solved Complete the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. It will run

Complete the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. It will run thru a checker, thanks.Purpose  This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to strengthen your skills in gathering and analyzing business-related information. It provides a deeper understanding of how companies can look at globalization as part of their strategic and operational plans. The assignment has two parts: one focused on information research and analysis, and the other is on applied analytics. Resources: Microsoft Excel® “How Netflix Expanded to 190 Countries in 7 Years” from Harvard Business ReviewCall Center Waiting TimePart 1: Globalization and Information Research Context: Companies that perform well in their country of origin usually consider expanding operations in new international markets. Deciding where, how, and when to expand is not an easy task, though. Many issues need to be considered before crafting an expansion strategy and investing significant resources to this end, including: the level of demand to be expected for the company’s products/services presence of local competitors the regulatory, economic, demographic, and political environments Carefully researching and analyzing these and other factors can help mitigate the inherent risk associated with an overseas expansion strategy, thus increasing the likelihood of success. As a data analyst in your company’s business development department, you’ve been tasked with the responsibility of recommending countries for international expansion. You’ll write a report to the company’s executive team with your research, analysis, and recommendations. Instructions: Write a 525-word summary covering the following items: According to the article listed above, what were the most important strategic moves that propelled Netflix’s successful international expansion? The article mentions investments in big data and analytics as one of the elements accompanying the second phase of overseas expansion. Why was this investment important? What type of information did Netflix derive from the data collected? According to the article, what is exponential globalization? Not all international expansion strategies are a resounding success, however. Research an article or video that discusses an instance in which an American company’s expansion efforts in another country failed. According to the article/video you selected, what were the main reasons for this failure? Do you agree with this assessment? Explain some of the reasons why certain companies’ expansion plans have failed in the past. Part 2: Hypothesis testing Context: Your organization is evaluating the quality of its call center operations. One of the most important metrics in a call center is Time in Queue (TiQ), which is the time a customer has to wait before he/she is serviced by a Customer Service Representative (CSR). If a customer has to wait for too long, he/she is more likely to get discouraged and hang up. Furthermore, customers who have to wait too long in the queue typically report a negative overall experience with the call. You’ve conducted an exhaustive literature review and found that the average TiQ in your industry is 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). Another important metric is Service Time (ST), also known as Handle Time, which is the time a CSR spends servicing the customer. CSR’s with more experience and deeper knowledge tend to resolve customer calls faster. Companies can improve average ST by providing more training to their CSR’s or even by channeling calls according to area of expertise. Last month your company had an average ST of approximately 3.5 minutes (210 seconds). In an effort to improve this metric, the company has implemented a new protocol that channels calls to CSR’s based on area of expertise. The new protocol (PE) is being tested side-by-side with the traditional (PT) protocol. Instructions: Access the Call Center Waiting Time file(attached). Each row in the database corresponds to a different call. The column variables are as follows: ProtocolType: indicates protocol type, either PT or PEQueueTime: Time in Queue, in secondsServiceTime: Service Time, in secondsPerform a test of hypothesis to determine whether the average TiQ is lower than the industry standard of 2.5 minutes (150 seconds). Use a significance level of α=0.05. Evaluate if the company should allocate more resources to improve its average TiQ. Perform a test of hypothesis to determine whether the average ST with service protocol PE is lower than with the PT protocol. Use a significance level of α=0.05. Assess if the new protocol served its purpose. (Hint: this should be a test of means for 2 independent groups.) Submit your calculations and a 175-word summary of your conclusions.

solved Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Explain the drivers of globalization and how they impact business decisions
Differentiate between domestic and international business environments

Describe the factors that contribute to international market attractiveness and entry
You are a business analyst working at a small domestic organization that produces high-quality baseball bats. Your organization has begun to see its sales flatten in the domestic market. While the organization is not losing money, leadership would like to explore options to continue growth. One option that leadership has noticed competitors attempting is entering international markets.

You have been asked to examine the benefits, drawbacks, and key considerations for your organization to enter one of the global markets below, and to summarize your findings in a business brief for leadership.
Select one of the following international markets to use for your course project:
Republic of Korea
If you would like to use another country for your course project, please reach out to your instructor.

