solved Hello class,The lung cancer case study is due Sunday, April

Hello class,The lung cancer case study is due Sunday, April 25th, and here are some tips. Here’s some information to assist you with questions on the last case study. Be sure to include all equations with your answers.#4. Where else (besides a hospital) could cases be found? Where else might you find controls for this study (besides in a hospital)? Use Ch 6 to assist you in answering these. #7. This question is asking if hospitalized patients (w/o lung cancer) are closely matched to the general population (w/o lung cancer). Explain your answer. (Hint: Look at the percentage you get for controls who smoked. Is this exposure level something you’d see [even back then] in the general population?) #8. This question is mainly getting at this: Even if not as high as the cases (lung cancer pts), if the controls have a very high exposure level (smoking), then how might this affect the results for this case-control study (Odds Ratio)? #9. Here’s the equation for proportion of cases who smoked: 1522/1530 x 100 = 99.48% Do the same for proportion of controls who smoked.#11. The odds of smoking for the cases is: 1522/8 = 190.25:1 Do the same for the odds of smoking for the controls.#12. Divide the odds to get the OR. You’re also asked to do the ‘cross-product ratio’. This is just another term for the equation you’ve used for the Odds Ratio from Ch. 6. Set up your 2×2 and see if you come up with the same OR from that equation. Post both equations and answers for this. #14. You’ll end up with 4 Odds Ratios on this one. One for each dosage of cigarettes (1-14; 15-24; 25+; and ALL). These are NOT age categories; they are dosage (# of cigarettes smoked/day). Set up your 2×2 table for each category. Your ‘no exposure’ row (0 cigarettes) will be the same for all the 2×2 tables.#15. Look at the 4 different ORs and note any differences by dosage. Is there a dose-response relationship between exposure and disease? #16. This question relates to things you learned in Ch. 10 that could affect the results of a study (like certain types of bias). Name some of the factors.#18. The mortality rate in the cohort section is the ‘incidence rate’. The person-years is the population size. So, for the mortality rate for those who smoked 1-14 cigarettes (Table 3), you would take 23 / 38,600 x 1000. This gives you a mortality rate of 0.60/1000 person-years. #18. Rate Ratio is another term for Relative Risk. To find this, you would take the mortality rate among the exposed and divide by the mortality rate among the nonexposed. For the 1-14 cigarette group, this would be 0.60 divided by 0.07 (mortality rate among the nonexposed). #18. Rate Difference is the same as Risk Difference. For the 1-14 cigarette group, you would find this by subtracting 0.07 from 0.60 (incidence among exposed – incidence among the nonexposed).#19. This proportion is called ‘attributable risk percent’ or the more recognized (from your book ~ Ch 9) term of ‘etiologic fraction’. Since there are two different equations you could use for EF, you would either use the mortality rate or the RR for ‘All Smokers’ from #18 in your equation.#20. You’ll take the number of deaths among All Smokers (from Table 3) and multiply that by your answer for #19 (EF%). This is the number of deaths that could have been averted if no one had smoked. #21. Since RR is the strongest measure of association, use those numbers to determine which disease has a stronger association with smoking. Use the AR% (EF) as your second reason. Explain your answer.#22. Population attributable risk percent is the same as ‘population etiologic fraction’ (from Ch. 9). You would use the mortality rate for ‘All’ for these calculations (given in Table 4). There will be two equations for your answer (Lung Cancer & CVD) and don’t forget to answer the compare/differ questions, as well. #23. Multiply your answers from #22 times the Mortality Rate for ‘ALL’ from Table 4. You’ll do this for both lung cancer and CVD. Your answers will be followed by “lung cancer (or CVD) deaths per 1000 person-years”. #24. Use the RRs from Table 5 to help you in answering this question. Note the differences in RRs among Current Smokers, Ex-Smokers (by years since quitting), and Non-Smokers (never smoked). Then discuss what this implies for public health and preventive medicine. #26. Answer the first question as to which study design has the largest sample size, costs more, and takes longer to complete. The remaining factors are answered as advantage/disadvantage.

solved This assignment has 5 sections that include a: Summary –

This assignment has 5 sections that include a:

Summary – In at least 200 words, summarize the module’s main themes presented in the readings and lectures.

