solved Write 1750 words.Assignment OverviewIn the readings for this module, you

Write 1750 words.Assignment OverviewIn the readings for this module, you will find both discussions of
the social processes of technological and social innovation as well as
suggestions about where technologies may be going. Obviously, we can
only touch on a few of the creative and innovative developments taking
place around us. This assignment calls for you to further investigate
specific kinds of innovations that are currently under development, and
think about how they will affect both using and non-using organizations
and society generally down the road.You can start with the background reading for suggestions about
technologies to research, but you should also plan on doing searches
using terms such as “emerging new creative technologies” or variants on
that theme to identify new things you may not necessarily be aware of.
Spread your search net broadly, and you will find a variety of
interesting new developments to discuss.Case AssignmentPrepare a 5- to 7-page paper in accordance with the following Assignment Expectations, on the topic:“Emerging new creative technologies and what they will require organizations to do differently.”Discuss at least three specific new technological developments that
you know about personally or can research using the Internet. Describe
them in some detail and provide references to them. Think about what
they will require of their users that is not being done now, and how
organizations might have to change to incorporate them. Estimate their
long-term effects and what further developments they might stimulate.
Conclude with a couple of paragraphs summarizing your conclusions across
all the cases you have discussed.Case Assignment ExpectationsLength: The written component of this assignment
should be 5-7 pages long (double-spaced) without counting the cover page
and reference page.Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted
for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard
guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax.
Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity. We
encourage you to use tools such as and proofread your
paper before submission.When you write your paper, make sure you do the following:Answer the assignment questions directly.Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on
tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background
materials.Use evidence from your readings to justify your conclusions.Cite at least five credible resources.Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper,
including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the
“Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC
Portal.Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:Assignment-driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment.Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice:
Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and analyzing
information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to
professional practice in an exceptional manner.Business Writing and Quality of References: Student
demonstrates mastery and proficiency in written communication and use
of appropriate and relevant literature at the doctoral level.Citing Sources: Student demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in-text citations and the reference list.Professionalism and Timeliness: Assignments are submitted on time.

solved Choose Your Adventure Now that you’ve reflected on a stereotype

Choose Your Adventure
Now that you’ve reflected on a stereotype that has affected you and conducted some research, think about what you’d like to accomplish with your essay. Do you want to explain something others need to understand? Do you want to propose a method of correcting the problem? Would you like to make a calm and rational argument that refutes another specific point of view? Or would you like to compare the ideas of two thinkers who disagree in some way and take a stand for which is the stronger position? Choose your Essay Two adventure from ONE of the following:PurposeDescriptionComponents


Write an expository essay that explains this single story or stereotype, how it comes up in culture, how it affects you, and how we can more fully understand that stereotype to end it and develop a new cultural understanding as individual people.

In addition to the components listed, below, your essay will include –

A definition of a “single story” as Adichie defines the term and that is related to your essay.
The stereotype you’re working on; its relationship to and negative effects on you and our culture.
What members of society need to understand to create a truer understanding and end this single story.
Three quotations and two paraphrases of source information with signal phrases, accurate citations, and explanations


Write a proposal essay that explains this single story or stereotype, how it comes up in culture, how it affects you, and provides a proposal for a program or plan that can address this stereotype within our society.

In addition to the components listed, below, your essay will include –

A definition of a “single story” as Adichie defines the term and that is related to your essay.
The stereotype you’re working on; its relationship to and negative effects on you and our culture.
What members of society need to understand to create a truer understanding and end this single story.
A proposal for how members of society, educators, politicians or others in power can help to change this stereotype.
Three quotations and two paraphrases of source information with signal phrases, accurate citations, and explanations


Write a argumentative essay that explains this single story or stereotype, how it comes up in culture, how it affects you, and refutes an argument made by another (actual and credible) source.

In addition to the components listed, below, your essay will include –

A definition of a “single story” as Adichie defines the term and that is related to your essay.
The stereotype you’re working on; its relationship to and negative effects on you and our culture.
Your analysis of a position of an author who disagrees with you in whole or in part.
Your refutation of all or or a part of another’s argument that will help members of society create a truer understanding and end this single story.
Three quotations and two paraphrases of source information with signal phrases, accurate citations, and explanations


Write a comparative analysis that explains this single story or stereotype, how it comes up in culture, how it affects you, compares and contrasts two authors’ views, and contains your analysis of which view is stronger.

