solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need an

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Requirements:Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2Discussion 1Culture is complex and several dimensions like Language, Customs and Taboos, Values, Time and Punctuality, Business Norms, Religious Beliefs and Celebrations, aspects of culture all determine and shape the companies and their corporate cultural standards.undefinedToday’s culture has resulted in public and private pits and fraud investigations of colleagues, managers and CEOs, as well as long-awaited publicity and encouragement as men and women have shown fraud in the past. Netflix culture cannot continue as an employee, but Netflix culture contributes to the success of the organization. Netflix maintains very high standards for its employees, ensuring that everything is done efficiently and correctly. In addition, all employees are very clear about their responsibilities and continue to work hard to maintain their position on Netflix. Guaranteeing employee loyalty is also a great benefit, as long as you meet the requirements to continue working at Netflix.undefinedThe potential disadvantage and positive effect of the “Netflix route” is that Netflix users gain a higher level of freedom and responsibility in their “Netflix route”. Direct feedback is encouraging, and trust and discretion are key gatekeepers, as employees gain access to confidential information and are ultimately given an idea of how they spend things and how they spend their vacation time. Companies do have written value statements which are vague and mostly ignored.undefinedNetflix culture is unique to Netflix, with different sounds. It not only encourages employees to make independent decisions, shares information openly, widely and carefully, is very honest with each other, and keeps people very efficient. Avoid the rules. Netflix is creating “lower cost, greater scale, and better entertainment than the world has ever seen.” There are many companies that do not have a clear culture and are growing slowly and steadily, but that is okay. If everyone is working on building an innovative, disruptive, successful and fast-paced business that attracts and retains the best talent, Netflix is a role model.ReferencesPutter, B. (2018, December 4). Netflix’s Company Culture Is Not For Everybody And That’s Exactly How It Should Be. Forbes. Discussion 2:How have the current cultural environment of our country shaped the way that companies are looking at their own corporate cultural standards?Corporate Culture is derived from people’s behaviors, innovation, and customer service. Although the origin is unknown and its originality is questioned, the cultural environment is considered a company’s top priority as it can either haunt them or guide them to success as it’s been doing for top tech giants. The current cultural environment is leaned toward sexual harassment prevention, social advocating, fostering creativity, employee freedom, and other perks such as working from home, flexible timing, and free lunches.2. What are the potential downfalls and positive influences of the “Netflix way”?The “Netflix way” is considered as a system, used by the tech giant, that manifest the culture where corporate utilizes complete transparency, individual responsibility, and where no rule codes are applied; where the potential downfalls may include, workers attitude may create a pretentious and/or narcissistic environment, and create a fear in the employees of being fired, even if their development and/or performance is excellent, over social matters. However, the positive influence which this culture creates can also include becoming a high-performance culture where everyone wants to be their best-self, socially and working wise, in order to maintain their job and lifestyle.How does Netflix’s internal culture negatively or positively affect their ability to stay competitive and deliver cutting-edge content?Netflix’s internal culture affect them in a really positive way, at least on my opinion. Their sharp employees are always walking on eggshells, but also, because of this, it makes employees maintain their high-performances and their attitudes on their best. That’s what maintains the tech giant on the top of, not only streaming services, but companies in the world, always innovating and delivering cutting-edge content. References:Chang, C. L. H., & Lin, T. C. (2015). The role of organizational culture in the knowledge management process. Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(3), 433-455.Hickman, C. R., & Silva, M. A. (2018). Creating excellence: Managing corporate culture, strategy, and change in the new age. Routledge.

solved Assignment: Assessing and Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction

Assignment: Assessing and Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction
Impulsivity, compulsivity, and addiction are challenging disorders for patients across the life span. Impulsivity is the inclination to act upon sudden urges or desires without considering potential consequences; patients often describe impulsivity as living in the present moment without regard to the future (, n.d.). Thus, these disorders often manifest as negative behaviors, resulting in adverse outcomes for patients. For example, compulsivity represents a behavior that an individual feels driven to perform to relieve anxiety (, n.d.). The presence of these behaviors often results in addiction, which represents the process of the transition from impulsive to compulsive behavior.
In your role as the psychiatric nurse practitioner (PNP), you have the opportunity to help patients address underlying causes of the disorders and overcome these behaviors. For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with impulsivity, compulsivity, and addiction.
Reference: (n.d.). Impaired decision-making, impulsivity, and compulsivity: Addictions’ effect on the cerebral cortex.…
To prepare for this Assignment:

Review this week’s Learning Resources, including the Medication Resources indicated for this week.
Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend for the assessment and treatment of patients requiring therapy for impulsivity, compulsivity, and addiction.

The Assignment: 5 pages
Examine Case Study: A Puerto Rican Woman With Comorbid Addiction. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. Before you make your decision, make sure that you have researched each option and that you evaluate the decision that you will select. Be sure to research each option using the primary literature.

Introduction to the case (1 page)

Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision making when prescribing medication for this patient.

Decision #1 (1 page)

Which decision did you select?
Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #2 (1 page)

Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #3 (1 page)

Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).
Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Conclusion (1 page)

Summarize your recommendations on the treatment options you selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendations and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.



CHAPTER 14 CASE: TWINKIES, HOHOS, AND DING DONGS: NO TREAT FOR LABOR UNIONS Read and consider the Chapter 14 Case: Twinkies, HoHos, and Ding Dongs: No Treat for Labor Unions on page 623. Answer the three questions (each question is in a seperate attachment) at the end of the case meeting the deliverables as outlined in your course syllabus under the section titled “Written Case Studies and Chapter Cases”.”Written Case Studies and Chapter CasesThe student will write a thorough essay (500 – 750 words for Chapter Cases) that answer all questions applying to the case and provided by the author. Do not submit as a numbered Q & A submission or as a bulleted list of data submission but rather as a completed written paper. The student should relate the case to the chapter materials and issues. All students should do any Internet and/or library database research required prior to writing his or her response (multiple sources adds credibility). Because this is a upper division course, students are responsible for their own time management and as such, should ensure they complete the papers earlier, rather than waiting until the night the assignment is due. The instructor does not recognize Wikipedia as a suitable reference source due to the editable nature of the material found there that raises concerns about veracity and validity of content. Do not cite Wikipedia nor list in your references for the written assignments. Ensure that proper grammar, sentence structure, and material citations are included for maximum point consideration. Include properly formatted cover and reference page for all case submissions. Your reference page for the Case Studies has to include at least two resources, in addition to your textbook. Textbook: Human ResourceManagement, Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 10thEdition, Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2017). McGraw-Hill Education.ISBN: 978-1-259-57812-0Submit as an attachment in APA format as a Microsoft® Word document only. Access GBC’s Academic Success Center web page for resources to aid in proper formatting to an external site.. Due to the high point allocation of these written assignments, a high quality submission is expected with depth, detail, and analysis for maximum point consideration. Anticipate approximately one week turnaround time for grading.”RubricChapter Case Study (3)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent35 ptsStudent submission addresses each of the Case Study questions in depth with high quality content and analysis. Additional research has been undertaken and is properly cited.25 ptsStudent submission addresses most of the Case Study questions with quality content and analysis. Additional research may have been undertaken but is not cited.18 ptsStudent submission addresses some of the Case Study questions with limited in-depth, content, and analysis. Additional research has not been undertaken.0 ptsStudent submission does not address the Case Study questions accurately or at all.35 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWord Count Parameter5 ptsStudent submission is within the word count parameters of 500 words minimum and 750 words maximum.4 ptsStudent submission is above the maximum word count parameter of 750 words.2 ptsStudent submission is below the minimum word count parameter of 750 words.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper APA Formatting5 ptsStudent submission meets all of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citiations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.4 ptsStudent submission meets most of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citiations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.3 ptsStudent submission meets some of the required deliverables for proper APA formatting including, but not limited to, font type and size, line and paragraph spacing, indentations, page layouts, citiations, word usage, spelling, grammar, etc.0 ptsStudent submission is severely lacking in proper APA formatting or has not cited non-original material.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, punctuation, and appropriate level academic writing.5 ptsSubmission is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.2 ptsSubmission contains less than 3 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.0 ptsSubmission contains more than 3 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc and/or not written at appropriate academic level for the targeted audience.5 ptsTotal Points: 50