Your work should be thought through and provide an objective thorough synthesis of the overarching themes.  
Write in complete sentences.
No need to provide citation for class material.  However, If used outside references or quoting any work (including from the book or course material), please cite based on APA format.  This includes appropriate in-text citations.  
Limit quotes in your summary, no more that 10% of your summary.  Your summary should be in your own words. 

Key terms – List and define key terms and concepts presented in the module’s readings and lectures.

Provide at least 2 from this module.

Important places – What were some of the important places discussed in the readings and lectures and why they were important.

Provide at least 2 from this module. 

Important People – Who were some of theimportant individuals discussed in the readings and lectures and what did they do or why were they important?  

Provide at least 2 from this module.

Quiz Questions – Create two test questionsand provide the correct answers based on the module’s readings and lectures.  

These could ask about the general themes and concepts, key terms, or important individuals.
You could create multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, etc.
Note, some of these may be used on the exams

Document should follow the provided template.  Module Summary Template.docx
Learning Objectives

Understand different approaches to nature.
Know the four philosophies of utilitarianism, progressive conservation, environmentalism, and preservation.
Know where the four philosophies fall on the anthropocentric / biocentric continuum.
Understand the Hetch Hetchy controversy and how it defined the progressive conservation philosophy (represented by Gifford Pinchot) and the preservation philosophy (represented by John Muir).

Key Terms, People, & Places
Utilitarianism, progressive conservation, environmentalism, preservation, Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite, Forest Service, common good, Tuolumne River, Hydroelectric Power, Sierra Club, San Francisco, Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, Franklin Lane.

Nash, R. F. (2014). Ch 10: Hetch Hetchy. Wilderness and the American Mind (5th ed., pp.161-181). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Runte, A. (1997). New Parks, Enduring Perspectives. National Parks: The American Experience (3rd ed., pp. 65-81). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Runte, A. (1997). See America First. National Parks: The American Experience (3rd ed., 82-105). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Since Hetch Hetchy, no one has tried to use a national park for profit like that. But this “bioprospecting” is an example of potential profit to be made in a national park. Read about it…how is the situation of bioprospecting similar to and different from Hetch Hetchy?

Bioprospecting in Yellowstone article 2
Learning Objectives

Understand Aldo Leopold’s and Rachel Carson’s significance in the ecology movement.
Be able to explain the concepts of environmental ethics.
Develop a base knowledge of the idea of wilderness preservation.
Understand how pesticides have a long term effect on the environment.
Understand the concept of bioaccumulation.
Key Terms & People
Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Pesticides, Biocides, Silent Spring, Sand County Almanac, land ethic, ecology, progress, technology, responsibility of science, DDT, limits of technological progress, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson.Readings

Nash, R. F. (2014). Ch 11: Aldo Leopold: Prophet. Wilderness and the American Mind (5th ed., pp.182-199). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Aldo Leopold (1990). A Land Ethic. In R. F. Nash (Ed.), American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History (3rd ed., pp. 171-174). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Natural Resources Defense Council’s article on Rachel Carson and Silent Spring.
Rachel Carson (1990). Ch 30: Pesticides. In R. F. Nash (Ed.), American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History (3rd ed., pp. 191-194). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Bioaccumulation, This article describes “bioaccumulation” or the accumulation of toxic substances in organisms.
Biomagnification, This article describes biomagnification, or the way toxic substances can get more and more concentrated as they move up the food chain.

solved 1) Â SPSS is software that can conduct basic and

1)  SPSS is software that can conduct basic and complex statistical analyses. In this assignment you will use SPSS to explore the data and conduct descriptive statistics, create frequency charts, recode variables, and create new variables. 
For this assignment, utilize SPSS Statistics and the Topic 2 “Health Behavior Data Set.”
Refer to the topic resources for assistance with accessing and using SPSS.
Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.
Part a

Import the Excel file into SPSS.
Sort by age in SPSS to determine the age-range of participants in the data set.
Use the Descriptive Statistics Feature in SPSS to find the mean and standard deviation for the “Age” and “Annual Income.”
Use the “Frequencies” feature to create frequency tables for the employed, education level and sex variables.
Recode the sex variable where “Male”=1 and “Female”=2. Create a frequency table for the new variable.
Compute a new “BMI” variable based on “Weight” and “Height.” Use the Descriptive Statistics Feature in SPSS to find the mean and standard deviation for the new BMI variable.

