solved Touchstone: Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car? SCENARIO: Jim

Touchstone: Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car?
SCENARIO: Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting to have mechanical problems. Jim and Laura would share the new car, and use it to go back and forth to work and school. Before going to the dealership, Jim and Laura decide that they can only afford $400.00 a month in car payments.
Once at the car dealership, Jim and Laura meet Stan Salesman. Stan shows them several vehicles and Jim and Laura test-drive several of the cars. Jim and Laura particularly like the blue 4-door sedan. Therefore, they agree to give Stan Salesman a $100.00 deposit to hold the car for a day. Stan Salesman does not give them the receipt but guarantees that the $100.00 is refundable. No documents were signed.
The next day, Stan Salesman calls Jim and Laura to ask them when they would like to take delivery of the car. Jim and Laura, on the way home from the dealership, decided that they were not going to buy the car because they did not want to spend that money each month. Therefore, Jim and Laura tell Stan Salesman that they have decided not to buy the car and request their $100.00 deposit back.
Stan insists that the $100.00 was a deposit on the car and was meant to be part of the contract to buy the car. Stan is very persistent and insistent that Jim and Laura have contracted to buy the car; therefore, the $100.00 will be applied to the purchase price of the car. Jim and Laura are shocked and angry as not only do they not want to spend the money, but now feel as though they are being duped by Stan Salesman.
Jim and Laura have an appointment to see a lawyer in a few days, but know you are a student taking a business law class and come to you for advice. They are very frazzled, and understandably upset that they may have just purchased a car. Since you have been taking business law, you have read and understand the elements of a contract and the defenses to a contract. Therefore, although you are not a lawyer, you provide some basic advice from what you’ve learned in your business law class.
ASSIGNMENT: In three to five (3-5) pages, advise Jim and Laura based on the above facts as presented and the material covered in the lessons. In your paper, be sure to address the following:

Define the elements of a legal contract using examples from the scenario where applicable.
Decide whether or not there was a contract for the purchase of the automobile.
Identify the facts from the scenario which support your decision on whether or not a contract exists for the purchase of the automobile.
Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the touchstone.
A. Assignment Guidelines
DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
1. Understanding of Contract Law
? Have you defined the elements of a legal contract?? Have you used examples from the scenario to illustrate these elements?
2. Case Judgment and Support
? Have you provided a judgment on the existence of a contract in this scenario?? Have you used specific examples from the scenario to defend your position?
3. Research
? Have you referenced at least two academic sources in your essay?? Have you explained how each source relates to and supports your judgment on the case?

Additional Resources
The following resources will be helpful to you as you work on this assignment:

Purdue Online Writing Lab’s APA Formatting and Style Guide

This site includes a comprehensive overview of APA style, as well as individual pages with guidelines for specific citation types.

Frequently Asked Questions About APA Style

This page on the official APA website addresses common questions related to APA formatting. The “References,” “Punctuation,” and “Grammar and Writing Style” sections will be the most useful to your work in this course.

APA Style: Quick Answers—References

This page on the official APA Style website provides numerous examples of reference list formatting for various source types.

