solved Respond to the discussion board postPart A L. T1. Describe

Respond to the discussion board postPart A L. T1. Describe an example when you gave candid feedback to someone.When I worked in retail, while training new associates we would “role play” customer and sales associate. During this training session, the new associate would have to show the trainer how they would perform the necessary steps to achieve the sale with a guest. After the new sales associate has completed this, the trainer then provides feedback and what can be done better. The associate I was training at the time was very new to retail and, if I remember correctly, this was their first job. The associate was very quiet, meek; they didn’t quite POP. We provided feedback on how to be more vocal and gave tips on how to be more relaxed. 2. Did it go as planned? Were they angry? Were they appreciative?The associate was very receptive to the constructive criticism, because it was in fact just that – constructive. Since the associate was receptive to the feedback, they made the necessary changes to be more successful in getting the sale.3. What did you learn from that experience? I learned that as long as you are constructive and positive when providing feedback that people will be receptive to it. I’ve experienced personally some trainers that do not have patience for mistakes and will be rude, which does not benefit anyone in the situation and is not indicative of a great leader/mentor.4. What are some common issues with giving and receiving feedback? A lot of issues I see is tone. The tone you use when giving feedback is so important to me. If you talk to people with respect, you will get respect in return. I firmly believe this. Another issue is what I previously touched on, which is not having the patience for new people. There are some trainers that have absolutely zero business in being a trainer, due to their lack of self-awareness and people skills.5. Describe how you may prepare to receive and give feedback? I know to not take things personally, unless it’s blantantly obvious. I know that there is room for improvement in every aspect of myself and my life, so I do not have a negative relationship with feedback. When giving feedback, I make sure to highlight the things that were done right. Positive reenforcement is important in keep self confidence high. Then I touch on the apects that can be changed/improved upon, but in a positive, non-demeaning manner. Part BSelect three roles that you believe would be most valuable in sharing their leadership competency feedback.1. Why did you select these roles? I chose direct manager’s manager, direct manager, and internal peers. I chose my direct manager’s manager because I wanted to get feedback from someone in a leadership role. I chose my direct manager for feedback from a managerial perspective. I chose internal peers so that I could gather feedback from associates equivalent to myself to get a better idea of how to improve. All of these are essential, to me, because it touches all the bases that I deem important in improving one’s self. 2. What is the value of each of these roles? Each of these roles have significant value. The leadership feedback will help to gain a realistic future outlook on how to improve myself and the mentality needed to be a sufficient leader. The internal peers can provide feedback that I may not be aware of myself and can have a better understanding of my weaknesses/strengths in leadership. The value in requesting feedback from my direct manager is beneficial because this is a superior that works directly with me daily and would know how to better advise me.3. What do the roles represent? All of the above roles represent perspectives and different outlets of constructive criticism. These roles are all essential in maintaining a successful organization. Without any of these roles, the business would be nonexistent.

solved Chapter 13 outlines community relations objectives. I have added some

Chapter 13 outlines community relations objectives. I have added some prominent objectives for this assignment.
        For each of the goals that I have highlighted below, provide an example of an organization that has set that goal and name and describe two public relations strategies/tools/activities used by that organization to achieve that goal. This assignment may also encompass information already presented. Subsequent chapters may also be helpful. Read ahead if you need to. This is a critical thinking/application assignment. Don’t confuse a media form (TV, radio, newspaper, magazine, and internet) with a specific public relations strategy/tool/activity (interview, event, donation) that uses that media form.
The goals that you are to use are:
1.      To contribute to culture by providing funds for art exhibits, concerts, and drama festivals and by promoting attendance at such affairs.
2.      To encourage sports and recreational activities by providing athletic fields, swimming pools, golf courses, or tennis courts for use by community residents and by sponsoring team and sports events. (Don’t confuse this with corporate naming rights (i.e. Consol Energy Center-now PPG Paints Arena, Dick’s Sportsplex in Cranberry, etc.) That is NOT what this means.
3.      To cooperate with other local businesses in advancing economic and social welfare through joint community relations programs.
You must have three different organizations and two strategies for each organization.  That is a total of six strategies. YOU NEED TO USE SIX DIFFERENT STRATEGIES. THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT. Make sure that you describe how those strategies help to reach the goal.
Please listen to the Panopto audio which gives you useful tips for completing this assign
Organization #1: _________________________________
_____(2) The organization used is appropriate
_____(4) Two public relations strategies/tools are specifically cited & described

