solved Part 1 Introduction – (1 – 2 pages) use this

Part 1 Introduction – (1 – 2 pages) use this section to introduce the case and the organization.BackgroundWhere is the organization located? Name the cities where they operate hotels?Diamond Rock is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), what is a REIT? How does this corporate status define their purpose as a company?How many hotels does the company own? Are the hotels low-end, mid-market, or premium quality?Who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – what major hotel company did he work for prior to starting Diamond Rock?Provide a summary of the organizations mission, vision, and values – list each item and explain what you think each means. Note that in some cases you will have to infer mission, vision, values from the narrative shared by the company.The corporate website describes being “stewards of our investors capital” – who are the investors they refer to?Part 2 Application of Managerial Skills – (2-3 pages) use this section to review the previously completed SWOT analysis provided in the case study materials:What were Diamond Rock’s revenues for the second quarter 2019? What were Diamond Rock’s revenues for the second quarter 2020? Was there a major change or difference?Review each of the items listed in the four SWOT categories shared by MarketLine (based on DiamondRock performance in 2018): strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and complete a written summary of the findings. Create a SWOT chart (like the one in the MarketLine report) and post it just below your summary.Assess the SWOT from 2018 and create an updated SWOT based on current data. Are the findings presented in the organizations SWOT analysis from 2018 still accurate? You will have to review all case study materials and conduct online research including a visit to the organization website and a review of recent news stories about the organization to answer this question. Consider their current cost efficiency ratio, debt to equity ratio, and the overall market outlook for hotels in 2021 vs 2018 when the SWOT was written. Update the SWOT for 2021 based on your findings. Write a narrative explaining each SWOT item with an emphasis on sharing evidence why each item included in your SWOT is justified. After completing the narrative, create an updated 2021 Diamond Rock SWOT chart and insert it below your narrative.Part 3 Application of Values – (1 page) use this section to assess the organizations performance in alignment with mission and values and your recommendations for improving performance.Write a brief narrative that describes whether the organization’s performance aligns with its mission and values based on your updated SWOT. Does the data you gathered about the organization including your review and update of their SWOT analysis suggest the organization is living up to its values and mission?List one recommendation for improving the performance of the organization based on your analysis and findings.Note: You may have to do additional web research specific to the organization noted in the case. Please answer these questions in narrative not bulleted form. Please include a table as well as narrative when communicating your review of the previously completed SWOT analysis. Weave your answers into a thoughtful paper. Take your time and thoroughly proofread and edit your writing prior to submitting.Paper Format: your paper must be typed and edited.Tone: Though this is an academic paper, write as though you are submitting a report to your supervisor at work.Total Length: 5-6 pages (plus cover page and works cited)Font Size: 12-point fontLine Spacing: Space and a halfMargin: 1” maximum (L an R) Page Numbers: Bottom of page, center, starting on page 2Cover Page Includes: Student Name, Professor’s Name, Class, Assignment, and Due DateIntroduction (1 – 2 pages)This is where you answer the questions presented and summarize in a professionally written narrative.Application of Managerial Skills (2 – 3 pages)This is where you review the SWOT presented in the case, and update the SWOT based on the findings from your data collection.Application of Values – Recommendations & Conclusion (1 page)Follow the guidelines. Update the SWOT table. Make a final point or recommendation. This is where you present your recommendation and final perspective.Works Cited Page (Proper MLA format is required)

solved Week 6 Assignment – Feasibility AnalysisIntroduction”A feasibility analysis is a

