SLP Overview
Overview of the LED599 SLP Sequence  
Before we begin the Module 1 SLP, two very important and related points should be emphasized, as they are fundamental to an understanding of the Module 1 SLP: 

All four frames can be used to assess any given organization, because all organizations have structural, human resources, political, and symbolic characteristics; and 
Different leaders use lenses – or frames – through which they view their organizations. Certain leaders will tend to use one frame predominantly, while others tend to be more balanced, choosing one of the frames depending on the circumstances. The important point here is that there is no “right” frame through which a leader should or must view any given organization or any particular set of organizational circumstances. At the same time, it is helpful for a leader to understand which frame (or frames) he/she is actively using. It is also critical that leaders be aware that there are four frames – not one – and that the use of others may be beneficial to effective sensemaking as well (importantly, this helps leaders to better avoid organizational “blind spots”).    

The Module 1 SLP requires that you write a 3- to 4-page paper, in which you address the following: 
After you briefly describe the organization in which you presently work – or in which you have previously worked – apply the Structural Frame to the organization, analyzing the effectiveness of two or three structural characteristics you have identified.  
Keys to the Assignment
The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include the following (note there are two parts to this SLP):
Part 1:
In a minimum of two pages:

Briefly describe your organization – name, what it does, size (number of employees, annual revenue, relative market share, etc.);
Describe the organizational design of your chosen organization. Is it effective? Why or why not?
Choose 2 or 3 structural characteristics of your organization (e.g., strategic planning process, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, rules, budgets and other allocation of resources, etc.); and
Discuss the relative effectiveness of the structural characteristics you have identified. If you were CEO of your company, what (if anything) might you do differently? Why would you make any changes you suggest? 

Part 2:

Complete the Leadership Orientations Questionnaire, and score your results.
In a minimum of two pages:

Report your scores for each of the Four Frames.
After you have completed an in-depth self-assessment of your scores, discuss how your scores inform your personal leadership style. For instance, what do your scores (high and low) collectively suggest about your leadership tendencies and about the ways in which you personally make sense of organizational events?Might your low scores indicate areas in which you may have leadership “blind spots”?

SLP Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated using the following five (5) criteria:

Assignment-Driven Criteria: Does the paper fully address all Keys to the Assignment? Are the concepts behind the Keys to the Assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?
Critical thinking:  Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions?  Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?
Business Writing: Is the paper well-written (clear, developed logically, and well-organized)? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included in all papers?  Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the Keys to the Assignment, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?
Effective Use of Information (Information Literacy): Does the paper demonstrate effective research, as evidenced by student’s use of relevant and quality sources? Do additional sources used in paper provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?
Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper end references and in-text citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all end references been included within the body of the paper as in-text citations? 

solved You should respond to your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or

You should respond to your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.Ebanks, Lillian Foundation for Health Promotion- Case 2

