solved Create an Excel spreadsheet that defines data elements and formats

Create an Excel spreadsheet that defines data elements and formats that support enterprise information management and data integration. Write a data discovery report (4-5 pages) that identifies data quality issues and recommends strategies for addressing and preventing them.Health care organizations are constantly challenged to assess data quality procedures. Data entered into information systems often contains redundant data elements, disparate data, and inconsistent definitions. Health care technology, such as an EHR system, helps to improve data quality; however, it cannot completely eliminate data quality challenges.Data can be organized to identify trends, transforming raw data into useful information. Data discovery is a detection process that involves searching for trends, patterns, or specific items in a particular data set. It can also include identifying potential data quality issues and leveraging data mining techniques. Data discovery’s goal is to analyze data from different perspectives, summarize it, and use it to meet organizational needs.In this assessment, you will investigate potential data quality issues that pose a risk to Independence Medical Center and then propose recommendations to address these issues.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Manage data from multiple sources.Use various strategies to maintain clean data from multiple sources.Describe data quality issues when using multiple sources.Competency 3: Analyze the impacts of data warehousing.Explain data formatting issues when using and storing data from multiple sources.Competency 4: Analyze effects of database design and architecture in integrating and using various data sources.Create a spreadsheet describing data elements and formats supporting enterprise information management and data integration.Competency 5: Communicate professionally in a health care environment.Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references.PreparationDo the following to prepare to successfully complete Assessment 2 on data discovery:Review the work you did in Assessment 1, as it will inform the work you do in this second assessment.Conduct independent research on clean data characteristics. Consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources. You will be using the information from the research you conduct to complete the assessment. Analyze Independence Medical Center’s Core Data Sets [XLSX]. Be sure to analyze all the tabs in the spreadsheet. InstructionsFor this second assessment, continue on in your role as Independence Medical Center’s privacy and security manager. Your boss, the CIO, is impressed with the work you did in recommending a DMGP framework for Independence Medical Center. (This is the work you completed in Assessment 1.) As is often the case in health care administration, good work is rewarded with more work. Various departments at Independence Medical Center have brought potential data quality issues to the CIO’s attention.As a result, you have a new task. Your boss wants you to conduct an investigation into potential data quality issues that could pose risks to the organization. You will evaluate Independence Medical Center’s core data sets from multiple data sources. After identifying the potential data quality issues, your boss has asked you to prepare a data discovery report in which you propose recommendations to help resolve the data quality issues you identified. As part of this process you will also create a spreadsheet that defines Independence Medical Center’s data elements and formats. This assessment consists of two parts. Part 1: SpreadsheetBased on your analysis of Independence Medical Center’s data sources, systems, and noted recommendations, create a spreadsheet to define data elements and formats. Do this in the Recommendations tab included in the Independence Medical Center’s Core Data Sets [XLSX] spreadsheet. Be sure to create your spreadsheet according to recommended data collection practices and formats that support enterprise information management and data integration.Part 2: Data Discovery ReportWrite a 4–5 page data discovery report that identifies potential issues related to enterprise information management and data integration based on all of the following:Your review of your proposed framework for a DMGP for Independence Medical Center from Assessment 1.Your research on the characteristics of clean data.Your analysis of Independence Medical Center’s core data sets.Your boss has asked you to include all of the following headings in your data discovery report and to answer all of the questions underneath each heading:Best Practices for Clean Data When Using Multiple Sources (1/2 page).What are the best practices for maintaining clean data when using multiple sources?Data Quality Issues When Using Multiple Sources (1 page).What data quality issues in general do organizations face when using multiple sources?What specific data quality issues appear in Independence Medical Center’s core data sets?Data Formatting Issues Related to Integration When Using and Storing Data from Multiple Sources (1 page).What data formatting issues related to integration in general do organizations encounter when using and storing data from multiple sources?What specific data formatting issues appear in Independence Medical Center’s core data sets?Recommendations for Data Sources, Systems, and Core Data Set Items (1 page).What are your top 3–5 recommendations for Independence Medical Center’s data sources, systems, and items to be included in its core data set? Be sure to include the rationale behind your recommendations.Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs).What are the 3–5 key pieces of information you want your CIO to remember from your data discovery report?Note: You know that the CIO has a reputation for asking a lot of questions about how someone came to his or her conclusions. Be sure to include references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources throughout your data discovery report. Additional RequirementsLength: 4–5 double-spaced pages, along with the Excel spreadsheet.Font and font size: Times Roman, 12-point type.APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate References page.Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, professional document that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. SCORING GUIDEUse the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDECRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDUse various strategies to maintain clean data from multiple sources.Does not use various strategies to maintain clean data from multiple sources.Attempts to use various strategies to maintain clean data from multiple sources; however, omissions and/or errors exist.Uses various strategies to maintain clean data from multiple sources.Uses various strategies to maintain clean data from multiple sources. Narrative includes multiple examples and references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.Describe data quality issues when using multiple sources.Does not describe data quality issues when using multiple sources.Attempts to describe data quality issues when using multiple sources; however, omissions and/or errors exist.Describes data quality issues when using multiple sources.Describes data quality issues when using multiple sources. Description includes multiples examples and references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.Explain data formatting issues when using and storing data from multiple sources.Does not explain data formatting issues when using and storing data from multiple sources.Attempts to explain data formatting issues when using and storing data from multiple sources. However, omissions and/or errors exist.Explains data formatting issues when using and storing data from multiple sources.Explains data formatting issues when using and storing data from multiple sources. Explanation includes multiple examples and references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.Create a spreadsheet describing data elements and formats supporting enterprise information management and data integration.Does not create a spreadsheet describing data elements and formats supporting enterprise information management and data integration.Attempts to create a spreadsheet describing data elements and formats supporting enterprise information management and data integration. However, omissions and/or errors exist.Creates a spreadsheet describing data elements and formats supporting enterprise information management and data integration.Creates a spreadsheet describing industry-approved best practices for data elements and formats that support enterprise information management and data integration.Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Does not create documents that are clear, well organized, professional, and generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Attempts to create documents that are clear, well organized, professional, and generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. However, lapses, omissions, and/or errors exist.Creates clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Creates clear, well-organized, professional, and error-free documents. Documents contain multiple examples and references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.Does not follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.Attempts to follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references; however, omissions and/or errors exist.Follows APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.Follows APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references without omissions and/or errors.

