solved Current Event Project You will be required to prepare a

Current Event Project

You will be required to prepare a brief analysis of a current event in U.S. government during the course. This assignment involves selecting an issue in current American politics that is likely to be highly visible during the time you are taking the course. The topic will be tracked in the print media, especially the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the Philadelphia Inquirer supplemented by weekly news magazines, and the Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, all located in most local libraries. You may also want to use the Internet to gain news articles from The New York Times and the Washington Post on the World Wide Web, (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.). The presidential Web site is (Links to an external site.) and the Congressional Web site is (Links to an external site.). You are expected to cite your sources appropriately and include a “Works Cited” or bibliography at the end of your assignment.
Several methods of citation are acceptable. English courses use the Modern Language Association (MLA) format contained in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 3rd ed. (1988) or later edition. The American Psychological Association (APA) uses a format contained in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 3rd ed. (1983) or later edition. Political Science majors should use the American Political Science Association (APSA) format contained in the Style Manual for Political Science, revised edition (2001). The APSA manual uses a modified version of The Chicago Manual, published by the University of Chicago. This course directive follows the APSA style manual and you can use this Study Guide as a reference for documenting your paper. Any of the above styles for citations are acceptable. Most bookstores have writing handbooks that contain the above writing styles. You may use this study guide as an example of how to correctly cite your sources. Additional citation information is also available at the Penn State University Libraries web page, which is included on your course syllabus. Here are some websites to help you do citations: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Here is a link to show you how to make your bibliography:…
Here is a link to show you how to do in-text referencing in the MLA style:…
Here is a link to show you how to do in-text referencing in the APA style:…
Sloppy note-taking during the preparatory phase prior to writing a draft is the number one cause of inadvertent plagiarism. As you collect articles in your notebook, be sure to record bibliographic information for every article so that you can properly cite the author’s work in your report (author, date, and page number). Exercise care in documenting direct quotes and paraphrasing or summarizing the author’s work in your report. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTION TO THE CURRENT EVENTS PROJECT
As you proceed through this course, you should build a bibliography of sources you are citing for your current event analyses. You should include appropriate citations with this paper. Your assignment now is to write a five-to-ten-page discussion of the role of the media, voters, political parties, and interest groups in the context of your current event. Your paper must deal with the following questions: What are the various “sides” to the issue, and who are the players associated with each side? For example, what interest groups, political parties, public opinion polls, or individuals have emerged related to your topic? What are the objectives and concerns of these actors, and what policy options are they advocating? Finally, how have the governmental actors (President, Congress, and courts) responded to these pressures?This assignment is easier than you think. The assignment does not ask you to decide which side is “right” nor does it ask you to identify which side you favor. Instead, we want you to understand the powertics of “who gets what, how”in the American political system. Also, this is an opportunity for you to review the important aspects of the U.S. government as you prepare for the final.

