solved Discussion 6 (Week 7)44 unread replies.44 replies.Instructions:Indicate in the subject

Discussion 6 (Week 7)44 unread replies.44 replies.Instructions:Indicate in the subject of your post which option (Option A or Option B) to which you are responding. Responding to one of the options is required for discussion credit. Only respond to one of the options. You are then welcome and encouraged respond to others’ posts for the same or other option. Please use the numbering scheme provided in your responses to clearly indicate to which question you are responding.Answer each question and question component thoroughly, demonstrating critical thinking, using complete sentences, and proper grammar to receive full credit. You may use no more than one direct quote. Refer to the syllabus for further detail.All information needed to respond comes from your text book readings and, in some circumstances, information provided in the Discussion assignment. Unless otherwise noted, do not consult outside resources to shape your answers. Answer questions using only the material you read in the chapter and your personal knowledge/experience/opinions. I want to know your thoughts and ideas. Evidence of the use of outside sources in your original post will result in a zero on the assignment. If, after posting your discussion, you would like to investigate a topic further using an outside source and share that information (with appropriate citations and references provided using APA formatting) as a reply post, that is also welcome and encouraged.An explanation of how discussions are graded is provided at the bottom of this page.Option A:Reflect on the reading about power. Researchers argue that one of the reasons some people have power over others is that individuals are so quick to conform. Several classic studies, including the Asch Studies, help to illustrate this idea. Watch the following video about the Asch Studies, and think about the “real-life” implications. Then watch the next video which is a more modern conformity experiment, and think about the “real-life” implications of this experiment.Asch Studies:Link (Links to an external site.)Conformity experiment:Link (Links to an external site.)After watching the videos, answer the below questions:From your perspective, taken together, what are some “real-life” implications of these studies? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, how might conformity play a role in the workplace? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, how can an awareness of this information help you in the workplace? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]One could argue that these are just silly experiments taking place in a somewhat controlled setting but that such conformity would not take place in the real world. In your opinion, do you agree or disagree? Why? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]Option B: After reading Chapter 15, read the Point/Counterpoint “The End of Management” on p. 517 of your text book, and answer the following questions:From your perspective, with what particular points do you agree? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]From your perspective, with what particular points do you disagree? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, do you think the trend toward flatter, more organic organizations will continue? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, how do you think the field of management will evolve over the next 10 years? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]Grade DeterminationStarting score: The starting point value associated with each question component is provided in brackets after the question component. Grading anchors for each question component are as follows:full credit (100%): Very thorough, in-depth discussion reflecting strong critical thinking (requires at least several sentences); answers the question askedpartial credit (90%): Thorough, in-depth discussion reflecting strong critical thinking (requires at least several sentences); answers the question askedpartial credit (80%): Somewhat thorough, in-depth discussion reflecting moderate critical thinking (requires at least several sentences); answers the question askedpartial credit (70%): Minimally thorough discussion; answers question but reflects little critical thinking; answers the question askedpartial credit (60%): Surface-level discussion; no depth to response/discussion reflecting very little critical thinking; answers the question askedno credit (0%): Does not answer the question askedDeductions from starting score:Evidence of plagiarism: automatic zeroUse of outside sources: automatic zeroNot writing in complete sentences: 10-point deduction per occurrenceGrammatical/typographical errors:0-2: no deduction3-5: 10-point deductionmore than 6: 30-point deduction

solved There are 6 ethical values that marketers are expected to

There are 6 ethical values that marketers are expected to uphold, and these are:
Honesty – Be forthright in dealings and offer value and integrity.
Responsibility – Accept the consequences of marketing practices and serve the needs of customers of all types, while being good stewards of the environment.

Fairness – Balance buyer needs and seller interest fairly, and avoid manipulation in all forms while protecting the information of the consumers.

Respect – Acknowledge the basic human dignity of all the people involved through efforts to communicate, understand, and meet needs and appreciate the contributions of others.
Transparency – Create a spirit of openness in the practice of marketing through communication, constructive criticism, action, and disclosure.

Citizenship – Fulfill all legal, economic, philanthropic, and societal responsibilities to all stakeholders as well as give back to the community and protect the ecological environment. (Links to an external site.)


