solved Every Number needs to be at least 300 words in

Every Number needs to be at least 300 words in it.1 -How important is it for a project manager running an IT project to have technical skills in the technology being used in the project he or she is running? Explain. What are the skills necessary to be an effective project manager? Elaborate. Define the project management triple constraint and explain its significance to project managers. As an IT project manager, how do these impact your projects? Describe two projects you have worked on previously either during an internship, in class, or as a full-time employee. Describe one project that went well and why and describe one project that didn’t go very well and why. In the summary, explain why you believe IT projects have a poor success rate.2- Select one of the articles/videos to review in the Resources Section of this week. Explain the highlights. Explain the waterfall model as a SDLC methodology, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. List and define the three interrelated components of a systems approach. Describe the relationship between the project management life cycle (PMLC) and the system development life cycle (SDLC) and how they work together.3- Explain the importance of the project charter. Why is this document critical to a project? What information should be contained in a charter? How do and can organizations make decisions when selecting whether or not to pursue a project OR to choose between competing potential projects? Please describe methods, models, tools, and techniques. Are any of these approaches better than others – why or why not? What are the underlying factors that govern these decisions? Define a “stakeholder” and give examples from YOUR IT experience or background. When should you identify project stakeholders? Would you involve all stakeholders early in the defining and planning processes even if they are very disruptive and cause delays? Why or why not? Why is it important to manage stakeholder expectations? How can you do this? Describe techniques and tools? What is a key thing you can do early in a project life cycle to be proactive in managing stakeholder expectations?4- Develop a WBS using Word, Excel or Project, with at least two levels of detail for the complete hardware upgrade of the universitiy’s computers in the lab. Be sure to identify critical success factors. The good news: You have been promoted into a project leader position. The bad news: The software development team you need to manage has been having problems with missed deadliness and morale. In addition to this, tracking requirements for the project had been difficult. The previous team leader was fired for not being able to get things turned around. The team is made up of 15 developers, all very well trained and with several years of experience. Four of them are from India on a sponsored visa, and the other 11 are U.S. citizens from various parts of the country. The team pulled together from various parts of the organization to complete a large addition to the company web site. What are you going to do to get things turned around? List some tactics you will use to get the individuals to work better as a team and to begin meeting deadlines.5- Write a scope statement for a project that would outfit Friends Universities 75 computers in the labs complete with connectivity, hardware and software. The project would be completed over the summer. Make assumptions as needed. Research is required.6- RISK MANAGEMENT:a) What is “risk management” and why is it important in the IT project environment?b) Does it make sense to spend time and effort to plan for events or occurrences that many never occur – why or why not?c) Discuss any approaches, tools, or techniques we have covered in prior courses that may be helpful in assessing and identifying risks.d) How can communication help in identifying AND managing risk? Give an example from your personal or professional experience.

solved HelloI am looking for a PhD writer in Law, especially

HelloI am looking for a PhD writer in Law, especially in maritime law.My phd research is aboutMechanism to combat maritime terrorism in Saudi Arabia and international law.Please if you are not a phd writer do not accept this order.I want you to write 5 pages based on my supervisor’s commentsthe paper must be academic, not descriptive. I mean you analyze, compare, and synthesize the sources so I do not want you to write a summary in each source. so please do not waste your time and my time. Also, the writer should have experience in OSCOLA referencing style. if you have not done it before please do not accept this order. it’s not easy to do it and my supervisor is so strict about it. for example, you must write the page number in each source you cite. Also, you must cite 6 footnotes on each page. so, pleaseIF you write as I expected I will complete with you to write the whole dissertation.But now I want you to write 5 pages.we will work together in the whole dissertation First, I will ask you to write 6- 7 pages then I will read it and will send you my comment then we can complete another supervisor sent me sources and I have to use them.i will send them to you later. You must write the page number in each sourceNo plagiarism so I expect each page with 6 footnotes and with the page number in each source. if you do now follow my points, i am sorry i will not accept it. i hope you understand that. Please find the sourcePlease find the source-Look at the multiplicity of risks. There are many different aspects like ships, platforms, ports, cyber security, and personnel.-Write as much as possible in line with the above instructions. At this stage, give priority to (b) the different aspects of threats to maritime operations (c) leading Saudi laws of relevance (d) international conventions of relevance.-. Concentrate on producing scholarly quality rather than many pages.-Look at the multiplicity of risks. There are many different aspects like ships, platforms, ports, cyber security, and personnel.Ship, platform, ports. Cyber security, personal can say like Saudi spent a lot of money in security but still problem use the source. it from my supervisor.——————-THE CYBERSECURITY THREAT TO PORTS: CONTEXT, ASSESSMENT, AND LOOKING FORWARDA White Paper from Risk Intelligence in Denmark says that as central hubs to the global supply. Saudi has a law in cyber it still attached.Cyber

solved Critical Thinking AssignmentPurpose: To practice becoming an informed and critical

Critical Thinking AssignmentPurpose: To practice becoming an informed and critical citizen by researching social concerns and taking an informed stance with respect to a particular issue.undefinedTasksundefinedPhase 1: CT1 (Critical Thinking 1), CT2, and CT3undefinedPhase 2: Critical Thinking PaperundefinedPhase 1 Due by 11:59 p.m. Friday, April 2nd.undefinedCT1)Starting point: google “Violence at Berkeley and Freedom of Speech” and “Speech As a Form of Violence”undefinedIn case you do not understand what is being considered, perhaps this is one time where Wikipedia could be helpful. Actually, there are a number of sources in the article that could be useful.undefined Berkeley story and what happened regarding a speech by the provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is a test case for what is ethical and what is not ethical when it comes to protest.undefinedPotential pro-con questions to deal with:undefinedCan “speech” be used as a form of violence? Should “free speech” be limited on college campuses? Is physical violence a proper response to “speech violence”? Or create your own question in relation to this topic (You might want to ask me if you want to create your own question).undefinedCT2)Research and find at least one legitimate (reputable and informed) source to support a pro/for position to your question. Properly (using MLA) cite the source. Write a paragraph for the citation (the cited source) outlining and explaining the argument (reasons and evidence) for the position.undefinedCT3)Research and find at least one legitimate (reputable and informed) source con/against position to your question. Properly (using MLA) cite the source. Write a paragraph for the citation (each cited source) outlining and explaining the argument (reasons and evidence) for the position.undefinedSome reputable sources that might assist you in this research (Use these as your reputable sources):undefinedCQ Researcher: Each report has its own pro-con section.These provide quality considerations of questions.undefinedFree Speech on Campus: Where should colleges draw the line? Protests: Do mass demonstrations lead to policy changes? report has a specific section titled “should controversial speakers be denied platforms?”undefinedIssues and Controversies: Supporters argue- Opponents argueundefinedPolitical Correctness on College Campuses: Should Colleges Strive for Political Correctness? Movements: Are protest movements effective ways of bringing about social and political change? Viewpoints in ContextundefinedBeing Heard on Campus; There’s Free Speech and there’s freely speaking ‘free speech bill’ to get second look College Students Have Legitimate Grievances of Deepening Free-Speech Crisis on College Campuses: Supportive of physical violence against speech violence:undefined