Develop a business brief that explains why many organizations are investing in efforts to expand their businesses internationally, the key impacts of global business, and cultural considerations for entering the global market. You will then create a market profile and outline market considerations for your chosen international market. Use the Business Brief Template in the What to Submit section to complete this project.

Drivers for Global Entry: Explain the purpose of global expansion, business impacts of global business, societal impacts of global business, and cultural considerations using evidence from course and outside resources to support your explanations.
Purpose of Global Expansion: Explain key benefits of successful global expansion for domestic organizations.
Business Impacts of Global Business: Explain how global expansion of a domestic organization can impact business operations such as strategic planning, marketing, supply-chain management, human resources, and so on.
Societal Impacts of Global Business: Explain how the global expansion of organizations has impacted society, citing specific examples regarding culture, transportation, employment, infrastructure, and environmental climate.
Cultural Considerations for Global Business: Explain the importance of researching the culture of a potential global market prior to market entry, as well as key cultural considerations to explore to inform expansion decisions.

Market Profile: Compare and contrast important cultural, political, and economic elements of your selected market versus the United States to explain similarities and differences between cultural practices, attitudes, economic factors, and political environments.

Cultural Profile: Compare and contrast important cultural elements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including communication, values and attitudes, cultural dimensions, and so on.
Political and Economic Profile: Compare and contrast important political and economic factors for your selected market against those in the domestic market, including political systems, current leaders, and economic measures or characteristics used in classification.

Legal and Regulatory Profile: Compare and contrast important legal and regulatory requirements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including trade restrictions, regulations of products or services, legal processes for business transactions, and import restrictions or documentation.

Market Considerations: Compare and contrast important market considerations for your selected market against those in the domestic market. Explain the similarities, differences, and considerations for conducting business between the two markets, such as general legal and regulatory requirements, monetary and management logistics, and mode-of-entry considerations.

Monetary Considerations: Explain how monetary considerations such as currency, exchange rates, and exchange-rate management would impact the organization’s decision to expand into your selected market, using current exchange rates between your selected country and the United States to support your explanations.

Management and Logistics Considerations: Explain management and logistics practices that best address human-resource considerations for your selected market, such as management approaches or staff and labor laws and their impact on policies and procedures.

Mode of Entry Considerations: Describe advantages and disadvantages for traditional modes of entry that would be most appropriate for entering into your selected market.

solved Chapter 10 discusses the issues facing minority youth on the

Chapter 10 discusses the issues facing minority youth on the streets and through the court system, such as lack of adult supervision, being unaware of their rights, prosecution of juveniles as adults, hefty sentences for non violent offenders, etc. Please choose one issue facing our nation’s youth that contribute to juveniles becoming dependent on the system for stability, safety, and security. Please refer to your readings, lecture notes, the video for review and the websites provided to answer and discuss the following questions:

Explain one issue facing juveniles that would contribute to them becoming dependent on the system. 
Conduct further research to help substantiate your claims that the issue you selected does in fact contribute to the dependency. 
Discuss some alternative reform suggestions to help combat the issue you selected. 

One issue facing juveniles is a lack of parental supervision from improper role modeling or single-family households. In households with only one parent, it is hard to wear every hat on one head, so to speak. It is hard to work the job(s) to pay the bills, to cook healthy meals, to keep a stable household, and to be a good role model, which includes both discipline and love. A single-parent home is going to be unable to provide all of these things and put food on the table. Proper supervision is important for children’s safety, ability to learn in school, and to foster positive friend relationships.Without this supervision, kids will make their own decisions and they will not always be positive. Kids cannot be expected to make the right decisions when they do not have positive role models and active guardians. This all leads to a youth making bad choices that could lead them to opening the door to the criminal justice system. In some cases, the single parent gets arrested and the kid(s) go straight into the system. In cases where the home life is not deemed adequate, officials have been known to put kids into residential facilities (Walker et al., 2018). At this point, not having an adequate home to go to, children become dependent on the system. Once in the system, short of the parent(s) getting their act together, the youth are dependent on social workers, CASA volunteers, juvenile lawyers, and heads of households or program directors.
There is a consistency between a lack of supervision and a non-intact household and there is a strong correlation between youth delinquency and non-intact households, therefore, it could be said that youth behaviors are tied to their home environment (Miller, 2012). This backs up the notion that a troubled home can lead to troubled youth. Parental supervision has a proven association with less delinquency, family activities such as eating dinner together, reading together or other routine activities create stronger bonds and less opportunity to engage in delinquent behaviors (Griffin et al., 2000). Informal social controls can be positive role models not only for youth, but for parents as well. School involvement and prominent community figures promoting these types of activities and family values can help keep minority families out of the system.