The United States is a melting pot full of many different people, cultures, beliefs, morals and values. Many health care professionals witness these things on a daily basis in the health care setting. As a nurse practitioner, it is imperative to know that we must take a patient’s background, beliefs, and values into consideration when treating them with modern Western medicine. By taking the patient’s background, values, and beliefs into consideration, an open relationship full of trust and transparency will blossom. There are many different kinds of populations emerging in the United States at this time such as the African American and Hispanic/Latino population. These two populations have many cultural characteristics that might interfere with their health care. When it comes to the African American community, a cultural characteristic that might interfere with their health care is the lack of trust towards health care providers and the the health care system (O’Rourke, McDowell, 2018). African Americans have such a strong religious and cultural belief that trusting in anything else, other than a Higher Being is counterproductive towards their health. In the Hispanic community, a cultural characteristic that might interfere with their health care is a concept known as familismo or familism. The concept of familism encourages Hispanics to seek direction, encouragement, and advice from a large number of people that the affected party considers family (Caballero, 2011). Although familism can be used as a positive motivator for self-management of a disease, it can also be counterproductive and can make it difficult for the affected party to make any independent decisions (Caballero, 2011).As a nurse, there are many different roles and responsibilities one must take to ensure that the patient will get quality care and treatment. As a nurse, it is important to remain open-minded, non-judgmental, and keep the patient’s principles, beliefs, and preferences in mind when treating them.There are many challenges that I anticipate facing when fulfilling the various roles of a nurse practitioner. One specific challenge I believe I will face is the rejection from patients. Most patients might prefer to be seen by a doctor because they do not understand what a nurse practitioner is. I can overcome this challenge by not allowing my pride to get in the way and ensuring that the patient gets the best care possible (“The Biggest Challenges for New NPs (and How to Overcome Them),” 2020). Another challenge I anticipate is the pressure to make a profit. Some decisions might not be in the best interest of the patients, but what I can do to overcome this challenge is to help the patient understand what is behind their treatment, ask the correct questions, and knowing what their best options are (“The Biggest Challenges for New NPs (and How to Overcome Them),” 2020). I can improve my weaknesses by keeping myself informed and making decisions based off of newfound information. One of my strengths is that I am very relatable and have the gift to put people at ease during trying times.I believe that the homeless and low-income households are more likely to experience health disparities because they have less coverage and less interaction with the health care system (Joszt, 2018). Low-income households do not seek medical attention regularly because they believe they cannot afford it. For the homeless, doctor visits are not common because they do not want to feel stigmatized and unwelcome (Joszt, 2018).References Caballero, E. A. (2011). Understanding the Hispanic/Latino Patient. Understanding the Hispanic/Latino Patient. Retrieved March 17, 2021, from (Links to an external site.)Joszt, L. (2018, July 20). 5 vulnerable populations in healthcare. Retrieved March 17, 2021, from (Links to an external site.)O’Rourke, M., & McDowell, M. (2018, January). Https:// Retrieved March 17, 2021, from (Links to an external site.)The Biggest Challenges for New NPs (and How to Overcome Them) “. (2020, October 09). Retrieved March 17, 2021, from…

solved Part one:On a separate word document use the resources attachment

Part one:On a separate word document use the resources attachment as a guide to answer the question attached is a template fill in the blank with your answer minimum of 5 sentences for each answer.Part two:On a separate word document Write a minimum of 5-7 sentences.Hot TopicPART 1: Find an income statement or balance sheet for a business. Review the accounting concepts and the income statement or balance sheet to answer the following questions:How is the business performing based upon your review? Is the business growing or declining, why?Where is the business focusing the majority of its resources?What advice would you offer to the owner or leadership of the business?Part three:On a separate word document Write a minimum of 5-7 sentences.Step 1 – Read the Information BelowWe have all worked in a group or team at some point in our careers. A team is brought together to achieve a common goal. The team needs to have members who have complementary skills and who are committed to a common purpose to achieve performance goals. However, teams don’t move immediately toward performing, but instead evolve over time. There are five stages of group and team development:Forming: Getting oriented and getting acquainted. High degree of uncertainty as members as they try to figure out who is in charge.Storming: Personalities start to emerge, along with roles and conflicts within the group.Norming: In the third stage conflicts are resolved, relationships developed, harmony and unity surfaces.Performing: The members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task.Adjourning: Members prepare to disband. Some members may be reassigned, terminated from the group or the group is resolved.Think about a time when you joined a new group—it could be at work, in a family setting or with a social group.Step 2 – Post a ResponseRespond to the following:Which of the five stages was the most challenging for the group to work through, and why?How might you have helped the group work through that stage differently based upon what you know now about the five stages of group and team development?Part four:On a separate word documentProfessional Development Program ProposalOverview In your first assignment, you conducted a research analysis of the company and proposed strategic solutions to the CEO. As you continue your consulting role, the next task is to deliver a professional development program to the CEO of your chosen organization.It is important that your program’s proposal be based on your research of emotional intelligence (EI) and specifically details how a new incentive program, based on an EI management approach, will:Foster teamwork.Strengthen interpersonal relationships.Enhance communication.Increase overall performance.Benefit not only managers but the bottom-line.InstructionsWrite a 5– 7 page, double-spaced proposal that includes the following components:EI and Motivation: Which of the EI building blocks would impact management’s ability to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction?Based on your research on motivational theory, describe which motivational theory you would utilize to influence the members of the organization and aid in helping to resolve the issue. Provide examples to support your solution.EI and Social Skills and Decision Making: Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the decision-making efficacy of the management team.Effective Teams: Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies you would implement to develop team dynamics that will benefit the organization.Reward Systems: Create an effective reward system for this organization based on how you want to resolve the organizational issue. Determine the strategies you would incorporate to motivate employees and influence behavior.References and Citations: Go to the Strayer University Online LibraryLogin SU200329506Password: Verizon&2020 to locate two quality resources.In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.Formatting and Writing Standards: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.Confidentiality: Since you will be addressing real issues in real organizations in your assignments, it is important to respect confidentiality. Feel free to use an alias for any company or individuals you might mention in your assignments. Remember that all discussions about these organization should only occur within this course and not be shared with people outside the course.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Develop a proposal for a program to help managers use reward systems and emotional intelligence to motivate team members.