solved Section 1 (600 words):Select two characters from the texts who

Section 1 (600 words):Select two characters from the texts who have experienced or been impacted by globalization. By comparing and contrasting each character’s experiences as they relate to globalization, endeavor to decide if the authors we’ve read this semester have a positive or negative view on the impact of globalization on our world. Use this video to help define globalization:…You can discuss this by answering or thinking about the following:How has globalization affected their ability to earn a living, develop relationships, travel (or not), select a path for their lives, express their identity, etc.?Have the characters been affected differently by globalization? Why do you think that is?Has globalization provided opportunities and/or caused challenges? Describe them. How is globalization the cause of what you’re describing?Overall, has globalization has a positive or negative effect on their lives? Why?How would the impact of globalization been different if the characters were born somewhere else? What about if they’d been born with a different identity? (Gender, religion, ethnicity, etc.)The purpose of this essay is not to get you to answer all of these questions. Rather, I would like you to consider how our authors have meditated on the impact of globalization on their characters’ lives. Do the author’s express appreciation for the outcomes of globalization? Or do they express animus? What comment is being made about globalization through the portrayal of our characters’ experiences?The essay should use examples from the texts and analysis of those examples.Section 2Select 3 of the quotes below and write a short response (150-200 words TOTAL FOR EACH) in which you:Identify the text from which the quote is derived.Briefly contextualize the quote in relation to the plot of the text. What is happening during the scene in which the quote is found?Explain the significance of the quote in relation to the themes and/or topics we’ve discussed in class or class readings. Remember our definitions of globalization when responding.YOU MAY ONLY SELECT ONE QUOTE FROM EACH TEXT“…she felt she was a small plant in a small patch of soil held between the rocks of a dry wand windy place…”“Makina spoke all three, and knew how to keep quiet in all three, too..”“It is impossible to talk about the single story without talking about power. There is a word, an Igbo word, that I think about whenever I think about the power structures of the world, and it is “nkali.” It’s a noun that loosely translates to “to be greater than another.” Like our economic and political worlds, stories too are defined by the principle of nkali: How they are told, who tells them, when they’re told, how many stories are told, are really dependent on power.”“I did Rosetta Stone on the plane but it hasn’t kicked in yet…”“She ran all the way down to the train station and jumped on a train and disappeared into the city, determined to sleep in public restrooms and rely on the kindness of prostitutes until she could make her own way in the world…”“Arranged marriages are a headache these days.”“…but that is the way of things, for when we migrate, we murder from our lives those we leave behind…””At other times, on the fourteenth floor of a derelict apartment building covered in snow—in which a village lives vertically—the two men will squeeze onto a family’s sofa, in front of their television, and watch the new government’s broadcast, the new government they have just established by coup, and the two men will laugh at their new leader, marching up and down the parade ground in that stupid hat, and as they laugh they will hold the oldest girl watching television by her shoulder, in a supposedly comradely manner but a little too tightly, while she weeps. (“Aren’t we friends?” the tall, dim man will ask her. “Aren’t we all friends here?”)””We could hear Jennifer Lopez playing from speakers in the neighbor’s house. My sister was singing along, quietly because she did not want the neighbor to hear her enjoying it and turn it off .”“A string of hotels facing the river was doing well off the mass exodus…”“It’s easy to be judgmental about crime when you live in a world wealthy enough to be removed from it. But the hood taught me that everyone has different notions of right and wrong, different definitions of what constitutes crime, and what level of crime they’re willing to participate in.”

solved Museum Paper InstructionsArizona College is about to build a brand-new

Museum Paper InstructionsArizona College is about to build a brand-new art museum on campus and has been endowed with a significant sum of money for the purchase of new works of art (this is not really true!).As a student at the college and art expert, you have been asked to help the curatorial team select two new artworks for our growing collection. You will need to go online to a museum’s listed below and choose two works that you think would be most appropriate for the context of our museum. You will need to write a letter to the curatorial committee describing each work and explaining why you think it would be a good choice for our museum. “I think it’s really pretty” would not be a valid argument nor is monetary value of a given work.In support of the works you chose tell the committee about the formal qualities or the work, the content, and why it would fit into the context of a museum visited mostly by Arizona College students and members of the local community.Make the works enticing for our committee—you want to convince them that you have made the right choice! Again, the committee is most interested in historically important and interesting artworks and not the monetary value or the subjective beauty of the objects. Be sure to mention the artist (if known), title and date of each piece and briefly describe the style and what each depicts.You may want to mention in your letter where, how, or for whom the works were made as well as how they were used. Be sure to discuss the cultural and political factors that contributed to the inception of each piece. Briefly explain the narrative (if one exists) and highlight the most important and interesting aspects of the work. Be sure to include your own observations and ideas about each work. Do not rephrase or quote excessively from the museum’s literature. (the collector won’t be impressed!)The paper should be three- pages in length and must be typed and double-spaced (750-800 words). Papers with more than one-inch margins or a font size less or greater than 12 points will not be accepted.Please note that titles of artworks should be italicized or underlined.Proofreading is also essential as spell check does not catch everything (i.e. their/there, peace/piece). The essay needs a thesis sentence, proper agreement of nouns and verbs, verb tense agreement, correct spelling, correct punctuation, and a conclusion. You also should demonstrate your ability to use specific art history terms when necessary.If you need help expressing your ideas you can go to the Writing Center (room 808 in the library) for technical advice on grammar, format, etc., (Also, online resources available!). You must use proper Chicago Manual of Style footnote citation format for all of your sources (see the paper citation guidelines) and include a bibliography that lists at least two online sources in addition to your textbook. What to footnote? Historical facts, definitions of terms or anything that can be considered common knowledge does not need to be cited.For example, Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492 is a known fact and does not need a footnote. However, an interpretation that is not fact but one person’s opinion must be cited.Since an interpretation is debatable and not a provable fact you must cite the author as the originator of this idea. Give credit where credit is due.Observations, IDEAS, opinions or interpretations that are taken from another source EVEN if you put those ideas into your own words MUST be footnoted in the same way as a direct quote. Footnotes should appear at the end of the sentence (not the paragraph) that includes the cited information.[1] For subsequent footnotes that draw from the same source, the author’s name and page number will suffice.[2] If the subsequent footnote is a reference to the same author and the same page number as the one that came immediately before then the term ibid is used.[3]Suggested Museum websites to visit:The Bowers Museum, Santa Ana (Modern and contemporary art/exhibitions): Museum of Contemporary Art Grand Avenue, MOCA, L.A. (Modern and contemporary art): Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA): Broad (Modern and contemporary art): https://www.thebroad.orgThe Getty Villa (Ancient Greek and Roman art): This is a creative project so have fun with your choices! [1] Henry M. Sayre, Writing about Art (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995), 76-83.[1] Sayre, 81.[1] Ibid.

