solved I’m studying and need help with a Psychology question to

I’m studying and need help with a Psychology question to help me learn.

Create slides and a script document that explain how psychology helps us to understand people in social or group settings. Your slides should contain the following information:

Section 1: Discuss some of the biological and environmental influences on sexuality and gender role development in adolescents and teenagers. Be sure to incorporate how a psychologist might use social learning and gender schema theories to explain these developmental stages. (2-3 slides)
Section 2: Pick what you consider to be the three most important factors young adults face in terms of social thought, social behaviors, and social categorization. Explain, using realistic examples, how these factors influence the behavior of college-age people in social situations. (2-3 slides)
Section 3: Pick three different mental disorders a therapist might encounter when working with individuals who are struggling with daily social life. Describe the characteristics of these disorders and then compare and contrast their potential causes. (2-3 slides)
Section 4: Describe what a psychotherapist does to treat mental disorders. Explain the different methods used in contemporary psychotherapy and analyze their effectiveness. (2-3 slides)

Step 2
Create the slides.
Using presentation applications (also referred to as slide ware) such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, organize and display the required information for each of the three sections in a series of presentational slides (also referred to as a slide deck). Note that you are not required to present this project in a live setting; however, you should design these slides as if you were doing so. If you have never created a slide deck before or need some additional help, several resources and tutorial videos are available online. Conduct an Internet browser search for the slide application you are using (for example, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote) and the search term “tutorial.” Such a search will provide videos and websites that can assist you in creating the slides and using the application.
Design your slides with the following in mind:

Presentation title slide should be Psychology in Social Settings.
All slides should be contained within one file.
Label each slide with the slide title and number.
Use clear, concise bullet points.
Presentations are primarily visual. Avoid including too much written information on your slides. You can include more detailed information in the written script portion of this project.
Images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools to support your message.
All knowledge gained from external sources, including course resources, must be cited in each slide for content and graphics.  At the end of the slide deck, include proper citations in APA style for the sources you used, which include images and diagrams (explore the Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) website for examples). The source citation slide will not count toward your slide total.

Step 3
Write the presentation script.
Write the text of your script to correspond with each slide as though you were delivering a live presentation. You should write 1 to 2 paragraphs for each slide that expands on the information covered for each individual slide. The script should be written in a professional, yet conversational tone as if you were speaking to a live audience.

solved Step 1 Review assignment requirements. Create slides and a script

Step 1
Review assignment requirements.
Create slides and a script that demonstrate how personality helps us understand ourselves and others. Your slides should contain the following information:

Provide an overview of how people change over the course of their lives based on the stages of human development. Look to people you know for relevant examples of psychological development that will interest your audience. (2-4 slides)
Examine the different motivation theories and the psychological basis of emotions. Use several realistic examples to demonstrate how these theories explain why people think, feel, and act the way they do. These examples should demonstrate how college-age people might behave differently from other groups because of their unique physiological and psychological composition. Be sure to explain why some people are more emotional than others. (2-4 slides)
Examine psychoanalytic approaches and humanistic theories to explain behaviors and traits in personalities. Describe three examples that demonstrate how these approaches and theories are used to explain the everyday behavior of our friends and family members. Be sure to include a psychologist’s perspective on whether personality determines or only influences our behavior. (2-4 slides)

Step 2
Create the slides.
Using presentation applications (also referred to as slide ware) such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, organize and display the required information for each of the three sections in a series of presentational slides (also referred to as a slide deck). Note that you are not required to present this project in a live setting; however, you should design these slides as if you were doing so. If you have never created a slide deck before or need some additional help, several resources and tutorial videos are available online. Conduct an Internet browser search for the slide application you are using (for example, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote) and the search term “tutorial.” Such a search will provide videos and websites that can assist you in creating the slides and using the application.
Design your slides with the following in mind:

Presentation title slide should be Personality Helps Us Understand Who We Are.
All slides should be contained within one file.
Label each slide with the slide title and number.
Use clear, concise bullet points.
Presentations are primarily visual. Avoid including too much written information on your slides. You can include more detailed information in the written script portion of this project.
Images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools to support your message.
All knowledge gained from external sources, including course resources, must be cited in each slide for content and graphics.  At the end of the slide deck, include proper citations in APA style for the sources you used, which include images and diagrams (explore the Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) website for examples). The source citation slide will not count toward your slide total.