solved Reading Journal 2: Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters

Reading Journal 2: Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 12 to 31Note: Journals entries will not be graded on grammar; they will be graded simply on completeness, display of thinking process, and effort. Your journal will consist of three steps:Step One–Summarizing (What?)Summarize the narrative by identifying all of the plot elements in the entire novel using a Freytag’s Pyramid (see attachment).PLEASE NOTE THAT AN ADEQUATE FREYTAG’S PYRAMID MUST BE THOROUGH, INCLUDING MOST RISING ACTIONS AND COMPLICATIONS OF THE NOVEL. ADD NUMBERS IF NEEDED.Step Two–Responding (So What?) Immediately following the summary, write your personal reaction to what you have just read (so what?). At this point, you want to explore your reaction to the text and connect the new information to your existing web of knowledge.YOUR RESPONSE TO THIS PART OF THE NOVEL SHOULD BE AT LEAST 250 WORDS.Step Three–Analyzing (How did the writer write? and Why did the writer write this way?)To complete Step Three, choose from the prompts as follows:ONE prompt from Part 1 and TWO prompts from Part 2OR TWO prompts Part 1 and ONE prompt from Part 2Part 1: Literary ElementsThe answer to each chosen prompt must be a paragraph of at least 200 words:Who is the narrator of the novel and how does that choice of narrator affect the telling of the story? How might the story change if someone else narrated the story?Choose three main characters from the novel and complete the following for each of those three chosen characters:What is the major problem facing the major character?What is the conflict that this character faces?What are the motivations (such as love, hate, fear, jealously, competition, etc.) behind this character’s actions? Identify two specific symbols within the story, describe them and what they represent, defending your viewpoint of those two symbols.Identify a motif of the novel (a recurring topic, character, or verbal pattern–see glossary), describe it, then describe at least three occasions when that motif appears in the story.Identify a theme of the novel, describe the theme, and defend why you think it IS a theme, identifying how the theme seems to explain the whole story, how that theme has universal importance, and how this theme applies in all times and places.Part 2: Literary TechniquesThe answer to each chosen prompt must be a paragraph of at least 200 words:Identify the author’s use of one of the following literary techniques and discuss how the author demonstrates that technique through his/her use of language:ToneIronySuspenseForeshadowingTime InterruptionsDiscuss how the author successfully or unsuccessfully conveys the language of the specific, different characters (dialect and dialogue) through the novel.Discuss how the author uses imagery to create appeal within the novel through the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.Discuss how the author uses figurative language (see the following list of types), giving specific examples and explaining the effect of the figurative language on the readers. Following are examples of types of figurative language:MetaphorsSimilesPersonificationIdiomsIdentify the author’s use of allusion (a brief, indirect reference to another literary work, usually for the purpose of associating the tone or theme of the one work with the other), identify the other literary work and its cultural meaning, and discuss why the reference may enhance the meaning of the story for the audience.YOUR ANALYSES TO THIS PART OF THE NOVEL SHOULD ADD UP TO AT LEAST 600 WORDS FOR ALL THREE PROMPTS.only ch 12- 31 ONLY and you can watch the video from your side I provided the linked for it if you want to watch it again.disscuations4 POSTS ARE REQUIRED IN THIS THREADBefore responding, read the glossary’s definition for theme. In ONE INITIAL POST of at least 250 words, describe, analyze, and defend your identification of at least two themes of To Kill a Mockingbird.COLLAPSE4 POSTS ARE REQUIRED IN THIS THREADBefore responding, read the glossary’s definition for symbol. In ONE INITIAL POST of at least 250 words, analyze at least two symbols (see possible list below or determine your own symbols) used in To Kill a Mockingbird.mockingbirdScout’s overallsMayella Ewell’s red geraniumsthe rabid dogthe snowmanthe brown paper bag of Dolphus RaymondBefore responding, read the glossary’s definition for plot and read the file entitled “Alienation and Initiation as a Theme,” located in the link, Coming of Age Novels, in the left-hand navigation menu of the course.In ONE INITIAL POST of at least 250 words, trace the plot (using Scout, the main character, as the focal point) of To Kill a Mockingbird using the steps in the alienation process outlined in the handout, “Alienation and Initiation as a Theme. and there is a file for this one down here

