solved Can you help me understand this Humanities question? What Is

Can you help me understand this Humanities question?

What Is the Media?
The media encompass all communications  that transmit facts or information to citizens and includes    the mass media in print and on the radio, television, and Internet. Television takes many forms, such      as local, network, cable, or satellite. Historically, programming was transmitted from networks to local stations and broadcast via the airwaves, while fiber-optic cables now allow for national programming     to transmit directly. Technological advances allow on-demand and streaming access for programming, leading to changes in advertising and scheduling practices. Conglomerates are large media corporations that own many stations and other companies; therefore, they can create a monopoly and decrease the flow of information to the public. The media serves to entertain the public, watch for corruption, set the national agenda, and promote the public good. In each of these roles, the media informs the public about what is happening and signals when citizens should act.
The Evolution of the Media
Newspapers were vital during the Revolutionary War. Later, in the party press era, party loyalty governed coverage. At the turn of the twentieth century, investigative journalism and muckraking appeared, and newspapers began presenting more professional, unbiased information. The modern print media have fought to stay relevant and cost-efficient, moving online to do so.Most families had radios by the 1930s, making it an effective way for politicians, especially presidents, to reach out to citizens. While the increased use of television decreased the popularity of radio, talk radio still provides political information. Modern presidents also use television to rally people in times of crisis, although social media and the Internet now offer a more direct way for them to communicate. While serious newscasts still exist, younger viewers prefer soft news as a way to become informed.
Regulating the Media
While freedom of the press is an important aspect of the Bill of Rights, this freedom is not absolute and may be regulated by the U.S. government. The press cannot libel or slander individuals or publish information about troop movements or undercover operatives. The Federal Communications Commission can enforce limits on television and radio programming by fining or revoking licenses. Broadcast material cannot be obscene, and indecent programs can be broadcast only between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Stations must also give political candidates equal time for advertising and interviews.The media help governments maintain transparency. Sunshine laws require some governments and government agencies to make meeting documents public. Some presidents have encouraged journalists and allowed questioning while others have avoided the press. Lack of openness by government officials leads journalists to use confidential sources for important or classified information. The Supreme Court does not give the press complete freedom to keep sources confidential, though the government can choose whom it prosecutes for hiding sources.
The Impact of the Media
Writers began to formally study media bias in the 1920s. Initially, the press was seen as being able to place information in our minds, but later research found that the media have a minimal effect on recipients.     A more recent theory is that the media cultivates our reality by presenting information that creates our perceptions of the world. The media does have the ability to frame what it presents, and it can also prime citizens to think a particular way, which changes how they react to new information.The media’s coverage of electoral candidates has increasingly become analysis rather than reporting. Sound bites from candidates are shorter. The press now provides horse-race coverage on the campaigns rather than in-depth coverage on candidates and their positions, forcing voters to look for other sources, like social media, for information. Current coverage of the government focuses more on what the president does than on presidential policies. Congress, on the other hand, is rarely affected by the media. Most topics discussed by the media are already being discussed by members of Congress or its committees. The media frame discussions and choose pictures, information, and video to support stories, which may affect the way people vote on social policy and in elections.
Read all of this and pdf that I attached and write opinion essay

solved analysis, your interpretation/explanation of what has happened in the case.