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

Hi, please answer to each DQ with 200-250 words Liane:Ethical issues that can arise from translational research are diverse and complex. These can be similar to issues faced in biomedical research such as “informed consent, animal bioethics, conflicts of interest, social injustice, and risk analysis ethics” (Mandal et al., 2017). Ethical issues with confidentiality of data and participant information can also arise. Principles of ethics such as beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice should be established as ethical guidelines for the research. The well-being of the participants and the society should be prioritized rather than the advancement of scientific knowledge.Informed consent should be emphasized to ensure that participants are aware of the risks, benefits, and procedures involved in the research. Participants should also be informed of their right to withdraw from the research. The autonomy or right of the participant to make a decision with complete understanding and without external or internal controlling factors should be respected. Therapeutic misconception or “erroneously attributing therapeutic intention to research procedures or unreasonably judges medical benefit from participation in the research” should be avoided (Mandal et al., 2017). Patient safety should also be prioritized to ensure beneficence and nonmaleficence.Legal considerations about the patient’s dignity, and privacy. Efforts should be made to ensure confidentiality of the patient’s identity. It is the researcher’s responsibility to ensure that any disclosure of information made by the participant will not cause harm to him/her. Legal consequences can also arise from any fraudulent action done by the researcher in publication or completion of the research study. Appropriate measures to obtain consent should be made for participants who are not legally allowed to give consent such as children.To ensure safety and proper ethical guidelines are established, I will conduct an extensive risk-benefit analysis. Risk-benefit analysis involves assessing possible risks and burden to participants involved in the research in comparison to the possible benefits (Riva & Petrini, 2019). This step minimizes the potential harm for the research subjects and the populations affected (Mandal et al., 2017). After completing this step, I will strive to create changes that will prevent the foreseeable harm to the participants in the research. I will then provide sessions with the participants to ensure that they truly understand the risks, benefits, and processes of the research. I will also emphasize that they have the right to withdraw at any moment and explain the measures taken by the team to ensure their privacy.ReferencesMandal, J., Ponnambath, D.K., & Parija, S.C. (2017). Ethics of translational medical research. Tropical Parasitology, 7(2), 62-64., L., & Petrini, C. (2019). A few ethical issues in translational research for gene and cell therapy. Journal of Translational Medicine, 17(395), 1-6. who participate in research serve as sources of data. Researchers have a responsibility an obligation to protect the life, health, dignity, integrity, right to self-determination, privacy, and confidentiality of their personal information of the research subjects. According to the Belmont Report researchers should follow three ethical principles when conducting research. Researchers should show respect to the individuals by acknowledging autonomy and protect those individuals with diminished autonomy. Researchers should provide beneficence by not causing harm, maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms. Researchers should provide justice to the individuals and societal level. It is important for research individuals not to be mistreated or it is called research misconduct. Researchers must follow an approved protocol, proper informed consent, avoid causing physical or psychological harm, avoid fraud and deception, and maintain individual confidentiality. Researchers also need to avoid bias, inappropriate research methodology, incorrect reporting as well as inappropriate use of the individual’s information. The research must ensure to obtain approval from the various regulatory bodies before conducting any research study.In 2016 the federal government approved a significant increase in government spending on scientific research. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) was increased from $2 billion to $32 billion for the following year (HuffPost, 2017). The recent increase in research activities has led to concerns regarding ethical and legal issues. Guidelines have been developed by organizations and authorities to ensure that researchers follow a process that promotes integrity, compliance, and ethical standards in research conduct. These guidelines and interventions are set in place and must be followed to avoid having fraud which would discredit the quality of establishing evidence-based medicine. Researchers will follow the general guidelines of ethical and legal principles and will enable them to conduct their research in accordance with the best practices (Yip et al., 2016).ReferencesHuffPost. (2017). Scientific research needs more funding, but also smarter spending.,billion%2C%20to%20%2432%20billion%20for%20the%20upcoming%20year.Yip, C., Han, N. R., & Sng, B. L. (2016). Legal and ethical issues in research. Indian journal of anaesthesia, 60(9), 684–688. are several reasons why it is important to adhere to ethical norms in research. First, norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting research data promote the truth and minimize error.In practice, these ethical principles mean that as a researcher, you need to: (a) obtain informed consent from potential research participants; (b) minimize the risk of harm to participants; (c) protect their anonymity and confidentiality; (d) avoid using deceptive practices; and (e) give participants the right to know the content of the research. There are six broad ethical areas that need to be considered in your research. In this chapter, we will discuss voluntary participation, informed consent, confidentiality and anonymity, the potential for harm, communicating the results, and more specific ethical issues. Three basic principles, among those generally accepted in our cultural tradition, are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human subjects: the principles of respect of persons, beneficence and justice. These ethical norms include issues such as requirements for honesty, requirements for informed consent, anonymization and storage of data, the right of access to data for participants and duty of confidentiality for all those who undertake research. Research ethics are important for a number of reasons. They promote the aims of research, such as expanding knowledge. They support the values required for collaborative work, such as mutual respect and fairness. They support important social and moral values, such as the principle of doing no harm to others.Translational research seeks out the possible human applications of scientific and clinical findings and translates them into strategies for improving healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, and community health. This is a horizontal knowledge role that unites different specialties. One prime example of translational research in human disease is the study of cancer therapy. Extensive cooperation between basic researchers, clinicians, and industry has generated numerous new targeted compounds with enhanced efficacy and decreased toxicity.Whereas basic research is looking at questions related to how nature works, translational research aims to take what’s learned in basic research and apply that in the development of solutions to medical problems.Phase I and II Clinical Trials is integrate as a basic scientific discovery into a candidate health-care application. Phase III Clinical Trial that assess the value of the application for health-care practice and develop evidence-based guidelines for using the application.In sum, participation in translational research benefits basic scientists by enabling them to contribute to the understanding of human health and disease and to participate in the development of solutions to medical and public health problems, which can be a source of intellectual inspiration and stimulation.Research can have important influences on policy by providing a scholarly basis for action research, and translation science units within academic health centers are in powerful positions to build bridges between the research and policy making communities to promote the development of evidence based policy. Risk of bias can seriously adulterate the internal and the external validity of a clinical study, and, unless it is identified and systematically evaluated, can seriously hamper the process of comparative effectiveness and efficacy research and analysis for practice.Translational research involves many scientists and clinicians compiling multiple data types and sources. These may include deidentified patient data, whole genome or exome sequences, specific tumor sequences, specimen records from patient blood draws, biopsies, and more.Mandal, J., Ponnambath, D. K., & Parija, S. C. (2017). Ethics of translational medical research. Tropical parasitology., S., Moldoveanu, A., Dascălu, M.-I., Unnthorsson, R., Jóhannesson, Ó. I., & Marcus, I. (2016, January 15). Translational research-the need of a new bioethics approach. Journal of translational medicine., J. L., Eccles, M. P., & Grimshaw, J. M. (2008, December 17). Ethical issues in implementation research: a discussion of the problems in achieving informed consent. Implementation science : IS.

solved Answer Initial Discussion question 250 words. Respond to 3 classmates

Answer Initial Discussion question 250 words. Respond to 3 classmates 250 Words each Initial Question: When reading Article I of the Constitution you learned or reviewed, about Congressional authority with regard to the Commerce Clause, the General Welfare (Spending) Clause, taxing authority, treaty power, War Powers, Article III Courts and the Necessary and Proper Clause.We could spend many weeks on just Article I, but we focused your attention on the Commerce Clause and Gonzales v Oregon.For you initial discussion post discuss:1) What was the ruling in the case and how did the Commerce Clause impact the case?2) Do you agree with the court’s ruling? Why or why not?3) Does this ruling close the door to federal regulation of of physician suicide? Should we have such regulation?Classmate 1 Rocquieh: Professor and Class,This week we had the privilege of looking into Congressional authority:What was the ruling in the case and how did the Commerce Clause impact the case?In the case Gonzales v Oregon, the attorney general believed that under the Controlled Substances Act it gave them authorization to ban the use of controlled substances for physician assisted suicide. The Court held that Congress intended the CSA to prevent doctors only from being illicit drug dealers, not to define general standards of state medical practice[1]. The Commerce Clause of the US Constitution empowers Congress to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution’ its authority to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States. The Commerce Clause impacted this case because unlike in Raich the medicinal drugs are not being grown and have the chance of being considered intrastate commerce. However, they have most likely been intrastate commerce since they are produced in a pharmaceutical plant and travel to the facility for distribution. It is all a bit confusing.Do you agree with the court’s ruling? Why or why not?As for the ruling in my opinion Justice Thomas said it best in his dissent. The majority in Gonzales v. Raich employed unambiguous language, concluding that the “manner” in which controlled substances can be utilized “for medicinal purposes” is one of the “core activities regulated by the CSA And, it described the CSA as “creating a comprehensive framework for regulating the production, distribution, and possession of … ‘controlled substances,’ including those substances that ‘have a useful and legitimate medical purpose,’ in order to foster the beneficial use of those medications and to prevent their misuse[2]. These doctors like the ones in California are using drugs for medicinal purposes to help their patient whether it is the same reasons is invalid. I believe the Court used judicial activism instead of restraint in this case. Does this ruling close the door to federal regulation of of physician suicide? Should we have such regulation?I do not believe this ruling is going to close the door to federal regulation of physician assisted suicide because as laws are changing across the country in relations to drugs such as marijuana, that will come with new rules and regulations and as we talked about in week 1 judicial activism is very present in how laws are interpreted. I believe there should be a limit to how much regulation goes into medical regulations. I know if I had a family member or even myself in a position where medicinal drugs were the only saving grace, I would not want the Court to decide that its not allowed if my doctor who is the medical professional says that is what is best.-Locke[1] Gonzales v. Oregon, Oyez, (last visited May 10, 2021).[2] Id.CClassmate 2 Adam: Greetings Classmates and welcome to my week 2 forum posting. This week we are covering another interesting case, Gonzales vs Oregon and the involvement of the Commerce Clause. There is a lot of background information here to cover before we dive head first into the questions, so lets get into it.First to give you a little background information, the Gonzales vs Oregon was essentially a challenge to a 1994 ruling where the Oregon electorate voted to legalize physician-assisted suicide under certain circumstances. The Oregon Death With Dignity Act (ODWDA) permits licensed physicians to dispense and prescribe a lethal dose of drugs to patients with incurable and irreversible diseases calculated to result in death within six months under the exercise of reasonable medical judgment. Following enactment of the ODWDA, several members of Congress advocated DEA prosecution of physicians who engaged in assisted suicide practice, arguing that even if permitted under state law, such conduct violated the Controlled Substance Act (CSA).The challenge to this in 2006 came in the form of Gonzales vs Oregon in which the Court found that the Attorney General not only lacked legal authority to regulate medical practice but concluded that, if anything, the CSA denied him the very power he claimed.Now to move on a bit, how did the Commerce Clause effect this case? Well, The Commerce Clause technically refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the states, and the Native American Tribal lands”.This case essentially sheds light on how the Supreme Court approaches controversies involving the exercise of power by federal agencies operating under the Commerce Clause powers. Despite the wide range of Congressional power, the Commerce Clause provides, the Court heavily scrutinizes the legal basis federal agencies try to claim using the literal claims to act. In Oregon v. Gonzales, the Court found that the Attorney General not only lacked legal authority to regulate medical practice but concluded that the CSA actually denied him power he claimedI do at the end of the day agree with the courts ruling on the case because the ruling in the opposite direction would have hit a lot of doctors with negative impacts when their literal state law allowed what they were doing. I am always in support at handling at the lowest level first, and if the state voted in support, then treat that state independently and allow the item they passed by public majority.It was essentially stated in case notes that the doctor patient relationship was determined by the lower courts to be an item that was perhaps just beyond the reach of congressional power under the Commerce Clause. In the courts view, they decided that they should not presume that federal law was intended to reach into such relationships unless that intent was clearly stated in the applicable legislation, which it was not.If my understanding is correct, this does not close the door to federal regulation of assisted suicide because Congress can still make up more specific federal law to specifically address this issue.Thank you for reading,Adam T.Classmate 3 Sherron: Good morning, In Gonzales v. Oregon, the Supreme Court addressed whether the Controlled Substance Act allowed the Attorney General to prohibit the prescription of regulated drugs for physician-assisted suicide in the face of a state law permitting such a prescription. The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) was enacted in 1970 to create a comprehensive uniform national scheme for regulating the manufacture, distribution, and dispensation of various chemicals and substances[1]. The CSA creates five schedules of controlled substances to allow each to be regulated at a different level. Initially, Congress prescribed a number of specific substances are included within the scheduling system, and delegated to the Attorney General the power, via rulemaking authority, to add substances to a schedule, transfer substances between schedules, and remove substances from a schedule[2].In 1994, the State of Oregon legalized assisted suicide when voters, through a ballot measure, approved the Oregon Death with Dignity Act (ODWDA)[3]. ODWDA exempts from civil or criminal liability physicians who dispense or prescribe a lethal dose of drugs to terminally ill patients under specific safeguards[4]. The drugs used by physicians under ODWDA, while not specified in the Act itself, are regulated under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which restricts the availability of certain drugs for medically accepted uses only[5].In Gonzales v. Oregon, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Attorney General’s Interpretive Rule was invalid because it was outside of the scope of his authority delegated by Congress. This ruling shed light on how broad the Commerce Clause is about the Constitutional power of Congress. In this case, physician-assisted suicide in Oregon did not involve the cultivation or trade of a controlled substance. The Court concluded this activity was non-economic in nature and therefore outside the reach of Congress’s Commerce Clause authority.In my opinion, the Courts handled this case properly. Congress clearly did not pass the CSA to stop physician-assisted suicide; rather, Congress passed the CSA to address the growing illicit drug problem in the United States. Thus, under this reading, the Attorney General’s actions were not permissible because he stepped outside the bounds of his authority by issuing a ruling that used the CSA to serve a function other than that for which Congress intended the legislation, an approach that finds written support in the decision. The ruling does not close the door to federal regulation of physician-assisted suicide. I believe this case opened the doors to further laws or regulations that will override the state’s laws, like the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, to prevent assisted suicide. Oregon put in many safeguards to ensure that assisted suicide was the last option. We should have a form of regulation to ensure that assisted suicide is not being abused or used as a quick fix instead of attempting palliative care. [1] Scott Gast, Who Defines “Legitimate Medical Practice?” Lessons Learned From the Controlled Substances Act, Physician-Assisted Suicide, & Oregon v. Ashcroft, Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law (2002)[2] Gonzales v. Oregon, 126 S. Ct. 904, 911 (2006).[3] Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act (ORS 127.800-897)[4] Gonzales v. Oregon, 126 S. Ct. 904, 911 (2006).[5] Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act (ORS 127.800-897)

