solved View the Week 5 Personal Leadership Manual Vignette (Links to

View the Week 5 Personal Leadership Manual Vignette (Links to an external site.) and then address the requirements of this assignment.For the Personal Leadership Manual final project in this course you will create a personal leadership manual that will be submitted as the deliverable for this assignment and included in your ePortfolio (Folio), where it can be shared with hiring committee for positions you may be interested in.Create a 250- to 300-word text based script or 1-2 minute video (include video link) detailing your personal leadership vision for a high-quality early childhood program. See the Personal Leadership Vision Exemplars Download Personal Leadership Vision Exemplars.Create at least five Program Goals for a high-quality early childhood program that you wish to create in the future. See the Program Goals Exemplar Download Program Goals Exemplar and Chapter 2, Page 30 of the course textbook for examples.Develop a visual poster that you will display on your office door that communicates your leadership style and any message you want your early childhood environment to understand about you.Compose a 500- to 600-word Welcome Newsletter to families that could potentially be in your early childhood program, including an overview of who you are, your role and your vision for their child in your environment.Develop a year-long Plan for Learning, including monthly professional development that could potentially be in your early childhood program. For each month, list a professional development topic, objective of the workshop, three to five main points, and one activity that you will engage faculty in. See the Plan for Learning Exemplar. Download Plan for Learning Exemplar.Create a Resource List including at least five virtual resources and summary of how they will assist you in leading your organization through potential challenges. See the Resource List Exemplar Download Resource List Exemplar.Identify an issue that you believe in strongly in and develop a 500- to 600-word Statement of Advocacy, indicating how you will be a change agent to make a difference in your state, community, or center as an ECE leader. See the Statement of Advocacy Exemplar Download Statement of Advocacy Exemplar.Your final project, including the required components, should be submitted as a word or PDF document (including and links to multimedia), at the top of which you should provide a link to your e-Portfolio in Folio that includes this assignment. To do this you will copy and paste the web address into the comments feature in Waypoint or add it to your Word or PDF file. For additional support on getting the most value out of this valuable tool, review the Folio Quick Start Guide (Links to an external site.).The Personal Leadership Manual assignmentMust be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages or slides and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.)‘s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.Must use at least three credible source in addition to the course text.The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Quick and Easy Library Research (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.Review the Writing Center’s Grammarly (Links to an external site.) page before you submit your written assignment; set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then, carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

solved Discussion for Week 8undefinedThis week we are covering materials in

Discussion for Week 8undefinedThis week we are covering materials in Chapter 9, pages 326–360, regarding workplace environment. Privacy is an important part of our daily lives. For example, as a student you should be aware of the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is a federal law protecting school records. Another well-known federal privacy act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), protects your health information. It is obvious that a large number of individuals take for granted that their personal information will be safe and secure when doing business with small or large companies. However, over the past five years, security breaches have become a common occurrence.undefinedThere are rules and regulations that keep employee records, such as social security numbers, work evaluations and other pertinent information secure. All of these rules and regulations tend to benefit the employee or individual, but what about the company?undefinedLet’s think for a moment about that. Should a company, regardless of size, be able to impose on its employees or customers policies regarding company privacy? Should a company have the right to regulate its employees’ activities on their off-the-clock time? Can an employee be held accountable for misrepresenting their employer on their personal social media accounts?
Your discussion post for this week is to provide your own opinion on the following questions.undefinedIn today’s technologically advanced society, is there really privacy? Based on your own personal experiences with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram, or Snapchat), do you feel that individuals should be held accountable for their actions outside of the workplace?Is it possible that, due to the technological advances in smart phones, tablets, and other communication devices, workplace and personal privacy have meshed together to a point that what was once personal space is now fair game in the hiring and firing practices?undefinedDiscussion for week 9undefinedInsider trading is explained in Chapter 10, pages 368-373, as buying or selling stocks of businesses using information that comes from an inside person and is not known to the public. The buyer or seller may have information that would dramatically impact the price of stocks.undefinedPlease read the article undefinedFor discussion this week, please share your opinion related to golfer Phil Mickleson’s apparent involvement in the Dean Foods insider trading. In your opinion, please explain if you feel Mickleson is guilty or not of insider trading. Please try to include some material from your textbook reading to help support your opinion. Do not include websites or other materials from sources other than your textbook. undefinedDiscussion for week 10undefinedJob discrimination (Chapter 11, pages 401-433), is the topic for this week. We will explore areas such as disparity, affirmative action policies, bias wage systems, hostile work environments, sexual harassment, and many other job discrimination topics.undefinedFor this week’s discussion, I want you to think about the concept of comparable work for comparable pay. Most companies provide a job description that details the work involved for the positions, the expected experience and education needed to properly do the work, as well as the physical abilities needed to hold the positions. The applicant is well aware of the requirements needed and makes the decision to submit an application, cover letter, and resume.undefinedNow here is where I would like your opinion on the hiring process and the determination of the wages to possibly avoid wage discrimination based on gender.undefinedRespond to the following:undefinedPost a discussion based on the following question. You might be familiar with how the television show The Voice works. The judges do not see the singer until they hear the singer and make the choice to accept the person onto their team. Do you think if all of the names were removed from all the application documents prior to presentation for candidate selection, and a set wage assigned before a face-to-face interview is held, that it would help to reduce the gender disparity in wages, as the potential for gender identity is not disclosed prior to interview selection? Explain your answer.undefinedDiscussion for week 11undefinedCompanies are expected to act ethically and to ensure their employees act ethically as well. However, we know the level of ethics expected is not always the same as the level of ethics in practice. Take a moment to share your thoughts on the following questions about ethics, in light of what you have learned in this course.undefinedIf you were the CEO of a company, how would you ensure employees operate at a high ethical standard?

