solved 1st postIt was difficult for me to come up with

1st postIt was difficult for me to come up with one change I think that needs to happen to help our current healthcare system. Even in the meeting of the minds video, they alI had ways to point fingers and come up with different solutions, not in a way of working together but in a way of being right. have witnessed Medicare first hand with my own mother and mother –in-law. That system doesn’t work and I am scared, based on Medicare and Medicaid, to allow government to run my healthcare needs and practice. Capitalism to has not proven to be a great source for running healthcare, price gauging, behind door deals. So, what to do? If you went out to eat at a restaurant and after you sat down you saw the menu, you had a lot of choices but no prices were posted. You asked your server and they told you, “it depends.” You ask, “Depends on what? Their response, “how much bread you ask for, if you need a lot of refills or your order isn’t the way you like it and I have to make a lot of changes, and tonight, all odd numbered tables get 10%, and there’s a few other things but I can’t tell you.” Would you stay and eat not knowing what your bill was before you ate? I would not.So that is the something I wish to change. More transparency in billing of care along with paying of the care. Providers not only bill differently, but insurance companies pay differently. 2 people having the same procedure with 2 different bills, then the insurance can pay 2 different ways, leaving both patients stuck with 2 different amounts. Both call the providers to ask questions about their bill and both are told something different. Then one credit agent tells one patient you have 30 days to pay your balance or go to collections and the other one was given a deduction off their bill because the biller has the discretion to do that. These types of practice are just the tip of the iceberg. In one controlled study at Johns Hopkins, displaying the Medicare Allowable Rates for lab tests to hospital physicians in the order-entry system led to substantial decreases in orders for certain higher-cost lab tests and resulted in a more than-$400,000 net cost reduction over the course of a six-month intervention period.(Feldman, et al. 2013) As stated by Himmelstein et al., “Most of the administrative costs in the US health care system (at least 62% based on prior studies) has been attributed to billing and insurance-related activities (described as billing hereafter). Billing costs are disproportionately high in the United States: for instance, in primary care practice, performing these activities in the United States costs nearly 4 times more than performing the corresponding activities in Canada.” (Himmelstein, et al. 2014). All of these hands in the pot affect the cost and practices of healthcare. If there was more transparency, I think these kinds of cost would be found and eliminated. Like a menu in a restaurant, I want to know what I’m expected to see before the bill comes, not days later in multiple pages, or just one stating price, what did I order, what did I get, seems pretty plain and simple. 2nd postThere is not a fix all for healthcare, it will take many different
approaches and solutions to “fix” our healthcare system. We need to
reduce costs and improve healthcare outcomes. If I had to pick one
solution or the most important solution in healthcare, I would say it’s a
combination of addressing social determinants to healthcare and putting
more money into preventive medicine. Deaths from drug overdose and
suicide are a large factor in decreasing life expectancy in the United
States. (Devitt, 2018) Family physicians and primary care doctors need
to focus more on screening and preventing these tragic deaths. Chronic
diseases such as heart disease and diabetes continue to increase and put
a significant burden on healthcare costs. The National Association of
Chain Drug Stores and Healthcare Leadership Council addressed Congress
with a Preventive Health Savings Act that would focus on wellness,
disease prevention, to ultimately decrease costs and improve health. The
letter states chronic disease as “responsible for seven out of 10
deaths among Americans each year, and they account for more than 80
percent of the $2.7 trillion our nation spends annually on medical
care –statistics that will only worsen as the population ages.” (NACDS
REDUCING OVERALL HEALTHCARE COSTS, 2017) Addressing social determinants
in healthcare aligns with addressing chronic diseases and preventive
healthcare as well. We need to address lack of access to healthcare
services by addressing these barriers such as transportation, housing,
clean water, and food.