solved All goods are subject to the forces of supply and

All goods are subject to the forces of supply and demand. Following  considerations have to be made by companies in order balance factors  like competitors, profit and consumer purchasing power:
Demand Influence
Demographics: The environemnt within which the good is being sold  and how likely and frequent a purchase is based on number of customers  available or their purchasing power. Furthermore, the location of buyers  plays a role as well. The necessity to travel longer time spans before  being able to purchase the product can be a deterrent. (Peter, J. P.,  & Donnelly, J. H.)
Psychological Phenomena: Subtle reactions and perceptions towards a  product most customers are subject to. That can include odd pricing  that might lead to the assumption that a product is at a discount. The  price can also be considerable and conveys quality of a product.  (bundling, odd pricing)
There are also external factors impacting the psyche of buyers  like time costs – that is either subconsciously “measured” or can refer  to a point in time, That can be closely related to convenience like  delivery speed or reduced stress when a product is ordered with express  delivery on release date.(Peter, J. P., & Donnelly, J. H.)
These could also be psychological costs like the lack of  negotiating or a shortcut and not having to evaluate a lot of  information. A third kind is the behavioral cost.
A third factor is the price elasticity which is the change in  demand if the price of the product changes by 1%. If the elasticity is  low, it means the consumer price sensitivity is low as well. That can  also mean it is forcibly low and there are no substitutes available.
Supply Influences
Pricing Objectives: Pricing has to be aligned with company and  marketing objectives. The most influential considerations are either  focused on a pre-set return on investment, a stable balance of price and  margin or pricing to prevent competition.
Product-related Factors: One important factor is perishability. If  the good is of organic nature, the quality gradually but progressively  decreases and with it the price.
Another factor closely aligned with the pricing of demand  influences is distinctiveness. That allows for higher prices if a  product has unique characteristics and there are only a few or no  substitutes on the market. (Peter, J. P., & Donnelly, J. H.)

This is the second discussion post whether you agree or not.
What are demand influences on pricing decisions?

Demand influences on pricing decisions means how the market behaves and reacts on a particular price of a product or when the price is changed (Peter & Donnelly, 2019). The authors (Peter & Donnelly, 2019) discuss about the three demand influences on pricing decisions which are, psychological factors, demographical factors and price elasticity.

1) Psychological factors: About how will the consumers react to the price of the product. The consumer may use price as an indicator of product quality (Peter & Donnelly, 2019). Some consumers may perceive the price to be too high (undeserving of the product). Some consumers may be lured by odd pricing. These psychological factors play an important role in pricing decisions.

2) Demographic factors: The demographics of the target market are identified. Economic conditions of consumers, number of potential consumers, frequency of buying etc. These factors can be used to extrapolate sales at various pricing strategies (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).

3) Price Elasticity: It is the measure of consumer’s price sensitivity. Greater sensitivity of price increases the price elasticity of that product. It is calculated by dividing relative changes in quantity sold by relative change in price (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).

What are supply influences on pricing decisions?

Supply influences on pricing decisions relate to three factors, pricing objectives, cost of the product and nature of the product.

1) Pricing Objectives: These objectives are made from the overall corporate marketing objectives. Some organizations aim to achieve a target return on investment, while some may keep competitive pricing to achieve greater target market share. Thus pricing is determined as per the objectives set by the organization (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).

2) Cost considerations: Cost oriented pricing is used to fix the price of the product which is enough to cover all expenses and make a gross profit. A fixed percentage is multiplied to the cost of the product to get the markup price. Rate of return pricing is applied by manufacturers to achieve the desired income from sales to cover investment costs. The desired percentage rate of return can determine the cost of each product (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).

3) Nature of product: A product should be characterized well to determine its upsides and downsides. Three basic factors which are studied as product characteristics are perishability, distinctiveness and stage in product life cycle. Perishable products have to be placed at prices which offer low profit margins or at the cost prices. Such products can be sold to consumers at high prices (greater profits) during the hours/days when it is new/fresh. Distinct products often bring about the feeling of uniqueness. This uniqueness can be used to sell products at a very high price (high profits). The pricing of the product also depends on the current stage of product on its life cycle. Prices are high during its introduction and growth stages. Prices are not changed in maturation stage. Heavy discounts can be provided to products entering decline phases. Some manufacturers may also ulitize penetration strategy. In penetration strategy, the manufacturer keeps a very low price to enter the market and capture large market shares when the demand was low. Skimming policy is used when the product is pricing very high to earn maximum profits in less time.

I believe that farm produce such as fresh vegetables and fruits can be charged at high prices. High prices in food products indicate product qualty and longevity. Thus consumers would not mind paying increased prices at increased demands for such products. At or before the perishability of the farm produce, the product costs would be the lowest alongwith low demands.

