solved In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Apply communication techniques to effectively negotiate and manage conflict

JM&P Health Communications and Results Health Communications Company Merger
You have been hired as a consultant to provide support during a major company merger. Following the resignation of its CEO, JM&P Health Communications will merge with Results Health Communications. Prior to the merger, JM&P Health Communications was rife with communication and management issues that led to a poor organizational climate. 
Results Health Communications is excited to welcome JM&P Health Communications employees; however, they recognize that working in such a difficult environment may have impacted the JM&P Health Communications employees significantly. Situations like those at JM&P Health Communications are often a catalyst for distrust and uncertainty.
JM&P Health Communications
About the Company
JM&P Health Communications is a healthcare telecommunications company that offers the following services:

Payment collection
Technical support
Customer service
Prospecting for new customers

Company Culture Statement
JM&P Health Communications strives to support its clients and customers by providing compassionate, accurate, and timely support to the clients it serves.
The Downfall of JM&P Health Communications
It was known widely that the CEO, Victor Armstrong, avoided conflicts whenever possible. He avoided both internal company conflict and, as the reality that the company was struggling economically came about, he seemingly avoided that as well. Victor was also notorious for having a short temper. As such, all employees were reluctant to come forth with information that Victor would not be happy with for fear of inciting his wrath. In fact, Victor had explicitly stated that he only wanted to hear good news.
The two other high-ranking company executives, CFO Donald Putnam and CIO Jason Venim, were part of Victor’s close-knit inner circle (and they were virtually the only people Victor discussed anything with). Previously, they worked with him at another telecommunications company. It was common that, when a new idea was brought to the table, it would be dismissed because that was not how it had always been done at their previous company. New ideas were generally discouraged, and employees were encouraged to “keep their heads down and do their work.”
Initially, Victor managed to increase the company’s profits from $1 million to $9 million over a period of 10 years through various acquisitions. Their economic success would soon plummet. As JM&P grew, technology increased rapidly. Customer service and technology issues became more complex, as did the need for better technology in order for employees to be efficient in their day-to-day work.
Victor turned the other way when these issues were presented to him. It was well known that, in fact, Victor openly refused to use email to communicate with his employees. For onsite employees, this meant weekly meetings that were becoming increasingly frustrating. Both more tech-savvy and newer employees especially expressed frustration with the basic updates and “too little, too late” tidbits of information that would be much better communicated via email.
Despite its reluctance to embrace technology, JM&P did have a significant number of employees who worked virtually and who lived all over the world. The virtual team members helped ensure that the company could have round-the-clock coverage. Virtual employees reported receiving very little communication from leadership and feeling disconnected from the company. When there were issues such as customer complaints, employees felt that they were treated unfairly by management. Employees were typically written up immediately without an opportunity to share their side of the story, and often little communication was provided about how they could improve or what the issue was.
Jason, the CIO, turned the blame on employees when they voiced a need for better technology resources. He told them, “People have made do with this for the past 10 years. Make it work.” He knew that requesting expensive technology upgrades would make Victor angry.
Victor saw the company revenue decreasing and blamed the employees for being lazy. Donald Putnam encouraged Victor to put the blame on the employees (better them than himself). Though he was part of Victor’s inner circle, he still was not eager to bring him bad news. Instead of creating a long-term financial plan that would work, Victor and Donald enforced sales goals, and if employees did not meet these goals after a specified amount of time, they were fired.
Victor encouraged employees to be dishonest with customers to make sales, and was known for saying things like, “Shareholders are the only people we care about. We need to keep them happy.” He continued to put pressure on employees, and made public examples of those who failed to meet goals. Clients began filing lawsuits, alleging that they had been pressured into making purchases they did not actually need, and claiming that representatives outright lied to them to make a sale. Despite his efforts, stock prices declined, and Victor resigned under pressure from the board of directors.
Moving Forward With Results Health Communications
Results Health Communications is new to the healthcare communications field, but it expanded quickly and continue to grow. When an opportunity for a merger with JM&P came up, the company took it, knowing that it would take some work to get JM&P back on its feet. Results Health Communications strongly believes in and lives by its mission and passion to change people’s lives through offering the right solutions at the right times. The company encourages employees to treat every customer they interact with like they would a friend or family member. Employees describe their work environment as positive, fun, and encouraging. Many employees report that they consider their coworkers friends, and they enjoy coming to work.
Results Health Communications is excited to support its new colleagues through this transition, and it is hopeful that its new colleagues will be much happier with their new home. Often, when a company has been dealing with poor management and inadequate conflict resolution approaches, it can be difficult to adapt to a new culture. Employees might have a difficult time trusting and opening up to new management if they have been accustomed to a culture that discouraged transparent communication.
You have been hired as an outside consultant to provide an action plan and to avoid resistance that may be caused from using a representative from either company. It is important to outline specific steps that should be taken so that management can support employees and ensure an effective transition. For virtual and international employees, consider approaches for communicating information without having the ability to communicate face-to-face as well. These employees are hopeful that, with the merger in place, they will feel more included in company initiatives and will feel empowered to voice potential issues and concerns.

Analyzing the Situation: In this section, gather as much information as you can and highlight the factors that led to the conflict in the scenario, including potential gaps in communication.

Using the scenario, analyze the factors contributing to the conflict, including communication techniques and the conflict management style used for determining how these factors contributed to the conflict. In analyzing the conflict factors, consider what issues caused the conflict: Who were the contributors? What caused the conflict to escalate, and why? What are some examples of noncommunicative techniques and other factors that contributed to the negative environment in the scenario?

After analyzing the factors contributing to the conflict, analyze the scenario for potential impacts related to corporate culture. Consider how communication techniques used or not used would have impacted employees and the overall workforce environment. Consider the emotional aspects the CEO and leadership demonstrated and their influence on the workplace environment. Provide examples to support your claims.

Conflict Resolution: In this section, provide a resolution for the conflict presented in the scenario. Use examples from the scenario to support your ideas.

Begin by specifically stating the desired outcome of the conflict resolution.

Next, recommend specific action steps that should be taken for effectively managing the conflict and achieving the desired outcome stated above. For each action step, be sure to indicate specifically how the step contributes to the conflict solution, and propose a recommended timeline for completing the action step.

Communication Strategies: One goal of the action plan is to outline strategic approaches that will be used moving forward to prevent conflict and foster a positive workplace environment.

After recommending specific steps for conflict resolution, describe a strategic communication approach for employing the recommended conflict resolution approaches. This should include appropriate communication platforms to relay the information to the intended audience, including virtual employees.

Next, suggest best practices that will be used moving forward to communicate effectively, and highlight approaches to using the communication strategies and platforms outlined above for conflict prevention, communication, and effective collaboration.

In addition, describe specifically how the identified best practices can be applied to support ethnically and generationally diverse and virtual teams for maximizing communication efficiency and to facilitate a communicative and positive environment.

Recommendations: In this section, build on the action steps outlined in the conflict resolution and communication strategies to outline recommendations to maintain the success and momentum that will result when the action steps are implemented.

Describe corrective actions that must be taken by leadership to achieve the desired outcome, highlighting which stakeholders must be involved. For example, what actions will help prevent unhealthy conflict, and how much should leadership be involved? Provide examples that demonstrate how these actions foster a communicative and positive environment. Consider how these actions will support the diverse workforce and virtual employees.

solved Assessment 4 Training Session for Policy Implementation Develop a 2–5-page

Assessment 4 Training Session for Policy Implementation
Develop a 2–5-page training strategies summary and annotated agenda for a training session that will prepare a role group to succeed in implementing your proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.
Training and educating those within an organization who are responsible for implementing and working with changes in organizational policy is a critical step in ensuring that prescribed changes have their intended benefit. A leader in a health care profession must be able to apply effective leadership, management, and educational strategies to ensure that colleagues and subordinates will be prepared to do the work that is asked of them.
As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may be asked to design training sessions to help ensure the smooth implementation of any number of initiatives in your health care setting. The ability to create an agenda that will ensure your training goals will be met, and will fit into the allotted time, is a valuable skill for preparing colleagues to be successful in their practice.
Patient Safety and Risk Prevention
Blumenthal, D., Abrams, M., & Nuzum, R. (2015). The Affordable Care Act at 5 years. The New England Journal of Medicine, 372(25), 2451–2458.
This article discusses the implementation and effects of two aspects of the ACA—expansion of health insurance and reforms of the health care delivery system.

Siegel, M. (2015). Risk-adjusted base payments can support the move to value. Healthcare Financial Management, 69(1), 38–41.

This article provide information about how risk-adjusted payments are becoming part of the value-based payment models that are one aspect of financial planning models under the ACA.
Anthony, D. L., Appari, A., & Johnson, M. E. (2014). Institutionalizing HIPAA compliance: Organizations and competing logics in U.S. health care [PDF]. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 55(1), 108–124.
This article examines how organizational strategies and environments influence compliance with regard to health records.
Blumenthal, D. (2010). Launching HITECH. The New England Journal of Medicine, 362(5), 382–385.