_____(2) The explanation of how the strategies achieve the goal are described
Organization #2: _________________________________
_____(2) The organization used is appropriate
_____(4) Two public relations strategies/tools are specifically cited & described

_____(2) The explanation of how the strategies achieve the goal are described
Organization #3: __________________________________
_____(2) The organization used is appropriate
_____(4) Two public relations strategies/tools are specifically cited & described

_____(2) The explanation of how the strategies achieve the goal are described
_____(1) Proficiency in Writing Demonstrated
_____(25) Total Points

You may have to do some brief research on this. If you do, YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES; WIKIPEDIA is not an appropriate source. Also, any direct copying and pasting is considered plagiarism SO BE CAREFUL. Severe penalties will apply including receiving a zero for the paper as well as for the course.
The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the ways that different organizations execute their public relations plans. I am looking for actions/activities, etc. Don’t get confused with the words, tools or strategies. Remember that I’m looking for public relations tools and not advertising. That is critically important.
Also, you need to cite organizations whose mission is not one of the goals cited. Many non-profits embrace these goals as part of their mission. That is not what I am looking for. That is part of their business operation.
You need to find organizations that go above and beyond their business operations and implement these public relations efforts.
Email me your examples if you are not sure that they fit.
Word of caution: Companies who purchase naming rights to athletic, entertainment, etc. venues are not exercising public relations 

solved The knowledge gained from this course will enable you to

The knowledge gained from this course will enable you to develop a Marketing Strategy Guidebook through the course project.In the textbook Managing in the Next Society, professor, writer, and management guru Peter Drucker stated, “Health care is the most difficult, chaotic, and complex industry to manage today” and the hospital is “altogether the most complex human organization ever devised.” As demonstrated by the course content, understanding marketing principles contributes to mastering this complexity.Each workshop will present information and scenarios addressing the broad scope of healthcare marketing. Workshop One introduces the four generic P’s of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. In Workshops Two and Three, we relate those principles to six disparate constituencies: physicians, patients, payers, public health, policy/advocacy groups, and political players.Throughout, the exploration of healthcare marketing emphasizes contributions to creative problem solving, strategic development, and meeting the demands of a changing healthcare system. Healthcare marketing encompasses not only product or service development and advertising, but also contributions to corporate citizenship and population health. Workshop assignments address the role of the hospital as a contributor to the overall community and to achieving the goals of multiple policy initiatives that impact the delivery of healthcare.This presentation should be a tool to help healthcare leaders understand effective and ethical healthcare marketing, guide the integration of healthcare marketing into strategic and daily operations, ensure biblically consistent policies and procedures that respect human dignity and professional integrity, and contribute to social responsibility and stewardship.This project spans the length of this course. Work you submit in Workshops One through Four may require modification before you submit the final version in Workshop Five. When completed, this product can serve as a reference for integrating marketing principles into executive leadership of healthcare organizations.Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:Explain the basic principles of marketing and how they relate to healthcare.Evaluate direct-to-consumer marketing of healthcare products and services from ethical and major moral principle perspectives.Define the relevance of community benefit and the reasons and requirements for demonstrating its provision as supported by healthcare marketing.ResourcesMaterial used in previous workshop assignmentsBackground InformationHealthcare marketing is rapidly evolving because of changing trends, the emergence of social marketing, the impact of “Obamacare,” and a focus on quality, outcomes, and prevention. The relevance of such factors as brand identity, market share, strategic objectives, customer experience, and the integration of communications across multiple platforms and channels continues to grow. This course project will create a simplified reference for managing the multiple aspects of marketing in a dynamic and volatile healthcare environment.InstructionsReview the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.Review the Workshop One course material and your notes.Create at least four to six slides providing overarching guidance for establishing a healthcare marketing and communication plan, addressing:Relevant concepts of marketingMarket DefinitionProducts, Services, and ExperiencesNeeds, Wants, and DemandsValue and SatisfactionTransactions and RelationshipsStakeholdersAdvertising and PromotionEthical considerations: individual, organizational, and professionalApplicable biblical perspectivesYour course presentation should be professional and follow APA formatting. Correct use of citations and references is required.

solved To Prepare: Watch the film 56 Up. (It is approximately

To Prepare:

Watch the film 56 Up. (It is approximately      2.5 hours long.)
Select two individuals from the film to use for this      Assignment.
Examine how family context impacted social/emotional      development of the individuals in the videos throughout their lifespan.

