solved You have been tasked with creating a public service announcement

You have been tasked with creating a public service announcement (PSA) that will inform and encourage members of a specific population group to address one of the major health concerns facing this population group. You may choose a group with intersecting identities (i.e., Hispanic women, Asian men, African American children, etc) and you may choose a specific group within a population (i.e., Puerto Ricans, Cambodians, etc.). Research the health needs of your particular group. Consider questions such as: Are they more susceptible to HIV/AIDS? Is domestic violence a top concern? Are people in your chosen population group more likely to be obese or have diabetes? Are too many people in this group smoking? These are not the only questions you may ask but are given here to help prime your thinking.You may focus your research on a specific geographic area in the US, such as a state, county, or city. Use local data sources, such as data from the state or district health departments. Local advocacy groups typically have data you can use as well. You may also use data from national sources such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) or the National Child Health Survey (NCHS). Use these data sources to identify onehealth concern facing your population group. Create a one-page flyer or infographic that identifies the population group of your choice, one of the top health concerns this population faces, related risk factors, and steps that this population could take to reduce their risk or to manage the health issue, such as resources they can access in their area.Also, create three social media posts that you would use as a part of a social media campaign targeting your chosen group. Websites such as www.canva.comcan help you design these materials through their templates. For the infographic, use APA format for your references in footnotes or endnotes. Please number your in-text citations instead of using parenthetical citations on your infographic. Then, write an essay describing your population group, the health concern you chose to focus on, and how you made decisions in designing your infographic and social media content. Consider the role of theory in helping you think about how your social media posts or infographic could educate your particular population group. For example, did the Stages of Change model help you think about where most of your targeted group may be in understanding the health concern or in thinking about making a change? What steps didyou take to find data on your population group? Describe at least two local (such as in the city your chosen population group) resources that people can use to address the health concern. Consider the availability of resources for your population group. Do you think there are too few resources for this group that reflects their culture or are people in this group able to access culturally-relevant resources pretty easily? This essay should be about 1000-1500 words, double-spaced. Use APA format for citations and your reference list. You may use parenthetical citations, not footnotes or endnotes, in the essay. Here’s asimplified example to help you think through this project:You decided to focus on Hispanic women living in Washington, DC. One health concern in this population is cervical cancer. Some risk factors for cervical cancer include lack of prevention screenings, smoking, and sexually transmitted infections. Some steps Hispanic women can take is participating in free screening opportunities, practicing safe sex, and quitting smoking ornever starting smoking. Some resources in DC that are available include the DC Department of Health and La Clínica del Pueblo.

solved OVERVIEWFor the Module 1 discussion board assignment your task is

OVERVIEWFor the Module 1 discussion board assignment your task is to explain to a general public audience the complexity of meanings around race and racisms in the United States by addressing the following set of questions through the lens of key concepts defined in the assigned readings. Imagine that you are trying to explain different elements of concepts such as the “West and the Rest Discourse” (Hall 1994) and “Racial Formation Theory” (Omi and Winant 2015) to someone who have never heard of these ideas but they have seen the documentaries “13th:” From Slave to Criminal with One Amendment (2016), directed by Ava DuVernay, or “The House We Live In” (2003) of the PBS series Race the Power of an Illusion.INSTRUCTIONSPART 1. Post. 20 points. Respond to at least three of the following prompt questions by discussing specific examples from either of the assigned media from Module 1 (weeks 1-2) and applying concepts or key terms from the assigned readings (see basic criteria below to ensure you receive full points): Prompt questions: How are racial categories represented and given meaning in imagery, media, language, ideas, and everyday “common sense” attitudes? What is the role of race in efforts to control and distribute economic, political, and cultural resources? How have difference in wealth, income, and power over decision making shaped perceptions about what we believe to be True about racial categories or our expectations about a person’s behavior? How have meanings of race and racism changed over time? In what ways have they remained the same?Basic criteria: Your responses can be open-ended but need to meet the following basic criteria to receive full points:Responds to at least three of the above response questions with specific examples from either of the assigned documentaries (you are not required to discuss examples from both, but are required to discuss at least three different examples – so, you may find it helpful to do so!)Fully incorporates at least one concept or key term from each of the assigned readings (meaning at least one concept or key term (“element” of the concept) from Hall’s (1994) the “West and the Rest discourse” and least one concept or key term (“element” of the concept) of Omi and Winant’s “Racial Formation Theory”Remember, your imagined audience has never heard of the authors or their work. So, to “fully incorporate” the readings you also need to introduce the author(s), summarize their argument, define the concept or key term, and apply it to analyze the example you are discussing.Word count is flexible but should aim for 350-700 wordsPART 2: Reply. 5 Points. Once you post your response you will see others’ posts. Respond to at least one of your peers by engaging in a discussion over the example they offered.Your replies can be personal reflections about what stood out to you or how the example might be related to other concepts we read in either Omi and Winant or Stuart Hall.You might also reflect on their post from the perspective of the aims of critical theory, to identify structures of oppression to better understand how they operate to dismantle them. How does the examples and concepts your peer discussed help move us in this direction?Word limit is flexible, aim for a meaningful comment that might generate dialogue).In general, this is an open-ended discussion activity; there are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Please remember, this is a platform for us to construct or learning community, so you are expected to engage in constructive dialogue in your posts. Be generous and be respectful and help each other learn from your different perspectives.