This 2010 article remains useful and relevant today and addresses how the HITECH Act sets down guidelines for meaningful use of electronic health records and fosters continued innovation in health care information technology.
Major Health Care Regulatory Agencies

The following resources will further your understanding of the major health care regulatory agencies. They include the Joint Commission, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), and the HHS. Compare the similarities and differences between these three major agencies that directly correlate with regulatory mandates, reimbursement, and accreditation of organizations. Leaders must understand the various requirements for which health care organizations are accountable.
The Joint Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2019). Accountable care organizations (ACOs). Retrieved from…
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2018). HIPAA basics for providers: Privacy, security, and breach notification rules [PDF]. Retrieved from…

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). HIPAA for professionals. Retrieved from…
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Special topics in health information privacy. Retrieved from…

Performance Improvement Strategies
Ongoing quality and performance improvement in health care is crucial for sustainability. As technology improvements lead to better outcomes, consumer expectations rise. Health literacy has created an informed customer, and the patient experience is a measurement directly related to reimbursement for hospitals and health care organizations.
Performance improvement strategies that have been applicable in manufacturing and automotive industries are now commonplace in health care. Leaders must understand their critical role in continuous improvement in their organizations.
Read the following to gain a better understanding of performance improvement strategies.

Dannapfel, P., Poksinska, B., & Thomas, K. (2014). Dissemination strategy for Lean thinking in health care. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27(5), 391–404.
Gershengorn, H. B., Kocher, R., & Factor, P. (2014). Management strategies to effect change in intensive care units: Lessons from the world of business: Part II. Quality-improvement strategies. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 11(3), 444–453.

The first part of this article discusses methods for collecting, presenting, and disseminating data. The second part discusses four quality improvement tools, which may be helpful in completing the assessment.
Training Strategies for Policy Implementation
Training Session Best Practices.
This multimedia activity provides an opportunity for you to check your knowledge of training best practices, before you begin the assessment.

Library Research Guide

You may choose other resources to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The NHS-FP6004 – Health Care Law and Policy library guide can help direct your research.
Assessment Instructions
Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft strategy summary and annotated training agenda to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.

To help ensure a smooth roll out and implementation of your proposed policy and practice guidelines, design a training session for one of the role groups in the organization that will be responsible for implementation.

Write a brief summary of your strategies for working with your chosen role group.
Explain how this training session will help prepare the group to succeed in implementing your proposed policy and practice guidelines, and why you chose this group to pilot your proposal.

Prepare an annotated agenda for a two-hour training session.

During this training session, you will want to ensure that the individuals you are training understand the new policy and practice guidelines. You will need them to buy into the importance of the policy in improving the quality of care or outcomes and their key role in successful policy implementation. You must help them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in implementing the policy and practice guidelines.
As outcomes of this training session, participants are expected to:

Understand the organizational policy and practice guidelines to be implemented.

Understand the importance of the policy to improving quality or outcomes.
Understand that, as a group, they are key to successful implementation.
Possess the necessary knowledge and skills for successful implementation.


The strategy summary and annotated training agenda requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.
Summarize evidence-based strategies for working with the role group to obtain their buy-in and prepare them to implement the new policy and apply the associated practice guidelines to their work.

Why will these strategies be effective?

What measures might provide early indications of success?
Explain the impact of the new policy and practice guidelines.
How they will be implemented?
How will they affect the daily work routines and responsibilities of the role group?
Justify the importance of the new policy and practice guidelines with regard to improving the quality of care or outcomes related to the role group’s work.
How will the policy and guidelines help improve the quality of care or outcomes?
Explain the role group’s importance in implementing the new policy and practice guidelines.

Why is the work and buy-in of the role group important for successful implementation?

How could you help the group feel empowered by their involvement during implementation?
Determine appropriate and effective instructional content, learning activities, and materials for the training session.
How will each proposed activity on your agenda support learning and skill development?

Can you complete the training within the allotted two hours?

Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
Proofread your strategy summary and training agenda, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your strategies.
Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to source citations and references.

Example Assessment: You may use the Assessment 4 Example [PDF] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Strategy Summary and Training Agenda Format and Length
Format your document using APA style.

Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. The APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] will help you in writing and formatting your strategy summary and agenda. Be sure to include:

A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
A running head on all pages.

Appropriate section headings.

Your strategy summary and agenda should be 2–5 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
Supporting Evidence
Cite 2–4 external sources to support your strategies for working with the group you have identified and generating their buy-in, as well as for your approach to the training session, activities, and materials.
Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your strategy summary and agenda to your ePortfolio.

solved IntroductionThe United States is one of the most culturally diverse

IntroductionThe United States is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. Diversity refers to the idea that people are different based on age, race, gender, marital status, lifestyle, religion, and other factors (Daft, 2015). Health care leaders must be able to work with colleagues, followers, patients, and any internal or external stakeholder different from them. Leaders must recognize that everyone, regardless of their background, have something to contribute.You will be required to explore cultural intelligence (CQ) in this assessment. Cultural intelligence refers to the idea that an individual can successfully read or interpret unfamiliar situations and verbal and non-verbal communication and respond appropriately (Daft, 2015).As a health care leader, you will work with people from different countries, different backgrounds, and different beliefs. It is important that you respect and understand people (patients, employees, physicians, and all stakeholders) who are different from you while operating in an environment of dynamic change and thus exceed the standards of care that patients deserve. Being aware of these cultural differences is one of the first steps to becoming an inclusive leader.ReferenceDaft, R. L. (2015). The leadership experience (6th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Assess one’s leadership style in a professional setting.Discuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Competency 2: Explain cultural competence and its relevance to health care management.Analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Competency 3: Analyze communication styles and its impact on teamwork and collaboration.Explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.PreparationThis assessment is based on the media piece in the Culture, Diversity, and Out-Groups in Leadership activity.To prepare to complete the assessment, work through the presentation and questionnaire in it. Reflect on the results by considering the following:Discuss the results of your cultural diversity assessment. What was your score? Were you surprised by the results?Discuss at least two areas of improvement that you would like to focus on over the next year.You may also want to begin conducting independent research using the Capella University Library for this assessment. View the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure you meet all grading criteria.InstructionsThis assessment has two main parts. The first is a self-reflection of your results on the questionnaire from the media piece, as well as a description of areas in which you would like to improve your skills with regards to cultural competence and diversity. The second part is an analysis of the various cultural components that go into leadership and how they drive teamwork and collaboration.Part 1: Cultural Competence Self-ReflectionRelevant Scoring Guide Criteria:Discuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.In this first part of the assessment, relate your findings and self-reflection with regards to the Culture, Diversity, and Out-Groups in Leadership media piece. Consider the following as you construct this part of your assessment:What was your score?Were you surprised by the results? If so, in what ways were you surprised?How was working through this exercise informative with regards to your current personal and professional cultural competence?Describe at least two areas of improvement that you would like to focus on over the next year.What potential benefits will you have in your career by improving in these areas?What plans do you have to ensure you are making progress towards improvement?Part 2: Analysis of Culture, Leadership, and TeamworkRelevant Scoring Guide Criteria:Analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.This second part of the assessment focuses on differentiating between various aspects of culture, examining how verbal and non-verbal communication can be impacted by cultural differences. It also explores how culturally competent leaders in an organization can help to encourage teamwork and collaboration. Consider the following as you work to complete this section:How does cultural competence impact teamwork and collaboration?Based on any relevant personal or professional experiences, what are the differences (if any) that you have observed with how individuals collaborate with the cultural competence of the organization or individuals?How are cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity related yet different?Why is it important for a health care leader to understand all?In what ways can verbal and non-verbal communication be misunderstood due to cultural differences?What are the potential impacts of these misunderstandings?How can a health care leader minimize these misunderstandings?Additional RequirementsStructure: Include a title page and a reference page.Length: 6–9 pages, not including the title and reference page.References: Cite at least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.Format: Use APA style for references and citations.You may wish to refer to the following APA resources to help with your structure, formatting, and style:APA Style and Format.APA Paper Tutorial.APA Paper Template.Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.SCORING GUIDEUse the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDECRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDDiscuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Does not discuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Identifies the results of cultural diversity assessment.Discusses the results of cultural diversity assessment.Explains the results of cultural diversity assessment.Describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Does not describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Indicate areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Describes areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Analyzes areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills, providing examples of action.Analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Does not analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Describes the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Analyzes the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Synthesizes the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Does not distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Defines cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Distinguishes between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Distinguishes between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity, and provides reasons why it is important for a health care leader to understand each.Explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Does not explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Identifies how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Explains how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Explains how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences, and includes ways in which a health care leader can minimize these misunderstandings.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Does not demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Demonstrates communication through writing and proper use of APA style with a few errors.Demonstrates effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Demonstrates effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style with no significant errors, and supports analysis.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Does not communicate in a professional and effective manner. Written content is unclear or unorganized, and there are many errors in the use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Communication is not consistently professional, clear, and logical; there are errors in the use of grammar, punctuation, or spelling distract from the message.Communicates in a professional and effective manner; writes content clearly and logically with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Communication is professional, effective, and insightful; content is clear, logical, and persuasive; grammar, punctuation, and spelling are without errors.

