solved Please discuss the following (3 sentences each): What was the

Please discuss the following (3 sentences each):

What was the most important concept you learned in class?
What was the second most important concept you learned in class?
Which concepts were change agents for you?

replay 1
1. The most important concept I learned in class was benchmarking, specifically the article that identified the ten steps to benchmarking. I think this topic will be very useful because it allows you to compare to competitors, and this will be essential in the workplace. Industry is so competitive so understanding this topic can be extremely useful.
2. I also found the CDA Excel assignments very useful. I am the biggest amateur when it comes to Excel, and had no idea that it was so simple to do things like descriptive statistics, and pivot tables on there. This is something that I will use going forward, and I am so grateful for that. When I was trying to do these assignments it also made me explore Excel a little more and try out different applications.
3. The Pareto analysis was very helpful for me in my personal life. It made me realize how often I was behaving in a negative manner . I noticed that as time went on during the week I would actively try to not act in a negative manner. In addition to this, I thought the 5Ys technique, and 5W2H were also really helpful and I have started to use them for day to day tasks.

replay 2

What was the most important concept you learned in class?

The most important concept I learned in this class was the dimensions of quality in the website quality assurance assignment. This was the first time I felt like I truly got hands on experience with quality and quality management. This is important for me because that is the department in which I am going to work.

What was the second most important concept you learned in class?

The second most important concept for me was the concept of process maps. This was something I had not seen officially until my current job. While they are somewhat intuitive, it was very good to see the proper way to do it and how to interpret the shapes and symbols.

Which concepts were change agents for you?
The use of pivot tables was a change agent for me. I had been exposed to them previously, but this course showed me a better way to leverage them, and I was able to apply it at work right after I learned it. Specifically, adding in the charts and the slicers was a massive improvement in visualizing some metrics at work

replay to 3

1. What was the most important concept you learned in class?

The most important concept that I learned in this class is one that I was not exposed to in the past and that is Deming’s 14 points. As an MBA student I greatly appreciate these 14 points for management as they really set a solid baseline for running an effective organization. Regardless of the level of management that you find yourself in, these 14 points can be used to improve your team, department, division, an enterprise. 2. What was the second most important concept you learned in class?Although a difficult decision, I would say that the second most important thing that I learned in this class is the lesson on benchmarking. I knew about benchmarking as a concepts and it is something that might naturally be performed without even knowing it, but the structure on the benchmarking approach is something that I will try to apply in my work life. The different types of benchmarking (internal, competitive, and strategic) was also very eye opening as it expanded the scope of how I look I at benchmarking.3. Which concepts were change agents for you?Overall, I would say that the quality toolkit that this class gave me is a major change agent. Throughout the course, we learned frameworks and tools such as FMEA, process maps, and survey designs that enhance quality and the management of quality. The best thing about these concepts is they can be applied to multiple facets of life which makes them very dynamic.

solved Assignment: Dissecting Two Empirical Research Articles for Epistemological Assumptions All

Assignment: Dissecting Two Empirical Research Articles for Epistemological Assumptions
All researchers wear the lens of an epistemological paradigm when they design and conduct an empirical research study. It may not be explicitly stated, but an underlying research philosophy drives the study. The same will be true of you when you formulate your future doctoral capstone study.
Epistemology is not easy to comprehend. The only way to learn epistemological concepts is to practice applying them. For this Assignment, you will compare how two empirical research articles—one from a logical positivism lens and one from the interpretivism lens—investigate the same topic. For this comparison, the topic and the two articles will be provided for you. Then, using what you learn from your comparison, you will consider how the two lenses influence potential approaches to your own potential doctoral capstone topic.
You are encouraged to use the same topic throughout the course to obtain an array of epistemological and theoretical perspectives on this topic. (Even if you change your mind at the end of the course, this is still a valuable lesson: You may learn that you don’t want to study this topic for your doctoral capstone project!)
To prepare
Review the Walden University pages related to empirical articles and the Epistemology Guide (specifically review Tables 1, 2, and 3) that are listed in the Learning Resources.
Then select one of the topics below, and review the two studies under the topic—one from a logical positivism lens and one from an interpretivism lens:

