solved Essay 3 Purpose: To deepen and demonstrate your understanding of

Essay 3
To deepen and demonstrate your understanding of various interconnected course materials in service of fulfilling the larger goals for the course as a whole. Primary among those goals are that you reflect with greater depth upon the nature of work, consumption, business ethics and personal identity and that you make use of a variety of major traditions of ethical theory in respect to matters of enterprise and exchange.
Write an essay in response to ONE!!! of the the following prompts:
1) Consider the charge advanced by feminist critics of traditional theories of corporate responsibility (whether of the “shareholder” or “stakeholder” variety) that they rely upon masculinist metaphors that reflect adherence to conceptions of the self and of markets that ignore social relations and their role in determining the nature of concrete subjects and their “interests.”
How might a consideration of the management of corporations and of the proper boundaries of markets in more relational terms change how we think about the values at stake in enterprise and exchange beyond maximizing profits? Upon a proper appreciation for how tightly related we now are in a technologically remade world, might it be best if we were to acknowledge the wider fact of the social (interconnected and cooperative) nature of production and then consider whether it might be better to adopt social cooperation (i.e. deliberate social control rather than market capitalism—“public socialism” rather than “capitalistic socialism”) as a method of determining the nature of that production and the distribution of goods as well, as Dewey would argue? Explain and provide support for your views with careful arguments.
2) Karl Marx argued that capitalism reduces workers to the status of commodities,. That is to say, rather than as subjects in the tradition of European moral thought (under the influence of Immanuel Kant), they become objects to be bought and sold, reduced in value to mere instruments to be exploited for maximum profits by and for those who control the “means of production” (the land, raw materials, etc. that we all depend on to survive but which they claim as private property). Explain how Marx further argued that capitalism causes us to be “alienated” from the product and the process of our labor, from our “species being,” and from our own specifically human capacities. Explain what he meant in each of these instances. Examples (your own, please) would help. What is at stake in this matter? If Marx is right, how could his analysis suggest that capitalism is not so consistent with democracy as is commonly supposed? Is his analysis troubling to you? Explain and provide support for your views with careful arguments.
3) John Kenneth Galbraith also criticized capitalism, arguing that it causes us to act irrationally, putting far more of our limited resources into satisfaction of wants for privately produced and marketed goods than for publicly rendered services. Carefully explain this argument. What would be irrational about such a state of affairs? What does he identify as “the dependence effect” and how does it account for this irrationality? How does he argue that the standard theory of consumer demand fails to identify this irrationality and wrongly regards our priorities as a matter of individual choice instead? How does Friedrich von Hayek challenge Galbraith’s analysis? Do you find his challenge convincing? Explain and provide support for your views with careful arguments.
4) How does Theodor Adorno argue that, in consumerist capitalism, our “free time” (time when we are free of work) is not really so free after all, and is perhaps better characterized by what he identifies as a state of “unfreedom”? What does he mean by “unfreedom”? How does that idea make use of Marx’s conception of alienation? If Adorno is right, what does that mean for the value of what we call “freedom” and for our prospects of living meaningful human lives? Does Adorno’s analysis trouble you at all? If so, does that fact perhaps indicate some basis for hope we might still be able to address this problem? Explain and provide support for your views with careful arguments.

solved In this paper I ask you to analyze, in-depth, one

In this paper I ask you to analyze, in-depth, one of the topics (or sub-topics) that we have discussed in class. This is a research paper, the purpose of which is for you to research and write about a topic of your choice. Through the semester, we will be covering many different issues related to social media, and this will be an opportunity for you to study/research one particular topic in some depth. Some topics that students may find interesting are:

Social media and collective action
Social media across the world
College students use of social media
Language of social media
Social media and Politics
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding
Positives and Negatives of Social Media Communication
Social Media’s influence on Popular Culture
Your topic could be outside of this list. Please consult with the instructor if you have difficulty deciding on a topic which interests you the most. Writing papers lies at the heart of communication courses, and commitment to this activity should motivate our students. Class size and the amount of material we have to cover work against conditions which would be ideal for writing. Anyway, I ask you to write papers which are in essay form. The paper should include a cover page with your name, the date and the class, and section number. Including my name is useful, should your paper go astray, put into the wrong mail-box or left inadvertently in the classroom. Also, make sure you retain a copy for yourself — in case the original is lost in general movement of papers. The paper should be approximately 6-7 pages, double-spaced, typed, excluding reference page.Things To Do: First, let’s rule out things not to do. I don’t want biographical information about yourself and also assume that I have some knowledge about the subject matter that you are writing about, that you write for a reader who does not need a detailed summary of definitions. Personal response always plays an important role when you read and react. But don’t use your research papers as opportunities to write in detail about why you like/dislike being in the class and/or reading class materials. Also, reading for ‘theme’ or ‘message’ has become ingrained in almost all modern readings. I don’t speak critically when I say this. Just be careful if you work on your theme not to sound too sweeping or dogmatic. And try to remember one thing: you are reading only a small portion of a larger and substantial corpus of writing and research on social media and communication.Provide enough evidence and cite properly and clearly through the paper. The most convenient way to document anything you cite is to give a parenthetical reference like this: author’s name, title, followed by page number and year of publication. Consult the MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), Chicago, or Harvard style manual if you need more detailed advice about citations. These style-books can be found in the library in the reference section. You may want to put all your references on an additional page and place them under a heading of ‘Bibliography.’ You will be graded on your references to class readings and discussions. Also, you will be graded on your references to class readings and discussions. Limit the use of Wikipedia as references. I do not bar the use of internet references but keep in mind the quality of source, i.e., the reference must be from a well-known site (for example, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Politico, etc.). Format and Mechanics. Please take care to write in paragraphs, each with a topic sentence or one controlling idea. There is no absolute definition of the length of a paragraph. Keeping two extremes in mind, however, is useful. Avoid the single sentence paragraph and make sure that no one paragraph extends over the whole of a page. About the finished product — neatness and clarity help but they won’t rescue a paper that shows little thought or thought but absence of polish. Writers who take pride in their work always complete at least two drafts as they attempt to refine what they say and discover in the process their ideas and thoughts. Please proofread your paper carefully, checking for spelling, typographical errors, grammatical matters and word usage.

solved A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing.
Articles used for this assignment cannot be used for the other assignments (students should find new research articles for each new assignment).
The selected articles should be original research articles. Review articles, concept analysis, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, integrative review, and systemic review should not be used.

Mixed-methods studies should not be used.
Dissertations should not be used.
Your critique should include the following:
Research Problem/Purpose

State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.
Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?
Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?

State the purpose of the research.
Review of the Literature
Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?

Was there evidence of reflexivity in the design (qualitative)? 
Theoretical Framework

Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?
Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?

If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.
Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions (Quantitative)

What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?
Conceptual Underpinnings, Research Questions (Qualitative)

Are key concepts defined conceptually?
Is the philoosoophical basis, underlying tradition, conoceptual framework, or ideological orientation made explicit and is it appropriate for the problem?

Are research questions explicitly stated? Are the questions consistent with the study’s philosophical basis, underlying tradition, conceptual framework, or ideological orientation?
What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?

Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.

Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools (quantitative only)
Qualitative studies (answer the following questions in addition to those above except the last bulleted item)

Were the methods of gathering data appropriate?
Were data gathered through two or more methods to achieve triangulation?

Did the researcher ask the right questions or make the right observations and were they recorded in an appropriate fashion?
Was a sufficient amount of data gathered?
Was the data of sufficient depth and richness?
Were ethical considerations addressed? Were appropriate procedures used to safeguard the rights of study participants?
Data Analysis

What data analysis tool was used?
Was saturation achieved? (qualitative)

How were the results presented in the study?
Were the data management (e.g., coding) and data analysis methods sufficiently described? (qualitative)
Identify at least one (1) finding.
Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
Do the themes adequately capture the meaning of the data?

Did the analysis yield an insightful, provocative and meaningful picture of the phenomenon under investigation?
Were methods used to enhance the trustworthiness of the data (and analysis) and was the description of those methods adequate?
Are there clear explanation of the boundaries/limitations, thick description, audit trail?

What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.
Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing (both qualitative and quantitative).
The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines.