solved assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem

assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem you’ve previously defined on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group you’ve chosen to work with and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts. Report on your experiences during your first two practicum hours.Organizational data, such as readmission rates, hospital-acquired infections, falls, medication errors, staff satisfaction, serious safety events, and patient experience can be used to prioritize time, resources, and finances. Health care organizations and government agencies use benchmark data to compare the quality of organizational services and report the status of patient safety. Professional nurses are key to comprehensive data collection, reporting, and monitoring of metrics to improve quality and patient safety.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care.Explain how a patient, family, or population problem impacts the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.Propose strategies to improve the quality of care, enhance patient safety, and reduce costs to the system and individual.Competency 5: Analyze the impact of health policy on quality and cost of care.Explain how state board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies can affect a patient, family, or population problem’s impact on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.PreparationIn this assessment, you’ll assess the effect of the health problem you’ve defined on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend at least 2 direct practicum hours working with the same patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also choose to consult with subject matter and industry experts.To prepare for the assessment:Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete and how it will be assessed.Conduct research of the scholarly and professional literature to inform your assessment and meet scholarly expectations for supporting evidence.Review the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 2 [PDF], which provides guidance for conducting this portion of your practicum.Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft assessment to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.InstructionsComplete this assessment in two parts.Part 1Assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem you defined in the previous assessment on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend at least 2 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Use the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 2 [PDF] provided for this assessment to guide your work and interpersonal interactions.Part 2Report on your experiences during your first 2 practicum hours, including how you presented your ideas about the health problem to the patient, family, or group.Whom did you meet with?What did you learn from them?Comment on the evidence-based practice (EBP) documents or websites you reviewed.What did you learn from that review?Share the process and experience of exploring the influence of leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy on the problem.What barriers, if any, did you encounter when presenting the problem to the patient, family, or group?Did the patient, family, or group agree with you about the presence of the problem and its significance and relevance?What leadership, communication, collaboration, or change management skills did you employ during your interactions to overcome these barriers or change the patient’s, family’s, or group’s thinking about the problem (for example, creating a sense of urgency based on data or policy requirements)?What changes, if any, did you make to your definition of the problem, based on your discussions?What might you have done differently?

solved One of the core values in a variety of helping

One of the core values in a variety of helping professions entails recognizing and being aware of our own biases and addressing WHY we feel the way we do. We ALL have an unconscious bias(es). 
It is important to know what areas you may need more exposure or a better understanding to best serve your clients and interact with others regardless of one’s profession because this concept also applies to education, business, medicine, and other fields in which you must know and understand your client or customer to be effective.  
This assignment is designed to help you reflect, share, and practice some of your ideas when it comes to who you choose to interact and have relationships with: in particular choosing friends, your current partner/spouse, and/or future partner/spouse. The goal is to create awareness of our biases and how they influence our relationship choices/interactions and mate selection.
Each of us can be defined or classified in many ways. Our race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, education, social class, and ethnicity are some ways we identify with others. We also use these as part of our filtering process when choosing a potential mate and those close to us as we learned in chapter 5.
Think of your life as a pie chart based on demographics. If you were to divide the circle into different components or segments, which pieces are most important to how you identify yourself?  For some, their religion plays the greatest part in who they are. For others, their gender identity or race is the most defining characteristic.
Create your pie chart (computer-generated) with the percentages of what is most important to you and a key that defines what each percentage represents. This may prove to be harder than you think, but it is worth at least beginning to think about the biases we have and what has contributed to them.
To keep this activity simple, we are going to only focus on a handful of demographics. Thus for this assignment, you MUST include these demographics (even if the percentage is 0; please assign a numerical value to each component) :

Gender identity (do not confuse with sexual orientation–they are different)
Religion/faith/spiritual beliefs 

*Feel free to include other and ONLY demographic categories (i.e., socioeconomic status, education level) as you deem appropriately relevant to your own identity and diversity.  
Take some time to think about how demographics influence our perceptions of ourselves and others…here are some questions to prompt your thinking:
Many students have said, “age is just a number,” but is it? Would you feel different having a 25-year-old professor compared to a 50-year-old, compared to an 85-year-old? Are your friends closer to your age or do you have a variety of ages among friends? Do you make assumptions about people based on their age? Do others judge you by your age?
With race, many students say they don’t see color, but do others see your skin color and treat you one way as a result or have you ever made assumptions of others based on their race?  Would your life be different if you were of a different race? Is your race something that you find people make presumptions about regarding you? What role does race play in your relationships with others?
With religious beliefs, do you find yourself looking for those who share your faith or prefer those who do not practice any religious beliefs? Would faith play an important role in your mate selection filter?
In what ways are your connections with others influenced by your demographics: racial background; religion or are there certain religions that make you uncomfortable or nervous or you are drawn to? Are you or do you treat others a certain way based on their sex? If you were the opposite sex would you be treated differently? Lots of things to consider…
Reflect and explore how you perceive each of these biases have or will influence your preferences regarding:

connecting with others
in friendships
choosing a mate

Think about it: what would you look for in a mate or a friend based on your pie chart? If you currently are in an intimate relationship or married (or have been), what factors based on your identity influenced your attraction to your partner? Think about your current friendships: was it a shared faith or similar background in race or age, etc. that helped form a relationship?
In conclusion, after addressing all the components of your pie, what do you think has been the greatest influence that has shaped your perception of yourself and others the most–is it your demographics, your family upbringing or culture, your faith, and/or past experiences? 
Write a 3-4 page summary of why you ranked the categories the way you did and your responses to the questions posed with relevant inclusion of information from chapter 5.

solved Chose a publicly traded company and answer a series of

Chose a publicly traded company and answer a series of questions on that company each week. The questions given will be related to the topics covered in classes of that week. 
Question Set 1:
1) What is your company’s principal business activity?
2) Who is the CFO? What is his/her accounting background? Give as much detail as you see necessary.
3) Is your company managing any ethical issues presently? If so, how do their actions affect their financial performance going forward?
Question Set 2:
1) Take the income statement of your company and transfer this to excel.
2) What is the largest expense/cost item on your income statement? Using your annual report (notes to the financial statements) explain what is causing this expense. Can you think of some strategies to reduce this?
Question Set 3:
1) Identify the costs/expenses as either variable of fixed. For the variable cost per unit, you will have to find or estimate the total products sold during the fiscal year.
2) Write the cost function for your company. 
Part 2 
This assignment was locked May 29 at 8:59pm.
Building on the corrections suggested (if any) from Part I, Part II of the term assignment continues with the introduction of the Master Budget. Students are required to first transfer the balance sheet and income statement to excel in order to use the data to make a quarterly budget. Following the examples from the master budgets worked on in class, students are required to make the necessary budget schedules to build a Cash Budget and Capital Budget.
Question Set 1:
1) Transfer your company’s balance sheet to an excel sheet like you did with your income statement. Also include a screenshot of the original balance sheet and income statement in the worksheet on excel.
2) Track your company’s stock price this week. Record the amount the stock price increased or decreased each day, totaling five days. I will provide an example of this during class.
Question Set 2:
1) What is the strategic plan of your company? Are there any specific long range plans? (Form -10k or Annual Report)
2) With your sales forecast, you now have to assemble the data to make your master budget. Below is a list of the data points you will have to find using your company’s most recent income statement, balance sheet, and possibly cash flow statement:
– Divide your cost of goods sold by total sales to get the cost of goods sold percentage
– Add together the fixed expsenses form your income statement and divide the total by 12 to get the monthly total.
– Add togetherbthe variable expenses (excluding COGS) from the income statement and divide the total by the sales revenue total to get your variable expense percentage.
– Divide the depreciation expense total by 12 to get the monthly depreciation.
– Divide the Income tax expense by Earnings before income taxes to find the income tax rate.
– Search for a rate of interest from the annual report of the company. Use the rate you find when you make a capital budget.
Additional Information Needed to Make Master Budget 
– Sales are 40% Cash and 60% Credit. Of the credit sales, 30% are collected the next month, 40% the month after, and 25% the month after that, and 5% are determined to be uncollectible.
– Your account receivable total from your balance sheet will be collected as follows: 40% the next month, 40% in two months, 15% in three months, and 5% is determined to be uncollectible.
– 50% of your account payable total is inventory bought on account which you pay for the next month.
– Whatever your inventory total is on your balance sheet, you must keep 20% of this as ending inventory each month (Like the example we did in class).
– You must maintain 10% of your cash total from you balance sheet in your cash account (This applies to the cash budget).Building on the corrections suggested (if any) from Part II, Part III of the term assignment continues with the Master Budget by completing the budgeted income statement and budgeted balance sheet. From these statements, students will then make a flexible budget and answer a set of questions leading up to the final submission.
Part 3 
Question Set 1:
1) Complete the budgeted income statement and balance sheet for the three month period.
2) Use your budgeted income statement and create a flexible budget for a 5% and 10% increase in sales and decrease in sales. 
3) What changes did you notice to your Cash Budget when you inserted the new sales figures? 
Question Set 2:
1) List 3 non-financial goals that your company may use in a balanced scorecard.
2) Go to the the Management Discussion and Analysis section in the annual report of your company (If one exists). What long term financial goals are outlined?
3) Using your budget and the strategic/long range goals, what advice can you give the managerial accountant of your company going forward?

