solved This portfolio work project, quality analysis and assurance evaluation, is

This portfolio work project, quality analysis and assurance evaluation, is based on your selected business or IT project. You may choose to base your assessment on the Revive LLC case study, for the development of a new online employee orientation module. Both Human Resource (HR) and Information Technology (IT) employees, as well as contractors, will be utilized in this project.Project Quality Management is defined “as a methodology that includes the processes for incorporating the organizations’ quality policy regarding planning, managing, and controlling project and product quality requirements, in order to meet stakeholders’ expectations” (Project Management Institute, 2017, p. 717).The quality management plan describes how the project team will implement quality policies to meet project requirements and satisfy the customers’ needs and expectations. A project plan usually includes a quality statement. This document deals with quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control through testing and continuous improvement of the project processes and the project deliverables. If the organization has a PMO and IT governance, a project needs to follow the basic framework and structure specified for all IT-related activities and projects in that organization. Since quality planning is one of the key facilitating processes in the project planning process, it must be performed as planned and in parallel with other planning processes. The term quality can assume different meanings, depending on the circumstances in which it is applied. For example, as a customer, your quality requirements may be different from that of the product or service provider.ReferenceProject Management Institute. Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) — Sixth Edition and Agile Practice Guide. Newtown Square. PA. 2017.ScenarioFor this assignment, choose either Option A or Option B. You do not need to do both. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.Option A: Project Revive LLC is a consulting firm of highly charged and accomplished project managers whose main stream of revenue comes from managing the turnaround of failing projects. As a consultant with Project Revive LLC you will study, analyze, and manage a failed project from is a fictitious company and the project documents for project scenario are located in course resources for this assignment. The project was originally scoped to develop and deploy an automated web-based training system for new employees to reduce the workload and cut down personnel resources required to complete the new employee orientation (NEO) training.Your analysis of the failed new employee orientation (NEO) project continues by examining the project with respect to quality.Option B: You may choose a business of your own to analyze. It must include (but is not limited to) the following criteria:Clearly indicate the title of the project in every assignment.You must have access to the following documentation:Scope statement.Final deliverable and product definition.Project work breakdown structure.Project schedule.Quality plan.Project costs (estimates and actuals).Your RoleFor both Option A or B, you are the project manager.RequirementsMicrosoft Project is the recommended software tool for this course due to its wide industry acceptance and its use in many project management professional roles. To make this easier, you have the ability to download and install your own version of MS Project for use in this course. See the Software Preparation and Technology Access activity for more information.Practice using MS Project in this course will prepare you for future professional PM roles and responsibilities; please use MS Project for those tasks supported by MS Project. If you have access to other tools such as MS Visio, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, or other project management software that you believe may still meet the requirements of this course, please discuss your selected alternative with faculty.Use the PMBOK® Guide as the model for developing the deliverables.Part 1: Quality Plan AnalysisDeliverable: Complete a quality plan analysis of a failed project.Analyze the approach used in the original project quality management plan and determine how well the final project deliverable met stakeholder expectations. Assess the organizational structure and influences of the company to determine if additional project requirements are needed to improve the quality of the final deliverable or final product.Complete the following tasks and discuss how each one will contribute to a successful project. Where necessary, define assumptions you made.Analyze the quality assurance plan of the failed project by:Evaluating quality standards defined for the failed project.Analyzing the product quality using the selected quality standards.Recommending additional quality standards for the project.Part 2: Quality Assurance PlanDeliverable: Develop a new quality assurance plan for the turnaround project.From your experience, you already know the value of a comprehensive quality assurance plan. To convince the management that the NEO project turnaround will be successful. As part of the turnaround plan:Prepare a cost of quality (COQ) analysis using a common method to classify cost.Develop a new quality assurance plan for both planned and systematic activities.Explain how the quality assurance plan supports project quality.Consider its impact throughout the project.PreparationUse the software of your choice to develop the deliverables for this assignment.This assessment has two deliverables:Develop a comprehensive Project Quality Analysis report.Develop a comprehensive Project Quality Assurance report.Deliverable FormatReferences: There is no set number of references required for this assignment. Use scholarly or academic sources where applicable.Format:Microsoft Project is not required for this assignment. This assignment has two parts and two deliverables.Use your choice of MS Word, MS Visio, or MS PowerPoint to develop the comprehensive analyses.These analyses are professional documents and should therefore follow the corresponding Academic and Professional Document Guidelines PDF, including single-spaced paragraphs.Use APA style and format for references and in-text citations.EvaluationBy successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:Competency 3: Apply project quality tools and techniques to ensure project success.Analyze quality standards of a failed project.Analyze the product quality using the selected quality standards.Recommend additional quality standards for the turnaround project.Analyze the quality assurance plan for a failed project.Develop a new quality assurance plan for planned and systematic activitiesCompetency 4: Communicate effectively in a professional manner consistent with he standards of project management.Prepare a cost of quality (COQ) analysis.Your course instructor will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were your immediate supervisor. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assignment.ePortfolioThis portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required in the workplace. Include this in your personal ePortfolio.Topic ResourcesIf you have little or no background in business, you may find the following resources helpful in providing some foundational knowledge on this unit’s topic:Project Management Skills. (n.d.). What is quality assurance? Retrieved from…Project Engineer. (2017). Project quality assurance according to the PMBOK Guide. Retrieved from…If you are interested in learning more about the topics in this unit, the following resources may be helpful:Cîrţînă, L. M., Cîrţînă, D., & Davaris, A. (2015). Quality assurance as major process of quality management in projects. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 809–810, 1305.Salkeld, D. (2013). Project risk analysis: Techniques for forecasting funding requirements, costs and timescales. Burlington, VT: Gower.ISO 9000 and 10,000 (Discussion portion/section)Based on the unit readings, explain how the PMBOK® Guide approach to quality management is compatible with the quality standard you have chosen, such as the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), as detailed in the ISO 9000 and the 10,000 series of standards and guidelines.Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (12th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.Section 20.1, “Definition of Quality,” pages 698–699.Project Management Institute. Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) — Sixth Edition and Agile Practice Guide. Newtown Square. PA. 2017.Section 8.3, “Control Quality,” pages 298–305International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (n.d.). Retrieved from an example of how you will identify and incorporate the requirements of an existing quality standard of a project that will assure stakeholder expectations are being met.Topic ResourcesIf you have little or no background in business, you may find the following resources helpful in providing some foundational knowledge on this unit’s topic:Streun, G. (2014). Project quality management in practice. In Dinsmore, P. C., & Cabanis-Brewin, J. (Eds.), The AMA Handbook of Project Management (4th ed.) (pp. 115–120). New York, NY: Amacom Books.Drob, C. (2013). Overview about project quality management. Studies and Scientific Researches: Economics Edition, 18(10). Retrieved from…Project Management Skills. (n.d.). Project quality management. Retrieved from…McClintock, T. (2017). What is project quality management? Retrieved from…If you are interested in learning more about the topics in this unit, the following resources may be helpful:Bongiovanni, A., Liguori, G. L., Colotti, G., Cirafici, A. M., Carlo, M. D., Digilio, F. A., . . . Kisslinger, A. (2016). The qPMO network: Quality management tools to improve research efficiency, reproducibility, data management and dissemination. PeerJ PrePrints.Poth, A. (2016). Effectivity and economical aspects for agile quality assurance in large enterprises. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 28(11), 1000–1004.Aamir, M., & Khan, M. N. A. (2017). Incorporating quality control activities in scrum in relation to the concept of backlog. Sādhanā, 42(7), 1051–1061.