solved In a 1-2 page paper, explain how you communicated with

In a 1-2 page paper, explain how you communicated with your preceptor and practicum site and summarize the practice gap or problem you have identified.IntroductionPreparing for your practicum requires you to apply intraprofessional communication skills as you pursue the arrangement and develop working relationships. In addition, communication with your preceptor is an opportunity to define a practice gap for your project.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.Integrate writing feedback into an assessment.Competency 2: Craft a compelling argument.Interpret evidence to support an argument. Competency 4: Obtain preceptor and practicum approval.Summarize a practice gap or problem that has the appropriate scope for a DNP project. Competency 5: Communicate with organizational and community stakeholders in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the promotion, delivery, and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease.Explain how you facilitated discussions and interactions and received ideas and feedback from others.PreparationGather your notes from discussions with your practicum site, and conduct additional discussions as needed to meet the assessment criteria.Review evidence you have gathered related to the practice gap or problem, and conduct additional research as needed to gather evidence in support of the practice gap or problem.Once you draft this assessment, submit it to Smarthinking for feedback, which you will integrate into your paper. Ask Smarthinking for feedback related to a doctoral writing skill you want to improve.InstructionsNote: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.Integrate the feedback received from Smarthinking, and any additional research as needed, to convert your draft into a completed assessment that meets the following criteria:Summarize a practice gap or problem that has the appropriate scope for a DNP project.Describe the scope of the project, including the proposed project timeframe.Explain how you facilitated discussions and interactions and received ideas and feedback from others. In Part 1 of your Project Charter, you will use this information to help describe how you recruited project sponsors and a project team.Discuss the steps you have taken, or will be taking, to secure your proposed site and preceptor.Describe your potential preceptor’s leadership position and role in the organization.Describe the kind of relationship you have with the preceptor.Describe your strategy for obtaining cooperation and collaboration at your proposed site.Interpret evidence to support an argument. In Project Charter Part 2, you will identify evidence to support the need for your intervention, present a business or clinical case, identify what the change will accomplish and how it will impact consumers, staff, patients, and/or the health care system as a whole.Describe a gap in practice you have identified at your proposed practicum site.Identify evidence for the gap at the site.Search further for evidence of the gap at the local, state, or national level.Why is this a gap in practice? Support the problem with evidence.Is the organization aware that this is a gap in practice?Explain how the integration of writing feedback improves the assessment.Describe changes made based upon Smarthinking feedback.Explain how these changes move your work closer to one or more of the writing quality indicators identified in the Writing Feedback Tool.Additional RequirementsPage Length: 1–2 pages.Writing: Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.Smarthinking Feedback: Attach the document, including the feedback, to your submission.

solved Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or business problem.The research must be conducted using peer-reviewed trade or academic journals. While Blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, course textbooks, popular magazines, newspaper articles, online websites, etc. are helpful for providing background information, these resources are NOT suitable resources for this research assignment. Please Note: The UC Library staff are very helpful with assisting students in using the UC Online Library journal database. Please contact them if you have issues. In addition, the instructor has provided additional resources, including a research tutorial, in the “Course Resources” folder in the “Content” area of the course.Assignment Requirements:Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor.Research/find a minimum at least four (4), preferably five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic from the University of the Cumberlands Library online business database. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, current/published within the last five (5) years are preferred. Using literature that is irrelevant or unrelated to the chosen topic will result in a point reduction.Write a four (4) to five (5) page double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, abstract, or references page(s).Structure your paper as follows:Cover pageOverview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.Purpose of Research should reflect the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.Conclusion in your own wordsReferences formatted according to APA style requirementsGrading Criteria:Content Knowledge & Structure (15 points): All of the requested components are completed as assigned; content is on topic and related to legal, ethical and social environment, critical thinking is clearly demonstrated (few, if any, direct quotations from the source in the paper); scholarly research is demonstrated; topics and concepts gained from the assigned reading and/or from research is evident.Critical Thinking (8 points): Demonstrates substantial critical thinking about topics and solid interpretation of materials and reflection.Clarity & Effective Communication (8 points): Communication is clear, concise, and well presented; scholarly writing is demonstrated; grammar, sentence structure, writing in third person, and word choice is used correctly.Integration of Knowledge & Articles (8 points): Articles used are current and relevant (preferably published within last five (5) years and MUST be from peer-reviewed journal article publications. At least four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles are examined and analyzed in the paper.Presentation & Writing Mechanics (16 points): Cover page, headings, in-text citations, page citations (page number citations required for specific information such as dates, years, list of items from article, names, numbers, statistics, and other specific information), and references are properly formatted.Please Note: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The paper must be written in your own words.