solved I Have to reply to 3 posts First Post Happy

I Have to reply to 3 posts First Post Happy to be here. My name is L . A. M and I am currently enrolled here at Nova in the Family Nurse Practitioner program. Excited to continue this journey and excited as to what’s to come to get closer to our goal! I currently work for Mercy hospital as an Emergency Department Nurse. I love the ED, as I have been there over 4 years. I also work as a Firefighter/Paramedic for the City of Miami Department of Fire-Rescue, going on 7 years. I love what I do as I get to see both sides of the fence as both the pre-hospital and hospital setting. My background says Acute but I choose Family because I wanted more options and more opportunities. I have a few plans in the coming future. Working on having a baby with my wife as well as promotion to Lieutenant for my Fire Department. Looking forward to getting to know all of you and moving forward to achieve our goals in this field. We will get through this program as a unit and have fun along the way. Thank you all for reading this and the most success in this semester! Part 2:Health promotion is a behavioral social science that draws from the biological, environmental, psychological, physical and medical sciences to promote health and prevent disease, disability and premature death through education-driven voluntary behavior change activities. It is the development of individual, group, institutional, community and systemic strategies to improve health knowledge, attitudes, skills and behavior. The purpose of health promotion is to positively influence the health behavior of individuals and communities as well as the living and working conditions that influence their health.Nurses, particularly community and public health nurses, recognize that promoting wellness and healthy lifestyles are key to eliminating the unequal burden of disease experienced by poor and other underserved populations.Part 3:One theory relevant to health promotion practice is relapse prevention. Relapse Prevention is a skills-based, cognitive-behavioral approach that requires patients and their clinicians to identify situations that place the person at greater risk for relapse – both internal experiences such as positive thoughts related to substance use or negative thoughts related to sobriety that arise without effort, called “automatic thoughts” and external cues like people that the person associates with substance use. The patient and clinician work to develop strategies, including cognitive (related to thinking) and behavioral (related to action), to address those specific high-risk situations. With more effective coping, the patient develops increased confidence to handle challenging situations without alcohol and other drugs (increased self-efficacy). Second Post My name is C. B. and I am currently working in the emergency room as a charge nurse. Although I enjoy the fast pace and turn over of patients that the emergency department is known for, I am ready to transition to an advanced practice role in a primary care setting in hopes of getting to focus more on a proactive, as opposed to reactive, approach to care. The current course of NSG 5220 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention of the MSN Family Nurse Practitioner Program will help me to reach these goals and allow more of a focus on the community health, disease prevention and recognition, and promotion of health practices that contribute to the profession and constitute a well-rounded advanced practice nurse. Health promotion is defined as a holistic approach of encouraging healthy living and interventions by promoting positive health interventions such as physical activity, disease prevention, nutrition, and maintaining the highest level of health from those individuals that already suffer from chronic illnesses (Pati et al., 2017). Health promotion includes increasing patient control of their health to improve outcomes and the encouragement of healthy living practices. Disease prevention is motivated by a desire to prevent, detect, and manage illness. Health promotion is vital to nursing practice, especially the practice of the advanced practice nurse, in that these individuals are able to screen for risk factors for disease, provide early treatment, advice, counseling, and referral. Additionally, these providers can broaden their impact by becoming involved in organizational, community, and at the government level to be a change agent and community leader.A theory relevant to population health nursing and health promotion is Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort. This theory provides a holistic comfort theory for nursing. Comfort of an individual is defined as meeting satisfaction of basic human needs such as rest, homeostasis, therapeutic communication, and treatment from stressful healthcare situations (Kolcaba, 1994). The relevance of this theory in population health nursing today cannot be overstated. Comfort is one of the most basic factors in nursing that is addressed almost without thought. Patients experience increased stress in a hospital setting, and implementation of interventions aimed at increasing comfort will help them holistically combat the stressors they are experiencing. This theory prioritizes a patient’s comfort, which is of upmost importance. With increased comfort, patients have better health outcomes and satisfaction with care. It is the goal of healthcare providers to increase patient comfort through outward approaches, or by subtler means. If the patients are under the care of a health provider, they are likely under increased stress due to the new environment and illness. An increased focus on comfort and well-being enables health promotion and disease prevention to occur by creating an environment where patients are better able to be advocates for their care while remaining comfortable and having autonomy (Pinto et al., 2017).ReferencesKolcaba, K. Y. (1994). A theory of holistic comfort for nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19(6), 1178–1184. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.1994.tb01202.xPati, S., Chauhan, A. S., Mahapatra, S., Sinha, R., & Pati, S. (2017). Practicing health promotion in primary care: A reflective enquiry. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, 58(4), E288–E293. (Links to an external site.)Pinto, S., Fumincelli, L., Mazzo, A., Caldeira, S., & Martins, J. C. (2017). Comfort, well-being and quality of life: Discussion of the differences and similarities among the concepts. Porto Biomedical Journal, 2(1), 6–12. (Links to an external site.) Third post My name is B. Z. I have been a registered nurse since 2013. I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Nova Southeastern University in December 2012 at the Davie campus. I was born and raised in New Jersey and moved down here thirteen years ago. I have been married to my husband for six years and we have three young children. I love to cook and I am always looking to try out new recipes. I really enjoy exercising and going for walks outside. I started my nursing career in the operating room as a circulating nurse at a busy surgical center. I learned a lot from that job position and worked with various surgeons in different specialties including plastics, orthopedics, podiatry, gynecology, and urology. I have also worked in the hospital on the postpartum floor and floated to pediatrics and neonatal intensive care unit. Although I enjoyed working with new mothers and newborns, I really like working in the outpatient setting versus the hospital setting. I currently work per diem at a plastic surgery center as both an operating room nurse and recovery room nurse. My future plan is to successfully graduate from Nova Southeastern University’s Advance Practical Nurse program and become a Family Nurse practitioner. I hope to continue working in the plastic surgery specialty as a family nurse practitioner.Iriarte et al. (2020) explains the term health promotion. Health promotion allows people to take responsibility for their health. There are different types of interventions that help guard people’s health and quality of life. A way to promote one’s health is to prevent diseases and causes of poor health. Health promotion is important to nursing practice because it can improve patient outcomes and patients’ overall health which is an imperative goal of nurses. Macêdo Magalhães et al. (2020) discusses how health promotion practices are important to nurses working in the intensive care unit. Research found that nurses rely on health promotion to avoid complications in their patients and the nurses find health promotion practices toward patients important.A theory that is relevant to health promotion practices is the health belief model. Moradi et al. (2020) states that the health belief model is a very effective in determining health behaviors. The theory is used to prevent unfitting health behaviors. This theory relates to health promotion practices because health promotion focuses on the actions people take regarding their health. Moradi et al. (2020) explains that the health belief model finds that people are more willing to change if they are scared of the consequences of not changing and if they know that changes will lead to better outcomes. This applies to health promotion because patients are more willing to participate in health promotion practices if they fear the diseases they are susceptible to and if they know that by participating they will have an overall better health.ReferencesIriarte, R. A., Lopez, D. O., Mujika, A., Ruiz, Z. C., Hernantes, N., Bermejo, M. E., & Pumar, M. M. J. (2020). Nurses’ role in health promotion and prevention: A critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(21/22), 3937–3949. https://doi-org./10.1111/jocn.15441 (Links to an external site.)Macêdo Magalhães, J., des de Mesquita, L. F., Vasconcelos Carvalho, A. C., de Carvalho Alencar, D., Machado Viana, L. V., & Santiago Ribeiro, C. M. (2020). Nurses’ knowledge about health promotion in the intensive therapy unit. Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado e Fundamental, 12(1), 999–1003. https://doi-org./10.9789/2175-5361.rpcfo.v12.7196 (Links to an external site.)Moradi, M., Fazeli, N., Khadivzadeh, T., & Esmaily, H. (2020). Application of Health Belief Model to assess knowledge and attitude of women regarding preconception Care. Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health, 8(2), 2146–2154. https://doi-org./10.22038/jmrh.2019.34318.1390