An important issue among others facing the juvenile justice system is the double-edged sword of punishment but also acting in the best interest of the child. The language used in the juvenile system does vary from the adult criminal justice system, juveniles are charged with delinquencies and sent to school or programs rather than prison but is this enough to detour them away from committing crimes in their adult life. Acting in the best interest of the child rather than punishment, incapacitation and protecting society from offenses has changed and evolved overtime. Making the juvenile justice system too comfy allows children to depend on this system for security, dependability and stability. Children often times are able to focus and graduate school while in the system where if they were at home, they most likely would not finish school, this gives them stability most of them crave in their household. Having a sense of family, other juveniles or even the officers give them a sense of dependability they can rely on these people for their needs and wants. Lastly being in a place where they are fed and have a bed to lay their head gives them a sense of security. Juveniles who commit delinquencies come from all types of back rounds but most of them are not so great. Some alternatives would be to not make the system feel so long term allow them to be uncomfortable and have a sense of that this is a short-term thing. Detouring juveniles away from crime is very important to a path to seeing less and less juveniles commit crimes.

solved Assessment Information: Group Case Study Competitiveness, Strategy and Risk Management(7204TH

Assessment Information: Group Case Study Competitiveness, Strategy and Risk Management(7204THS) | Trimester 2, 2021 Page 2 of 4these organisations have substantial resources and would be considered large enterprises). You may selectany organisation from the sport, event, tourism or hospitality sectors, and the organisation can be fromanywhere in the world, but the organisation must have an English website and public records or articles inEnglish.In lectures and seminars, we will be practicing some aspects of the process of strategic analysis and how todetermine an appropriate course of action from a set of options. Overall, you will need to:Assume the essential scenario information, as provided below.Undertake a preliminary analysis of the situation facing your selected organisation, including a SWOT.Suggest a range of strategic options (i.e. methods that will allow you to achieve your stated objectives)and then evaluate the options according to the SFA (suitability, feasibility, acceptability) criteria.Present your findings and recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer in a formal written report.Furthermore, you should be covering the following points:Complete the Situation Audit (internal and external) by using appropriate frameworks and modelsprovided in prescribed course readings/lecture content. Analyse the information you haveindependently sourced (about your selected company) and the information provided to you about theexternal environment (remember to only use the information provided to you for the external scan, donot source your own information). Organise your analysis according to appropriate frameworks anddraw conclusions via the SWOT analysis.Moving forward, you need to provide an issue statement; a list of alternatives (i.e. your strategicoptions), address the SFA evaluation criteria that you have tailored for this particular scenario, conductan analysis of the major options according to your tailored SFA criteria and risk analysis; and finallyprovide your recommendations (including a very brief identification of expected implementation issues).ScenarioInformationThe first scenario issue is to assume that Corporate Social Responsibility is an increasingly important trend andthat the organisation wants to take a leadership position. The world is fast embracing new ways of doingbusiness through the debates on climate change, saving the planet, and businesses returning the goodwill ofsociety. Businesses, worldwide, are responding. In this scenario, the Board has advised the Chief ExecutiveAssessment Information: Group Case Study Competitiveness, Strategy and Risk Management(7204THS) | Trimester 2, 2021 Page 3 of 4Officer that CSR initiatives must be optimal for the organisation, and that they must adopt a clear CSRleadership position relative to direct competitors.Second, your organisation intends to use a non-organic growth strategy for 2018/19 and beyond. Thus,maintaining the status quo or cutting back is not desired. However, the Board has left it open whether thisshould be a high growth strategy or something lower depending upon market conditions prevailing through2019 and beyond. In addition, the scenario requires a growth commitment to a stronger presence in Asia. TheBoard hassignalled that any growth must be in Asia-Pacific (includes Australia).The final scenario assumption is that your organisation has received a serious proposal from three potentialpartners (CAA, Forrec and Multiplex). Details of all three organisations will be provided to you. You will exploreoptions relating to partnering with one of these three organisations. You must evaluate non-organic growthoptions for each of these three organisations and select the best option.You need to argue the merits and risks of each option. You also need to show how you reduced the list ofpossible non- organic growth options down to the final three (for example, you could consider mergers,acquisitions, or other non-organic growth options initially). That is, you should list six reasonable options outof the large number of possible options first, briefly show how you narrowed this to the last three, and thenevaluate the last three in detail. All options must incorporate growth. Methods of growth cannot be organic.Purchase of other organisations MUST be realistic.Internal details of three potential partner companies are provided together with an external environmentalscan. You do not need to undertake an external scan. However, you do need to conduct an internal scan onYOUR organisation. You are also required to analyse all data for your situation audit, SWOT and competitor and risk management evaluation.The partner company information, and information on the external environment will be provided via L@G.