solved I want us to examine the Universal Declaration of Human

I want us to examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and the thirty (30) stated and defined human rights outlined in this vital document. It is vital that we examine the UDHR in the context of history to reference the necessity of this written document and analyze its currency, structure, and how this impacts social workers’ work. I ask you to examine these issues in four (4) parts.Before 1945, or the end of World War II (WWII)Nuremberg TrialsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948)Behavior Post 1945, or after WWII Part I: Before 1945, or the end of World War II (WWII)We took a look at some of the Nazi human rights violations. The world became aware of the holocaust and the atrocities before the end of the war. Remember, this was a world before television and the internet, and clarity became increasingly apparent over time.The USA and other nations rightfully protested the mistreatment of human beings by the Nazi powers. The human rights violations were numerous and included the persecution of the Jews, gay people, gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others.Also, setting the tone of the new era, the Americans dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to conclude WWII – and the world had never seen such a technological feat. We now entered the nuclear age – and people began to realize the magnitude of the moment. (Links to an external site.)The USA helped to get the United Nations to pass the UDHR in response to the Nazi atrocities and the atomic era’s realities.Part II: Nuremberg TrialsAt the end of WWII, the Allied Powers – led by the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union – decided to try several Germans after the war. There was no standard set of laws or principles to charge these individuals, so they set up a system to charge them with crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The trials took place on German soil to demonstrate the end of the era and hold people accountable. This was also the sight of many significant Nazi events. The Nuremberg Trials were one of the first efforts to recognize the expanding role of human rights in world peace and individual accountability – and the world recognized the need to have a common standard of human rights for all to follow. (Links to an external site.)Part III: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948)We read the document, and we will focus on the 30 articles in a while. Place this document in the context of history.Part IV: Behavior Post-1945, or after WWIIThe UDHR is a document of the world created by the United Nations, but the United States played a large role in making this guiding document. While the USA was correct to point out the atrocities created by others during WWII, they did not examine our challenges.The Christian tradition relies on a biblical passage to address issues of hypocrisy. I refer to the Christian tradition here as it is often used as the basis for many people’s perspectives in the western hemisphere. “Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? – Matthew 7:3 (International Standard Version)Look at the issue of Japanese Internment camps and African American discrimination. Do you see the hypocrisy in these actions? (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)After the UDHR was passed, the United States had a few more blunders.Let us examine these within the context of Willowbrook, the Tuskegee Study, and the Johns’ Committee. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Finally, go to the New York Times website. Log on with your password to access the newspaper. Search this for current issues related to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” This review of the paper will start our class discussion and help bring your current on this topic.Share your thoughts and feelings with your colleagues. The USA took the lead to get the UDHR established – but we had our own blemishes to manage as well. What do you think about the USA as the world’s leader in human rights? Share your thoughts and opinions with your colleagues.

solved Nurse Burnout during the Covid 19 pandemic: Focus: mental health

Nurse Burnout during the Covid 19 pandemic: Focus: mental health The paper will include the following:a. Clinical Question (30 points/15%)1. Describe the problem: What is the focus of your group’s work? 2. Significance of problem: What health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or professional organizations. 3. Purpose of the paper: What will your paper do or describe? b. Evidence Matrix Table: Data Summary (Appendix A) – (60 points/30%) Categorize items in the Matrix Table, including proper intext citations and reference list entries for each article. 1. References (recent publication within the last 5 years)2. Purpose/Hypothesis/Study Question(s) 3. Variables: Independent (I) and Dependent (D) 4. Study Design 5. Sample Size and Selection 6. Data Collection Methods 7. Major Findings (Evidence) c. Description of Findings (60 points/30%) Describe the data in the Matrix Table, including proper intext citations and reference list entries for each article. 1. Compare and contrast variables within each study. 2. What are the study design and procedures used in each study; qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method study, levels of confidence in each study, etc.? 3. Participant demographics and information. 4. Instruments used, including reliability and validity. 5. How do the research findings provide evidence to support your clinical problem, or what further evidence is needed to answer your question? 6. Next steps: Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work. d. Conclusion (20 points/10%) Review major findings in a summary paragraph.1. Evidence to address your clinical problem. 2. Make a connection back to all the included sections. 3. Wrap up the assignment and give the reader something to think about. e. Format (30 points/15%) 1. Correct grammar and spelling 2. Include a title and reference page 3. Use of headings for each section: o Problem o Synthesis of the Literature − Variables − Methods − Participants − Instruments − Implications for Future Work 4. Conclusion 5. Adheres to current APA formatting and guidelines 6. Include at least two (2) scholarly, current (within 5 years) primary sources other than the textbook 7. 3-4 pages in length, excluding appendices, title and reference pagesCannot use these references ReferencesChen, R., Sun, C., Chen, J. J., Jen, H. J., Kang, X. L., Kao, C. C., & Chou, K. R. (2020). A large‐scale survey on trauma, burnout, and posttraumatic growth among nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30(1), 102–116., P., Vraka, I., Fragkou, D., Bilali, A., & Kaitelidou, D. (2020). Nurses’ burnout and associated risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing., D., Kong, Y., Li, W., Han, Q., Zhang, X., Zhu, L. X., … & Zhu, J. (2020). Frontline nurses’ burnout, anxiety, depression, and fear statuses and their associated factors during the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China: A large-scale cross-sectional study. EClinicalMedicine, 24, 100424.Murat, M., Kose, S., & Savasar, S. (2020). Determination of stress, depression, and burnout levels of front-line nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30(2), 533–543., C. S., & Becker, H. (2019). Systematic Review: Expressive arts interventions to address psychosocial stress in healthcare workers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(11), 2285–2298., J., Littzen, C., & Gelt, J. (2020, September 15). Nurse burnout: The next COVID-19 crisis? The University of Arizona College of Nursing.…, M. K., Gandrakota, N., Cimiotti, J. P., Ghose, N., Moore, M., & Ali, M. K. (2021). Prevalence of and factors associated with nurse burnout in the US. JAMA Network Open, 4(2):e2036469. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.36469USAHS (2020). Nurse Burnout: Risks, Causes, and Precautions.,can%20directly%20impact%20their%20health.

