If you choose to base this assessment on FFH, view the FFH Organization Structure and Job Description for Succession Planning | Transcript multimedia. This interactive has information on FFH’s assistant store manager position, two assistant store managers, four shift supervisors, twelve department supervisors, and assistant department supervisors. These roles and job requirements support this assessment.
If you choose to use your own workplace (or an organization you are familiar with), conduct research to locate the necessary information.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Apply legal standards in human resource management decision making and practice.
Analyze steps for designing a career development plan for FFH stores (or a selected organization). Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Competency 3: Develop human resource management strategy recommendations to support organizational goals in a dynamic environment.
Recommend a succession plan strategy for each FFH position (or a selected organization’s roles/titles).
Competency 4: Develop strategies to address HR needs and opportunities for a multicultural and inclusive workforce.
Explain what internal policies need to be reviewed or implemented to support FFH’s (or a selected organization’s) succession planning initiative.
Competency 5: Communicate human resource management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for human resource professionals and master’s-level programs.
FFH currently has 18 store managers who are over the age of 65, and most are considering retirement from the retail store chain. This presents quite the challenge in a changing economy with a global view, so there is an urgent need to create a new job description for the FHH store manager position and a succession plan strategy that addresses steps to take, policies to consider, and appropriate recommendations. If you choose to use a different organization, imagine a similar situation.
Include the following in your succession plan strategy for HR management and organizational leaders:
Analyze steps for designing a career development plan for FFH stores or a selected organization. What specific training programs should be included for these supervisory and management positions? What external development sources would you use? What legal standards need to be considered?
Explain what internal policies would need to be reviewed or implemented to support FFH’s or a selected organization’s succession planning initiative. How would diversity planning be impacted?Â
Recommend a succession plan strategy for each FFH position or a selected organization’s roles/titles. FFH’s positions include:
Assistant Department Supervisor.
Department Supervisor.
Shift Supervisor.
Assistant Store Manager.
Your succession plan strategy should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through the accurate communication of thoughts that support a central idea and use of correct grammar and mechanics as expected of a human resources professional.
solved This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):CM107M1-1: Apply reading skills
/in /by adminThis competency assessment assesses the following Outcome(s):CM107M1-1: Apply reading skills to determine the elements of effective writing.For this assessment, you will demonstrate your ability to apply reading skills to determine the elements of effective writing.SCENARIO: Imagine that you currently are a professional working in your career field. Your supervisor has noted you have strong reading comprehension and writing skills and has asked that you assist your coworkers who are struggling with these important skills. She has asked you to write a company newsletter to an audience of your co-workers, to define what effective writing is and to demonstrate to them how modeling their writing after the effective writing of others can improve their skills and help them to become even more effective team members.DIRECTIONS: Locate and analyze an effectively written, short peer-reviewed article either from the PG Library or an online article from a professional organization that you think demonstrates effective writing skills. Define for your coworkers what effective writing is. Share with your coworkers at least three effective writing strategies the author of the sample article uses in the article, and explain how applying these strategies from the article can help your coworkers, as professionals, to ensure the documents they write are also effective.Your company newsletter should be 5-6 well-developed paragraphs in length, around 2 full double spaced pages, excluding the title page and References page. Be sure that you do the following:Proper notification of any resubmission, repurposing, or reworking of prior work per the Purdue Global Student Coursework Resubmission, Repurposing, and Reworking Policy Resource.Define effective writingIdentify the article’s author, title, and publication information.Apply reading comprehension strategies to correctly identify the article’s intended audience, purpose, and main pointAnalyze at least three writing strategies the author uses to develop the article’s main pointExplain what the author does to effectively convey ideas for his or her audience and for his or her purpose.Explain to your coworkers how they might model their own writing after what this author does in the article so that they, too, can be more effective writers.Be sure that your document is organized, edited, and professional in tone. If you use any sources to support your claims about reading and effectiveness in writing, give appropriate credit to the sources both in-text and in a References page. Be sure to apply APA formatting and citations requirements.Minimum Submission Requirements: If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.◠5-6 paragraphs in length (approximately 2 double spaced pages, excluding title page and References page◠APA formatted, including title page and References page, with all source information cited both in text and in a References page.◠Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.Textbook information: Hawkes Learning Composition
solved Write 1750 words.Product InnovationAssignment OverviewIn the case for this module,
/in /by adminWrite 1750 words.Product InnovationAssignment OverviewIn the case for this module, you will be investigating the
development, marketing, and use of the iPhone as an example of product
innovation. In the readings, you will find several descriptions of the
overall product innovation process, as well as some of the history of
the iPhone. You are encouraged to seek out other sources of information
on this topic as well.Case AssignmentPrepare a 5- to 7-page paper in accordance with the following Assignment Expectations on the topic:“What we can and can’t learn about product innovation from the experience of the iPhoneâ€In this paper, you should use the experiences of the iPhone as
illustrations of your general points, but your focus should be on
product innovation in general rather than on the iPhone alone. What
about the iPhone experience has been typical of major new product
innovations? What about this experience has been different from what
might’ve been expected? What lessons can other product innovators learn
by examining the iPhone experience? Are there any lessons that they
might be tempted to learn from the iPhone that would be false and/or
misleading? Please conclude with a couple of paragraphs summarizing the
current general state of understanding of the product innovation process
and how it can be potentially improved. Assignment ExpectationsLength: The written component of this assignment
should be 7 pages long (double-spaced) without counting the cover page
and reference page.Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted
for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard
guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax.
Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity. We
encourage you to use tools such as and proofread your
paper before submission.As you complete your assignment, make sure you do the following:Answer the assignment questions directly.Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Do not go off on
tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background
materials.Use evidence from your readings to justify your conclusions.Cite at least five credible resources.Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper,
including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the
“Writing Style Guide,†which is found under “My Resources†in the TLC
Portal.Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:Assignment-driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment.Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice:
Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and analyzing
information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to
professional practice in an exceptional manner.Business Writing and Quality of References: Student
demonstrates mastery and proficiency in written communication and use
of appropriate and relevant literature at the doctoral level.Citing Sources: Student demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in text citations and the reference list.
solved Identify and select research designs, methodologies, analysis, and measurement strategies
/in /by adminIdentify and select research designs, methodologies, analysis, and measurement strategies to be used in order to conduct a successful research projectÂ
Assignment Description
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of your fellow classmates’ research questions for their topic, survey questions, and hypothesis or statement of the problem for the research question. Review at least 1 student and provide feedback on what was done well and possible areas of improvement.
Create Your Survey
Building on the organizational issue, problem, or topic that you identified in Unit 1, complete the following:
Determine your research method (i.e., qualitative or quantitative), and write 1 research question regarding that topic in preparation for the assignments in Units 3–4.
Based on your chosen research method, write your hypothesis or statement of the problem for your research question.
Based on your chosen research method, create 3–5 survey or interview questions that could help answer your research question.
Answer 1
Differences between Business And Academic Research Approaches
Business research involves many methods new and existing businesses can deploy in collecting and
analyzing data about industry trends,market analysis,competitive landscape,customer needs and
wants,project cost and benefits and regulatory landscape. This research gives businesses a head start and
assists the management in Strategic planning . In business, primary research methods can be used to
understand customer needs and preference while secondary research methods can be used to understand
industry trends,competitive landscape ,project cost and benefits. (Steffani Cameron,2018)
While Academic research involves research done to gain knowledge and not designed to benefit a specific
organization.It follows the scientific methods so that researchers can find logic conclusion for the question
using hypothesis .(Researcher blog,2020)
Whether A High Performance Corporate Culture Can Improve Business Efficiency
Research Approach : Qualitative research method
I will utilize the action research approach of Qualitative research method where I work collaboratively with
participants ,who are employees of the companies taking part in the study, to try to link a high performance
culture with improved business efficiency.Data collection methods used in the study will include,interviews
of the participants from the companies involved,observing as they work and also use of surveys.Secondary
research methods will also be utilized to compare the performance of these companies participating in the
study and other high performing once not included.For Data analysis,thematic analysis which include
identifying patterns and themes in the data will be utilized. (Richard L.Daft,2008)
Richard L.Daft (2008) .The internal environment;Corporate Culture.Management,9th edition (3) 77-85.