solved Cyber Policy Research Paper:As a culmination of your work on

Cyber Policy Research Paper:As a culmination of your work on your “In the News” U.S. Cyber Policy Topic throughout the semester you will turn in a final research paper on (Tech and Contact Tracing in the Context of COVID 19) The final paper will be no longer than 7 pages and will include the following components:1• (Chose one Covid 19 Tracing App and explain how its work) Do not miss a fundamental explanation of what the contact tracing technology function is you are discussing—without that foundational step you are not building on a solid foundation.2• Identification of the key technology issues at play regarding your topic in non-technical language.3• Articulation of the key policy issues at play with your topic4• Comprehensive articulation of the key stakeholders on your issue5• Mapping (graphic or otherwise) of where these conversations and debatesare taking place6• A description of how this issue has specifically evolved or morphed from January-April, 2021.7• Your predictions for where the future of this debate/topic is headed.8• Bibliography and your perspective on the most valuable sources on this topic.This is my media source list, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Part of Springer Nature,Global Health Research and Policy Health organization,Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Contact tracing Health organization,WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard TODAY twitter COVID Tracking Project, twitter Health Organization (WHO) twitter Break app12-Apple news app14-What can tweets about contact tracing apps tell us about attitudes towards data sharing for public health? (Part 2)

solved Reply: Clinicians must understand appropriate prescribing, assessment, the potential for