solved I’m working on a political science discussion question and need

I’m working on a political science discussion question and need support to help me learn.

The Institutional Design of Congress
The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation convinced the member states to send delegates to a    
new convention to revise them. What emerged from the debates and compromises of the convention
was instead a new and stronger constitution. The Constitution established a bicameral legislature, with a
Senate composed of two members from each state and a House of Representatives composed of
members drawn from each state in proportion to its population. Today’s Senate has one hundred
members representing fifty states, while membership in the House of Representatives has been capped
at 435 since 1929. Apportionment in the House is based on population data collected by the U.S. Census
The Constitution empowers Congress with enumerated, implied, and inherent powers. Enumerated
powers are specifically addressed in the text of the Constitution. Implied powers are not explicitly called
out but are inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national goverment. Inherent powers
are assumed to exist by virtue of the fact that the country exists. The power of Congress to regulate
interstate and intrastate commerce has generally increased, while its power to control foreign policy has
declined over the course of the twentieth century.

Congressional Elections
Since the House is closest to its constituents because reelection is so frequent a need, it tends to be
more easily led by fleeting public desires. In contrast, the Senate’s distance from its constituents allows
it to act more deliberately. Each type of representative, however, must raise considerable sums of
money in order to stay in office. Attempts by Congress to rein in campaign spending have largely failed.
Nevertheless, incumbents tend to have the easiest time funding campaigns and retaining their seats.
They also benefit from the way parties organize primary elections, which are designed to promote

Congressional Representation
Some representatives follow the delegate model of representation, acting on the expressed wishes of  
their constituents, whereas others take a trustee model approach, acting on what they believe is in their
constituents’ best interests. However, most representatives combine the two approaches and apply
each as political circumstances demand. The standard method by which representatives have shown
their fidelity to their constituents, namely “bringing home the bacon” of favorable budget allocations,
has come to be interpreted as a form of corruption, or pork-barrel politics.
Representation can also be considered in other ways. Descriptive representation is the level at which
Congress reflects the nation’s constituents in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and
socioeconomic status. Collective representation is the extent to which the institutional body of Congress
represents the population as a whole. Despite the incumbency advantage and high opinion many hold of
their own legislators, Congress rarely earns an approval rating above 40 percent, and for a number of
years the rating has been well below 20 percent.
House and Senate Organizations

The leader of the House is the Speaker, who also typically the leader of the majority party. In the Senate,
the leader is called the majority leader. The minorities in each chamber also have leaders who help
create and act on party strategies. The majority leadership in each chamber controls the important
committees where legislature is written, amended, and prepared for the floor.
The Legislative Process