solved Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion

Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion post. The topic is about teaching and learning In the role of a professional nurse. Please see attached rubric for discussion response requirement. Please type discussion 1 and put your response under it as if you were replying to the writer. Be sure to include references of peer reviewed article used in the response. Each discussion should include 3 references. 400 words to each response.Discussion 1:Lauren1. As a nurse working in the adolescent psych department, due to experience and performance I was looked at to precept new hires. Teaching isn’t an easy thing to do regardless of how educated one is due to everyone not having the same thought process or having the same learning style. Nurses are very diverse in terms of age, gender, experience, lifestyle. Diversity causes various learning needs, “the gap or difference between what the learner currently knows about a given topic and what the learner needs to know to provide care for another” (Blais and Hayes, 2016, p.143). Teaching new nurses how to correctly and efficiently do their job is a lot of pressure. “It’s been estimated that about 17% of newly qualified nurses leave their first job within 12 months. Even worse, if new nurses have a poor experience during this transition period, they may leave the profession” (Loughran et al. 2019). In addition to precepting new graduates, I’ve precepted experienced nurses; “preceptorships aren’t only for new nurses. Experienced nurses who are new employees, nurses returning from a hiatus, and undergraduate or graduate nursing students can also benefit from such a partnership” (Loughran et al. 2019).I felt like I was successful in precepting because I was adequate at: “assessing learning needs and setting goals, developing and implementing learning plans, teaching time, management and prioritization inpatient care, evaluating clinical competence and, documenting learning and clinical progress, teaching and promoting clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving, providing constructive feedback and coaching, role-modeling evidence-based professional nursing practice, applying effective communication, interpersonal, and conflict management skills to foster collaboration and patient satisfaction” (Wolters, 2016). I believe being provided and receptive to constructive criticism from future students would help elevate my skills, improve my teaching methods, and role.2. As a nurse, I’m continuously learning from various training or my co-workers. I try to be proactive to ask questions on subjects I’m not confident about or have little knowledge of. In addition, YouTube is a great resource I often use especially since I’m a visual then hands-on learner. I love learning new things, medicine has always been fascinating to me. The more knowledge I have, the better I believe I will be as a provider. I don’t think anything demotivates me to learn, I always try to look at a situation as a glass half full. Being a nurse has its hard times, it helps to keep a positive mindset in a negative time. Teachers are so motivating and I’ve learned to appreciate them more as I’ve matured. It’s difficult teaching multiple personalities and learning styles at once. Everyone “learns at different speeds, and they each have their way of taking in content and remembering it. Problems arise when teachers are expected to apply a fixed curriculum to students with vastly different needs. Adapting lessons to students and tailoring content to their needs takes time, which is in short supply” (Dussault, 2018).In one of my semesters in nursing school, I had a professor who was new doing classroom and simulation teaching. Unfortunately, this made my semester extremely difficult and took me twice as long to comprehend materials causing me to increase my studying time and stress. I had to use different sources like YouTube and tutoring to reinforce my readings, I’m fortunate enough that those combined methods were successful.Discussion 2: Emmanuela1. I work on a pediatric unit that is dedicated to orthopedic/surgical/ stepdown patients. Our floor sees a lot of complicated and difficult orthopedic surgeries performed by world renowned Dr. Paley. When I was hired on this floor my managers were very excited to learn I spoke Polish as Dr. Paley operates on a lot of international patients included patients from Poland. In a recent event I had to use my nursing teaching skills to good use and do it all in my mother language. One of my patients was being discharged and I had to teach the parent about several different things like: proper positioning, excessive bleeding, wound cleaning and bandage changing, CMP machine alignment and duration, skin breakdown, and etc. This situation contributes to my role because these are things that I must teach my parents all the time before they go home. The big accomplishment in this particular situation was the fact that I was able to speak the same language as the patient. The reason why this is so important is because a lot of things can get “lost in translation” and in this case and lead to surgical complications or infections. In a recent article it was determined that, “language barriers in healthcare lead to miscommunication between the medical professional and patient, reducing both parties’ satisfaction and decreasing the quality of healthcare delivery and patient safety.” (Al Shamsi et al., 2020) I’ve learned to do differently and improve on is continuous teaching. What I mean by this is that teaching parents about all the things mentioned above can be very overwhelming. But if these lessons are broken down by involving the parent in their child’s care throughout the hospital stay, by the time discharge comes, these tasks won’t seem so scary and overwhelming. Therefore, nowadays I always ask the parents to help me, and I walk them through what I am doing. Sometimes teenagers prefer if the nurses do things instead of the parents, but I always tell them and encourage them to understand that I won’t be going home with them, so it’s important to give their parents a chance. A study was created that focused on the discharge process in hospitals in Sweden and how affective and involved it is. It showed that, “healthcare systems have much to gain from facilitating patient learning about self-management and engaging patients to become active partners in care, as patients with high levels of activation have the most effective self-management skills. Additionally, those with high knowledge of both their disease and its management have shown lower re-hospitalization rates.” (Flink & Ekstedt, 2017) This why it’s so important that a proper teaching is done prior to discharge. Nurses are vital teachers in patients’ life, community, and for each other. 2. As a professional nurse and student, I have experienced a lot of different and really interesting opportunities. Given the opportunity to work where I work, I have gotten to see some of the most interesting surgeries and sadly to say a lot of bad traumas. While I was in nursing school, my school was part of the hospital. Therefore, our class got to be part of a lot of different experiences while we were in nursing school such as open-heart surgeries, open brain surgeries, and so on. People learn in many ways and that is why nurses must adapt to the way their patients receive information. Recent article showed that, “learning style preferences exist among practicing nurses. The need for education in various formats is essential to the success of nurses in the ever-changing health care environment.” (Mangold et al., 2018) My learning style is visual and hands on. Since I was a little girl; I always had to touch and see things in order for my brain to process the information. Therefore, even in nursing school or while I was a nurse in training, I had to do it myself. That is the best way for me to absorb and retain the information. What motivates me to learn is the curiosity of something new, something unknown. The ability to master it. I have a competitive nature, so it almost comes down to that competitive feeling of not wanting to be unknowledgeable or uneducated or behind. What demotivates my drive from learning unfortunately, is probably the same as it is for most. Which would be if I’m not interested in the topic, or the way the topic is taught is boring and monotoned. What I see in teachers I admire is their passion and knowledge of the topic they are discussing. But also, the ability to stop and listen to new perspectives and engage students in the learning process, not by tests and quizzes but by conversations. Feeling like your part of something and having a safe space to share is a wonderful learning environment. The positive experiences that I will share will be with my dance instructors. Even though he is the master, he stops and listens to me when I want to change something or if I say something doesn’t feel right. He allows me to be creative and have an input, never telling me that it won’t work or that’s stupid. Unfortunately, I’ve also had some poor experiences. One of my most memorable would be when I was in high school and the honors English teacher pulled me into her office and told me my paper is trash and as an immigrant I shouldn’t be in an honors class and if I choose to stay in her class, she won’t ever give me anything above a “C”. That had a huge impact on me, it made me feel so self-conscious, it made me feel embarrassed when I wrote papers. It made me feel unworthy. She never took the time to explain to me why my paper was trash or what I could do to improve myself, in her book I was a lost cause. She got what she wanted, I dropped from her class the next day.Below is the case study question they responded to: Dont respond to the case study question. Only respond to the discussion posts.Describe at least one situation/event in your practice where you have served as a teacher in your current role as a nurse, or in a recent role or position that you have held in the health care environment.Analyze the situation/event. How does this contribute to your teaching role and how you can apply to similar events in the future?Evaluate the situation/event. What do you feel are your successes in this particular teaching instance and what you could you do in the future to improve your teaching methods and role?Describe the learning opportunities that you have experienced or sought out as a professional nurse, student, etc.What would you say your learning style is and why?What motivates you to learn and what demotivates your drive to learn?What did you see in teachers that you admire and why? Describe one positive experience. Have you had an experience with poor teaching? How did this impact you?