solved Details of Media Assignment (APA RESEARCH PAPER) Psychology in the

Details of Media Assignment
(APA RESEARCH PAPER) Psychology in the media
You will be required to write a research paper in APA format, it should be double spaced, minimum 5 pages (Not counting the TITLE page and REFERENCE page). You don’t have to have an Abstract. SKIP the abstract and after the title page go to the body of your work and follow the steps outlined.
The purpose of the assignment is for you to gain a broader understanding of how psychology is applied to everyday situations. Therefore, you will need to be a kind of “mini-expert” on the topics about which you are writing.
STEP 1: Choose a psychological disorder (you can Google them or refer to Chapter 14 in your book titled “Psychological Disorders.”
STEP 2: Research the disorder and tell me what is it? What are the symptoms and characteristics of the disorder? What can be done to prevent the disorder? What are the treatment methods for the disorder?
STEP 3: ALL of the above MUST be in APA format. Purdue University OWL is my favorite site to copy formatting and learn about APA Style:…
Walden University also has Excellent guidelines on how to write in APA style…
STEP 4: Choose a movie (Can be a documentary or a fiction), book, a biography of someone famous (must be someone known to the public (Angelina Jolie, Socrates, Hilary Clinton etc.). Writing about your uncle or niece will not suffice.
STEP 5: Your movie. Book, documentary character must have the disorder you will be writing about. In this section you will show if your character has the disorder and how is it displayed?
Write specific examples of how the disorder or the exceptional abilities are displayed according to various scenes. Show using specific scenes from the movie, book or documentary, how his/her behavior conforms to the disorder discussed? So I know you understand the subject you are writing about. DO NOT tell me the whole movie, ONLY talk about the relevant scenes where the disorder of the character is “Shown” and expressed in his/her behavior.
STEP 6: In few words tell me how your perception and understanding have changed about that particular disorder and how did that character influence YOU as a person? (Such as made you more open minded and understanding, or fueled your curiosity to study it more etc.).
How did your character influence or change social understanding and perception of the disorder presented?
STEP 7: All analyses must be typed in your own original writing. If you pass off others’ work as your own, it constitutes academic dishonesty and will result in disciplinary action.
Go to the websites provided for APA formatting and also look over the sample I posted. You should have a TITLE PAGE – Title of the work on top then title of your work again in the middle then your name, then  the College name. AS YOU SEE in the sample.
You don’t have to have an Abstract. SKIP the abstract and after the title page go to the Body of your work and follow these steps. Try to answer all of the following questions aside from the ones marked as OPTIONAL. Those ones you can choose to skip or if you feel creative you can answer them as well. Also you can go a little over the one page limit.
Make it Double spaced!
THE BEGINNING. (Questions to answer in the beginning of your paragraph fist 3-3.5 pages)
What is that you are going to talk about?
Treatment methods.
How does it apply to your media (talk only about verifiable facts, don’t use blogs or You tube videos).
Does your character have the disorder and how is it displayed?
If you picked a movie character then write specific examples of how the disorder or the exceptional abilities are displayed according to various scenes. Or if you picked a comic book or anything else, explain in details how the character’s behavior conforms with the disorder discussed? So I know you understood the subject you are writing about.
OPTIONAL answer: If Space Permits in few words tell me what kind of treatment would you suggest for that particular character and How your suggestion will affect Viewers perception of your character (such as…. will they like him/her more or despise him, will they empathize with him/her or will they have more compassion towards people with the disorder in everyday life?) (THIS IS OPTIONAL).
What do you think, how did your character (whether from movie, a comic book, entertainment magazine etc.) influence or change social understanding and perception of the disorder or exceptional abilities presented?
OPTIONAL answer: How did that character influence YOU as a person? (Such as made you more open minded and understanding, or fueled your curiosity to study it more etc.).  