solved There are 2 responses. Write a 100 word response for

There are 2 responses. Write a 100 word response for each. Response 1.) Student OMy critique of the MPA625 module and assignments is that it opened my knowledge to some things that I did not know and others that I wasn’t too for certain with. I am really glad that I was able to take MPA620 because it got me ready for MPA625. When we first started this course and I went through the syllabus, some of the assignments and modules had me worried. I honestly dreaded taking this class, but I am so grateful and thankful that I was able to and have made it to week 7. “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” This is the verse that has gotten me this far. Continuous prayer and the help of the instructor was all I needed to excel the way that I have. Some of the aspects of the work that enhanced my learning was the excel and project assignments. I’m not an expert in excel but I do have some type of knowledge with the. The different assignments and modules that we had to do in excel helped me to become better in it. The assignments that had us doing resumes, cover letters, and linkedin profiles, I never knew that I needed until completing it. Knowing these extra things have gotten my resume and profile more attention and hopefully a better career will come from it. The most beneficial aspect of the module that prepared me for the capstone project in this course was the data collection assignments. This has been very important because the capstone research project revolves around it.Response 2.) Student SProvide your critique of the overall research component (both MPA620 and MPA625) for the MPA program. Did the two courses transition properly and successfully flow together? Did the two courses effectively communicate the requirements for the capstone research project and presentation? Were you unprepared in any way for the requirements for these courses? What advice would you give to students just beginning the MPA620 course and starting the research process? I can only speak on the overall research component for the MPA 625, due to the fact that the curriculum was changed and I did not have the luxury of completing the MPA 620 course. Because the MPA was very detailed, from A to Z, in explaining and explaining the process of starting and completing a successful capstone project. There is not one thing that I can critique the MPA 625 module or department about, However, I do commend the department for adding the two modules MPA 620 and MPA 625 as back to back classes, because it adds a seamless flow from MPA 620 to MPA 625, and most of your researched information, methodology, how you are collecting your data is done in MPA 620, therefor it was a genius idea in adding the courses back to back. At the beginning of the class I felt overwhelmed and unprepared however, My concerns were quickly made at ease as spoke to Professor Hood, completed the chapter weekly reads and listened to the live modules, I was quickly reassured that based on the prior courses, MPA 603 and 608, and the detailed modules that MPA 625 had provided, that I would be just fine in spite of not completing the MPA 620.The MPA 625, provided a step by step detailed breakdown of every section that would need to be completed for the capstone project. The module including how start the research, how to choose an effective variable, what effective ways to collect your data, the pros and cons of using secondary research data and how to compile/format your research project as well as how to present your capstone project. 2 Timothy 4:7 states; “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have Kept the faith”.This verse reminds us that by keeping God first, and never giving up, we shall overcome. The advice that I would give new students, is to start as soon as possible, do not take any available time for granted, because all time is valuable in the process of starting the capstone. Develop a good plan of action as soon as you can, select the research topic that you want to use, ensure that you identify your independent and dependent variables and find most effect ways to gather and collect your data, and follow the process out lined in MPA620, as they need the foundation once the start MPA 625. In conclusion, it has been wealth of knowledge to absorb, it has been challenging, overwhelming at times, however, the course has prepared me for everything that I needed, as well as the variable information that Professor Hood, as provided. It has been a blessing an honor and a privilege to complete this class.References: 2 Timothy 4:7 (KJV) O’Sullivan, E., Rassel, G. R., Berner, M., & Taliaferro, J. (2017).Research methods for public administrators (6th ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-020585625. Salkind, N. J. (2018).Exploring research (9th ed.). Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 978-0134238418.