NURS_350_OL – NURS350-Research Critique

solved Description of AssignmentThe final portfolio will consist of three pieces

Description of AssignmentThe final portfolio will consist of three pieces of writing, which you should submit as one document. The portfolio should include: 1. Cover LetterThe cover letter should demonstrate the responsibility you took in your work and writing choices. Use it as a space to reflect on whatever frustrations or struggles you had in writing for this class. Take a look at my feedback. Do you notice any consistent comments? How/What did you learn to improve your writing during the course of the semester? Approx. 1-page single-spaced. 2. Revised Draft of Literary Analysis3. Revised Draft of Research PaperResearch Paper (draft)A complete draft of your research paper should include:A title that gives the reader some insight into the paper topic.6-8 pages double-spaced pages on a topic of your choosing.FOUR sources published on the topic that you will integrate into your reading. At least TWO of these sources should be academic/peer-reviewed. You can find these sources on Google Scholar or one of the UHV library’s databases.A paragraph or two at the conclusion where you imagine what your research topic might look like or read like in the future. Be clear on how you are positioning yourself in the larger conversation on the topic. BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE IN EVERY SENTENCE YOU WRITE.The paper should follow the most recent MLA style guidelines. If you have a question about how to cite a source or creating a works cited page, Purdue OWL provides helpful examples.…Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the complete draft of the research paper.Literary Analysis (draft)After we read VanderMeer’s Annihilation (2014), you will write a three to five-page (approx. 750-1,000 words) literary analysis. As we discussed in class in previous weeks, a critical interpretation of a literary work can focus on anything related to the literary genre:Character(s) // Who narrates Annihilation? What is significant that VanderMeer chooses a biologist to narrate the novel? What about the other characters? Why does no one use personal names in Area X?Place // What is Area X? What makes it so weird from a place you might see described in more realistic fiction? Genre // VanderMeer writes in (and Annihilation is an example of) the “new weird.” Unlike more realistic fiction, the weird seeks to unsettle our familiar perceptions and representations of the world. Why/How does VanderMeer use the genre to “weird” our sense of the world and how might it allow us to see it differently?Novel :: Film // After we finish the novel, we will watch the 2017 adaptation of Annihilation in class. The differences between media—novel and film—will give some insights on how VanderMeer describes writing in the novel: Think about how an inhuman organism—“the Crawler”—writes cryptic messages in the novel; or the importance of journals in recording a narrative of Area X? What happens to the story when the film removes these more “literary” elements?Your literary analysis should include a thesis that will tell the reader how you will interpret the novel. While your paper should include some summary, you will want to explain the significance of the passages you highlight.What I’m looking for when I comment on your analysis-Clear introduction that lets the reader know how you will approach the novel and what you will focus on in your analysis. -While summary is necessary to give the reader context, you should move beyond a simple summary of the novel. You should tell the reader why a passage or quote matters or what it might mean. What a scene in the novel and/or movie might mean. On a related note: you might admit at the beginning of your paper that you found Annihilation confusing, but you want to explain what that confusion might mean. In other words, what does it mean that the narrator of the novel might be as equally confused as the reader when it comes to Area X.-Refer to specific passages or scenes in the novel and/or movie to support your analysis. Be as specific as possible in every sentence you write! The research draft should be 6-8 pagesThe literary analysis should be 3-5 pagesand the cover letter should be 1 page

solved Case: Logan Self StoragePart I: Substantive Analytical ProceduresCompany BackgroundLogan Self

