solved Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length,

Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided.Bullying.Teen Pregnancy.LGBTQIA + Health.Sudden Infant Death (SID).Immunization.Tobacco use (include all: vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation.Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to community and public health with regard to health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental and public safety. They have also been instrumental in shaping public health policy. Today, community and public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues. The goal of community and public health nursing is to optimize the health of individuals and families, taking into consideration cultural, racial, ethnic groups, communities, and populations. Caring for a population involves identifying the factors that place the population’s health at risk and developing specific interventions to address those factors. The community/public health nurse uses epidemiology as a tool to customize disease prevention and health promotion strategies disseminated to a specific population. Epidemiology is the branch of medicine that investigates causes of various diseases in a specific population (CDC, 2012; Healthy People, n.d.).As an advocate and educator, the community/public health nurse is instrumental in providing individuals, groups, and aggregates with the tools that are essential for health promotion and disease prevention. There is a connection between one’s quality of life and their health literacy. Health literacy is related to the knowledge, comprehension, and understanding of one’s condition along with the ability to find resources that will treat, prevent, maintain, or cure their condition. Health literacy is impacted by the individual’s learning style, reading level, and the ability understand and retain the information being provided. The individual’s technology aptitude and proficiency in navigating available resources is an essential component to making informed decisions and to the teaching learning process (CDC, 2012; Healthy People, n.d.).It is essential to develop trust and rapport with community members to accurately identify health needs and help them adopt health promotion, health maintenance, and disease prevention strategies. Cultural, socio-economical, and educational biases need to be taken into consideration when communicating and developing an individualized treatment and educational plan. Social, economic, cultural, and lifestyle behaviors can have an impact on an individual’s health and the health of a community. These behaviors may pose health risks, which may be mitigated through lifestyle/behaviorally-based education. The environment, housing conditions, employment factors, diet, cultural beliefs, and family/support system structure play a role in a person’s levels of risk and resulting health. Assessment, evaluation, and inclusion of these factors provide a basis for the development of an individualized plan. The health professional may use a genogram or sociogram in this process.What is a genogram? A genogram, similar to a family tree, is used to gather detailed information about the quality of relationships and interactions between family members over generations as opposed to lineage. Gender, family relationships, emotional relationships, lifespan, and genetic predisposition to certain health conditions are components of a genogram. A genogram, for instance, may identify a pattern of martial issues perhaps rooted in anger or explain why a person has green eyes.What is a sociogram? A sociogram helps the health professional to develop a greater understanding of these factors by seeing inter-relationships, social links between people or other entities, as well as patterns to identify vulnerable populations and the flow of information within the community.ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Lesson 1: Introduction to epidemiology. In Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice (3rd ed.).… (n.d.). of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations.Analyze a community health concern that is the focus of a health promotion plan.Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations.Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population.Establish agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.Note: Assessment 1 must be completed first before you are able to submit Assessment 4.PreparationThe first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to plan a hypothetical clinical learning experience focused on health promotion associated with a specific community health concern. Such a plan defines the critical elements of who, what, when, where, and why that establish the foundation for an effective clinical learning experience for the participants. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate individual or group participation. This assessment is the foundation for the implementation of your health promotion educational plan (Assessment 4).You will need to satisfactorily pass Assessment 1 (Health Promotion Plan) before working on your last assessment (Assessment 4).To prepare for the assessment, consider various health concerns that you would like to be the focus of your plan from the topic list provided, the populations potentially affected by that concern, and hypothetical individuals or groups living in the community. Then, investigate your chosen concern and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence.As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.For this assessment, you will propose a hypothetical health promotion plan addressing a particular health concern affecting a fictitious individual or group living in the community. The hypothetical individual or group of your choice must be living in the community; not in a hospital, assistant living, nursing home, or other facility. You may choose any health issues from the list provided in the instructions.In the Assessment 4, you will simulate a face-to-face presentation of this plan to the individual or group that you have identified.Please choose one of the topics below:Bullying.Teen Pregnancy.LGBTQIA + Health.Sudden Infant Death (SID).Immunizations.Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation.In addition, you are encouraged to:Complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications simulation.Review the health promotion plan assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.Review the MacLeod article, “Making SMART Goals Smarter.”Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft assessment to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.InstructionsHealth Promotion PlanChoose a specific health concern as the focus of your hypothetical health promotion plan. Then, investigate your chosen concern and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence.Bullying.Teen Pregnancy.LGBTQIA + Health.Sudden Infant Death (SID).Immunizations.Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation.Describe in detail the characteristics of your chosen hypothetical individual or group for this activity.Discuss why your chosen population is predisposed to this health concern and why they can benefit from a health promotion educational plan.Based on the health concern for your hypothetical individual or group, discuss what you would include in the development of a sociogram. Take into consideration possible social, economic, cultural, genetic, and/or lifestyle behaviors that may have an impact on health as you develop your educational plan in your first assessment. You will take this information into consideration when you develop your educational plan in your fourth assessment.Identify their potential learning needs.Identify expectations for this educational session and offer suggestions for how the individual or group needs can be met.Health promotion goals need to be clear, measurable, and appropriate for this activity.Document Format and LengthYour health promotion plan should be 3–4 pages in length.Supporting EvidenceSupport your health promotion plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources. Cite at least three credible sources published within the past five years, using APA format.Graded RequirementsThe requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.Analyze the health concern that is the focus of your health promotion plan.Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis.Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population.Examine current population health data.Consider the factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services.Explain the importance of establishing agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with hypothetical participants.Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

solved Discussion Questions Requirements: Main discussion post should be at least

Discussion Questions Requirements: Main discussion post should be at least 2-3 paragraphs. Two peer responses should be at least 50 words minimum.
NUR435 Discussion post:
Step 1 Read and respond to the scenario.
You are interviewing for an assistant nurse manager position with the nurse manager of your unit. She asks you to answer the following questions:

Explain a time you had to take charge, formally or informally, on your clinical unit (be specific).
Describe the management style you used and the type of power you had.
Discuss whether your management style was effective and what you would have done differently.
Would you use a different management style in the future in the same situation? If so, which one and why?
Which management style would you choose to use going forward, and why

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them.
Read and respond to at least two other students’ posts. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.
NUR435 Student Posts:

Student #1: 
Clinical units refer to nursing practice areas as agreed between parties and include an area or place of nursing such as a ward. A time I had to take formal charge of my clinical unit involved caring for pre and post-surgical patients. My unit required coordination to ensure that pre-surgical patients were prepared for surgical procedures and that post-surgical patients were also attended to. I divided my unit into individuals to attend to both tasks. The management style I utilized was the persuasive management approach. I managed to convince members of my clinical unit that dividing the unit to handle both tasks was more effective to avoid pressure. The type of power I exercised was referent due to the unit members’ respect for both the nurse manager and me. Referent power takes time to develop and is therefore effective once it is established in a nursing unit (Bergstedt & Wei, 2020).

           The persuasive management style was effective because it helped the member nurses of the unit to identify the benefits of my approach in promoting patient outcomes and in reducing the workload. As a surgical unit, the member nurses understood the rationale behind my decisions and approach. I would not use a different management style in the future, given a similar situation. The persuasive management approach is more effective in the situation because unit members respond positively to logic and reason and an understanding of the situation. Logic and reason, therefore, compels members of the clinical unit to respond effectively. A management style I would choose going forward is the consultative management style. The style facilitates asking for thoughts and opinions and viewpoints of other members to make the most appropriate decision in varying situations.
Student #2: 
The time that I had to take charge on my unit started because of COVID-19. I was basically volun-told that I would be training to do shift lead or stand in charge nurse as many were being uptrained in case of a surge on the hospital due to the virus. Some of our nurses were trained to ICU and a few of us were trained as charge nurses. I had approximately three shifts of training and then I was on my own! I have had experience with management positions in past jobs, although none of them were in nursing, but it seems to come quite naturally. According to an article about leadership in nursing management, I would consider myself to have a task-oriented approach when I am in the position of shift leader. “Task-oriented leadership style involves planning of work activities, clarification of roles within a team or a group of people, objectives set as well as the continuing monitoring and performance of processes” (Sfantou et al., 2017, para. 2). I feel that my style of management works quite well and is highly effective. I have always been a team player and by being organized, fair, and seemingly everywhere at once, I feel that the nurses want to do their best and I rarely have any problems in that sense. I have experienced a few nurses pushing back at me, so at times I believe I should incorporate some of the authoritarian style for some situations. “Authoritarian or Autocratic leadership style in nursing is the one in which the nurse manager or leader decides everything, give orders and directives to all the team members. Employees just need to follow what they are asked” (10 Best Leadership Styles, 2021, para. 5).  For example, when nurses try to negotiate which patients they are getting or if they are going to move a patient as I requested!
In the future I would incorporate a variety of styles of leadership depending in the situation. The five styles recognized by the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination (AANAC) include,

Servant leadersmotivate and inspire their team by focusing on building and refining the skills of each individual.
Transformational leadersclearly communicate and promote the overall vision and mission of the organization to team members.
Democratic leaders encourage collaboration and open communication. They seek to improve the system rather than the skills of particular individuals.
Authoritarian leaders make decisions without the input of others and punish team members for making mistakes.
Laissez-faire leadersprovide team members with little supervision and wait until the last minute to address issues (Breaking Down Nursing Leadership, 2021, para. 9).