solved Reflection Paper Topics with Grading RubricReflection Paper Topics with Grading

Reflection Paper Topics with Grading RubricReflection Paper Topics with Grading RubricYou will write a 1000-1500 word response to your chosen paper topic from the list below. See Course Outline for the due date. This assignment is worth 300 points, or 30% of your grade. DO NOT USE ANY SOURCES OTHER THAN THE DALRYMPLE ARTICLE AND YOUR TEXTBOOK, WHICH YOU WILL CITE USING MLA FORMAT.YOU WILL ATTACH A FILE IN THE BOX AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. Learning Objectives:Students will demonstrate their ability to construct arguments about issues of both personal and universal significance. Their writing should demonstrate that they can construct cogent, concise, and logically coherent arguments.Assessment:Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument. Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles:Roads to SerfdomThe Frivolity of EvilHow and How Not to Love MankindWhat We Have to LoseThen, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS : 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.A WORD OF WARNING: These articles are rather long and complex. The author likes to make extensive use of his rather copious vocabulary, so I strongly urge you to have handy as you work your way through your chosen article. The purpose of this essay assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to discuss, analyze, and evaluate complex philosophic arguments. I am confident that the reading assignments, tests, and discussion boards will have prepared you for this final, and no doubt challenging, essay assignment.Note: I only allow one attempt on this assignment. Students who do not fully address all of the components of the assignment as stated in the instructions as well as the grading rubric below will have to be content with the grade they earned. Please use MLA format.Your paper will be graded according to the following rubric:Grading Rubric:The following standards are numbered in order of importance for grading. 1.Essay demonstrates an understanding of the material: The student has correctly grasped a philosophical problem or question, has explained it accurately, and on the basis of a substantially correct interpretation of any texts involved. Key terms are used correctly. The essay shows evidence of the student’s independent thought, and is written in his or her distinctive voice. Short (one sentence) quotations are used (comprising no more than 10% of the body of the paper), when appropriate, to support the writer’s analysis, and an explanation is offered for each quotation. The use of block quotations will result in a severe point deduction. 95 points2.Essay has clear and coherent argument: There is a clearly stated thesis, and support for this thesis in the body of the paper. Each paragraph contributes to this argument, and follows logically from the paragraph before it. The argument presented is persuasive. The insights of two other philosophers are incorporated into the analysis. 95 points3.Essay fulfills assigned task: The essay addresses the entire assigned question or topic, elaborating on important ideas in satisfactory depth, but without bringing in anything extraneous or irrelevant. The introduction of the essay focuses and provides clarity for the paper. Important terms are clearly and accurately defined. Each paragraph conveys a coherent, organized thought. Short (one sentence) quotations are occasionally used, when appropriate, to support the writer’s analysis, and an explanation is offered for each quotation. No more than 10% of paper is made up of direct quotes. No block quotations. 40 points4.Essay obeys standards for good persuasive writing: the writer shows that he or she is comfortable using philosophical language, and the prose is clear, not awkward. The structure of the sentences reflects the relationships between/among the ideas discussed. 40 points5.Essay is technically correct: The essay has been carefully and thoughtfully proofread. The argument is written in complete sentences, with punctuation that does not mislead the reader. There are no mistakes in spelling, grammar, word choice, and punctuation. 30 points