Peer 1
A time I was a witness to unethical business practices that I can remember took place at the Nissan Dealership I used to work at (they’re no longer in business anyway so I can speak of this LOL). When customer would bring in their vehicles and were just out of warranty, we would put their mileage as being under the limit so we could cover repairs for them without them having a giant bill. Worked out well for the customers, and for us with customer loyalty, but really lot of things covered should not have been.
That same dealership also got a brand new Nissan Versa delivered and we called it the fishbowl because somewhere in the bodyline a seam wasn’t right so there was about 4 inches of water sitting in all the footwells in the car and there was absolutely mold growing. The sales department dried it out and fixed any obvious damage but then sold the vehicle to someone and 100% did not disclose it. I left shortly after so not sure how often that vehicle returned with issues.
Dealerships are garbage. I’ll only buy from one of the ones I’ve previously worked at and know the sales guys.

Peer 2
A situation I heard about where the unethical side of marketing was displayed is when Volkswagen got in trouble for a targeted misleading clean diesel advertising campaign, that their diesel vehicles were environmentally friendly and could pass emission testing when this was not true. It was later found out that software was installed in the vehicles computer that during an emission test would alter how the engine runs to make it run cleaner. When the vehicle was not being operated on an emissions test and just driven normally the engine would not run as clean and not be as environmentally friendly. Many people bought these vehicles due to claim that they were more environmentally friendly, and they were deceived by the company’s claim. Also the vehicles had to adhere to emissions testing standards in America and other countries as well, so the manufacturer Volkswagen deceived the countries governments. Due to this misleading claim Volkswagen paid $9.5 billion to consumers, and had to offer them either a buyback option, or make modifications to the vehicles emissions system, and they encountered fines.
This example of unethical marketing breaks many of the 6 ethical values. This is not being honest, Volkswagen was intentionally misleading their customers and governments into thinking their vehicle were environmentally friendly and clean burning when they were not. The manufacturer also was not being responsible, as this was carelessness and they did not take responsibility for the claim that their vehicles were clean burning and promoting a good environment. This was not fair to consumers, many consumers purchased the vehicles with the interest of them being environmentally friendly, due to being mislead customers did not actually get the product they desired. Respect was also broken, as Volkswagen did not respect consumers that were interested in promoting clean vehicles, did not respect the governments emissions rules and regulations, and also did not respect the environment with creating a vehicle that pollutes heavily but claims to be environmentally friendly. They also were not being transparent as they intentionally mislead and deceived their customers into a false product. This did not display good citizenship, as they broke emissions rules and laws that were put in place by the governments, did not create an environmentally friendly vehicle, and also this hurt the ecological environment by the vehicles polluting more. All around this was a bad move for the manufacturer Volkswagen, hurt their company image and they lost sales and resources.

