solved Assignment brief: The aim of this assessment is for you

Assignment brief:
The aim of this assessment is for you to reflect on what the placement experience has taught you within the context of your chosen programme of study and your own career aspirations. If you keep a record of your responses it should help with graduate job applications next year.
You are strongly advised to draft and improve on your responses throughout the year. Do not leave it to the last minute!
Descriptive details of the assignment:
The aim of this assessment is for you to reflect on what the placement experience has taught you within the context of your chosen programme of study and your own career aspirations. You are required to answer the three core questions and then three further questions from the remaining selection. You should aim for a word count of around 300-350 words for each answer (absolute maximum of 400 words).
Write your responses as you would if you were answering questions in a graduate application form, using the framework as illustrated below (please include the sub-headings in your document). Sample responses and information on grading are given later in this document. Feel free to include any evidence that you wish to use to support your claims such as attendance certificates for training courses, exam results, tutor or manager feedback – attach this evidence as appendices and ensure you refer to each appendix in the main body of your response. The completed assignment including appendices should not exceed 15 pages (this does not override the requirement for a maximum of 400 words per question).
If there are confidentiality or security issues that may prevent you from submitting evidence, please discuss this with your placement tutor and manager as soon as possible to confirm how this situation will be managed.
Core questions – answer all questions (in the order they appear below):
1. Prior study: How have your studies within your STEM discipline enabled you to perform effectively in your work or study placement?
2. Self-awareness & development: Describe a time on your placement when you changed your behaviour based on feedback you had been given. Evaluate how effective the change was.
3. Future Career/Employment: How will you apply what you have learnt on your placement to the rest of your university studies and future career?
Additional questions – answer three questions from the following:
4. Collaborative working: Give an example of a time on your placement when you worked co-operatively as a team member to accomplish an important goal. What was the goal/objective? How did you interact with others to accomplish this goal? Be sure to identify the extent of your personal contribution to achieving the team’s goal.
5. Resilience/Challenging Situations/Overcoming Adversity: Describe and reflect upon a situation during your placement in which you were required to show resilience or overcome adversity. For example:

Describe and reflect on a time when you experienced a setback. What was the setback, and how did you react to this challenge?
Describe and reflect on a time when you overcame a significant challenge. What were your coping strategies during this time?

6. Initiative/Independent Working: Describe and reflect on something you identified that needed improving during your placement. How did you go about making that improvement/change?
7. Communication: Describe and reflect on a situation during your placement where you communicated effectively and directly influenced a course of action.
8. Broadening Horizons: Describe and reflect on an example of a moment in your placement experience that broadened your horizons.
9. Ethics/Values/Social Responsibility: Describe and reflect on a situation where your personal values were challenged, developed or reinforced during your placement. How did you respond?
10. Leadership: Describe and reflect on an example of a situation during your placement experience where you had to demonstrate leadership or take responsibility above and beyond expectations.
Recommended reading/online sources:
For some background reading on academic reflection you may find these guides helpful:

Sheffield Hallam University:
Edinburgh University:…

solved Note: In this unit, there are five potential discussion themes

Note: In this unit, there are five potential discussion themes available for your consideration. You should select three different discussion themes and submit one initial post that begins a discussion thread and two responses to your group members’ posts in the appropriate discussions area. If you are the first person to submit a post, do not forget to indicate the title of the theme (e.g. Conditioning Techniques Discussion). Moreover, do not worry to be the initiator of a discussion; other students who are interested in the theme(s) will join you soon to keep the discussions running.Conditioning Techniques Discussion: What ways could you use conditioning techniques to change an athlete’s negative behaviours such as: being late for practice; disrespectful of the training staff and game officials, and inappropriate language in the dressing room and on the playing field. What examples of negative reinforcement and aversive control have you experienced as an athlete or member of a team/group, and did they work?Athletes as Learning Partners Discussion: How do you get athletes “to be full partners in the learning process”? What are the benefits / limitations of this partnership? At what age or skill level should athletes be seen as “full partners?Motor Skills Discussion: Many professional athletes seem to move and flow with the grace of a dancer and execute their skills seemingly without effort. Select a player you think falls into this category and discuss the major motor skills and processes that produce such skills.Effects of Anxiety Discussion: Which of the following athletes would you be most concerned in terms of holding up under the effects of anxiety in an upcoming competition? Explain your choice.Athlete A is an outgoing individual who is relatively unskilled;Athlete B is an introverted person but is one of your most skilled players;Athlete C tends to be highly anxious and has recently made some changes in his/her tennis serving technique;Athlete D is low in anxiety and is also relatively unskilled;Athlete E is extroverted and is only moderately skilled.Arousal Performance Discussion: The arousal-performance relationship has been explained by drive theory and the inverted-U hypothesis. Have you ever experienced a catastrophic collapse? Discuss these theories and their application to sport performance in general and to your own personal experiencesDISCUSSION POSTSAcross the course units (01-05 and 07-10), there are discussion activities that require your active, weekly participation in group discussions. Students will be placed in small groups to promote collaborative learning. Select Groups from the Tools dropdown menu to view your group.The purpose of the discussion is to build on the knowledge gained from the required reading and CourseLink unit modules to critically reflect on themes related to each unit in the course.With the exception of Unit 06, each unit includes five potential discussion themes for consideration. Students are required to select three different discussion themes (out of the five potential choices) and post one 150-250 word paragraph for each unit theme selected. A total of three posts should be submitted for each unit and must be related to different unit themes. To encourage idea sharing and interaction, students are expected to submit one initial post that begins a discussion thread by Wednesday and also complete two responses to group members’ posts by end of the week (Sunday).Only one initial post and two responses (each related to a different unit theme) will be graded.The due dates for unit discussion posts are listed in the Schedule (see above). All three posts for the unit must be submitted to the group discussion by the due date. Late discussion posts will not be graded.Important Note: Review the Late Policy under Course Specific Standard Statements in this Outline.Discussion posts will be evaluated throughout the term. Unit posts will be graded on the basis of knowledge/critical thinking, clarity of communication, quality/conciseness of writing, accuracy/relevance of academic content, and timeliness/frequency of postsReadingsRequired Digital Textbook Reading: Chapter 5 – Anxiety in Sport and ExerciseRequired eBook Reading: Chapters 27, 32, 34, and content

solved Purpose:Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of

Purpose:Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients and provide treatment and health promotion while applying evidence-based research.Scenario:C.Z. is a 20-year-old Caucasian male who is in his second year of college. He is seeking treatment due to persistent fears that campus security and the local police are tracking and surveilling him. He cites occasional lags in his internet speed as evidence that surveillance devices are interfering with his electronics. His intense anxiety about this has begun getting in the way of his ability to complete schoolwork, and his friends are concerned – he says they have told him, “you’re not making sense.”C.Z. occasionally laughs abruptly and inappropriately and sometimes stops speaking mid-sentence, looking off in the distance as though he sees or hears something. He expresses concern about electronics in the room (phone, computer) potentially being monitored and asks repeatedly about patient confidentiality, stating that he wants to be sure the police won’t be informed about his treatment. His beliefs are fixed, and if they are challenged, his tone becomes hostile.Questions:Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and NP guidelines. At all times, explain your answers. Discuss the etiology, course, and the structural/functional abnormalities of schizophrenia. How would you address this psychopathology when assessing or treating a patient diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia?Submission Instructions:Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.Grading Rubric Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and ConceptsDistinguished – 5 pointsIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.Excellent – 4 pointsIdentifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.Fair – 2 pointsIdentifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.Poor – 1 pointIdentifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting GuidelinesDistinguished – 3 pointsEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.Excellent – 2 pointsEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.Fair – 1 pointIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.Poor – 0 pointsIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of PeersDistinguished – 2 pointsStudent constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.Fair – 1 pointStudent constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.Poor – 0 pointsStudent provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 pointsTotal Points 10

solved You should respond to  your peers by extending, refuting/correcting,

You should respond to  your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. 
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