Part b
In 200-250 words, compare Excel and SPSS. Discuss specific SPSS software features that make it preferable to Excel for data management. Provide examples illustrating when electing to use SPSS could be preferable to Excel in regard to analyzing survey data.
General Requirements
Submit the SPSS exported output and the written comparison to the dropbox.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.    
2)  Difference Between Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Surbhi, S. (2019). Difference Between Descriptive and Inferential Statistics. Retrieved from – :~:text=As%20the%20name%20suggests,%20descriptive%20statistics%20is%20one,statistics,%20i.e.%20what%20you%20do%20with%20your%20data.

How can you use inferential statistics to learn more about depression and weight gain in a sample?
How can you use descriptive statistics to learn more about depression and weight gain in a sample?

3) Correlation is a common statistic to measure a generally linear relationship between two variables. Explain why correlation does not equal causation.
4)Explain the differences between parametric and nonparametric tests. How do you determine if a parametric or nonparametric test should be used when analyzing data?
5)  The chi-square test of independence is used to determine whether two or more samples of cases differ on a nominal level variable. A Pearson correlation is used to determine the relationship between two continuous variables. Both the chi-square test of independence and correlation are widely used in the analysis of public health data.
The purpose of this assignment is to practice calculating and interpreting the Pearson correlation coefficient and a chi-square test of independence. After analyzing the data, communicate the results in a PowerPoint presentation. Refer to the Using and Interpreting Statistics: A Practical Text for the Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences textbook and instructional videos for assistance completing this assignment.
Part 1
Use SPSS and the Topic 2 “Health Behavior Data Set” and complete the following:

Conduct a Pearson correlation to determine the relationship between age and annual income.
Conduct a chi-square test to determine the relationship between sex and smoking status.
Export the SPSS output for the Pearson correlation and chi-square tests.

Part 2
Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint to discuss the findings for either the chi-square or correlation findings. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the topic resources for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for references at the end.
Include the following:

Explain why the statistical test is most appropriate for analyzing the data and whether the assumptions were met.
What are the null and alternative hypotheses?
What is the decision rule?
What is the test statistic and p-value?
How do you interpret the results? (What was done? What was found? What does it mean? What suggestions are there for the creation of a health promotion intervention?)