analysis, your interpretation/explanation of what has happened in the case. You should explain what has happened in terms of issues raised in the text and in class. The analysis should be about four to four and one-half pages in length.The case submission should also include a recommendation and implementation. This section should be one-half page to one full page in length.
The case should have a title page (not counted as one of the five pages above) which should include standard information such as team members’ names, the date of submission, the course name and number, and the instructor’s name.
Your case submission should contain three key elements described below – Introduction, Analysis, and Recommendation/Implementation.I recommend that you review the sample analysis of the case, “Patrick the porter” made available through the site for this course.
Introduction – value 15 points – 5 points for the introduction and 10 points for a clear and succinct problem identification and statement (the problem will flow from your analysis).
This section should only be about four or five sentences long and would normally be developed after your analysis and recommendation have been completed.For example, one might write something such as:
The following case submission/report (just samples, you might have a preferred name for this) examines events that have unfolded in the case, identifies the main problem(s) facing the people/organization, analyzes key issues and people, and concludes with a recommendation and implementation.We believe that the main problem that the firm faces is __________ and our main recommendation, which is fully detailed at the end of the submission/report, is __________.The problem and recommendation are based on the following detailed analysis.
You can include your recommendation in the introduction if you wish, but at least please state the problem.
Analysis – value 65 points – 50 points for incorporation of concepts from the text and course to explain the case issues and 15 points for how well your material is integrated.
Teams who include more key issues (e.g., individuality, perception, communication, etc.), fully consider those issues, and show how the issues contribute to the outcomes of the case will receive more marks than those teams who include fewer issues, and/or don’t explain the issues, and/or don’t show how the issues are related.
For example, in some analyses where perception is an issue that should be considered some teams simply use the word perception, but never describe the perceptual issues, nor do they show how they fit in with other issues discussed (i.e., integration).Other people have used the word perception and described the perception issues briefly, but have not shown how perception is a factor in the case.My suggestion is that if you deal with the issue of perception, describe the relevant perceptual issues, and show how perception is related to issues/problems in the case (this last connection is the integration issue).
Please bear in mind that there is no magic number of issues, but there are some key issues that teams should deal with.
Please use subheadings freely, but please remember to wrap up each section and indicate how the section is relevant to the problem and/or other elements.Please use transitions as you move on to the next sections.
Your analysis should conclude with a summary of the analysis, a brief restatement of the problem, and a closing that suggests you are now presenting your recommendation.
Recommendation/Implementation – value – 20 points – 10 points for a clear and direct recommendation to management, in your term case that is Dr. Aucoin, and 10 points for a brief description of your implementation.
Spelling and Grammar – I can live with a couple of typos or one or two awkward constructions, but after that I will dock the team points (to a maximum of 15 points) for poor spelling and grammar.
Other issues
Please do not use terms such as “would have”, “could have”, “should have”, “might have, or “if …”, which really just lead to speculation and take your focus away from what actually happened in the case.Please deal with the evidence before you in the case itself, not what might have been.
Assume that you have been hired by the university as a consultant and your job is to explain to Dr. Aucoin what has happened here (i.e., provide an analysis) and to provide Dr. Aucoin with a recommendation about what should be done now.