In the classic legislative process, bills are introduced and sent to the appropriate committee. Within the
committees, hearings are held and the bill is debated and ultimately sent to the floor of the chamber.     
On the floor, the bill is debated and amended until passed or voted down. If passed, it moves to the
second chamber where the debating and amending begins anew. Eventually, if the bill makes it that far,
the two chambers meet in a joint committee to reconcile what are now two different bills. Over the last
few decades, however, Congress has adopted a very different process whereby large pieces of
legislation covering many different items are passed through the budgeting process. This method has
had the effect of further empowering the leadership, to the detriment of the committees. The modern
legislative process has also been affected by the increasing number of filibuster threats in the Senate
and the use of cloture to forestall them.
PLEASE DO NOT JUST LIST FACTS about Congress, its structure and powers. Instead, you should explain your PERSONAL thoughts, ideas and opinions about this legislative branch of U.S. government.

solved I want original text answer ,no plagiarisim, reqairments are in

I want original text answer ,no plagiarisim, reqairments are in the file.Assignment Workload: This Assignment comprise of a short Case. Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually. Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes: After completion of Assignment one students will able to understand the following LOs: LO1: To understand the role of human resources within the organization. LO2: To differentiate between the major functions of Human Resources and their interdependency. Read the case given and answer the questions: Ali, fresh from school was a newly recruited HR practitioner. During his one month into the job, he was asked to be in-charge of the orientation programme for the entire organization. Being new, he followed closely to the processes. Recently, Rayan joined the organization and Ali was required to orientate him. On Rayan’s first day of work, Ali brought him around the organization for introduction to the rest of the staffs. Unfortunately, Rayan’s assigned mentor was not around hence, Ali was unable to make an official introduction for Rayan to meet up with his mentor. In the afternoon, during the HR briefing, Ali mentioned to Rayan that there is a buddy system in place but it is only on an opt-in basis. Rayan requested to opt for a buddy. Ali was rather surprised by Rayan’s request as according to Ali’s manager-Khalid, no one in the organization has requested for a buddy. Hence, Ali checked with Khalid on the criteria in getting a buddy for Rayan and according to her, Ali found out that it needed to be someone preferably from Rayan’s department. Having clarified on the criteria, Ali was supposed to get a buddy for Rayan, unfortunately, this issue was clearly forgotten by Ali due to his busy schedule as he was involved in other HR matters as well and he did not follow up with Rayan’s request promptly. One week later, Ali met Rayan in a lunch gathering and Ali greeted Rayan and asked him casually how he is doing and if he has adapted well to his job. Rayan, asked Ali blatantly and angrily where is his buddy that he had requested. At that moment, Ali recalled on the existence of this request and unwittingly told Rayan that he thought Rayan was joking with him on the request for a buddy as he did not want to admit to Rayan that he had clearly forgotten about the whole issue. Rayan was very angered by Ali’s response and told him off that he was very serious in getting a buddy and that its Ali’s responsibility to do so. Ali, clearly embarrassed and guilty about his mistake, apologised immediately and promised to get him a buddy. On the very day, a buddy- Faris, was found for Rayan. Rayan was very unhappy with Ali and confronted Ali and his buddy when he was able to have an official meet up session with his mentor. Ali explained to Rayan that the organization has no current practice in place for meet up sessions to be arranged between mentors and mentees and it’s a practice for mentees to take self-initiative to do so in arranging for meetings with their mentors and also that his mentor is currently out of town and will only be back the next day. Ali, himself being a new staff also was at that moment in time speaking on personal experience and also based on what Khalid had told him. Faris, who was present agreed and helped to explain to Rayan on the practice. Rayan kept quiet and Ali unknowingly thought that Rayan has understood the organisation practice. Hence, Ali did not continue to check with Rayan on this aspect. The following day, Rayan had a feedback session with his manager and Ali was called upon to sit in as a part of the orientation programme. Rayan brought up the issue on Ali’s failure to get him a buddy promptly and that he was not introduced to his mentor at all. He complained about the poor management of the HR mentor and buddy system and that it was not effective at all and that he expressed that he is very unhappy with Ali as he felt that he was not doing his job at all. Ali tried to explain to Rayan and his manager about what happened and also reassured Rayan that he will take his suggestions of improving on the system and was apologetic about the issue. He told Rayan’s manager that he will bring Rayan to see his mentor after the session as his mentor is back in the office after being on leave for the past week. Rayan was still very unhappy with Ali and continued telling Ali off in front of his manager. Assignment Questions:Marks: 05 1. On an HR practitioner point of view, what should Ali do to resolve the issue? (1.5 mark) 2. Rayan is very unhappy with Ali and holds it against him even though all has been done and followed up. What should Ali as HR do to resolve this and should Khalid, as Ali’s manager do something? (1.5mark) 3. What role does Rayan’s manager play in this issue and should he be implicated? (2marks) Answers: 1. 2. 3.