The reason I would use different styles in various situations is that all of these styles have a time and place. Some examples would be as a Servant leader I would be encouraging experienced nurses to look out for a new nurse, as a Transformational leader I would be encouraging the nurses to do bedside rounding or follow other such policy, as a Democratic leader I would be listening to what a particular nurses needs to help their day go smoother, as an Autocratic leader I would make decisions as in a rapid response or code situation, and as a Laissez-faire leader I would entrust the experienced nurses to go about the day unless they ask for help. I feel that by being able to see what style is needed and being flexible as to the approach taken, I am a much more effective leader.
NUR445 Discussion Post
Step 1: Consider what change you would like to initiate that will benefit the healthcare community.
Discuss how you plan to facilitate making contact with a nurse leader and post a draft change project that willl impact quality improvement as  a narrative for students and faculty to review.
Step 2:  Read other students posts and respond to at least two of them. Respond by posting two suggestions, strategies, or ideas that could be useful in assisting your peers with their project plan.
NUR445 Student Posts:
Student#1: A change that I would like to initiate to benefit the healthcare community is reforms and changes in nursing management. Nursing management entails the governance functions, leadership performance, and decision-making in healthcare originations (Tomey, 2018). Common processes in nursing management include planning, organizing, controlling, directing, and staffing. Nursing management has significant implications on healthcare delivery and outcomes for patients. Nursing management is significant because it influences nurses’ morale and patient satisfaction and fosters good communication, accountability, and teamwork. In addition, nurses have a voice in healthcare policy and decision-making. As a nurse, I plan to write a letter to the nurse leader detailing the changes that I would wish to initiate for the benefit of the healthcare community.
           The change in nursing management is intended to address both nurses’ and patients’ staffing and physical demands. The staffing ratio is a sensitive issue in the delivery of quality healthcare services. Effective staffing ratios should be observed to avoid nurses’ burnouts, short staffing and improve the quality of care provided to patients (Tomey, 2018). Staffing should also be addressed to ensure that turnover does not impact the performance and productivity of nurses. Loss of critical employees has negative effects on the quality of patient care. Physical demands of nurses include mechanical equipment to lift and move patients, wheelchairs, monitor poles, and gurneys, among others. Other equipment involves in the interaction between a nurse and a patient is also part of physical demands. Meeting nurses’ physical demands is essential in ensuring that nurses have a favorable working environment that promotes patient quality of care.
Student #2: 
The change that I would like to see that would benefit the healthcare community is that of Improved Teamwork in the hospital setting. This program idea stems from an article on the importance of teamwork called Redesigning Systems To Improve Teamwork and Quality for Hospitalized Patients (RESET project). This program looks at five interventions which together are called, “clinical microsystems framework called Advanced and Integrated MicroSystems (AIMS)” (Redesigning Systems, 2020, para. 3). The interventions consist of, “Unit-Based Physician Teams, Unit Nurse-Physician Co-Leadership, Enhanced Interprofessional Rounds, Unit-Level Performance Reports, and Patient Engagement Activities” (Redesigning Systems, 2020, para. 3). By implementing a teamwork atmosphere, it also improves on the quality of patient care as communication is key in giving the best care to patients while they are in the hospital and upon discharge. “Communication failures are both an independent cause of preventable patient harm and a cross-cutting contributing factor underlying other harms. Transitions of care (i.e., between care areas or shift changes) in acute care settings are leading opportunities for communication failures directly causing patient harm” (Rosen et al., 2018, para. 5). The hospital in which I work does have some of these aspects in place, but it could be improved by implementing all of the five interventions described previously.
The way I plan to facilitate contacting a nurse leader is by simply asking my nurse manager to become involved in this project as he is incredibly open to discussion and changes in the quality of our patient care. I am not quite certain how I will proceed with presenting a draft of the change project as a narrative for students and faculty. I am thinking that a power point may be the best way to proceed, as one can include much more information along with graphs and pictures. The other option would be to write a paper explaining the proposition, the reasons it is necessary, and how I would set about facilitating change. I am looking forward to any suggestions from my fellow classmates as to the presentation of our drafts. 

solved Main company: Amazoncomparable company 1: ebaycomparable company 2: Alibaba group

