solved Winter 2021 ePortfolio InstructionsFinal ePortfolio: “Learning During a Pandemic” (1200

Winter 2021 ePortfolio InstructionsFinal ePortfolio: “Learning During a Pandemic” (1200 words with a variety of multimodal elements)What is an ePortfolio? It is your work throughout the term collected, curated, and reflected upon. This term, however, “work throughout the term” has taken on new meaning as we all struggle to adapt to uncertain and often frightening circumstances. In that sense, school “work” isn’t easily distinguishable from other kinds of work, like getting up, getting dressed, and finding our way into the day. Through all of this, we have had many triumphs—completing schoolwork, often in very confined quarters (the pets! The siblings! The moms! The dads!), keeping our spirits up by encouraging each other, and allowing ourselves the space to feel afraid, tense, tired, and even angry while still insisting on our right to hope.In that spirit, we will be constructing our final ePortfolio around the experiences of learning in these strange and troubled timesLearning During a Global Pandemic (and in Generally Challenging Times)Some organizing questions/sections:Learning about pandemic: Take a look at this “visual history of pandemics” (Links to an external site.)and reflect on learning about Covid-19. What have you learned about infections disease? What have you learned about the word “pandemic”? What did you think about pandemics before Covid-19? What do you think about them now? Do you think this pandemic has changed the way you will think about your world? If not, why not? If so, how so? Anything else?Learning with pandemic: What has it been like to have “pandemic” on the mind while trying to study—at the beginning of the quarter? Midway through? Now? For this class? Other classes? In general?39C and the pandemic: What has it been like to do a research project in which you had to think about a real world problem, one happening right now? Have you thought about that problem existing in the context of the pandemic? Have you thought about how that problem you’ve thought about for all these weeks might be affected by the pandemic? What has it been like to do research for this project—choose, read, summarize, and analyze sources? Compose an argument? But perhaps most importantly advocate for? Anything else you would like to add about working on this project during a pandemic?Spring term and the future: How do you feel about learning online moving forward? What concerns do you have? Do you anticipate any major changes? As we continue to fight the pandemic, how are you anticipating or planning for your learning experience during fall term? Before you write, please gather all of the “sources” you will use to compose this multimodal project. You should gather assignments from your project as you did for the Midterm, but also look elsewhere to other things. While you don’t have to use this many in the actual eportfolio, try to collect between 10-12 elements to work with. It’s exactly the same principle as the annotated bibliography: better to have more sources that you can pick from than few sources that don’t help you gain a coherent picture. **Sources can be:short 2-3 min videos of you pondering a couple of these questions or some other related thing.screenshots of newspaper or other kinds of headlinesphotos of your study space at home, your family, images of your other classwork, any other photo or expressive element (text message, social media post, drawing, song/poem) that you want to share that connect us to your life away from school during this time.Any elements that connect to this class and your project: from emails, to text messages, to sticky pad notes, to early drafts, to peer and instructor comments, to comments you gave to others, to before and afters of your work, to discoveries made, to work discarded, to bad news and good news, to lack of motivation, to light bulb moments.**If the meaning or content of your image requires explanation, please provide a caption.