solved Prior to beginning this assignment, please ensure that you complete

Prior to beginning this assignment, please ensure that you complete the assigned readings in the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text and that you review Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps. In Chapter 3 of The Prevention of Crime, Elliott and Fagin indicate that crime prevention programs and approaches for law enforcement have largely drawn from deterrence theories and rational choice theories. Specifically, Elliott and Fagin state that “deterrence and rational choice theories have been the main theoretical perspectives guiding crime prevention, particularly as undertaken by law enforcement agents” (2017, Sec. 3.2, para. 6). Elliott and Fagin (2017) explore routine activities theory and discuss life course theories, which include strain theory, social learning theory, social control theory, and integrated theory. Elliott and Fagan (2017) also review connections between theory and data in Chapter 3. In this assignment, you will create a three-part memorandum for your supervisor in which you research a crime prevention program or a strategy for a crime prevention program, utilizing the format of an annotated bibliography. You will then assess the effectiveness of the crime prevention program or strategy and consider how theories may provide context for approaches to crime prevention.Assignment OverviewYou have been directed by your supervisor to prepare a memorandum which includes theories, data, and research findings that relate to a crime prevention program or strategy. Your research must include one scholarly article published within the past five years and one credible resource (website or online resource from a reputable source) that includes data on crime that relates to the crime prevention program or strategy. Use the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources document for guidance. It is highly recommended that you view the University of Arizona Global Campus Library’s Database Search Tipstutorial to aid you in finding articles written in the last five years.You will then record your research in the format of an Annotated Bibliography. Refer to the elements of an Annotated Bibliography and/or the Annotated Bibliography Tutorial video for more information. Using the same headers as those in the Sample Annotated Bibliography, fill-out the sections with information that pertains to each of the two selected resources (one scholarly and one credible), all contained in the memo to your supervisor. (It is recommended that you review the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Writing a Business Memo resource and the Sample Professional/Business Memo).Research and EvaluationOnce you have conducted your research, your memorandum should include the following bulleted elements with respect to the selected journal article and credible material.Summarize the scholarly resource, stating the type of crime prevention program or strategy that is being addressed in the article.Analyze key findings and recommendations.Relate crime data from a credible source to the crime prevention program or strategy addressed in the selected article.Assess the effectiveness of the crime prevention program or strategy discussed in the article with support from data from the selected article and/or data from a credible source.Cite the source in APA Style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center, which is located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course.Include in-text citations that refer to the course text as well as a minimum of one credible resource consisting of a federal or state government website that includes content relevant to current crime prevention programs or practices. You can learn more about scholarly and credible resources within the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesTheory ApplicationThe memorandum must compare and contrast how and to what extent each of the following theoretical approaches, drawn from Chapter 3 of the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text, could support the crime prevention strategy addressed in the selected article:General deterrence theorySpecific deterrence theoryRoutine Activities theoryNext, compare and contrast how and to what extent each of the below theories, drawn from the life course approach discussed in Chapter 3 of the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text, could support the crime prevention program or strategy addressed in the selected article:Strain theorySocial learning theorySocial control theoryIntegrated theoryFinally, and although more than one theory may be relevant and applicable, recommend one of the foregoing seven theories that would best inform the crime prevention program or strategy in your selected crime prevention program. Submit your memorandum through Waypoint.

