solved This is for the class HSCI 412: Medical Care Organizations

This is for the class HSCI 412: Medical Care Organizations in the United States. The topics selected are at the student’s discretion, but they must be related to the assignment schedule’s readings. Choose 1 topic and be very specific about it, try not to be general. Below is the rubric.undefinedThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic Selection4 ptsFull Marks (the maximum award in an examination or assessment)Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic that addresses potentially significant yet previously less- explored aspects of the topic.3 ptsMilestones (an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development)Identifies a focused and manageable/ doable topic that appropriately addresses relevant aspects of the topic.2 ptsMilestones (an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development)Identifies a topic that while manageable/ doable, is too narrowly focused and leaves out relevant aspects of the topic.1 ptsBenchmark (a point of reference from which measurements may be made)Identifies a topic that is far too general and wide-ranging as to be manageable and doable.4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExisting Knowledge, Research, and/or Views4 ptsFull MarksSynthesizes in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches.3 ptsMilestonesPresents in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches.2 ptsMilestonesPresents information from relevant sources representing limited points of view/approaches.1 ptsBenchmarkPresents information from irrelevant sources representing limited points of view/approaches.4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign Process4 ptsFull MarksAll elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are skillfully developed. Appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks may be synthesized from across disciplines or from relevant subdisciplines.3 ptsMilestonesCritical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are appropriately developed, however, more subtle elements are ignored or unaccounted for.2 ptsMilestonesCritical elements of the methodology or theoretical framework are missing, incorrectly developed, or unfocused.1 ptsBenchmarkInquiry design demonstrates a misunderstanding of the methodology or theoretical framework.4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis4 ptsFull MarksOrganizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.3 ptsMilestonesOrganizes evidence to reveal important patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.2 ptsMilestonesOrganizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing important patterns, differences, or similarities.1 ptsBenchmarkL ists evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion4 ptsFull MarksStates a conclusion that is a logical extrapolation from the inquiry findings.3 ptsMilestonesStates a conclusion focused solely on the inquiry findings. The conclusion arises specifically from and responds specifically to the inquiry findings.2 ptsMilestonesStates a general conclusion that, because it is so general, also applies beyond the scope of the inquiry findings.1 ptsBenchmarkStates an ambiguous, illogical, or unsupportable conclusion from inquiry findings.4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLimitations and Implications4 ptsFull MarksInsightfully discusses in detail relevant and supported limitations and implications.3 ptsMilestonesDiscusses relevant and supported limitations and implications.2 ptsMilestonesPresents relevant and supported limitations and implications.1 ptsBenchmarkPresents limitations and implications, but they are possibly irrelevant and unsupported.4 pts