solved Assignment: One-Way Experimental Designs Correlational research, which you explored in

Assignment: One-Way Experimental Designs
Correlational research, which you explored in this week’s Discussion, is useful in identifying relations between two variables, but does not make assumptions regarding cause and effect among the variables because researchers did not control for outside factors. To demonstrate possible causal relations among variables, researchers will need to manipulate variables in an experimental research design.
The variable that the researcher manipulates in an experimental research design is termed the independent variable. As a researcher, one important determination you need to make is the number of independent variables involved in the study. If you manipulate one independent variable, the study would be termed a one-way experimental design.
Researchers also need to determine dependent variables. In an experimental design, the dependent variable is the measure of the effect of the independent variable. If the dependent measure reveals an effect made by an independent variable, a researcher may be able to determine cause.
Consider a study that hypothesizes that 8-year-olds who play educational computer games score higher on intelligence tests than those who do not play educational computer games. Consider how many aspects you would need to address if you were conducting the study. First, you would need to understand that the independent variable is the game-playing, whereas the dependent variable is the scores on the intelligence test.
Next, you would need to determine the levels of the independent variable. In this scenario, suppose there are three levels of play: no play, some play (4 hours a week), and frequent play (8 or more hours a week).
Additionally, you would need to determine whether the study is a between-participants design or a within-participants design (also known as a repeated-measures design). A between-participants design uses different groups for each level. A within-participants design uses the same group, and that one group repeats the experiment for each level.
In this Assignment you apply key concepts related to experimental design to a research study and analyze and interpret the outcome.
To prepare:

Read the assigned pages from Chapter 10 in your course text.
Read the following study scenario: Researchers are interested in the effectiveness of a particular treatment for insomnia. They contact 50 insomnia sufferers who responded to a newspaper advertisement to participate in the study. Each participant is given a pill with instructions to take it before going to sleep that night. The pill actually contains milk powder (a placebo). The participants are randomly assigned to receive one of two sets of instructions about the pill. One half of the participants are told that the pill will make them feel “sleepy,” and the other half are told that the pill will make them feel “awake and alert.” The next day the participants return to the lab and are asked to indicate how long it took them to fall asleep after taking the pill. The individuals who were told that the pill would make them feel sleepy reported that they fell asleep faster than the participants who were told the pill would make them feel alert.Think about the concepts you read about this week about one-way experimental designs and analysis of variance (ANOVA), and how they apply to the above study.

The Assignment (1–2 pages):
With the study scenario in mind, complete the following:

Identify the independent variable and dependent variable. Indicate the number of levels in the independent variable and describe each level.
Indicate whether the research used a between-participants or a within-participants research design and how you determined this to be the case.
Presume a third condition was added to the study. In this condition, the participants are not given any information about the effects of the (placebo) pill. Next, suppose an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted. Briefly interpret, in your own words, what it would mean if the F was significant as applied to this study.

Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the assigned Learning Resources. Provide a reference list for resources you used for this Assignment.\ZX                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Submit your Assignment.

