solved Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students or your faculty member. Due Day 3Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:Choose 2 supply chain strategies aimed to improve organizational performance and enhance competitiveness.Explain each strategy and give an example of an organization that has used each type of strategy.Was each strategy successful? Why or why not?Responses (2)Nickie AnthonyRespond to the following in a minimum of 125 words:A supply chain starts with buying managers who figure out which items will sell, discover merchants and mastermind bargains for the items. The tasks part of supply chain centers around request arranging, determining, and stock administration. Figures gauge customer interest for an item dependent on recorded information, outer drivers, for example, deals and advancements and changes in patterns or rivalry.Request arranging is utilized to make precise figures, a basic advance toward successful stock administration. Figures are contrasted with stock levels to guarantee stockrooms have enough, however not all that much, stock to fulfill a need.Moving the item from stockrooms or assembling plants to stores and at last to clients is the dissemination capacity of the supply chain.Supply chain incorporation associates the progression of work and data among all connections in the supply chain to amplify efficiencies.Example: Walmart’s supply chain the board system has furnished the organization with a few manageable upper hands, including lower item costs, marked down stock conveying costs, improved in-store assortment and choice, and profoundly serious estimating for the shopper. This methodology has helped Walmart become a predominant power in a serious worldwide market. As innovation develops, Walmart keeps on concentrating on inventive procedures and frameworks to improve its supply chain and accomplish more prominent proficiency.Strategy 2: The present serious commercial center methods there is less space for wastefulness; however, the uplifting news is supply chain innovation can rearrange and advance your business forms. That is the reason it’s basic for organizations to persistently enhance and smooth out their supply chain, and programming likely gives the best blast to the buck.The correct help supply chain innovation empowers your organization to make more prominent perceivability inside your supply chain, deal with your stock, lessen working expenses, and, eventually, outpace the opposition.Example: The Amazon supply chain management approach is to grasp innovation. The organization uses innumerable computerization and mechanical arrangements, both to pick and pack arranges just as stacking and putting away stock.These apparatuses not just up the organization’s proficiency and conveyance speeds, however, they additionally cut down on distribution center and staffing costs – opening up assets for different logistics or supply chain needs.Lani ReyesRespond to the following in a minimum of 125 words:choose 2 supply chain strategies aimed to improve organizational performance and enhance competitiveness.The supply chain is a crucial part of your inventory management and overall business strategy. An efficient supply chain helps your business save money and improve customer satisfaction by reducing wait times for in-demand products. In short, it gives you a real competitive advantage against other companies in your industry.On the flip side, an ineffective supply chain can be a huge drain on your resources, so it’s important to strategically plan so your supply chain is as lean and cost-effective as possible. Here are some management tips to help you maximize performance from your suppliers, logistics providers, and in-house team.Steps to increase your supply chain performance-Evaluate your suppliers-Analyze your supply chain strategy-Use demand planning-Eliminate data silos-Monitor your systemIf you’re currently unsatisfied with your supply chain performance, there is hope. Focusing on finding reliable suppliers and logistics providers, building supply chain sustainability, and facilitating the flow of information across your business can go a long way toward cutting costs and improving customer satisfaction. Just remember: it’s a process, and continuous improvement is the ultimate goal.…

solved Diversity in European Art 15th-18th centuries PURPOSE: Beyond our textbook,

Diversity in European Art 15th-18th centuries 
Beyond our textbook, art historians have investigated the issues of race, class, and gender in European and Latin American art of the 15th through 18th centuries. What was the social position of black Africans and indigenous peoples during the Renaissance, Baroque, and Neoclassical periods? This assignment will focus on exploring this question based on reading scholarly texts (such as journal articles, exhibition catalog essays, or a book chapter).
You will practice critical thinking and writing skills when reading the article and writing your response paper.

Choose 1 of the 3 text selections below. Write a 2-page critical response paper summarizing the author’s argument and your response to the critical questions listed under the article. Your paper should be in an essay format with an introduction and a conclusion and not just a series of answers to the questions 1-5. Think about the key points of the author’s argument. Describe the topic in a clear and concise manner. Read critically and consider the evidence given by the author. Do you find their argument persuasive? Strongly subjective? Do you still have questions?