Step 3
Write the presentation script.
Write the text of your script to correspond with each slide as though you were delivering a live presentation. You should write 1 to 2 paragraphs for each slide that expands on the information covered for each individual slide. The script should be written in a professional, yet conversational tone as if you were speaking to a live audience.

solved Hi Professor,You gave me the first draft sample last week,

Hi Professor,You gave me the first draft sample last week, and this week I got some reviews of the essay need to improve below. Don’t need to write a new essay, just add or delete some of them.1st Paragraph (Introduction: Define the Problem)One thing Peggys does really well in her essay is to talk about the problem by pulling definitions, statistics and causes so that people can understand where the problem comes from. she gives a detailed background of the problem.2nd Paragraph (Propose the solution)She does propose a solution, but I think she should get more in dept / or more detailed. she talks about regular physical exercise but I think she could elaborate more on that.She provides intext citations but I have never seen MLA like that so I am guessing she is paraphrasing?3rd Paragraph (Explain Effectiveness)I think it’s effective as she talks about if from all possible angles. One thing I noticed is that she doesn’t offer a solution on how people should learn to control what they consume. If we are talking about obesity.. I have the belief that some people can just not control it and they need a system of something to help them.4th Paragraph (Address Fairness, Feasibility, and any Opposition or Weaknesses)She talks about how other factors affect people’s daily exercising lives, like transportation and it’s results. and how physical activity is insufficient and proceeds to give some facts so people can look at it from another point of view (maybe is not people’s fault they are overweight but transportation and other factors contribute to it)I do not believe there’s an opposition here.Structure of your Proposal Argument Essay:1st Paragraph (Introduction: Define the Problem)To make it easier for everyone, state only ONE problem. You may one want to begin your introduction with a hook (statistic or surprising fact), and define your problem. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.2nd Paragraph (Propose the solution)To make it easier for everyone, propose only ONE solution. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.3rd Paragraph (Explain Effectiveness)Explain how effective your proposed solution is. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources. Of course, you must include your own analysis as well.4th Paragraph (Address Fairness, Feasibility, and any Opposition or Weaknesses)You must include a counterargument. An example of a counterargument is in your Course Reader Chapter 10: This politician says that we should freeze military spending because our nation needs to save money. It’s true that budgets must be carefully monitored, but my proposed increase in spending will actually generate more tax revenue because it will create new high-paying jobs. Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.5th Paragraph (Conclusion)Your conclusion is a summary or restatements of what you have presented in your four paragraphs (problem/ solution/ effectiveness/ opposition). Do not forget to include your research, in-text citation, paraphrases, and quotation marks for directly copied statements from your sources.

solved There are two options, only select one: Option #1: Selecting

There are two options, only select one:
Option #1: Selecting the Best Channel 
Utilizing the table below, determine the best communication channels for the following messages, and then create these five messages as they would look based on the channel you chose for each. Assume that all channels shown are available. Support your reasoning with examples and research.
Ten Levels of Richness in Today’s Workplace Communication Channels – Richest to Leanest
Richest ChannelsLeanest Channels1. Face-to-Face Conversation. Richest medium, best for persuasive, bad news, and personal messages.6. Letter. For external messages that require formality, sensitivity, or written record.2. Telephone. Best choice when two people cannot meet in person.7. Memo. To distribute interoffice information, especially when e-mail is unavailable.3. Video Chat. Best for group interaction and consensus building when members are dispersed.8. Blog. To share ideas with a wide Internet audience and encourage responses.4. E-mail. Best for routine messages that do not require immediate feedback.9. Report. To deliver considerable data internally or externally.5. IM. Best for short online messages that need a quick response.10. Wiki. To provide a repository for digital information that can be easily changed.
(Guffey, M. Loewy, D., 2018, Figure 4.5)

A manager needs to know whether Crystal in Reprographics can produce a rush job for her in two days.
As part of a task force to investigate cell phone marketing, a manager needs to establish a central location where each team member can see general information about the task as well as add comments for others to see. Task force members are located throughout the country.
A manager wants to know what team members are available immediately for a quick teleconference meeting. They are all workaholics and glued to their computers.
A human resources manager during company reorganization must tell six employees they will lose their jobs.
A prospective client in Japan wants the price quotes for a number of a company’s products as soon as possible.