solved You are part of a student organization at UCR that

You are part of a student organization at UCR that offers peer education on issues of gender and sexuality. A high school social studies teacher has invited you to give a presentation to 11th-grade students about gender inequality. The teacher has asked you to focus your talk to the students on how people learn about gender and how gender is enforced. Since your time in the class is limited, you and the teacher agree that you will focus on two of any of the mechanisms that seek to promote compliance with dominant norms of gender and sexuality that you have already learned about: socialization, regulation, stigmatization, pathologizing, criminalization, and/or victimization. Your presentation will explain how the two mechanisms you’re addressing support the reproduction of existing hierarchies of gender and sexuality by teaching, policing, punishing, and/or rewarding specific ideas about, and practices of, gender and sexuality, including how people learn about and are expected to comply with expectations for masculinity and femininity. Explain how each mechanism operates and with what effects on individuals, groups, and society as a whole. In the script for your presentation, be sure to explain/define key terms you are using and to integrate meaningfully at least three course readings assigned in Weeks Five, Six, or Seven. The script (or what you plan to say to the students) for your lecture to the high school class will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Does the script have a clear introduction that introduces the main ideas of the presentation?
Does the script identify and explain clearly two mechanisms that support the reproduction of existing ideas about, and practices of, gender and sexuality, as discussed in Weeks 5-8 of GSST 1S?
Does the script make clear how each of the two mechanisms operates and with what effects on individuals, groups, and society as a whole?
Does the script include definitions of key terms and concepts in language that would be clear and understandable for high school students?
Does the script meaningfully incorporate at least three course readings assigned during Weeks Five, Six, or Seven?
Does the script correctly and effectively make use of course material?
Is the presentation script written clearly and coherently?
Is the script free of typographical errors, run-on and incomplete sentences, verb/noun incongruence, and other writing problems?
Is the script no longer than 4 double-spaced pages using a reasonable (11-12 point) font and no smaller than 1” margins?
Does the script include in-text citations (Steinem 1978) for works cited?
Please submit your paper no later than Friday, November 12, at 11:59pm via Canvas.Common Questions about PapersMay I use the first person (“I”) voice?Yes, please do! You would be giving this presentation, so it should be in your voice. What is meaningful incorporation of a course reading?
Meaningful incorporation means using a reading in such a way that reflects your understanding of the content and that advances the argument you are making. As much as possible, use your own words rather than quote directly from the reading. This helps convey your understanding of the material. Be sure to also use those readings that make the most sense for the argument you are making in your blog post. Do not assume that your reader has read or knows the content of the material you integrate; instead, provide appropriate context (For example, “In her autobiographical essay about her experiences as an intersex person, Cheryl Chase writes about….”). Do I need citations?In-text citations are expected for materials assigned in this course. If you only use materials assigned in this course, you do not need to include a bibliography. To cite a reading, use the author’s name and the date of publication; to cite video material, use the name of the speaker or director and, if a course lecture video, the title of the video. You are not expected to do outside research for this paper, but if you do use outside sources, please provide an in-text citation and a bibliography listing the details for the outside sources. You may use any widely-accepted citation style: APA, ASA, Chicago Manual of Style, AMA—as long as you are consistent. Any bibliography does not count towards your total page length. How long should my paper be?Your paper should be no longer than four double-spaced pages in a standard 12-point font, excluding references. If your paper is three pages or shorter, it’s highly likely that you have not adequately addressed the topic of the paper. Here is the reading link:………

solved This has 3 Different discussion questions associated with it:Discussion 1:

This has 3 Different discussion questions associated with it:Discussion 1: Issues and Controversies in Survey ResearchundefinedIf whether to ask open-ended or closed-ended
questions was the only decision you had to make, developing a survey
research study would be easy. Although this may have been a major debate
at one time, more complex controversies regarding survey research have
developed. From properly phrasing questions to adopting the demeanor of
an interviewer, you must consider many variables that could negatively
affect your research results. Obstacles to accurately accepting or
rejecting your hypothesis lurk in the planning, development, and
execution of your survey research process.One way to ensure the precision of your survey
is to test it with a sample from your target demographic. You also may
incorporate a peer review in order to accurately test both the
perception of the respondent and the perception of the researcher in
your survey. It will help you determine whether participants on both
sides of the survey agree when interpreting the survey questions, which
can be a critical piece of the process. Traditionally, peer review
involves two to three peers and colleagues, but you may wish to include
one reviewer who is not a research methodologist. This person will read
your work at face value and may catch issues that you overlooked.Based on your Research Proposal experience, as
well as on the larger context of the course material related to a
research proposal in general, review the issues and controversies in
survey research you explored in Week 1 (including all of the readings).
Then consider any specific issues and controversies that you encountered
when developing your Survey Research Proposal for the Final Project.With these thoughts in mind:Part 1Post a description of specific
issues and controversies in survey research that you encountered when
developing your Survey Research Proposal. Explain how you accounted for
and addressed these issues when designing your proposal.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.Discussion 2: Overcoming Issues in Survey ResearchundefinedSurvey research methods are not just for those
researchers who prefer not to get their hands dirty; rather, these
methods are hands-on and socially based, and they delve into the
individual and collective thoughts, feelings, and philosophies of a
society on a given subject. These methods also allow researchers to
decipher what a given population is comprised of and what their thought
patterns may be according to many characteristics, including time,
culture, and geographic location. Survey research can be a powerful tool
in determining if a problem exists and how widespread is its’ impact.
For your dissertation, survey research can provide the basis for why
your hypothesis is important.To prepare for this Discussion, imagine yourself
well into the dissertation process of your doctoral program. A fellow
doctoral student comes to you for advice on the benefits and challenges
of incorporating survey research into his or her dissertation. Drawing
on the broader context of this course, think of the “big survey research
methods” picture. Consider how you would advise this fellow doctoral
student on the potential benefits and challenges that may be involved in
implementing survey research.With these thoughts in mind:Part 2Post an explanation of two
difficulties that this student may encounter (generally) when
implementing the survey research and how he or she might overcome these
difficulties. Be specific, and provide examples.Discussion 3: Social ChangeundefinedConsider every survey you have ever completed.
Whether you surveyed on the street, over the telephone, by mail, or
through the Internet, your opinions have contributed to a collective
body of knowledge and brought a greater understanding to the way you,
among a given population, live your life. It is information such as this
that determines what products are developed for sale, what political
decisions are made, and even what changes are implemented within your
city or district and around the nation. Survey research in the field of
psychology is no different—it is rife with potential for social change.Keeping in mind the Research Proposal you
completed this week, consider the social change implications of
answering your research questions. Then reflect on how survey research
may assist you with future contributions you could make as a
scholar-practitioner in your field.With these thoughts in mind:PART 3Post a description of at least
two social change implications related to your Final Project Research
Proposal. Then explain how you could apply the information presented in
this course to possible future contributions as a scholar-practitioner
in your field. Be specific, and provide examples.