If you have DSPS accommodations for text-to-speech software or alternate text, and cannot use the PDFs below, please contact me for links to texts in an online format from the LBCC Library Databases.

This written assignment will be evaluated based on your summary of the article evidence and your ability to explain and evaluate significant concepts about the art and its history, as well as your own ideas. 

Magali M. Carrera, “The Faces and Bodies of Eighteenth-Century Metropolitan Mexico, An Overview of Social Context,” in Imagining Identity in New Spain: Race, Lineage, and the Colonial Body in Portraiture and Casta Paintings (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003), 22-43.

1. Explain what casta paintings are and how they functioned in 18th century New Spain.
2. How does author Magali Carrera explain the status of castas and elites?
3. Describe one of the casta paintings by Miguel Cabrera and the changes in 18th century Mexico that are the historical context.
4. What evidence does Carrera give to support her conclusions? Why are they persuasive or why are they not?
5. How are the issues of identity raised in the article similar or different than those experienced today? Give an example in your answer.

Kate Lowe, “The Lives of African Slaves and People of African Descent in Renaissance Europe,” in Revealing the African Presence in Renaissance Europe exh. cat. (Baltimore: The Walters Art Museum, 2012)13-331. Who were slaves in Renaissance Europe and where did they come from?
2. What were the conditions of slavery at that time?
3. Author Kate Lowe states her goal is to use visual representations and records to better reconstruct the lives of Africans in Renaissance Europe. Describe how Africans are portrayed in one of the following art works and what the article tells us about their lives in this historical context.
Carpaccio, Hunting at the Lagoon, 1490-95
Pietro Tacca, Figure of a Slave from the Monumenti dei Quattro Mori, 1626
Gozzoli, Journey of the Magi, 1459-62
4. Does Lowe make a convincing argument? Why or why not?
5. How does the legacy of slavery relate to current issues in American life? Give an example in your answer.
Kate Lowe, “Visual Representations of the Elite: African Ambassadors and Rulers in Renaissance Europe,” in Revealing the African Presence in Renaissance Europe exh. cat. (Baltimore: The Walters Art Museum, 2012) 99-115
1. What was the historical context of diplomatic relations between Africa and Europe?
2. Do these appear to be truthful accounts? How do they compare to other accounts of African history? (Links to an external site.)
3. Describe one of the following art works and the role of the ambassador or ruler in its historical context.
Caporale, Antonio Manuel Marquis of Ne-Vunda, 1629
Rubens, Mulay Ahmad, c. 1609
Galque, Francisco de Arobe with his Sons, 1599
4. Does Lowe make a convincing argument about Europeans’ representation of elite Africans? Why or why not?
5. How are the issues of racial identity raised in the article similar or different than those experienced today? Give an example in your answer.

solved Clinical Question AssessmentInstructionsFor this assignment, you will begin to investigate