solved Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests

Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests for Module 6. Next, you are to write a 3-4 page, double-spaced, reflection essay for this module based on your scores in each of the self-assessment tests from this Module 6. Keep in mind that this module is about communication, coaching and conflict skills. Take a look at Chapter SIX for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. The responses for the self-assessment tests should be written using a combination of the “assert and defend” style in a five-paragraph essay. Think like a lawyer. Assert an argument or thesis AND prove or defend it. (See more detail in “Instructions on Self-Assessment Tests and Reflection Essays”)Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of each of the self-assessment tests to you ( a total of at least THREE assertions for this essay) and support them with examples. Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for each of your arguments.Remember to use appropriate references to support your work. Please follow the APA format in all writing in this course. APA Guidelines on Miami Library Website (链接到外部网站。)Purdue OWL APA format Guidelines (on in-text citations (链接到外部网站。) and a reference list (链接到外部网站。)) SELF-ASSESSMENT ONE: LISTENING SKILLSGenerally speaking, the higher your score, the better your listening skills.ANALYSIS:Do you have good listening skills? Explain your response. This is a leadership area where everyone has room for improvement. What could you be doing to make yourself a better listener?Explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Six for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of this self-assessment test to you and support them with example(s). Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument.OR, if you would prefer not to do the above analysis, then, SUBSTITUTE the following analysis with additional details for completion.NOTE: If FIVE people you talk with regularly were to answer these 15 questions about you, would they have the same responses that you selected? To find out, have FIVE current and/or past managers, co-workers, instructors, other students in the course who know you, parents, siblings, and/or other friends fill out the questions with you in mind rather than themselves. Then, compare their answers to your answers. Place the information in a table containing the following information: NAME OF PERSON, RELATIONSHIP TO PERSON, TIME KNOWN THIS PERSON, HIS/HER ANSWERS, and YOUR ANSWERS. Did you receive any “qualitative” comments from any of these individuals that you would like to include? In a short paragraph, explain whether or not the similarities and/or the differences in the multiple sets of answers surprised you.SELF-ASSESSMENT TWO: YOUR PERSONALITY TRAITS AND COMMUNICATION, FEEDBACK, COACHING, AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLEANALYSIS:Based on your personality, what specific things can you and will you do to improve your communication, feedback and coaching, and conflict management style? Explain your short-term (over the next year) action plan for each of the three areas. Use a table format with at least one improvement (for each of the three areas) and the associated steps for implementation. SELF-ASSESSMENT THREE: DETERMINING YOUR PREFERRED COMMUNICATION STYLEANALYSIS:Explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Six for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of this self-assessment test to you and support them with example(s). Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument. When submitting responses to the Self-Assessment Tests, be sure to name your file accordingly, i.e., M6_SAT_Responses_lastname.docx

solved PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to apply hypersensitivity pathophysiological

PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to apply hypersensitivity pathophysiological concepts to explain assessment findings of a patient with Allergic Rhinitis. Students will examine all aspects of the patient’s assessment including: Chief Complaint (CC), History of Present Illness (HPI), Past Medical History (PMH), Family History (FH), Social History (SH), Review of Systems (ROS), and Medications and then answer the questions that follow on the provided Comprehensive Case Study template.Activity Learning OutcomesThrough this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:Analyze the case to arrive at the type of hypersensitivity reaction that the patient is exhibiting. (CO1)Explain the pathophysiology of the identified hypersensitivity reaction. (CO1)Identify all subjective and objective information provided in the case. (CO3)Explain, using pathophysiology, the rationale for each subjective and objective finding. (CO1, CO3)Identify two types of medications that are strongly recommended for the treatment of allergic rhinitis according to the clinical practice guidelines on the management of allergic rhinitis. (CO2, CO5)Explain the mechanism of action of the two medication classifications and include how the symptoms of allergic rhinitis are alleviated when taken. (CO2, CO5)Due Date: Sunday by 11:59 PM MT of Week 1Total Points Possible: 100Requirements:Content Criteria:Read the case study listed below.Refer to the rubric for grading requirements.Utilizing the Week 1 Case Study Template (Links to an external site.), provide your responses to the case study questions listed below.You must use at least one scholarly reference to provide pathophysiology statements. For this class, use of the textbook for pathophysiology statements is acceptable. You may also use an appropriate evidence-based journal.You must use the Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the management of allergic rhinitis to answer the treatment recommendation questions. The guideline can be found at the following web address: (Links to an external site.) .You may also use a medication administration reference such as Epocrates to provide medication names.Proper APA format (in-text citations, reference page, spelling, English language, and grammar) must be used.Case Study ScenarioA 35-year-old woman presents to the primary care office with a history of nasal congestion that has worsened over time and recurrent sinus infections. She considered herself healthy until about 12 months ago when she began experiencing rhinorrhea, sneezing, and nasal stuffiness that “seems to never go away”. She noticed that her rhinorrhea greatly improved when she attended her family reunion on a two-week Caribbean cruise but returned after being home a few days. She lives with her husband and 5- year-old child. They have two household pets: a dog that has lived with them for the last 4 years and a cat who joined the family 1 year ago. Upon exam, the NP observed eyelid redness and swelling, conjunctival swelling and erythema, allergic shiners (lower lid venous swelling), Allergic crease (lateral crease on the nose) and inflamed nares.Case Study QuestionsPathophysiology & Clinical Findings of the DiseaseIdentify the correct hypersensitivity reaction.Explain the pathophysiology associated with the chosen hypersensitivity reaction.Identify at least three subjective findings from the case.Identify at least three objective findings from the case.Management of the Disease*Utilize the required Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to support your treatment recommendations.Identify two strongly recommended medication classes for the treatment of the condition and provide an example (drug name) for each.Describe the mechanism of action for each of the medication classes identified above.Identify two treatment options that are NOT recommended (I.e., recommended against).

solved Discussion Questions Requirements: Main discussion post should be at least

Discussion Questions Requirements: Main discussion post should be at least 2-3 paragraphs. Two peer responses should be at least 50 words minimum. Cite your references using APA 7th edition.NUR435 Discussion post:Step 1 Post your response to the discussion board.With the introduction of huge amounts of technology and electronic documentation, it seems that we are moving further from providing hands-on nursing care to patients. How can we, as nurses, apply nursing informatics standards to personalize care for patients? Give some examples of how you have seen technology used to personalize care.Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them and cite your references using APA 7th edition.Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. Consider the methods of applying informatics to patient care that were discussed by other students. Share whether you agree or disagree with the methods they chose and explain why. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.NUR435 Student Posts:Student #1: “Save Lives: Everything from telemetry to automated blood pressure cuffs are considered informatics tools and help keep patients safe. As a nurse, you have so much to track and monitor. Being able to rely on equipment and healthcare technology like telemetry monitors helps reduce errors and makes it possible for you to be present and engaged with your patients. Protect Themselves: Charting via an electronic health record (EHR) helps protect nurses if patient care activities are ever called into question later. All those hard stops in an EHR can feel frustrating, but they are actually there to remind nurses of essential charting pieces, keeping record that the right patient care has been delivered. Increase Efficiency: A well-designed system or electronic health record can help nurses answer questions quickly, chart comprehensively and look up patient information effortlessly. All of this frees up time for the busy clinician that could be better spent with patients” (Quinn, 2017). In my personal care, we utilize electronic charting to document donor’s personal information, vitals, and notes. This system also includes donor’s test results and some personal health information. At times, we have donors who wish to have a print out of OOL vitals to show to their PCP. With this electronic system, we are able to give them the required information. In my facility, we use a lot of nursing informatics to process our donors. Student #2:The article I chose is “IOM Provides Emergency Help to Thousands of Haitians Affected by Earthquake.” The article talks about how there was an earthquake on August 14th. Among 800,000 people affected by the earthquake, thousands are internally displaced, and hundreds are still missing (IOM Provides Emergency Help to Thousands of Haitians affected by Earthquake, 2021). More than 12,000 have been injured, straining an already fragile health system. According to official figures, more than 52,000 houses have been destroyed and 77,000 severely damaged, including essential schools and hospitals, and 2,200 people have died (IOM Provides Emergency Help to Thousands of Haitians affected by Earthquake, 2021). As nurses, we can help by assist with food, shelter, attending to anyone who has been injured, getting hygiene kits with the basics of soap and toothpaste. Provide support and help the public regain confidence in rebuilding their lives and living through hard times. In Haiti, you also have to take into special consideration for women and girls who are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation in an emergency. Just being there and helping in time of need and showing that you care can impact their lives and get them through this difficult time (IOM Provides Emergency Help to Thousands of Haitians affected by Earthquake, 2021).

solved Major Writing Project 1: Who are you as a writer?Please

Major Writing Project 1: Who are you as a writer?Please write a multi-paragraph essay describing yourself as a writer. View yourself through two lenses: first, describe how you move through your own writing process; then, tell me how you see yourself as a writer, in terms of your past (hindrances, disappointments, challenges, successes, fluency) and future (improvements, plans, goals). I will serve as your primary audience, your classmates will become part of your audience as well. Your purpose is to examine your writing self- truthfully and then describe the results of that examination to me and your classmates. The context for this assignment is our writing course, but the assignment will serve to provide you and me with a current snapshot of you as a writer: Where you are – and where you’re going – as a writer is important to your success in this course. I am interested in your view of yourself as a writer, but I realize that your development as a reader may play an important part in your development as a writer. Feel free to interweave important moments in your reading history as well, if doing so strengthens your essay. The following questions (or prompts) may help with the invention of your essay, but they won’t help you much with the organization (or arrangement). Many students feel more comfortable as chronological writers, but that organizational pattern may not be the best one for you. Prompts: 1. How do you go about understanding the writing assignment? 2. How do you typically prepare for a writing assignment? Describe the steps you take, including rereading the assignment, asking questions about it, talking to instructors or friends, jotting down ideas, gathering information, and so on. How far in advance of the due date do you usually begin working on the assignment? 3. What is your ideal place to write? Would it be solitary and silent or noisy and crowded or just a little of both? Describe the places you’ll actually be doing your writing for this course and then discuss their suitability for you. 4. Describe your typical drafting or writing process. Do you finish a draft in one sitting, or do you need to take breaks? When you get stuck, what do you do to get moving again? Is your process efficient? Are there specific steps you could take to improve your efficiency? What does revising mean to you? Do you ever revise, and if so, what specifically do you do when you revise (insert, delete, move around information, check punctuation; proofread for typos and misspellings)? Why do you revise (or not revise)? 5. Finally, how do you respond to the evaluation of your writing? What do you read first – the grade itself or the teacher’s comments? Do you want an explanation for your grade immediately, or do you understand how you earned that grade? Do you refer back to your teacher’s comments or previous assignments as you work on your current assignments? Lastly: For this essay, I need you to write a closed-form essay, meaning you need have a thesis statement with your three points or reasons. Use at least 2-3 of these questions/promps to help you write that thesis statement. Since this a personal reflection, you may use the first person.For this draft you must write 500-700 words.Keep in mind:This paper needs to have a direct thesis statement mentioned in the last sentence of the first paragraph. Next, mention in the thesis of this essay what you think is good writing? You need to have three supporting details; one of those details needs to answer the question: what is good writing in your own words? This is a separate sentence in the thesis. Use MLA formatting and Style where you: Paginate. Write your last name and page number on the top, right-hand side. Include Your Student Name and Prof Info in MLA formatting and Style. Resources to read:…

solved I need help with a Accounting question. All explanations and

I need help with a Accounting question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

1- What Is the Difference Between Single and Dual-Rate Allocations? And write pros and cons of dual
rate allocation
2- What are the methods of allocating joint costs?
3- Abdullah Motors manufactures cars and currently uses only 50% of its manufacturing facility
(20,000 cars). The company could utilize more of its facility by producing its
own tires and using the total capacity. It currently purchases tires at $30
per unit. Abdullah would incur $12 per unit for direct materials, $10 for
direct labor, and $24 for overhead (which is 30% variable) if it produces
the tires.
a. Should Abdullah Motors make or buy the tires? Provide calculations
that support your answer.
b. Suppose Abdullah Motors could rent the unused portion of its plant
and receive $1,500 a month. Should the company make or buy the tires?
Provide calculations that support your answer
4- Breakfast Bars has two support departments, Information Systems and Personnel. The
Information Systems Department costs of $120,000 are allocated on the basis of
hours used. The Personnel Department costs of $30,000 are allocated based on
the number of employees. Costs of the two operating departments are $60,000 for
Fruit Bars and $90,000 for Nut Bars. Data on information systems hours used
and number of employees are as follows:
Allocation Bases: Systems Personnel Fruit
Information sy stems hours used 600 600 720 480
Number of employees 10 20 40 120
What is the cost of the Information Systems Department allocated to Fruit
using the direct method?
5- The total cost to produce 10,000 units is SAR 880000, and the total cost to produce 15,000 units is
SAR 1,260000.
a. Develop a cost function for this cost.
b. Estimate the total cost to produce 18,000 units. 
6- Ahmad Division had the following information.
Operating income $ 50,000
Adjusted after-tax operating income 35,000
Adjusted total assets 80,000
Average operating assets 90,000
Current liabilities 15,000
Revenue 120,000
Weighted average cost of capital 10%
from the list calculate:
a. return on investment
b. residual income
7-  Here is information for Mohammed Manufacturing

Actual direct labor hours worked 20,000
Standard direct labor hours for units produced 2 2,000
Actual variable overhead costs incurred $24,000
Variable overhead efficiency variance $2,500 favorable
Standard variable overhead allocation rate per direct labor hou r $1.25
A. Variable overhead spending variance
B. Variable overhead allocated
C. Actual variable overhead per direct labor hour
8- Abdulrahman Company is developing a cost function for its total costs using the high-low method.
The following data have been collected for the past year:
Number of
units produced
Quarter Total Costs
1 5,000 SAR 850
2 6,500 925
3 7,000 950
4 8,000 1,000
Calculate the following amounts:
a. The variable cost per unit
b. The fixed cost
c. The estimated total cost for 9,000 units

solved ScenarioYou are the owner of a small business, Julian’s Car

ScenarioYou are the owner of a small business, Julian’s Car Repair. You start work each day by checking your office mail. As you look through the mail, you come to a letter from the bank that your business works closely with. You are notified that your net income has decreased significantly from last month.Recently, there has been an increase in unanticipated expenses for your repair shop. Unfortunately, an active hurricane season has severely impacted the oil refineries and caused the price of oil to spike. To further affect your situation, recent tariffs have caused the cost of steel to increase. Because of this, your suppliers have increased the cost of their auto parts and have begun charging extra to deliver the parts.Because of these changes, the bank has showed concern for your business. You have a meeting with the senior investment officer next week to discuss continuing your business’s line of credit with the bank. As the owner, you will need to analyze your financial statements and write a proposal to the senior investment officer that identifies the areas that need improvement and includes a plan to improve your business’s financial performance. Money Lender Bank1,000 Washington St.Seattle, WA 12345August 3, 2018Attn: Julian’s Car Repair FINANCIAL NOTIFICATION: REPLY REQUIREDAccount No. 12345678 To whom it may concern,Please be informed that your recent financials show a significant change from June 1st to July 31st. You are receiving this notification to ensure the requirements for your line of credit continue to be met. Please contact me to schedule a meeting so we can work together and discuss your business’s finances.Sincerely,Marcus L. JamesMarcus L. JamesSenior Investment OfficerDirectionsProposal to the Bank Investment Officer: You share the letter you received from the bank with your accountant and they suggest a meeting to discuss how to prepare an effective proposal to maintain your line of credit. In your meeting with your accountant, you gain the following insight and are given the following recommendations:Analysis: Your accountant explains that it is your responsibility to constantly monitor financial activities of your business. You will need to analyze your financial statements to determine the current state of your business. Specifically, a successful proposal will include a financial analysis that addresses the following:Analyze the appropriate line items for each financial statement (income statement, statement of equity, and balance sheet). Consider what information each financial statement provides regarding the financial performance of your business.Use your financial statements to assess the business’s current financial state. Consider what the financial statements say about the strengths and weaknesses of your business, and identify any areas of concern.Action Plan: Your accountant explains that you will need to come prepared to discuss the changes you plan to make to improve your situation. Consider how you can use the financial information to control and monitor your business. Your accountant recommends that you be proactive and wants you to include a plan of action in your proposal to discuss with the investment officer. The plan of action should addresses the following:
Propose operational changes that will improve business performance. For instance, should you increase your prices? Should you look for new vendors? Does it make sense to tighten your credit policies?Using your analysis of the financial information, explain the reasoning behind your proposed managerial decisions.What to SubmitFor this project, you must submit the following:Proposal to the Bank Investment OfficerYou will submit a proposal that includes an analysis of your financial statements and an action plan to implement operational changes to your business. Your proposal must be 750 to 1,250 words in length (plus a cover page and references).

solved What was the disaster, you might ask? Well, one could

What was the disaster, you might ask? Well, one could say the next in line was World War I, or one could say the entire 20th Century, which was marred by sometimes toxic nationalist bids for power and imperialistic misadventures that often wound up in one of the many wars that took place in that century. Today, we look at industrialization as one cause for much social improvement but also a cause for many worldly ills, (climate change for one). In the 19th century, industrialization was one of the causes of imperialism as otherwise rich nations went searching the world for raw materials to complement their industrial efforts. Along with racism, which, as you will see, facilitated imperial bids, industrialization played a hand in the “new” imperialism of the late 19th- and early 20th-century period that led to World War I.We know that WWI wasn’t really caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian nationalist. Nationalism, sometimes highly toxic nationalism, was endemic to “The West” in this period. Many elements, including ethnic hatred, racism, Social Darwinism, conflicting ideologies, and imperial competition, contributed to the potent formula that was nationalism. And nationalism can also be looked at as one of the major causes of what became a world war once, and then a world war again.This week we are going to look at the scenario that led to World War I. Nationalism, imperialism, and racism all played a role. We begin with the long-anticipated unification of Germany, where long before the appearance of Adolph Hitler, the seeds of “The Master Race” and Antisemitism were planted. Truth be told, though, these things were not particular to Germany but to most, if not all the “developed” Western nations. In Britain and in the United States, the idea of the superiority of the “Anglo-Saxon Race” emerged, along with the ideas of “Social Darwinism.” Not to be confused with Darwinism itself, which offered the idea of evolution, Social Darwinism latched onto some of the ideas of Darwinism, most notably the idea of natural selection, and applied them to society. What resulted was the condemnation of poor people, poor countries, and people who did not fit the definitions of the Anglo-Saxon and/or Aryan “races.” In reality, we now know that there is only one human race, but in the 19th century, every nation and/or ethnicity was its own race. “Survival of the Fittest,” became the coda for individuals, races, and nations thanks to Social Darwinist thought.Part One I would like you to look at the development of nationalism in a single nation. Germany was among one of the last Western European nations to unify in a way similar to France and England. In doing so, the country took on certain characteristics. What were the various elements of Germany’s “nationalism?” In what ways would you say they are different or similar to other Western European or American “nationalisms?” How was German able to, very early in its development as a nation, compete with the more well-established empires of Britain and France? Must be 250 words or more.Part TwoFirst, do some research on Rudyard Kipling and briefly describe his background. Based on your interpretation of this poem and your knowledge of the “new” imperialism of the late 19th century, what was the “White man’s burden?” How was the phrase used to justify imperial ventures? In directing the poem to the United States upon its victory in the Spanish-American War (1898) was Kipling offering a warning about colonialism or encouragement for the United States to colonize? What message do you think Kipling was trying to get across? And in what ways does the poem reflect the realities of Imperialism, both for the colonizers and the colonized. Must be 250 words or more.References:Western Civilization A Brief History, vol. II Since 1600. Eleventh Edition…