solved Use the research you have gathered to write an eight

Use the research you have gathered to write an eight paragraph essay about your chosen career. Begin with an introductory paragraph stating who you are and your career plans. Explain why you are interested in your career. When did you become interested in this career? What events in your life have led you to have this career goal? What major will help you reach your career goal? Explain your choice of career and what qualifications you feel you have for your chosen career? What is unique about your background? ( I will complete this first paragraph about myself)Using the information you received from the Clifton Top 5 Strengths assessment (Links to an external site.), explain how your 5 strengths (Links to an external site.) will help you as you pursue your career and as you enter your profession.3. Your third paragraph should summarize the national information you found in the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) (Links to an external site.). Give the annual salary, job outlook, a brief description of the job’s responsibilities and the required education. Describe your educational goals, will you need a certificate, bachelors, master or doctorate degree? What are the skills you will need to reach this career goal? Include your plans for financing your education. Please note this information is to be written in your own words. You are required to cite this information in your research paper and on the reference page.4. Paragraph 4 should summarize the LOCAL information you found about your career using Career Coach (Links to an external site.), Career OneStop (Links to an external site.), or another reputable local source. Give the annual salary, job outlook, a brief description of the job’s responsibilities and the required education for the HOUSTON area.5. Now it’s time to talk about your financial future according to the Texas Reality Check (Links to an external site.) report. Use the information from your financial assignment to write a paragraph that addresses the following. Give the amount of money you will need to earn to maintain the lifestyle you desire to live in the future. Describe the lifestyle you intend to live and explain whether the expected annual salary (local or national) for your career will allow you to live that lifestyle. If it doesn’t, describe what steps you will take to deal with this situation. If you will have excess income, discuss what this will mean for your future.6. Compare the annual salary you will need to live in Houston to the salary you would need to live the same lifestyle in two other cities. Use the information your financial assignment and the CNN Money Calculator. (Links to an external site.) Discuss the differences in the cost of living in the two other locations versus the cost of living in Houston. Identify and report the largest percentage differences between the cities. Discuss whether family, groceries, housing or transportation are significant factors. Discuss whether your career is dependent upon location. Based upon your analysis, write a final statement that explains where might you decide to live.7. Think about how you can help your community as you learn the transferable “soft skills” employers find valuable as you study. Find two places where you could possibly volunteer in the future that could use the skills you will acquire from studying and working in your profession. Use the information you found at (Links to an external site.) or another volunteer website to write this paragraph. List the two places and explain what type of help they are requesting. Finally, explain how this volunteer experience could help you build your professional network. What personal characteristics, skills, etc. will enhance your prospects for success in this career? What specific experiences (including work experiences) have furthered this interest? What impact do I want to have on society?8. In conclusion, write your long-term career goal as a SMART goal. Refer to the Goal Setting assignment. State your goal and what date you plan to achieve it. Tell the reader three specific steps you will take to make the goal a reality. Acknowledge obstacles that will get in your way and say what you plan to do about those obstacles. End your essay with a narrative statement describing how your life will look and how you will feel when you reach your goal. What are my short-term and long-term career goals? Where do you see yourself in ten years?Your essay must be typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and formatted according to MLA or APA style. You must create a reference page according to MLA or APA style. When you use data from your research, you must follow that data with in-text citations. See the examples provided and use the citation generators suggested.

solved Please respond to yesensia with 250 words please respond with

Please respond to yesensia with 250 words please respond with the citations and references below:Chapter 7 Reflection
Sex is the anatomy of the human body that determines whether you’re a female or a male.
I also read that there can be intersex and that is when someone has features of both genders
(Derman-Sparks, L., Olsen Edwards, J., 2010). Transgender is when a male or female identify as
the opposite sex. “Sometimes a child’s anatomical make-up does not match the gender role he or
she identifies with (transgender)” (2010).
The video was about a couple who had a baby. The baby was born a girl but she
identified as a boy. You can see through the pictures as time went by that she was interested in
clothing that males usually wear. The parents supported their child by identifying her as a male.
They cut his hair and changed his room. They did everything to support him. I think the parents
did the right thing by accepting and loving their child unconditionally.
First off, that is one scary looking Mickey Mouse. The reading was about an investigation
of children’s toys in stores. There is a girls section and a boy section. The girls section uses
colors like pink. For the boys section they use colors like blue or green. What you find in the
aisles for girls toys are barbies, cleaning kits, make-up, vanity mirrors. For the boys, you will
find military toys and things like chess games. You see the same things in stores today. Going
back to the children’s toys, these do send messages to the children and what they should play
with. For example, the military toys send out messages of power and us versus them (Hofman,
S.). It shows them that fighting is ok.
This story was about a teacher who guided children in learning about what girls and boys
play with. It all started with one child’s question. The child asked why there are game boy and
not game girls. The teacher guided the children into doing research about the gender nature of
toys. It took three months. The children had a discussion about why they think there are game
Running head: Chapter 7 Reflection 3
boys and not game girls. They made observations of girls and boys playing outside. They also
looked around their classroom to see what girls and boys usually play with. In the end they came
to the conclusion that boys and girls can have the same interests when playing with toys and they
had the idea of writing a letter to the maker of Game Boys. Girls and boys do like to play the
same things. The teacher got the children involved by having them observe girls and boys
playing outside and indoors. She helped them make surveys and guided them by asking
questions to have them think about it.
This reading was about a preschool who’s teachers participated in a research study
regarding their children in their classroom. They observed how the children play. They wanted to
see how children explore their identities through play. They did so by asking questions,
observations, meetings with other teachers, and bringing together everyone’s observations. They
did this to help make the curriculum. Essentially, the children are the curriculum. The teachers
wanted to understand more about anti-bias curriculum and wanted to implement it in their
classrooms even though most people were white there. They wanted to be able to better point out
how the children were reflecting their identities through play. “I wanted us to acknowledge and
claim our work as political work- seeing teaching as not only about supporting children’s
individual development and learning, but also about cultivating particular values and practices
that counter oppression and enhance justice” (Pelo, A.).
I would share my own experiences with the children about how I was young and what I
liked to do. I like the example from the reading “Playing with Gender.” The teacher shared with
the children what she did when she was young. Even though he was a girl she was also described
as being a tomboy. She was able to relate with the child. She showed them pictures of her when
she was younger climbing trees and playing soccer games. I would do it so they don’t feel like
Running head: Chapter 7 Reflection 4
they’re the only ones feeling that way, so they don’t feel left out. The textbook states, “Many
preschoolers are not yet clear about what actually makes them a boy or a girl” (Derman-Sparks,
L., Olsen Edwards, J., 2010). Because they’re not clear yet about what makes them a boy or a
girl I would just want them to know that having those interests is ok and that they’re not alone.
Derman-Sparks, Louise (2010). Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves.
Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Pelo, A. (2008). Playing with gender, In Rethinking early childhood Education. Milwaukee, WI:
Rethinking Schools, Ltd, 67-73