Week 6 Assignment – Feasibility AnalysisIntroduction”A feasibility analysis is a chance to open your eyes, ask yourself some very tough questions, then check to see whether your idea, as originally conceived, needs to be modified, refocused, or changed dramatically. (Or perhaps even scrapped altogether.)” (Abrams, as cited in Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 237).OverviewWith this assignment, you will be addressing the fundamental question: Does this business have profit potential?InstructionsReferring to the same business you started or purchased in the first assignment, write a 3–4 page paper in which you:Conduct a feasibility analysis in which you research:Industry and market feasibility.Product or service feasibility.Financial feasibility.Entrepreneurial readiness.Based on your assessment, does the business idea need to be modified, changed significantly, or abandoned? (Note: If you abandon the business idea, then you will need to select and analyze a new business that has profit potential.)Include at least two references that don’t include the textbook.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Analyze a business plan to determine feasibility Week 8 Assignment – Promotion and Pricing StrategiesIntroduction “Entrepreneurs must determine what to sell, to whom and how often, on what terms and at what price, and how to get the product or service to the customer. In short, a marketing plan identifies a company’s target customers and describes how it will attract and keep them. The process does not have to be complex.” (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 274).OverviewWith this assignment, you will address some of the basic areas within a marketing plan and help to refine your strategies for creating a successful business.Instructions Using the business from the assignment, Feasibility Analysis, write a 3–4 page paper in which you:Identify its primary target market.Specify three methods you will use to research customer needs and wants.Describe the marketing mix: a) product, b) pricing strategy, c) promotion, and d) placement or distribution.Create a one-year advertising budget and plan that incorporates the use of various advertising media and publicity.Include at least two references outside the textbook.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Create a marketing plan to help a business effectively promote its products and services. Week 10 Assignment – Supply Chain Management and Financial PlanIntroduction”One of the most important steps in launching a new business venture is fashioning a well-designed, practical, realistic financial plan.” (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 454).OverviewWith this assignment, you are creating two important elements of a financial plan: an Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You also are preparing an outline of a presentation of your business plan to potential investors or lenders.InstructionsUsing the same company from your previous assignments, write a 3–4 page paper in which you:Prepare a simple pro forma (projected) income statement and balance sheet for the first two years of operation, using income projections and incorporating an advertising plan.Outline a plan for hiring and retaining competent, motivated employees for your business.Prepare an outline for a “pitch,” i.e., a short 20–30 minute business plan presentation that will be made to lenders or investors.Include at least two references outside the textbook. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Organize information to develop a clear and persuasive business plan for a specified audience.

solved Willie Collier posted Oct 9, 2021 1:25 PM Hello All,My

Willie Collier posted Oct 9, 2021 1:25 PM Hello All,My name is Willie Collier, and this is my 5th course with the university. I am a Life Underwriter with a background in accounting, retirement planning, banking, and insurance. I recently started a new role with my company and am looking to gain as much knowledge as possible to prepare myself for the roles that will become available within my department soon. Obtaining a graduate degree is a great way to separate me from the pack, along with gaining lifelong skills that I can apply throughout my career. As a side note, I have a passion for sports, food, and traveling. Food and drink-wise, I have tasked myself with trying at least one new food or drink item weekly for 2021. For sports, I coach football and baseball for ages 6-18. Lastly, traveling-wise, my girlfriend and I have shot to travel to at least 3-4 different states or locations each year since we finished our bachelor’s degrees back in 2016.Zoom is an organization that I find to be successful. The two reasons for this are 1. The way they capitalize on change, a great example would be consumers’ and companies’ needs during the pandemic in 2020. 2. How they have consistently been a top company for employee satisfaction. 2020 was a difficult year for companies, facing extreme uncertainty while having to adjust at a moment’s notice. They also had to continue to strive for success in the categories of satisfying the needs of their employees, while being sure to answer customers’ needs and concerns during this trying time.When the coronavirus pandemic sent millions of Americans to shelter in place spring of 2020, the video communications platform quickly became the go-to tool to stay connected with friends, family, and coworkers. Zoom said daily users spiked to 200 million in March last year, up from 10 million in December 2019 (Liu, 2020). For the second year in a row, Zoom is the top company with the happiest employees, based on employee data submitted to the workplace culture and compensation monitoring site. Comparably between September 2019 and September 2020. Rankings are based on worker responses to questions about their happiness at work on a day-to-day basis (Liu, 2020).Other than finances, I believe a big component of success in organizations comes from human resources. A few metrics that they track include turnover, the skills that are currently in our workforce, and employee satisfaction. When employees feel valued, their sense of self-worth and self-esteem increase. This increased sense of self-worth and self-esteem are key drivers in building loyalty, morale, and greater efforts. The teams will work more collaboratively, harness their differences, develop great working relationships, and ultimately raise the culture and productivity at the local and enterprise levels (Heaver, 2015). From my experience in the workplace, I have noticed the difference in attitude and work ethic when employee satisfaction is involved. Employees tend to do more and react in a positive manner when faced with challenges when they feel appreciated and have a sense of satisfaction within their roles. A few other metrics/parameters that I believe to be recipes for success in companies include company sales, customer satisfaction/customer service, and marketing efforts (such as holding and gaining market share). I would love to hear any additional metrics that you all have in mind to begin adding to my list of success factors, with any feedback regarding the metrics/parameters that I have chosen! Thanks, and I look forward to working and learning together.In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:Compare your views on personal and professional success. How do they differ?Share your opinion about the organization identified in the post and its success. Do you agree that this organization is successful? Why or why not?Share your thoughts about the importance of the non-financial success parameters identified in the post. Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources.Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt.

