solved Case Study 3: George George is the fourth child of

Case Study 3: George

George is the fourth child of Nathan and Mary. His parents reported that George’s development was fairly normal. He was not too fussy, and he slept and ate well. By George’s second birthday his parents noticed some behaviors that made them concerned. He became very resistant to hugs or cuddling from anyone. If distressed, he would still not seek comfort from his parents like his siblings did. George was also slower than his older siblings in reaching some developmental milestones like sitting up without assistance and crawling. George was able to babble but was not developing any speech. In addition, he often ignored his parents. For example, simple requests such as “Do you want an apple?” or “Come here” elicited no response from George. When playing with his toys, he would often repeatedly spin the wheels of his toy cars and trucks. Sometimes his attention would go to the ceiling fan in the living room, which he could sit and watch for long periods of time. As a toddler, one of George’s favorite things to do was play with spice jars. He would play with them for hours if left alone and cry if the jars were taken away from him or if the spice cabinet door was locked for the day. When George gets upset, or if his routine changes in any way, he will bang his head on the floor. Now, at the age of 3, his speech is still not developmentally appropriate, and he has started displaying some concerning behavior toward the family dog. He often pulls on the dog’s tail or ears and does not react to the dog’s obvious pain. Sometimes George will play with his siblings if prompted by his parents, but his family members aren’t sure if he has any friends at daycare. George’s parents took him to a pediatrician who performed a physical and neurological examination. George was found to be in good health and the neurological evaluation showed nothing abnormal. 
Q1. Based on the above information and the DSM 5, what might a psychologist diagnose this client with? Please provide a primary diagnosis and at least two separate differential diagnoses. Describe in detail how you ruled out your differential diagnoses and provide justification for your primary diagnosis. (Maximum of three pages)
Q2. Based on what you learned in this class and the information provided in the case, what course of treatment would a mental health team recommend?(Maximum 1 page)
Q3. Based on what you have learned in this course and the information provided in the case, what are the possible developmental (which includes cognitive, social, and emotional considerations across the lifespan) and socio-cultural considerations that may have contributed to this disorder’s development?
(Maximum 1 page)
Submit your answer via a Microsoft word document or pdf. Reference the rubric to ensure the quality and content of your answer meets the standards.
Please ensure you identify the following components in your responses.

Delineate the question you are answering which can be symbolized by the question # (e.g. Q1)
Q1 should identify the primary diagnosis and at least two diagnoses you ruled out(e.g. at least 1 primary diagnosis and at least two different diagnoses that you ruled out). Explain why how your primary diagnosis is consistent with DSM-5 criteria based on the information presented in the vignette. It should also clearly show why you selected each rule out, and why you ruled it out. This answer should be thorough and concise.
Q2 should demonstrate an understanding of the developmental considerations in the case, how they influence the diagnosis and how they should be considered in the course of treatment.
Q3 should demonstrate a treatment plan based on research, the textbook, details provided in the case (e.g. developmental, and sociocultural factors), and the primary diagnosis you selected.
Use an APA intext citation if you use direct quotes from the book or the DSM-5 provide a reference page if and use in-text citations if you use other sources. If you are only using the DSM-5 and the textbook for reference and are not using direct language from the textbook or the DSM-5 you can simply state per the DSM-5 or the textbook
DO NOT include the instruction or the stem of the question on the document you submit as this will cause unnecessarily increase your percentage of likelihood of plagiarism on

solved Assignment: Creating a Single-System (Subject) Design StudyThe steps at the