Clinical Question AssessmentInstructionsFor this assignment, you will begin to investigate a topic of interest to you. You will want to locate five research articles that address the clinical problem in your practice setting through an evidence-based solution that uses current or emerging technology. Then, search the Capella library databases for articles that report research related to the problem. Find the five research articles that address your topic and problem. The articles that are chosen must be from the last five years, peer reviewed, and from journals that contain original research. Below are some questions to consider as you conduct your research:What is the clinical problem?How does the clinical problem impact nursing?How does technology support or address the clinical problem?Did the studies use the proper statistical tests?Were the sample sizes appropriate?If the data were obtained from medical records, did the researchers describe the methodology of data collection and analysis?What are the potential risks to human subjects in the studies?What methods did the researchers employ to protect human participants?Do you feel that the study’s participants had adequate protections? Why?What are the strengths or limitations of the research articles?What are the trends or patterns that you noticed?What are the implications for practice?Assignment RequirementsThe items below correspond to the grading criteria in this assignment’s scoring guide. The sub-bullets are a guide for how you can work to ensure that you meet each scoring guide criterion.Describe the significance of the clinical problem to the nursing profession (Competency 1).Analyze the significance of the clinical problem in terms of its impact on nurses, patients, and the organization.Describe the current state of care, practice, and the current environment.Identify a clinical problem of significance.Act as an agent of change in regard to a health care issue. Describe the impact of technology on the clinical problem (Competency 2).Investigate using information systems to improve patient care.Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.Identify the factors having potential effects on outcomes.Evaluate the research evidence in the terms of the validity and reliability of the data (Competency 3).Evaluate applicability of clinical practice guidelines, standards of care, and other evidence sources.Conduct a search for the evidence that justifies the extent of the problem.Identify the search terms, databases, and process used to refine the search to determine the best evidence.Evaluate the human subject protections used in the studies (Competency 4).Discuss the application of ethical principles to nursing practice.Analyze how ethical perspectives are developed and integrated.Analyze the research on the clinical problem (Competency 3).Describe effective and efficient skill in searching the empirical literature using electronic resources.Critically analyze available clinical evidence to answer the selected question.Synthesize the findings of your evidence research as applied to your defined problem.Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and format citations using current APA style (Competency 5).Determine the application of current APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.Apply the principles of effective composition.Determine the application of the rules of grammar and mechanics.Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.Submission RequirementsWritten communication: Effectively integrate research into your submission, with correct format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Ensure submission is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Length of paper: Your clinical question assessment must be 5–6 pages long, double-spaced, excluding the cover page and references.References: Include at least 5 scholarly sources to support your opinions and ideas with APA in-text citations and a reference list.APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.Write in third person.Include cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page.Use APA level 1, 2, and 3 headings as needed.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.ResourcesClinical Question Assessment Scoring Guide.APA Style and Format.APA Style Paper Template [DOCX].APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].

solved Discussion Topic: Taxable Gifts Angela Richards was employed as a

Discussion Topic: Taxable Gifts Angela Richards was employed as a line cook at the Lobster Shack in Mobile, Alabama. While working the morning shift on March 7, 2012, one of Angela’s customers left her a Florida lottery ticket as a tip. When Angela discovered that the ticket had won part of the Florida Lotto jackpot, the following steps were taken. Upon advice of her father and legal counsel, the Richards Corporation was formed and immediately made an S election.Angela received 49% of the stock in Richards, and the 51% balance was distributed to family members.Angela had the Florida gaming authorities designate the Richards Corporation as the recipient of the prize money — approximately $10,000,000 payable over 30 years.Angela’s coworkers at the Lobster Shack filed suit against Angela based on an agreement they had to share any lottery winnings equally. The Alabama courts eventually decided that such an agreement did exist but that it was not enforce­ able. (Alabama law does not permit enforcement of contracts involving illegal activities — gambling is illegal in Alabama.) In 2020, the IRS determined that Angela had made taxable gifts in 2012 when she shifted some of the lottery winnings to family members. She made the gifts by having 51% of the Richards Corporation stock issued to them. (Because Richards is an S corporation, gross income from the lottery passes through to the shareholders.) Angela disputed the gift tax assessment by contending that her actions were required by the Richards family agreement. Under this agreement, it was understood that each member would take care of the others in the event he or she came into a “substantial amount” of money. Because Angela was bound by the Richards family agreement, she was compelled to relinquish any right to 51% of the Richards stock. Thus, the satisfaction of an obligation is not a gift. Since no gift occurred, the imposition of the gift tax is not appropriate. Who should prevail – Angela or the IRS? Why? Explain your conclusions, and support with references from the text, the partial list of research aids below, and/or other related tax code, regulations, etc. Remember to review at least two of your classmates’ responses and provide your feedback. Partial list of research aids: Estate of Emerson Winkler, 36 TCM 1657, T.C.Memo. 1997–4. Tonda Lynn Dickerson, 103 TCM 1280, T.C.Memo. 2012–60. Do the discussion and response each posted down below Posted 1 Angela Richards contention that she is bound by the Richards family agreement to issue 51% stock in the S corporation to family members is not acceptable. As per Alabama state law, any enforceable contract should have an agreement, consideration, legal object and two or more parties with capacity to contract. The Richards family agreement is vague and did not define what is substantial amount of money and how the family members should be taken care of. Taking care need not be allotting 51% stock to family members. It can be accomplished even by taking care of their medical, educational or day to day needs. In a similar case (Dickerson v. C.I.R, 2012), the court held that similar agreement was not valid. Also, court held that there is no partnership possible among the family members. In that case, the gift tax was imposed on the present value of the 51% stock gifted to various family members. In the present case, Angela Richards failed to prove that the IRS’s determinations are incorrect. So, she will be subject to gift tax on the present value of the stock gifted minus $15,000 per family member. Posted 2 Hello Everyone, The IRS is correct in this case. As found in Dickerson v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, there was no legal binding contract made within the Richards family. The state of Alabama states that the elements of a binding contract are: an agreementconsiderationtwo or more contracting partiesa legal object, and capacity It is not enough that the family had discussions over the years and made a “Richards family agreement”. This agreement is too vague, it does not specify the percentage that each member would receive nor does it state what a “substantial amount” constitutes as. For this reason, Angela is considered the donor of gifts to her family members that she issued stock to and they are each considered donees of the gift. She does qualify for the annual exclusion of $15,000 per family member to which she gifted the stock (Raabe et al., 2022).