solved Topic Choices – pick one (1) topic by number to

Topic Choices – pick one (1) topic by number to explain. Try to avoid picking a topic already discussed. It may help to state your selection early and then come back to add in your contribution. Explain the followingfood insecurityvery low food insecurityfood desertsmalnutrition overnutritionundernutritionWhat role do each of the following agencies have in regulating food labeling and safety?USDAFDAEPAIdentify the 6 classes of nutrients. Identify which ones aremacronutrientsmicronutrientsprovide calories (- also known as kilocalories – and how many calories per gram)What is the NHANES and what is used for?What are the A B C Ds of nutrition? Explain and provide examples of each. – Topic takenWhat is the difference between portion size and serving size? Topic TakenExplain what the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are, how often they are updated, and why they exist. Dietary Guidelines for Americans – share with us what Americans typically need more of and what we need less of. Why does that matter? MyPlate – what is it? How can we use it? Who is it for?What is the difference between dietary reference intakes (DRI) and recommended dietary allowances (RDA)?What is the difference between an estimated average requirement (EAR) and the RDAExplain the difference between nutrient density and energy density. Provide examples of each.What is the difference between a RDA and an adequate intake (AI)? What is the UL (Links to an external site.)? What are the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR)? Provide the ranges for nutrients that have an AMDR.What is the estimated energy requirement (EER) and what information is needed to determine that? What is meant by biodiversity?What is bioaccumulation?What are the four core principles of food safety? Which populations are at greatest risk for foodborne illness, even at low doses of exposure? Why?What is Listeria monocytogenes? Which high-risk group must watch out for this and why?What are the consequences of it and how can it be prevented? Is it possible to be overweight and malnourished at the same time? Explain.Identify the nutritionally connected leading causes of death in the United States. What are red flags of misleading nutrition information? How can you know if nutrition information is reliable? Explain the followingorganic vs. conventionally grown foodsdifferent types of organic labels and terms on products and what they mean on foodswhat GMO meanswhat it means for a nutrient to be organic and which nutrients are organicfoodborne illness versus foodborne intoxicationDanger zone AND what is the danger zonehow long can food be left out?how long can leftovers be storedWhat is the difference between terms use by versus best bysell by versus best by or use byUSDA organic seal and “made with organic ingredients” nutrient composition of organic versus conventionally grown foods and ingredients in productWhat does it mean for a food system to be sustainable?What does HACCP stand for and why is it used?Ways of preserving food and how they work — TOPIC TAKENpasteurizationirradiationascetic processing (sterilization) canningsaltUse resources to help you explain your topicUse your textbook (chapters 1 and 12, 18, 17 in the Human Nutrition textbook) (Links to an external site.)and and at least one other resource. I posted slides that are helpful and provided other resources below.What are you doing?Select one of the following sets of terms and explain what they mean in your own words.Imagine that you are explaining this to my grandmother who knows nothing about nutrition. USDA MyPlate (Links to an external site.) USDA – DRIs (Links to an external site.) USDA – RDAs (Links to an external site.) Mayo Clinic – News – 2021 DGA (Links to an external site.) Dietary Guidelines – Make Every Bite Count! (Links to an external site.) (watch the short video there)Food Label Overview – (Links to an external site.) Dietary Guidelines – UC Davis (Links to an external site.) Dietary Guidelines – Kansas State University (Links to an external site.) Part 2: Digestion and Absorption (Due by MONDAY, 9/13 — delayed a day due to exam)Watch one of the following videos about digestion and absorption. They are both good videos. Watch the one that appeals to you most. In part 2, include all of the following: Clearly indicate which video you watchedDiscuss two (2) things you learned about digestion and absorption. Be detailed and specific. Video 1 (animated approach)The first video is a bit newer and less formal approach.. It is informative and there is a lot of useful content in the video. It is about 28 minutes long. Video 2 (academic approach)This video was made a long time ago (1998, perhaps) and it is very good. It is a bit “dry” compared to the video above. (35 min)

solved Writing Your Paper:Your reading critique will consist of two basic

Writing Your Paper:Your reading critique will consist of two basic sections, plus the resources used (articles, books, web sites, etc.).For this assignment, all aspects of APA format will be required: title page, main body of the paper with author citations, and reference page.Section IThis section will include two parts:1) a topic paragraph which contains a brief description of your topic and a couple of questions you will try to answer in the body of your paper and;2) a one page outline which identifies three or four major areas of inquiry and points to consider within each. IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH HOW TO CREATE AN OUTLINE, CHECK THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT, WHICH PROVIDES INSTRUCTIONS.How to Make an Outline A few sample areas of questioning might be: 1) What is the main theme or theory? 2) How does the author define leadership? 3) In what situations can this theory be applied? 4) What is required to apply this theory? The purpose of this topic paragraph and the outline are to help you organize your thoughts and integrate your sources. Every part of the outline should be developed in your paper and sources should be cited. The topic paragraph you write for this section may be used as the introductory paragraph for the completed paper. This section will be posted to a discussion page and shared with your peers. In this way, everyone is exposed to all ideas and theories. Section IIThis section will consist of your written research paper, covering the areas of inquiry listed in your outline in detail. In the conclusion of your paper apply what you learned in your research to the task of being an early childhood director; include a statement or two commenting on the relationship between what you learned and staff morale.The paper itself should consist of 6-7 pages of expository text with a separate page of resources with two correctly formatted citations per page, giving proper credit to each author. See APA Format.doc download for information about author citations Suggestions to improve research report writing:Uses specific headings to identify each section and key ideaUse your outline to write your paper.Separate different ideas by paragraphsBegin your report with a topic paragraph and end it with a concluding paragraphMain body of the paper contains at least two (2) author citations per pageFinal paragraph should serve to bring paper to appropriate closureFor this paper, use APA documentation for citations, references and resources – Refer to APA Format.doc or The Little, Brown Essential Handbook by Jane E. Aaron for the correct format or go to (Links to an external site.) for information.Paper should be typed; content of paper (excluding resource page) will be at least 6-7 pages in length, with a 9-page maximum.Refer to the writing rubric at the end of this paper for specifics about evaluation and expectations.Possible ReferencesThis is to be considered a beginning list only. Feel free to be creative in your selection of author, topic and theory; just be prepared to apply your topic to the task of being a director.The One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer JohnsonLeadership and the One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard, Patricia & Drea ZigarmiSituational Leadership, Kenneth Blanchard & Paul HerseyHeart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence by Kenneth BlanchardTop Ten Mistakes Leaders Make, Hans FinzelThe Respectful Leader:Seven Ways to Influence Without Intimidation, Gregg WardTime Power by Brian TracyTime Management from the Inside Out, Julie MorgensternThe Empowered Manager, Peter BlockVisionary Director, Margie Carter, Deb CurtisSeven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven CoveySeven Habits of Highly Effective People, and Principle-Centered Leadership, Steven CoveyLeadership for Everyone, Peter J. Dean, Ph.D.Primal Leadership, Daniel GolemanEmotional Intelligence 2.0 Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves9 Things a Leader Must Do, Dr. Henry CloudOn Being a Leader, Roger NeugebauerManagement of Organizational Behavior: Leading Human Resources, Paul HerseyWho Moved My Cheese, Spencer JohnsonLeadership Challenge, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. PosnerTurn The Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders,, L. David Marquet & Stephen R, CoveyLeadership 101, John C. MaxwellLeadership, Tom PetersHow Full Is Your Bucket?, Tom Rath, Donald CliftonStart With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon SinekLeaders Eat Last: Why Ssome Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t, Simon SinekLearning To Lead: Effective Leadership Skills for Teachers of Young Children, Debra Ren-Etta SullivanThe Fifth Discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization, Peter SengeWhy the Best Man for the Job is a Woman, Esther Wachs