solved write two separate summary templates for the two modules according

write two separate summary templates for the two modules according to the example template attached belowTHIS ASSIGNMENT HAS 5 SECTIONS THAT INCLUDE A:Summary – In at least 200 words, summarize the module’s main themes presented in the readings and lectures.Your work should be thought through and provide an objective thorough synthesis of the overarching themes. Write in complete sentences.No need to provide citation for class material. However, If used outside references or quoting any work (including from the book or course material), please cite based on APA format. This includes appropriate in-text citations. Limit quotes in your summary, no more that 10% of your summary. Your summary should be in your own words. Key terms – List and define key termsand concepts presented in the module’s readings and lectures.Provide at least 2 from this module.Important places – What were some of the important places discussed in the readings and lectures and why they were important.Provide at least 2 from this module. Important People – Who were some of theimportant individuals discussed in the readings and lectures and what did they do or why were they important? Provide at least 2 from this module.Quiz Questions – Create two test questionsand provide the correct answers based on the module’s readings and lectures. These could ask about the general themes and concepts, key terms, or important individuals.You could create multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, etc.Note, some of these may be used on the examsDocument should follow the provided template. Module Summary Template.docxLearning ObjectivesUnderstand different approaches to nature.Know the four philosophies of utilitarianism, progressive conservation, environmentalism, and preservation.Know where the four philosophies fall on the anthropocentric / biocentric continuum.Understand the Hetch Hetchy controversy and how it defined the progressive conservation philosophy (represented by Gifford Pinchot) and the preservation philosophy (represented by John Muir).Key Terms, People, & PlacesUtilitarianism, progressive conservation, environmentalism, preservation, Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite, Forest Service, common good, Tuolumne River, Hydroelectric Power, Sierra Club, San Francisco, Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, Franklin Lane.ReadingsNash, R. F. (2014). Ch 10: Hetch Hetchy. Wilderness and the American Mind(5th ed., pp.161-181). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.Runte, A. (1997). New Parks, Enduring Perspectives. National Parks: The American Experience (3rd ed., pp. 65-81). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.Runte, A. (1997). See America First. National Parks: The American Experience (3rd ed., 82-105). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.Since Hetch Hetchy, no one has tried to use a national park for profit like that. But this “bioprospecting” is an example of potential profit to be made in a national park. Read about it…how is the situation of bioprospecting similar to and different from Hetch Hetchy?Bioprospecting in Yellowstone article 2
Learning ObjectivesUnderstand Aldo Leopold’s and Rachel Carson’s significance in the ecology movement.Be able to explain the concepts of environmental ethics.Develop a base knowledge of the idea of wilderness preservation.Understand how pesticides have a long term effect on the environment.Understand the concept of bioaccumulation.Key Terms & PeopleBioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Pesticides, Biocides, Silent Spring, Sand County Almanac, land ethic, ecology, progress, technology, responsibility of science, DDT, limits of technological progress, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson.ReadingsNash, R. F. (2014). Ch 11: Aldo Leopold: Prophet. Wilderness and the American Mind (5th ed., pp.182-199). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.Aldo Leopold (1990). A Land Ethic. In R. F. Nash (Ed.), American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History (3rd ed., pp. 171-174). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.Natural Resources Defense Council’s article on Rachel Carson and Silent Spring.Rachel Carson (1990). Ch 30: Pesticides. In R. F. Nash (Ed.), American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History (3rd ed., pp. 191-194). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.Bioaccumulation, This article describes “bioaccumulation” or the accumulation of toxic substances in organisms.Biomagnification, This article describes biomagnification, or the way toxic substances can get more and more concentrated as they move up the food chain.

solved Directions: Step 1: Review Before starting this assignment, please make

Step 1: Review
Before starting this assignment, please make sure you have carefully read through Counter Arguments lecture. 
Step 2: Think
Think about your thesis in Essay 2 and the working thesis you wrote for it last week. 
Then, think about the opposing viewpoint. Why might someone disagree with you?
To help you think it through, answer the following questions: 

What is your argument (working thesis) in Essay 2?
What reasonable claims have others made that contradict your argument? List at least 2. You could use these claims as your counter arguments. Remember that the counter argument is more than just stating the opposite viewpoint. A counter argument provides a logical reason. Then, it is your job to refute that reason. You might get ideas about possible counter arguments from some of the articles we read as the authors from the first three opposed the authors for the second set. 
How could you refute the counter argument using either the turn back or the turn against method?

Step 3: Write a Counter Argument
For our purposes, we will keep the counter argument to one sentence. We will add the counter argument to one of our body paragraphs. The counter argument should come in as the first sentence, before the Point. Then, the Point refutes the counter argument and proves you are right. 
Things to remember:

The counter argument for our purposes will be only one sentence. We will not provide Information or Explanation about the counter argument. We will only mention it, right before the Point.
The counter argument should provide a reason, not just state the opposite thesis. 
Your Point will work to prove the counter argument wrong. Your reason in that body paragraph should directly respond to the reason in the counter argument. 

Write down one possible Point (subclaim/topic sentence). Think back to your thesis, and think of one reason to support it. 

For example, if my thesis said that colleges should ban free speech on their campuses, one reason/point might be: Hate speech should be banned be banned because it can cause students to feel unsafe in a place meant to help them learn.”

Think of a counter argument to your Point. What would someone say in return. For my Point, it might be the argument about free speech. So before my Point, I might add the counter. It will look like this:

Some people might argue that free speech on college campuses is protected under the First Amendment; however, it can cause students to feel unsafe on their campuses, and should therefore be llimited.