Kellian  Giufurta 
Module 6 Discussion: Case Study #2
Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, putting children and adolescents at risk for poor health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021), the prevalence of obesity from 2017-2018 was 19.3% and affected about 14.4 million children and adolescents (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). Education on obesity is a sensitive issue for students and families and must be addressed with compassion, understanding, and caring. Advanced practice nurses (APNs) can promote and implement effective strategies to reduce childhood and adolescent obesity in their communities. Education topics such as overweight prevention strategies, healthy lifestyle behaviors, daily physical activity requirements, and preventable health risks associated with obesity should be provided to students. For example, getting optimal sleep, reducing stress, eating more fruits and vegetables, and walking more help to maintain a healthy weight (CDC, 2021). 
Eating disorders are serious medical illnesses marked by disturbances to a person’s eating behaviors. Obsessions with food, body weight, and shape may be signs of an eating disorder. Interventions for adolescents suspected of having an eating disorder should include screening, comprehensive evaluation, treatment of acute medical complications, psychological and psychiatric referrals, and medications including complementary and alternative medicines (Lock & La Via, 2015). For example, if there is a concern about the ratio of height to weight or evidence of growth failure, there are several screening tests including The Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q), Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI), and Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) that can be useful in screening for eating disorders. Evaluation of comorbid symptoms including depressive symptoms, anxiety, obsessional thoughts, self-injurious behavior, and suicidality should be conducted. Laboratory testing includes a complete blood count, chemistry profile including electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, and liver functions including aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). A dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) of bone should be conducted in females with amenorrhea lasting more than 6 months and yearly if amenorrhea persists (Lock & La Via, 2015). Initiating conversations about eating disorders should begin with exploring the child’s self-image and self-esteem. One can ask the child to describe how they feel about food, eating habits, and weight.  
Physical changes of puberty mark the onset of adolescence. Puberty begins at around 10–11 years old for girls and 11–12 years old for boys. For both boys and girls, these changes include a growth spurt in height, growth of pubic and underarm hair, and skin changes. Boys also experience growth in facial hair and a deepening of their voice. Girls go through breast development and begin menstruating in puberty (Learning, n.d.). These pubertal changes are driven by hormones, particularly an increase in testosterone for boys and estrogen for girls. Every person’s individual time for puberty is different and is primarily influenced by heredity; however environmental factors such as diet and exercise influence timing. This average age of puberty onset has decreased gradually over time, which can be attributed to nutrition, obesity, increased father absenteeism, and other environmental factors (Learning, n.d.).
Interpersonal violence is the fourth leading cause of death in adolescents and young people globally. According to the global school-based student health survey, 42% of adolescent boys and 37% of adolescent girls were exposed to bullying. Sexual violence also affects 1 in 8 young people (World Health Organization, 2021). Efficient prevention and response strategies include promoting parenting and early childhood development, supporting school-based bullying prevention, and providing education on the reduction of alcohol and firearm use.

solved You read an article by Coyne et al. (2019) that

You read an article by Coyne et al. (2019) that examined the impact of television on relational aggression in text messaging. Research like Coyne’s helps us understand the implications of watching aggression on television. But how much aggression is actually being depicted on television and does the level of aggression depicted vary from children’s to adult programming? And are the consequences of aggression depicted differently for children and adults? You will collect data that could be used to address these questions in this assignment.For this assignment you will need to collect some of your own data and give a descriptive report of thatdata. Your task is to examine and compare the amount of aggressive behaviour and its consequencesdepicted on television shows geared towards children versus adults. You need to use the ObservationRecord form to record your raw data. Then you will answer questions (below).Please be sure to:1. Submit both your answers to the questions as well as your Observation Record form.2. Type your answers to the questions. Hand written assignments will not be accepted. TheObservation Record can be filled in by hand or typing.3. Completely fill in the Observation Record form. It will be graded as well. This includes providingthe relevant information about the shows chosen including their names, the time they aired (orwhen you watched/recorded it if it airs multiple times), and the length of the shows.4. Include your name (first and last) and student number with your answers to the questions. Alsoinclude your name on the Observation Record form.Data CollectionYou need to watch four television shows for approximately 10 minutes each: 2 shows that arespecifically geared towards children, and 2 shows that are specifically geared towards adults. Consider recording the shows or choosing shows that are available online. You will find it useful to re-watchsegments for more accurate observations. Using the Observation Record form available on Moodle, keep track of the number of instances of aggressive behaviour and whether the consequence of that instance of aggression was positive (e.g., reward), negative (e.g., punishment), or neutral (i.e., noconsequences). Before watching the cartoons, make sure you determine a clear and comprehensive operationaldefinition of what you mean by aggressive behaviour to inform your scoring. For example, are you going to include verbal aggression, and what do you mean by these terms? You need to be clear enough in your definition that someone else can use your definition to watch the same shows and derive the same results.Once you have finished making your observations on the Observation Record Form, you will need to calculate your total number of observations for aggressive behaviours, negative consequences, positive consequences, and no consequences. You will then have to calculate your mean (i.e., average) scores across children’s and adult shows for the number of aggressive behaviours as well as the number of different types of consequences. The mean score is calculated by adding the totals across the two shows for a particular category and then dividing by the number of shows (i.e., 2). Once you have thisinformation you are ready to complete the questions below. Note: remember, for this assignment you need to submit both your answers to the questions and your Observation Record form.Questions1. How did you operationally define aggression? (1 pt.) Be specific. Also, provide two examples -one from a children’s show and one from an adult show you watched to illustrate. (0.5 pts.each)2. Describe in words what you found. Don’t draw any conclusions about what you think yourresults mean. Just summarize what the numbers on your Observational Record form show. (1 pt.for record, 1 pt. for description).3. Using a database such as PsycINFO or Google Scholar, find a relevant research paper that mighthelp you interpret your results. Provide a screenshot of the search (1 pt.) and write out thecitation of the paper in APA style (1 pts.). Briefly, what did this paper find and how does thatrelate to the question at hand? (2 pts.)4. Suggest two ways you could improve the data collection, including why they would represent asignificant improvement. (2 pts.)

solved Discussions#1The quick release of dopamine that is dispersed into the

Discussions#1The quick release of dopamine that is dispersed into the nucleus accumbens leads to it becoming dependent on the feeling and the intensity at which it is deposited. The neurotransmitter, dopamine is a chemical found in the brain that is in charge of the control of the body’s movement, pleasure and reward. The method in which a drug is deposited in the body can also effect how fast the body produces dopamine. Smoking or injecting a drug into the body is a faster method of receiving the effects of the drug rather than ingesting it through the form of a pill. The way in which the drug is received by the body can also become a factor in why a drug is misused or abused. The drug induced high that the body begins to crave leads to the dependency in order to got through day to day life. Some people may be more likely to become addicted to a drug than others due to genetic factors. If an individual has a family background of addiction to drugs, there is a much higher chance that that individual will also gain a dependency and crave the dopamine high of the drug. Stimulant drugs such as speed, blow, and coke can increase arousal, alertness, decrease appetite, and anxiety within the body. The neurotransmitter, dopamine that is dispersed in the nucleus accumbens in large amounts is involved with the control, pleasure, and reward effects on the brain. Dopamine is the main factor in which a person begins to feel a physiological and psychological dependence on the body. Stimulants provide a short cut to the reward system found in the brain. Depressant drugs such as alcohol, barbiturates, and nembutal on the other hand can decrease arousal and anxiety. Creating a dependency on any type of drug can cause withdrawal symptoms. For example, a withdrawal from stimulant drugs can cause fatigue, prolonged sleep, depressed and more. In comparison, a withdrawal from narcotics can cause sweating, chills.#2 The corpus callosum is the part of the brain that is cut into to control some epileptics. In the video above, Vicky is an epileptic patient and she is also a split brain patient, surgeons cut into the corpus callosum to control Vicky’s epilepsy. But because Vicky is a split brain patient her right hemisphere of the brain does not communicate with her left hemisphere. Vicky being a split brain patient was having trouble doing some things like picking out her clothes, her brain would choose the shirt she did not want rather than the shirt she did want. When Dr. Gazzaniga was testing Vicky’s brain, he showed her a picture of a woman on the telephone, she was looking at the picture and couldn’t describe what she was seeing besides the word “woman”. Dr. Gazzaniga had Vicky write out on a piece of paper what else she was seeing with her eyes closed, Vicky wrote “telephone”. Vicky was able to describe what she was seeing because her right hemisphere doesn’t have the language to describe verbally what she was seeing but her left hand can write it out. Her right hemisphere guided her to write out the word “telephone” with her left hand. The left hemisphere had read the word as “skipping rope” because it could not recognize what she had seen in the photo but once she was told it was “telephone” both hemisphere’s came together and she understood that it was “woman on the phone.” When splitting the brain for epileptic patients, a lot gets eliminated. As explained by Dr. Gazzaniga, If he were to flash a light by the right hemisphere the left hemisphere will see it and name it but if he were to do that same method to the left hemisphere the right hemisphere would not be able to name it and recognize it because of the elimination due to the brain being split. The brain being split and seeing two words caused Vicky to do what those words were saying instead of verbally saying what the words were because both hemisphere’s were put to work. The left hemisphere is where all your processing and language happens whereas the right hemisphere is where the recognition, drawing, and emotional expressions happen. Epilepsy can affect the temporal lobes which are on both sides of the brain (left and right hemisphere) which is why the brain gets split so the temporal lobes do not get damaged and both sides of the brain still function.

solved In need of a 250-word initial post. INFO331 Topic: Google

In need of a 250-word initial post. INFO331 Topic: Google Research & Development InitiativesW7: Google Research & Development InitiativesInstructions:In your final case study, you will analyze five Google technologies that are current under research and development, including the self-driving automobile and four other technologies of your choice. The last chapter of your textbook discusses the search and advertising technologies of Google. While Google is best known for their search and advertising technologies, they also have a multi-billion dollar research and development department that works on cutting edge technologies ranging from self-driving automobiles to renewable energy. For your final case study, you will research 4 technologies (in addition to the self-driving automobile) that Google is currently developing, other than the search, advertising, and Gmail features that we are already familiar with.Google technologies currently in research and development include: Self-driving automobile Project Wing (a drone delivery project) Google Fiber Smart Contact Lenses Google Glass Project Loon (providing Internet service via balloon) Home Automation and Smart Thermostats (Google Nest) Renewable Energy and Sustainability Solutions (Advanced Wind Energy, and several others) Spend some time Googling and searching online and you will likely discover several other technologies currently being developed by Google. Below are some links to get you started in your research:Google’s Self-Driving Cars:The Moral Case for Self-Driving CarsSelf-Driving Cars Could Save 300,000 Lives Per Decade in AmericaSelf-driving cars could save more than 21,700 lives, $450B a yearGoogle’s Project WingGoogle FiberResearch at GoogleQuestions for Discussion: 1. In addition to the self-driving automobile (which everyone will analyze), which other four Google technologies would you like to research for your Final Case Studies? 2. Share one interesting finding with the class about each of the five technologies you will be researching (your four chosen technologies plus the self-driving automobile). 3. Which of these technologies do you think has the greatest potential to improve our society in the future? Why?Text Readings:Ch. 12 – A Manager’s Guide to the Internet and Telecommunications Ch. 13 – Information Security: Barbarians at the Gateway (and Just About Everywhere Else)Book Title: Information Systems Version 1.3 – E-book links provided inside the classroom.Author: GallaugherPublication Info: FlatWorld KnowledgeISBN: FLATWORLD-ITSYSBook Title: Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information systems: A manager’s guide to harnessing technology (ver. 1.3). Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge.Discussion Guidelines:Your initial post in each discussion, answering the week’s discussion questions, is due by 11:55 PM ET on Wednesday each week.Initial responses should be no less than 250 words of your own writing (not including your reference list. Do not include my questions or discussion prompts in your post. You may number your answers, but your post should contain only your own original writing (the 250-word minimum is based only on your words in the post.).Write in complete sentences and full paragraphs and avoid using lists of any kind in your posts.Your initial post must be original in content and demonstrate a thorough analysis of the topic.Include your own personal experience related to the topic being discussed. If you do not have experience working with information systems, describe your experience with various information systems, including web-based systems, you use in your personal life.You should also conduct research on the topic of discussion using outside sources, in addition to your textbook, each week. You are encouraged to use the APUS Online Library to find scholarly articles related to the topics of discussion. You may also use the Internet to search for information, but make sure you only use scholarly and authoritative sources (not Wikipedia or other similar sites.Write in your own words and avoid copying and pasting from other websites).If you do quote from a source, keep quotations to a minimum – I would rather see you express your own understanding of what you learned from your sources, in your own words.

solved Discussion Topic: The Ethics in Outsourcing Decisions:In today’s business environment,

Discussion Topic: The Ethics in Outsourcing Decisions:In today’s business environment, many companies have elected to
outsource work overseas in order to reduce costs and increase profit.
Concurrently, this reduces the number of available jobs and level of
disposable income in the American economy, potentially causing a
reduction in the sales of their products.Do you feel these decisions are sound business practices being employed by the company or not?Do the discussion and response each posted #1-3 down below.Posted 1Quantitatively, outsourcing is a sound business practice, It allows companies to reduce labor costs and focus their capital on their main business functions. This, in turn, can increase profits.
Qualitatively, however, outsourcing is questionable. It is difficult to
quantify customer trust. It seems like as the number of overseas call
centers has grown, so has the number of scan artists impersonating
legitimate companies. Brand and company loyalty can also be hurt by
outsourcing, especially if the consumers take a harsh view on the loss
of domestic jobs (Hayes, 2020). Additionally, outsourcing lowers
barriers to entry and increases competition, which benefits the
consumer, but hurts the companies that are unable to hold their own
(Hayes, 2020). Finally, it eliminates domestic jobs in favor of cheap
overseas labor, but as this continues the labor costs in the countries
being outsourced to will increase, eliminating the advantage they
originally provided (Hayes 2020).
Overall, I think outsourcing is a sound business practice only in terms
of profit for the individual company. In terms of economy and labor, I
think it is questionable.Posted 2Outsourcing
is a big part of business today. It does save a company, but the
company must cut back on the quality of the product since the parts to
make the product are cheaper overseas then it is here in the U.S. The
U.S. gives the country money back for making the product in that
country. Although making product in other might be good for the company
in some ways it is bad for the company. Since there are people that do
not want to buy product that were made in another country which can hurt
a company. The decisions to come back to the U.S. will help the company
grow. It will also bring back jobs as well and having jobs here will
help to cut down on unemployment. Even though in the U.S. minimum wage
is a lot higher in the U.S. compared to other country so that is
something to take into consideration when looking at start up cost of a
company.Posted 3Outsourcing
work overseas has been a major issue for some time now. Many people
have boycotted companies, due to their involvement with foreign
sweatshops. Working conditions are hazardous and harsh. Children and
adults are overworked with little pay and benefits. It’s unethical for
employees to be treated that way, but I believe that should be a
separate issue from the business decisions being made. Unfortunately,
running a successful business would require one to make tough decisions
that do not please everyone. In the present day, it is unrealistic for a
company to produce all of their products in the US and offer them to
consumers at a fair price. If work wasn’t outsourced, I’d expect the
cost of goods and services to go up in value. Imagine the cost of your
favorite products doubling. That doesn’t allow for much disposable
income. I feel that the decision to outsource work is completely thought
out because it is some of the larger organizations that engage in
outsourcing. They know exactly what they are doing. With high corporate
taxes and desired wages in America, outsourcing will always be the most
effective way to minimize expenses. It also keeps the US connected to
the global market, allowing Americans to obtain foreign goods at a
discounted price. Well-known establishments like Nike, Apple, Cisco
Systems, Walmart, and IBM who possess strategically planned out business
structures, conduct manufacturing overseas. Because of this, consumers
are able to afford the electronics and goods they desire so much. If
Apple products were only manufactured in the United States, it would be
more expensive to produce which means that the price to buy those
products would also increase drastically.undefined

solved BUSINESS APPLIED STATISTICSScenarioYou have been hired by the D. M.

BUSINESS APPLIED STATISTICSScenarioYou have been hired by the D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company to develop a model to predict median housing prices for homes sold in 2019. The CEO of D. M. Pan wants to use this information to help their real estate agents better determine the use of square footage as a benchmark for listing prices on homes. Your task is to provide a report predicting the median housing prices based square footage. To complete this task, use the provided real estate data set for all U.S. home sales as well as national descriptive statistics and graphs provided.DirectionsUsing the Project One Template located in the What to Submit section, generate a report including your tables and graphs to determine if the square footage of a house is a good indicator for what the listing price should be. Reference the National Statistics and Graphs document for national comparisons and the Real Estate County Data spreadsheet (both found in the Supporting Materials section) for your statistical analysis.Note: Present your data in a clearly labeled table and using clearly labeled graphs.Specifically, include the following in your report:IntroductionDescribe the report: Give a brief description of the purpose of your report.Define the question your report is trying to answer.Explain when using linear regression is most appropriate.When using linear regression, what would you expect the scatterplot to look like?Explain the difference between response and predictor variables in a linear regression to justify the selection of variables.Data CollectionSampling the data: Select a random sample of 50 counties.Identify your response and predictor variables.Scatterplot: Create a scatterplot of your response and predictor variables to ensure they are appropriate for developing a linear model.Data AnalysisHistogram: For your two variables, create histograms.Summary statistics: For your two variables, create a table to show the mean, median, and standard deviation.Interpret the graphs and statistics:Based on your graphs and sample statistics, interpret the center, spread, shape, and any unusual characteristic (outliers, gaps, etc.) for the two variables.Compare and contrast the shape, center, spread, and any unusual characteristic for your sample of house sales with the national population. Is your sample representative of national housing market sales?Develop Your Regression ModelScatterplot: Provide a graph of the scatterplot of the data with a line of best fit.Explain if a regression model is appropriate to develop based on your scatterplot.Discuss associations: Based on the scatterplot, discuss the association (direction, strength, form) in the context of your model.Identify any possible outliers or influential points and discuss their effect on the correlation.Discuss keeping or removing outlier data points and what impact your decision would have on your model.Find r: Find the correlation coefficient (r).Explain how the r value you calculated supports what you noticed in your scatterplot.Determine the Line of Best Fit. Clearly define your variables. Find and interpret the regression equation. Assess the strength of the model.Regression equation: Write the regression equation (i.e., line of best fit) and clearly define your variables.Interpret regression equation: Interpret the slope and intercept in context.Strength of the equation: Provide and interpret R-squared.Determine the strength of the linear regression equation you developed.Use regression equation to make predictions: Use your regression equation to predict how much you should list your home for based on the square footage of your home.ConclusionsSummarize findings: In one paragraph, summarize your findings in clear and concise plain language for the CEO to understand. Summarize your results.Did you see the results you expected, or was anything different from your expectations or experiences?What changes could support different results, or help to solve a different problem?Provide at least one question that would be interesting for follow-up research.What to SubmitTo complete this project, you must submit the following:Project One Template: Use this template to structure your report, and submit the finished version as a Word document.

solved This week we will analyze a case study by Â

This week we will analyze a case study by  Lauren Ankeles, Marine Lea Graham, Roberta Pittore and Priyanka Ramamurthy, titled Sink or Swim
After 11 months of planning, the Sloan Women in Management (SWIM) club co-presidents and two conference directors faced a difficult decision. The club’s 3rd annual conference, aptly named “Dare to Fail: Taking Risks When it Matters Most”, was scheduled to begin around the time a winter storm, fortified with up to 50 inches of snow, was predicted to hit the Boston area. At 2:00 pm the day before the conference was to begin, the leadership team needed to decide whether the show would go on, be modified, or be canceled altogether.
Learning Objective

To facilitate a discussion on making decisions under pressure, when the available information is insufficient;
Team dynamics and facilitating a productive discussion under duress when there is no single decision maker;
Managing people over whom you have no authority; and, defining and maintaining an organization’s brand.


Follow guidelines for writing a case study analysis are provided in the Course Resource module. These guidelines were adopted from the Ashford University Writing Center
Case analysis report must be written according to APA standards.
Case Study Analysis Grading Rubric

3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
Of Main Issues/Problems
Identifies and
Demonstrates a
understanding of the main issues/problems
in the case study.
Identifies and
Demonstrates an
understanding of
most of the issues/problems.
Identifies and demonstrates
Acceptable understanding of
some of the
in the case study.
And Evaluation of Issues/Problems
Presents an insightful
And thorough
Analysis of all
Identified issues/problems;
Includes all
Necessary calculations.
Presents a thorough
Analysis of most
Of the issues
identified; missing
some necessary
Presents a
Superficial or
Incomplete analysis of Some of the
Identified issues;
Omits necessary
Recommendations on Effective
Strategies/Biblical Perspective
Supports diagnosis
And opinions
With strong
Arguments and
Well documented
evidence; presents
a balanced and
critical view; presents a biblical perspective;
is both reasonable
and objective.
Supports diagnosis
And opinions with
Limited reasoning
And evidence;
Presents a somewhat one sided argument; presents a biblical perspective; demonstrates little
engagement with
ideas presented.
Little or no Action suggested, and/or inappropriate solutions proposed
to the issues in
the case study.
Links to Course Readings and Additional Research
Makes appropriate and Powerful connections between identified
issues/ problems
and the strategic
concepts studied
in the program/ course readings and
lectures; supplements case
study with relevant and thoughtful research and
documents all
sources of
Makes appropriate
But somewhat
Vague connections
Between identified
and concepts
studied in program/ course readings
and lectures;
limited command
of the analytical
tools studied;
supplements case
study with limited
Makes inappropriate or little connection
Between issues
Identified and
The concepts
Studied in the program/course readings; supplements case
study, if at all, with incomplete research and documentation.
Writing Mechanics
And Formatting
clarity, conciseness
and correctness;
formatting is
appropriate and
writing is free
of grammar and
spelling errors based on APA style manual
Occasional grammar
Or spelling errors,
But still a clear
Presentation of ideas; lacks
Organization based on APA style manual
Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious
errors; poorly
organized and
does not follow
specified guidelines based on APA style manual.
Case Analysis Rubric
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table. Criteria Exemplary
Criterion Score
Identification Of Main Issues/Problems