(S) nlingare:


Please use the textbook for your reference
Peter, J. P., & Donnelly, J. H. (2019). A preface to marketing management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. 
What are demand influences on pricing decisions?
Demand influences on pricing decisions means how the market behaves and reacts on a particular price of a product or when the price is changed (Peter & Donnelly, 2019). The authors (Peter & Donnelly, 2019) discuss about the three demand influences on pricing decisions which are, psychological factors, demographical factors and price elasticity.
1) Psychological factors: About how will the consumers react to the price of the product. The consumer may use price as an indicator of product quality (Peter & Donnelly, 2019). Some consumers may perceive the price to be too high (undeserving of the product). Some consumers may be lured by odd pricing. These psychological factors play an important role in pricing decisions.
2) Demographic factors: The demographics of the target market are identified. Economic conditions of consumers, number of potential consumers, frequency of buying etc. These factors can be used to extrapolate sales at various pricing strategies (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).
3) Price Elasticity: It is the measure of consumer’s price sensitivity. Greater sensitivity of price increases the price elasticity of that product. It is calculated by dividing relative changes in quantity sold by relative change in price (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).
What are supply influences on pricing decisions?
Supply influences on pricing decisions relate to three factors, pricing objectives, cost of the product and nature of the product.
1) Pricing Objectives: These objectives are made from the overall corporate marketing objectives. Some organizations aim to achieve a target return on investment, while some may keep competitive pricing to achieve greater target market share. Thus pricing is determined as per the objectives set by the organization (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).
2) Cost considerations: Cost oriented pricing is used to fix the price of the product which is enough to cover all expenses and make a gross profit. A fixed percentage is multiplied to the cost of the product to get the markup price. Rate of return pricing is applied by manufacturers to achieve the desired income from sales to cover investment costs. The desired percentage rate of return can determine the cost of each product (Peter & Donnelly, 2019).
3) Nature of product: A product should be characterized well to determine its upsides and downsides. Three basic factors which are studied as product characteristics are perishability, distinctiveness and stage in product life cycle. Perishable products have to be placed at prices which offer low profit margins or at the cost prices. Such products can be sold to consumers at high prices (greater profits) during the hours/days when it is new/fresh. Distinct products often bring about the feeling of uniqueness. This uniqueness can be used to sell products at a very high price (high profits). The pricing of the product also depends on the current stage of product on its life cycle. Prices are high during its introduction and growth stages. Prices are not changed in maturation stage. Heavy discounts can be provided to products entering decline phases. Some manufacturers may also ulitize penetration strategy. In penetration strategy, the manufacturer keeps a very low price to enter the market and capture large market shares when the demand was low. Skimming policy is used when the product is pricing very high to earn maximum profits in less time.
I believe that farm produce such as fresh vegetables and fruits can be charged at high prices. High prices in food products indicate product qualty and longevity. Thus consumers would not mind paying increased prices at increased demands for such products. At or before the perishability of the farm produce, the product costs would be the lowest alongwith low demands. 

solved instruction:esearch a current event that demonstrates a leader who is

instruction:esearch a current event that demonstrates a leader who is envisioning the future. You can use the Internet, electronic news agencies, print newspapers, books, or journals for your research, but the current event should be fewer than three (3) years old. In your post, address the following:A summary of the event – at least one (1) paragraph.Describe how the leader demonstrated “envisioning the future”Summarize how this could apply to your current work situation.With regard to your personal experience:What is the vision statement of your company?Do you believe the company is truly directed by this? Explain.How do visions manifest in different areas of the company (e.g., actions, processes, and so forth)?The reference of the article in correct APA 7th edition format1Dear Faizan,I would like to throw light on some instances about Mark Zuckerberg.In 2010, Facebook boss and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg began the year by announcing that privacy was no longer the “social norm”. The interpretation was that privacy was dead so get over it. The protection of privacy and personal data has been treated as an afterthought in the development of social media. It has been low on the priority list of tech whizz kids and internet entrepreneurs.But privacy goes beyond a “social norm”. It is an universal, fundamental and legal right. It is laid down firmly in national and international law, in international and European instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. Although social norms may change, human rights remain in force. We can’t rid ourselves of a human right in order to create space for modern technology.Fundamental rights are inalienable. Civil rights and freedoms are not negotiable. Rights are universal, temporary or for a select group of people. The internet age does not make fundamental rights redundant, we merely have to find new ways of applying them in practice. The right to privacy and protection of personal data is central to the exercise of other fundamental rights. The law doesn’t protect data, it protects people.Interestingly, Zuckerberg is now announcing the need for privacy to take centre stage and is assuming a veneer of accountability without any substance. He is placing the ball firmly in the hands of governments and his main message during his visit to Dublin earlier this year was that governments need to be proactive in privacy matters.So why is the Facebook CEO so intent on putting the genie back into the bottle? Has he come to the realisation that his creation is out of control and untamed – or is the newly found privacy concern a smokescreen for something else?There can be little doubt that Facebook’s monopoly over millions of people’s personal data and the flow of online news and information poses a threat to democracy. Facebook’s management has repeatedly shown that it cannot be trusted to behave responsibly. Despite promises to the contrary (on the acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram), Facebook has amalgamated these products with Facebook.Appearing before the European Parliament in May, Zuckerberg was asked if he had lost control of his company, a question he has refused to answer. Despite his appearances before both the US Congress and the European Parliament to face questions about Facebook’s business practices, questions remain unanswered. There is a lack of clarity as to the extent of Facebook’s knowledge in matters pertaining to the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the extent to which foreign interference (via Facebook) contributed to the election of Donald Trump in the US and to the outcome of the Brexit referendum.Failures by MarkNot only did Facebook allow third-party companies to gather millions of user’s private data (through apps on the social network), it didn’t come clean about the extent of damage or staying ahead of the problem, always reacting to one setback from another as they trickled down throughout the year.And what about the lies? Mark Zuckerberg was forced to apologize publicly to save face, said the Cambridge Analytica scandal was from the past, that Facebook had fixed that loophole to protect user’s privacy. “We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you,” Zuckerberg said in an interview. His comments, which I have seen, came as Facebook’s stock was trading this Wednesday (March 20) on Nasdaq at 1.11pm in New York at $163.27 – up $1.70 (1.05%), implying a market capitalization of $466.03 billion. This puts it 25.3% ($55.35) lower than its 52-week high of $218.62 reached on July 25 2018, but $40.35 (24.7%) higher than its 52-week low of $123.02 witnessed on December 21 last year.2Barack ObamaThe first black President throughout the entire existence of the United States of America, Barack Obama was a very well known and an empathetic pioneer. He was regarded all around the world and his feeling of mankind and empathy wiped the slate clean to be kept up with by and large. Obama urged his staff to be open and ideate with no limits. His empathy and feeling of comprehension towards his representatives made him receptive and hence expanded the effectiveness of his whole organization generally. Barack Obama has shown throughout the span of his two terms as president various administration styles, he has demonstrated that he is a definitive transformational and charming leader. A critical component of all transformational styles is power and a leader source of power. To completely see how force works between a leader and a followership.What makes his administration so one of a kind is that, he not just needed to manage 2 conflicts, a downturn near the precarious edge of a downturn. There was additionally an inside battle from the Republicans, and much falsehood, and propaganda from the conservative media, and other traditional legislators.The aftereffects of what he achieved that no one might at any point take from him, including some that obliterates every one of the achievements of Obama, is he drove the race into killing Osama Bin Laden, however numerous other high positioning psychological militants. Finished 2 conflicts, and got the economy in the groove again. However much some like to assume acknowledgment for the roaring economy, if not for Obama we would have remained in the downturn any longer, as did the other world economies. Barack Obama made individuals all around the world realize that their voices and their predicaments made a difference. Barack Obama has been the most appreciated man on the planet for more than eight years running.Reference:…De Zutter, Hank (December 8, 1995). “What Makes Obama Run?”. Chicago Reader. Retrieved April 25, 2015.33 I do not have a full portfolio but I do have some parts of it. For the first step of building my professional portfolio is to gather what I have now together and to see what I still need to complete my portfolio. By looking at the course materials of how to create a professional portfolio, the parts of the portfolio I have now is my resume and some samples of my work. Two components that I think I need time and patient to work on are the letters of recommendation and professional qualifications. These two items are definitely need many time and work to build up the final result. First of all, there need to be many conversation making and relationship building to receive a recommendation letter. The way I am going to do this is to get more connection with people around me and let them to know more about my personality and woking style. Secondly, beside my college transcripts and my diploma, I can learn more and get some licenses or certificates in my free time to complete myself. I am going to plan out the things that I still need first and I will go from there.4Hi Professor.Hope you are at the best of your health and fitness!The components, I am currently working on to improve my professional portfolio are as follows:1. Networking and communication:I have actively been working on building my professional network and communication with superiors in Information technology and project management, because I feel that can help me shape up my MBA Learning along with my CPT internship. By having a conversation with people having similar background and meeting them outside for a little snacks or coffee, this way, I am not only increasing my communication skills and making new friends but also one can gain insight knowledge and journey of the other person which can help me in taking the necessary steps in my professional journey.2. Reading for knowledge and intelligence:Reading is something which I have always liked and enjoyed, I believe it is one of the best hobby one can possess, however now days basis my MBA ITM program, I have started reading professional books with regards to personal growth, communication skills and currently I am reading “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg. The reason I mentioned reading as a component I am and want to work on it, whenever I talk to any person and usually it always starts with little brief introduction about yourself and career and so on and so forth but in most cases whenever the topic reading coming out, it acts like a ice breaker and the communication and the talks just take new comfort level and then it becomes as if I have known that person since long and just catching up with him. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves I just finished and can highly recommend reading it.3. Skill set enhancement:I am currently also searching out certification program in the US which can be aligned with my MBA in information technology and project management, for example I was looking into certification in software product development, agile & scrum master certification, Project management professional (PMP). So, before my MBA ITM is completed, I am already having the necessary certification of my enhanced skill set which can help me land a better opportunity given my recent knowledge learning and MBA in the field and can enhance my professional portfolio.Reference:Here Are 6 Helpful Tips on How You Can Build a Professional Portfolio. (2019). The Balance Careers.…

solved Question:Â For this discussion board answer the following two questions:

For this discussion board answer the following two questions:

Organizational culture can be an instructive but also an elusive concept. Think about an organization you know well: perhaps a university environment, or even this course as an organization. How would you describe its culture to an outsider? Compare that organization with another: how do the two differ on such dimensions as physical space, language use, and underlying assumptions and values? Which culture type best describes these organizations.
Do you think that organizational culture can be changed? Why or why not?