solved Police are called to Bob Smith’s home as a result

Police are called to Bob Smith’s home as a result of a complaint from neighbors regarding the several large dogs that are constantly barking on his property. Bob lives in a residential neighborhood that has experienced significant change and new development in recent years. While his home is surrounded by a new planned development with matching homes and yards, Bob wouldn’t sell to the developers, so his property still looks like a farm with several buildings (a barn, a storage shed, and other outbuildings). The property is fenced, so Bob doesn’t feel the need to keep the dogs inside. They roam the property and bark at anyone and anything that passes the property, including most cars.
When the officers arrive to talk to Bob, he allows them through the gate and onto his property. While they are talking to Bob about the noise complaints, one officer notices a shed door is partially open, and what looks like a crate of weapons is visible. Officer Jones asks Bob, “What’s with the weapons?” and Bob says, “Those are old relics that I’ve collected.” However, Officer Jones doesn’t believe him and starts walking toward the shed. Bob lunges at Officer Jones and grabs at his gun. The two struggle for the weapon, and just as Bob pulls away with the gun, Officer Baker shoots Bob twice, once in the shoulder, and once in the chest, causing Bob to drop the gun and fall to the ground.
Officer Baker immediately calls for an ambulance, and Officer Jones begins applying pressure to Bob’s wounds and tells him, “Hold on. Help is on the way.” Bob thinks he’s not going to make it and decides that he wants a clear conscience as he moves on to whatever comes next. He tells the officers everything about the guns—where he got them, for what they were going to be used, and with whom Bob was planning his criminal conspiracy to engage in domestic terror by attacking a local rally on LGBT rights the following weekend.
Officer Baker thinks that they should search the other buildings on the property for additional weapons, but Officer Jones doesn’t think they have probable cause to do so. Baker argues that exigent circumstances allow them to conduct a broader search, especially with the first crate of guns in plain view. They do a search of the barn and other buildings on the property, except the main house, and discover two more crates of weapons.
The EMTs ended up arriving in time, and Bob was saved. He now stands trial along with two of his co-conspirators for illegal weapons charges, conspiracy charges, and domestic terrorism charges.
Bob’s defense counsel plans to argue that the plain view doctrine didn’t apply to this case and that everything discovered subsequently should be tossed. Additionally, they plan to argue that because Bob wasn’t actually dying, his dying declaration to the police officers wasn’t valid.
In a 3–5-page paper, please include responses to the bulleted issues listed below. It is critical that when you make a statement of fact in your presentation that you cite the reference you obtained the information from in the text of the paper and that the reference is included in your reference page. Your paper must be submitted in APA, 6th edition format. No abstract is required because this is a short position paper, but a title page, reference page, and appropriate running header with page numbers are all necessary.

Detail the concept for admissibility of plain sight evidence and the legal requirements for the officers to invoke a plain sight seizure.
Discuss the concepts known as dying declaration and exigent circumstances in the context of this case. Discuss the meaning of each concept and why the court believes in such exceptions to constitutional requirements.
Discuss whether you believe the defendant’s arguments will be successful, and why or why not.

solved Crime Prediction Strategies for the Future [WLOs: 1, 2, 3],

Crime Prediction Strategies for the Future [WLOs: 1, 2, 3], [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]Select one of the following goals from Chapter 12, Table 12.1 on of The Prevention of Crime for your initial post.Table 12.1: Recommendations for increasing the use and rigor of evaluation methods in crime prevention.GoalRecommendationReducing differences in lists of “What works”Use systematic review processesRequire rigorous evaluation standardsRequire consensus on evaluation standards by multiple expertsRegularly update lists and evaluation standardsIncreasing the number of effective interventionsEmploy rigorous, quasi‐experimental designs when randomized control trials are not feasibleUse “adaptive” research designs to evaluate multi‐component interventions and policiesUse emerging methods such as Social Network Analysis to evaluate social context interventionsExamine the future of crime prediction using the recommendations listed beside your chosen goal, and incorporate the following:Based on your earlier research and readings, evaluate current prevention programs and how they might be changed in the future based on these goals.Analyze the impact of diversity in future crime prediction strategies, especially within law enforcement agencies that have little credibility with their communities today.Assess whether your chosen goal positively or negatively impacts social justice for all groups or just targeted segments of society.Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Support your post with examples from your required reading material and/or other credible and scholarly sources, using the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sourcesdocument for guidance. Provide in-text citations in APA style, as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center. For this discussion, you will visit Twitter and click on the little magnifying glass on the left side of the screen to reveal the search box to search Twitter. Then, do the following:In the search box, type the words “predictive policing” in the search box and click “enter” to initiate a Twitter search.Scroll down the page and review some of the tweets that mention the term predictive policing. Choose two tweets that interest you. Choose different tweets from those your classmates have chosen. Therefore, this is a good activity to do early in the week.Share the links to the tweets in the discussion board. See below for further instructions on what to include in your discussion.If you do not have a Twitter account, simply click on the tweet and copy and paste the URL for the tweet. Share the link on the discussion board. See below for further instructions on what to include in your discussion.In addition to the links to the two tweets you chose, please address the following in your discussion:Overall, what did you observe in reviewing the tweets from the Twitter search term “predictive policing?” For example, what concerns with predictive policing are addressed in the tweets?Were you able to make sense of what predictive policing is based on your review of the tweets on this topic?Based on your review of the recent tweets (in the past six months), did it appear that predictive policing is effective?If you were to reply to one of the tweets you chose about predictive policing, what would you say? (Remember that you can use only 140 characters or less on Twitter so be clever in your tweet.)Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Support your initial post with examples from your required reading material and/or scholarly or credible sources, using the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sourcesdocument for guidance. Please provide both in-text citations and a references list at the end of your initial post in APA style, as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center.