solved Customer Equity Model – An Interactive ExerciseThis spread sheet and

Customer Equity Model – An Interactive ExerciseThis spread sheet and associated exercise is designed to give you some insight into the customer equity approach to marketing management. The spreadsheet is an example of a customer equity type of model. Marketing managers are increasingly combining art and intuition with quantitative models. The Customer Equity Model allows you to change assumptions and estimate the impact on a firm, company, or product’s customer equity. The learning objectives of this exercise are as follows:To introduce you to customer equity conceptsTo introduce you to an example of a quantitative marketing model To explore how such a model can help you to make decisions about how to allocate marketing resources.To describe strategic options available to marketing managers.To achieve these objectives I have designed the following activities so that you can first understand the spread sheet and then use it to make some marketing decisions. In class, we will be reviewing the model by discussing some of the following “big picture” questions:1.In the real world, how would a marketing manager determine the values for some of the variables in the model (cells B4:B15)? 2.What are the advantages of the Customer Equity Model?3.What are the disadvantages of the Customer Equity Model?4.What other thoughts do you have about the Customer Equity Model?5.What have you learned about marketing from this experience?Follow the instructions on the following pages to get a better feel for how the Customer Equity Model works. Think about the question in each section and write down your responses. Please respond to both the questions above and those below in each section (questions 1-4).Getting to Know the Customer Equity ModelYour first assignment is simply to understand the variables that you can change in the model. You are able to change the numbers in green and immediately see the change in customer equity in purple. read the comments – which define each of the variables that you can change. By running your cursor over cells A4 – A15 and A43, a definition of each element will appear in a yellow box. Next, look to the right of each green number to learn a little more about the assumptions used to build the model. Let’s try playing with the model a bit. Start with the numbers listed below (which were included when you originally downloaded the model). These numbers may be reflective of what a small e-tailer might face. Let’s assume these numbers represent data for “Monterrey Little SportE-Bookstore” (MLEB) a fictional online book retailer who specializes in books about sports. Looking through the spread sheet note the following are the default numbers (see below):DEFAULT SPREADSHEET VALUESVariables in the Model Which May Be Changed1. Acquisition costs per customer$75 2. Average revenues from a new customer in first year $150 3. Contribution margin 40%4. Number of new customers in Year 110005. Number of new customers added due to marketing efforts30006. Customer retention rate60%7. Retention/maintenance costs for current customers$10 8. Annual revenue growth from customers 20%9. Cost savings (change in contribution) for retained customers1%10. Referrals from current customers20%11. Price premium from current customers0%12. Discount rate for present value calculation3%Customer Equity: NPV of Customer Contribution $320,910Look at the level of customer equity (in purple) – cell B32 and above.What about the contribution level over the years (see row 61). In what year does the firm first have positivecontribution? (Note that fixed costs are not included, so there may be other costs, too.) What would this say about the company’s cash flow? Review other numbers and note anything you find interesting and why.Now let’s play some “what if?” games with our model. Make the following changes to the numbers and note the changes in customer equity. First, let’s look at an acquisition focused strategy and assume that MLEB wants to investigate the possibility of increasing its online advertising at a number of sites. The more aggressive promotional campaign increases acquisition costs per customer, but also the number of new customers per year. Based on past experience, the owner of MLEB assumes that acquisition costs will increase to $82 per customer and the number of new customers per year to 4000. Change acquisition costs per customer (cell B4) to $82 and cell B8 to 4000.Using the Customer Equity Model as your evaluation tool, would this be a good strategy compared to current practice? What would customer equity be if you were able to increase the annual number of new customers to 4500 (cell B8) with only the $7 increase in customer acquisition costs (cell B4 from 75 to 82)? What if this increase resulted in new customers being only 3500 (cell B8)?Using your intuition, do you think that this strategy should change any other variables in our model? Note that right now we are not changing any other variables – but what variables could change?Is there any other analysis you would recommend?The owner of MLEB was also considering an alternative acquisition-oriented strategy with a program that rewarded current customers that referred new customers to the store. Each time a current customer referred a new customer, the current customer received a $10 credit. The owner assumed that this would increase acquisition costs by $3 (this included advertising to announce the program, the cost of rewarding customers, and of course not all new customers would come from this method). He also thought this would increase referrals percentage to 40%. First, change all numbers back to the default spreadsheet values shown in number 2 above. Next, change acquisition costs (cell B4) to $78 and change referrals from current customers (cell B13) to 40%. Using customer equity as your evaluation tool, would this be a good strategy compared to current practice?Using your intuition, do you think that this strategy should change any other variables in our model?Is there any other analysis you would recommend?The owner of MLEB also thought about marketing strategies that emphasized customer retention. He thought that if he increased the customer service staff and developed an individualized and customized e-mail newsletter for each customer, that customers would be more loyal to MLEB. One plan was more aggressive – had higher costs more but also increased customer retention to a greater degree. First, change all numbers back to the default spreadsheet values shown in number 2 above.Plan A changes retention and maintenance costs for current customers (B10) to $20 and customer retention rate (B9) to 80%. Plan B (less aggressive) changes retention and maintenance costs for current customers (B10) to $15 and customer retention rate (B9) to 70%. Using customer equity as your evaluation tool, would you recommend either strategy be used in place of current practice?Using your intuition, do you think that this strategy should change any other variables in our model?Is there any other analysis you would recommend?A third approach might be to work with current customers to more aggressively encourage add-on sales. The owner of MLEB had ideas about a series of e-mail delivered promotions that would encourage customers to increase the frequency of their shopping visits to MLEB and the amount they spent each time. The marketing manager thought he had a plan that would increase retention/maintenance costs to $20 per customer, but would grow customers annual purchases more quickly (at a rate of 35% per year). On the downside, he was worried that the more frequent messages might have a detrimental effect on customer retention. First, change all numbers back to the default spreadsheet values shown in number 2 above. Change the retention/maintenance costs (increase cell B10 to $20) and increase current customer annual purchases more quickly (increase cell B11 to 35%). On the other hand, the more frequent “selling” messages to current customers might have a detrimental effect on customer retention – so we reduce that to 55% (cell B9). Using customer equity as your evaluation tool, would this be a good strategy compared to current practice?Using your intuition, do you think that this strategy should change any other variables in our model?Is there any other analysis you would recommend?NOTE: Question 3 is not designed to demonstrate the superiority of one type of strategy (acquisition, retention, or add-on sales). Clearly this depends upon the other numbers in the spreadsheet. Also, the spreadsheet should not be your only guide and a sensitivity analysis must be conducted, too. There should be enough marketing research to have confidence in the assumptions you make. Next, let’s plug in some number that might more accurately reflect a business marketer’s situation. Here assume we have an electronics wholesaler (Cartagena Wholesale Electronics Supply – CWES) that sells products to many electronics manufacturers. The marketing strategy relies primarily on personal selling to acquire new customers and telemarketing to maintain the customers. Numbers for this type of firm might look more like the following:1. Acquisition costs per customer$1,800 2. Average revenues from a new customer in first year $10,000 3. Contribution margin 20%4. Number of new customers in Year 12005. Number of new customers added due to marketing efforts256. Customer retention rate80%7. Retention/maintenance costs for current customers$400 8. Annual revenue growth from customers 8%9. Cost savings (change in contribution) for retained customers1%10. Referrals from current customers10%11. Price premium from current customers0%12. Discount rate for present value calculation3%Change the spreadsheet to reflect the numbers for CWES listed above (if you do it correctly you should have Customer Equity = $1,251,714). Assume that these numbers are a pretty accurate estimate of the firm’s current strategy. Develop three different strategies – One that emphasizes acquisition of new customers, One that focuses on increasing customer retention, and Finally one that promotes add-on sales.For each strategy, describe the types of actions you propose (think about what a marketing strategy entails – 4 P’s and the target market). Make some reasonable assumptions about how your changes would impact variables in the model. I realize that this is a bit of a “guess” since you do not necessarily understand this market – but give it a try. Use common sense and what you have learned as a marketing major. If you were hired by CWES, how would you improve your estimates of these numbers? Change the numbers in the spread sheet to reflect your new estimates. What were the changes in customer equity? What other analysis would you recommend?

solved Marketing Plan Semester ProjectMarketing Plan Project Overview Have fun with

Marketing Plan Semester ProjectMarketing Plan Project Overview Have fun with this project, be creative in the product you choose! This is where you will be identifying the product you plan to use in your Marketing Plan Project paper this semester. Think small here! By “think small” I mean you will have a company that creates a product you believe there many be a demand for by consumers. Do not use any major or existing labels (Nike, Chanel, Goodyear, Ford, Revlon, etc.) for your company. Your company can be Clarissa’s Chocolate Cookies, Ernie’s Earbuds, Amber’s Artistic Concrete, etc.) and you have this must have new product as one of your offerings. Thinking small means that Clarissa does not have a new line of chocolate cookies (there are many types of chocolate cookies) but instead one that tastes like sardines (YUK!) or Ernie’s made a new type of earbud that changes colors to match what you are wearing, rather than an entire line of earbuds. Get the idea?Use the product to identify a Product-Market strategy. Consider and review in your paper the other three strategies and state why you chose the one you did. This will require additional research so do not just wait until Tuesday evening and then slap this paper together. Remember in addition to my APA feedback, I am looking for your product and approach to marketing it. In your research, do not use other students Prezi’s or student papers on Ansoff, Diversification Matrix, or other Marketing Plans. Create a 10+ slide (plus title reference slide) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with comprehensive detailed speaker’s notes (ask me if you do not know how to include with your PowerPoint document) or a Written paper of 7 to 14 pages (plus title and reference page) with proper APA formatting, that clearly identifies your marketing plan. Include at least FOUR outside academic resources besides the textbook.Use the outline below and the material in appropriate textbook chapters to aid you in your plan creation. Note that each section below needs to contain depth of research and material for the highest point allocation considerations. Also thoroughly review the grading rubric to ensure you meet all of the technical deliverables (the list is extensive). Inclusion of each of the below deliverables will greatly enhance your project grade.Company DescriptionBusiness MissionMarketing ObjectiveSituation AnalysisIndustry AnalysisSWOT AnalysisMarketing StrategyTarget Market StrategyMarketing MixProductPlacement (Distribution)PromotionPriceImplementation, Evaluation, and ControlMarketing ResearchOrganizational StructureImplementation TimetableSummaryAt the conclusion of this project, you will have a good idea of how to develop a basic Marketing Plan regardless of the product or service you choose, typical resources to utilize, and confirm whether or not the target market is a viable one, and why. Do not try to accomplish a well-designed Marketing Plan in the last two weeks before the due date as high quality is the expectation and this project accounts for 15% of your course grade. “Eat the elephant one bite at a time :-)! I look forward to reading your papers – this is my favorite part of the course except for our discussions. I am posting this so early in the course so you can ask me questions. Let me repeat myself – do not wait and try to write this Plan in the final few weeks. You will have multiple assignments due in your other courses so do not add to your stress.Suggested Final Project TimelineYou should budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course. As outlined below, a recommended timeline is provided to assist you in creating your final project. If you complete your course assignments and use the feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to successfully complete your project.Suggested in Week Six: Read the Marketing Plan Overview, Grading Rubric, and Timeline again (it is posted in an Announcement that was available on the first day of the course)!Suggested by Week Seven: Compile the data to complete items one through three on the list above. Choose format that is most comfortable for you to work with and produce an outstanding final product.Suggested by Week Eight & Nine: Complete your research for the Situation Analysis and write this portion of the project. Complete the Marketing Strategy development (CRITICAL COMPONENT!) and write a thorough strategy.Suggested by Week Ten: Complete the balance of the deliverables for your Marketing Plan.Suggested by Week Eleven and Twelve: Build template for your presentation and develop your detailed speaker notes to this point if a PowerPoint. Compose a rough draft of your research to date if a written paper submission.Suggested by Week Thirteen: Prepare paper for final submission but ensuring proper APA formatting, run through Grammar and Speller checker software tools. Week Fourteen: Submit as an attachment.RubricMarketing Plan Rubric Spring 2021Marketing Plan Rubric Spring 2021CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent / Development100 ptsAll key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. • Submission consists of a minimum of 7 to 14 pages (10+ PowerPoint slides with comprehensive speaker notes) appropriate for the audience excluding cover page and reference pages. • Each of the deliverables are included and substantively addressed. • The content is comprehensive, accurate, and /or persuasive. • Text is written at the appropriate academic level. • Font size is used appropriately. The submission develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience. The submission links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. • Four references are utilized and cited in-text, in addition to the textbook and contains a properly formatted reference page.85 ptsMost key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. • Submission consists of 7 to 14 pages, a(10+ PowerPoint slides with speaker notes) appropriate for the audience excluding cover table of contents, and reference pages. • Most of the deliverables are included and addressed. • Cover page is included. The content is relatively comprehensive, accurate, and /or persuasive. • Text is written at the appropriate academic level. • Font size and type are per APA guidelines. The submission attempts to develop a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience. The submission attempts to link theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. Major points are stated; utilizes and cites three references in addition to the textbook and contains a properly formatted reference page.70 ptsSome of the key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. • Submission consists of less than 7 pages, excluding cover and reference pages (less than 10 PowerPoint Slides with minimal speaker notes) . • Some of the deliverables are included and addressed. • Cover page may not be included. The content is not comprehensive, inaccurate, and /or is not persuasive. • Text is written below the appropriate academic level. • Font size and/or type does not meet APA guidelines. The submission attempts to develop a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience but misses the mark. The submission does not attempt to link theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. Utilizes and cites less than three references in addition to the textbook and contains an improperly formatted reference page.60 ptsFew of the key elements of the assignment are covered. • Submission may consist of more than 14 pages. • Few of the deliverables are included and addressed. • Cover page may not be included or poorly formatted. The content is vague and lacking depth, inaccurate, and /or is not persuasive. • Text is written below the appropriate academic level. • Font size and/or type does not meet APA guidelines. The submission does not develop a central theme or idea. The submission does not attempt to link theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice or use the vocabulary of the theory correctly. Uses only the textbook as a source and contains an improperly formatted reference page.100 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReadability and Style20 ptsStudent submission contains paragraph and topic transitions that are logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper, the tone is appropriate to the content and assignment, and sentences are clear and concise.17 ptsStudent submission contains paragraph and topic transitions that are logical in most cases and maintain the flow throughout the paper, the tone is generally appropriate to the content and assignment, and sentences are clear and concise in most cases.15 ptsStudent submission contains paragraph and topic transitions that are logical in some cases and maintain the flow throughout the paper, the tone is sometimes appropriate to the content and assignment, and sentences are clear and concise in some cases.12 ptsStudent submission is lacking in logical paragraph and topic tranisitions. Flow is not maintained and readability isoften disjointed. Sentences lack clarity in many cases.20 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics30 ptsStudent submission contains proper citations for original works within the body of the paper that meet APA guidelines, the submission is written with proper headings, font styles, and spacing; rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed, and free of spelling errors.27 ptsStudent submission contains citations for most original works within the body of the paper that meet APA guidelines, the submission is written with proper headings, font styles, and spacing; most rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed, and two or less spelling errors.23 ptsStudent submission lacks citations for most original works within the body of the paper that meet APA guidelines, the submission is written with some proper headings, font styles, and spacing; some rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed, and three to five spelling errors.18 ptsStudent submission lacks proper citations for original works within the body of the paper that meet APA guidelines, the submission is not written with proper headings, font styles, and spacing; most rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are not followed, and more than five spelling errors.30 ptsTotal Points: 150