Assignment: Creating a Single-System (Subject) Design StudyThe steps at the heart of single-system (subject) research are part of the everyday practice of social work. Each day social workers implement interventions to meet clients’ needs and monitor results. However, conducting proper single-system (subject) research entails far more than these simple day-to-day practices. Proper single-system research requires a high degree of knowledge and commitment. Social workers must fully understand the purpose of single-system (subject) research and the variations of single-system (subject) design. They must develop a hypothesis based upon research and select the right design for testing it. They must ensure the reliability and validity of the data to be collected and know how to properly analyze and evaluate that data. This assignment asks you to rise to the challenge of creating a proposal for a single-subject research study.To prepare for this Assignment, imagine that you are the social worker assigned to work with Paula Cortez (see the case study, “Social Work Research: Single Subject” in this week’s resources). After an initial assessment of her social, medical, and psychiatric problems, you develop a plan for intervention. You also develop a plan to monitor progress in your work with her using measures that can be evaluated in a single-system research design. As a scholar practitioner, you rely on research to help plan your intervention and your evaluation plan.Complete the Cortez Family interactive media in this week’s resources. Conduct a literature search related to the chronic issues related to HIV/AIDS and bipolar mental disorder. Search for additional research related to assessing outcomes and theoretical frameworks appropriate for this client. For example, your search could include terms such as motivational interviewing and outcomes and goal-oriented practice and outcomes. You might also look at the NREPP database identified in Week 1, to search for interventions related to mental health and physical health.By Day 7Submit a 5- to 7-page proposal/research plan for single-system (subject) evaluation for your work with Paula Cortez. Identify the problems that you will target and the outcomes you will measure, select an appropriate intervention or interventions (including length of time), and identify an appropriate evaluation plan.Include a description of:The problem(s) that are the focus of treatmentThe intervention approach, including length of time, so that it can be replicatedA summary of the literature that you reviewed that led you to select this intervention approachThe purpose for conducting a single-system (subject) research evaluationThe measures for evaluating the outcomes and observing change including:Evidence from your literature search about the nature of the measuresThe validity and reliability of the measuresHow baseline measures will be obtainedHow often follow-up measures will be administeredThe criteria that you would use to determine whether the intervention is effectiveHow the periodic measurements could assist you in your ongoing work with Paula APA FormatDocument: Corcoran, K., & Hozack, N. (2010). Locating assessment instruments. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 65–74). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.Document: Mattaini, M. A. (2010). Single-system studies. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 241–273). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].Read the following section:“Social Work Research: Single Subject” (pp. 70–72)Tankersley, M., Cook, B. G., & Cook, L. (2008). A Preliminary Examination to Identify the Presence of Quality Indicators in Single-subject Research. Education & Treatment of Children, 31(4), 523-548Required MediaLaureate Education (Producer). (2013b). Cortez family [Interactive media]. Retrieved from

solved  Week 4: Discussion Prompt Directions Read both of these

Week 4: Discussion Prompt Directions
Read both of these articles about Cell Phones and how they are being used in either your textbook or by clicking the following links:
A Snitch in Your Pocket by Micheal Isikoff (Links to an external site.)
Social Media: Establishing Criteria for Law Enforcement Use by Robert D. Stuart (Links to an external site.)
Prompt – Answer one or more of the following questions to complete this discussion:
Do you believe that the government, police agencies, or corporations have a right to invade people’s privacy without their consent?
Have you ever had any privacy or content concerns with your cell phone use? Did the claims of either of these essays/articles make an impact on you?
Do you read the entire user agreement when you download apps to your phone or join a social media site? Why or why not? Does the information in these articles shock you or not?
Do you agree with Robert D. Stuart that Law Enforcement needs to establish appropriate controls over the use of social media? Why or why not? Can there be a compromise?
In recent years social media sites have established “Fact Checkers” which have been seen by some as essential to weeding out false information while others see it as a way to censor and block information that the site administrators do not agree with. Do you believe that “Fact Checkers” are a good thing for social media?

classmates discussions #1

I don’t believe that the government, police agencies, or corporations have a right to invade people’s privacy without their consent because this action is a violation of the peoples rights. We are in a free nation with no slavery and the people also pay taxes to the government to have some kind of peace of mind and have services and laws to feel protected. the fact that someone else invades peoples privacy is consider the opposite of safety. Personally it concerns me just to think that someone could have asses to my cellphone. I do have a lot of information that I consider private like my logging and passwords to my bank account, credit accounts that could be very damage if it gets to the wrong hands. I also use my cellphone for work and have private information of my clients that I would not like to get expose to others without any authorization of them. When I was reading the articles in this essay it really impacted me the fact that “FBI and other law-enforcement outfits have been obtaining more and more records of cell-phone locations — without notifying the targets or getting judicial warrants establishing.” knowing this it makes me feel violated and not respected of my human rights. I understand that in some cases is understandable to sneak in some cellphones because they are searching for the criminals and drug dealers but not just because they have easy access to peoples phones records. It really make me think on how I am protecting my self and others after I read this article and It also made me think that next time I have to read the information when I get knew apps in my cell phone. I never pay attention to the little words because I was ignorant of the real facts. Next time I will be concern to the agreement when I download apps to my phone or join social media sites.
classmates discussions #2
Q: Do you believe that the government, police agencies, or corporations have a right to invade people’s privacy without their Consent?
A: I do not believe that any government, police agency, corporation or private entity has the right to invade people’s privacy, but sadly, that is exactly what is happening in today’s world. By using technology and information freely provided by cell phone companies to law enforcement without a warrant, for the purpose of obtaining a person’s location and call history, is illegal and is a clear violation of a person’s right to privacy. “The number of requests for cell information has increased so much, backed by so little proof of need, that magistrates are beginning to question the constitutionality of letting law enforcement seek such information.” (Rottenberg/Winchell p.133-134) This is just another example of how our right to privacy as an American citizen is slowly being eroded away. 