solved Supporting Diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning This assignment

Supporting Diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning
This assignment re- introduces you to the framework of 21st century skills that you will consider each week as you work to redesign prior coursework for your Folio. Note that a similar format is followed for each of the assignments in this course. You will upload this assignment to the course for evaluation and to your Folio.
Specifically, after reviewing the Framework for 21st Century Learning (Links to an external site.), you will redesign or modify a prior assignment from one of your courses in the master’s program that represents your mastery of your programs learning outcomes (MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE or MATLT). An assignment you may want to redesign could be in the form of a lesson plan or teaching unit you previously created for a course. Your redesign of the assignment must show a representation of 21st century learning through incorporation of student outcomes and support systems, which are defined as follows:

Student Outcomes: Learning and Innovations Skills (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity), Core Subjects 3Rs and 21st Century Themes, Information, Media, and Technology Skills, Life and Career Skills.
Support Systems: Standards and assessments, curriculum and instruction, professional development, learning environments.

When selecting an assignment to redesign, think about how the assignment should consider the diverse strengths, differences, cultures, and communities of students while offering a safe, collaborative, engaging, and inclusive learning environment. If you do not have previous work to use for this assignment, please contact your instructor for guidelines on how to proceed. As needed, refer to your program learning outcomes (PLOs) list download(MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE or MATLT).
NOTE* Before you select the PLO’s you will highlight in this assignment, be sure to read the final assignment for this course to ensure that you will cover each of your programs PLOs adequately.
In your paper,
Create your assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations noted below.
Content Expectations
The Redesign expectations explain what you are required to do with the prior coursework you choose to redesign. The Summary expectations are for the separate written portion of this assignment.

Redesign – Outcomes (2 Points): Redesign of the lesson plan or teaching unit includes at least one component of the following 21st Century Student Outcomes: Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes, Learning and Innovation Skills, Information, Media, and Technology Skills, and Life and Career Skills.
Redesign – Support Systems (1 Point): Redesign of the lesson plan or teaching unit includes at least one component of the following 21st Century Support Systems: 21st Century Standards, Assessment for 21st Century Skills, 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction, and 21st Century Learning Environments.
Summary – Introduction/Conclusion (1 Point): A one paragraph introduction to the summary that concisely presents the scope and organization of the summary writing, as well as a one paragraph conclusion that recaps your summary’s key points.
Summary – Modification (2 Points): For each revision, summarize in a paragraph how you revised the activity to address the components of 21st Century Student Outcomes and 21st Century Support systems. Explicitly state how your redesign assignment provides evidence of mastery of at least two PLO’s from your master’s program. .
Summary – Reflection (2 Points): In one page, reflect on your experience with the redesign in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges, including any difficulties experienced in revising to address the components of 21st Century Student Outcomes and 21st Century Support systems.

