing or other artwork to explain the topic, make a series of memes, make a TikTok about the topic, write a blog post, poem, play, song, make a twitter thread, make a digital poster, make a game, interview one of the scientists (really!), draw a comic, it’s up to you as long as you can meet the assignment requirements—you’re encouraged to use your own skills and creativity!) 

When you summarize your primary journal article and BIO230 topic, be sure to address the following: 

• Which BIO230 topic did you choose to investigate further, and why were you interested in the topic? 
• Who: Which scientists did the research and where are they from (what institution are they affiliated with)? Include information about the first name in the author list, who is usually one of the (junior) scientists who actually did the experiments they are writing about, and the last name in the author list, who is usually the senior scientist who writes grants to fund the lab. 
• Why: Why did they do this study? What were they interested in trying to show (this information is often in the Introduction and/or Abstract of the article)? 
• How: What experiments did they do, what were the results, and how did these experiments relate to their original purpose? This information is found in the Figures and Tables as part of the Results section and in the Materials & Methods section. 
• What: What did they conclude from the experiments? What were the most important or interesting things you learned about this BIO230 topic? 

solved DirectionsIn a minimum of 300 words please discuss how these

DirectionsIn a minimum of 300 words please discuss how these concerns impact morale, patient care, nursing autonomy etc. Use at least 1-2 references and proper APA format. After, made a response to the two posts.Discussion Prompt(s)Jonathan Kirkpatrick recently was hired as a nursing manager in an acute care hospital for orthopedics, neurology, and two medical-surgical units for a for-profit corporation. Nurse Kirkpatrick is responsible for quality, cost, and morale for the units that he manages. As part of his employment package, he is rewarded with a bonus based on the amount of money that he is able to save the hospital.One of the first things Nurse Kirkpatrick is asked to do in his new position is to “cut the fat” out of staff numbers. The corporation that owns the hospital believes there are too many nurses on the payroll. Personally, although he does not say so upfront, Nurse Kirkpatrick disagrees. He believes the nurses currently on staff are all needed for quality of care. As he looks for ways to cut these numbers, what concerns might he raise to make administrative staff aware of the risks? Identify both ethical concerns and potential legal concernsRemember that part of being in leadership is to advocate for employees and balance the requirements of the job.Post 1I believe that Nurse Kirkpatrick needs to explain to upper management the importance of having enough staff on payroll to fulfill the needs of the unit. If they start getting rid of nurses they could run into the issue of being short staffed and having nurses go into overtime or having to pay bonuses to get nurses to pick up shifts. This can put nursing leaders in a very difficult position because they are feeling pressure from upper management to lower costs while they also must advocate for their nurses by not leaving them understaffed. “Nurses were working more than 6 hours overtime per week.” (Berney, B., Needleman, J., & Kovner, C. 2005). All of this overtime comes when you want to limit the number of nurses that you have on the schedule. Days are short staffed so people are forced to have to pick up overtime shifts to allow for the unit to run fully staffed. While it is very important to keep the hospital on budget, upper management doesn’t always look at the big picture or how it effects patient care, they often times just look at how much money they can save when in the end, it ends up costing them more money anyway.Reference:Berney, B., Needleman, J., & Kovner, C. (2005). Factors Influencing the Use of Registered Nurse Overtime in Hospitals, 1995-2000. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37(2), 165-72. 2What concerns might he raise to make administrative staff aware of the risks? Identify both ethical concerns and potential legal concerns.Nurse Kirkpatrick should raise to make administrative staff aware the risks of short staffed. Though this can cause stressed and pressure from the corporation towards Nurse Kirkpatrick, it is important to advocate the nurse shortage that can also cause going over budget that cause nurses to go overtime or picking up more shifts. The concern about short staffed not only affect remaining staff but the patients as well. One of the study by Aiken and colleagues was that nurses with the highest nurse-to-patient ratios (fewer nurses for the number of patients) were more likely to describe feelings of burnout, emotional exhaustion, and job dissatisfaction than nurses with lower ratios (more RNs for the number of patients) (Huber, p. 347, 2013). If there is more patients add onto understaff on a unit, it can cause medical errors and simple mistakes. With the concerns on being short staffed, this can also cause burnout within the nursing staff with exhaustion. This can also cause an increase rate of turnover and decrease the level of job satisfaction which would like cost more to pay nurses to work overtime.The ethical concerns and potential legal concerns in this case scenario is short staffing. The important role of Nurse Kirkpatrick is advocating for the employees and addressed his concern and make it aware to the administrative staff. Consequences of this can result in “deterioration of patient outcomes in terms of increased mortality and failure-to-rescue rates” (Huber, p. 107, 2013). Along with decrease of quality patient care, outcomes of nurses in exhaustion and job dissatisfaction, increases cost from results in increasing nurse turnovers, and legal liability (Huber, p. 107, 2013). Nurse Kirkpatrick can hopefully explain and discuss the concerns of cutting the staff numbers that can impact huge on the quality of patient care, nursing outcomes, and the cost to the organization.Reference:Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and Nursing Care Management. [Bookshelf Ambassadored]. Retrieved from…