solved Getting StartedThe focus of this discussion is to identify and describe the�

Getting StartedThe focus of this discussion is to identify and describe the key concepts of quantitative research and the steps involved in the process. For this discussion, you will search for a quantitative research article related to your patient-centered problem. After reading the article, you will describe the steps taken by the researcher to complete the study and the process used to draw conclusions from the data collected.Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:Describe key concepts in quantitative research.Identify the steps of the quantitative research process.Discuss the process used to collect and analyze quantitative data.ResourcesTextbook: Foundations of Nursing Research  Article: Sample size in quantitative researchFile: Understanding the research processFile: Chapter 5 PPTFile: Chapter 10 PPTFile: Chapter 12 PPTBackground InformationQuantitative research is a scientific method that objectively examines relationships between variables. A quantitative study can be either experimental or non-experimental. Depending on the research design, quantitative research can numerically measure cause-and-effect relationships or determine correlations between variables. Common quantitative research designs are exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, quasi-experimental, and true experiments. The goal of a quantitative research study is to be able to generalize the findings to other similar settings.InstructionsReview the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.Read Chapters 10 (pp. 137-155) and 12 (pp. 171-177; 179-186) in the textbook.Review Chapter 5 (pp. 55-67), Chapter 8, and Chapter 20 in the textbook.  Read the article, Sample size in quantitative research: Sample size will affect the significance of your research.Read the article, Understanding the research process.  View Chapter 5 (5.1 & 5.2), Chapter 10, and Chapter 12 PowerPoint files.Conduct a search for a quantitative research article related to your patient-centered problem. If you cannot find a quantitative article related specifically to your patient-centered problem, you could choose an article similar to your problem. (Do not use articles provided in 4.3, articles from previous discussions or articles identified as meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, systematic reviews, or integrative reviews.)  Prepare to discuss the following Discussion Prompts:Based on the quantitative research article that you located answer the following questions:  Explain what the study problem was and why the study was conducted.  Describe the sampling method used to select the participants in the study.  How was the data collected and analyzed?  Describe the study findings. Attach a PDF copy of the quantitative research article to your initial discussion post. Research and select at least two current scholarly sources to support your explanations and insights. If you want to skim the chapters of the e-book you can access it on: I will give login detailsPlease include a PDF of the article. Length 3-4 paragraphs, THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE WITH THIS ONE IS THIS ONE IS A QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH. LAST WEEK WAS QUALITATIVE.My patient-centered problem:This past year has taken a toll on healthcare workers around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only are the remaining healthcare workers feeling the effects of staffing issues, but our patients are as well. The problem I chose to base my Capstone Project on is: “Reduce the employee turnover rate”. My current place of employment has seen an increase in its turnover rate this past year and over the next two weeks, my department will be hit extremely hard as more nurses have turned in their resignations leaving the unit with 48% of its staff. With the increased workload we have taken on and having patients with higher acuities, the demands of nursing are causing staff to become easily burned out and leaving the profession altogether. It is definitely overwhelming when you have a 1:7 nurse-to-patient ratio. With ratios such as this on a busy med-surg unit, it can be extremely difficult to provide patients the quality care they need and can prolong hospital