solved Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.There are 3 student discussion boards. Please respond to each individually. I will also upload the graph. 1. The graph shows that the student has enough days to find the trend and the
means. According to data that was collected from 2/9 to 2/18 it shows the current
mean at 44% and the trend is decelerating. The student’s criteria for targeted
skill is at 80% for 3 consecutive days. The student has not met their targeted
skill. Additionally, prior data showed that the student’s mean was at 34% and was
at a flat, and even though the mean appears to have accelerated to 44%, the
trend is decelerating, which means the student needs modifications to improve
motivation by reinforcing stimulus. This occur with maybe giving him a break in
between each response. (e.g. write name, take a 2 minute break or write name
give treat or candy that he likes to keep him motivated to work.
K 2.Hi All,
I reviewed the data above for our student, Jason Jones. (funny, I have a friend with that
Data: there is sufficient data for this student/goal as there is 8 data points.
Breaks: student was absent for a few days, but there were no breaks for more than 2
Mean: 44%
Trend: Decelerating – see attached photo for drawing of trend.
Mastered: student has not mastered this goal. criteria is 80% for 3 consecutive days.
Progress: student has made some progress with this goal.
Decision: no change. continue with current plan. I chose this because the mean did
increase, even though only by 10% and in the first set of data and the note from 2/9 it
states to “continue with increased motivation”. Motivation was already targeted.
*I will attach my trend line photo shortly. Scanner is down*
S 3. Hello all!
I initially miscalculated the mean and trend line because I was counting February 9th as
a data point for the second decision. After further analysis however, I realized my
mistake and corrected my trend line as can be seen in the attached pdf.
The graph meets the prerequisite skills
Sufficient Data: Yes, there are 8 data points, surpassing the minimum required and
allowing for the 8 opportunities to respond. Additionally, the task was set at 20 steps,
surpassing the minimum of 8 steps.
Data breaks: No, a data break constitutes four or more consecutive days. (there is a
break for holiday and student absence, but that does not constitute a break in data)
Progress made: yes, progress seems to be variable when looking at the various data
points and there was an increase of 10% in the mean
Mastery: No, mastery was set at 80% independence for 3 consecutive days, which was
not achieved.
Mean: 44%
Trend Line: Deceleratiing
Decision: The above information would lead me to conclude that there is a motivation
problem occurring and that we must improve motivation through reinforcement. This
instructional change decision was made because the 10% increase in mean indicate
that some progress has been taking place, therefore not making it possible to
categorize this under the inadequate or no progress decisions.
Specific verbal praise is identified as the reinforcer, but perhaps is not occurring with
fidelity or is simply not reinforcing for Jason. It also appears that he only gets specific
verbal praise, thinned for generalization, only for independent responses. My decision
would be to increase reinforcement for each step, regardless of the prompt level used to
correctly complete each step.
I’m interested to read what you all have come up with, I definitely had tons of ideas on
what type of decision and the justification I would provide for each.