To receive credit for the discussion board, you must meet the following criteria: 

“Provide a robust (equivalent to at least one double spaced page) answer in essay format.  ”
Your answer should be posted by Wednesday at 11:59pm (CT).
You must respond to, at least, two (2) other students in class in their discussion boards as well as any questions and comments from the professor or other students.
Run the Organizational Design Simulation: Evolving Structures included in the coursepack (there are a total of three rounds if you don’t get fired!).  Review your results for each round and answer the following questions: 

Do you feel you were successful?  Why or why not?
Which of your results most surprised you?
Did you see a specific connection between your structural decisions and the KPIs?


The first organization I will use is the Base Honor Guard team I was a part of several years ago. It had a very rich culture and legacy since the team’s entire purpose was to honor the fallen and represent the service. This culture relied heavily on tradition, symbols, rituals and routines, and stories. Every morning the team would sit together for breakfast and either ready from our instruction manual on how to perform certain details, or tell stories from previous details that served as a bonding and teaching moment. We practiced together, performing the same motions over and over until we had them committed to muscle memory. Symbolism is huge in an honor guard team, the most prominent being the U.S flag. Everyone took special care to handle it with pride and there were certain rules we followed in regarding to carrying, displaying, and folding it. The power structure within the group was not a rigid top-down structure. The team valued skill and experience for their leaders, rather than rank or position. Those that were best equipped to lead the funeral or color service would be the detail leads, whether they outranked other members.

I am now a part of a completely different team and career field, and while both organizations fell under the umbrella organization of the military, they are very different. My current job is Air Traffic Control and while the team concept is strong and we rely on each other, the rich history and legacy that was found in Honor Guard is missing here. Most controllers have type-a personalities, are very competitive, and tend to lean towards the arrogant side. We don’t like to be wrong, especially when being wrong could mean the different between a disaster or a safe recovery for airplanes. Most of our “traditions” included hazing and belittling of those that were in training, so they have begun to disappear with the new push for politically correct culture and respecting each other. Our only other major tradition is to wait to pin on our occupational badge (which other career fields get to wear upon completion of their technical training) until we have earned a full facility rating at whatever base we are at and are no longer considered to be in training. The badge ceremony typically involves the metal badge being pinned to our chest and other controllers taking turns “tacking” it on. In other words, punching it into your chest.
On a surface level the two differ in terms of work environment, symbolism, and purpose. The espoused values are also different, while one organization is concerned with preserving a legacy and honoring those that have served, the other is concerned with the safe and efficient controlling of airplanes. Lastly, the basic assumptions and beliefs between the two environments cultures are different. Honor Guard focuses on the team mentality and is only as strong as its weakest member, while Controllers tend to try and one up each other and be the “strongest” controller. I believe clan culture would best describe Honor Guard, while hierarchy culture would best describe Air Traffic.

I do believe organizational culture can be changes, and I have witnessed it change with new leaders and new requirements. The military is constantly evolving and is influenced heavily by politics and what is most correct at the time. Things that were acceptable in the past and considered part of the experience, such as the hazing and mistreatment of trainees, are no longer acceptable and can land the culprit in serious trouble if they are caught behaving this way. Because of this, the step from trainee to rated controller isn’t quite as prestigious as it used to be, because it is no longer an escape from the mistreatment.

Here is the second one.
A few years ago, I worked for a State Personnel agency that assists agencies with quality employee training and professional development. Classes in trust, clarification of purpose, and superior customer service are used to develop talent. Within workforce development, vision and values are an essential part of the day-to-day operation. However, the shared purpose of providing quality professional development for an employee for the State is the constant theme throughout the division. When I came into the organization as Director of Administrative Support Programs, one of the first things I noticed, was the organization’s culture. Employees had “servant” attitudes. Therefore, each employee is willing the go the extra mile to serve the participants. This “servant” attitude began with our Director of Workforce Development. She is always supportive and wants us to go the extra mile to supply a quality training experience. Her vision is clearly stated to provide quality training on the cuff of industry-standard, and her values and vision are an intricate part of the department. Therefore, it was an intricate part of our culture.
A few years ago, I worked for a technical college that believed in money first and the customer last. And because of this culture, I constantly conflicted with upper management about the direction of our company. I felt that I could do my job effectively and put the customer first. At first, I became discouraged by the lack of effort by others to do the right thing. I was often told that in the “business world,” I shouldn’t be naïve. Our company was in the business to make money, and if we had to distort the truth occasionally, it was OK. My manager would say, “business is business.” I felt defeated. However, I started to look at my situation differently. I could move along with the crowd, do my job and keep my head down, or I could take a stand by my actions. It was a challenging decision. I didn’t want to lose my job, but I could no longer remain silent and do nothing. So from that day forward, I became a shadow leader. I tried to make a difference no matter my position in the company. When unethical issues arose, I disagreed with them and said, “no.” Nevertheless, the outcome at first was not in my favor. I began to receive opposition from management, and I later resigned. Overall, the culture of this organization was fear, dishonesty, and intimidation.
The two organizations I have discussed had two entirely different cultures. One organization had a culture of fear, dishonesty, and intimidation which led to abuses or situations where employees were not comfortable. However, the other organization had a culture that made employees feel safe and welcome, never excluded or uncomfortable.
2.) Do you think that organizational culture can be changed? Why or why not?
A cold and unattached organizational culture makes it challenging to hire and welcome employees different from the dominant culture. This could be a significant disadvantage to the organization if the newcomer withdraws or quits; they could be a wonderful asset to the company. However, with time, commitment, planning, and proper execution, an organization can change its culture to support key business goals and needed outcomes (etc., happy employees, satisfied customers, significant profits). “Communication, employee involvement, and a willingness to learn and adapt are keys to keeping organizational change on track.” (Susan M. Heathfield, 2020)
I found this simulation to be challenging but very eye opening in how one decision can have a domino effect on the entire company. I played through the simulation a few times to get a better understanding of the impacts my decisions made, and I made it to round 3 a few times, as well as got fired a few times.

I felt I was moderately successful in the rounds that I did not get fired, however my end result was still that I was in a functional structure and not a divisional structure. The company maintained its profitability and it moderately increased its relationships with stakeholders, however employee satisfaction began to decline.
I was surprised during rounds where I tried to split departments which caused confusion and a decrease in performance, but then when I tried to keep things the same my results said that the company was growing too fast to remain the same. It seemed that I wasn’t making the right decisions at the right time, which had a big impact of the overall company.
I did notice specific connections between my structural decisions and my KPI’s. While I was hoping to increase collaboration and employee satisfaction with my decisions, the choices I made regarding span of control and training seemed to negatively affect their overall job satisfaction. But it did positively affect the percentage of goals reached and bottom line.