solved Case 2A: The Capital Structure1. At find the Profile

Case 2A: The Capital Structure1. At find the Profile (Profile) of PepsiCo (PEP) and IBM (IBM), and then examine the Balance Sheet and Income Statement for each company. Calculate the present value of the interest tax savings that contribute to your long-term debt. Now suppose they each issue $ 3 trillion more of long-term debt and that they use the proceeds to buy back equity. What change would the tax savings experience?2. Scroll down and click on the word “Industry” in the left column. This will give you a table of financial ratios or ratios for different industries. Compare the debt to equity ratios of companies. Can you explain the differences? Are these better explained according to the theory of equilibrium or according to that of the financial hierarchy?Case 2B: The Time Value of Money: Retirement Planning”Boy, this is all so confusing,” Ryan said when he looked at the documents on his desk. If I had only taken the advice of my finance professor, I would not be in such a situation today. “Ryan Daniels, 27, graduated five years ago with a degree in food marketing and currently works as a mid-level manager for a chain of supermarkets with considerable success. His current annual salary of $ 70,000 has increased at an average rate of 5 percent per year and is projected to increase at least at that rate for the foreseeable future. The company has had a retirement savings program On-site volunteer, whereby employees can contribute up to 11% of their gross annual salary (up to a maximum of $ 12,000 per year) and the company matches the contribution with every dollar the employee contributes. Unfortunately, like many other young people Starting at his first “real” job, Ryan has not yet taken advantage of the retirement savings program. He opted to buy a luxury car, rent an expensive apartment and consume most of his income. s.However, with wedding plans on the horizon, Ryan has finally come to understand that he must start saving some money for the future. His fiancee, Amber, of course, had a lot to do with his realization of this reality. Amber reminded Ryan that in addition to retirement, there would be several other big expenses coming up soon and that it would be prudent for him to devise a comprehensive savings plan, taking into account the various cost estimates and timelines involved.Ryan figures that the two biggest expenses down the road would be those related to the wedding and a down payment on a house. He estimates that the wedding, which will take place in twelve months, should cost about $ 15,000 in today’s dollars. Also, he plans to move into a $ 250,000 house (in today’s terms) in 5 years from now and would need 20% for the down payment. Ryan is aware that his estimates are in current terms and would have to be adjusted for inflation. Also, he knows that an automatic payroll deduction is probably the best way to go as he is not a very disciplined investor. Ryan is really not sure how much money he should contribute each month, considering the effects of inflation, differences in terms, and the salary increases he would be receiving. This whole numbers thing seems overwhelming and the goals seem insurmountable. If you had only started planning and saving five years ago, your financial situation would have been much better. But, as the saying goes, “It’s better late than NEVER!”Questions:1. What was Ryan’s starting salary? How much could he have contributed to the voluntary savings plan in his first year of employment?2. If Ryan had taken advantage of the company’s voluntary retirement plan to the maximum extent, each year for the past five years, how much money would he currently have accumulated in his retirement account, assuming monthly deposits and a nominal rate of return of 7 %? How much more would the value of his investment have been if he had opted for a riskier alternative (for example, 100% common stocks), which are expected to yield an average rate of return of 12%?

solved Hi this is for Sociology upper division class, the idea

Hi this is for Sociology upper division class, the idea of this writing is to answer all the questions below with your own word based on the reading and lecture material and your knowledge within 4000 to 6000 word total for all the questions. Label the answer by the question and make it bold. Please look at the instruction by the instructor which is very helpful and very important. I’ll upload the important materials one by one after submit the question because it doesn’t let me do all in one.Instruction and Question by the instructorThis exam is ‘open book’ — you are free to refer to lecture notes, assigned readings, handouts, and other class content while preparing and finalizing your essay.Be sure to read the assignment very carefully, and answer the questions that have been asked.Each essay will be graded according to how well it demonstrates your comprehension of the material. Therefore, be sure to cite any obviously relevant course material. Also, if you decide to use direct quotations from the readings, do so sparingly, and do not allow quotations to replace your own statements. You do not need to include a separate references list for this exam, but you do need to include in-text citations, such as: (Andrews 1999) or (lecture 10/18/11). Your essay will also be graded according to how clearly you articulate your responses. Your essay should be carefully written, coherently organized, professionally composed, and thoroughly proofread. Take the time to draft responses, revise them, and polish them. Strive to be direct and concise.In total, your responses should take up approximately 4000-6000 words. That said, the length of your responses is much less important than their content and coherence.All of the following essays are required.1. Describe and critically assess the IPAT model. What is it? What are its strengths? How has it been critiqued in course readings and/or lectures? (15 points)2. After the recent election, your roommate is shocked that some self-proclaimed “socialists” who criticize capitalism have won political elections in the United States. She says that she can’t understand why anyone would criticize capitalism. a. Use course concepts and material to explain to your roommate what some of the critiques of capitalism are. In your response, be sure to explain your reasoning, and be sure to address the impacts of capitalism on the environment. (15 points) b. Then your roommate responds, “Well, what are we supposed to do about it?” To answer her, specify at least five distinct types of government institutions (laws, policies, rules, programs, etc.) that could reduce the harmful effects of capitalism. At least two of your responses should pertain to the environment. (10 points)3. Answer the following questions about neoliberalism. a. Explain what we mean by neoliberalism. (5 points) b. Explain what we mean by neoliberalization. (10 points) c. Who practices neoliberalization? Specify the types of actors who practice it, and describe how they do so. (15 points) d. Identify two historical contexts that fostered the rise of neoliberalism, and briefly explain your reasoning. (5 points)4. Answer the following questions about regulatory capture. a. Define “regulatory capture.” (10 points) b. Identify and describe three key practices through which regulatory capture happens. (15 points)5. Answer the following questions about settler colonialism. a. What do we mean by ‘settler colonialism’? (5 points) b. What forms has it taken? (15 points) c. How has it contributed to environmental inequalities? (10 points)6. Based on what you have learned in this class, how would you describe the relationship between the ‘traditional’ environmental movement and the environmental justice (EJ) movement? (10 points)7. Based on what you have learned in this class, how would you describe the relationship between the ‘traditional’ environmental movement and Indigenous peoples? (10 points)Thank you!!!