solved  1. Increased attention to sanitation and infectious disease management

1. Increased attention to sanitation and infectious disease management has been emphasized by both global and national bodies in the health sector. Initially, significant control was achieved in managing infectious diseases, causing a shift in focus to non-communicable conditions (James, 2020). However, the emergence of Ebola and coronavirus pandemics has heightened awareness of the need to remain vigilant on sanitation within hospitals and communities to secure the population’s health. Improvement in nursing care is a continuous process along the objectives of enhancing safety, effectiveness, efficiency, time and equitable patient-centered care (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). infectious conditions management require ensuring sustainability of the existing vaccination programs to minimize the risk of increased burden of infectious diseases as covid-19 response interferes with existing clinical measures to control such conditions. Besides ensuring high levels of sanitation, nurses must ensure consistent dissemination of relevant information to reduce stigma and promote health saving practices (James, 2020). 
According to Salmond & Echevarria (2017) nursing care plays a critical role in change implementation in clinical setups. The changes in the role of nursing care during the covid-19 pandemic in reducing the notable increase in infectious disease monitored through close monitoring of consistent adherence to the vaccination schedule. Consistent adherence to sanitation guidelines and infection reduction. The role of bedside nurse in disseminating information about the importance of maintaining social distance and physical isolation of patients diagnosed with covid-19 and other infectious conditions. Structured nursing rounding is part of patient care procedure in monitoring disease progress among infected patients and recording any significant clinical behaviour change indicative of new infections.
2. Think of a change that is being implemented or was recently implemented at your workplace or clinical setting.
Since I do not have hospital work experience nor enough clinical setting experience, I researched some recent changes that were implemented in hospitals. A change that has been implemented in some hospitals is the elimination of using lanyards in the facility. Lanyards are those cords that hold ID badges around the neck of healthcare workers. 
Briefly explain the change.
The change started after a surgical nurse observed healthcare workers bending over patients during assessments or procedures which caused their lanyards to come in contact with surgical wounds, dirty linens, and bodily fluid secretions (Dugan, et al, 2019). After conducting a literature review, it was found that hospital worn equipment such as stethoscopes, pens, neckties, and lanyards have been linked to carrying and transmitting various diseases (Dugan, et al, 2019). This research was shown to the research council and they discussed the high contamination rates of staphylococcus aureus skin infections.
How do the changes identified relate to outcomes?
The changes of eliminating lanyards worn around the neck should yield outcomes of less contamination rates of staphylococcus aureus skin infections and other hospital acquired infections. The changes are made to decrease the chances of spreading various diseases from multiple patients throughout the hospital. 
How will data be used to evaluate these outcomes? 
There would be documentations of hospital acquired infections such as MRSA, pneumonia, staphylococcus aureus, and other various infections that patients did not have prior to entering the hospital. There would be an increase or decrease trend as it relates to hospital protocol changes. The data would be quantitative data. 
What is the bedside nurse’s role in dissemination or communication of clinical findings?
A nurse’s role to disseminate these clinical findings would be to follow hospital protocol such as proper documentation of patient baseline levels and their development / advancement in their care. This would show any new infections and possibly relate them to interventions completed by the healthcare team. The nurse’s role in communication would be to evaluate their own understanding of new protocols and communicate with coworkers and staff to enforce the new changes. 

solved FormatDouble-spaced4-5 pagesInclude 1 to 3 referencesCreate a title (if you

FormatDouble-spaced4-5 pagesInclude 1 to 3 referencesCreate a title (if you haven’t already)1) Research question and/or hypothesis (2 point)State your research question and/or your hypothesis for your proposed study. If you are proposing a qualitative project, then use a research question, if you are proposing a quantitative project, then use a hypothesis. Mixed methods ok.2) Research design (8 points)Choose a research design and explain how you will use that design to test your hypothesis and/or explore your research question.You may combine research designs.Describe why you chose that design(s) instead of a different design(s). Quantitative research designs:Cross-sectionalCase controlLongitudinalGroup research designsExperimentalQuasi-experimentalExperimentalQualitative research designs:BiographyPhenomenologyGrounded theoryCase studyAction Oriented3) Sample (5 points):Pick a sampling procedure and describe how you will use that procedure to obtain your sample.You may combine different types of sampling procedures.How many people do you anticipate having in your sample?How will they be invited to participate?If you are using administrative/secondary data, what are the sample parameters, meaning the date range for the data you are using, and what is the data used for in the organization?Sampling procedures:Random samplingConvenience samplingPurposiveSnowballData collection and ethical considerations (10 points): Describe the following:Name the type of data you will use:Quantitative: SurveysAdministrative/secondary dataQualitativeInterviewsFocus groupsObservationIf you are proposing data collection with people, explain what participants will be asked to do, including specific details such as:The content areas that they will be asked about either through qualitative data collection or survey. The specific questions are not needed, rather a description of the areas that will be asked aboutWhere the data collection will take placeHow long the data collection will takeDescribe how the data will be recorded and stored to maintain confidentialityIf you are proposing data collection with people:Describe how informed consent will be obtained, including these key details:Consent is voluntaryNo negative consequences for withdrawal from the study or declining to answer specific questionsDescribe potential benefits and risksWill compensation be provided?Describe how confidentiality will be maintained including (as applicable):Removing names or other identifying information from sample lists or transcripts (if applicable)Not including names or other identifying information in any written documentIf you are proposing data collection from administrative or secondary data sources:Describe where the data will come from and how you would go about obtaining it.Describe how the data will be de-identified so that no names or other identifying information appear in the dataset.Describe how the data will be stored to maintain confidentialityAll papers should describe how the proposed project addresses the following three key domains of ethical research:Respect for persons: all participants treated with respect and their autonomy is protected. Researchers are truthful.Beneficence: The research study needs to have a purpose that leads to a benefit for society (with doing no harm)Justice: The fair distribution of procedures to participants (or potential participant) Your writing, citation & references will be also considered in grading (5 points):- Language UseClear, direct style, precision and clarityVariety of sentence patterns used correctlyWords appropriate to tone and meaning/ avoidance of slang, trite, informal languageAvoid excessive direct quotation/ avoid “dropped-in” quotes- Paragraph IntegrityIntroduction functions appropriatelyEach paragraph has a focused topic sentence and clear purpose (refer to content)Paragraphs are organized, unified and adequately developedTransitions used to establish coherent flow of ideasLogical, coherent structure is evident- Mechanical AccuracyPunctuation generally correct/capitalization correctGrammatical accuracy/spelling conventions observedCareful editing (minimal typographical errors)/ manuscript rules observed(i.e., font, font size, margins)- Citation & ReferencesCite appropriate sourcesCitation format observed/ reference format observed

solved Samantha Perry is a 45-year-old?married white female with an appointment

Samantha Perry is a 45-year-old?married white female with an appointment to see her nurse practitioner (NP) for her annual examination. As part of her annual physical,?Samantha?will be having a pelvic examination including a?Papanicolau?test in order to screen for cervical cancer.?Samantha?has three teenage daughters, all born by spontaneous vaginal delivery. Several years?ago?Samantha?returned to work full time at a rather sedentary job.?Samantha?has found her weight to be increasing over these past few years and is now carrying 164 pounds on her?5 foot,?1 inch?frame. Over the years?Samantha?and her NP have developed a trusting and therapeutic relationship. As part of the history-taking process the NP asks?Samantha?if she has ever been “hit, slapped, or forced to have sex against her wishes.”?Samantha?states that she has not; however, she hesitates in her response. The NP senses that she may need to elicit further information from?Samantha?without making her feel uncomfortable. She queries?Samantha?to see if there have been any changes in the past year related to the sexual relationship that she has with her partner.?Samantha?appears somewhat embarrassed; but, with some encouragement, she goes on to explain that in the past she and her husband have always enjoyed intercourse two to three times a week and that this is a very important part of their marriage.?Samantha?states that for the last 9 to 10 months she has begun to “lose urine” during intercourse. Sometimes this occurs during foreplay and on other occasions it will happen during orgasm.?Samantha?reports that she often interrupts their sexual activity to go to the bathroom. Recently, she is finding excuses to avoid sex altogether and is concerned that she is driving her husband away. The NP explains to?Samantha?that this condition is referred to as “stress or coital incontinence” and may be the result of?child-bearing, aging, and her recent weight gain. Education is provided regarding the necessity for urodynamic evaluation and the possible treatment modalities available.?Samantha?is instructed on how to perform Kegel exercises during her pelvic examination. The NP reassures?Samantha?that although this condition is?embarrassing it is neither?uncommon nor life threatening, if left untreated it may result in other unanticipated symptomatology including depression, loss of self-esteem, altered body image, worsening of incontinence, reduced social interaction, and decreased sexual interest and activity.?Samantha?is very reassured by this education and agrees to the treatment plan.
Case Analysis
This case study illustrates a patient-centered relationship founded on established trust and rapport. Secondary prevention efforts include screening for cervical cancer and sexual violence. Relying on her assessment skills of the patient’s appearance and behavior in response to the interview questions, the NP pursues the history as it relates to the patient’s sexual relationship with her husband. The NP discovers the patient’s reticent demeanor is related to her stress incontinence and the subsequent feelings of embarrassment, shame, and a lack of understanding regarding the condition. This is interfering with the patient’s sexual well-being and her intimate relationship with her husband, which the patient values. The NP takes the opportunity to provide appropriate patient education?with regard to?stress incontinence, and although not minimizing the concern, she instead normalizes the condition for the patient. The NP has provided a tangible intervention the patient can do with ease by instructing about Kegel exercises. In addition, the NP has reinforced for?Samantha?that she is safe to discuss her sexuality with her healthcare provider and that it is an important part of her health care. 
1. Intimate partner violence is a situation where a patient could seek guidance from a nurse. In the case study, the NP asks?Samantha if she has ever been “hit, slapped, or forced to have sex against her wishes.” What other questions can you think of that also address the issue of whether a patient is a victim of sexual abuse? (At least five)

2. Samantha reports difficulty holding her urine at times and the NP educates her on Kegel exercises. When is the best time to teach Kegel exercises? Why?

solved WEEK 5During Weeks 2 through Week 6, you will create

WEEK 5During Weeks 2 through Week 6, you will create the Literature Review section of the research proposal.This week, you will develop the Literature Review section. Use the following guidelines:Find at least two articles each Week 2through Week 6 on the selected topic using the South University Online Library databases (EBSCOhost or ProQuest) only. Your textbook, Wikipedia, or any other Web source will not be accepted for this assignment.Write a short summary (one to two paragraphs) for each article.Write a brief analysis (one to two paragraphs) for each article and relate each analysis to your course and textbook readings.For each of the documents provide some insight into to gender/cultural diversity issues that may or may not impact the study being reviewed.WEEK 6Utility and Considerations Regarding Microsoft ExcelIn many ways, Microsoft Excel is a practical and effective tool used to organize, process, and interpret data. Discuss the utility of Microsoft Excel with regard to variability that is inherent in studies. Identify 3 research scenarios that might provide a low, medium, and high degree of variability in the study data, and describe how the outcome of a given study can be influenced by variability in the data.Create a 1- to 2-page report in a Microsoft Word document.WEEK 6During Weeks 2 to 6, you will create the Literature Review section of the research proposal.This week, you will develop the Literature Review section. Use the following guidelines:Find at least two articles each Week 2through Week 6 on the selected topic using the South University Online Library databases (EBSCOhost or ProQuest) only. Your textbook, Wikipedia, or any other Web source will not be accepted for this assignment.Write a short summary (one to two paragraphs) for each article.Write a brief analysis (one to two paragraphs) for each article and relate each analysis to your course and textbook readings.For each of the documents provide some insight into to gender/cultural diversity issues that may or may not impact the study being reviewed. WEEK 7Method SectionThis week, you should be creating the Methodology section of your research proposal. In this section, you will review the research methodologies used in research. To gain a better understanding of the methods used, review the methodology sections of the articles you found for your literature review.Include in your work:Create the research hypothesis for your proposalDetailed description of the methodology used in your research, including, but not limited to, participants (if relevant), time frames, and materials or resources required. Also include the proposed statistical analysis that would be used for the research. This will include but will not be limited to the correct statistical procedures to evaluate your resultWeek 8The IntroductionThis week, you should be working on the development of the introduction section of your research proposal.Title page of your research proposal.Introduction to your research proposal. The introduction is not part of the literature review. The introduction provides a general overview of the topic being covered. To gain a better understanding of what an introduction is comprised of, review the various introductions in the journal articles you used for your literature review.Include in the introduction the purpose and research hypothesis of your project.WEEK 9Results, Discussion and ConclusionThis week, you should be working on your Discussion and Conclusion section of your research proposal. In a proposal such as this, what you will also need to include are your expected results. The expected results are based on several factors including what you learned from your literature review on similar research as well as what you learned from your course readings thus far.The difference between a great research paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of the discussion and conclusions section. The discussion/conclusion section is where you bring together what you learned from the literature review (as well as through the course) in your concluding remarks regarding your topic.Provide an overview of the expected resultsDevelop a conclusion of your research proposalInclude information on the ramifications of the study, its limitations, and the potential for future research studies

solved Media Literacy Critical Viewing #2In his book Persuasion: Reception and

Media Literacy Critical Viewing #2In his book Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility, Charles U. Larson introduces us to Rank’s Model of Persuasion. Researcher and theorist Hugh Rank outlined a model that teaches the public how to be more media literate when it comes to persuasive messages (i.e. advertisements). For your paper, you will choose one or two commercials from the choices below and identify how the two major strategies (intensify and downplay) identified in Rank’s model, as well as the tactics that branch out from said strategies, are utilized. Students are also encouraged to compare and contrast the tactics/strategies used if you decide to deconstruct two advertisements. Feel free to use any concepts or criticisms from Chapter 11 in Media Literacy which you think may enhance your argument. Feel free to compare and contrast the tactics/strategies used if you decide to deconstruct two advertisements.In this paper, you are constructing a thesis in support of Rank’s outline and demonstrating that you have become a “critical receiver” in regard to commercial advertisements. The paper must use evidence from the ads to support the claims made. Make sure the paper mentions which advertisement(s) you have used.An “A” paper will achieve the following:undefinedDemonstrate your understanding of the claims made by Rank that you’ve chosen to use in your paper, using both Rank and Potter’s words and your own, as appropriate, to set up your thesis.Use description to recreate for the reader those scenes or elements you feel support Rank’s argument. BE SPECIFIC. Use your analysis of the advertisement to support Rank’s argument. The only evidence I want to see supporting your claim in your paper should come from Rank and from the campaign ads you chose to examine. Hint: often times these advertisements will use multiple strategies and tactics from Rank’s model. Just studying composition alone can yield a TON of content to analyze.Write clearly and persuasively, demonstrating solid use of the written English language. Please use Writing Services if I said your last paper had significant problems with grammar and sentence structure.CHOOSE AD OR COMMERCIAL FROM ONE OF THESE WEBSITES!! Paper Requirements (and a suggestion or two):1. In this essay, you will present a thesis and then, argue for it in the rest of the paper. A thesis statement is a single declarative statement that expresses the main point you wish to make about the topic, such as: undefined “This essay will demonstrate that the persuasion strategies and tactics observed in Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” commercial support Rank’s Model Persuasion through…” undefinedIt is often a good idea to follow this with a statement summarizing the arguments you will make, in the order you will make them. undefined2. By argue, I mean that you will present reasons (how and why you think some way about something) supported by evidence (examples drawn from your viewing and reading). The evidence should support your reasons, and your reasons and evidence should support your thesis. undefined3. If you cite other people’s ideas (and you will), you must credit them. You cannot claim these ideas as your own. Thus, you are required to use citations to identify both whose idea you are citing and exactly where this idea appears. The Department of Communication uses the APA style for its papers (a Writing Guide is available in the department office). undefined4. Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and the persuasiveness of your arguments will all be considered in your essay grade, as they should be in a university environment. If you need or want help in this area, Monmouth University has a writing center in the Student Center that can assist you. Papers will be typed, double-spaced, with appropriate 1” margins and font size (10-12 point) and will be between 3 and 5 FULL pages in length. undefined5. If you had trouble with your last paper, stop by my office to discuss the next. undefined6. Late papers will be penalized 10% of face value for each working day the paper is late.undefined7. According to current APA citation guidelines, a video should becited as a web document:undefinedTitle of document

solved Read the following passage from the end of the piece

Read the following passage from the end of the piece by Zora Neale Hurston and then answer the questions in your discussion post.
“But in the main, I feel like a brown bag of miscellany propped against a
wall. Against a wall in company with other bags, white, red and yellow.
Pour out the contents, and there is discovered a jumble of small, things
priceless and worthless. A first-water diamond, an empty spool, bits of
broken glass, lengths of string, a key to a door long since crumbled away, a
rusty knife-blade, old shoes saved for a road that never was and never will
be, a nail bent under the weight of things too heavy for any nail, a dried
flower or two still a little fragrant. In your hand is the brown bag. On the
ground before you is the jumble it held–so much like the jumble in the
bags, could they be emptied, that all might be dumped in a single heap and
the bags refilled without altering the content of any greatly. A bit of
colored glass more or less would not matter. Perhaps that is how the Great
Stuffer of Bags filled them in the first place–who knows.” 
–Examine the metaphor that Hurston uses — what does the “brown bag” represent?  
–What does the list of contents represent?  Pick out at least two or three specific things she lists as contents and explain what they could symbolize.
–Why does Hurston say that if all the bags were emptied together and refilled randomly, it wouldn’t really alter the contents greatly?  
–Who is the “Great Stuffer of Bags” and how does Hurston feel about him/her?
Respond to at least one of your classmates
Hi Everyone,
In “How It Feels to be Colored Me,” Zora Neale Hurston used the brown bag and the second sentence, “Against a wall in company with other bags, white, red and yellow,” as a metaphor for how she views people’s different races throughout society. This metaphor can also reflect her personal experience. Earlier in the piece, Hurston wrote about how her move from her community in Eatonville to Jacksonville was what made her think about her race for the first time. Back in Eatonville, Hurston described that the only difference she felt between herself and white people was when she would see them driving through town on the way to or from Orlando, but never living there. Since Hurston’s arrival in Jacksonville, she no longer felt she was “Zora of Orange County,” she was now “Against a wall in company with other bags.”
In general, the list of contents in the bags is a metaphor for life’s challenges and memories. A “key to a door long since crumbled away,” can be the memory of something that once may have been a discovery or opportunity in life, but not valuable anymore as Hurston described the bag’s contents as “priceless and worthless.” The quote “old shoes saved for a road that never was and never will be” may resemble a memory of preparing to take a specific path forward, only to end up never embarking on that journey due to unforeseen circumstances in life. Hurston also mentioned that these bags could be emptied and randomly refilled without greatly altering the contents. The contents would not be altered because any individual can face challenges in life and have many memories, so they do not greatly differ in general characteristics. Society, on the other hand, will differentiate between individuals, unfortunately, based on race, for which Hurston is using the colors of the bags as metaphors. How people in society are differentiated based on race can result in how each of these bags is filled differently. Why each bag is filled differently in a way that results in inequality is not always in an individual’s control, and is perhaps how the “Great Stuffer of Bags filled them in the first place.” The “Great Stuffer of Bags” can resemble god or how any individual’s characteristics are natural and out of their control. Hurston indicates distaste for the way the “Great Stuffer of Bags” filled the bags because the bags could be emptied and randomly refilled without greatly altering the contents, but instead they are differentiated based on their colors (individuals may not greatly differ in general characteristics when it comes to facing challenges and having memories in life, but in society, they are differentiated based on their race).

solved Submit your complete marketing plan, to include the distribution channels,

Submit your complete marketing plan, to include the distribution channels, promotional strategy, and marketing strategy (see Lesson 5). Include a justification narrative of your choices. Assignment based off of ‘Sit Means Sit’ dog training franchise, located in t subarb of Chicago.References to complete:……(Promotional Strategy Categories of promotional channels organize customers into groups based on their readiness to explore a new concept or product. The special deals and offers I plan to implement to secure new customers and retain old customers. The ‘Sit Means Sit’ franchise is a reputable dog training company, while considering the success of the franchise is based on the overall success rate of the training process. This means that the management of the company will have to continue to develop promotional messages which are distinct and applicable to each of the following; advertising, in store marketing, coupons & discounts, loyalty marketing, sampling, and social media.In the social media strategy, the promotional message will be through videos in some of the most prevalent channels, such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. This message will explain the use of technology as the most innovative and advanced method of training dogs. The rationale for this message and the used channel is the fact that knowledge is the initial phase in the proliferation of innovation (Sun & Jeyaraj, 2013). This is the stage at which the prospective adopter first becomes introduced to the invention itself. They do not have adequate details to reach a buying decision on and have not yet been motivated sufficiently to seek more. At this point, I will aim to improve product awareness and provide appropriate information for the potential target market to seek my business over competitors.The marketing department will highlight, in detail, the benefits of using the product in both videos and print media. The benefits included in the promotional message will consist of faster training, the ability to monitor performance, and living an overall better quality of life. Its rationale is that it is the persuasion of properly using social media to promote, is when the potential customer is responsive to the product, which generates a positive reputation and reviews. As the company grows and word continues to spread amongst the community, there would be a deliberate attempt to market the idea to police and search and rescue task forces.)(Marketing Strategy First, as a franchise, I have always had the intent to use the marketing vehicles strategy. By doing this, I will get able to perform face to face marketing of our dog training services offered. Reaching the customers in their areas will help a lot since I plan to deliver our information to the customers’ eyes, while conducting business or errands. The main reason for deciding to choose this strategy, is because of the advantage of bringing the target audience to you. Even though the process may be unnoticed at first, it creates a positive relationship with the community, giving the customers the opportunity to feel free to inquire myself or employees about information. Furthermore, many people may having trouble finding a reliable company, of become curious of the idea of where to access our information online through digital devices. Therefore, the vehicle marketing plan will help me educate potential customers about not only our eye catching logo, but also allowing them to visually see the company’s domain name. Lastly, the face to face marketing strategy will also be a priority of mine, establishing relationships and credibility. To run and maintain your business, it is essential to focus on the relationship with your customers and the community you operate in. By coming into contact with your customers, you can gain clients, submitting positive reviews, quickly generating revenue. Building a positive reputation will lead to trust and build a solid foundation from the start. It is more often than not true that most people put their trust in the person who they have already established a relationship with.)……

solved The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare

The BSN Essentials (AACN, 2008) outline a number of healthcare policy and advocacy competencies for the BSN-prepared nurse. Reflect on the NUR4636 course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to (choose 4):“Demonstrate basic knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments, including local, state, national, and global healthcare trends.Describe how health care is organized and financed, including the implications of business principles, such as patient and system cost factors.Compare the benefits and limitations of the major forms of reimbursement on the delivery of healthcare services.Examine legislative and regulatory processes relevant to the provision of health care.Describe state and national statutes, rules, and regulations that authorize and define professional nursing practice.Explore the impact of socio­cultural, economic, legal, and political factors influencing healthcare delivery and practice.Examine the roles and responsibilities of the regulatory agencies and their effect on patient care quality, workplace safety, and the scope of nursing and other health professionals’ practice.Discuss the implications of healthcare policy on issues of access, equity, affordability, and social justice in healthcare delivery.Use an ethical framework to evaluate the impact of social policies on health care, especially for vulnerable populations.Articulate, through a nursing perspective, issues concerning healthcare delivery to decision makers within healthcare organizations and other policy arenas.Participate as a nursing professional in political processes and grassroots legislative efforts to influence healthcare policy.Advocate for consumers and the nursing profession.Assess protective and predictive factors, including genetics, which influence the health of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.Conduct a health history, including environmental exposure and a family history that recognizes genetic risks, to identify current and future health problems.Assess health/illness beliefs, values, attitudes, and practices of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.Use behavioral change techniques to promote health and manage illness.Use evidence­ based practices to guide health teaching, health counseling, screening, outreach, disease and outbreak investigation, referral, and follow-up throughout the lifespan.Use information and communication technologies in preventive care.Collaborate with other healthcare professionals and patients to provide spiritually and culturally appropriate health promotion and disease and injury prevention interventions.Assess the health, healthcare, and emergency preparedness needs of a defined population.Use clinical judgment and decision-making skills in appropriate, timely nursing care during disaster, mass casualty, and other emergency situations.Collaborate with others to develop an intervention plan that takes into account determinants of health, available resources, and the range of activities that contribute to health and the prevention of illness, injury, disability, and premature death.Participate in clinical prevention and population ­focused interventions with attention to effectiveness, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and equity.Advocate for social justice, including a commitment to the health of vulnerable populations and the elimination of health disparities.Use evaluation results to influence the delivery of care, deployment of resources, and to provide input into the development of policies to promote health and prevent disease.”Requirement Follow the directions and grading
criteria closely. The length of the reflection is to be within three to six
pages excluding title page and reference pages.
4. APA format (7th Edition) is required with both a
title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as
Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use
“Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).
Course Reflection

solved Answering Behavioral Questions There are many different types of job

Answering Behavioral Questions
There are many different types of job interviews. Interviews can vary by style, types of questions, and other factors. Many interviewers use behavioral interview questions to evaluate how you might contribute to the company’s culture as well as its success.
Part 1 Instructions:
I have experience working in fast food, working in a call center, and working an office job. Using one of these experiences, choose one of the following behavioral interview questions and respond to it as you would during an interview:

Tell me about a time when you had to work with others. What was the situation and how did you respond?
Describe a time when you had to deal with others? Describe the scenario and how you handled the situation.
Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What was the situation and how did you respond?

In your response, include the following:

A detailed description of your response to the question asked in your selected situation/scenario.
A comprehensive list of the approaches you have or would use to respond to the questions asked in your situation/scenario.

In addition, describe the “selling points” you are trying to make in your response to the chosen question.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format and in-text citation.
Respond to the peer’s response to their chosen question (below).

Share the situation you would describe if you were asked the same question (if it is not a different question, share another situation you could use for that question).

Comment of their list of approaches to their chosen scenario.
Do you agree or disagree with those approaches?
Which approach(es) should they highlight in their interview response?

Consider their selling points and suggest another way they could use their answer to this question as a selling point.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format and in-text citation.
Peer’s Response:
Hi everyone,
Describe a time when you had to deal with others? Describe the scenario and how you handled the situation.
I would not forget a couple of eventful shifts when I had to work with a difficult employee. During these particular shifts, I work with this employee who is famous for hiding when the patient’s call light goes off. On my first shift with the person, I answered all the call lights for her patients and mine. However, on my second day working with her, other employees told me that she is challenging to work with, for she hides when a patient calls for help. Despite hiding in empty and supply rooms, she pretends as if she was busy with a patient. She also puts her Vocera on do not disturb (DND) mode to lose communication with her. I finally decided to find her and addressed the issue with her before letting the charge nurse know.
A comprehensive list of the approaches you have or would use to respond to the questions asked in your situation/scenario.
The approach I used to handle the issue was to talk to the employee that everyone is aware and why teamwork is good for success. “Employees who work in a collaborative manner with others and who are able to work effectively within a team context can provide the strength, structure, and resiliency to deal with work complexities and changes” (Huber, 2013). Though I discussed with her, she was not cooperative to work as a team player, and the charge nurse resolved the issue. I have never worked with her since those eventful shifts.
Describe the “selling points” you are trying to make in your response to the chosen question.
The “selling points” I am trying to make in response to the chosen question is my soft (communication skills). According to Travis et al. (2017), communication is essential for managing difficult employees. When there is open communication, and the employee knows exactly what is expected of them, problems could become minimal.”
Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and Nursing Care Management. [Bookshelf Ambassadored].…
Travis, T., Sarah, S., Bharat, M., & Jitendra, M. (2017). How to manage difficult employees. Advances in Management, 10(1), 1-6.…