solved Create a 4-6 page report that analyzes financial ratios for

Create a 4-6 page report that analyzes financial ratios for a company, uses the data to tell the financial story of that company, and concludes with a recommendation on whether the company would be a viable partner based on its financial condition.IntroductionIt’s essential for senior management to know the financial condition of an organization in order to make strategic decisions. In this assessment, you will apply the financial management skills learned thus far. Tell the financial story based on financial statements. Conduct a financial analysis and identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value.Interpret ratio computations that are meaningful and inform business decisions and strategies.Make three recommendations that maximize shareholder value.ScenarioMaria Gomez is founder and president of ABC Healthcare Corporation, a company that owns hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, urgent care centers, and outpatient clinics. She has called on you to review various financial documents and to make recommendations to maximize shareholder value.Your RoleYou are one of Maria’s high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and she trusts your work and leadership.RequirementsHere is what your report should provide for Maria:A summary of the financial strength of the company through your analysis of the price/earnings and price/book ratios.The CFO for ABC Healthcare Corporation assessed the market value by reviewing its price/earnings ratios. The price/earnings ratio determines the market value of a stock as compared to the company’s earnings. The price/earnings ratios are listed in the chart below. To calculate the price/earnings ratio, the CFO took the earnings per share and divided that into the market value. As an example, this means that in 2019 investors were willing to pay $12.10 for $1 of earnings. Price/Earnings Ratio201920182017Market Price83.6283.6283.62Earnings Per Share6.917.879.15Price/Earnings Ratio12.1010.639.14To further assess market value, the CFO looked at book value per share. The book value per share ratio is the per share value of a company in terms of the equity available to stockholders. The book values per share over the past three years are listed in the chart below: Price/Ratio Ratio201920182017Market Price83.6283.6283.62Book Value per Share199.1209.05226Price to Book Ratio.42.40.37The price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio) compares a firm’s market capitalization to its book value. It’s calculated by dividing the company’s stock price per share by book value per share. Here, for fiscal year 2019, the book value per share ratio was 0.42. This explains that investors were willing to pay $0.42 for $1 of book value equity. Price to book value is an important measure to see how much equity shareholders are paying for the net assets value of the company. P/B ratios under 1 are typically considered solid investments.Based on your analysis, what is your general perception of the company’s financial strength? Is it performing well given industry standards? How does it compare to its closest rival, HCA Healthcare? What information do you need in order to conduct such an analysis?Given your review, how can it maximize shareholder value? What are focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term? What short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains?In your analysis you may choose to look at competitive data. You may calculate ratios to gain a true comparison.After conducting your analysis, provide at least three recommendations to Maria that maximize shareholder value.Deliverable FormatCreate a report that tells the financial condition of this company. Your report should provide information on the following: Analysis of the financial statements.Evaluation of the true condition and valuation of the company.Recommendation of actionable items for the company based on the financial analysis.Financial Condition Analysis Report Requirements:Remember that you’re preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time.Title Page.Executive Summary.Company Background.Overall Financial Analysis.Financial Ratio Analysis.Trend Analysis.Competitive Comparative Analysis.Recommendations.Conclusion.References.Appendix (if you have additional data, reports, charts, et cetera, to support your analysis).Additional Requirements:Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.Format your paper according to APA style and formatting.Use at least three scholarly resources. Length: Between 4–6 pages of content, beyond the title page, references, and appendices.Use 12 point, Times New Roman.