solved DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSIn your replies, please respond to classmates who

DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSIn your replies, please respond to classmates who explored a different culture.The student must then post 2 replies of at least 200-300 words. Any articles cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the course textbooks, the Bible, course presentations, course resources, and articles published in peer reviewed journals. Sources should be cited in APA format, current edition.Please respond please to the following 2 posts separatelyPosted by J.MLearnings to Incorporate When Counseling Latino(a) ClientsThe Latin American traditional gender roles of machismo and marianismo are strongly incorporated in the culture, yet often met with resistance by whites in the US, viewing the roles as a step backwards from feminist progress (Nuñez et al., 2016). The machismo role is one of male privilege with a focus on the male being responsible for the family, acting as head of the family and guiding the wife and children through life (Liberty University, n.d.). Marianismo is a gender role modeling the Virgin Mary, where the female takes on a role of nurturing the family while having a willingness to suffer for all family members, placing herself last (Liberty University, n.d.). Understanding these traditional roles is of great importance for a counselor who must understand and show respect for the culture, yet be attuned to nuances that may signal abuse or oppression. When counseling Latino(a) clients, a counselor may need to educate the wife on the differences between abuse and traditional cultural roles, as this may become confused within a relationship that involves domestic violence or psychological abuse (Liberty University, n.d.).These gender roles may also impact the Latino(a) client’s susceptibility to negative emotions and cognitions (Nuñez et al., 2016). Nuñez et al. (2016) conducted a study across multiple Latino(a) cultures with participants from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Central America, South America, Dominican Republic and other backgrounds where clients self-identified as Hispanic. The participants ranged in age from 18-74. The study revealed that particular aspects of the machismo and marianismo gender roles were correlated with greater levels of negative thought patterns and emotional disturbances. The results were similar across the individual cultural groups, sex, and acculturation levels. It is important for counselors to understand the specific components of these results, as they may inform the necessary treatment and interventions needed when working with multicultural clients.The strong orientation towad family, or familismo, is another important concept for counselors to incorporate in their work with Latino(a) clients. Familismo involves a person taking careful consideration of family members when making decisions, even extended members and religious godparents (Hays & Erford, 2018). Clients often bring family members to counseling sessions for additional support because the family is so fundamental to the culture (Liberty University, n.d.). Dr. Elias Moitinho (Liberty University, n.d.) asserts that when a counselor is working solely with the client it may be appropriate to request for family members to be incorporated in the treatment process.My Cultural Background and Challenges Expected When Counseling Latino(a) ClientsLiving and intending to practice counseling in Florida once licensed, I fully anticipate having numerous Hispanic/Latino clients due to the high population of that cultural group in my state. I grew up and have spent most of my life in the Midwest and New England with minimal exposure to this cultural group. I recognize that my lack of experience is an obstacle to work through and prepare for my professional work. It is important that I find opportunities to develop relationships with Latino(a) individuals. I have begun to do this through my church and gym, and I am thoroughly enjoying the friendships that have begun with people from Cuba, Chile, Columbia, and Mexico.Initially, I viewed my unfamiliarity with the culture only as a disadvantage, feeling unprepared to work with this client group. However, I can now also appreciate that I did not grow up with the discrimination toward this group that is so prevalent in Florida. I have interacted with many native Floridians who are adamant that the high levels of crime, murders, kidnappings, gangs, and drug trafficking are a result of the influx of immigrants to South Florida. It benefits me to have the perspective of an outsider as I listen to the stories and concerns of both native Floridians and immigrants.The trauma experienced by many immigrants prior to leaving their homeland is horrific and the effects are seen for years, even a lifetime post-immigration (Rahill et al., 2018). It is important for counselors to advocate not only for their immigrant or multicultural clients but also for collaboration with social justice workers in the native countries to decolonize the existing perspectives in hopes of fighting the oppression, violence and psychological trauma being experienced (Enz, 2018). Scripture reminds us, “When they were few in number, a handful, and strangers there, wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another, he let no one oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings: ‘Do not touch my anointed, to my prophets do no harm’” (New American Bible, 1 Chronicles 16:19-22).ReferencesEnz, M. (2018). The Haitian flight for freedom in Maryse Condé’s Rêves amers and Marie-Célie Agnant’s Alexis d’Haïti. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 22(5), 553-561. doi: 10.1080/17409292.2018.1580470Hays, D. G., & Erford, B. T. (2018). Developing multicultural counseling competence (3rd ed.). Pearson.Liberty University (n.d.). Essentials for counseling Hispanics/Latino(a)s . Retrieved May 3, 2021 from American Bible. (Revised Edition [NABRE], 2011). Books of the Bible Online. (Original work published 1986)Nuñez, A., González, P., Talavera, G. A., Sanchez-Johnsen, L., Roesch, S. C., Davis, S. M., Arguelles, W., Womack, V. Y., Ostrovsky, N. W., Ojeda, L., Penedo, F. J., & Gallo, L. C. (2016). Machismo, marianismo, and negative cognitive-emotional factors: Findings from the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos sociocultural ancillary study. Journal of Latina/o psychology, 4(4), 202–217., G. J., Joshi, M., & Shadowens, W. (2018). Best intentions are not best practices: Lessons learned while conducting health research with trauma-impacted female victims of nonpartner sexual violence in Haiti. Journal of Black Psychology, 44(7), 595-625. Posted by K.J During Module 3, I learned a lot about Native American culture and values. One of the themes that stuck with me the most is the roles that community plays in cultural identity development. For more traditional Native Americans, the tribe is an interdependent system of members seeing themselves as a part of a greater whole as opposed to one group composed of separate individuals (Garzon, n.d.; Hays & Erford, 2018). Identity rooted in their families and tribal heritage is not uncommon, unlike in majority culture (Hays & Erford, 2018). Another would be the difference in familial structure. A person does not have to be a blood relative to be considered family and it is not uncommon to claim those that are not blood relatives as family (Hays & Erford, 2018), which could be a helpful consideration when gathering genealogical information. It was also noted that members of the community and extended family are often involved with the raising of children, with grandparents generally playing a significant role, which may also differ from many mainstream American households (Hays & Erford, 2018; McGoldrick et al., 2005). Other aspects of counseling Native Americans to take into consideration that I made note of include but are not limited to: communication styles, the role of spirituality, treatment, and information regarding the history of Native Americans, which Hays and Erford (2018) and McGoldrick et al. (2005) listed as a key element in working with this population.According to McGoldrick et al. (2005), for counseling with American Indians to be successful, counselors should be aware of three things – the differences between the Native and dominant cultures, the level of assimilation for each client and their family, and the impact of genocide. In a study conducted by Giordano et al. (2015), Native American participants were interviewed to gain their perspective on the education of Native culture and aspects of counseling. Fourteen participants were asked to give their views on what they feel is important about their culture as well as what they feel counselors and counselor educators should know. Across the domains that were discussed, cultural strengths and values, oppression, and areas of health needs appeared to be of higher importance to over half of the participants. I appreciated getting to learn about the perspectives on mental health and education from members of this population.When I think of what could present as a struggle with me for working with this population, silence comes to mind. McGoldrick et al. (2005) asserted that while working with Native cultures, counselors need to be more aware of silence, non-verbal communication, and their urges to break silence, as these moments could be meaningful for the client and allow them to gather their thoughts. While working on counseling skills in other courses, I have already recognized some of my tendencies in these areas and have started to address them. While I have found that I am generally comfortable with silence in most settings, I recognized that this is not always the case within counseling. In the future, I will continue to work on being mindful of my habits and what each client may feel is important so I can be respectful of their values and needs.ReferencesGarzon, F. (n.d.) Native Americans. [PowerPoint slides]. Liberty University.…Giordano, A., Prosek, E., Schmit, M., & Wester, K. (2019). “We are still here”: Learning from Native American perspectives. Journal Of Counseling & Development, 98(2), 159-171., D., & Erford, B. (2018). Developing multicultural counseling competence (3rd ed., pp. 394-426). Pearson.McGoldrick, M., Giordano, J., & Garcia-Preto, N. (2005). Ethnicity & family therapy (3rd ed., pp. 43-53). Guilford Press.

solved Discussion: Big Data Risks and RewardsWhen you wake in the

Discussion: Big Data Risks and RewardsWhen you wake in the morning, you may reach for your cell phone to reply to a few text or email messages that you missed overnight. On your drive to work, you may stop to refuel your car. Upon your arrival, you might swipe a key card at the door to gain entrance to the facility. And before finally reaching your workstation, you may stop by the cafeteria to purchase a coffee.From the moment you wake, you are in fact a data-generation machine. Each use of your phone, every transaction you make using a debit or credit card, even your entrance to your place of work, creates data. It begs the question: How much data do you generate each day? Many studies have been conducted on this, and the numbers are staggering: Estimates suggest that nearly 1 million bytes of data are generated every second for every person on earth.As the volume of data increases, information professionals have looked for ways to use big data—large, complex sets of data that require specialized approaches to use effectively. Big data has the potential for significant rewards—and significant risks—to healthcare. In this Discussion, you will consider these risks and rewards.To Prepare:Review the Resources and reflect on the web article Big Data Means Big Potential, Challenges for Nurse Execs.Reflect on your own experience with complex health information access and management and consider potential challenges and risks you may have experienced or observed.By Day 3 of Week 5Post a description of at least one potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Then, describe at least one potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Propose at least one strategy you have experienced, observed, or researched that may effectively mitigate the challenges or risks of using big data you described. Be specific and provide examples.Respond to post with two scholarly referencesWeek 5: Informatics: Main Discussion Benefit of Using Big DataWorking in a psychiatric hospital, it was surprising to learn that big data has been used to compare different types of brain matter to measure neuroanatomical deficit to evaluate for major depressive disorder (MDD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). According to Kochunov et al. (2021), an elevation of Regional Vulnerability Index-major depressive disorder (RVI-MDD) and Regional Vulnerability Index-Alzheimer’s disease (RVI-AD) can be used as an assessment tool to diagnose MDD and AD. The RVI is used to compare the white matter microstructure, the cortical gray matter thickness, and subcortical structural volumes of the brain. The similarity of patterns for MDD and AD were derived from a large-scale meta-analytic studies (Kochunov et al.). Per Kochunov et al. (2021), neuropsychiatric illness assessments have specificity and disorder specific deficit patterns that are useful biomarkers for this population.ENIGMA (Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta Analysis) is an amazing worldwide collaboration. Its purpose is to perform a “…large-scale neuroimaging genetic study…” (Kochunov et al., 2020). It is a worldwide group (WG) that studies the human brain. According to Kochunov et al. (2020), 12 WGs are using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) measures with genetic and epigenetic data, and electroencephalography (EEG) to produce analysis about the human brain. The psychiatric disorders that are included in this collaboration include schizophrenia, bipolar, major depressive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and autism spectrum disorder. There are many other disorders of the brain that are included in the studies.Having the proper diagnosis helps psychiatrists and nurse practitioners treat psychiatric disorders with different medications. Each disorder or combination of disorders require different medications. According to Stern et al. (2018), precision medication for psychiatric disorders is in the beginning stage of development. Neuroimaging, EEG, and other methods used to diagnosis psychiatric diagnosis are ways to determine the best medication to give patients. Big data can be utilized to determine the best medication for each patient.Challenges of Using Big DataOne of the challenges of using big data in the psychiatric field is that the data that phenotyping varies in different centers and leads to limited clinical and limited scales used for assessments (Kochunov et al., 2020). ENIGMA is a data-driven approach that is complementary “…to well-designed, hypothesis-driven, smaller scale prospective single-center or multi-center studies with in-depth phenotyping” (Kochunov et al., 2020).Mitigating the Use of Big DataAlthough the use of big data has implications of being misused or the ability of data bases being breached, using data to treat psychiatric disorders is important. Many psychiatric patients try different medications before finding one that effectively treat the patient’s symptoms. By using the neuroimaging tools and/or the EGNIMA to aid in defining the psychiatric disorder, the health care provider will have the tools to give patients precision medication. ReferencesAlmost, J., Wolff, A. C., Stewart, P. A., McCormick, L. G., Strachan, D., & D’Souza, C. (2016). Managing and mitigating conflict in healthcare teams: An integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 72(7), 1490-1505., P., Ryan, M. C., Yang, Q., Hatch, K. S., Zhu, A., Thomopoulos, S. I., Jahanshad, N. Schmaal, L., Thompson, P. M., Chen, S., Du, X., Adhikan, B. M., Bruce, H., Hare, S., Goldwaser, E. L., Kyarta, M. D., Nichols, T. E., & Hong, L. E. (2021). Comparison of regional brain deficit patterns in common psychiatric and neurological disorders as revealed by big data. Neuroimaged: Clinical, 29., P. M., Jahanshad, N., Ching, C. R. K., Salminen, L. E., Thomopoulos, S. I., Bright, J., Baune, B. T., Bertolin, S., Bralton, J., Bruin, W. B., Bulow, R., Chen, J., Chye, Y. Dannlowski, U., de Kovel, C. G. F., Donohoe, G., Eyler, L. T., Faraone, S. V., Favre, P., … Zelman, V., (2020). ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries. Translational Psychiatry, 10(1), 100., S., Linker, S., Vadodaria, K. C., Marchetto, M. C., & Gage, F. H. (2018). Prediction of response to drug therapy in psychiatric disorders. Open Biology, 8(5). to post with two scholarly references:”Data exploration and resulting knowledge discovery foster proactive, knowledge-driven decision making” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018, p. 479). When it comes to medical care, treatment modalities occur in phases; the least invasive is generally diet-related. After observation and follow-up, if there is no improvement, medication is incorporated into the treatment plan. Finally, if that does not work, procedures or surgical intervention are initiated (Laureate Education, 2012). The challenge is that the acuity level of patients today is greater than those of the past. Patients come to us sicker with comorbidities that make it riskier to undergo invasive, traumatic procedures. A benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system is providing patients alternative surgical treatments that will improve their quality of life. Our structural heart program integrates innovative new technologies that allow us the opportunity to care for our very sick patients. “Big data analytics…facilitate clinical information integration and provide fresh business insights to help healthcare organizations meet patients’ needs” (Wang, 2018). By participating in clinical trials, we contribute to knowledge development. Clinical involvement allows our participation in decisions about medical equipment or surgical techniques that ultimately provide better results for our patients. A potential risk of using big data as part of a clinical system relies on incomplete or missing data. Misleading data may occur in research studies that use visual aids to discuss findings, leading to uncertainty of validity (Falk, 2018). An overabundance of big data is also a challenge. Finding pertinent information from an extensive hospital database impacts the ability to correctly find trends and patterns and apply them directly to patient care. “Editorial Boards should provide guidance and standards on the type of data and the way these are reported in figures” (Falk, 2018). Critical analysis of data is of utmost importance when searching for treatment options. Agrawal et al. (2016) provide concise, measurable information about structural heart surgery. You will find that government registries contain invaluable information and are often reviewed during data collection. According to Weintraub (2019), purposeful use of big data would be possible if EHRs used a standardized data entry organization. It would greatly help the extraction of complete essential information. Standardization leaves less room for interpretation; accurate data can help “evaluation of quality, business, intelligence, and medical research.”References Agrawal, Y., Jacob, C., Konda, M.-K., Panaich, S., Kalavakunta, J., & Gupta, V. (2016). Reviewof Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement between the Years 2012 and 2013:Nationwide Inpatient Sample Data Analysis. Journal of the American College ofCardiology (JACC), 67(13S), 341., V., & Meyer, A. (2018). Is what you see all there is? European Journal of Cardio-ThoracicSurgery, 54(5), 797–799. Education (Executive Producer). (2012). Data, information, knowledge and wisdomcontinuum [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Retrieved from, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge(4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Wang, Y., Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities andpotential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and SocialChange, 126(1), 3–13. Weintraub, W. S. (2019). Role of big data in cardiovascular research. Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(14), e012791.