solved No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – HE LuccockGroups are dynamic, diverse, and distinctive entities put together for a purpose.  It could be an orchestra, party planning committee, problem-solving team, or an evaluation group. Whatever the reason, we’ve all worked in a group at some point, and whether or not that group worked successfully together depended a lot on the members.  This lesson focuses on group dynamics.  Since we will work in groups in the future, especially at work, it’s important to be informed about how groups function. The learning activities in this lesson are designed to help you understand the reasons we work in groups, the roles we play in groups, and the way groups form.
When you successfully complete this lesson, you will be able to:

Define the characteristics of a group.
Connect group development and life cycles to a group experience.
Differentiate between positive and negative group roles.
Create a problem-solving analysis using the Reflective Thinking Model.
Summarize the ways team leadership is implemented in groups.
These objectives reflect the important concepts of this lesson and should be used to guide your studies and your preparation for examinations. 
Read Chapter 19 in the textbook. Use these hints to help you get the most out of your time.

Build vocabulary by focusing on bolded words in the text.
Focus reading and studying by paying attention to section headings in each chapter.

Review required videos and articles:

Powerful Traits of Successful Leaders

Complete the Group Project located below.
Complete the Article Review #2 located below.
You will complete two article reviews throughout this class on a topic involving communication in the workplace. These assignments are designed to expand your knowledge of the field of business communication by exposing you to research in the field.
I have outlined a list of ideas you may choose from to complete your article reviews.  This list is compiled from the overall topics covered in the text, but you may be more specific in your article search.  For example, you can research “management listening skills” as a narrowly focused topic for a review.

Organizational Culture   
Nonverbal Messages   
Business Ethics   
Listening Skills   
Speaking at Work
Workplace Conflict   
Interviewing Skills   
Verbal Messages
Interpersonal Relationships   
Diversity in the Workplace   
Leadership/Management Styles
Once you have chosen a topic, you will next need to find a scholarly article discussing your topic.  I recommend using the CTC online databases to find scholarly articles.  Go to to access the databases. You may look outside of the databases, but the credibility of the article and author needs to be heavily considered if using an alternative site. Criteria for evaluating an article for the review:
The article needs to be at least 1,000 words in length.
The author needs to be cited along with a description of her/his credentials.
The author needs to be an expert in the field he/she is writing.
The article should be recent and relevant to our course.
Once you have read the article, you will complete a review of the article.  The article review should have these three main parts.

An APA or MLA formatted citation of the article at the top of the review.
A one-page summary of the article that briefly outlines the article in your own words.  Explain what the article discusses without quoting the author(s) word-for-word.
A one-page critique of the article which discusses the following four questions:

How does the information in this article increase your understanding of the field?
What did you learn that was surprising?  Or, what did you learn that you disagree with based on your experience?
How could this information impact you as a current or future businessperson?
What is your overall opinion of the usefulness of this article?

solved I’m working on a nursing question and need support to

I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me understand better.