In addition to the components listed, below, your essay will include –

A definition of a “single story” as Adichie defines the term and that is related to your essay.
The stereotype you’re working on; its relationship to and negative effects on you and our culture.
The positions of two authors who disagree in some way. Your analysis of both positions and choice of which position can best help society create a truer understanding and end this single story.

solved InstructionsIt is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be

InstructionsIt is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. All posts should be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource, ideally within the last 5 years. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citations and references must adhere to APA format.Discussion PromptExplore options for complementary and alternative medicine in psychiatric mental health care. For this discussion, keep your options focused on supplements, herbs, etc… Include the following: Diagnostic testing and assessments: Pharmacologic interventions: including dosage, route, and frequency Mechanism of Action (MOA) Contraindications Education, including health promotion, maintenance, and psychosocial needs: Referrals: Follow-up, including return to clinic (RTC) with a time frame and reason and any labs that support your choice with at least 1 peer-reviewed article within the timeframe of the last five (5) years. I’m thinking of Omega-3 or SAMe for depression. post:Melatonin Melatonin is used to promote sleep and treat insomnia. According to Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (1998-2021), Melatonin is a hormone in your body that plays a role in sleep. The production and release of melatonin in the brain are connected to the time of day. Melatonin production declines with age (para. 1). Diagnostic testing and assessments:History and Physical, BMP, CBC, HGBA1C, Lipid panel, TSH, folate, vitamin B12, prolactin, PT/INR, UrinalysisPharmacologic interventions: including dosage, route, and frequency: According to Cleveland Clinic (1995-2021), Research has found that taking melatonin in low doses is the most effective way to promote sleep. Recommended doses of melatonin are from 0.5 mg up to 3 mg, which are adequate to promote sleep or treat jet lag (para. 3).Mechanism of Action (MOA)Melatonin exerts sleep-promoting effects through MT1/MT2 receptors via an unknown mechanism (WebMD LLC, 1994-2021, para. 1). ContraindicationsPatient with liver disease; kidney disease; autoimmune disease; hypertension; diabetes; epilepsy; depression; coagulation disease (eg: hemophilia); and organ transplantation (, 2021, para. 11) Education, including health promotion, maintenance, and psychosocial needsEducate patient regarding side effects, adverse effects, drug interactions, dietary supplements, and nonpharmaceutical treatment for sleep. Referrals:MRI of the brain, Sleep StudyFollow-up, including a return to the clinic (RTC) with a time frame and reason and any labs that support your choiceFollow up in one week to see if the medication was effective, any side effects from the medication, and recheck PT/INR, discuss MRI and sleep study findings.References: Cleveland Clinic. (1995-2021). Melatonin: How Much Should I Take for a Good Night’s Rest?… (2021). Melatonin: Side Effects And Contraindications.…Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (1998-2021). Melatonin.…WebMD LLC. (1994-2021). What are the mechanisms of action of melatonin receptor agonists for insomnia?…

solved Deliverable 1 To begin, select a training program you’d like

Deliverable 1 To begin, select a training program you’d like to explore. Feel free to use examples provided in Module 1’s readings or research new training opportunities. Examples can include, but are not limited to:MentoringOn-the-job trainingAdventure LearningCommunity service as a training methodSelf-Paced trainingComputer enhanced trainingMandatory trainingVoluntary trainingDevelop an organizational profile of the organization to whom you’ll be presenting the need for this type of training. This can be based on a real-life organization or one you make up. If you select an existing organization, you may find some, if not all, of this information online.For Module 1, submit the type of training program you’ve selected and a profile of the organization for which you are recommending it. The following information about the organization should be included in the organizational profile:NameSize (how many employees)IndustryMission/Vision StatementWorkplace influences, such as business partners and/or affiliations, limitations (talent recruitment, technology, etc.), governing bodies (Board of directors, National Organizations, government, etc.), and other factors than may influence the strategy and/or funding of the organization, if anyHow is training handled at this organization (central department like organizational development office or HR or decentralized with all departments responsible for their own training)?How training would enhance this organization’s success/Why you think this is the best type of training for this organizationDeliverable 2For the training program you have chosen to present, create an outline that addresses the following questions:How does business strategy impact the type and amount of training for an organization?How does this training program align with the business strategy?How will staffing be impacted?How will the training be impacted by staffing?Outline the Strategic Training and Development Process including Strategic Training and Development Initiatives, Training and Development Activities, and Metric Demonstrating Value of Training.Deliverable 3For the training program you have chosen to present, create an outline that addresses the following points:The needs assessment method that best meets the needs of your organization and an explanation of how it meets the needs.Describe how upper and mid-level managers and trainers will be involved in the needs assessmentDeliverable 3For the training program you have chosen to present, create an outline that addresses the following points:Describe how adult learning theory will be integrated into the design and implementation of the training program.Describe how you will gain “buy-in” from learners.Explain how the training will transfer to improved job performance and positively impact business metrics.Deliverable 5Some issues can be resolved in an individual consultation while others are better suited to group training. Describe your approach to employee development, explaining whether it’s individual or group and your reasons for choosing that method.Describe challenges related to developing training for a diverse population and how you have addressed these in your training program design.Deliverable 6Describe your program design, including pretraining, learning events, and post-training.Discuss how your training program manages knowledge and provides opportunities for employees to share knowledge.Describe the physical needs (space, materials, etc.) for this training program.Describe any training required by the trainers before they can effectively implement the program.Deliverable 7What evaluation method will you use?Who will be involved in your evaluation?