Include an introductory paragraph that outlines the importance of selecting appropriate communication channels. Please respond to each of the questions and include a conclusion that is a synthesis of your work.
Guffey, M. Loewy, D. (2018). Business communication: Process and product (9th ed.). Cengage.

Option #2: Managing Change 
The Chief Operations Officer (COO) of a Fortune 500 company is preparing to implement a major change in Standard Operating Procedures in the next six months. This is an initiative that she has personally spearheaded over the past year and one which she knows—while extremely valuable to the company and its employees in the long-term future—will almost certainly elicit a lot of initial unhappiness, anxiety, uncertainty, and push-back from both customers and employees—especially if the key components of the change initiative are communicated carelessly.
What are some of potential communications problems the COO faces right now, over the next six months, and for up to a year after the change is implemented? What will she have to do to ensure that the message is well-received and clearly understood by both external and internal customers (employees)? What media should she use to communicate over the next several months? Explain why this is the most effective way to communicate.

solved Two Quick Response Questions: Your response for each question should

Two Quick Response Questions: Your response for each question should be 50-75 words each and should be more than “I agree,” or “You’re right on the money!” But tell me why you agree with my statements and try to offer an example or something additional to keep this conversation moving forward. Question 1: My two steps of the investigative process are securing the crime scene and collecting evidence. Securing the crime scene is very crucial to find out what happened. Once the crime scene is secured, the work on gathering evidence can begin. Why secure the crime scene, you may ask? Because it will protect it from contamination or tampering. Next, you collect your evidence and start the rest of your investigation. A real-life example I have is from 10th grade in 2010. There were a lot of cybercrimes going on in my school around that time. I was a victim of one of them. My mom and I went down to the local precinct to report the cyberbullying, fake pages, etc. The detectives didn’t have to secure a crime scene since everything was online. They did have to collect evidence and look at IP addresses. I was also interviewed along with a few other students from my school. Eventually, after a few days, they found the culprit. He was expelled shortly after, and there were no more hacks, threats, or bullying. Another example; all my favorite crime shows do is Law & Order, Chicago PD, Blue Bloods, and Law and Order Organized crime. Now watching this on-screen is different from being in the scene. An hour of your life at home is 8+ hours to days for the actors to make your scene. Being on set to secure a crime or collecting evidence is more of a job. It just happens faster than in real life. Real-life things take more time and effort, and they aren’t creating a fake scene or fake crime. On tv, you always see Benson or Stabler asking if the scene is secure. Sometimes they don’t, but you can assume it happened off the scene. Then they start to collect evidence and then interview. Even if it is all happening in the same scene, it is separate for different officers to execute. Question 2: Plagiarism in the short text is cheating. It is taking the work of someone else and presenting it as your own. Often, people plagiarize because of a lack of knowledge, but most times, people do it because they did not plan or organize their thoughts well. It can be easy to confuse common knowledge with plagiarizing. Someone may think they know the topic, write it down, presumably paraphrasing important details incorrectly, and be flagged for plagiarism. Students have hectic schedules. This could lead to the possibility of plagiarism. Rushing to do last-minute work, forgetting assignments, disinterest in a topic, or self-doubt in your abilities could all be possible triggers for students. It’s hard to think that a person would strive to be a plagiarizer. It is easy to fall into the trap if you don’t use resources and educational support to help or answer your questions. I do not believe that this is a gateway to deviant behavior. Although a crime, the action could be from lack of knowledge and not so much criminal tendency. This is not in all cases, however. Some people are deviant by nature. They could typically be a person whose purpose is to deceive. Plagiarism is one of those things you have to be careful of, and it can ruin your professional reputation and academic life just as quickly as it started.