solved Option #1: Application Development: Build In-House or Outsource Decision Tree

Option #1: Application Development: Build In-House or Outsource Decision Tree
Build a decision tree to decide if your project team should develop an application that will allow users to readily access their accounting spreadsheets, or if this effort should be outsourced to a contractor. The requirements were not completed accurately during the requirements gathering for this project; therefore, there is a risk that the final product will not pass customer acceptance testing. Although doing the project in-house will be expensive, the chances of user acceptance are high, thus preventing costly rework.
1. Use the information in the table below to decide whether you should build the application in-house or outsource it. Pick the decision with the lower investment required.2. Create a decision tree to show outcomes for each decision node using the SilverDecisions website ( (Links to an external site.)). Note: While the SilverDecisions tool is intuitive, you can find a manual at (Links to an external site.).3. Calculate the expected value of each outcome and show your calculations (Probability x Impact).4. Export your decision tree as a .png file and save it on your computer.5. Explain the best option based on the outcome and why.
Cost to build application in-house$95,000Cost to outsource the task of developing the application     $80,000Probability of passing user acceptance testing if built in-house90%Probability of passing user acceptance testing if work is outsourced30%Cost of rework after user acceptance testing if built in-house$50,000Cost of rework after user acceptance testing if work is outsourced$25,000
Be sure to properly organize your writing and include a cover page, an introduction, headings/subheadings for the body of your work, analysis, and recommendations, a conclusion, an appendix, and a list of references. Consult this assignment template for a more complete list of requirements: (Links to an external site.).
Your response should be 1-2 pages in length, including your decision tree, and conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Copy and paste your exported SilverDecisions.png file into a Microsoft Word document for submission.
Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric below for more information on assignment expectations and grading. For assistance with creating a decision tree, review Section in the PMBOK Guide (6th ed.), paying particular attention to Figure 11-15.
Option #2: New Versus Used Car Decision Tree
Build a decision tree to help you decide if you want to purchase a new car or a used car. The biggest concern or risk with purchasing a used car is the potential need for repairs and not knowing about any previous problems the car might have had. There is a 40% chance that a used car will need to be repaired within a one-year period; however, there is a 90% chance that the new car will not need any repairs during the same period. The cost for a used car is $7,500, and the cost for a new car is $15,000.
1. Use the information in the table below to decide whether you should buy a used car versus a new car. Pick the decision with the lower investment required. 2. Create a decision tree to show outcomes for each decision node using the SilverDecisions website ( (Links to an external site.)). Note: While the SilverDecisions tool is intuitive, you can find a manual at (Links to an external site.).3. Calculate the expected value of each outcome and show your calculations (Probability x Impact).4. Export your decision tree as a .png file and save it on your computer.5. Explain the best option based on the outcome and why.
Cost to buy a new car
$15,000Cost to buy a used car$7,500Probability of not having any repairs within one year90%Probability of repairing a used car within one year40%Cost of repairs for new car$5,000Cost of repairs for used car$9,000
Be sure to properly organize your writing and include a cover page, an introduction, headings / subheadings for the body of your work, analysis and recommendations, a conclusion, an appendix, and a list of references. Consult this assignment template for a more complete list of requirements: (Links to an external site.).
Your response should be 1-2 pages in length, including your decision tree, and conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Copy and paste your exported SilverDecisions .png file into a Microsoft Word document for submission.