solved Answer 1The change in the organizational learning text regarding linear

Answer 1The change in the organizational learning text regarding linear development is the process that is undertaken globally. The learning approach happens in an individual, group, or other levels concerned with interpreting, intuiting, integrating, and institutionalizing (Langer, 2018). Generally, when it is done with adequate knowledge, the process is designed to inspire the organizational leadership by providing improved decision making. Linear development focuses on single-loop learning as well as double-loop learning in the learning context. Among the basic changes as per the information technology are discussed below:First, the culture of continuous improvements enhances and reinforces the incentive and commit the outcome. With the help of information technology, it promotes learning, reducing the cost, monitoring, progressing, and developing the initiative with their conceptual information. Secondly, as per Langer (2018), Natural interaction of information is concerned with the hierarchical learning text, advancing and incorporating towards an individual, networks, and different standards of the executives to partake in additional reasoning, reflection, and learning draws near. Thus these drive information help during the time spent settling on a choice, directly creating, and supported help of advancement in association learning. Robust development guarantees that data streams all through that mean quality and dynamic interaction. In an association, it propels with the innovation to share information comprehensively and successfully. With the assistance of data innovation, appropriation of taking in approach increments from one individual to another, so it keeps the component of shared vigorous learning (Langer, 2018). On the other hand, Adopt collaborative learning concerns a direct improvement in learning draws near, data innovation characterize itself in a more alluring way. It embraces the learning pyramid where it depicts smooth information on hierarchical learning text and works with the sharing of data with imperatives of time, with communitarian innovation and learning it put among an organization of individuals. ReferencesLanger, A. M. (2018). Information technology and organizational learning: managing behavioral change in the digital age. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.—————————————————————————————————————————————-Answer 2There are certain phases of change noted in the course text. The individual learning phase revolves around continuous developments and personal reflection. The individual transformation will be guided by the norms and culture of the organization. The organizational practices will be integral for the learning. Structural changes will not be experienced in this phase, and there will be limited integration of the processes. Because there will be gradual changes being witnessed across the company, the impacts of the executives in the transition and development will also be limited. There will be the development of new culture while the dynamism will not result in structural changes (Langer, 2017).The second phase of change will include the line managers who will be key influencers in adopting new cultures. Event-driven learning activities will be limited while there will be some elements of social, organizational learning. In addition, there will be the development and integration of similar groups. In this stage, cultural assimilation stability will be witnessed from the existing structures. Value-based aspects will start and will be anchored on organizational strategic alignments. The alignment will be giving a streamlined way of conducting business and integrating technology (Langer, 2017).In phase 3, the driver and support attributes will be formed from the IT systems. This phase is characterized by the massive involvement of individual and organizational techniques. The functionality of change or activity will affect decisions in the organization. In addition, the IT behaviors will influence the cultural assimilation process whereby the maturity of change will be witnessed and used (Langer, 2017).ReferencesLanger, A. M. (2017). Information technology and organizational learning: Managing behavioral change in the digital age (3rd ed.). CRC Press.