solved Prior to beginning this assignment, please ensure that you complete

Prior to beginning this assignment, please ensure that you complete the assigned readings in the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text and that you review Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps. In Chapter 3 of The Prevention of Crime, Elliott and Fagin indicate that crime prevention programs and approaches for law enforcement have largely drawn from deterrence theories and rational choice theories. Specifically, Elliott and Fagin state that “deterrence and rational choice theories have been the main theoretical perspectives guiding crime prevention, particularly as undertaken by law enforcement agents” (2017, Sec. 3.2, para. 6). Elliott and Fagin (2017) explore routine activities theory and discuss life course theories, which include strain theory, social learning theory, social control theory, and integrated theory. Elliott and Fagan (2017) also review connections between theory and data in Chapter 3. In this assignment, you will create a three-part memorandum for your supervisor in which you research a crime prevention program or a strategy for a crime prevention program, utilizing the format of an annotated bibliography. You will then assess the effectiveness of the crime prevention program or strategy and consider how theories may provide context for approaches to crime prevention.Assignment OverviewYou have been directed by your supervisor to prepare a memorandum which includes theories, data, and research findings that relate to a crime prevention program or strategy. Your research must include one scholarly article published within the past five years and one credible resource (website or online resource from a reputable source) that includes data on crime that relates to the crime prevention program or strategy. Use the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources document for guidance. It is highly recommended that you view the University of Arizona Global Campus Library’s Database Search Tipstutorial to aid you in finding articles written in the last five years.You will then record your research in the format of an Annotated Bibliography. Refer to the elements of an Annotated Bibliography and/or the Annotated Bibliography Tutorial video for more information. Using the same headers as those in the Sample Annotated Bibliography, fill-out the sections with information that pertains to each of the two selected resources (one scholarly and one credible), all contained in the memo to your supervisor. (It is recommended that you review the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Writing a Business Memo resource and the Sample Professional/Business Memo).Research and EvaluationOnce you have conducted your research, your memorandum should include the following bulleted elements with respect to the selected journal article and credible material.Summarize the scholarly resource, stating the type of crime prevention program or strategy that is being addressed in the article.Analyze key findings and recommendations.Relate crime data from a credible source to the crime prevention program or strategy addressed in the selected article.Assess the effectiveness of the crime prevention program or strategy discussed in the article with support from data from the selected article and/or data from a credible source.Cite the source in APA Style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center, which is located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course.Include in-text citations that refer to the course text as well as a minimum of one credible resource consisting of a federal or state government website that includes content relevant to current crime prevention programs or practices. You can learn more about scholarly and credible resources within the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesTheory ApplicationThe memorandum must compare and contrast how and to what extent each of the following theoretical approaches, drawn from Chapter 3 of the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text, could support the crime prevention strategy addressed in the selected article:General deterrence theorySpecific deterrence theoryRoutine Activities theoryNext, compare and contrast how and to what extent each of the below theories, drawn from the life course approach discussed in Chapter 3 of the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text, could support the crime prevention program or strategy addressed in the selected article:Strain theorySocial learning theorySocial control theoryIntegrated theoryFinally, and although more than one theory may be relevant and applicable, recommend one of the foregoing seven theories that would best inform the crime prevention program or strategy in your selected crime prevention program. Submit your memorandum through Waypoint.

solved Prior to beginning this assignment, please ensure that you complete

Prior to beginning this assignment, please ensure that you complete the assigned readings in the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text and that you review Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps. In Chapter 3 of The Prevention of Crime, Elliott and Fagin indicate that crime prevention programs and approaches for law enforcement have largely drawn from deterrence theories and rational choice theories. Specifically, Elliott and Fagin state that “deterrence and rational choice theories have been the main theoretical perspectives guiding crime prevention, particularly as undertaken by law enforcement agents” (2017, Sec. 3.2, para. 6). Elliott and Fagin (2017) explore routine activities theory and discuss life course theories, which include strain theory, social learning theory, social control theory, and integrated theory. Elliott and Fagan (2017) also review connections between theory and data in Chapter 3. In this assignment, you will create a three-part memorandum for your supervisor in which you research a crime prevention program or a strategy for a crime prevention program, utilizing the format of an annotated bibliography. You will then assess the effectiveness of the crime prevention program or strategy and consider how theories may provide context for approaches to crime prevention.Assignment OverviewYou have been directed by your supervisor to prepare a memorandum which includes theories, data, and research findings that relate to a crime prevention program or strategy. Your research must include one scholarly article published within the past five years and one credible resource (website or online resource from a reputable source) that includes data on crime that relates to the crime prevention program or strategy. Use the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources document for guidance. It is highly recommended that you view the University of Arizona Global Campus Library’s Database Search Tipstutorial to aid you in finding articles written in the last five years.You will then record your research in the format of an Annotated Bibliography. Refer to the elements of an Annotated Bibliography and/or the Annotated Bibliography Tutorial video for more information. Using the same headers as those in the Sample Annotated Bibliography, fill-out the sections with information that pertains to each of the two selected resources (one scholarly and one credible), all contained in the memo to your supervisor. (It is recommended that you review the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Writing a Business Memo resource and the Sample Professional/Business Memo).Research and EvaluationOnce you have conducted your research, your memorandum should include the following bulleted elements with respect to the selected journal article and credible material.Summarize the scholarly resource, stating the type of crime prevention program or strategy that is being addressed in the article.Analyze key findings and recommendations.Relate crime data from a credible source to the crime prevention program or strategy addressed in the selected article.Assess the effectiveness of the crime prevention program or strategy discussed in the article with support from data from the selected article and/or data from a credible source.Cite the source in APA Style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center, which is located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar in your online course.Include in-text citations that refer to the course text as well as a minimum of one credible resource consisting of a federal or state government website that includes content relevant to current crime prevention programs or practices. You can learn more about scholarly and credible resources within the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesTheory ApplicationThe memorandum must compare and contrast how and to what extent each of the following theoretical approaches, drawn from Chapter 3 of the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text, could support the crime prevention strategy addressed in the selected article:General deterrence theorySpecific deterrence theoryRoutine Activities theoryNext, compare and contrast how and to what extent each of the below theories, drawn from the life course approach discussed in Chapter 3 of the Elliott and Fagin (2017) text, could support the crime prevention program or strategy addressed in the selected article:Strain theorySocial learning theorySocial control theoryIntegrated theoryFinally, and although more than one theory may be relevant and applicable, recommend one of the foregoing seven theories that would best inform the crime prevention program or strategy in your selected crime prevention program. Submit your memorandum through Waypoint.