solved There is a word count requirement of 125-200 words for

There is a word count requirement of 125-200 words for each DQ. Each post should include at least one empirically based source with an in-text citation.
Topic 1 DQ 1
Describe the five major components of spoken language (phonology, semantics, syntax, morphology, and pragmatics). Are any of these components more important than the other? Why or why not?
Topic 1 DQ 2
Describe the three modes of communication (auditory-oral, visual-graphic, and visual-gestural). Provide an example of how one of these modes of communication influences reading and writing skills. Be specific.
Read “Young Children’s Oral-Language Development,” by Genishi, located on the Reading Rockets website.
Read Chapters 1 and 2.
Read “Semantic–syntactic Partial Word Knowledge Growth through Reading,” by Wagovich, Hill, and Petroski, from American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (2015).
Read “Literacy Development,” located on the Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss website.
Read “Identifying the Dimensionality of Oral Language Skills of Children with Typical Development in Preschool through Fifth Grade,” by Lonigan and Milburn, from the Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research (2017).
Read “Developmental Norms for Speech and Language,” located on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website.
Read “Speech and Language Developmental Milestones,” located on the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders website.
Topic 2 DQ 1
Why is it important for teams to involve parents/caregivers in the decision-making process when choosing interventions for a student with language impairment? Describe two recommended ways to involve parents in the process. Rationalize your choices.
Topic 2 DQ 2
Why is the chronological age-language ability gap approach preferred over the mental age-language ability gap approach when identifying students who may have a specific language impairment? How does this approach help in instructional planning and intervention?
Read “English Language Learners and the Common Core State Standards: Meeting the Needs of Students with Low Socioeconomic Status and Language Impairment,” by Roseberry-McKibbin, from Perspectives on Communication Disorders & Sciences in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Populations (2015).
Read Chapters 3 and 5.
Read “Text Structure Strategies for Improving Expository Reading Comprehension,” by Roehling, Hebert, Nelson, and Bohaty, from Reading Teacher (2017).
Read “Supporting Beginning Readers in Reading to Learn: A Comprehension Strategy,” by McKee and Carr, from Reading Teacher (2016).
Read “Theory of Mind in Children with Specific Learning Impairment: A Systematic review and Meta-Analysis,” by Nilsson and de Lopez, located in Child Development (2016).
Read “Review: The Impact of Motor Development on Typical and Atypical Social Cognition and Language: A Systematic Review,” by Leonard and Hill, from Child and Adolescent Mental Health (2014).
Read “An Examination of the Relationship between a Child’s Developmental Age and Early Literacy Learning,” by Moran and Senseny, from Cogent Education (2016).