solved Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests

Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests for Module 2.Next, you are to write a 2-5 page, double-spaced, reflection essay for this module based on your scores in each of the self-assessment tests from this Module 2. Keep in mind that this module is about personality, attitudes, traits and ethics. Take a look at Chapter TWO for additional information regarding these self-assessment tests.The responses for the self-assessment tests should be written using a combination of the “assert and defend” style in a five-paragraph essay. Think like a lawyer. Assert an argument or thesis AND prove or defend it. (See more detail in “Instructions for Self-Assessment Tests and Reflection Essays”.Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of each of the self-assessment tests to you ( a total of at least SIX assertions for this essay) and support them with examples. Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for each of your arguments.Remember to use appropriate references to support your work. Please follow the APA format in all writing in this course.APA Guidelines on Miami Library Website (链接到外部网站。)Purdue OWL APA format Guidelines (on in-text citations (链接到外部网站。) and a reference list (链接到外部网站。))Analysis for M2-SAT-1: Big Five Personal ProfileThe higher the total number, the stronger is the personality dimension that describes your personality. What is your strongest dimension? What is your weakest dimension? There are specific details about an individual’s personality in each of the dimensions in Chapter Two.You need to find work and/or life activities that you are passionate about to find life fulfillment. In a few paragraphs, explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Two for additional information regarding this self-assessment test.Analysis for M2-SAT-2: Motive ProfitCheck to see if there is much difference between the three need scores. If all three need scores are about the same, one need is not stronger than the others. If the need scores vary, one need is higher than the others and it is called the stronger or dominant need, and the lower score is the weaker need. There can also be other combinations, such as two stronger need scores and one weaker need score, or vice versa. Look at your stronger and weaker needs.Describe the difference between the three need scores for you. Do you agree with the self-assessment tests about your stronger and weaker needs? If so, what information could you add to substantiate the scores? If not, what information could you add to substantiate your alternative position? in a few paragraph argument, explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you.Analysis for M2-SAT-6: How Ethical is Your Behavior?Ethics is an extremely sensitive topic. The definition and the parameters of ethical behavior are very specific to each person in the workplace. While some behaviors are black and white in terms of ethics, there are other behaviors that are gray in definition and/or in action. If you are going to be a successful leader in the workplace, you must exhibit ethical behaviors at all times to those around you. It is also a good idea outside of work to approach decision-making concerning choices that involve ethical behavior in the same manner. Many people struggle with decisions that involve ethics. Finally, ethical behavior – good or bad –is part of your workplace reputation. Keep in mind that if you ever lose a good reputation, it will be extremely difficult for others to restore their faith and trust in you. A good reputation is one of those intangible attributes in life that is priceless.The higher your score for this M2-SAT-6, the more ethical is your behavior and vice versa for lower scores.Please explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Two for additional information regarding this self-assessment test.Again, make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of each self-assessment test to you (a total of at least 6 assertions for this essay) and support them with example(s). Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument.When submitting responses to the Self-Assessment Tests, be sure to name your file accordingly, i.e., M2_SAT_Responses_lastname.docx