solved Discussion about Future- will and be going to1010 unread replies.1010

Discussion about Future- will and be going to1010 unread replies.1010 replies.Instructions Please read the article about Donte’s Gift Express and then REPLY to this post and answer with:What do you think will happen next Christmas in East Cleveland?What do you think Donte is going to do in the future?Article about Community Service in Cleveland A ‘blessing’ to East Cleveland: Donte Gibbs Gift Express delivers Christmas joy — Cleveland City ChampionsPosted Dec 25, 201912A blessing to East Cleveland: Donte Gibbs Gift Express delivers Christmas presents and joy – Cleveland City ChampionsBy Branson Wright, The Plain Dealer (Links to an external site.)This is the final part of The Plain Dealer’s Cleveland City Champions series, which honors people and organizations that have done bold, innovative work to lift up a neighborhood or a community. The series was produced in partnership with The Guardian and with public broadcaster Ideastream. To read about other Cleveland City Champions, go to (Links to an external site.)CLEVELAND, Ohio — Shawna Wade heard the stories about Donté Gibbs, then saw a news feature on his contribution to the community. So she tested whether he was for real.Wade reached out to Gibbs on social media. She was 25, and she had a story to tell. It included the death of her boyfriend, and her own efforts to carry on as the single mother of four children. She sought help.“He responded swiftly and gave me details on how I could receive help,” Wade said. “He came through. He’s a blessing.”More than 1,500 other families have felt that way over the past six years in Gibbs’ home town of East Cleveland, thanks to Donte’s Gift Express (Links to an external site.)and the Betty Ruth Family Gift, which he named after his grandmother.Gibbs, who received his undergrad and masters degrees from Case Western Reserve University, (Links to an external site.) distributes gifts and gift cards during the Christmas holiday season. He came up with the idea after conversations with friends.Gibbs, 31, lifts up the residents of Ohio’s poorest city through direct acts of kindness.“His hand has been all over community programs,” said Greg Bell, recreation coordinator for the Salvation Army in East Cleveland. “If we could duplicate him it would be amazing. I’m proud to say Donte’s from East Cleveland.”During the Christmas season, Gibbs and volunteers purchase gifts, wrap them and deliver to families in East Cleveland. They buy the gifts with donations or with Gibbs’ own money. Then, they create an attention-getting suprise party.With an escort from the East Cleveland police department, Gibbs and his team (up to 23 cars last year) deliver gifts to families on 10 to 12 randomly chosen streets in East Cleveland, just a few days before Christmas.“Police are playing Christmas music and flashing their sirens to let people know,” Gibbs said. “Families are coming out wondering what’s going on. We have on Santa hats and tee shirts with Donte Gift Express.”The families’ reactions are similar from year to year.“They open the door and we say we’re from Donte’s Gift Express,” Gibbs said. “People show so much emotion. Some even cry because they’re so appreciative.”Wade was the beneficiary of the Betty Ruth Family Gift, which is given to a deserving family nominated from social-media users or through Hands Across Cleveland. (Links to an external site.) Wade, in essence, nominated herself. Gibbs’ team was honored to assist.“To see how joyful they were when they saw the gifts wrapped makes this all worth participating in,” said Dominique Tucker, a team member of Donte’s Gift Express. “The smile and the laughter that families have is ultimately what we look forward.”Gibbs anticipates the day when his acts of kindness can expand beyond the holidays.“I hope we can grow into doing things beyond Christmas like providing school supplies, school clothes and whatever we can do to ease burdens for people of East Cleveland,’’ he said.Cleveland Champions ProfileName: Donté GibbsOrganization: Donté’s Gift Express and Betty Ruth Family GiftCleveland credentials: Gibbs, 31, is the manager of community outreach for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and lives in East Cleveland. He’s a Shaw High grad and earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Case Western Reserve University.Champion credentials: Gibbs and several volunteers purchase gifts, wrap them at the East Cleveland Salvation Army and deliver to East Cleveland families during the Christmas season. Between 2013 and 2018, Gibbs and his team members surprised 1,536 families with gifts and gift cards. Gibbs also serves as volunteer coordinator for Manna Food From Heaven, which serves meals to women and men at local shelters twice a month.