solved Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it

Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it in essay form. At the beginning of your essay, please include the question that you have chosen to answer for this. This essay should cover at least 3 single- spaced typewritten pages with a 12 point, Times New Roman font. Essays that are just summaries of the course material will not do well. I want an organized, well-written, and clearly expressed essay led by your thesis position, made by your arguments, and supported by course content as evidence. (no other references except for course content).ESSAY QUESTIONS Would you consider the creation of the doctrines of “Incorporation” and “Reverse Incorporation” to be Constitutionally valid actions by the Judiciary? For this question, you can discuss the creation of either one of those doctrines or both of them Do you consider imprisonment as punishment for a crime a specific violation of the 13th Amendment if there is evidence of racial discrimination during the arrest or trial?3) Choose 1 right that is currently protected under “Due Process” or choose 1 group classification that is currently protected under “Equal Protection” that you think should be moved to a different level of scrutiny or removed from the protection of the 14th Amendment entirely. Explain why the right or group classification that you have chosen is not appropriate under the legal standard and the burden of proof of its current level.4) In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court affirmed that a right to privacy exists in the Constitution. Do you a) think that privacy rights deserve to be protected by the Constitution, and b) think that Court was correct in how it established privacy rights?5) Do you think that the Ninth Amendment can legitimately be used by the Judiciary to recognize and provide legal protection for a specific unenumerated right or do you think the Constitution or Congressional legislation need to be amended to include recognition of that specific right before it can be legitimately protected by the Judiciary? For this question, it may help you to discuss a specific unenumerated right as an example.6) Do you think that a state law which is considered by the Supreme Court to be a valid exercise of State Police Power could ever be used legitimately to limit an express Constitutional right? Provide a hypothetical state law purpose and an example of a current express Constitutional right as part of your analysis for this question.7) In Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court required that a state law claiming to regulate public health and safety must be necessary and reasonable for it to survive a valid citizen claim that the law affected their Constitutional rights. However, not every Court uses those two limitations. When a Court does not use them, does it allow the concept of State Police Power to extend the reach of the Tenth Amendment too far?8) Do you agree with Justice Peckham’s opinion in Lochner v. New York that the New York Bakeshop Act was an illegitimate exercise of State Police Power?9) In his dissent to Lochner v. New York, Justice Holmes said that “a constitution is not intended to embody a particular economic theory.” Should a Judge be allowed to use an economic or political theory to help them understand and apply a vague term from the Constitution when they are deciding if a legislative law conflicts with that term?10) Three issues facing the future of the Supreme Court are: a) the number of Justices that can serve on the Supreme Court at once, b) the term length that a Justice serves on the Supreme Court, c) the people who have the power to place a Justice on the Supreme Court. Explain if you would keep or change the existing rules governing each issue.11) In Kelo v. City of New London, the court said that “public purpose” can satisfy the “public use” requirement of the 5th Amendment “Takings” clause. Do you think this broad interpretation of “public use” gives too much power to legislatures declaring “eminent domain” to take private property from private citizens to give to others?12) Do the “Exclusionary Rule” and the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” doctrines that the Judiciary created strike the correct balance to you between protecting the 4th Amendment rights of the accused and granting government the power to protect others in society?

solved Assignment ContentDetermining the right to counsel depends on the circumstances