Topic 1: Social Work Practice in Child Welfare

Logical positivism lens: Julien-Chinn, F. J., Cotter, K. L., Piel, M. H., Geiger, J. M., & Lietz, C. A. (2017). Examining risk, strengths, and functioning of foster families: Implications for strengths-based practice. Journal of Family Social Work, 20(4), 306–321.
Interpretivism lens: Lietz, C. A., Julien-Chinn, F. J., Geiger, J. M., & Piel, M. H. (2016). Cultivating resilience in families who foster: Understanding how families cope and adapt over time. Family Process, 55(4), 660–672.

Topic 2: Social Work Practice in Mental Health Wellbeing

Logical positivism lens: Nadal, K. L., Escobar, K. M. V., Prado, G. T., David, E. J. R., & Haynes, K. (2012). Racial microaggressions and the Filipino American experience: Recommendations for counseling and development. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 40(3), 156–173.
Interpretivism lens: Nadal, K. L., Wong, Y., Stricken, J., Griffin, K., & Fujii-Doe, W. (2015). Racial microaggressions and Asian Americans: An exploratory study on within-group differences and mental health. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 6(2), 136–144.

By Day 7
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

Provide a brief overview of both articles under the sample topic you selected. What was the article about? What type of research design did the author(s) use? What were the findings?
For the article that is guided by logical positivism, analyze the epistemological, ontological, axiological, and methodological assumptions underlying the study.
For the article that is guided by interpretivism, analyze the epistemological, ontological, axiological, and methodological assumptions underlying the study.
Evaluate the strengths and limitations in using logical positivism and interpretivism to study the topic or problem in the articles.
Identify your potential dissertation or doctoral capstone topic or problem in 1 sentence.
Evaluate the strengths and limitations in using logical positivism and interpretivism to study your selected topic or problem.
Explain how the guiding paradigm of a research study influences your critical evaluation of the evidence presented in the article.

solved Purpose  This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used

Purpose  This assignment illustrates how data analytics can be used to create strategies for sustainable organizational success while integrating the organization’s mission with societal values. You’ll apply statistical time series modeling techniques to identify patterns and develop time-dependent demand models. You’ll practice organizing and delivering a presentation to senior decision-makers. The PowerPoint presentation includes an audio component in addition to speaker notes. Resources: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk6_Data_File Scenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid. You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city. Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns:LotCode: A unique code that identifies the parking lotLotCapacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacityLotOccupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lotTimeStamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measuredDay: The day of the week corresponding to the TimeStampInsert a new column, OccupancyRate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current LotOccupancy is 61 and LotCapacity is 577, then the OccupancyRate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).Using the OccupancyRate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?Using the OccupancyRate and LotCode columns,construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates?Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare as scatter plot showing occupancy rate against TimeStamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time dependent? If so, which times seem to experience highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?Presentation: Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speaker notes and audio. Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app. Complete the following in your presentation: Outline the rationale and goals of the project. Utilize boxplots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of results.Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of results.Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against time of day of your selected two parking lots. Include your interpretation of results. Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project. Submit your assignment (including Excel template with computations and results as proof of work).

solved Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook:

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 6
Lesson 2
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Initial Post Instructions
This week you will read about architecture. The lesson includes information on Roman architecture, which was greatly influenced by the Greeks and Etruscans.
Locate at least two architectural works that were influenced by Greco-Roman architecture. These can be from any time period after the Greco-Roman period but should be from different periods themselves (e.g., one from Renaissance and one from Baroque). Then address the following:

What is the function of each structure?
How does each work exhibit influence of the Greco-Roman period? Is the influence specifically Greek, Etruscan, or Roman – or a combination?
How would you compare the two selected works? Take the role of the evaluative critic.

Da-Lecia Williams
Hello Everyone,


Brandenburg Gate, Berlin (18th century)
The White Tower at the Tower of London, London (11th to 14th centuries)

What is the function of each structure?
The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin was designed in the 18th century by architect Carl Gotthard Langhans and built by Prussian King Frederick Wilhelm II. In the beginning the Brandenburg gate was used for celebration and the triumphal procession. The Brandenburg Gate is at the center of the city and serves as a landmark for the unification of Berlin and Germany after the second world war. Over the last twenty-three years the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (German: Berlin Stadtentwicklung) has sought to restore, preserve, rebuild, and develop large parts of the city, including the death strip (Ayyash, 2013). The Brandenburg Gate function as a unifying gate since it is structured largely at the center of these two countries. The White Tower at the Tower of London was built from the 11th to the 14thcentury. The White Tower at the Tower of London’s structure was strategically built for military purposes act as a fortress and a gateway to the capital. The height of the structure makes is easy to encompass the roll as a fortress. The structure of the Tower has a strong foundation
How does each work exhibit influence of the Greco-Roman period? Is the Influence specifically Greek, Etruscan, or Roman—or a combination?
The Brandenburg Gate is greatly influenced by Greek architecture. The Brandenburg Gate has columns and stature that were modeled after Acropolis in Athens. The Greek influence at the top of the gate displays Eirene, the goddess of peace. The White Tower at the Tower of London was influenced by Roman architecture. The strong foundation of the architecture was well-engineered and has a rounded Romanesque arch like the older Roman architecture. The White Tower was designed to display a form of classical architecture since is made to suit the king.
How would you compare the two selected works?
In both of the Brandenburg Gate and The White Tower was structured distinctly for their function. The Brandenburg Gate is architected in the center with a vast space and the alluring lights with peaceful Greek figures which are used to give it a great architectural landmark for peaceful celebratory meetings. The White Tower building constructed to have a strong foundation and displayed to have a castle like structure. Though both was used during war and as a military barrier, each architecture structure is unique. Since the Brandenburg Gate used the Greek columns the architecture has the display of a gate and vast array of open space between the columns. The White Tower design that was structurally from to protect the king and had more of a castle with Romanesque arch appeal to demonstrate power.

Ayyash, D. (2013). The Brandenburg Gates: Unity, division, and reinvented tradition in post-wall Berlin. Urban Studies and Planning. Retrieved March 19, 2021, from 

solved it should be 7th edition APA format with references. The

it should be 7th edition APA format with references. The length should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs. Links to any websites needed and access to course e-book as well as instructions are below. If it helps, I live in a predominantly African-American community. Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest issues but the instructor doesn’t want that covered. I was thinking about chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension/stroke, obesity, or asthma. Any one of those will be fine.Access to e-Getting StartedAs you learned in Workshop One, public health within the United States involves a complex and diverse system. Some states have decentralized systems with a great deal of local autonomy, while other states have a centralized approach, with uniform practices in each county. Although the structure of public health systems varies between states and local regions, there are certain components which are constant throughout. Those common areas include vital statistics, environmental health, and the prevention and control of disease.Epidemiology and surveillance are aspects of the prevention and control of disease for which public health takes a leadership role. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the national level to state and local (regional) departments of health, prevention and control of both infectious and chronic disease are foundational to the overall health of the population. This assignment provides an opportunity to explore epidemiological principles and the role of surveillance in the prevention and control of disease at the population-focused level.Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:Discuss the principles of epidemiology and the current impact of chronic and infectious disease from a population-focused perspective.Recognize the role of surveillance to promote health and prevent disease within the population-focused health arena.ResourcesTextbook: Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the CommunityBackground InformationDuring the assessment of your community core, morbidity and mortality rates will be identified. As you gather that data for the purpose of community assessment, you will also use those findings to apply epidemiological principles through this assignment. As you investigate the findings and apply the concepts, consider the value of disease prevention and control within your local community.InstructionsReview the appropriate rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.Read Chapters 12, 13, and 24 in the textbook, Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community.Conduct a search to identify the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in your selected geographic community. Find at least two current scholarly sources to support your explanations and insights. Wikipedia is not permitted, as it is not a peer-reviewed, scholarly source. Consider selecting a communicable or chronic disease other than cardiovascular disease, which is the most prevalent chronic disease in the world.Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:Conduct a search to identify the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in your selected geographic community. Report your findings briefly.Based upon your findings, select one communicable or chronic disease of public health concern within the identified geographic community, and apply the epidemiological triangle or web of causation to explain the epidemiology of that disease process.From a population-focused perspective, what is the impact of the selected chronic or communicable disease you have identified? Explain your response.Identify and describe intervention strategies for this disease from the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention.Specific to your selected disease, discuss how surveillance of epidemiological health data serve to promote the health of a population and prevent illness.

solved Based on their recorded words and actions, how did various

Based on their recorded words and actions, how did various Indigenous peoples both interpret and respond to European newcomers’ actions prior to 1700? Discuss at least three specific examples to support your analysis. 
Comparing first-hand accounts from the French, English, and Spanish colonies (including representations that appeared in European paintings or art), how would you characterize Europeans’ views of Indigenous peoples before 1700? Discuss specific examples from all three empires to support your analysis. 

Your essay must be based chiefly on the documents in the primary source reader, Sources for America’s History. You may consider all relevant sources from the reader, even those not assigned in the syllabus. Be sure to cite the original documents, not the background information provided in the editor’s introduction to each source. 
Your paper will be graded based on three components: 

Your ability to articulate a coherent argument that addresses the question prompt. You must sustain that argument throughout the essay. This entails an effective thesis statement on the first page, the use of appropriate topic sentences for each of your body paragraphs, and a clear, succinct summation of your argument at the conclusion of your paper. 
Your demonstrated understanding of the sources and your ability to marshal the most relevant evidence effectively. To persuade the reader of your argument’s validity, you must support it using specific evidence and examples instead of with vague or general statements or opinions. 
The clarity of your writing, including grammar and attention to detail, as well as the overall organizational structure and mechanics of your essay.

Writing Tips and Guidelines: 
? Address the question prompt. Don’t merely to summarize the sources or provide a chronicle of events. The first paragraph of your essay should contain a clear thesis statement that articulates a coherent argument based on the sources you have analyzed. 
? Strong writing is important, but it should also be concise. Don’t waste precious space on an elaborate opening paragraph. Instead, get right to work laying out your argument. 
? The strongest papers will employ a broad range of sources and use shorter, carefully chosen quotations. Avoid using block quotes, especially in a paper of this length. Where possible, paraphrase longer quotations. 
? At the top of the first page, give your paper a specific, meaningful title that reflects your thesis. A separate title page is not required. 
? Remember that there is no single “right” answer to the prompt. You will be graded on how persuasively you present your case by employing relevant evidence. Don’t just tell the readers. Show them. Substantiate your points with facts, quotations, and examples. 
? Remember that you must still provide a citation for any sources on which you draw, even if you aren’t using a direct quotation. Be sure to cite all books or lectures you use with footnotes. Your word processing software has a function that inserts these footnotes into the text automatically. Quick how-to guides can be found online, or you can speak to me. 
Follow the Chicago Style citation format used in historical writing. Again, quick how-to guides are freely available online. Here a few basic examples: 
1. John Winthrop, “A Model of Christian Charity (1630),” in Kevin B. Sheets, ed., Sources for America’s History, Volume 1: To 1877 (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2018), 23. 
If you cite the same document later in the paper, you may abbreviate the footnote to include just the last name and page reference, like this:
3. Winthrop, 23-24. 
If you cite another document or essay from a book you have already cited: 
4. Thomas Hariot, “A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia (1588),” in Sources, 4. 
To cite from a lecture: 5. Gregory Wigmore, lecture, “Native America,” Sept. 23, 2020.

solved Freytag’s Pyramid Plot Diagram Template.docx (51.592 KB) Reading Journal 6:

Freytag’s Pyramid Plot Diagram Template.docx (51.592 KB)
Reading Journal 6: Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give, Chapters 14 to 26
Note:  Journals entries will not be graded on grammar; they will be graded simply on completeness, display of thinking process, and effort. 
Your journal will consist of three steps:
Step One–Summarizing (What?)
Summarize the narrative by identifying all of the plot elements in the entire novel using a Freytag’s Pyramid (see attachment).

EXPOSITION (all of the previous information from RJ5)
RISING ACTIONS (all of the major actions from RJ5 and the new major actions in the second half of the novel)
COMPLICATIONS (all of the major complications from RJ5 and new complications in the second half of the novel)
FALLING ACTIONS (all of the major falling actions)

Step Two–Responding (So What?) 
Immediately following the summary, write your personal reaction to what you have just read (so what?).  At this point, you want to explore your reaction to the text and connect the new information to your existing web of knowledge.
Step Three–Analyzing (How did the writer write? and Why did the writer write this way?)
To complete Step Three, choose from the prompts as follows:

ONE prompt from Part 1 and TWO prompts from Part 2
OR TWO prompts  Part 1 and ONE prompt from Part 2

Part 1: Literary Elements
The answer to each chosen prompt must be a paragraph of at least 200 words:

Who is the narrator of the novel and how does that choice of narrator affect the telling of the story?  How might the story change if someone else narrated the story?
Choose three main characters from the novel and complete the following for each of those three chosen characters:

What is the major problem facing the major character?
What is the conflict that this character faces?
What are the motivations (such as love, hate, fear, jealously, competition, etc.) behind this character’s actions? 

Identify two specific symbols within the story, describe them and what they represent, defending your viewpoint of those two symbols.
Identify a motif of the novel (a recurring topic, character, or verbal pattern–see glossary), describe it, then describe at least three occasions when that motif appears in the story.
Identify a theme of the novel, describe the theme, and defend why you think it IS a theme, identifying how the theme seems to explain the whole story, how that theme has universal importance, and how this theme applies in all times and places.

Part 2: Literary Techniques
The answer to each chosen prompt must be a paragraph of at least 200 words:

Identify the author’s use of one of the following literary techniques and discuss how the author demonstrates that technique through his/her use of language:

Time Interruptions

Discuss how the author successfully or unsuccessfully conveys the language of the specific, different characters (dialect and dialogue) through the novel.
Discuss how the author uses imagery to create appeal within the novel through the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
Discuss how the author uses figurative language (see the following list of types), giving specific examples and explaining the effect of the figurative language on the readers.  Following are examples of types of figurative language:


Identify the author’s use of allusion (a brief, indirect reference to another literary work, usually for the purpose of associating the tone or theme of the one work with the other), identify the other literary work and its cultural meaning, and discuss why the reference may enhance the meaning of the story for the audience.

solved Discussion 8 – Select and answer one of the following

Discussion 8 – Select and answer one of the following questions Discuss possible methodological, ethical, or moral issues involved in monetizing outcomes.What is the formula for doing a break-even analysis? Provide a definition for fixed costs.For a health program at the direct services level, the enabling services level, and the population services level, speculate on how fixed and variable costs might change. Discuss the implica­tions of these changes on the results of a break-even analysis.Compare and contrast cost-only analyses and costs and effects analyses with regard to the costs that are included in the analysis. What effects would an underestimation of costs have? What effects would an overestimation of costs have?Discussion 11- Select and answer one of the following questions Develop a working plan for how you would involve stakeholders in the development of the intervention evaluation plan. How does your plan address timing, and budget constraints? In what ways does your plan include attention to interactions and group processes? Which strategies will be used to address the four criteria for having a good evaluation question?Select one of the five health programs implemented in Bowe County and Layetteville. Construct a levels of measurement table, similar to Table 11.4 for at least one outcome (depen­dent) variable in three different health or well-being domains.Discussion 13 – Select and answer one of the following questions by Friday at 11:59 pm:Identify at least one sampling issue that would be particularly relevant at each level of the public health pyramid. Which strategy could be used to minimize this problem?Conduct an Internet search for power analysis software. From among the programs you found, select two (that are freeware) and experiment with them. What information is required to conduct the analysis? In what ways does the need for that information affect how you would proceed with planning the effect evaluation?Participation rates for three programs in Layetteville and Bowe County are given in Exhibit 9.3. Review the information for the violence prevention program delivered in schools to individual students and the adult immunization program. Given that information, which type of effect evaluation samples would you suggest for each of those programs, and why?Issues related to obtaining good response rates were discussed in this chapter. Make a list of those issues. Which ones could be anticipated? Which are preventable? For the problems you listed, give at least one possible means of minimizing or preventing the response problem.What are the major problems in using secondary data sources, such as birth or death certificate data? What, if anything, can the evaluator do about these problems?Select and answer one of the following questions by Friday at 11:59 pm:Identify at least one sampling issue that would be particularly relevant at each level of the public health pyramid. Which strategy could be used to minimize this problem?Conduct an Internet search for power analysis software. From among the programs you found, select two (that are freeware) and experiment with them. What information is required to conduct the analysis? In what ways does the need for that information affect how you would proceed with planning the effect evaluation?Participation rates for three programs in Layetteville and Bowe County are given in Exhibit 9.3. Review the information for the violence prevention program delivered in schools to individual students and the adult immunization program. Given that information, which type of effect evaluation samples would you suggest for each of those programs, and why?Issues related to obtaining good response rates were discussed in this chapter. Make a list of those issues. Which ones could be anticipated? Which are preventable? For the problems you listed, give at least one possible means of minimizing or preventing the response problem.

solved Assessment 1 Instructions: Active Listening: Listening to Understand Record a

Assessment 1 Instructions: Active Listening: Listening to Understand

Record a professional response to a work-related voicemail.Introduction
Learning how to actively listen to what others are saying can improve your communication and help you reach your goals. This assessment focuses on applying the skill of self- and social awareness to active listening by listening and responding to a scenario in the workplace. You will do this by applying active listening and oral communication strategies to reply effectively to a voicemail from your manager.Preparation
This assessment requires you to record a response using Kaltura or a similar tool. Review the following information to prepare for your recording:

If you have not already done so, set up and test your microphone, using the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. 
Practice using the microphone to ensure the audio quality is sufficient.
Refer to Using Kaltura for directions on recording and/or uploading your recording in the courseroom.
Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.Scenario
On Monday morning, you check your phone and discover you have a voicemail from your manager, Wanda, about a customer service issue. She is worried because one of the company’s most important clients has not received their shipment. While she acknowledges it isn’t your fault, she needs you to work quickly to resolve the issue. In order for you to help fix the error, she’s outlined some tasks that must be completed to fast-track the solution.Instructions
1. Consider the scenario above.2. Listen to Active Listening: Voicemail. This is the voicemail from your manager in the above scenario. You may want to read the transcript for additional clarity.3. Write a summary of the voicemail, making notes of six Ws. Save these notes. While you will not submit them in this assessment, you will refer to them in Assessment 2.
Who first experienced the problem?
What happened?
What is the problem?
When did the problem occur and when was it discovered?
Where did the problem occur?
Why did Wanda tell you this message?
How should the problem be addressed? What are the steps involved?
In addition, consider the following:
What nonverbal cues do you notice? Consider pauses and changes in tone of voice.
How do you think your manager is feeling based on these nonverbal cues?
Why do you think your manager is feeling that way?
How important is the issue (minor, urgent, catastrophe)?
4. Now that you’ve heard the voicemail and have applied active listening skills to the message, apply oral communication skills to effectively respond. Record your response, and submit it for this assessment. Make sure your response:
Describes the main points from your manager’s message.
Uses neutral language and tone appropriate for a response to your manager.
Assesses the importance of the issue based on the manager’s tone.
Is limited to one minute or less.
Recording Requirements

