solved Assignment one Discussion question  1 Please respond to the

Assignment one
Discussion question  1
Please respond to the following discussion,
American political history can be understood as a perennial battle between state power and national power. In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps the greatest instance of this conceptual struggle. Refer to the case analysis from the reading material “Federalism in Action: Case Studies”. Should more or less power be given to the national government than currently exists? Explain your answer using relevant topics and arguments (for example, debates over gay marriage, gun control, educational standards, environmental protections, COVID-19, etc.).
Here are some key concepts that are helpful for you to draft your post: dual federalism, cooperative federalism, new federalism, The Tenth Amendment and state power, reserved powers, concurrent powers, enumerated power, Supremacy Clause.
Your initial discussion postings 300 words should demonstrate an understanding and analysis of the assigned readings and videos. It may be helpful to reference the assigned material in your response demonstrating connections between your thoughts and the course resources. 
Discussion Question 2
People differ on the need for and role of the government. Government is the legitimate use of force to control behavior. It is legitimate in that citizens have surrendered some rights willingly to government in exchange for the services provided by the government. The Preamble to the Constitution indicates the willingness of citizens to surrender to the government for the sake of common good (to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility and secure the blessing of liberty).
Based on your understanding of the role of government from the assigned readings, what is the appropriate balance between government and freedom in the American democracy? Do you think government should be more active, providing assistance to achieve a common good for all citizens; or, should government be more limited, involved only to the extent that it protects individual rights and liberties?” Explain your answer.
Your initial discussion postings 300 words should demonstrate an understanding and analysis of the assigned readings and video. It may be helpful to reference the assigned material in your response demonstrating connections between your thoughts and the course resources. 
Assignment two
Discussion question 1
Please respond to the following discussion,
American political history can be understood as a perennial battle between state power and national power. In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps the greatest instance of this conceptual struggle. Refer to the case analysis from the reading material “Federalism in Action: Case Studies”. Should more or less power be given to the national government than currently exists? Explain your answer using relevant topics and arguments (for example, debates over gay marriage, gun control, educational standards, environmental protections, COVID-19, etc.).
Here are some key concepts that are helpful for you to draft your post: dual federalism, cooperative federalism, new federalism, The Tenth Amendment and state power, reserved powers, concurrent powers, enumerated power, Supremacy Clause.
Your initial discussion postings 300 words should demonstrate an understanding and analysis of the assigned readings and videos. It may be helpful to reference the assigned material in your response demonstrating connections between your thoughts and the course resources. 
Discussion Question 2
People differ on the need for and role of the government. Government is the legitimate use of force to control behavior. It is legitimate in that citizens have surrendered some rights willingly to government in exchange for the services provided by the government. The Preamble to the Constitution indicates the willingness of citizens to surrender to the government for the sake of common good (to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility and secure the blessing of liberty).
Based on your understanding of the role of government from the assigned readings, what is the appropriate balance between government and freedom in the American democracy? Do you think government should be more active, providing assistance to achieve a common good for all citizens; or, should government be more limited, involved only to the extent that it protects individual rights and liberties?” Explain your answer.

solved 1. Short-response prompt (15 points) Read the following excerpt about

1. Short-response prompt (15 points)
Read the following excerpt about the Vietnam War from “Ambush” by Tim O’Brien:
When she was nine, my daughter Kathleen asked if I had ever killed anyone. She knew about the war; she knew I’d been a soldier. “You keep writing war stories,” she said, “so I guess you must’ve killed somebody.” It was a difficult moment, but I did what seemed right, which was to say, “Of course not,” and then to take her onto my lap and hold her for a while. Someday, I hope, she’ll ask again. But here I want to pretend she’s a grown-up. I want to tell her exactly what happened, or what I remember happening, and then I want to say to her that as a little girl she was absolutely right. This is why I keep writing war stories:

He was a short, slender young man of about twenty. I was afraid of him—afraid of something—and as he passed me on the trail I threw a grenade that exploded at his feet and killed him. . . .

Even now I haven’t finished sorting it out. Sometimes I forgive myself, other times I don’t. In the ordinary hours of life I try not to dwell on it, but now and then, when I’m reading a newspaper or just sitting alone in a room, I’ll look up and see the young man coming out of the morning fog. I’ll watch him walk toward me, his shoulders slightly stooped, his head cocked to the side, and he’ll pass within a few yards of me and suddenly smile at some secret thought and then continue up the trail to where it bends back into the fog.
How does the author’s specific word choice and stylistic devices affect the excerpt’s tone? Be sure to use specific details from the text to support your answer.

2. Short-response prompt (15 points)
Read the following excerpt from Amy Tan’s short story “Fish Cheeks”:
I fell in love with the minister’s son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese, but as white as Mary in the manger. For Christmas I prayed for this blond-haired boy, Robert, and a slim new American nose. . . .

On Christmas Eve I saw that my mother had outdone herself in creating a strange menu. She was pulling black veins out of the backs of fleshy prawns. The kitchen was littered with appalling mounds of raw food: A slimy rock cod with bulging eyes that pleaded not to be thrown into a pan of hot oil. Tofu, which looked like stacked wedges of rubbery white sponges. A bowl soaking dried fungus back to life. A plate of squid, their backs crisscrossed with knife markings so they resembled bicycle tires. . . .

After everyone had gone, my mother said to me, “You want to be the same as American girls on the outside.” She handed me an early gift. It was a miniskirt in beige tweed. “But inside you must always be Chinese. You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame.”

And even though I didn’t agree with her then, I knew that she understood how much I had suffered during the evening’s dinner. It wasn’t until many years later — long after I had gotten over my crush on Robert — that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the true purpose behind our particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen all my favorite foods. 
How does this excerpt illustrate the theme of cultural conflict that persists throughout the story? Be sure to use specific details from the text to support your answer.

3. Short-response prompt (15 points)
Read the following excerpt from the poem “Vapor Trail Reflected in the Frog Pond,” about the Vietnam War, by Galway Kinnell.
And I hear,
coming over the hills, America singing,
her varied carols I hear:
crack of deputies’ rifles practicing their aim on stray dogs at night,
sput of cattleprod,
TV going on about the smells of the human body,
curses of the soldier as he poisons, burns, grinds, and stabs
the rice of the world,
with open mouth, crying strong, hysterical curses.

And by paddies in Asia
wearing a few shadows
walk down a dirt road, smashed
bloodsuckers on their heel, knowing
flesh thrown down in the sunshine
dogs shall eat
and flesh flung into the air
shall be seized by birds,
shoulder blades smooth, unmarked by old feather-holes,
hands rivered
by blue, erratic wanderings of the blood,
eyes crinkled shut at almost seeing
the drifting sun that gives us our lives. 
Describe the aesthetic impact the author intends for this excerpt to have on the reader. Be sure to use specific details from the text to support your answer.

solved The Federal security director acts in what capacity when working

The Federal security director acts in what capacity when working with the Transportation Security Inspectors
ISO 26000 provides guidance on social responsibility for companies who wish to improve their social sustainability performance. Read Discovering ISO 26000 (Links to an external site.)
 document to learn more about this voluntary standard and log in to your ANSI Standards Connect Portal (Links to an external site.) to access the full standard content.
You should have posted your chosen topic in Module 5, and received topic approval from your instructor.
Your narrated presentation should cover one of the core subjects listed below highlighting the importance of social responsibility relating to the selected core subject.

Topic 1: Human Rights

Discrimination and vulnerable groups
Civil and political rights
Economic, social, and cultural rights
Fundamental principles and rights at work

Topic 2: Labor Practices

Employment and employment relationships
Conditions of work and social protection
Occupational Health and safety at work
Human development and training in the workplace

Topic 3: Fair operating practices

Responsible political involvement
Fair competition
Promoting social responsibility in the value chain
Respect for property rights

Topic 4: Consumer issues

Fair marketing, factual, and unbiased information, and fair contractual practices
Protecting consumers’ health and safety
Sustainable consumption
Consumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resolution
Cybersecurity – Consumer data protection and privacy

Topic 5: Community involvement and development

Community involvement
Employment creation and skills development
Technology development and access
Wealth and income creation
Public Health
Social investment

Topic 6: Environment

Prevent pollution
Reduce emissions of pollutants into the air, water and soil
Use sustainable, renewable resources whenever possible
Conserve water in operations

Topic 7: Organizational Governance

Ethical behavior
Anti-bribery and corruption
Leadership accountability
Transparency in operations

You may use whichever tool you would like to create your audio narrated presentation. However, the tool you choose must have the capabilities to be able to meet all of the requirements, and all you to submit it to this discussion activity for your classmates and instructor to view.
Please review the Media Hub, a multimedia resource guide (ERAU), (Links to an external site.) for suggested software tools and resources you can use for your course activity.
Please review the detailed instructions and resources for Canvas Studio (ERAU). (Links to an external site.)
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Optional: If you would like to share your presentation with your classmates, you may do so in the 5.5 – Topic Selection: Core Subjects of Social Responsibility activity.

ISO 26000 provides guidance on social responsibility for companies who wish to improve their social sustainability performance. Read Discovering ISO 26000 (Links to an external site.)
 document to learn more about this voluntary standard and log in to your ANSI Standards Connect Portal (Links to an external site.) to access the full standard content.
Your narrated presentation should cover one of the core subjects listed below highlighting the importance of social responsibility relating to the selected core subject.
My topic is on:

Topic 5: Community involvement and development

Community involvement
Employment creation and skills development
Technology development and access
Wealth and income creation
Public Health
Social investment

As mentioned in this module, an airport manager must utilize sound financial practices in managing their airport. Research and analyze your chosen airport’s overall financial situation and address the following in a 4-6 page essay:
After reviewing financial statements and information, what is your opinion of your airport’s overall financial situation?
Include details on O&M expenses, capital expenses, sources of revenue, recommended changes, and other appropriate financial information.
Ensure you discuss the different levels of privatization and complex relationships that may exist at airports.

solved For this assignment, you will complete the PowerPoint presentation you

For this assignment, you will complete the PowerPoint presentation you developed in Week 5. As discussed in Week 5, the PowerPoint will inform how social media can help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, or positive image. Your audience is the same manager; someone who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how they can use it to help their organization reach its goals.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12–18 slides including:
A title slide.
An agenda slide.
Body content slides.

Conclusion slide.
A sources slide.
All slides count toward the required length. Start with your slide deck from the Week 5 assignment. Incorporate feedback you received from the professor and expand the presentation for this assignment.
Revise your slide deck from Week 5 presentation, taking your professor’s feedback into account.

Revise the title slide.
Revise the agenda slide.
Revise the introduction slide.

Develop 10–15 body slides for your presentation that inform a manager how social media can be used to help an organization reach its goals.

Overview of issue or opportunity.

How a selected social media can be leveraged to resolve an issue or leverage an opportunity to help a company reach its goals.
As you develop your presentation, refer to the general design requirements found in Chapter 12 of your BCOM text.
Your presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Other submission formats will be returned ungraded. Incorrectly formatted file submissions may be corrected and resubmitted for late credit.
Focus your work on clarity, writing mechanics, professional language, and appropriate style.


The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:
Revise the first three slides of a presentation that addresses the use of social media in the workplace.

Include the title of the presentation, your name, and the presentation date on the title slide.

List the key points that outline the structure of your presentation on the agenda slide.
Provide an overview of the presentation purpose and its context to the target audience in the introduction slide.

Cover the purpose and key points of the presentation in 10–15 body slides with illustrations, images, and graphs/charts that reinforce the key points and purpose.
Use Figure 12.1 Process for Planning, Preparing, and Rehearsing Presentation in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation.
Use Figure 12.2 Presentation Planner in the BCOM text to organize the content for your presentation.

Use Figure 8.1 Inductive Outline Used in Persuasive Messages Sent in Written, Electronic, or Spoken Form in the BCOM text as a guide while developing the presentation purpose and key points.

Conclude the presentation using a single slide for the closing that contains a one-sentence wrap-up statement reinforcing the purpose of the presentation.

Provide the required number of two references; all references are peer-reviewed, academic references that are added to a sources slide after your closing slide using the Strayer Writing Standards.


The presentation should be a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 slides including the title and sources slides.
Format your PowerPoint with headings on each slide, use 10–20 graphics throughout, and ensure the presentation adheres to visual best practices as outlined in BCOM.
Use images, graphs/charts, and illustrations as appropriate to support the purpose and key points.
Figure 12.3 Designing Compelling Slides in the BCOM text as a guide to slide design.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Slides should cite any relevant outside sources in SWS format requiring in-text citations on slides and a sources slide at the end of the presentation.

Review your work with the rubric/scoring guide before submitting your assignment to check that your work meets all the grading requirements.

Remember to run a spelling and grammar check before submitting your assignment. Check with your professor if you have any additional questions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Develop presentation skills for use in the professional environment.

solved Directions:STEP 1: REVIEWWHAT IS OUTLINING?Outlining is an important step in

Directions:STEP 1: REVIEWWHAT IS OUTLINING?Outlining is an important step in the writing process. An outline is a breakdown of the main and supporting ideas in your essay, report, or speech. Think of it as a map of your paper.Why Outline?Clarify Thoughts and Develop Ideas: The blank page can be intimidating. Writing an outline can help you get over any initial writer’s block when starting a writing project. An outline can also be used as a brainstorming tool, helping you to develop your thoughts so you know just what it is you want to write. An outline can help you to clarify your thoughts, as well. What may start as a simple topic or general idea can become a specific argument with supporting details as you plan out your ideas and structure before you start writing the actual text.Identify Weaknesses in Argument: Outlines break down a text into its main ideas and its supporting arguments or supporting details. As you write an outline of a proposed writing project, it can help you identify weaknesses in your argument. You may realize that you don’t have a supporting detail for a main idea or that the support you have proposed is not strong enough. An outline may also help you identify points that are out of place, such as a supporting detail in the third paragraph that should really be in the first paragraph.Organize Ideas to Stay on Target: When you write without an outline, it is easy for papers and other writing projects to become unfocused. Not only might supporting details be misplaced or missing, but the argument may go off on a tangent, including personal anecdotes, trivia or information that is related to the topic but does not advance the argument. Writing an outline helps you ensure that your writing stays focused, and it can help you to organize your ideas so that they make the most impact. For example, it may be necessary to include a strong supporting detail right at the start to grab readers’ attention, or you may find that a strong detail is best left to the end so the essay can go out on a bang.Save Time: An outline can create a step-by-step guide that makes the actual writing easier while saving you time. Once you finalize the outline, you can use it to write each paragraph of the paper. You may even be able to use the sentences from the outline to fill in the opening for each paragraph and the supporting details. Once a complete outline is written, the actual project will mostly involve expanding and connecting the ideas together so they flow from one to the next, and, when writing research papers, adding citations and references where necessary. By the time you start the actual writing process, you should have been able to work out any issues with the argument and the organization, so you shouldn’t have to waste time revising a paper that is weak and unfocused.STEP 2: OUTLINEDownload and fill in the outline below with the content for your essay.The outline should be thorough and should include the evidence from your scan, cited in proper MLA format. Essay 3 OutlineEssay 3 Outline TemplateI. Introductiona. Hook:b. Background (Contextualize social issue):c. Thesis: your stance on your social issue:II. Body One: Origin/Root Cause: What is the earliest moment in history where your issue wasa problem? And/or what is the root cause of your issue?III. Body Two: Historical Moments over timeIV. Counterargument:a. Point: statement of what the opposing side might argueb. Information: Information to support the opposing sidec. Explanation: explain counterargument example/evidence in your own words.d. Rebuttal: explain how your argument refutes the counterargument. Includeevidence to support your reasoning, and explain how the evidence supports yourclaim that the rebuttal is more valid than the counterargument.V. Body Three: Argument: First reason to support your thesisi. P: Pointii. I: Information #1iii. E: Explanation #1iv. I: Information #2v. E: Explanation #2VI. Body Four: Argument: Second reason to support your thesisi. P: Pointii. I: Information #1iii. E: Explanation #1iv. I: Information #2v. E: Explanation #2VII. Body Five: Argument: Third reason to support your thesisi. P: Pointii. I: Information #1iii. E: Explanation #1iv. I: Information #2v. E: Explanation #2VIII. Conclusiona. Overall significance of your stance on your social issue: why does yourtopic/stance matter for your readers? What should readers do as a result of readingyour paper?

solved During the first two weeks of the course, you are

During the first two weeks of the course, you are learning about many of the foundational concepts and theories central to the sociological study of diversity. Your assignment this week is to write an essay in which you reflect on your experiences with or observations of diversity. Connect your reflection to course content. To prepare for this assignment, review the key concepts and theories you have learned about in Chapters 1, 2, and 4 of your text. Below are some examples:Concepts: power, culture, social structure, prejudice, discrimination, stereotype, ideological racism, assimilation, pluralism, structural mobility, social distance, class, gender, ethnocentrism.Theories: Marx’s and Weber’s theories of inequality, Gordon’s theory of assimilation, Park’s race relations cycle, human capital theory, the Noel hypothesis, the Blauner hypothesis.Then, watch the Reflections on Diversity: A Note From the Faculty presentation to learn about tips and advice from the faculty regarding this assignment.For this assignment, you will reflect on a particular aspect of diversity and connect your reflection to ideas and issues we have covered in this course.First, choose one of the following topics for your reflection essay:Discuss a time when you felt like an outsider in a particular social setting, whether in the workplace, at school, amongst a group of friends, et cetera. Describe what that experience was like, how it affected you, and what you learned.Discuss a time when you noticed someone being excluded, discriminated against, or otherwise neglected or treated unfairly in a particular social setting. Describe that experience, how you reacted, and what you learned.Explain how your own life has been shaped by one or more of the categories of diversity we are studying in this course: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or social class.Then, write an essay that accomplishes the following:Reflect thoughtfully on a personal experience related to diversity:Connect your personal experience to at least three concepts or theories from the course readings, such as those listed in the What You Need to Know section. Highlight these concepts or theories clearly in boldface. For example, if you are writing about what if feels like to be an outsider, you could connect your discussion to the concept of power (and how social status and power are linked), assimilation (how difficult it can be for an outsider to assimilate into an “in” group), or the way in which contact between groups (the contact hypothesis) might reduce the feeling of being an outsider.Discuss diversity lessons learned from personal experience.Suggest personal strategies for improving dominant-minority group interactions, based on what you learned from your experience.Additional RequirementsWritten communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Identify concepts and theories clearly in boldface.Length: Submit 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages (title and reference page not included).Format and citation: Format resources and citations according to current APA Style and Format guidelines. Cite the course material in the body of your essay when you refer to concepts from the reading, and include full citations of the readings or audiovisuals you refer to in the reference list.Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.Sources: Cite at least one of the course readings or audiovisuals. Additional sources are not required.By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:Competency 2: Identify historical and contemporary influences of discrimination in American culture.Suggest personal strategies for improving dominant-minority group interactions.Competency 5: Apply diversity strategies in professional, educational, and personal contexts.Connect personal experience to three concepts, issues, themes, or theories covered in the course material.Discuss diversity lessons learned from personal experience.Reflect thoughtfully on a personal experience related to diversity.Competency 6: Apply in text the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, tone, and citation formatting.Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA Style and Format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

solved Epidemiological surveillance data can be used to guide public health

Epidemiological surveillance data can be used to guide public health interventions, support funding, develop policy, and educate the community and specific populations in order to decrease burden. The purpose of this assignment it to analyze, interpret, and disseminate Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) surveillance data to both technical and nontechnical audiences, and provide recommendations for public health action for a selected disease or heath issue using audience-appropriate language and information.Select a MMWR health issue published within the past 5-10 years to disseminate data to a technical and nontechnical audience. Select a technical audience, such as public health practitioners, clinicians and other health care providers, policymakers and other decision makers, and a nontechnical community group or target population. Provide the reason for the dissemination from the following, be specific, and provide details tailored to your data and health issue:Educate about recent findings or accomplishments.Elicit immediate action.Solicit support or participation.Justify program/prevention activities.Prepare for an upcoming intervention or program.Provide rationale to develop new policy or support current policy.For the technical audience, create a PowerPoint presentation (10-13 slides) to disseminate surveillance data from the MMWR report for a selected purpose using the slide headings outlined below. Include speaker notes for each slide. For your final slide, develop an educational “fact sheet” about the issue that is appropriate for a nontechnical community group or target population.Add two additional slides for the Title and References slides.Refer to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), “Introduction to Public Health Surveillance,” and “Data Dissemination” to assist you in completing this assignment.PowerPoint HeadingsTitle Page: Include your health issue topic which identifies a specific technical and nontechnical audience and group member names.Audience Appropriate Data Dissemination (1-2 slides): Explain the importance audience appropriate messages for data dissemination. Identify your health issue, technical and nontechnical audiences, and the reason for the disseminationData Collection (1-2 slides): Identify and describe a MMWR for a health issue and the data collection timeframe and methods.Data Analysis (1-2 slides): Summarize the data and document the magnitude of the health issue using descriptive statistics (person, place, time), rates, include tables, graphs, maps, or charts.Data Interpretation (1-2 slides): Summarize the report results and provide the implications for public health practice.Recommendations for Action (1-2 slides): Provide recommendations or support for policy, policy development, funding for screening or implementation of an intervention or program to address the health issue. Include the factors (e.g., unique behaviors, exposures, or environmental factors) that contribute to the health issue that will be addressed.Fact Sheet: Data Dissemination to a Nontechnical Audience (1 slide): On the last slide of your presentation, create an audience appropriate fact sheet that explains and brings awareness to the health issue and the steps in addressing/mitigating the health issue for a community group or population. Include both text and photos, images, or illustrations to make it eye catching and compelling.Conclusion (1 slide)References pageYou are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.Benchmark InformationThis benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:MPH 2.1; MSN Public Health Nursing 6.2Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in public health practice.

solved Read and respond in one to two paragraphs to the

Read and respond in one to two paragraphs to the following passage:Nonprobability (or purposive) sampling represents the best strategy for selecting research participants. Purposive sampling allows the researcher to utilize fewer participants or sampling size while yielding much deeper information. Since the samples are chosen deliberately, the researcher can modify the sample selection to meet the evolving needs of the study. Purposive sampling also allows for greater flexibility to change the sampling during the study. While probability sampling is completed before the study, purposive sampling can be completed before or during the study. For example, some sequential sampling can be done as one sample, and the results gleaned might then lead to another more purposeful selection of a new sample. An example of this from the literature is Glaser and Strauss’ work on “awareness of dying,” which led them to multiple sites for sampling, including a cancer ward, emergency services, and an ICU (Teddlie & Yu, 2007). Purposive sampling also allows for better comparison and contrast since samples may be deliberately selected that represent extremes of the phenomenon being studied (Teddlie & Yu, 2007). Finally, it allows for a more informal approach where the researcher uses their individual expertise to determine the appropriate sample to utilize to get the most depth of information. One data collection method that is important for both qualitative and quantitative research is the use of surveys, including self-administered questionnaires. One advantage to a self-administered questionnaire is that it is an inexpensive and quick way to generate a large amount of data. In addition, since it is self-administered, there is a higher likelihood of privacy for the person completing the survey, which may increase the chances that respondents would be truthful, especially about topics or questions that could be embarrassing (Burkholder et al., 2020). By the same token, one limitation of the self-administered questionnaire is that it can be difficult to have a high response rate and can also potentially lead to misunderstanding or miscommunication of expectations since there is no one there to offer clarification or answer questions to ensure the questionnaire is completed correctly. One potential ethical challenge with surveys, particularly those completed on the internet, can be the differential challenge for individuals living in poverty who may not have access to the internet or for individuals who lack the technical expertise or language proficiency to understand and correctly complete the survey (Burkholder et al., 2020). One potential strategy to mitigate this ethical challenge is to construct the survey questions in an unambiguous, accessible format and, where possible, in multiple languages to ensure appropriate representation of respondents. As a researcher, it is important that the survey is accessible to a wide range of respondents to ensure transferability of the information gained. As a scholar-practitioner, the purpose of my research is to inform practice and make a meaningful contribution to education. Thus, my research must be reliable and valid. Reliability refers to the consistency of the data gathered: what is the likelihood that if an individual repeated this survey at two different times, it would yield the same results? This is important since the goal of the research is to ensure transferability, or in some cases, generalization of the information learned as a result. Validity ensures that whatever metrics I am using for my research measure what they intend to measure. For example, if I am attempting to measure the effectiveness of a particular literacy intervention program but create a survey that instead asks teachers their preferences or opinion of the literacy program rather than focusing on changes in student data, then it is not a valid measure since there is no alignment between my intended purpose, my research design, and the information learned as a result. References Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J.H. (Eds.) (2020). Research design and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. SAGE Publications, Inc. Teddlie, C., & Yu, F. (2007). Mixed methods sampling: A typology with examples. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(1), 77-100.

solved Short answers are 2/3 sentences. short essays are 3/4 paragraghs

Short answers are 2/3 sentences. short essays are 3/4 paragraghs – there are 6 questions Short Answer:Discuss the use of the Bible as a symbol in The Book of Eli. Why is it important to the characters, what does it represent, and what is its significance? Short Answer:Justina Ireland in an interview speaks of her interest in the “gray” area of people who can do both good and bad work at the same time without recognizing the contrast. In Dread Nation, there are multiple characters who embody this idea. In your short response, choose a character who embodies this duality, explain how readers can see it, and explain the significance of that character’s moral split. Essay:Over the course of the semester, we established that the one thing necessary to survive in an Apocalypse is a choice to hold onto one’s humanity. Most of our texts touched on this idea, with a character’s success or failure being contingent upon the degree to which they’ve maintained their humanity. Ultimately, three of our texts, more than any others, helped us build and shape our understanding of this idea: The Last Man on Earth, “Bounty,” and The Walking Dead. These three texts helped us build the foundation of this idea and then tweak and refine our understanding of it.In your response, construct a definition of what it means to maintain one’s humanity. Your definition should touch on how these three texts help build, modify, and/or contribute to our understanding of this definition by providing specific examples from and discussing the impact of each on our understanding of this idea. Essay:The ultimate hopefulness or cataclysm of the ending of The Girl with all the Gifts hinges on one important question: Is Melanie a human? In your response, you must determine whether or not the ending of the book is hopeful by answering this question.To do so, provide evidence that demonstrates her humanity or lack thereof. You must choose and analyze at least two plot elements that show your choice. Then, discuss Miss Justineau and Dr. Caldwell’s views and opinions on Melanie’s humanity supported by sufficient textual evidence (can be general–you do not have to use quotations), and discuss the impact on the plot of each character’s belief.Once you’ve done this, analyze the different interpretations of the ending: Why might it be hopeful? Why cataclysmic? Which ending does the book seem to have aligned with, and what is being conveyed by that alignment? Provide examples here to support your response.Essay:Justina Ireland’s Dread Nation actively works to reconnect zombie narratives to their roots in Haitian history and slavery. To do this, Ireland explicitly includes issues of race and (in)equality in her novel. In your essay response, discuss and analyze any 2 elements of your choosing from the novel that discuss the themes of race and/or (in)equality as Ireland has presented them in the novel. Your responses should present and analyze your chosen story elements. Essay:The concept of moral relativism has been key to our discussion this half of the semester. In your response, you will discuss the presence of moral relativism in the plot of two of our texts, The Road and Snowpiercer. First, briefly define moral relativism and contrast it to moral absolutism, providing a general example to demonstrate each (you can create your own example or use any of our course texts other than these two). Then, address the following prompts:For Snowpiercer, despite the fact that there is clearly a “hero” and a “villain,” neither is particularly suited to that role outside of the context of their world. Why isn’t Curtis much of a hero, and why isn’t Wilford much of a villain (providing and analyzing two examples for each as support)? What makes them hero/villain in THIS world? Ultimately, then, are their actions the right ones in this context? Why?For The Road, there are many moments that capture the idea of moral relativism v. moral absolutism: We have a mother who abandons her husband and her young son, a father who steals and murders, and a young boy who repeats certain phrases over and over to bring himself comfort. Discuss two of these three characters. How does each, and his/her actions and beliefs, embody moral relativism? Are your chosen characters’ views/actions the right one in their context? Why or why not, and what point is McCarthy making through that character’s beliefs and actions?

solved MKT 250, PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Final (Checkpoint) Project Assignment Â

Final (Checkpoint) Project Assignment  You are a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) recently hired to develop a new product line or brand extension for a company’s product/brand (Note: students choose the company and brand/product). Based on the company’s mission and goals, status in the market, current target market(s), and brand power, you will develop a Marketing Plan for the new product/brand extension.  
The organization you choose needs to be a publicly-traded company, thus allowing you to gain access to its financial data and market performance. It cannot be a privately-owned company, nor a start-up. The new product or brand should relate to the company’s mission and target market(s), or to a lucrative new market segment. The decision is yours!  

The assignment includes many of the areas that are covered in the course, discussed and learned from the text and class discussions. This project will demonstrate the understanding and the applications of the course learning outcomes. Therefore, the content should be based on the latest marketing methods and tools available, as well as based on the iBook, which should be used as a reference for the project.  
This project must have a cover page (with the title you have given it, your name, course number and section, and semester and year of the course). On the second page you will provide a Table of Contents. On page 3, you may begin with the Introduction heading and only use the required headings for the assignment.
Students will be writing a formal business memo/white paper. The memo/white paper will consist of 5-7 content pages (+ cover and appendix). The memo should highlight and recap the important parts of the formal presentation. The memo/white paper should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced, with 1” margins all around. Please submit your final document as a PDF in Canvas.
Direct quotes must be appropriately cited. Bullet-points are allowed, but should comprise a small portion of the entire document. The document must be written in narrative, 3rd-Person format, free of colloquial (casual) lingo.  
Tables and figures are likely to be useful for this assignment. These should be placed in the Appendix (with a title for each one) and discussed in the appropriate section. When these are discussed, reference them in the text or body of your report, e.g., See the Appendix Table (title/name). The VP for Marketing needs to know all of the facts and findings that is explained clearly and extremely well (as if the VP does not know anything about your findings). 
Your statements and findings must not only be clearly stated and logical but also supported by your research (with cited sources of information). Furthermore, all facts (other than common knowledge) must be cited in the text or body of the report and the informational source listed in the References section using APA style guidelines. A fact is more than just a number (e.g., statistic) but also a definitive/specific point, statement or information unknown to others, e.g., the VP, any reader of the report. Such facts and informational sources should include of course the organization, its retailers, competitors, current and potential customers, the Internet, Lynn Library (databases and hardcopy publications), and other personal interviews that are applicable to determining successful market research findings and developing a market assessment and analysis report.  
1. Select the Company that you will be developing a new product line or brand extension.

Research the company and its product offerings.
Select a new product line or brand extension.

– What are your marketing objectives?
– What market do you serve? Who are your customers?
– Who are your competitors? What features distinguish your product/service from theirs?
– What is your product/service?
– What is the best way to get your product/service into the hands of targeted consumers?
– How do you plan to promote (make people aware of) your business, product/service?
– How do you plan to price your product/service?
– How much money and time can you set aside for your marketing activity?