I am curious to see the solutions guide and everyone’s results, I am curious how turning into a divisional structure will impact employee satisfaction, which I’ll admit was a main concern of mine. In hindsight I may have needed to focus more in other areas rather than just making sure they were happy.

solved Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are

Create a 1-2-page resource that will describe databases that are
relevant to EBP around a diagnosis you chose and could be used to help a
new hire nurse better engage in EBP. ksljwqjwxqjx undefinedEvidence-based practice (EBP) integrates the best evidence available
to guide optimal nursing care, with a goal to enhance safety and
quality. EBP is crucial to nursing practice because it incorporates the
best evidence from current literature, along with the expertise of the
practicing nurse. The concern for quality care that flows from EBP
generates a desired outcome. Without these factors, a nurse cannot be an
effective leader. It is important to lead not only from this position
but from knowledge and expertise. To gain the knowledge, you require a
good understanding of how to search for scholarly resources, as well as
identify which databases and websites are credible for the purposes of
implementing evidence-based changes in practice.undefinedDemonstration of ProficiencyundefinedBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate
your proficiency in the course competencies through the following
assessment scoring guide criteria: undefinedCompetency 1: Interpret findings from scholarly quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research articles and studies.
Explain why the sources selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis. Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.
Describe the best places to complete research and what types of
resources one would want to access to find pertinent information for the
diagnosis within the context of a specific health care setting. Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.
Identify five sources of online information (medical journal
databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be
used to locate evidence for a clinical diagnosis. Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.
Describe communication strategies to encourage nurses to
research the diagnosis, as well as strategies to collaborate with the
nurses to access resources.Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style. undefinedProfessional ContextundefinedAs a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for
providing patient-centered, competent care based on current
evidence-based best practices. You will be required to do research,
analysis, and dissemination of best evidence to stay abreast of these
best practices. Understanding where to go to find credible sources and
locate evidence, as well as which search terms to use, is the foundation
of incorporation of best practices.undefinedScenarioundefinedYou are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical
floor of a local teaching hospital. This hospital is nationally
recognized as a leader in education and has a computer lab with an
online library where staff has access to medical research databases
(that is, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library) and online
sources of all hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines, and
computers at nurse workstations that also have access to these
resources. (For this scenario, use the Capella University Library to
simulate the hospital’s online library.) You have given the nurses their
patient assignments and you have all participated in shift report. A
new nurse who just completed orientation and training a week ago
approaches you and tells you that one of the assigned patients has a
diagnosis he or she is very unfamiliar with. Knowing that
patient-centered care based on best practices is imperative to positive
patient outcomes, you want to assist this nurse to find research that
can be utilized to provide the best care for this patient. Describe how
you would communicate with this nurse to encourage him or her to
research the diagnosis. Assume you will assist in the quest to locate
evidence, then describe where you would go within the facility and what
resources you would look for. These resources may include websites,
journals, facility policies or guidelines, or any other sources of
online information.undefinedYou may choose the diagnosis for the patient in this
scenario. Choose something you would find interesting to research or
that applies to a clinical problem you would be interested in
addressing. Create a list of at least five sources that could be used to
find evidence, with the best source listed first, and explain why the
sources you chose are best to find evidence for the diagnosis you chose
and the clinical scenario. You are only evaluating the sources of
evidence (database, website, policy database or website, et cetera). You
are not actually completing a search and selecting
evidence. Consider the following examples: a nursing journal in CINAHL
may not be the best source of evidence for information on how to
administer medications through a central-venous catheter, whereas a
hospital policy database found on a website may not be the best source
of information on caring for a patient with a rare chromosomal
abnormality.undefinedPreparationundefinedTo help ensure you are prepared to complete this assessment, review
the following resources related to the Capella library. These resources
will provide you an overview of the types of tools, resources, and
guides available in the library. This may be useful in forming a better
understanding of the library to apply to the hypothetical situation laid
out in the scenario of this assessment.undefinedBSN Program Library Research Guide.Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences.Databases A-Z: Nursing & Health Sciences.Get Critical Search Skills.undefinedRemember, it is also appropriate to look toward databases and
resources outside of the Capella library, such as organizational
policies, professional organizations, and government health care
resources.undefinedYou are encouraged to complete the Evaluating the Credibility of
Evidence activity. This activity offers an opportunity to practice
evaluating the credibility of evidence. These skills will be necessary
to complete Assessment 1 successfully and is for your own practice and
self-assessment. Completing this activity is also a way to demonstrate
course engagement.undefinedInstructionsundefinedThe purpose of this assessment is to understand where to find
evidence that can be applied to clinical scenarios and to learn
effective communication and collaboration with clinical staff during the
process of evidence location. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you
will not only use research for self-improvement in your clinical role,
but you will also serve as a mentor to supervised nursing
staff. Therefore, you will need to be able to communicate and
collaborate effectively to guide them toward resources to find research,
as well as support them through the initial evidence location
process. In doing so, nurses can gain access to evidence that can be
analyzed and utilized to stay current on best practices. This allows
them to provide safe, patient-centered care and improve patient
outcomes.undefinedFor this assessment:undefinedDescribe your role as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse supervising
clinical staff nurses with regard to communication and collaboration in
locating evidence for application to a nursing practice scenario.Compile a list of five online databases or other online sources
(that is, websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, et
cetera) that can be used to research evidence to apply to this scenario
and describe to which of these you would direct a nurse colleague to
search for evidence.Describe where you might go in the clinical setting to complete
this research and how you would access the desired, relevant research
within research databases or other online sources.undefinedBe sure to address the following in this assessment, which
correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study
the scoring guide carefully so that you will know what is needed for a
distinguished score.undefinedDescribe communication strategies to encourage nurses to research
the diagnosis, as well as strategies to collaborate with the nurses to
access resources.Describe the best places to complete research and what types of
resources you would want to access to find pertinent information for the
diagnosis within the context of a specific health care setting.Identify five sources of online information (medical journal
databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be
used to locate evidence for a clinical diagnosis.Explain why the sources of online information selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis.Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.undefinedNote: While you are not selecting and evaluating
specific evidence to help with the clinical diagnosis, you should still
be citing the literature and best practices to support your description
of your communication and collaboration approach. Additionally, it is
appropriate to cite best practices related to EBP and evaluating
databases to support your explanation as to why you selected the five
sources of online information that you did.undefinedExample Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:undefinedAssessment 1 Example [PDF].undefinedSubmission RequirementsundefinedYour assessment should meet the following requirements:undefinedLength of submission: 1–2 pages (not including
the reference page) description of communication, collaboration, and
evidence location process, including a list of databases or other
sources with description of why they are appropriate for clinical
scenario diagnosis (that is, something that would be useable in
professional practice for other nurses). Be sure to include an
APA-formatted reference page at the end of your submission.Number of references: Cite a
minimum of three sources of scholarly or professional evidence that
supports your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more
than five years old.APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style.

solved in a 5-7 page written assessment, define the patient, family,

in a 5-7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective. Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours meeting with a patient, family, or group of your choice to explore the problem and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.
Nurses in all professional roles work to effect positive patient outcomes and improve organizational processes. Professional nurses are leaders in problem identification, planning, and strategy implementation—skills that directly affect patient care or organizational effectiveness.
Too often, change agents jump to a conclusion that an intervention will promote the envisioned improvement. Instead, the ideal approach is to determine which interventions are appropriate, based on an assessment and review of credible evidence. Interventions could be patient-facing or involve a change in policy and process. In this assessment, you’ll identify and make the case for your practicum focus area, then explore it in depth from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective.
This assessment lays the foundation for the work that will carry you through your capstone experience and guide the practicum hours needed to complete the work in this course. In addition, it will enable you to do the following:

Develop a problem statement for a patient, family, or population that’s relevant to your practice.
Begin building a body of evidence that will inform your approach to your practicum.
Focus on the influence of leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy on the problem.

In this assessment, you’ll assess the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Plan to spend approximately 2 hours working with a patient, family, or group of your choice to explore the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective. During this time, you may also choose to consult with subject matter and industry experts about the problem (for example, directors of quality or patient safety, nurse managers/directors, physicians, and epidemiologists).
To prepare for the assessment, complete the following:

Identify the patient, family, or group you want to work with during your practicum The patient you select can be a friend or a family member. You’ll work with this patient, family, or group throughout your capstone project, focusing on a specific health care problem.
Begin surveying the scholarly and professional literature to establish your evidence and research base, inform your assessment, and meet scholarly expectations for supporting evidence.

In addition, you may wish to complete the following:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you’ll be asked to complete and how it will be assessed.
Review the Practicum Focus Sheet: Assessment 1 [PDF], which provides guidance for conducting this portion of your practicum.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft assessment to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.
Complete this assessment in two parts.
Part 1
Define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective and establish your evidence and research base to plan, implement, and share findings related to your project.
Part 2
Connect with the patient, family, or group you’ll work with during your practicum. During this portion of your practicum, plan to spend at least 2 hours meeting with the patient, family, or group and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. The hours you spend meeting with them should take place outside of regular work hours. Use the Practicum Focus Sheet [PDF] provided for this assessment to guide your work and interpersonal interactions. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.
The assessment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

Define a patient, family, or population health problem that’s relevant to your practice.

Summarize the problem you’ll explore.
Identify the patient, family, or group you intend to work with during your practicum.
Provide context, data, or information that substantiates the presence of the problem and its significance and relevance to the patient, family, or population.
Explain why this problem is relevant to your practice as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse.

Analyze evidence from peer-reviewed literature and professional sources that describes and guides nursing actions related to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined.

Note whether the authors provide supporting evidence from the literature that’s consistent with what you see in your nursing practice.
Explain how you would know if the data are unreliable.
Describe what the literature says about barriers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in addressing the problem you’ve defined.
Describe research that has tested the effectiveness of nursing standards and/or policies in improving patient, family, or population outcomes for this problem.
Describe current literature on the role of nurses in policy making to improve outcomes, prevent illness, and reduce hospital readmissions.
Describe what the literature says about a nursing theory or conceptual framework that might frame and guide your actions during your clinical practicum.