Assignment ContentDetermining the right to counsel depends on the circumstances of a case. For this assignment, select and complete one of the three options below to demonstrate what you have learned about the right to counsel.
Option 1: Right to Counsel PresentationAnalyze two cases involving the right to counsel and document your observations in a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. Use complete sentences, with correct grammar and punctuation, to fully explain each slide as if you were giving an in-person presentation.Address the following topics:The aspects of right to counsel for the casesHow the historical development of right to counsel relates to the casesWhen the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure for the casesWhether the defendants in the cases exercised their right to self-representationThe role of the attorneys in the cases as it applies to right to counselInclude videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate.SEE Rules for Power Point Presentations below.
Option 2: Right to Counsel Attorney InterviewResearch one case involving the right to counsel using the Internet or University Library.Analyze the case and identify two or three questions you want to ask an attorney regarding the right to counsel.Find an attorney to interview by searching the Internet, checking your local phone book, or referring to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that incorporates the attorney’s responses about the right to counsel for the case. Include the following:The aspects of right to counsel for the caseHow the historical development of right to counsel relates to the caseWhen the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure for the caseWhether the defendant in the case exercised his or her right to self-representation The role of an attorney in the case as it applies to right to counsel
Option 3: Right to Counsel ArticleYou are a guest writer for a legal aid blog. You noticed in the comments several people have asked questions about the right to counsel and whether they have a right to counsel based on their situation. To address this need, you decide to write an article on the topic. Analyze two cases involving the right to counsel and refer to these cases in your article.Write a 700- to 1,050-word article about the right to counsel that addresses the following topics:The aspects of the right to counsel for these casesHow the historical development of the right to counsel relates to the casesWhen the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure for the casesWhether the defendants in the cases exercised their right to self-representationThe role of the attorneys in the cases as it applies to the right to counselRules For Power Point PresentationsHi, crew,A PowerPoint presentation is not merely a paper divided up among slides. A PowerPoint is supposed to be eye-catching and interesting to the viewer. It is, after all, a presentation you are presenting to an audience. In addition to whatever words are on the slide, the slide itself should have a meaningful background and whatever graphics you feel are appropriate.Aside from the graphics, the slides should contain bullet points of what you will be “discussing”. The bulk of the information you are supplying will be in the speaker notes. This is how a PowerPoint is presented to an audience. The slides will give the headlines of what you will be talking about and what the audience will see. What you will be telling the audience, in explaining those bullet points, is what you will write in the speaker notes. These, therefore, must have all the information you might have written in a paper.I do not want to see a lot of verbiage in the slides, and I do not want to see empty speaker notes. Leaving the notes blank or including nothing but a reference is insufficient.Speaking of references, every slide and all speaker notes must have cites as to where the information came from. If photographs or other graphics (illustrations, etc.) are used in the slides, these must be cited and referenced also. And there must be at least one reference slide at the end of the presentation (this and the title slide DO NOT count towards the number of slides you are to provide).Format your selected option consistent with APA guidelines.Submit your assignment.

solved Unit title & codeRisk and Procurement Management BSS054-6Assignment number and