Main company: Amazoncomparable company 1: ebaycomparable company 2: Alibaba group Use these three companies to write the final report. Final report questions are attached in file. There is one example report (grade A+) and excel report. Please check and read before writing this paper. For this report, I need a word file, word count at least 7800, and one Excel file with calculations. Here is report questions. All Excel information must choose from this website: Report consists of four parts:Part 1: BackgroundPart 2: Financial Analysis including your spreadsheet ratiosPart 3: Managerial ActionsPart 4: Investors’ DecisionsPart 1: Background of your company (20 points each)1. Brief business description:-What does your company do? Which industry/industries?-What are the main activities through which your company generates revenue?-You should read the company’s most recent annual report, and provide a pie chart on the percentage of revenue coming from various business units/products, and a similar pie chart on various geographic areas where revenue is generated.Note: you should be able to find all the information above on the company’s most recent annual report.Type your answers starting from here:2. Competition: Briefly discuss the two competitors that you will analyze in the next section. Comment on your company’s competitive advantage, focus on what your company does better than its competitors, and how long you think the company will keep the competitive advantage (core competence). Or if your company is not doing better than its competitors, discuss the situation and whether you see the potential for your company to improve.Type your answers starting from here: Part 2: Financial Analysis (10 points each)Please read the requirements and instructions for the ratio analysis:1.You should calculate all the ratios based on our lecture slides from this class. I will check your calculation from the Excel file.-You should NOT look for other formulas from online sources.-You should NOT take the ratios from online sources (including Morning Star) directly.2.List the ratio of your company and your two competitors for the three years, e.g.Your company nameCompetitor 1 nameCompetitor 2 name201820192020201820192020201820192020Current Ratio-Please follow the Sample Report on listing the numbers in your report.3.For each ratio, you are required to:-Discuss what it says about your main company: is it high? is it low? is it just right? Why?-Discuss any trend that you have noticed in your company’s ratios over the past 3 years. If there’s any significant change, you need to do some research and explain why.-Explain how your company is doing compared to its competitors. Explain what the company needs to do if it is underperforming with a given ratio.* Focus on your main company’s ratios and analyses, not the competitors. Competitors’ numbers should be used as a reference.* It should take approximately one or two paragraphs per ratio to cover these items.4.Please note that you do not need to cite your data if they are from financial statements directly.5.If the financial statement numbers and the stock price are in different currencies, you need to do the conversion to make them one currency.-For example, if your financial statement numbers are all in EURO and stock price is in USD, then use EURO in all ratio calculation and convert the stock price from USD to EURO using the historical exchange rate.-Historical exchange rate: if your stock price is on May 30, 2020, then to convert your USD price to EURO, you need the USD/EURO exchange rate for May 30, 2020.6.If the financial statement shows no inventory, you need to (1) check to ensure the company carries no inventory (check from the company’s annual report), then (2) take inventory =$0, inventory period =0. NOT carrying inventory is a company’s decision, and you need to comment on it in the relevant section of the report.7.If the financial statement shows no dividend: you need to (1) check to ensure the company does not pay dividends (check from the company’s annual report), then (2) use dividend =$0, dividend payout ratio =0%, retention ratio = 100%. NOT paying dividends is a company’s decision, and you need to comment on it in the relevant section of the report.1.Short-Term Solvency:1.1 Current and Quick Ratios:1)Current Ratio2)Quick RatioComment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s general ability to pay off its current liabilities.Type your answers starting from here:1.2 Inventory, AR, AP Periods1)Inventory Period2)Account Receivable (A/R) Period (Assuming 100% Sales Are Credit Sale)3)Account Payable (A/P) PeriodComment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s general ability to manage inventory, A/R, and A/P.Type your answers starting from here:1.3 Operating Cycle & Cash Cycle1)Operating Cycle2)Cash CycleComment on your company’s operating cycle and cash cycle.Type your answers starting from here:1.4 Cash Cycle: Discuss at least 3 ways through which your company could reduce its cash cycle. Please discuss in detail action plans to reduce the cash cycle and recognize the possible drawbacks of your suggestion.Type your answers starting from here:1.5 Conservative DIR1)Conservative Defensive Interval Ratio (DIR)Comment on your company’s conservative DIR. Also, compare the conservative DIR with the cash cycle and comment.Type your answers starting from here:1.6 Cash Position: Based on your answers to questions 1.1-1.5, do you think the company is holding too much, too little, or the right amount of cash? Please explain your answers.Type your answers starting from here:2. Long-Term Debt Policy:2.1 Leverage Ratio1)Debt to Asset Ratio2)Equity Multiplier (also called: financial leverage)Comment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s overall financial leverage.Type your answers starting from here:2.1 Interest Coverage Ratio1)Interest Coverage Ratio (also called: times interest earned)Comment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s ability to pay off debt.Type your answers starting from here:2.2 Give advice to the company in terms of its debt policy—should the company reduce its debt, issue more debt, or stay in the current situation, explain your answers in detail.Type your answers starting from here:3. Asset Utilization:3.1 Ratios:1)Total Asset Turnover2)Working Capital (WC) Turnover3)Fixed Asset TurnoverComment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s turnover ratios.Type your answers starting from here:3.2 If you see any problem with the company’s total asset turnover, WC turnover, or fixed asset turnover, identify the problem and suggest two ways through which the company could improve its asset utilization. If you do not see any problem, also suggest two ways through which the company could maintain its current position.Type your answers starting from here: 4. Profitability:4.1 Profit Margin:1)Gross Profit Margin2)Operating Margin3)Net Profit MarginAre the company’s margins changing? Why and what are the underlying business cause—changes in competition, changes in input costs, or poor overhead cost management?Type your answers starting from here:4.2 SG&A:1)SG&A as a proportion of total revenue (list the ratios for your company and its competitors)Is the company managing its overhead and administrative costs well? What are the business activities driving these costs? Are these activities necessary?Type your answers starting from here:4.3 Tax:1)Effective Tax Rate (list the ratios for your company and its competitors)Discuss the company’s tax planning strategies and whether it strategically locates certain operations in tax havens. Is the company’s effective tax rate affected by the US tax cut?Type your answers starting from here:4.4 Based on your discussion above, suggest two ways through which the company can improve its net profit margin, if necessary; or if you think the company’s current net profit margin is fine, you can also suggest two ways specifically to keep or even further increase it.Type your answers starting from here:5. Return on Investment: 5.1 Ratios:1)ROA2)ROEComment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s return on investment.Type your answers starting from here:5.2 DuPont AnalysisList ROE’s three components of your company and its competitors.Suggest two ways through which the company could improve its ROE, if necessary; or if you think the company’s current ROE is fine, you can also suggest two ways specifically to keep it or even further increase it.Type your answers starting from here:6. Dividend Policy6.1 Dividend Payout:1)Earnings per share2)Dividend per share3)Dividend payout ratio (hint: your dividend payout ratio = 0 if dividend =0)Comment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s payout.Type your answers starting from here:6.2 Read the company’s most recent annual report, what does it say regarding its dividend payout policy? Should your company return more or less cash to stockholders?Type your answers starting from here:7. Market Ratios:7.1 Market Ratios:1)P/E2)Price to Sales3)Market to BookComment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s overall market valuation.Type your answers starting from here:7.2 Growth Ratios:1)Sustainable Growth Rate2)PEG RatioComment on the ratios above and discuss your company’s overall growth.Type your answers starting from here:Part 3: Managers’ Perspectives & Actions (20 points each)1. Based on the financial analyses in part 2: from a CEO/CFO’s perspective, summarize your company’s overall strengths and weaknesses in (1) operation, (2) investment, and (3) financing. What is your company’s overall core competence?Type your answers starting from here:2. Based on the financial analyses in part 2: from a CEO/CFO’s perspective, understand the value drivers and various ratios and suggest how your company could increase its value and further its growth. (Hint: you can read Chapter 4 but please apply it to your company specifically)Type your answers starting from here:Part 4: Investors’ Perspectives & Actions for the company (20 points each)1. Creditors’ decision:If you work for a bank and the company approaches you for debt financing:1)Which ratios/numbers in Part 2 are important considerations?2)Will you issue loans to the company? Why?3)If you are not issuing a loan to the company for now, what would need to improve for you to decide to issue loans?Type your answers starting from here:2. Equity Investors’ decision:If you are considering whether or not to invest in the company’s publically traded stocks:which ratios are important considerations? Will you purchase the stock? Why?1)Which ratios/numbers in Part 2 are important considerations?2)Will you invest in the company’s stock? Why?3)If you are not investing in the stock for now, what would need to improve for you to decide to invest?Type your answers starting from here:

solved What is operations research? What are the most common operations

What is operations research? What are the most common operations research methods used in health care today? Based on your answer, choose one and describe a specific modern example

First reply

Discussion Thread: Operations Research

What is operations research?

Operations research is an applied science that is concerned with quantitative decision problems that normally involves the allocation and control of limited resources. “Decisions are defined as a choice between two or more alternatives, and management decision-making is the process in an organization by which decisions are made (Langabeer & Helton, 2021, p. 110). These problems occur in the operations of healthcare organizations. “The use of quantitative tools and techniques, commonly known as operations research, help to incorporate a data-driven approach to making decisions” (Langabeer & Helton, 2021, p. 109). The use of data is a common thread among these disciplines which relates to operations research it is used to support the development and validation of decision making models. Data is information represented by a set of values in the form of qualitative and quantitative variables, where data is collected, analyzed, and processed. According to Capan et al. (2017). “OR involves systematic research that investigates how to plan, implement, and evaluate activities with a system” (p. 851). The information from the processed data can be created by adding meaning and structure for the decision maker. Through this is where the data become useful information for supporting decision making. “Problems regarding decision support are based on the use of specific methods and in turn, are dependent upon specific input data” (Hofmann & Rutschmann, 2018, p. 739). Regardless of the industry, data analytics techniques provide organization with greater accuracy, clarity, and insight and lead to more practical knowledge that is shared across the supply chain.

What are common operations research methods used in health care today?

Since management decision-making occurs at higher levels of an organization, and typically involves major commitments of resources or changes in strategic directions, this research seeks to understand how decision processes work in healthcare organizations (Langabeer & Helton, 2021, p. 110). This type of work requires the formation of a mathematical model of a system and the analysis and prediction of the consequences of alternate modes of operating the system. The development and use of mathematical and statistical models help solve decisions problems. According to Langabeer & Helton (2021), “Or techniques allow managers to seek alternatives; evaluate these choices using probabilities, risks, and other variables as key criteria; and then model potential outcomes” (p. 110). Common operations research used in healthcare today involve methods such as mathematical techniques, probabilistic and statistical methods, optimization, linear programming, and stimulation.

Based on your answer choose one and describe a specific modern example.

The term optimize means to choose the best alternative. “OR concepts can help systematically improve decisions making through efficient modeling techniques while accounting for relevant constraints” (Capan et al., 2017, p. 849). Optimization is a methodological approach often considered to be a core part of what defines the field of OR. Optimization models comprise 3 major components: objective functions, decision variables, and a set of constraints. An objective function can be the result of an attempt to express a business goal in mathematical terms for use in decision analysis, like optimization or operations research. Objective function of optimization problem is the real-valued function whose value is to be either minimized or maximized over the set of feasible alternatives (Capan et al., 2017, p. 851). The function allows comparison of different choices for determining which might be better. “Deterministic optimization models are suitable for problems where decisions alternatives must be selected to optimize system-wide objectives, which are often subject to constraints”(Capan et al., 2017, p. 851). The constraint refer to capacity, availability, resources, technology, etc. Linear programming is a mathematical optimization method where the objective function and constraint are linear functions in decision variable can take any numerical value (e.g., dose of a treatment) (Capan et al, 2017, p. 851). For linear techniques to work, the objective function must be linear. successful decision making can lead to workable process capable of providing essential health services. Decision making is vital to a healthcare organization because it is a process of making choices among alternatives with the intention that some choices may produce better results. Healthcare organization have to be able to manage its resource effectively when trying to reach long term goals. Luke 14:28 (ESV) says, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (English Standard Version).

Capan, M., Khojandi, A., Denton, B. T., Williams, K. D., Ayers, T., Chhatwal, J., Kurt, M., Lobo, J. M., Roberts, M. S., Zaric, G., Zhang, S., & Schwartz, J. S. (2017). From data to improved decisions: Operations research in healthcare delivery. Medical Decision Making, 37(8), 849-859.×17705636 (Links to an external site.)

English Standard Version (2021). Luke 14:28 (ESV). (Links to an external site.)

Hofmann, E., & Rutschmann, E. (2018). Big data analytics and demand forecasting in supply chains: a conceptual analysis. International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(2), 739-766. (Links to an external site.)

Langabeer II, J. R., & Helton, J. (2021). Health care operations management: A system perspective, (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN; 9781284194142

Second reply

Operations research is the application of quantitative tools and techniques that aid in the incorporation of data in the decision making process (Langabeer & Helton, 2021). The use of these tools and analytics allow for greater quality of decisions of operations and forecasting within the organization. “ To maintain efficient operations, organizations need to optimize patient and other process flows” through: the understanding of the demands of the patients; improving throughput by the use of de-bottlenecking approaches; the maintenance of flows of patients and assets through the use of tracking, and capacity and resources being aligned with the demand of the organize (p.109). The use of operations research in health care has led to the development of various health care applications including: emergency department staffing; operating room planning, screening of breast cancer, home health care planning, planning of radiotherapy treatment, long-term care planning and scheduling (Xie & Lawley, 2021). Using operations research, health care organizations are enabled to make data-driven decisions (Langabeer & Helton, 2021).

A few of the operation research tools include quantitative tools, forecasting patient demand and volumes, debottlenecking, and product service patterns.Quantitative tools allow for problem solving key areas operational research can impact. This allows the “ modeling of patient volumes and flow through organizations and health systems” (p.110). Linear programming allows the minimization of labor costs. Linear programming involves mathematical techniques that make decisions that find trade offs that can aid in resource allocation, focusing on maximizing values such as revenue, and minimizing values such as costs. Simulation models are also used as a quantitative tool. Simulations allow a computer model to predict the performance and/or behavior response of a process and how particular variables might respond.

Operations research has aided in the development of improved patient flow, which allows patients to move between facilities or services within their care pathway ( Capan et al., 2017). For example, surgical suite patient flow has been adapted to improve the provision of surgical services to patients. Post surgery, the patient is allowed to recover in a post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) and then transferred to another inpatient unit. “ The optimization aspect targeted the length of stay in PACU,as it is associated with hospital length of stay, cost of care, and PACU capacity to accommodate other patients scheduled for recovery” (p.855). This was done through discrete-event simulation, allowing the comparison of “schedules provided by integer programming with alternative schedules” (p.855). Allowing for optimization of developing surgical schedules and otpimziting the PACU’s length of stay. This was through the minimization of the expected number of new surgical cases being more than the expected discharged amount. The results allowed for more flexibility in scheduling of each service group and allowed for the daily occupancy of inpatient beds to not be so variable from day to day. It also further improved the utilization of the PACU.

Isaiah 30: 21 says : “ Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”(The Holy Bible: New International Version, 1996, 2015). Likewise, as health care administrators the use of data and operations research can aid in our organization becoming more effective and efficient in its application. Using such tools, allows for data-driven decisions to be developed that can allow for greater allocation of resources, staffing changes, and patient flow adaptations that allow for resources to be managed in a better method. The use of simulation allowed for better application and direction of patient flow within the surgical unit- optimizing space and staffing allocation and regaining resources that could be better spent elsewhere.


Capan, M., Khojandi, A., Denton, B. T., Williams, K. D., Ayer, T., Chhatwal, J., Kurt, M., Lobo, J. M., Roberts, M. S., Zaric, G., Zhang, S., & Schwartz, J. S. (2017). From data to improved decisions: Operations research in healthcare delivery. Medical Decision Making, 37(8), 849-859. (Links to an external site.)

Holy Bible, New Living Translation. (2015). BibleGateway.… (Original work published 1996).

Langabeer, J. R., & Helton, J. (2021). Health care operations management: A systems perspective (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Xie, X., & Lawley, M. A. (2015). Operations research in healthcare. International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7173-7176.

solved HOMEWORK 2 Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Floods (pick

