solved Fundamentals of Test Construction; Psychometrics, Part I Test Construction: Format

Fundamentals of Test Construction; Psychometrics, Part I
Test Construction: Format Considerations
The lecture segment you just watched reviewed advantages and disadvantages of structured responses. Now consider constructed responses (e.g., essay-type questions, open-ended questions).  
What are two advantages of a constructed response?
What are two disadvantages of a constructed response?
If you were taking a test, what type of response—structured or constructed—would you prefer to complete, and why?
Test Construction: Item Wording

It is certainly not the case that I have never been bothered by feelings of anxiety upon entering a room full of strangers.
Why is this a poorly written item?

Try rewriting the item here to make it clearer.
Types of Variables; Scales of Measurement
Assignment of numbers to members on a baseball team
Intelligence test scores (e.g., WAIS-IV scores)
Place standings in a race
Minutes to complete a task

Chose from this options:


So we’re now going to talk about how tests are constructed, how they’re made. And the first element that we’re going to discuss are formatting considerations when creating a test.
So when we’re deciding how we’re going to format a test, it’s necessary for us to think about, what is the ultimate purpose of this test. What are we trying to get at by using the test. And how are we going to interpret individual scores. So an example might help to illustrate this point.
Dorfman and Hersen give an example of a test that’s designed to identify individuals who are in need of some kind of remedial intervention in a particular academic subject. Let’s just say that it’s math. And so we’re trying to identify individuals who are struggling in math.
On a test like this, having really difficult items– what we would call a high ceiling for the test– really isn’t as critical as having enough items on the lower end of the test– easier items– that can differentiate among different test-takers. Because, remember, the purpose of our measure is to identify individuals who are struggling in math. So this is an example of why we need to consider the purpose of the test in determining how we’re going to construct the test.
Now, one broad distinction that we can make when formatting a test is between multiple choice or other highly structured responses or items and what are known as constructed response items. So this is where the respondent literally constructs an answer, like might write an essay, or answer an open-ended prompt with a few sentences. These are different kinds of test items, and there are benefits and disadvantages of each type.
So if you think for a moment about a highly structured response, like a multiple choice response, one benefit of this kind of response is that it’s relatively easy to develop multiple choice type test items. And we can make tests fairly long by including these kinds of items in our measure.
A disadvantage is that we don’t get as much information from our respondent through a multiple choice item. We might sacrifice some unique information or rich information when we use that kind of format.
In contrast, a constructed response item allows an individual respondent to elaborate on their feelings or views on a particular item. It potentially gives us a lot of rich information.
A drawback is that these are difficult kinds of answers to evaluate. We have to come up with some kind of a scoring system or a rubric and train raters to be able to evaluate those answers, which is time-consuming and sometimes difficult.
Also, think through how difficult it would be to make a long test that’s composed of constructed response items. In other words, it might be fairly easy to make a 50-item multiple choice test, but think if you had a 50-item essay test. That would probably be too long for any respondents to be willing to complete.
So, again, there are benefits and drawbacks of each type of a response. And you can certainly combine these responses. You can have a test that includes both.