solved 1- The product involves burglaries within a specific locationwhich should

1- The product involves burglaries within a specific locationwhich should a suspect’s activities with the district. It appears that they have a pattern when it comes to their everyday operations. This is displayed by the heat maps that have mapped all their activities. It also shows the number of cars that were broken into within the locally. The results shows that the suspect had a certain pattern of breakages as they broke into homes within the mapped location. There was also similarity of time on the events.The ArcGIS has been used to map the data as it has allowed manipulation by the expert. This can be showed by the activity within the district. Hunchab also must have been used because of the pattern that has been created which can result to creating predictions on the possible outcome of the crime. This led to arresting of the criminal. The product has value for the patrol team which can use the data in determining the time when certain crime is most common within a specific area.Reference:International Association of Crime analysts.Retrieved from: to Santos, a crime series is a group of crimes that are similar to one another and possibly committed by the same person or group of persons (Santos, 2017, pg.278). A crime spree is more specific. According to Santos a crime spree is a series of crimes that happen at a high frequency and in a relatively short period of time. A crime spree would appear to be a continuous series of crimes with no discernable break between occurrences (Santos, 2017, pg.278).An example of a crime spree.In 2018, Jeremiah Terrel Hannon, 15 years-old at the time, shot R. Olson, another teenager in the head, while in a Motel 6 motel room. This was the last act of Hannon’s two-month long crime spree, according to Oregon Live News. Within a two-month period Hannon had been the subject of over 11 investigations of violent, assaultive behavior. Hannon and an accomplice broke the jaw of a Tri-Met passenger after the victim asked them to turn down their music. Before that, Hannon was investigated for assaulting a homeless man on the streets of Portland. The list goes on. Hannon, 18 now, will spend the next seven years in a juvenile detention facility, being released at the age of 25 (Oregon Live, 2020)An example of a crime series.In October of 2020, there were three homicides over the course of a weekend that Portland Police are investigating. According to KGW news, Portland police suspect this series of homicides could be gang related and are asking for any information that could lead to the solving of these murders (KGW News, 2020)ReferenceSantos, R. B. (2017). Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping (4thth ed., p. 278). Tall Oaks, CA: Sage.15-year-old who murdered teen in Portland motel room as part of ‘sickening’ crime spree could be locked up until age 25. (2020, November 11). In Oregon Live. Retrieved from Police Investigate 3 separate Homicides this weekend. (2020, October 25). In KGW News. Retrieved from spree is a number of crimes which occur in a successive manner. This means that they have happened in a series hence resulting into a pattern on their occurrence. An example, crime can occur in a concurrent manner within a duration of one week. In most cases, the police department might take some time while analysing the suspects. Until when they have been captured, the crime continues to occur with the region.Crime series on the other hand comprises of different types of crime incidences that might affect a certain area with a duration of time. In this case, it appears that there are several offenders responsible of committing various crimes. The main difference between the two is that, crime spree involves a continuous occurrence of a certain crime within a certain period of time while crime series involves occurrence of different types of crimes within a given region.Reference:Ioannou, M., Canter, D., Youngs, D., & Synnott, J. (2015). Offenders’ crime narratives across different types of crimes. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 15(5), 383-4Please respond to those student discussions with 150+ words each, followed by its own responses