The part in blue is the counter argument. The part in yellow is my Point. The rest of the paragraph will work to prove my Point (by giving Informations and Explanations)

Please, as you submit, highlight the counter argument in blue and the Point in yellow as well.
Below is another sample, which is on a different paper topic. Note that you are not writing on social media. This is just a sample to see the paragraph in action. 
Some experts argue that social media helps justice campaigns because it allows people to connects and communicate better. However, social media campaigns are hurt real social justice because they create weak connections, failing to inspire true action. In the article “Small Change”by Malcolm Gladwell, a renown journalist for The New Yorker, the author makes the claim that social media does not foster strong commitments. He says, “The platforms of social media are built around weak ties. “How [do] the [social media] campaigns get so many people to sign up? By not asking too much of them” (3). Gladwell is pointing out that the reason people so easily commit to social justice campaigns online is that they are not really committing to much, meaning that the connection they make by liking or retweeting a hashtag is weak and will therefore not lead to any meaningful action. When social media users are asked to do something by a stranger, they do not develop the necessary commitment to follow through. This idea of weak relationships crosses over to lead to weak campaigns and weak pledges, and these weaknesses ultimately hurt real social justice campaigns by never fostering the commitment needed to secure real change.
**Note that the writer here thinks argues that social media is bad for justice campaigns. In the counter argument, he or she gives a reason why some people may think social media is helpful, but then in the Point, he or she quickly gives a reason to respond to the counter and prove it wrong.

solved Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter,

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes for the Vila Health patient and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.
As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to work. Learning the ways in which evidence-based models and care can help remote work produce better outcomes will become critical for success. Additionally, understanding how to leverage EBP principles in collaboration will be important in the success of institutions delivering quality, safe, and cost-effective care. It could also lead to better job satisfaction for those engaging in remote collaboration.
Before beginning this assessment, make sure you have worked through the following media:

Vila Health: Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care. 

You may wish to review Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models, which help explain the various evidence-based nursing models.
For this assessment, you are a presenter! You will create a 5–10-minute video using Kaltura or similar software. In the video:

Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care media scenario.
Discuss the ways in which an EBP model and relevant evidence helped you to develop and make decision about the plan you proposed
Wrap up your video by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaboration challenges you observed in the scenario.

Make sure that your video addresses the following grading criteria:

Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient based on the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Care media scenario.
Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help develop the care plan.
Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan.
Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.
Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

Length of video: 5–10 minutes.
References: Cite at least three professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as necessary to support your statements.
APA reference page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all the sources you used to create and deliver your video. Be sure to format the reference page according to current APA style.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.

Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan.

Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.

Explain the ways in which an evidence-based practice model was used to help develop the care plan identifying what interventions would be necessary. This requires a particular evidence-based model, such as the Johns Hopkins, Iowa, Stetler, or other.

Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.

Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for the Vila Health patient.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.

Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.
Communicate via video with clear sound and light.
The full reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within five years) sources exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

solved Explain how your      chosen model

Explain how your      chosen model is a best practice and fit for your chosen population.
Choose two      coaching techniques within the coaching model and practice the techniques      on another person.
Analyze the      strengths and challenges of the coaching techniques.
Discuss what you      need to learn more about for your coaching career.

Use two to four scholarly resources to support your explanations. Please use your textbooks as reference as well with in-text citations.
Berg, I. K., & Szabo, P. (2005). Brief coaching for lasting solutions. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
Szabo, P., Meier, D., & Dierolf, K. (2009). Coaching plain & simple: Solution-focused brief coaching essentials. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.