solved GOALS There are four main goals of the papers, each

There are four main goals of the papers, each of which must be demonstrated:
1. research a criminalistics topic using a combination of resources
2. effectively summarize the most essential details of the subject
3. describe the different area(s) of criminalistics to which your specific case relates
4. practice skills required of forensic professionals, including communicating ideas clearly, thoroughly
and thoughtfully, and submitting work that reflects professionalism.
Each paper must include a combination of three scholarly and other research sources to support the
information discussed. Examples of information from scholarly sources include, but are not limited to,
definitions, theories and research in the subject. Forensic and legal journals, databases as well as respected
magazines, newspapers, videos and other internet sources may be used. You may not use your textbook as
one of your sources. Please note that Wikipedia may be used to help you understand your subject, but is not
considered a scholarly source. Please note that you may not use any direct quotes in your paper – please make every
effort to paraphrase the information you find and properly cite the associated sources. Consistent with
APA style formatting, each source that you use must be cited within your paper and listed on your reference
page. Your reference page must include at least three sources of which two must be scholarly sources. Please note that APA-style format includes a title page, headers, an introduction and conclusion, in-text
citations and a reference page. No abstract is required for this assignment. Do not use sub-titles in this
assignment. ORGANIZATION
The following is a guideline for how the body of your paper should be organized. Please use the following headers to organize
your paper. Transition statements must be used to connect each section within the body of your paper to ensure that it flows
I. Introduction
The first section should introduce your paper by providing a snapshot of your subject and give a preview of
the main topics to be discussed in your paper. Do not begin your technical writing with a question.
II.Subject Summary
This should be followed by a thorough summary of the specific subject, which you have been assigned.
You may use details from legal documents, print or online sources to provide supporting details. This
should be a significant portion of your paper. For Assignments 1 and 2, you can include the advantages and
disadvantages of the technique or instrument. You can also include one or two sentences that provide a case
example of use.
III. Conclusions
This final section should provide a summary of your main points in your paper as well as any final thoughts
or conclusions that you have generated as a result of your research. This should neatly connect all of the
sections of your paper. CONTENT
Your paper will thoroughly explore your selected criminalistics topic by introducing and describing it as if
you are educating the reader. This will be achieved by providing clear details and definitions, summarizing
the events and related research in an organized manner and providing logical arguments for your ideas and
Your paper must include a minimum of three credible references, at least two of which must be from
scholarly sources (e.g., peer-reviewed forensic and/or scientific journals, sites, books, etc.). These references
should be used to summarize a combination of definitions, theories and research, each of which should be
well explained in your own words. References should be clearly and properly cited throughout the body of
your paper, each of which must be listed on your reference page.

