solved The Immunization assignment is worth 5 0 points and will be

The Immunization assignment is worth 5 0 points and will be graded on use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are encouraged to use the APA Academic Writer when creating your assignment. Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty. The length of the paper should be 2- 4 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s). The title and reference pages should be in APA format.Vaccination schedules should be obtained directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Resources for Healthcare Providers website and reflect the most current recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Additional scholarly resources should be used and all sources must be cited appropriately. Requirements: Diptheria, tetanus & acellular pertussis (DTaP) Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) Hepatitis B Human papillomavirus (HPV) Inactivated influenza (IIV) Inactivated poliovirus (IPV) Influenza recombinant (RIV) Live influenza (LAIV) Measles, mumps & rubella (MMR) Meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, Y) Meningococcal serogroup B Pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate (PCV13) Pneumococcal 23-valent polysaccharide (PPSV23) Rotavirus Tetanus, diphtheria & acellular pertussis (Tdap or Td) Varicella (VAR) Zoster live Zoster recombinant Choose 2 vaccines from the list above and provide the following information for each: Name of disease preventable vaccination Trade name (if more than one available, chose one only) Type of vaccination (attenuated or inactivated) Contraindications Precautions Adverse drug reactions Minimum age to receive vaccineRoutine recommended vaccine schedule (timing and dose) Special situations Example: Vaccination: Hepatitis A vaccination Trade Name: Havrix Type: Inactivated Contraindication: Person with previous history of severe reaction to HAV, moderate or severe illness, with or without fever Precautions: Patients with immunosuppression (may have lower antibody titers) Adverse drug reactions: Injection site reaction, headache & malaise Minimum age: 12 months Routine vaccination schedule: 2 dose series between ages 12-24 months Minimum interval between doses (if applicable): 6 months apartSpecial situations: Vaccine should be given to those at risk for hepatitis A infection including chronic liver disease, clotting factor disorders, men who have sex with men, injection or non-injection drug use, homelessness, work with hepatitis a virus, travel in countries with high or intermediate endemic hepatitis A or close personal contact with an international adoptee. Barriers & Interventions Identify one reason for vaccine non-compliance or vaccine hesitancy by patients/parents. Discuss one intervention that Nurse Practitioners can take to improve vaccination compliance . Identify when healthcare providers are required by law to report an adverse event.Discuss adverse events that healthcare providers are encouraged to report.Identify how a healthcare provider would report an adverse event.