It may seem to you that healthcare has been a national topic of debate among political leaders for as long as you can remember.Healthcare has been a policy item and a topic of debate not only in recent times but as far back as the administration of the second U.S. president, John Adams. In 1798, Adams signed legislation requiring that 20 cents per month of a sailor’s paycheck be set aside for covering their medical bills. This represented the first major piece of U.S. healthcare legislation, and the topic of healthcare has been woven into presidential agendas and political debate ever since.As a healthcare professional, you may be called upon to provide expertise, guidance and/or opinions on healthcare matters as they are debated for inclusion into new policy. You may also be involved in planning new organizational policy and responses to changes in legislation. For all of these reasons you should be prepared to speak to national healthcare issues making the news.In this Assignment, you will analyze recent presidential healthcare agendas. You also will prepare a fact sheet to communicate the importance of a healthcare issue and the impact on this issue of recent or proposed policy.To Prepare:Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations.Select an issue related to healthcare that was addressed by each of the last three U.S. presidential administrations.Reflect on the focus of their respective agendas, including the allocation of financial resources for addressing the healthcare issue you selected.Consider how you would communicate the importance of a healthcare issue to a legislator/policymaker or a member of their staff for inclusion on an agenda.The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid, 1-Page Analysis, and 1-page narrative) with a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper.Part 1: Agenda Comparison GridUse the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.At least 3 resources must be usedPart 2: Agenda Comparison Grid AnalysisUsing the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?Part 3: NarrativeUsing the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page narrative that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. Be sure to address the following:Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.The response fully integrates at least 2 outside resources and 2-3 course specific resources that fully supports the summary provided.

solved As you learned from last week’s readings, forensic psychology can

As you learned from last week’s readings, forensic psychology can apply to many areas of the legal system. Narrowly defined forensic psychology professionals conduct evaluations of defendants and appear in court to testify based on their findings. However, in reality, the activities of forensic psychology professionals, because of their knowledge of human behavior, might include working in prisons as mental health professionals; working with law enforcement agencies screening applicants; engaging in criminal profiling; or assisting in hostage negotiations, crisis intervention, or in the selection of a suitable jury.
As you have seen in the Learning Resources this week, there are forensic psychology subspecialties that include criminal forensic psychology, juvenile forensic psychology, civil forensic psychology, investigative psychology, correctional psychology, police psychology, and military psychology. Additionally, there are a variety of roles and responsibilities within each subspecialty. Studying and understanding the various roles and responsibilities of a forensic psychology professional within specific subspecialties, will help you to understand the field and identify a subspecialty of forensic psychology you may find most interesting.
To prepare for this assignment:

Review Chapter 1 of the course text, Introduction to Forensic Psychology. Pay particular attention to the subspecialties and roles that fall under the umbrella of forensic psychology.
Review this week’s DVD program, “Practice Areas, Roles, and Responsibilities.” Consider all of the roles, responsibilities, and opportunities pertaining to forensic psychology professional.
Review the article “An Interesting Career in Psychology: Forensic Psychologist” (Pinizzotto) on the APA Online: Law and Psychology Web site and consider the roles of a forensic psychology professional within this specific subspecialty.
Think about the subspecialties of forensic psychology and the various roles within them.
Choose two roles that are of interest to you in one or more of the subspecialties.
Consider how each of the roles you selected contributes to a subspecialty and why.

The assignment (1.5 pages):

Describe the two roles you selected.
Describe the two subspecialties to which the roles belong and contribute.
Explain how each role contributes to the subspecialty you selected and why.
Explain how roles of forensic psychology professionals in general contribute to forensic psychology subspecialties.


Course Text: Bartol, C. R.,& Bartol, A. M. (2019). Introduction to forensic psychology: Research and application (5th ed.). Sage.

“Cases Cited” (page CC-1)
Chapter 1, “Introduction to Forensic Psychology”

Article: Pinizzotto, A. J. (2003, Convention). An interesting career in psychology: Forensic psychologist. Psychological Science Agenda 16(4).
Retrieved from


Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Introduction to forensic psychology: Practice areas, roles, and responsibilities. Baltimore: Author.…

Web Site

APA Online: Law and Psychology

Optional Resources

Note: Because of the ever-changing nature of Web sites such as the one listed below, there is no guarantee that clips or Web sites will always be available. Hence, the following link is listed as a Optional Resource only. However, it is highly recommended that you view it as it will assist you in completing one or more of your assignments.
Article: MacKain, S. J., Tedeschi, R. G., Durham, T. W., & Goldman, V. J. (2002). So what are master’s-level psychology practitioners doing? Surveys of employers and recent graduates in North Carolina. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 33, 408–412.
Use the PsycINFO database and search using the article’s Accession Number: 2002-15385-009.

solved Unit 6 Assignment: Presentation to Increase Global InterconnectednessThe following Course

Unit 6 Assignment: Presentation to Increase Global InterconnectednessThe following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:GB600-2: Practice global interconnectedness as it applies to your field of study.For the Unit 6 Microsoft® PowerPoint® assignment, you will present the skills and behaviors necessary to practice global interconnectedness in your field of study. Chapter 14 of the text (DuBrin, 2019) addresses the leadership challenges stemming from working in international and culturally diverse environments and how the modern leader must be multicultural because corporate success, profit, and growth depend increasingly on the management of a diverse workforce.In a 10-slide presentation, you will introduce a specific goal you have regarding global interconnectedness. Next, you will review Figure 14-1 of the text (DuBrin, 2019) and conduct additional research on the key dimensions of differences in cultural values; then present how a leader can use this information to become more effective. You will also conduct research on cultural intelligence including cognitive, physical, and emotional and present how a leader can use this information to become more effective.Then, using the results of your assessments as well as your research on the key dimensions of differences in cultural values and cultural intelligence, you will analyze your current strengths and opportunities as a multicultural leader. Finally, based on your research and analysis, you will provide specific recommendations for steps you can take to achieve your goal regarding global interconnectedness and when you will begin implementation of each recommendation.Checklist:Introduction section: Introduction to why it is important to be a multicultural leader and a specific goal you have regarding global interconnectedness.Review Figure 14-1 of the text (DuBrin, 2019) and conduct additional research on the key dimensions of differences in cultural values. Present how a leader can use this information to become more effective.Conduct research on cultural intelligence including cognitive, physical, and emotional. Present how a leader can use this information to become more effective.Complete the Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1: The Charting Your Cultural Value Profile and Quiz 14-2: My Tolerance for Cultural Differences.Briefly share what you learned from the assessments. Using your research on the key dimensions of differences in cultural values and cultural intelligence, analyze your current strengths and opportunities as a multicultural leader.Based on your research and analysis, provide specific recommendations for steps you can take to achieve your goal regarding global interconnectedness and when you will begin implementation of each recommendation.Provide a conclusion that inspires a call to action and seeks support for your recommendations.Ensure substantive integration of appropriate, current, and reliable resources — including in-text citations throughout the notes with a corresponding item on the reference list. A minimum of two viable sources are required (no older than 3 years).Presentation quality: Your presentation should be spell and grammar-checked and demonstrate correct mechanics and appropriate writing and presentation style. The use of a professional template, graphics, and SmartArt® are necessary to make it visually appealing. Ensure each slide is streamlined and easily viewed in a large setting (i.e., 24 or 28-point font).Submit the assignment to Unit 6: Assignment Dropbox. This assignment is due by the end of Unit 6 — Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. ET.Access the Unit 6 Assignment grading rubric.Order of presentation:Title SlideIntroductionResearch and findings on key dimensions of differences in cultural valuesResearch and findings on cultural intelligenceAnalysis your current strengths and opportunities as a multicultural leaderRecommendations to achieve your goal regarding global interconnectednessCall to actionFinal Slide