solved Research Proposal The research paper proposal is an opportunity to

Research Proposal The research paper proposal is an opportunity to get feedback on your ideas, sources and structure for your research paper. See the description of the research paper (below) for further guidelines. The paper proposal is a 3 – 4 page document (plus bibliography) that includes:Your draft thesis (argument) and introductionA bullet point outline of your paperWhat are your main sections?What sources will you use for each part?Approximately how long will each part be?What are the topic sentences/sub-arguments for each section?Problems you expect to encounter (trouble finding sources, too much information, time management) and how you might address themAn annotated bibliography of at least 8 sources of which at least 6 must be academic (peer reviewed journal articles, books or book chapters from books published by university presses). The annotation is 2-4 sentences explaining the type of source and what you expect it to contribute to your paper.You will be evaluated based on the extent to which you meet these criteria. Further details of the assignment will be discussed in class. You will not be held to your outline (ie if your research paper is slightly different this is okay, papers evolve as we work on them), but it is a valuable opportunity to get feedback towards a strong paper. Research PaperThe research paper is a 10 page (double-spaced 12 pt Times New Roman, excluding reference list/bibliography).For your research paper you will examine the way in which a particular human rights story, person or event is or is not represented through a monument in the city of Winnipeg.You have two choices:Choose a monument in the city of Winnipeg and analyze how it represents a human rights storyMake a case for the most important human rights monument that Winnipeg is missing (who or what is not represented and should be?)This is an argument-centred paper – you must present an argument about the representation you are analyzing or proposing (for example its contribution to human rights history, its accuracy or omissions in representation, etc.)Suggested Structure1) Introduction: What is the area you will address? What is your argument?2) Background: What is the topic, event, issue or individual? How is this an important human rights story?Be sure to use academic literature to support and inform your background section3) Monument Description: How is this issue represented through a monument? (or What is currently missing? How you propose this issue, topic, event or individual be represented?Tips on describing monuments:Where is it, What is it, When it was made, (for existing monuments – is there any text) ?What does the location, form, size, etc. of the monument suggest about the importance or prominence of this person/issue? If there is more than one person, is there anything suggesting power relationships between them?What is the context of this monument?Who do you think the audience is meant to be? 4) Analysis: How does this monument / proposed monument represent human rights history in Canada?Key questions:What is the historical event / who is the historical character? (draw on academic literature)How does this person/these events relate to human rights in Canada?What rights are represented directly or indirectly by this monument?Whose story is this monument telling?Whose story is it not telling? 5) Proposed Changes / Contextualization:Text for Plaque: Write a 200 words text in your own words for a plaque to accompany this monument. Your text should reflect your argument. If you are analyzing an existing monument, your monument may or may already have a plaque (in reality), this is your opportunity to present different information.Conclusion: What is the key message of your paper? Are there any next steps you would recommend? (for existing monuments) Are there any barriers to your proposal (for proposed monuments).Papers must include a cover page (title, your name, course number, my name, date submitted), bibliography on a separate page. Use Chicago Manual of Style author-date citations for the research paper and all written assignments in this course. Papers must be typed, double-spaced, with regular margins, use 12-pt. Times New Roman and have numbered pages. Papers should be written in formal academic English (no contractions (ie it’s, isn’t, can’t, don’t)) with attention paid to correct grammar.I WANT THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL WITHIN 23 HOURS OTHERWISE FOR THE FINAL RESEARCH PAPER YOU CAN TAKE 3-4 DAYS!!!!!

solved hi need research paper essay and i need 4 essay

hi need research paper essay and i need 4 essay and a outline 1. ESSAY Consultation 1 Choose Text and Topic (Research Paper Essay Assignment Sheet) – Part 1Summary:This assignment will assess the following Student Learning Outcomes and Core Objectives:Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes (ACGM).Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution (ACGM).Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts (ACGM).Teamwork: Ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal (THECB).Personal Responsibility: Ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making (THECB).Assignment RequirementsStudent will:Write a research-based essay which demonstrates an understanding and informs or persuades the reader about the essay topic.Write according to length and format instructions: 1,500-2,000 words, double spaced with 1-inch margins, and typed in 12pt. font Times New Roman, and MLA Style.Conduct research using library catalog and databases.Employ a variety of 5 acceptable research sources minimum.Document research sources according to MLA standards.Actively engage in peer-review sessions and use peers’ feedback, together with my comments, to revise essay.Apply Edited American EnglishSubmit final draft in a properly formatted word document to Moodle by the scheduled due date.Instructor Prompt:Choose a new author or choose from any works we have covered in class and research how they practice technique or apply conventions of genre to address a specific idea or subject. Paraphrase and document your examples (MLA). Make the author, subject, and genre the focus of your discussion. Refer to the following genres and conventions for reference: Narrative genres: Autobiographical, Literacy, Historical, Biographical. Descriptive genres: Person, Place, Natural history. Analytic genres: Textual, Visual, Cultural. Argumentative: Quintilian, Op-eds, Public speeches, Parables. * Write objectively, LOGICALLY and RESPECTFULLY. Try to understand your opponent’s point of view. If you do not, you are not likely to persuade the reader. …2. OUTLINE Students are to create an outline for their research paper based on the template provided by the instructor. See “Outlining: A guide to creating an outline.”… …3.WORKS CITED PAGE Summary:Employ a variety of 5 acceptable research sources minimum.… …4.Research Based Essay Assignment Sheet20% of Semester GradeThis assignment will assess the following Student Learning Outcomes 3. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence. 5.Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS, MLA, etc.)Assignment RequirementsStudent will:Write a research-based essay which demonstrates an understanding and informs or persuades the reader about the essay topic.Write according to length and format instructions: 1,500-2,000 words, double spaced with 1-inch margins, and typed in 12pt. font Times New Roman, and MLA Style.Conduct research using library catalog and databases.Employ a variety of 5 acceptable research sources minimum.Document research sources according to MLA standards.Actively engage in peer-review sessions and use peers’ feedback, together with my comments, to revise essay.Apply Edited American EnglishSubmit final draft in a properly formatted word document to Eagle Online by the scheduled due date.Instructor Prompt:Write a research paper of 1,500-2,000 words (6-8 typed pages) in which you convince the reader that a particular course of action should be taken on an issue of your choice in relation to the assigned readings or literary works aligned with the literary criticism you choose to apply. You must do more than simply report information; you must provide the information as a way of persuading your reader that your solution to the problem is the best one. When professors in other disciplines assign a term paper, this is the kind of assignment they expect to see.* Write objectively, LOGICALLY and RESPECTFULLY. Try to understand your opponent’s point of view. If you do not, you are not likely to persuade the reader.The following content is……