DISCUSSION 1 (JOIN)77 unread replies.77 replies.GENERAL DISCUSSION BOARD PROTOCOL (READ FIRST!)Purpose: The board is a chance for you to express your own opinions and personalities, as long as you’re clearly responding to the assigned topic. I want everyone to feel their opinions are respected and equally valid (whether you consider yourself a “good” writer or not), so as long as you do this to my satisfaction, you’ll likely get full credit. You must write on two of the prompts assigned here (materials include the essays, lyrics, films, etc.). That way you’re always involved in a discussion at least two different topics. Feel free to post images, linked articles, etc. I might award extra points to clever and relevant links. But please – no tired memes or tweets, and absolutely nothing cruel or off-color. Task: Write two separate comments on your chosen topics. First, choose one of the numbered options (four, in this case) and write a coherent and reflective consideration of the particular topic. This initial post must be at least 200 words and must include a word count at the end. Treat it like a short essay; this is your major statement on one aspect of what we’ve studied so far.Title your post (always) with a reference to the name(s) of the article or a brief summary of the content, so people know at a glance your focus (e.g., “My response to Frederick Douglass,” “My reaction to Amistad,” etc.). You can be creative, but the intent and subject should always be clear. Once this first comment posted, it will allow the board to open and connect you with your peers. See what they have to say.Then respond (at least 50 words each) to a second topic (you can be briefer here) and to one student post. These peer responses might be a means for you to comment on a topic you haven’t previously written on (a third topic!) or react to a very different interpretation than your own. Either way, you should be sympathetic to and interested in what your peers have to say, and it should be clear from your response that you’ve read/viewed the material in question. Frivolous, mocking, fake, or obviously undeveloped responses will earn No Credit.Criteria: Style, clarity, and content matter!All materials referred to in the prompts are in the previous modules(1a & 1b, in this case). Review them before writing. You’re expected to read all topics and materials, which are testable on the exam.You get an initial 5 points for writing a post on-topic (as opposed to chatting about your love life, your favorite foods, etc.). You get a further 10 points for writing a coherent and reflective consideration of that chosen topic. Take it seriously; think of it as a mini-essay. This initial post must be at least 200 words and must include a word count at the end. Again, once posted, it will allow the board to open and connect you with your peers.You get 5 points each for a response to an additional topic (there are always two, at least), meaning on a different article/subject than your own initial post, and one response to a student post on any topic (you’re welcome to talk to multiple students too, of course). That way you’re always discussing at least two different topics. These must be at least 50 words each. If there’s no second topic under discussion yet, be the first and start a new thread!You must write in complete sentences, with proper grammar and syntax (sentence structure). Paragraphs need a good topic sentence providing a thesis (opinion) that encompasses what follows. You should provide details from the source materials (essays, video, your own relevant experiences) to illustrate and support your ideas as you develop them.You will lose points for any missing, off-topic, or poorly developed elements (initial post/second post/peer response).Do NOT attach a separate document with your typed comments. Instead, write/reply directly in the thread. You can always write elsewhere and then cut & paste here, if that’s easier for you.DISCUSSION BOARD #1: CHOOSE FROM OPTIONS 1, 2, 3, or 4. In all cases, there’s no “wrong” answer as long as you show us that you’ve thought about the issue. Good luck!Option 1: How I Learned To ReadFrederick Douglass’s essay is a chapter from his autobiography, a celebrated piece of American literature and probably the greatest example of a grim genre known as “Slave Narratives,” in which people who lived as slaves recount their experiences, either firsthand or having told the details to someone else who then wrote them down. Most such slave narratives date from the 18th and 19th centuries, the period from when the slave trade was at its zenith to when it ultimately ended. A close, thoughtful reading of this excerpt should enlighten you further to the brutal experience of black men and women who lived under slavery in the Americas before the 20th century, the United States in particular.Consider the analytical comments at the very end of the Douglass essay and, adhering to the general D-Board protocol, answer one or more of these points:Demonstrate what methods Douglass resorts to in his quest for the ability to read and write. Give at least three examples of the actions he takes, or considers taking, and explain why.Explain the progression of his mental state as his self-awareness grows.Discuss the issues/concepts/themes that his experience raises (i.e., slavery, justice, freedom, friendship).You may also tie this into the life of Olaudah Equiano, whose own slave narrative, a different experience but no less appalling and dehumanizing, is summarized in his autobiographical entry (see module 1b).Option 2: Amistad / Middle Passage / The Sorrow SongsHaving viewed the Steven Spielberg film and read the Robert Hayden poem and the W.E.B. Du Bois excerpt (and the Eric Foner essay for accuracy), consider two or more of these points. You must make at least two connections to details in Hayden and Dubois, using relevant quotes to illustrate your points. The historical details and images concerning the slave trade will prove useful here (see the first slideshow in 1a).How does the Amistad trial, in John Quincy Adams’s words, pave the way for “the last battle of the American revolution?”What cultural parallels or contrasts are made between the American-European and African worlds? What scenes stand out for you in the film, and why? Discuss two or three illustrations, at least.Consider what the circumstances of the African rebels say in relation to America at the time. How can their defenders argue for their freedom in the context of a world that considers them less than human, or at least too uncivilized to make their own decisions?Also, as Baldwin attempts, how would you explain to an outsider the court system, with all its complexities (appeals, counter-appeals).Option 3: Desiree’s BabyKate Chopin was an important Southern writer in the late 19th century (le fin de siècle, as the French call it), whose style is an example of what’s called regional realism, for its accurate portrayal of the Creole culture of Louisiana in particular. Chopin would endure professional and personal scandal and was largely forgotten until her proto-feminist novel The Awakening was rediscovered in the late 20th century, bringing her fleshed-out, psychologically convincing characters, with their rich historical settings, to new life and a new readership. Both the novel and short stories like “The Storm,” “Story Of An Hour,” and “Desiree’s Baby” are surprisingly modern in their attitudes towards marital relationships, sexuality, and infidelity in particular.“Desiree’s Baby” dramatizes the impact of slavery and miscegenation (interracial sexual relationships), and with bitter irony, mocks the cruelty and utter ridiculousness of racism. Irony means a reversal of expectations, when the result is opposite of what was intended or attempted, as is clearly the case in the tragic story’s final twist. Pudd’nhead Wilson, an 1894 novel by the great satirist and fellow regional realist Mark Twain, uses a loosely similar premise and Southern historical setting to achieve that same kind of mocking moral lesson about the evils of slavery and racism.For Option 3, answer A and/or B:A) Consider one or more of the ways that race and racism drive the plot (story) and themes (big ideas):i.e., a marriage ruined and lives lost because of racist attitudes and assumptionsthe social and material difficulties of having/being a biracial childthe racist fear of having married a person who is unknowingly/secretly someone you (or Desiree’s husband, in this case) have been taught to despiseB) Consider whether the content of the story, or how it impacts you upon reading it, is in any way affected by the fact that it comes from the highly respected pen of a white woman writing over 100 years ago.Option 4: Minstrelsy (proto-Blues)Minstrelsy originally referred to black and, later, white performers in the late 19th century deliberately exaggerating racial characteristics and mannerisms (clothing, facial make-up) as part of a stage performance, because white audiences decidedly liked black music even if they held racist attitudes towards black people. This practice (also called “blackface”) continued in cinema and theater well into the 20th century. More recently, the term has also been applied to recorded music (unfairly, perhaps), with African-American performers supposedly playing up their “blackness” to appeal to a white audience or, conversely, with white musicians accused of cultural appropriation by playing “black” music (i.e., blues, rap, R & B).See Francis Davis 36-38 for his observations on the topic. Then, with those definitions in minds, see the second slideshow in 1b and consider the editorial cartoon in a response that answers two (or more) of these questions:Is rap’s appeal to a suburban white audience any different than minstrelsy’s popularity back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?How is it that “blackface” was an acceptable part of an performer’s repertoire until well past the mid-20th century?Note that the editorial cartoon is dated 2005. Has Black America made any social progress since then in the entertainment world?How has the renewed focus on issues of race, the “racial reckoning” of 2020/21, changed anything, in your opinion?Give some thought to at least one of these films (Blazing Saddles, White Christmas, Song Of the South, Bamboozled), all of which have elements of minstrelsy — though in some cases clearly meant satirically.

