solved Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 13

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 13 through 15.Over the course of the previous weeks, you have built upon your Usability Project where you selected a topic, determined one or more user groups, gathered user requirements information from your user group(s), designed a user interface, and developed and evaluated a prototype. Since design cycles are an iterative process, you will continue revising your work for the final part of the project. Your revisions will be based upon your own reflections, on the peer and instructor feedback you received on your assignments, and your user group feedback.The Usability Project Paper is an important supporting document for your project and must include the following items:Topic Selection Reflection:In Week 2, you selected your usability topic. The chosen topic involves design and/or redesign phases. You applied the user-centered approach in the design cycle you became familiar with throughout this course. Now that you have worked with your design, reflect back on your topic choice and respond to the following items:Explain whether or not you’d choose this topic again, or if you would select a different design.Given your knowledge of interface design, explain how the concepts behind the design drove your topic choice.User Group Identification and User Data Gathering:In Week 2, you identified your user group(s), gathered user data, and put usability techniques to practice. In the confines of this course your data gathering was limited to a small number of users, and you did not have unlimited funds or time to conduct your research.Assess the techniques you used to gather user data from the Week 2 assignment and explain any revisions you would make to data gathering in a future project.Explain how your data gathering techniques would change if you had the ability to gather data from larger groups of people and if money and/or time was not a factor.Prototype Development and Evaluation:In Week 3, you created a lo-fi prototype for your design based on the user information you gathered. In Week 3, you evaluated your prototype by testing it with users.Assess your evaluation techniques and determine their effectiveness. Explain whether or not you would make any changes to your chosen techniques.Applying the results from your test and feedback from your user group (and from your instructor and, if applicable, your peers), revise your hi-fi prototype.Explain the modifications you made to your prototype, including software, tool kits, or other materials you determine necessary.Conclusion:Explain best practices in interface design and how you incorporated those practices into your design. Based on your experience in creating your design, describe what you would consider doing in a future technology development.Be sure to upload your paper to Folio once you have completed it and share a link in your submission in addition to uploading it to Waypoint to be graded. Learn more about Folio by viewing the Folio Quick-Start Guide (Links to an external site.).The Final Usability Project PaperMust be between two and five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use at least two credible sources in addition to the course text.The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

solved AFRS 344: Literature of the African and Caribbean Experience Opens

AFRS 344: Literature of the African and Caribbean Experience Opens at 11:00AM and closes at 12:15:PM on Monday, you must log in at 11:00AM and complete within 75 minuteshis is an open book and open notes cumulative online assignment. Material from all course readings, in-class discussions, mini-lectures, films, and all other course materials may be included on the assignment. Review your reading notes, in-class notes and written response answers carefully. Students must complete the assignment individually and may not collaborate, consult with, or otherwise discuss the questions or answers with others while taking the assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure access to a stable Wi-Fi connection and a computer during the scheduled assignment time. Students will have 75-minutes to complete the assignment during the scheduled assignment time.Texts, Key Concepts and Terms for assignmentAfrica and its DiasporaThe Life of Walatta-Petros (publication date, genre, themes, historical, literary significance, translation)Invention of the African Other (stereotypes of Africa)Bumuntu (a.k.a. Ubuntu, African conception of “authentic personhood”; hospitality and solidarity: “I am because we are, and because we are therefore I am;” Nkulu-N’Sengha)Centering of African experienceLanguage (politics of, hierarchies of, use in literature, African languages, European languages, mother tongue)Orality vs. LiteracyOrature (oral literature) vs. LiteratureCultural identityRepresentationResistance to European colonization/religious conversionTradition v. changeHistory (individual, local, cultural)Memory (individual, cultural, collective)Contact Zones (Mary Louise Pratt)Traumatic encounter between Europe and AfricaNarrative structureChinua Achebe as (Grand)Father of African LiteratureChinua Achebe, “English and the African Writer” (publication date, genre, central arguments)NgÅ©gÄ© wa Thiong’o, “On the Abolition of the English Department” (publication date, genre, central arguments)Oral TraditionSimon Gikandi, “African literature and the colonial factor” (publication date, genre, central arguments)Colonialism and its impact on modern African literatureNamwali Serpell, “The Sack” (publication date, genre, plot, narration, central metaphors, locations, main characters, themes, motifs)ZambiaAmbiguity and mysteryExperimental narrative structureMetaphor and meaning of the sackSymbols (ants, fish, dreams, the eye, etc.)Passage of timeMigrationSymbol of national bordersChinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart (publication date, genre, plot, narration, central metaphors, locations, main characters, themes, motifs, significance of title)W. B. Yeats, “The Second Coming”Igbo culture in NigeriaAncestral valuesSignifiance of the killing of IkemefunaQuestion of moral culpability (Damian Opata)Patriarchy“Male” vs. “female” crime and significanceGender relationships (Biodun Jeyifo)Representations of motherhood and motherlandMetaphor of the yamFamily dynamics (relationships: father-daughter/ father-son/ mother-daughters/ mother-son/ sisters-brothers/ surrogate fathers and surrogate mothers, husband-wife)Pre-colonial, Colonial, and Post-colonial PeriodsWar and its effects on societiesEducation and ReligionEdwidge Danticat, Krik? Krak! (publication date, genre, plot, narration, central metaphors, locations, main characters, themes, motifs, significance of title, epigraph)History of Haiti, Haitian Revolution, 1937, US occupationIntergenerational storytelling and voiceNames and naming (writing them down)Haitian Kreyol and French (use in prose)Love, families, and relationshipsPolitical (state) violenceSymbols (fire, dolls, water, red ants, sea, etc.)Significance of skin colorPast in the present (Michel-Rolph Trouillot)Testimonio (first-person accounts, official documents)National mourningShifting identities and migrationOvercoming sufferingBeginnings, endings, and turning pointsRecommended readings – extra credit question(s)*–Review Guiding Questions for Close Reading HandoutPossible Question TypesI. Short AnswersA. Multiple ChoiceB. Key Terms & ConceptsC. Character AnalysisD. Quotation IDs (close readings)II. Short Essay (comparative) – compose a thesis-driven essay

solved I’m studying and need help with a Management question to

I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.

Question 1
Assume that you are nearing graduation and have applied for a job with a local bank.  As part of the bank’s evaluation process, you have been asked to take an examination that covers several financial analysis techniques.  The first section of the question addresses time value of money analysis.  See how you would do by answering the following questions.

Draw time lines for (a) a $2000 lump sum cash flow at the end of year 4, (b) an ordinary annuity of $1000 per year for 5 years, and (c) an uneven cash flow stream of -$450, $1000, $650, $850 and $500 at the end of years 0 through 4.
What is the future value of an initial $1000 after 5 years if it is invested in an account paying 5% annual interest?
What is the present value of $1000 to be received in 4 years if the appropriate interest rate is 5%?
We sometimes need to find out how long it will take a sum of money (or anything else) to grow to some specified amount.  For example, if a company’s sales for 2020 is $1000 and expected to grow at a rate of 10% per year, how long will it take sales to double?
If you invested $10,000 in an investment account and you expect it to double in 4 years, what interest rate must it earn?
What is the future value of a 5-year ordinary annuity of $1000 if the appropriate interest rate is 5%? What is the present value of the annuity?
What is the future value of $1000 after 4 years under 10% annual compounding?  Semiannual compounding?  Quarterly compounding?  Monthly compounding?  Daily compounding
What is the effective annual rate (EAR or EFF%)?  What is the EFF% for a nominal rate of 5%, compounded semiannually?  Compounded quarterly?  Compounded monthly?  Compounded daily?
Construct an amortization schedule for a $1,000, 12% annual rate loan with 4 equal installments. What is the annual interest expense for the borrower, and the annual interest income for the lender, during Year 2?
Suppose on January 1 you deposit $1000 in an account that pays a nominal, or quoted, interest rate of 12%, with interest added (compounded) daily.  How much will you have in your account on October 1, or 9 months later?
You want to buy a car, and a local bank will lend you $10,000. The loan would be fully amortized over 6 years (72 months), and the nominal interest rate would be 10%, with interest paid monthly. What is the monthly loan payment?
While Mary Corens was a student at the University of Tennessee, she borrowed $20,000 in student loans at an annual interest rate of 5%. If Mary repays $200 per year, then how long (to the nearest year) will it take her to repay the loan?

Question 2
1. Jackson Corporation’s bonds have 10 years remaining to maturity. Interest is paid annually, the bonds have a $1,000 par value, and the coupon interest rate is 9%. The bonds have a yield to maturity of 10%. What is the current market price of these bonds?
2. Renfro Rentals has issued bonds that have a 10% coupon rate, payable semiannually. The bonds mature in 10 years, have a face value of $1,000, and a yield to maturity of 9%. What is the price of the bonds?
3. Wilson Wonders’s bonds have 10 years remaining to maturity. Interest is paid annually, the bonds have a $1,000 par value, and the coupon interest rate is 10%. The bonds sell at a price of $900. What is their yield to maturity?
4. Heath Foods’s bonds have 10 years remaining to maturity. The bonds have a face value of $1,000 and a yield to maturity of 9%. They pay interest annually and have a 10% coupon rate. What is their current yield?
5. Suppose Hillard Manufacturing sold an issue of bonds with a 12-year maturity, a $1,000 par value, a 10% coupon rate, and semiannual interest payments.

Two years after the bonds were issued, the going rate of interest on bonds such as these fell to 5%. At what price would the bonds sell?
Suppose that 2 years after the initial offering, the going interest rate had risen to 11%. At what price would the bonds sell?
Suppose that 2 years after the issue date (as in part a) interest rates fell to 5%. Suppose further that the interest rate remained at 5% for the next 10 years. What would happen to the price of the bonds over time?

solved The Case of George’s Dress Shop-Jury 2Below you will find

The Case of George’s Dress Shop-Jury 2Below you will find your jury question. Please read the scenario and answer the 3 questions to the best of your ability. Not only do you need to post your vote and explanation, but you will need to reply to another group member’s post. Be sure to include all of the following to get the maximum points(20 points). Follow the same procedure as in Jury 1.Answer all 3 questions. Provide an explanation for each vote. Provide a citation for each vote which has the page number from the text.The citations need to be from our text only, not Google or another internet source. Provide a definition of the law you are citing. Reply to another group member’s vote.Give reasons why you agree or disagree, but you do not need to use citations on your reply to another post.Sally and Samantha, both of California, became engaged and decided to have Sally’s favorite tailor, George, who is white, design and make their wedding gowns. Sally is Anglo American and Samantha is African American. They set a date for the ceremony 8 months in the future. Initially, Sally told George that Samantha was her twin sister and that thy were having a double wedding. George had been making suits for Sally over many years and he knew her tastes and her measurements. He has 16 workers who do the majority of the sewing. Sally told George that Samantha was the same size. Sally gave a $10,000 down payment on the dresses and understood that $10,000 would be due at the time the dresses were ready. George promised to have the dresses ready at least 2 weeks before the wedding. At the appointment to do the final fitting for their gowns, George was on vacation. His assistant was helping them. When he took one look at Samantha and Sally, he informed them that he was opposed to interracial same sex marriage and would not finish their wedding gowns. This was 3 weeks before the wedding. When George returned two weeks later, he found out what happened with this assistant and then he fired the assistant. George would only return $5,000 of the deposit to Sally as he said Sally lied to him about Samantha being her sister. He also said it was too late to finish the dresses by the time of the weddingSally and Samantha tried to find another dress maker to make the dresses, but were told that they would need at least one month to complete them. Since there was no time to find an experienced dress maker, they had to buy their dresses off the rack. The rack dresses were only adequate, but not as nice as they had wished. The dresses from the rack cost $500 each.The TrialSally and Samantha sued George for discrimination. They filed a claim with the EEOC which gave them the permission to sue in Federal Court. They alleged that George discriminated against them on the basis of sex as well as race. They said that George’s assistant was clear when he stated that he did not agree with interracial same sex marriage. They asked for the return of the $5,000 and for $1,000 that they had to spend on the rack dresses.The Arguments at TrialSally and Samantha’s attorney argues that George has no right to discriminate against them because of their race or sexual orientation, which is a protected class in their state. In fact, the state in which they reside allows for same sex marriage, thus no law was being broken. George had taken care of Sally’s specialty clothing needs for years and his abrupt refusal, caused them emotional distress. George’s attorney argued that George did not discriminate against the couple, but it was his former employee, who was immediately fired. He argued this was not the company’s policy and it was the fired employee’s fault. Further, he stated the Sally was also at fault for lying to him and saying that Samantha was her twin sister.Questions to DiscussHow do you vote on the issue of the racial discrimination charge against George’s dress shop? Explain.How do you vote on the issue of the sexual discrimination charge against George’s dress shop? Explain.How do you vote on the request for damages in the amount of $6,000 that Sally and Samantha are requesting? Explain.After answering the three questions, please respond to another juror and provide your reasons for your position.

solved THE TOPIC IS ABOUT Our selected issue is the impact

Our selected issue is the impact Covid-19 has on homeless and housing insecure communities in Florida. This problem is important in the community because Tampa and the St. Petersburg metropolitan area has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the entirety of the U.S. In the same vein, many of the housing insecure in our area are low-income USF students.The housing crisis has hit our area very hard, with many previously affordable apartments and housing options, for students and regular residences alike, becoming unaffordable. Housing on campus is limited and forces many students to have to look off campus, which is becoming unrealistic for many students.
The goal of this exercise is for you to better understand the importance of putting the problem in context and grounding the problem in the world. In other words, what issue is happening here and now, and how the work your group is doing for your audience’s organization speaks to the scope of the problem.
Defining the scope of the problem sets the parameters and/or requirements for a solution. Properly defining the scope allows you to more accurately assess decision criteria (for example, costs) required to finish a project in a timely manner. Understanding the scope also allows your group to put the solutions/recommendation in context for the intended audience.
How you define the problem is the context in which your solutions/recommendation will be situated for your audience’s organization. In other words, it’s important for your group to clearly define the problem for your audience. How your group defines the problem through scope and research guides the rest of your group’s report. Don’t forget that the research you employ is imperative to the success of this project, so make sure your group has sources to support the information this exercise is asking you to provide.
Putting the problem in context by explaining its scope will require multiple paragraphs.
As stated in the report instructions, a problem statement describes a realistic explanation of a problem that your report intends to address. Each of the following sections should help the audience understand the scope of the problem and set up the rest of the report by grounding a particular problem in a real-world context. Write answers to the following questions as a way to make a connection between the identified problem and the report that your group is creating:
In as much detail as you can, write the background information for the issue at hand. The background information describes the context of the problem, which means you need to explain what the audience needs to know in order to understand why this problem is real. For example: Mental health awareness is a problem on college campuses (provide evidence)
Next, explain the problem locally. Do this by describing the problem in as much detail as you can. Make sure you answer, “What is happening here?” For example: Mental health awareness is a problem at USF (provide evidence)
Now describe the causes of the problem by writing in detail the factors that contribute to the problem’s occurrence. In other words, address why the problem is happening in the first place. For example: The causes of the problem at USF include (provide evidence)
Lastly, you need to note the impacted population by considering and describing the people that are most directly impacted by the problem you have mentioned. Write specifically about who the problem is happening to, and target a local population that could benefit from your solutions/recommendation. Remember, the population you identify should be one the audience’s organization can affect by enacting a solution, so be specific. For example: The impacted population at USF includes the following (include evidence such as a survey or other primary research that expresses the perspective of your targeted population)
After you have written these responses to the above things, write this information in an outline that works well for your group. You should use this exercise as a way to address the problem statement section of your report, and it’s good practice to consider how every group member may respond to this prompt.

solved please respond to 2 peers using research and references. 1.

please respond to 2 peers using research and references. 1. Does the law require you to respond in disaster situations?Nurses do not just have a moral commitment to really focus on others yet, in addition, to really focus on themselves. the Code expresses that the Nurses owe a similar obligation to themselves as to other people. This contention of commitment is particularly unmistakable during seasons of calamity when medical attendants are put in the situation to give care to fundamentally sick or injured patients for expanded timeframes. During these seasons of pandemics or normal disasters, Nurses and other medical care suppliers should choose how much top-notch care they can give to others while likewise dealing with themselves.A licensed nurse who, in good faith, provides emergency care at the scene of an emergency that occurs outside the nurse’s employment will not be held legally responsible for acting or failing to act. They can be held legally responsible if acting with extreme carelessness ( legalinventory,2021). Do RNs have a contractual responsibility to respond in disaster situations?Nurses are probably the biggest group of emergency responders during a debacle and are in danger of psychosocial issues that might require mediations to help them adapt to openness to disasters. In the prompt fallout of a calamity, the impacts can be overpowering to nurses working nearby, as there is a lot of disorder and disarray that nurses should contend with and overcome. Studies indicate disaster emergencies create an atmosphere of pandemonium and uncertainty and that nurses perceive they have been or will be abandoned by leadership. Feelings of abandonment by management and a lack of communication play a major role in the decision-making processes of nurses and other HCPs when deciding to work during a disaster (NCBI,2010).Are you familiar with the laws in your state?California Emergency Services Act, Government Code Section 8659: Any physician or surgeon (whether licensed in this state or any other state), hospital, pharmacist, nurse, or dentist who renders services during a state of war emergency, a state of emergency, or local emergency at the express or implied request of any responsible state or local official or agency shall have no liability for any injury sustained by any person by reason of such services, regardless of how or under what circumstances or by what cause such injuries are sustained; provided (calhospitalprepare, 2011).2. Does the law require you to respond in disaster situation?Laws for nurses responding in disaster situation are different depending on each state. According to ANA, nurses are not only responsible to provide cares for those in needs but also “owes the same duties to self as to others” (2015). Nurse’s scope of duty is building trust with patients and responding to their needs even during emergency situations. However, nurses are also obligated to take care of themselves. Some healthcare workers fear taking care of sick patients because the disease can be contagious to themselves and their family members. Because of that, nurses will face ethical dilemmas, especially in an emergency related to infectious disease such as COVID-19 pandemics.Do RNs have a contractual responsibility to respond in disaster situations?“Employers has a duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of its employees – that is, to provide a safe workplace” (Trueman, 2020). If safety is not guaranteed at work (e.g., not enough PPEs), it can be justifiable to refuse respond in disaster situations. However, although nurses do not have specific contractual responsibility, if nurses do not respond in disaster situation even after the safety is ensured at work, it is considered as the nurses not fulfilling ethical and professional obligations. Are you familiar with the laws in your state?When I look up the law, it seems like California law does not require nurses to respond in disaster situation. However, it is still nurse’s responsibility to follow a code of ethical conduct. I am not familiar with the laws in California. However, I realized that it is important to be aware of the laws in my state to prevent risks and improve quality of care.

solved In this assignment, you will write a 3-4 paragraph (700

In this assignment, you will write a 3-4 paragraph (700 words ± 50) critique about a fellow student’s case analysis That will be posted in the case Discussion forums, as well as submitted for grading to the assessment page of the course. The critique should be concise and compelling and should propel a broader discussion among the rest of the class. Your book will serve as a resource, but research is required to support recommendations.To complete the peer critique, you will prepare a 3-4 paragraph (700 words ± 50) ritique that addresses the following questions:Does the analysis present key information clearly and effectively?Are the key points presented in the case supported by information from the case and/or research?What components do you feel are most compelling?What components do you feel could be more fully supported?Overall, were you convinced with the analysis presented in the case?Peer Critique of Case Analysis must be submitted through the Submission link found on the assignment page for grading and posted as a document in the appropriate case Discussion forum. the case rubric for evaluation Needs workDevelopingDevelopedExcellingIntroductionIntroduction to the Organization: Company History. Current Status. Products. Latest news. Executives. Business Model (10%)None of the essential materials are included. Company introduction is missingSome of the essential materials are included. A basic introduction to the company with some focus on history and present status. All the details are from the company website.Most of the essential elements of the materials are included. A good introduction to the company, the current status of the company is covered and key executives and business model are mentioned along with some insights on the company’s standing in the market. Both the company website and other reliable sources have been used to write the analysisExceptional work with all of the key elements if the materials required for this section included. The sources of the analysis are dependable with a discussion on how the company presents itself and how others view it. Most of the analysis is based on third-party reliable sources.IndustryII Identification of Industry & competitors:Identify the industry in which the company operates, discuss its position in the industry with regards to its competitors, identify all competitors and also identify reasons for their positioning in the industry (15%)Fails to address industry(ies) in which an organization competes and/or its competition.Identifies one or the other (industry and its competitors) or identifies correct industry but wrong competitors or vice versa. Data sources are not mentioned.Lists and briefly discusses industry(ies) in which organization competes & its competitors –Data sources are mentioned but are not very reliableLists and briefly discusses industry(ies) in which organization competes & its competitors. Positions the organization with regards to its industry and competitors and provides evidence from reliable data sources.OrganizationIII Analysis of Organization: Mission, Vision, Core Values, Operating Guidelines, Core Competencies, Goals (15%)Meets some of the basic criteria for this Outline Item, but fails to demonstrate knowledge of theories needed to address most of the requirements.Meets the basic criteria for this Outline Item, but fails to demonstrate knowledge of, or capability to apply, theories needed to address some of the requirements.Meets the criteria for this Outline Items, and demonstrates knowledge of, or capability to apply, theories needed to address the requirements. Good understanding of how these values guide the organization.Demonstrates knowledge and capability to apply theories and tools in the analysis of the organization in terms of its mission, vision, core values, operating guidelines, and core competencies.InternalIV Analysis of Internal factors that impact the company: policies, people, culture, executives- studying the inside story (15%)Meets some of the basic criteria for this Outline Item, but fails to demonstrate knowledge of theories needed to address most of the requirements. Points or issues are obsolete and the internal environmental factors cov

solved Project guidelines: Select a project topic from the list below.

Project guidelines:
Select a project topic from the list below. In each topic, you will feature a property or operation that can serve as a point of reference in your research. The property can be in any location, globally, but must be a functioning business.
1. Water conservation in Hotels and restaurants.  Explain what can be done to conserve water.  Give several case examples.
 2. Guestroom technologies.  Include smart cards, phone, cable, entertainment and locking systems, room selection and personalization.  Give examples and include the technical aspects of installation and cost factors.
3.         Crisis management planning.  Discuss the types of disasters facing hotels and the type of planning hotels must do to prepare for, deal with and recover from a crisis situation.
4. Recycling in the hospitality industry: Give examples of how a hospitality property can implement a recycling program and include the costs and benefits of such a program.
 5.     Energy Audit.  Investigate the level of energy usage of a hospitality property.  Conduct an energy audit and implement energy conservation program and include the costs and benefits of such a program.
6. Green Certifications.  Explain Green Certificate and trends in the hospitality industry. Give examples of hospitality operations who are leading the efforts. Explain the future of Green Hotels / Restaurants. 
 7. ADA and its effects on the hospitality industry.  What must properties do to comply and what are the costs associated with compliance.
8. New trends in kitchen designs.  Include the basics of kitchen design as well as hot-design and equipment trends.  Give several case examples.
9. The concerns and problems of hotel or restaurant renovation.  Present several cases for a typical renovation process.
10.       All other topics approved in advance by instructor.
1.Research Paper
Typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt. font.  Must include a cover sheet with name and research topic. Your name should not be found anywhere else throughout the paper. Minimum of 4/ maximum of 8   typed pages.
2.Sources:  Articles from the library, industry resources, company literature
v Include a minimum of 3 sources. Acceptable references can be found in the periodicals, newspapers, books & company literature. (Wikipedia is not an acceptable source)
v Make reference to the article findings in your paper.
v Cite all references properly.
3.Interview with Industry Expert:
Find an industry expert to interview as part of your research for the paper.  Interviews with relatives or friends do not qualify for this part of the project.  Include the summary of your interview with your paper presentation including name of interviewee, name of interviewer, time, date, place and questions.
Action Plan

Submitted on time                                                                     
Clearly outlined research topic & research goals                                      

Research Paper

Followed proper layout                                                              
Free of grammar, punctuation, spelling or citation errors                          
Clearly demonstrated research topics & findings                                      
Research paper stayed on topic                                                 
Included supporting facts based on professional interview                               


Cited at least 3 sources with research paper                                               
Proper use and citation of sources                                                     


Included typed outline of interview with                                          

Industry Expert’s information & questions discussed      

solved Initial postingReview the case study provided (Link here). Each student

Initial postingReview the case study provided (Link here). Each student in your group is to select a different theory to guide the assessment and intervention of this patient. Three students will pick a nursing theory different from the ones selected in Module 3 and two other students will select a non-nursing theory.Included in this initial posting are the following:Identify the theory selected, your rationale for the selection of this theory, the major concepts, and relationship statements applicable to this case situation. These statements need to be beyond generalized statements and illustrate intricate conceptual processes and thought of your theory. Need a reference.State the level of theory and your rationale for selection.Obtain one primary research article in which the theory you selected was used and then describe how the article informed you to specifically apply the findings to this case situation. This research article does need to test the theory related to your specific small group topic. You also need a primary reference (article or book) describing the theory selected. Your textbook may not be used as a primary source reference for your theory. Describe how you would specifically apply this theory to this case related to assessment, feasible interventions, and measurable outcomes. We want detailed statements of application to the case study and not just general statements. These statements will go into detail regarding your feasible interventions and measurable outcomes. Envision yourself as an advanced practice nurse and how you would mentor or lead the other staff on your team related to the application of this theory to the case provided.Succinctly summarize the strengths and limitations of the theory you selected.List 1-2 points of what you learned from this experience above of finding and applying a research article to a practice situation.List what you consider a well-designed PICOT question (clear and containing all the essential elements) related to the case situation.PICOT is a mnemonic used to describe 5 elements of a good clinical question. It stands forP – patient/problemI – interventionC- comparisonO- OutcomeT -TimeExample: For patients living in a long-term care facility who are at risk for pressure ulcers (P), how does a pressure ulcer prevention program (I) compared to standard care (e.g., turn every 2 hours and going to the bathroom every two hours) (C) affect the development of pressure ulcers (O) in the next 30 days (T)?8. Correct APA 7th edition listing for the 2 references. Keep any direct quotes to a maximum of 1-2. We prefer you write things in your own words and reference them correctly. The theory assigned to me is Health Belief Model, borrowed/non-nursing theory.Module 4 Discussion Board Grading RubricModule 4 Discussion Board Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePOSTING 1 – Identify theory, your rationale for selection, major concepts and relationship statements applicable to the case situation.1 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePOSTING 1 – State level of the theory0.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks0.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePOSTING 1 – One primary research article to describe how theory informed you to specifically apply to the case1 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePOSTING 1 – Specifically apply this theory to caseDescribe assessment, feasible interventions and measurable outcomes.2 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks2 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePOSTING 1 – Strengths and limitations of theory selected. PLUS, list 1-2 points you learned from this experience of finding and applying a research article.Strengths and limitations of the theory = .5What you learned from finding and applying a research article = .51 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePOSTING 1 – Well designed PICOT question1.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePOSTING 1 – Correct APA and writing clear, coherent and correct.0.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks0.5 ptsI have attached the case study in the files

solved Write a 3- to 5-page paper with the following five

Write a 3- to 5-page paper with the following five sections:Section 1: Influence of Course Work and Specialization OutcomesIn this section, explain the following:The influence of the coursework in your program of study and specialization outcomes on you as a scholar, professional, and leader in your field. Support your explanation with reference to specific learning experiences and resources. (My specialization for this program is Administrator or Principal who specializes in special ed )Section 2: Professional Standards of Your FieldIn this section, explain the following:How your approach to your specialization has changed throughout your Educational Specialist journey in relation to the professional standards of your field. Be sure to reference specific standards related to your specialization area.How you have evolved as a scholar-practitioner in your field and how you intend to stay committed to continuous professional develop and lifelong learning in your specializationSection 3: Walden’s Professional DispositionsIn this section, explain the following:How your thinking has changed with regard to your role as a leader and agent of change in your field since the beginning of your program of studyHow Walden’s Professional Dispositions align with your thinking regarding your role as leader and agent of change today and in the futureSection 4: Walden’s Technology and Diversity ProficienciesIn this section, explain the following:The Technology Proficiencies you have developed more fully as a result of your coursework and learning experiences in your specialization and program of studyThe Diversity Proficiencies you have developed more fully as a result of your coursework and learning experiences in your specialization and program of studyHow your development in these proficiencies supports you further in becoming a leader in your specialization field and an agent of changeSection 5: Leader of Change and Professional GoalsIn this section, explain the following:How you will apply the knowledge and insights gained in this course and others to create and support effective educational practicesThe 2–3 professional goals you will set for yourself to become a leader of educational change in your field and an agent of positive social change in your community prepare:Review the Educational Specialist program of study for your specialization and the Educational Specialist program outcomes on the Walden University Riley College of Education website. Think about the most meaningful Discussions, Assignments, and Learning Resources throughout your educational journey at Walden and the impact your program of study and its outcomes have on you as a scholar, a professional, and a leader in your field.Review the Walden Riley College of Education Diversity and Technology Proficiencies and Professional Dispositions in the Learning Resources as well as the professional standards of your field. Consider how these standards and proficiencies align with your role as a professional and leader of educational and social change in your field today and in the future.Locate your specialization’s curriculum and outcomes on the Walden Riley College of Education website, and research professional organizations in your field. Reflect on your specialization courses and what you have learned in those courses. How has your approach within your specialization changed throughout your educational journey? Think about the information you collected throughout your specialization courses. How have you evolved as a scholar-practitioner in your field? How will you continue to be a lifelong learner in your field?Review the Fullan (2016) chapters for this module, the Callahan et al. (2012) paper, and the Hargreaves & Ainscow (2015) article. Consider the concepts, processes, and goals essential for effective educational leadership and positive social change. What goals do you have to become a leader of change in education and a leader of overall positive social change? How will you take what you have learned in this course and others in your specialization to create and support effective educational practices?