solved GM Micro-Challenge OverviewThe GM Micro-Challenges are intended to help you

GM Micro-Challenge OverviewThe GM Micro-Challenges are intended to help you appreciate the resources available and challenges associated with global marketing to another country. For these assignments, you will assume the role of an employee at a company providing global marketing assistance. You will engage in tasks and research related to the specific country and US state which you have been assigned (YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE)(My Country is Morocco and My State is Michigan). The GM Micro-Challenges will involve your responding to a selection of memos from your manager. Your responses will require the collection, analysis, and concise provision of the information requested of you in a business memo format.YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATESee the list of assigned countries and U.S. states in Module 1. Memo FormatUse a standard business memo format for your response. Your memo should include all the pertinent parts of a business memo. A sample memo can be found HERE (Links to an external site.).M1 – GM Micro-Challenge: Country ResearchYour manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response. Your memo should start with an intro statement that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, respond to each question in sequence. For each response, clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written answer to the question that summarizes your understanding of the source info and state what source you used. Your written answer should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source info you used, and (2) a weblink for that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional info. You should provide info about the sources as is illustrated in the example below. Include a screen clipping of each source and that image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY. 1.CIA – World Factbook (Links to an external site.)The CIA – World Factbook has information about … To: YouFrom: Your ManagerDate: August 6, 2021Subject: Country ResearchA small U.S. business has contacted our organization and requested help. They are evaluating exports to YOUR COUNTRY.You have been tasked with helping identify and review some information sources for the management team to aid in that evaluation. Finding quality information is very important task as that information will serve as the foundation for the company’s recommendations and decisions. Your efforts will be focused on two distinct objectives: (1) locating helpful secondary research about YOUR COUNTRY in general, and (2) finding US governmental resources that the company may need to assist in this effort and evaluate export compliance. A. Below are seven sources that our organization has used in the past along with their weblink. Examine all of them about YOUR COUNTRY. Include the name of the resource, an image of some information in the resource about YOUR COUNTRY, and a one sentence description of the kind of country information available in this resource. Supplement your table with two additional resources with information about YOUR COUNTRY. These resources should be from an international organization or U.S. agency. Include the resource name, an image and a summary statement as well. B. Find two individuals that work with the US Commercial Service that can help facilitate the company’s export efforts of a sports product to YOUR COUNTRY. Include their names, titles, agency, and contact information. At least one of these individuals should be located in YOUR COUNTRY, or at least in its region. Secondary Research Sources for YOUR COUNTRY: 1.CIA – World Factbook Trade Administration – Country Commercial Guides Dept of Agriculture – Country: Exporter Guide Trade Representative – 2018 National Trade Estimate Report on FOREIGN TRADE BARRIERS of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions DEPT of STATE — BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS – Travel Advisories…7.Hofstede Insights – COUNTRY COMPARISON TOOL