Often when development is discussed, it is within the context of a particular developmental stage. For example, one might talk about attachment in infancy, peer relationships in adolescence, or vocational development in emerging adulthood. However, it is also important to take a lifespan perspective of development, which brings to focus the fact that development occurs from infancy through adulthood. Paul Baltes put forward the Lifespan Perspective, which is a guiding framework for the entire study of human development. The Lifespan Perspective has several tenets, including that development is multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, and affected by multiple interacting forces. Its hallmark is that development is lifelong (Baltes, Lindenburger, & Staudinger, 2006).
Your Assignment this week is focused on family influences on social and emotional development throughout the lifespan. For this assignment, you will watch the film 56 Up, an installment in a series of documentary films that follows several children from 1964 until the present day.
In 1964, noted British director Michael Apted was a young researcher on the experimental documentary series World in Action for a program called Seven Up!, produced for England’s Granada Television. Taking its cue from the Jesuit maxim “Give me the child until he is seven and I will give you the man,” the film focused on 7-year-olds from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. By asking 14 children about their lives and their hopes and fears for the future, the filmmakers aimed to explore contemporary English attitudes, especially regarding the class system, as expressed by children. By following the youngsters as they progressed through life, the Up series looked to test the strength of that system and the truth of the Jesuit saying. Was the adult already visible in the 7-year-old?
After Seven Up!, Apted took the series’ directorial helm, and over a half-century since, he has returned every seven years to ask the same subjects to talk about how they see their lives. The result has been a unique, inspired, and always surprising chronicle of lives in the making. In 56 Up, Apted finds the “kids” have mostly weathered the marital, parental, and career tumults of middle age with remarkable aplomb, even as they begin facing the challenges of aging, illness, and economic crises.
From cab driver Tony to schoolmates Jackie, Lynn, and Susan to the heartbreaking Neil, more life-changing decisions and surprising developments are revealed as the participants turn 56. Apted employs a telescopic method when presenting his subjects, cutting back and forth between the present time of 56 Up and clips from earlier installments to create portraits in motion. For veteran viewers of the series, this is rich cinematic fabric. Apted quickly and dramatically brings up to speed anyone who hasn’t seen some or all of the previous films.

Briefly identify the two individuals you selected.
Discuss the individuals’ social and emotional      development throughout the lifespan. In what ways was their development      similar and different? Explain ways you see their family relationships and      socioeconomic factors impacting social and emotional development      throughout their lives. Include a discussion of the individuals’ family of      origin (i.e., the family they were born into, including parents, siblings)      as well as their family of procreation (i.e., the family they created with      respect to spouses, children, etc.).

solved Hello, 2 Part Assignment: You have been hired to completely

Hello, 2 Part Assignment: You have been hired to completely revamp the Total Rewards plan for the Company and senior management has given you a great deal of leeway to develop a recommended plan. They are expecting you to develop and recommend a detailed Total Rewards strategy and plan. This will be around 8-14 pages Memo. Your presentations should be a formal, business-style presentation of your Total Rewards Plan. This presentation should be no longer than 15 slides in length. Your Total Rewards plan should be tailored to address the various, distinct areas (executive management, administrative office, sales and warehouse/shipping) of the company as each area may require a different approach. Your plan should address the concerns raised by management (employee engagement, internal/external parity, drive performance consistent with company goals and objectives, connect employees with customers), ensure legal compliance and employee retention. Though there is no expectation that your plan with contain detail plans of benefits, etc. your plan should contain sufficient detail to thoroughly explain your thinking to senior management. You should include the justification for your recommendation in your written recommendation. *** For the Presentation, I will have to add a oral presentation not to exceed 15 minutes, so please keep that in mind when creating. Total Rewards Project MemoCongratulations on your appointment as VP of Total Rewards for Business Express. Business Express is an internet office supply company headquartered in Denver Colorado. They have no brick and mortar outlets and derive all of their sales through internet, telephone or sales rep generated orders. Business Express has customers throughout the continental US and Canada. While most customers are business purchasing supplies for their organization about 25% of Business Express sales come from individual consumers.Business express was founded in 2005 and has grown at double digit annual rates. When the company was founded the HR processes including compensation were not well thought out, defined or delivered. As a result, there is no clear rationale or structure to what employees get paid and whether their compensation package is competitive from both an internal and external basis. In addition, there is a question as to whether the pay practices conform to Federal and State Law. Senior management has concerned that the compensation strategy does not engage employees, does not align and drive performance consistent with company goals and objectives and does not focus employees on customer engagement.The briefs and final projects are not APA papers. They should be sited using APA format but but should look like a business report or brief that you might use in a workplace. Business memo can use colors, charts, and other techniques to engage the reader so be creative when creating the memo. I have also attached all memo completed for references. Here is some feedback from the instructor on past memos done so far. Memo 4 and 5 have not been graded yet. Memo 1: This brief was excellent. The relevant laws were covered and formatted in a way to determine the key areas of legislation that impact compensation. Memo 2: This brief was really well done. For the final, a bit more job detail is needed to more specifically identify the job responsibilities and requirements. Memo 3: This brief provided a really interesting approach to an overall compensation strategy. You might clarify which types of positions would fall into which strategy. As an example sales perhaps falls into commission and mayne warehouse will us the piece rate approach. You might also want to think about whether any consideration of market data is needed to develop a base salary or ensure other strategies are competitive with similar business in the relevant market.

solved Answer EITHER Q1.1 or Q1.2. Then answer Q2. Q1.1. In

Answer EITHER Q1.1 or Q1.2. Then answer Q2.
Q1.1. In the Prince and the  Cobbler thought experiment, John Locke invites us to imagine that,  overnight, a prince has all of his memories transferred to a cobbler’s  body and the cobbler has all of his memories transferred to the prince’s  body. When the cobbler-body wakes up, the consciousness ‘inside’ it  thinks he’s a prince. When the prince-body wakes up, the consciousness  inside it thinks he’s a cobbler.
Question: Have the prince and the cobbler swapped bodies? Is body swapping possible? Justify your answer.

First, state your thesis and its supporting argument.
Then, consider a smart objection to your argument.
Finally, Respond to your critic’s objection to your argument.

300-500 words
Q1.2. Suppose this situation were  to arise. The cobbler’s body in Locke’s thought experiment says he is  actually the prince and wants to claim his wealth. But the prince’s body  also says he is actually the prince and demands to retain his  princedom. The issue has gone to the courts. You’ve been called in to  arbitrate the dispute.
Question: To whom do you award the princedom, the prince’s body or the cobbler’s? Justify your answer.

First, state your thesis and its supporting argument.
Then, consider a smart response to either your argument or position.
Finally, defend your argument or position from the critic’s opposition.

300-500 words
Q2. Critically respond to a peer’s post. 100-150 words

Their are many types of monarchy but for this question I think it would
ultimately come down to this, “who is more fit to rule?” I believe that
by answering this question than we can properly determine who has the
right to rule. Whoever is more fit to rule should have the throne. A
test about the various economic factors, political systems, a morality
test, and in general just things you need to know when ruling the
kingdom would be administered. I believe that whoever answers most of
the questions right should be who the princedom is awarded too. Their
are four different possibilities that can arise when this happens, and
let’s examine all four. The first option is the prince’s body was
truthful about being the prince, and succeeded in the test. This would
likely be the best option, the prince is in his regular body and no
changes have to be made. The second option is the cobbler’s body was
truthful about being the prince, and succeeded in the test. We have the
proper prince and he has succeeded in taking the test, and in that case
the cobbler should rule. The third option was the prince’s body was
lying, and succeeded in the test, and the fourth option was the
cobbler’s body was lying, and succeeded in the test. Let me ask this
then, shouldn’t the cobbler who is either in the prince’s or his own
body rule? If he can succeed at this test over the prince, than he
should be the one fit to rule. If this cobbler has more knowledge of the
advanced political systems and economical systems of the kingdom, than
wouldn’t he be more fit to rule?

Some might argue that even if
the cobbler is fit to rule, than he still should not be the ruler, since
he lied to get in his position. Even so he was able to answer the
morality test, so one would think he at least has good morals. If he
lied his way pass that than a psychological test should be done as well.
If the person proves to be a good ruler and good in mortality, than
regardless that person should be ruling. Even if the prince should have
the throne, than whoever or whatever made them swap bodies must of done
it for a reason, and if it did not, than it’s still worth noting it
happened. Even if this happened by pure chance, if one is more fit to
rule than the other, than that person should take the place of the
prince, since they are more competent to rule the kingdom.


solved Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it

Choose just ONE of the questions below and answer it in essay form. At the beginning of your essay, please include the question that you have chosen to answer for this. This essay should cover at least 3 single- spaced typewritten full pages with a 12 point, Times New Roman font. Essays that are just summaries of the course material will not do well. I want an organized, well-written, and clearly expressed essay led by your thesis position, made by your arguments, and supported by course content as evidence. (NO OTHER REFERENCES EXCEPT FOR COURSE CONTENT).ESSAY QUESTIONSRead the questions carefully to figure out exactly what I am asking you to answer.Considering all those who could be affected, is it an overall benefit or detriment for the rights of everyone in the country for a court to be able to use the “exclusionary rule” and the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree doctrine” to exclude illegally obtained evidence? In Lochner v. New York, Justice Peckham disagreed with the viewpoint of the New York State Legislature that a law regulating sanitary conditions and working hours for a bakery legitimately related to the safety or health of a community. Do you think that our Constitutional rights and liberties are better protected if a Court can substitute its policy judgment in place of a competing one made by a Legislature or if a Court restricts itself to deciding whether a law is expressly consistent with the Constitution? (You can use the Lochner case as an example in your essay, but you may use other cases as well.)3) Imagine that a state legislature passes a law requiring everyone in that state to receive one of the COVID-19 vaccines. What kind of a) penalties for the people and b) limitations to the law would have to be included for you to consider it Constitutional?4) In Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court required that a state law claiming to regulate public health and safety must be necessary and reasonable for it to survive a valid citizen claim that the law affected their Constitutional rights. However, not every Court uses those two limitations. When a Court does not use them, does it allow the concept of State Police Power to extend the reach of the Tenth Amendment too far?5) Do you agree with the majority in Kelo v. City of New London that the “public use” requirement from the “Takings” clause of the 5th Amendment can be properly satisfied if the government had a legitimate “public purpose” in using eminent domain to take the private property from one private citizen and give it to a private company to own?6) Should Copyright be considered as a right with a similarly high level of importance and protection as the fundamental rights expressly recognized in our Amendments rather than as an incentivized privilege that the government only grants for a limited time?7) One purpose of Trademark law is to protect consumers from confusion as to which company a product or service comes from. Therefore, is it an overall benefit or detriment to consumers when a very well-known brand name for a company or its product/service loses its legal status as a valid Trademark due to a finding of “Genericide” by a court?8) There are five pairs of words below. The first word is a brand name, and the second word is a product type. The legal strength of each brand name fits into one of the five different categories of the “distinctiveness spectrum” of Trademark. For this question you need to do 2 things: A) Name the spectrum category that you think applies to each brand name, B) Explain why the category that you choose for each name is appropriate based on the legal description of the category and level of protection that category gets.a) “Blanket” hamburgersb) “Sodium Chloride” seasoningc) “Illuminating” lampsd) “Flryzx” watchese) “Atlas” mattresses

solved Watch the videos and read the articles below on Smarthistory/Khan

Watch the videos and read the articles below on Smarthistory/Khan Academy.  Also, read about each work of art in your textbook including the historical context.  This assignment is worth a total of 40 points and is divided into two equal parts.   Assume the reader doesn’t know anything about the topic and construct sentences that pack a great deal of good information.  Although there are 3 questions for each artwork, your responses should not be numbered, instead they should be written in complete sentences and clearly organized into paragraphs.  The questions are related to each other and therefore allow you to write a response that flows.  Part of the challenge is writing an in-depth response in a concise manner. I suggest you write an initial draft using as many words as you need and then carefully editing as you distill the most essential ideas. 
1. Doryphoros (150 – 200 words)
2. Augustus of Primaporta (150 – 200 words)
3. Parthenon (150 – 200 words)
4. Pantheon (150 – 200 words)
PART I: GREEK AND ROMAN SCULPTURE  (TOTAL: 300-400 words) 20 points
Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear-Bearer) video and article (150 -200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)

What is the canon of Polykleitos?
What is contrapposto? How does it impact the representation of the human body in sculpture?
Why nudity in Greek sculpture such as the Doryphoros? How does it reflect the values of the ancient Greeks (Athenians) during the Classical period?

Augustus of Primaporta (video) (150 -200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)
Augustus of Primaporta (article) (Links to an external site.)
1. How does the Augustus of Primaporta convey a powerful image of Augustus, the first Emperor and sole ruler of the Roman Empire? Name at least 3-5 specific things.
2. What is its purpose? Why did Augustus commission it?
3. How is it similar to the Doryphoros (Spearbearer) by Polykleitos?  How is it different?
The Parthenon, Athens video and article (150  – 200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)
Phidias, Parthenon sculptures (pediments, metopes, and frieze) (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)The Parthenon embodies the values, ideas and beliefs of the Athenian people during the Classical period (5th c. BCE).  Answer the questions below with this statement in mind.
1. Discuss how mathematics is an integral part of the Parthenon.  What optical refinements did they use to create the illusion of perfection?
2. What is the subject of the East and West pediments? 
3.  What is the Panathenaic Procession?  What can you conclude about the Greek’s opinion of themselves based on their inclusion on the frieze? 
The Pantheon, Rome (150 -200 words) 10 points (Links to an external site.)
An incredible achievement of Roman engineering, the Pantheon is considered to be one of the most revolutionary buildings influencing architecture from the Renaissance to the present.
1. Discuss the architectural features that make the Pantheon revolutionary (coffering, dome, use of concrete, oculus, etc).
2. Explain the symbolic and spiritual aspects created through the use of these architectural features including the significance of geometry.
3. What are the similarities and differences between the Parthenon and Pantheon?

solved For this specific assignment on Infancy & Toddlerhood, you will

For this specific assignment on Infancy & Toddlerhood, you will be examining a private space and a public space for specific resources and safety features related to children and parenting. For each space you visit, take notes about various features.

Private space

Suggestions for evaluating safety of private space (select one to use) 

United States Department of Health & Human Services Early Childhood Development Childproofing Checklist (????????)
Baby Proofing Checklist: Before Baby Comes Home (????????)
Childproofing Checklist for a Baby on the Move (????????)

Public space

Look for the following in your selected public space 

Nursing/feeding and/or sensory-reduced spaces
Kid-friendly options (food, activities, etc)
Additional accessibility for strollers
Seating for children
Bathroom facilities and changing tables

Where are changing tables located, if there are any?
Are family restrooms or other multiple-person facilities available?

Submission Details
Submit your assignment with the following structure:

Proof of observation

Include a selfie of you in both locations you visited

Description of observation experience

Describe what it was like to visit these locations while looking for these specific things.

For example: Was it difficult to find anything you were looking for? Did it feel strange looking for something like a changing table if you don’t have children with you?

Analysis of observation 

What did you notice about the safety concerns and/or facilities? 

Be detailed in your analysis and incorporate course concepts as you examine your notes

Are there discrepancies in services/facilities by gender or other factors?
Compare what you observed to topics covered by the course so far, both from a child development perspective and as if you were a parent in these places.

General Reflection 

Provide overall opinion of the facilities/locations of observations/activities (as appropriate).
Provide your assessment of the observation/activity process and experience (what you learned, what you wished you would have learned, what you would do differently).