Reply: Clinicians must understand appropriate prescribing, assessment, the potential for abuse and addiction, and potential psychological problems. Inappropriate prescribing typically involves not prescribing, under prescribing, over-prescribing, or continuing to prescribe when they are no longer effective. Is essential that health care providers when prescribing controlled substance understand the Florida State laws accordingly. This outlines best practices for evaluating and managing patients within the rules and regulations and the role of the healthcare team avoiding misuse or diversion. Appropriate prescribing includes prescribing sufficient medication through regular assessment, treatment planning, and monitoring to provide effective control while avoiding addiction, abuse, overdose, diversion, and misuse (Dydyk, 2021).
The Barbara Lumpkin Prescribing Act allows registered nurse practitioners and physician assistants in Florida to prescribe controlled medications. According to Lumpkin, the reasons for this bill was that every time a patient has to go to another doctor, it costs money. In hospitals more and more nurse practitioners are doing discharge, and they need to be able to write prescriptions. There are many practices in rural areas where if a nurse practitioner can’t give prescription medications, the patient needs go to the ER or to see another physician. The bill authorizes physician assistants (PAs) and advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) to prescribe controlled substances under current supervisory standards for PAs and protocols for ARNPs beginning January 1, 2017 and creates additional statutory parameters for their controlled substance prescribing.
According to the CDC, approximately 70% of the nearly 5,000 reported drug overdose deaths in Florida involve opioids and deaths involving prescription opioids remain considerable. Fatalities from benzodiazepines are also significant, with alprazolam being the most common drug. Understanding of addiction is often confusing, inaccurate, and inconsistent due to the broad range of perspectives of those dealing with patients suffering from addiction and clinicians prescribing opioids face challenges that involve medical negligence in either failure to provide adequate pain control or risk of licensure or even criminal charges if it is perceived they are involved in drug diversion or misuse. On the other hand, patients often develop opioid tolerance, significant psychological, behavioral, and emotional problems, including anxiety and depression related to under or over-prescribing (O’Donnell, 2020). 
Under the bill, an ARNP’s and PA’s prescribing privileges for controlled substances listed in Schedule II are limited to a seven-day supply and do not include the prescribing of psychotropic medications for children under 18 years of age, unless prescribed by an ARNP who is a psychiatric nurse. Prescribing privileges may also be limited by the controlled substance formularies that impose additional limitations on PA or ARNP prescribing privileges for specific medications. An ARNP or PA may not prescribe controlled substances in a pain management clinic. The concerns are particularly prominent in patients with chronic pain and have resulted in patients suffering from inadequately treated pain while at the same time there has been a development of concomitant opioid abuse, addiction, diversion, and overdose. Sometimes knowledge gap is present among healthcare providers, it is equally prevalent in politicians writing laws and law enforcement attempting to enforce the laws they write. Payers are responsible for the expenses associated with the evaluation and treatment of addiction. Persistent lack of education and the use of obsolete terminology continue to contribute to a societal lack of understanding for effectively dealing with the challenges of addiction (Imtiaz, 2020). 
Dydyk AM, Sizemore DC, Fariba K, et al. Florida Controlled Substance Prescribing. [Updated 2021 Apr 14]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from:
O’Donnell J, Gladden RM, Mattson CL, Hunter CT, Davis NL. Vital Signs: Characteristics of Drug Overdose Deaths Involving Opioids and Stimulants – 24 States and the District of Columbia, January-June 2019. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020 Sep 04;69(35):1189-1197. 
Imtiaz S, Shield KD, Fischer B, Elton-Marshall T, Sornpaisarn B, Probst C, Rehm J. Recent changes in trends of opioid overdose deaths in North America. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2020 Aug 31;15(1):66.
Haffajee RL, Mello MM. Drug Companies’ Liability for the Opioid Epidemic. N Engl J Med. 2017 Dec 14;377(24):2301-2305.