solved Create a Comprehensive Wellness Program As a culminating project, you

Create a Comprehensive Wellness Program
As a culminating project, you will create a comprehensive wellness program for one of the special populations listed below: 
Heart disease
Pulmonary Disease
Part I: Review of special population
Chosen Group
Determine the selected population you will be working with. Analyze current available research and complete an overview of the selected population. 
Describe your chosen group. Include details on this target population including statistics on the condition.
Lifestyle Factors
Analyze lifestyle factors that positively impact the special condition.
Analyze lifestyle factors that negatively impact the condition.
Explain one program that has been successful in supporting lifestyle factors that positively impact the special condition (i.e. Yoga classes for women who are pregnant or pulmonary rehabilitation classes for individuals with lung disease). 
Part I should be written in a formal tone in APA style and format.
Part II: Apply skills
Note: If there are some below listed courses that you did not take as part of your curriculum, please use the Week 5 Required Resources to help you in completing this assignment.
Counseling techniques (Reviewed in PSY 380)
Explain how you would make personal contact with the client and develop a working alliance.
Health history (Reviewed in HWE 420)
List the questions you would ask during the initial health history assessment.
Explain if this client needs clearance from a medical doctor.
Describe what initial assessments you would complete on the client and explain your rationale for selecting these assessments. (Reviewed in HWE 200, HCS 334, and HWE 420)
Explain any risks of exercise for your client. (Reviewed in HWE 420)
Identify two safety tips and guidelines the client should follow due to his or her condition. (Reviewed in HWE 420)
Choose one of the following components of exercise: cardiovascular, muscular strength, muscular endurance, or flexibility and create a plan for your client.  Use a chart to show initial assessment and a second chart to show progression. (Reviewed in HCS 334 and HWE 420)
Suggest two motivational strategies you could use with this client. (Reviewed in HWE 200)
Explain how you would evaluate your client’s progress. (Reviewed in HCS 334 and HWE 420)
Stress Management (Reviewed in HWE 200 and HWE 415)
Explain how you would assess the stress level of your client.
Assume your client requires stress management. Describe two techniques you would suggest your client try.
Explain when and how you would determine this stress management technique is being effective or not.
Dietary Guidelines (Reviewed in HWE 200 and HCS 308)
Describe how you would assess your client’s dietary patterns.
Suggest dietary guidelines for your client based on current recommendations for his or her special condition. Provide detail such as caloric intake and serving sizes.
Elaborate on how you would evaluate your client’s progress with his or her dietary plan.
Cultural Competence (Reviewed in PSY 380)
Assume the client has a different cultural background than your own.  How would you employ cultural competence in working with this individual?
Psychological considerations (Reviewed in PSY 380)
Explain two psychological methods or principles that may help the special population manage and/or cope with illness or current health status.

solved discussion promptSome consider fair access to health care a moral

discussion promptSome consider fair access to health care a moral right, while others disagree. We have defined the term moral right as “a privilege to act in some specific, intentional manner or to obtain some specific benefit because one is a moral agent living in a community of moral agents under a shared moral standard.”Is access to health care a moral right?Why or why not?Remember to respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts with feedback on their opinions and ideas.comment 1Fair access to health care is not only a moral right but should be an obligation as humans living on Earth. Restricting basic access to health care is not a question of basic principles of cost but rather the standard of living. There is a myriad of financial reports on the effects of mandated insurance but the matter of fact it, it is inevitable that we will face some health issues in within our lifetime. Even more so, there will be instances where accidents can and will occur, and when these do, without proper access to health care, we leave ourselves with the question as a society of whether or not we are moving in the right direction or not. Health care is a must because it protects us as a community in cases of emergencies within our families, it is not fair to be turned away just because we are not qualified financially. The moral ethics of nursing is then thrown out if we do not provide care. The nursing code of ethics specifically states that universal health care is a right according to Gaines (2020). If the nursing code of ethics is written in such a way to ultimately always provide care amongst any situation, access to health care be should then be a moral right.Gaines, K. (2020, September 4). What is the Nursing Code of Ethics? Retrieved from 2As human beings, our health, along with the health of our loved ones is a matter of daily concern. Regardless of diverse factors, such as age, gender, socio-economic or ethnic background, well-being is greatly considered the most basic and essential asset society can have. On the contrary, poor health can keep drastically affect our daily living by preventing us from realizing essential activities, such as attending work or school, as well as keeping us form from focusing on our family responsibilities, and being able to fully take part if the activities of our community. Humans are willing to do whatever it takes as long it is guaranteed that those we care for and ourselves get to live healthily. In other words, well-being is constantly in our minds. As a result, I truly believe that health care should be a moral right, a human need, not only locally but on a global scale. However, in the United States, for instance, the right to health care is not something that is provided for everyone to enjoy. The current system makes it very difficult for the average person to have full access. The United States does not really have a health care system, only a health insurance system (Gerisch, M. n.d.). In conclusion, health care should definitely be labeled as a moral right due to the surrounding factors and the impact that it would cause on the daily experiences of humans, but it is not always an accessible service.ReferencesGerisch, M. (n.d.) Health Care As a Human Right. blications/human_rights_magazine_home/the-state-of-healthcare-in-the-united-states/health-care-as-a-human-right/

solved Post A) My “Better Me Plan”, was to be able

Post A) My “Better Me Plan”, was to be able to eliminate the amount of panic attacks I have. Our professor pointed out that this is an identified behavior that I should find a positive way to decrease the amount of stress that is leading to these attacks. So, I have a scheduled reinforcer that I have recently started to include in my positive ways to lessen the stress. I have gone to the store and bought an actual stress ball, and I have been using this stress ball throughout the day when I am feeling stressed. My panic attacks are brought on by stress and even though I may not even know I am stressing other people around me. Like my husband will notice this behavior. My intermitted scheduled reinforcer is when I take more time out of my day like right when I wake up, I will listen to some classical music and before I go to bed, I will do the same thing. The Differential Reinforcement would be when I do not have my stress ball to be able to use and I feel stressed, like when I am driving. I have to be able to use both hands so I am not given a reinforcer, I just have to used applied behaviors like breathing techniques to calm myself. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” For this quote I can relate to it heavily. I recently changed my pattern of eating and strayed a ketogenic diet with applied intermittent fasting for 18 hours a day. My motivation was to lose weight for a trip that I am going on for my birthday this month. However, whet kept me going is the fact that I have already lost 11lbs. So, in fact this is habit because I no longer even have the urge to eat something that is not healthy because I am already used to this new way of living. When working with people in the Human Service field this can be small steps of accomplishments that are made for future goals. We need to know what motivates people to change, and then in turn to be able to show patterns of habitual behavior that can be changed to positive reinforcement. This when there are negative outcomes they are able to look towards their goal and not the failures that they have had. Post B)For my better Me Plan I chose better time management to better my mood in life. I chose to make more time for things that I feel are important to my overall mental health such as a full night’s rest and personal time. I believe negative reinforcement has been the reinforcement most suitable for my situation. If I choose not to make personal time for myself, the negative will result in my mood and livelyhood being on a decline rather than a incline. I believe I have in fact been using the principles of differential reinforcement of high rates because if I make time for sleep and other personal activities with myself my reward ends’s up being high satisfaction and overall better moods for my health. I believe I can recommend client’s to use tactics such as reinforcement’s for better results over time. Putting life and goals into perspective while working toward’s a reward is a great form of treatment when wanting better results over time.The quote (“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – unknown) breaks down to the fact that their has to be something in which you want as a reward, something that motivates you. While working towards your reward you are forming new behaviors which results in behavior modification and new habits to be created.