solved Go to PubMed (Links to an external site.). Type the

Go to PubMed (Links to an external site.). Type the search query Fibrinolytic versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention into the PubMed search bar and hit the Search button. My Search Results Assignment Instructions and Requirements: “Outcomes of Fibrinolytic Therapy vs. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI).” the literature review is a more thorough critique of the literature which compares findings between the articles.You will be evaluating research which compares the two treatment options (fibrinolytic therapy and PCI), using the articles you retrieved from your PubMed database search. You will read each article, comparing them to the article you selected and critically evaluate the following: Study methodology Study populations Conclusions drawn from the research data Study strengths and limitations Identify gaps in the research Relationships between the studies Below are some important requirements for this assignment: The literature review needs to review at least 7 articles. some of them might be relevant. You should now possess the ability to search for new journal articles through PubMed. Most students in the past have had to go back and pull additional journal articles from PubMed. Use proper APA format Cite sources within your document. One citation cannot be used to cover an entire paragraph. Any information that is not your own words, thoughts, or ideas must be cited. Requirements state at least 3 pages long (not including cover and reference pages) but may be longer. Content is more important than length. We do not allow the use of quoted material in this class. You should try paraphrasing instead of quoting and then cite the reference. Take the time to really read your chosen Fibrinolytic versus PCI article a few times over in order to fully develop a review summary and determine the usefulness report. How would you further research/resolve health outcomes after an acute myocardial infarction? Below is an outline for you to follow as you write your literature review: Literature Review Outline Introduction (should be about half a page in length) Describe your overall field of study (i.e. myocardial infarction, what it is, why it needs to be addressed quickly, briefly list options.) The introduction describes background information on your topic and the purpose of your paper. Treatment Option 1 (should be about one page in length) Let’s start the ball rolling by using your single chosen article, the one that you wrote your contribution to the group annotated bibliography. Pull out one of the important areas of this article and its relation to the conclusion of the study. You need to address who did what, where, when, why (purpose), and briefly how. Your summary should also summarize the study’s worth to the scientific community. Now that you you’ve gotten the ball rolling go back and look at the other annotations from your group members. Hopefully, you spot another article or two that closely relates to this important article and discuss how it relates, either supporting the point from the first article or disputing it. In your own words address who did what, where, when, why (purpose), and briefly how. Your summary should also summarize the study’s worth to the scientific community. Treatment Option 2 (should be between half and one page in length) Using the articles from your annotated bibliography, pull out one of the important areas of this article and its relation to the conclusion of the study. You need to address who did what, where, when, why (purpose), and briefly how. Your summary should also summarize the study’s worth to the scientific community. Now go back and look at the other annotations. Hopefully, you spot another article or two that closely relates to this important article and discuss how it relates, either supporting the point from the first article or disputing it. In your own words address who did what, where, when, why (purpose), and briefly how. Your summary should also summarize the study’s worth to the scientific community. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs): This will briefly describe the overall strengths and weaknesses of the field. What piece of information is missing? How might that missing information be further investigated? Reference Page: Last page, no less than 7 journal articles, APA format Note: Abstracts are not required for this assignment.