solved PROBLEM 1 Matthew B. (age 42) and Courtney S. (age

PROBLEM 1 Matthew B. (age 42) and Courtney S. (age 41) Mumford are married and live at 11426 W. Antelope Drive, Sioux Falls, SD 57107. Matthew is the manager for The Pour House, a popular bar and grill in Sioux Falls. Courtney is a self-employed architect. They are calendar year, cash-basis taxpayers.1.Matthew’s annual salary from The Pour House is $98,000. He also earns an annual bonus. The amount is determined in late December based on performance during the year and is paid in January of the following year. Matthew’s 2018 bonus was $6,000 (received in 2019), and his 2019 bonus was $7,000 (received in 2020). Matthew participates in his employer’s group health insurance plan to which he contributed $7,200 in 2019 for medical coverage. These contributions are made with after-tax dollars. The health plan covers Matthew, Courtney, and their two dependent children. The Pour House does not provide any retirement benefits, but it has established a § 401(k) plan to enable its employees to save for retirement. Matthew contributed $19,000 to the plan in 2019. Matthew commutes to and from work 6 days a week (a roundtrip of 18 miles) in the family SUV. During 2019, Matthew drove the SUV a total of 12,700 miles.2.Courtney is a licensed architect who works part-time as an architectural consultant. Her professional activity code is 541310. Her major clients are real estate developers (both residential and commercial) for whom she prepares structural designs and construction plans. She also advises on building code requirements regarding the renovation and remodeling of existing structures. Courtney does some of her work at client locations and the remainder in her office at home (see item 3 below).Courtney collected $72,000 in consulting fees during 2019. This total includes a $3,000 payment for work she performed in 2018 and does not include the $5,000 she billed in December for work performed in late 2019. In addition, Courtney has a $6,400 unpaid invoice for work done in 2017. This client was convicted of arson in August 2016 and is now serving a 5-year sentence in state prison. Courtney feels certain that she will never collect the $6,400 she is owed. Her business expenses for 2019 are as follows:Drafting supplies $4,800Reproduction materials (e.g., molds, models, photos, blueprints, copies) 3,200On-site work clothing (e.g., hip boots, safety glasses, safety helmet) 860Professional license fee 400Subscriptions to professional journals 250Dues to professional organizations 240In addition, Courtney drove the family Acura (purchased on June 7, 2018) 940 miles on her job assignments. She uses the standard mileage method to deduct business costs related to the Acura. During 2019, Courtney drove the car a total of 10,000 miles.3.When the Mumfords purchased their home on February 2, 2017, they set aside 300 square feet (out of a total of 2,400 square feet) of living space for Courtney’s office. The Mumfords do not use the simplified method for computing the home office deduction. As of January 1, 2019, the home had an adjusted basis of $240,000 ($40,000 of which is attributable to the land) for purposes of line 37 of Form 8829. The fair market value of the property was $282,000. Relevant information concerning the residence for all of 2019 appears below.Homeowner’s insurance $3,200Repairs and maintenance 1,800Utilities 6,200Painting (office area only) 1,250The cost of Courtney’s office furniture and equipment was previously deducted under § 179 in the years these assets were acquired. On June 29, 2019, she purchased a fireproof file cabinet for $800 to safeguard the blueprints of her structural designs and construction plans. Whenever possible, Courtney prefers to avoid depreciating capital expenditures over time.4.One of Courtney’s clients was interested in building a shopping center on a tract of land she owned in Lincoln County. Courtney inherited the property from her uncle when he died on June 6, 1999. At that time, the land was valued at $40,000. It has since been rezoned for commercial use and has a current value of $200,000. On February 10, 2019, Courtney exchanged the Lincoln parcel for a similar tract in Minnehaha County worth $190,000 and cash of $10,000.5.On September 2, 2019, Courtney sold a tract of land in McCook County to a farmer who owned the adjoining property. The land was inherited from the same uncle who died in 1999 and was valued at $30,000 on June 6, 1999. Under the terms of the sale, Courtney received cash of $20,000 and a note receivable to be paid in four equal installments at 1-year intervals from the date of sale. Each note calls for the payment of $25,000 plus simple interest of 8%. To the extent allowed by law, Courtney wants to defer recognition of gain for as long as possible.6.In early 2018, Matthew learned that one of the restaurant’s best servers, Mindy Smith, was suffering domestic abuse at the hands of her husband Billy. When Billy started to abuse their 5-year-old daughter as well, Mindy decided it was time to leave. Before they left on April 14, 2018, Matthew loaned Mindy $5,500 to help her relocate with her daughter. Matthew had her sign an interest-free note due in 1 year. Matthew never heard from Mindy again. In late 2019, Matthew learned that Billy tracked Mindy and their daughter down and killed both of them before committing suicide. Given these tragic circumstances, Matthew has no expectation that the loan will ever be repaid.7.On August 5, 2017, Matthew purchased 1,000 shares of Farmers’ Markets America (FMA) common stock for $16 a share as part of its initial public offering. The corporation was formed to establish and operate farmers’ markets in mid-size cities throughout the United States. Although some market locations were profitable, the venture as a whole proved to be a failure. In November 2019, FMA’s remaining assets were seized by its creditors, and FMA stock became worthless.8.In addition to the items previously noted, the Mumfords had the following receipts for 2019: Interest income from General Motors corporate bonds $1,900City of Sioux Falls, SD bonds 1,400Castle Bank certificate of deposit 210 $ 3,510Qualified dividends from MG&E Inc. 3,100Refund from HomeStuff. 430Loan repayment by Sarah Mumford-Caine 4,500Cash gifts from Courtney’s parents 32,0002018 Federal income tax refund 290In December 2018, the Mumfords made a major purchase of household items (e.g., appliances, furniture, etc.) at HomeStuff. They called the manager when they realized they did not receive the advertised sale price. Consequently, the store corrected the mistake and sent a $430 refund to the Mumfords in January 2019. Four years ago, Matthew lent his sister Sarah $4,000 to help pay for a honeymoon trip following her wedding to John Caine. Matthew was pleasantly sur-prised when Sarah paid him back (plus interest of $500) on December 20, 2019. On March 20 of each year, Courtney’s parents send a generous gift of cash as a birthday present. Just as she has done for the past 7 years, Courtney immediately invested the cash in her children’s § 529 college savings plans.9.The Mumfords had the following expenditures for 2019:Courtney’s contribution to her traditional IRA $ 6,000Net gambling loss 1,000Life insurance premiums 2,700Medical and dental expenses not covered by insurance 16,612Taxes:Ad valorem taxes on personal residence. $4,100State and local sales taxes from receipts 2,800 6,900Interest on home mortgage reported on Form 1098 4,000Cash contributions:Feeding South Dakota (EIN 36-3293534)$1,750South Dakota governor’s election campaign fund 300 2,050The $1,000 net gambling loss for 2019 is the difference between the Mumfords’ gambling winnings of $1,200 and losses of $2,200. The life insurance premiums relate to the universal life insurance policies that Matthew and Courtney own. The first beneficiary on both policies is the other spouse, with the second beneficiaries being the children. Included in the medical expenses are $1,200 incurred in 2018, which were paid in early February 2019. While South Dakota does not impose income taxes on individuals, it does impose sales taxes. The Mumfords can substantiate the $2,800 in sales taxes paid based on their purchase receipts for the year. The local sales tax rate in Sioux Falls is 2%. (Hint: Be sure to check to see if the Optional Sales Tax Tables provide the Mumfords with a greater deduction.) Courtney contributed to the governor’s campaign fund because she thinks her influence was key in getting the Minnehaha County land rezoned for commercial use (see item 4 above).10.The Mumfords maintain a household that includes their two children, Nickolas (age 16) and Kaleigh (age 19). Nickolas is a junior in high school and a talented wrestler. In hopes of competing at the state tournament, all of his free time is consumed with weight training and wrestling practices. Kaleigh graduated from high school on June 7, 2018, and is undecided about college. She is an accomplished vocalist and during 2019 earned $7,200 performing at various events (e.g., weddings, funerals). Kaleigh placed most of her earnings in a savings account for future use and kept only a small amount to spend on herself.11.Matthew’s Form W–2 from The Pour House shows $15,800 withheld for Federal income tax. The Mumfords also made estimated tax payments to the IRS totaling $5,000 for 2019.12.Relevant Social Security numbers are noted below.Name Social Security NumberMatthew B. Mumford 123-45-6786 Courtney S. Mumford 123-45-6787 Kaleigh J. Mumford 123-45-6788 Nickolas W. Mumford 123-45-6798 RequirementsPrepare an income tax return (with all appropriate forms and schedules) for the Mum-fords for 2019, using the following guidelines:The Mumfords choose to file a joint income tax return.The Mumfords do not wish to contribute to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund.The Mumfords do not own any foreign bank accounts or other investments. In addition, the Mumfords do not have any financial interests in virtual currencies.The Mumfords prefer to receive a refund of any overpaid taxes.The taxpayers are preparing their own return (i.e., no preparer is involved).For the past several years, the Mumfords have itemized their deductions from AGI.The taxpayers have the necessary substantiation (e.g., records, receipts) to support all transactions reported on their tax return.Make necessary assumptions for information not given in the problem but needed to complete the return.

solved For part 1 and 2 it should be 150-200 words

For part 1 and 2 it should be 150-200 words for each part. Part 1(A) In order to have a realistic estimate of where the firm presently stands and what the future holds, entrepreneurs should establish financial plans and thorough financial ratio analysis. One of the most significant realities of being a business owner, in my opinion, is the ability to create income and make a profit. For new entrepreneur it may be to his/her advantage to have a financial planner or advisor to help explain the financial risk of the startup company. “The explanation is fairly simple: most start-ups are funded through personal savings, and millennials, saddled with student loan debt, simply lack the funds” (Jurinski, JD, CPA & Down, PhD, 2016). Multitasking and prioritizing may be a problem for entrepreneurs who are still learning how to operate a firm. It might be difficult to coordinate marketing, SWOT analysis, and mission/vision statement fulfillment. Adding the company’s financial planning to the mix could mean the difference between a corporation surviving and thriving. References Jurinski, JD, CPA, J., & Down, PhD, J. (2016). Helping Older, Encore Entrepreneurs Anticipate Financial Risks. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 81-90. Part 1(B) According to Investopedia, a financial plan is a document containing a person’s current money situation and long-term monetary goals, as well as strategies to achieve those goals. When starting a business investors whether its the bank or people the want to know where their money is going. And they want to know about the return on investment. Nobody will invest in your product without a sound financial plan with clear goals in place. In its simplest form, a financial projection is a forecast of future revenues and expenses (Sullivan, 2020). Every entrepreneur should have a financial projection so they can predict sales and have money set aside for expansion, maintenance. or material cost. Following the projection can prevent some hefty financial surprises from wrecking your budget and causing financial hardship. It’s really just budgeting and spending the company money with an end goal or purpose. Financial ratios are relationships determined from a company’s financial information and used for comparison purposes. Examples include such often referred to measures as return on investment (ROI), return on assets (ROA), and debt-to-equity, to name just three. These ratios are the result of dividing one account balance or financial measurement with another. Usually these measurements or account balances are found on one of the company’s financial statements—balance sheet, income statement, cashflow statement, and/or statement of changes in owner’s equity (Editorial, 2020). Having a financial plan will make or break a business, entrepreneurs need to understand financial projections and financial ratios to not only understand where the money is coming and going but to know if the business is healthy. Owners have to know this to get other to invest in them and to keep the business doors open. Whether that’s by their own hand or by the guidance of a financial planner helping along the way. Work Cited Contributor, C. (2021, May 17). Why is it important for entrepreneurs to develop financial plans for their companies? Small Business – Editorial, I. (2020, February 6). Financial ratios – encyclopedia – business terms. Kagan, J. (2021, July 28). Understanding financial plans. Investopedia. Sullivan, M. (2020, September 8). Understand financial projections & forecasting. QuickBooks. Part 2 (A) According to our book (Lawrence & Weber, 2017), “intellectual property (IP) are the ideas, concepts, and other representational inventions of the human mind” (pg. 262). I feel that internet information is not free to everyone, and copyrighted music and software should be protected in the creator’s best interest. A web source for IP stated that IP is protected in law, for example, patents, copyright, and trademarks, which allow people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By reaching the right balance between the interests of innovators and the broader public interest, the IP system strives to promote an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish (What is intellectual property? n.d., para. 2). A crucial step in securing the protection of IP is to research the idea or invention. A crucial part of protecting intellectual property is staying informed and researching as much as possible to protect it. According to Capirino (2017), “registering IP with the U.S. Copyright Office, speaking to patent attorneys, through a solid trademark branding and enforcement” (Capirino, 2017, para. 12 & 13). one can start by taking some of these steps in ensuring the future success of their newly developed IP. There are plenty of ways to ensure IP stays protected, and talking to the right people and finding the proper resources will be the way to do it. References Caprino, K. (2017, February 27). How to protect your intellectual property the right way. Retrieved August 06, 2021, from… Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2017). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy (15th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill/Create Custom What is intellectual property (IP)? (n.d.). Retrieved August 06, 2021, from Part 2 (B) Free isn’t free. The information available on the internet is free per se; there isn’t a cost to Google and look for something. However, to use the internet, one must pay for the service to access the internet through the local provider. So free isn’t free, sure we can google anything and have ‘free’ information instantly. Information is easily accessible in many forms of music, audiobooks, documents, articles, and so many more. It’s no secret that technology is continuously advancing, making it more challenging to keep information protected. “Governments also have protected individuals and companies’ ideas-their intellectual property. With advances in technology, protecting the ownership of intellectual property has become more challenging than ever.” (Lawrence & Weber, 2017, 262) However, steps can be taken to protect the property while including these on your site or online content is not necessary. It does help to inform those visiting the site that what is available on your site is not meant to be replicated. Steps that can be taken to protect the property are: Establishing a privacy approach, patent innovations, get all crafts copyrighted. Businesses usually have a manual, and in this manual, the business should include a privacy approach section. This section is to inform the government of the guidelines and purpose of the business and how they will be implemented. This section doesn’t need to be lengthy, short and to the point will be just fine. Patents can get tricky, so it is best to invest in a lawyer specialising in patents. Copyrights are a great way to protect one’s property because even after the owner’s death, the copyright continues for years after the death. The copyright can continue for a minimum of 70 years after the author’s death and up to 120 years from its creation. It all depends on certain factors. “The term of copyright for a particular work depends on several factors, including whether it has been published, and, if so, the date of first publication.” (, n.d.) References: (n.d., n.d. n.d.). How Long Does Copyright Protection Last? Retrieved 08 05, 2021, from… Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2017). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy. Retrieved from Part 3 It has been a little more than two years since Angela Crawford and Martin Rodriquez purchased the Bluffton Pharmacy from Frank White, the previous owner and founder, who had stated the pharmacy in 1969. Although Crawford and Rodriquez have prepared budgets for Bluffton Pharmacy and have analyzed their financial statements using ratio analysis, they have not created a cash flow forecast. During a recent meeting, their banker explained the importance of reliable cash flow forecasts, telling them that banks traditionally are “cash flow lenders.” Bankers appreciate strong balance sheets and income statements, but they are most interested in a company’s cash flow because they know that positive cash flow is required to repay a loan. Crawford and Rodriquez expect sales to increase 4.5 percent next year, to $2,504,368. Credit sales account for 79 percent of total sales, and the company’s collection pattern for credit sales is 11 percent in the same month in which the sale is generated, 63.5 percent in the first month after the sale is generated, and 22 percent in the second month after the sale is generated. The pharmacy’s cost of goods sold is 77.4 percent, and vendors grant “net 30” credit terms, which means the pharmacy pays for the goods it purchases every month in the following month. Crawford and Rodriquez have been working with their account to develop estimates for their expenses for the upcoming year (see the accompanying table on page 783). Actual sales for the last two months, November and December, were $272,357 and $315,458. The company’s cash balance as of January 1 is $74,473. The interest rate on Bluffton Pharmacy’s current line of credit is 8.25%, and whatever the pharmacy borrows must be repaid the following month (with interest), even if it must borrow again in that month. The entrepreneurs have established a minimum cash balance of $15,000. Questions Develop a monthly cash budget for Bluffton Pharmacy for the upcoming year. What recommendations can you offer Angela Crawford and Martin Rodriquez to improve their pharmacy’s cash flow? Using APA formatting guidelines, in 2-3 pages, respond to questions 1 and 2 making sure to integrate the core value of integrity.

solved Research PaperundefinedThe Standards: undefinedSynthesize multiple sources on the subject, de

Research PaperundefinedThe Standards: undefinedSynthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative sources, using advanced searches effectively. undefinedThe prompt: Write a research paper about a topic that genuinely interests you. The topic can be anything you want it to be as long as it’s appropriate for school. Consider a topic that you love in order to make this assignment more interesting. The research paper must include a thesis that can be proven throughout the rest of the essay. Your research paper must be at least two pages in addition to a title page and a page for the works cited. Your paper must include at least four different resources. You will type the research paper on Google Docs. Share the doc with me in order to turn it in. undefinedThe directions:undefinedChoose a topic that interests you. Begin your research paper with a hook. The hook will be something interesting about your topic that will grab the reader’s attention. At the end of your introduction, or at the very latest, by the end of your second paragraph, state your thesis. In a research paper, your thesis is everything. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay. Once the thesis is stated, the remainder of the research paper will prove your thesis. Your thesis should address one of the following dynamics (The actual topics are just examples; please do not use one of them unless one of these topics interests you):A new theory pushing aside an old theory. For example, an essay about how in the past, the biggest traffic hazard was people who drink and drive, but today the gravest danger is people who text and drive.A thesis about how a new development or discovery has changed the way we think about or look at the world For example, an essay about how the use of e-mail has become obsolete because of text messaging. What are the experts arguing about? An essay on if we should eliminate the North Korean nuclear threat through diplomacy or military force. Assess a solution to a difficult problem: For example, an essay about how clean energy can curb global warming. A surprising gap between expectation and reality: An essay on why soccer games are poorly attended despite soccer being the world’s most popular sport.undefinedThe body paragraphs should contain many citations. You must have four resources, so I should see at least four different citations sprinkled throughout your body paragraphs. Use a citation when you’ve stated something that you’ve learned from reading a resource. The works cited should include at least four different resources. You can’t just use one resource and then expect that resource to be 100% accurate. Therefore, you should be able to read about this topic from four different resources. Please feel free to use more than four resources. The more the merrier!The title page will begin with the name of the school centered at the top. Then write the title of your paper in big bold letters, centered underneath the name of the school. Then include a picture of something relative to your topic. Below your picture write your name, class name, teacher’s name, and due date, in that order centered below the picture. Please see the example that is posted on Google Classroom in order to get a visual of what the title page should look like. Research PaperThe Standards: Synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative sources, using advanced searches effectively. The prompt: Write a research paper about a topic that genuinely interests you. The topic can be anything you want it to be as long as it’s appropriate for school. Consider a topic that you love in order to make this assignment more interesting. The research paper must include a thesis that can be proven throughout the rest of the essay. Your research paper must be at least two pages in addition to a title page and a page for the works cited. Your paper must include at least four different resources. You will type the research paper on Google Docs. Share the doc with me in order to turn it in. The directions:Choose a topic that interests you. Begin your research paper with a hook. The hook will be something interesting about your topic that will grab the reader’s attention. At the end of your introduction, or at the very latest, by the end of your second paragraph, state your thesis. In a research paper, your thesis is everything. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay. Once the thesis is stated, the remainder of the research paper will prove your thesis. Your thesis should address one of the following dynamics (The actual topics are just examples; please do not use one of them unless one of these topics interests you):A new theory pushing aside an old theory. For example, an essay about how in the past, the biggest traffic hazard was people who drink and drive, but today the gravest danger is people who text and drive.A thesis about how a new development or discovery has changed the way we think about or look at the world For example, an essay about how the use of e-mail has become obsolete because of text messaging. What are the experts arguing about? An essay on if we should eliminate the North Korean nuclear threat through diplomacy or military force. Assess a solution to a difficult problem: For example, an essay about how clean energy can curb global warming. A surprising gap between expectation and reality: An essay on why soccer games are poorly attended despite soccer being the world’s most popular sport.The body paragraphs should contain many citations. You must have four resources, so I should see at least four different citations sprinkled throughout your body paragraphs. Use a citation when you’ve stated something that you’ve learned from reading a resource. The works cited should include at least four different resources. You can’t just use one resource and then expect that resource to be 100% accurate. Therefore, you should be able to read about this topic from four different resources. Please feel free to use more than four resources. The more the merrier!The title page will begin with the name of the school centered at the top. Then write the title of your paper in big bold letters, centered underneath the name of the school. Then include a picture of something relative to your topic. Below your picture write your name, class name, teacher’s name, and due date, in that order centered below the picture. Please see the example that is posted on Google Classroom in order to get a visual of what the title page should look like. Research Rubric:AThe paper follows all of the directions.The paper follows MLA format: It contains double spacing between lines, a title page, and headers and page numbers on each page except the title page.The paper has a clear and coherent thesis.The body paragraphs effectively prove your thesis with strong evidence, quotes, and citations. All sources are properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited.Few, if any, spelling and grammar mistakes. BThe paper followed most of the directions. The paper has a thesis.The body paragraphs, for the most part, prove your thesis with evidence, quotes, and citations. Most sources are properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited.Some spelling and grammar mistakes. CThe paper followed some of the directions.The paper has a small semblance of a thesis.The body paragraphs somewhat prove your thesis with evidence, quotes, and citations. Some sources are properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited. Several spelling and grammar mistakes. DThe paper followed a couple of the directions. The paper doesn’t really have much of a thesis.The body paragraphs struggle to prove your thesis.The sources are not really properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited.Many grammar and spelling mistakes. FThe paper did not follow directions.The paper doesn’t have a thesis; instead, it just regurgitates facts. There were no citations within the text of the paper.The works cited page was not done correctly.There were elements of the MLA format that were not done correctly such as correct spacing between lines, correct placement of headers, correct format of the works cited page, and correct format of the title page.The essay features a load of spelling and grammar mistakes.Research Rubric:AThe paper follows all of the directions.The paper follows MLA format: It contains double spacing between lines, a title page, and headers and page numbers on each page except the title page.The paper has a clear and coherent thesis.The body paragraphs effectively prove your thesis with strong evidence, quotes, and citations. All sources are properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited.Few, if any, spelling and grammar mistakes. BThe paper followed most of the directions. The paper has a thesis.The body paragraphs, for the most part, prove your thesis with evidence, quotes, and citations. Most sources are properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited.Some spelling and grammar mistakes. CThe paper followed some of the directions.The paper has a small semblance of a thesis.The body paragraphs somewhat prove your thesis with evidence, quotes, and citations. Some sources are properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited. Several spelling and grammar mistakes. DThe paper followed a couple of the directions. The paper doesn’t really have much of a thesis.The body paragraphs struggle to prove your thesis.The sources are not really properly cited within the text of the research paper and in the works cited.Many grammar and spelling mistakes. FThe paper did not follow directions.The paper doesn’t have a thesis; instead, it just regurgitates facts. There were no citations within the text of the paper.The works cited page was not done correctly.There were elements of the MLA format that were not done correctly such as correct spacing between lines, correct placement of headers, correct format of the works cited page, and correct format of the title page.The essay features a load of spelling and grammar mistakes.i put a my teach Exapmple on Files