solved Week 4: Countermemory and Style – 2:[Strive to post your

Week 4: Countermemory and Style – 2:[Strive to post your Part 1 Individual Reflection remarks by Thursday, April 22, 11:59pm. You are encouraged to include a question to your group. Then add your Part 2 Peer Comment by Saturday, April 24, 3pm.]In our Week Four readings by Jun Okada and Broderick Fox, we are presented with the hard-fought activism of racial minority producers to contribute documentary programming into U.S. public television, and how documentary makers can use aesthetics, or style, to create codes of meaning. Because of the contested relationship of Japanese American personal and community memories to official government and Hollywood film exhibits, we also studied the concepts of countermemory and postmemory. With our single target film, History and Memory: For Akiko and Takashige (1991), I welcome your individual reflection (Part One), and Peer Comment (Part Two) with your peers.A Suggested Question for your comments:In her article on World War Two government film narratives, cinema scholar Sumiko Higashi* cautions contemporary Japanese American filmmakers from redisplaying this wartime propaganda content due to its effective melodramatic appeal and inaccurate messaging about Japanese Americans. About History and Memory: for Akiko and Takashige, Higashi writes that Tajiri’s lack of filmed visual images for her family members (mother, father, aunt, and others speak through the audio channel only or offscreen) puts the film at risk of allowing archival authority to prevail over the filmmaker’s arguments. This week’s reading author Broderick Fox asks “How can the archive be used in unique and evocative ways, rather than producing a still-image slideshow with accompanying voiceover and music?” (Fox, “Style: Audiovisualizing the Documentary,”p.87)So, by your own experience with Rea Tajiri’s film, what do you think about searching for one’s own history for which there, for the most part, are no documented images? What do you make of Tajiri’s amalgamation of the images she CAN find? Fox and Okada call History and Memory an experimental non-fiction film. In your remarks, please share a specific example of your understanding of Tajiri’s techniques and whether or not you find it achieves a stylistic coherence for her objectives?Make sure to integrate details, examples or citations from the source film plus and at least one other category of our Week 4 course materials, and clearly identify your sources. This means you should include at least two of the following resource types to inform your writing: (e.g. film exhibit + 1 reading , or film exhibit + 1 class lecture point, at minimum)Unit 3 Lesson material Categories to discuss with Rea Tajiri’s film: Reading Category:Jun Okada. “The Center for Asian American Media and the Televisual Sphere.” Broderick Fox. Chapter called “Style: Audiovisualizing the Documentary.” Or the Class 8 reading, section “Objectivity” within the chapter called “Reimagining Documentary.”Class Lesson CategoryClass 7 Zoom Class or Lesson slides Class 8 Zoom Class or Lesson slides (If you wish to discuss another take on the week’s materials, feel free to identify a different frame for your comments.)*Source: Melodrama, Realism, and Race: World War II Newsreels and Propaganda Films.Cinema Journal. Vol. 37, No. 3 (Spring, 1998)

solved Expansion or Contraction—Big Bangs in Politics! [WLOs: 5, 6, 7]

Expansion or Contraction—Big Bangs in Politics!
[WLOs: 5, 6, 7] [CLO: 3]
Purpose: The primary goal of this weekly summative assignment is to examine one of the most critical governmental institutions that embodies the U.S. government, the Executive Branch.
Prepare: Review Chapters 5, 6, and 7 in the course text.

Reflect: The role of human nature in the construction of political institutions plays an important dynamic in how those political institutions are created, how they evolve, and how they solve problems. Many vital political institutions have faced, and are still facing, complex and multi-faceted challenges.
Responding to these challenges often creates unintended side effects that change the very nature and capabilities of the institution.
For example, the executive institutions of the U.S. government (also known as the Executive Branch) before the Civil War consisted only of the Departments of State, War, and Treasury. However, the nature and capabilities of the Executive Branch of government rapidly changed as a result of the Civil War. Thousands of new employees were added to the federal government, and new departments (e.g., Agriculture) and many new responsibilities were added to the central government.

Write: In your essay of at least three pages, you will investigate the executive institutions of the U.S. government by addressing the following:

Describe one historical event that significantly affected the nature and capabilities of the executive institutions of the U.S. government (1 page).
Explain how and why this event changed the nature of the Executive Branch (1 page).
Explain how and why this event changed the capabilities of the Executive Branch (1 page).

The Expansion or Contraction—Big Bangs in Politics! paper

Must be at least three pages (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must use at least three appropriate sources including the course text.

Be sure to integrate the information from your sources rather than simply inserting it. Watch the Integrating Research (Links to an external site.) tutorial for assistance.
Your course text will count as one of your sources.
You can also include additional resources found on the University of Arizona Global Campus Library website. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types.

Must document all sources in APA Style as outlined in in Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.).
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must include a conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis.