solved Answer these three questions, it should be one paragraph per

Answer these three questions, it should be one paragraph per question, so in total is 3 paragraphs 500 words:I conclude that the purpose of formal education is to help individuals live free and independent lives so they can do what they want, when they want, how they want and wake up and work when they want as Mark Cuban and Layan Bubbly would say. 1. What type of education helps individuals achieve such freedom? 2. Do you agree with my conclusion or is the purpose of education and learning something else? 3. Also we live in the information age with waves of information washing over us and constantly shifting. How do you know if what you read, hear, watch or see is reliable? Please answer these questions and explain your answers. Also quote from the YouTube videos.—(format) a 500-word composition. Use Courier New, 12-point font and double space and MLA style. —(content) Your composition needs an answer and specific details for each question in the topic. Within your 500-word limit you must cite from the material you’ve read and/or watched to support your ideas. As Abraham Lincoln wrote, “It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion.” Use two-three quotes from the sources in your composition to “fit” your interpretation of the material.—(focus) Stay focused on the topic. Everything you write should have a connection to the topic and your ideas. —(clarity) When you proofread check for common errors like fragments, run-on’s, commonly confused words, tense shift, subject-verb disagreement, spelling, etc. Try to adhere to the KISS Principle. This means keep your sentences short and simple and divide your composition into short easy to read paragraphs.Here are some things to think about as you work on the topic.The only sources you should use are the three videos because I’m asking you to reflect on information in them.Please keep your response simple. Don’t do more than what I ask in the topic. I’m a simple man. Please keep your writing simple so I can understand.In the topic I’m asking three questions so divide your exercise into three parts and answer one question per part.Do you agree with my conclusion as to the purpose of education ; if yes or no why?How can formal (college/university) education help us live free? Please note that I’m not asking about the current state of higher education nor what its purpose is. I’m asking what should it be. What do individuals need to know to live free? You could give an individual several million dollars and within a year he’s spent all of it and is now in more debt and less free than before he got the millions? What does Cuban know?What has he learned that he can live as he describes? I ask you the same thing about Bubbly’s friend.I’m also asking about the nature of information. How can we evaluate the value of information especially how can we trust that it’s the truthDon’t forget to quote from the videos.If you keep your writing simple you will have fun with it. Most important is to practice writing in response to information. Also try to get to the 500-word requirement. This way you force yourself to go into detail with your answers. If you work from a word document you’ll get the word count at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.On YouTube please watch Shift Happens ,The Luxuries of Life-What the 1% of Elite have over youand Mark Cuban on the FIRE Movement: Financial Independence, Retire EarlyAlso read about intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyright and plagiarism at…and Here you’ll get a thorough review of these concepts. Also visit for more information.This is important information to have and know for submitting work Also read article regards the use of writing as a learning tool since writing is a form of teaching/explaining and teaching is the best way to learn anything.

solved Essay #3 Assignment Overview: Lesson and DiscussionNo unread replies.No replies.Read

Essay #3 Assignment Overview: Lesson and DiscussionNo unread replies.No replies.Read the following information and post a response in the discussion board by hitting reply below. Your response can be a question, a summary of the assignment in your own words or something you noticed/thought.Writing Task: Take a position (for or against) on one of the two topics provided and write an argumentative essay that uses outside research to persuade your audience to understand the issue and your position on it. Instructions: Final draft must be at least 1000-1,500 words (not including the Works Cited page).Essay needs to be written in the 3rd person point of view. You will choose ONE of the two topics provided. Each topic will have five (5) potential sources for you to use. Your final draft must use a minimum of three (3) different resources from the five (5) provided. Drafts must specifically follow MLA guidelines to format the required in-text citations and Works Cited page. All drafts must specifically follow the “Essay Formatting Guidelines” page posted in the Resources module.Final draft must be uploaded and submitted as a .docx or .pdf file format.Topic Selection and Sources: Choose ONE of the following topics. All sources needed have been provided. You must select and cite AT LEAST three (3) sources in your essay. Topic:Should college be free?Topic: Should private citizens be allowed to have exotic animals as pets?Library DatabaseSource: “The Sweet Spot on Free College: Why 14 is the New 12.” downloadSource: “ExNOTic: Should We Be Keeping Exotic Pets?” downloadLibrary DatabaseSource: “Presidential Hopefuls Are Pushing Free College Back Into the Spotlight. But What Does ‘Free’ Mean, Anyway?” downloadSource: “Human Attacks by Large Feline Carnivores in Captivity and in the Wild.” downloadLibrary DatabaseSource: “Unlocking Access: Free Tuition Programs Are Opening Doors for Some Students–but Are They Making the Grade?” downloadSource: “Exotic Animals: Appropriately Owned Pets or Inappropriately Kept Problems?” downloadInternet (Video)Source: “Should College Be Free? (Links to an external site.)” Source: Exotic pets: A Growing American Fad (Links to an external site.)Internet (General)Source: “Free College for All is a Popular Rallying Cry, But is it Realistic?” downloadSource: “Wild Obsession” downloadHere are the Works Cited pages for each topic:Free Tuition Works Cited PageExotic Pets Works Cited PageYou can copy and paste without formatting the work cited page for your topic as the last page of your essay.Then you just need to delete any sources you have not cited in your paper. Essay Organization:Introduction (1 Paragraph)-Has an attention grabber/hook-Briefly describes the topic/problem.-Makes clear how the problem concerns the audience.-Emphasizes why the time to address the problem is now.-States an explicit claim in a thesis statement (Typically the LAST sentence of introduction).Body (Links to an external site.) (4-7 Paragraphs)-Outline the major reasons supporting the position (Topic Sentences).-Connect the reasons to the thesis statement via transition words and topic sentences.-Present illustrations, evidence, and examples in the form of summary and paraphrase with few quotes from provided sources.-Evidence is comprised of facts and figures, direct quotations, brief narratives, statistics, testimony and so on from the sources provided.-Includes a counter argument paragraph that acknowledges, rebuts, or refutes opposing viewpoints.-In other words, establish logos by supplying a well-reasoned, well-supported, well-organized argument via strong body paragraphs.Conclusion (1 Paragraph)-Reinforce for your audience the benefits of responding to your argument in the intended way.-Illustrate the negative situation that will result if your argument is ignored.-Work to connect the your claim with the interests and values of your audience.-Create a call to action by answering the question, “So what?” What should your audience care about your argument?

solved Write a 1-2 page paper in which you write a

Write a 1-2 page paper in which you write a PICOT question and develop a search strategy based on the question.IntroductionYou will formulate and write a clinical, administrative practice, public health policy, or program question that relates to your professional interests, and track and develop a search strategy based on that question. This assessment sets the stage for much of the writing you will complete in the course. Complete this assessment before beginning Assessment 4.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Compose well-developed paragraphs that address the assessment purpose.Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.Competency 3: Create a literature review that supports a possible intervention or process change.Implement a search strategy for literature based on your PICOT question.Competency 4: Obtain preceptor and practicum approval.Propose a PICOT question that has an appropriate scope for a DNP project.PreparationIn your previous coursework, you crafted a PICOT question based upon a proposed capstone topic. For some learners, your PICOT question may have changed. For this assessment, use the original or revised question, as appropriate.Use the PICOT Question and Search Strategy Template [DOCX] to develop a search strategy.InstructionsNote: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.Formulate and write a clinical problem question that relates to your professional interests and could be used for a DNP doctoral project. Ideally, this question relates to an identified problem at your doctoral practice site.The work you do in this assessment will assist you in crafting Part 2 of your Project Charter in NURS-FPX9100. Your PICOT question will help you to identify evidence-based strategies that you will use in your doctoral project. Use this format for developing a PICOT question:In ____________(P), how does __________(I) compared to desired state __________(C) affect the outcome __________(O) within __________(T).Here is an example of a PICOT question: For medical units experiencing a high number of “failure to rescue” (P), will the development of a rapid response team (RRT) (I) compared to the current emergency alert system (code blue) (C) decrease the number of “failure to rescue” and ICU admissions (O) and unplanned admissions to the ICU (O) over a 12-week period (T)?Describe your search strategy and the results of your search in relation to the PICOT question. Think about these questions as you describe your search: Which electronic databases did you use?What were the key search terms used?What type of literature was excluded?How many articles or sources did your search yield?How did you decide which sources to retain?This assessment will be graded according to the following scoring guide criteria.Propose a PICOT question that has an appropriate scope for a DNP project.A DNP project of appropriate scope:Can be completed in 8 to 12 weeks.Is a quality improvement project or a process improvement project (i.e., is not “research”).Addresses a gap in practice, using an evidence-based intervention.Implement a search for literature to support your argument.Design a search strategy to support a problem question.Compose well-developed paragraphs that address the assessment purpose.Additional RequirementsWriting: Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.Page Length: 2–3 pages.

solved Business PlanOverviewAt this point in the course, you have completed

Business PlanOverviewAt this point in the course, you have completed all the necessary sections of your business plan. Your task in this assignment is to create the final version of your plan. You will include all the previous assignments you have been working on and attach the financials. The key to this assignment is to use the feedback you have received throughout the course to polish your plan to the point that you could confidently show it to investors and potential partners or customers. One new piece you will be including is a 1–2 page executive summary. This assignment consists of two parts:Your final business plan (an MS Word document).Your final business plan financials (using the Business Plan Financials Excel Template).Part 1: Business PlanNotesThe executive summary is a critical aspect of this assignment. Your ability to condense and highlight critical information about your chosen company to investors will determine whether they decide to invest in you and your company or not. Chapter 4, “The Executive Summary,” pages 53–66, provides information about writing the executive summary. You may write either a synopsis or a narrative summary. Pay particular attention to the:Executive Summary Plan Preparation Forms on pages 58–61.Sample Plans on pages 62–66. InstructionsIn MS Word, construct a 10–20 page business plan in which you:Write a 1–2 page executive summary highlighting key aspects of each section of the business plan. Incorporate feedback to produce a comprehensive business plan for the product or business. Specifically, you will be combining all of the previous assignments and revising them to build your business plan:Week 3 Assignment: Company Overview and SWOT Matrix.Be sure to include all the headings from the assignment.Week 5 Assignment: Marketing Plan and Budget.Be sure to include all the headings from the assignment; the budget part of this assignment will be addressed in Section 2.Week 8 Assignment: Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials).Be sure to include all the headings from this assignment; the financials part of this assignment will be addressed in Part 2.The written section of the financials from the Week 8 discussion thread.Be sure to include any financial information that will help to convince the investors.FormattingFormat your assignment according to these requirements: For assistance and information, please refer to the Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.You must include headings in your paper for each major topic.Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.Include a source list page. All sources used must be listed in the source list page and have a corresponding in-text citation. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length. There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in this assignmentPart 2: Business Plan FinancialsUsing the Business Plan Financials Excel Template, incorporate feedback from previous submissions to produce a comprehensive set of business plan financials the business’s first two years.Be sure to refer to the appropriate guidelines for valuable information about how to complete the business plan financials section of your assignment:Specifically, you will want review and make sure you’ve thoroughly incorporated feedback you received from:Weeks 7 and 8 discussion threads.Part 2 of the Operations, Technology, Management and Organization, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials). Learning OutcomesThe specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:Construct a business plan with an executive summary that justifies a clear concept, a management structure, a market need, competitive advantages, and financial projections.

solved I’m working on a communications discussion question and need support

I’m working on a communications discussion question and need support to help me learn.

————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Shungu et al. performed a review of Youtube videos that discuss prostate cancer screening in Black men (Shungu et al. 2021). This was performed due to the concern regarding misinformation available online and on social media, particularly pertaining to Black men. To do this, four viewers watch the top 50 Youtube videos by searching “Prostate Cancer Screening in Black Men”. Each author reviewed the video according to a validated quality criteria for consumer health (DISCERN) and the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT). The authors demonstrated that only 16% of videos met the DISCERN quality threshold and 28% for the PEMAT threshold. Specifically, less than half discussed racial disparities for prostate cancer, particularly for Black men. The authors concluded that the overall quality of videos was poor, including those with Black presenters. Another study that reviewed 150 videos of prostate cancer using the same quality metrics also demonstrated misinformation in over 77% (Loeb et a. 2019).As Youtube is the most common social media used by Black men, the poor quality of available videos is concerning. Physicians should be aware of the lack of information about prostate cancer available online. As few of the videos describe prostate cancer screening for Black men, there is room for improvement. More updated and focused videos on Youtube describing the racial disparities are warranted to increase awareness of prostate cancer risks. This is particularly relevant as Black men are at higher risk of prostate cancer, worse stage at presentation, and poor outcomes including cancer specific survival (Chowdhury-Paulino et al. 2021).—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–This study used a community-engaged research approach to create and test a risk communication strategy to prevent teen vaping. A 36-member Teen Advisory Council and a 19-member Expert Panel assisted the study team. The team collaborated on the campaign created using a survey (N = 674) and focus group (N = 82) techniques and hiring a marketing firm to help with the campaign development. Teens received three messages from the campaign: what’s in the vapor, health dangers, and ties to big tobacco.  The campaign included posting ad videos on YouTube ( and creating a micro-site ( the VAPE and its risks. Also, they created social media accounts (@rethinkvape). Following the review, the team executed a 6-week online media campaign targeting teens, resulting in 3,838,465 impressions, 770,443 completed video views, and 18,316 clicks across the mobile app, Snapchat, YouTube, and Spotify platforms. The majority of placements outperformed industry expectations, with mobile pre-roll and Snapchat topping the list. The sample was an online convenience sample from a  regional area; thus, the results may not be generalizable. To safeguard the teenagers’ privacy and waive written parental permission, the IRB required online anonymity; it is thus conceivable that some of the samples were not the age indicated.
This campaign focused on adolescents and vaping, which is related to the health behavior and target subpopulation that my health campaign will be on. This campaign also focused specifically on the needs of adolescents and their beliefs that e-cigarettes or vape are less dangerous than smoking cigarettes, an idea that is very wrong and widespread among teenagers. Also, this is an essential point that my health campaign will focus on. In addition, because the campaign needs to be promoted and some companies need expensive amounts, it’s possible to promote my campaign in a less costly or inexpensive way.

solved Use 6 references that are Scholarly journal articlesThe librarian will

Use 6 references that are Scholarly journal articlesThe librarian will help you.Avoid websites because they are not scholarly or applicable for a good research paper.Please use headings in papers and on discussion posts.A heading helps the professor or reader see that you answered the question. It is follows APA and provides for much better writing skills, organization and development. Term Paper info Term Paper outline Final Paper(5 pages) Can be over the limit Topics (from the text book, any topic you want Make sure to use APA reference page, formatting and in text citing for all papers Use 4 references that are Scholarly journal articles The librarian will help you. Avoid websites because they are not scholarly or applicable for a good research paper. Qualitative or quantitative paper/research required (Use statistics and numbers or facts and figures in your paper) Apply Statistics, numbers, research Primary Sources explained APA Formatting(Do not use the word “I”, do not use opinions in papers do not use “we” or pronouns) APA Sample PaperWrite a 5 page paper (8 in total-cover page and reference page), you can go overRULES: The paper MUST follow APA format or it is unacceptable. (See APA chart I posted or email me for the APA style chart) You can also type in APA formatting on any www/ engine) You must do research use journals, articles and these may help: Use for help or any search engine will find articles and journals in the field there are many other places in the library to find articles and journals as well as searching on the Internet.\ You must use JOURNALS to cite from and utilize in your paper.  You must form a research paper and do not use opinions. Apply the research and how you can improve the current state of affairs.  Define or look up these types of research so you can understand the procedure for the papero QUALITATIVE PAPER: Qualitative research is one of the two major approaches to research methodology in social sciences. Qualitative research involves an in depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern human behavior. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research relies on reasons behind various aspects of behavior. Simply put, it investigates the why and how of decision making, as compared to what, where, and when of quantitative research. Hence, the need is for smaller but focused samples rather than large random samples. From which, qualitative research categorizes data into patterns as the primary basis for organizing and reporting results. o QUANTITATIVE PAPER: Quantitative research is the systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. Quantitative research is widely used in both the natural and social sciences, from physics and biology to sociology and journalism. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. The term quantitative research is most often used in the social sciences in contrast to qualitative research. Research may be re-used and expanded on in the future to for further progression in the field. The goal of the project is to apply the knowledge. Research objectives and hypotheses will be formed, primary data and secondary data will be collected and applied. Use statistical data if it applies to come to solid conclusion.

solved Part 1: AssignmentExercise A: POV SwitchChoose a paragraph from your

Part 1: AssignmentExercise A: POV SwitchChoose a paragraph from your first draft and experiment with a different POV. If your story is written in first-person or third-person, limited POV, rewrite the paragraph from a more objective POV. If the story is written from an objective POV, choose the character you care about most and rewrite it from his or her perspective (first-person or close third-person POV). Alternatively, give second-person POV a try.Remember that switching the point of view is not just an exercise in pronoun replacement; don’t simply change your “I” to a “he” and think the POV has changed! A new POV changes the entire perspective of the story, so different details will surface in the story from this new perspective. Even if you wind up sticking with the original POV, you will gain new insight and a new angle into the lives of your characters. As writers, it is impossible for us to know too much about our characters.Please include both the original and the new paragraph in the posting window.Exercise B: Audio/Visual ReadingFor this exercise, you will submit an audio or video recording of yourself reading a scene from your story. Your reading performance should be two to three minutes in length.Choose a scene that you are proud of, and practice your reading several times prior to posting it. Use this opportunity to appreciate your writing efforts thus far, to ponder the overall themes that compelled you to write this piece, and to consider the most appropriate POV.Record your work in the Discussion topic for this Assignment using the audio/video recorder. When you are ready to record your reading, press the Record button under the posting window. If you have technical problems, please contact the Help Desk.Part 2: Peer ResponseNote: Please respond in the order in which work is posted (i.e., respond to the earliest posted piece that has yet to receive a response from someone else).Exercise A: Respond to a peer’s work by writing their original paragraph from a different POV (choose a different POV from the original and re-write).Exercise B: Respond to a peer’s work by recording yourself reading a different scene from their story. (Find their first draft in the Module 5 submission topic.)”This week, we’re going to do a different exercise from the two listed above. Let’s call it Exercise C: Antagonist’s POV. For this exercise, I’d like you to rewrite a scene (approximately 250 words) of your first story draft from the perspective of your story’s antagonist.You’ll remember from the module lecture that the story’s antagonist is “a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a literary work.” If you aren’t sure which character is your antagonist, guess. Writing exercises are just practice, after all. (If you definitely don’t have an antagonist in your story, then rewrite your story from any other character’s POV.)You can choose if you’d like the POV for this exercise to be first person, with your antagonist narrating the story, or third person limited, following the antagonist through the story, privy to their thoughts, observations, and feelings. You can even attempt it from second person POV, or an omniscient POV. Experiment!Please post and label both a selection from your original story and your “Antagonist’s POV” exercise so that we can see the difference. Paste your exercise directly into the discussion; no attachments.The main thing to remember is that switching the point of view is not just an exercise in pronoun replacement; don’t simply change your “I” to a “they” and think the POV has changed! A new POV changes the entire perspective of the story, so different details will surface in the story from this new perspective. Even if you wind up sticking with the original POV, you will gain new insight and a new angle into the lives of your characters. As writers, it is impossible for us to know too much about our characters.Peer response: Follow the peer response instructions for Exercise A.”

solved Here are four essay prompts (A-D). You must choose one

Here are four essay prompts (A-D). You must choose one to write for a letter grade. All term papers must be 12-1500 words (4 pages, approx.), typed, double-spaced, 1” margins, 10/12-point type. Put proper identifying information (name, class, date) in the header, and choose a good title that conveys your topic. Due Friday.
B: Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones): Dutchman (1966 film version directed by Anthony Harvey) 
You have two ways to consider this important early piece of “racial justice” theater. In both cases, however, start by writing a clear, concise paragraph summarizing the plot. Then:
EITHER: What do you think Baraka is saying about race relations in America?  Admittedly, the play is 50 years old, but it’s still powerful and every bit as timely, given the increased calls for racial justice that have resulted from the events of this past year. Discuss at least three points you think the play raises and comment on how they might still be relevant today (or not). Watch this interview clip to get a better sense of what the author was trying to do, and make sure to refer to at least one comment of his in your paper. (Links to an external site.)
OR: Alternatively, pick two scenes for each main character, where Clay and Lula make a particularly important speech. It may be her opening monologue or his closing one – it’s up to you. But you must interpret their words to explain their positions on race, class, and /or gender – all of which are issues that the characters raise. Remember, that means you need to discuss four separate scenes, focusing on the dialogue. 
You can review the play here (in 6 segments/scenes): (Links to an external site.) Also, find cast and other practical details here: (Links to an external site.)
C: Crossroads reflection:  This wonderful adaptation of the Robert Johnson legend uses it to underpin a modern relationship drama that then takes a supernatural twist. Eugene (Ralph Maccio) hopes to become a bluesman with the help of “Blind Boy” Willie Brown (Joe Seneca), who once walked the same path as Robert Johnson, right down to making a similar Faustian pact (a deal with the Devil), and now needs Eugene’s help to undo it.
In your essay, consider both of the following points. You must make at least 3 connections to scenes in the film, using relevant quotes to illustrate your opinions. 

What details in the film parallel or correspond to those from the life and myth of Robert Johnson, and in what ways? How does Willie follow in Johnson’s footsteps?
In what ways does Eugene (Ralph Macchio) become a bluesman? What lessons does he learn from his fellow travelers? In other words, what experiences does he have that would be the stuff of blues lyrics?

See here for cast and other useful details: (Links to an external site.)
D: Black Identity, Blues Literature reflection: Choose two (or more) of these pieces that describe or dramatize the Black experience, both socially and economically. Summarize the essays/stories in a good paragraph each and then express your own opinion as to how the ideas expressed there might connect with current issues of equity, inclusion, and racial justice. You must choose at least one story (work of fiction) and one essay (work of non-fiction), and you must make at least two connections back to each essay or story. In a separate paragraph, you must also comment on the music and performances of Nina Simone to show how she aligns (or doesn’t) with the race issues raised in the essay.  Choose at least two pieces from this list: Zora Neale Hurston,Their Eyes Were Watching God excerpt (chapter 18); Ralph Ellison, “Battle Royal;” Alice Walker, “Everyday Use;” Malcolm X, “Learning To Read;” Cornel West & Wynton Marsalis, “Jazz, Hope, and Democracy;” William Darrity, Jr. – “Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century” [the case for reparations].

solved MEDIA: Reading from: Understanding Social Entrepreneurship: The Relentless Pursuit of

Reading from: Understanding Social Entrepreneurship: The Relentless Pursuit of Mission in an Ever Changing World Chapter 7 Funding Social Ventures 
The Genius of Frugal Innovation … 
2019 GSBI Intro by Thane Kreiner, Ph.D. and Karen Runde  
Funding Feedback 
How End-User Feedback…… 
Legal aid and access to institutions in Latin America 
Marcus Bollock 
Tools for incarcerated people and re-entering citizens 
Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO)… 
Improving Employment Service 
Write 100 words to tell our class your thoughts on this week’s reading and/or media events etc.
Discuss and consider how social problems can be addressed the social science method Design Thinking, social entrepreneurial thinking/approaches, and innovations provided by technologies.
Reference at least one reading, media event, or digital educational material for the week.
Part 2: Write at least 50 words per response to each fellow student for 100 words total.
1. I was inspired by Marcus Bullock, one of the Social Entrepreneurs of the Week. After an 8-year prison sentence, Bullock asked himself: “How can I make it easier for all families to stay connected during incarceration?” He used frugal innovation to create FlikShop, an app that lets families send quick postcards to loved ones in prison and help keep open a critical line of support. I thought it was a genius idea! Bullock helped me realize that new products can be heavily influenced by existing ones and tweaked to fit a specific need. He utilized his experiences to create something to meet the needs of the incarcerated (who can receive letters but don’t have access to phones or the internet) and their loved ones (who don’t have the time or bandwidth to send physical letters/photos).
2. I will submit to you later.
Part 3: Analytic Response to Readings, Media, and Social Entrepreneurship Exemplars for the Week.
500 words minimum including quotes you incorporate from the text.
Required: at least three (3) verbatim quotes from the reading with page numbers (no page numbers required for websites) or paraphrases of the speakers/media events with general time stamp for videos or date for “live events.” 
Prompt: Give a brief summary of frugal innovation. Now with that in mind, imagine that you want to start your own social entrepreneurship venture. What social problem would you address? Where? What client would you serve? What kind of organization would you start? What physical infrastructure and human capital would be required for viability? Now, with these in mind, consider what are some of the many ways you could fund this venture? Angel investors? Crowdfunding? Grants? For-profit models that do good? Combinations of these?What did you find inspiring about the Social Entrepreneurs of the Week—what did they teach you about how to get results on a shoestring budget, bootstrap, and use frugal technologies?


In this week’s reading, The Genius of Frugal Innovation, I learned about frugal innovation and how it’s about doing more with less to innovate and make things better. I thought that the three principles of frugal innovation that Navi Radjou mentioned were very interesting: “keep it simple”, “do not reinvent the wheel”, and “think and act horizontally” (Radjou). Frugality has to do with being economical with money, food, and other resources. If we can learn to be frugal and balance our usage of resources that are in abundance with resources that are scarce, it would lead to innovating our current practices to be more sustainable, environment friendly, and cost effective.