IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS: Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit. PRACTICUM ORGANIZATION: Connect For Health In Rhode Island It is important for a public health professional to show evidence of professional development over time Create a PowerPoint presentation (seven to ten slides, not including your title or references slide) or a pamphlet or a poster that addresses different types of utilities in Rhode Island. This will be used at the practicum site to assist advocates to better assist clients. The PP or pamphlet or poster will consist of the utilities with their history, requirement, addresses, contact info, pertinent info, etc. Look at sample pamphlets or poster as a guide. General Requirements You are required to cite at least SIX sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the discussion question criteria and public health content. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required. While APA style is required, solid academic writing is expected as well, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. PLEASE make sure APA citation and permalink for articles are complete and correct. PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.… Read “Theoretical Models and Operational Frameworks in Public Health Ethics,” by Petrini, from International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health (2010). URL: Read “Public Health Ethics Theory: Review and Path to Convergence,” by Lee, from Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics (2012). URL: Read “Global Health Ethics: An Introduction to Prominent Theories and Relevant Topics,” by Stapleton, Schröder-Bäck, Laaser, Meershoek, and Popa, from Global Health Action (2014). URL: Read “Ethics Codes and Reflective Practice in Public Health,” by Jennings, from Journal of Public Health (2018). URL: MUST haveat least 5 citations with the page numbers and 5 references in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class I am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them. To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors. REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED. References American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved Part I (10 pts) MATCHING_____motto A. founder of black studies_____elegy

Part I (10 pts) MATCHING_____motto A. founder of black studies_____elegy B. a lament for the dead_____juxtaposition C. short phrase which stands for beliefs _____amalgamation D. The New Negro_____miscegnation E. prayer of supplication_____W.E.B. DuBois F. mixing of racial groups through marriage_____Alain Locke G. repetition of initial constant sound _____Hubert Harrison H. mix or unite into one body _____litany I. father of Negro radicalism_____alliteration J. comparison of dissimilar images/ideasPart II (10 pts) Poetry Analysis (take one poem from the book; analyze it, just don’t tell me what it is aboutuse Langston Hughes Mother to sonPart III (20 pts) Short Answer According to The Souls of Black Folk, what temptations did the black boy face as grew to know the world and himself? Which one “struck the deepest?” (4 pts) Define the term Harlem Renaissance? (2 pts) What is the difference between socialism and capitalism? (2 pts) What was Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896?” (2 pts)What were the two major influences that ushered in the Harlem Renaissance? (2pts) How does Du Bois describe the “Veil” that African Americans experience? (2 pts) What is a shaped poem? (1 pt) What two difficulties did Booker T. Washington encounter when he went to school the first time? (2pts) What was President Woodrow Wilson’s justification for WWI? What was the black perception? (3pts)Part IV (10 pts) REFLECTION—select one author that we have discussed this semester and tell me about their contributions to African American Literature and what you have learned. Use Booker T WashingtonPart V (20 pts) IDENTIFICATION – Work, Author, Significance***Please write down the Author, Work, and Importance of the passage for each selection. “At this present moment it takes this form: If white men are to kill unoffending Negroes, Negroes must kill white men in defense of their lives and property. This is the lesson of the East St. Louis massacre.” “I pity from the bottom of my heart any nation or blood of people that is so unfortunate as to get entangled in the net of slavery. I have long since ceased to cherish any spirit of bitterness against the Southern white people on account of the enslavement of my race.” Put on yo’ red silk stockings, ___________________________________________________________ Black gal.Go out an’let de white boysLook at yo’ legs.Aint nothin’ to do for you, nohowRound this town,You’s too pretty.__________________________________________________________________ I have just seen a beautiful thingSlim and Still, Against a gold, gold sky A straight cypress, Sensitive Exquisite, A black finger Pointing upwards. Why, beautiful, still finger are you black? And why are you pointing upward?_________________________________________________________________ “Finally, he looked up with a glance of haggard despair; “God! Doctor, but this is too much. I could stand the stigma of murder, but add to that the pollution of Negro blood! No man is brave enough to face such a situation.” “The Negro church of to-day is the social centre of Negro life in the United States, and the most characteristic expression of African Character…the building is the central club-house of a community of a thousand more Negroes. Various organizations meet here—the church proper, the Sunday school, two or three insurance societies, women’s societies, secret societies, and mass meetings of various kinds._____________________________________________________________Part VI (30 pts) ESSAY ***Please choose ONE of the following options***Please construct an essay (not a paragraph) that argues for your answer. Completeness is of the utmost importance.Examine the role of Harlem Renaissance in our readings. Discuss why and how (with examples that you’ve read) authors conveyed social meanings in their writings. Be sure to discuss their characteristics.Compare and contrast the works of Hubert Harrison, W.E.B. Dubois, and Booker T. Washington.What differences do you see in “American Negro identity” from the beginning of the class to these final writings? Define, analyze, reference works that support your understanding and explain.Discuss a theme (religion, gender, race..etc) that has worked throughout the stories that we covered in the last 5 weeks. Why is this theme so important to everyone? How do different authors with different works discuss their themes?

solved After reading Chapter 6 and looking at peer review journals

After reading Chapter 6 and looking at peer review journals please discuss the Qualitative techniques:
What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative methods?
What are the qualitative techniques our textbook introduced?

What are their strengths and weaknesses ?
Any examples you can share with us?
HI, for feedbacks 1. The difference between quantitative and qualitative approach is that the qualitative tends to focus on understanding a phenomenon from a closer perspective dealing with a larger number of people using survey methods (Rhodes, 2018). Some limitations concerning the quantitative approach would be difficulty in recognizing new and untouched phenomena and interpretation without on control group (Rhodes, 2018). Strengths with reference to this approach would be that it allows generalizing to a broader population, provides informative policy or guidelines and supplies numerical information (Rhodes, 2018).   Qualitative dives deeper in regards to conducting interviews, asking open-ended questions and involves a smaller group of people (Rhodes, 2018). The qualitative approach has limitations such as not having the ability to generalize to the general population, challenges in applying statistical methods (Rhodes, 2018). On the flip side, some of the pros regarding this approach would be that can provide a broader understanding of mechanisms and can disclose information that probably would have not been recognized through pre-determined survey questions (Rhodes, 2018).  At my current employer, HR utilizes the qualitative approach when conducting performance reviews. During this process, employees are assessed on subjective criteria’s such as communication, behavioral and leadership (n.d.). This information provides management with the details needed to help discover is the employee is an asset to the organization (n.d.).  References  Rhodes, J. (2018, August 31). Jean Rhodes. The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring. Retrieved November 8, 2021, from   The benefits of qualitative employee performance reviews. Trakstar. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2021, from       2.   What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative methods?  Qualitative methods use interpretive techniques where quantitative methods are dependant on the statistical study (Schindler, 2021, p. 81). Qualitative techniques can include a wide range of interpretations from descriptions, decoding, or translations. The main reason for a qualitative method is to hear the person’s reasoning behind the interest of the research (Sambunjak,, 2010). Quantitative methods let a manager know how often or many times that something happens, therefore there would be a deeper understanding of why people think the way they do (Schindler, 2021, p. 128).  What are the qualitative techniques our textbook introduced?  The qualitative techniques that are in our textbook are individual depth interviews and group interviews, and observation techniques. Observation techniques are case studies, ethnography, grounded theory, and action research (Schindler, 2021, p. 128)  What are their strengths and weaknesses?  With so many options of data collection techniques, they all have their strength and weaknesses. For example, a focus group can have the strength of having a large amount of data to work with, however, this large amount of data can be a weakness. With a large amount of data, the people that are used in the focus group can become intimidated if their answer is not the one that was chosen therefore they may change their answer due to the feeling of being pressured (“Table 3 summary of strengths and limitations of data collection method,” 2020).  References:  Sambunjak, D., Straus, S. E., & Marusic, A. (2010). A Systematic Review of Qualitative Research on the Meaning and Characteristics of Mentoring in Academic Medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(1), 72-8.…  Schindler, P. S. (2021). Business research methods.  Table 3 summary of strengths and limitations of the data collection method. (2020, May 23). ResearchGate.…

solved Title: Developing Cultural Congruency & Sensitivity Nursing Care Toward (name

Title: Developing Cultural Congruency & Sensitivity Nursing Care Toward (name your cultural group in the title)
Students will complete a scholarly paper on Transcultural Nursing. The purpose of this paper is to develop cultural sensitivity toward other cultures. Students can choose a specific cultural group to address. However, it has to be different from own culture. Each student will:

Perform a literature search on the issue selecting a minimum of 3-4 appropriate resources from the following list:

Research articles. They have to be from peer-reviewed journals only.
Books or any source of literature. However, make sure your resources are current and not older than 10 years.

Individual Scholarly Research Paper
Individual Scholarly Research Paper
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionIntroduce your topic and the thesis that will be discussed. Provide current demographics, statistics, historical evolvement, and any relevant information that is pertinent to your cultural group.
Cite at least one reference in your introduction.
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBackgroundProvide one theoretical framework (other than Giger & Davidhizar’s) that you would use with this cultural group.
Briefly discuss the evolvement of the theoretical framework. Provide definitions of key terms/constructs that make up the framework (model).
Discuss assumptions for this model and how this model has been previously used in nursing to deliver culturally congruent nursing care.
15 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLiterature ReviewDiscuss 3-4 sources form the literature. Address the purposes, methods, and findings as it relates to your cultural group.
Summarize each article/resource, and then provide analysis and synthesis from the literature review.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion and ApplicationDiscuss the constructs of Giger & Davidhizar’s theoretical framework.
Explain how you would apply the constructs of this model (Communication; Space; Social organization; Time; Environmental Control; Biological variations) in rendering culturally competent nursing care to your cultural group.
What are some practices and health-seeking behaviors used by this cultural group?
Discuss social determinants of health, health, and health care disparities, health inequalities, and or any vulnerability specific to your cultural group. How did all of these factors affect their health? Provide some statics on any vulnerability.
Examine your own cultural assumptions, prejudices, and biases that you might have about this cultural group.
20 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing ImplicationsDiscuss the implications for nursing education, practice, research, and health/public policy.
15 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummaryBriefly summarize your issue, reiterate your significance and findings. What did you learn from this exercise? Provide some reflections or insights about this cultural group. Examine again your own cultural prejudices and biases that you had previously about this cultural group. Did your assumptions, prejudices, and biases change after doing this exercise? Explain why and why not.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferencesThe correct numbers of references are cited. References are up to date. References directly address health issues. At least one reference is a research study. All references are at a professional level. All citations in the text have an associated reference.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguageThe language used in the paper is grammatically correct throughout. Punctuation is correct throughout. Professional-level language is used. Spelling is correct throughout.
5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA FormatSpacing, punctuation, citations in the text, references, margins, capitalization, and headings are all in APA format throughout the paper. Title page, references, and appendices do not count toward the 6-8-page limit. Double-space text.
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks

solved This discussion question is based on pages 3-57 of The

This discussion question is based on pages 3-57 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information.)
Topics you should know before answering this question:
1. The Basic Elements of Theater (pp. 6-10)
   Includes: play, performance, audience.
2. Art vs. Entertainment (pp. 10-18)
3. Censorship (pg.11)
4. Special Qualities of Theater (pp. 19-23)
   Includes: lifelikeness, ephemerality, objectivity, complexity of means, and immediacy.
5. Audience (pp. 27-37)
6. The Play (pp. 39-57)
   Includes: plot (episodic, climactic), dramatic action, subtext, character, exposition, point of attack,inciting
   incident, rising action, complication, discoveries, development, climax, resolution, four levels of
   characterization, theme, point of view, soliloquy, chorus, allegory, diction, music, spectacle, and form
Answer the following question in your initial post and then respond to TWO other students.

Both Oedipus Rex and A Doll’s House have a late point of attack.  According to your book, what does it mean for a play to have a late point of attack?  How does a late point of attack affect the audience watching the play?  What must the playwright do in the exposition when the point of attack is late? 
General Requirements for Discussion Questions :
For each discussion question, students must respond in an initial post of approximately 250 words by Thursday night of each week.  For eachdiscussion question, two (2) responses to fellow students are required for a passing (3.5) grade or higher on the discussion question.  These responses must be substantive and be at least 75 words apiece.  In all posts, students should discuss concepts from the book as well as take ideas from the lectures and media included for that week.  

Initial Post: Due Thursday night @ 11:59pm
Responses to two other students: Due Saturday night @ 11:59 pm
This Discussion Question is worth 5 points (2.5% of your grade)

0000Week One Discussion 2
This discussion question is based on pp. 61-132 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).
Topics you should know before answering this question:
1. The definitions of festival theater and professional theater  (p. 61, 99-101)
2. The connection between religion/myth and festival theater (pp. 61-66, 76-77, 83-89)
3. The layouts of Greek, Roman, Medieval, English (Shakespearean), French and Italian theaters and the functions they served (pp. 64-75, 77-81, 87-89, 101-105, 111-115, 123-130)
4. Performers, performing, and costumes in each of the theaters in #3
5. Funding for each kind of theater
6. The way in which theater reflects the values of and changes in society
Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to two of your fellow classmates’ posts.
What is the difference between Festival Theater and Professional theater? When did these two forms of theater flourish and why? Give specific examples.
General Requirements for Discussion Questions :
For each discussion question, students must respond in an initial post of approximately 250 words by Thursday night of each week.  For eachdiscussion question, two (2) responses to fellow students are required for a passing (3.5) grade or higher on the discussion question.  These responses must be substantive and be at least 75 words apiece.  In all posts, students should discuss concepts from the book as well as take ideas from the lectures and media included for that week.  

Initial Post: Due Thursday night @ 11:59pm
Responses to two other students: Due Saturday night @ 11:59 pm
This Discussion Question is worth 5 points (2.5% of your grade)

0000Week One Discussion 3
This discussion question is based on pp. 61-132 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed., by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information).
Answer the following question in your response. Each student should then respond to two of your fellow classmates’ posts.

As a playwright, would you prefer to be writing plays during the era of Ancient Greek Festival Theater or during the Renaissance for professional theater in England?  Why?  What are the advantages and disadvantages for a playwright in each type of theater according to your text book?

solved Here’s some information to assist you with questions on the

Here’s some information to assist you with questions on the last case study. Be sure to include all equations with your answers.#4. Where else (besides a hospital) could cases be found? Where else might you find controls for this study (besides in a hospital)? Use Ch 6 to assist you in answering these. #7. This question is asking if hospitalized patients (w/o lung cancer) are closely matched to the general population (w/o lung cancer). Explain your answer. (Hint: Look at the percentage you get for controls who smoked. Is this exposure level something you’d see [even back then] in the general population?) #8. This question is mainly getting at this: Even if not as high as the cases (lung cancer pts), if the controls have a very high exposure level (smoking), then how might this affect the results for this case-control study (Odds Ratio)? #9. Here’s the equation for proportion of cases who smoked: 1522/1530 x 100 = 99.48% Do the same for proportion of controls who smoked.#11. The odds of smoking for the cases is: 1522/8 = 190.25:1 Do the same for the odds of smoking for the controls.#12. Divide the odds to get the OR. You’re also asked to do the ‘cross-product ratio’. This is just another term for the equation you’ve used for the Odds Ratio from Ch. 6. Set up your 2×2 and see if you come up with the same OR from that equation. Post both equations and answers for this. #14. You’ll end up with 4 Odds Ratios on this one. One for each dosage of cigarettes (1-14; 15-24; 25+; and ALL). These are NOT age categories; they are dosage (# of cigarettes smoked/day). Set up your 2×2 table for each category. Your ‘no exposure’ row (0 cigarettes) will be the same for all the 2×2 tables.#15. Look at the 4 different ORs and note any differences by dosage. Is there a dose-response relationship between exposure and disease? #16. This question relates to things you learned in Ch. 10 that could affect the results of a study (like certain types of bias). Name some of the factors.#18. The mortality rate in the cohort section is the ‘incidence rate’. The person-years is the population size. So, for the mortality rate for those who smoked 1-14 cigarettes (Table 3), you would take 23 / 38,600 x 1000. This gives you a mortality rate of 0.60/1000 person-years. #18. Rate Ratio is another term for Relative Risk. To find this, you would take the mortality rate among the exposed and divide by the mortality rate among the nonexposed. For the 1-14 cigarette group, this would be 0.60 divided by 0.07 (mortality rate among the nonexposed). #18. Rate Difference is the same as Risk Difference. For the 1-14 cigarette group, you would find this by subtracting 0.07 from 0.60 (incidence among exposed – incidence among the nonexposed).#19. This proportion is called ‘attributable risk percent’ or the more recognized (from your book ~ Ch 9) term of ‘etiologic fraction’. Since there are two different equations you could use for EF, you would either use the mortality rate or the RR for ‘All Smokers’ from #18 in your equation.#20. You’ll take the number of deaths among All Smokers (from Table 3) and multiply that by your answer for #19 (EF%). This is the number of deaths that could have been averted if no one had smoked. #21. Since RR is the strongest measure of association, use those numbers to determine which disease has a stronger association with smoking. Use the AR% (EF) as your second reason. Explain your answer.#22. Population attributable risk percent is the same as ‘population etiologic fraction’ (from Ch. 9). You would use the mortality rate for ‘All’ for these calculations (given in Table 4). There will be two equations for your answer (Lung Cancer & CVD) and don’t forget to answer the compare/differ questions, as well. #23. Multiply your answers from #22 times the Mortality Rate for ‘ALL’ from Table 4. You’ll do this for both lung cancer and CVD. Your answers will be followed by “lung cancer (or CVD) deaths per 1000 person-years”. #24. Use the RRs from Table 5 to help you in answering this question. Note the differences in RRs among Current Smokers, Ex-Smokers (by years since quitting), and Non-Smokers (never smoked). Then discuss what this implies for public health and preventive medicine. #26. Answer the first question as to which study design has the largest sample size, costs more, and takes longer to complete. The remaining factors are answered as advantage/disadvantage.

solved Choose a practice and application of that practice from the

Choose a practice and application of that practice from the CAM movement described in your textbook. For example: The practice of yoga as applied to reducing anxiety and stress
Next, find one quality research/scholarly reports from within the last 3-years that either supports or refutes what your textbook says about the CAM practice and application you chose. (You may wish to use the link to the TWU Health Studies Subject Guide)
Citing specific references from your text, the supplementary videos, as well as, the resources from the additional articles and websites I provided in addition to just the textbook, describe why the materials you found/chose to use are quality materials, and come from valid and reliable sources. 
Described what you learned about the CAM practice in regards to the application you chose to focus on. Did you find what you expected to find? Why or why not?
Did the information presented in your text about the CAM practice and application you chose prove to be still relevant, reliable, and accurate? Why or why not? Were there changes or updates?
What are the two most important skills health educators need to teach consumers in order for consumers to be more discerning about choosing CAM-related health products and services? Be sure to support your belief and opinion with evidence.
Peer response
The practice and application I chose was how massage therapy relaxes and relieves muscle pains, strengthens the immune system, aids the respiratory system.  The study I used was “the case of therapeutic massage as an adjuvant in the hospitalized COVID-19 patients” from the National Institutes of Health, which supports the CAM from the textbook.  The study was about how massage therapy served as a complementary use of CAM with conventional medication.  It helped lower the cortisol levels in patients which is the stress hormone that increases inflammation in the muscles and in turn causes a flight or fight response in the body. Massage therapy helped relax the respiratory muscles, allowing the inflammation to decrease and help the patient slow down the production of cortisol.  The body response to COVID-19 is the inflammation of the respiratory muscles which causes little oxygen to circulate through the body which causes a multi-organ failure, and the body begins to shut down. Massage therapy is just an aid to help reduce inflammation, but conventional medication must also be used to aid in the fight against COVID-19. I have only seen a massage therapist twice in my lifetime due to the cost of the sessions not because it is not something I do not enjoy.  The first time was a gift to massage envy for muscle pains and the second time I was on vacation for relaxation but also because I had injured my leg.  The sessions improve not just voluntary muscles but also involuntary muscles like respiration and digestion muscles.  We produce cortisol when we are stressed, and which inflames our muscles and causes those aches and pains but also can cause hypertension and damage our blood vessels.  I noticed a decrease in my sinus cavity that I did not have to use my Flonase for this summer season when the grass is green, and trees are leafing.  Yes, I found what I expected to find in the textbook and in the articles, I read in the module. CAMs are used as a complementary additive with conventional medications, it is not safe to use CAMS as an alternative and eliminate conventional medication.  The other point I thought was important is that we need to always report our CAM usage to our providers because of side effects and interaction with prescribing medication.  Just because it is natural does not make it safe to use.  The other point is making sure CAM is proven safe and effective before trying it. The two most important skills health consumers need to keep in mind is research, do not assume because it’s not a prescription that it is okay to take or use.  Second, communicate and network with other individuals that are using the CAM and do your own research and judgment before assuming it is okay to use, and consult a physician.  In this case, massage therapy is not as crucial but taking supplements can be and interfere with cancer treatments or interact with medications. You can be taking a calcium supplement for bone strength, and it causes tetani and hardens your involuntary muscles, and causes a heart attack.  ,

solved Discussion 1: Modifying Theoretical Interventions for Clients Experiencing Life Transition

Discussion 1: Modifying Theoretical Interventions for Clients Experiencing Life Transition and Developmental IssuesIn all likelihood, developmental and life transition issues will form the core of your work as a couple and family practitioner. These issues are those that couples and families typically encounter through common day-to-day living and may include being newly married, having a child, or sending a youngest child off into his or her own adulthood. They also may include common stressors, such as divorce, job loss, or death of a family member, just to name a few. Individuals across all cultures experience developmental and life transition issues in one way or another, and you will likely find yourself sitting across from a couple or family experiencing a similar life event to one you have encountered in your own life.Despite the universality of many developmental and life transition issues, you should still keep in mind that there is no one way to experience a divorce, death, or job loss, nor is there one way to clinically encounter and assist a couple or family experiencing such issues. Different theoretical orientations may suggest different ways for addressing various scenarios, and you may have to modify your chosen theoretical orientation to work effectively in your professional practice.For this Discussion, choose one life transition or developmental issue, and consider how you might modify your theoretical orientation and/or infuse interventions from other theories in order to address this issue.By Day 3Post a brief description of the life transition or developmental issue you selected and your chosen theoretical orientation. Then, explain how you might modify the theory-based interventions of your chosen theoretical orientation to work effectively with client(s) experiencing the issue you selected. Finally, explain the significant aspects of the life transition or developmental issue that influence how you would modify the application of your chosen theoretical orientation.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.By Day 5Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:Ask a probing question.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.Offer and support an opinion.Make a suggestion.Expand on your colleague’s posting.Colleague 1: Jessica The life transition that I selected for this week is having a child. Parenthood is a major life event that often requires the family to update their structure to accommodate a new baby. According to Ventura & Boss, a couple who communicates effectively and are committed to parenting identified a crisis to be moderate. Different people have different coping mechanisms to deal with the stress of new parenting. For instance, some parents found it helpful to learn a new skill, while others used other coping mechanisms of, going to the gym, having friends that are also new parents. (Ventura & Boss, 1983)The theoretical orientation that I selected for parents with a new baby is Baby Triple P positive parenting program. This psychological parenting intervention is focused on preparing new parents for a positive transition to parenthood by teaching them new skills of parenting their baby, looking after their own mental health, as well focusing on a positive relationship with their partner. What makes this program unique is its self-regulatory framework and active skills to enhance their self-image and encourage parents to generalize their learned skills to when their child is older or to other aspects of their lives (Mihelic et al.,2018). Modifications The only modifications that I might add is helping the couple with focusing on maintaining individuality and family stability, developing social supports, developing reliance and self-esteem, because these are coping techniques that are considered helpful with dealing with the stress of new parenting (Ventura & Boss, 1983) Mihelic, M., Morawska, A., & Filus, A. (2018). Preparing parents for parenthood: protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a preventative parenting intervention for expectant parents. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth, 18(1), N.PAG. Ventura, J. N., & Boss, P. G. (1983). The Family Coping Inventory Applied to Parents with New Babies. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45(4), 867–875.

solved I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Apply project management methods to achieve a process change.
Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.
Kogon, Blakemore, and Wood (2015) note that for many workers in the current business environment, an increasing amount of time is spent working on or leading projects. This assignment is intended to help you understand the primary elements of the project management process, how you can choose a project management methodology that will be the best fit for your project, and the skills you will need to be a successful project leader. In your readings and videos for this unit, as well as personal experience for many of you, you have discovered that there are many variables to successfully managing a project. The project management methodology chosen for a project must reflect the organization’s requirements to ensure success. Included in these variables are the size and complexity of the project, the process used to manage a project, and the skills that are needed to successfully complete the project.
For this 4- to 6-page APA-compliant paper (not including title and reference pages) respond to the following:
Section 1 – Project Management Overview

Using your unit readings and videos, and at least two additional sources, which can be from non-scholarly sources, describe the factors that may be used to select a project management methodology.
Identify at least three project management methodologies that you are most interested in learning more about. These can be from your research or personal experience. Provide an overview of these methodologies, and include but do not limit to:

Primary use for this methodology
Types of projects this methodology is best suited to
Technology support provided
Formal project management expertise required, or skills needed

Present an analysis of similarities and differences in these three project management methodologies. As a project leader, completing this type of assessment will help you understand which method you may want to select the next time you lead a project.

Section 2 – Personal Project Selection and Analysis

Identify any recent projects you have worked on over the past year, they could be of any size and in any context. They can be from work-related or personal experience.
For this section, you will need to select two types of projects, one that was successful and one that was unsuccessful. You may want to select projects from different areas of your experience (i.e., one work-related, another from personal experience). Using different types of projects can help you understand the applications of the work you have completed in Section 1.
Personal Analysis – Successful Project

Describe the project including the size, scope, personal/professional, your role, project charter (if any), timeframes for project duration, other information seen as relevant to describing the project.
Identify the project management elements and/or methodology you used to manage this project. The research you completed in Section 1 will be helpful to you.
List the skills you demonstrated to help the project be successful. List the skills that you could have used to increase the project’s success.
After this review, complete an analysis of where you may have been more successful.

Personal Analysis – Unsuccessful Project

Describe the project including the size, scope, personal/professional, your role, project charter (if any), timeframes for project duration, and other information seen as relevant to describing the project.
Identify the project management elements and/or methodology you used to manage this project(s). The research you completed in Section 1 will be helpful to you.
Analyze the project for areas of weakness using the research you completed in Section 1 and personal reflection.
Identify what skills were needed to overcome the weak areas using the research you completed in Section 1 and personal reflection.
Present at least two recommendations for improvement, supported by your research in Section 1, and personal experiences. Include the strengths identified from the project that was managed successfully.

Kogon, K., Blakemore, S., & Wood, J. (2015). Project management for the unofficial project manager. BenBella Books.…

solved I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to

I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to help me study.

Samantha Perry is a 45-year-old?married white female with an appointment to see her nurse practitioner (NP) for her annual examination. As part of her annual physical,?Samantha?will be having a pelvic examination including a?Papanicolau?test in order to screen for cervical cancer.?Samantha?has three teenage daughters, all born by spontaneous vaginal delivery. Several years?ago?Samantha?returned to work full time at a rather sedentary job.?Samantha?has found her weight to be increasing over these past few years and is now carrying 164 pounds on her?5 foot,?1 inch?frame. Over the years?Samantha?and her NP have developed a trusting and therapeutic relationship. As part of the history-taking process the NP asks?Samantha?if she has ever been “hit, slapped, or forced to have sex against her wishes.”?Samantha?states that she has not; however, she hesitates in her response. The NP senses that she may need to elicit further information from?Samantha?without making her feel uncomfortable. She queries?Samantha?to see if there have been any changes in the past year related to the sexual relationship that she has with her partner.?Samantha?appears somewhat embarrassed; but, with some encouragement, she goes on to explain that in the past she and her husband have always enjoyed intercourse two to three times a week and that this is a very important part of their marriage.?Samantha?states that for the last 9 to 10 months she has begun to “lose urine” during intercourse. Sometimes this occurs during foreplay and on other occasions it will happen during orgasm.?Samantha?reports that she often interrupts their sexual activity to go to the bathroom. Recently, she is finding excuses to avoid sex altogether and is concerned that she is driving her husband away. The NP explains to?Samantha?that this condition is referred to as “stress or coital incontinence” and may be the result of?child-bearing, aging, and her recent weight gain. Education is provided regarding the necessity for urodynamic evaluation and the possible treatment modalities available.?Samantha?is instructed on how to perform Kegel exercises during her pelvic examination. The NP reassures?Samantha?that although this condition is?embarrassing it is neither?uncommon nor life threatening, if left untreated it may result in other unanticipated symptomatology including depression, loss of self-esteem, altered body image, worsening of incontinence, reduced social interaction, and decreased sexual interest and activity.?Samantha?is very reassured by this education and agrees to the treatment plan.
Case Analysis 
This case study illustrates a patient-centered relationship founded on established trust and rapport. Secondary prevention efforts include screening for cervical cancer and sexual violence. Relying on her assessment skills of the patient’s appearance and behavior in response to the interview questions, the NP pursues the history as it relates to the patient’s sexual relationship with her husband. The NP discovers the patient’s reticent demeanor is related to her stress incontinence and the subsequent feelings of embarrassment, shame, and a lack of understanding regarding the condition. This is interfering with the patient’s sexual well-being and her intimate relationship with her husband, which the patient values. The NP takes the opportunity to provide appropriate patient education?with regard to?stress incontinence, and although not minimizing the concern, she instead normalizes the condition for the patient. The NP has provided a tangible intervention the patient can do with ease by instructing about Kegel exercises. In addition, the NP has reinforced for?Samantha?that she is safe to discuss her sexuality with her healthcare provider and that it is an important part of her health care. 
1. Intimate partner violence is a situation where a patient could seek guidance from a nurse. In the case study, the NP asks?Samantha if she has ever been “hit, slapped, or forced to have sex against her wishes.” What other questions can you think of that also address the issue of whether a patient is a victim of sexual abuse? (At least five)

2. Samantha reports difficulty holding her urine at times and the NP educates her on Kegel exercises. When is the best time to teach Kegel exercises? Why?