solved Question 1: Answer the following discussion questions:p. 307 #1: You

Question 1: Answer the following discussion questions:p. 307 #1: You own University Heights Apartments, a business that rents primarily to students. One evening, your tenant Sharon is attacked by an intruder who forces the lock on the sliding glass door of her ground-floor apartment. Sharon’s screams attract the attention of Darryl, your resident manager, who comes to Sharon’s aid. Together, he and Sharon drive the intruder off, but not before they both are badly cut by the intruder.1.Is the intruder liable for what he has done?2.Do you have legal responsibilities to Sharon and Darryl?3.What should you consider doing at your apartments?p.407 #1: A drug company applied for the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market a miracle drug that the company believed could cure some cancers. During the period that the application was under consideration, the company’s stock rose to $65 per share. The president of the company learned that the FDA application was about to be denied. You are a personal friend of the president, and he told you that he believed that the stock will start trading downward. You sell 4,000 shares of stock, which you purchased for $10 per share. Your decision appears to be a good one because you made a profit of about $200,000. When questioned about the sale by an investigator from the Securities and Exchange Commission, you state that the sale was because of a preexisting arrangement to sell the shares when the price fell below $60 per share. Following the announcement that the FDA application was denied, the stock went to $7 per share.1.Did you commit a crime when you sold the stock?2.Did you commit a crime in your answer to the federal agent?Were you part of an illegal conspiracy?p.439 #1: You and two of your college roommates have discussed plans to open a restaurant. You intend to attract college-age students who are health- and fitness-minded to your restaurant. You and your co-owners agree that each will invest equally in terms of time and money. However, in addition to contributions made by each of you, another $700,000 is essential for the restaurant to succeed.1.What type of organization is best suited for this business activity?2.Who will manage the restaurant during times that you and your co-owners are not present?3.What liabilities do you and your co-owners face?p.439 #2: Three years following your graduation with a business degree, you and three classmates began operating a consulting business. Your firm specializes in offering support related to payroll- and account-management computer applications. So far, your firm has relied on the four of you as its only consultants. A potential major client requests that your firm make a proposal for a year-long project. This project would result in your firm hiring several additional consultants and support staff. Because of the length of time and financial commitment this project may take, you and your co-owners take time to address the following questions:1.How would your firm conduct business on such a large scale?2.How could you limit potential liability for and by various consultants?3.Which form of business organization is best suited to meet the needs of your growing firm?Question 2: Find a current news article regarding a strict liability tort, explain/define the tort involved, summarize the article , and tell me your view on the article. For example, do you agree/disagree, like/dislike, etc. This should a minimum of two pages. Question 3: Read the Webster case, and prepare a case brief of the Webster case (2 pages).Question 4: Watch the video, and give a brief summary of it (2 pages).Video link: Question 5: Watch the video, and write a 3 page (double-spaced) paper connecting this show to at least three themes of the course, being certain to cite at least three of our readings from the semester. Put your references on a separate page.Question 6: Listen to Caught, episode 5 (…), and discuss the intersection of juvenile sentencing and adolescent development. Write 250-300 words, citing at least two sources from class, including way back to the Steinberg article that introduced us to the topics. Where do we also see this in Just Mercy (Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson:…)?

solved Grayson County Regional Health Center is a private, not-for-profit, 225-bed

Grayson County Regional Health Center is a private, not-for-profit, 225-bed acute care hospital located in a rural community in a southeastern state. The hospital provides a broad range of inpatient and outpatient services, including cardiology, obstetrics, gynecology, general surgery, internal medicine, urology, family medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, psychiatry, radiology, nephrology, ophthalmology, occupational medicine, and rehabilitation services. The center offers 24-hour emergency care. The center is built on a 96-acre site, and its service area includes Grayson County and parts of three neighboring rural counties. In
the last 20 years, the region has suffered severe economic setbacks.
Most of the textile industry has moved out of the region because of
outsourcing, and the town itself has fallen into disrepair. An
increasing proportion of the population—33 percent of children and 22
percent of the elderly—lives below the poverty line. The county has a
civilian labor force of 27,568 and currently has an unemployment rate of
13 percent. The county’s infant mortality rate is 2 percent.The
center has 85 physicians, representing 29 subspecialties, on staff. It
has affiliation relationships with two academic health centers—one about
90 miles away, and the other 100 miles away. The center employs more
than 800 people, is fully accredited by The Joint Commission, and is
certified to participate in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS) programs. The center is governed by an 18-member board of
trustees, which includes the chief of the medical staff, the immediate
past chief of the medical staff, the chief executive officer, and 13
members selected by the board from the community at large.The
center has strong community ties. Its staff members participate in
community health screenings, health education programs, and health
fairs. It serves as the meeting place for many support groups. Although
it has been under financial stress for the last five years, it continues
to have strong support in the community.The
employee turnover rate at the center is 40 percent. Over the last few
years, the turnover rate for nurses has ranged from 15 to 50 percent.
Physician recruitment and retention are also major concerns. Currently,
only one radiologist is practicing in Grayson County, and there is a
shortage of physicians in all specialties.The
center relies heavily on Medicaid and Medicare revenue, leaving the
hospital in a difficult financial condition. It is unable to pay market
rates for nurses and other professionals, so nursing units are
understaffed, and nurses feel overworked and underpaid. The quality of
patient care may also be decreasing. A local newspaper article reported
that patients at the center were often left on stretchers in the hallway
for long periods, staff members were unresponsive to patient and family
concerns, and crying in the hallways is not unusual.Nurses
and other professional groups report poor communication between senior
management and employees. Bad relationships between middle managers and
frontline staff are also a problem in some departments. This situation
became particularly difficult two years ago when the center embarked on a
large building project. Employees could not understand how the center
could afford to build new facilities but was unable to pay market rates
to its staff.The
nursing turnover problem at the center has reached crisis proportions.
Recent exit interview surveys indicate that financial concerns are the
major reason for leaving. The center has tried numerous strategies,
including improving the work environment by adding amenities (such as
lower prices in the cafeteria) and training middle managers. For a short
time 18 months ago, nurse salaries matched market rates, but the center
fell behind again shortly thereafter. The RN vacancy rate currently is
18 percent.As
a consultant to the center, you are expected to make recommendations to
address the nursing shortage. Specifically, you have been asked to
develop short-term strategies to cope with the current crisis and
long-term strategies to improve the overall recruitment and retention
picture. Consider the following questions: How will you identify the most important reasons for the current shortage?How will you develop specific short-term and long-term strategies?

solved Unit Outcomes:1. Examine legislative processes relevant to the provision of

Unit Outcomes:1. Examine legislative processes relevant to the provision of healthcare.2. Evaluate the impact of political factors influencing healthcare delivery & practice.4. Participate as a nursing professional in a policy-making process to understand the principle of personal influence.Assignment Description: For this assignment, you will virtually attend a policy meeting related to nursing and/or healthcare and then write a paper about the experience. The purpose of this assignment is for you to consider how public policy may influence healthcare and nursing and to discuss how nurses can apply their clinical knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of healthcare.Assignment Directions: For the Policy Meeting Assignment, you will need to:1) Listen to/watch a policy meeting (see options document below) online, for at least 60 minutes. For more specific directions, see the Policy Meeting Options DocumentACTIONSundefinedNote-Whatever you choose to view/listen to, it must be health-related (many legislative meetings are focused on health-related issues) and held within the last 3 months.2) Write a paper as described below.Paper (worth a total of 125 points, see below): This paper should be APA formatted, & succinct; the suggested length should be 3 pages (plus a title page and a reference page).Technical Paper Mechanics & APA Format (25 points)Correct APA formatting, spelling, and grammar usage.Written in 3rd person- except for synopsis, which can be written in 1st person.Uses APA headings for each required sectionCorrect APA citations and the use of at least 2 references. Suggestions: use the course textbook, other peer-reviewed resources, the organizational internet site, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, written bills, etc. (remember that when you talk about a meeting, you should cite the meeting or minutes throughout).Suggested paper headings and required information:Meeting Description (3-4 paragraph minimum) (30 points)Summarize the meeting. Include the following information:Name of the meeting, date, time (include how long you listened), the place that the meeting was held, roughly how many people attended, and any other relevant information.How was the meeting organized? Was someone in charge? Was there an agenda, was it followed?How did people communicate their opinions?What kind of behaviors were persuasive, and what kind were not persuasive?How could you apply what persuades/does not persuade others to your nursing practice?Substantiate your points with course readings, internet resources, meeting conversations, meeting minutes, written bills etc. (for example, if you were able to talk to a legislator or other decision-makers in person).Activity Relevance (3-4 paragraph minimum) (30 points)Describe the topics that were discussed (were new policies discussed or proposed, or existing ones used in the meeting to make decisions?)Discuss how the applicable policies might affect nurses, the healthcare system, and healthcare consumers.Were the proceedings valuable? Why/why not?Would the meeting’s outcomes have been different if a nurse had been involved?How might policy meetings be used to bring about new healthcare policy?Substantiate your points with course references, other resources, meeting conversations, or personal communications (for example, if you were able to talk to a legislator or other decision-makers in person).Analysis of Proceedings – (3-4 paragraph minimum) (30 points)Describe the general purpose of policy meetings.Was the purpose achieved (why/why not)?Can you think of anything that would have made the outcomes more successful?Analyze the benefits or disadvantages of the policy and decision-making process that you observed.Substantiate your points with course references, other resources, meeting conversations, or personal communications (for example, if you were able to talk to a legislator or other decision-makers in person).Personal influence or change from the activity (10 points) (it is acceptable to write this section in 1st person):How could you (as a nurse) use your professional expertise and influence to make changes that could improve patient care in the processes you observed and in general?What have you learned about policy and decision-making? Consider processes, influence, professionalism, and opportunity.Requirements: 1-2 pages