HOMEWORK 2 Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Floods (pick one, not all six)Please use a different type of natural disaster than you did on HW1. Due: End of Week 6 (our weeks end on Sunday at 11:59 P.M., CST/CDT) – 100 PointsBe sure to submit to the appropriate submission area – do not email or Canvas message or me your papers, I will not grade them unless they are submitted to the assignment area. All papers must follow the formatting and style guidelines at the end of this instruction set. I have provided you with a summary checklist to help make sure you capture as many points as possible.GENERAL INFORMATION1,500 words required minimum. Specific section requirements are noted below.Using one of the disaster types listed above, write a report using the following instructions and outline. (Make sure you match the disaster type to the appropriate assignment!)Using the Internet, locate a news story on a natural disaster type listed above that has occurred somewhere in the world within the following timeframes:Earthquakes, tsunami, tornadoes, or floods: no more than three years oldVolcanoes or hurricanes: no more than six years oldYou must Canvas message me a link to a webpage (news story, not an academic article or government site) describing what event in particular you intend to focus on prior to beginning; disaster events that are too old or too small in scope will not be approved. Please make sure you choose an event that was large enough to allow you to address all of the components below – you may not skip components and then state “I couldn’t write about this, the disaster event was too small;” if you find that to be the case, then find another event to write on. I will do my best to help you identify this, but ultimately this is your responsibility.You must include a minimum of five (5) acceptable sources in your paper (the book can be one of the sources) at least ONE source needs to be a primary source (article from a peer-reviewed journal).Canvas message me the source you want to use if you are unsure if it qualifies.What is a Primary Source? and Secondary Sources for Science are examples of articles from a peer-review journal: way to search for these is the Park University Library: choose a Database ( Some examples of Databases you can uses in Geography are: Pirate Search or Science in Context. You can also use Google Scholar. Sources must be cited in-text as well as in the references section. All sources used, including your original news story, must be cited. Use reputable sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, established news organizations or government sites; do not use encyclopedias, dictionaries, blogs, “wiki” pages, anything like or, or other “personal” webpages as sources; avoid using “news aggregation” sites – these are sites that do not report, rather, they “collect” stories. Also, definitely avoid tabloid-type “news” sources; stick to the reputable mainstream agencies. Informational sites (like government agencies) are not news agencies; you must locate a news story, to begin with; researching and finding specific history on the topic will come as you put the paper together. Government sites (FEMA, USGS, NOAA, …) can be used for some information and data, but they should not be a primary source; use peer-reviewed journals as primary sources for support, and news articles for more current informational needs. Construct quality paragraphs. Paragraphs should not run-on over one, one-and-a-half, or two pages, nor should paragraphs be one or two sentences. Long paragraphs cause multiple themes to run together, and short paragraphs are, for the most part, not used in research paper writing. Each paragraph (and this is a general guideline) should be about six to eight complete sentences, up to ten at the most (of course there are exceptions).A good rule to follow: NEW THEME = NEW PARAGRAPH. For example, you switch from discussing the response to the flood to discussing the recovery; that’s a new theme. If you are writing a short coverage of the volcanoes past eruptions, then switch to writing about the many foreshocks that preceded the current eruption, that’s a new theme…NEW THEME = NEW PARAGRAPH. I realize this is not an English class, but since you are in college, I work from the assumption that you understand the basics of sentence structure and paragraph composition. Papers that contain run-on paragraphs or short “newspaper style” sentences will not score well, as poor presentation hurts the readability of a paper, and that is part of your assignment – present a readable and quality research paper. Content is not everything; your quality content must make sense in terms of presentation.PAPER CONSTRUCTION: FOLLOW the SPECIFIC OUTLINE BELOWThis included using the EXACT text of the capitalized section headers(all begin with the word “SECTION”) listed in the outline below. You are free to use sub-headings as you see fit. (-10 points if section headers are not used that follow the outline below.)SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION (150 words minimum required)Provide a broad introduction to the event (not the disaster type in general).Where and when did it occur?Reference two locational maps showing where the event occurred, one small- and one large-scale; place maps at the end of the document, before the Reference page (if you are not sure about the difference between a small- and large-scale map, please look it up before proceeding).SECTION 2: FATALITIES, INJURIES, AND DISPLACEMENT (150 words minimum required)How many people were killed and/or injured?How many people were displaced (forced to move or left homeless)?What is the estimated damage amount (in USD)?SECTION 3: PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF THE EVENT (500 words minimum required)Describe, in detail, the physical aspects, including magnitude (as measured by the scale specific to that disaster), that lead to the particular event (NOTE 1 below)– do not go in to detail about the disaster type in general – this paper should not cover how those phenomena work in a general sense – discuss the physical aspects of the specific event you are writing about.SECTION 4: EVENT ANALYSIS (600 words minimum required, evenly balanced)Could this disaster have been prevented? Why or why not? (NOTE 2 below)Was the affected population prepared for this disaster? Why or why not?How does this disaster rate in terms of historical disasters (of the same type) for both the geographical area in which it occurred and worldwide?Discuss the mitigation strategies, response, rescue, and recovery efforts – were those efforts adequate for this event? Why or why not?What impacts did this event have on society and history?SECTION 5: CONCLUSION (100 words minimum required)Wrap-up the paper (i.e., summarize all main points; hint: it helps to write the conclusion (as well as the introduction) last, that way, you know what to introduce and conclude!).Do not present new information in the conclusion.NOTE 1: Do not provide a lengthy passage on that disaster type in general, you need to describe the physical aspects of the specific event you are writing about in time and space – meaning, do not give me two paragraphs about how earthquakes happen, or how hurricanes work, I want to know the unique geophysical, hydrological, meteorological, and/or atmospheric details of the specific disaster you are writing about.NOTE 2: Here I am asking you if the “disaster” could have been prevented; that is, the interaction between humans in the environment. Do not state that “the earthquake could not have been prevented” or “the tornado could not have been prevented”, etc…of course the actual physical event could not be prevented, I know that you know that (humans do not control weather or geophysical events); answer whether or not the disaster as it impacted the community could have been prevented(see Chapter 1 for help with this). There will be a 10-point deduction if any statement is made akin to “the [physical event] could not have been prevented because we can’t control those things…”, or anything similar.FORMATTING AND STYLE GUIDELINES (numbers in parentheses indicate associated point deduction)1,500 words required, distributed according to the outline above.Word count excludes the title page, captions, section headers, and references at the end of the document (in-text citations are included in the word count only if they are in the proper format, and not made excessively lengthy by including extra, and incorrect, information like full URLs, more than two authors listed, or full article titles; all in-text citations must follow the guidelines of a citing for APA or MLA guidelines).Papers must be at least 1,500 words. But no more than 3,000Include a section titled “References” at the end of the paper (-2 if labeled anything other than “References”), and beginning on a new page (-2 if it not on a new page)List sources for all information using APA or MLA format (see the owl at Purdue for information on formatting). Full URLs are required for website sources. (-1 point for each incorrect citation, -1 point for any citation that does not appear in the references section but does appear in the paper and vice versa).Place all figures at the end of the body of the document, on a new page (-2), but before the references section. (-1 for each figure placed in the body)Refer to all figures within your text as figure 1, figure 2, etc., label figures appropriately (all figures must include a descriptive caption (not just “figure 1″), and be cited properly (short source in the caption, full source in the references section, and, do not cite “Google” or any other search tool as an image’s source – search engines are not content creators – find the original source, cite that). Figures are always referenced within the body in numerical order (i.e., do not initially reference figure 1, then figure 3, then figure 2, re-number figures as appropriate). (-2 for each incorrectly labeled figure)Peer-reviewed sources, government data or information sources, and reputable news agencies are the only two types of acceptable sources to use. (-5 for any unacceptable source cited)If you quote a source, paraphrase a source, or include a data-related statement, you must include a citation to that source within the text (again, Google the “owl at Purdue” for help with “in-text” citations). (-2 for any uncited material, each instance)Do not overuse quotations; do not rely on quoting the source to fill the word count requirement.

solved HOMEWORK 2Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Floods (pick one,