solved You have been hired by your regional real estate company

You have been hired by your regional real estate company to determine if your region’s housing prices and housing square footage are significantly different from those of the national market. The regional sales director has three questions that they want to see addressed in the report:Are housing prices in your regional market higher than the national market average?Is the square footage for homes in your region different than the average square footage for homes in the national market?For your region, what is the range of values for the 95% confidence interval of square footage for homes in your market?You are given a real estate data set that has houses listed for every county in the United States. In addition, you have been given national statistics and graphs that show the national averages for housing prices and square footage. Your job is to analyze the data, complete the statistical analyses, and provide a report to the regional sales director. You will do so by completing the Project Two Template located in the What to Submit area below.DirectionsIntroductionPurpose: What was the purpose of your analysis, and what is your approach?Define a random sample and two hypotheses (means) to analyze.Sample: Define your sample. Take a random sample of 100 observations for your region.Describe what is included in your sample (i.e., states, region, years or months).Questions and type of test: For your selected sample, define two hypothesis questions and the appropriate type of test hypothesis for each. Address the following for each hypothesis:Describe the population parameter for the variable you are analyzing.Describe your hypothesis in your own words.Describe the inference test you will use.Identify the test statistic.Level of confidence: Discuss how you will use estimation and conference intervals to help you solve the problem.1-Tail TestHypothesis: Define your hypothesis.Define the population parameter.Write null (Ho) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses.Specify your significance level.Data analysis: Analyze the data and confirm assumptions have not been violated to complete this hypothesis test.Summarize your sample data using appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.Provide at least one histogram of your sample data.In a table, provide summary statistics including sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation.Summarize your sample data, describing the center, spread, and shape in comparison to the national information.Check the conditions.Determine if the normal condition has been met.Determine if there are any other conditions that you should check and whether they have been met.Hypothesis test calculations: Complete hypothesis test calculations, providing the appropriate statistics and graphs.Calculate the hypothesis statistics.Determine the appropriate test statistic (t).Calculate the probability (p value).Interpretation: Interpret your hypothesis test results using the p value method to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.Relate the p value and significance level.Make the correct decision (reject or fail to reject).Provide a conclusion in the context of your hypothesis.2-Tail TestHypotheses: Define your hypothesis.Define the population parameter.Write null and alternative hypotheses.State your significance level.Data analysis: Analyze the data and confirm assumptions have not been violated to complete this hypothesis test.Summarize your sample data using appropriate graphical displays and summary statistics.Provide at least one histogram of your sample data.In a table, provide summary statistics including sample size, mean, median, and standard deviation.Summarize your sample data, describing the center, spread, and shape in comparison to the national information.Check the assumptions.Determine if the normal condition has been met.Determine if there are any other conditions that should be checked on and whether they have been met.Hypothesis test calculations: Complete hypothesis test calculations, providing the appropriate statistics and graphs.Calculate the hypothesis statistics.Determine the appropriate test statistic (t).Determine the probability (p value).Interpretation: Interpret your hypothesis test results using the p value method to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.Relate the p value and significance level.Make the correct decision (reject or fail to reject).Provide a conclusion in the context of your hypothesis.Comparison of the test results: See Question 3 from the Scenario section.Calculate a 95% confidence interval. Show or describe your method of calculation.Interpret a 95% confidence interval.Final ConclusionsSummarize your findings: Refer back to the Introduction section above and summarize your findings of the sample you selected.Discuss: Discuss whether you were surprised by the findings. Why or why not?

solved ss11 quizQuestion 1Â (1 point)Â The crisis that led to

ss11 quizQuestion 1 (1 point) The crisis that led to the creation of a UN peacekeeping force occurred in which country?Question 1 options:IsraelJordanLebanonEgyptSaveQuestion 2 (1 point) What suggestion did Canada’s Lester Pearson make as a way to settle the Suez Crisis?Question 2 options:To stop all Israeli ships from going through the Suez Canal.Have the United Nations take control of the Suez Canal.Establish a buffer zone between Egyptian and Israeli forces.Establish a mulitnational peacekeeping force to maintain ceacefires.SaveQuestion 3 (1 point) How did North America become vulnerable to attacks after World War II?Question 3 options:The development of nuclear weapons in Canada made North America vulnerable to attack.The development of new weapons technologies made North America vulnerable to attack.The development of nuclear weapons meant that Europe would not be attacked.The development of NATO made Europe less likely to become involved in a war.SaveQuestion 4 (1 point) What was the major reason the US built three radar lines across  Canada?Question 4 options:To help the American military protect the United States.To protect against direct Soviet attack from the air.To assist with the northern development of Canada.To provide jobs for Canadian military personnel.SaveQuestion 5 (1 point) What was the major reason for the establishment of NORAD?Question 5 options:To place Canadian military forces under the control of the US military.To protect North American from a Soviet attack.To protect Canada from a Soviet attack.To place a protective shield around North America.SaveQuestion 6 (3 points) Match the terms in Column I with the definitions in Column II.  Column I Column IIQuestion 6 options:123United Nations Emergency Force123Lester Bowles Pearson123Suez Crisis, 19561.In 1956, during the Suez Crisis, it was his work that created a United Nations peacekeeping force which was sent to the Middle East. For this he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.2.The UN group created and sent to the Suez Canal to separate and mediate between the rival armies involved in the standoff.3.An attempt by British and French forces to seize a strategic zone from Egypt after the government of Egypt had nationalized the canal from a British-French company. In an attempt to expand its territory, Israel supported the British-French action. The ensuing world crisis was partially solved at the UN when Canada’s Lester Pearson (Minister of External Affairs) suggested that a UN peacekeeping force be sent to the area. Pearson was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in the following year.SaveQuestion 7 (5 points) Match the term in Column I with the definition in Column II.  Column I Column IIQuestion 7 options:12345Cold War12345North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)12345Superpower12345Warsaw Pact12345Iron Curtain1.This name refers to the political and military rivalry between the West (USA and allies) and the Communist Bloc (USSR and allies) from the after the Second World War to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In many ways an ideological conflict between capitalism and communism, the rivalry led to a large-scale nuclear arms race. Canada played an integral part in the conflict in part because of its geographical location between the two super powers.2.The division between the democratic countries of Western Europe and the communist countries of Eastern Europe. The movement of  information and people across it was tightly restricted.3.A military alliance established in 1949 to defend Western Europe against any possible Soviet invasion. Originally, the alliance consisted of ten Eastern European nations plus Canada and the United States. The present alliance consists of 26 nations, including nine countries that formerly belonged to the Warsaw Pact.4.Term used to describe both the USA and the USSR between 1945 and 1989 when both countries had military power far in excess of any other nation.5.Post second world war military alliance of the Soviet Union and Soviet black countries.SaveQuestion 8 (12 points) Match each demographic description in Column I with the correct term in Column II. (Note: not all terms will be used.)    Column I Column IIQuestion 8 options:123456Site of genocide of Tutsis by Hutu majority in 1994.123456Canadian Prime Minister during the Cuban Missile Crisis.123456This status allows Canada to act as a non-threatening mediator in international disputes, building links between East and West and North and South.123456This allows certain UN countries to block UN policies or decisions.123456Alliance of western democratic nations formed after World War II.123456Formed after World War II to promote world peace and economic, social, and humanitarian issues.1.United Nations2.Rwanda3.Middle power4.John Diefenbaker5.NATO6.Veto powerSave