solved I need an explanation for this Business question to help

I need an explanation for this Business question to help me study.

Suppose you are purchasing a new car, and you decide to use a scoring model to decide among four options, what would be your top three criteria and what would be criteria’s relative weight?Cost would weigh the most that is 10 because to me it is most important aspect while I select a car. I will need to see what my budget is and only go for cars that are within my range of budget. Design would be the second criteria important to me and it will weigh 8. I will first select cars that are within my budget and after than I will eliminate few options for which I was not completely satisfied about the design of the car. Fuel economy will weight 6. I will select the car which is in my budget, good design and decent fuel economy per gallon of the gas. Scoring models are often used in project selection when there are multiple projects and several criteria to be considered (Kloppenborg, Anantmula, & Wells, 2019). In this case multiple option that are available are in selecting a car of different brands. To select criteria, there should be a mutual understanding between all the executives. In this case, following will be my selection criteria to select a car – Cost, design, and fuel economy.In your opinion, what are the three most important items in your project charter? How did each help you plan your project better?A project charter is the deliverable that grants a project manager the right to continue into the more detailed planning stage of the project (Kloppenborg, Anantmula, & Wells, 2019). I think project charter is a resulting document of consensus between the project manager, contractor, and the customer. This document helps keeping everybody on the same page as project develops in time. Considering the importance of the project charter and benefits of using this document, for me, scope overview, milestone schedule with acceptance criteria, and risks can be considered as three importance items.Scope overview –Scope for me in simple language is nothing but the explanation of what should be covered in the project and what is not in the project. Scope must consider “what” type of questions that will let everybody know what is in and out of the scope. Scope overview is high level description of what needs to be accomplished and how it will be done (Kloppenborg, Anantmula, & Wells, 2019). Once I know what is in the scope and what is not, I can plan accordingly. I can focus the discussion as well as resources strictly on the things which are in the project scope.Milestone schedule with acceptance criteria –The milestone schedule is a high-level plan that indicates a few significant accomplishments that are anticipated over the life of the project (Kloppenborg, Anantmula, & Wells, 2019). I think project manager should know what are the milestones that are set in the project so that manager could plan and assign resources to complete the tasks to complete the milestone. Milestones divide the project is several parts and each part will have a certain acceptance criterion. Milestone is said to be complete once all the deliverables under that milestone are complete to the satisfaction of acceptance criteria.Risks –To me for project to be a successful risk management is crucial. Risk is an uncertain situation that could negatively or positively affect the project if it occurs (Kloppenborg, Anantmula, & Wells, 2019). Risk should be analyzed for probability of occurrence and impact on the project outcome. Risks that are high in both the scenarios should be managed proactively instead of managing it reactively. I think risks are important item in project charter because it lets everybody know that these are the risks that are identified in the project, who is the owner of the risk and how we are going to respond to the risks.Upon seeing a rough draft of your charter, your project sponsor asks you to move the finish date up by two months. What do you do?As a project manager I would listen to the request and try to understand why it isrequired. I am willing to re-map the planning to move the finish date up by two months butsurely it comes with trade-offs.Moving the deadline up by two months means more resources will need to finish the tasks and milestones in time. More utilization of resources will drive the cost up. So, in this case there is a trade-off between time and cost. If project sponsor is requesting for project to be finished in less time, there must be a tradeoff between time and cost. I will explain this situation to the sponsor and see if he/she is willing to do the trade-off. If yes, I will definitely re-map the charter to accommodate new finishing deadline.Reference Kloppenborg, T. J., Anantmula, V., & Wells, K. N. (2019). Contemporary Project Management: Fourth Edition. United States: Cengage

