solved 1) Reflect on your weight over the past year or

1) Reflect on your weight over the past year or so and explain any weight gains or losses. Using the Intake vs. Goals report, can you identify areas in which you need to adjust your food intake, perhaps eating more or less?Describe the potential risks and possible benefits of fad diets and over-the- counter weight-loss drugs or herbal supplements. (500 words minimum) 2) Which of your foods provided high intakes of vitamins? Which of your foods provided few or no vitamins?How was your overall intake in the vegetable group? Do you need improvement in this area? If so, what are some changes you could make?Examine your weekly choices of vegetables and evaluate whether you meet the recommendations for dark green or orange and deep yellow vegetables.Take a look at your sodium intake in this report. Most people in the United States exceed the UL. Did you? Explain the importance of selecting and pre- paring foods with less salt.How was your intake of calcium for that day?If you are not getting enough calcium, consult Chapter 12 for ideas to help you get more, then list at least three foods or beverages you would be willing to eat or drink that would improve your intake. (500 words minimum)33) Samuel is a 63-year-old single man who works full-time in a food processing plant. He has a history of esophageal cancer which was treated successfully with anti-cancer drugs and surgery four years ago. His weight had been stable at 135 pounds until the past 6 months, in which he has experienced an involuntary weight loss of 10 pounds. He is 67 inches tall and his current BMI is 19.5. He complains of a poor appetite and being overly weak and tired. His usual diet is fairly consistent. He states he rarely eats breakfast because he starts work at 6 a.m. He eats two deli meat sandwiches, “usually pastrami or salami,” and a soda at 10 a.m. and may eat a candy bar in the afternoon when he gets off work. He often prepares frozen dinners or pizza at home in the evening and routinely drinks “about 2 or 3 beers” before going to bed. Occasionally he will cook a roast and mashed potatoes. He occasionally will have milk with cereal but rarely eats vegetables or fruit. He would like to know which vitamin supplement will give him energy.From what you have learned about the functions of vitamins, how would you answer Samuel’s question?What are some indications that Samuel’s diet could be low in thiamin?Using information from Figure 10-4, what are one or two good sources of thiamin from each food group that would be fairly easy for Samuel to add to his diet?What other vitamins would you suspect might be deficient in Samuel’s diet? Why?Besides his diet, how might Samuel’s medical history have increased his risk for folate deficiency?Based on his medical history and information in this chapter, how would you advise Samuel regarding his complaints of fatigue and weight loss?Would you recommend a daily multivitamin supplement for Samuel based on the history he has provided? Why or why not4) Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides), the presentation should consist of the following:Research 4 to 6 different sports drinks. List the amount of glucose, sodium, and other electrolytes present in each product. List the advantages and disadvantages of these products in addition to water and provide their recommendations about the best choice. Support your choice with reliable and valid sources. 5) This discussion is for you to share your personal thought about the video. You may express yourself about any aspect of the video, but it must be from “your” prospective. Support your answer with concepts from this week’s readings.( 500 words minimum) . Research a company that sells either fitness or health and wellness products designed to reduce stress. Develop a critique about the quality of the product and credibility of the claims. Be sure to address the following questions in the narrative:-Who does the company want as the customer? How do you know this?-What does the website/product promote that these product(s) will do? -As an informed consumer, do the benefits outweigh the risks of this product? Justify why or why not.(700 words minimum)

solved Submit your complete marketing plan, to include the distribution channels,

