solved Part 1 A(please be between 75-150 words, and use references

Part 1 A(please be between 75-150 words, and use references that are based in the United States and they need to be websites) The jewelry industry is a major opportunity for companies that want to break into it. Although, even if the opportunity is there, companies be precise when it comes to business strategies. Alex and Ani SWOT analysis Strengths: Their jewelry is inexpensive and of good quality The firm’s business ethics such as giving to charities, using recycled material and all products are made in the United States Strong female demographic The jewelry industry is a solid business opportunity since it has a large demand in the US and globally Weaknesses: Minimal social media presence The company is not as known as other large jewelry companies outside of the industry Alex and Ani depend on old school brick and mortar retail instead of online retail which is the opposite of what is currently trending around the world Opportunities: To expand as a nationally known brand through social media marketing A wider target market since they specialize in charms connecting with the consumer Establish a bracelet/charm registry to avoid buying friends and family a charm they already own Threats: Large competition such as Pandora which is a globally recognized brand Firms that have a larger online retail presence such as Pandora, Kendra Scott, and Tiffany Reference: Part 1 B(please be between 75-150 words, and use references that are based in the United States and they need to be websites) SWOT ANALYSIS for Chick-fil-A Strengths: Large presence in the US with more than 2500 locations in 47 states, Washington D.C., and Canada. Chick-Fil-A is the nation’s second-largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain Well known and successful advertising campaign featuring the Chick-fil-A cow and slogan, “Eat mor chikin” Strong online presence Reported more than $10 billion in revenue Hosts family-orientated events Has a team and a system which focuses on customer service. Weaknesses: Only available in the US and 1 location in Canada. Fewer number of locations compared to top competitors. High concentration in the South, limited presence in the west and mid-western regions. The Chick-Fil-A tradition requires all locations to be closed on Sundays (closed 52 days) This affects sales, and potentially decrease brand recognition and acceptance. High calorie foods (still considered fast food) which can cause obesity in customers Strongly religious Funding Anti-LGBT Opportunities: Franchising opportunities. Individuals in every part of the nation can open new restaurants. This will increase reach and frequency. Chick-Fil-A’s franchises are run under certain rules and restrictions set by Chick- Fil-A, the consistency and quality of the products can help build brand acceptance and drive in new customers. Chick-Fil-A is heavily involved with the sponsorship of college athletics, especially college football. The Peach Bowl was recently renamed the Chick-Fil-A Bowl. Chick-Fil-A will have many successful advertising opportunities during the college football bowl season. Threats: The 2012 anti-gay remarks from the president Cathy resulted in protests, decreased sales, declined building permits, and employee harassment. Chick-fil-A Foundation charitable donation announcement for 2020, which said they would no longer donate to the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) created more controversy and resulted in decreased sales. Strong competition with KFC, Popeyes, and other fast-food chains. Rise in raw materials Diseases like the bird flu Changing economic policies, agitation from environmentalists etc. can lead to loss of business. References The Press Room. Chick. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2021, from Schneider, G., & Knight, C. (2019, March 26). Years later, chick-fil-A still feels heat from LGBTQ groups over anti-gay marriage remarks. USA Today. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from Larson, K. (2019, November 20). Can chick-fil-A shed its controversial past? Fortune. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from less

solved Please submit a 300 word/4 picture draft of Paper Two

Please submit a 300 word/4 picture draft of Paper Two Process Analysis on a Topic in a Non-Western Culture here.
Process Analysis: A technique that explains the steps or sequence involved in doing something, satisfies our need to learn as well as our curiosity about how the world works. Process analysis can be more than interesting or entertaining; it can be of critical importance. Consider a waiter hurriedly skimming the “Choking Aid” instructions posted on a restaurant wall or an air-traffic controller following emergency procedures in an effort to prevent a midair collision.
There are two types of process analysis:

1. Directional – Giving step-by-step instructions showing how to do something
2. Informational – Helping readers to understand how something happens
Illustration essay: An informative essay that uses examples and details to accomplish the goals of the paper. This style of writing often includes facts, anecdotes, statistics, details, and observations.
What should you write about? Choose a topic from a non-western culture (see the list of non-western countries). Use preliminary research to make sure there is enough information available on your topic. Then, explain the topic using process analysis and illustration to your reader using both words and pictures. Make sure to cite all sources used. Examples of topics: Marriage in India, Wearing Henna in India, Head Coverings in different cultures, The Monkey Buffet in Thailand, Arirang Mass Games in North Korea, Making Sushi in Japan, Chinese New Year, Japanese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival in China, Graffiti in Egypt, etc.
Requirements for Final Copy: Using both words and pictures use process analysis and illustration to explain a topic in a non-western culture. The final copy of this paper will have at least 600 words, 8 pictures. All information and pictures should be cited in MLA format. Use at least 4 trustworthy sources.
Non-Western Country List
Southern Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. – see map for others)
Northern Asia (China, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, etc. – see map for others)
The Middle East (Israel, Palestinian Territories, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, etc. – see map for others)
India / Pakistan Region (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Burma, etc. – see map for others)
Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Eritrea, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Congo, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, etc. – see map for others) 

Introduction and Thesis:
Introduce the topic / Create interest
Provide necessary (but limited) background information / Preview the rest of the essay.
Thesis at end of paragraph
Not merely an announcement/statement of fact
It is approximately ½ of a double-spaced page

Paragraphs should be approximately ½ of a double-spaced page
Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence
Last line in each paragraph clearly connects back to thesis (maintaining thesis)
Process is clearly described in an insightful manner
The order of the process analysis makes logical sense
Author Page # format (Dories 15). If there is no author, then use title in “quotes”.
Evaluate source for trustworthiness
Four sources – four *trustworthy* sources
Every sentence that is not common knowledge (25 % of classmates would know) needs a citation. Common Knowledge does not replace evidence
Works Cited:
Title is normal size and font (12 pt Times New Roman) not italicized or bold
All entries are alphabetical / Double spaced with no extra spaces
Each entry has a hanging indent
If using a works cited generator, check for ALL CAPS and make sure that italics are used properly
Check it against a sample works cited and look for missing information
Restate the topic, main points, and why it is important / Restate the thesis idea
Voice / Style:
Proofread for grammar, punctuation, and spelling (read out loud) / Avoid repetition
Check the first sentence of each paragraph for unclear pronouns (they, them, he, she, etc.)
Check for ethos (Remove I, we, us, me, you and phrases like “in my opinion”, “I think”)
The pictures are well chosen and give a clear, logical description of the process
The pictures provide an insight into the process that the reader would not otherwise have

solved Final Project[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]Prior to

Final Project[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]Prior to beginning work on the Final Project, you are encouraged to review the required reading materials. You will have two choices for your final project: a research paper or a mock service learning project. Regardless of your choice you will be uploading your project to Folio. You are also required to prepare a 5-minute video that summarizes and explains your project and will be shared to the Week 5 discussion board. Both the video and the paper are to be uploaded to your ePortfolio in Folio, that you previously set up.Choose only one of the following projects:Option 1: Research PaperFor this option, you will select a health and human services topic of interest and prepare a research paper based on this topic. You will identify a theory or theoretical perspective that offers insight or explanation regarding your chosen topic and present the results of your literature-based research, offering conclusions and/or recommendations. For example, you may want to research current trends in health and human services leadership, and offer recommendations for leadership approaches that would be effective in health and human services organizations today. Or you may want to explore the major challenges health and human services professionals face in delivering services to a chosen population offering recommendation on how they should be addressed.In your Research Paper you willIdentify the selected health a human services topic.Identify a theory or theoretical perspective that explains your topic.Present the results of your literature review.Draw conclusions and/or make recommendations that address problems in your topic.View the Writing Center’s resource on Writing a Research Paper (Links to an external site.) for additional support.A word of caution: You may not repurpose any work you have previously submitted. All of your work must be original. Folio Recommendation: Papers/ReportsConsidering that your ePortfolio is intended for future employers to evaluate your knowledge, skills, abilities, and professionalism, it is recommended that you edit your artifact in the following way. Remove the cover page that connects the paper to the academic institution. Add language to the Introduction section that appeals to your professional target audience. Edit language in the Introduction and key sections to demonstrate a professional voice. Your final projectMust be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of projectStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedFor further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Writing Center resources.Must use at least six credible sources.The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this University of Arizona Global Campus Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty (Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.Must document all sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

solved Big-Box Retail ExpansionIn 2012, Target expanded its business into Canada.

Big-Box Retail ExpansionIn 2012, Target expanded its business into Canada. The proximity to the U.S. as well as Canadians’ familiarity with the brand made expansion across the border seem like a natural step for the retail powerhouse. However, after only two years, Target faced $2 billion in losses and announced plans to close all of its Canadian stores. Walmart became the largest retailer in the U.S. through superior logistics, cost-cutting, site selection, and a relentless push to focus on low prices. The company assumed the same strategy would work in the rest of the world…but it has not quite gone according to plan. The company has had success in North America, including Mexico. In China, there has been some success with the bricks-and-mortar stores but little with its online presence. Walmart packed up its locations in Germany and Japan and is considering selling off parts or all of its British chain (once the poster child for international expansion). In 2006, Home Depot bought the Chinese home improvement company Home Way and its 12 stores in the country. With its booming economy and strong real estate market, China seemed like it would be an easy win for America’s home improvement giant. However, by 2012 Home Depot closed the last seven of its 12 original stores. Questions:1) Why are big-box stores that are so popular in the United States (and often in Canada and Mexico) failing overseas? Be sure to use the expansion criteria from the chapter in your analysis.2) Do you think these companies should attempt expansion again? Explain why or why not. If so, what should they do differently? Walmart is currently trying to break into India. What suggestions do you have regarding this expansion? For instructions on how to upload this assignment through, please review this instructional video Submitting a Case Study through (Links to an external site.).Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsContent50 ptsThe essay answers the question clearly with sufficient explanation. It reflects original thought, sound logic and provides ample supporting detail, which needs references and citations. This will make for a strong, convincing response. The writer projects a consistent and mature voice throughout the response.44 ptsThe essay answers the question clearly. It meets most of the criteria of the 50 points with one or more minor errors.38 ptsThe essay answers the question clearly but is lacking in explanation and provides less than ample supporting detail to make for a strong, convincing response.25 ptsThe essay does not answer the question clearly but rather via implied logic. The writer frequently fails to satisfy the reader’s desire for proof or illustration. Overall, the response seems mechanical, reflecting little awareness of audience.5 ptsThe essay answer is vague and supporting evidence is irrelevant, or the thinking is illogical. The writer seldom develops enough points using sufficient concrete detail. The proportion of generalities to specific support or illustration is inappropriately high.Presents Specifics from the Applicable Chapter/Content30 ptsThe essay provides multiple references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials. Page numbers included. 15 ptsThe essay provides some references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.While some references to the chapter content are provided, they are either not clearly linked to the chapter (ex: “on page XX”) or not enough to fully relate the case questions to the learned material.0 ptsThe essay provides no references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.Sentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling20 ptsAll sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.16 ptsMost sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do not interfere with understanding.10 ptsMost sentences are well constructed, but they have a similar structure and/or length. The author makes several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.5 ptsSentences sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or are difficult to understand. The author makes numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.

solved Analysis and Audit Plan for a Public Company For this

Analysis and Audit Plan for a Public Company
For this assignment, you may select any public company that issues stock and is traded on the stock exchange.
The objectives of this project are as follows:
1.  To acquaint students with the annual report and Form 10-K of a publicly held company audited by a CPA firm.
2.  To provide data for the practical application of certain steps in the financial statement analysis and audit process
Detailed Instructions:
Only three subtopics are required for this assignment.
Subtopic 1: Obtain a copy of a recent annual report of a publicly held company with stock actively traded on the New York, NASDAQ or other over-the-counter exchanges. Answer the following questions:
a.            What is the company’s industry?
b.            What are its primary products?
c.             What raw materials does the company use?
d.            How large is the company:
e.            Where is the company located?
f.             What other people/companies are closely associated with this company?
g.            Look at the annual report (It is different from the 10K and if you cannot find the actual company annual report, you may review another company’s annual report for the general format for comparison with the 10K).

            What image does it intend to convey?
            What are the segments and functional contents of the report?
Subtopic 2:            Obtain a copy of the Company’s 10-K report for the same date as the annual report. Answer the following questions:
a.            How does the 10-K differ from the annual report?
b.            Supplement the answers to the questions under 2 as appropriate.
Suptopic 3:            Obtain outside information about the company and its industry  (Some of this information may be available in the Annual Report or the 10K. . Answer the following questions:
a.            What are the key economic factors about the industry?
b.            Where is the company in its life cycle?

c.             What are the five or six most important factors for success in this business?

d.            How does this company stand with respect to these factors?

e.      Describe four or five key business risks related to the client’s business and industry.

f.        What notable accounting considerations are there for companies in this industry?

g.            What legal or regulatory matters are of concern?

h.            What social matters are of concern?
5.            Analyze the company’s financial strength (using various financial ratios discussed in the chapters):
a.            Assess the financial strength of the company for a three year period? Period must be consistent (example 2017, 2018, 2019).
b.            How is the financial strength likely to change in the next year or so?
c.             What are its sources of capital and what is the value of the company’s capital?
d.            How have capital markets responded to the company in the last year (stocks, bonds and loan increases over the previous year?
e.            What is the quality of earnings ( use a earnings per share computation)?
f.             How does the company compare with others in the industry?
6.            Prepare additional financial computations:

a.            What is the net increase in cash flows for the most recent year?

b.            What ratios show increases over the previous year’s?

c.             What additional information in your opinion, can you share about the company’s financial situation?

d.            If management faced tremendous pressure regarding the entity’s financial performance, what opportunities might exist for them to engage in fraudulent financial reporting?
e.            To what extent do you believe it will be appropriate to reduce assessed control risk?
f.             How will audit effort be allocated among geographical areas?
g.            What form of auditors’ report do you expect will be issued; what does it mean? 

solved Purpose: This assignment will enable you to discover a short

Purpose: This assignment will enable you to discover a short story’s use of elements such as theme, irony, metaphor, and symbolism. You will conduct a close reading of a short story and discuss the author’s use of these devices in his or her structuring and composition of the content. Applying a close reading and composing a literary analysis will prepare you for the many texts that you will read, summarize, and discuss in the workplace.Task:Write an essay analyzing one of our stories from this Unit that discusses why and how specific symbols, metaphors, or uses of irony are used to depict one or two of the themes from Unit 1 in a particular way. Your essay should incorporate details and quotes from the story (using parenthetical documentation with the author’s name), and you should use your own words to elaborate on the meanings of the details and quotes you use as evidence. Review your feedback from the Unit 3 Discussion on Analyzing a Short Story, as well as the posts and feedback of your classmates. Follow these steps:Choose one of the Short Story Selections from this Unit – you can certainly choose the same story you started to analyze in your Discussion, but you don’t have to. Your analysis might, however, benefit from the feedback you received in the Discussion, as well as the posts and responses of your classmates.You will closely read your chosen story, considering its themes, characters, organization, dialogue, and other literary elements. Take notes to outline later.Read and reread the story; by paying attention to the varied features of the story, your awareness of these literary elements and how they build the story’s meaning will grow. Start to compose your outline and working thesis about literary devices the author uses, and how they contribute to the theme or themes you’ve identified.See the Irony and Alienation in “Everything That Rises Must Converge” page as an example of how to approach your analysis. Take your working thesis and build your introductory paragraph, making sure to lay out your main points.Following your close reading of the story, draft your remaining paragraphs, providing textual evidence from the story to support each of your main points. See the Starting Your Short Story Analysis Essay page for an outline of how to proceed.Finally, write a conclusion, restating your thesis in such a way to encompass greater issues of time periods, cultural movements, or a lens of literary criticism through which the story and your identified theme(s) can be viewed.Be sure to maintain an appropriate academic tone (no slang, second-person [“you,” “we”], contractions, etc.)Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab for MLA formatting and style guide.Leave time to submit your draft to Free Tutoring for review. Your tutor can help with thesis and content development, organization, grammar, and mechanics. Utilize this free service to write the best draft possible on this major assignment. Don’t forget that you can submit your draft to Free Tutoring multiple timesduring the revision process.Submit your final paper in Turnitin, OR in the assignment dropbox, according to your instructor’s preference. Should you use Turnitin, make sure to take a screenshot of the confirmation screen once you upload your paper.When writing your essay, the goal is to demonstrate what spin the story has on a particular theme. Be specific about the ways the theme is used and how the story’s use of symbols develops a deeper meaning to the theme. Provide details, including cited direct quotes from the story, but don’t forget that you must comment on the quotes you use to explain why they are significant.Criteria on Which You Will be Graded:The specificity and development of your thesisYour supporting claims, logic, and organizationThe quality of your writing, to include paragraph development and organization: topic sentences, conclusions, transitions, etc. See Starting Your Short Story Analysis Essay.Your engagement with the text (how you explain your examples, your choice of supporting quotations)Format: You are required to use MLA style for all writing assignments. Proper MLA citation and a correctly formatted Works Cited page (12-point font, Times New Roman, double spacing, Last name and page number on each page, etc.). Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab for MLA formatting and style guide.Academic Honesty (all sources must be cited)Length Requirement: 750-1000 words

solved Prompt: In this activity, you’ll create an annotated bibliography by

Prompt: In this activity, you’ll create an annotated bibliography by following the steps below and answering the questions as thoroughly as possible. The questions will prompt you to engage in a conversation with your sources. You will need to follow the steps below three times (for your three different sources).Before you begin, make sure you have:Selected sources from the CQ Researcher – SAGE, Academic Search Ultimate, Opposing Viewpoints in Context – Gale, or another library database. (Sources have already been selected and are with the attachment, however a source for a counter argument will be needed still)At least one of your three sources should present a counterargument, a position that an opponent of your argument might make.Applied the C.R.A.A.P.O. test to the sources to determine if they are credible and reliable. (You can download a copy of The C.R.A.A.P.O. Test Worksheet. Remember, credible sources should score 35 points or more on the test.)Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:Identify your sources, including author, title, and the database information or website.Summarize your source. (Use the template below.)It seems this source is arguing ____________________.This source is using the following evidence to support the argument: ____________________.A counterargument for one of the provided sources could be: _____________________.Credibility and RelevanceExplain the rationale for the credibility of the source by providing supporting evidence. (Use the template below.)Personally, I believe the source is doing a (good job/bad job) of supporting its arguments because ____________________.Explain the relevance of the source to your argument. (Use the template below.)I think this source will be very helpful in supporting my argument because ________________________.–OR–I will work to refute this counterargument in my essay by ________________________.Guidelines for Submission: Your annotations must include at least three sources. Save your work in a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Then, check your writing for errorsNow it’s time to revisit your Writing Notes and revise your responses (original paper is attached) to produce a complete, polished document that addresses all of the below elements. By reconsidering your responses from your Writing Notes, you will construct a Writing Plan argument* key points* audience* goal* potential resources* evidence* revision* Prompt: For this essay, you will identify an issue in your current major, a major you are interested in pursuing, or your field of work. You will then establish an argument and support that argument with research and relevant evidence. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Writing Plan: Use this writing plan as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your critical analysis essay. This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively communicating and supporting your claim. This plan will be helpful in keeping your thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay. Explain how the argument relates to your major, the major you are considering pursuing, or your field of work. Determine three key points that will be helpful in supporting your argument. Identify the audience who will be reading your essay. What potential challenges will you encounter in supporting your argument with this demographic? Establish a goal that you hope to accomplish with this essay. What will this essay need to be successful? List potential resources that could be used as supporting evidence for your argument, and provide a brief description of each and how they will reinforce your argument. Align key points of your argument with supporting resources for establishing an effective essay structure. Based on your argument, determine at what points in the essay integrating evidence would be most effective, and explain why. Describe a revision strategy that would be most effective while writing this essay. Why would this strategy be effective? Guidelines for Submission: Your writing plan must be 1–2 pages in length. Save your work in a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Then, check your writing for errors.

solved For our discussion this week, in an initial post, recap

For our discussion this week, in an initial post, recap what you have learned about the relationship between the inner-self and identity (the self-identity and internal conditions and embodied habits). Reflect upon your own internal conditions that sway your thinking and behavior. Consider such questions as you reflect:What do I value and why?Why do I believe XXX to be true? How does this belief get in my way? Should I regulate such reactions? Why?When I don’t believe or value what someone is telling me, how do I respond? How might my response get in the way of our working together? Why have I accepted my “truth?” What convinced me and how might this “truth” be skewed?What are some of my typical behaviors? How might these behaviors get in the way of a collective leadership? How might my behaviors reinforce a poor environment? How might I regulate my behavior? What could I do differently and how would I orchestrate that? What “triggers, assumptions, and aversions” might I watch for? How do these jeopardize my leader identity?Who am I, and how might this identity–my thinking and behavior–jeopardize collective leadership?Draw upon Scharmer and Silsbee to enrich your opinions.Then after you reflect upon your own internal condition and made your initial post, identify a character from Hidden Figures with whom you can relate. Explore this character’s identity by shifting your point of view with the character. Use Silsbee and Scharmer as guides for understanding this character’s mental models, moments of self-regulation, sensing, and presencing–just as we did earlier in the week about our own internal conditions. Explore how listening and attending impact the deeper internal and broader organizational territories for this character when interacting with others. Present how this character’s identity and behaviors influence their leadership, the organization, and the ecosystem.Reference for hidden figure or you can use your own resources:…References for classSensing-leaders disrupt their own pre-established mental models and embrace new ways of learning; they create new mental models. They do not rely on reflection only to learn. They acknowledge that reflection is insufficient when navigating the future. They pause and listen to the unfolding future. They lean into the future. Again, relationships become essential. Leaning into the future, leaders rely upon the collective leadership to co-create their future. To penetrate deeply into the larger whole, the collective leadership zooms out and hones its capacity for deeper self-awareness that extends into the broader community and context (Senge, Scharmer, et al., 2014; Silsbee). Leaders learn to let go of preconceptions, assumptions, the need to control, and of old identities, and a future into the complexity comes through their ability to attend, suspend, and listen (Scharmer, 2018). Scharmer has much to say on this topic.Humble inquiry and generative listening simplify and clarify the leader’s mindset. They sense by receiving energy and information (Silsbee, 2018). Schein (2013) tells us that we learn about culture not by participating but by being conscious and present—by suspending judgmental interactions and respecting the community as a living organism. This communication approach is rooted in mindfulness, similar to meditation, and produces co-creation and co-generative opportunities. Humble inquiry draws people out by asking sincere questions to learn more about them, building a relationship upon curiosity and interest (Schein). Schein points out that teamwork is like a seesaw with everyone doing their part. For this to occur, leaders foster positive, trusting relationships among members who engage in open conversations. He furthers that leaders should do three things: 1) do less telling, 2) ask more humble and candid questions for the purpose of getting to know people better, and 3) hear and acknowledge that they understand what the person is expressing. This type of inquiry and dialogue generate collective leadership. Through co-creating dialogue, people talk, and they begin to think and feel together. When this type of dialogue occurs pay attention to the united silence. Silsbee (2018) and Scharmer (2018) offer insights into dialogic leadership, and the need for leaders to suspend their thinking and actions while engaging with members.

solved Requirements: Topic is Gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems assesment NOTE: Complete

Requirements: Topic is Gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems assesment 
NOTE: Complete the NR 509 Alternative Writing Assignment ONLY if you did not attend or do not plan to attend Debriefing for the given week. 

This paper will be appraised on the quality of the information, inclusion of at least one evidence-based scholarly source, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, and organization based on the required components (see the paper headings and content details below).
Scholarly sources: Only scholarly sources are acceptable for citation and reference in this course. These include peer reviewed publications, government reports, or sources written by a professional or scholar in the field. Your textbook and lesson are not considered to be an outside scholarly source. For the discussions and reflection posts, reputable internet sources such as websites by government agencies (URL ends in .gov) and respected organizations (often ends in .org) can be counted as scholarly sources. The best outside scholarly source to use is a peer-reviewed nursing journal. You are encouraged to use the Chamberlain library and search one of the available data bases for a peer-reviewed journal article. The following sources should not be used: Wikipedia, Wikis, or blogs. These web sites are not considered scholarly as anyone can add to these. Please be aware that .com websites can vary in scholarship and quality. For example, the American Heart Association is a .com site with scholarship and quality. It is the responsibility of the student to determine the scholarship and quality of any .com site. Ask your instructor before using any site if you are unsure. Points will be deducted from the rubric if the site does not demonstrate scholarship or quality. Current outside scholarly sources must be published with the last 5 years. Instructor permission must be obtained BEFORE the assignment is due if using a source that is older than 5 years.
The length of the paper is to be no less than 1,500 words, excluding title page and reference list.
Create this assignment using Microsoft (MS) Word. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in “.docx.”
APA format (current edition) is required in this assignment, explicitly for in-text citations and the reference list. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins and double spacing. See the APA manual for details regarding proper citation.
Organize the headings and content of your paper using the outline below:

Select a body system relevant to the lesson from the previous week for the topic of this paper. For example, if you are writing this assignment for Week 2, then select the HEENT, Respiratory, or Integumentary system as the focus for the paper (not all three systems). NOTE: If you are writing this assignment for Week 1, select the Health History as the topic of the paper.
Discuss the physiology (structure and function) of the body system including details about the major organ systems (if applicable). NOTE: If you are writing the assignment for Week 1, provide an overview of interviewing techniques.
Construct relevant health history questions (subjective data) pertaining to the body system. NOTE: If writing the assignment for Week 1, construct relevant health history questions for all body systems as included on the review of systems (ROS).
Provide an overview of the objective data and expected normal physical examination findings for this body system. NOTE: If writing this assignment for Week 1, provide the expected normal subjective findings for each body systems on the ROS.
Explain special physical assessment examination techniques or procedures specific to assessing this body system. NOTE: If writing the assignment for Week 1, explain advanced interview techniques.
Analyze and discuss how you might adapt your physical assessment skills or interviewing techniques to accommodate each of the following specific populations:


Identify one major disease or disease process that may significantly impact this body system. NOTE: If writing the assignment for Week 1, identify one disease process or condition that may significantly hinder conducting a Health History interview.
Synthesis and discuss the expected abnormal physical examination findings that may be associated with this disease or disease process.
Summarize the key points.

solved Introduction (please read carefully)undefinedFor some of the following tasks you

Introduction (please read carefully)undefinedFor some of the following tasks you will need to analyze a data set. More information regarding this dataset can be found online here:undefined use the uploaded data(bankruptcy.csv) and do not download the data from online sources since the data has already been prepared for you.undefinedPractPractice #1 TasksundefinedundefinedPart 1: TheoryundefinedWhereyis the observed target variable andf ( x)is a model explainingundefinedy, andϵis the error.undefinedPart 2: Practical part Part 2A: Pre-processingundefinedDownload the data set “bankruptcy.csv” from the course page on campusnet or from the myebs dropbox. The target variable (y) in this dataset is a binary variable indicating whether a company has gone bankrupt. All other variables in the data set can be used for prediction.undefined(5 points) Plot the distribution of your target variable y (Bankruptcy) and also inspect the correlation matrix of all other variables in your data. Explain some problems that could arise with this type of data and their consequences. e.g. class imbalances, correlation…(10 points) K-means I: Using only the numpy package write a function (or several functions) that performs the K-Means clustering algorithm on some general input data x.(10 points) K-means II: There is no explicit variable in the data set which describes the sector the company operates in. You are, however, given many other variables which can be used to group similar companies into clusters. Use economic intuition and choose 6 variables from the data set that can be used to separate companies into sectors. Use K-means clustering (your code of question d)) and these 6 variables to group the companies into 10 different sectors.(8 points) Decision tree I : Using only the numpy package write a Python function that recreates the first two steps/splits of a decision tree. The function should allow as arguments some explanatory data x and target data y and return the optimal feature to split on and the optimal value of the same feature to split on.(6 points) Decision tree II: Use the function of question f) to find the first 2 splitting features and their respective splitting values of the bankruptcy data set. To keep things simpler only consider a small subset of the data with the four variables: Interest Coverage Ratio, Current Ratio, Interest-bearing debt interest rate, Cash flow rate.(5 points) Training: If you were to train a model to predict your target variable (Bankruptcy) which cross validation method is the best choice given the characteristic of this unbalanced data set (e.g. Group K-Fold) and which scoring/evaluation function would be the best choice e.g. ROC mean squared error etc..? Explain why.undefinedundefinedPart 2B: PredictionundefinedYou are allowed to use the scikit-learn package (or any packages of your choice) to answer the following questions.undefined(3 points) Use the cross validation method you have chosen in Part 2A h) to generate train and validation splits of the data set (5 folds are enough).(10 points) For every split of the data train a LogisticRegression on the training data and compute the in-sample error as well as the out-of-sample prediction error on the validation part of the data. Use the scoring function you have chosen in Part 2A h) in order to calculate the prediction error. Average the in-sample error and out-of-sample error over all 5 folds to obtain a single in-sample and out-of-sample error. Please make use of the scikit-learn LogisticRegression package –(10 points) Two important parameters of the LogisticRegression class are the Regularization strength C and the penalty function (l1, l2 ..) settings. More information can be found in the scikit-learn documentation. Redo question k) with different values of C. Create a plot with the values of C you have tried out on the x-axis and the corresponding prediction errors on the y-axis. Plot both the in-sample error and the out-of-sample error for every C.(3 points) Discuss your results of l) in light of the bias-variance trade-off. Which C would you choose and why?undefined Regression.html. (You can use all available x variables to train your model but often it makes sense to reduce the number of variables before training).