Will this information help. this was the first part of the assignment I did.
The coaching model of my interest is the ENABLE model. I chose this model, because sometimes we can enable people without realizing it. We never want to enable our clients from moving forward in their life. The ENABLE model is a solution- focused coaching strategy. Research has proven that solution-focused perspective to coaching is relevant in the clinical and coaching environment. This model depicts goals coachee at the end of the client/coaching relationship will experience that the change is conceivable and pragmatic, which creates a life-changing encounter for the client to achieve (Adam, 2016). The strength of the model is useful in helping the coachee discover a resolution and creating a road map for a positive outcome. And, challenges associated with that coaching model; however, it is significant to perceive that the model does not seize every solution-focused. The components of the solution-focused coaching are presented using the acronym ENABLE:
E – Elicit preferred future consist of the coachee’s insight and comprehension of their optimal circumstance or life, and what they expect. The coachee will be able to ask questions to get a general idea of where to start in directing the client in achieving their goals
N – Notice exceptions is where self-awareness comes into play. When issues arise and the coach see the preferred future has begun and help the coachee to build motivation.
A – Activate strengths and resources the coachee see’s their true potential, which give them the motivation to continue striving. To look for new opportunities to utilize with the existing strengths and resources.
B – Build on what’s working the coach helps the coachee with creating a road map that aligns with their goals and
L – Look for opportunities deals with the possibilities and turning those possibilities into reality in implementing positive change.
E – Efficacy-supportive feedback is being aware of the strengths, while affirming appropriate behavior and building the coachee’s confidence in their ability to be effective in exceling with positive changes and reaffirming the positive outcome.
Adams, M. (2016). ENABLE: A solution-focused coaching model for individual and team coaching. The Coaching Psychologist, 12(1), 17–26.… 

this is some more information. The population I worked with parents, whose children are diagnosed with the autism spectrum disorder. My interest was helping families learn ways of understanding their children needs, which I can relate to because I worked in this field for 30 years. Some of the parents feel guilty and are finding it difficult providing and understanding their child’s needs. This is where I come in, helping parents learn techniques I utilized on a daily basis at school, that can also be utilized in the home setting as well. When it comes to autistic children, they like things moving repetitiously and not just pushed upon them.
The goal I have with this population is to help parents invest their time attending some of the autism training, which is important, so they gain self-awareness. These trainings will help parents adapt to a better way of helping their children with the autism spectrum disorder. The ENABLE model is a good fit because it will help parents who are stuck. To not ENABLE their children from learning, but help them obtain the strength need to recognize and accept the things they cannot change about their children. In addition, build on what already is existing with the child, and to incorporate the opportunities and resources that align with their child’s needs with the help of the coach. 