solved Week 7: The Process: Phase II – Concepts Relating to

Week 7: The Process: Phase II – Concepts Relating to the Offender
Laureate Education (Producer). (2017a). Analyzing evidence in relationship to offenders [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.  Credit: Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities.
Now that the evidence involving the offense and the victim has been analyzed, Phase II of the criminal investigative analysis process concludes with an analysis and profile of the offender and offender behavior. Just as analysts look at the victim pre-offense, offense, and post-offense, they must look at the offender in the same way. In their analysis of the offender, they are looking for issues such as planning and victim selection; intent, motive, and aggression; and staging, body disposal, and consciousness of guilt.
This week you analyze the evidence from the offender perspective. You continue discussing the course case in the Open Forum Discussion and provide an analysis of the offender in the case.
Learning Objectives
Students will:

Analyze evidence in relationship to the offender of a crime
Analyze concepts related to offender action during a crime

Learning Resources
Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
Turvey, B. E. (2012). Criminal profiling: An introduction to behavioral evidence analysis (4th ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Chapter 13, “Interpreting Motive” (pp. 311–330)
Chapter 14, “Case Linkage: Offender Modus Operandi and Signature” (pp. 331–360)
Chapter 17, “Inferring Offender Characteristics” (pp. 403–446)
Chapter 19, “Sex Crimes” (pp. 481–506)
Chapter 20, “Domestic Homicide” (pp. 507–520)
Miller, L. (2014). Serial killers: Development, dynamics, and forensics. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19(1), 12–22. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2013.11.003
Pakkanen, T., Zappalà, A., Bosco, D., Berti, A., & Santtila, P. (2015). Can hard-to-solve one-off homicides be distinguished from serial homicides? Differences in offense behaviors and victim characteristics. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 5(3), 216–232.
Trojan, C., & Salfati, G. (2016). Criminal history of homicide offenders: A multi-dimensional analysis of criminal specialization. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 6(1), 28–41.
Discussion: Open Forum
An analysis of the evidence related to the offender of a crime may provide insight into the general nature of the crime (type of crime, motivations, etc.), the offender’s knowledge of the location of the crime, the risk level for the offender, victim selection, and the relationship between the victim and offender.
In this Open Forum Discussion, you continue your conversation about the case, focusing on concepts related to the offender.
To prepare for the Discussion:

Review the evidence of the criminal report from the offender’s perspective.

By Day 3
Post a response to the following:

What are your initial thoughts of the offender that impact your analysis of the offense?
What other things would you like to know about the offender?
As you reviewed the evidence concerning the offender, what other issues are surfacing/presenting?

By Day 5
Respond to at least two of your colleagues with a substantive, interactive discussion that continues through Day 7 by responding to their questions and providing additional insight into the case.
Submission and Grading Information
Grading Criteria 
To access your rubric:
Week 7 Discussion Rubric
Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 5
To participate in this Discussion:
Week 7 Discussion
Assignment: Investigating a Crime: Phase II – Concepts Related to the Offender
The final part of Phase II is the analysis of the offender. As with victimology, criminal investigative analysis of the offender is evaluated in three stages:

Pre-Offense – All information providing insight on such things as: 

Knowledge of victim
Knowledge of crime scene location

Offense – All information providing insight on such things as: 

Offender risk level
Offender actions during offense
Nature of the offense (motive, aggression, etc.) 

Behaviors related to M.O.
Behaviors suggesting psychological needs

Relationship to victim

Post-Offense – In homicides, actions by offender can sometimes provide insight into: 

Offender/victim relationship
Consciousness of guilt

To prepare for this assignment:

Review the criminal report from the perspective of the offender.