solved 1. Abstract – 2. Background – What am i researching,

1. Abstract –
2. Background – What am i researching, what area i am covering/focusing etc (basically set up of the paper). It could be 2/3 pages.
3. Issues – What i read, what going on, concern etc.(May be 2/3 pages)
4. Insights and implications – Why it is significant, what have we learned from it, how to solve the problems, what will happen if it’s not solved etc.(May be 2/3 pages)
5. Conclusion
6. Recommendations.
1 day ago
REQUIREMENTSbookmark Ethics in information technology
Hey good to see you again. As we discussed before it’s actually 12 pages research paper. I have 2 page ready and you got to add this somewhere to make 12 pages.
Cyber Crime
Similar to the normal type of crimes such as carjacking, theft, and others that happen on our day to day life, cybercrime is a new form of crime that is carried out through the internet. Since the emergence of and uptake of the public internet (internet) by the world, there has also emergence and growth of various crimes, which are facilitated by the presence of the internet in almost every part of the world. From the definition, we can be able to understand that cybercrime is a special form of criminal acts that are done through the internet with the utilization of computers and network technologies. Some notable cybercrimes include cyberbullying, child pornography, hacking, infringement of intellectual property, privacy violation, computer system sabotage among others. As the access to the internet has increased due to the cheaply available internet-enabled smartphones, the same has happened to the cybercriminals, who has taken the space and inadequate awareness by the internet users to make their activities thrive. The effect of the cybercrimes on society is so huge that some form of these acts results in death and other damages (employee, 2018).
My personal experience of cybercrime relates to media reporting. Throughout my interaction with various people and their opinion online, I came to realize that criminals can use online platforms including social media, to harass and even harm one. Take, for instance, a situation where there is an open discussion on a Tweet or a Facebook post, and people tend to take the situation up to personal levels; some of this can even escalate to abuses and even online bullying. This shows how for instance, cybercrime can thrive due to internet access. According to one of the cyberbullying incident reported by back in the year 2016, a Family based on Texas was advocating for tighter regulation on the online crimes after their daughter killed herself due to the incidents of cyberbullying. The family, according to the article, outlines various ways that their daughter was bullied; this includes the situation where their child would receive abusive messages using untraceable mobile applications. The article describes the situation that led to the teen killing herself as a sad state of online bullying (cbsnews, 2016).
Another experience in cybercrime is that of the WannaCry ransomware attack which happened in 2018 affecting several companies and organizations worldwide. According to the media reports, the attack happened as a result of an employee opening an attachment that had malware attached. The attack targeted Microsoft based computers, and once it executes, it would encrypt the whole computer and demand ransoms. Several online firms came together to end the menace.This is just the tip of an iceberg since there are a lot of cybercrimes incidents that are reported daily.
My thought and opinion on cybercrime are that every country should come up with legislative to help curb the incidents of cybercrimes. Nobody should be allowed to commit any crime while using public platforms such internet and its associated tools. It is through these laws and regulation that we can be able to prevent occurrences of cyberbullying, hacking among other cybercrimes. Other than regulations firms and organizations should come up with an awareness campaign to educate the internet users on how to best use the internet and its contents.Creating awareness is a great way of ensuring that the cybercrimes do not thrive. Take, for instance, where people open their emails and click on attachments, which has malware and, as a result leads to attacks and overall sabotage of an organization/company computer information system; this can be prevented basically by training and creating awareness to the internet users.
cbsnews, c. (2016). Cyberbullying pushed Texas teen to commit suicide, family says. Retrieved 8 December 2019, from
Employee, S. (2018). 11 ways to help protect yourself against cybercrime. Retrieved 8 December 2019, from

solved HI300: Information Technology and Systems for Health CareDiscussion Topic: Learning

HI300: Information Technology and Systems for Health CareDiscussion Topic: Learning ExperienceINSTRUCTIONS: Respond to all posts; response to classmates should be thoughtful and advance the discussion, response should make and/or frequent informed references to unit material or scientific literature, follow APA style if resources are used, 75 word minimum in response per postCLASSMATE POST #1There were many services mentioned in the video that would benefit an upcoming HIM graduate. One of the most important ones I believe is the resume and cover letter review. I think this is a great resource especially since your career specialist will provide you with feedback. Another great service I noticed was the map where you could search for positions all over the United States. This is something that I’ve never seen before and it almost sounds too good to be true. It’s very unique. One of the last services that stuck out to be was the assistance with interview questions and appropriate attire. This is a great skill to have and a service that everyone should take advantage of! As I approach graduation in 1 year, I will be in a whole new state that I’ve never lived in. I plan to use career services to scope out career and internship opportunities. I will not be familiar with the area I am living so this will be a great tool. Video: TheCareerNetworkandOtherCareerServicesResources.mp4~Deana Mattison~CLASSMATE POST #2After watching the video I believe career services can assist graduates to obtain employment in a variety of industries. The career services site is a great networking tool for students to connect and share information with each other as well as connect with a career services specialist and network with potential employers. Graduates can search for jobs in the state in which they live. When you click on the location icon the company’s information pops up along with the career specialists information so you can get more information.Other benefits include browsing the career spotlight feature that allows you to see posted positions directly from the employer. Students can submit their cover letters and resumes for review, plus get help with preparing for interviews. I have to admit careers services provide a lot of support to help PUG graduates begin a successful career in their field.ReferenceTheCareerNetworkandOtherCareerServicesResources.mp4FeliciaHI305: Management of Health InformationDiscussion Topic: Networking: LinkedININSTRUCTIONS: Respond to all posts; response to classmates should be thoughtful and advance the discussion, response should make and/or frequent informed references to unit material or scientific literature, follow APA style if resources are used, 75 word minimum in response per post CLASSMATE POST #3LinkedIn is a professional social media website where you can present yourself to prospective employers. As the world’s largest professional website, LinkedIn focuses on helping users find jobs, internships and connect and strengthen professional relationships (What Is LinkedIn and How Can I Use It?, n.d.). Additionally, you can learn new skills to help you progress in your career (What Is LinkedIn and How Can I Use It?, n.d.). That is precisely how project managers can use LinkedIn in the field of health information management. As a Health Information Management project manager, you can log into LinkedIn learning, the part of the site that provides training on a plethora of new skills, and find a course to help you learn something new or refresh an old craft that you haven’t used in a while. Another way a HIM project manager can use LinkedIn to their benefit is to hire a new employee to fill a hole in the project or farm out parts of the project to one or more outside contractors. ~Chad Welsh~CLASSMATE POST #4 LinkedIn is a professional social media website. The site can be used by anyone wanting to connect with other professionals by creating a professional profile. LinkedIn is used by these professional to connect with others in their field. It is also used for job searches and networking. Potential employers search the profiles to recruit new employees. It is the largest social media platform of its kind that only focuses on the professional community. Because it is a professional community it is important to remember to keep the interactions on a profession level. It is encouraged not to add ones Facebook or other social media post to LinkedIn. That way it is kept completely professional.A health information manager may use it to seek advise from other mangers, or to find new employees. During projects it maybe helpful to search those with resources, or even seek other professionals with similar projects. There are also groups and many professional organizations one can connect to that will improve access to people and knowledge in the field.Martina White