Steffani Cameron (2018) . Definition of Business research methods.From:
solved 150 word response to the below. Ask in depth questions
/in /by admin150 word response to the below. Ask in depth questions within the response.Artificial intelligence is slowly but surely earning a strong new role in several different industries. While some may be skeptical of hotels using such advanced technology, and eliminating human touch within hotels, AI has the ability to enhance customer experience when used tastefully (Sykes, 2018). Another industry that is experiencing transformations with AI is the education industry. With artificial intelligence in education, students are able to receive personalized learning that takes advantage of AI to adapt teaching methods and materials to the needs of individual students, to automated grading that frees teachers from the drudgery of assessing tests so they have more time to work with students, to intelligent systems that are transforming how learners find and interact with information, the opportunities to improve education outcomes and accessibility will be truly transformational (Courtois, 2019).While all of these benefits may seem to be spectacular, it does spark concern for teachers and their employment in the industry. However, while it does seem like there could be a possibility in coming years of teachers being replaced by AI robots, that outcome is not too likely. By now, classrooms are no strangers to online learning and adaptive software, and while they usually are excellent ways to identify students’ strengths and learning gaps while adjusting content accordingly, some studies show that AI online courses and assessment programs are not getting the results that their real-world counterparts are in the classroom (Lambert, n.d.). I also feel that it wouldn’t sit well with a lot of students and parents, making customer relationships not as strong. Human beings learn best from emulating and practicing with other human beings. The teacher in the classroom is a human model of mastery for a particular content area, with skills and values that are uniquely human – and a student is simply not going to relate to AI with the same capacity. Knowing their teacher is not human can put great strain on a student’s ability to empathize and imagine themselves as mastering the content and skills at hand. A computer is a computer (Lambert, n.d.). Overall, I do feel that there are a lot of benefits that come with the growing use of artificial intelligence in the education industry. However, I do not feel that it is the solution for every gap within education, and I feel that it could lead to bigger issues down the road with schools, teachers, and students.ReferencesSykes, N. (2018, April). AI and Hospitality: 3 Ways Your Hotel Can Leverage Artificial Intelligence. Social Hospitality. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Courtois, J. P. (2019, October 7). How AI is transforming education and skills development. Microsoft Blogs. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Lambert, K. (n.d.). Could Artificial Intelligence replace our teachers?. Education World. Retrieved from
solved You are required to write a 5-page (double-spaced, standard tabs)
/in /by adminYou are required to write a 5-page (double-spaced, standard tabs) research paper about a musical culture NOT covered in this course. Areas covered in this course include Indonesia, Japan, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, so you can choose any part of the world OTHER than these. Some areas to consider are: Native America, Polynesia, Australia, China, Korea, India, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Caribbean, Arctic Circle…. wherever, as long as it’s not covered in our course.For this assignment, please use Nettl’s 3-part model, addressed in “Unit 1: Introduction” and Chapter 1 in our textbook. Focus on the Sounds, Behaviors and Ideas or Conceptions that govern the sounds and behaviors of the musical genre/activity you choose. It’s best if you stick to a specific genre or ensemble from whatever region you choose for this research paper. For example, if you wanted to write about music from Spain, don’t try to summarize all Spanish music (too broad, too big) but pick a specific genre or activity to focus on, such as Flamenco. Want to research Hawaiian music? Stick to hula or string bands. The point is, focus on one genre or activity from a region and give in-depth details, not just a broad, surface cultural overview.Sound:What sounds are you hearing? Talk about the instruments (and voices) of the musical genre/activity. What are they made of and what do they sound like? Are there any rules or restrictions surrounding these instruments, like who can play or when one can play? Can you comment on the texture and form of the music? Texture refers to layers of activity. How many musicians are present and how do they relate to one another? Form refers to how the music is organized and presented,. How long does a performance last and how are the melodies and rhythms arranged. Lastly, what does the music sound like to you, the outsider?Behaviors:What activities are associated with this musical genre/activity? What are people doing while this musical activity is happening? Is there a specific purpose or function surrounding this music, or is it just for enjoyment/entertainment? Does this musical activity have any behavioral restrictions regarding religion, age or gender? Is everyone participating communally or are the musicians/singers/dancers presenting music to an audience…. why? Lastly, can you draw any connections to musical behaviors in your