solved I’m working on a management report and need support to

I’m working on a management report and need support to help me learn.Seeking
for research paper/essay writing assistance. There are 5 open questions
around Governance, Risk and Compliance that would need to be addressed
in consideration of the below requirements:1. The assignment requires regulatory and compliance expertise from an excellent English speaker.2.
Answers should be made under US legislation (possibly New York) with
some comparisons with the EU legislation. Field of choice: IT.2. Please collate the assignment as a single document in a Microsoft Word format. 3. All marking is anonymous, which means your name should not appear on your work. 4. All work should be properly referenced. 
The total word count for this assignment should be no less than 3,300
(approx 12 pages). This includes all in-text references and appendices
but excludes any footnotes, reference page or contents page. N.B.
Appendices should only be used in exceptional circumstances and should
consist of only brief extracts or tables. 
6. The number of words per part of the question should be in proportion to the number of marks allocated. 
7. Please see below the questions – appreciate your efforts!Delivery Date of order : 11-Jun-2021Q1 Explain
why internationally agreed standards of regulation are important,
highlighting the benefits from having these in place at both an
international and jurisdictional level. Support your answer with
relevant examples. DRAFTING NOTES: Focus is on the different
roles of internal stakeholders involved in supporting effective GRC
practices within regulated firms and this could include those such as
the board, the compliance function, risk management operations, for
example. However, irrespective of the selections made it is how the
writer support their selection (through consideration of relevant
responsibilities, resulting activities and so on) and provide examples
in doing so that will effectively demonstrate knowledge and
understanding. Examples should therefore be apparent, ideally one for
each of the stakeholders referred to, to illustrate how the activities
of each contributes to the effectiveness of the approach overall. Types
of topics that could be covered here include supporting effective
culture, policies, systems, controls, training, education and so on,
with, examiners assessing efficacy in how well these support their
intended purpose and explanation provided.Q2 Identify
two regulatory directives or initiatives that have been implemented, or
are in the process of being implemented, in a jurisdiction and sector
of your choice. Consider the implementation process and show, through
the use of practical examples, how this has impacted or has the
potential to impact upon your chosen jurisdiction and sector, and on a
particular regulated firm within that jurisdiction/sector. DRAFTING
NOTES: the goal is to demonstrate the relevance of the chosen bodies
activities for the overall regulatory environment and also for a
particular jurisdiction, so examiners would expect to see consideration
of this in respect of topics such as international/local standards,
jurisdiction/sector aims and objectives, global initiatives/focus, and
such like, with practical examples provided in support of the commentary
included. Q3 Describe the assessment
made by the regulator of a sector and jurisdiction of your choice prior
to a firm being authorised by them. Within this, explain the purpose and
methodology of this assessment, make clear the relevance of this for
the firm and provide examples to illustrate the approach adopted. DRAFTING
NOTES: The writer shall select an example of failure in corporate
governance in a regulated firm that has occurred within the last five
years. Unfortunately, there are many of these to choose from (a number
of which are referred to throughout the earlier Units of the course
text). Having selected such an example, an effective answer should
briefly describe what happened (with an emphasis required here on a
description, rather than more generally writing about, together with
relative brevity) then assess the consequences for the firm involved (so
there should be some form of assessment apparent). The writer should
provide their views, therefore views should be apparent, on the lessons
that could be learned from that failure – this is the focus of the
latter part of the question. Focus here is to demonstrate practical
understanding of corporate governance and its relevanceQ4 Thomas
is a member of the compliance function team at a firm regulated in a
jurisdiction and sector of your choice. He has been asked by his line
manager, the head of regulatory compliance, to contribute to an upcoming
training day for new members of the team by preparing a paper to act as
the basis of part of the training. In this, he has been asked to
demonstrate why and how a wide range of matters – such as an economic
downturn, the emergence of scandals, or other such significant events –
have the potential to influence the development of regulation in that
jurisdiction, and to explain the relevance of this development for firms
regulated within that jurisdiction and sector. With reference to the above scenario and to the fundamental objectives of regulation: discuss
why and how matters such as an economic downturn, the emergence of
scandals, or other significant events have the potential to influence
the development of regulation in your chosen jurisdiction and sector,
and highlight and recommend the most important messages you, as a
compliance professional, would want to ensure were communicated to new
staff members attending a training day (such as that referred to in the
scenario), supporting your views with reasoning and examples. DRAFTING
NOTES: This question draws on topics referred to across the earlier
units of the course text. Regulatory focus, themes, supervision
requirements, fit and properness test, and wider topics such as
reputation are all possible considerations in answering this question,
which references the information provided by fines to act as a backdrop
to assessing the writer’s understanding of why the regulator’s focus is
of importance to regulated firms. In a satisfactory answer, the writer
should identify one of the themes evident from recent fines issued by a
regulator of a sector of their choice, selecting appropriate examples to
illustrate their views. Themes such as focus on individuals, honesty
and integrity, system and control failings, size of fines, etc. are
examples of what might be apparent but here it is again not so much the
theme that the candidate highlights but how they have supported their
comments on this through their selection of examples to illustrate their
views that is most important. Specifically, the writer need to discuss
(i.e. there should be inclusion of the facts and some interpretation
from different sides of the argument, with the aim of arriving at a
conclusion, rather than just writing generally around the subject
matter) and make clear what can be inferred from these themes about the
current and intended focus of the regulator (this is an opportunity for
the candidate to demonstrate their knowledge about the current and
intended focus and the way in which the regulator is prioritising action
in these areas), then explain (so an explanation should be apparent,
again rather than just writing about) the relevance of this theme to a
firm authorised by that regulator (for example covering topics such as
prioritisation of issues, hot topics, areas of focus within the firm,
etc., as appropriate re the nature of that firm and its
products/services)Q.5 The transparency and accountability of the regulator is crucial to the effectiveness of the regulatory system. With
reference to the chosen jurisdiction, regulated sector of IT and to the
above statement, evaluate the responsibilities of the regulator(s),
showing how the regulator’s transparency and accountability is ensured
and demonstrating the relevance of this for the effectiveness of the
regulatory system overall. You should include examples to support the
points made. DRAFTING NOTES: This question provides the writer
with an open opportunity to demonstrate their thinking around a topic of
practical relevance, consideration of which is inherent within the
field. Reasonable responses will demonstrate consideration of the
various factors that contribute to the statement and discuss these (i.e.
there should be inclusion of the facts and their interpretation from
different sides of the argument, with the aim of arriving at a
conclusion) however the broad nature of the question phrasing gives
scope for the writer to be open in their approach and, in so doing,
provides more able individuals with the opportunity to really
demonstrate depth of practical understanding around the issues at hand.
In an effective answer, the question posed in the statement will have
been addressed – essentially this should form the backdrop to the
discussion. There should be some form of evaluation of the impact of the
different approaches in the context of its impact on GRC activities,
which requires the writer to consider the impact of working in an
environment/within a culture of just meeting minimum requirements (for
example with a focus on box ticking, doing the minimum possible, etc.)
compared to working in one in which all act in an ethical way more
generally (i.e. where meeting expectations re compliance is part of
normal day-to-day business practice). Each of these opposing types of
business culture would have a definite practical impact in terms of how
the firm and those within it viewed compliance and related activity,
with obvious consequences for many, including the compliance function
and how they approach their role. In short, numerous topics for the
writer to choose from in their discussion, with examiners expecting to
see addressing of the different elements and assessing predominantly on
how effectively the writer have utilised their choice of topics to
address the main focus of the question. The writer should include
examples that relate to the chosen topics and their discussions around
them. Real life examples would be useful, whilst illustrative examples
are of course acceptable.Regardingsources/references: please use at least 10 sources includingthe International Compliance Association (ICA) online materials togetherwith academic books and other relevant materials. N.B. Plagiarism freeis a MUST. Screens will be made using Turnitin detection software thatchecks for passages found elsewhere on the Internet, in books andjournals, or in work previously submitted. All citations must be inlight of the Blueprint citation ed 19th and or more updated.

solved I have a project which is about rhetorical analysis essay

I have a project which is about rhetorical analysis essay , my topic is about an ad “ Adidas break free” here is the link of the video: Another video contains rhetorical analysis reading the instructions below, if want to choose another ad to help you with the project, you can choose anything. For example, you can choose two different ads and compare between them like ( Coca cola and pepsi products) or anything ———————length: 3 page minimum, plus a multimodal component (See Step,3) MLA format all the information is below: Rhetorical AnalysisVital Info:Length: 3 page minimum, plus a multimodal component (See Step 3)Sources: Your subject is your primary source. Most of you will conduct some research as you work to analyze your subject, and you must cite all those secondary sources as well. Format: MLA The ProjectWe live in a world overflowing with images and messages, and all this is full of symbolism. The definition of a symbol is an object, person, or action that has meaning beyond itself. In other words, there is a literal meaning and a figurative, or symbolic, meaning to almost anything. This meaning is derived from context, which refers to the events and situations surrounding a subject.For Project Three you will perform a rhetorical analysis, in which you analyze a subject of your choice in an effort to determine what messages the creators are sending beyond the obvious ones. You willchoose a subject (an advertisement, a poster, a work of art, a music video &/or a song, a commercial, perhaps even a single word) then you will analyze that subject by examining the imagery and language it contains, or the power and connotations it represents (think about how certain words have so much power and are representative of many various feelings and attitudes) as well as the context that inspired or surrounds it or in which it appears. You will analyze the choices made by the writers and/or designers of your chosen subject, looking at how they interpret the rhetorical situation, their choice of genre, and their rhetorical stance. (Rhetorical stance refers to the underlying message that is being sent in your subject.) You will consider how your subject is used in our culture, what it represents beyond itself. The purpose is to help your audience develop a deeper understanding of your subject through your analysis. You will use detailed analysis to determine what messages (beyond the obvious) the people who created or who use your subject are sending.Choosing a Subject:This is your first challenge. Every piece of media (posters, advertisements either print or video, written works, etc.) can be subjected to a rhetorical analysis. So can language and our use of it. You should choose a subject that you find interesting and one that you are willing to invest some time into analyzing. Below are some tips:If you want to analyze advertising, consider choosing more than one ad.Choose a specific product (for example, Coca-Cola) and compare an ad from the past vs. an ad from the present. How have changes in our cultural attitudes affected the way the product is sold?Choose a product category (for example, cars) and compare ads from the past and present or compare and contrast ads for different brands. How have marketing strategies for this product changed over time and why might that be?Focus on a topic such as gender or race or sexuality and compare how marketing strategies have changed to reflect the times by comparing ads from the past and present, OR by comparing various current ads for the same product that are tailored for specific audiences. For example, many products now have ads that are created specifically for a gay audience, but these ads only appear in “gay-friendly” publication or on similar TV networks. If you do not regularly see those publications or networks, you may not be aware that these ads even exist. Analyze how the product is sold to specific audiences.Google “sexist retro ads” and then choose one or two that you find interesting. How have depictions of women (and men) changed (or not changed) in advertising over the years.Consider watching two different TV networks and analyzing the advertising that appears there. What do the ads reveal about the people it is assumed are watching and what messages are being sent to them?You may write about music videos &/or songs. You could analyze videos in all sorts of ways, looking at how they reflect specific issues or concepts that are relevant to the times, or how women are depicted, as well as depictions of race or sexuality. Or you may find any number of other types of imagery going on. What messages are being sent? How is the artist(s) represented? You may want to contrast the lyrics of the song with the imagery to determine if the two work together or are sending two different messages (Think Beyonce’s “Formation”), Choose an image such as a concert poster or an event announcement and analyze how it appeals to a specific audience.Choose a piece of writing and perform a rhetorical analysis on it. You could choose a poem, an essay from your textbook, or something you have read online. You will use the same criteria to analyze the written text that you use to analyze a visual text. What, beyond the obvious, is the writer implying? What subtle messages are being sent? Are underlying prejudices or assumptions lurking beneath the surface?It is possible to perform a rhetorical analysis on a single word. Think about certain words that contain power (curse words, insults, labels). For example, “feminist” is a very powerful word in our culture that has recently undergone a sort of reclamation by many people. What does the word “feminist” imply? How is it used (as an insult, a dismissive label, a badge of honor, etc.)? Do different people or groups use it for their own purposes? Has its meaning changed over time?Structuring Your Analysis:Step 1: You should begin by analyzing the elements of your subject. If you have chosen a poster or a 2D advertisement you should describe all the elements of the piece. If you analyze a commercial or video, consider elements of visual design, the script, the actors or performers, etc. If you are looking at a song, pay close attention to figurative language and symbolism. Whatever your chosen subject the goal is to perform an initial close reading so that you have a clear understanding of the elements at work in the piece. Only then can you begin to analyze your subject in more depth. You should ask questions regarding the purpose of each element and the rhetorical strategies behind it.Step 2: After you have performed the initial analysis described in Step 1, you can begin to organize your essay. While analyses will vary depending on the your subject, most of you will want to organize your analysis around the specific elements of your subject on which you want to focus, such as imagery and design, use of color, text or dialogue, the way that people are depicted in the material, music (if analyzing a video or commercial), and lyrics if you are analyzing a music video, the various uses of a word depending upon venue. Pay special attention to analyzing the rhetorical situation (the inspiration behind the piece. What may have inspired the author or designer to create the work? Or the situation in which your subject appears), analyzing genre choice (why does the author/designer choose that particular medium and what are the expectations that come with it? Why do we use certain words in specific situations but not in others? Is it possible for a word or an image or a performer to represent more than one thing?), and analyzing the rhetorical stance (explaining how the writer/designer uses the rhetorical appeals–ethos, pathos, and logos—and how he/she uses tone and various elements of style). Also consider the following:Put the subject in its context. Consider the time in which it was created. What was going on socially, culturally, or politically that might be influencing the message the creator’s are sending?Question the motives of the creators. What, beyond the obvious goal of getting your attention, might they be up to? Are they trying to get you to think about a subject or issue in a new or different way? Are they trying to manipulate your emotions? Are they sending subtle messages about gender, race, sex/sexuality, politics, etc?Look beyond the surface of your subject to find hidden meaning. That is your goal here.Thesis: Develop a thesis that clearly asserts a message about the deeper meaning you have discovered in your subject. This thesis statement should avoid stating the obvious and reveal to you readers an insight into your subject that they would not initially have considered.Step 3: The concept of multimodality refers to the ways in which readers and writers today interact with various media beyond the written text. As part of this project, I want you to consider how you would like to incorporate some aspect of multimodality. Here are some options:First, if your subject is an image, please include a copy of that image in the body of the essay. If your subject is a commercial or music video, be sure to include it in your multimodal component.Prepare a Powerpoint or Prezi to accompany your analysis. How can you use visual design to help shed light on your subject and reveal the key points of your analysis? Share your subject on social media and ask for reactions from your friends or followers. What do the various reactions indicate about your subject? How can you use these reactions to develop your analysis? Take screen shots of the discussions your subject generates and turn them into a multimodal presentation.If you don’t want to make a Powerpoint or Prezi, make a video that relates to your subject. Consider conducting interviews to get reactions from various people, or include your subject and then make a commentary about it.Be prepared to share the multimodal component of your project with the class as your final “exam.”Students who meet expectations will 1. Meet all the above requirements for length and content. 2. Submit a project that clearly analyzes a subject and contains a thesis that clearly states a succinct message about that subject. 3. Include a multimodal component that is clearly relevant to both the assignment and the subject. Students who exceed expectations will 1. Do all of the above. 2. Submit an analysis that shows real depth and that digs beyond the obvious to reveal interesting and relevant points. 3. Use the multimodal component to their advantage, not just as an after-thought but as a vital component of the project.

solved Discussion RequirementsA substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or

Discussion RequirementsA substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or more for each response (A total of 1 response).Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.Before writing your comments:Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources.Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.Third post for each module discussion:Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.MY POSTDO NOT RESPONDClassmates and Professor,Disaster managementDisasters and emergencies require a good response from different bodies, coordination of different bodies is critical as it helps to handle the incident quickly. The national response framework provides a framework on how the organization should integrate, unify and coordinate in response to any disaster. Community lifeline, these are the services once enhanced. They help ensure continuous operations of significant government and business functions vital to human health, safety, or economic security. They are two community lifelines that allow strengthening the response planning and operations. First, the community lifelines depend on one another and are very vulnerable to causing failures. Stabilizations of the community lifelines have mainly relied on the business and the infrastructure owners and the operators who are well equipped with the expertise and responsibilities to handle emergencies. The national response framework aims to develop plans that involve the community and integrate continuity, building the capabilities to respond to disasters among different sectors. The National response framework provides that collaboration between private and the NGO organization will be highly advocated to stabilize the community lifelines and restore services in affected areas. The national response framework lays different new initiatives that outperform the existing networks that involve business and infrastructure owners to have some part in the emergence management (Bisri & Beniya, 2016).The National response framework’s objective is to build the capabilities to respond to different disasters among businesses and the infrastructure sectors (U.S. Department of Homland Security, 2019). The health sector and the other emergence team should offer critical services like first aid, ambulances to aid in the transportation of the affected people in case of a disaster to the health facilities. The fire management response team should always be availed in every scene where the disasters have occurred to assist in the rescue mission. The health care services, emergence response team, and the firefighters should educate the public on the first aid cases where they can be able to handle some of the minor issues in the case of disaster; they should offer some of the training on the evacuation measures to aid in reducing the number of causalities. The government should collaborate in responding to disaster by providing the evacuation places, finances, and the resources to handle the disaster and offer some resources to the affected. Law enforcement agencies and other response agencies should coordinate to prevent disasters from occurring like terrorism and cybercrimes as they can be stopped before they stimulate more damage. Proper coordination of different agencies in the restoration of commercial and infrastructure operation after an attack can be achieved by installing security features in the business areas like CCTV and securing the computers with some security features to prevent data loss through cybercrime. The law enforcement agencies, together with the business owners, can use the communication made by the attackers through social media platforms to arrest them. The NGOs and the private sectors should offer some financial assistance and other necessities to deal with the disaster when they occur; this will help improve the community lifelines and restore the services. The planning and the response organization coordinate to reduce the risks by evaluating the potential threat, urge resiliency in the infrastructure, and making proper plans for the offering of the services. To improve the planning and the execution measures, the organization in charge of the disaster should have adequate data regarding the hazards and the risks that can occur, which can be shared with the emergency response team to ease the operation of improving the community lifelines (Stallings, JD & Faust, JD, 2016).PedroReferences:Bisri, M., & Beniya, S. (2016). Analyzing the National Disaster Response Framework and Inter-Organizational Network of the 2015 Nepal/Gorkha Earthquake. Procedia Engineering, 159, 19-26., JD, M., & Faust, JD, W. (2016). Drafting, revising, and updating local emergency operations plans: The National Response Framework and the Emergency Support Function Annex model. Journal Of Emergency Management, 7(2), 11. Department of Homland Security. (2019, October 28). National Response Framewor: 4th Edition . Retrieved from…_________________________________________________________________________________________________RESPONSE 1Hi Class,There are five core capabilities of the National Response Framework they are Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. They are all important in that they are all a step in the path of creating a plan for the communities that will assist in the “goal of a secure and resilient nation” (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2020). Mitigation is a key component of the National Response Framework. The evaluations and planning for disasters that are conducted prior to an actual disaster help to identify the shortcomings that are present and will impact the successful response to the disaster.The identified effects are evaluated to determine their severity and what steps can be taken to prevent the disruption of services. The goal of mitigation is to minimize the effect that the disaster has on the community. The mitigation factors that are taken are developed to reduce the impact of specific disasters to allow for a faster return to normal following a disaster. The creation of a 50- or 100-foot standoff distance “depending on the type of facility and the perceived threat” (Madsen, 2006), and stricter building codes were established because of the bombing of federal buildings. The development of storm shelters in businesses and back yards throughout Oklahoma is mitigation of tornado activity in the state. California building codes have adapted to the threats of Tsunami and Earthquakes as have Louisiana building codes due to Hurricane threats. The development of National Cyber Policy security protocols to secure the cyber-linked infrastructure. The National Security Agency states that “the cybersecurity functions are: Identity, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover” (National Security Agency, 2018). The necessity for the mitigation of threats to the nation has assisted in each of the four other core capabilities to ensure the resiliency of the nation as a whole.IsmaelReferencesFederal Emergency Management Agency. (2020, October 29). National Response Framework. Retrieved from FEMA:, J. (2006, April 3). The Evolution of Government Buildings. Retrieved from Buildings: Smarter Facility Management:,and%20leased)%20are%20utilizing%20shatterproof%20or%20blast-resistant%20glass.National Security Agency. (2018, March). NSA’S Top Ten Cybersecurity Mitigation Strategies. Retrieved from Cybersecurity: 4 – BackgroundDISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERYRequired ReadingBharosa, N., Lee, J., & Janssen, M. (2010). Challenges and obstacles in sharing and coordinating information during multi-agency disaster response: Propositions from field exercises. Information Systems Frontiers, 12(1), 49–65. Available in the Trident Online Library.Elledge, B. L., Boatright, D. T., Woodson, P., Clinkenbeard, R. E., & Brand, M. W. (2007). Learning from Katrina: Environmental health observations from the SWCPHP Response Team in Houston. Journal of Environmental Health, 70(2), 22–26. Available in the Trident Online Library.Federal family responds to Hurricane Irma. (2017). FEMA. Retrieved from…Kapucu, N, Arslan, T., & Demiroz, F. (2010). Collaborative emergency management and national emergency management network. Disaster Prevention and Management, 19(4), 452–468. Available in the Trident Online Library.Lohrmann, D. (2017). On emergency preparedness: What have we learned after Harvey and Irma? Government Technology. Retrieved from…National Incident Management System. (2017), 3rd. Ed., FEMA. Retrieved from… . Read pp. 24-33.National Response Framework, Fourth Edition. (2019, October 28). Retrieved from…Wise, C. (2006). Organizing for homeland security after Katrina: Is adaptive management what’s missing? Public Administration Review, 66(3). Available in the Trident Online Library. Read the section: “An Adaptive Management Model for Homeland Security.”Required WebsitesDisaster Response and Recovery. DHS. Command System Resources. FEMA.…