solved Each student will be required to create an original work

Each student will be required to create an original work of art and present the art to the class (via narrated PowerPoint, narrated Prezi, or video). No collage will be accepted. Performance without composition or considerable manipulation will not be accepted. All projects must be approved by the instructor via Canvas. Grades will be weighted toward the attention and intention of the work, but composition, manipulation, sophistication, and presentation will be considered. Students may employ m/any form/s or medium/a covered in the course. Consideration must be given to your audience! If the class is not made to think or feel, grades will reflect this lack of connection/participation. If we laugh or cry or ponder or wonder, grades will reflect this success. No late projects will be accepted. This project is 18% of the total grade. Make sure your project has easily discernable phases so that one could tell that it took time and several steps to complete. Projects that seem as though they could have been done in one day or overnight will not receive a high grade. You should review the scoring rubric in the syllabus for this assignment. (My Proposal is attached)*** I already have the first 3 steps (attached) , so start from step 4.Step 1 – Choose an ArtistFirst, you need to choose an artist (painter, sculptor, photographer, etc.) whose work is interesting and inspiring to you. Do not copy his/her work but use it as a starting point for your project. For example, if you choose Boticelli’s The Birth of Venus, you may use the same mythological theme in a different medium such as sculpture, mosaic, or song.Step 2 – ResearchResearch the time period of your artist.Research the artist’s biography.Research the artist’s techniques, ideas, and inspirations.The more information you know about the artist, the better you will understand the work that inspired you to create your project. Select 1 work by this artist that you particularly admire. You will be required to submit an image of this artwork at the end of the semester along with the project itself.Step 3 – ProposalDecide on a medium (pain, clay, etc.).Type your project proposal (about 400 words) including the following information:Artist.Artwork you have chosen.The medium.How you will show “the spirit” of the artist and the chosen artwork.What social angle is associated with the chosen inspiration pieceSubmit the proposal PRIOR to starting Module 3. You must receive my approval before submitting your project.Step 4 – ProjectStart creating your work of art. Make sure you start early. This is a semester long project and you should plan accordingly.Take photos or video of various stages of your work at the project in order to submit to me with your statement of progress. Make sure you are in the photos!!You may change what you are creating along the way, but you need to consult with me before doing it. If you do not communicate the changes to me and present the project that was not discussed in the proposal, I will not accept it. Give a name to your artwork.Step 5 – PresentationYour presentation should be 5-10 minutes long. It should be a narrated PowerPoint, a narrated Prezi, or a video that clearly documents your progress and your end result. The presentation should be fully narrated and on auto play. The visual representation of your progress should be sufficient enough to thoroughly explain the steps/process involved with your project. After uploading your presentation, you should submit a peer review as a discussion reply to any other student’s presentation/project. Make sure your presentation has the following elements:fully narratedauto playstarts with an overview/introduction of your introduction piece and why you selected it (tell us a story)show and discuss the collecting of materials and steps in creating your own piece (tell us a story)indicate if your own piece shares the same social angle with the inspiration pieceshow us your inspiration piece and own piece side-by-sidediscuss any challenges you faced and what changes you would make, if any, if you did it againtalk about your appreciation of the art process and any direct impact the project had on youinclude a references slideinclude a conclusion or wrap-up slideinformation about the artist/artwork/movement (history, photos, context, social anglestechniques (medium and principles of design)…use the terms you learned to describe and analyze both your inspiration and your own creationyour experience while creating the project (successes, problems, failures, and lessons learned)photo evidence to document your steps Examples in this link:…please send me the slides and what to say in each slide.

solved Scientific progress is based on finding answers to questions. While

Scientific progress is based on finding answers to questions. While the answers to many of these questions may seem intuitive—without evidence—they may in fact be false. It is therefore important for you not to reach a conclusion when there is no evidence to support that conclusion. For this assignment, you will develop a brochure for families composed of national, ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual minorities who may or may not be economically disadvantaged. The purpose of the brochure is to inform them of specific sources of stress that they might experience. For example, in their article, Hicken, Lee, Morenoff, House, and Williams (2014) review race-based social stressors such as perceived discrimination and the stress of wanting to outperform negative expectations of one’s racial/ethnic group.You will need to clearly select a specific group; in your brochure, you will need to define that group. Next, you must discuss both the stresses they might experience and the sources of those stressors. You can then provide them with some coping strategies to use including mindfulness. Please remember that you are expected to document all your statements even though a conclusion might seem intuitive.Length: 6 columns and a 2-page brochureCreating a Brochure – The Basics There are several software programs, including Microsoft Publisher, that are designed to create a variety of different written materials. However, you can easily create your own using Microsoft Word.Depending on the version of Word that you may have, you can open a template and simply cut and paste your information into a template; or you can search the Internet for a free template that meets your needs. You can use Word to create a simple brochure by completing the following steps:Open a new file in Word. Then, name it and save it as you would any other assignment.Go to Page Layout>Margins>Narrow (1/2 inch).Write your content or text. and then insert your graphics.Go to Page Layout>Orientation>Landscape. Change to Landscape (11 x 8 ½).Highlight the text.With text highlighted, go to Page Layout>Columns>Three. Click and save.Now, your file is a draft brochure that you can review, revise, and proofread before you submit it to your instructor for feedback.Creating an Effective Brochure – Simple TipsEffective brochures present information that is organized, informative, supported by valid research, and easy to understand. You can prepare an effective brochure by using the following tips:Use short, yet compelling words, and brief sentences. Keep your audience in mind.Use quotes sparingly. As a rule, quotes have value for emphasis if you cannot rephrase the information any better in your own words.Write your content using the active voice. (Active voice: “Families can provide support to children struggling with homework by finding a great tutor.” Passive voice: “Support can be provided by the family to children struggling with homework by find a great tutor.”)Be positive. “Families should” instead of, “Families should not.”Knowing Your Targeted ReadersUnderstand your readers (ages, professions, levels of education, demographics, etc.) to ensure the success of your presentation.Tailor your information to meet your readers’ interests and expertise.Make the information relevant and appealing to your readers.Planning Your Brochure ContentAs you prepare your brochure content, consider the following questions:What can your readers learn from this brochure information? What is the intended “take away”?What do you want your readers to do with the information that they have learned?Should they now think and/or behave differently because of your brochure?What do you want them to remember from your brochure?Use a simple font with a point-size of no less than 12-point (footnotes should be no smaller than 9 point).Be consistent. Use the same font throughout your brochure.Use color, underlining, and italics sparingly and for emphasis only.Use white space effectively. If text is squeezed together, it is difficult to read. Take time to edit your information so that your key concepts are clearly and simply presented.Use graphics that are relevant to your brochure’s overall content.Be sure the graphics complement your content, instead of overwhelming it and creating distractions.Ensure your graphics are tasteful, inclusive, and appropriate for your readers.**You can also use a website called “” to create the brochure if doing it in a Word document seems confusing.**I would like to focus on the African American community, I am also African American so this particular racial group resonates with me. I will include 3 articles to refer to for information. You can also get more information from other outside resources.