solved Answer the following questions in short answer form (see page

Answer the following questions in short answer form (see page minimums per question). Make sure your name is on your work, as well as the class name (Sociology 300 SCC). Upload your work to the Assignment link before the deadline for the assignment!! You are welcome to either answer each question on a separate page or all in one document — keeping the minimum length for each question in mind.Go to (Links to an external site.) . Scroll down this site and choose one of the several news stories that sounds interesting to you (note — there are multiple pages of story choices!), click on it and read it, and then summarize the article and what you learned in approximately one paragraph. (minimum 1/2 page, double spaced, not including header)Define ethnocentrism (see text chapter 2 and (Links to an external site.) for reference). Next, read about the Nacirema (Links to an external site.) (link). After reading about this group, answer the following questions –Who are the Nacirema?? An isolated tribe in the Caribbean?? A now extinct primitive tribe in North America?? Americans?? What makes you think so?? What point do you think Miner was trying to make about ethnocentrism??(minimum 1 page — inclusive of definition and answers to above questions — double spaced, not including headeIt’s often difficult not to be ethnocentric; we often think we understand the meaning of things when in fact our perspective is at best a very limited one. Let’s explore this possibility by looking at the following short articles — The Question of Hijab: Suppression or Liberation? (Links to an external site.) [http:\//] and Young Muslim Women Are Reclaiming the Hijab (Links to an external site.). [http:\//] (for more information about women and Islam in the postmodern era, see Women, Islam and the 21st Century (Links to an external site.) [] website; scroll down the site a bit for this discussion). These readings examine the veil in Islamic tradition —something that many Westerners think epitomizes the subjugation of women in Islamic societies. After reading through these articles, did these websites make you feel that you may have been ethnocentric in your view of the meaning of the veil in an Islamic society? Discuss, explaining what this website seems to be saying about women and the wearing of the veil. (minimum 1/2 page, double spaced, not including header)”Consumerism, the concept that an increasing consumption of goods is greatly beneficial to the economy was an intentional shift from product utility to desires…. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the availability of consumer goods greatly increased and for the first time consumers could choose to purchase goods because they wanted to rather than out of need. The rapid expansion of the advertising industry in the 1920s—when American corporations began linking mass-produced goods to unconscious desires—dramatically changed patterns of consumption around the world. Automobiles, television sets, clothing, and household appliances became widely used to express cultural values, and began to take on meaning and shape lifestyles. Consequences of mass consumption include severe environmental degradation, conflict over limited resources, health issues, unsustainable personal debt, and more.” (reference: the following (approximately 30 minutes), then answer the questions posted below –(for a written summary, click e-notes (Links to an external site.))THE OVERSPENT AMERICA – WHY WE WANT WHAT WE DON’T NEED (Links to an external site.) Americans are working longer hours with less leisure time than in the past. According to sociologist Juliet Schor, this is partially the result of “competitive consumption,” or the drive to have more than those around us do. According to Schor, we increasingly compare ourselves—and our stuff—with both peers and those earning significantly more that we do, creating an endless attempt to acquire and display the trappings of wealth. This leads to greater debt and damage to the environment.What role does consumerism play in your life? What role does it play in shaping your sense of self?What is competitive consumption? Have you observed this among your peers?What is “upscale emulation”? What do you think causes this to happen?Do you think consumerism will decrease over the next 10 years? Why or why not? What would be some of the consequences of decreased consumerism in the U.S.?(minimum 1 page, double spaced, not including header)

solved The goal of this essay is to demonstrate your understanding

The goal of this essay is to demonstrate your understanding of how music can reflect, represent, or speak to a place. You will do this by demonstrating the following key writing skills:
Crafting an argument: Creating arguable claims (including your main claim – the thesis) and using effective logical reasoning to develop the argument
Using evidence to support claims: Demonstrating the ability to identify and incorporate relevant, interesting, effective evidence that enhances and supports the argument

Adding to a conversation: Further exploring ideas, concepts, questions, or terms raised by another writer, which calls for your own examples, claims, and analysis as you test, complicate, or add to the ideas raised by another writer

Analysis: Opening up meaning for readers, based on evidence from your subject, beyond an opinion-only reaction by offering explanations, insights, and connections between evidence and claims.

The Assignment

In “Los Angeles Is Singing,” Kun claims that “[s]ongs can orient us to where we are, ground us in a sense of home, but they can also help us imagine where we want to go and reimagine just what home can mean” (183). Throughout his examination of this idea, he discusses the wide variety of songs that have been written about Los Angeles.

In this essay, you will select 3-4 songs that relate to Los Angeles in some way and explain: How do these songs offer a particular experience or “phenomenological” understanding of L.A.?

In your essay, you will analyze how particular songs reflect, influence, or speak directly to Los Angeles. The first step is to decide on a focus. Choose one of the following areas of focus:

Pick a specific neighborhood or community in L.A. and discuss how the songs represent that neighborhood; this could involve a contemporary look at the area or an examination of a historical moment (such as gangsta rap from Compton in the 1990s, the hard rock scene in the 1980s on the Sunset Strip, the West Coast jazz scene on Central Avenue from 1940s-1950s, etc.).

Look into the ways songs represent a particular culture in L.A. Culture in this case could mean ethnicity or country of origin, but it could also mean a subculture that revolves around an activity or place (such as surfers, car culture, etc.)
For the project, you will need to include 3-4 songs (your mixtape).
Source Requirements
This project will require you to do some research to find your songs, which will be sources for the essay. The first step is to discover and listen to songs in order to narrow down the ones you want to include. YouTube, Pandora, Spotify, etc. are valuable tools for this.
Along with the songs, you may want to understand more about the music, cultures, neighborhoods, and histories you are examining. This optional research would help provide important context for your readers and help you to understand your subject better.
In terms of source requirements, you must incorporate cited evidence (e.g. paraphrase/summary, description, quotations) from the following:
Josh Kun’s essay, “Los Angeles Is Singing” (add to the conversation that he started about how music represents Los Angeles)
3-4 well-chosen songs
Assignment Requirements:

Your essay should be 4-5 full double-spaced pages with 1’’ side margins, 1” header and footer margins, Times New Roman, 12 pt

Your introduction should end with a thesis that gives your readers a complex claim that explains how music is able to speak to or reflect a neighborhood, landscape, culture, or community in Los Angeles (depending on how you’ve decided to focus your essay).
You must integrate Josh Kun’s essay, “Los Angeles is Singing.” For your readers, you must accurately summarize the ideas, theories, terms, or concepts you are using from your source (making sure your summary is understandable to a reader who is not familiar with the source you’re introducing, but that summarizing does not take over your essay).

Your other evidence will come from your own descriptions of the songs (imagine readers don’t know them), quoting of lyrics (if there are any), and any accompanying source material that offers context to your soundtrack.

Your essay should engage in analysis of 3-4 songs using one of the foci listed in these directions.
Organize your essay around your own ideas/claims about how music represents L.A. (instead of organizing the essay song-by-song). Avoid turning your essay into a simple list of songs (“The first song I picked is…”).
Cite all sources in MLA format (in text), in addition to a Works Cited page. Use Purdue OWL (linked on Canvas) to look up proper MLA in-text citations and Works Cited formatting. You can also find how to cite songs, specifically, on Purdue OWL.
Proofread for mistakes and edit for clarity. Consider paragraph organization

solved Process: Reflect upon what was learned in relation to the

Process: Reflect upon what was learned in relation to the use of professional communication and accurate medical terminology.Select a topic of interest to you that deals with safety concerns when medical terminology is not appropriately used during communication. This can be based on what you have read, experienced, or witnessed. Create a PowerPoint slide show that tells the story of a situation of why the medical terminology caused a safety concern. While there is no minimum or maximum on the number of slides, it is suggested the length should be between four and ten slides, excluding the title slide. The content should include:A list of medical terms with definitions that were a safety concern in your story.The selected safety issue story and its relevance to medical terminology.The selected safety issue story and its relevance to communication. Suggestions for how appropriate terminology could improve with situation. Using the notes feature in the PowerPoint Program, describe the information on the slide. Complete the note section using complete sentences and using proper grammar.Include pictures, websites and Organizations that represent the selected topic and the role in patient safety. Be creative!Create a vocal recording of the PowerPoint. See the Canvas course page for directions on how to create the vocal recording.A minimum of 3 credible resources from literature should be used to support your presentation. See below for what constitutes credible literature resources. The resources page should be submitted in a separate word document. APA format should be used when citing the resources. This PowerPoint assignment is worth 35 points and is weighted 20% of the final grade in this course.Credible resources:The following are general guidelines that should be followed to determine if a source is credible. While credible sources may fall outside of these guidelines, they should be used cautiously.Scholarly journalsBooks, including textbooksWeb sites that end in .gov; .edu; .ac.; or are sponsored by a credible organization such as American Nurses Association, American Psychological Association, etc.While other sources can be acceptable, use them cautiously. They may be credible if they contain:An authorA dateThe source or organization is listedDoes it include a reference listRubric Power Point ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePowerPoint project includes list of medical terms with definition used in project. (10 points)10 ptsExemplaryAll medical terms with accurate definitions included.9 ptsProficientMajority of medical terms with accurate definitions included. (1 or 2 terms)8 ptsAcceptableMajority of medical terms included or some definitions are inaccurate. (1 or 2 terms)7 ptsUnsatisfactoryMore than 2 medical terms missing and 2 or more definitions are inaccurate. (7- 0 points)10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePowerPoint project describe the safety issue and its importance in professional communication. (10 points)10 ptsExemplaryDescription is clear, concise, and thorough.9 ptsProficientDescription is complete with several details vague.8 ptsAcceptableDescription has some points missing or many areas vague.7 ptsUnsatisfactoryDescription lacking in content; several details are omitted. (7 – 0 points)10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePowerPoint project • logically organized • grammatically correct • free of spelling errors. (5 points)5 ptsExemplaryOrganized; grammatically correct; and no mechanical and/or spelling errors present.4 ptsProficientOrganized and grammatically correct; 1 to 2 mechanical and /or grammar or spelling errors.3 ptsAcceptableSomewhat organized; or 3 grammar, mechanical, or spelling errors.2 ptsUnsatisfactoryPoorly written and lacks concise organization; 4 or more grammar or spelling errors are present. (2 – 0 points)5ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePowerPoint project uses • a minimum of 3 references, including the textbook • uses APA formatting on reference list. (5 points)5 ptsExemplary3 or more references; APA format with no errors in reference list.4 ptsProficient3 or more references; APA format with 1 or 2 errors in reference list.3 ptsAcceptableLess than 3 references; or APA format with 3 or 4 errors.2 ptsUnsatisfactoryNo reference list. (2 – 0 points)5ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePowerPoint project includes a verbal narrative of the slides. (5 points)5 ptsExemplaryClear and easy to understand; correct pronunciation of all words.4 ptsProficientClear and easy to understand; incorrect pronunciation of 1 or 2 words.3 ptsAcceptableClear and easy to understand; incorrect pronunciation of 3 or 4 words.2 ptsUnsatisfactoryVerbal narrative is missing or incorrect pronunciation of 5 or more words. (2 – 0 points)