Case: Logan Self StoragePart I: Substantive Analytical ProceduresCompany BackgroundLogan Self Storage, Inc. (LSS) is a C-corporation based in San Diego, California. With approximately 460,000 storage units of various sizes throughout the United States, LSS owns approximately 10% of the U.S. self-storage market and reported 20X8 rent revenue of $118,187,453. Because lease rates vary significantly by geographic location due to land constraints and market demand for self-storage services, LSS has divided its operations into five segments based on geographic location. These segments are labeled the West, Midwest, Southwest, South, and Northeast divisions.In each location, LSS offers three types of storage units for lease: small units, large units, and commercial units. The small units are each 10′ x 10′ (100 square feet) and are commonly used by renters for storage of extra belongings that do not fit in their apartments or homes. These units are also frequently leased for short-term storage of small items between moves. The large units are 10′ wide by 30′ deep (300 square feet) and are commonly used for vehicle or boat storage or for storage of most household belongings between moves. The company’s largest units are commercial units, which are 30′ x 30′ (900 square feet). One corner of each commercial unit contains a 12′ x 12′ (144 square feet) office space, leaving an L-shaped storage area of 756 square feet. These commercial units are frequently leased by small businesses in need of space for inventory and supplies, vehicle storage, manufacturing or assembly, and administration. While LSS competes directly with many competitors on the small and large units, it is a first-mover in offering commercial units and currently has relatively few competitors.Rent revenue per square foot for each of these units varies significantly by geographic region and size of the unit. Despite the combination of office space and storage space, rental prices for commercial space are calculated on the total square footage and, as a result, per-square-foot prices are significantly higher for the commercial units.Case RequirementsYou have been asked to perform a substantive analytical procedure to obtain assurance regarding the reasonableness of the total rent revenue for LSS for the 20X8 fiscal year. Your audit team has determined that $1 million is the materiality threshold (i.e., tolerable misstatement) to be used for this substantive analytical procedure for this client. To assist you in completing your analytical procedure, two first-year staff members on your audit team compiled the following information for you:ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:1. Using the information provided, develop your own expectation of the total rent revenue for Logan Self Storage (LSS) for the 20X8 fiscal year.2. Based on the estimate you calculated for Requirement 1, does the reported rent revenue appear to be fairly stated in all material respects? Why or why not?3. Research…What factors influence the effectiveness and efficiency of substantive analytical procedures? What is meant by the term “precision” of the expectation?4. What additional information would you like to have when developing your expectation of the total rent revenue for 20X8?Part II: Substantive Analytical ProceduresCase FactsAt your request, the two first-year auditors compiled and confirmed the following disaggregated information regarding rental activities at LSS for the 20X8 fiscal year:ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:1. Using this data (also available in the Excel file included in this part of the case), develop an updated expectation for the total rent revenue for Logan Self Storage (LSS) for the 20X8 fiscal year.2. Using your updated expectation from Requirement 1 of Part 2, determine whether the reported rent revenue appears to be fairly stated.3. What specific factors may have led to the difference between your first and second estimates?4. What factors impact the level of disaggregation of data that would be required when performing substantive analytical procedures?5. What other factors regarding the data should you consider when determining the level of reliance you can place on substantive analytical procedures?

solved “Women are sicker; men die quicker.” This familiar quotation suggests

“Women are sicker; men die quicker.” This familiar quotation suggests that there are gender-related differences related to health. For purposes of this Application, gender-related issues are grouped in three categories: 1) morbidity and mortality rates, 2) health-related behaviors, and 3) treatment by gender by the health care system.A quick review of health statistics shows that the morbidity (sickness) and mortality (death) rates for specific diseases and other health issues (e.g., violence, mental health problems, homicide) are different for men and women. For example, men are diagnosed with and die from specific cancers (such as, lung cancer and colon cancer) at a higher rate than women. Women are diagnosed with breast cancer at higher rates than men (though more than 2,600 men each year are diagnosed with breast cancer.) When looking at mental health problems, antisocial and avoidant behaviors are more common in men, while borderline disorder, histrionic disorder, and depression are more often seen in women. While this difference in disease and disorder prevalence and mortality is interesting, it would be useful to know why there are differences between men and women.Another area to consider when looking at health and gender is behavior. That is, do men and women behave differently when it comes to health? And what about the “behavior” of the health care system when it comes to gender. Does it treat men and women differently?Health-related behaviors fall into two basic categories: preventative behaviors and direct health-related behaviors. For example, seeing a physician for an annual check-up and health screening, eating well, exercising, and maintaining low stress levels are preventative behaviors. Engaging in high risk sports and other activities, smoking, working in a dangerous job, and the like are direct health-related behaviors. The reality is that men and women behave differently when it comes to health.A third health-related factor that may come into play when questioning the gender differences in health issues is how the health care system treats men and women. For example, men and women are screened differently, diagnosed differently, and treated differently for many health problems. There may also be gender bias in the diagnostic tools used for mental health disorders.To fully understand the gender-related differences in physical and mental health, it is useful to analyze a specific health issue in depth. What are the differences, why are there differences, and what is the impact of these differences? These are common questions in the area of psychology of gender.Review Chapter 13 in the course text, Gender: Psychological Perspectives. Focus on the gender-related differences and similarities in issues related to health, including the incidence, mortality rates, diagnoses, and prognoses for various health issues; lifestyle and behavioral differences that lead to and/or possibly prevent health problems, and issues related to health delivery systems.Review the article on gender effects on health and health care.Select a physical or mental issue that interests you that has gender-related differences, and explore this health issue in some depth.Consider the following elements in your analysis:What are the differences between genders in the incidence, mortality rate, diagnosis, and prognosis of that health issue?What are the gender-related lifestyle and behavioral differences that lead to and prevent the health issue?What influence might gender have on how men and women are treated by health care professionals and the health care system?This is the assignment. In text citations please. Briefly describe the physical or mental health issue you have selected.Compare (similarities and differences) the following factors for men and women:The incidence, mortality rate, diagnosis, and prognosis of that health issueThe lifestyle and behavior differences that lead to and/or may prevent the health issueIssues related to health care access, diagnosis, and treatment by health care professionalsDiscuss your insights on gender differences and your thoughts about how these gender differences might impact individuals from each gender, the health care system, and society as a whole.