solved Page contribution points- problem, solution, results- ImmigrationHere you will get

Page contribution points- problem, solution, results- ImmigrationHere you will get points for participating in Problem, solution, results- Immigration chartProblem, solution, result chart- Immigration What are the probelms? On this page we will work together to list the probelms, solutions and results discussed in the article. You can add to any box in this chart. Make sure that the problem, solution, and result all go togther. Make sure you add the section number where you found the quote in the article. To participate in this assignment, click EDIT above, and type in document. When you are finished, click SAVE. ProblemQuoteSolutionQuoteResultQuote, because Refugee Response is not directly tied to the government’s resettlement program, it has doubled in size in the past two yearsBut, while the administration’s drastic cuts to the refugee program have caused dozens of resettlement offices to close down, pg13 important, now more than ever, that we stand in solidarity with those who come to Cleveland seeking a better life in our city as refugees“Cleveland is a city that is open and welcoming to all people and families, no matter from how near or far they come,” Jackson said last year.pg19 arm hires many refugees for a program called The Refugee Response. The group that has been farming the land behind CMHA since soil was first tilled there. (Gus Chan / The Plain Dealer) The Plain
In 2018 man walks down a row of vegetables during morning harvest at Ohio City Farm. Pg8language problem/ the refugees do not speak English”refugee students who may have been exposed to unique traumatic situations, inconsistent education and other obstacles”include in-home tutoring”Refugee Response’s services include in-home tutoring” (24)they learn English “Muhibzada is able to share what she learns in English tutoring.” 31It is difficult for refugees to get a job because they do not speak English”2,500 refugees who have settled in the city since 2008″, (6)work on one of the largest urban farms”The farm hires many refugees for a program called The Refugee Response.” 8the refugees learn skills, have $$$, learn English“We’re all about not just providing one-time aid, or a one-time donation or a gift, but seeing through on a path that is going to be transformative,” Kearns said. (26)refugee children do not speak English, different school system, different ways to make friends, do not know about how to go college in US,gap in what a school system can provide,unique traumatic situations, inconsistent education(28)program for high school students (Teen Response)tutoring, career counseling and cultural education, (30they make friends, go to college, successful in highschool, learn English“We’ve become like a family, (30) built-in social support group(30) Muhibzada is able to share what she learns in English tutoring and career counseling with the rest of her family. “I teach my sisters what this means, what I learned and you have to know this is important,” (31)helped her manage a busy schedule (33)“Even if I need help in my classes, I come here and finish it,” Muhibzada said. “When I go home, I relax and go to(36) sleep,”gap in educational opportunities for adult women (42)“We saw that particular population was becoming very socially isolated, left at home with young kids and no real outlet or access to understanding the new society or new world they are in,” 42in home tutoring, zoomaccess to educationunderstanding the new society When Mahibzada was 18, she only was home-schooled and didn’t have another option, she didn’t really have a good future ahead of her.She traveled to Cleveland Now she’s better getting good grades in college.