solved INstructions10 pages APA Format: You will complete this assignment by

INstructions10 pages APA Format: You will complete this assignment by assessing a partnership using the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory (attached). You can choose an organization, place of employment or community group/association.To evaluate the partnership for your chosen organization, you will conduct two (2) interviews. You will complete the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory with the partnership representatives during the interview.Summarize and analyze the findings from the inventory and your interviews, incorporating material from the required course readings and your own research. You will complete this assignment by assessing a partnership using the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory. You can choose a present/past field placement organization, place of employment or community group/association.Summarize and analyze the findings from the inventory and your interviews, incorporating material from the required course readings and your own research. Please use the following format to conduct your evaluation of a collaboration/partnership. Collecting Data With input from your past/current field supervisor or contact person within the organization you are using for this assignment, select a collaboration to evaluate.To evaluate the partnership for your chosen organization, you will conduct two (2) interviews. You will complete the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory with the partnership representatives during the interview. Interviews may be conducted in any format to which you both agree (e.g., webex, phone, Zoom, Google hangout, in-person, etc.).Gather and review written materials that describe the collaboration such as a grant, memorandum of understanding, or written guidelines. Interview Guide: Use the following guide for your interviews, making adaptations as needed. Begin byExplain the purpose of your assignment, including how you will conduct the interview.Explain the purpose of the Inventory and how to complete it using the instructions found in the Mattessich, et al book (Please see the instructions attached)Administer the Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory prior to or at the beginning of your interview (Please see the Wilder Collaborations Factors Inventory Attached). Ask the representative to answer the questions on the Inventory based on his/her/their involvement in the collaboration. QuestionsYou will also ask questions beyond the Inventory itself. [Not all the questions need to be asked; figure out which ones would be the most appropriate to ask for your specific evaluation.]Sample background questions include:Why was the collaboration started? What is the purpose of the collaboration? Why is your agency involved in this collaboration? How long have you been involved in the collaboration? What is your role?What do you think your organization and other entities/organizations accomplish by being in this collaboration that you could not do on your own?What do you think are the strengths and/or benefits of the collaboration?What do you think are the challenges and/or weaknesses of the collaboration?Sample questions based on collaboration factors include: How has the political, social or economic environment facilitated your work in the collaboration? For example, current social policies, organizational policies, economic conditions? How has the political, social or economic environment challenged your work in the collaboration? For example, current social policies, organizational policies, economic conditions? What is the level of respect and trust among collaboration members? Can you give an example?How open, adaptable and flexible is the group in how it conducts its work? How clear are the roles and guidelines for the group?How engaged are other members of your organization in the collaboration? How do they view the work of the collaboration?

solved Do not take the question IF YOUR MAJOR IS NOT

Do not take the question IF YOUR MAJOR IS NOT A NURSEJUST NURSES. I need you to fully complete the SBAR form and to know how to best do the SBAR.SBAR is a tool used for documentation and organization of the client in the clinical setting. Fill out the SBAR form addressing each area:S: SituationB: BackgroundA: AssessmentR: RecommendationsMedicationsPlan of Care/Concept MapsPsychosocial AssessmentClinical Reflection QuestionsOther useful resources that will be helpful in filling out the SBAR tool properly include: SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) from NUR110 class. Additional resources to aide in writing proper SMART goals/Plan of care are located in the Pearson book 3rd edition Volume I page 632. The basic 12-minute head-to-toe assessments learned in NUR210 class to comprehensively address the head to toe assessment with descriptions of normals and abnormals of assessment findings in the client. ATI medication templates need to be filled out for all medications (scheduled and prn).Please ensure to review the SBAR grading rubric for details on how this assignment is calculated.Process:A minimum of two (2) SBARs will be completed to satisfactory level for each of the eight criteria. A clinical instructor will require the SBAR to be re-submitted until a total score of eight is achieved for each SBAR. A clinical instructor may require additional SBAR completion up to a total of four (4) if a student is not obtaining satisfactory scores. A student may fail clinical if SBARs are not satisfactory level by the end of the clinical rotation. The SBAR can be found in canvas. The clinical instructor will individually determine the SBAR due dates for each student in the clinical setting.RubricSBAR Rubric (2)SBAR Rubric (2)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeS: Situation1 ptsSatisfactoryAll information is complete.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryInformation is incomplete.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeB: Background1 ptsSatisfactoryAll information is complete with evidence of understanding of the patient’s background.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryInformation is incomplete and/or does not provide evidence of understanding of the patient’s background.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA: Assessment1 ptsSatisfactoryAll information is complete with evidence of understanding of the patient’s assessment data and the implications.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryInformation is incomplete and/or does not provide evidence of understanding of the patient’s assessment data implications.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeR: Recommendations1 ptsSatisfactoryAll information is complete with identification of appropriate recommendations for the patient care.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryInformation is incomplete regarding identification of appropriate recommendations for the patient care.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedications1 ptsSatisfactoryAll required information is present and patient specific.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryInformation is incomplete.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan of Care/Concept Maps1 ptsSatisfactoryPlan of care is specific to the actual patient care priorities.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryPlan of care is not specific to the actual patient care priorities.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePsychosocial Assessment1 ptsSatisfactoryInformation is complete and patient specific.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryInformation is incomplete or not patient specific.1 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical Reflection Questions1 ptsSatisfactoryAll information is complete and student has demonstrated meaningful reflection for improving practice.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryInformation is incomplete and/or student has not demonstrated meaningful reflection for improving practice.1 ptsTotal Points: 8