By Day 7
In a 2- to 3-page analysis of the offender:

Pre-offense behavior
Offense behavior
Post-offense behavior
Risk level
Victim selection

solved In the first two written assignments, you selected one vulnerable

In the first two written assignments, you selected one vulnerable population in need of a new program or service in your community. In this project, you will finalize the research that allows you to understand elements that go into designing and launching a community service. The Final Project will be written using a persuasive tone, such that you would be able to present it in order to gain community and organizational support for your program. The Final Project must demonstrate an understanding of the reading assignments, class discussions, as well as your research and application of new knowledge. Your project must contain the following elements:A description of the vulnerable population and why they need assistance in your community.A description of the health service needs of the vulnerable population you have chosen to serve with your program.In order to support the need for the service you propose, cite statistical data obtained from your county health department, state health department, and organizations or agencies who serve the vulnerable population.A description of your proposed community service or program; include the specific service(s) provided and one continuum of care level (prevention, treatment, or long-term care). Explain how the selected service(s) and the continuum of care will impact the chosen population.Discuss the social and cultural norms of your vulnerable population and how these play a role in the need for the services offered by your program. Describe how the vulnerable population experiences the health care system. Analyze methods your program can use to overcome social and cultural differences.Identify two or more community organizations or agencies with which you can partner in order to implement your program. Explain how these organizations can help you implement the services you offer and the continuum of care offered by the potential partnering agencies. Explain which services these organizations will provide to your clientele that are not covered by your program. Analyze at least four potential funding sources for your program, one of which must be from a state funded agency, one of which must be from a federally funded agency and the remaining two can be not-for-profit or for-profit business sources. Explain what factors must be met in order to receive funding from your sources.Your final project will demonstrate quantitative literacy, which shows your ability to identify and solve problems. Additionally, you must demonstrate integrative learning, which means you combine your earlier learning from this and other courses, analyze data from multiple perspectives, explore issues to their full extent as is required in the assignment, as well as incorporate your own personal and professional experiences.Be detailed and convincing in describing the above elements. For your presentation, you may choose between the following formats:An APA formatted Final PaperA PowerPoint PresentationThe Final Paper:Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.Must use at least six scholarly sources, not including the textbook.Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Writing Center.Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).The PowerPoint Presentation:Must be at least 18 slides in length (not including title and reference slides).Must include a title slide with the following:Title of presentationStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use at least six scholarly sources, not including the textbook.Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Writing Center.Must include a separate reference slide, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).Must include detailed speaker notes for each slide.Must be creative, using images and charts. Remember to cite all images taken from an online resource. Creative Commons (Links to an external site.) and Flickr (Links to an external site.) are great websites for open source images. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.Attached are the two previous essays that need to be used to complete this assignment

solved I’m working on a esl test / quiz prep and

I’m working on a esl test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

You will read a short article, then write a one-paragraph summary following the guidelines you’ve learned in ESL 52. Read the article (use your SQ3R skills!). I recommend having a notebook or concept map handy to take notes. Then, type your one-paragraph summary of the article in the text box. Limit: 10 sentences in length. Don’t forget to start with the main idea sentence. You will need to use Respondus Lockdown Browser for midterm writing.this is the articleIs Coffee Good for You or Not?According to recent research, coffee may be good for you. “The overall evidence has been pretty convincing that coffee has been more healthful than harmful in terms of health outcomes,” says Frank Hu, chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “For most people, moderate coffee consumption can be incorporated into a healthy diet,” Hu confirmed what recent studies have found: Moderate coffee intake is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease and depression. People who drink coffee may even reduce their risk of mortality, though it isn’t yet clear exactly what role the beverage plays in our lifespans. And a moderate amount of daily coffee is still pretty generous at two to five cups a day, according to Hu and a number of large mortality studies. The Key to Coffee’s Powers Coffee is probably best known for that one natural stimulant – caffeine – that gives people energy and keeps them alert throughout the day. But it’s unlikely that caffeine is solely responsible for the health boosts the drink confers. “Coffee is a complex, plant-based beverage, which contains not just caffeine, but also hundreds of bioactive compounds,” Hu says. That makes it difficult to differentiate the effect of the drink’s individual components. Your morning coffee also contains lots of antioxidants called polyphenols, and they’re likely to confer various health benefits. Some polyphenols have been found to fight inflammation and protect against some diseases. Studies have suggested that some of the same reductions in diabetes and heart disease risk are associated with decaffeinated coffee, which means it’s not just the caffeine. Why Past Studies Got It Wrong For years, researchers linked coffee to a higher chance of developing some medical conditions that we now believe it combats. Studies in the 1980s and 1990s pointed to coffee as a suspect in everything from heart disease to asthma. Now, we know that there were likely several explanations for the early coffee studies that have exaggerated or been incorrect about its risks. For one thing, Hu and Cornelis say that a number of studies followed groups of people who drank coffee and also smoked, leading researchers to believe that coffee explained the adverse effects now associated with cigarettes. Today, scientists use more advanced sampling and statistical methods, and the old claims about coffee’s dangers have been largely refuted by more recent studies that include bigger groups of people and account for those outside factors, like smoking, that can skew results. According to Hu, anything that people consume plenty of is bound to come under scrutiny. “In the past, I think a lot of people thought, ‘Oh, coffee’s so delicious, there must be something bad about coffee,” he says. “So I think the good news is that for most people, coffee actually confers some health benefits.” It Matters How You Take It If you do opt for coffee, preparation matters. Experts find that coffee brewed with a paper filter is the preferred preparation method. Other methods of making coffee, including espresso, French press, or boiled Turkish coffee are considered “unfiltered,” even if they’re strained by a metal filter. Unfiltered coffee is associated with higher rates of mortality and can contain compounds called determines that raise levels of “bad” cholesterol or LDL. Though it can be tempting to assume coffee’s health benefits apply to a typical Starbucks drink, they often don’t. The experts often refer to coffee in its most basic form: drip coffee or pour-overs with little added cream or sugar – not a venti java chip Frappuccino with extra whipped cream or a Dunkin’ caramel macchiato. Drinks like these include lots of added sugar and calories. Drinking regular coffee instead of these sugar-sweetened beverages, or others like soda or juice, however, has positive effects on health. We’ve clearly come a long way since the coffee panic of decades past and now know that we can handle a few daily cups and may even be better off for them.