life or culture?Ideas/Conceptions:What ideas or conceptions govern the sounds and behaviors of your chosen musical genre/activity? Why are people creating this music and why are people participating? Address ideas surrounding history, culture and musical evolution. Most musical genres throughout the world express indigenous and foreign, or outsider aspects. What traits are uniquely regional, or indigenous, and what traits are coming from an outside influence and why? Again, almost all music has a combination of both! How have politics, religion or human migration affected this musical genre/activity? Lastly, can you relate what you learned to your own life experiences?This assignment is worth a lot of points (120 points/12% of your grade) and required to pass the course.Due at the end of the course, but you can submit anytime!If you have further questions, please contact me and I can help!PreviousNext
solved The document should be 1200- 1,500 words and address the
/in /by adminThe document should be 1200- 1,500 words and address the following points listed below.develop a case study analysing a real marketing problem situation where existing problem need to be solved. It should relate the theory to a practical situation;You must use an existing company trying to solve a specific marketing problem.A marketing problem could be a launching of a new product or service, increase sales with developing the cash flow, keep the customers with the company due to the covid 19, marketing mix approach, digital marketing development, promotion, events, public relation and others.Recommended sources for case studies, subjectsBranding Competitive Advantage Customer Focus International Marketing Market Research Marketing Mix Marketing Planning Marketing Strategies Place Price Product Product Launch Product Life Cycle Product Portfolio Promotion Segmentation SwotTake examples from the website above for using on your own case studyYou must use at least 7 references with the citations in the contextUse short paragraphs with many sub headers which will be included the table of contentsSynopsis/Executive Summary 200 words This will be developed as the last step for your assignment. • Outline the purpose of the case study.Write the objective, what is the target of this case study• Describe the field of research. The field is related with the theory and the area which your case is involved.• Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details. Briefly describe them• Identify the theory that will be usedState your academic theory for this specific case studyFindings 400 words• Identify the problems found in the case by: analysing the problem, supporting your findings with facts given in the case, the relevant theory and course concepts. searching for the underlying problemsidentify the problems with the guidance of the theory and the factors that are related to the theory. For example, if you are developing a case study related to marketing mix, take each element and check for any missing parts in your case study Discussion 500 words• Summarise the major problem/s.You connect the findings problems from previous section as a summary showing the priorities and importance of each• Identify alternative solutions to this/these major problem/s. We need to identify more than one solution which will be derived by the proposals of the theory and the practical solutions • Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages We need a critical analysis of each of the solution showing the advantages and disadvantages and the future impact for the organisation Recommendations 400 words• Choose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted.You must choose only one solution with the specific criteria adapting the characteristics of the organization.• Briefly justify your choice explaining how it will solve the major problem/s.Explain which problems will be solved with this solution, might be not solved all the problems • This should be written in a forceful style as this section is intended to be persuasive.• Here integration of theory and coursework is appropriate. References You should use the Harvard Referencing System
solved Submit the paper for analyzing and solving an ethical dilemma
/in /by adminSubmit the paper for analyzing and solving an ethical dilemma following the attached outline which include details of the expectations for this assignment.Please find attached document for more detailsPaper – Topic ExamplesShould consumer protection regulations limit residential mortgage interest rates?Can employers who pay health insurance benefits require employees to be non-smokers?Should national health care be funded by a national sales tax?Non-compensated boards: Advantages for better corporate oversightShould colleges abolish athletic scholarships?Pros and cons of legal drinking at 18Are college athletes under less academic scrutiny than other students?Government bailouts: Why should the taxpayers ante up for corporate misdeeds?Conflict of interest: Private prisons and the burgeoning U.S. prison populationThe end of unions: Has the moral imperative ended for their existence?Teacher merit pay – Will it help improve our schools?Failure of competition: Why charter schools haven’t worked as planned.Civil Unions: Pros and cons for businessShould executive compensation be limited by law?Do constitutional guarantees of free speech apply to images?Can employers ban religious symbols in the workplace? Does “No Child Left Behind†Leave Any Children Behind?Sex Selection – Should We Choose Our Future Children?A School Counselor’s Ethical Dilemma – Disclosure to ParentsIs Capital Punishment Ethical: Should Michael Addison Have Received the Death Penalty?In the Professional Business of Sports is it Ethical for Athletes to Use Steriods?If You Thought Homeroom was Hard: The Ethics of Military Recruitment in Our Public High SchoolsEthical Issue of Gay MarriageAutomotive Bailout Plan: Ethical or Unethical?Is Outsourcing Ethical?Should Senior Management Take Responsibility for Corporate Failure and Scandal?Ethical Dilemmas of Growth Hormones in Animal FeedContinuing Gender Discrimination in Title IX AthleticsEthical Challenges in Animal Rights and Animal Welfare OrganizationsShould Countries Require More Regulations on International Trade?Medical Marijuana: Patients vs. PoliticsBusiness Regulation of Personal Use of Computers Free Speech and the WorkplaceHealthcare: A Human RightFake Luxury Products In ChinaThe Growth in Chinese Luxury Goods: Effects on the Chinese EconomyAdvertising’s Bad Effects on Young PeopleBioethical Dilemma: Ethics of Cloning for ReproductionEuthanasia: Suicide, Mercy Killing or Right-to-Die?Should the U.S. Government Prohibit Gun Ownership?Abortion (Un)EthicalThe Ethical Position of Gambling in the United StatesIs Foreign Aid Helping or Hurting Haiti?Reverse DiscriminationSeverance Packages: Ethically Defensible?Tatoos and Piercings: Discrimination in the WorkplaceSex Selection – Should We Choose Our Future Children?Ethics of Police Interrogations Does Whistle-Blowing Violate Company Loyalty?Digital Piracy and the Music Industry: What is to Blame for the Industry’s Downfall?Ethical Issues in Using Pirated SoftwareCultural Roadblocks to Ending Bribery Should Genetically Modified Food be Labeled as Such?Employer Monitoring of Employee Email and Internet Usageplease select from any of the above topics for your paperOn the number of papers, please try to cover as much as matter you can based on recommended outline
solved Link- this paper, y
/in /by adminLink- this paper, you will conduct an experiment based on your reading about Judy Burgoon’s Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT) and present an analysis of your experience using the theory.The Experiment: You may pick one of the following options…Violate an expectancy of someone whom you know. For instance, your roommate knows you are a messy person and typically expects you to leave dirty dishes everywhere; however, you violate her expectations by cleaning your entire house.Violate an expectancy of someone whom you do not know by breaking a social norm. Specific social norms exist in every society. A social norm is a silent rule indicating how individuals are expected to behave in specific situations. For example, in most of the United States, when you walk into an elevator you are expected to silently face the elevator doors and have no communication or minimal communication with those around you. You could choose to do the opposite.Be sure to challenge yourself in this experiment and choose a violation that is legal and not relationally damaging, unique (not something you think others would choose to do), and likely to get a response worth writing about.The Paper: After you have violated someone’s expectations, you will write about your experience and analyze it using concepts from expectancy violations theory (EVT) and other relevant course concepts. You should apply at least three distinct core concepts from EVT theory to your experience, offering an explanation of these concepts as you apply them. If necessary/useful, make connections to other ideas from the course so far. In short, your paper should:briefly explain what you did, why you choose the expectancy, and how what you did violated expectationsdescribe how others responded to the violation, as well as your reactions before, during, and.or after the event (e.g., what did you learn from the experience?).analyze the experience using at least three core concepts from EVT.Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and around 1,000 words. The largest portion of your paper should be devoted to your analysis. Your paper should have a clear introduction and conclusion. It should also have a clear point, meaning somewhere near the beginning you should have a thesis statement that clearly explains the point you will make in the paper (you may not know this right away). Any material drawn from outside of your own head should be cited in the paper.I strongly recommend outlining before you write and proofreading before you submit to ensure your best, most readable work.Grading: When I grade your paper, while following the grading rubric in the resources folder I will also ask myself the following questions (hint, you might want to use this as a checklist).Do they have a clear introduction and conclusion?Do they have a clear point to the paper?Do they address at least 3 EVT core concepts?Are these explained accurately in the paper?Are these applied accurately and adequately to the story?Does the evidence supplied in their application make sense?Does the paper follow all directions (e.g. length, format)?Do they have any writing or proofreading issues in the paper?Did they cite all class material used throughout the paper?
solved Introduction If you choose to base this assessment on FFH,
/in /by adminIntroduction
If you choose to base this assessment on FFH, view the FFH Organization Structure and Job Description for Succession Planning | Transcript multimedia. This interactive has information on FFH’s assistant store manager position, two assistant store managers, four shift supervisors, twelve department supervisors, and assistant department supervisors. These roles and job requirements support this assessment.