Explain how state board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies could affect the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined.

Describe research that has tested the effectiveness of these standards and/or policies in improving patient, family, or population outcomes for this problem.
Describe current literature on the role of nurses in policy making to improve outcomes, prevent illness, and reduce hospital readmissions.
Describe the effects of local, state, and federal policies or legislation on your nursing scope of practice, within the context of this problem.

Propose leadership strategies to improve outcomes, patient-centered care, and the patient experience related to the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined.

Discuss research on the effectiveness of leadership strategies.
Define the role that you anticipate leadership must play in addressing the problem.
Describe collaboration and communication strategies that you anticipate will be needed to address the problem.
Describe the change management strategies that you anticipate will be required to address the problem.
Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Additional Requirements
For this multipart project, the friend/patient that will be the focus of my capstone project is Alfredo, a close friend that has lived with type 1 diabetes since he was a child. So the overall topic/focus of the project would be geared towards diabetes management/control.

Format: Format your paper using APA style. Use the APA Style Paper Template. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided to help you in writing and formatting your paper. Be sure to include:

A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.
A running head on all pages.
Appropriate section headings.

Length: Your paper should be approximately 5–7 pages in length, not including the reference page.
Supporting evidence: Cite at least five sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than five years old. Provide in-text citations and references in APA format.
Proofreading: Proofread your paper, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on its substance.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Lead people and processes to improve patient, systems, and population outcomes.

Define a patient, family, or population health problem that’s relevant to personal and professional practice.

Competency 2: Make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence.

Analyze evidence from peer-reviewed literature and professional sources that describes and guides nursing actions related to a defined patient, family, or population problem.

Competency 5: Analyze the impact of health policy on quality and cost of care.

Explain how state board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies could affect a defined patient, family, or population problem.

Competency 7: Implement patient-centered care to improve quality of care and the patient experience.

Propose leadership strategies to improve outcomes, patient-centered care, and the patient experience related to a defined patient, family, or population problem and document the practicum hours spent with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.

solved Course Project: Corporate Consolidation ProjectOverviewThis Group Course Project is the

Course Project: Corporate Consolidation ProjectOverviewThis Group Course Project is the Signature Assignment of the ACCT559 Course and is compatible with the DeVryTech path by requiring that:Students use different technologies to present key deliverables related to the Group Course Project on consolidations and it related financial statements,Students use collaboration tools to coordinate their work as a team in solving the course project, andStudents use online research methods to capture data relevant to the course project.ObjectiveThe objective of the Corporate Consolidation Project is to provide students with an in-depth, hands-on experience examining a real-world scenario. Students will address the following primary areas.Using actual financial results for the recently completed year and a set of assumptions, forecast proposed parent company financial results for the upcoming year assuming the acquisition is not attempted.Develop a set of revised, forecasted, separate financial statements for the parent company that reflect the proposed acquisition.Prepare a pro forma consolidation worksheet for the parent company and its proposed subsidiary.Perform ratio analysis based on (a) the separate financial statements and (b) the consolidated financial statements.Articulate findings, conclusions, and a recommendation in a memorandum to the chairperson of the parent company’s acquisition committee.GuidelinesThe Course Project is to be done by each student. The project is to solve a Case Study, which is listed below.There are three topics in each letter group that correspond to the three required milestones.Milestone 1: Requirement 1 – Due Week 3 (50 points)Milestone 2: Requirements 2 and 3 – Due Week 5 (100 points)Milestone 3: Requirements 4 and 5 – Due Week 6 (50 points)Each group will choose a leader to be responsible for submitting the Groups’ document(s). Members of each group use collaboration software (BBB as well as other collaboration tools like discussion boards/Google docs) to coordinate the group’s activities to complete each milestone due in Weeks 3, 5 and 6.Each member of a group should participate in the collaboration tool as selected by the group and contribute to the discussion at least six times for each milestone. Please see the grading rubric.Please submit the solution to each milestone of the course project in the assignment section of the respective week. You should create a multimedia piece (such as a narrated power point slides with at least a 2-3 minute narration summarizing your work) for your group’s solution to each milestone of the Course project Do not make it available to the class.Only one team submission is to be made; each person does not submit his or her own solution to milestones.undefinedAny communication that occurs outside collaboration tool or private discussion area on the group’s home page will not be visible to me; thus, it will not earn you points towards the individual participation component of each milestone’s grade.Although this is a group project, it is required that each team member play a meaningful role in completing each milestone. You should review the grading rubric found at the bottom of the page because it will be used to grade each submission and individual participation component of each milestone. Each team member will receive a separate grade dependent on both the submission and his or her participation. Note also that participation in the team topic does not count toward your required weekly discussion log-ins and posts, but it will count toward your individual team grade.Once you have been assigned to a group, go to the e-mail tool, and note the group number or name in the address box. If you click on the group, then Add, you will see the names of your group members in the box. Go ahead and send an e-mail to say hello to your teammates, and tell them a bit about yourself.Teams are to begin working on Milestone 1 using your team topic. Also, please let me know if you have not heard from a member of your group early in the course.Good luck and enjoy!ScenarioParent Inc. is contemplating a tender offer to acquire 80% of Subsidiary Corporation’s common stock. Subsidiary’s shares are currently quoted on the New York Stock Exchange at $85 per share. In order to have a reasonable chance of the tender offer attracting 80% of Subsidiary’s stock, Parent believes it will have to offer at least $105 per share. If the tender offer is made and is successful, the purchase will be consummated on January 1, 20X1.A typical part of the planning of a proposed business combination is the preparation of projected or pro forma consolidated financial statements. As a member of Parent’s accounting group, you have been asked to prepare the pro forma 20X1 consolidated financial statements for Parent and Subsidiary assuming that 80% of Subsidiary’s stock is acquired at a price of $105 per share. To support your computations, Martha Franklin, the chairperson of Parent’s acquisitions committee, has provided you with the projected 20X1 financial statements for Subsidiary. (The projected financial statements for Subsidiary and several other companies were prepared earlier for the acquisition committee’s use in targeting a company for acquisition.) The projected financial statements for Subsidiary for 20X1 and Parent’s actual 20X0 financial statements are presented in Table 1.AssumptionsFranklin has asked you to use the assumptions below to project Parent’s 20X1 financial statements:Sales will increase by 10% in 20X1.All sales will be on account.Accounts receivable will be 5% lower on December 31, 20X1, than on December 31, 20X0.Cost of goods sold will increase by 9% in 20X1.All purchases of merchandise will be on account.Accounts payable is expected to be $50,500 on December 31, 20X1.Inventory will be 3% higher on December 31, 20X1 than on December 31, 20X0.Straight-line depreciation is used for all fixed assets.No fixed assets will be disposed of during 20X1. The annual depreciation on existing assets is $40,000 per year.Equipment will be purchased on January 1, 20X1, for $48,000 cash. The equipment will have an estimated life of 10 years, with no salvage value.Operating expenses, other than depreciation, will increase by 14% in 20X1.All operating expenses, other than depreciation, will be paid in cash.Parent’s income tax rate is 40%, and taxes are paid in cash in four equal payments. Payments will be made on the 15th of April, June, September, and December. For simplicity, assume taxable income equals financial reporting income before taxes.Parent will continue the $2.50 per share annual cash dividend on its common stock.If the tender offer is successful, Parent will finance the acquisition by issuing $170,000 of 6% nonconvertible bonds at par on January 1, 20X1. The bonds would first pay interest on July 1, 20X1 and would pay interest semi annually thereafter each January 1 and July 1 until maturity on January 1, 20Y1.(Note: This is a 10-year bond)This business combination will be recorded using acquisition method and Parent will account for the investment using the equity method. Although most of the legal work related to the acquisition will be handled by Parent’s staff attorney, direct costs to prepare and process the tender offer will total $2,000 and will be paid in cash by Parent in 20X1.As of January 1, 20X1, all of Subsidiary’s assets and liabilities are fairly valued except for machinery with a book value of $8,000, an estimated fair value of $9,500, and a 5-year remaining useful life. Assume that straight line depreciation is used to amortize any revaluation increment.No transactions between these companies occurred prior to 20X1. Regardless of whether they combine, Parent plans to buy $50,000 of merchandise from Subsidiary in 20X1 and will have $3,600 of these purchases remaining in inventory on December 31, 20X1. In addition, Subsidiary is expected to buy $2,400 of merchandise from Parent in 20X1 and to have $495 of these purchases in inventory on December 31, 20X1. Parent and Subsidiary price their products to yield a 65% and 80% markup on cost, respectively.Parent intends to use three financial yardsticks to determine the financial attractiveness of the combination. First, Parent wishes to acquire Subsidiary Corporation only if 20X1 consolidated earnings per share will be at least as high as the earnings per share Parent would report if no combination takes place. Second, Parent will consider the proposed combination unattractive if it will cause the consolidated current ratio to fall below two to one. Third, return on average stockholders’ equity must remain above 20% for the combined entity.If the financial yardsticks described above and the nonfinancial aspects of the combination are appealing, then the tender offer will be made. On the other hand, if these objectives are not met, the acquisition will either be restructured or abandoned.Table 1Parent Inc. Actual Financial Statements for 2020 and Subsidiary Corporation Projected Financial Statements for 2021 Parent 20X0 Actual Subsidiary 20X1 Projected Sales $800,000 $100,000 Cost of goods sold (485,000) (55,000) Operating expenses (219,000) (10,000) Income before taxes 96,000 35,000 Income tax expense (38,400) (14,000) Net income 57,600 21,000 Retained earnings, January 1 23,000 14,500 Add: net income 57,600 21,000 Less: dividends (38,000) (7,000) Retained earnings, December 31 42,600 28,500 Cash 36,200 19,500 Accounts receivable 39,000 13,000 Inventory 26,000 12,000 Property, plant, and equipment 673,000 213,000 Accumulated depreciation (490,000) (28,000) Total assets 284,200 229,500 Parent 20X0 Actual Subsidiary 20X1 Projected Accounts payable 44,600 21,000 Common stock * 190,000 150,000 Paid-in capital in excess of par 7,000 30,000 Retained earnings 42,600 28,500 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity 284,200 229,500 * Parent: $12.50 par; Subsidiary: $75 par undefinedParent Inc. Actual Financial Statements for 2020 and Subsidiary Corporation Projected Financial Statements for 2021