solved Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s postsÂ

Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s posts 
#1 Kaur
Incorporating Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) into my clinical practice will help many different patients struggling with mental illnesses. Mental health organizations and patients found IPT to be a very attractive therapy (Schaik et al., 2007). IPT would also be another option that patients would be able to consider along with the use of prescribed medications. As the provider, I need to learn the specific conditions the patient would like from the beginning of the session in order to figure out the end goal I need to work toward. IPT also is a great way to help approach the discussion of depression, many patients feel uncomfortable taking medications because of the stigma surrounding them so leading the discussion with IPT can help the patient feel as though there are more options than they can consider.
The article I choose provided the information that IPT works best with older populations with depression. Researchers from the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America 2020 survey report that Gen Z teens (ages 13-17) and Gen Z adults (ages 18-23) live in unprecedented conditions, are experiencing elevated stress, and are already experiencing depression (American Psychological Association, 2020). Therefore, IPT would be beneficial to many different populations. Most parents and guardians prefer not to use medications for their children, IPT would be a great option for them. It would help the parents feel more comfortable with the service that is being provided and the teenager themself would be able to receive care that has positive outcomes.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Stress in America 2020. American Psychological Association.…
Schaik, D., Marwijk, H., Beekman, A., Haan, M., & Dyck, R. (2007). Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for late-life depression in general practice: uptake and satisfaction by patients, therapists, and physicians. BMC family practice, 52(8).…
#2 John
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a brief treatment approach that was first developed in the 1970s for adults with depression (Psychology Today, 2021). G. Klerman formulated its main theories. IPT is a theory that explains how frequent or ongoing disturbances in a person’s relationships can trigger or follow the onset of a mood disorder. Resolving conflicts and other relationships can help improve the quality of life for people with depressive symptoms. In his study, Klerman focused on four critical areas of social relationships that are highly correlated with episodes of depression. These include grief, conflict, role transition, and social deficits (Psychology Today, 2021).
While diversity is an asset to our industry, it can also create space for misunderstandings and conflicts in the workplace. According to Perron (2019), most confrontations can be best handled by the people involved. Having the support of others is essential, but it can also be helpful to exercise caution when talking to others. Therefore, at a corporate level, I would foster a regenerative workplace that supports employees’ well-being. This environment should provide them with the resources they need to thrive in their work, which should transfer to their daily life. I will also host team-building events and individual connecting times. This would promote and improve interpersonal relationships within the office.
What populations other than geriatrics would this best fit and why? 
Due to the rapid development of technology, the world has become more compact, and many people have lost the skills related to communication. For a teenager, Interpersonal Psychotherapy can be helpful in helping them navigate through a family divorce. It can help them figure out how they will fit in with the family system and provide them with suggestions on how to handle their emotions. Also, the child learns skills to improve his or her relationships. This method helps decrease the symptoms of depression by developing strategies to improve his or her relationships, and problem-solve solutions to difficulties in the relationships (SCCAP, 2012-2021).
Perron, K. (2019, July 19). How to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Audro.…
Psychology Today (2021). Interpersonal psychotherapy. Psychology Today.…
Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (2012-2021).  What is interpersonal psychotherapy? Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.…