solved The Scale of Effective School Discipline and Safety (SESDSAnother important

The Scale of Effective School Discipline and Safety (SESDSAnother important element of a Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS) is the readiness of the staff to help implement the system. Critical to this process are the attitudes of teachers, their understanding and use of research-based classroom management strategies, and how they see their students responding to classroom and school discipline.For this module’s assignment, you will analyze mock data from The Scale of Effective School Discipline and Safety (SESDS). You will use the data to analyze five teachers’ attitudes and perceptions relative to the status of school-wide and teacher approaches to discipline and behavior management. These teachers hypothetically represent the perspectives of the entire school.Complete Parts 1, 2, and 3 and compose your responses in a 5- to 7-page Word document (not including the title and references pages).Write an introduction establishing the context for the survey data sets and a conclusion summarizing your findings.Use APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations.Part 1: SESDS QuestionnaireThis module’s assignment asks you to collect and analyze mock data from a questionnaire, The Scale of Effective School Discipline and Safety (SESDS). This scale consists of 58 items, when present in a school, help it to implement an effective, school-wide discipline, behavior management and safety program. Typically, the SESDS is completed by everyone in a school and analyzed by grade level or by teachers versus other staff members.Follow the directions to score the five sets of mock data presented in the Data Analysis Packet.Then, analyze the five sets of mock data. (Note: You do not submit for this part; your written analysis is Part 2 of the assignment.)The SESDS’ 58 items are organized into five factors:Scale 1: Teachers’ Effective Classroom Management Skills (24 items)Scale 2: Teachers’ Positive Behavioral Interactions and Respect (11 items)Scale 3: Holding Students Accountable for their Behavior: Administration and Staff (7 items)Scale 4: Teachers’ Contribution to a Positive School Climate (9 items)Scale 5: School Safety and Security: Staff, Students, and School Grounds (7 items)How to Score:Step 1. Score the SESDS for each of the five completed questionnaires. To do this, find the average rating for each scale by adding up the individual items in that scale and dividing that total by the number of items in the scale. Below are the items to use for each scale.Scale 1 – Add the ratings from Items 8, 10, 15, 19, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31, 34, and 45 through 58, and divide by 24.Your average should be between 1.0 and 5.0.Scale 2 – Add the ratings from Items 9, 11, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, and 35, and divide by 11.Your average should be between 1.0 and 5.0.Scale 3 – Add the ratings from Items 1, 6, 13, 14, 16, 20, and 23, and divide by 7.Your average should be between 1.0 and 5.0.Scale 4 – Add the ratings from Items 36 through 44, and divide by 9.Your average should be between 1.0 and 5.0.Scale 5 – Add the ratings from Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, and 21, and divide by 7.Your average should be between 1.0 and 5.0.Step 2. Add the five averages for each scale and divide by 5 to get a total average.Your final result should be an average between 1.0 and 5.0 for each of the five SESDS scales.Step 3. Look at the averages of each scale and the individual items that make up each scale. Note that each item was rated along the following continuum:1 = Excellent | 2 = Very Good | 3 = Good | 4 = Fair | 5 = PoorPart 2: SESDS AnalysisWrite a thoughtful, well-elaborated paragraph for each of the five scales, analyzing the mock data reflecting the attitudes and perspectives of the teachers who completed the SESDS.Use the titles of the five scales as subheadings (for example, Scale 1: Teachers’ Effective Classroom Management Skills).Part 3: Responses to SESDS ResultsWrite a thoughtful, well-elaborated paragraph for each of the questions.Based on this analysis (and assume that these results reflect the faculty across this entire school), do you think the school is ready to implement a school-wide Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS)? Why or why not?If the school is not ready, what areas (based on the SESDS), do you think the school needs to address to make it ready? What professional development targets would you recommend for staff to increase their readiness for a Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS)?Based on what you have learned so far from the Module 1 analysis and the SESDS about student behavior in your school, what Positive Behavioral Support System (PBSS) targets would you recommend for the school? What social skills instruction would you recommend? Explain.