solved HelloI am looking for a PhD writer in Law, especially

HelloI am looking for a PhD writer in Law, especially in maritime law.My phd research is aboutMechanism to combat maritime terrorism in Saudi Arabia and international law.Please if you are not a phd writer do not accept this order.I want you to write 5 pages based on my supervisor’s comments the paper must be academic, not descriptive. I mean you analyze, compare, and synthesize the sources so I do not want you to write a summary in each source. so please do not waste your time and my time. Also, the writer should have experience in OSCOLA referencing style. if you have not done it before please do not accept this order. it’s not easy to do it and my supervisor is so strict about it. for example, you must write the page number in each source you cite. Also, you must cite 6 footnotes on each page. so, pleaseIF you write as I expected I will complete with you to write the whole dissertation.But now I want you to write 5 pages. we will work together in the whole dissertation First, I will ask you to write 6- 7 pages then I will read it and will send you my comment then we can complete another supervisor sent me sources and I have to use them.i will send them to you later.You must write the page number in each source.No plagiarism so I expect each page with 6 footnote and with the page number in each sourcePlease find the sourcePlease find the source-Look at the multiplicity of risks. There are many different aspects like ships, platforms, ports, cyber security, and personnel.-Write as much as possible in line with the above instructions. At this stage, give priority to (b) the different aspects of threats to maritime operations (c) leading Saudi laws of relevance (d) international conventions of relevance.-. Concentrate on producing scholarly quality rather than many pages.-Look at the multiplicity of risks. There are many different aspects like ships, platforms, ports, cyber security, and personnel.Ship, platform, ports. Cyber security, personal can say like Saudi spent a lot of money in security but still problem use the source. it from my supervisor.——————-THE CYBERSECURITY THREAT TO PORTS: CONTEXT, ASSESSMENT, AND LOOKING FORWARDA White Paper from Risk Intelligence in Denmark says that as central hubs to the global supply. Saudi has a law in cyber it still attached.Cyber