solved Using your approved strategic plan from the Wk 2 –

Using your approved strategic plan from the Wk 2 – Strategic Plan Research assignment, complete the following:Create a 5- to 7- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes and visuals on each slide, that will sell your identified improvements to the strategic plan, based on your Wk 4 analysis.Include the following: Summarize the threats and challenges you have identified within the current strategic plan. Determine how to execute the strategic initiatives in order to address the threats and challenges. Explain proposed process improvements. Assess whether additional resources are needed. Describe how resources should be used in the application of the strategic plan. Utilize KPIs to justify the financial investment and to measure the success of the proposed improvements to the strategic plan. Justify your recommendations based on anticipated Return on Investment (ROI). Discussion questions Chris Freeman Repond in125 words Professor and Class, This week we are examining examples of change that failed and what could have been done to prevent the failure from happening. Through the last 18 years, I have seen a lot of changes and modifications to the way my company has conducted business overall. Upper management had the idea of rebranding the company about nine years ago in order to promote growth and attract new customers. The rebranding included new logos, changing the name of the company to reflect newness and changing the pay structure of the employees in order to demonstrate a high level of involvement from the owners down to the line workers. Creating a brand that could be recognized was certainly a big hit with the employees as well as the community. It was considered to be easier to identify for consumers, kind of like the Golden Arches of McDonalds, you see the symbol and know what to expect. This idea worked most of the time since we were dealing with the same communities that we had been working with previously. Although, the brand actually resembled logos from other companies and created a little confusion in other markets. Changing the name created a better way to actually attempt to start over as a company and demonstrate to everyone that the new owners knew what they were doing and were doing things differently than previous ownership conducted business. This did not go over well for the longer term customers that had grown very fond of the way things had been done before and did not like the changes, they felt like it was a mark on the original owner’s face and reputation. (Side note: the original owner was the father of the current owners and he passed away just after the launch of the rebranding.) The biggest failure out of the changes that were instituted was the failure in the restructuring of how to pay the employees. All employees had to be evaluated by their management team members and that evaluation would determine their exact pay and job title. This worked great for the employees that had great relationships with their supervisors however, the other employees that worked hard and just did not have time to kiss butt got the short end of the stick. This pay and title restructuring lasted about 2 years until the owners discovered that they were losing more employees than they were retaining and that the community was starting to talk about the pay issues. There are currently new standards for job performance evaluation and merit raises in effect and things are going much better. Bradley Sanders Repond in125 words The change that we would be talking about here is when the accounting system in my previous company was getting moved from offline to online, which means that most of the file work would be over and the same would be converted into online files and all calculations would be done online. The employees in the organisation did not receive this change very well because they were tenured employees and were very comfortable and used to the offline work. They also anticipated that the loss of jobs is also a possibility since the manual work would be done away with and only online filing would be done. So at the initial stages this change failed because of the non-cooperation of the employees and it was merely because of their implicit fear. This could be prevented by giving appropriate training to the employees so that they can get comfortable with the online system and explaining them that what is there in it for them in the long run so that they could have been much more adaptive towards the new way of working.