solved See the attachments on how to take 1. After Reading

See the attachments on how to take 1. After Reading my E-lecture on “Why Study Religion “2. Complete Cornell notes on the lecture, * See the attached Cornell Notes template I have provided. Please use this template E-Lecture: Why Study ReligionE-Lecture:WHAT IS RELIGION?Religion is a universal phenomenon among humans. Humans in all societies, throughout history, have been religious. Thus, religion is a social phenomenon.Religion is difficult to define. It is often taken for granted until one has to explain its exact meaning.Defining religion is difficult because some definitions are too narrow and some are too general. Some only allow for supernatural phenomenon and some only explain what religion does, not what it is.An adequate definition of religion will avoid narrowness, vagueness, and will include distinctiveness and generality. It will also avoid being prejudicial or reductive.There are two reasons why finding an adequate definition of religion is important:Scholars in the field of religion argue that despite the many differences, religions do share similar characteristics. This can be understood in terms of family resemblances. Each is unique but they share certain traits.To avoid confusion and bias in an important field of study. If scholars of religion cannot define what it is, how can the study of religion be seen as relevant? Boundaries that help clarify what religion is will bring order to a phenomenon that is important to many humans.A functional definition defines religion by what it does (how it functions), not what it is. A functionalist definition, when used exclusively, is insufficient as a definition of religion because religious believers are committed to their religions because of what it is. In other words, those who are religious, do not claim to be religious because of what religion does for them but because of their beliefs, which include belief in an Ultimate reality, often deity, etc. If scholars only defined religion by what it did, they would not be taking seriously the language and motivation of the followers of religion.Clifford Geertz offers a functionalist definition that recognizes the “aura of factuality” that is present among religious believers. In other words, religious beliefs are real for people who follow them. They are so real, that they set up deep-seated patterns for how to conduct life, through simple beliefs that model the proper order of the universe and human nature, etc. This is called cosmology. These models are very real for followers and cannot be ignored by scholars by simply looking at what religion does.A substantive definition of religion examines what religion is. The term used to describe what religion is must be applicable to many different religions. “Sacred” is the most appropriate, according to Livingston.Livingston’s working definition of religion is “Religion is that system of activities and beliefs directed toward that which is perceived to be of sacred value and transforming power.” p. 8WHY ARE HUMANS RELIGIOUS?Humans have the ability to be self-conscious or to be concerned with self-transcendence. Humans are concerned with the big questions of life: “Why am I here?” “Is death the end?” etc.Humans want answers and archtypal patterns (frames of reference) to our big questions.Human beings are religious in order to be delivered from moral guilt, loss, fear, and the threat of fatedness and finitude.WHY STUDY RELIGION?Religion should be studied because:humans are essentially religious; thus it is an important endeavor to understand human beings more overcome our ignorance of other religions and cultures. Humans often have a narrow, ethnocentric, view because we tend to think of religion as what we have been accustomed comprehend our culture. By studying religion, we can better understand American achieve a global perspective. The proximity of humans to one another is getting smaller with the advent of technology. Many conflicts worldwide are rooted in long-standing religious differences. By studying different traditions, we can seek real understanding and dialogue between others that may seem “different” from us at first help us formulate our own religious belief or philosophy of life. As we study religion academically, we can gain a better understanding of our own beliefs.