HOMEWORK 2Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Floods (pick one, not all six)Please use a different type of natural disaster than you did on HW1.Due: End of Week 6 (our weeks end on Sunday at 11:59 P.M., CST/CDT) – 100 PointsBe sure to submit to the appropriate submission area – do not email or Canvas message or me your papers, I will not grade them unless they are submitted to the assignment area. All papers must follow the formatting and style guidelines at the end of this instruction set. I have provided you with a summary checklist to help make sure you capture as many points as possible.GENERAL INFORMATION1,500 words required minimum. Specific section requirements are noted below.Using one of the disaster types listed above, write a report using the following instructions and outline. (Make sure you match the disaster type to the appropriate assignment!)Using the Internet, locate a news story on a natural disaster type listed above that has occurred somewhere in the world within the following timeframes:Earthquakes, tsunami, tornadoes, or floods: no more than three years oldVolcanoes or hurricanes: no more than six years oldYou must Canvas message me a link to a webpage (news story, not an academic article or government site) describing what event in particular you intend to focus on prior to beginning; disaster events that are too old or too small in scope will not be approved. Please make sure you choose an event that was large enough to allow you to address all of the components below – you may not skip components and then state “I couldn’t write about this, the disaster event was too small;” if you find that to be the case, then find another event to write on. I will do my best to help you identify this, but ultimately this is your responsibility.You must include a minimum of five (5) acceptable sources in your paper (the book can be one of the sources) at least ONE source needs to be a primary source (article from a peer-reviewed journal).Canvas message me the source you want to use if you are unsure if it qualifies.What is a Primary Source? and Secondary Sources for Science are examples of articles from a peer-review journal: way to search for these is the Park University Library: choose a Database ( Some examples of Databases you can uses in Geography are: Pirate Search or Science in Context. You can also use Google Scholar.Sources must be cited in-text as well as in the references section. All sources used, including your original news story, must be cited. Use reputable sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, established news organizations or government sites; do not use encyclopedias, dictionaries, blogs, “wiki” pages, anything like or, or other “personal” webpages as sources; avoid using “news aggregation” sites – these are sites that do not report, rather, they “collect” stories. Also, definitely avoid tabloid-type “news” sources; stick to the reputable mainstream agencies. Informational sites (like government agencies) are not news agencies; you must locate a news story, to begin with; researching and finding specific history on the topic will come as you put the paper together. Government sites (FEMA, USGS, NOAA, …) can be used for some information and data, but they should not be a primary source; use peer-reviewed journals as primary sources for support, and news articles for more current informational needs.Construct quality paragraphs. Paragraphs should not run-on over one, one-and-a-half, or two pages, nor should paragraphs be one or two sentences. Long paragraphs cause multiple themes to run together, and short paragraphs are, for the most part, not used in research paper writing. Each paragraph (and this is a general guideline) should be about six to eight complete sentences, up to ten at the most (of course there are exceptions).A good rule to follow: NEW THEME = NEW PARAGRAPH. For example, you switch from discussing the response to the flood to discussing the recovery; that’s a new theme. If you are writing a short coverage of the volcanoes past eruptions, then switch to writing about the many foreshocks that preceded the current eruption, that’s a new theme…NEW THEME = NEW PARAGRAPH.I realize this is not an English class, but since you are in college, I work from the assumption that you understand the basics of sentence structure and paragraph composition. Papers that contain run-on paragraphs or short “newspaper style” sentences will not score well, as poor presentation hurts the readability of a paper, and that is part of your assignment – present a readable and quality research paper. Content is not everything; your quality content must make sense in terms of presentation.PAPER CONSTRUCTION: FOLLOW the SPECIFIC OUTLINE BELOWThis included using the EXACT text of the capitalized section headers(all begin with the word “SECTION”) listed in the outline below. You are free to use sub-headings as you see fit. (-10 points if section headers are not used that follow the outline below.)SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION (150 words minimum required)Provide a broad introduction to the event (not the disaster type in general).Where and when did it occur?Reference two locational maps showing where the event occurred, one small- and one large-scale; place maps at the end of the document, before the Reference page (if you are not sure about the difference between a small- and large-scale map, please look it up before proceeding).SECTION 2: FATALITIES, INJURIES, AND DISPLACEMENT (150 words minimum required)How many people were killed and/or injured?How many people were displaced (forced to move or left homeless)?What is the estimated damage amount (in USD)?SECTION 3: PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF THE EVENT (500 words minimum required)Describe, in detail, the physical aspects, including magnitude (as measured by the scale specific to that disaster), that lead to the particular event (NOTE 1 below)– do not go in to detail about the disaster type in general – this paper should not cover how those phenomena work in a general sense – discuss the physical aspects of the specific event you are writing about.SECTION 4: EVENT ANALYSIS (600 words minimum required, evenly balanced)Could this disaster have been prevented? Why or why not? (NOTE 2 below)Was the affected population prepared for this disaster? Why or why not?How does this disaster rate in terms of historical disasters (of the same type) for both the geographical area in which it occurred and worldwide?Discuss the mitigation strategies, response, rescue, and recovery efforts – were those efforts adequate for this event? Why or why not?What impacts did this event have on society and history?SECTION 5: CONCLUSION (100 words minimum required)Wrap-up the paper (i.e., summarize all main points; hint: it helps to write the conclusion (as well as the introduction) last, that way, you know what to introduce and conclude!).Do not present new information in the conclusion.NOTE 1: Do not provide a lengthy passage on that disaster type in general, you need to describe the physical aspects of the specific event you are writing about in time and space – meaning, do not give me two paragraphs about how earthquakes happen, or how hurricanes work, I want to know the unique geophysical, hydrological, meteorological, and/or atmospheric details of the specific disaster you are writing about.NOTE 2: Here I am asking you if the “disaster” could have been prevented; that is, the interaction between humans in the environment. Do not state that “the earthquake could not have been prevented” or “the tornado could not have been prevented”, etc…of course the actual physical event could not be prevented, I know that you know that (humans do not control weather or geophysical events); answer whether or not the disaster as it impacted the community could have been prevented(see Chapter 1 for help with this). There will be a 10-point deduction if any statement is made akin to “the [physical event] could not have been prevented because we can’t control those things…”, or anything similar.FORMATTING AND STYLE GUIDELINES (numbers in parentheses indicate associated point deduction)1,500 words required, distributed according to the outline above.Word count excludes the title page, captions, section headers, and references at the end of the document (in-text citations are included in the word count only if they are in the proper format, and not made excessively lengthy by including extra, and incorrect, information like full URLs, more than two authors listed, or full article titles; all in-text citations must follow the guidelines of a citing for APA or MLA guidelines).Papers must be at least 1,500 words. But no more than 3,000Include a section titled “References” at the end of the paper (-2 if labeled anything other than “References”), and beginning on a new page (-2 if it not on a new page)List sources for all information using APA or MLA format (see the owl at Purdue for information on formatting). Full URLs are required for website sources. (-1 point for each incorrect citation, -1 point for any citation that does not appear in the references section but does appear in the paper and vice versa).Place all figures at the end of the body of the document, on a new page (-2), but before the references section. (-1 for each figure placed in the body)Refer to all figures within your text as figure 1, figure 2, etc., label figures appropriately (all figures must include a descriptive caption (not just “figure 1″), and be cited properly (short source in the caption, full source in the references section, and, do not cite “Google” or any other search tool as an image’s source – search engines are not content creators – find the original source, cite that). Figures are always referenced within the body in numerical order (i.e., do not initially reference figure 1, then figure 3, then figure 2, re-number figures as appropriate). (-2 for each incorrectly labeled figure)Peer-reviewed sources, government data or information sources, and reputable news agencies are the only two types of acceptable sources to use. (-5 for any unacceptable source cited)If you quote a source, paraphrase a source, or include a data-related statement, you must include a citation to that source within the text (again, Google the “owl at Purdue” for help with “in-text” citations). (-2 for any uncited material, each instance)Do not overuse quotations; do not rely on quoting the source to fill the word count requirement .

solved Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter,

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes for a patient and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to work. Learning the ways in which evidence-based models and care can help remote work produce better outcomes will become critical for success. Additionally, understanding how to leverage EBP principles in collaboration will be important in the success of institutions delivering quality, safe, and cost-effective care. It could also lead to better job satisfaction for those engaging in remote collaboration.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan.Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help develop the care plan.Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient.Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.Professional ContextRemote care and diagnosis is a continuing and increasingly important method for nurses to help deliver care to patients to promote safety and enhance health outcomes. Understanding best EBPs and building competence in delivering nursing care to remote patients is a key competency for all nurses. Additionally, in some scenarios, while you may be delivering care in person you may be collaborating with a physician or other team members who are remote. Understanding the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration is vital to developing effective communication strategies when coordinating care. So, being proficient at communicating and working with remote health care team members is also critical to delivering quality, evidence-base care.ScenarioThe Vila Health: Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care simulation provide the context for this assessment.InstructionsBefore beginning this assessment, make sure you have worked through the following media:Vila Health: Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care. You may wish to review Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models, which help explain the various evidence-based nursing models.For this assessment, you are a presenter! You will create a 5–10-minute video using Kaltura or similar software. In the video:Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care media scenario.Discuss the ways in which an EBP model and relevant evidence helped you to develop and make decision about the plan you proposedWrap up your video by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaboration challenges you observed in the scenario.Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped inform your video. Important: You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list of the sources you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation. The following media is an example learner submission in which the speaker successfully addresses all competencies in the assessment.Exemplar Kaltura Reflection.Please note that the scenario that the speaker discusses in the exemplar is different from the Vila Health scenario you should be addressing in your video. So, the type of communication expected is being model, but the details related to the scenario in your submission will be different.Make sure that your video addresses the following grading criteria:Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient based on the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Care media scenario.Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help develop the care plan.Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan.Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.Refer to Using Kaltura [PDF] as needed to record and upload your video.Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations. If, for some reason, you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.Additional RequirementsYour assessment should meet the following requirements:Length of video: 5–10 minutes.References: Cite at least three professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as necessary to support your statements.APA reference page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all the sources you used to create and deliver your video. Be sure to format the reference page according to current APA style.The resources below explore communication in health care:Ratna, H. (2019). The importance of effective communication in healthcare practice. Harvard Public Heath Review, 23.…This articles discusses the importance of communication in healthcare by presenting approaches to communication as well as discussing barriers.Cayley, W. (2018). Four evidence-based communication strategies to enhance patient care. article presents four difference evidence-based strategies to approach patients and communicate with patients.The resources below explore EBP models and examples of their application:NewsRx. (2017, Jul 07). Nursing – evidence-based nursing; studies from university of iowa add new findings in the area of evidence-based nursing (Iowa model of evidence-based practice: Revisions and validation). Health & Medicine Week.This article examines the Iowa model for EBP. The specific example in which the model is presented is oncology nursing, but there are valuable lessons to learn about applying evidence-based models to nursing practice no matter what your personal focus might be.Indra, V. (2018). A review on models of evidence-based practice. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 8(4), 549-552.In this paper, review on models of evidence-based practice is discussed.Cacchione, P., Jayakumar, K., Lavenberg, J., Leas, B., Mitchell, M., Mull, N., & Umscheid, C. (2019). Impact of a hospital evidence-based practice center (EPC) on nursing policy and practice. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs, 16(1), 4-11.This article examines evidence-based practice center work to inform nursing policy and practice.Chan, E., Glass, G. F., & Phang, K. N. (2020). Evaluation of a hospital-based nursing research and evidence-based practice mentorship program on improving nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and evidence-based practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(1), 46-52.This article presents nine nurses in an acute hospital in Singapore that participated in a mentorship program throughout 2015. The evidence-based practice questionnaire was used to measure the program’s effectiveness. This article examines how using an evidence-based model can help in the implementation of care guidelines.Gawlinski, A., & Rutledge, D. (2008). Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF]. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 19(3) 291-300.…This website explains the various evidence-based nursing models.Springer Publishing. (n.d.). Evidence-Based Practice Models.…This website also explains the various evidence-based nursing models.The resources below explore technology and telehealth resources:Peters, M. D. J. (2018). Engaging nurses and midwives with evidence-based healthcare. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 25(11), 24.This article discusses future national public hospital funding and healthcare reform. Australia’s healthcare sector and nursing and midwifery professional practice must be supported by the collection, sharing, linkage, analysis, implementation, and evaluation of high quality data and evidence from research as well as expert and consumer sources.RHIhub. (n.d.). Telehealth use in rural healthcare. online resource repository could be helpful in examining ways in which telehealth care is delivered, as well as how you might blend evidence-based care delivery to telehealth patients.van Houwelingen, C. T. M., Ettema, R. G. A., Kort, H. S. M., & ten Cate, O. (2017). Internet-generation nursing students’ view of technology-based health care. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(12), 717–724.This article presents the results of a study that examined the views of younger first-year nursing students with regard to a variety of technologies. Vila Health: Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care.This media simulation will provide the context for your Assessment 4.The resources below explore theory and decision making:Barret, D. (2017). Rethinking presence: A grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(19/20), 157–159.The article presents a potential evidence-based and theory approach to delivering effective remote patient care.Nibbelink, C. W., Brewer, B. B. (2018). Decision-making in nursing practice: An integrative literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5/6), 917–928.This literature review examines the various ways that decision-making strategies, and the evidence that informs though strategies, are demonstrated in practice.

solved I’m working on a nursing report and need a sample

I’m working on a nursing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.Week 3: Addressing Bias Guidelines with Scoring RubricWeek 3: Addressing Bias Guidelines with Scoring RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction12 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature11 ptsPresentation of information is superficial and includes all of the following elements. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature10 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature5 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature0 ptsPresentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature12 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of Bias (first person can be used)38 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature33 ptsPresentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature30 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature14 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature0 ptsPresentation of information in two or more following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature38 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification of Personal Bias (first person can be used)6 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies one personal bias • Identifies if the bias is implicit or explicit in nature4 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies one personal bias • Identifies if the bias is implicit or explicit in nature2 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • Identifies one personal bias • Identifies if the bias is implicit or explicit in nature0 ptsPresentation of information in both following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • Personal bias is not identified. • Nature of bias is not identified.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrategy to Reduce Bias (first person can be used)19 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise • Develops one strategy to reduce bias15 ptsPresentation is minimally demonstrated • Develops one strategy to reduce bias0 ptsPresentation of information is missing • Strategy to reduce bias is not developed.19 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf-Reflection (first person can be used)32 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice28 ptsPresentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice26 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice12 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice0 ptsPresentation of information in the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice32 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format12 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 0 to 1 APA error is present11 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 2–3 APA errors are present10 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 4–5 APA errors are present5 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 6–7 APA errors are present0 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 8 or greater APA errors are present12 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics6 pts1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual5 pts3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual4 pts5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual2 pts7–8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual0 pts9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and Page Length Note: Students are to use at least two (2) scholarly references current within 5 years.0 pts2 Point Deduction Does not use at least two (2) current scholarly references0 ptsNo deductions full points0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate Deductions0 pts0 pts lost – submission met deadline0 ptsstudent does not meet the deadline for submission 10% per day up to 30% total (3-days)0 ptsTotal Points: 125Hi Class,Follow these directions for maximum point achievement. I grade right by the guideline as listed below.Type in the following headings on the body of your paper. Notice the number of point achievement for each heading.1. Introduction (12 points)Make sure you identify the sections of your paper.You must have a minimum of 1 scholarly journal article dated within the past 5 years in this section that is not required reading from your NR 500 Syllabus.2. Discussion of Bias (38 points)Identify your specialty track.Tell me how bias influences and affects outcomes in your specialty are of practice.Include citations from scholarly nursing literature (non-required journal articles) that support points made in this section. Remember, references must be no more than 5 years old.3. Identification of Personal BiasIdentify one personal bias you have. Note that it is not acceptable to state you do not have any. We all have biases. Tell me is your bias implicit (implied) or explicit (expressed belief) in nature?4. Strategy to Reduce Bias (19 points)Develop one strategy to reduce your stated bias as identified in # 3 above.5. Self-Reflection(32 points)Tell me what you learned from completing this assignment. You may write in first person.Use APA format for references. See attachment for help. Make sure you have a minimum of 2 journal articles to support your thoughts, dated within the past 5 years that are not required readings from your syllabus. Do not use websites and/or books as the 2 references.Use proper grammar. You may write in first person for this assignment.The length of this paper including the title page is a maximum of 2 pages.See attachments. The paper is due by this Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 12 MN MT.

solved Assessment 2 Policy ProposalOverviewWrite a 4–6-page policy proposal and practice