solved Length: 2 pages single spaced min, 12 point font, reasonable

Length: 2 pages single spaced min, 12 point font, reasonable margins. Instructions/Overview: Pick a peer-reviewed anthropological article from an ACADEMIC JOURNAL written within the last 10 years to read, summarize, critique, and share with the class. This assignment with help you become more aware of the type of research taking place in anthropology today. Here are some key points to keep in mind:An academic journal is not like a normal magazine. It is a peer reviewed academic publication that only published rigorous academic work from people in a specific field. Each journal will usually focus on a very specific aspect of an academic discipline such Ethnography or Cultural Studies in the case of anthropology. Research submitted is peer reviewed in the sense that the journal will hire other academics to check or validate the work done in a submission and once other professionals have okayed the work as valid using their own internal criteria will it then be considered for publication. In some cases even experiments might be replicated to check the validity of the work and the conclusions. You CANNOT use normal magazines or webpages for this assignment since they are NOT peer reviewed academic journals. So the following and others like them cannot be used and if a student does use of these I will either give them a very low grade or ask them to rewrite it: Sources like National Geographic, Discover Magazine, various news outlets, etc cannot be used.It must be an article from one of the 4 fields on anthropology- archaeology, linguistics, physical anthropology, or socio-cultural anthropology. It is key that the viewpoint of the writer is anthropological and not other disciplines such as history, psychology, or political science.When you write the paper I want to see your well argued thoughts and opinions about what you have read so at a minimum you need to address the questions that I laid out for you below but feel free to discuss other aspects of the article that interest you as well. Feel free to email your article choice if you want to make sure that it will qualify and I will be happy to take a look at it for you. Also feel free to attend the third synch session on this paper or to review the recording afterwards.I also have an example paper attached above if you want to see what I am looking for as well. How to access the journal database offered by the City Colleges to search for an article to use:You will need to login with your information to access the databases once you select one from the library database webpage located here: City Colleges Library Database LinkOnce you login if you do choose the EBSCO database then the next page asks you which databases you want to include in your search, select all at the top to get the most results.Make sure to look for or select an option if available to only see search results with full text articles otherwise you might only find ones with short summaries. Also if you can select journal article only in your results in order to filter out videos or books. When you do your search in any of the databases you choose, make sure to search for both the word “anthropology” and your topic of interest so for example “anthropology art”. There are a lot of different types of journals in these databases and many are not anthropology related so this is important to keep in mind. Just to reemphasize your paper must be on a journal article. Webpages, newspapers and other articles from magazines like National Geographic and others will not qualify. If you do not use a journal article you will need to rewrite the paper so please keep that in mind. Make sure to cite your article in your work in APA format so take note of the information when looking at your article.Make sure to address all of the following in your journal article review once you have an article chosen:You should paraphrase the main points of the article in your own words. About half a page. How did the author’s test their theories?What are the author’s conclusions?Did the author make a compelling argument for their case? Did it seem reasonable or biased? Why?Why did you choose this article? What interested you about it?Discuss one anthropological idea you learned in the article and what you learned about it. Be specific and if you would like use the text to get ideas or reach out to me feel free. Cite the article in APA format.

solved Mini-Case Study: Project Management at Global Green Books Publishing.Global Green