solved i just need a paragraph answer to the post below:Re-emerging

i just need a paragraph answer to the post below:Re-emerging diseases often reappears after they have been on a decline for several years due to breakdown in public health measures that may have been put in place or if new strains of these diseases appear. Some diseases include tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an infection that affects your stomach and is caused by the H. pylori bacteria. The discovery of this bacterium has changed the concept of care and management for peptic ulcer disease, mucosa-associated lymphomas, gastritis, and gastric carcinoma (McManus TJ, 2000) and is present in approximately 50%-70% of the population but a majority have no symptoms or illness. While its occurrence is prevalent in developing countries, age and ethnicity seem to be a contributing factor in the U.S and affect those persons over fifty (50) years old with almost half of all African Americans have the bacteria (Helicobacter Pylori. (n.d.). Due to the nature of how the disease is caused and spread, the implications for nurses can be tremendous depending on their ability to recognise the symptoms of H. pylori during routine patients’ examinations. Lack of preparation and gaps in communication can cause delayed responses to potential outbreaks. Due to the uncertainty in how the infection is spread, the variable for transmission increases exponentially, from person to person, either by kissing or through vomit, faeces, to digesting infected water or uncooked food. Nurses should always be vigilant in acknowledging unusual presentations and always seek appropriate diagnostics. They should be knowledgeable of re-emerging infections, including best practises in care through evidence-based resources. Given those who are at a higher risk factors for H. Pylori, targeted screening for migrants from developing countries should be considered as a first line of defence, can prevent outbreaks in communities and be very cost effective. Examining the patient must in include an extensive patient history, including recent travels to help determine the sources of the infection.A nurse first line of defence is ensuring that standard precautionary measures are implemented to prevent transmission of any infectious disease from any patient they may encounter. The use of hand sanitisers, routine cleaning, and disinfection of surfaces to prevent spreading. Ensuring that sufficient PPE are available, accessible and that gloves are always worn, especially where there is potential for bodily fluids, blood and mucous can contaminate surfaces and equipment.Given the uncertainty of how H. Pylori is spread, and that most patients are individuals who come to the U.S. from developing countries, with “at least 50% of Latinos and 50% of people from Eastern Europe”, it is safe to conclude that the increase in migrations may be a contributing factor in the increase based on their dietary preparation, access to clean water and close quarter living conditions. Another factor could be the increased use of antibiotics and the immune systems resistances to such medications. Finally, studies have demonstrated that H. pylori seems to be as a result of a complex interaction between the patient, their stomach health, their environment and the bacterium. All these factors combined tend to increase the risk factor and infection rate of H. preventing and managing the impact of infectious diseases both from the patient and nurse perspectiveAs a nurse my role in preventing and managing the impact of H. Pylori is to adhere to the CDC’s Standard Precautions for infection prevention. This include, hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, masks, eyewear), practising respiratory hygiene / cough etiquette when I interact with patients and ensuring that all surfaces are clean and disinfected.From a patient perspective they tolerate multiple symptoms such as loss of appetite due to constant pain, aching and burning, especially on an empty stomach. Also, it causes nausea, frequent burping and bloating as well. Patients has to become extremely aware of their diet. It is best to eat fruits and vegetables and plenty of fluids. Foods o avoid would be anything fried and spicy, carbonated and caffeinated beverages, dairy products.