solved Fourcade & Kluttz (2020) argue that: “In today’s gift-saturated digital

Fourcade & Kluttz (2020) argue that:
“In today’s gift-saturated digital capitalism, refusing digital freebies takes tremendous effort and exposes one to not only miss out on the enjoyment created by participation, but also to social marginalization. In many ways, the relation is obligatory, sustained by the larger social community whose existence is itself largely digital, too.” (Fourcade & Kluttz 2020, pp. 5). 
Explain what this statement means and illustrate your explanation by showing how this obligation to accept gifts operates in one well-known digital platform. 
Please include a footer on each page showing the page number. 
Fourcade, M., & Kluttz, D. N. (2020). A Maussian bargain: Accumulation by gift in the digital economy. Big Data & Society. 
Required ReadingFuchs, C. (2008) Internet and Society New York: Routledge, pp. 161-171 Fourcade, M., & Kluttz, D. N. (2020). A Maussian bargain: Accumulation by gift in the
digital economy. Big Data & Society.
Further Reading
Benkler, Y. (2006) The Wealth of Networks New Haven: Yale UP. 303.4833/BEN
Castells, M. (2011). The Rise of the Network Society Vol. 1: The information age:
economy, society, and culture. 2nd. Wiley
Barassi, V. (2015). Activism on the web: Everyday struggles against digital capitalism.
Oxford: Routledge.
Currie, W.L. (ed) (2004) Value creation from e-business models Oxford: Elsevier
(particularly Joyce & Winch chapter) (available online via library catalogue)
Elder-Vass, D. (2016), Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy, Cambridge University Press,
chapter 1 and pp. 53-61
Eubanks, V. (2017). Automating inequality: how high-tech tools profile, police, and
punish the poor. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press
Fuchs, C. (2008) Internet and Society New York: Routledge Section 7.2 (pp. 157-189)
Granovetter, M. (1985) ‘Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of
Embeddedness’ American Journal of Sociology 91: 481-510, also available in
Granovetter & Swedberg (eds) The Sociology of Economic Life and Biggart (ed)
Readings in Economic Sociology (see ‘Background reading on economic sociology’
above for bibliographic details)
Kelly, K. (2009) ‘The New Socialism’ Wired 17(6)…
accessed 19/12/14
Lanier, J. (2019). Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now.
Lumpkin, G.T. & G.G. Dess (2004) ‘E-business strategies and Internet business models’
Organizational Dynamics 33(2): 161-173
McChesney, R.W. (2013). Digital disconnect: how capitalism is turning the Internet
against democracy. New York: The New Press.
Polanyi, K. (2001 [1944]) The Great Transformation Boston: Beacon (particularly
chapters 3-6 and Block’s introduction) 330.942/POL
Rifkin, J. (2014) The Zero Marginal Cost Society New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Shiller, D. (1999). Digital capitalism networking the global market system. Cambridge:
MIT Press.
Veliz, C. (2020). Privacy is Power: Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your
Data. London: Penguin.
Zittrain, J. (2009) ‘The web as random acts as kindness’ (TED talk):

Zuboff, S. (2015). Big other: Surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information
civilization. Journal of Information Technology, 30(1), 75-89.
Zuboff, S. (2019). The age of surveillance capitalism: the fight for a human future at the
new frontier of power. New York: PublicAffairs
Zuboff, S. (2019). Surveillance capitalism and the challenge of collective action. New
Labor Forum, 28(1), 10-29. 

solved Discussion Forum Week 6The chapter on project risk planning discusses

Discussion Forum Week 6The chapter on project risk planning discusses the risk planning process and the associated tools and techniques. Risk planning consists of two types: quantitative risk planning and qualitative risk planning. Risks could be positive or negative based on their intended impact. Positive risks are termed as opportunities and negative risks are termed as threats. Additionally, it is important for the project manager to determine the risk propensity of the organization and the employees and use the knowledge to develop risk strategies. Learning about the top risks in software management was important and can be used as a checklist while developing a Risk Management Plan (RMP) for software projects (Kloppenberg et al, 2019).Dinner Party Risks & Triggers:Risk is an uncertain or unintended event that can impact the project. A trigger is a circumstance that might invoke the risk. In this case the organization must commence the risk action or strategy (Kloppenberg et al, 2019). In the given scenario, a major risk could be that the dishes might get burnt or inedible. A trigger for that is losing the recipe. Another risk could be that the guests don’t arrive on time. A possible trigger could be sudden unforeseen weather conditions like flood or a storm. Risk Acceptance:In some cases, organization choose to accept the risk as a risk management strategy. Risk acceptance is usually done for minor risks that have a lesser probability of occurring. We developed a health insurance coding product for doctor offices and accepted the risk of regulatory changes. We kept monitoring for the trigger, which is a change to the Medicare and Chip policies. We decided to accept the rik as it wouldn’t impact the product much and we could have tweaked the existing code to change the reimbursement cost according to the new regulation. The expected change did not happen, and it was a good strategy to accept that risk. Integrating quality within project planning:All software projects integrate quality management within the project planning process. Test planning is the guide which is used to validate the quality of the product increment that is being developed. It is imperative to embed quality in project planning, so that the team is aware of how to validate the work being performed and raise red flags in case of defects which can be then triaged and fixed.Common Cause Variation (CCV) & Special Cause Variation (SCV):CCV is also termed as the noise of the process. Noise of the process is the process deviations that are imbedded in the process and are natural to the process. CCVs cannot be avoided unless process is re-engineered. However, SCVs are those variations in the process that exceed the predetermined control limits. These control limits are usually three standard deviations away from the mean. A major healthcare issue in the country is the Emergency Room (ER) wait times. The ER wait times cause a backlog that prevents clinicians from helping critically ill patients. I used to work in the process improvement team of a healthcare organization. The average acceptable wait time is 35 minutes. However, there were many common cause variations that occur due to the nature of the process. The CCVs are wait times that exceed 35 but are within 60 minutes. However, SCVs are those process variations that exceeded the 60 minutes limit. When SCVs occur, the process improvement team will visit the floor and work with the clinical and nonclinical team to determine the root cause by performing Root Cause Analysis (RCA). ReferencesKloppenborg, T. J., Anantatmula, V. S., & Wells, K. N. (2019). Contemporary project management, 3rd edition (3rd ed.). Cengage.

solved If you have been or are working in a preschool

If you have been or are working in a preschool or day care, you can describe the meals
and snack procedures and guidelines.
2) Have you seen family-style meals in a classroom? What do you see as the
benefits of children serving their own food at a community table? How has Covid-19 impacted food served at school?
3) What alternatives are provided for children who have allergies to certain 
foods? How do they make sure the children are not served foods they are 
allergic to?
4) What food challenges have you experienced with preschoolers or toddlers?

Reply to at least two of your peer’s posts.
Number 1:
1) If you have been or are working in a preschool or day care, you can describe the meals
and snack procedures and guidelines.
I don’t work with children but they select healthy food and snacks, avoiding common unhealthy ingredients, and avoiding common allergy developer ingredients. Healthy nutritional guideness are followed as well as save packaging.
2) Have you seen family-style meals in a classroom? What do you see as the
benefits of children serving their own food at a community table? How has Covid-19 impacted food served at school?
Self serving promotes independence as well as good habits. It also give children the chance to choose and be aware of their diet.
– Covid has made impossible to self serve, now everything comes in individual packages and students are given bags with the same menu for each children.
3) What alternatives are provided for children who have allergies to certain
foods? How do they make sure the children are not served foods they are
allergic to?
There is a list of foods that are not allowed in school.
Parents can send lunch
4) What food challenges have you experienced with preschoolers or toddlers?
I have not work with children but I have my siblings as an example. They dont like healthy foods (fruit and vegetables) or they dont eat enough.

Number 2:
1) If you have been or are working in a preschool or day care, you can describe the meals
and snack procedures and guidelines.
The first step is to wash the childrens hands. Once everyone has washed their hands, they sit down and wait for food to be served. The server puts on gloves and prepares the food into the plates which are then passed down to the children. There are different guidelines to different facilities on how much food, fruit, vegetables and other servings are proportioned.
2) Have you seen family-style meals in a classroom? What do you see as the
benefits of children serving their own food at a community table? How has Covid-19 impacted food served at school?
Yes, I have, it is really nice because it makes children feel independent and trustworthy. Usually, the system works if it is constant and it is done every day the same way, but when routines change to do self-serving in the family-style meals, it is as organized. I personally enjoy when the school does family-style meals in the classroom, it is fun for the children and they become and have a sense of independence. There is defiantly less yelling in the classroom as well.
3) What alternatives are provided for children who have allergies to certain
foods? How do they make sure the children are not served foods they are
allergic to?
In my facility, if a child is allergic to a product, that product is not served and is also not allowed near and or in the facility whatsoever
4) What food challenges have you experienced with preschoolers or toddlers?
There is not as many challenges but there is a lot of food and drinks such as milk, always splattered in the table and or in the ground. It is difficult to keep a clean table when there is eating, but that is okay, it is the point of the process.

solved This week, you will clearly define your research problem and

This week, you will clearly define your research problem and begin to organize your evidence. As you have been reviewing the literature, you have been able to more clearly see the field relative to your topic area, which should assist you in developing a clear and specific thesis statement that details what you will review and then apply to the field in your Signature Assignments.As you consider this, remember that one of the most important steps in research development is identifying the problem, which dictates the literature to explore identifying the gap in the existing knowledge and need for further understanding and investigation.Some points to consider in problem formulation are:What does the literature say about the topic (positives, critiques, and counter-arguments)?What are your ideas, assumptions, and proposals?What is the historical context? What is the prevalence and relevance of the problem to current society?Consider interdisciplinary insights. Writing a statement of the problem will help clarify the purpose of the research, addressing the direct gap/concerns/issues related to the forensic psychology topic. You will later use this statement and the scholarly literature you have found to ‘solve’ this question or problem in your Week 5 literature review. To be clear, you are not just writing a broad overview of a topic, but you are focusing your research review on understanding and ‘solving’ a specific problem or question.It is also important to consider how this research problem and the literature you review will be utilized in other ways in this course, which is also applicable to the real-world presentation as a professional. Research problems can be presented in many fashions using a paper, the Internet, or a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation to educate an audience. Aside from the traditional roles forensic psychologists typically take as consultants or professors, many will serve as presenters to educate an audience through training, webinars, podcasts, blogs, academia, etc., which will require the development of presentations. Oral presentations are beneficial because they present an opportunity for you to develop real-world communications and leadership skills. The preparation for this presentation is a chance for you to gain insight into knowledge and skills that make a good lecturer, which may become your profession.First, you will create a thesis statement that includes a clear research question that you are answering. A thesis statement is a 1 or 2-sentence statement that condenses the argument you will make in your paper. It identifies the topic of your paper and indicates the position you will take with the topic you present in your paper. It will be the guide for the content and focus of your paper and subsequent presentation.This assignment will require no references, though its’ development should be based on your review of the literature. Thus, your thesis statement will consider this information as you develop your clear, specific, and succinct thesis statement that will direct your other assignments in this course. Keep in mind that this should generally be one sentence and no more than two sentences. It is important that you are able to summarize your topic and position succinctly to truly be clear on what you are reviewing and applying.Length: 1-2 sentencesReferences: Include a minimum of 0 scholarly resources.The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA

solved You have been tasked with creating a public service announcement

You have been tasked with creating a public service announcement (PSA) that will inform and encourage members of a specific population group to address one of the major health concerns facing this population group. You may choose a group with intersecting identities (i.e., Hispanic women, Asian men, African American children, etc) and you may choose a specific group within a population (i.e., Puerto Ricans, Cambodians, etc.). Research the health needs of your particular group. Consider questions such as: Are they more susceptible to HIV/AIDS? Is domestic violence a top concern? Are people in your chosen population group more likely to be obese or have diabetes? Are too many people in this group smoking? These are not the only questions you may ask but are given here to help prime your thinking.You may focus your research on a specific geographic area in the US, such as a state, county, or city. Use local data sources, such as data from the state or district health departments. Local advocacy groups typically have data you can use as well. You may also use data from national sources such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) or the National Child Health Survey (NCHS). Use these data sources to identify onehealth concern facing your population group. Create a one-page flyer or infographic that identifies the population group of your choice, one of the top health concerns this population faces, related risk factors, and steps that this population could take to reduce their risk or to manage the health issue, such as resources they can access in their area.Also, create three social media posts that you would use as a part of a social media campaign targeting your chosen group. Websites such as www.canva.comcan help you design these materials through their templates. For the infographic, use APA format for your references in footnotes or endnotes. Please number your in-text citations instead of using parenthetical citations on your infographic. Then, write an essay describing your population group, the health concern you chose to focus on, and how you made decisions in designing your infographic and social media content. Consider the role of theory in helping you think about how your social media posts or infographic could educate your particular population group. For example, did the Stages of Change model help you think about where most of your targeted group may be in understanding the health concern or in thinking about making a change? What steps didyou take to find data on your population group? Describe at least two local (such as in the city your chosen population group) resources that people can use to address the health concern. Consider the availability of resources for your population group. Do you think there are too few resources for this group that reflects their culture or are people in this group able to access culturally-relevant resources pretty easily? This essay should be about 1000-1500 words, double-spaced. Use APA format for citations and your reference list. You may use parenthetical citations, not footnotes or endnotes, in the essay. Here’s asimplified example to help you think through this project:You decided to focus on Hispanic women living in Washington, DC. One health concern in this population is cervical cancer. Some risk factors for cervical cancer include lack of prevention screenings, smoking, and sexually transmitted infections. Some steps Hispanic women can take is participating in free screening opportunities, practicing safe sex, and quitting smoking ornever starting smoking. Some resources in DC that are available include the DC Department of Health and La Clínica del Pueblo.