Assessment 2 Policy ProposalOverviewWrite a 4–6-page policy proposal and practice guidelines for improving quality and performance associated with the benchmark metric underperformance you advocated for improving in Assessment 1.In advocating for institutional policy changes related to local, state, or federal health care laws or policies, health leaders must be able to develop and present clear and well-written policy and practice guideline proposals that will enable a team, a unit, or an organization as a whole to resolve relevant performance issues and bring about improvements in the quality and safety of health care. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you have a valuable viewpoint and voice to bring to discussions about policy development, both inside and outside your care setting. Developing policy for internal purposes can be a valuable process toward quality and safety improvement, as well as ensuring compliance with various health care regulatory pressures. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.ResourcesAffordable Care ActThe ACA has a direct impact on practice guidelines, policies, and the success and sustainability of health care organizations. The following articles present a variety of perspectives on the ACA:Blendon, R. J., & Benson, J. M. (2017). Public opinion about the future of the Affordable Care Act. The New England Journal of Medicine, 377(9), e12(1)–e12(7).Butler, S. M. (2016). The Future of the Affordable Care Act: Reassessment and revision. JAMA, 316(5), 495–497.Gaffney, A., & McCormick, D. (2017). The Affordable Care Act: Implications for health-care equity. The Lancet, 389(10077), 1442–1452.Gliad, S., & Jackson, A. (2017). The future of the Affordable Care Act and insurance coverage. American Journal of Public Health, 107(4), 538–540. Retrieved from…Guiliot, C. (2014). Gauging the Affordable Care Act. Internal Auditor, 71(1), 54–59.Himmelstein, D. U., Lawless, R. M., Thorne, D., Foohey, P., & Woolhandler, S. (2019). Medical bankruptcy: Still common despite the Affordable Care Act. American Journal of Public Health, 109(3), 431–433.Levitt, L. (2017). Is the Affordable Care Act imploding? JAMA, 317(20), 2051–2052.Centafont, D. (2014). Contract management systems: An effective compliance tool. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 16(5), 41–42, 78.Health care organizations typically have hundreds or even thousands of different contracts for different reasons, parties, terms and clauses, termination regulations, and more. It is imperative that there be a robust contract management system to establish and maintain order for all agreements from a legal and regulatory perspective. This article provides insight on the benefits such a system can offer.Interprofessional CollaborationCollaboration through interprofessional and interdisciplinary teamwork is critical to the success of health care organizations in the current environment. The following three articles will further your understanding of how different viewpoints from multiple disciplines can facilitate teamwork and contribute to optimal decision making.Bosch, B., & Mansell, H. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration in health care: Lessons to be learned from competitive sports. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 148(4), 176–179. Retrieved from…Gordon, L., Modayil, M. V., Pavlik, J., & Morris, C. D. (2015). Collaboration with behavioral health care facilities to implement systemwide tobacco control policies — California, 2012. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12, E13. Retrieved from…Webb, E. (2014). Commentary on the ISSOP policy statement on the UNCRC and health. Child: Care, Health & Development, 40(1), 4–6.Problem Identification and Policy Development.This multimedia activity enables you to practice identifying problems within health care systems and the types of policies and stakeholders who could help drive improvements.Ethical Decision-Making to Improve Quality PerformanceOrganizational Ethics Decision-Making Process in Health Care.This multimedia activity applies an ethical decision-making process to a workplace health care issue in a hypothetical scenario, which may give you some ideas about how to incorporate ethical considerations into your policy change, as well as some stakeholder engagement and policy implementation ideas for this assessment.Library Research GuideYou may choose other resources to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The NHS-FP6004 – Health Care Law and Policy library guide can help direct your research.Assessment InstructionsPropose an organizational policy and practice guidelines that you believe will lead to an improvement in quality and performance associated with the benchmark underperformance you advocated for improving in Assessment 1. Be precise, professional, and persuasive in demonstrating the merit of your proposed actions.Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft policy proposal to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.RequirementsThe policy proposal requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.Explain the need for creating a policy and practice guidelines to address a shortfall in meeting a benchmark metric prescribed by local, state, or federal health care policies or laws.What is the current benchmark for the organization and the numeric score for the underperformance?How is the benchmark underperformance potentially affecting the provision of quality care or the operations of the organization?What are the potential repercussions of not making any changes?What evidence supports your conclusions?Recommend ethical, evidence-based practice guidelines to improve targeted benchmark performance prescribed by applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law.What does the evidence-based literature suggest are potential strategies to improve performance for your targeted benchmark?How would these strategies ensure performance improvement or compliance with applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law?How would you propose to apply these strategies in the context of Eagle Creek Hospital or your own practice setting?How can you ensure these strategies are ethical and culturally inclusive in their application?Analyze the potential effects of environmental factors on your recommended practice guidelines.What regulatory considerations could affect your recommended guidelines?What resources could affect your recommended guidelines (staffing, financial, and logistical considerations, or support services)?Explain why particular stakeholders and groups must be involved in further development and implementation of your proposed policy and practice guidelines.Why is it important to engage these stakeholders and groups?How can their participation produce a stronger policy and facilitate its implementation?Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.Proofread your proposal, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your proposal.Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to source citations and references.Example Assessment: You may use the Assessment 2 Example [PDF] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.Policy Proposal Format and LengthIt may be helpful to use a template or format for your proposal that is used in your current organization. The risk management or quality department could be a good resource for finding an appropriate template or format. If you are not currently in practice, or your organization does not have these resources, many appropriate templates are freely available on the Web.Your policy should be succinct (about one paragraph). Overall, your proposal should be 4–6 pages in length.Supporting EvidenceCite 3–5 references to relevant research, case studies, or best practices to support your analysis and recommendations.Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your policy proposal to your ePortfolio.Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Analyze relevant health care laws, policies, and regulations; their application; and their effects on organizations, interprofessional teams, and professional practice.Analyze the potential effects of environmental factors on recommended practice guidelines.Competency 2: Lead the development and implementation of ethical and culturally sensitive policies that improve health outcomes for individuals, organizations, and populations.Recommend ethical, evidence-based practice guidelines to improve targeted benchmark performance prescribed by applicable local, state, or federal health care policies or laws.Competency 3: Evaluate relevant indicators of performance, such as benchmarks, research, and best practices, to inform health care laws and policies for patients, organizations, and populations.Explain the need for creating a policy and practice guidelines to address a shortfall in meeting a benchmark metric prescribed by local, state, or federal health care policies or laws.Competency 4: Develop strategies to work collaboratively with policy makers, stakeholders, and colleagues to address environmental (governmental and regulatory) forces.Explain why particular stakeholders and groups must be involved in further development and implementation of a proposed policy and practice guidelines.Competency 5: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella’s writing standards.Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.

solved Week 3: Addressing Bias Guidelines with Scoring RubricWeek 3: Addressing

Week 3: Addressing Bias Guidelines with Scoring RubricWeek 3: Addressing Bias Guidelines with Scoring RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction12 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature11 ptsPresentation of information is superficial and includes all of the following elements. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature10 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature5 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature0 ptsPresentation of information in two or more of the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • General statements on biases • General statements on how biases influence interactions and affect outcomes nursing practice and profession • Identification of sections of the paper • Support from scholarly literature12 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of Bias (first person can be used)38 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature33 ptsPresentation of information is superficial in places and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature30 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature14 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature0 ptsPresentation of information in two or more following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • Identifies selected specialty track • Discusses how biases can influence and affect outcomes in selected specialty area of professional practice • Provides citations from scholarly nursing literature38 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification of Personal Bias (first person can be used)6 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies one personal bias • Identifies if the bias is implicit or explicit in nature4 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated and includes all of the following elements. • Identifies one personal bias • Identifies if the bias is implicit or explicit in nature2 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • Identifies one personal bias • Identifies if the bias is implicit or explicit in nature0 ptsPresentation of information in both following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • Personal bias is not identified. • Nature of bias is not identified.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrategy to Reduce Bias (first person can be used)19 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise • Develops one strategy to reduce bias15 ptsPresentation is minimally demonstrated • Develops one strategy to reduce bias0 ptsPresentation of information is missing • Strategy to reduce bias is not developed.19 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf-Reflection (first person can be used)32 ptsPresentation of information is comprehensive and concise and includes all of the following elements. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice28 ptsPresentation of information is good but superficial in places and includes all of the following elements. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice26 ptsPresentation of information is minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice12 ptsPresentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations or is missing the following. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice0 ptsPresentation of information in the following elements fail to meet expectations or are missing the following. • Summary regarding what was learned from completing this assessment • Statements on how this assessment will change future professional practice32 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format12 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 0 to 1 APA error is present11 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 2–3 APA errors are present10 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 4–5 APA errors are present5 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 6–7 APA errors are present0 ptsAPA guidelines, as per the current edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the • title page; • running head; • body of paper (including citations and headings); and • reference page. One deduction for each type of APA format error. 8 or greater APA errors are present12 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics6 pts1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual5 pts3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual4 pts5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual2 pts7–8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual0 pts9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and Page Length Note: Students are to use at least two (2) scholarly references current within 5 years.0 pts2 Point Deduction Does not use at least two (2) current scholarly references0 ptsNo deductions full points0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate Deductions0 pts0 pts lost – submission met deadline0 ptsstudent does not meet the deadline for submission 10% per day up to 30% total (3-days)0 ptsTotal Points: 125Hi Class,Follow these directions for maximum point achievement. I grade right by the guideline as listed below.Type in the following headings on the body of your paper. Notice the number of point achievement for each heading.1. Introduction (12 points)Make sure you identify the sections of your paper.You must have a minimum of 1 scholarly journal article dated within the past 5 years in this section that is not required reading from your NR 500 Syllabus.2. Discussion of Bias (38 points)Identify your specialty track.Tell me how bias influences and affects outcomes in your specialty are of practice.Include citations from scholarly nursing literature (non-required journal articles) that support points made in this section. Remember, references must be no more than 5 years old.3. Identification of Personal BiasIdentify one personal bias you have. Note that it is not acceptable to state you do not have any. We all have biases. Tell me is your bias implicit (implied) or explicit (expressed belief) in nature?4. Strategy to Reduce Bias (19 points)Develop one strategy to reduce your stated bias as identified in # 3 above.5. Self-Reflection(32 points)Tell me what you learned from completing this assignment. You may write in first person.Use APA format for references. See attachment for help. Make sure you have a minimum of 2 journal articles to support your thoughts, dated within the past 5 years that are not required readings from your syllabus. Do not use websites and/or books as the 2 references.Use proper grammar. You may write in first person for this assignment.The length of this paper including the title page is a maximum of 2 pages.See attachments. The paper is due by this Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 12 MN MT.