solved Assignment Content Analyze the evolution of social media standards and

Assignment Content Analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices and how it relates to the potential need for regulation of social media, along with ethical concerns.Evaluate psychological theories and their insights into the widely varying opinions and attitudes that are expressed through social media.Compare and contrast new social media marketing trends with more traditional forms of advertising.Assess the development of societal standards in relation to social media and how this can alter social norms in everyday life.Integrate the positive and negative effects of social media making global communication easily accessible.Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact.Instructions Social media use is critical to a dynamic and competitive brand, whether that brand is something you sell, a group home, a non-profit organization, or your self-image. This project will get you thinking about effective ways to shape your social media tools to make the most of your brand, to keep consumers talking and thinking about your brand, and to get interaction from those you seek to sell to or to help. You will take a look at what you post to social media, possible responses or reactions you will receive, as well as use social media trends and society controls to keep your brand meeting your goals.Your final project should include a plan for the following: how you will utilize a minimum of four social media sites; what your target audience will be; your use of contacts, outreach, and advertising best practices; your posting do’s and don’ts; and explanations of your choices using the sources from the course and others you find.If you have a real business, brand, or site to work on, you can start by putting the site profiles into the four social media sites you have chosen (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Screenshots will work for these that you have really made. If you don’t really have a business or brand, you do not need to create faux profiles. However, you should write the information you would include in your profile for each one.In summary, your plan should contain:An introduction to your brand or companyYour social media goals and general goals for the brandAn analysis of the market comparables — similar businesses/nonprofits/brands, including what has been successful and what hasn’t worked for at least 3 good comparable brandsDiscussion of societal norms for those comparables. What seem to be the “rules” they follow? Is there open or tacit regulation you’ve noticed? Include how you can expand your influence globally by overcoming potential language and culture barriers.An analysis of advertising and its necessity along with the type of advertising you would do and whyAn outline of the audience you intend to reach and how to reach them. Be sure to take into account the factors that are in play when attempting to reach an audience that includes a wide range of ages (consider generational differences)A plan for how to use your contacts and add new ones when publicizing and staying connectedA plan for each of four social media sites, including profile information and posting ideasAnalysis of any of the theories you would useA conclusionYour project lengths will depend on how much depth you put into your analysis of each section, but to give you a general idea, several paragraphs for most of the bullet points is a good length, and should result in a total of around 10 pages. Be sure to use at least 2 credible sources. Requirements/grading rubric 1.Outstanding job of providing a clear introduction to your brand or company along with stating your social media and general goals. 2.Provided a solid analysis of market comparable along with the societal norms of each. Went into great detail in your analysis. 3. Analyzed the necessity of advertising and included the type of advertising you would do to reach your target audience. Your planning and analysis look extremely professional. 4. Provided a thorough and specific description of how you would make and keep important contacts through social media. Your plan could easily be implemented immediately. 5. Included a solid analysis of the theories you would use through critical thought and a conclusion that tied your project together. 6. Paper, lists, and explanations were formatted correctly. 7. Provided a correctly formatted APA formatted reference page with at least 2 credible sources to support research. 8. Demonstrated effective usage of English grammar and mechanics. 0-2 errors in English grammar and mechanics observed