solved GuidelinesVisit the following link to the Museum of Modern Art

GuidelinesVisit the following link to the Museum of Modern Art the art works in the image gallery on the right of the screen and choose ONE of the following questions to respond to. Please be sure to note which question you are responding to at the top of your response.5 points off for every day late1. COMPARING NOTESAna Mendieta and John Coplans both use their own bodies to create their works.COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Mendieta’s Nile Born and Coplans’s Self Portrait. Consider the following questions: How are their bodies represented in the final art works? How do the artists represent the female and male body? How do they create universal images of the body, and how do they create personal images of themselves?REFLECT: Respond to the above questions and create your own questions if you have them after reflecting on the works of art.TURN-IN: A 300-500 word response to the questions in the “Compare and Contrast” section above. Post your word count at the end.2. BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEPLorna Simpson, Senga Nengudi, and John Coplans’s works challenge the traditional conventions of beauty.CONSIDER: What qualities does contemporary society consider beautiful today? How are the standards of beauty different for men and for women? What do you and your peers do to conform with or rebel against these standards? How do you receive messages about what is considered beautiful? How do the artists above challenge the standards?CREATE: Often the media influences our standards of beauty and fashion. Collect images of beauty in magazines, advertisements, newspapers, and on the web. On a large sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle. On the left side, paste images that conform to typical standards of beauty. On the right side, paste images that defy these standards. How many images did you find for the left side? How many did you find for the right side? TURN-IN: Take a picture of the piece of paper with the collected images pasted to it and upload it as well as a 250-500 word response to the questions in the “Consider” section above. Post your word count at the end.3. THE BODY AS A PAINT BRUSHCarolee Schneemann and Yves Klein both used the human body to paint on a canvas.CONSIDER: Schneemann’s Up to and Including Her Limits and Yves Klein’s Anthropometry. Watch a video of Klein’s process. In Up to and Including Her Limits, Schneemann used her body to paint on a canvas. To make Anthropometry, Klein, a male artist, would direct female models covered in paint.COMPARE AND CONTRAST: How are Schneemann’s and Klein’s processes similar? How are they different? Does the fact that Schneemann used her own body and Klein used the bodies of women change how you view their works? What does each work say about the role of women?TURN-IN: A 300-500 word response to the questions in the “Compare and Contrast” section above. Post your word count at the end.4. HAIR AND IDENTITYHair is an important part of a person’s identity. People often style their hair to align themselves with certain trends, social groups, or political statements.RESEARCH: Pick a work of art that depicts people. Start by visiting the website for Hair: Untangling the Roots of Identity, an exhibition at Cornell University’s Johnson Museum of Art. You can also search in MoMA’s collection. Looking at the subject(s) in the work of art, think about what their hairstyles might reveal about their identity.CONSIDER AND CREATE: Take a photo of your haircut—it can be from the back of your head, if you prefer—and answer the following questions: What does your hairstyle say about you? Is your hairstyle reflective of any part of your identity?READ THE ARTICLE: Synnott, Anthony. “Shame and Glory: A Sociology of Hair.” The British Journal of Sociology, vol. 38, no. 3, 1987, pp. 381–413. JSTOR, Follow the link to the article here: does Synnott’s article tell you about the importance of hair and identity? How has hair shaped society’s standards of beauty and gender? Why do you think hair is such a personal expression and sometimes a theme in artworks that address the idea of identity ? Make sure you cite specific evidence from the article to support your answerTURN-IN: Submit the image you took of your hairstyle and 300-500 word response that answers the questions posed in the “Consider and Create” section above making sure that you cite the Synnott article. Post your word count at the end.Adapted from: MOMA Learning. “Investigating Identity: The Body in Art.” Museum of Modern Art. retrieved from accessed 25 March 2019.