Unit title & codeRisk and Procurement Management BSS054-6Assignment number and titleAssessment 1Assessment typeWritten ReportWeighting of assessment50%Size or length of assessment3,000 wordsUnit learning outcomesDemonstrate the following knowledge and understandingMSc Project Managementcritically informed knowledge of Risk and Quality Management framework and standards alongside related tools and techniques in the context of Project ManagementMSc Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain Managementcritically informed knowledge of Risk and Quality Management framework and standards alongside related tools and techniques in the context of Operations ManagementundefinedWhat am I required to do in this assignment?Use the Case Study (FIFA World Cup), your own reading and research and risk management concepts and models to develop an understanding of the requirements to develop a risk management process for large scale projects involving infrastructure and events.You must write a Business Report that focuses on three key areas that summarise your understanding of risk management in this context.1.Using both the Case Study and your own research, identify and discuss three key risk areas involving risk management of an FIFA World Cup project2.Informed by risk management concepts and models, summarise a multi-stage risk management process that is suitable for an FIFA World Cup project3.Identify four individual risks, discuss their evaluation and suggest potential mitigation strategiesWhat do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)Demonstrate engagement with the literatureUse appropriate risk management tools and techniques as outlined in the unit to analyse a Case StudyGive some constructive recommendations appropriate to present to senior managersHow do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?You will need to apply the concepts and models covered in class regarding a multi-stage risk management project, particularly the areas of risk identification and analysis, and apply to the mega-project for the FIFA World Cup. You will be need to refine your understanding of the unique requirements of mega-project risk management during class exercises and discussions and demonstrate this in your written report.undefinedHow will my assignment be marked?Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit. 3rd Class – 40-49%Lower 2nd – 50-59%Upper 2nd – 60-69%1st Class – 70%+1Some use of academic literature but with little or no logical interrelation with the problem set. Little use of relevant course concepts, models or theories.Fair use of academic literature but lack of depth/connect to problem set. Some use of course concepts, models and theories.Good use of academic literature, good use of course concepts, models and theories but lacking in depth and/or breadthVery good use of academic literature in connection to problem set and excellent overall application of multiple course concepts, models and theories.2Poor quality of research with now-quality sources used. Poor input into discussion and conclusion of report.Fair quality of research but limited in scope or depth, limited input into discussion and conclusion of report.Good quality of research with reasonable input into discussion and conclusion of report. May be limited in scope/depth.Excellent quality and range of research demonstrated, with clear input into discussion and conclusion of report.3Poor structure and design with a reasonable flow of ideas. No report structure used or poor report structure. Referencing present but frequent errors.Fair structure and design. Report structure used by with errors and/or poor implementation. Referencing present but some errors.Well-structured arguments and design with reasonable flow of the report. Formal report structure used. Mostly accurate referencing.Well-structured arguments with good design of the sections with good flow of ideas. Formal report structure use. Accurate referencing.

solved Keiler L. S. (2018). Teachers’ roles and identities in student-centered

Keiler L. S. (2018). Teachers’ roles and identities in student-centered classrooms. International Journal of STEM education, 5(1), 34.…The article explores the effects of teachers on students when they teach in student-centered environments or approaches. Significantly, in denoting the effect of teachers on the life of students, the article notes that teachers who establish a student-centered classroom act as guides who encourage students on best practices to life and success measures instead of being enforcers and disciplinarians. Secondly, teachers are important pillars to students since they enable the students to make influential instructional academic and life decisions as they guide them. Teachers also diagnose students’ knowledge and gauge their understanding of the past and present academic issues for better facilitation and feedback provision. The selection of the research design and data collection methods supports the ability of the article to provide authentic feedback about the importance of teachers to students. Nevertheless, the article suffers from the use of small data from a narrow setting in assessing the effects of teachers on students.Johnson D. (2017). The Role of Teachers in Motivating Students to Learn. Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pp. 46-49’s article discusses the role that a teacher has in motivating the student to learn. Largely, Johnson notes that one of the roles of a teacher in motivating students includes creating a conducive environment that supports their learning. Secondly, the teacher motivates students to learn by encouraging them and supporting the student’s autonomy. Additionally, the teacher develops the student’s interest in the subjects being taught, competence as well as self-efficacy perception. The strength of the article is that it relies on well-researched data from secondary sources to back up the stated points. Nevertheless, the article lacks authenticity since no experiment is shown backing the roles of the teacher in motivating students.Murati R. The role of the teacher in the educational process. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education. Volume 5, Issue 2, Pp. 75-78…The article describes the impact of a teacher on the life of a student from the education and professional dimension as well as the dimension of changing schools as an institution. In regards to the role of the teacher to a student, the teacher plans and manages the learning process to ensure that students get the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Secondly, the teacher inculcates civic and national values to students to make them morally upright people in society. The teacher is also important to the student since h/she fulfills the purpose of educating them about educational and life matters because the teacher has knowledge and experience about different aspects of life. Despite the article being clear on the effects of a teacher on a student, it lacks potential depth since in-depth research is not done to back up most of the provided talking points.Lars Dietrich, David Zimmermann & Josef Hofman (2020) The importance of teacher-student relationships in classrooms with ‘difficult’ students: a multi-level moderation analysis of nine Berlin secondary schools, European Journal of Special Needs Education.…The article evaluates the achievement-related outcomes as well as the social-emotional effects of a teacher on the life of a student. One of the themes noted in the article is that the selection of quality teaching techniques impacts feelings of efficacy, the joy of learning, and a sense of purpose in a student. The other noted theme is that teachers help in fostering the behavior of students through developing their emotions and thoughts based on how they create the learning environment. The article also notes that teachers develop and foster the social-emotional wellbeing of students since how a teacher treats a student affects how the student treats a fellow. The article is authentic since it uses results from an experiment carried out on students and teachers about the essence of teacher figures to students

solved ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Your instructor will provide two vignettes for ethical

ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Your instructor will provide two vignettes for ethical reasoning. After reading each vignette, you must identify all relevant stakeholders and determine how they could be impacted by the decision that will be made, identify and apply at least one principle for ethical reasoning, and then consider alternative courses of action and choose the best course of action based on stakeholder impacts and the outcome of the application of the ethical principle. Your textbook defines stakeholders as an entity that is benefitted or burdened by the actions of a corporation or whose actions may benefit or burden the corporation. Some common examples of stakeholders would include customers, employees, suppliers, stockholders, and the community. Businesses will almost always have multiple stakeholders, and many times their interests will conflict. This means that a business decision-maker will frequently have to make a decision in the face of competing claims from different stakeholders. The question of whose interests should be prioritized requires the exercise of judgment. This skill—examining competing claims and deciding which one is the strongest—is called evaluation. You will want to consider the power, urgency, and legitimacy that each stakeholder presents. You should put yourselves in each stakeholder’s position—Why do they care about the outcome of the decision? How will they be affected? What outcome would they prefer? What are their arguments in support of their preferred outcome? You will want to consider the power, urgency, and legitimacy that each stakeholder presents. Two of the videos below will give you a brief review of stakeholder theory and give you an idea of what skills you will be expected to demonstrate when you complete this assignment. Additionally, writing mechanics and grammar are graded as part of this assignment. As a reminder, for each incident, be sure to identify all relevant stakeholders and determine how they could be impacted by the decision that will be made, identify and apply at least one principle for ethical reasoning, and then consider alternative courses of action and choose the best course of action based on stakeholder impacts and the outcome of the application of the ethical principle. As a reminder, for each incident, be sure to identify all relevant stakeholders and determine how they could be impacted by the decision that will be made, identify and apply at least one principle for ethical reasoning, and then consider alternative courses of action and choose the best course of action based on stakeholder impacts and the outcome of the application of the ethical principle. Scenario 1: Troubled Promotion As Executive Director, you are seeking to promote one of your staff to the position of Associate Director. After the selection process was completed, you decided to promote Eva, a hardworking employee with excellent reviews. Upon announcing the promotion, information comes to light that Eva’s resume included several damaging misrepresentations including: previous employment history which stated that she’d been an assistant director for another organization when in reality, she had only ever covered for the assistant director when he’d been on vacation; she’d “managed” high performing teams when she’d really only been the secretary taking notes; and finally that she had an MBA when in reality, she had begun, but failed to complete an MBA program. Word has gotten out about these misrepresentations and spread to subordinates. What do you, the Executive Director, do? Do you proceed with the promotion, retain Eva but not promote her, or fire Eva? Scenario 2: Loud Lay-off Susan and Ray have both been laid off from their middle-management positions. Both are very upset and nervous about finding new opportunities in the current job market. Ray is very inarticulate and docile. He accepts the severance package offered by the company: four weeks’ pay and benefit continuation. Susan, also anxious, complains about the inadequate severance. She starts accusing the company of disparate treatment and threatens a lawsuit. In an effort to negotiate with Susan, the company offers her a six-month severance page with pay and benefit continuation. Has the company been fair in its treatment of these employees? What possible consequences could arise?