solved Into which domain are protists, fungi, plants, and animals classified?

Into which domain are protists, fungi, plants, and animals classified? _________.What molecule forms bacterial cell walls? ________________________________After Gram staining, what color do Gram-positive bacteria appear? __________Which chemicals are used during the Gram stain procedure? _____________________________________________________________________What is the term for a growth of cells descended from on original cell as observed on a culture plate? _______________________What is the nutrient material used for culturing bacteria? __________________List three common bacterial shapes. _____________________________________Where does photosynthesis occur in cyanobacteria? ________________________.Where does photosynthesis occur in green algae? __________________________Which protist has silica in its cell walls? _________________________________.Which protists are commonly referred to as “seaweed?” ___________________Protists who gain their energy from sources other than the sun are termed ____________________________________________________________________Which structures provide motility for protists? ___________________________Which protozoan moves using pseudopods? ______________________________Describe the differences between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Many people have the misconception that all bacteria are “germs.” Briefly give examples of bacteria that have beneficial roles. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Compare modes of locomotion among protists. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FUNGI18.Are fungi autotrophs or heterotrophs? ____________________________19. A mass of hyphae filaments is called a ____________________________20. Black bread mold is an example of ______________ fungi.21. Which structure produces spores in zygospore fungi? ______________.22. In which structure does meiosis occur in zygospore fungi? ___________.23. What type of unique structure do sac fungi produce during sexual reproduction? _______________________________________________________________________24. What is the name of a reproductive structure in sac fungi where spores are produced and released? __________________________________________.25. Which fungi produces an antibacterial substance discovered by Alexander Fleming? _______________________________________________________________.26. In which two ways can yeast reproduce asexually? Mitosis and cell division or budding?(Circle your answer)27. What metabolic process do yeast perform that is used in alcohol production? _______________________________________________________________.28. What is the common name for club fungi? _______________________.29. Where are basidia located on cup fungi? ________________________.30. An association between fungi and a cyanobacterium or green alga is called a _____________.31. Which type of symbiotic relationship is represented by mycorrhizae? ____________.32. Contrast fungi and animals in terms of their method to gather nutrients. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.33. Why is it advantageous for fungi to reproduce sexually and asexually? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.34. Why does figure 16.6 show the relationship between plants and mycorrhizae is mutualistic rather than parasitic? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.