solved this is the discussion question down below. Review your current

this is the discussion question down below. Review your current company’s hiring process and identify bias and barriers for diverse applicants in the process (you must identify at least 3 separate biases or barriers). Explain how you would correct these. Incorporate concepts from your readings.(If you are not currently employed, you can use a previous employer or another company you are this familiar with). MORGAN, ADRIANAHRM 6603POST 1I currently contract with many insurance companies as a broker; however, Aflac is my primary company and I have worked with them as a district recruiter/contractor/trainer. Aflac has no significant biases when it comes to the hiring process. Aflac does a fantastic job at promoting diversity when it comes to the hiring process. As long as you are above the age of 18, do not have a felony charge on your record, or a documented termination from a previous insurance company, you are given the opportunity to pursue the job.The problems that occur in the hiring process occur in waves of barriers. These are listed as follows:1. ATTRACTING THE WRONG CANIDATES FROM INADEQUATE JOB DESCRIPTIONSMost candidates come from large hiring platforms (CareerBuilder, Monster, etc.) and are mislead about the true nature of the job from the Aflac HQ approved descriptions that we must use. According to Flesher, “poorly written job descriptions and confusion as to the type of candidate needed for any given position results in a large number of applications from unqualified or underqualified candidates” (2016). The descriptions that we use do not indicate important information. For example, the description does not state that all agents are rendered 1099 independent contracted employees, meaning that “the earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment Tax” and have no base income to support them (IRS, 2020). All employees entering the industry are automatically placed into a more aggressive tax situation and have no guaranteed income. This is problematic to most individuals who do not have a financial safety net in place when applying.This problem has lead to attracting many people who are uninformed or uncomfortable working as an independent contractor. I personally have spent hours discussing these concerns with applicants during an interview that could have been avoided if HQ would allow us to modify the job description postings. I would correct this barrier by posting a job description that is accurate in responsibilities and conditions. I would be sure to mention that this is a 1099 role where your income is variant based on your work effort and economic conditions. I would also state directly in the job description that this is a professional role where applicant will be entering an insurance agent position directly. I do feel that presenting that information can help cut down on poor-quality talent and avoid the wasted time that comes from the misinformation surrounding the pay structure.2. DELAYED ONBOARDINGContracting as an agent in Alabama is not an easy process. There are many steps that must be completed to officially contract with Aflac as an entry level agent.Submit a resume and complete an application to be scheduled for a group interview.Complete group and individual interviews successfully.Register for a state training program and complete a 40-hour course designed to help you pass the State of Alabama Insurance Licensing Exam. I personally only see around 8-10% of applicants successfully finish the training course.Pass the state exam with a 70% or better. The Alabama Insurance Examination Report posted by ALDOI indicates that the Life & Health exam has a fail rate of 41% and that number has held a close constant for the past decade (2018). This means that almost 50% of applicants who finish the training program fail the exam and have to wait a minimum of 6 months before retesting. These applicants also do not get their money back on investment in this exam which can range between $150 and $275.You must pass the state exam to move forward with an appointment with Aflac, pass a background check, and other routine monitoring by the State of Alabama to receive a State of Alabama Life & Health Insurance license.An applicant must then complete a 36 hour training a course with Aflac to be officially appointed and ready to begin training.There are more onboarding steps than what is listed, but these are the major ones. As you can see, the process is exhaustive and requires an overwhelming amount of time invested before you ever receive any financial payout. Aflac chooses not to participate in a program called Temporary Licensing, where the applicant can function as an agent for 6 months in the form of grace-period, receive pay and on-the-job training, as well as additional assistance in passing the exam. If I could correct this, I would allow every applicant the opportunity to receive a temporary license and build income before asking them to invest the time and money into the state exam.3. LACK OF START-UP RESOURCESI see many applicants that do not have the necessary start up resources to complete the training and testing needed to effectively begin this job. All of the initial onboarding and testing is completed virtually and is not formatted to be completed on any device other than a laptop with Google Chrome. Many applicants do not have a laptop or the correct equipment to complete this process in a timely manner. Due to this barrier, many applicants have expressed that it feels like a form of financial/ resource discrimination from Aflac. If I could correct this, I would provide all District Coordinators, who are responsible for the success of the applicants, resources to assist applicants. One or two laptops or computers to remain in the office for applicant use could be incredibly beneficial. Coordinators are not provided any HQ assistance when it comes to resources of this nature. I personally have seen many applicants that met all criteria to be a successful agent fail because of this lack of resources.Flesher, R. (2016, December 12). 5 barriers slowing down your hiring process – and how to overcome them. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from (Links to an external site.)Independent contractor defined. (2020, December 03). Retrieved March 30, 2021, from…2017 Alabama Insurance Examination Report [PDF]. (2018). Montgomery: State of Alabama Department of Insurance. Donna LocklearDB week 3I am currently employed at Cardinal Health. The hiring process now has a few differences from other companies like Tyco, Kendall, Medtronic, and Covidien. There are five critical standards with which all personnel selection methods should conform: reliability, validity, generalizability, utility, and legality (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2021). With Cardinal Health, there are three ways to complete the hiring process. First, Cardinal Health can convert a contractor to a full-time employee. Second, Cardinal Health posts open full-time positions internally for seven days. Third, Cardinal Health offers external candidates positions.The process we had with most of the previous employers was to post all opening jobs for seven days on the website and post notice on the Human Resource board in the hallway for everyone to see and review. At the end of the seven days, the post came down, and if any internal candidate applied, it would go to the most qualified starting with seniority with no attendance or performance concerns on file. If we did not have any internal candidate apply, it would go to the most suitable contractor with seniority. If we did not have any contractors ready to fill the position, we would start the interviews with the external candidate. As a panel of interviewers, we would select one person to offer the full-time job too.I see three biases or barriers with Cardinal Health’s hiring process for diverse applicants in the hiring process. The first bias is the fact that we only offer positions to employees internally only first. We need to focus on the skillset and not on the candidate’s characteristics. The second bias is that employees can be hand-selected, converting a temporary employee to a full-time job. When we convert contractors to full-time, this could be biased because the hiring supervisor could be hiring someone they like versus working with the company longer, and who else is qualified for the job to be hired. It can be a natural bias to give the position to those we feel are more like us, align with our ways of thinking, or whom we like. The third bias is that external candidates could be people that Cardinal Health employees recommend. Recommendations of candidates can be beneficial; however, a candidate’s familiarity can lead to unstructured interviews. Unstructured interviews can miss the candidate’s skillset and what they have to offer. To ensure that all interviews are fair, I like to start with the same panel of people doing the interview and have the same selected interview questions. The situational interview is an interview procedure where applicants are confronted with specific issues, questions, or problems that are likely to arise on the job (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2021). This way, you can compare the answers to see who would be best suited for the position by answering the questions. To correct all or most of the bias or barriers, I think we should go back to having a set of rules that must be maintained in all cases. To start with would be some expectations of how we will support and go about with the hiring process at Cardinal Health. The standardization of the interview process minimizes bias and focuses on factors that influence potential performance. Another correction could be to utilize software specific to reviewing applications and resumes, which can help level the playing field. Also, work sample tests allow the company to see if the candidate would be a good fit for the type of work involved with the position. It also provides a level playing field and gives an apples-to-apples comparison while alleviating any unconscious bias. With everyone completing the hiring process the same throughout the company, I believe this should eliminate any bias or barriers for the Cardinal Health process to get diverse applicants for positions.ReferencesNoe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2021). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (12 edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. Retrieved March 21, 2021