solved Assignment Content Analyze the evolution of social media standards and

Assignment Content Analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices and how it relates to the potential need for regulation of social media, along with ethical concerns.Evaluate psychological theories and their insights into the widely varying opinions and attitudes that are expressed through social media.Compare and contrast new social media marketing trends with more traditional forms of advertising.Assess the development of societal standards in relation to social media and how this can alter social norms in everyday life.Integrate the positive and negative effects of social media making global communication easily accessible.Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact.Instructions Social media use is critical to a dynamic and competitive brand, whether that brand is something you sell, a group home, a non-profit organization, or your self-image. This project will get you thinking about effective ways to shape your social media tools to make the most of your brand, to keep consumers talking and thinking about your brand, and to get interaction from those you seek to sell to or to help. You will take a look at what you post to social media, possible responses or reactions you will receive, as well as use social media trends and society controls to keep your brand meeting your goals.Your final project should include a plan for the following: how you will utilize a minimum of four social media sites; what your target audience will be; your use of contacts, outreach, and advertising best practices; your posting do’s and don’ts; and explanations of your choices using the sources from the course and others you find.If you have a real business, brand, or site to work on, you can start by putting the site profiles into the four social media sites you have chosen (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Screenshots will work for these that you have really made. If you don’t really have a business or brand, you do not need to create faux profiles. However, you should write the information you would include in your profile for each one.In summary, your plan should contain:An introduction to your brand or companyYour social media goals and general goals for the brandAn analysis of the market comparables — similar businesses/nonprofits/brands, including what has been successful and what hasn’t worked for at least 3 good comparable brandsDiscussion of societal norms for those comparables. What seem to be the “rules” they follow? Is there open or tacit regulation you’ve noticed? Include how you can expand your influence globally by overcoming potential language and culture barriers.An analysis of advertising and its necessity along with the type of advertising you would do and whyAn outline of the audience you intend to reach and how to reach them. Be sure to take into account the factors that are in play when attempting to reach an audience that includes a wide range of ages (consider generational differences)A plan for how to use your contacts and add new ones when publicizing and staying connectedA plan for each of four social media sites, including profile information and posting ideasAnalysis of any of the theories you would useA conclusionYour project lengths will depend on how much depth you put into your analysis of each section, but to give you a general idea, several paragraphs for most of the bullet points is a good length, and should result in a total of around 10 pages. Be sure to use at least 2 credible sources. Requirements/grading rubric 1.Outstanding job of providing a clear introduction to your brand or company along with stating your social media and general goals. 2.Provided a solid analysis of market comparable along with the societal norms of each. Went into great detail in your analysis. 3. Analyzed the necessity of advertising and included the type of advertising you would do to reach your target audience. Your planning and analysis look extremely professional. 4. Provided a thorough and specific description of how you would make and keep important contacts through social media. Your plan could easily be implemented immediately. 5. Included a solid analysis of the theories you would use through critical thought and a conclusion that tied your project together. 6. Paper, lists, and explanations were formatted correctly. 7. Provided a correctly formatted APA formatted reference page with at least 2 credible sources to support research. 8. Demonstrated effective usage of English grammar and mechanics. 0-2 errors in English grammar and mechanics observed

solved view one of the following films: The Devil’s Miner (VuDu),

view one of the following films: The Devil’s Miner (VuDu), Stolen Childhoods (Vimeo), The Price of Free (YouTube), or Beasts of No Nation (Netflix). After watching the film and reflecting upon it, you are required to write a critical review of the film, which should be approximately 3 page in length. Each film has specific questions below.*Please note: these films all focus on child labour and come with a strong trigger warning. They all feature explicit and troubling content. Depending upon your background and lived experiences, some are likely to be more troubling than others are.**Should you feel uncomfortable with these film selections, please let me know and we can work out an alternate assignment.**The Devil’s Miner, Stolen Childhoods, and The Price of Free are documentary films. Beasts of No Nation is a drama/fictional film, but focuses on child soldiers in Africa and is very much reflective of reality**The questions are designed to have you think critically about the film. Some outside research may help to strengthen your answers or better situate your reflectionsThe Devil’s MinerDescribe daily life for the Vargas brothers. What does their day consist of and how do they struggle through it?Danger is a reality for the Vargas brothers. Describe some the dangers they face and how these dangers are made worse by a total disregard for health and safety. What sort of improvements could be made to keep the miners safer?The Devil plays a central role in this film. What is its connection to these workers and their workplace?Mining occurs in many countries, including Canada. The prevalence of child labour in the mines in Bolivia is staggering, whereas mines in Canada are (at least now), worked by adults. What accounts for the usage of young boys in Bolivia’s mines? How does this compare to the situation in Canada in the early 1800s?What, if anything, do you think will bring about meaningful change for child miners in Bolivia’s mines?Stolen ChildhoodsFrom India to Mexico City and everywhere in between, the film highlights various examples of child labour. What does the film identify as the reasons for the global prevalence of child labour?What are the costs – both hidden and apparent – of child labour?The film offers some optimism in that it suggests that many of the problems of child labour canbe fixed. What suggestions does it offer, and how viable do you think these are?Reflecting on your own position in the world, what do you think you could do on a personal levelto help tackle child labour? The Price of FreeWhat is meant by the film’s title, “The Price of Free?”What are some of the root causes of child labour according to this film?Kailash Satyarthi (and his small team) is one man, and millions of children are enslaved as childlabourers. Certainly not everyone can fight child labour to the same degree as Kailash. Whatdoes this mean for the reduction and eventual elimination of child labour?Why does this film suggest that child labour is so prevalent? Is child labour inevitable in a profit-driven, consumer-based market society (capitalism, we may say)?Reflecting on your own position in the world, what do you think you could do on a personal levelto help tackle child labour?Beasts of No Nation1. Although a fictional film, the story of child soldiers in Africa is far from fictional. What sorts of roles/jobs do child soldiers perform in the film? To what degree does this reflect reality/what do real child soldiers do?2. Leaving/quitting is not an option. Why? How do warlords attract and keep child soldiers?3. Agu (and all child soldiers) have a complex existence. How so?4. When rescued, the transition out of their former ‘job’ for child soldiers is more difficult than it isfor many other child labourers? How can child soldiers be transitioned out of the former livesand still enjoy a meaningful childhood?5. Child soldiers are a specific type of child labourer. The ways to eliminate this type of child labourare likely different than eliminating, for example, children working in factories. The film – as it is not a documentary – does not really grapple with how to end this form of child labour. How, then, can this particular type of child labour be eliminated? How is this different from and/or the same as eliminating other forms of child labour?If you select this film, you may be interested in the following article: Omobowale, Emmanuel Babatunde & Sakiru Damilare Adebayo. “Negotiating War, Trauma and the Banality of Evil: Narrative Aesthetics and the Representation of PTSD in Beasts of No Nation.” Ibadan Journal of English Studies 7 (2018): 43-56.