For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Writing Center resources.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource for specifications.

solved Finally, we reach the last chapter of the book!!! We

Finally, we reach the last chapter of the book!!! We will be examining the “environment”. I have broken it down by terms and we will tie it together with the discussion.Discussion PreparationRead ChapterStudy TermsWatch VideoChapter termsEnvironmental SociologyHuman beings, animals, and plants all depend on one another, as well as on the physical environment, for their survival.Environmental sociology is the scientific study of the interdependencies that exist between humans and their physical environment.A human ecosystem is any system of interdependent parts that involve human beings in interaction with one another and the physical environment.The examination of ecosystems has demonstrated two major things:–The supply of many natural resources is finite.–If one element of an ecosystem is disturbed, the entire system is affected.As the sun’s energy pours onto the Earth, some is reflected from the Earth’s surface to the Earth’s atmosphere—the so-called greenhouse effect.–If the amount of solar energy trapped by carbon dioxide rises, the temperature increases—resulting in global warming.Climate change is the systematic increase in worldwide surface temperatures and the resulting ecological change.–Although some deny that climate change is the result of human behavior, scientists have little doubt that climate change is happening and is largely the result of human activity.Environmental racismis the pattern whereby toxic wastes and other pollutants are disproportionately found in minority and poor neighborhoods.–Wealthier communities are better able to resist dumping in their neighborhoods.–People of color reside disproportionately closer to toxic sources than do whites.Social changeis the alteration of social interactions, institutions, stratification systems, and elements of culture over time.–Societies are in a constant state of flux.–Some changes are rapid, such as the accelerating technological changes (e.g., the use of email, Facebook and Twitter).Microchanges are subtle alterations in the day-to-day interactions between people.–A fad “catching on”Macrochanges are gradual changes that occur on a broad scale and affect many aspects of society.Large or small, fast or slow, social change generally has the following characteristics:–Social change is uneven.–The onset and consequences of social change are often unforeseen.–Social change often creates conflict.–The direction of social change is not random.Cultural diffusion is the transmission of cultural elements from one society or cultural group to another.Technological innovation.Social Movements And Collective Behavior:Social Movement is a group that acts with some continuity and organization to promote or resist social change in societyCollective behavior – behavior that occurs when the usual conventions that guide social behavior are disrupted and people establish new, usually sudden, norms in response to an emerging situation.A revolution is the overthrow of the state or the total transformation of central state institutionsFor this Discussion we will see that all semester we have been touching on Social Change.Watch the videoStay Woke (Links to an external site.)DiscussionDiscuss Social Change within the 3 perspectives. Use the current social movements affecting our society.

solved Health Care InequalitiesAfter studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources,

Health Care InequalitiesAfter studying Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:Based on viewing the Johnson & Johnson video, what are your thoughts about health care inequalities and the need for continuing reform? (Share at least 2 points of view.)Submission Instructions:Your initial post must be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least two academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts and supporting your opinion with a reference. Response posts must be at least 150 words. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response).Quotes “…” cannot be used at a higher learning level for your assignments, so sentences need to be paraphrased and referenced.Acceptable references include scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions), journal articles, and books published in the last five years—no websites to be referenced without prior approval.Discussions must be posted in CANVAS to be graded. Uploaded documents will not be accepted.Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on two posts by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date. Grading Rubric Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.Discussion RubricCriteriaRatingsPointsIdentification of Main Issues, Problems, and ConceptsDistinguished – 5 points Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.Excellent – 4 points Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.Fair – 2 pointsIdentifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.Poor – 1 pointIdentifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts.5 pointsUse of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting GuidelinesDistinguished – 3 pointsEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.Excellent – 2 pointsEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.Fair – 1 pointIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.Poor – 0 pointsIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.3 pointsResponse to Posts of PeersDistinguished – 2 pointsStudent constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each.Fair – 1 pointStudent constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal.Poor – 0 pointsStudent provided no response to a peer’s post. 2 pointsTotal Points 10

solved  Download the Form 10-K for each company. The Coca-Cola

Download the Form 10-K for each company.

The Coca-Cola Company: Form 10-K (Links to an external site.) – Financial statements and notes start on page 60.

Accounts receivable, page 81 
Inventories, page 82
Depreciation, page 96
Goodwill, page 83

Keurig Dr Pepper Annual Report (Links to an external site.)

Click on the 2018 Annual Report
Accounts receivable, page 72
Inventories, page 72
Depreciation, page 73
Goodwill, page 74

PepsiCo Annual Report (Links to an external site.) – Financial statements and notes start on page 79.