solved I only have to complete the SWOT Analysis of the

I only have to complete the SWOT Analysis of the company, I only have to do the O (Opportunities) and T (Threats) the company is Costco!Unit 1: Team Live Case AnalysisTeam Live Case Analysis (Core Assessment due Unit 8)All Park University courses must include a core assessment that measures the course’s Core Learning Outcomes. The purpose of this assessment is to determine if expectations have been met concerning mastery of learning outcomes across all instructional modalities. For this capstone course, the core assessment is a team project that involves a strategic analysis of a publicly held company to be administered in all sections of MG495. This team project is worth 20 percent of the student’s final grade and will test students’ mastery of the Core Learning Outcomes through a detailed analysis of managerial decisions and actions that help determine the long-term performance of an organization. It includes the environmental scanning (both external and internal), strategy formulation (strategic or long-range planning), strategic implementation, and evaluation and control.The teams for the core assessment project will consist of 3 – 5 members. Each team must submit the name of their company for the instructor’s approval by midnight on Sunday of Unit 1. Each team will have a designated Live Case Analysis Work Area to communicate among members and work on their project.Live Case Analysis:This team project is worth 225 points. (Unit 6: Rough Draft – 25 pts | Unit 8: Case Analysis – 200 pts)Required: Executive summaryHistorical overview of a company your team selects and products and/or services provided by that company.Analysis of economy and industry.SWOT analysis of the company.Forecast of the economy, industry, and company for next year.Pro-forma Income Statement and Balance SheetRecommendations and conclusions.Guides and Tips: (Overall length: 10 – 15 pages, not including references, charts, etc.)A team must select a publicly held company where financial data is readily available. Most publicly held companies have this information readily available. You will need at least 3 years of historical data (5 – 10 years is preferred). A private company can be used if they provide you access to financial data.Discuss the relationship, if any, between the economy and industry, and the industry and company.Provide an overview of the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Please note that Strengths and Weakness are internal, Threats are external, and Opportunities tend to be a combination of internal Strengths combined with favorable industry/economy factors. There is a difference between Opportunities and Options.Use one of the readily available forecasts of the economy versus trying to develop your own economic forecasting model. Most major industries are forecasted by the government, think tanks, and/or industry trade groups. Use their information for your forecast of the industry. For the company, use historical sales data and perform regression analysis. Regression analysis for most publicly held companies will provide strong R squared and R values to be used in forecasting future sales. In those cases where R squared and R values are too low for forecasting purposes, you will have to develop your own methodology to forecast sales. Be sure and explain how you arrive at a forecasted sales value.An abbreviated Pro-forma Income Statement and Balance Sheet is needed. You do no need to encompass all the variables but rather show sales, cost of goods sold or cost of services provides, and fixed costs. Other noteworthy items can be included if they are significant.Draw conclusions based on your forecast and analysis of the company including the challenges faced by the company and industry.Click on the links below for the CASE ANALYSIS FORMAT/GUIDELINES FOR LIVE CASE and the REGRESSION ANALYSIS TIPS documents. Students MUST follow this format for completing the core assessment case analysis.

solved Language and Communication Journal [WLOs: 1, 3] [CLO: 1] Journals

Language and Communication Journal
[WLOs: 1, 3] [CLO: 1]
Journals allow you to think about how the course content relates to your experiences, philosophies, and beliefs. There are no right or wrong answers; the value lies in your critical thinking and personal reflections. The questions below may spark some ideas regarding language and communication. You do not need to address all the questions; instead, write down your thoughts as they unfold.
Language and communication have become more expansive in our new digital world. With the increased use of cell phones, computers, and tablets, communication styles have changed radically in the past couple of decades. While these changes do open many doors, there are also new areas to think about. In this one to two page journal, give your thoughts on the following prompts. Remember, these are just your thoughts and not all bullets below need to be addressed:

Describe the ways in which you communicate today.
Compare your communication today with how you communicated 10, 15, or 20 years ago.
Discuss how our interactions and expectations of others has changed over time.
Explain how the effectiveness of our communication has changed over time.
Summarize how the new forms of language and abundant communication methods will affect our children, youth, and adolescent
Grading rubrics
Total Possible Score: 4.00 Content
Distinguished – Responds with a thorough reflection that is related to all aspects of the journal prompt. Applies professional, personal, relevant prior knowledge, and/or other real-world experiences in a manner that is rich in thought and provides valuable insight into the topic. Analyzes preconceptions and biases by deconstructing elements of personal assumptions and synthesizes own awareness using new modes of thinking.Proficient – Responds with a reflection that is related to almost all aspects of the journal prompt. Applies professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in a manner that provides valuable insight into the topic. Provides a limited analysis of preconceptions and biases and somewhat synthesizes own awareness using new modes of thinking.Basic – Responds with a reflection that is related to most aspects of the journal prompt. Applies professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in a manner that provides limited insight into the topic but may not be wholly relevant to the journal prompt. Demonstrates self-reflection by identifying preconceptions or biases compared to new modes of thinking.Below Expectations – Responds with a reflection that is related to some aspects of the journal prompt. Attempts to apply professional, personal, or other real-world experiences, but their relevance to the journal prompt is unclear. Self-reflection is vague and/or fails to relate to preconceptions or biases and new modes of thinking.Non-Performance – The journal is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. Coherence
Distinguished – Effectively communicates ideas or points in a logical and organized manner. Reflections are sophisticated and formulate wholly appropriate and pertinent connections between the journal topic and relevant prior knowledge.Proficient – Communicates ideas or points in a manner that is mostly logical and organized. Reflections formulate appropriate connections between the journal topic and relevant prior knowledge.Basic – Communicates ideas or points in a manner that demonstrates a limited understanding of content organization. Attempts to reflect upon journal topic, but the connections between the journal topic and prior knowledge are vague.Below Expectations – Attempts to communicate ideas or points; however, the content organization is extremely limited. Fails to provide a reflection that connects the journal topic to prior knowledge.Non-Performance – The journal is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. Mechanics

solved InstructionsFor this assignment, we will address the foundational course objectives

InstructionsFor this assignment, we will address the foundational course objectives that focus upon the role of and challenges facing the private sector in securing the homeland government’s expectations related to these issues. Specifically, you will provide details regarding how a specific private sector business/organization (whether that be a “real world” company or a fictitious one) is addressing and carrying out the Joint National Priorities for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. In your reply, you will be expected to address these priorities by incorporating the topics we have covered thus far in class (i.e. critical infrastructure, continuity of operations planning, partnerships, information sharing, challenges, etc.) in a 5 page research paper.Technical RequirementsMake sure you read the instructions carefully and that you focus your paper on answering the assigned questions. This assignment is a research paper, not an opinion paper, so you need to use scholarly sources to support your thesis (see this library article How do I write a good thesis statement). Use formal academic writing and do not use the first person such as ‘I’ or ‘my’; see this site on academic writing style (scholarly voice). Make sure you use APA style 7th edition in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para. 14). Citations are required for paraphrases as well, but not the page or paragraph number in that case. You are welcome to use supplementary sources to compliment the assigned readings based upon your research, but make sure you use only scholarly and credible sources (do not use open websites and you never want to use wikipedia for a college level paper). Also, dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as general news sites (like CNN) are NOT appropriate for college level research papers. A good example of what NOT to use is — not only is it not the NSA webpage, the site loaded with bogus information and if you scroll down to the bottom it says “This is a parody of and has not been approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency or by any other U.S. Government agency.” You need to use mainly scholarly and reputable academic books and journal articles.Academic Requirements:- Make sure your paper content meets the minimum acceptable length listed above with full pages of text, not including the Title or Reference pages.- Written according to the APA 7th edition style and format (parenthetical in-text citation formats only; not end notes or footnotes);- Use Times New Roman 12 point font;- 1 inch margins on all sides with no paragraph indentation other than the first line by .5 inches – Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section headings and no added font sizes or lines either) – A respectable number of credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included on the reference page. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content (so a minimum of 2 new scholarly sources per page in a research paper is acceptable for this assignment). Use those academic and credible sources provided to you throughout the course, as well as other scholarly material obtained from conducting your own research. Finally, be mindful of excessive direct quotes as the paper should not contain just a string of quotations from sources. Make sure you comply with all academic integrity standards expected by APUS and as slide 14 of the APUS Academic Integrity presentation posted in course syllabus (and the week 1 introduction forum) states “Quotes cannot make up more than 10% of the text of your assignment.” So paraphrase where you can and provide your own analysis and synthesis of your research (direct quotes only when necessary to support your thesis). (automatically).