solved Chapter 11 revisits some contributing factors to the persistent issue

Chapter 11 revisits some contributing factors to the persistent issue of racial and ethnic disparities, including immigration. Please refer to your readings, lecture notes, the video for review and the websites provided to answer and discuss the following questions:

What do you recommend our culture do in an effort to embrace diversity and the immigration process?
What changes should the criminal justice system make in order to ensure Due Process under the Law for all?
What support can be given to rebuild the relationships between the community and police?


In order to embrace diversity and the immigration process there should be projects and programs to help these immigrants feel welcomed to our country and help those who receive racial disparity. They need to feel like they belong here and the way to do that is to bring them together in these programs and celebrate who they are.
When coming to a decision of an offender , before this the jury should be an even number of races. So for an example of the defendant is an African American there should be an even number of African Americans and whites in the jury. It only creates fairness. In today’s society even back then African American face racism especially from white. If the whole jury is a bunch of white people of coarse they’ll find the African American man or boy guilty. You can never know how many of those jurors are racist towards African Americans. So having those balanced jurors gives a fair trial.
In order to rebuild relationships with the community and police is to build that trust. The community needs to feel like they can trust the police not be afraid whenever they come across them. If these officers interact with the community more and act like friends rather than these higher up people who can arrest them at any time the community would not feel threatened by them. It’s the same thing as building trust and a relationship with a new person you just met. Not only that but instead of officers being cruel to their citizens there needs to be more generous officers.

I think courses like this course for example really helps bring to light the discrimination that is present whether conscious or not. “The issue of unconscious bias has been most widely discussed with regard to policing. The fair and Impartial Policing project offers training for police departments,” (Walker, et al., 2018, pg. 515). I think if schools started offering courses like these at a younger age to show that we are all equal and not better than one or the other that it would help to educate kids at a younger age. Unfortunately, I think older generations will be stuck in their ways that they are in now. They are too old for change and have that mindset. But I think it is important to start with children because they are our future. We need to accept people instead of turning people away that’s how we as a whole grow. I think there are right procedures and the procedures do need to be followed in the immigration process. I think the criminal justice system to ensure due process for all is to make mandatory sentences. I think by having mandatory maximum or minimum sentences for crimes will help to deter the amount of sentencing disparity that happens between races and ethnicities. I think the media could play a big part in rebuilding the relationships between the community and the police and criminal justice system. “Strong relationships of mutual trust between police agencies and the communities they serve are critical to maintaining public safety and effective policing,” (U.S. Department of Justice Community Relations Service).If the media could show this book in a shorter summary, then I think that could rebuild the relationships. “One major contribution of this book is our effort to disentangle the misunderstandings that exist with regard to race, ethnicity, and the justice system and to gain a clearer understanding of the complex reality of both the American society and the criminal justice system,” (Walker, et al., 2018, pg. 512). I think if media were to highlight positive things that officers do in the community instead of only negative things that could help rebuild the relationship. Another way to rebuild the relationship between police and the public could be for the agencies to promote more diversity within the profession. “When an agency creates an environment that promotes internal fairness and respect, officers are more likely to demonstrate these qualities in their daily interactions with the community,” (U.S. Department of Justice Community Relations Service).