solved Summary Response Essay IntroductionIn Module 1, you were asked to

Summary Response Essay IntroductionIn Module 1, you were asked to review the assignment instruction for the Module 8 Portfolio Project. The themes for this course include:Closing the Gap Between College and CareerYou will choose a theme path in this module and will develop and build on this theme path throughout your course of study in this class.As an academic writer, it is vital to form a working thesis about your topic early, so that you can shape your research and form an inquiry plan about the research material that you will be using. Keeping this in mind, you will need to select and analyze key concepts of the topic early in the research process. As such, be cognizant of the theses or the claims made by the authors who write in your chosen path as you read the literature tied to your theme.InstructionsFor this Critical Thinking Assignment, you are to develop a summary response essay. This should build on the work you submitted to the discussion board for this week. Be sure to accurately decipher your assignment. (Links to an external site.)Instructions for writing a summary response paper are included in the lecture. Be sure to refer to these prior to delving into the content of your paper. Your paper should accomplish the following:Introduction: Thesis statement, information about the article.Be sure to note key information in the article: author, time and place of publication and article title.Be sure to note the main thesis of the article that includes the author’s key ideas and intentions.Summary: Your analysis of the article. Be sure to write in the objective third person.Refer to the author and not the article during your examination of key points as articles are inanimate.Response (body paragraphs): Note where you agree, or disagree with ideas, and points the author asserts in the article.Be sure to paraphrase and cite in-text as you develop academic paragraphs that have a topic sentence, evidence, and analysis of the ideas you are exploring.Conclusion: Note the main implications of the article, any gaps you see in the research, or where you think you can look further for information.Expand on your group discussion post in which you summarized an article.Submit this draft to the Smarthinking tutors. Consider using the live session option as the tutors are available 24/7 and you will receive immediate feedback.Required elements to turn in with submission:DraftFeedback report from Smarthinking tutor.Smarthinking can help better writers improve their writing as well as less developed ones. So always go to Smarthinking as early and often as you can. Getting expert feedback is a vital key to improving your writing and should always be a part of your writing process. Smarthinking should become your writing best friend.You can find the path to Smarthinking by going to the Home page of this course and clicking on the Smarthinking tab of the navigational links found on the left-hand margin of the page.Requirements:Length: 2-3 pages (not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include)Use third person (Links to an external site.).Assert your academic voice.Cite at least one source for this assignment.You will have to cite several peer reviewed credible sources in your final portfolio project, so start exploring sources now and start saving them to a reference management system. Mendeley (free) and RefWorks (fee-based) are good resources.In academic writing, it is always best practice to cite credible sources, such as a scholarly journal article. Your work here in this paper can lead to building content for your final paper due at the end of the course, so be cognizant about source quality.The CSU Global Library is an excellent place to search for credible, scholarly sources.The following at the CSU Global Writing Center should help you assess what a credible source will resemble: Types of Sources (Links to an external site.).Your paper must be formatted according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).You may use the template paper for this assignment.APA Template Paper (Links to an external site.)Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment Rubric available in the Module 2 Folder for more information on assignment expectations and grading.