solved Please analyze the attached text, and utilize your textbook as

Please analyze the attached text, and utilize your textbook as you do so (check How To… Assignments for instructions). Thanks.Source: Huang Liu-hong, “Elimination of Authorized Silversmiths” from A Complete Book Concerning Happiness and Benevolence: A Manual for Local Magistrates in Seventeenth-Century China, translated and edited by Djang Chu, pp. 190-91, 1984 University of Arizona Press.&TextA) For the first part of this assignment – “ARTifact”:1. Please go to the website of the British Museum, a link named – History of the World in 100 objects.… (Links to an external site.) and the supplemental links: (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.)2. Choose an object (from anywhere from the world), from the period covered in this module (or about 30 years before or after the specific period covered in class in the current week), and present a report about the chosen artifact, with the explanation of the immediate context of the artifact seen in a wider historic context, in about 250 words. Make sure that you pick 1 (one) of the 100 (one hundred) objects listed in the link – not any object that the British Museum has in its collection (which is about 8 million!). Do double-check – the list has literally 100 objects – and only about 1 or 2 will fit the bill for each module (see instructions for this assignment in the module itself).3. Name of the artifact at the top of your report, and present to the reader the artifact and it’s provenance, including the historical context from which it hails.4. Your essay style report is to contain 2 in-text references to the info from the British Museum website (make 1 reference), and at least 1 reference from the relevant information on the period and the artifact from the corresponding era found in your Book.5. Include the image of the chosen artifact under that.6. Provide a Work Cited section at the end of the ARTifact Report (for all the cited information you used in the report, and the source of your image. See examples for this in Originality, Citation, and Format. 7. Leave some space, and then start the second part…B) For the second part of this assignment – “Text” – Primary Source Document Analysis – which will be referenced for each module (from your textbook or one provided by the instructor)2.1. Start with providing the title/name of the document at the top2.2 Analyze the text of the primary source document, incorporating what you’ve learned in the lesson (1 in-text reference from the Book). Use the questions at the bottom of the primary source document as a guideline. Make sure you integrate the historical questions – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How in your essay format reply.2.3. Cite your sources (in-text and work cited at the end).2.4. About 250 words of your analysis should suffice.Note: The “ARTifact” and “Text” do not have to correspond thematically and do not have to be from the same world region, but both need to be roughly from the chronological period covered in the given module.3.1. Submit original work, and have cited references (in-text and work cited at bottom);3.2. Your upload must be a word doc or word docx or pdf.3.3. Only one upload is possible.

solved Thematic DiscussionsMoral Disengagement Discussion: What mechanisms of moral disengagement do

Thematic DiscussionsMoral Disengagement Discussion: What mechanisms of moral disengagement do athletes and their supporters typically rely upon when confronted regarding irresponsible actions on the playing field?Aggression Theories Discussion: In your opinion, which theory best explains aggression in sport and which theory is weakest in explaining aggression in sports? Why?The Coach and Aggression Discussion: Imagine the following scenario: The college basketball team has just lost an important game leading up to the play-offs. The players and the head coach are in the dressing room and the coach clearly shows his displeasure for the team’s performance. In his anger, he verbally strikes out at one of his players, pointing out how badly he played and ridiculing his lack of shooting skills and defensive effort. Is this a form of psychological aggression by the coach? What do you think about this coach based on this behavior? What are the likely reactions of the victim and his/her teammates?Aggression and Media Discussion: : “Aggression and doing what it takes to win in intense competition, even risking serious injury and death, is the ultimate human drama. This is absolute fascination for many people. The more that the media can promote the perceived drama and violence of sport, the greater the fan enjoyment.” …What do you think about this statement?Minimizing Aggression Discussion: A number of strategies are available for stopping or at least minimizing aggression and violence among athletes and among fans. Discuss the practicality of these tactics for controlling aggression at the college/university level and the professional level. Can you add to this list of strategies?Across the course units (01-05 and 07-10), there are discussion activities that require your active, weekly participation in group discussions. Students will be placed in small groups to promote collaborative learning. Select Groups from the Tools dropdown menu to view your group.The purpose of the discussion is to build on the knowledge gained from the required reading and CourseLink unit modules to critically reflect on themes related to each unit in the course.With the exception of Unit 06, each unit includes five potential discussion themes for consideration. Students are required to select three different discussion themes (out of the five potential choices) and post one 150-250 word paragraph for each unit theme selected. A total of three posts should be submitted for each unit and must be related to different unit themes. To encourage idea sharing and interaction, students are expected to submit one initial post that begins a discussion thread by Wednesday and also complete two responses to group members’ posts by end of the week (Sunday).Only one initial post and two responses (each related to a different unit theme) will be graded.The due dates for unit discussion posts are listed in the Schedule (see above). All three posts for the unit must be submitted to the group discussion by the due date. Late discussion posts will not be graded.Important Note: Review the Late Policy under Course Specific Standard Statements in this Outline.Discussion posts will be evaluated throughout the term. Unit posts will be graded on the basis of knowledge/critical thinking, clarity of communication, quality/conciseness of writing, accuracy/relevance of academic content, and timeliness/frequency of posts