solved we read about the basic study of gangs, and issues

we read about the basic study of gangs, and issues associated with this, including defining gangs and some of popular wisdom and myths of gangs. As I asked you to do in the powerpoint and in the lecture, what are some of these pieces of popular wisdom and myth?Beyond that, what do you think about street gangs? Why are you interested in them? How does what we have read so far jive with what you know about gangs?Please ensure that both your original AND response post to another student are substantive (not just “I agree with XX point”) contributions to earn full credit. respond for :1. A majority of the population is prioritized with a stereotypical point of view concerning gangs because of objectives in the media and television. There’s multiple myths that consider gang members and groups to be purely focused on committing crimes, drugs, guns, and so on. These members are perceived as criminals since they “rebel” and don’t follow the rules of society ethically or legally. Although this may be the case for certain groups, gangs thoroughly go into much more detail than what it publicized. Things like economic disadvantages, limited opportunity, single parent households, and racial inequality can be a cause as to why individuals associate within gang doings. The list goes on and on behind the reasonings of relation as a gang member. Some popular wisdom upon gangs affiliate with their particular elements such as how many people are in the group itself, their slang, the color of their clothing, where they locate their territory, and what crimes they participate in. Overall, it’s evident even in the publics view, that the more disproportionate individuals seem more prone to part of a gang. I personally believe street gangs are much more complex and intricate than what simply meets the eye. I constantly try to watch credible crime shows, documentaries, and interviews that kind of give me a more realistic view of the criminal justice system. Moreover, I’ve seen gang related crimes occur and just how substantial gang groups can be throughout the country. I’ve taken a majority of different criminology courses so far but I’m very excited about this one in particular since I’m not knowledgeable about gangs as much as I would like to be! The readings this week essentially proved the fact that gang integration happens for a majority of different reasons that can be explained through individual backgrounds and gang-specific theories.2. Some of the pieces of popular wisdom/myths is that gangs are made up of mostly males who are of either African American/Hispanic origins and that if you see a group of men who are wearing baggy clothes and hanging around in the streets, people automatically think that they must be a part of a gang and that they are “waiting to prey on some innocent bystander”.Before reading the chapters, all of the knowledge that I had about gangs were strictly from movies and documentaries. I’ve always been interested in street gangs specifically and how/why they were formed. The reason that I am interested is because I think that the whole psychological and sociological aspects of wanting to join and participating in a gang are interesting because it is something that I have never experienced, so I want to learn all of the nitty gritty details of how people find themselves participating in gang activity. After reading the chapters, I realized that there are a lot of factors that play into gang affiliations such as similar socio-economic statuses, political beliefs, ethnicities, or if they just happen to live in the same neighborhood and NOT because they are a bunch of troubled individuals who want to cause needless violence.

solved macronutrients. What we’re doing this week in Discussion 4 1.

What we’re doing this week in Discussion 4
1.  Part 1 

Pick A, B, or C based on what interests you for part 1. 
See below

2. Part 2 

Pick option A or option B.
See below

3. Part 3:

Read a post from someone who picked a macronutrient different from your own. 

Share what you learned from their post. 
Add to it in some way. For example, how does what you learned relate or not relate to what you learned? 

Part 1 ( pick one option)
Option A: Carbohydrates. (chapter 4 in the textbook)
Read ONE (1) of the following and discuss as indicated. 

Today’s Dietitian option about “busting” myths about carbohydrates/ Today’s Dietitian: Busting Myths About Carbohydrates (Links to an external site.)

What two myths did you recognize in yourself or surprised you most?
How has reading about these common misconceptions affected your view of carbohydrates?

University of California San Francisco’s Sugar Science Research option about added sugars  UCSF: Sugar Science (Links to an external site.)

Read at least one of the articles (titles below) and share two things you learned.

Sugar Sweetened Beverages
Hidden in Plain Sight
Too Much Can Make Us Sick
How Much Is Too Much?

Option B: Fats. (chapter 5 in the textbook)
Read the link about fats. American Heart Association – Eat Smart – Fats Also read at least one (1) of the following:

Saturated Fats 
Monounsaturated Fats  
Polyunsaturated Fats  
Trans Fats 
Discuss which types of fats do you get enough of, too much of, and not enough of in your life? You can look at your nutrient reports from NutritionCalc Plus to help you with that.
What one realistic change you could make to get more of a heart healthy fat? Pick something you would enjoy and realistically incorporate.

Option C: Protein (chapter 6 in the textbook)
Calculate your individual protein requirement based on the RDA for protein.

STEP 1: The RDA is 0.8 g protein/kg body weight or 0.36 g protein/lb body weight  

If you are going into healthcare (dietetics, nursing, medical doctor, physical therapy, etc.), then using the g/kg calculation is the one you should use. We use the metric system in many areas of medicine. 
If you aren’t going into medicine or an allied health field then the 0.36 g protein / pound of body weight is an okay calculation to use.

STEP 2: Calculate the AMDR range based on your recommended calorie intake that was determined for you by NutritionCalc Plus.

To find out what is recommended in NutritionCalc Plus, set up your profile and explore different reports like MyPlate. 
The AMDR for protein is 10-35% of calories. Calculate the range in calories and the range in grams. 
Here is an example using 2300 calories as the recommended amount of energy needed for the 150 lb person in this particular example

Part 2 . Pick one option
Option A:

In your own words (written or AV) describe how the food with the macronutrient you picked for part 1 are digested, absorbed, and transported from the small intestine to the liver

Option B: 

Describe in your own words (written or AV)  three things you learned from the video lectures, slides, and/or reading about your nutrient that you didn’t know before. 

Be detailed and cite your sources for each “thing” so someone else knows where to go to learn more. 

You don’t have to follow a citation format but provide enough information so someone can find what you are talking about. 

Part 3 . 

Read a post from someone who picked a macronutrient different from your own. 

Share what you learned from their post. 
Add to it in some way. For example, how does what you learned relate or not relate to what you learned? 

solved ObjectiveYou will create a presentation about a member country of

ObjectiveYou will create a presentation about a member country of the EU that shows researched information and will develop an argument to rationalize the country’s membership in the EU.InstructionsChoose a country from the map above. Pretend that you are going to represent your selected country at a European Union meeting. You will attend the meeting whether or not your country is an EU member.Your goal at the EU meeting is to explain to other country representatives your selected country’s position on the EU (whether or not it wants to participate and why, or how it likes being a part of the EU if it already is) and what your selected country might do to be a better member of the European community (e.g., cleaning up the environment or reducing social problems).Do research on the following topics regarding your selected country:EU Status – the country’s status with and attitude toward the EUEnvironment – current environmental problems within the selected countrySocial Situation – current social problems, such as tensions with immigrant or minority groupsCreate a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, (opens in a new window) and include the information researched according to No. 3 instruction.
Your presentation should have three headings or sections with at least two slides each and illustrated with pictures or images:EU StatusEnvironmentSocial SituationThere is no limit as to the number of slides to show the information you gathered for each heading or section. On a separate slide, address the EU with your plea or argument according to your selected country’s situation: (at least a paragraph)(If your selected country is not a member of the EU) – Explain why your country wants to participate.(If your selected country is already a member of the EU) – Describe how your country likes being a part of the EU. (Whether a member or not) – Discuss what your selected country might do to be a better member of the European community.On the last slide, include a bibliography of at least three sources of your information by providing the URLs and webpage titles in MLA citation format. Use Easy Bib (opens in a new window) to help you create correct MLA citations. Make sure to include the website URL in your citation.Submit the completed presentation to the submission box. See the rubric below and make sure to follow all criteria. This assignment is worth 80 points.Marking Guide Check the Marking Guide below and follow the criteria for a perfect score:Country Membership in the European Union Marking GuideCriteriaPoints Used multimedia presentation software, such as PowerPoint, to complete the assignment 10Presented slides that contain information on the selected country covering the following topics and are illustrated with pictures or images:EU Status – the country’s status with and attitude toward the EUEnvironment – current environmental problems within the selected countrySocial Situation – current social problems, such as tensions with immigrant or minority groups30Presented a slide that showed plea or argument in at least a paragraph according to the selected country’s situation:(If selected country is not a member of the EU) – Explained why selected country wants to participate.(If selected country is already a member of the EU) – Described how selected country likes being a part of the EU.(Whether a member or not) – Discussed what selected country might do to be a better member of the European community.20Used MLA citation format for the bibliography of at least three sources of research information and provided the URLs and webpage titles10Followed correct conventions in grammar, structure, and spelling10Total80

solved Branding, Funnels, and Pricing ActivityWhat is your personality type (https://www.16personali

Branding, Funnels, and Pricing ActivityWhat is your personality type (… )? How will your skills help a team?NOTE: The personality test takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. SCENARIOYou and your team are back at it again and have been asked by a wealthy management group to start a retail store of your choice that has both a brick and mortar presence in Fremont (a physical store where people can shop) and an online store. What will you be selling in your store?COMPETITIONWhat kind of competition will you have for your in-person store, if any?Why will your team have a better offering than other in-store options?What kind of competition will you have for your online store?SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, AND POSITIONINGWhat segments will you be interested in reaching out to? Remember to be specific about this–you might even be able to reference your personality test.What kind of targeting strategy will you have?Why will those consumers pick your brand over other options (positioning)?BRANDINGAs your team thinks about the kind of store you want to own and what you want to represent. What values does your company have (…)What kind of voice do you want to use with your customers? For instance, Wendy’s is very fun and snarky on social media, but that doesn’t work for every brand.BRAND ARCHETYPEJust like we have personality types for individual consumers, we have personalities for brands. Explore the brand archetypes here (12 to pick from) ( ) by reading the content and/or watching the video associated with each one and select a primary archetype and a secondary one (best fit and second best fit) that align with your company. List them here:Why did you pick those?BRANDING AND LOGODraw a logo that represents your company based on your values, your archetype, and other factors. We’re not evaluating anything on your art abilities, but we are interested in seeing what you come up with. Feel free to include your company name if you feel like that would be helpful.CUSTOMER ACQUASITION AND RETENTIONWhat kinds of marketing activities will you do to help make people aware (remember: you’re brand new!) of your business to shop either in-person or online?CUSTOMER ACQUASITION AND RETENTIONGreat! People are now aware of your store. They’ve seen it either online or have come across anything you’ve done via billboards, signage, or more. How can you get them to go to your site or visit your store to consider your products? CUSTOMER ACQUASITION AND RETENTIONCongratulations! You’re getting traffic to your website and people are shopping in your store, but there’s a lot of people looking and not buying so far. What ideas do you have to help convert the lookers into buyers?CUSTOMER ACQUASITION AND RETENTIONThose ideas worked. Nice job. Now, how can we make sure that we get those shoppers to visit us again next time they need something? Please be specific and feel free to cite other things that have worked on you.CUSTOMER ACQUASITION AND RETENTIONLastly, we need to get people to tell their friends about what a great experience they’re having with us. What ideas do you have to help make that happen?Once again, let’s be specific with our ideas and cite any examples we’ve seen.PRICINGUsing what you’ve learned about pricing, what kinds of pricing strategies and tactics will you use? Most stores use a variety of these so we should aim for 6 different options. What products will you use them on, events you will use them for, or creative ways to use pricing to drive more revenue are welcomed!

solved Chapter Application Paper: Jury Selection, Juries, and Judges Assignment Instructions

Chapter Application Paper: Jury Selection, Juries, and Judges Assignment Instructions
The purpose of these papers is to present your well-articulatedperspective and thoughts from the chapters assigned fron the reading. 
Option 1: Written Assignment
Select a chapter from the assigned reading for the week in which the Chapter Application Paper is due and write a 3-5 page paper which summarizes, synthesizes, and then applies the information from the Chapter to issues relevant to the topic. You must include a minimum of 2-3 peer-reviewed journals appropriate sources (in addition to the course textbooks, assigned readings, and the Bible) to fully support your assertions and conclusions.
Each paper must identify the premise and supporting points of the chapter, a synthesis of the information from the chapter, and a critical application of the premise(s) and supporting points from the chapter to an issue in psychology and the legal system. The paper should address:
• Key points, patterns, and trends from the information in the chapter
• How the chapter information applies to issues in psychology and the legal system
• Analysis of the chapter information from a Christ-centered perspective?
The organization of your paper is very important. Please follow APA and make sure to use section headings in your paper. Makesure to include a cover page, a references page, and develop a well-formatted, grammatical correct paper.
Your paper must be a minimum of 3–5 pages, be well-organized, and be reflective of your understanding of the weekly chapter readings that address the thinking and struggles in these very complex areas of psychology and the legal system.
here is the layout of how the chapter application paper should look.
Chapter Application Assignment

The first (subheading: level-two heading) paragraph should provide a brief background or history of the topic, thesis (or purpose) statement, and an outline on each topic that will be discussed in the paper.

Synthesis of the Topic

The next (subheading: level-two heading) paragraph you should provide a synthesis of a specific topic that you have gleaned (e.g., patterns and trends) from your reading. Remember, peer-reviewed citations should be used to help with critical analysis and synthesis of the literature. The textbook can be used in this section. Although if there is an opportunity to use scholarly research always integrate with the textbook.

How the Topic Applies to Psychology and the Legal system

The next (subheading: level-two heading) paragraph should provide a discussion on how the chapter information applies to issues in psychology and the legal systems. Remember to use, peer-reviewed citations in this section too, and not the class textbook.

Analysis of the Topic from a Christian Perspective

The next (subheading: level-two heading) paragraph should provide an analysis of the chapter information from a Christian-centered perspective.

The final (subheading: level-two heading) paragraph should be a separate conclusion section, which is mandatory for all APA assignments. The conclusion section will be used to summarize the outcomes that were gleaned from each main topic. For example, the essay First discussed… and this was the outcome. Secondly, the essay discussed…and this was the outcome. Third, the essay discussed… and this was the outcome. Finally, the outcomes of the study revealed that…the thesis was either supported or not. Thesis of your essay should be listed in your introduction, which states the purpose of your assignment.
Forensic and Legal Psychology: Psychological Science Applied to Law
Mark Costanzo Daniel Krauss 

solved Briefly describe your professional opinion about mental health. Often times

Briefly describe your professional opinion about mental health. Often times we have judgments and ideas that may not always be beneficial to our clients. To be successful you have to put your personal opinions aside to help your clients. We need to have a clear delineation between our professional and personal feelings. An example of this would be abortion and drug use. We have to take into consideration the person that is in front of us and meet the client where they are. This should be at least 1.5-2 pages and APA cover page. RubricMain Assessment Rubric (1)Main Assessment Rubric (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking/Application of MaterialResearch Portion of the Paper.Used all headers and put appropriate information into each section.6 ptsFull Marks (Represents excellent/superior work): Exceeds the criteria for a fully developed paper with the proper application of the material.5 ptsRepresents good work: The paper shows a developed thought process and gives detail on most of the subject matter. Paper reflects developed ideas and thought process.3.67 ptsRepresents average work; The paper shows an semi developed thought process and gives detail to most of the subject matter. Paper reflects semi developed ideas and thought process, but did not completely finalize all aspects of the process.2 ptsThe paper shows that the writer has an idea; however the ideas were not conveyed or developed with this paper. The paper touched briefly on a set of ideas but did not fully develop them.1.33 ptsThe student demonstrates the minimal skills considered necessary to pass the assignment and has not demonstrated the ability to meet expectations.0 ptsThe paper does not show that the writer has developed critical thinking skills necessary to fully complete the assignment.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClaritySOAP Note- Clear and Concise- Signed and DatedAxis I-V6 ptsFull Marks (Represents excellent/superior work): Explanations very clear and well organized.4.67 ptsRepresents good work: The body of the paper shows a developed thought process and gives detail on most of the subject matter.3.34 ptsDid not complete or didn’t fully develop their thoughts on each of the discussion points.2 ptsRepresents average work: The body of the paper touched briefly on a set of ideas but did not fully develop them, showing growth and competency.0 ptsThe student demonstrates the minimal skills considered necessary to pass the assignment and has not demonstrated the ability to meet expectations.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting-GrammarSentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation4 ptsDid not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.3 ptsFull Marks (Represents excellent/superior work): minimal errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.2 ptsRepresents good work: 0-3 different errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.1 ptsRepresents average work: 4-5 different errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation0 ptsThe student demonstrates the minimal skills considered necessary to pass the assignment and has not demonstrated the ability to meet expectations.4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA4 ptsFull MarksFull Marks: Meets all of the criteria.2.51 ptsRepresents good workAPA formatting is present with minimal flaws.1 ptsRepresents average workRepresents average work APA formatting is present, but is not correct.0 ptsNo Marks4 ptsTotal Points: 20PreviousNext