solved The Role of Religion in Art Between the Medieval Period

The Role of Religion in Art Between the Medieval Period and Romantic PeriodAfter you have read your textbook and have viewed the videos, consider the following question: What was the role of religion in art between the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of the Romantic Movement? (Note: This is not the place to promote any religion or role of a “god” in your life. I am looking specifically for how religion shaped or hindered the creation of art during this time.) (2 college-level paragraphs of 10-12 sentences each) Prehistoric and Ancient Art. Some people question why we might start this class so far back, and I always tell them that it’s important to know what (if possible) inspired the art that we see today. Although there are a tremendous amount of similarities between Egypt, Greece, and Rome, perhaps one of the biggest similarities is the fact that they were all massive empires that stretched far and wide. These were all empires with great armies and navies that explored and conquered all they could. In doing this, they absorbed and influenced the world. When the Roman Empire fell, there was a vacuum created by those who wanted political control. Although there are numerous reasons that can be cited for the fall of the Roman Empire, many historians and critics agree that the two main causes were money and religion. After Constantine call the First Council of Nicea in 325, Christianity was normalized and the relationships between Christian sects solidified. Shortly thereafter, Roman Emperor Constantine called for the Roman Empire to be an official Christian state, unified under one god. At this time, many Romans still prayed and followed the Classical gods like Jupiter (Zeus), and many parts of the Roman Empire worshiped other gods altogether. Needless to say, this declaration from Constantine sent a huge ripple through the Roman Empire, and many areas revolted.One thing that I want to note here is that when I say “Christian,” I actually mean Catholicism. Modern day Christianity, as we know it, didn’t really start to take shape until after Henry VIII of England broke away from The Vatican (Rome) because the Pope would not grant him a divorce.So, after the Roman Empire falls in 476 AD, and even before that, there are massive shifts in art. The focus is now on Christ and salvation. Church dogma and lessons are the forefront of the art’s subject matter, and everything from painting to sculpture, to architecture is in the name of the Church. Please read the section on the Medieval Period in your book. You will notice that the Medieval Period is broken up into three distinct forms: Byzantine, Romanesque, and Gothic. Each one has its own characteristics, and I will ask you about these on your midterm and final.After the Medieval Period and a plague (thank you for killing about 3/4 of the population of Europe, Black Plague…), the Church realized that they were losing favor with many people – particularly the nobility of England, France, and Italy. The stranglehold that the Church had on art was finally lifted when the Italian Renaissance began in the early 1420s. The Church had a ton of money from tithes and offerings from its citizens, and now they started using it to fund great artists like Leonardo DaVinci, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. If you’re into the Ninja Turtles, well, here you go! Many of these artists were trained in many subjects and had limitless funds. Of these artists, the ones that might stand out the most are DaVinci and Michelangelo. You can thank DaVinci for creating scissors, propeller blades (he wanted to fly and engineers used his designs later for the development of helicopter blades), and painting The Last Supper. Michelangelo was responsible for David, La Pieta, and for his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. During the Italian Renaissance architecture also boomed and there was a return to science and mathematics for art.On the momentum of the Italian Renaissance came both the Neoclassicism and the Romantic Periods. These were both a way for Europe to pay vestige to the Greek Empire, and people like Homer and Aristotle were idealized. A few year later, Romanticism took off and you had writers and artists looking back to the Medieval Period for inspiration. This is the time of Mary Shelly writing Frankenstein and Edgar Allen Poe writing his collection of his tales (yes, I know he’s American, but he is everything about the Romantic Period).