Submit your complete marketing plan, to include the distribution channels, promotional strategy, and marketing strategy (see Lesson 5). Include a justification narrative of your choices. Assignment based off of ‘Sit Means Sit’ dog training franchise, located in t subarb of Chicago. References to complete:……(Promotional Strategy Categories of promotional channels organize customers into groups based on their readiness to explore a new concept or product. The special deals and offers I plan to implement to secure new customers and retain old customers. The ‘Sit Means Sit’ franchise is a reputable dog training company, while considering the success of the franchise is based on the overall success rate of the training process. This means that the management of the company will have to continue to develop promotional messages which are distinct and applicable to each of the following; advertising, in store marketing, coupons & discounts, loyalty marketing, sampling, and social media.In the social media strategy, the promotional message will be through videos in some of the most prevalent channels, such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. This message will explain the use of technology as the most innovative and advanced method of training dogs. The rationale for this message and the used channel is the fact that knowledge is the initial phase in the proliferation of innovation (Sun & Jeyaraj, 2013). This is the stage at which the prospective adopter first becomes introduced to the invention itself. They do not have adequate details to reach a buying decision on and have not yet been motivated sufficiently to seek more. At this point, I will aim to improve product awareness and provide appropriate information for the potential target market to seek my business over competitors.The marketing department will highlight, in detail, the benefits of using the product in both videos and print media. The benefits included in the promotional message will consist of faster training, the ability to monitor performance, and living an overall better quality of life. Its rationale is that it is the persuasion of properly using social media to promote, is when the potential customer is responsive to the product, which generates a positive reputation and reviews. As the company grows and word continues to spread amongst the community, there would be a deliberate attempt to market the idea to police and search and rescue task forces.)(Marketing Strategy First, as a franchise, I have always had the intent to use the marketing vehicles strategy. By doing this, I will get able to perform face to face marketing of our dog training services offered. Reaching the customers in their areas will help a lot since I plan to deliver our information to the customers’ eyes, while conducting business or errands. The main reason for deciding to choose this strategy, is because of the advantage of bringing the target audience to you. Even though the process may be unnoticed at first, it creates a positive relationship with the community, giving the customers the opportunity to feel free to inquire myself or employees about information. Furthermore, many people may having trouble finding a reliable company, of become curious of the idea of where to access our information online through digital devices. Therefore, the vehicle marketing plan will help me educate potential customers about not only our eye catching logo, but also allowing them to visually see the company’s domain name. Lastly, the face to face marketing strategy will also be a priority of mine, establishing relationships and credibility. To run and maintain your business, it is essential to focus on the relationship with your customers and the community you operate in. By coming into contact with your customers, you can gain clients, submitting positive reviews, quickly generating revenue. Building a positive reputation will lead to trust and build a solid foundation from the start. It is more often than not true that most people put their trust in the person who they have already established a relationship with.)

solved JGR100 discussion 3-6Week 3In the article “Managing Oneself,” author Peter

JGR100 discussion 3-6Week 3In the article “Managing Oneself,” author Peter F. Drucker states that “What one does well – even very well and successfully – may not fit with one’s value system”. How do your values play a role in the groups, organizations, or career opportunities you decide to be a part of? Is it important for your values to be aligned to that of that particular organization? Why or why not? How might this relate to your overall purpose? Use content from the article to support your response.Week 4In the article Eight Ways to Find the True Passion in Life That Has Eluded You, Rebecca Burn-Callander outlines 8 steps to discovering your true passion. If you were given the opportunity to dedicate the rest of your life to one specific activity, without having to worry about money, what activity would you choose? How would you impact the world by taking on this activity? What can you conclude?Week 5In this week’s Strayer Talk, you saw how Coach’s team reacted to receiving their DiSC personality results. You also learned how their distinct personalities help them succeed at JGR Racing.Understanding your personality and how you work best can open doors in your life and career and improve your communication with those around you. Now that you have your own DiSC results (D, i, S, and/or C) describe a situation at home, school, or work where you had difficulty seeing eye-to-eye with someone else due to personality differences. How would understanding your DiSC profile have helped you communicate with them more effectively?For example, let’s say you scored high on i (influential and optimistic) while your boss shows many of the strengths of a D (focused on the task, strong drive, direct, assertive). In the past, you may have had a hard time communicating with your boss because of her assertiveness. You might realize that you would be more effective communicating with your boss if you present your ideas in a “no-nonsense,” direct way. She may not take you seriously if you go off-topic.Week 6In this week’s Strayer Story you learned how Coach Gibbs developed his own leadership style by observing the styles of leaders he admires. Now, think of a great leader in your own life. This can be a coach, teacher, mentor, supervisor, family member, etc. How would you describe that person? What would you say were some of their strengths as a leader? Do you feel as though they are an effective leader? Why or why not? Use references from Leadership That Gets Results (JGR100 ebook) to support your response.Fin100 2-7 discussion Week 2This week, we will be discussing the Fed Funds Rate and how it can affect the unemployment rate and the rate of inflation. This exercise will help you identify how well you really understand the Federal Reserve System.Based on your research or what you learned by watching the video What does the Federal Reserve do?, list at least two (2) functions of the Federal Reserve System and describe how the decisions made for each of the two (2) functions you chose could potentially impact the U.S. economy.Next, describe how those functions may personally impact you or any U.S. Citizen.Week 4Watch The 2008 Financial Crisis, in Crash Course EconomicsDescribe how the credit crisis may have adversely affected many people beyond homeowners and mortgage companies. Do you believe the impact of the credit crisis is still being felt today? Why or why not? Are we headed in the direction of another credit crisis? What indicators hint at what could happen in the future?Week 5Complete the following:Watch Inside The Collapse (Part One).Watch Inside The Collapse (Part Two).After watching the videos, discuss how this financial crash impacted you, your family, a career from which you may have been laid off, or someone you know who was affected.Week 7View the following videos:Money, Power and Wall Street: Part 1, in Frontline. Money, Power and Wall Street: Part 2, in Frontline.Then, answer the questions below in your discussion:What was the impact of the near failure of Bear Stearns and the failure of Lehman Brothers on money markets?What actions did the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department take? What were the impacts of the decisions, if any?