solved Create a work of art in the media of your

Create a work of art in the media of your choice focusing on a social responsibility theme such as the environment, human rights, equality issues, social awareness, identity, gender, political and social beliefs, censorship, psychology, science, and ethics.
Step 1: Decide on a creative project.
You can take a photograph or create a painting, a drawing, a building design, a graphic design, or a sculpture. The artwork must be a type of visual art that the art world would consider as visual fine or graphic arts.
Choose a Social Responsibility Theme that inspires or interests you.
The materials used and scale of the artwork are up to you. Use whatever materials and scale you feel best convey your intent for the chosen social responsibility theme.
The artwork must be original.
Do not copy another artist’s artwork or take a picture of another artist’s artwork and submit it as yours. That is plagiarism.
See the Plagiarism links in the Week 1 Folder to clarify what is considered plagiarism in the visual arts.
Step 2: Gather the supplies.
Make a list of and then collect the art supplies and equipment that you’ll need to create your artwork. If you choose to use the photography medium for your artwork you must also clearly and convincingly explain and defend in your submitted paper why your photograph is fine art and not just a snap shot.
What is the difference between fine arts photography and a snap shot which is not art? Click on the links below to see. versus-a-snapshot/…
Step 3: Create!
Set aside some time to create the artwork. Consider the Materials, Subject Matter and Content when creating your work of art. See the Artwork Critique page (link in Menu on left side of your screen) for things to consider while creating your artwork that should be mentally critiqued as you work.
Consciously consider the Elements of Art/Design, Principles of Art/Design and Color Theory while planning and creating your artwork. Refer to the elements and principles weekly folders for examples and term definitions.
Photograph and/or video the creation of your artwork. In progress images or video can be useful for the collaboration and paper portions of the assignment. You will also need a photograph(s) of the completed artwork to submit with the paper for a grade.
Collaboration Partner Responsibilities
During the process you must collaborate with another person or persons of your choosing. The collaborator will critique the artwork twice.
The first critique should take place during the creation stage. Before the artwork is complete but after the artwork is far enough along so the collaborator can tell what you are attempting to accomplish. You should ask him or her to critique your artwork and to give you feedback as to the level of completion, artistic expression and effectiveness of your message (content).
The second collaborator critique should take place once the artwork is finished.
The critique input will be included in your assignment submission paper, so record the process or take notes for reference when writing your assignment paper.
The person collaborating with you should read the Artwork Critique page located on the class Menu (left side of your screen) before critiquing your artwork. Additionally you can explain to them the difference between Subject Matter and Content and the basics of the elements and principles of art/design, and color theory. If in doubt show them some of the information located in the weekly folders to help them better critique your artwork.
Step 4: Prepare your submission with critique
– Photograph(s) of your completed artwork.
– Write a 2-page paper. (Submit as a PDF Document)
Include the following in your paper: 1. Describe your creative process.

2. List your collaborative partner(s) by name and relation. (friend, cousin, etc.)
3. How did the first collaborative critique influence your artwork? What was discussed?
4. What was discussed in your second collaborative critique? (positive and negative)
5. What was successful and what wasn’t successful with your completed artwork?
6. If you were to attempt the same artwork again, what would you do differently?
7. Do you think the final artwork embodies the social responsibility theme content you intended?
8. Do you think viewers of your artwork would be able to understand the social responsibility intent without the help of a title, artist statement or personal explanation? (Be honest.)
9. Do you think your artwork would stand the test of time? In other words, if your artwork survived for 50, 100, 200 years would
viewers in the future consider the artwork a good example of social responsibility from the past? (Be honest.)
10. Are you happy with the final artwork?