solved PART 1: Answer the following prompt in 300 words.What do

PART 1: Answer the following prompt in 300 words.What do these sources tell us about the development of Christianity in Europe?Eusebius: The Conversion of Constantine (Links to an external site.)Galerius and Constantine: Edicts of Toleration 311/313 (Links to an external site.)The Codex Theodosianus: On Religion, 4th Century CE (Links to an external site.)Bede: The Lives of The Holy Abbots of Weremouth and Jarrow Benedict, Ceolfrid, Easterwine, Sigfrid, and HuetberhtThe Rule of St. Benedict, c.530 (Links to an external site.)The Conversion of Clovis: Two Accounts, 496 (Links to an external site.)Life of Anskar, the Apostle of the North, 801-865 PART 2: Respond to TWO CLASSMATESClassmate 1 (Jeremy)Since it’s creation, even though it’s rooted in peace and love for one’s neighbor taught by Jesus, Christianity has been used for more dishonorable purposes. motives such as self gain, power, and influence over the masses. Christianity rapidly gained traction and influence in the region. During his reign as Roman Emperor, Constantine would pray for divine assistance from a higher deity in order to win his battles against numerous foes. He recalled how those before him who worshipped and served other gods would meet abrupt ill-fated ends. He sought a different fait and would turn to the God of his father, and after he claimed to have been spoken to by God and God will deliver to him his foes. He later would legalize Christianity in the Edict of Milan. This allowed Christianity and other religions to flourish in the Empire and caused unprecedented growth and the eventual creation of The Roman Catholic Church, and the Easter Orthodox Church. In the later empire, Catholicism held a major claim on the people and held great influence over the world. In the Codex Theodosianus: On Religion, Constantine Augustus bestowed that only followers of the Catholic faith were able to have the privileges’ necessary to cultivate faith. this was an attempt to reduce heretics and schismatic’s influence over the region. this only emboldened the church and gave it more influence over the people, hushing naysayers. Influence of Christianity also spread up to the Germanic people in around year 500 when King Chlodovocar of Paris was able, through certain circumstances be able to walk into Cologne Germany and create a Frankish peoples and introduce the ideas of Christianity. His ability to gain his kingdom was seen as right before the Lord, and pleasing to His eyes. In summary, Christianity, while based on goodness, was used by certain people for their own gain and was expanded into Europe by those people seeking self gain.Classmate 2 (Jessica)Constantine’s conversion to Christianity appears to be the most significant point for Christianity’s growth across Europe. In Eusebius’s The Conversion of Constantine, we read about the moment in 312 that led him to accept the Christian faith. During a battle at Milivan Bridge, Constantine felt he needed more help than his army could give, so he sought help from God. Both he and his army saw a cross of light in the heavens. After marking his army’s shields with the symbol, Constantine and his army defeated Maxentius and his followers. Following the battle, Constantine continued learning from scholars and made priests his advisors. The following year when he met his rival Licinius, they issued the Edict of Milan. This protected full rights for Christians and effectively banned government persecution for their faith. Constantine’s endorsement of Christianity expanded during his reign, and essentially, if not by law, became the main religion of the Roman Empire, and laying the foundation for the growth of Christianity across Europe. During the next century, many laws were written under the Christian emperors, which were compiled in The Codex Theodosianus: On Religion which gives us insight into just how powerful the religion had become across the empire. Christianity had become mandatory, all temples were closed, privileges were only for Catholics, and those who practiced other religions such as the Manichaens were fined and dishonored. Following the fall of the Roman Empire, barbarian tribes, many pagan, began to overrun Europe, but Benedictine monasteries were able to keep Christianity alive. Because of rule books like The Rule of St. Benedict they were able to establish many monasteries with the exact same rules and values. The monasteries were also able to keep theology alive when much of the population was illiterate.

solved Activity 1Critical Thinking Assessment Tool*video assignment discussion linkChoose a populati

Activity 1Critical Thinking Assessment Tool*video assignment discussion linkChoose a population that you believe should use critical thinking.Develop a tool, for this specific population, that you can use to assess or measure the cognitive habits or behaviors that are part of the critical thinking process that this population uses.For example – a novice nurse entering the nursing profession, an experienced nurse working on a new unit, parents of a child with a chronic illness, a patient who has a new diagnosis of diabetes or heart disease and must learn to self-manage the disease.Use Box 2-5 and appendix A to choose which cognitive habits and behaviors you decide to measure.The tool should include:A total of eight questions, each addressing a specific cognitive habit or behavior.A rationale for each question – why that question can measure that specific cognitive habit or behavior.Introduce your tool with a discussion of the importance of cognitive habits or behaviors that encourage critical thinking. Provide a conclusion to pull the entire activity together. Here is an example of one question you can ask when assessing the critical thinking skills of minority parents of overweight children.Question: How do you feel about your child’s overall health? Your family’s health?Rationale: This question is assessing the critical thinking skill or habit of the mind: contextual perspective. Assessing how the parents feel about their family’s overall health would give the nurse a view of their contextual perspective. Parents who are cognizant of their children’s or overall family’s weight issues, poor eating habits, or lack of exercise can result in the potential consequences of childhood obesity such as hypertension, asthma, and diabetes. (Rubenfeld & Scheffer, 2015).QuestionRationaleHow do you feel about your child’s overall health? Your family’s health?This question is assessing the critical thinking skill or habit of the mind: contextual perspective. Assessing how the parents feel about their family’s overall health would give the nurse a view of their contextual perspective. Parents who are cognizant of their children’s or overall family’s weight issues, poor eating habits, or lack of exercise can result in the potential consequences of childhood obesity such as hypertension, asthma, and diabetes. (Rubenfeld & Scheffer, 2015).Reading and ResourcesRead Chapters 1 & 2 In Rubenfeld, M. G., & Scheffer, B.K. (2015). Critical thinking TACTICS for nurses: Achieving the IOM competencies (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.Complete Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind (Appendix A, Critical Thinking Inventory, p. 341-356) in the textbook. This assessment will help you reflect upon and consider your own critical thinking skills and find your strengths and areas needing improvement. Read Whiffin, C. J., & Hasselder, A. (2013). Making the link between critical appraisal, thinking and analysis. British Journal of Nursing, 22(14), 831–835.Read Teaching Nurses to Make Clinical Judgments That Ensure Patient SafetyBillings, Diane M.The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing; Thorofare Vol. 50, Iss. 7, (Jul 2019): 300-302. DOI:10.3928/00220124-20190612-04Additional Instructions:All submissions should have a title page and reference page.Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.Submission Options:Choose One:Instructions:Paper3 to 4-page paper. Include title and reference pages.Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation4 to 8 slides. Add title and reference slides.Follow Rules of 7.Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation4 to 8 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.Follow Rules of 7.Video Presentation5 to 6-minute video presentation.Attach reference page or include in video.Professional appearance and background.Video submissions must include a script in Word format, submitted through or an Originality Report.TableTable with appropriate columns and headers.Include title and reference pages.Graphs or other illustrationsGraphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.PosterPoster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements


There are four required Criminalistics I writing assignments. They can be categorized as a: 1) General
Criminalistics Topics, 2) Scientific Forensic Topics, 3) Serial or Mass Killer Examination of Physical
Evidence, and 4) Your Personal Crime Scene. We will discuss these assignments during the first class. The
writing assignments are graded in eight areas for a maximum of 100 points. Each writing assignment is
required to be three pages of text without pictures, charts, lists, or quotes. If the assignment is not a
complete three pages, your grade for the assignment is “0”. This means that if your work is one line short,
you have wasted our time; however, there is no maximum length. GOALS
There are four main goals of the papers, each of which must be demonstrated:
1. research a criminalistics topic using a combination of resources
2. effectively summarize the most essential details of the subject
3. describe the different area(s) of criminalistics to which your specific case relates
4. practice skills required of forensic professionals, including communicating ideas clearly, thoroughly
and thoughtfully, and submitting work that reflects professionalism.
Each paper must include a combination of three scholarly and other research sources to support the
information discussed. Examples of information from scholarly sources include, but are not limited to,
definitions, theories and research in the subject. Forensic and legal journals, databases as well as respected
magazines, newspapers, videos and other internet sources may be used. You may not use your textbook as
one of your sources. Please note that Wikipedia may be used to help you understand your subject, but is not
considered a scholarly source. Please note that you may not use any direct quotes in your paper – please make every
effort to paraphrase the information you find and properly cite the associated sources. Consistent with
APA style formatting, each source that you use must be cited within your paper and listed on your reference
page. Your reference page must include at least three sources of which two must be scholarly sources.
Please note that APA-style format includes a title page, headers, an introduction and conclusion, in-text
citations and a reference page. No abstract is required for this assignment. Do not use sub-titles in this
assignment. ORGANIZATION
The following is a guideline for how the body of your paper should be organized. Please use the following headers to organize
your paper. Transition statements must be used to connect each section within the body of your paper to ensure that it flows
I. Introduction
The first section should introduce your paper by providing a snapshot of your subject and give a preview of
the main topics to be discussed in your paper. Do not begin your technical writing with a question.
II. Subject Summary
This should be followed by a thorough summary of the specific subject, which you have been assigned.
You may use details from legal documents, print or online sources to provide supporting details. This
should be a significant portion of your paper. For Assignments 1 and 2, you can include the advantages and
disadvantages of the technique or instrument. You can also include one or two sentences that provide a case
example of use.
III. Conclusions
This final section should provide a summary of your main points in your paper as well as any final thoughts
or conclusions that you have generated as a result of your research. This should neatly connect all of the
sections of your paper.
Your paper will thoroughly explore your selected criminalistics topic by introducing and describing it as if
you are educating the reader. This will be achieved by providing clear details and definitions, summarizing
the events and related research in an organized manner and providing logical arguments for your ideas and
Your paper must include a minimum of three credible references, at least two of which must be from
scholarly sources (e.g., peer-reviewed forensic and/or scientific journals, sites, books, etc.). These references
should be used to summarize a combination of definitions, theories and research, each of which should be
well explained in your own words. References should be clearly and properly cited throughout the body of
your paper, each of which must be listed on your reference page.


RefugeesBENCHMARK CULTURAL IMMERSION PROJECT:RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWThis portion of the Benchmark Cultural Immersion Project Assignment involves scholarly resources and Internet/media resources related to the cultural group you will be exploring. This group may be a different ethnicity, religion, and/or culture or have other significantly different cultural features (e.g., the elderly in nursing homes, disabled children, disabled adults, the homeless, prisoners, etc.). You must select a group with whom you have little or no prior experience. For example, if you have interacted with many Cubans previously, you cannot base the project on the Cuban culture. This also applies to your own cultural background. For example, if you are a white student from an Irish background, you cannot base the project on the Irish culture. No reusing past experiences. The cultural group you select must be new for you. For the Benchmark Cultural Immersion Project – Events Paper and Interview Paper, be aware that you must both participate in cultural group activities as well as interview an individual or married couple from your selected cultural group (see the instructions documents for the Benchmark Cultural Immersion Project – Events Paper and Interview Paper for information on those later assignments); therefore, choose a culture group with whom you will be able to interact.INSTRUCTIONSPlease follow the below guidelines in writing completing this assignment:Your paper must be approximately 1,000 words*Please note: the quality of your answer is more important than the word count.* You may expand further, but you do not have to do so.First person may be used in your answersPlease utilize current APA style.*The paper must have a correct title page, and you must use a reference page if you cite resources (no abstract is needed).3 scholarly sources are required *The resources must be published within the last 10 years.Acceptable sources include 1 pertinent, unassigned chapter from the McGoldrick text. *Please note: the Hays & Erford text chapters may not count as a source. You must also use the Internet or media to examine at least 3 significant media sources related to the culture. For example, on the Internet, you may find the following types of resources that are both culturally useful and prominent:* Online newspapers from the selected country, *Internet radio broadcasts, *Music from the country/group,* Movies or videos, *Culture-specific online magazines or websites, and/or *Organizations.You will read scholarly sources on your cultural group of interest and answer the questions listed below. It is recommended that you use the following questions as level 1 headings to organize your paper (you can shorten the question into a level 1 heading/title). A template is provided for this assignment to help with APA formatting and organization.1. What are some key things you have learned about this culture through reading the scholarly sources? (approximately 400 words). Please include the following aspects, both for inter-group characteristics (compared to other cultural groups) and intra-group characteristics (differences within the cultural group).* Attitudes, beliefs, and values *Group self-perceptions and issues related to stereotyping* Customs, practices, behaviors *Spirituality/Religion* Societal perceptions, opportunities and barriers in the U.S. and Internationally* Key historical events and figures impacting the culture and societal perceptions of this group2. What are some key things you have learned about this culture through interacting with Internet/media resources related to this culture? (approximately 300 words)3. Are there any current surprises regarding what you are finding out about this culture? (approximately 100 words)4. How does your search through the literature and Internet/media impact your expectations as you plan your immersion activities? (approximately 200 words)On the reference page, list the scholarly resources and Internet/media resources that you used for this portion of the Benchmark Cultural Immersion Project Assignment in current APA format.****Note that the research you do for this portion and the Events portion of the project is necessary for the completion of the Interview portion. Organize all the notes and resources you have gathered thus far to enable you to easily accomplish the Interview portion of this project.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality