solved Pretrial Detention for a Crime He Did Not CommitIn May

Pretrial Detention for a Crime He Did Not CommitIn May of 2010, less than two weeks from his seventeenth birthday, Kalief Browder and a friend attended a party in the Bronx. As they walked home in the early morning hours, a police car drove toward the two boys. A few minutes later, a New York City police officer confronted the two teens, saying that a man had just reported that they had robbed him. Browder denied the accusation and invited the officer to check his pockets. The search revealed nothing. The officer returned to his squad car to talk with the alleged victim, at which time the man changed his story and said that the two boys had not robbed him that night, but rather had stolen his backpack two weeks earlier. Browder and his friend were taken into custody. Browder maintain that he had not committed the robbery for which he was charged. Because he was already on probation for a previous joyriding offense, the judge ordered that Browder be held in custody unless he posted $3,000 bail. And because his family could not afford to post bail, he was taken to the Riker’s Island jail. More than two months passed before Browder next appeared in court. During that time, a grand jury indicted him for the alleged robbery. He entered a plea of not guilty. But because Browder has been on probation at the time of the alleged offense, the judge remanded him into custody without bail. As the weeks and months passed, Browder steadfastly refused to plead guilty, insisting on his innocence. This fact differentiates Browder from many pretrial detainees in the United States who plead guilty to escape the conditions of their pretrial confinement. More than two years went by during which time more than half a dozen requests for continuances by the prosecution resulted in postponement after postponement of Browder’s trial date. During this time, Browder spent a significant amount of time in solitary confinement–largely as a result of minor jail rule infractions. As he grew depressed, he twice admitted to commit suicide. In the fall of 2012, prosecutors offered Browder a new plea deal. In exchange for a plea of guilty, he would be sentenced to 2.5 years. Given the time he had already served, that meant Browder would be released in a matter of weeks. According to his court appointed defense attorney, “Ninety-nine out of a hundred would take the offer that gets you out of jail…[But Browder] just said, “Nah, I’m not taking it.’ He didn’t flinch. Never talked about it. He was not taking a plea” (Gonnerman, 2014, para 4). By March of 2013, a judge offered Browder a most tempting opportunity; plead guilty to two misdemeanor offenses in exchange for immediate release on time served. Yet again Browder refused, asserting that he had not done anything wrong. Just over two month later, the judge dismissed, the case against Browder. Ultimately, Browder spent three years in jail awaiting trial, nearly two years of which was served in solitary confinement. Browder was never able to recover from the psychological damage cause by his ordeal, which included enduring repeated assaults by guards and inmates alike, as well as months of isolation in 23-hour-per-day lockdown. In June 2015, he killed himself at the age of 22 (Owens et al., 2019). Application: What do you think about this case? Specifically, critique the practice of holding someone in pretrial detention who has been granted bail, but is unable to afford pay it. Is this fair? Does this comport with the notion of someone being innocent until proven guilty? Kalief Browder was offered several opportunities to be released from pretrial detention in exchange for pleading guilty. He refused to do so because he maintain his innocence. If you were in his shoes–incarcerated for nearly three years for a crime you did not commit, would you have pled guilty to something you did not do in order to obtain your freedom?What would you change, if anything, about the operations of the criminal justice system based on this case?

solved Question 1: Prepare a static budget in Excel for Vroom-Vroom

Question 1: Prepare a static budget in Excel for Vroom-Vroom based on 200,000 units produced. (32 points)a) Show the static budget for January in Contribution Margin Income Statement format – be sure to list out each expense line.b) Compare January’s static budget to January’s actual results. Specify which line items are favorable or unfavorable and how much. Provide potential explanations for each of the variable costs. Note: Saying that an item was above or below budget is NOT an explanation. You need to include potential (made-up) reasons. c) Show the static budget for February in Contribution Margin Income Statement format – be sure to list out each expense line.d) Compare February’s static budget to February’s actual results. Specify which line items are favorable or unfavorable and how much. Provide potential explanations for each of the variable costs. Note: Saying that an item was above or below budget is NOT an explanation. You need to include potential (made-up) reasons.Question 2: Prepare a flexible budget in Excel for Vroom-Vroom. (32 points)a) Show the flexible budget for January in Contribution Margin Income Statement format – be sure to list out each expense line.b) Compare January’s flexible budget to January’s actual results. Specify which line items are favorable or unfavorable and how much. Provide potential explanations for each of the variable costs. Note: Saying that an item was above or below budget is NOT an explanation. You need to include potential (made-up) reasons.c) Show the flexible budget for February in Contribution Margin Income Statement format – be sure to list out each expense line.d) Compare February’s flexible budget to February’s actual results. Specify which line items are favorable or unfavorable and how much. Provide potential explanations for each of the variable costs. Note: Saying that an item was above or below budget is NOT an explanation. You need to include potential (made-up) reasons.Question 3: Analyze the differences between static and flexible budgets. (34 points)a) What is the difference between static and flexible budgets in theory? b) What are the differences between the static and flexible budgets for Vroom-Vroom: what variances are different and by how much? What does this tell us?c) What are the pros and cons for each – static and flexible budgets?d) Write a letter to Vroom-Vroom’s CFO. Explain the results in January and February. Provide your recommendation for either static or flexible budgets. Provide explanations and backup for your recommendation. Note: A letter to the CFO should have correct spelling and grammar, and is expected to be approximately 400 words. Thorough explanations with backup are required.Extra Credit: (6 points)a) Using the static budget for January in Question 1 (compared to January actual results), calculate the price variance and volume variance for raw materials.b) The case study also includes an analysis portion, and asks you to provide possible explanations. Naturally, without working within the company, you wouldn’t be able to ask questions. The idea is for you to provide explanations of what could have happened. For example, for a pancake company, if sales increased significantly on a per-unit basis, you could provide an explanation about a pancake-breakfast family reunion that needed a huge shipment of pancakes and was willing to pay a premium (higher price per box). I’m looking to be sure that the explanation fits the results (if you explained a sales increase per box by saying the company gave a good customer a big discount, that would be incorrect). Feel free to be creative.c) There is also one EXTRA CREDIT question. This is based on the material within Chapter 10, which we aren’t specifically covering in this course. No penalty for skipping this – but the potential for extra points if you complete it correctly. The remainder of the case study is based on Chapters 8 & 9, which we’ve already covered in Weeks 4 & 5.

solved Using the attached IRP Research Question and Data Set Template

Using the attached IRP Research Question and Data Set Template 2018, add the following information into the document.

Your research question for your IRP. ANOVA example: “Is there a statistically significant difference between these groups (identify the groups) based on this characteristic (identify the characteristic)? Simple Linear Regression (SLR) example: “Is this factor (identify the factor) a statistically significant predictor of a characteristic (identify the characteristic) based on this data sample?
The statistical question that you hope to answer by analyzing the data set you picked.

ANOVA Example:

H0: ?1 = ?2 = … = ?n
HA: Not all means are equal (i.e. ?1 ? ?2 or ?2 ? ?3  …  ?1 ? ?n)

Simple Linear Regression Example:

H0: ?1 = 0
HA: ?1 ? 0

The name, source, and a link to your data set. Also, include the number of records and attributes in the data set. You do not have to use all of the attributes or records in your analysis. 

Part 2
In the Independent Research Project (IRP), students conduct an analysis project using SAS primarily and Excel as needed to analyze real-world data. Note: You are required to do a ANOVA Analysis or a Regression Analysis submit them showing Pr or P values, F values, R-square, B values, Plots, etc. and discuss these values and what they mean – as needed for the type of analysis you are conducting (ANOVA or Regression). Homogeneity of Variance of residuals can be assumed so you can proceed with your required analysis. Use DAX 3 or DAX 4 qnd/or DAX 5 video and Instructions to help conduct your analysis. As in previous DAX exercises, you must also attach the Summary Descriptive Statistics Table along with the ANOVA Results Table or Regression Results Table. Example ANOVA or Regression Tables required:

In the first assignment (IRP Research Question and Data Set), you identified the data set you wanted to use, developed a research question, and identified a statistical question that could be answered analytically.
In this assignment, you will create and submit a business memo (template attached) that clearly communicates your analysis of the data set you identified in the previous assignment. When you submit this draft of your IRP, you will get feedback from your classmates and your instructor. You should use this feedback to improve your IRP.
In later assignments (IRP Memorandum, IRP Presentation, Presentation Questions Reply), you will submit the final version of your IRP, create and submit a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your IRP, present your analysis via a recorded video presentation, and answer questions about your presentation. 

Part 3
This is the final version of your IRP.
In this Independent Research Project (IRP), students provide a business decision recommendation using SAS primarily and Excel as needed to obtain real-world data. The student will create and submit a business report that clearly communicates a recommendation based on their analysis of the data set that includes an analysis of different courses of action using weighted factors. The students will also create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes their IRP and present their analysis live, via video-teleconference or as a recorded video presentation. The student will also answer questions about their presentation. Note: The IRP should involve either conducting an ANOVA or Regression Analysis using SAS and submitting the complete results including Tables, P value, Pr value, R-square, and graphics to prove you conducted the required SAS analysis. The IRP project should involve your research question findings as previously specified in your “IRP Research Questions and Data Set” exercise. You must also discuss the P, Pr, R-square values and their meaning and why they led to your decision.
As in previous DAX exercises, you must also attach the Summary Descriptive Statistics Table along with the ANOVA Results Table or Regression Results Table. Example ANOVA or Regression Tables required: 

solved Social Impact Questions (30 points)From the video “Our Thirsty World”

Social Impact Questions (30 points)From the video “Our Thirsty World” answer the following questions: A) what strategies can be used to manage the amount of fresh water needed in a modern society? B) What are the three main factors that drive the continued growth and demand growing food 70% of the fresh water is locked up in Ince and glaciers C) According to the consensus, what could be the impact of climate change on the water resource? (5 points) According to the video “Desalination: Worth Its Salt” and “Desalination: A problematic solution?” answer the following questions. A) How many desalination plants are there as of now? B) What are the three main reasons that desalination is not the “panacea” to the problem of fresh supplies of water? (5 points) What is the UN theme for 2019 recognition of the International Women’s Day on March 8? What were the main goals in support of this year’s theme? Describe both the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. What efforts can be made to achieve those goals in the country as a whole and at Lynn University? (5 points) Describe the protest in Spain and in other parts of the EU on the March 8, 2018 International Women’s Day? Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said that Spain and his government were living in a “post March 8” world. How did he shape his government to reflect the March 8th protest?5 points) Brainstorm some ideas and formulate an opinion on how awareness and attitude can change the way we view water. What can you do as an individual and Lynn University do as a community to impact the way that water can be used. (5 points) What is a “food desert?” What is the social impact of food deserts to the community and nation as a whole? (5 points) From the module “The Americas” (10 points total) According to the video, posted on the module, what are the similarities and differences between communism and socialism? (5 points) According to the video, posted on the module, what are the main points of the political ideology termed anarchy? (5 points) From the module “Essentials of Geopolitics” “War, Terrorism, and Military Response” and POL 100 Notes Part 3 (20 points total) What are the four “critical infrastructures” and how can they be impacted by cyber and information warfare? (5 points) Define total war and a war of aggression. (5 points) What is the NPT? How many countries have signed the treaty? What countries have not? (5 points) According to the YouTube video “Rules of War” what are the Geneva Conferences and what are the rights of non-combatants in a war zone? What responsibilities do countries at war have towards their rivals? (5 points) From “The Americas” PowerPoint and YouTube videos: (15 points total) Describe NAFTA. What was its purpose when it first come together in 1994? How will the changes of NAFTA into the new USMCA affect trade between the three countries? (5 points) Who are the biggest political parties in Mexico? Who is the president of Mexico? How long is a presidential term and who is eligible to run? When will be the next presidential election? (5 points) Describe the results of the last general election in Canada held on October 19, 2019. What are the largest political parties in Canada and who are the leaders of each of those political parties? (5 points) From the PowerPoint Europe and Russia (30 points total) What is NATO? How many countries are in NATO? Describe Article 4 and Article 5 of the NATO Treaty? (5 points) Describe the European Union. Discuss the origins of the EU. What are the major institutions that have been set up by the EU? (5 points) What was BREXIT? Why did it pass in the United Kingdom? What is Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty? (5 points) Who is the president of France? What is the process of the French in electing a new president? What is his term of office? What are the two largest political parties in France? (5 points) Describe the video “What Angela Merkel’s exit means for Germany?” (5 points)

solved Description: An intelligence/business report. Your standpoint is that you are

Description: An intelligence/business report. Your standpoint is that you are a researcher hired by an investor to provide a detailed analysis of a particular UK company and its competitive position in the industry it operates in or, in the case of a diverse company, one of its key sectors. You will choose a company to work on from the list provided on Blackboard, and there will be a limit on the number of students who can choose each company. The final report should include a synthesis and integration of your research, and also conclusions and recommendations. You will select the appropriate analytical technique(s) to examine and analyze the company’s situation. Resources from online databases, the web, expert opinions, and any other appropriate print or online resources may be used. You will have to review and evaluate the materials you find, extract what you think are important trends, and analyse and synthesize information to construct a final report. Students willneed to familiarize themselves with their chosen company as soon as possible. Your report must contain the following sections Executive Summary outlining the main points that you have included in your report. (*This is not included in the word count) Introduction to the company including an overview of the key products or services, where the company operates and the size and shape of its operations (This section should be no more than 200 words) Key financial information including for example: – A visual representation (i.e. graphs) showing the last five years of the company’s financial performance drawing data from FAME / the annual report; – Your analysis of the financial health of the company drawing on the published financial results, financial news sources, and key commentators; – Use of financial ratios to compare the company with its competitors (if possible, or meaningful) Industry and competitor analysis including for example:- Overview of the industry sector in which your company is active, including an outline of the closecompetitors (If your company has diverse interests, select one aspect to focus on, preferably the one in which it is most active).- Analysis of the industry as a whole and your company’s position in it.- What Social, Political and Economic, Legal and Environmental (sustainability) factors affect this industry?- How does your company’s social media presence compare with its competitors? Key issues affecting the company at the present time including for example: – An analysis and synthesis of at least 5 current news stories about the company, focusing on how this company has been affected by COVID, plus any other interesting events or activities that youcan find innews sources. – Have there been any official investigations into this company? – What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats? If a SWOT analysis framework is used, the evidence for the points should be sourced primarily from news sources. Consumer market analysis including for example:- What is the target market for this organisations products/services e.g. who buys these products or uses these services?- What do we know about these people? What are their characteristics?- What insights about these consumers are relevant to the profitability of the company?- What social trends affect this market? Brief Conclusion summarising the main points of analysis. Recommendations for a potential investor: Is this a good company to invest in based on the company’s strength of position within its industry or key market? Will this company survive the COVID-19 pandemic? You are expected to synthesize material from a wide range of resources such as news stories, market research, official statistics and the trade press. You MUSTuse appropriate authoritative sources of business information e.g. Nexis, Mintel, Business Source Premier, Euromonitor and FAME. Reports that simply summarise information from the company website and the annual report will receive a fail grade.

solved PART 1: The medical application selection for this assignment is

PART 1: The medical application selection for this assignment is contingent upon the month of your birthday (birthday is in MARCH) . Use the table below to identify the Medical App for this assignment.Your Birth MonthMedical App for Assignment January, FebruaryMediCalc March, April, MayMedscape June, July, AugustCDC Milestone Tracker September, OctoberICD10 ConsultNovember, DecemberGoodRx

Use the Google Play Store for Android devices or the Apple iTunes App Store for Apple devices to search for the medical application as determined by the table above.
In order to complete the following guided appraisal, download the app to a mobile device (smartphone or tablet). The apps are free and do not require purchase to complete this assignment.
Provide proof of download by attaching a screenshot of the device screen in JPEG or PDF format to the assignment upload tab (in addition to submitting this assignment). Following the general instructions below for smartphone devices (specific device instructions may vary):

Android 4.0 and Newer: (Galaxy SIII, Galaxy S 4, Galaxy Note, HTC One,?Nexus phones, Droid phones)

Any Android phone running Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) or later can easily take a screenshot. Hold the?Power?and?Volume Down?buttons together until the screen flashes and you hear the shutter sound. The screenshot image will appear in your?Gallery?app, usually inside the?Screenshots?folder


The method for taking a screenshot in iOS has been the same since version 2.0. Hold the Power (Sleep/Wake) and Home buttons together until the screen flashes and you hear the shutter sound. The screenshot image will appear in your Photos app under Camera Roll.

PART 2: Answer the Medical App Critical Appraisal questions thoughtfully and comprehensively. Use the criteria headings on this outline as the headings on your properly APA- formatted paper.

NAME: What is the name of the app?
AUTHOR: Who created, developed, or maintains the app? Explain.
ENDORSEMENT: Is the app licensed by the Food and Drug Administration, other government agency, or endorsed by an academic institution or medical professional organization? Explain.
OPERATION: Which platform (mobile or web-based) is suitable for the app and why?
AESTHETICS: Is the information displayed in a way that is easy to navigate? Is it easy to use? Can you use it without instructions? Explain.
PURPOSE: What is the intended purpose or use of the app?
CLINICAL DECISION MAKING: What influence does the app have on clinical decision making? Explain.
SAFETY: Is there potential for patient harm? Explain.
PRIVACY/SECURITY: Does the app have privacy statement or setting? Is there a clear privacy policy stating information will be encrypted and not shared with third parties? Does the app share information on social networks? Are users notified in the event of a breach of privacy and health information? Explain.
USER: For whom is the app intended (providers, patients, or others)? Explain.
DISTRIBUTION: Is it designed for local use or wider distribution? Explain.
CREDIBILITY: How credible are the sources of information? How do you know? Explain.
RELEVANCE: How current is the information in the app? When was the last update? Is the content consistent with evidence-based literature or best practices/standards of care? Explain.

PART 3: Provide one example of an appropriate patient or clinical scenario for this app. The example should include the following details:

Patient Age-population (Pediatric, Adult, Geriatric)
Clinical Setting (Hospital, Private Practice, Extended Living Facility)
History of Present Illness and Diagnosis or Condition
Provide a detailed description of the app in your example. When will the app be implemented (at the Point-of-care or elsewhere)? Who will use the app? What potential impact will it have on the scenario? Incorporate the critical appraisal information from Part 2. Provide one evidence-based scholarly article as a reference to support clinical decision making.

solved Part 3Dino Dog Collars uses activity-based costing.Dino’s system has the

Part 3Dino Dog Collars uses activity-based costing.Dino’s system has the following features:Each collar has three parts, direct materials cost is $5.00 per collar, and direct labor cost is $2.00 per collar. Suppose Animal Hut has asked for a bid on 20,000 dog collars. Dino will issue a total of 75 purchase orders if Animal Hut accepts Dino’s bid. Requirement 1. Compute the total cost Dino will incur to purchase the needed materials and then assemble and package 20,000 dog collars. Also compute the cost per collar. (Round the total cost to the nearest dollar and the cost per collar to the nearest cent.)Direct materials5Direct labor2AssemblingTotal manufacturing costPurchasingManufacturing cost per collarCompute the total estimated cost Dino will incur to purchase the needed materials and then assemble and package 20,000 dog collars. Also compute the cost per collar. For bidding,Dino adds a 40% markup to total cost. What total price will the company bid for the entire Animal Hut order?Suppose that instead of an ABC system, Dino has a traditional product costing system that allocates indirect costs at the rate of $9.10 per direct labor hour. The dog collar order will require 13,000 direct labor hours. What total price will Dino bid using this system’s total cost? Use your answers to Requirements 2 and 3 to explain how ABC can help Dino make a better decision about the bid price it will offer Animal Hut. Part 4southwest, Inc. is a technology consulting firm focused on Web site development and integration of Internet business applications. The president of the company expects to incur of indirect costs this year, and she expects her firm to work direct labor hours. ‘s systems consultants provide direct labor at a rate of per hour. Clients are billed at % of direct labor cost. Last month, ‘s consultants spent hours on ‘s engagement.Requirements1.Compute ‘s predetermined overhead allocation rate per direct labor hour.2.Compute the total cost assigned to the engagement.3.Compute the operating income from the engagement.Requirement 1. Compute ‘s predetermined overhead allocation rate per direct labor hour.Select the formula, then enter the amounts to calculate the predetermined overhead (OH) allocation rate. part 5Data Table

Direct materials purchased (on account)


Conversion costs


Number of calculators


Number of calculators
sold (on account, at $112 each)


Diaz produces electronic calculators. Suppose ‘s standard cost per calculator is for direct materials and for conversion costs. The following data apply to August activities:Requirements1. Prepare summary journal entries for August using JIT costing, including the entry to adjust the Conversion Costs account.2. The beginning balance of Finished Goods Inventory was . Use a T-account to find the ending balance of Finished Goods Inventory.Requirement 1. Prepare summary journal entries for August using JIT costing, including the entry to adjust the Conversion Costs account. (Record debits first, then credits. Exclude explanations from journal entries.)Journalize the purchase of raw materials.
Part 6Strength-testing one item from each batch of panels $64,000Training employees in TQM 30,000Training suppliers in TQM 40,000Identifying suppliers who commit to on-time delivery of perfect-quality materials 54,000 Clegg, Inc. manufactures door panels. Suppose is considering spending the following amounts on a new total quality management (TQM) program:Requirement 1. Classify each cost as a prevention cost, an appraisal cost, an internal failure cost, or an external failure cost.Cost Type of Quality CostStrength-testing one item from each batch of panels Clegg expects the new program would save costs through the following:1. Classify each cost as a prevention cost, an appraisal cost, an internal failure cost, or an external failure cost.2. Should Clegg implement the new quality program? Give your reason

solved Please draft a business plan to include an executive summary,

Please draft a business plan to include an executive summary, swot analysis, marketing plan & strategy, financials, etc.Mission StatementTo annually highlight the individual achievements and successes of professional women who are leaders, innovators, and influencers in their respective fields of business.Financial RequirementsThe Strategic Financial plan of the company is to acquire annual sponsors, grants, and other resources that will promote nationwide media coverage and ultimately expansion into Central and South America.The pricing structure is a unique niche, based around the Miss America or Miss Universe competition model. The potential gross margins are to exceed 5 million within the next 12 months. Competitors like Miss America award $45 million in cash and scholarships every year.Goals/ ObjectivesCurrently, MCA is in one state and in one city. Plans are being developed to expand the opportunity for more women to participate in the MCA experience. In so doing, MCA wants to host regional competitions in every state and Central/South America continent, air the event on national TV, and grow the brand into a household name.Market AnalysisParticipation in MCA can reach over 2,500 participants within the next few years and over 12,500 participants beyond five (5) years. It would seem natural to have a pilot program, within the state of Florida, where local competitions can be held in cities throughout the state. The winner and possibly the “Runner Up” will participate in Orlando for top honors. Contestant growth is expected to reach a huge expansion of contestants and over five (5) million dollars in sponsorship, donations, competition fees, and business partnerships, within the next 12 months.CompetitorsMiss America, Miss USA, and Miss UniverseThe MCA competition is the only pageantry platform that focuses on a woman’s career accomplishments, community service initiatives, and on the combination of inner and outer beauty of each contestant. Within the MCA competition, it is not about wearing glass slippers, it is about breaking glass ceilings.Marketing and SalesThe company will market its products and services through the following methods and sales channels:- radio- posters- fliers- TV ads- internet ads- social media- content marketing – viral marketing- email marketing- direct marketing- digital marketinMs. Corporate America Organization LLC requests a bank line of credit in an amount up to $15 million for purposes of supporting and expanding its inaugural operations in promoting corporate beauty events that highlight women in business.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYFor 15 years, the Ms./Mrs. Corporate America Competition (MCA) has bought together hundreds of the brightest business professionals, community leaders and government officials for a night to recognize some of America’s brightest and exceptional women. The competition represents the future of business.Company InformationFor 15 years, the MCA Organization has been striving to emphasize character, integrity, and business acumen without compromising the natural beauty of women. MCA also provides a platform for women to strengthen leadership skills, enhance self-confidence, and a means to promote themselves to accomplish personal and professional goals. The Ms. Corporate America’s name is trademarked and owned by the LLC.ManagementAnissa King, President & CEO and has been at the helm since the LLC’s inception. There are 7 other team members on staff.Products and ServicesMCA has a full complement of services to offer women who are seeking to improve their opportunity to meet or exceed their professional goals such as networking, brand building, PR/marketing resources, coaching, leadership training, business development, and national/international exposure.Customers and Target MarketParticipants are women who are corporate executives, female founders (CEO’s), and community and civil servant leaders, between the ages of 21-65, who live in North, South or Central America.

solved Description:Theology 201 Essay: Three Major QuestionsThe Old Testament repeatedly addresses

Description:Theology 201 Essay: Three Major QuestionsThe Old Testament repeatedly addresses crucial questions about life. Three key questions we are focusing on in this course are: Who is God and what is God like? What does it mean to be human? How do God and humans relate? As we read, think, and write about the OT (and ANE texts) in this class, we will constantly keep these questions in view. To help you examine and synthesize your understanding of how the OT asks and answers these questions, you will write an essay that addresses one (1) of these questions.How should you go about doing this? First, select the question you wish to answer. Second, identify texts in each of the four (4) parts of the Christian OT canon—Pentateuch, Historical, Poetic/Wisdom, and Prophetic books—that address this question. Even though each question is broad, you should propose and defend a narrow thesis that partially answers the big question. This means that you should focus on texts that answer the question by means of a single idea or theme (e.g., answering the question of what it means to be human by examining passages that deal with the characteristic of free will). Third, study what each text says in answering the question within the bounds of your thesis. Pay close attention to how the text’s context (i.e., the historical/biblical situation that surrounds or stands behind the text) and genre (i.e., the text’s narrative [e.g., plot and characterization] or poetic elements [e.g., imagery and parallelism]) help you understand the text’s message and, thus, its answer to the question. In this process you should consult peer-reviewed articles or biblical commentaries on your passages and/or question. Fourth, create a formal outline of your essay to clarify your question and thesis, synthesize your ideas, and arrange your material in a way that directly and coherently addresses and answers the essay question with a single, focused argument. Finally, after reviewing and refining your outline, write and edit the final draft.Rubrics:The essay will address a narrow thesis concerning one (1) of the three major questions and be 1,800-2,000 words in length (a bibliography or works cited page is not needed).To answer this question, you must use biblical passages from each of the four (4) parts of the Christian OT canon.The paper may use relevant secondary sources and document them appropriately. These sources can be books, articles, or essays in journals or magazines that are found in print or full-text online format on the library’s online databases. You may not use lecture notes or websites, unless approved by the professor.If the paper contains any plagiaris m, it will receive zero points. To avoid (un)intentionally stealing another person’s work and passing it off as your own, place quotation marks around any direct quotes and cite the source. Also cite paraphrased material or borrowed ideas/data.The paper’s format, citations, and bibliography or works cited page must follow The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) or Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines.Books in the Library: The following sources are a good place to start in your research:Coggins, Richard. Introducing the Old Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press,2001.Goldingay, John. Key Questions about the Christian Faith: Old Testament Answers. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2010.Rogerson, John W.Theory and Practice of Old Testament Ethics. Edinburgh: T & T Clark International, 2004.Rosner, Brian S., ed. New Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Grand Rapids: InterVarsity, 2000.Ryken, Leland, ed. Dictionary of Biblical Imagery. Grand Rapids: InterVarsity, 1998.Digital Resources: There are several peer reviewed, full-text online resources that you can consult too. Go to and search in Academic eBooks or in ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, Academic Search Premier, JSTOR, or Oxford Reference Online, all of which are located under Research Databases.

solved PRACTICUM ORGANIZATION: Connect For Health In Rhode Island Select a

PRACTICUM ORGANIZATION: Connect For Health In Rhode Island
Select a public health issue that could be addressed with a policy change. Identify key stakeholders related to this policy issue and describe how you would solicit input and gather feedback. Why is it important to engage stakeholders in the policy process? What roles and responsibilities could these stakeholders have in the policy process?
PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.…
Read “Evaluating the Health Impact of Large-Scale Public Policy Changes: Classical and Novel Approaches,” by Basu, Meghani, and Siddiqi, from Annual Review of Public Health (2017).

Read “Stakeholder Engagement in Policy Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Human Genomics,” by Lemke and Harris-Wai, from Genetics in Medicine: Official Journal of the American College of Medical Genetics (2015).

Read “The Challenge of Complexity in Evaluating Health Policies and Programs: The Case of Women’s Participatory Groups to Improve Antenatal Outcomes,” by Van Belle, Rifkin, and Marchal, from BMC Health Services Research (2017).

Read “Brief 1: Overview of Policy Evaluation,” from Step-by-Step – Evaluating Violence and Injury Prevention Policies, located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

Read “Section 3: Social Planning and Policy Change,” from “Chapter 5: Choosing Strategies to Promote Community Health and Development,” in the Community Assessment toolkit, located on the Community Tool Box website.

MUST have at least three citations with the page numbers and three references in APA format and all questions clearly answered in paragraphs.(The List of References should not be older than 2017 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. 
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class
I am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.
To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author