Accounts receivable, page 124
Inventories, page 89
Depreciation, page 95
Goodwill, page 88

Here is a breakdown of the sections within the body of the assignment (Use paragraph headings to indicate each section): 
Company Overview
Provide a brief overview of the three companies (at least two pages). What industry is it in? What are its main products or services? Who are its competitors? Where is the company located?
Ratio Analysis

Calculate the current ratio, quick ratio, gross profit percentage, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover and asset turnover ratios for all three companies for the current year.
Note: Cash includes cash and cash equivalents and short term investments.
Explain how the ratio is calculated and discuss and interpret the ratios that you calculated.
Discuss potential liquidity issues based on your calculations of the current and quick ratios.
Are there any factors that could be erroneously influencing the results of the ratios?
Discuss liquidity issues of the three companies. 

Comparison of Accounting Methods
In your paper, ascertain from the notes of the financial statements the following:

Explain the difference between the allowance method and the direct write off method for accounts receivable. Document the method used for each of the three companies.
Explain the difference between the straight line, double declining balance and the unit-of-production depreciation methods. Document the method used for each of the three companies.
Explain the difference between LIFO and FIFO and document the method used for each of the three companies.
Explain the different categories of intangible assets and document the method used for each of the three companies.

Based on your analysis, would you recommend an individual invest in these companies? What strengths do you see? What risks do you see? It is perfectly acceptable to state that you would recommend avoiding this company, as long as you provide support for your position. 
Include an appendix in a separate document. The appendix must include screenshots of the financial statements and information obtained for the receivables, intangible assets, depreciation, and inventory. You can get help with creating an appendix in APA format by using the UAGC Writing Center’s guide, Tables, Images, & Appendices (Links to an external site.).
The Financial Statement Analysis Final Paper

Must be five to seven double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s APA Style. (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted


solved In module 2, we used a case study to explore

In module 2, we used a case study to explore ways to motivate learners using an agency-level case about SPC’s Healthy Employee Initiative. Now, I would like you to apply the case-based approach and universal design principles in a more traditional setting focused on individual learners.For this assignment I would like you to create your own original case scenario (i.e. do not copy or paraphrase an existing case study) for a lesson covering a topic of interest to you! Then you will write a discussion forum question using the case study and describe how you could teach that patientStep 1: Create an original Case Scenario (at least 450 words for Step 1).Write a fictitious case scenario that describes a patient with multiple health-related issues! Include at least one reference besides the textbook to support your case.
Choose any patient type: geriatric, pediatric, special needs, adolescent. Create your “patient” to have complicated histories, medications, health conditions, and lifestyles.
Maybe your case is about a middle aged woman on multiple medications (list them), with uncontrolled hypertension, constant head-aches and blurred vision.Maybe she has a family history of stroke, is recently single, and is the bread-winner with three teenagers. Do you “hear” the building blocks of a case here?The more intricate you make your case, the more interesting and challenging it will be for your learners and the more your learners are pushed to manipulate facts and critically think the more likely they are to learn!Incorporate into the case study (i.e., it should not be on its own page not connected to the content) at least one image or visual related to the case such as photo’s, x-rays, charts, blood chemistries, slides, or any other visual materials and remember to cite the images. You may also create the visuals first and build your case around them!Google Images is a very helpful resource for finding images; remember to cite the original source because Google Images is just a search engine to help find the images.Step 2: Educating using the case study – Once you have written the 450+ word scenario [with image(s)]:Imagine you are working with a room full of health providers in a training situation. You are going to pose a class discussion about this patient:Write at least one discussion question OR exploratory statement for the class that addresses the patient’s issues/needs and stimulates good discussions.As you write this question/statement, think about whether the question would prompt a yes/no response, a short answer, or an open-ended question that really stimulates discussion. You want a broad prompt that will stimulate discussion. It helps to use words such as “explain”. ** The first question should be open-ended to allow for the most discussion. **Step 3: Now think of the actual patient.Identify 2 different teaching strategies you could use to engage the patient in your case study to educate him/her on the health issue accommodating the patient needs.Identify which of the two strategies you believe would work better and explain your reasons.APA 7th edition. Here are some links providing you with some great resources, strategies, and ideas for using case studies: The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching and Teaching with Case Studies (Stanford University, 1994).

solved Case Studies: Look at how Viagra was developed and commercialized

Case Studies: Look at how Viagra was developed and commercialized through an academic paper, and then support a thesis (as noted below) with relevant facts from your readings and internet research.You should create an argument that addresses the following questions in your paper: What role did organizational processes play in the success of the drug? How could Pfizer better manage innovation in the future? Case is found on page 299 in Trott book. You will want to include topics covered by the questions at the end of the case as well as some of the models from chapters 8 & 9.Research Paper format:The above was taken from the college website: Building the Draft EssayHow to begin can be found on our library site: Library Self-Help: Research Skills and ConceptsIt is estimated that the each paper will be 5 to 6 pages single spaced. Be sure to follow proper referencing format and include your full bibliography at the end of the paper.Once you know what you want to talk about and you have written your thesis statement, you are ready to build the body of your essay. The thesis statement will usually be followed by the body of the paper, the paragraphs that develop the thesis by explaining your ideas and backing them up with examples or evidence. This is, of course, the most important part of the paper, because you are giving your reader a clear idea of what you think and why you think it. (After you have completed the body of your paper, you can decide what you want to say in your introduction and in your conclusion.)Development OptionsFor each reason or main aspect you have to support your thesis, remember to state your point clearly and explain it. One useful technique is to read your thesis sentence over and ask yourself what questions a reader might ask about it. Then answer those questions, explaining and giving examples or evidence.Compare and contrast: show how one thing is similar to another, and then how the two are different-emphasizing the side that seems more important to you. For example, if your thesis states that “Jazz is a serious art form,” you might compare and contrast a jazz composition to a classical one.You may show your reader what the opposition thinks–that is, reasons why some people do not agree with your thesis–and then refute those reasons-show why they are wrong. On the other hand, if you feel that the opposition isn’t entirely wrong, you may say so, that is, concede, but then explain why your thesis is still the right opinion.Think about the order in which you have made your points. Why have you presented a certain reason or main aspect that develops your thesis first, another second, etc.? If you can’t see any particular value in presenting your points in the order you have, think about it some more, until you decide why the order you have is best, or else decide to change the order to one that makes more sense to you.Finally, as you build the body of your paper, keep revisiting your thesis with three questions in mind. First, does each paragraph develop my thesis? Second, have I done all the development I wish had been done? Third, and most important, am I still satisfied with my working thesis, or have I developed my body in ways that mean I must adjust my thesis to fit what I have learned, what I believe, and what I have actually discussed?