solved Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest

Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record (????????)…
Why is an ocean current critical to world weather losing steam? Scientists search the Arctic for answers. 
response 1 (to the discussion below):
The article, “Climate change in the Arctic has ripple effects for all life on Earth”, states that the northern hemisphere has been experiencing extreme weather, from extreme cold to deadly hot weather. Rebecca Dzombak, the author of the article, points out that the Arctic has been warming at a faster rate than the rest of the world, therefore causing less sea ice, early snowmelts, and the melting of permafrost that is releasing greenhouse gases. These shifts in the arctic climate are substantial and are not only limited to the artic as extreme weather events in the midlatitudes like heatwaves, flooding, and cold snaps have been also been linked to the Artic’s rapid warming and sea loss. This Arctic warming can also affect the fast west-to-east flow of air that floats above the troposphere, called the Jett stream, which weakens as a result. This weakening can be coined by an occurrence known as Rossby waves. These Rossby waves depend on temperature and pressure and are affected by these Arctic temperatures. In the Arctic, as warming changes, both plants and animals may survive and adapt or perish, and the spread of diseases may threaten the surrounding local populations. In the lecture, we learned that climate change affects organisms due to changes in their habitats, migrations, and the loss of ice. As climate change occurs, the whole ecosystem will also have to learn to adjust to this change to survive. All we know is that if we continue the way we go, these extreme weather events will likely continue to grow more intense and keep on recurring, and we will all suffer the economic consequences as a result.
response 2(to the discussion below)
“Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest data on record.”
The article state that it’s the first time since the record starts that the main nursery of Arctic sea ice has not yet begin freezing in late October. Scientists worried this phenomenon would be applied across the polar region, which can cause massive trouble for all life living in the sea. Scientists also claim that this delayed annual freezing in the Laptev Sea(being called the “birthplace of ice”) can be a result of “the freakishly protracted warmth in northern Russia and the intrusion of Atlantic waters.” The late ice formation in the Laptev Sea is causing the ice-covered area to be smaller and thinner, which results in a lousy circle(more small and thin the ice, more sea surface exposure, and more heat trapped).
The trapping heat needs a longer time to enter the atmosphere than previous data, even in the favored season. In addition, trapping heat causing the enlargement of the open sea areas in the polar region, and the lack of white surface(the ice) further cause the earth to absorb more heat. The record-breaking high temperature of the sea and the unusual late day of ice formation have caused people to wonder when the ice-free summer will appear. With the likelihood of ice-free summer continue to increase, scientists believe it will just be a matter of time.
We learn from the lecture that due to massive human activities in the Northern hemisphere, a considerable amount of CO2 exists in the northern part of the planet. The increased carbon dioxide rate will add to the acidity rate in the ocean, which alters the biological circle of marine animals. Our lecture and the article show that temperature changes in polar regions are all primarily due to extensive human activities. With no further regulations, human beings and all marine animals will suffer severe consequences that endanger the planet. 

solved For this DB activity, you will be doing two things.

For this DB activity, you will be doing two things. First, you will be applying some of what you have learned in chapters 18 and 19. Choose one health product. De-construct one health product AND the advertising associated with it. Secondly, you will talk about how you would teach someone else about the product. No product is perfect – focus on accuracy! One of the learning goals for this activity is for you to be able to present a highly critical, objective, and balanced synopsis of a product, and tell about it. For the two parts of your initial post you will need to complete the following:Pick a product/service from one of the following categories: OTC medication, beauty/make-up product, or an image enhancement serviceDe-construct the labeling, product information and advertising for this product/service. Include information about what is “true” about the product, what types of marketing/manipulation of image, language etc is used to entice people to buy and use the product. Finally, briefly talk about what the ingredients in the product/service actually do verses what claims are made — investigate the veracity and accuracy of the claims. (You book has some useful information about what common product ingredients actually do or actually are and how they are marketed) Make specific references to information and examples from your text reading that you used to assist you in your analysis and deconstruction of the product. The point here is for you to actively use what you have learned so far in class to complete the critical deconstruction of the product. (For example, citing what you learned about an ingredient or how some companies present information to prompt a certain type of response or image of a product. For example, the author does a nice job of talking about what a moisturizer is versus what an emollient is — beauty product advertisers often use these words in ways to prompt a consumer response or image rather than to provide information to a consumer about the ingredient!)You may wish to use the information on critical thinking as a guide for questions to ask,For the second part of your initial post you will are to describe/discuss the following: how might you use this exercise to teach others how to be more critical consumers of health products? The exercise above is actually a pretty basic exercise in critically analyzing one product. Take the activity you just did — and add one more element to it that you think would make it a more powerful or relevant exercise to teach people how to critically question and analyze a health product. (There are many, many ways to do this. There is not truly a “right” answer to this — what I am looking for is How you are thinking — in what depth and to what level of detail. What would you do and why — this is what is important! Have some fun with this second part — think creatively!) For your Conversation with Classmates: You will be responding to a minimum of two classmates. You will also be responding to classmates who post to you.Which of your classmates do you think did a really good job of analyzing and de-constructing a product? In your posts to your classmates, specifically describe what it is about each of their posts which made it a significant post and why. Post a question to one of your classmate’s about their post. Maybe they missed something about a product, maybe they created something for part 2 of their post that you’d like to know more about…ask a question (Remember, this means you will need to also answer questions posed to you!)Tell a classmate about something you learned from reading their post. For example, you could tell them about how you will look at a particular product in a new way — or — about how you learned a new way to teach others about being a more critical consumer of health products.