solved Overview You will create a description of your selected company

Overview You will create a description of your selected company and a SWOT matrix that includes trends, strategic positioning, distribution channels, and risks. You’ve already begun this assignment in your discussions.In the Week 1 discussion, you chose a company (whether your own or the snack food company scenario) and created a description and mission statement for it. In this assignment, you will need to revise your selected company’s description and mission statement based on the feedback you received in the discussion thread. You will also include a brief narrative that provides the rationale for including each component of the mission statement.Likewise, in the Week 2 discussion, you began work on your SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) matrix. Your task in this assignment is to revise your SWOT matrix based on the feedback you received in the discussion thread. You will also summarize the key learnings from your SWOT matrix.Reminders and NotesBefore beginning this assignment, you may find it helpful to review textbook Chapter 3, “Making Your Plan Compelling.” This chapter provides useful information about how to organize the information in your business plan.Your chosen company will operate in a 100-mile radius from your home address. Your goal is to reach $1 million in sales by the end of the second year.Be sure to follow the guidelines whether you are using the snack food company or the company of your choiceCompany of Your Choice Guidelines [DOCX].RequirementsThe specific requirements for this assignment are to write a 3–5 page paper in which you:Describe the product or service on which the company is focusing, including the company’s name and its significance.Revise the company’s mission statement based on feedback received in the Week 1 discussion thread, including the rationale for each component of the mission statement.Place the mission statement within quotation marks.Use the Mission Statement Worksheet on pages 72–73 of your textbook as a guide.Describe the trends in your specific industry, focusing on your particular type of product or service.Research and outline industry trends. Be sure to consider the size and growth rate for the overall industry and for the specific product or service on which you are focusing.Search the industry associations, and reliable websites for recent data.Select the strategic position from the course text (pages 146–147) that you believe is the best one for your chosen company and explain how you will implement it to distinguish your product or service from the competition.Consult Chapter 9, “Strategic Position & Risk Assessment” of your text for help in crafting this portion of your business plan.Describe the company’s distribution channels and provide the rationale for your selection.Sample questions to ask when choosing distribution channels:Will you sell your product in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues?Will you sell your product online or as a subscription?Where will the service be offered?Revise your selected company’s SWOT matrix based on feedback from the Week 2 discussion thread and summarize the key learnings from your matrix.Be sure to use the SWOT Matrix [DOCX] (table) when revising your SWOT matrix.FormattingFormat your assignment according to these requirementsTyped, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. You may single-space the information included in the SWOT Matrix.You must include headings in your paper for each major topic.Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.Include a source list page. Citations and references must follow . All sources used must be listed in the source list page and have a corresponding in-text citation. The source list page is not included in the required page length.Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in this assignment.Learning OutcomesThe specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Develop a company overview and SWOT analysis that include trends, strategic positioning, distribution channels, and risks.

solved Week 2 Assignment 2 Advertising – Crossing the LineAdvertisements often

Week 2 Assignment 2 Advertising – Crossing the LineAdvertisements often come into scrutiny. There are critics who say some ads promote unhealthy products to children or other age groups; cigarettes and alcohol are easy targets for this criticism. Another criticism is using celebrities to endorse products when the celebrity does not even use the product. Some people believe the celebrity must use the product in order to endorse it. Other people believe that freedom of speech and freedom of choice override any such criticisms. Still others believe that people and companies have the right to use whatever means necessary to support the business and drive sales.InstructionsAs a business manager you will need to determine just how far you are willing to go advertising your company, products, and services. Locate and examine two advertisements taken from a current web site, newspaper, or magazine. You may also use a television commercial. Prepare a paper that discusses the following points:Identify the purpose of the advertisements and the target market.Do these advertisements meet what you would consider to be ethical standards in advertising? Is there a point/counterpoint(s)?Is there any legal issue, i.e., with the Federal Trade Commission?Assume you are the senior business manager. Share your viewpoint. Would you pull an advertisement if you feel it crossed an ethical line?Use a minimum of four credible sources with links, which may include this week’s supplemental reading and other sources, to support your findings and conclusions. Please refer to the grading criteria listed below.CriteriaRatingsPtsContent- Identifies the purpose of the advertisement and the target market.- Identifies whether the advertisements meet ethical standards in advertising.- Discusses a point/counterpoint.- Describes any legal issues.- Shares personal viewpoint and whether you would pull the advertisement.80 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks80 ptsUse of ReferencesArgument is well supported using a minimum of four (4) credible sources to include textbook.10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks10 ptsMechanics○ Responses are written at the graduate level with proper punctuation, grammar, and mechanics.○ Follows APA Style.○ Minimum of four pages in length.10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks10 ptsTotal Points: 100Reading AssignmentReview these chapters in your textbook for important concepts. Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility, 4th Edition. NOTE: The Chapter Presentations provide a quick overview of important concepts.Chapter 8: Ethics and MarketingChapter 10: Ethical Decision-Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting, and FinanceMacDonald, C. (2011). What’s Legal Isn’t Always Ethical., C., Almandoz, J., LaRoe, K., & Replogle, J. (2014). Can an “Ethical” Bank Support Guns and Fracking?, C. (2013). Is It Legal? Yes. Ethical? Perhaps. Underhanded? Definitely., J. and Valente, A. (2015). Why Customer Service Representatives Might Be Deliberately Making Your Experience Worse., P. (2008). How is advertising influenced by ethics?, D. (2015). Does Social Class Impel Bad Behaviour?, B. (2007). If It’s Legal, It’s Ethical?? Right? the following articles will prove helpful:The following materials are not required reading but are recommended:References must have linksHartman, L. P., DesJardins, J., & MacDonald, C. (2018). Business ethics: decision making for personal integrity & social responsibility (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.Will be run through TurnitIn! DO NOT P LA GARIZE

solved Imagine that an OD consultant were going to conduct an

Imagine that an OD consultant were going to conduct an intervention in an organization you know well. What outcome or process variables (see Figures 13.1 and 13.2 as examples) would you use to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention? The “outcome or process variable must be an authored/cited/official example).
Locate and read a related and recent peer-reviewed journal article to use as reference in addition to textbook. Post what you learned from the article and textbook.
How Will You Support Your Staff During What May Be a Very Lonely Holiday Season?
By Lin   Grensing-PophalDecember 2, 2020
In mid-November, shortly before Thanksgiving and as COVID-19 cases surged around the country, governors extended or ramped up their safety requirements. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, for instance, ordered indoor fitness centers and dining to be closed. And he ordered residents not to hold gatherings with people from other households. The message: Celebrate Thanksgiving, but only with those you normally live with. That sentiment is likely to extend around the country throughout the holiday season.
These restrictions will certainly keep employees from enjoying the holiday season with friends and relatives as they typically would.  It’s one more disappointment in a year full of stress and change.
Employees Facing Stress Like Never Before
Employees who have been dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 since March are feeling the strain. A report from employee experience software company Limeade, Workplaces in Crisis: Employee Care Missing the Mark, was released in October. Based on input from 1,000 full-time US employees, the report authors found:
49 percent report having less      energy for nonwork activities.
42 percent said they were less      interested in socializing with friends.
42 percent were having trouble      sleeping.
33 percent reported using more      alcohol or other substances than usual.
“2020 was not the year we expected,” said Meghan Stokes, vice president of clinical services at BHS, an employee assistance program and well-being provider headquartered in Baltimore. “We’ve used up all of our surge capacity. That’s what we rely on to get through crisis. When that’s drawn out and there are more stressors, it’s never replenished. We are exhausted.”
These feelings are likely to be exacerbated over the holiday season. But there are steps that companies can take to support staff as the virus continues to rage and the holiday season is upon us.
Be Proactive in Offering Support
“The inability to celebrate holidays as usual is just one more unusual stressor in a year fraught with uncertainty,” said Tyler Arvig, a doctor of psychology and associate medical director at R3 Continuum, a behavioral health and security services company with offices in Minneapolis and Grand Rapids, Mich. “Holiday gatherings typically serve as important anchors for families and may be one of the few times where families are able to be together during the year. It is a time of togetherness. Except for this year, when it won’t be. It will be a time of isolation. That, for many, will be very devastating.”
What you should do :
Post your      500-700 word answers 
Offer at      least two 300-400 word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’      discussions 
Locate and read a related and recent peer-reviewed journal article to use as reference in addition to textbook. Post what you learned from the article and textbook.
Organization Development: 
The Process of Leading Organizational Change, 4th ed.
Anderson, Donald L.
SAGE Publications. 2017
ISBN: 9781506316574