solved Office Equipment, Inc. (OEI) leases automatic mailing machines to business

Office Equipment, Inc. (OEI) leases automatic mailing machines to business customers in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The company built its success on a reputation of providing timely maintenance and repair service. Each OEI service contract states that a service technician will arrive at a customer’s business site within an average of 3 hours from the time that the customer notifies OEI of an equipment problem.Currently, OEI has 10 customers with service contracts. One service technician is responsible for handling all service calls. A statistical analysis of historical service records indicates that a customer requests a service call at an average rate of one call per 50 hours of operation. If the service technician is available when a customer calls for service, it takes the technician an average of 1 hour of travel time to reach the customer’s office and an average of 1.5 hours to complete the repair service. However, if the service technician is busy with another customer when a new customer calls for service, the technician completes the current service call and any other waiting service calls before responding to the new service call. In such cases, after the technician is free from all existing service commitments, the technician takes an average of 1 hour of travel time to reach the new customer’s office and an average of 1.5 hours to complete the repair service. The cost of the service technician is $80 per hour. The downtime cost (wait time and service time) for customers is $100 per hour.OEI is planning to expand its business. Within 1 year, OEI projects that it will have 20 customers, and within 2 years, OEI projects that it will have 30 customers. Although OEI is satisfied that one service technician can handle the 10 existing customers, management is concerned about the ability of one technician to meet the average 3-hour service call guarantee when the OEI customer base expands. In a recent planning meeting, the marketing manager made a proposal to add a second service technician when OEI reaches 20 customers and to add a third service technician when OEI reaches 30 customers. Before making a final decision, management would like an analysis of OEI service capabilities. OEI is particularly interested in meeting the average 3-hour waiting time guarantee at the lowest possible total cost.Managerial ReportDevelop a managerial report (1,000-1,250 words) summarizing your analysis of the OEI service capabilities. Make recommendations regarding the number of technicians to be used when OEI reaches 20 and then 30 customers, and justify your response. Include a discussion of the following issues in your report:What is the arrival rate for each customer?What is the service rate in terms of the number of customers per hour? (Remember that the average travel time of 1 hour is counted as service time because the time that the service technician is busy handling a service call includes the travel time in addition to the time required to complete the repair.)Waiting line models generally assume that the arriving customers are in the same location as the service facility. Consider how OEI is different in this regard, given that a service technician travels an average of 1 hour to reach each customer. How should the travel time and the waiting time predicted by the waiting line model be combined to determine the total customer waiting time? Explain.OEI is satisfied that one service technician can handle the 10 existing customers. Use a waiting line model to determine the following information: (a) probability that no customers are in the system, (b) average number of customers in the waiting line, (c) average number of customers in the system, (d) average time a customer waits until the service technician arrives, (e) average time a customer waits until the machine is back in operation, (f) probability that a customer will have to wait more than one hour for the service technician to arrive, and (g) the total cost per hour for the service operation.Do you agree with OEI management that one technician can meet the average 3-hour service call guarantee? Why or why not?What is your recommendation for the number of service technicians to hire when OEI expands to 20 customers? Use the information that you developed in Question 4 (above) to justify your answer.What is your recommendation for the number of service technicians to hire when OEI expands to 30 customers? Use the information that you developed in Question 4 (above) to justify your answer.What are the annual savings of your recommendation in Question 6 (above) compared to the planning committee’s proposal that 30 customers will require three service technicians? (Assume 250 days of operation per year.) How was this determination reached?