If you choose to use your own workplace (or an organization you are familiar with), conduct research to locate the necessary information.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Apply legal standards in human resource management decision making and practice.
Analyze steps for designing a career development plan for FFH stores (or a selected organization). Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Competency 3: Develop human resource management strategy recommendations to support organizational goals in a dynamic environment.
Recommend a succession plan strategy for each FFH position (or a selected organization’s roles/titles).
Competency 4: Develop strategies to address HR needs and opportunities for a multicultural and inclusive workforce.
Explain what internal policies need to be reviewed or implemented to support FFH’s (or a selected organization’s) succession planning initiative.
Competency 5: Communicate human resource management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for human resource professionals and master’s-level programs.
FFH currently has 18 store managers who are over the age of 65, and most are considering retirement from the retail store chain. This presents quite the challenge in a changing economy with a global view, so there is an urgent need to create a new job description for the FHH store manager position and a succession plan strategy that addresses steps to take, policies to consider, and appropriate recommendations. If you choose to use a different organization, imagine a similar situation.
Include the following in your succession plan strategy for HR management and organizational leaders:
Analyze steps for designing a career development plan for FFH stores or a selected organization. What specific training programs should be included for these supervisory and management positions? What external development sources would you use? What legal standards need to be considered?
Explain what internal policies would need to be reviewed or implemented to support FFH’s or a selected organization’s succession planning initiative. How would diversity planning be impacted?Â
Recommend a succession plan strategy for each FFH position or a selected organization’s roles/titles. FFH’s positions include:
Assistant Department Supervisor.
Department Supervisor.
Shift Supervisor.
Assistant Store Manager.
Your succession plan strategy should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through the accurate communication of thoughts that support a central idea and use of correct grammar and mechanics as expected of a human resources professional.
solved Unit 3 – AssignmentRunning head: Counterintelligence CollectionDeliverable Length: Individual
/in /by adminUnit 3 – AssignmentRunning head: Counterintelligence CollectionDeliverable Length: Individual Portion: 500–750 words; Portions 1 and 2: 800–1,000 wordsAssignment DescriptionYou are a counterintelligence officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) assigned to the Critical Technology Protection Division. Your division is responsible for providing counterintelligence support to research, development, and acquisition (RDA) missions. To accomplish this mission, your team has been asked to provide a counterintelligence threat briefing to a major defense contractor responsible for the research and development of critical U.S. defense technology. The purpose of this report is to help prevent foreign threats from acquiring U.S. critical program information to exploit and degrade its combat effectiveness and technical superiority. Portion (1)For this assignment, discuss counterintelligence collection as well as the current list of U.S. critical technologies. Do the following: Discuss counterintelligence collection methods. Consider sources, techniques, and common operating pictures. Examine the list of U.S. critical technologies. A current list of critical technologies can be found within the Web resource titled: Military Critical Technologies List. select 1 technology from the list that will be examined in this assignment from a counterintelligence perspective. Portion (2)For the second portion of this assignment, discuss, your findings from your threat assessment and develop a final collective counterintelligence threat briefing for the critical technology you have chosen. Evaluate the individual threat assessments. Select the strongest elements of the individual assessments. There must be at least 1 section used. Determine, how the final document will be formatted, organized, and compiled. Complete the final collective threat assessment according to the agreed-upon guidelines and submit the file to your instructor. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. Individual Portion Chosen a piece of critical technology, prepare a counterintelligence threat assessment of 800–1,000 words about the selected technology. Using the information from the course materials, the textbook, outside research, and the small group discussion, provide a threat assessment introduction on counterintelligence collection. What methods and techniques are used in counterintelligence collection? Explain. What are common sources for counterintelligence? Explain. Using the information from the course materials, the textbook, outside research, and discussion, draft the body of your counterintelligence threat assessment about the selected technology. The assessment should include the following sections: A description and brief summary of the technology Applications for which the technology is used Which organizations use this piece of technology Who develops or manufactures this technology Which foreign adversaries are potentially interested in this technology Methods this adversary may use to acquire this technology Implications if this technology were to be compromised Possible vulnerabilities for protecting this technology Recommendations to safeguard this technology Compile your responses in your final individual threat assessment and submit the file.