solved Rather than trying to complete this assignment all at once,

Rather than trying to complete this assignment all at once, students should work on this as a weekly, diary-style journal entry that describes how you have personally experienced one or more of the concepts from each week’s topic. For example, in week 3 the topic is perception. A sample journal entry could focus on what characteristics of roadside billboard ads attract your attention and why.Your submission must include one entry for each of the following modules:Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5Module 6Module 7Your weekly journal entries should go beyond merely repeating or summarizing what was covered in the chapter or video. They should show provide a detailed description of the consumer information processing and/or decision making event. Use of correct, relevant terms related to the week’s topic is REQUIRED. Underline the terms used. Journal entries will be judged on the quality of their content and the professionalism of the thoughts and ideas expressed. Journal entry title example: Module 3: Perception Processes while Grocery ShoppingJournal entry outline (All 3 sections below must be included in your paper):1. SummaryA brief (2-3 sentence) description of your consumer behavior experience (what happened, where, when, with who) and the consumer behavior/consumer psychology concepts that you will discuss in reference to your experience. For example: Last week as I grocery shopped at Publix with a friend around lunch time, we noticed the aroma of fresh baked bread throughout the store. This affected my perception of the store and increased my attention to the bakery items.2. Consumer Behavior ExperienceA detailed (1-2 paragraph) explanation of the consumer behavior processes you used and/or that were triggered by stimuli in your environment. For example, The fragrance of the bread exceeded my sensory threshold and caused me to retrieve from memory images of delicious, warm fresh-baked bread…My attention to ready-to-eat foods caused a perceptual bias that made everything in the bakery seem delicious and desirable…Suitable experiences include, but are not limited to: brick-and-mortar retail shopping, radio ads, customer service, online shopping, magazine/radio/billboard/facebook ads, product usage, product sampling, vending machine purchase, salon/nail spa/spa/barber service, salesperson interaction, etc.3. ConclusionA brief (1 paragraph) description of the implications of your consumer behavior experience for marketing strategy, ethics, and/or consumer well-being.For example, Stores such as Publix can use pleasant food scents like fresh-baked bread as sensory marketing to increase attention to bakery items…Consumers must be aware that this is a marketer tactic and be mindful of how store scents affect their feelings and desire…Formatting:Use the journal entry outline titles (summary, consumer behavior experience, conclusion) as headings in your paperYou may include a relevant visual to illustrate your experience. This is optional.1-inch margins, double-spaced 10- or 11-point Arial font.Proofread. Each and every spelling error, grammar error, and/or incorrect term usage after the fifth (5th) occurrence will incur a 1 point deduction from the total assignment score. Use of correct, relevant consumer behavior/consumer psychology terms from the textbook that relate to the module you are writing about is REQUIRED.Underline the terms used.Papers will be judged on the quality of their content and the professionalism of the thoughts and ideas expressed. Plagiarism is not tolerated and will be reported to the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Department as Academic Misconduct with the first offense, with a zero for the course as a consequence.If you use someone else’s ideas or words, cite your source. If you directly quote an outside source, use quotation marks in addition to citing the source.DO NOT use exact or similar wording from any other student papers for this course or other courses, from this semester or prior semesters, including your own submitted papers.*Feedback and grades will be posted within 1 week of your submission.Remember:Use clear, concise sentences in your postings. Think through your ideas. Check grammar and spelling.