Conclusion – Wrap it all up!

What did you learn?
What are key takeaways from this observation experience?
What more might we want to know about safety and facilities needs for young families?
Is there a need for any sort of action or advocacy?

You may submit your assignment in written, audio, or visual format. Be sure to address all parts of the assignment and analysis questions. 
Assignment Information & Reminders
As part of this course, you will be completing some assignments in the form of direct child observation, caregiver observation, and/or community activities/interviews. You will then use these observations along with course resources to complete 3 assignments for this course. These assignments are essential to understanding how the concepts we learn in this course apply to the real world.
Course Objectives
These assignments are organized to help you address all 5 of our course objectives.

Classify the physical, emotional, cultural, social and cognitive characteristics of children within various general stages of development spanning conception through middle childhood.
Examine the complex relationship between biological and environmental factors (including culture) and their impacts on the development of children, the learning process, and developmental parenting dynamics.
Apply major theoretical models, historical perspectives, and social and legal components that organize our understanding of child development and parenting norms.
Generate observations, records and reports of information on similarities and differences in development patterns and behaviors of children.
Contribute meaningfully to discourse/debate about challenges and solutions currently facing families in our world.

solved First:secondary sources are prohibited for this course, and that GradeSaver,

First:secondary sources are prohibited for this course, and that GradeSaver, Shmoop, Cliffnotes, Sparknotes, Enotes and other study guides are all secondary sources.Length:5 pagesAssignment:Choose one of the following topics and write an essay on it.Your final draft should include a thesis statement in the introduction. Use the sub-questions I ask or sub-questions of your own to help you develop your thesis through smaller ideas that support it. Quote or cite passages from the text on which you are writing to illustrate your ideas. See the sheet on MLA quotation and citation format for fiction and other prose on the Information Page of the course Blackboard site.On the due date, you must submit an electronic copy of your essay through the program “Turnitin” on Blackboard, which you will find on the Content Page of the Blackboard site. 1. Choose two stories in Danticat’s The Dew Breaker other than “Water Child” and “Night Talkers” in which the fragmentation of relations or the alienation of characters is thematically important. Discuss the relationship between alienation and diaspora in each story. (You may use the file on diaspora on the Information Page of the course Blackboard site as a reference, which you then must cite.) In each case, does the story suggest the possibility of forging connections? Explain. What kinds of connections are they? Are there any drawbacks to forming connections? How do the style and form of Danticat’s text involve readers in the problems raised by alienation or fragmentation? 2. Choose a theme other than father figures that runs through two or three stories in The Dew Breaker. What connections does the theme establish between the stories? Why are they important in The Dew Breaker? How does the treatment of the theme differ in the stories? How are the differences important? How does Danticat’s use of multiple points of view affect your understanding of the theme?3. How do the problematic relations of Dominican machismo affect the character Lola in Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao? To address the question, consider her relation to other characters. Which characters in her life bring machismo directly to bear on her and how? Which characters bring it to her indirectly, through its effects on themselves? In each case, what is her response? Do you think Lola successfully navigates the perils that machismo presents to her? Explain.4. Most critics agree that the voice of Yunior, the primary narrator of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, is very important in the novel. They have debated whether Yunior’s voice is a mode of freedom set against dictatorship, a source of seduction into a novel that carries homophobia and the objectification of women, or an example of the way that narrator’s voices in novels carry authority or control that is both like and unlike the voice of a dictator. Choose three or four passages where you find tensions between freedom and power or control in Yunior’s voice. Use no more than one passage that we discussed in class. How does each passage work with the tensions between freedom and power? Be sure to define what you mean by freedom and by power and to consider whose freedom and/or power is at stake? What do you think is the primary role of Yunior’s voice? How is it related to the other issues raised above? 5. Submit a proposal for a topic of your own on either Danticat’s The Dew Breaker or Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Woa by Friday, October 7. In a sentence or two explain the topic you wish to investigate. Then raise three or four sub-questions that will help you explore the topic in some detail. Explain which scenes in the novel you plan to reread in order to come to understand the problem in specific terms. Do not use study guides to define your topic or to frame your questions.