solved Initial Post at least 750 words and two replies of

Initial Post at least 750 words and two replies of at least 250 words. For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least two scholarly citations in current APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citations in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include Textbooks, the Bible, and peer reviewed literature.
Topic: Dealing with Terrorism
After having read the text and any additional research you choose, provide at least 1 detailed example for each phase of emergency management as it would apply to dealing with terrorism. Include the 4 original phases (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery), and prevention. You may approach this from a micro or macro level in other words a local, state, regional, or a national level or a combination of them as you deem appropriate for each phase.… 

Peer Response #1

This week we were able to give an example for each phase of emergency management related to dealing with terrorism. Whether it is man-made or a natural disaster, the planning process is interchangeable. You will still need police, fire, and medical for either type of disaster.
Prevention of a terrorist attack is complex when you do not know where the attack will come from. Developing programs that will allow the public to help identify possible threats is an excellent way to help with prevention. “September 25 has been designated as national “If You See Something, Say Something” Awareness Day. The campaign works with partners year-round to inspire, empower and educate the public on suspicious activity reporting.” (Department of Homeland Security, n.a., section National Awareness Day, para 1)
Build a team to work began planning for a terrorist attack. This team should include the city manager, police chief, fire department representative, IT representative, EOC director, and a representative from the local hospitals. First, this team would be tasked with identifying potential risks at the city level for natural or man-made occurrences. After they know the chance, they can start to create a plan of action should a natural or man-made event happen.
Identify State programs for educating and training the health workforce. The works force must be educated in how to respond and work with emergency medical systems at all levels of government. (Ziskin & Harris, 2007, section “Education and Training,” para 1) The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 authorized funding for states, municipalities, and territorial governments through cooperative agreements with the Health Resources and Services Administration and the CDC.” (Ziskin & Harris, 2007, section “Funding for the States’ Preparedness Efforts”, para 1) All states need to take advantage of this funding to ensure that their workforce is educated should an event happen.
During the response period, it is essential to keep the public informed. Keeping people informed will help prevent widespread panic, and we as advise them of what area they need to avoid. This is also an excellent way of getting the word out if they need to evacuate. This would hold for natural or man-made occurrences. Partnering with local news channels should be considered in the Mitigation stage; this will ensure that the word can be distributed to the general public during an event.
After the response phase is over, a community resiliency center (CRC) should ensure that services and assistance are provided to victims, family members, first responders, and anyone else affected by this disaster. (Office for Victims of Crime, 2015, Recovery: Victim Assistance, para 1) The CRC team should be planned for during mitigation. This would ensure that the team is ready to step in as soon as the response phase is over.
“By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith, he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.” (New International Bible, 1978/2011, Hebrews 11:7) Our City, state, and National Governments have plans to deal with disasters brought on via natural and Man-made. I am a firm believer that we should also have plans with our families for disasters. Noah was warned, and he followed God’s direction to prepare to take care of his family. Tornadoes are the disaster that will most likely affect where I live. A tornado shelter was installed in our garage to help protect our family. We also have at least one week of food and water supply within the shelter. Being prepared to help yourself will enable you to help others if the need arises.

Peer Response #2

The phases of emergency management translate well with regard to terrorism. Each of the four phases, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, have a critical role with terrorism and terrorist attacks. Additionally, a critically important phase of this process is prevention. As our nation continues to address the war on terror, these phases are vital in guiding that process.
Mitigation is focused on reducing or eliminating risk to people and property from hazards and their effects (Sylves, 2020). A useful tool in the mitigative process is a threat assessment focusing on a terrorist attack. A specific example of this entails identifying building and/or structures of concern. Some topics to consider would be the type of building, the location, and possible number of occupants that inhabit them. Also, another factor would be the likelihood of an attack at any of those locations for concern. Meaning, would a specific building be a target for a terrorist attack based on an affiliation or relationship to a particular government, group, etc. We have seen this play out in domestic terrorist issues with Planned Parenthood facilities being targeted due to the nature of their work and the strong beliefs of individuals and/or organizations actively seeking to disrupt their operations.
The next step could be to identify and consider potential consequences of an attack at any of the identified locations. Specifically, through the emergency management lens with a terrorism focus, what could be the potential result with regard to loss of life and property at the identified areas of concern. Another useful term for this would be a consequence assessment. If a attack were to be successful, what would the magnitude of damage be. For example, the Twin Towers housed a large amount of people in those buildings, thus making them a prime target to cause a catastrophically large damage to life and property.
The third and last step in this threat assessment process would be a vulnerability assessment. This evaluates if an attack was successful, what would the probability of damage, loss of life and affects to other entities related to the attacked location. Reducing vulnerabilities could be accomplished by identifying vulnerable areas that lack adequate security to prevent a breach.
The second phases, preparedness, focuses on developing a response plan and training for first responders to save lives and reduce property damage (Sylves, 2020). A perfect example of this would be active shooter training. Law enforcement nationwide have learned through experience of how to best respond to these situations. As such, curricula and training have been developed and implemented to respond to such incidents. Since then, we have seen law enforcement respond to numerous active shooter incidents where the training and plans have been utilized which helped prevent further loss of life. This training was initially optional but has since been made mandatory for most agencies.
The response phase deals with responding to an emergency incident which has already occurred, and is focused on preventing loss of additional life and property damage. Relating back to active shooter incidents, the response phase is critical. Historically, SWAT teams were called out and a much more timely and methodical approach was used. However, this tactic lacked urgency and allowed the unnecessary loss of life. Now when responding to an active shooter, law enforcement form a small team and begin to immediately search for and eliminate the threat(s). Responding in this manner aims to prevent additional loss of life. During 9/11, the response phase was unique in how long it took due to the vast amount of damage and missing people. Expansive searches were conducted for a prolonged period of time in search for survivors trapped by the collapsed buildings.
Recovery encompasses the restoration, rebuilding, and return to normalcy as much as possible. In 9/11, again this phases lasted an extremely long time, arguably still to this day. Due to the tragedy that occurred that day, after the clean up was accomplished the decision to not rebuild was made. Rather, the sites of the two Twin Towers is now a memorial dedicated to the lives lost that day, and those who continue to succumb to injuries or illnesses they sustained from that day.
Prevention, in my opinion, is the most important phase regarding terrorism. While some of its principles are encompassed in the mitigation and preparedness phases, it expands beyond that. Preventing something from happening is rooted in deterrence (Pelfrey, 2005). The United States has taken an aggressive response in deterring another terrorist attack from happening. Post 9/11 we have seen this play out in the form of increased airline security, the development of Joint Terrorism Task Forces, the creation of Fusion Centers, and so on. Information sharing and collaboration amongst various first responder agencies has increased to work collaboratively in preventing terrorist attacks, which was not a high priority before 9/11.
Preventing another terrorist attack is a collaborative effort. I was reminded of the battle when Israel defeated Amalek in the book of Ezekiel. In Chapter 17:11, it said whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, but whenever he lowered it Amalek prevailed. In verse 12 Moses became weary, so Aaron and Hur held up an arm on each side until the battle was won. I see a lot of significance with this that fighting terrorism is a team effort to win this battle. We need to help each other and work together to accomplish the mission of saving lives and property to keep the U.S. safe.