solved The effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the Economy and

The effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the Economy and Banking Informative Speech Preparation worksheet1. What is the topic of your speech? Why is it appropriate for you?The effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the Economy and Banking. This topic is appropriate for me as a student, and a student will special interest in economic studies. I have a role in explaining how certain economic concepts impact the resiliency and entrepreneurial spirit in a country. 2. Why is the topic appropriate for your audience?Few students in the class are conversant with such economic concepts. Incidents such as the stock market crash 1929 and 2008 market recession remains a riddle to them. Covid19 impact on the economy is a similar event. They should be able to relate how the incident impacts them individually. 3. How is your topic narrowed to conform to the time limits for the speech assignment?For as long as I would, I compiled the specific books, articles, and videos to last for five to six minutes long through research and summarization without including direct quotes. BASIC INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE FORMAT(See bibliography example as you scroll past the sample outline)(Also, you may or may not have sub points. This is just an example of how to format them if you have several)I.Use an attention-getter: (Use one of the formal techniques discussed in the book and class such as question, compelling quotation, startling statistic, anecdote, etc.)II.Introduce topic and motivate audience to listen (relate importance of topic to your audience):III.Establish YOUR credibility (How AND Why you know about the topic):IV.Preview your main points (This is the same as your Central Idea—insert it here):Body:I.Main Point One (Stated as ONE complete sentence—not as a paragraph)A. Subpoint A (Stated as ONE complete sentence explaining part of point I above.) 1. Sub-subpoint One (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint A above) 2. Sub-subpoint Two (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint A above)B. Subpoint B (Stated as ONE complete sentence explaining another part of point I above 1. Sub-subpoint One (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint B above) 2. Sub-subpoint Two (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint B above) TRANSITIONAL STATEMENT:II.Main Point Two (Stated as ONE complete sentence—NOT as a paragraph!)A. Subpoint A (Stated as ONE complete sentence explaining part of point II above.) 1. Sub-subpoint One (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint A above) 2. Sub-subpoint Two (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint A above)B. Subpoint B (Stated as ONE complete sentence explaining another part of point II above.) 1. Sub-subpoint One (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint B above) 2. Sub-subpoint Two (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint B above)2TRANSITIONAL STATEMENT:III.Main Point Three (Stated as ONE complete sentence—not as a paragraph)A. Subpoint A (Stated as ONE complete sentence explaining part of point III above.) 1. Sub-subpoint One (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint A above) 2. Sub-subpoint Two (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint A above)B. Subpoint B (Stated as ONE complete sentence explaining another part of point III above.) 1. Sub-subpoint One (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint B above) 2. Sub-subpoint Two (stated as ONE complete sentence giving more detail about Subpoint B above)Conclusion:I. Signal ending with a signpost: (However, don’t say “In Conclusion) II. Summarize main points: (Be detailed and complete with this one sentence list) III. Restate the importance/relevance of topic to audience’s lives: IV. Finish with a vivid, memorable ending: (Use one of the formal techniques discussed in book and in class such as quotation, startling statistic, anecdote, etc.) 3Bibliography:(You can use MLA or APA format for your bibliography. Make sure to have a minimum of three sources) Example:Dwyer, K. (2002). Public Speaking Workbook, 7th Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill Primis Custom.3Bibliography:(You can use MLA or APA format for your bibliography. Make sure to have a minimum of three sources) Example:Dwyer, K. (2002). Public Speaking Workbook, 7th Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill Primis Custom.

solved I’m working on a management exercise and need a sample

I’m working on a management exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

This assignment seeks to have the student identify, and evaluate the internal and external factors that influence organizations.  This project is created to have the student become familiar with both the research and writing skills that are needed for assignments, but it also seeks to have the student identify, and evaluate theories and theorists that influence our management building skills.
Your manager overheard you telling a colleague that you are taking a graduate-level organizational theory class at UMGC.  He remembers his college course on organizational behavior and realizes that he found the knowledge he learned extremely useful over the years. Lately, he has felt that he has been overwhelmed with changes that require him and his employees to quickly respond to situations that he cannot always solve effectively. Experience has taught him that professional development is a lifelong endeavor. To that end he would like you to select some articles for him to read on the following topic: Catalysts for Change in Organizational Structures and Workplace Environments and its Relationship to Organizational Behavior. Here are the points he wants you to address:
Step 1:  Using OneSearch in the online library, conduct a search for at least 3 scholarly articles on internal and external factors that influence organizational structure and culture and their relationship to organizational behavior.
The articles should reflect both current and future catalysts of change in the workplace.   Article selection should consider internal and external influences on structure, culture, and workplace behavior. 
Step 2:  Create an annotated bibliography for each article. Guidance on writing an annotated bibliography can be found here.   The articles should be summarized in 3 paragraphs as the format suggests.
Step 3:  Then, aggregately analyze and explain the articles for the way in which internal and external factors cause change in workplace behavior.  This section should comprise 2 paragraphs using multiple course readings and research to support how the internal and external factors identified in the selected articles can/do cause change in workplace behavior and ultimately organizational structure and culture.
Step 4:  Conclude the paper with a two to three paragraph discussion of which factors identified in the selected articles are the biggest threat to managing effectively internal or external. You must pick one or the other (factors that are the biggest threat internally OR externally) and defend/support your position using APA formatted in-text citations. Be sure to clearly explain your reasoning for the selection and provide supporting examples and rationale from class readings related to the modern organization.

Be sure to carefully read the grading rubric for the assignment!

Check the instructions to make sure ALL elements of the assignment have been covered

Students are expected to use a variety as well as multiple course readings and research to support ideas, reasoning, and conclusions.
Follow APA style guidelines to ensure that your final submission includes a Title Page, In-Text Citations and a Reference List.

Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. This means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, put a passage from a source document into your own words, and attribute the passage to the source document. Provide the page or paragraph number. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.

The analysis should begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you intend to cover in the body of the paper.
The analysis should end with a conclusion/summary paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you covered in the body of the paper.
Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: .
Contractions are not used in business writing, so the expectation is that students do NOT use contractions in the assignment.

solved #Problem Set #2 will be comprised of the following exercises

#Problem Set #2 will be comprised of the following exercises that are explained in more detail within in the attached template.Project Charter Decision Matrix ExerciseBased on your selected project complete the Project Charter Decision Matrix. The Word document template provided will allow you to click on the desired box to provide an “X” for that selection. After completing the matrix you will provide comprehensive justification for each of your selections based upon the provided scenario. You will then provide your recommendation of whether “no project charter”, a “mini project charter” or a “full project charter” would be required and why.The document should be single-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. The template is already formatted this way so do not change formatting. Complete the entire assignment within the provided template.Organizational Structure AnalysisInstructions: Analyze your selected project to determine which organizational structure (Section 4-1) would be the ideal or preferred organizational structure for this project. Discuss why you selected this structure and justify that choice through an analysis of the project versus the elements and definitions of the organizational structure as presented in the Kloppenborg text. Then, discuss which structure is the least preferred and explain/justify why this would not be a preferred organizational structure for your selected project providing the same depth of analysis. Provide specific examples, elements or components from the project to explain your justification. Each of the justification sections should be a minimum of 250 words.Use the attached template to complete this exercise.Decision Matrix – Org Structure.docxDecision Matrix – Org Structure.docxBy submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssignâ„¢ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliate.#Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 4Reflection and Discussion Forum Week 4Assigned Readings:Chapter 9: Scope PlanningChapter 10: Project Schedule PlanningInitial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:Go online and research the difference between total slack and free slack.Prepare proper reference citations for the sites you located, using APA style.Write definitions of total slack and free slack in your own words.Why would the distinction between different forms of slack be important to a project manager?How does scope management differ from scope control?#Problem Set #41. Go online and find at least two sites with definitions of fast tracking and crashing a project schedule.Prepare proper reference citations for the sites you located, using APA style.In your own words, write definitions for project fast tracking and project crashing.Consider the plan you prepared for the software system testing project in question 1 above. If you were informed by management that you must reduce the planned duration of the project by five days, describe how you, as a project manager, could crash or fast track this project. Be specific in identifying exactly what could be changed in the project plan for each option.(continuation of question 2.3) If the request to speed up the project occurs after day 25 of the original schedule, what is the only option available?2. A project to put on a major international sporting competition has the following major deliverables: Sports Venues, Athlete Accommodation, Volunteer Organization, Security, Events, and Publicity (which has already been broken down into pre-event publicity and post-event publicity.) Prepare a WBS for any single major deliverable on the list. Remember the 100 percent rule, and number your objectives.

solved Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following

Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following two discussions. Do you agree with the analysis presented? Why? Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic? Share them. When providing your feedback present the logic behind it. Discussion 1 a. The theorists that I understood was Carl Rogers. He had a self-developed approach to psychology. He believed that as people grow that they grow to better and enhance themselves. He also believed that in order for a person to grow then they need an environment that provides them with genuineness, openness, self-disclosure, acceptance, and empathy.(McLeod, 2014). Rogers believe that we behave the way that we do based on how we view and perceive things. Rogers is a firm believer that we humans have strength and we are able to control our self and our behavior. Rogers believed that we all will develop in different ways depending on our personality. He also believes that if a person does not succeed that it is because they have a poor self concept and poor self image. Rogers believe that all people are good and have the capability to do anything they wish. b. Compared to Rogers Freud believed that humans personality is developed based on 3 components of the mind id, ego, superego. For example, id is when you see something such as a shirt you like and you immediately turn around and say I want that shirt. According to Freud super ego is when you are able to tell right from wrong and make decisions based off of it. Freud believed that we learn super ego from our culture. Freud believes that ego is the rational pragmatic part of our personality.(Luemen n.d.). Discussion 2 a. Many students begin their studies of psychology with limited understanding that a wide variety of personality theories rapidly developed after Freud set the stage. Which of the theorists introduced this week did you find most interesting? What specific elements of their approach to personality, or from their theory, did you find relatable (i.e., easily made sense)? Erich Fromm was a German psychoanalyst and social psychologist (Allen, 2016). Fromm is widely known for challenging Sigmund Freud’s theories and Fromm’s development of the concept that freedom is a fundamental aspect of human nature (Allen, 2016). Fromm’s theory of personality was based primarily on two different needs that humans have, the need for freedom and the need for belonging (Allen, 2016). One of the specific elements of Erich Fromm’s approach that I found to most interesting and easily understood was his frame of orientation and object devotion. The frame of orientation is essentially a cognitive map that people need that helps them to organize and understand aspects of the world around them, so they are able to rationally make sense of things (Allen, 2016). The object of devotion is a goal that gives someone a position in the world and meaning to their lives and provides direction (Allen, 2016). I found the frame of orientation and object devotion to be an interesting part of his theories because of how he believed that both things come together and form a union of the person and their life circumstances. b. In your own words, compare and contrast Freud’s theory with the Neo-Freudian theorist(s) you selected for this discussion post. Explain their similarities and differences. Freud and Fromm’s approach and theories differed significantly from each other. Freud also believed that our personality develops based on innate tendencies ad our unconscious desires, while Fromm believed that our personalities develop based on our social interactions (Allen, 2016). Another major difference between Freud and Fromm’s beliefs was that Fromm reject Freud’s theory of the id, ego, and superego, and did not support Freud’s developmental stages (Allen, 2016). Fromm believed that our personalities could develop and change into adulthood, where Freud believed that the first five years of life determined our personality (Allen, 2016). Fromm also rejected Freud’s ideas like the Oedipus complex, the libido theory, and our life-death instincts. Freud and Fromm had many differences, but they did share some beliefs. Fromm accepted Freud’s beliefs about the importance of our biological drives, unconscious drives, repression, and defense mechanisms (Allen, 2016). Reference: Bem P. Allen. (2016). Personality Theories : Development, Growth, and Diversity: Vol. Fifth edition. Psychology Press.

solved The written research proposal will be created based on a

The written research proposal will be created based on a narrowly defined aspect of the topic Behavioral Psychology.
A research proposal is a detailed plan for a specific study to be conducted at a future time. It is the document which potential researchers typically submit to an institutional review board (IRB) for ethical review and approval, and/or to funding agencies to secure financial support for a research effort. Because it is a plan for research which has not yet been conducted, the Methods section should be written in the future tense and should not contain any hypothetical results. The paper must address all of the components required in the Methods section of a research proposal. The following actions must be completed.

State the research question and/or hypothesis.
Briefly compare the characteristics of the major research paradigms used in previous studies on the chosen topic. Introduce the specific approach (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods), research design, sampling strategy, data collection procedures, and data analysis techniques to be used in this study. Provide a short explanation as to why the selected procedures are more feasible than other alternatives for the research topic.
Describe any relevant variables, measures, and statistical tests.
Apply ethical principles and professional standards to the proposed psychological research. Provide an analysis of any ethical issues that may arise and explain how these issues will be resolved.

The following headings for the required sections and subsections must appear in the paper. In accordance with APA style, all references listed must be cited in the text of the paper.

Introduce the research topic, explain why it is important, and present an appropriately and narrowly defined research question and/or hypothesis.
Literature Review 
Evaluate the published research on the chosen topic including a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles. Summarize the current state of knowledge on the topic, making reference to the findings of previous research studies. Briefly mention the research methods that have previously been used to study the topic. State whether the proposed study is a replication of a previous study or a new approach employing methods that have not been used before. Be sure to properly cite all sources in APA style.
Design – Create a feasible research design that incorporates appropriate methods to address the topic. Indicate whether the approach of the proposed study is qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Identify the specific research design, and indicate whether it is experimental or non-experimental. Evaluate the chosen design and explain why this design is feasible and appropriate for the topic and how it will provide the information needed to answer the research question. Cite sources on research methodology to support these choices. Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.
Participants – Identify and describe the sampling strategy to be used to recruit participants for the study. Estimate the number of participants needed, and explain why this sampling method is appropriate for the research design and approach.
Procedure/Measures – Apply the scientific method by describing the steps to be taken in carrying out the study. Identify any test, questionnaire, or measurement instrument to be utilized. If an existing published instrument will be employed, briefly describe it and cite the source. If an original questionnaire, survey, or test will be created for the project, describe the types of information that will be collected with it and explain how the validity and reliability of the instrument will be established. If such an instrument will not be used, describe how the data will be collected for the study.
Data Analysis – Describe the statistical techniques (if quantitative) or the analysis procedure (if qualitative) to be used to analyze the data. Cite at least one peer-reviewed source on the chosen analysis technique.
Ethical Issues – Analyze the impact of ethical concerns on the proposed study, such as confidentiality, deception, informed consent, potential harm to participants, conflict of interest, IRB approval, etc. After analyzing the ethical issues that apply to the project, indicate what will be done to handle these concerns.
Briefly summarize the major points of the paper and reiterate why the proposed study is need.