solved The objective of the 1500‐word essay is for you to

The objective of the 1500‐word essay is for you to apply theories and analysis through the application of different topics and associated theories to your first attempt. 1. different topicsOverviewThe objective of the 1500‐word essay is for you to apply theories and concepts from the module to complete a critical analysis of selected situations when you have worked with other people. The purpose is to reflect on how you can learn from applying theories and concepts in order to develop the effectiveness of how you work with other people. A critical analysis involves applying academic source materials (theories and concepts) to explore a particular situationwhen you have worked with other people to complete certain tasks or achieve particular outcomes in the past twelve months (e.g. workshop or tutorial tasks, a group project/assignment, undertaken a voluntary or paid role, participated in a sports team) in order to develop new insights and understanding. By applying theories as an analytical lens you will be able to show your critical engagement by expressing the benefits and limitations of the theories and concepts for making sense of your selected situation. Key definitions for the assignmentCritical analysis – involves applying academic source materials (theories and concepts from peer‐reviewed journal articles and books) to understand and examine a given case or situation by recognising the underlying assumptions of the theories and concepts applied, and so appreciating how different theories and concepts have benefits and limitations for making sense of particular contexts and situations. Theory (also relates to ‘theoretical perspective’ and ‘theoretical framework’) – explains particular organizational dynamics and relations e.g. Competing Values Framework. It is a perspective, model, framework or lens that we can use to help us to understand and make sense of a given situation, organization, group, manager etc. It is not understood to be an abstract and comprehensive representation of reality or a prescriptive way to be or do things right. Critique – relates to being critical in how you apply theory. In general, you can consider two types of related critique. Firstly, ‘general critique’ that have previously been written by others about general limitations of a theory e.g. that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need is less applicable in collectivist cultures. Secondly, ‘specific or contextual critique’ that is about your judgement about how the theory does or doesn’t relate to your specific context of analysis, based on the particular individual, group and organisational dynamics involved in your study. Concept – is something that describes a particular organizational phenomenon e.g. social loafing. Situation – relates to a particular occasion when something happened (e.g. when I was working with a group of people on a specific task in a workshop or tutorial) or repeated engagement with the same people in the same setting (e.g. at a job, volunteering, participating in a sports team, completing a group assignment). Structuring your essayYour essay needs to be clearly structured as below: Introduction – explain what your essay will cover and in what order, which will include introducing the situation that you are going to analyse as well as mentioning which lecture topics and theories you will apply in your analysis. (about 150 words) Situation ‐ An account of the situation which includes information about: the background context of the group work, the task being completed, the people involved, what happened, and why you chose this situation. (about 250 words) Analysis: Topic 1 ‐ Application of theory/theories: explain briefly what theory or theories (maximum two) you are applying to the situation that is/are associated with your first chosen topic, explain what understanding you have developed about the situation by applying the theory. (about 350 words)Topic 2 ‐ Application of theory/theories: explain briefly what theory or theories (maximum two) you are applying to the situation that is/are associated with your second chosen topic, explain what understanding you have developed about the situation by applying the theory. (about 350 words) Findings and reflections – bring together the key understanding from your application of theory. Explain what you think is the value of the theories for analysing your chosen situation of working with others. What are the benefits and limitations of the theories applied for making sense of your particular situation? From your analysis do you agree with assumptions about how people behave which underpin the theories applied? From what you have learnt from your analysis how will you improve the ways you work with other people in the future? (about 400 words)