Mini-Case Study: Project Management at Global Green Books Publishing.Global Green Books Publishing was started two years ago by two friends, Jim King and Brad Mount, who met in college while studying in Philadelphia, USA. In the new business Jim focused on editing, sales and marketing while Brad Mount did the electronic assembly and publishing of books for Global Green Books. Their business was successful and profitable in the first two years, largely due to contracts from two big businesses. In their third year they got very busy thanks to their third major customer, a local college that needed customized eBooks. They hired several part time employees to help them with their publishing business. But by the end of third year of operation, Global Green Books started experiencing critical problems. They were:  unable to leverage all the new employees effectively  unable to deliver eBooks to their customers on schedule  unable to provide quality texts—time and money was being spent fixing defects in their products  unable to control costs—their business was not profitable in the third year. Global Green Books saw a significant rise in issues, a lot of unpleasant “surprises” were cropping up; business was down as new resources were hired, also some of the projects were poorly estimated. The local university was unhappy as their eBook products reached campus late for use by professors and student. In some cases, the books were a week or two late. Since the courses must start on schedule and students need their books at the beginning of their courses, the new lucrative college customer was unhappy. One of the new part-time employees hired by Jim and Brad, Samantha, had taken a project management course at college. Samantha was excited about the discipline of project management and had intentionally selected a job with Global Green Books Publishing as she saw an opportunity to polish her project management skills. One fine day, Jim invited Samantha, for a lunch meeting. He was aware that Samantha was familiar with project management, and wanted to hear what she had to say about the problems he and Brad were facing. Over lunch he questioned why their small business which had operated and implemented projects so successfully over the first two years was being challenged significantly now. He specifically listed the problems they were facing and asked for input to solve them. Samantha asked for more time to research all the issues but noted that Global Green Books, while being innovative, completed projects without a roadmap or a project plan and lacked a disciplined approach to project management. She noted that Jim and Brad did not use any project software for scheduling and they did not use tools or techniques to estimate, budget or to communicate with stakeholders. Finally, they had no processes in place to manage project risks and quality. Impressed with this and other conversations, Jim King asked Samantha if she would consider joining them as a project associate or project manager on a full-time basis to help them introduce project management practices and help them tide over their current crisis. Samantha accepted the offer! She has several key skills—she is an excellent communicator with very good interpersonal skills and detail-oriented. Within the first three months in her new role as PM, she introduced formal project management processes, created a PM manual and trained the employees to get the work done well. Within nine months Samantha had fully turned things around. Due to proactive risk analysis and risk response planning, surprises and issues reduced. Communication with stakeholders was enhanced. Brad and Jim noted that the company was delivering projects on schedule, the quality processes worked—and customers were happy with the products! Comment on the following aspects of the case study: a) Why did Global Green Books Publishing struggle? b) What were the specific PM solutions that were introduced by Samantha that worked? c) What kind of suggestions would you give to Brad and Jim if you were the PM? d) Are you aware of other similar start-up businesses that struggle in a similar manner? How did they overcome the challenges? e) Global Green Books Publishing is a technology intensive business, but Samantha is not technically knowledgeable, will she continue to be a successful project manager?

solved I need help with a Business Law question. All explanations

I need help with a Business Law question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Simulate the role of a Regulatory Affairs manager in identifying the key differences between pharmacovigilance practices for drugs/biologics vs. medical devicesDemonstrate understanding of the relevant Safety Reporting guidelines for drugs and devices in the US and EU, specificallyApply knowledge of the relevant Safety Reporting regulations for drugs, biologics, and devices in a real-world settingImagine you are a Sr Manager of Regulatory Affairs at a small, emerging biotechnology company that is looking to develop a new medical device for the treatment of atrial fibrillation, also known as irregular/rapid heartbeat. To-date, your company only has experience with the pharmacovigilance practice related to the development of drugs/biologics. Your device is similar to a pacemaker in that it is an implantable electronic device that will be placed in a certain location within the heart muscle of a patient and will be left there for several years to regulate the heartbeat.Your company is preparing to embark on medical device trials in the United States and Spain.Your task is to provide the following information to your colleagues in the form of an executive summary (incorporation of figures and graphs HIGHLY encouraged):Introduction (1 paragraph)Provide a general introduction for your colleague to explain the purpose of this briefing document and what types of information you plan to include and why.Outline the Key Players (2-3 paragraphs)Regulatory Oversight for Devices: In each of the 2 countries (US, Spain), what regulatory bodies are tasked with providing direct oversight to:Medical Device pre-market developmentMedical Device Pharmacovigilance – hint: In Spain, you will need to address this on two levels: The European Commission’s role and the role of The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS)FDA Medical Device Requirements (3-4 paragraphs)Describe the different FDA classifications for medical devices. Be sure to clearly outline how risk plays a role in the classification of devices and explain why your company’s device, which is intended to regulate the heartbeat, will most likely be classified as a Class III device.Identify and outline, in your own words, the key areas under the Code of Federal Regulations that pertain to pre-market medical device pharmacovigilance as conducted under an Investigation Device Exemption (IDE).What types of medical devices fall under this part of the code?What are the pharmacovigilance/safety relevant concepts introduced in the code?What safety-related definitions are introduced that are different from what your company is used to seeing with drugs/biologics?What are the expedited reporting details? What events meet these criteria and what are the timeframes?European Commission Device Requirements (3-4 paragraphs)Describe the different EC classifications for medical devices. In what ways are they similar or different from those employed by the FDA? Be sure to clearly outline how risk plays a role in the classification of devices and explain why your company’s device, which is intended to regulate the heartbeat, will most likely be classified as a Class III device.Identify and outline, in your own words, the key areas under the EU MDR that pertain to pre-market medical device clinical investigations:What are the pharmacovigilance/safety relevant concepts introduced in the EU MDR?What safety-related definitions are introduced that are different from what your company is used to seeing with drugs/biologics?What are the expedited reporting details? What events meet these criteria and what are the timeframes, if any?Optional: While Spain is an EU member state and therefore comes under the EC medical device rules, what role with Spain’s Competent Authority, The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS), play with respect to safety reporting for the medical device while it is undergoing clinical trials in SpainConclusion/Next Steps (1-2 paragraphs)What resources will you use to help your company understand the pharmacovigilance regulations related to clinical trials of medical devices in the US and EU?Will you recommend any specific vendors to help manage safety reporting during clinical trials of your device? Feel free to take this in a creative direction.

