solved I’m working on a business law case study and need

I’m working on a business law case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The Hardy Company manufactures small electrical appliances, including electric shavers, electric
mixers, blenders, and irons for the home. The company had recently introduced a new line of
electric shavers for women. In the product design stage of the new product, the sales department
had conducted an extensive marketing research survey to determine exactly what style-color
combinations best suited the market for this new product. The style finally selected was an
extremely modish plastic case with an entirely new shape of cutting head.
Unfortunately, no commercially available fractional horsepower motor could be fitted
into the desired style of case. It was, therefore, necessary to have a supplier develop the required
The vice president of supply management of the Hardy Company, Mr. Monaghan,
discussed the problem with the sales representatives of several of Hardy’s best motor suppliers.
One of the persons contacted was the sales vice president of the Centennial Electric Company,
which had been one of Hardy’s suppliers for years and was known to have one of the best
developmental groups in the small motor field. In his conversation with Mr. Monaghan, the
Centennial Electric vice president expressed confidence that his firm could do the job, and he
even roughed out a proposed method of attacking the problem.
Mr. Monaghan and the engineering manager were so impressed by the approach of the
Centennial Company, as compared to presentations of the other companies contacted, that it was
decided to award the development work to Centennial. In setting up the contract for this
development work, it was discovered that the Centennial Electric Company had a rigid policy of
billing separately for developmental services only on government contracts. For all other work,
the Company recovered development costs through sale of the motors developed. Consequently,
the shaver motor was developed by Centennial on a “no charge” basis simultaneously with the
product design work at Hardy. Centennial was very cooperative and made several modifications
to the original design specifications. Finally, ten handmade motors of the final design passed
rigorous quality control checks by Hardy engineers. These motors were also provided on a “no
charge” basis.
A purchase contract was then placed with Centennial Electric for the first production run
of 100,000 units. The price of the motors was slightly above the price of a standard motor of
equivalent horsepower ratings, but Mr. Monaghan felt that the differential was certainly not
enough for Centennial to recover the entire development cost over the run of 100,000. He knew
that Centennial had also made a sizable additional investment in special tools, dies, and fixtures
for this motor.
The shaver was a great success and another 100,000 units were produced in the first year.
Centennial had been given the order for these motors on a proprietary basis when it quoted a price
equal to the price of standard motors of the same horsepower rating. A blanket order of 150,000
units for the second year’s production was also awarded to Centennial without competitive bids.
When the contract for the third year’s production was being considered, sales
representatives of four different companies requested the right to bid on motors for the shaver.
One salesman was very indignant and said that his company had been discriminated against all
along and that he knew that his company could make a better motor for the job and sell it for less
than Centennial’s price. Although Mr. Monaghan felt that Centennial had done an excellent
development job and was providing good service on the contract, he wondered how long he
should allow Centennial to have this business on a proprietary basis. He was certain Centennial’s
price was not substantially out of line, but he was not at all certain that Centennial had recovered
all of its investment in development, tools, dies, and fixtures.
Do you feel that the buying of this motor was properly handled? How would you
have handled it?
Should the Hardy Company have solicited competitive bids on this item?
What would you do if you were in Mr. Monaghan’s position now?

solved ss11 quiz Global warming is:Question 1 options:The gradual increase in

ss11 quiz Global warming is:Question 1 options:The gradual increase in the world’s temperature due to the use of wood for heating and cooking.The gradual increase in the world’s temperature due to the increase in population.The gradual increase in the world’s temperature as a result of the specific use of gasoline and diesel in cars.The gradual increase in the world’s temperature as a result of the burning of fossil fuels and the deforestation of the planet.SaveQuestion 2 (1 point) The greenhouse effect refers to:Question 2 options:The effect whereby increased levels of greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise.The effect whereby increased levels of greenhouse gases are destroying the ozone layer thereby allowing significantly stronger gamma rays from the sun to directly raise the Earth’s core temperture.The effect whereby increased levels of greenhouse gases are created by the increased levels of food grown and raised to feed an ever-increasing world population.The effect whereby increased levels of carbon monoxide are creating an artificial solarium out of much of the earth.SaveQuestion 3 (1 point) The Kyoto Protocol is:Question 3 options:an international agreement to lower gas emissions by using smaller, emission free vehicles pioneered in Kyoto, international agreement championed by a joint effort between Canada and the United States to reduce gas international agreement to ensure that the destructive effect of greenhouse gases do not destroy the cultural heritage artifacts of Kyoto, international agreement to establish greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets for industrialized countries .SaveQuestion 4 (1 point) Ozone depletion refers toQuestion 4 options:the thinning of the Earth’s ozone layer, largely as a result of the increased release of greenhouse gases.the thinning of the Earth’s ozone layer, largely as a result of the increased population expelling more Carbon Monoxide; the composition of which breaks down ozone.the release chlorofluorocarbons into the troposphere which cause a thinning of the ozone layer.the thinning of the Earth’s ozone layer, largely as a result of the greenhouse effect.SaveQuestion 5 (1 point) Chlorofluorcarbons (CFCs)Question 5 options:are responsible for the greenhouse effectdestroy ozoneare a result of global warmingare a result of the Aurora BorealisSaveQuestion 6 (1 point) The Montreal ProtocolQuestion 6 options:was established by the United Nations Environment Programme to phase out the use of ozone depleting chemicals.was a direct response to the Kyoto Protocol as it introduced a Canadian alternative to the emission free vehicles.established a set of standards for each of the signatory nations whereby they contributed to the erosion of the ozone layer within a set time period.set out the standards by which greenhouse gas emissions would be permitted by signatory nations.SaveQuestion 7 (4 points) In point or paragraph form, identify at least four threats to Canada’s water supply from your readings. Information on water is on page 432 – 436 in the eTextbookQuestion 7 options:SaveQuestion 8 (6 points) In at least one paragraph, give your ideas on possible solutions to the threats to Canada’s water supply. Think outside the box – maybe you can invent a new technology that would help?Question 8 options:SaveQuestion 9 (1 point) Global warming is the progressive gradual rise of the Earth’s surface temperature thought to be caused by the greenhouse effect.Question 9 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 10 (1 point) Natural and human factors affect global climate.Question 10 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 11 (1 point) Greenhouse gases absorb and trap heat in the atmosphere and cause a warming effect on the earth.Question 11 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 12 (1 point) Some solar radiation is reflected into space and some is absorbed by parts of our climate system.Question 12 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 13 (10 points) Global Warming MatchingQuestion 13 options:12heat-related deaths12industrialization12changes in water level12carbon dioxide production12reduction of permafrost12methane production12deforestation12increased temperatures12insect survival12late season run off1.Cause2.EffectSaveSave All Responses

solved For this week, we will look at the Byzantine (Eastern

For this week, we will look at the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire and the Islamic Empires. Read chapter seven in the text  to get started.  
Option A: For option A you will be investigating the Byzantine Empire.  (Links to an external site.)(Eastern Roman Empire).  Read chapter seven in our book and the information at the included web sites below.  What were the outstanding accomplishments of the Byzantine empire (Links to an external site.) under Justinian and Theodora’s (Links to an external site.) rule? What was Theodora’s role in the governance of Constantinople? What was unusual about her role, for the time? In what ways did they preserve the culture of the Roman Empire and help solidify the importance and expansion of Christianity? Don’t forget to respond to one peer. 
Option B: This week we turn our attention to the development and expansion of lslam. (Links to an external site.) I am limiting sources because in the modern world there are so many anti-Islam sites that spread disinformation. I want you to get historical facts. Islam is not a monolithic religion. Under the umbrella of “Islam” are numerous cultural practices and political ideologies that are at odds with each other, as is sometimes the case with Shia and Sunni Islam or   (Links to an external site.)Sufi Islamic mysticism.  (Links to an external site.)Let’s be scholars and really learn so we can understand – just as we did with our other religions and locations. Summarize the rise and main features of Islam.  Then, survey the expansion of Islam -what territories did it include and what were some of the reasons for its amazing success?  Who were the Shi’ites and the Sunnis?  What main issues divided them?  What about Sufi Muslims – what do they believe and practice? Please don’t forget to respond to someone.
The following optional cc video I am including is interesting and very nicely made:

Reply to:
Option A:
The Byzantine Empire emerged in 330 A.D. and lasted until 1453. Constantine, I set the Eastern half of Rome’s civilization at the site of the ancient Greek colony Byzantium. Byzantium was perfectly located to advance trade between Europe and Asia. Constantine made the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople. An outstanding accomplishment of the Byzantine empire would be its longevity. In the article, Byzantine Empire, historical authors demonstrate, “ It was the only organized state west of China to survive without interruption from ancient times until the beginning of the modern age” ( The Byzantine Empire had a strong administrative center, a strong capital defense, political stability, geographical location advantages, and control over economic resources within their empire. All of these played a role in how the Byzantine Empire’s flourished. In 527 C.E. Justinian became ruler of the Byzantine Empire. His wife Theodora was a woman with a past not approved by other officials, but Justinian did not care. She ruled by his side and contributed greatly to important decisions made for the Byzantine Empire. Over time she became highly respected, “She would quickly gain the respect by proving to be Justinian’s intellectual and political equal in every way” (Take Online Courses). During this time period, women were seen as inferior and weak to men. In the textbook, In Early World History, authors Brand and Feres illustrate women’s role during this time period, “While women were not granted equal rights, they did enjoy more protection under the law in Byzantine Empire after Justinian ruled” (Sec. 12). Theodora influenced a lot of the changes made to benefit women during this time. Under the rule of Justinian and Theodora, the Byzantine Empire expanded, built spectacular monuments, reformed Roman law, spread Christianity, and reigned as a powerful state. The Code of Justinian was one of the most political contributions made during the Theodora and Justinian rule. In the textbook, In Early World History, authors Brand and Feres write, “The Code of Justinian is a digest of Roman laws, church laws, texts, and other instructional material that became the foundation of Western Law” (Sec.13). These laws helped spread Christianity ideas and also created culture and traditions to solidify the Roman culture. 

solved Briefly and concisely summarize the history and physical (H&P) findings

Briefly and concisely summarize the history and physical (H&P) findings as if you were presenting it to your preceptor using the pertinent facts from the case. Use shorthand where possible and approved medical abbreviations. Avoid redundancy and irrelevant information.
Provide a differential diagnosis (minimum of 3) which might explain the patient’s chief complaint along with a brief statement of pathophysiology for each.
Analyze the differential by using the pertinent findings from the history and physical to argue for or against a diagnosis.
Rank the differential in order of most likely to least likely.
Identify any additional tests and/or procedures that you feel is necessary or needed to help you narrow your differential. All testing decisions must be supported with an evidence-based medicine (EBM) argument as to why it is necessary or pertinent in this case. If no testing is indicated or needed, you must also support this decision with EBM evidence.

Case Study
Date of visit: October 20, 2017
A 19-year-old male freshman college student presents to the student health center today with complaints of bilateral eye discomfort. Upon further questioning you discover the following subjective information regarding the chief complaint.
History of Present Illness
2-3 days ago
Both eyes
Both eyes feel “gritty” with mild to moderate amount of discomfort. Further describes the gritty sensation “like sand caught in your eye”
Aggravating factors
None identified
Relieving factors
None identified
Tried OTC visine drops once yesterday which temporarily improved the redness but the gritty sensation, tearing and itching remained.
Level of discomfort is 2/10 on pain scale
Review of Systems (ROS)
Denies fever, chills, or recent illnesses
Denies contact lenses or glasses, has never experienced these symptoms previously. Last eye exam was “a few years ago”. Denies eye injury, trauma, visual changes or dryness. Denies crusting of lids or mucoid or purulent drainage. Bilateral symptoms of +redness, +itching, +tearing + FB sensation.
-otalgia, -otorrhea
+occasional runny nose with intermittent nasal congestion, denies sneezing. History of seasonal nasal allergies which is aggravated in the spring but is well controlled on loratadine and fluticasone nasal spray taken during peak season (he is not taking either right now).
Denies ST and redness
Denies lymph node tenderness or swelling
Denies cough, SOB and wheezing
Denies chest pain
Loratadine 10mg daily and fluticasone nasal spray daily (only takes during the spring months when nasal allergies flare)
Seasonal allergic rhinitis with springtime triggers
Freshman student at the University of Awesome located in central Illinois. Home is in Phoenix.
Denies cigarettes +recreational marijuana use +drinks 3-6 beers per weekend
Adopted, does not know biological parents history
Physical exam reveals the following.
Physical Exam
Young adult male in NAD, alert and oriented, cooperative
Temp-97.9, P-68, R-16, BP 120/75, Height 6’0, Weight 195 pounds
Visual Acuity 20/20 (uncorrected) OU. PERRL with white sclera bilaterally. Slight light sensitivity noted bilaterally. No crusting, lesions or masses on lids noted. Bilateral conjunctiva with diffuse redness and tearing but no mucoid or purulent drainage noted. No visible FBs under lids or on cornea to gross examination.
Fundiscopic examination: Discs flat with sharp margins. Vessels present in all quadrants without crossing defects. Retinal background has even color, no hemorrhages noted. Macula has even color.
Tympanic membranes gray and intact with light reflex noted. Pinna and tragus nontender.
Nares patent. Nasal turbinates are pale and boggy with mild to moderate swelling. Nasal drainage is clear.
Oropharynx moist, no lesions or exudate. Tonsils ¼ bilaterally. Teeth in good repair, no cavities noted.
Neck supple. No lymphadenopathy. Thyroid midline, small and firm without palpable masses.
Heart S1 and S2 noted, no murmurs, noted. Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally. Respirations unlabored.

solved I need an explanation for this Blog Post question to

I need an explanation for this Blog Post question to help me study.

Walt Whitman and Leaves of Green
Walt Whitman was born not too far from Stony Brook in Huntington, New York (although he would later move to Brooklyn). He is considered by many to be one of the greatest American poets in history, and it’s nice to know that someone so influential came from our own little island.
This reputation mainly comes from his iconic collection of poetry Leaves of Green. Whitman worked on the book for the majority of his life, editing it over and over and over between the first edition in 1855 and his death in 1892.
No one is even sure how many editions there really are, depending on who you ask it could be six different versions or as many as nine. These were not just small changes either, the original book contained only a dozen or so poems while the final edition contained hundreds.
Fun Fact: The book is also featured in a pivotal scene in my favorite TV show of all time Breaking Bad)
And as poetry goes, Whitman wrote some of the most interesting poems ever in this book. Many of them do not really follow a pattern or a traditional rhyming scheme. Instead, Whitman just used whatever style he felt like for each particular poem. This became known as free verse poetry, a style Whitman is credited with pioneering.
An example of this can be seen in Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, where Whitman’s third stanza is over 400 words and the following stanza is only 62. So every stanza basically is just formed around what Whitman thinks sounds the best, not some rigid ABCCB rhyming scheme like I learned in middle school.
Finding Meaning in the Little Things
Throughout the first four stanzas of Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, Whitman spends much of the poem explaining the little minutiae of life that he notices on his ferry ride. This includes the waves, the tide, other boats passing by as well as all the people around him.
He takes his time to acknowledge the things that we usually don’t think about while we’re wrapped up in our own worries of day-to-day life.
The scallop-edged waves in the twilight, the ladled cups, the frolicsome crests and glistening,
The stretch afar growing dimmer and dimmer, the gray walls of the granite storehouses by the docks
Now, this poem is not meant to be some grand exploration of what life means. There are certainly existential themes explored, but Whitman’s main goal is to create a detailed account of our shared experiences as humans to get a better idea of who we really are.

He thinks about all of the people who have come before him and all those who will come after him. He knows life has an expiration date, and as he takes this ferry across the East River he thinks about all the people who have experienced the same things in life that he has.
Everyone who has ridden that ferry and who will ever ride that ferry will see the waves in the water, hear the seagulls chirping in the air, and watch other boats pass by. By focusing on these details, he is showing that as different as we may sometimes feel our lives can be from one another we all have many shared experiences.
As he rode that ferry and acknowledged all of these shared experiences, he felt closer to the people around him “The men and women I saw were all near to me” Whitman states, “Others the same—others who look back on me because I look’d forward to them, (The time will come, though I stop here to-day and to-night.)”
He feels close to the people riding next to him as well as the people who will ride one day, thinking back to past ferry riders such as himself.
Maybe if we just followed Whitman’s example and took the time to slow down and acknowledge these little moments in life that we all share, we could stop all the fighting and appreciate the things we have in common.
(But then I check Twitter and realize it’s probably a lost cause)
Discussion Questions

What piece of descriptive imagery by Whitman interested you the most? How did he make something that usually goes unnoticed seem fascinating?
What relationship does Whitman feel he has with the past, present and future riders of the ferry?
Try to think of something boring you did today and analyze it like Whitman does to his ferry trip. Can you find the same kinds of shared experiences?

solved Project #2: Professional Profileplease read this carefully I will attached

Project #2: Professional Profileplease read this carefully I will attached all the document you have to look for (a prompt and sample profile) . as well will send you a copy of the answers of the interview with my professor that I had asked him questions. so he is social work major and this profile will be about his field and raise on question I had asked him. feel free to ask me any question that you have. this is the prompt. For this project, you will need to contact and interview by phone/Zoom/in person (up to you which one you choose) someone who is currently working in your professional or academic field. Ideally, this individual holds a job that you would like to have when you graduate.Your interview will be written as a profile article for a department newsletter distributed to other students in your discipline (this is your audience). The purpose of the article is to describe the working life of someone in your field for other students in your discipline. As part of this description, your article should give details about the role of writing in your interviewee’s work. Your feature article will need to include the following:1. The entire article works to create a dominant impression of the interviewee, his/her workplace, and the writing required. This could include a brief genre analysis of one of the genres this interviewee uses. 2. An appropriate introduction that identifies the person you interviewed, conveys a sense of the interviewee and his or her work, and states the purpose of the article. Read pages 85-97 for information on writing a profile article. 3. A description of the nature of the work the interviewee does. This could include a description, for example, of a typical day (or typical duties, responsibilities), the most stressful part of the job (or the most rewarding, most difficult, most boring, etc.).4. A description of the role of written language in your interviewee’s work. What kind of writing does your interviewee have to do in order to be successful on the job? How much writing is involved and what kind is most frequent or most important? 5. Advice from your interviewee for students planning to enter the field. 6. A prediction concerning the future professional lives of students in your field (i.e., those who will read the article). Include a discussion of the role writing will play in your professional/academic future. To do this, reflect on the information you learned in the interview and supply relevant examples. 7. Support for your statements from quoting or paraphrasing the comments of your interviewee.8. All of the above elements will be developed into a cohesive article, rather than a list of answers to questions.GRADING RUBRIC:ORGANIZATION (30 POINTS)1. Creates a dominant impression of the interviewee.2. Present information as a profile article for a student newsletter for your discipline.3. Effectively use ways of organizing information (text types such as explanation or definition). Do not answer the prompt questions as you would answer a list of questions.3. Use appropriate transitions between paragraphs, amongst sentences, and introducing quotes.0_____0.5_____1.0_____1.5_____2.0_____2.5_____3.0_____CONTENT (45 POINTS)1. Present the purpose of the profile article. Identify the interviewee and his/her job/position. Explain why the interviewee’s job/position is relevant to the writer’s professional interests. Discuss the importance of writing to the interviewee’s job.2. Provide a description of the nature of the work the interviewee does. 3. Describe the role of written language in your interviewee’s work. There needs to be detail in this section; possibly, provide information of the DOCS-V of the genre used by the interviewee.4. Tell why the information you have presented is important to you and your readers. This will concern the future writing tasks students in your discipline have to look forward to.5. Quote and paraphrase the comments of the interviewee.0____0.5____1.0____1.5____2.0____2.5____3.0____3.5____4.0___4.5___5___STYLE (25 POINTS)1. Sufficient detail in paragraphs.2. Appropriate and correct use of quotations from the interviewee.3. Effective use of a variety of sentence structures.4. Correct spelling.5. Verb consistency.0_____0.5_____1.0_____1.5_____2.

solved I need help with a Management question. All explanations and

I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Strategy is critical to the process of charting a company’s direction in the business environment. When evaluating strategic choices, it is important to understand key advantages and disadvantages of the various options under consideration. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered.
For your main thread, perform the following:

Discuss the process of setting the company’s direction.
Discuss a key advantage or disadvantage created by strategic choices.
Discuss your current decision model(s) and others that are being considered.
Develop an Annotated Bibliography for the references used in your discussion.
Support all of your factual assertions with citations.

Discussion Thread: Setting Direction, Advantages / Disadvantages, and Decision Models 
Strategy is critical to the process of charting a company’s direction in the business environment. When evaluating strategic choices, it is important to understand key advantages and disadvantages of the various options under consideration. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered. Minimum of 500 words in the body Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts Current APA format must be used. Use the following outline: Introduction Process: Setting the Company’s Direction with Strategy – What is the process in no less than 200 words Strategic Thinking: Discussion of a Key Advantage or Disadvantage from Rumelt – What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words Decision Model: no less than 100 words How do my decision models aid / hinder this process and why What other decision models are being considered and why Conclusion Support your factual assertions with citations. Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources: Minimum of 250 words in each annotation Summary of Key Points Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s) Where this fits into the discussion
Discussion 2:
Evaluating the external environment that the company does business in is critical to the process of developing a company’s strategy. When evaluating the external environment, it is important to understand key sources of power or weakness that exist. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered.
For your main thread, perform the following:

Discuss the process of evaluating the external environment.
Discuss a key source of power or weakness.
Discuss your current decision model(s) and others that are being considered.
Develop an Annotated Bibliography for the references used in your discussion.
Support all of your factual assertions with citations.

Discussion Thread: External Environment, Power / Weakness, and Decision Models Evaluating the external environment that the company does business in is critical to the process of developing a company’s strategy. When evaluating the external environment, it is important to understand key sources of power or weakness that exist. Decision models continue to impact strategy development and should continuously be evaluated, and others considered. Minimum of 500 words in the body Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts Current APA format must be used. Use the following outline :Introduction Process: Evaluating the External Environment – What is the process in no less than 200 words Strategic Thinking: Discussion of a Key source of Power / Weakness ? What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words Decision Model: no less than 100 words How do my decision models aid / hinder this process and why What other decision models are being considered and why Conclusion Support your factual assertions with citations. Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional Sources: Minimum of 250 words in each annotation Summary of Key Points Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s) Where this fits into the discussion

solved I’m working on a global studies project and need an

I’m working on a global studies project and need an explanation to help me study.

Week 10 Assignment – Critical Threats to the Global Environment
The United Nations has continued to retain you as a consultant for a project that deals with climate and the environment. Most developed countries see the dangers of releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and are committed to climate policies that attain a carbon-free future in the next 30 years. They already see the damaging effects that this gas alone is having on the living conditions of crops, wildlife, and humans. As a result, many member states are dissatisfied with the progress of the eight Millennium Development Goals for international development that they established in 2000. The member states see a substantial disconnect between several issues that developed and developing countries believe are priorities. For example, Burundi wants one of the goals to focus on food security, while Austria is adamant that a major global issue should be the negotiation of ceasefires in countries in the midst of civil wars. The UN wants you to work from the list below and prioritize two of the global community’s threats that it deems the most serious to environmental stability.Instructions
Step 1
Select two threats. Listed below are eight issues that the UN feels pose the most significant threats to global security. Some of these apply to the Earth’s 7.7 billion people, while others are limited primarily to developing countries. Regardless of where these threats are concentrated, your job as a consultant is to identify two of them that you consider the most critical to the globe’s population.Issue Options

The use of fossil fuels as an energy source.
Insufficient educational opportunities in developing countries.
A lack of access to technology.
Civil war (NOT the U.S. Civil War).
The rise in oceans’ levels.
Covid-19 and the global pandemic.
The dangers of poor countries remaining poor.
Step 2
Write a minimum of an 8 page persuasive paper about your two threats.Write an introduction paragraph of at least one-half page in length identifying the two threats you have selected and the purpose of the paper. Then, for the two threats you chose:
Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk to the global environment that you would choose to present it to the UN.
Analyze the role that humans have played in aggravating this threat to the Earth’s environment.
Suggest initiatives that the global community can take to mitigate the worst effects of this environmental threat.
Write a conclusion paragraph of at least one-half page in length that summarizes your impressions of these risks for global stability.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the SWS link in the left-hand menu of your course and check with your professor for any additional instructions.
In order to earn full credit, the answers to each of the three questions must be at least two full pages long, making six pages. You must also include the one-half page introduction and one-half page conclusion at the beginning and end of the paper, adding up to one page of content. Finally, you must include a graph or table (see 5, below) that will be at least one page in length. The entire paper will be a minimum of eight pages long.
You must use at least seven credible sources (excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries and encyclopedias) that are appropriate for the subjects under discussion.
You must use only double-spacing and not place extra spacing between paragraphs or section headings.
As part of your answer to any one of the questions, you must include a graph, table or chart using quantifiable data that supports your argument. You need only one graph for the entire assignment, and although you may download this item from the Internet, it may be no longer than one page in length. You must comprehensively explain beneath the graph what the data means. Otherwise, it will be of no use to the reader.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

Propose suggestions for mitigation initiatives that address the threats to the stability of the global environment.

solved You have now had the experience of doing the Day

You have now had the experience of doing the Day 1 food journal using the My Plate meal plan approach. Please review my comments before you do this Day 2 food record. If you have any questions about my comments please reply back to me. I am happy to clarify my comments.
The purpose of doing a second food record using MyFitnessPal (food tracker app) or NutriCalcPlus (NCP) is:
to give you a more accurate picture of what you’re eating and drinking (dietary intake) so you can determine if it’s too much or too little based on your personal weight and health goals as well as factoring in your activity level. A diet and activity log can help identify if you are eating too much or even too little of less nutritious foods as you learned doing the first journal. Eating too much of less nutritious foods and beverages typically results in not meeting your calorie and vitamin and mineral needs. This can result in negative health effects, such as, feeling tired, difficulty concentrating, and being more vulnerable to getting sick as well as other potential health issues, and not eating less nutritious foods may indicate you are being overly strict with food rules which can be unhealthy, The My Plate meal plan does not provide specific details on your macronutrient and micronutrient intake. A food and activity tracker such as My Fitness Pal or the e-text’s NCP diet analysis tool DO provide a detailed breakdown of nutrient intake. I require you to report the following nutrients: macronutrients should be reported in percentages, saturated fat grams, sodium milligrams, sugar grams, fiber grams and calcium %. In MyFitness Pal this information is found in the “Nutrition” > Nutrients and “Macros” section. In NCP it is found in the Nutrients Report. More info below.
to experience the use of a food and activity tracking app as a tool that was chosen to provide convenience, and easy access to analysis of your dietary intake. MyFitness Pal just happens to be a popular one, but there are many available that some of you may already be using. You may use another app, but it will need to provide the nutrient information that is required for this assignment as indicated on the journal template and mentioned above. Your subscription to the McGraw Hill etext also includes a diet analysis app called Nutri Calc Plus. Many of you used it for the MyPlate Food Journal assignment. It is a very user-friendly diet analysis tool. A benefit of using this one is it does provide the information regarding your progress in meeting My Plate Plan goals AND nutrient information. MyFitness Pal does not report progress with My Plate meal plan goals, but I wish it did. However, NCP does not have an app and so some of you likely prefer using an app vs online access only.
to help you identify factors that influence your diet decisions such as how often you eat, where you eat, physical hunger and fullness, mood and or emotions you are in while eating and making food decisions, and others factors that influence your food choices as discussed in Chapter 1.1 (What Influences Your Food Choices?). It also requires you to specify your physical hunger and fullness using the Hunger/Satiety Scale that was introduced to you in chapter 1.
is to help you identify your personal assessment of doing the food journal and identifying your food behaviors.
Complete a 4-question subjective survey. The survey is listed as a separate item in this module.
As you go about your day to day activities, this assignment may help you better understand if your diet is an obstacle to your healthy eating goals or supports not just your health goals, but additional goals you have set for yourself including academic and other wellness goals. The food journal template provides you the experience of using 3 different approaches to weight management and meeting nutritional goals.
1) calorie counting (MyFitnessPal, NCP),
2) meal plan (My Plate)
3) mindful eating (Intuitive eating using hunger and satiety cues as discussed in chapter 1).
You may find that you prefer one approach to another OR, you may like taking a little from each approach and adapting aspects from each to meet your own personal diet approach. It is completely up to you, but it needs to support BOTH your physical and mental health needs.

solved This is book you can find a single newspaper, you

This is book you can find a single newspaper, you should sent a capy of newapaper or artical that you used. And you should use evidence from the bookMyers, D. G. & DeWall, C. N. (2019). Exploring psychology (11th ed.). New York, NY: Worth.General Psychology – Critical Thinking Assignment (Parts 1 & 2) 1:For this assignment, you will need to find a single newspaper or magazine article (i.e., Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Kansas City Star) written for the general public which makes a claim about some psychological topic; do NOT use a peer reviewed or scholarly journal. Do NOT use an advertisement, blog, or an .org extension. The article must have a title and an author.Read the article, then read it again! If you cannot tell someone what the article is about after reading it multiple times, find a different article. Remember almost everything has a psychological component (e. g., dreams, study techniques, happiness, health, sports, relationships, and family). Critically evaluate the article by doing the following:Published Information: (approximately1 – 2 paragraphs each for A & B )A) Identify and summarize the claim that is being made (who, what, how, where, why, and when). Describe the evidence presented to support the claim. For example, how did the author come to this conclusion? Is it based on scientific evidence? Is it an observation? Is it someone’s opinion? You may include no more than one direct quotation and absolutely NO block quotes. Use this opportunity to paraphrase; tell me about the article just as you would tell a friend.B) Find something in your book that ties in with the topic or claim of the article; either supporting or refuting the article assertion. Identify and summarize the information from the book (who, what, how, where, why, and when). You may include no more than one direct quotation and NO block quotes.Your Opinion:(a paragraph for each of the following)C) Do you agree with the author(s) or not? Based on the available evidence from the book and article, what is your conclusion regarding the idea[s] being presented and why? (refer to the available evidence to support your conclusion).D) What alternative explanations are possible for the evidence that is presented to support the claim you are exploring? Does it appear that there were things that were overlooked or not considered? (e.g., did the research consider all ages, gender, socioeconomic status, education, culture, geography)E) What further evidence or information would help to better evaluate the ideas? What further research would provide this evidence?F) Compare the advantages of valuing scientific evidence compared to other types of arguments. Are there disadvantages to scientific evidence?Format:For this paper use APA 7th edition, the latest edition of the style used by Psychology. The assignment folder contains multiple examples of APA style. Use them. The following link contains basic information about APA style: My pet peeves are contractions and redundancy. There are NO CONTRACTIONS in APA Style! Say what you need to say and do not waste my time re-reading information because you are trying to fill a page. Also, always refer to the article you are using by the last name of the author and year of publication and the book as Myers and DeWall (2019).Your assignment must be typed and double-spaced. Use one-inch margins and a 12-point Times New Roman font only.Length – There is no maximum number of pages. Take as many pages as you need, but no more, to address all of the points in the outline above (practice parsimony). As a general guideline, you should be able to address all of the points in less than three pages of text. Points A and B should take a page and a half max. Make each point (C – F) a separate paragraph. A paragraph is a minimum of three sentences.Include a title page and a reference page in addition to your two or three pages of text. Be aware of plagiarism. Plagiarism may result in a zero on the assignment.