solved Research Question: What are the changes that the United States

Research Question: What are the changes that the United States Armed Forces need to improve, change and maximize to eliminate Gender Barriers to Leadership. Problem Statement: The Problem to be addressed in the proposed study will be addressing how to reduce the barriers women face in leadership within the Armed Forces. Some of the topics that will be included would be The glass ceiling, Old-boy network, Lack of mentors and more. (Dean Elmuti, P. D. 2020).Purpose Statement: The Purpose statement of the proposed qualitative exploratory study is to explore the changes that need to be made and sustained in order for Women to equally lead in the Armed Forces (Andrew, Shawn, 2020).Title: EXPLORING THE BARRIERS THAT WOMEN FACE IN LEADERSHIP IN THE ARMED FORCESAndrews, D. S., & .ti-avatar{fill:#00558c;}.ti-avatar2{fill:#fff;}.ti-avatar3{fill:#82c341;}Training Industry Logo Emblem AvatarDefault Training Industry AvatarDr. Shawn AndrewsDr. Shawn Andrews has 23 years of biopharmaceutical leadership experience. Her dissertation rese. (2020, July 27). Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership. Training Industry. (Links to an external site.).Dean Elmuti, P. D. (2020, May 20). Challenges Women Face in Leadership Positions and Organizational Effectiveness: An Investigation. Journal of Leadership Education. (Links to an external site.).Develop the problem statement:The problem statement is a direct statement that defines the problem you will address in your research study. Problem statement should be only one paragraph of 4 sentences and 100 – 200 words. One well developed sentence for each criteria of the rubric.The Hook is a description of the problem using a peer-reviewed source that proves that a general problem exists. This Hook sentence defines the problem as viewed from a published expert’s perspective. This is a fact used to hook the readers interest. Use a citation from this published expert’s literature to support the statement.The Anchor is an additional statement that supports the previously noted expert’s perspective, but includes a number, metric, or measurement of the baseline status of the problem. This numerical fact must come from a reliable source, such as US Census data. Support this statement with a citation from the source.A study should address a business problem experienced by many organizations. Be specific about listing the general business problem that is experienced by many organizations. The research study must address a problem that other organizations can learn from and adopt or adapt the solution to the organizational problem. This is how the doctoral study impacts social change to society.Identify the specific business problem to be studied as experienced by the organization where you will apply your research. This is the specific area where you will conduct your study. This statement should be about the organization and/or area where you will focus your research study.(a) Research QuestionUsing the information written in your problem statement, develop a single paragraph that describes the problem. Develop one clear research question that will guide the data collection of the research study. The Research Question defines why the study is being conducted in a question format (about 10-15 words). This is not an interview question, but the overarching question for the doctoral research study. Each study should have one overarching question that encompasses all possible questions in the study. Mixed-methods research study may have two research questions, one for qualitative and one for quantitative portions of the study.