solved Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or business problem.The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals. While Blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, course textbooks, popular magazines, newspaper articles, online websites, etc. are helpful for providing background information, these resources are NOT suitable resources for this research assignment.Assignment Requirements:Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5) years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.Write a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).Structure your paper as follows:Cover pageOverview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.Purpose of Research should reflect the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.Conclusion in your own wordsReferences formatted according to APA style requirementsAttach your paper to the Discussion board by the Thursday due date.Read and respond to at least four (4) other student postings by the Sunday due date.Grading Criteria:Content Knowledge & Structure (15 points): All of the requested components are completed as assigned; content is on topic and related to managerial finance, critical thinking is clearly demonstrated (few, if any, direct quotations from the source in the paper); scholarly research is demonstrated; topics and concepts gained from the assigned reading and/or from research is evident.Critical Thinking (15 points): Demonstrates substantial critical thinking about topics and solid interpretation of materials and reflection.Clarity & Effective Communication (15 points): Communication is clear, concise, and well presented; scholarly writing is demonstrated; grammar, sentence structure, writing in third person, and word choice is used correctly.Integration of Knowledge & Articles (15 points): Articles used are current and relevant (preferably published within last five (5) years and MUST be from peer-reviewed journal article publications. At least four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles are examined and analyzed in the paper.Presentation & Writing Mechanics (30 points): Cover page, headings, in-text citations, page citations (page number citations required for specific information such as dates, years, list of items from article, names, numbers, statistics, and other specific information), and references are properly formatted.Responses to Other Students (10 points): Substantive responses provided to a minimum of four (4) other students. Responses must provide substantive and meaningful discussion of the content of the other student’s paper and provide comments on the topic; responses must be one (1) to two (2) paragraphs long with a minimum of three sentences per paragraph.Textbook link:…

solved i need someone to help me seperate the answer under

i need someone to help me seperate the answer under each question1. BIllie’s Blues – pg. 342 (2 pts)a. When Billie Holiday starts singing, how does the music change underneath her?b. Google words that describe timbre, then use two of them to accurately describe Billie Holiday’s voice:c. Use two more of those words to describe the timbre of the solo clarinet at 1:21:d. And two more to describe the timbre of the muted trumpet at 1:45:e. This music was as likely to be danced to as it was to be just listened to. Do you hear it as a song for dancing or listening? Explain your answer:——————————————————————————————————————————–2. Take the A Train – pg. 345 (2 pts)a. Which instruments are in this example that we haven’t heard in any other music throughout this entire semester?b. Describe the timbre of the muted trumpet (starting at :50):c. In general, where does the trumpet player use the most vibrato (vibrating air)?d. What is the texture at 2:04?e. Describe the dynamics from 2:14 – until the end:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Suite for Violin and Piano – pg. 350 (2 pts.)a. Find a moment that sounds similar to European art music. Note the counter time, and explain why you chose this section:b. Find a moment that sounds more influenced by blues or jazz. Note the counter time, and explain why you chose this section:c. Do you find this example to more ‘formal’ or ‘informal’? Defend your answer:d. Give your opinion on this blend of classical and American vernacular styles:———————————————————————————————————————————-4. Rhapsody in Blue – pg. 355 (3 pts)a. The clarinet at the very beginning does a glissando. Listen and describe what it sounds like:b. Note the counter time when the pianist first begins to play:c. In the first section you’re required to listen to, find a section that looks like only a professional pianist could perform, and note the counter time:d. At 4:06-ish, what do you think makes this trumpet sound weird and vibrate-y here? What is the performer doing to alter its sound?e. Why do you think artists like Lang Lang show expression in their face? Does it distract you from the performance, or does it enhance it?f. Describe the character/mood of the theme (starting at 11:48):——————————————————————————————————————————-5. Country Band March – pg. 360 (2 pts.)a. After listening to the whole thing, please give me your impressions. This piece is out of the realm of ordinary classical music. Show me that you listened and have an opinion:b. Now give me a reason why someone might write such a piece:c. It is in the instructions for some of the musicians to play wrong notes or play out of tune. Can you find a spot in the music where you think this is happening? Note the counter time:d. The quote in the book from Charles Ives is, “Stand up and take your dissonance like a man.” After listening to this example, what do you think he means by this (also keep in mind that he said it over 100 years ago)?——————————————————————————————————————————-6. Appalachian Spring – pg. 364 (3 pts.)a. Close your eyes for the first 1:20 or so. What do you imagine?b. Which instrument plays solo at 1:37 – 1:45?c. What about at 1:57 – 2:07?d. How would you describe the harmony in this section?e. Which instrument plays the main theme of Simple Gifts (17:05)f. Of the 5 variations listed in the book, which variation is the most exciting, and why? (the counter times will be a bit off, but close)g. Which of the variations sounds most ‘pretty’ or aesthetically ‘beautiful’, and why?h. Describe what happens between about 18:50 – 18:56 in the example:————————————————————————————————————————————7. Noche de jaranas – pg. 371 (2 pts.)a. Which instrument is featured at 7:48 – 8:04?b. Describe the overall mood/character of this movement:c. How does the conductor convey the mood/character of the movement?d. What do you think is the most important element of music in this example, and why?e. Where do you think the dramatic climax of this movement is (counter time), and why?

solved Legal / Ethical Vulnerable Populations ActivityAssignment Description:The purpose of this

Legal / Ethical Vulnerable Populations ActivityAssignment Description:The purpose of this activity is to provide students the opportunity to assist individuals who may have special needs during a disaster in areas of education and preparation.Assignment Directions:Part I: Working with an IndividualStep 1: Identify an individual in your community who may have special needs during a disaster. Please refer to the “Examples of High-Risk Vulnerable Populations” table below.Step 2: Arrange to meet with the identified individual.Step 3: Prior to the meeting: Review information on the Utah Special Needs Registry website – especially related to the “What to do” section. Depending on the area of special need: Prepare information regarding available support services including contact information for interdisciplinary referrals where appropriate. Additional information is available via the American Red Cross, FEMA, Be Ready Utah, and local hospitals / support agencies.Step 4: During the meeting: Teach identified individual (and primary care-givers when appropriate) about the Utah Special Needs Registry as well as what to do to prepare for a disaster or an emergency. Go through “What To Do” steps and identify individual needs related to preparation as well as the “Action Checklist.”Step 5: ***Put patient is uncomfortable with registering in section provided below. Note: If the individual is uncomfortable registering with the Special Needs Registry, then make comments regarding this in the appropriate section of the matrix (see below).Step 6: Answer the Legal / Ethical Scenario questions – Part II (below)Step 7: Submit Legal Ethical Vulnerable Populations Activity MatrixActionsundefinedGrading: Refer to the grading rubric______________________________________________________________________Part II: Legal / Ethical Scenario for Vulnerable PopulationsScenario: You are at the scene of a disaster (known terrorist bombing) and you come across two victims of the same status (red / immediate care). One victim is lying next to their wheelchair and is gaining consciousness. The other victim is completely unconscious.Timing is critical and you have been told that you only have 5 minutes to rescue as many victims from the building as possible. The walking wounded have already been evacuated.Consult the American Nurses Association “ANA Issues White Paper – press release Final” document page 2 – key recommendations (Unit E Resources). How will your care of these two victims be influenced related to these recommendations?Continued Scenario: Once outside of the building, you join patients in the treatment area. You come across a circumstance where you are required to perform emergency medical treatment outside of your normal scope of practice (usually performed by a physician) in order to save a life.Will you continue with the procedure?Consult the Utah Good Samaritan Act (attached). Are you legally protected to perform this procedure? ____________________________________________________________________ Examples of High-Risk Vulnerable Populations & Additional Assistance RequiredDisability / Special NeedAdditional StepsVisually impairedMay be extremely reluctant to leave familiar surroundings when the request for evacuation comes from a stranger. A guide dog could become confused or disoriented in a disaster. People who are blind or partially sighted may have to depend on others to lead them, as well as their dog, to safety during a disaster.Hearing impairedMay need to make special arrangements to receive warnings.Mobility impairedMay need special assistance to get to a shelter.Non-English speaking personsMay need assistance planning for and responding to emergencies. Community and cultural groups may be able to help keep people informed.People without vehiclesMay need to make arrangements for transportation.People with special dietary needsShould take special precautions to have an adequate emergency food supply.People with medical conditionsShould know the location and availability of more than one facility if dependent on a dialysis machine or other life-sustaining equipment or treatment.People with mental disabilityMay need help responding to emergencies and getting to a shelter.People with dementiaMay want to be registered in the Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return ProgramReference: The information in this table was obtained from the Utah Special Needs Registry. See