solved Select a news article from one of the sites offered

Select a news article from one of the sites offered in the instruction page for this assignment.
Include in your discussion post a copy of your news article, the name of the news source, and a paragraph explaining how the news article relates to course material. In addition to your post, you must also respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Survivors of Tsunami Live on Close Terms With Sea
Published: January 23, 2005 by
SOUTH SURIN ISLAND, Thailand, Jan. 16 – They call it “wave that eats people,” but the Moken sea gypsies, who have lived in isolation here for decades, emerged from the tsunami almost unscathed.
A community of about 200 Moken was living on South Surin Island, 40 miles from the Thai mainland, when the wave hit on Dec. 26 as it was barreling toward the coast. The Moken’s village of thatched huts on stilts was on the beach, but when the water crashed over it, the Moken – including wizened old women and parents with babies on their backs – had already run to the hills.
The Moken know the mysteries of the ocean better than most Thais, having roamed it for centuries as fishermen and divers. They used to live half the year in houseboats on the Andaman Sea, wandering between Thailand and Myanmar, formerly Burma, and while less itinerant now, they remain closely attuned to the water. They are animists who believe that the sea, their island and all objects have spirits, and the Moken use totem poles to communicate with them.
Salama Klathalay, chief of the Moken here, said his elders taught him to expect a people-eating wave whenever the tide receded far and fast. So when he witnessed such a sight on the morning of Dec. 26, he started running and shouting.
“I had never seen such a low tide,” said Mr. Salama, a lively white-haired man who said he was at least 60 but unsure of his exact age. “I started telling people that a wave was coming.”
One member of the community, a disabled man who could not run, was left behind in the panic, Mr. Salama said, sitting in one of the tents in which the Moken are living while they build a new village. The man died, and to avoid bad luck, Mr. Salama said, they were rebuilding on a different beach. They could avoid future tsunamis by moving to the hills, he said, but they fear the snakes that live there.
The Moken’s eyesight under water is so sharp that researchers have studied it. Many cannot read or write, passing lore and knowledge down through the generations orally. They have their own language, though many younger Moken now speak Thai. Some go to the mainland to live and find work, but Mr. Salama said many return.
“They’re not used to it over there,” he said. “They’re used to working on the sea, and there, they have to work in a factory or something.”
The Moken have been little more than an oddity for tourist guidebooks and a nuisance for the Thai government, which has chastised them for fishing and foraging on environmentally sensitive water and land. But now, because of their agile escape from the tsunami, these people who live without electricity or schooling are a cause célèbre. The Thai news media has painted them as heroes, and politicians have called for preserving their way of life and spreading their long-held wisdom.
(example commentary on how this article relates to Geography)
“This article is about Geography because it is about how a human culture relates to the physical world. We discussed in class and I read in the textbook about human cultures and the physical world. It spotlights a unique human culture that was able to survive a tremendous physical tragedy. The article talks about how the Moken’s were able to survive the Tsunami because they were so closely attuned to the water. Their human culture is an example of how important it can be for humans to stay aware of the physical or natural world around them. ”
I expect more than a word or two on how the article relates to Geography. I am not looking for a specific geographical phrase rather I am looking for how you see Geography in the newspaper article. I will comment and take points off if you do not clearly identify the geographical elements that you see in the article. Please be aware that vague words such as political geography, economic geography, and religious geography are not enough. You need to clarify how you see the geography in the politics, economics or religious elements in the newspaper article. Remember that Geography is about place and space. Feel free to contact me if it is not clear how to relate news articles to Geography and I will seek to clarify what I am looking for.

solved Please use the attached template as needed for the assignment.

Please use the attached template as needed for the assignment. Please use reference below at least 5 for each part of the assignmentAssignment: Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative StatementNote: This Assignment is due on Day 5 of Week 11.If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided?You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very real beliefs in some cultures.Differences in cultural beliefs, subcultures, religion, ethnic customs, dietary customs, language, and a host of other factors contribute to the complex environment that surrounds global healthcare issues. Failure to understand and account for these differences can create a gulf between practitioners and the public they serve.In this Assignment, you will examine a global health issue and consider the approach to this issue by the United States and by one other country.To Prepare:Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda and select one global health issue to focus on for this Assignment.Select at least one additional country to compare to the U.S. for this Assignment.Reflect on how the global health issue you selected is approached in the U.S. and in the additional country you selected.Review and download the Global Health Comparison Matrix provided in the Resources.The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Global Health Comparison Matrix; 1-page Plan for Social Change)Part 1: Global Health Comparison MatrixFocusing on the country you selected and the U.S., complete the Global Health Comparison Matrix. Be sure to address the following:Consider the U.S. national/federal health policies that have been adapted for the global health issue you selected from the WHO global health agenda. Compare these policies to the additional country you selected for study.Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each policy.Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the global health issue you selected. Be specific and provide examples.Using the WHO’s Organization’s global health agenda as well as the results of your own research, analyze how each country’s government addresses cost, quality, and access to the global health issue selected.Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the health of the global population. Be specific and provide examples.Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the role of the nurse in each country.Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. Be specific and provide examples.Part 2: A Plan for Social ChangeReflect on the global health policy comparison and analysis you conducted in Part 1 of the Assignment and the impact that global health issues may have on the world, the U.S., your community, as well as your practice as a nurse leader.In a 1-page response, create a plan for social change that incorporates a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.Explain how you would advocate for the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens might impact your local practice and role as a nurse leader.Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice as a nurse leader represents and contributes to social change. Be specific and provide examplesREFERANCES: USE THESE, AND OUTSIDE AS NEEDEDMilstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Chapter 11, “The Impact of Globalization: Nurses Influencing Global Health Policy” (pp. 194–208)Corless, I. B., Nardi, D., Milstead, J. A., Larson, E., Nokes, K. M., Orsega, S., Kurth, A. E., … Woith, W. (2018). Expanding nursing’s role in responding to global pandemics. Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 412–415.Donkin, A., Goldblatt, P., Allen, J., Nathanson, V., & Marmot, M. (2017). Global action on the social determinants of health. BMJ Global Health, 3(1). doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000603.Sandoval-Almazana, R., & Gil-Garcia, J. R. (2011). Are government internet portals evolving towards more interaction, participation, and collaboration? Revisiting the rhetoric of e-government among municipalities. Government Information Quarterly, 29(Suppl. 1), S72–S81.World Health Organization (WHO). (n.d.). Global health agenda. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from…

solved AimThe purpose of assignment 2 is to prepare a dataset

AimThe purpose of assignment 2 is to prepare a dataset with which you can conduct data analyses for the term project. This is related to the term project, but please note that this assignment should be individual work. Also, you need to explore some variables that can be used as a dependent variable and independent variables. More details will be explained below.DatasetFor the project phase 1 report, you already selected a medical condition of your group’s interest, and there should be more than 500 data instances. For the assignment 2, please think about your research question(s). With that being said, you need to explore variables in your dataset. You can change those variables later, but this assignment will help you better understand the dataset. Please visit the official website (Links to an external site.) and Github repository (Links to an external site.) and read the attached appendix document Download attached appendix document(p.1 – 13). MEPS data consists of various variables such as medical condition, socioeconomic factors (e.g., gender, region, race, and family income), and medical expenditure. MEPS data also consist of various files such as person-level (e.g., health status, demographics, and total $$ of care), event-level (e.g., healthcare service use), and condition-level (e.g., medical condition). For the full review of those variables, please look at codebooks (person-level (Links to an external site.)) and condition-level (Links to an external site.)). I also coded those variables (personal-level only) regarding usefulness for analysis (included vs. excluded, Heejun_Inclusion field) and variable type (independent vs. dependent, Heejun_Variable_Type field). You can find my version of the codebook from this link (Links to an external site.). Some dependent variables you can utilize includes but are not limited to:Total health expendituresTotal inpatient expendituresTotal emergency care expendituresSeverity of Illness (attacks/year)Number of School Days Missed (Children)Number of Work Days Missed (Adult)For now, just focus on personal-level (h129.csv) and condition-level (h128.csv) files for exploring variables. At least, find one dependent variable and five core independent variables that can be used for the group project by carefully looking at documents and websites above. The selected independent variables should not be randomly selected. They should be clinically related to your dependent variable. The second step is to preprocess your dataset. Please utilize the “week6_example_code.ipynb” notebook for this process. You need little modification to complete data processing and integration. Select patients (h128.csv) with the your medical condition, drop attributes which are not necessary, and join the condition-level data (h128.csv) and personal-level data (h129.csv).What to Do for the Assignment 2Explore the dataset and find one dependent variable and five core independent variables at leastExplain what these variables are and how they are related to the medical condition of your interestPreprocess your data. The preprocessing will include but are not limited to:h128.csvSelect records that are related to your condition of interest by using ICD-9 code and drop duplicated records based on the ‘DUPERSID’ (rowwise selection)h129.csvSelect attributes that are discriminative and/or meaningful (columnwise selection)Join two files (h128.csv and h129.csv) after selecting patient instances with the medical condition of your interestHow to writeFor the assignment 2, I will not put constraints on the format. However, you need to present, at least, one dependent variable and five core independent variables. Also, please explain what these variables are and how they are related to the medical condition of your interest. Up to this part, you can write the report in a MS word file. You also need to submit your Jupyter notebook you used for data preprocessing and the final data file (csv). What to includeYour submission of the report should include:Your nameEUIDTitle of the projectWhat I asked you in the “How to Write”Please attach a .docx file for the report and .ipynb and .csv files for the data processing. Again, this is an individual assignment.Grading CriteriaYour reports will be evaluated on the quality of entries. By quality, I do not mean mechanics (e.g., spelling, grammar), but rather content. Your entries should demonstrate reflective and critical thinking, integration of materials and experiences, development of your own research questions, and general intellectual growth. Also, I will look at the data preprocessing steps you implemented.

solved AimThe purpose of assignment 2 is to prepare a dataset

AimThe purpose of assignment 2 is to prepare a dataset with which you can conduct data analyses for the term project. This is related to the term project, but please note that this assignment should be individual work. Also, you need to explore some variables that can be used as a dependent variable and independent variables. More details will be explained below.DatasetFor the project phase 1 report, you already selected a medical condition of your group’s interest, and there should be more than 500 data instances. For the assignment 2, please think about your research question(s). With that being said, you need to explore variables in your dataset. You can change those variables later, but this assignment will help you better understand the dataset. Please visit the official website (Links to an external site.) and Github repository (Links to an external site.) and read the attached appendix document Download attached appendix document(p.1 – 13). MEPS data consists of various variables such as medical condition, socioeconomic factors (e.g., gender, region, race, and family income), and medical expenditure. MEPS data also consist of various files such as person-level (e.g., health status, demographics, and total $$ of care), event-level (e.g., healthcare service use), and condition-level (e.g., medical condition). For the full review of those variables, please look at codebooks (person-level (Links to an external site.)) and condition-level (Links to an external site.)). I also coded those variables (personal-level only) regarding usefulness for analysis (included vs. excluded, Heejun_Inclusion field) and variable type (independent vs. dependent, Heejun_Variable_Type field). You can find my version of the codebook from this link (Links to an external site.). Some dependent variables you can utilize includes but are not limited to:Total health expendituresTotal inpatient expendituresTotal emergency care expendituresSeverity of Illness (attacks/year)Number of School Days Missed (Children)Number of Work Days Missed (Adult)For now, just focus on personal-level (h129.csv) and condition-level (h128.csv) files for exploring variables. At least, find one dependent variable and five core independent variables that can be used for the group project by carefully looking at documents and websites above. The selected independent variables should not be randomly selected. They should be clinically related to your dependent variable. The second step is to preprocess your dataset. Please utilize the “week6_example_code.ipynb” notebook for this process. You need little modification to complete data processing and integration. Select patients (h128.csv) with the your medical condition, drop attributes which are not necessary, and join the condition-level data (h128.csv) and personal-level data (h129.csv).What to Do for the Assignment 2Explore the dataset and find one dependent variable and five core independent variables at leastExplain what these variables are and how they are related to the medical condition of your interestPreprocess your data. The preprocessing will include but are not limited to:h128.csvSelect records that are related to your condition of interest by using ICD-9 code and drop duplicated records based on the ‘DUPERSID’ (rowwise selection)h129.csvSelect attributes that are discriminative and/or meaningful (columnwise selection)Join two files (h128.csv and h129.csv) after selecting patient instances with the medical condition of your interestHow to writeFor the assignment 2, I will not put constraints on the format. However, you need to present, at least, one dependent variable and five core independent variables. Also, please explain what these variables are and how they are related to the medical condition of your interest. Up to this part, you can write the report in a MS word file. You also need to submit your Jupyter notebook you used for data preprocessing and the final data file (csv). What to includeYour submission of the report should include:Your nameEUIDTitle of the projectWhat I asked you in the “How to Write”Please attach a .docx file for the report and .ipynb and .csv files for the data processing. Again, this is an individual assignment.Grading CriteriaYour reports will be evaluated on the quality of entries. By quality, I do not mean mechanics (e.g., spelling, grammar), but rather content. Your entries should demonstrate reflective and critical thinking, integration of materials and experiences, development of your own research questions, and general intellectual growth. Also, I will look at the data preprocessing steps you implemented.

solved 2-3 Paragraphs each responseEagle EyeWeek 4ReplyStrategic Planning and Organizational Managem

2-3 Paragraphs each responseEagle EyeWeek 4ReplyStrategic Planning and Organizational Management in Healthcare APA Style ReplyMany tech companies, notably Amazon, Apple, and Google, have entered the healthcare field. Do you think this is a good thing? Why or why not? Reply to each Peer about their post.Many tech companies, notably Amazon, Apple, and Google, have entered the healthcare field. Do you think this is a good thing? Why or why not? Reply 1 to Martina):For this week’s discussion, we evaluate the impact of an external environment on services and products on organizations. External factors may impact an organization in different ways but may also vary. Additionally, changes in an external environment may influence how care is provided. An external environment can change constantly which may include policies (local, state, and federal), advances in technology, global influence, social influence, environmental regulation, and updates in healthcare demands. Furthermore, organizations rely on external environmental factors to develop additional effective strategies. Based on the article, tech companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Google have entered the healthcare field. I do not think this is a good idea as I think a breach of information and HIPAA could be risked, and health information could be inaccurate. Also, I do not think it is a good idea as these tech companies should stay separate from healthcare companies. For example, “In 2018, updated its Apple Health app so that it could display medical records from 39 hospitals” (Chen, 2019). So with all these developments in these tech companies, I think it could also make it easier for hackers to steal information. If you were to compare specific healthcare companies to tech companies, there is more protection of information without tech companies interfering. Additionally, if any changes were to be impacted in these tech companies, changes to the healthcare aspect could be drastically impacted. ReferencesChen, A. (2019). As tech companies move into health care, here’s what to watch in 2019. The Verge. Retrieved from S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.Many tech companies, notably Amazon, Apple, and Google, have entered the healthcare field. Do you think this is a good thing? Why or why not? Reply to Priscilla :In healthcare, the external environment can have a huge impact on organizations. The external environment “comprises many interactive and complex factors important for effective strategic thinking” (Watson, 2018, p. 153). Organizations must be able to understand their relationship to the external environment in order to create effective and successful strategies. Furthermore, it is important for organizations to determine and analyze the external environment factors so that they will be able to identify any uncertainties that they are facing. As mentioned in the article, many tech companies, notably Amazon, Apple, and Google, have entered the healthcare field. This is a good thing because they can help to give the benefit to not only their employees but also to people around the world. Based on the article, Amazon purchased online pharmacy startup PillPack and proclaimed plans to sell software that will be able to read medical records (Chen, 2019). Similarly to Amazon, Apple also focused on medical records and opened an on-site clinic for its employees, and they received FDA clearance for a new Apple Watch feature called the electrocardiogram (EKG) (Chen, 2019). On the other hand, Google focused its attention on health research instead of focusing on health care like Amazon and Apple (Chen, 2019). Even though there are risks or concerns associated with data breach, there are many benefits that come from having these three tech companies enter the healthcare field. By having tech companies enter the healthcare field, it “may allow more patient treatment in outpatient settings” (Watson, 2018, p. 152). Furthermore, tech companies can help to improve quality of life, improve quality of care, reduce healthcare costs, offer a better experience for customers, and increase efficiency.ReferencesChen, A. (2019). As tech companies move into health care, here’s what to watch in 2019. The Verge. S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.

solved AimThe purpose of assignment 2 is to prepare a dataset

AimThe purpose of assignment 2 is to prepare a dataset with which you can conduct data analyses for the term project. This is related to the term project, but please note that this assignment should be individual work. Also, you need to explore some variables that can be used as a dependent variable and independent variables. More details will be explained below.DatasetFor the project phase 1 report, you already selected a medical condition of your group’s interest, and there should be more than 500 data instances. For the assignment 2, please think about your research question(s). With that being said, you need to explore variables in your dataset. You can change those variables later, but this assignment will help you better understand the dataset. Please visit the official website (Links to an external site.) and Github repository (Links to an external site.) and read the attached appendix document Download attached appendix document(p.1 – 13). MEPS data consists of various variables such as medical condition, socioeconomic factors (e.g., gender, region, race, and family income), and medical expenditure. MEPS data also consist of various files such as person-level (e.g., health status, demographics, and total $$ of care), event-level (e.g., healthcare service use), and condition-level (e.g., medical condition). For the full review of those variables, please look at codebooks (person-level (Links to an external site.)) and condition-level (Links to an external site.)). I also coded those variables (personal-level only) regarding usefulness for analysis (included vs. excluded, Heejun_Inclusion field) and variable type (independent vs. dependent, Heejun_Variable_Type field). You can find my version of the codebook from this link (Links to an external site.). Some dependent variables you can utilize includes but are not limited to:Total health expendituresTotal inpatient expendituresTotal emergency care expendituresSeverity of Illness (attacks/year)Number of School Days Missed (Children)Number of Work Days Missed (Adult)For now, just focus on personal-level (h129.csv) and condition-level (h128.csv) files for exploring variables. At least, find one dependent variable and five core independent variables that can be used for the group project by carefully looking at documents and websites above. The selected independent variables should not be randomly selected. They should be clinically related to your dependent variable.The second step is to preprocess your dataset. Please utilize the “week6_example_code.ipynb” notebook for this process. You need little modification to complete data processing and integration. Select patients (h128.csv) with the your medical condition, drop attributes which are not necessary, and join the condition-level data (h128.csv) and personal-level data (h129.csv).What to Do for the Assignment 2Explore the dataset and find one dependent variable and five core independent variables at leastExplain what these variables are and how they are related to the medical condition of your interestPreprocess your data. The preprocessing will include but are not limited to:h128.csvSelect records that are related to your condition of interest by using ICD-9 code and drop duplicated records based on the ‘DUPERSID’ (rowwise selection)h129.csvSelect attributes that are discriminative and/or meaningful (columnwise selection)Join two files (h128.csv and h129.csv) after selecting patient instances with the medical condition of your interestHow to writeFor the assignment 2, I will not put constraints on the format. However, you need to present, at least, one dependent variable and five core independent variables. Also, please explain what these variables are and how they are related to the medical condition of your interest. Up to this part, you can write the report in a MS word file. You also need to submit your Jupyter notebook you used for data preprocessing and the final data file (csv).What to includeYour submission of the report should include:Your nameEUIDTitle of the projectWhat I asked you in the “How to Write”Please attach a .docx file for the report and .ipynb and .csv files for the data processing. Again, this is an individual assignment.Grading CriteriaYour reports will be evaluated on the quality of entries. By quality, I do not mean mechanics (e.g., spelling, grammar), but rather content. Your entries should demonstrate reflective and critical thinking, integration of materials and experiences, development of your own research questions, and general intellectual growth. Also, I will look at the data preprocessing steps you implemented.