solved 1. I actually work now at a company that I

1. I actually work now at a company that I love! Although I do have my eye on one of the management jobs that will open up in the next few years, the incentive plan I have now is the same incentive plan associated with that job. This question actually made me laugh because the incentive plan here has actually changed since I started here 10 years ago. Our quarterly incentive bonuses here are based on 3 things, financial performance, production, and safety. As far as what incentives are based on, individual, group, or organizational performance, I think the factor being measured makes a difference. In an industry, like I am in, when bonuses are based on finance, production, and safety, the financial and production areas can really only be measured by looking at the organization’s overall performance. For the safety portion though, it can, and in my opinion should be, individualized. When I started here, for the safety portion, if one person got hurt, it prevented the entire team from receiving that part of the bonus. Although we do work very safely, we did go through a period of time where we had 3 injuries in a row. Each time one of these injuries happened, some employees held a grudge toward the person who got hurt for ruining the bonus. The management team got together and decided that it really wasn’t fair to take away one person’s safety bonus who remained safe all quarter just because one person got hurt. So the incentive plan was restructured to say that. That being said, I like the plan much better now that it is restructured to focus on individual performance in that area. I don’t think something like incentives and bonuses should be judged by group performance for something like that, but in some cases, overall performance would really be the only way to measure certain aspects.
I think a major benefit of this pay strategy is that it will drive executives to always work hard and give their best in order to keep the company moving in the right direction. I think a risk could be overcompensating an executive because the stock price can vary based on so many factors, such as current demand. I think the risk can be addressed by taking the time to really sit down and talk about what all could affect the price of the stock and how it may not always be linked to executive performance. Find a system to keep in place that will monitor increases in stock price and figure out why it is happening.

2. My ideal job would have flexible work schedules, the ability to work remotely, an appropriate salary with the potential for a bonus, and a company that is not corporately running. I would be more specific with what type of industry or position I would like to be in but, I still haven’t figured that out yet. If my future ideal job offered incentive pay for performance, I would want it to be based off of my individual performance. If you asked me this before college I would probably say group performance because that would be more will power to help bring in more of an opportunity for a bonus. Now that I have experienced multiple group class projects I have learned that the only way to get things done is to do it yourself. I am not saying all of my group projects have been done by me but when you have to rely on others, sometimes you get let down. I feel as if I was only graded on my personal performance it would push me more to make myself stand out because I would be the only factor holding myself back from not getting a bonus.
I think the obvious major benefit of a company’s CEO being linked to the company’s stock price is to encourage the production and output of the company. I think it also hold the CEO to a higher accountability, if he is not running things properly and the company is losing stock value, he is the main one affected. The main risk is that even if the company is thriving and there is a stock market crash the CEO would take a major pay cut which could affect the company as a whole.  Overall there is major pay benefits and encouragement for the CEO.

solved The final paper is a comprehensive review of a specific

The final paper is a comprehensive review of a specific population group that has a specific health problem. It includes a needs assessment, data, evidence-based interventions, measurable goals and outcomes, collaboration with a care service agency/organization, and the role of the nurse as an advocate and change agent.Write the paper in APA format 7th edition. Use level one headings (upper/lowercase, bold font, centered), The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages, not more than 8, excluding title page and reference page. A minimum of 8 resources is required, including 5 scholarly references (from peer-reviewed journals). A course text may be included. For web sources, be sure to use sources that end in .edu, .gov, or .org. Web sources from .com sites are not acceptable, including Wikipedia, WebMD, etc.Topic: STDs among Female African Americans in San FranciscoIntroduction to the project/paper Begin the paper with an introduction of the identified needs of the community and specific patient population. Based on your assessment and research findings, state the facts, statistics, and urgency to provide care and interventions to this population. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph should be your purpose statement. (The purpose of this paper is…………). Include all parts of the paper you will cover.Identification of Target Population and Needs AssessmentWhat health issue, problem, social determinant, or disparity in health outcomes is of concern to you as a new nurse and care provider in a community? What gaps in knowledge and care do you see as a possible cause for the health issue? What does the health data and literature tell you about the health issue? Include a description of the social determinants that are contributing factors.Evidence-Based Interventions Goals with Measurable Outcomes What evidence is there to support your proposed interventions? What type of change is expected? (behavior, financial, support systems, etc). What is one avenue you could advocate for improved health outcomes and know when a change has taken place? Describe 3 evidence-based interventions from a source such as Healthy People 2030. Identify at least 3 measurable goals for the patient/population that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound). Identify any obstacles or barriers to assisting the patient/population to achieve the goals in your discussion. These would include the social determinants of health—economic, education, physical environment, etc.… and Care Coordination with Safety-net Community Agencies/Service Organizations Discuss the collaboration and partnership the nurse will seek for assisting the client/population over the long term. There may exist gaps in care, and these may be addressed in part by referral to the service organization once the nurses’ role and care is complete. Care coordination is an integral part of the continuum of care. Identify the agency/organization and briefly describe their services to this specific patient/population. This may be a local, state, or national profit or non-profit organization that provides services to the identified health issue and patient/population. An example might be a hospice, Senior Center, Head Start Center, shelters, meal services, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Alzheimers Assoc etc. Briefly include the services they provide, the number of persons served and how the organization/agency is funded.The Nurse Role as Advocate and Change Agent What can you do to make a change in your community as an advocate or change agent? Describe the role of the nurse as advocate and change agent for the population as a whole, including 3 prevention measures that are evidence-based.Conclusion Finish the paper with a summary of points covered and insight gained from the final paper.

solved Engagement and participation are important aspects of any college course.

Engagement and participation are important aspects of any college course.  For this online course, your engagement and participation are partly determined by your presence on the Discussion Boards.
Every student should make at least one original contextual analysis post and two comments to other students’ posts for each module.  Posts should be in full, grammatically correct sentences that create at least one solid response of at least 600 words–make sure you include a word count. The 600-word count does NOT include any headers or a references sections.  All posts must be relevant to the assigned materials (although you may build upon previous knowledge from earlier weeks and include personal observations). Start by answering the prompt, and then build upon the prompt to consider your own perspectives and experiences. You MUST attach photos and web links to support your position.  An important part of your grade for this assignment is to communicate with your classmates. Because this is intended to be your opportunity to discuss topics with your classmates, the professor/TA will generally refrain from commenting or actively participating in the discussions aside from reading and grading them.  
Each of the two comments should be at least 200 words (include a word count) on two different classmates’ posts in each module to receive full credit. 
Posts: For this post, select one work of art (two-dimensional or three-dimensional art) that has NOT been already analyzed or extensively discussed in the course readings or videos…part of the fun in learning about art is in DISCOVERING it!  You are required to make one post.  In a narrative format, the post should contain the following elements:

Define and Identify: Brief information about the artist and work.  For example, birth/death dates, place of birth or work, where work is displayed, name of work, medium of work, context for creation of work.  
Experience and Appreciation: For example, where you found the work (website, another book, museum), what made you select the work, what about this work speaks to you.
Observe and Analyze: Use and underline three terms that were introduced in the module to observe/analyze your chosen work.  Add any other relevant information to improve your paper.
Critique and Compare: Compare your work to similar pieces or to examples used in the module.  Consider the impact of the work on a particular social angle and/or the evolution of the media.  Consider the impact of experiencing the work on your general outlook on the medium or appreciation of art.
Apply Social Angles AND Context: Identify at least one social angle from the list below that can be observed or analyzed as part of the work.  Address how the social angle is connected to the work.  Plus, a thorough contextual analysis of the historical, cultural, and social implications should be discussed.

race and ethnicity,
gender and sexuality,
class and highbrow/low,
colonialism, postcolonialism, place and regionalism,
nature (environment, ecology) and culture,
memory, history, generational identity,
food culture, and
body and mind

Students will be expected to define, identify, and apply at least three terms (underline them so I can quickly find them) from the module in the post. Make sure to underline the terms so that I can quickly identify them.  College-level writing and mechanics are expected; however, the purpose of this assignment is to move from experiencing art to analyzing art to evaluating art. Make sure to include a references section at the end of every post, even if you only cite the lecture video. All in-text citations and references should be in MLA.
Comments: For each of the two comments, select a classmate’s post, read the post, critique the post, indicate your reaction to the chosen work, discuss a comparison work from the module or any other outside source that is similar to the work identified in the post, and either add personal commentary or pose a question to stimulate conversation.

solved Your critique should include the following: Research Problem/Purpose State the

Your critique should include the following:
Research Problem/Purpose

State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.
Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?
Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
State the purpose of the research.

Review of the Literature

Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?

Theoretical Framework

Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?
Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?
If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.


What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?


What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?
Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools.
Were ethical considerations addressed?

Data Analysis

What data analysis tool was used?
How were the results presented in the study?
Identify at least one (1) finding.

Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.
Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing.

The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines.The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page.
Extra Instructions:  Best practice: Get started on your week 10 assignment.

Search the literature for a quantitative or qualitative original primary NURSING research study. Obtain librarian assistance as needed.
It can relate to your PICOT question, but it is not required.
It must be conducted and published within the past 5 years.
It must not be a systematic/integrative/narrative or any type of review article; it must not be a mixed studies type where a part is quantitative and part is qualitative; it must not be a meta-type study, i.e., meta-analyses or meta-synthesis; it must not be a dissertation.  I think I have covered the “do not use list.” Obtain instructor validation if unsure or just to be sure. Having the wrong type of article significantly and adversely affects your grade on the assignment. Best to ask, unless you are absolutely sure.
Use the modified assignment directions for those who may choose to critique a qualitative study. The original assignment directions (located under the assignment tab) and the rubric are geared towards quantitative research critique.  I recommend students use a nursing quantitative study on a topic with which you are clinically knowledgeable, such as falls, pressure ulcers, Hospital Acquired Infections, Hand off Communication and so on.  Your ability to synthesize and interpret findings will be made more simple.  Please note:  If you choose to critique a qualitative study, you will need the adapted assignment directions guide below and will need to realize the rubric may not apply to all areas of your qualitative critique. To avoid possible confusion, I am recommending a nursing quantitative study.  You may not use a previously used research study, used in weeks 4 and 6; but you may use one you or a classmate used in DB as long as it meets the criteria of an original nursing research study, published within the last 5 years.

solved Using the provided scenarios and situations, create a written presentation

Using the provided scenarios and situations, create a written presentation on victim interactions and experiences in the criminal justice system. Include the following required elements :Explain what interactions should take place between a child victim and criminal justice professionals in Situation 1. Include the following in your explanation:What communications or interactions should occur between a child victim and criminal justice professionals?What are the roles of allied professionals (first responders, police officers, victim advocates, crisis counselors, hospital professionals) in working with a child victim in the rehabilitation process?Describe the experience of a child victim in the criminal justice system in Situation 1. Include the following in your description:What is the child victim’s experience immediately after the initial incident regarding the investigative process and victim assistance?What is the child victim’s postevent experience regarding processing in the criminal justice system?What legal precautions are in place to protect a child victim?What happens to the child victim regarding courts, corrections, parole, and victim assistance?What is the process for the child victim being notified of the offender’s parole status (in this case, a guardian)?Explain what interactions should take place between a domestic violence victim and criminal justice professionals in Situation 2. Include the following in your explanation:What communications or interactions should occur between a domestic violence victim and criminal justice professionals?What are the roles of allied professionals (first responders, police officers, victim advocates, crisis counselors, hospital professionals) in working with a domestic violence victim in the rehabilitation process?Describe the experience of a domestic violence victim in the criminal justice system in Situation 2. Include the following in your description:What is the domestic violence victim’s experience immediately after the initial incident regarding the investigative process and victim assistance?What is the domestic violence victim’s postevent experience with processing in the criminal justice system?What legal precautions are in place to protect a domestic violence victim?What happens to the domestic violence victim regarding courts, corrections, parole, and victim assistance?What is the process for the victim being notified of the offender’s parole status?Compare and contrast a child victim and a domestic violence victim. Include the following:What are the similarities and differences in the roles criminal justice professionals should play and how they should interact in each situation?What are the similarities and differences in the victims’ experiences?How are their immediate experiences and interactions with allied professionals (first responders, police officers, victim advocates, crisis counselors, hospital professionals) similar or different?How are their postevent experiences and interactions with criminal justice professionals (county or district attorneys, probation officers, judges) similar or different?What to SubmitTo complete this project, you must submit the following:Child and Domestic Violence Victims PresentationFor this assignment, you will create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (optional template linked below). Your submission should address the rubric criteria listed above: the interactions between a child victim and criminal justice professionals, the experience of a child victim in the criminal justice system, the interactions between a domestic violence victim and criminal justice professionals, the experience of a domestic violence victim in the criminal justice system, the differences in the roles criminal justice professionals play and their interactions with each type of victim, and the differences in the victims’ experiences. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.BELOW ATTACHED ARE DOCUMENTS NEEDED AND A PRESENTATION TEMPLATE YOU CAN USE

solved Throughout history masturbation was thought to be the cause for:

Throughout history masturbation was thought to be the cause for: growing hair on the palms of your hand, blindness, disturbances of the stomach and digestion, loss of appetite or ravenous hunger, vomiting, nausea, weakening of the organs, difficulty breathing, coughing, hoarseness, paralysis, weakening of the male sex organ to the point of impotence, lack of libido, back pain, disorders of the eye and ear, total diminution of bodily powers, paleness, thinness, pimples on the face, decline of intellectual powers, loss of memory, attacks of rage, madness, idiocy, epilepsy, fever and finally suicide, just to name a few of the “laundry list” of ailments associated with masturbation.The famous Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas believed that masturbation was a worse sin than rape, incest, and adultery because in these other sins procreation is a possibility (the potential to produce a child).Some outlandish medical cures for the practice of masturbation included:CastrationStraight jacket pajamasErection alertsStapling shut the foreskinA little suit of armor that fit over penis and testiclesA spermatorrhea ring (available from the Sears catalog), that fit along the base of the penis with spikes on its inner lining to prevent erection.Corn flakes cerealReverend Sylvester Graham, believed masturbation brought on a host of illnesses and diseases. Because he was a sickly person, the young Graham became obsessed with health. He advocated use of whole wheat for bread, hard mattresses, open windows, fresh fruits and vegetables, pure drinking water, and cheerfulness at meals (apparently revolutionary ideas at the time), so he developed Graham Crackers to prevent people from masturbating! Reverend Graham advocated living a healthy lifestyle through healthy foods, physical fitness, and sexual abstinence. Particularly, he advocated abstinence from masturbation. Reverend Graham’s successor continuing this philosophy, was a man named Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.Dr. John H. Kellogg was a puritanical person, (practiced strict religious or moral behaviors), a man who believed in mind over body. He hated the animal part of our nature (hated that people got turned on and aroused “horny”); and, also believed sexual intercourse only necessary once a month (during a woman’s most fertile time so pregnancy could occur). He encouraged patients to suppress their sexual appetites. He never had sexual intercourse with his wife, (but adopted over 30 children). This physician was so anti-masturbation and intercourse that it bordered on insanity. He was a very influential and a highly published physician. But Dr. Kellogg upped the ante and decided that women also should not engage in intercourse and not masturbate either. He developed the Corn Flakes cereal to suppress sexual desire.Consequently; it turns out that some of our most loved snacks and breakfast foods are actually anti-intercourse and anti-masturbation foods! Both Reverend Graham and Dr. Kellogg were proponents of a theory that denounced masturbation and intercourse so they created these foods in the belief that they could curb one’s sexual desire. So you see if you eat graham crackers and corn flakes (including Frosted Flakes-one of my faves) you’ll not masturbate or want to have sex (intercourse)…NOT!! ;o)Assignment:What are your beliefs?Answer the following questions in 75 words or less and respond to at least one other student’s post, (include the name of the student you respond to), no reference required:Do you think mutual masturbation (masturbating each other usually at the same time) is more intimate than sexual intercourse? Why or why not?Why are so many people embarrassed by masturbation?If you caught your child masturbating what would you say and/or do?What messages did you receive from your parents about masturbation?If you caught your partner masturbating what would you say and/or do?Should masturbation be taught as a safer sex technique? Why or why not?Do you think everyone should masturbate? Why or why not?

solved Week 8 – Evaluating staff This week the discussion question

Week 8 – Evaluating staff
This week the discussion question focuses on evaluating staff or conducting performance reviews – another key director responsibility.  Evaluations or performance reviews help determine if the goals of the center are being met.  All evaluations should include self-assessment with a focus on strengths and the development process as well as clear goals for the identified area of growth.
Some standard evaluation instruments or strategies include: observations, samplings of behavior, and questionnaires or checklists.  Read the following questions and respond in a short paragraph.
Discussion Questions

As a director, what are two important outcomes of conducting performance evaluations?
What strategies will you use to conduct performance evaluations?
How will you incorporate self-assessment into performance evaluations?

Responses to 2 peer’s postings 

Evaluations is a valuable tool for program managers who are seeking to strengthen the quality of their pograms and improve outcomes. In my job we have evaluations once I year. I love to get evaluated by my leader because she helps me and points out were I’m having difficulties and my good strength. We also set goals for my classroom and she helps me achieve by the end of the year. Also when having a evaluation is the time to feel free and talk about anything we want to ask our leader, is a one on one time to express ourselves.
To have a successful evaluation the leader had to define and communicate goals and performance objectives. Also prepared good feedback, and the leader needs to to hold multiple evaluations throughout the year.
Leaders should keep a file of every evaluation, that way they can go thru each year and see if workers achieve their goals. Leaders should mention results to their workers.


Two important outcomes of conducting an evaluation is to make sure that the employee and director are communicating and understand exactly what they are talking about. Communication is key between a director and her/his staff. This is the time where the employee should fill free to express how they are doing and where/if they need help with anything. If the director explains to the employee about the goal they are setting however the employee doesn’t quite understand it then it’s not going to work. Another important outcome is giving feedback. If a director is being negative the entire time then expect your employee to leave the interview feeling unappreciated. Yes you can tell them the areas they need to work on but also tell them what areas they flourish in.
One really important to use during an evaluation is to make sure that you are presenting performance appraisal and not just telling them what they need to improve on. People are already nervous going into an evaluation but it makes it worse when the director only tells them what they need to improve on and doesn’t mentioned the areas where you have grown and are doing a good job in. Another strategy that is important is setting goals. Together set up goals for the employee. These goals could be anything, between short and long term or different ways to improve your education, whether its more classes or training.
As much as I don’t like doing self-evaluations, I do think it’s important. It allows the director and the staff member to know whether they are on the same page or not when it comes to the staff’s work performance. I would let the staff know, with plenty of time, that staff evaluations will be happening soon. I would also hand out a self-evaluation forms to the staff members about a month prior so they have enough time to fill it out. The form will be made up of questions where the staff member rates their performance from 1-5. At the end there will be some short answer questions relating to what they think is their strong area and what they think is the most challenging part/what they need to improve in. The last question would be about what they have accomplished since the last evaluation.

solved Hello, I need this homework done but I don’t have

Hello, I need this homework done but I don’t have much time. Please only bid if you are certain you can answer it, thank you.The following scenario is the information necessary to answer questions 1-12.SCENARIO: 1236 Marine recruits entered training during one week in June. Marine recruits are medically examined and must be injury and illness free before beginning training. 112 refused to participate in a study to follow them during 12 weeks of training for the development of stress fractures. All recruits who consented to participate (everyone but those who refused to participate) were successfully followed for all 12 weeks. During the 12 weeks, 55 recruits developed a stress fracture. Of these 55, 26 subjects suffered stress fractures in the first 6 weeks and each of these 26 were fully recovered within 5 weeks. The shortest recovery time among those suffering stress fractures after week 6 was 7.5 weeks. At the beginning of training it was determined that 20% of participants were classified as being in “poor physical fitness.” The remaining recruits were in “better than poor physical fitness.” The incidence of stress fractures in the poor physical fitness group was 9.8%.Hint: you may want to “draw” a timeline of the 12 week follow-up period to better understand prevalence and incidence of stress fractures over that time period.What is the size of the study group?What is the stress fracture incidence?What is the stress fractures incidence rate?What is absolute risk of stress fracture during training?What is the prevalence rate of stress fractures at the beginning of training (1st day of training)?What is the prevalence rate of stress fractures at the end of training?Create a 2X2 table for stress fracture given physical fitness group?What is the incidence rate of stress fractures among the better than poor physically fit recruits?What PERCENT of stress fractures in the poor fit group could be reduced by increasing fitness to better than poor?Among all recruits, what percent of stress fractures could be reduced by increasing fitness to better than poor?What is the relative risk for stress fracture if a recruit is in poor fitness?What is the interpretation of this relative risk?The following scenario is the information necessary to answer questions 13-19.SCENARIO: In National City they have begun a new initiative to reduce the effects of risky sexual behavior among the 150,000 residents. 33% of the population is between 1-14 years old, 20%, 15-21 years old, 30%, 22-40 years old, and 17% older than 41. Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease with a duration that can vary from a few days to many months. Before the program began, 145, 15-21 year olds were diagnosed with chlamydia in 1996. 145 people aged 22-40 were also diagnosed with chlamydia in the same year. 16 people aged 15-40 died from chlamydia in 1996. A total of 345 people of all ages were diagnosed with chlamydia during 1996.In 1997 a sample of 3500 National City residents were recruited into a study . Each subject was asked about their current sexual behavior and each person’s medical record was reviewed for diagnosis of chlamydia at the time of enrollment in 1997. 37 individuals from the sample had documentation of chlamydia of which 35% claimed to never use condoms during the same time period. Condom use in the entire sample was reported by 62% of the subjects.13. What was the crude prevalence rate for chlamydia for 1996 in National City?14. What was the age-specific chlamydia rate for 15-21 year olds in National City in 1996? For 22-40 year olds?15. What age group seems to have the highest problem with chlamydia, 15-21 or 22-40?16. What is the chlamydia case fatality rate for 15-40 year olds in 1996?17. Fill in the 2X2 table for chlamydia vs condom use in the sample in 1997?18. Does condom use appear to be associated with chlamydia diagnosis in the 1997 study? Yes or no.19. Was there a positive or negative association of condom use with chlamydia diagnosis?

solved Question Robert  Sim,  the  Managing  Director

Robert  Sim,  the  Managing  Director  of  GreenTrust  Pte  Ltd  is currently experiencing  a difficult situation. About two years ago, Robert bided and won the project to install and operate   an   Electrical   Vehicle   (EV)   charging   infrastructure   pilot   in   thecity   of Colombus. As part of the pilot, GreenTrust is required to build  and construct between 25  to  30  EV  charging  stations  in  the  city  of  Colombus.  With  the  number  of  EVs  ever increasing,  so was  the  pressure  to  increase  the  number  of  charging  stations.  The  city wanted  touse  this  pilot to  gauge  the  feasibility  of  creating  such  an  infrastructure  on  a larger scale. The tender was awarded at the valueof $8.5 million. During  the  bid  preparation  stage,  while  Robert  did  not  understand  the  technical  risks related to the charging technology, his technical team reckoned that they would be able to use a popular EV charging method, such as the constant current, constant voltage or a  multistage  current  charging  algorithm.  The  project  bid  manager  reported  that  the entire project would only cost $6 million, thereby generating a possible project profit of $2.5  million  for  GreenTrust.  This  is  in  addition  to  the  possible  recurring  operating revenue to manage and operate the systemon a long-term basis. At  the present moment,  two  years  have  passed,  and  the  project  is  already  behind  time by six months. The project team are facing issues with the charging technology  and is requestingfor  an  additional  extension  of  six  more  months  to  complete  the  project. While  the  project manager  is  confident  that  they  can  turn  things  around,  the  other stakeholders  who  have  been  involved  in  the  project  painted  a  different  picture.  They feel  that  the  current  charging  technology  is  not  a  good  fit  and  willlikelycause  more integration problems in the future. Also, because the contract has a late delivery penalty clause, eachmonth of delay will incur a penalty of 5% of the total contract value. Robert  understands  that  this  project  is  strategic  to  the  reputation  to  GreenTrust  as  a pioneer in the EV charging infrastructure industry, as well as its standing as a reliable vendor  for  the  city  of  Colombus.  The  project,  once successfully completed,may  also create  more  business  and  project  opportunities  for  GreenTrust.  However,  he  is  also concerned that  the  project  may  be  further  delayed  and  affect  the  cashflow  of  the company. Moreover, if there is atechnology issue related to the charging infrastructure, it  may  cause  more  problems  for  the  company  in  terms  of  operational  maintenancein the future.As this is a pilot project, the city of Columbus is willing for GreenTrust to terminate  the  project,  but  they  expect  GreenTrust  to  bear  the  penalty  of  the  six-month delay.
A. List the  problems  and describe  the risks  related  to  the  project.  Analyse  these problems  and  determine  how  GreenTrust  could  have  prepared  for  these  risks during the project initiating and project planning phases. (20 marks)
B. Based on the information available, state if you would carry on with the project or terminate it. Show how you would go about executing your decision.Explain your choice with a detailed analysis.  (30marks)
C.Based  on  the  decision  in  B,  the  project  team  will  ultimately complete  or terminate the project.Appraise why Project Closing or Closurestillimportant in this project.(10 marks)
D. Explain  how  GreenTrust  can  close  the  project  in  the  best  manner  possible.Develop a Project Closure document for GreenTrust.(40 marks)

solved I need help with a Business question. All explanations and

I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

read the discussion post, and answer with a response of 200 words using references, you also need to agree or disagree with the post.. Here is the discussion post.The first importance of value proposition is how potential customers grasp what your business has to offer. When doing online testing, most customers already know what they’re searching for. As a result, if it isn’t apparent right away that your organization will satisfy their needs, they will most probably look elsewhere. Secondly, a value proposition establishes a significant difference between you and your rivals. One has competitors practically irrespective of what you’re doing. A convincing value proposition demonstrates why your ideal consumer should purchase from you rather than the rivals (“Startup Grind,” 2013). In other terms, it distinguishes the business from competitors. Thirdly, the value proposition attracts suitable candidates and boosts the amount and quality of potential leads. The value proposition is a statement that describes why the business’ approach is the right choice for the ideal customer. It enhances the likelihood of attracting and retaining the best clients for your company and locating higher-quality followers who are more likely to become serious customers. Fourthly, a value proposition is essential for consumer comprehension and involvement: A strong value proposition enables consumers to comprehend the company’s goods and services’ actual value (“Harvard Innovation Labs,” 2014). It also makes it easier for your ideal clients to see how your offerings help them and how you are the right choice for them. Customers will probably become involved with the services or goods you deliver if they understand them better. Finally, the value proposition enhances messaging clarity. A good value proposition indicates to the consumers what you give right away. It also ensures that your message is communicated on all of the essential entry sites. Your official website and category pages are examples of these. A value proposition is used to examine a company’s image. It is essential to ask oneself this fundamental question; whether the company’s brand represents what your consumers care about the most? If not, reconsider your marketing plan and communication to present a new and meaningful identity to the consumer. A value proposition is used to focus on a company’s marketing efforts. In any marketing medium, leading with a value proposition is essential. It should be at the forefront and center in all marketing strategies, real estate, and anywhere you interact with buyers and prospects, including the company’s website, social media accounts, ads, and sales presentations. Another use of value proposition is to ensure the employees are well trained (“Harvard Innovation Labs,” 2014). Every day, value proposition helps remind the team that how consumers are served is a significant factor in your brand image. Every team member should know why clients do transactions with the company and what they trust the most. Value proposition lets the company stand out from the competition. When you ask consumers how your company compares to other manufacturers, you’ll likely find that there are a few clear points of distinction. Using aspects of value proposition in your marketing sets your organization apart and demonstrates why it’s the best option. Through value proposition, customers will help to tell your value tale. It will help you create and share stories about how you’ve helped your clients address their business problems (Harvard Innovation Labs, 2014). A value proposition is used to make your ads based on what your customers have to say. Hearing what honest people have to say about your company will help you break away from marketing talk and the familiar clichés that push too much promotional copy. Use actual consumer language in your ads to make your messages more resonant.