solved How to respond the ClassmatesYour discussion question responses to other

How to respond the ClassmatesYour discussion question responses to other students must be substantive (i.e., they must make a contribution to the discussion, rather than simply expressing your approval of their post). Here are some of the types of responses that are appropriate and will earn you fill credit: (p, q, & r are variables of statements)You can post several types of replies to your classmates:1) Clarification Request: You claim p, but I don’t know what you mean by saying p. Please clarify. Do you mean by this q or r?2) Argument Request: You claim p. I know what you mean by p. But why do you claim p? I don’t see any argument for p, and I think you need to give an argument for it.3) Objection: You claim p (and maybe you argue for it). However, I think that p, (or your argument for p), is problematic. Here’s my objection to p (or to your argument for p): q. What do you say in response to q?4) Assistance. You claim p. I agree with you that p, but i think the following additional reason (which you do not mention) can be given in support of p: q.5) Competing Interpretation: You say that the reading claims that p. However, I don’t think that this is exactly what it says. Instead, I think it says q (and here’s why I think this).6) Suggestion of Parallels: You claim p. P reminds me of so-and-so’s claim that q. (But keep in mind: Are the two really similar? Does comparing p to q help illuminate p, or is it just misleading?)Here are two comments from my classmates, which need to response following the ways above.1. In “A Defense of Abortion,” Thomson suggests that although she may not think abortion is the right decision for all cases, abortion should still be allowed in some situations. Her writing displays a few different arguments as to why abortion should be permissible in certain occasions.From my perspective, I found that two situations and arguments in particular in Thomson’s writing stood out to me. The first situation Thomson brings up in defense of abortions in the case of rape, where women should have the ability to choose whether or not they want to abort the child. Thomson shares that those who are strongly against abortion would feel great pity for the mother, but there would still be no exception to terminating the pregnancy. The second open-ended situation that Tomson proposed which stood out to me is if the mother were to die due to a pregnancy. Now to me, this argument was very interesting to read. Those who are against abortion typically argue that all people have the right to live. Thomson argues that if the mother were to face death due to her pregnancy, shouldn’t the mother have a right to life, too? And not only the fetus? Another thought to consider- Do you think there are any extreme circumstances where those who typically are very against abortion may accept an abortion?2. In “Why Abortion Is Immoral,” author Don Marquis argues for the immense immorality that abortion is attributed with. Initially Marquis addresses common arguments for and against abortion and shows a similar argument for both that involve defining what is considered to be a fetus with personhood. Marquis comments on these arguments and shows that their lack of a solid definition on what a fetus is during certain periods of pregnancy attribute to the generally faultiness of their claims. Instead, Marquis defines the ethics of killing a human in order to apply it to the killing of fetuses to solidify his argument against abortion. This theory of killing states that the moral wrongness of killing is attributed to taking the future value of a human’s life, that is the killing of a person is the most cruel punishment because it takes away the things a human loves and potentially can do. It is in this framework that one can see the morality of abortion. By aborting a fetus, whether it be defined as one with personhood or not, you are taking away the future value it has to itself and society. I agree and understand the logic behind the morality of killing and how it applies to fetuses. While I do agree that it is then morally wrong to kill a baby, I believe that there are still exceptions to this theory just as there are exceptions to the killing of certain people. In the situation of abortion I believe they are two people to consider in the argument of morality, the fetus and the mother. This inclusion leads to whether to view one person as more valuable than the other, something that I don’t see as easily decided.