Length: 1 minute or less.
Format: Use Kaltura or similar software for recording. Contact your faculty if you choose not to use Kaltura to make sure they can access the file.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 1: Interpret a speaker’s message to develop an appropriate response.

Describe the main points from the message.
Use neutral language and appropriate tone.
Assess the importance of the issue based on the manager’s tone.

Competency 3: Develop professional written communications in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

solved Resume Review [WLO: 2] [CLO: 1]Prior to beginning work on

Resume Review [WLO: 2] [CLO: 1]Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, watch Resume Basics (Links to an external site.) and How to Write a Resume that Beats the Automated Tracking System (Links to an external site.) videos. Preparing a resume that will get you an interview requires careful analysis of a specific job description. After identifying a specific job description in the health and human services field, you will need to optimize your resume for applying to that position.To complete this discussion question, follow these steps:Search for and find a job description for a position that interests you. Utilize the Career Resources at the University of Arizona Global Campus (Links to an external site.) resources to find reputable and niche-focused job boards. Try searching by industry, position title, or specific skills/qualifications. Review Best Keywords to Use in Your Job Search (Links to an external site.) for hints on search practices.Compare your resume to the job description. Make note of specific skills and qualifications listed in the job description. Which skills/qualifications are required? Which are preferred?Revise your resume to better align with the job description. This could include improving bullet points to better reflect the job requirements, or rephrasing skills and qualifications to better reflect those listed in the job description (For instance: You might change the word “supervised” to “managed” to better address that requested qualification). Be honest as you optimize your resume, but be certain to use the language in the job description wherever possible.If you don’t have a current resume, you may use the BAHS Sample Resume (Links to an external site.) template to get you started.For help listing transferable skills, review this article: The Ultimate Transferrable Skills List: 50+ Transferable Skills for Your Resume (Links to an external site.).Post your optimized resume and a link to your chosen job description in the discussion. For privacy, remove any contact information from your resume before posting.Post your resume to your ePortfolio in Folio Upload your Folio link to this discussion forum.Write a brief paragraph reflecting on the changes you made to your resume after analyzing the job description. Address the following questions:Did you need to alter keywords to align your resume with the job description?What changes did you make and why?Describe or list your skills and/or experience that match the requested qualifications. Describe any skills and/or experience you don’t possess based on the job description.Do you feel you qualify for this position? If so, why? If not, what qualifications are you missing?Guided Response: Your initial response is due no later than Day 3 (Thursday) of the learning week, and at least two substantive replies of at least 100 words to two different peers will be due no later than Day 7 (Monday) of the learning week. Refer to the following guidelines as you offer constructive feedback to your peers:Identify one of the most important and/or impressive components of the resume. Congratulate your peer on that specific accomplishment, skill, or qualification.Structure and organization. Is the resume well organized and easy to read? Can you identify sections like contact information, a summary of qualifications, education, and professional experience?Does the resume contain well written bullet points and use active verbs? Does a position listed as “current” have present tense bullet points? Do previous positions have bullet points in past tense? Are there misspelled or misused words?Does the summary of qualifications or professional summary list skills and qualifications present in the job description? Do the bullet points quantify tasks and accomplishments wherever possible? Does the resume contain date ranges that convey an accurate trajectory of the candidate’s professional experience?