solved  , read the researsh and Start from (H2; customer

 , read the researsh and Start from (H2; customer satisfaction..)Introduction 
Brand loyalty plays a significant part in the behavior of a customer (Nam, Ekinci, and Whyatt, 2011). Added to this, Keller (2009) analyzed that in an evolving, and complex marketing environment, organizations should develop, and protect brand loyalty to accomplish business liquidity. Moreover, Kassim and Asiah Abdullah, (2010) investigated apparent quality and recommended that it goes about as a significant powerful factor on customer conduct. There exists a growing collection of writing that addresses the significance of consumer loyalty. Researchers are faced with a significant challenge when dealing with changes emerging within a marketing environment. Subsequently, this paper aims at thoroughly analyzing how promotional activities influence customer satisfaction.
The main objective of this paper is to examine the impact of Dunkin’ Donuts, an American multinational coffee and doughnut enterprise paired with fast food services promotion’s activities on its existing and future Indian based consumers and customers. The company’s outlets are displayed over the Indian territory and could be found in cities like Bhopal, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Gurugram.
It is contended that a customer’s satisfaction paired with annotated quality of goods or services provided by a company provides solely 50% of expectations regarding future customer purchases (Rust, Inman, Jia, and Zahorik, 1999).
Considering the findings mentioned above, this paper starts with a review of significant writing regarding promotional activities and customer behavior within the sphere of Dunkin’ Donuts in India. Subsequently, the paper presents the research methodology notably sample size, data analysis, and survey design. The third part of the paper will provide a more detailed analysis of the results. That is, the discoveries of this research will demonstrate how Dunkin’ Donuts’ promotional activities impact their clients’ post-purchase insight. In addition, the results will show how these promotional activities will affect both consumers’ and customers’ subjective perspectives on supplied products. As promotional activities and customer satisfaction both play significant roles in a marketing environment, it can be argued that this paper lends support and contributes to the existing body of literature in this domain.
Literature review 
(The papers which we have used. A brief description of each.)
Mention people and books
Promotions are usually carried out for a product’s upcoming release or to get more people to buy it. However, customer satisfaction is also a factor that affects an individual’s overall satisfaction. To be successful, you need to learn how to effectively promote your products, and this is an essential skill that will help you grow and improve your business. In general, the effect of advertising is the effect on the subconscious of the audience. The same subtle effects slowly came to fruition after a while and turned the audience into the business. Then it will make a profit for you and your business. So how can you be sure to get your customers satisfied and help get them to promote your business?
Instead of just focusing on providing a useful product or service, companies should try focusing on increasing your brand awareness and sales. Doing so will help you grow and expand, as well as avoid getting no one else to know about it (Luo, and Homburg, 2007).
The promotion has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. This finding indicates that the promotion variable has a considerable influence on the satisfaction factor. Marketing messages are designed to influence consumers’ behavior and purchase decisions and through various promotional activities, companies can influence the experience before and after buying a product or a service (Jannah, Mappatompo, and Haanurat, 2019). 
Promotion has a   positive effect on customer satisfaction.

Marketing   objectives are to persuade and influence the consumers’ behavior in the   decision-making process with the help of promotional activities. 
If promotion is   increased, customer satisfaction increases as well. 

There is a   positive connection between increased cash flow, and lowered market   variability. 
Promotional   activities can influence customers’ purchase experience before and after   buying a service. 

State of problem
During 2010 the company faced some issues in some locations in India over its marketing promotions. The company faced rejection after it was initially called a breakfast menu restaurant. The company’s inability to understand the local culture and traditions led to its downfall in India. 
International marketing – understanding culture
Research objectives 
The main research objective is to study the influence of advertising and promotion on the level of consumer satisfaction using the case of the failure of Dunkin’ Donuts in the Indian market.
How promotion affects customer satisfaction
Problems in the promotion of dunkin donuts product and services
Study the market in terms of consumer preferences and competitive environment focusing on learning and understanding the local culture of the country in which the company seeks to penetrate
Collection and analysis of information about a specific marketing problem concentrating on finding the reasons for the failure of the company in some locations.
Evaluation and calculation of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign carried out by Dunkin’ Donuts
Research methodology 
In this marketing research three types of data design – exploratory, causal and descriptive – will be employed (starting with the exploratory research design).
The following research methods will be used: analysis of Internet resources and literary sources; description of data; testing; experiment; quantitative, qualitative, and statistical analysis of the results. The survey and questionnaire will be used to gain insight into the underlying needs and true motives of consumers.
While multiple factors can influence consumer satisfaction, this research will focus on determining the impact of advertising and promotion effectiveness on customer satisfaction. An advertising campaign carried out incorrectly, for instance, without understanding the culture of the country in which the company wants to penetrate, even if large funds were spent on it, may not give the desired results or even negatively affect the company’s image, which will lead to the loss of potential customers. On the contrary, the correct marketing strategy will significantly affect the success of the company at the international level, but it cannot be argued that this is an absolute guarantor of recognition. So, the dependent variable (D.V.) in this case is customer satisfaction and the independent variable (I.V.) is promotion. Examining of the variables will be conducted by using …
Types of Information and Sources
(It should be about OUR report, not about the company.) Where are our sources in the report?
In order to determine the type of sources and information, it is essential in promotional activities to use primary and secondary data. The primary data consist of qualitative and quantitative approaches to ensure high quality products and customer satisfaction. For example, surveys, interviews and more others considered beneficial sources.
On the other hand, the main reason to utilise secondary data is to change previous information or sources and have the ability to reach customer’s demand. For example, the type of information from online resources could be through customers feedback on social media such as Facebook and more other platforms. Therefore, the company could determine advantages and disadvantages of promotional activities. Both sources impact greatly on the level of attractiveness, company’s sales and how promotional activities effective to Indian market. 
(The link between variables)
Failure of the company to understand the cultural values of India.
Lack of promotional activities which are related to the Indian customer satisfaction. 
H1; promotion can affect customer satisfaction.
If promotional activities are built for brand loyalty which strongly connected to advertising, consumers will become motivated towards Dunkin products and establish long-term relationships. Once the promotional activities increased such as following questionnaires for improvement or analysis to understand Indian market, customer’s satisfaction  and the intention to purchase Dunkin products will significantly increase to become influential for long-term. Promotion tools such as providing samples to try a new product could significantly influence customer’s behavour and establish satisfaction or more interactions to reach the main product. P.82 
Failing the implementation of brand positioning in India for advertising strategies could impact understanding various segments for target market, cultural values to reach customer’s demand or satisfaction, and become challenging to become competitive or successful. For instance, several people in India would not consume sweets or donuts in breakfast. Therefore, promoting products such as sweets or donuts for breakfast could affect customer satisfaction (Forero, 2020). 
Promoting wrong messages or insufficient research of Indian preferences for advertising campaigns impact promotional activities. For instance, Indians prefer to drink tea in the morning rather than coffee. Therefore, Indians would less likely interact with advertisements that are not attractive to their preferences. P.75
Please read the research and start from here:

H2; customer satisfaction cannot be affected by promotional activities:
Data Collection 
Maybe designing a questionnaire and survays to examine the variables. (Find a questionnaire about the variables.)
Sample and design
The method which we use in our paper to research the company (exploratory, casual, descriptive) starts from exploratory. 
I.V is promotion – D.V is customer satisfaction 
Sample; randomly sample size. Chapter related to sampling technics.