solved Museum Paper InstructionsArizona College is about to build a brand-new

Museum Paper InstructionsArizona College is about to build a brand-new art museum on campus and has been endowed with a significant sum of money for the purchase of new works of art (this is not really true!).As a student at the college and art expert, you have been asked to help the curatorial team select two new artworks for our growing collection. You will need to go online to a museum’s listed below and choose two works that you think would be most appropriate for the context of our museum. You will need to write a letter to the curatorial committee describing each work and explaining why you think it would be a good choice for our museum. “I think it’s really pretty” would not be a valid argument nor is monetary value of a given work.In support of the works you chose tell the committee about the formal qualities or the work, the content, and why it would fit into the context of a museum visited mostly by Arizona College students and members of the local community.Make the works enticing for our committee—you want to convince them that you have made the right choice! Again, the committee is most interested in historically important and interesting artworks and not the monetary value or the subjective beauty of the objects. Be sure to mention the artist (if known), title and date of each piece and briefly describe the style and what each depicts.You may want to mention in your letter where, how, or for whom the works were made as well as how they were used. Be sure to discuss the cultural and political factors that contributed to the inception of each piece. Briefly explain the narrative (if one exists) and highlight the most important and interesting aspects of the work. Be sure to include your own observations and ideas about each work. Do not rephrase or quote excessively from the museum’s literature. (the collector won’t be impressed!)The paper should be three- pages in length and must be typed and double-spaced (750-800 words). Papers with more than one-inch margins or a font size less or greater than 12 points will not be accepted.Please note that titles of artworks should be italicized or underlined.Proofreading is also essential as spell check does not catch everything (i.e. their/there, peace/piece). The essay needs a thesis sentence, proper agreement of nouns and verbs, verb tense agreement, correct spelling, correct punctuation, and a conclusion. You also should demonstrate your ability to use specific art history terms when necessary.If you need help expressing your ideas you can go to the Writing Center (room 808 in the library) for technical advice on grammar, format, etc., (Also, online resources available!).You must use proper Chicago Manual of Style footnote citation format for all of your sources (see the paper citation guidelines) and include a bibliography that lists at least two online sources in addition to your textbook.What to footnote? Historical facts, definitions of terms or anything that can be considered common knowledge does not need to be cited.For example, Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492 is a known fact and does not need a footnote. However, an interpretation that is not fact but one person’s opinion must be cited.Since an interpretation is debatable and not a provable fact you must cite the author as the originator of this idea. Give credit where credit is due.Observations, IDEAS, opinions or interpretations that are taken from another source EVEN if you put those ideas into your own words MUST be footnoted in the same way as a direct quote. Footnotes should appear at the end of the sentence (not the paragraph) that includes the cited information.[1] For subsequent footnotes that draw from the same source, the author’s name and page number will suffice.[2] If the subsequent footnote is a reference to the same author and the same page number as the one that came immediately before then the term ibid is used.[3]Suggested Museum websites to visit:The Bowers Museum, Santa Ana (Modern and contemporary art/exhibitions): of Contemporary Art Grand Avenue, MOCA, L.A. (Modern and contemporary art): Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA): Broad (Modern and contemporary art): https://www.thebroad.orgThe Getty Villa (Ancient Greek and Roman art): is a creative project so have fun with your choices![1] Henry M. Sayre, Writing about Art (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995), 76-83.[1] Sayre, 81.[1] Ibid.

solved Examine two of the films listed in this module. One

Examine two of the films listed in this module. One must be a foreign film from the M6 Foreign Films Selections (The King’s Speech (2010), My Left Foot (1989), Roma (2018), Pink (2016), The Farewell (2019), Central Station (Central do Brasil) (1998), City of God (2002), Wadjda (2012), The Seven Samurai (1954), Neerja (2016), The Lobster (Greece) (2015), Ex Machina (UK) (2014), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), Cinema Paradiso (1988), The Forest (2016), The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988), Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001)) and the other an independent film from the M6 New Independent Cinema Selections (This is Spinal Tap (1984), Waiting for Guffman (1996), Reservoir Dogs (1992), Eighth Grade (2018), Trust (1990), Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me (1992), Waitress (2007), Lost in Translation (2003), Sideways (2004), Babel (2006), Bridman (2014), Boyhood (2014), Blue Jasmine (2013), American Hustle (2013), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Silver Linings Playbook (2012), The Witch (USA) (2016)). Write a short (1000 words) essay focused on the following question: What are the characteristics of independent film with particular regard to performance beyond the basic definition? In other words, how do your films EXPAND the basic definition? You must do more than merely show how each of your movies meet the basic criteria as an independent film. The movies in this section are easily identified as meeting the basic definition, but you need to go further in your analysis for your essay. Please avoid extensively summarizing the plot at the expense of analyzing the actor’s performance. Please place this information in your header:NameWord CountIndependent Film Title (date)International Film Title (date)Give your essay a title and center it below the header information.I’ve received several inquiries from students who are having trouble understanding the prompt. The presentation, videos and readings will help greatly, but if you are still wondering what to do, I’ll try to simplify it for you as much as possible here:You know the basic definition of an independent film from the presentations, readings and videos.You know that independent and foreign films both fit the basic definition (e.g., budget, produced outside the big studio, cast, story, etc.).As you know from watching the presentation in this module, when you watch movies today with strong ensemble casts or art films with international actors made independently outside the dominance of the corporate studios, you are witnessing the effect of foreign films on the Hollywood film industry.Therefore, do not merely describe how your independent and international films meet the basic definition, but focus on how they expand the definition. Find elements in the films that you recognize as being unique and influential. Consider how your films might affect the way big-budget films are made. Some examples include camera techniques, storyline, personal issues that concern a director, a role that a celebrity might not usually perform.This assignment is the culmination of the course, pushing you to think for yourself and try to find elements that distinguish your independent and foreign film from the mainstream. You can’t merely say ”budget under $20M” or “premiered at Sundance” and leave it at that. As an example, the producers of the big-budget ($110+M) big-studio bomb Ghost in the Shell could have learned a lot from the independent film Ex Machina ($16M). A good essay on Ex Machina would focus on the elements in the film that make it important and meaningful other than its budget and foreign origin (UK). I might also bring in examples from the film Her, which has an independent feel to it (what does that mean?), released by a small U.S. studio and had a relatively low budget. A simple way to look at this assignment is to ask whether your chosen films could teach Hollywood and the money machine of CGI-driven movies. Many students seem to think this assignment is about identifying why their choice is independent when the basic definition is clear in the presentation and readings. This assignment requires higher levels of critical thinking. The best papers are very specific in saying how these films EXPAND the basic definition. What can Hollywood learn from Indies? Why are independent film festivals like Sundance so important? Why do top actors do indies when they can make more money doing television or a CGI feature? What do your selected films have that could enhance major studio film making?

solved asgnmt 8 To prepare: Select a health care product to

asgnmt 8
To prepare:

Select a health care product to market within your organization.

Note: If you do not currently work for a health care organization, select one that is of interest to you. You may use the same organization you selected in Week 3.

Identify the consumer population of your organization, including general and business consumer.
Consider traditional and/or contemporary marketing techniques that may be appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Reflect on why you might select this technique and how you might use it to market the product.
With the marketing technique you select in mind, consider how you might create an advertisement to market the health care product and what communication techniques might be appropriate for your population.

The Assignment
Write a 2-page brief that addresses the following:

Describe the health care product you selected.
Analyze the consumer population of your health care organization.
Recommend a marketing technique that is appropriate for your consumer population (i.e., brochure, flyer, video commercial, audio commercial, billboard, social media, etc.). Include why you selected this technique and how you will use it to market the product you selected.
Recommend one or two communication techniques that are appropriate for the consumer population.

asngmt 10
Like other products and services, health care products and services must be marketed to potential consumers. To do this effectively, health care organizations must develop marketing plans. These plans provide organizations and their leaders with common goals for their products and services. Moreover, by relating the marketing plan to the mission, vision, and objectives of the organization, marketing plans become a tool in the strategic decision-making process. For the Final Project, you will create a marketing plan for a health care organization and record a presentation of the plan to the board of directors.
Please keep in mind that health care marketing goes beyond the scope of hospitals and students are encouraged to consider a diverse array of organizations for this task.
To prepare:

Select one of the following health care organization to be the focus of your Final Project. Your selection can be within any type of health care organization and should reflect an actual opportunity available for change in your local community or state.

Physician Practice
Outpatient Clinic
Long-Term Care Facility
Other Health Care Organization of Your Choosing

Select one of the following project types for marketing consideration. The bullets below are intended to help guide your selection process and interest and are not prescriptive.

Marketing of a new specialty unit (OB, Psych, Outpatient, Bariatric, or other)
Marketing of a new community outreach program (i.e. HIV testing)
Marketing of a new service (Family planning)
Marketing of a new product (DaVinci Robot)

Review Chapter 15 of your textbook, “Marketing Planning” for guidance on developing a marketing plan.

Note: This Assignment is not intended for you to select one of the project types in order to apply a blanket marketing approach. The purpose of this Assignment is to generate a thought process about new marketing opportunities in existing settings.

Part 1: Executive Summary and Marketing Plan (5-Pages, 150 Points)
Create a written document that includes the following:

Executive Summary (2-pages) that explains why the organization and project type were selected along with a justification of the importance of this effort.
Marketing Plan (3-pages) that will be used to communicate key opportunities to the Board of Directors. Your marketing plan should reflect your selected organization and project type and may contain a variety of the following components:

Specific goals and SMART objectives
Detailed explanations of product, price, place, and promotion of the project type chosen
Supporting information for this initiative (For example, this may include information on the market audit, target audience, and demographics).
Marketing strategy and business communication standards to be used
Assessment of due diligence (any operational, financial, or human resources requirements needed to implement the plan)
Description of any benchmarks from other competitors or industries
Specific marketing actions
Specific explanations of necessary budget, revenue, and staff
Limitations to implementing the plan

solved 100 words Reply The role of race in efforts to

100 words Reply
The role of race in efforts to control and distribute economic, political, and cultural resources is being the “master category”. Michael Omi is a professor of Sociology and Ethnic Studies at UC Berkley whose works include Comparative Racialization, Racial Theory and Politics, Racial/Ethnic Classification, and Identity. Omi is an Associate Director of Hass Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society (HIFIS). Omi and Howard Winant, Professor of Sociology at UC Santa Barbara, developed the Theory of Racial Formation. In “The Theory of Racial Formation”, Omi and Winant explain that through enslavement in the United States, “race has become the template of both difference and inequality” (pg 106). Through Discursive formation, social class structure was established based on race in the United States where the white male had the most power. Stuart Hall is a British-Jamaican Sociologist who emphasized that all cultures and societies were shaped by political, economic, and social forces. He is also the author of “The West and the Rest: Discourse of Power”. According to Stuart Hall, “Discourse is about the production of knowledge through language. But it is itself produced by a practice: ‘discursive practice’- the practice of producing meaning” (pg 201). As a result, through slavery, Americans assume that whites are higher in the social class structure than African Americans. In the documentary “13th:” From Slave to Criminal with One Amendment by Ava DuVernay, it can be seen that this difference in power led to discrimination and Segregation such as the Jim Crow laws. Due to the lack of influence that African Americans had on the United States government, schools were able to refuse students of a different race other than white. This created more gaps between the racial groups because less education meant less available jobs and power in society. As a result, a race created a social structure where African Americans did not have much power when it came to economic, political, and cultural resources because they didn’t get good jobs, they had little power to influence the government, and they were criminalized.
While whites had wealth, higher income, and power over decision-making through voting and have government positions, African Americans did not and could not have representation when it came to laws and elections. Similar to the “West and the Rest”, the Whites were the dominant and “desired” race while other races were the “rest” who were in the lower class and had little power. In the documentary “13th:” From Slave to Criminal with One Amendment by Ava DuVernay, when slavery came to an end, whites used their power to their advantage. Whites started categorizing African Americans as criminals in order to enslave them again, and later in the early 20th century, movies were made to stereotype African Americans as rapists and a threat to the white community. Through the Regime of Truth, whites started believing that these false stereotypes were true and made this a reason for oppressing the Black community. Michael Foucault and Stuart Hall describe a “regime of truth” as a “way of thinking that defines what is true and limits options of thought about a particular topic or debate” (Week 1 lecture slides).
The meaning of race changed from being a category based on the ethnicity of people to “social construction” and a “master category” because race “has become the template of both difference and inequality” (The Theory of Racial Formation, pg 106). Race is currently defined as ” a concept that signifies and symbolizes social conflicts and interests by referring to different types of human bodies”. Treating people differently because of their race is racist which is the state of having racism. For example, in the documentary “13th:” From Slave to Criminal with One Amendment by Ava DuVernay, racism can be seen through the stereotyping of Black people as criminals and police violence that was targeted towards Black people. In “The Theory of Racial Formation”, Omi and Winant explain that “A racial project can be defined as racist if it creates or reproduces structures of domination based on racial significations and identities” (pg 128). As a result, through discursive strategy, which is to assign value and meaning to representation, the term race has a negative connotation. In a way, the term “race” has remained the same in the fact it categorizes people into certain groups. 

solved For the “Transcribe 3 consecutive pages” part, you can make

For the “Transcribe 3 consecutive pages” part, you can make up the conversation and make sure it’s 3 pages for it.Assignment 5: Interview on Food WasteFor Assignment 5, you will conduct an open ended interview, where you will learn about the tasks involved in the role that people play in relationship to food – either as the food preparer, cook, shopper, etc. When appropriate and possible, you will probe for questions related to food waste. Use the questions that you posted on Discussion Board 9 that were re-worked by a classmate or that you think will work well for gathering a person’s story about food waste. Remember, that you will ask the person questions based on what they share with you so you don’t need a lot of questions. You want to create a conversation. If you are living with someone in your home, please plan to conduct a face to face interview with this person. If you are living by yourself, plan to conduct an interview by using some kind of technology like zoom, facetime etc. Request to tape your interviewee because you will need to transcribe 3 consecutive pages and submit it to me. Verbatim transcription (word for word unless completely tangential to the interview) takes a long time so please plan accordingly! At the end of your interview, please ask questions so that you have demographic information about this person.Please respond to the following questions for Assignment 5.Provide the demographic information about the person you interviewed.Transcribe 3 consecutive pages of the most interesting part of your interview. If you skip a section because you both went on a tangent use, … (3 dots) to let me know this. Three dots represents a lapse of information.Write two points that you found most interesting about what your respondent shared with you? (This will likely become a theme and pattern if you were to continue your interviews.)What would you do differently if you were to conduct another interview?What open-ended questions would you add to your current set of questions that you would want to make sure that you asked future respondents if you were to conduct another interview?These are the questions I posted: For the interview, I plan to interview a 28-year-old friend who is a shopper in a family of 5 that includes him, his girlfriend, his girlfriend’s mother, and her 2 children. He also cooks for his girlfriend, therefore, making him both shopper and a cook. As the shopper, interviewing him will provide helpful information on my research on preventing food waste during shopping and shopping for groceries while reducing grocery store waste. Since my interviewee is also a cook, this position will also make my research focus on strategies for reducing food wastage when cooking. For this interview I’m going to call my friend Alexander (which it isn’t his real name).The statement I would use is, “Hi Alexander, I am undertaking research on meal plans as a cook and grocery shopping to minimize costs; I would like to ask you to participate in my study as a shopper and cook in your family. Participation is voluntary, and also confidentiality is guaranteed if you wish you remain private. Your participation will be highly appreciated; let me know if you can participate in my research, Thank you.Open-ended questions:How often do you do your grocery shopping?What mechanisms do you apply to reduce the amount spend on grocery shopping?What strategies do you use when cooking to ensure your grocery shopping lasts longer? Demographic questions:Do you consider yourself a low, medium, or high-income earner?Can you tell me more about the ethnicity you identify with?Do you think that your level of education impacts food preservation during cooking and on reducing grocery costs when shopping?This is what my classmates wrote me: Hi Edgard!I really liked the questions you came up with! I would change the first questions to say, “how often do you do your grocery shopping, and why?” to make it more open-ended. As it is right now, it’s more of a close-ended question. This is because respondents can simply answer a definitive number like 1, 2, 3, etc. Hi Edgard,It is nice to meet you! After reading your response I really enjoyed it but I would change the question about the level of education just because you never know if someone may get offended because the way you asked it. Maybe make it two separate questions and instead about solely asking their level of education you could ask about every person in the households education level as well.