solved Part I. The Leadership ChallengeThis part of the assignment is

Part I. The Leadership ChallengeThis part of the assignment is based on the article The Leadership Challenge, which is based on the best-selling leadership book The Leadership Challenge. The article provides additional insight into the challenges that leaders face in organizations today, as well as five practices that lead to more effective leadership.The authors, Kouzes & Posner, identified five leadership practices (consistent behaviors) through years of extensive research with thousands of participants. Discuss the section “Credibility is the Foundation of Leadership” addressing the following questions:Do leaders really need to be honest – isn’t it OK to lie a little, cover-up facts, break promises because of circumstances? What are the social consequences of dishonest behavior? What are the “natural” consequences (impact on self-concept, trust, confidence, etc.)?Can leaders really inspire? Isn’t this a job for the individual (to inspire self)? Provide an example of an inspirational leader you have known. How did he/she affect your emotions, hope, views? Review the outline for each of the five practices: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, Encourage the Heart. Select one of the five practices and provide supporting evidence (e.g., experiences) for the practice.Provide an example(s) of a leader who behaved in ways opposing the chosen practice. Part 2: Traits, Behaviors and RelationshipsPlease read Chapter 2 and then refer to Exhibit 2.7 below which shows how some leaders treat In-Group Subordinates compared to how they treat Out-Group Subordinates. Please address all of the questions in Part 2.1. In-Group/Out-Group Followers:a) Describe an example of a leader from your past experience who created an “out group” of followers through their behaviors and traits. (Please be sure to discuss someone who created an “out group”, which means there was also an “in group” of subordinates which this leader treated more favorably than the “out group”). This question is not asking about a poor leader who treats everyone badly.b) Identify and describe the specific behaviors this leader exhibited, as well as the leader’s personality characteristics. c) What were the consequences of this leader’s treatment of the “out group” to the department, other employees, and/or company? d) How could this leader change to avoid the “out group” and create a happier, honest work culture where people feel respected for their unique talents and views?2. Leader-Member Exchange:a) In your own words, explain the concept of Leader-Member Exchange. Please avoid a simple textbook definition. b) Identify and evaluate specific behaviors of a leader you have known who engaged in Leader-Member Exchange in the management of his/her subordinates by adapting/flexing their style and communication in order to create trust with each individual subordinate. 3. Personality, Behavior and Traits:a) First, identify what you believe are your own greatest strengths (behaviors and traits). Explain how they have helped you to succeed. b) Then please go to: and complete the “Brief Strengths Test” (the result in following files)questionnaire. You need to register before you can access the “Questionnaires”. After registering, click on Questionnaires and select “Brief Strengths Test.” Be sure to include the summary of your results from the test in your narrative for this question.c) Compare the results of the “Brief Strengths Test” questionnaire with your own perception of your strengths. Are they the same, or did the test reveal some differences? d) How will you use your strengths to be a more effective leader going forward?1. Cut and paste Question 1 here in Bold font. If it has multiple parts, you may list them all together or separate them with your answers in between each sub-question. Use Normal spacing with Calibri 11 point font.Type your response to Question 1 here (normal font). APA format not required for Leadership Reflection Questions, so no citations or References list required.2. Cut and paste Question 2 here in Bold font.Type your response to Question 2 here (normal font), and so forth until you have addressed all questions and sub-questions in the Leadership Reflection Questions document for the week.