solved Now that you have researched instructional strategies to use when

Now that you have researched instructional strategies to use when introducing literacy concepts, you will now put those strategies into practice as you decide strategies for instruction and assessment.For this benchmark, use the case scenario provided to develop a comprehensive, research-based early reading plan.Part 1Student: MarkAge: 6Grade: 1Mark is in the first grade and has transferred to a new school in the middle of the school year. Mark’s parents set up a meeting with his new first grade teacher to discuss their concerns with Mark’s reading skills. His previous teacher had wanted to discuss concerns about his reading skills with them, but they moved before they were able to meet and address these concerns.Mark’s new first grade teacher evaluated his reading skills with various assessments and noted some skill deficits in reading. At this age, most of Mark’s classmates are able to recognize various sight words, such as, “and”, “said”, “has”, “have”, “is”, “to”, “the”, “a”, and “was.”Mark is struggling each time he comes across these words and his oral reading skills are slow and strenuous. He requires a lot of prompting and sometimes says the wrong letter and sometimes just guesses at words. When listening to a passage read aloud, Mark has difficulty answering simple comprehension questions about the main idea or characters.Mark’s new first grade teacher has set up a follow-up meeting with Mark’s parents to discuss the results of his assessments and to inform them of the instructional goals he has put in place for Mark to help with his reading skills. The following are his instructional goals:After listening to a passage or story, Mark will be able to recall two or three of the sequenced events.Mark will be given a brief reading passage on his instructional level, be able to read it aloud, and recall the main ideas.Mark will say the corresponding sound when provided with a letter or letter combination.When prompted with a word, Mark will be able to say a word slowly (sounding it out) and then faster (reading it as a whole), when given a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant).When shown sight words, Mark will automatically state the word.Part 2Sequence each of Mark’s instructional goals described in the case scenario in the order you would address them with her if you were Mark’s teacher. In 100-250 words, explain your rationale for the sequence.Part 3Research and select an early reading strategy for one of Mark’s goals. In 500-750 words, describe the strategy in detail with a rationale that explains how it is designed to help Mark achieve that goal. Provide the learning theories and connections across curriculum to support the developed strategy. Provide the long- and short-term plans for Mark and resources (reading specialist, resource teacher, etc.) you would utilize to implement this plan.Support your rationale with two scholarly resources.Part 4Develop an activity that aligns to the chosen strategy you identified in Step 3 that Mark could do at home. In 250-500 words, describe the activity, as well as how you would establish and maintain a collaborative relationship with Mark’s parents and encourage them to help implement it. Submit your sequenced list of goals, their associated reading strategies and rationales, and the at-home activity to your instructor as one deliverablePrepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies [and professional standards]:MA in Elementary Education3.1: Candidates plan and implement instruction based on knowledge of students, learning theory, connections across the curriculum, curricular goals, and community. [ACEI 3.1; InTASC 7(a), 7(c), 7(g), 7(h), 7(i); MC4]3.6 Candidates collaboratively plan short- and long-term goals utilizing professionals with specialized expertise to meet individual student needs and enhance learning. [ACEI 3.2; InTASC 7(e), 7(f), 7(o), 7(p)]

solved Instructions: You may submit up to eight responses for a

Instructions: You may submit up to eight responses for a total of 40 points of extra credit. Each response is worth 5 points. Responses will be graded credit/no credit. Please view each of the group discourse projects. For each group discourse project that you choose to respond to, write on the following two prompts. Note: You may only write about a group discourse presentation once. Each response must cover a different group discourse project. Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Make sure your responses are thoughtful and analytical. Responses such as, “This discourse affects me too”, “I feel the same way as the other group”, and/or “There are no differences”, will NOT receive credit. You will submit ALL of your responses in one submission. Please follow the provided template/format below. You may copy/paste this template into the textbox on canvas. DO NOT submit individual submissions for each group presentation response. Again, all responses will be recorded in ONE submission and submitted as a text box entry (Similar to your journal assignments). Only one submission should be turned in.Example: If you choose to respond to four groups, you will submit one submission with four responses by May 10th, 11:59pm. You will submit your assignment under the tab called, “Extra Credit – Responses to Group Discourse Presentations. This will be found under “Assignments”. This assignment will be due by MAY 10th, 11:59 pm.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Group Discourse Extra Credit Assignment (Template)Name: Extra Credit #1Group Discourse Project you are responding to: (Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Extra Credit #2Group Discourse Project you are responding to:(Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Extra Credit #3Group Discourse Project you are responding to: (Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Extra Credit #4Group Discourse Project you are responding to:(Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Extra Credit #5Group Discourse Project you are responding to: (Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Extra Credit #6Group Discourse Project you are responding to: (Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Extra Credit #7Group Discourse Project you are responding to: (Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories. Extra Credit #8Group Discourse Project you are responding to: (Insert the group discourse name here)Question 1: Write how the discourse in the media example affects you on a personal level. Question 2: Write about one similarity and one difference you have in comparison to the group member’s personal stories.Group Discourse Presentation LInks: CSP420-01: Popular Culture and Counseling (