solved Nyoka Rogers RE: Discussion – Week 5 COLLAPSE Brief explanation

Nyoka Rogers 
RE: Discussion – Week 5
Brief explanation of the behavioral perspective reflected in the article you selected.
According to Nahavandi 2015, the behavioral perspective theory focuses on behaviors providing several advantages over a trait approach that include: behaviors can be observed readily, behaviors can be consistently measured, and behaviors can be taught through a variety of methods. In the selected article, “behavioral reasoning theory proposes that context-specific reasons are critical in decision-making, intention formation, and behavior” (Westaby et al., 2010). This article suggest that reasons not only influence leaders’ attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control to act, they also directly influence leaders’ intentions to act through explicit and implicit processes (Westaby et al., 2010). Also, hypothesized within the article is that a leader’s intentions are related to their subsequent behavior. Leaders’ intentions often become formalized through a number of behavioral mechanisms, such as in new policies, practices, and organizational processes (Westaby et al., 2010).
Explain the strengths and limitations of this perspective.
A strength of the behavior theory is that leadership traits can be learned through development and experience (Behavioral theory, 2014). Also, when looking at the behavior theory, it describes how a leader can be made into an effective leader, which can be determined to be a strength of the behavior theory. One limitation of the behavior theory is leaders being able to adapt. This is due to a leader being placed in different situations and one behavior may work in one situation but may not in another situation.
Explain how this perspective you selected relates to both Trait Theory and the Skills Approach
The behavior theory shows what an effective leader does as compared to trait theory that suggest that leaders are born. Instead of identifying who would be an effective leader, the behavior approach emphasizes what an effective leader does (Nahavandi, 2015). The behavior approach and skills approach are similar as leaders can learn behaviors and skills that they need in order to become an effective leader. The skills approach to leadership focuses on the belief that certain abilities, knowledge, and skills that can be learned or developed are important to leadership (Salley, 2014). The skills approach and behavior approach evaluate leaders on what they can accomplish rather than what leadership skills and traits that they are born with.
Behavioral theory: Strengths, weaknesses, and current theorists. (2014). Retrieved March 31, 2021, from…
Nahavandi, A. (2015). The art and science of leadership. Boston: Pearson.
Salley, M. (2014). Meredith Salley’s SITE. Retrieved March 31, 2021, from,of%20what%20they%20can%20accomplish.
Westaby, J. D., Probst, T. M., & Lee, B. C. (2010). Leadership decision-making: A behavioral reasoning theory analysis. The Leadership Quarterly, 21, 481-495.
1 day ago
Isaac YAH 
RE: Discussion – Week 5
Isaac Yah
Week 5 Discussion: Behavior/Style Perspective to Leadership
Behavioral Perspective to Public Health Leadership
        The behavior perspective was one of the many concepts studied by leadership scholars to identify who can be an effective leader but failed to yield the desire results. Among the many leadership styles and behaviors identified were the democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational (Nahavandi, 2014). In this article, the behavioral perspective discussed is the transformational leaderships. The authors developed a multi-foci analysis that examined follower dependence, follower independence and leader-follower interdependence to understand how transformational leadership influences followers’ behavior (Lu et al.,2020). The results of the study suggested that in a transformational leadership, the followers are dependent on the leaders rather the other two dimensions. Nahavandi (2014) and Lu et al. (2020) indicated that transformational leadership inspires follower to implement the leader’s vision and make employees/followers to accomplish more than expected. In this relationship, the leader creates a strong emotional bond between leaders and followers that garner loyalty, trust, and a desire to emulate the leader (Nahavandi, 2014). Studies indicate that many famous world leaders, including Kennedy, Obama, Mandela, and Gandhi were charismatic, transformational leaders (Nahavandi, 2014),
Strength and Limitations of Transformational Leadership
The strengths of transformational leadership are that it facilitates organizational change by motivation and encouragement, empowerment, inspiration, intellectually stimulating and easily overcome resistance to change and create a sense of justice and collective identity (Nahavandi, 2014). The limitations are that in it increases followers’ dependence on the leader, its trait-like elements developed early in life make it unteachable, and that transformational leaders are not a good fit in organizations that prefer status quo and do require transformation or change (Nahavandi, 2014; Lu et al., 2020).
How the Perspective Relates to Trait Theory of Leadership
Both traits and behavioral leadership are essential to leadership by influencing followers, but early studies indicate that they are not sufficient to engender effective leadership (Nahavandi, 2014). Like traits, behaviors are learned early in life and have great influence on an individual’s leadership style, and both use emotion to connect with followers (Nahavandi, 2014; Lu et al., 2020). Certain leadership traits and behaviors lead to followers’ satisfaction and improve performance (Nahavandi, 2014).
Lu, Q., Liu, Y., & Huang, X. (2020). Follower dependence, independence, or interdependence: A multi-foci framework to unpack the mystery of transformational leadership effects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health 2020, 17, 4534; doi: 1-.3390/ijerph17124534
Nahavandi, A. (2014). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
1 day ago
Mya Win 
RE: Discussion – Week 5
Mindful Leadership
The article by Peter (2020) discusses the mindful leadership strategy for achieving significant improvement in leadership.  Basically, the article emphasizes the well-known Buddha’s formula of right the outlook leading to right thinking.  The author describes that some barriers that most leaders dealing with are misperceptions, internal biases, and inclining towards previous events.  Mindfulness is emphasizing the right thinking.  For instance, if a leader believes that the staff members do their best to get the work is done in an approved safe way. Understanding the different states or actions are very important in leadership.  The situations of a leader could affect performance include not fully understanding the strengths and limitations of each method, being influenced by effective marketing that positions one solution as the only way to address the issue, automatically associating one thing with another, becoming so used to one method only and afraid of things in different ways, and feeling under pressure to get things done as quickly as possible.  Strategic leaders are efficient in that they think for themselves, nurture an outlook of not accepting the limits that others place combined with the mindfulness to look out for different options to find the best solutions (Peter, 2020). 
The Strengths and Limitations of Mindful Leadership
There are strengths as well as some limitations in mindfulness leadership.  The strengths are all planning, programming, interventions, or actions start off in mind.  Being mindfulness very effective in leadership as it ensures leaders continuously focus on the vision and goals that are being carried out and to make rapid movements and help leaders face adaptive challenges.  Moreover, it improves the psychological defense mechanisms of leaders and contributes positively and proactively to their mental well-being, impacts the emotional intelligence of leaders.  Mindful leaders have higher empathy and awareness that motivates followers more effectively in achieving their goals (Burmansah et al., 2019).  Mindfulness also has some limitations.  In some situations, mindfulness can lead to some unwanted outcomes such as disorienting, stultifying, confusing, and feeling distant from the person’s own humanity.  More flaws of mindfulness from recent studies are increasing false memories, becoming less creative, dissociation, and psychosis (Pillay, 2018).
The Relation of Mindfulness to Leadership Trait Theory and Skills
           The skills of leadership include technical skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills.  Mindfulness is related to conceptual skills as it affects problem-solving, logical thinking, decision making, and reasoning (Nahavandi, 2014).  For instance, by thinking logically instead of jumping on to misconceptions, a leader can make good decisions and solve problems most efficiently.  The personal traits that can contribute to effective leadership include motivation, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, and knowledge of business (Nahavandi, 2014).  Mindfulness can somehow relate to desire and motivation to lead.  For example, a mindful leader can build a successful relationship with employees that makes the leader more efficient and motivated to lead the group.  
Burmansah, B., Rugaiyah, R., & Mukhtar, M. (2019). Mindful Leadership: The Ability of Leader to Establish Connection to Others, Community, and Deal with Changes Skillfully-A Case Study of Buddhist Higher Education Institute Leader. International E-Journal of Educational Studies, 133–149.
Nahavandi, A. (2014). Art and Science of Leadership, The (7th ed.). Pearson.
Pater, R. (2020). MINDFUL LEADERSHIP: A Strategy for Achieving Significant Change. Professional Safety, 65(9), 16–18.
Pillay, S. (2018, March 6). The 4 Disadvantages of Mindfulness. Pick The Brain.…