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need an

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

Requirements:Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2Discussion 1If I would have earned a lottery and were asked to select an option of receiving $50,000 per year for 30 years or immediately taking a lump sum payout of 1Mn$, I would choose with the latter option of taking a lump sum payout immediately. Even though the tax advantage and the difference in net payout over 30 years could provide me a gain of 487k$ after tax over what I could get in a lump sum payout. However, the advantages of taking a 1Mn$ payout exceeds the advantages of those of payout over 30 years and provides freedom and the ability to invest money in the right places to generate profits much larger than the 540K$ before tax or 487k$ after tax over a 30 years’ timeframe.Here, it is very crucial to understand that this option should only be chosen for people who live well within the means and do not overspend. If the individual does not believe in investments, then the right option to select is getting 50,000$ paid over 30 years. This will net to 1,117,000$ at the end of 30 years when taxed at 22% as compared to 1,000,000$ taxed at one time 37% results into net payout of 630,000$. The ability to leverage the money into scaling or developing small businesses or even investments into rental properties would help exponentially multiply the gains. The basic 6% fixed deposit interest rate with bank security from a major state or national bank from India would help earn 1.13M$ over 30 years, plus the 630,000$ capital, resulting in total payout of at least 1.7M$ after 30 years. Please note that if the investment is compounded every few years, the same way a loan is refinanced to save on interest rates, then the interest gain will be compounded and will result in a much higher pay out.If we were to discuss, how the lump sum is calculated, the actual pay out for lump sum amount will be at 37% for 1Mn$ and 22% for the 50,000$. It varies a bit depending on many scenarios including income brackets, marital status, etc. A CPA should be able to get the most correct figure for these calculations for an individual. The regular 50,000$ payout should be the best option if the individual is particularly happy with the payout of 50,000 every year and does not prefer taking risks. Please not calculated or not, investment can always be a risk. Thus, in my opinion collecting the 1Mn$ payout is profitable over time for me than opting for the 30 years 50,0000$ fixed income.References:… Discussion 2: This article is to discuss various scenarios and my opinions in case if I get to win a lottery of $1,000,000, and I get to decide between receiving $50,000 every year for a span of 30 years or taking a lump sum payout immediately. We can initially weigh the priorities in life and the need for money before taking the decisions. If we get to take all the money at one in lump sum payments, we get to have huge debts clear off and relieve the pressure. We can later pass on what has left for further investments and other basic needs. We can also proceed to invest the money to make passive investments. But this might not be efficient in the long run. In case, if we decide to get paid annually for the next 30 years, we will be having an income for the major remaining part of life. This can be efficient if we have dependents or other things to take care of. Additionally, this will in turn bring very less financial flexibility meaning there is no major sense in winning a lottery. We might not meet few emergency requirements even after winning a lottery. Also, due to depreciation in the market, the value of money may go down at the end of the span, meaning the value of $50,000 what it is today might not be what is will be 30 years down the line. By reconciling all these values, and the needs that I need to satisfy, I believe taking lumpsum and converting into intelligent investments should bring financial freedom and other powers to life.Reference:…

solved Please respond to my classmates in 175-200 words using your

Please respond to my classmates in 175-200 words using your own opinion no references needed. There are two replies in total. The question is: What is the importance of maintaining an emergency response plan? What complications could arise due to not maintaining an emergency response plan? What role does risk assessment play in emergency planning? The first reply is as followed:What is the importance of maintaining an emergency response plan?It’s important to maintain a emergency response plan so organizations can be ready for any emergency or incidents that may occur at any given moment. Emergency response plans help reduce loss and increase safety for all associated.What complications could arise due to not maintaining an emergency response plan?If a plan is not maintained then organizations could experience loss, damages, or harm of their structure or their employees. They could also find themselves causing more harm as they would not know what to do in the case of these emergencies. It would also be likely that their resources wouldn’t be sufficient or available in the case of an emergency if no plan existed as they would likely not be aware of their inventory or tools.What role does risk assessment play in emergency planning? Risk assessments role in emergency planning is that the an organization assess their possibilities and likely hood for any risks they could face. Based on the risk assessment the organization can prioritize these risk to determine a action plan, also known as the emergency plan to help migrate their loss. The second reply is as followed:Emergency response plans are crucial because it takes away the time to think about something and immediately forces action. What I mean by that is when there is a known plan in place that has been rehearsed, the times it takes to start making decisions are brought down to near muscle memory. Processes are in place because, generally, they are the most effective in a situation. When these processes are not in place, plans have to be made “on the fly” and with little or constantly changing information. Solid risk assessment lays the groundwork for creating effective emergency plans. Risks are generally mediated with daily prevention, but when something goes wrong, knowledge of those risks and their preventative measures enables quick-precise reactions. In professions where there is an innumerable list of things that can happen, a general outline of what to do when things go wrong is extremely important. My department employs a list of tasks that should be done when there is a critical incident. These tasks are: establish communications and control, identify the “hot zone”, establish the inner perimeter, establish the outer perimeter, establish a command post, establish a staging area, and identify/request resources. I keep these on a little card that is placed in my light so I will always have it to refer to in case I am in a situation that is mentally taxing enough that I need a physical reminder of what to do. These tasks can be employed in any situation. Say there is a crash with commercial motor vehicles containing hazardous materials on the highway. Upon dispatch to the call, I would begin to think about what I need. I would already be starting my emergency response officer duties for the hazardous material before even arriving. I would get solid communication with individuals who would have better knowledge of the materials via telephone and constantly update dispatch on the radio. I would tell them that the “hot zone” is the area where the hazardous material is and designate an inner perimeter for first responders. I would then designate an outer perimeter where everyone else is kept. The command post would then be placed in an advantageous position where situation monitoring would be available for multiple agencies. Along with the command post designation, the staging area for first responders would be in a position where they can move easily to and from the scene. The identification and request of resources would be the point that is always changing throughout the situation. As new information is given, the need for people and resources may be constantly changing.

solved ASSIGNMENT 3: Your assignment this week includes the following: Be

ASSIGNMENT 3: Your assignment this week includes the following: Be sure to do both 1 and 2. Read the entire assignment carefully to be sure you complete all the requested components. Number and LABEL your responses (1a, 1b, 1c, 2a etc) to keep track of answering all elements of the questions).Please use specific examples, using characters’ names and enough detail to let me know you have watched a specific episode of a show to answer the questions. So, for this assignment, you’ll watch a total of three TV shows in order to complete all the questions.1. Watch both a situation comedy (1/2 hour) and a drama (1 hour). Please choose from the show suggestions I give on the syllabus, and choose different shows than you’ve already used for previous assignments. The green (high scores) on Metacritic are a useful list: (Links to an external site.) Be sure to tell me the names of the shows (and episodes, if possible). But first, please the following articles (you can refer to the articles in your response, and main insights from the articles may show up in an exam):Read these short NewYorker articles on the best new TV shows: Emily Nussbaum- The Best TV Shows of 2017 | The New Yorker.pdfActionsundefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedthis article on the TV comedy Unbreakableundefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedrecent TV comediesundefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedThe Americans:undefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedBetter Call Saul undefined Breaking Badundefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedbest TV shows since 2000undefined (Links to an external site.)undefined (Links to an external site.)undefinedThe Sopranosundefined (Links to an external site.)Finally, read this article on the Netflix show Russian Doll: (Links to an external site.) pdf: The Clever Thrill Ride of “Russian Doll” | The New Yorker.pdfActionsundefinedVeepundefined (Links to an external site.)undefineda. From each program (both the comedy and drama you’ve watched), decide whether it deals more with social, political, religious ideas, or none of the three. Only choose one idea/issue per show. Relate to me why you feel this way and give specific examples from the episodes you watch to support your choice.b. Choose a character from each of the 2 shows you watched that exemplifies your answer from (a) and talk about what he or she is trying to accomplish (his/her objective) throughout the show. Relate a specific incident that relates the objective to your previous answer.c. Talk about the obstacles that made it difficult for your character to meet his/her objective or goal.2. Now, choose an episode of a different show from the previous two you watched. You must be able to watch it at least two times before writing about it. Discuss one of the characters who you think has difficulty fitting in with society. Analyze the following social aspects of this character.a) Name one thing the character does in this episode that causes him/her some type of social difficulty, whether it is a problem that involves one other person or society in general.b) In your opinion, does the show itself seem to defend the character’s attitude toward this social difficulty or does it use the character to teach us that the social difficulty portrayed is harmful or undesirable? Use specific examples.

solved Aims: This essay requires you to evaluate sociological theories and

Aims: This essay requires you to evaluate sociological theories and concepts you have learned in this course and apply them to a real-life case of deviance.
You may find a story from a news magazine or a biography book, such as a story on a notorious person like Scott Peterson, Kristin Rossum, Mary Kay Letourneau, Aaron Hernandez, Bernard Madoff, Jeffery Dahmer, etc. You may also use a movie that is based on a true story, such as Goodfellas; The Basketball Diaries; American Me, etc.
Write a coherent essay using the theoretical tool you acquire from Modules 1 & 2. Your discussion must address five sections shown in bold and underlined texts below. Include these subheadings in your essay.
Summarize the story you have chosen. Discuss how the person(s) are deviant using normative definition. Illustrate norms, means of social control, deviant roles and role-related concepts, and management techniques as demonstrated by your story.
Pick 2 out of the four categories of sociological theories: 1) Anomie/General Strain, 2) Social Bonds/Self-Control, 3) Differential Association/Social Learning, and 4) Labeling. Describe the theories in full detail. Paraphrase rather than use extensive quotes. Discuss the origin of the theories, major concepts, and theoretical propositions/arguments.
Discuss how each theory explains AND fails to explain the story (relating to the story). Compare and contrast the 2 theories. Address how the theories complement each other. Use details of your story in supporting your claims.
Start the paper with a brief Introduction section, where you discuss the aim of your paper and the relevance of the topics to social policy/program. End with a Conclusion section, where you summarize what you have done, address the limitations of your analysis/paper, and future work.
Your paper must be between 6 – 10 pages, not counting the title-page and bibliography. Please include a title page with a paper title, your name, course name and semester, and a separate page for bibliography. Cite 2 – 3 related works such as academic books or journal articles on the theories besides lecture notes and textbook. Paper must be paginated, double-spaced with 12-font size and 1″ margin on each side. Papers are evaluated based on your understanding of the concepts/theories as well as the ability to connect the real-life case with the conceptual work. Clarity of ideas, insights, coherence of writing, and paper formatting all contribute to the evaluation.
When quoting the exact words, use quotation marks and author’s last name, year of publication, and the page number of the source. See below:
As Kotlowitz (1991, p. 13) reported, “There was little sense of community at Horner.”
When paraphrasing, omit the quotation marks and reference it with a bracket.
Family disruption may contribute to criminal involvement by reducing informal social control (Sampson and Groves 1989).
3. List references alphabetically in a separate page titled “References.”

a) Referencing a book:

Author’s Last name, First name. Year. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publishing Company.
Kotlowitz, Alex. 1991. There Are No Children Here: The Story of Two Boys Growing Up In The Other America. New York: Anchor Books.

b) Referencing an article (with more than one author):

Author #1’s Last name, First name and Author #2’s First name Last Name. Year. “Article Title.” Journal Title volume #: page #.
Hirschi, Travis and Michael Gottfredson. 1983. “Age and the explanation of crime.” American Journal of Sociology 89: 552-584.
c) Referencing an Internet source:
Author’s Last name, First name. Year. “Article Title” Journal Name. Vol.#. Retrieved Date from http://address/filename (Links to an external site.).
Currie, Elliott. 1999. “Reflections on crime.” Western Criminology Review 2. Retrieved Aug. 2, 2015 from (Links to an external site.).
d) Referencing class notes:
Professor’s last name, first name, semester, and course title.
Liu, Ruth. Fall 2021. Sociology of Deviance Online Course Lectures. SDSU

solved The Fairness Doctrine was a policy that held that broadcast

The Fairness Doctrine was a policy that held that broadcast media such as news had an obligation to offer equal airtime for all sides of a particular issue. It was determined in 1987 that the Fairness Doctrine did not have to be enforced by the FCC since it was not specifically mandated by Congress. Since that time, a great deal of news coverage has become much more partisan, even with the pretense of offering opinions on multiple sides.
Initial Post:

Do you think the Fairness Doctrine should be re-established? Why or why not?
The Fairness Doctrine has never applied to print media like newspapers. Should it be applied to media other than broadcasting?
Are there limits to the Fairness Doctrine? (For example, does a show about outer space need to provide equal time for flat Earth information?)

Reply Posts:
Select two of your peers’ posts and address the following:

Do you agree with the posters’ main points? Why or why not? Have they overlooked some important aspects of how the Fairness Doctrine could be used?
Apply the posters’ response to the original discussion questions to a hypothetical situation of providing equal time for opposing viewpoints. Are there potential problems that have not been addressed? Would their suggestions create more potential for misinformation to be spread? Why or why not?

Fairness Doctrine is a former federal policy in the US requiring television and radio to broadcasters to present contrasting viewpoints on controversial issues of public importance.
I think it should come back only if the radio and television broadcasters are going to be real and honest about controversial issues. Per the definition of fairness doctrine they were to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was honest. I feel we only get one side of the story when it comes to controversial issues. I wish the news would just be honest and tell it how it should be.
I think the fairness doctrine could be applied to media but really who reads the newspaper as much as watching looking at things on television. The broadcasting is the best route to go for the fairness doctrine.
I think there should be limits to the Fairness Doctrine, such as news. There is certain graphic pictures and video that don’t need to be shown all the time. When you’re at home watching the news you may have children who walk past the TV and see that stuff and could be freaked out by what they saw. I also feel there should always e equal airtime for each category they talk about.
peer post number 1

This discussion post couldn’t have come at a better time. The last 17 months have brought a great example of the importance of bringing back the Fairness Doctrine. All sides of an issue need to be equally expressed. Look at the pandemic, the election, and government corruption everything is one-sided, and any view outside of what is broadcasted is deemed invalid. We live in an ever-changing society that acts upon what is disclosed, whether it’s considered valid or not. The Fairness Doctrine must be re-established, which will dilute the controversial, one-sided media content.
The Fairness Doctrine should be applied not only to television but to newspapers and multi-media offerings. Due to the decline of individuals utilizing newspapers in today’s age, the Doctrine should be applied to all social media segments.
Not everything needs to have the Fairness Doctrine applied, as called out in the third question of this discussion. However, things have gone way too far, and the Doctrine’s use can hopefully bring significant reform to what and how things are expressed to society as a whole. Not all media and social media coverage, such as the ridiculous callout on earth being flat, requires multi-sided coverage in scenarios like this; many know the truth. Although if there is a documentary on this topic, it may be significant for the same to be published on why the earth is round, it could bring great aid to those in society that had the misfortune to be misinformed.
Thank you for your time, and if you feel that the earth is flat, could you explain why? I didn’t mean to offend anyone. This could offer great debate to this class.
peer post number 2


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS: Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit. Research topic from week 2: Problem Relating to Racial Health Disparities Research topic from week 2: James, C. V., Moonesinghe, R., Wilson-Frederick, S. M., Hall, J. E., Penman-Aguilar, A., & Bouye, K. (2017). Racial/ethnic health disparities among rural adults—the United States, 2012–2015. MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 66(23), 1.… Kim, E. J., Kim, T., Conigliaro, J., Liebschutz, J. M., Paasche-Orlow, M. K., & Hanchate, A. D. (2018). Racial and ethnic disparities in the diagnosis of chronic medical conditions in the USA. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 33(7), 1116-1123.… Lu, Y., Chen, L., Liu, X., Yang, Y., Sullivan, W. C., Xu, W., & Jiang, B. (2021). Green spaces mitigate racial disparity of health: A higher ratio of green spaces indicates a lower racial disparity in SARS-CoV-2 infection rates in the USA. Environment international, 152, 106465.… The purpose of a literature review is to help you gain an understanding of the existing research on your topic. Utilize at least three articles you found in your search and describe the evidence behind the rationale for your problem. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPHS AND MAKE IT COHESIVE AND TRY TO INCORPORATE THE READINGS BELOW PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.… Evidence-Based Public Health Practice. Read Chapter 3 in Evidence-Based Public Health Practice. Pediatric Obesity in Primary Practice: A Review of the Literature. Read “Pediatric Obesity in Primary Practice: A Review of the Literature,” by Durbin, Baguioro, and Jones, from Pediatric Nursing (2018). Jacobsen, K. H. (2017). Introduction to health research methods: A practical guide (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN-13: 9781284094381- Custom (Available as a custom eBook – includes only Chapters 26 and 27) Fink, A. (2013). Evidence-based public health practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN-13: 9781412997447 MUST have at least three citations with the page numbers and three references in APA format and all questions clearly answered in paragraphs.(The List of References should not be older than 2017 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class I am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them. To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors. REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED. References American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author