solved respond to the following discussion post as a peer with

respond to the following discussion post as a peer with at least 1 reference and 150-200 word count. (In my line of work – medical interpreting between American Sign Language (ASL) and English – one sub-group within the Deaf Community experiences a disparity in access to healthcare compared to the rest of the Community. Deaf who were born in other countries, used the native sign language of that country, and wrote in the natively spoken language of that country, and then move to the U.S. experience severe struggles within the U.S. healthcare system.Upon arrival in the U.S., they typically begin the task of learning ASL by associating with their local Deaf Community, but if they need to access the healthcare delivery system before achieving fluency, the ASL interpreter and the Deaf patient struggle to communicate with one another, thus compromising their care.Other subgroups within the Deaf Community whose ASL skills have been compromised, such as Deaf with hepatic encephalopathy, intellectual disabilities, a cognitive impairment; Deaf with fine motor deficiencies, such as severe arthritis or cerebral palsy also present special communication challenges. For these individuals, we Certified Hearing Interpreters (CHIs) [interpreters who can hear] rely on Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDIs) [interpreters who are Deaf themselves] to team with us in providing interpreting services (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, n.d.a). Because CDIs have a native understanding of ASL compared to CHIs who usually learn the language as a second language, they can be instrumental in working with the Deaf patient with other impairment(s).Therefore, we employ this same method with Deaf non-native ASL signers (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, n.d.a). CDIs turn the interpretation into a more gestural version to the Deaf patient and then turn the Deaf patients’ communications into an ASL interpretation for the CHI’s benefit. This system can be highly effective if a CDI is available. I live in a rural area, and the nearest CDI is an hour and a half away. The hospital’s video remote interpreter (VRI) system used to include CDIs, but they switched to a different provider within the last year, and the new provider has yet to hire any CDIs, so we CHIs are often left to fend for ourselves with non-native signers (C. Brown, personal communication, n.d.).I believe the hospital should require its new VRI provider to provide CDIs as one of its language options. Most ASL interpreters do at least some freelance work. This company could even contract with CDIs on an “as-needed” basis and pay them only for the appointments they interpret (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, n.d.b). The hospital system in which I work is willing to schedule with CDIs through VRI ahead of time, which is what we had to do with the last provider due to the high demand for CDIs and their limited availability (C. Brown, personal communication, n.d.)ReferencesRegistry of Interpreters for the Deaf. (n.d.a). Standard practice paper: Use of a Certified Deaf Interpreter. of Interpreters for the Deaf. (n.d.b). Standard practice paper: Video remote interpreting.

solved Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests

Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests for Module 2.
Next, you are to write a 2-5 page, double-spaced, reflection essay for this module based on your scores in each of the self-assessment tests from this Module 2. Keep in mind that this module is about personality, attitudes, traits and ethics. Take a look at Chapter TWO for additional information regarding these self-assessment tests.
The responses for the self-assessment tests should be written using a combination of the “assert and defend” style in a five-paragraph essay. Think like a lawyer. Assert an argument or thesis AND prove or defend it. (See more detail in “Instructions for Self-Assessment Tests and Reflection Essays”.
Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of each of the self-assessment tests to you ( a total of at least SIX assertions for this essay) and support them with examples. Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for each of your arguments.

Analysis for M2-SAT-2: Motive Profit

Check to see if there is much difference between the three need scores. If all three need scores are about the same, one need is not stronger than the others. If the need scores vary, one need is higher than the others and it is called the stronger or dominant need, and the lower score is the weaker need. There can also be other combinations, such as two stronger need scores and one weaker need score, or vice versa. Look at your stronger and weaker needs.
Describe the difference between the three need scores for you. Do you agree with the self-assessment tests about your stronger and weaker needs? If so, what information could you add to substantiate the scores? If not, what information could you add to substantiate your alternative position? in a few paragraph argument, explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you.

Analysis for M2-SAT-6: How Ethical is Your Behavior?

Ethics is an extremely sensitive topic. The definition and the parameters of ethical behavior are very specific to each person in the workplace. While some behaviors are black and white in terms of ethics, there are other behaviors that are gray in definition and/or in action. If you are going to be a successful leader in the workplace, you must exhibit ethical behaviors at all times to those around you. It is also a good idea outside of work to approach decision-making concerning choices that involve ethical behavior in the same manner. Many people struggle with decisions that involve ethics. Finally, ethical behavior – good or bad –is part of your workplace reputation. Keep in mind that if you ever lose a good reputation, it will be extremely difficult for others to restore their faith and trust in you. A good reputation is one of those intangible attributes in life that is priceless.
The higher your score for this M2-SAT-6, the more ethical is your behavior and vice versa for lower scores.
Please explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Two for additional information regarding this self-assessment test.
Again, make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of each self-assessment test to you (a total of at least 6 assertions for this essay) and support them with example(s). Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument.