solved Fred Flinstone along with Barney Rubble, runs a Winter Snow

Fred Flinstone along with Barney Rubble, runs a Winter Snow Removal company. Wilma Flintstone, is the office manager for Yabba-Dabba-Do Snow Removal. January will be the first official month that Yabba-Dabba-Do Snow Removal Services begins keeping full accounting records. Wilma learns quickly that she doesn’t have the education to maintain the accounting records for Yabba-Dabba-Do Snow Removal Services. Regrettably, Wilma only attended college for one-year, J. Sarge Rock and never registered for financial accounting classes. As a result, she hired the services of a local CPA Firm, Bedrock CPA, Inc. and discovered she will pay a junior associate, $200 per hour to maintain the accounting records.
Below are the transactions for the month of January 2021. Wilma has provided these transactions to Bedrock CPA. You are the junior associate and responsible for journalizing all transactions, posting to the Ledger, creating a Trial Balance Sheet and Financial Statements.
The following beginning balances exist as of January 1, 2021. Note Payable: 159,000; Building: 159,000. Please use the normal balances to determine the debit or credit of the balances.
Transactions for Yabba-Dabba-Do Snow Removal Services
01/1/2021 (1) Fred borrowed $35,000 with 7% interest rate from Bank of Bedrock with a 90 day note payable. Interest will be paid at the end of 90 days. (Hint, Interest will not be recorded until later. Only record the loan of $35,000)
01/1/2021 (2) Paid monthly mortgage of $1000 that includes principal and interest. Principal balance is $159,000 with a 3.75% interest rate.
3) Received cash from first client, Brad Stone-Pitt, as a payment towards an uncompleted job. Mr. Stone-Pitt paid $1,500 for snow removal services for the month of January, February and March.
01/1/2021 (4) Paid rent in 1 year advance for Rent in the amount of $19,020.
01/1/2021 (5) Paid annual Property Insurance bill for $4,000. The property insurance bill is for the period of January 1 2021 – Dec 31 2021.
01/9/2021 (6) Purchased office supplies (staplers, rock tablets, pencils, etc) of $1500 on account.
01/10/2021 (7) Received electric bill for the month of January, $90, that will be paid Feb 15th.
01/15/2021 (8) Purchased snow equipment for $9,000 with a note payable from John Deere Rock. Since Yabba Dabba Do Snow Removal is a new client, Fred was required to put a down payment of 10% and the remainder will be financed over 12 months
01/21/2021 (9) Performed snow removal services for clients, totaling $10,000 plus sales tax of $575. Received $3,000 in payment. Will obtain remainder within 30 days.
01/22/2021 (10) Fred received an inheritance and invested $30,000 of his personal funds into the company in exchange for common stock.
01/30/2021 (11) Paid salaries to employees, 2 friends of Barney’s, for a total of $7000. These salaries were for the periods of 01/01-01/21.
01/30/2021 (12) Paid Bedrock CPA firm for 4.25 hours of service for month of January.
01/30/2021 (13) Received and paid phone and internet bill from Verizon for $95.
Please write the journal entry for each transaction above including a description for THE MONTH OF JANUARY.
Please post journal entries to T-Accounts and label the JE with numbers above.
Balance the T-accounts after the above entries are posted.

solved Research topic – Exploring the Impact of Automation in Health

Research topic – Exploring the Impact of Automation in Health Insurance on the Quality of HealthcareGoal of this paper – Point out too much automation and find the balance between manual and automation tasksScope Health Insurance back office operations – (nothing to do with doctors or nurses or patients that go into hospitals or hospitals. This is all about addressing issues with Health Insurance companies and how they are non-sensitive to their customer needs, what parts in the process can we automate, example claims processing, Call center interaction does there need to a human touch or should we just push customers to machine.)Attaching my current paper that has worked on all 3 sections which is about 170 pages with about 190 plus references for reference or content Clarify before you start to set right expectations.Strongly recommend coming up with an outline before you start writing the paper. The outline helps align the expectations and what should and should not go in the paper.Qualitative Dissertation – APA 7th Edition format & structure Outline for the PaperTitle PageSignature PageAcknowledgmentsAbstractTable of Contents (Word is based on the headings in your document and each heading/title should jump to that section)List of TablesChapter One (Introduction) (45 pages at least of content + 50 references+ Abstract)OverviewBackground and Problem Statement Purpose of the ProjectSignificance of the Project Research QuestionsTheoretical Framework – Dynamic Capability Theory has been used for this paper. You are free to choose more than one theory for this paperLimitations of the Project AssumptionsDefinitionsChapter Two (Review of Literature) (45 pages at least of content + 50 references)Subsections based on a deductive approach SummaryReviewReview approachSystematic literature reviewInclusion criteriaQuality checkMerits of AutomationSources against AutomationChapter Three (Procedures and Methodology) (45 pages at least of content + 50 references)Research Project DesignSampling Procedures and or/ Data Collection Sources (reference Informed Consent and IRB approval placed in Appendices)Couple of pages of theory related to Interviews, Surveys/Questionnaires, Document Analysis, Focus Groups, Observations, Data AnalysisInterviews, Surveys/Questionnaires, Document Analysis, Focus Groups, Observations, Data Analysis (This would be applicable to the research/thesis that I am working on and the formats should be part of the appendices. Focus groups could be users from LinkedIn, Face book.)Let’s talk about at least surveying 100 interviewers and add them into the focus groups into segments and the way the responded to the questions. Also, we should be able to come up with some data analysis based on the feedback of the 100 interviewers.Summary ReferencesAppendicesQuestions for Interviews to the focus groupsQuestions for Surveys/Questionnaires to the focus groupsDocument Analysis of the focus groupObservations of how the focus group respondedData Analysis Chart/pieReferences should be in APA format and should also be submitted additionally in the following format. Finally, when the document is ready for submission please give a high level outline. Reach out to me for any questions before you start or even in the middle for clarification.

solved Part 1Review the BUS401: Principles of Finance Research Guide. Review

Part 1Review the BUS401: Principles of Finance Research Guide.
Review the Excel resources in the BUS401: Principles of Finance Research Guide.Watch the following video that will help you format the financial statements for Appendix A: Retrieving Financial Statements Using Mergent (Links to an external site.) Research:Using the Mergent database in the university library,Find your chosen dividend-paying company within the Mergent database.Follow the instructions in the video above to retrieve and format the 3 most recent years of historical financial statements (income statements, balance sheets, and statements of cash flows).Construct Appendix A:Retrieve the 3 most recent years of historical financial statements (income statements, balance sheets, and statements of cash flows) for your chosen company using Mergent. Then using a program like Excel, and based on the instructions in the BUS401 | Retrieving Financial Statements Using Mergent (Links to an external site.) video.Format the income statement.Format the balance sheet.Format the statement of cash flows.Save this Excel file as a PDF and title it “Appendix A.”Submission Format:Submit the PDF version of Appendix A to Waypoint.Historical Financial Statements: Appendix A PDF fileMust contain the formatted income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows for a company that has paid dividends for the last 4 to 5 years.Part 2 In your first assignment this week you retrieved the financial information for your chosen company. Analysts must evaluate a company’s financial statements to understand its performance over time. Common size statements “allow analysts to compare the relative composition of the company’s accounts over time” (Hickman et al., 2013, Section 11.3, para. 5). For this assignment, you will take the formatted financial statements you retrieved using Mergent and construct common size income statements and common size balance sheets for your chosen company. The video below explains how to construct a common size income statement and balance sheet using Excel.Title this assignment “Appendix B.” Be sure to save both formats (Excel and PDF) of these files for later use.Prepare:Prior to beginning work on this assignment,Review Chapter 2 and Chapter 11: Section 11.3 in Essentials of finance.Complete the Week 1 – Assignment 1, Historical Financial Statements: Appendix AYou will be using the Excel file from Mergent for this assignmentWatch the following video that will go over how to create and format Appendix B: (Links to an external site.)BUS401| Creating Common Size Financial Statements in Excel (Links to an external site.)Construct Appendix B:Using the formatted income statement and balance sheet in Excel from Week 1 – Assignment 1, and following the instructions in the BUS401| Creating Common Size Financial Statements in Excel (Links to an external site.) video,Calculate and format the common size income statement for the three years.Calculate and format the common size balance sheet for three years.Save this Excel file as a PDF and title it “Appendix B”.Submission Format:Submit the PDF version of Appendix B to Waypoint.The Common Size Financial Statements: Appendix B PDF file must contain the formatted common size income statement and balance sheet.

solved Identify a model or a theory that you would like

Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote health behavior. You can select an individual model or theory (chapter 2) to promote healthy behavior or a community models (chapter 3) to promote health.
After you have identified a model or theory, develop a health promotion-prevention plan related to the population and health entity identified in assignment #1. Chapter 4 outlines how to assess health and health behaviors. Chapter 5 describes how to develop a health promotion-prevention plan.
Review the chapters that may apply to your proposed plan: Chapter 6 (physical activity and health promotion); Chapter 7 (nutrition and health promotion); Chapter 8 (stress management and health promotion); or Chapter 9 (social support and health).
When you write your paper, follow the grading guidelines. Each student is to submit a paper (no group work). The paper should be carefully written in a formal style, adhere to the most recent APA guidelines, use primary sources, and provide an integration of ideas.
The length of this assignment should be 4-6 pages excluding the title page and Reference list. All submissions should be submitted to the Assignment section in PDF format.  
A copy of the grading rubric is provided for you below.  It is highly recommended that you organize your paper based on the grading rubric criteria detailed below; the use of headings based on the grading rubric criteria is also strongly recommended.
Rubric Elements. See Grading rubric in assignments for point value.
1. Introduction paragraph. There must be a thesis statement that tells reader purpose of paper and what will be discussed.
2. Identify and describe a model or theory that you would like to use to promote health

You can select an individual model or theory (chapter 2) to promote healthy behavior or a community model or theory (chapter 3) to promote health. 
You are also welcome to use a model or theory from another source. 
Describe the model, why you selected the model, and how the model or theory would be beneficial to use to with your identified population.

3. Develop a health promotion-prevention intervention plan related to the population and health entity identified in assignment #1. Chapter 4 and 5 will help you with developing your plan.  You are welcome to read any or all of chapters 6-9, which will provide ideas on specific interventions.  These chapters will help you with examples and some chapters may be related to your areas of interest.  For example: chapter 6 (physical activity and health promotion); chapter 7 (nutrition and health promotion); chapter 8 (stress management and health promotion); chapter 9 (social support and health). 

Hypothetically plan out a potential health promotion-prevention plan.
Describe your proposed project in detail.
Search the literature on this topic.  For example, if you are interested in exploring the effectiveness of group diabetic education program, review the literature and see the best evidence-based data on this topic (i.e. format and number of classes and overall structure of such a program).  Also, how does this compare to individual educational classes (i.e on knowledge, physiological parameters, etc).

4. Conclusions: Summarize the essential points of paper.

solved Please reply to both posts and include a reference for

Please reply to both posts and include a reference for each reply thank youPOST 1To compare and contrast the actions associated with leading, managing, and following, here is my view. With leading, it becomes successful if the leader is able to provide their followers clearly with communication of the vision and performance expectations of them. The said leader must also be able to think on their feet in the moment to be able to handle critical or urgent obstacles in their work situation. The leaders must be quick to choose in situations of competing interests, as well a keeping their followers engaged on how they will be able to prioritize the work given to them. As for followers, it is vital that they provide strength and support to their leaders. Their job in the organization is to be able to work to their full potential, following the organizational standards. Said followers must be keen to attention to detail. The duties of the leader, manager, and follower are not set to a particular position. In the area of nursing, we have the chance to shift our roles from different types of positions, as well as different environments of work. ReferencesBeich, M. R. (2016 Aug 6). Leading, managing, and following. Nurse Key. Retrieved on November 3, 2021 from 2Hello class,Leadership and management require interpersonal skills that are used to deliver care effectively. Management involves planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating an organization (Holman et al., 2019). An example of leadership in the hospital setting would be case managers and administration. Case managers help the patients with insurance, social services, and management of discharge. Hospital administration organizes the healthcare staff such as doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, lawyers, and receptionists. By managing all these different employees, the hospital administration can maintain the organization; without direction, the patient would directly lack resources or treatment. Leadership is the ability to inspire others to achieve the desired outcome (Holman et al., 2019). An example of an individual in the hospital that displays leadership would be the charge nurse. The charge nurse helps to staff the nurses on the floor and assign the patients to the nurses. If the nurses on the floor have an issue, they seek the charge nurse for leadership and conflict resolution. Without management and leadership, there would be a common goal for the healthcare team to achieve. It could also cause a lack of delegation and disorganization, which would directly impact the patients. I think that nursing is highly flexible and allows different career opportunities. New grads can work bedside for two years and then move to charge nurse or even look into case management, nurse legal assistant, or outpatient services. As a nurse, leadership is always needed because we need to advocate for our patient’s best outcome. This could mean managing their diet and demonstrating leadership by contacting the dietician to change the meals for the patients. ReferencesHolman, H. C., Williams, D., Johnson, J., Sommer, S., Ball, B. S., & Lemon, T. (2019). Nursing leadership and management: Review module. Assessment Technologies Institute.

solved 1st postDigital epidemiology is an exciting field. With millions of

1st postDigital epidemiology is an exciting field. With millions of Americans
utilizing technology every day, public health is discovering new ways to use
the abundance of digital footprints we leave behind. Digital epidemiology
collects data in public health facilities that support analyzing the disease’s
distribution and control. According to Salathé, 2018, digital epidemiology
centers on digital data and can be evaluated using smartphones, the internet,
and other electronic gadgets. The digital data aims to recognize disease
patterns and health determinants in a community and promote health and disease
prevention. Applying big data has a significant impact on the healthcare system
and research. However, it also heightens many ethical issues. A few ethical considerations with this data collection system are
patient privacy, data integrity, informed consent, risk of error, and
accountability. These profound challenges are related to health value for
individuals and communities, individual rights, and other moral obligations.
Salathé, 2018 suggests examining the Ethical National Committee of Bio-Ethics
guidelines regarding ethical consents when utilizing these data types. It is
essential to ensure that patient’s medical and personal information is well
protected, and the patient has the right to know how their data has been used.
Also, the nurse must give complete information and education about consents and
how the data is stored, transferred, and processed. A nurse and a patient must
be transparent regarding this matter. Nevertheless, humans are prone to
mistakes and cannot guarantee that these guidelines are followed and can
resolve ethical issues. Therefore, it is vital to establish policies to ensure
that nurses and other disciplines adhere and utilize this technology safe for
the patient’s best interest.2nd postEpidemiology has come a long way since the times of John Snow. Like him,
epidemiologists used to travel on foot having direct contact with the people
and diseases they were studying. Now this information and data is available at
their fingertips. Mobile devices, social media, and newer communication
technologies have made it easier for epidemiologists to explore disease spread
through the rapid development of information (He et al, 2020). We have
seen this more than ever with the COVID 19 pandemic. These technologies have
given information about real-time disease spread patterns and how human
activity affects it. With the wide availability of disease information, ethics
must be considered regarding this information. Digital epidemiology draws big
data from personal information, public health, and information technologies
(Vayena et al, 2015). Much of public surveillance is done through the use of
our mobile devices; including what we purchase, our social media conversations,
or our web searches (Vayena et al, 2015). Have you ever noticed while scrolling
Facebook, you see an ad for a product that you “googled” a week ago?
Information derived from these sources does have a beneficial part to play in
epidemiology, but sometimes the manner in which this information is extracted
may violate the privacy of people. Ethics of big data are questioned as we
learn where the line must be drawn. When is this surveillance too much?

solved Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare IssueThe Quadruple Aim provides

Assignment: Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare IssueThe Quadruple Aim provides broad categories of goals to pursue to maintain and improve healthcare. Within each goal are many issues that, if addressed successfully, may have a positive impact on outcomes. For example, healthcare leaders are being tasked to shift from an emphasis on disease management often provided in an acute care setting to health promotion and disease prevention delivered in primary care settings. Efforts in this area can have significant positive impacts by reducing the need for primary healthcare and by reducing the stress on the healthcare system.Changes in the industry only serve to stress what has always been true; namely, that the healthcare field has always faced significant challenges, and that goals to improve healthcare will always involve multiple stakeholders. This should not seem surprising given the circumstances. Indeed, when a growing population needs care, there are factors involved such as the demands of providing that care and the rising costs associated with healthcare. Generally, it is not surprising that the field of healthcare is an industry facing multifaceted issues that evolve over time.In this module’s Discussion, you reviewed some healthcare issues/stressors and selected one for further review. For this Assignment, you will consider in more detail the healthcare issue/stressor you selected. You will also review research that addresses the issue/stressor and write a white paper to your organization’s leadership that addresses the issue/stressor you selected.To Prepare:Review the national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the Resources and reflect on the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for study.Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post for the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected.Identify and review two additional scholarly resources (not included in the Resources for this module) that focus on change strategies implemented by healthcare organizations to address your selected national healthcare issue/stressor.The Assignment (3-4 Pages):Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare IssueDevelop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.Looking AheadThe paper you develop in Module 1 will be revisited and revised in Module 2. Review the Assignment instructions for Module 2 to prepare for your revised paper.

solved Andy (A) and Barry (B) have been friends since early

Andy (A) and Barry (B) have been friends since early high school age and are now roommates while attending the public, state operated State University (SU). Several times each week they go on an extended bike ride together, starting with pre-ride coffee, and a refueling of lunch at the dorm cafeteria after the ride. Other students and SU personnel often join them A&B are both avid readers, and both collect books from their favorite authors. They attend book signings, lectures, and post ride discussions often turn to chatting about their latest book findings.A&B maintain a small “little library” shelf at their dorm where they trade and share books with others for free. A&B have often discussed business futures in book editing, production, distribution, and sales.A&B know that future business activities involve business and personal risks, and know they must seek the advice of an attorney before acting on their plans.ADDITIONAL FACTS FOR THIS ASSESSMENT ONLY:A & B want to take their venture and partnership to the next level. They have drafted and both signed a partnership agreement that says that the profits and losses will be shared equally. The have discussed creating an eBook lending library to complement their real space “little library”. They decide they need to discuss this further and also learn about what will be required from their friend, Cecilia (C). Cecilia is a fellow student majoring in web design. A & B decide to meet on Saturday at the Student Union Building for breakfast and coffee and discuss this with C.Saturday comes and B never shows up. A and C discuss the idea of a website. C shows A many templates and sample websites she has done for others. A is impressed. C says, “Here is one that I am particularly proud of” and shows A an interactive website and explains eBooks can be included. C says, “This one takes a lot of work but would be a great application for your use.” B responds, “You are so right C. That is exactly what we want.” A & C finish their breakfast and coffee, shake hands, and A pays for breakfast and coffee. C then says, “I will get you the mockup by next Friday.”C contacts Dalia (D) who is another student who has helped C develop websites in the past. C tells D, “I have a great website development project for A & B. I would be willing to have you do the coding for the eBook part of the website for $200 if you can complete it by Thursday.” D goes right to work on it and completes it and sends her work to C on Wednesday afternoon. D then sends an invoice to A & B for $200 on Friday afternoon.Friday arrives and as promised C sends a mockup via email and a link. B is the one who opens the email in the library account and thinks it is a solicitation and throws it away. Along with the mockup there is an invoice for $500. A opens the email from D on Friday afternoon. B has gone rock climbing for the weekend. A says to himself, “I guess we owe this.” and sends D an electronic payment for $200. Analysis of the case based on the text Chapter 13. Introduction to ContractsAssignment Chapter 14. Agreement Chapter 15. ConsiderationAssignmentChapter 16. Capacity and LegalityAssignment Text: Kubasek, Browne, Dhooge, Herron, Barkacs, and Williamson, Dynamic Business Law, 4th Edition,

solved Objective/Goal:Analyze the role of magical thinking in human religious behavior,

Objective/Goal:Analyze the role of magical thinking in human religious behavior, distinguishing between religious and nonreligious behavior and between magic and divination.Initial ReplyChoose ONE of the scenarios below to answer the following questions about. Your answers may depend on how you interpret the behavior and the person’s motivations.You need to post:1. How would you classify this behavior?Would you classify this behavior as religious? Why or why not?Would you classify it as magic or divination? Why or why not? If so, which one?Would you classify it as superstitious? Why or why not?2. What other examples of magic or divination from your own culture can you think of? Are there any that you yourself practice? Points to remember:Make sure you are using the class definitions of religion, magic and superstition and remember that these categories overlap and are not mutually exclusive!Keep in mind the emic/etic distinction – what the individual doing the behavior says about it (emic perspective) may be different than what we would say as we are analyzing it (etic perspective). Just because that person may not see it as magic doesn’t mean we can’t classify it as magic. Replies to Peersafter you finish the prompt reply to at least two of your peers. In your replies, ask any questions you have about their scenario and their analysis. Do you agree with them? Why or why not? Be sure to loop back to your own post and answer any questions you have been asked. I will also be posting feedback and questions for you!Scenarios to Choose FromA professional baseball player always does the exact same thing before every game – wakes up at 10:00 am, at 1:00 pm has a turkey sandwich, etc. During the game, he touches the letters on his uniform after every pitch and straightens his cap after every ball.A person carries a good-luck charm in their pocket.A person consults their horoscope in the daily newspaper and plans their day accordingly.A person keeps a photograph of their deceased spouse on the shelf in their living room. On occasion, they talk to the picture.A person with the evil eye is able to cause illness or misfortune simply by looking at or praising someone or something.In the movie Star Wars, Luke Skywalker uses the Force to destroy the Death Star.A person prays to God that they will be safe on an upcoming journey.A group of students use a Ouija board to contact dead spirits.Breaking a mirror will bring you seven years of bad luck.A person spills coffee in their lap and takes it as a sign that it will be a bad day.A student always listens to the same music while studying for exams.A person makes a wish while blowing on a dandelion.An Inuit hunter of the Arctic Coast places fresh water in the mouth of a seal they have just killed to appease the spirit of the seal before it is butchered.The Queen in Snow White uses a special mirror to find out “who is the fairest in the land?”.A rock star throws their sweaty t-shirt into the audience. An excited fan takes it home and frames it.A sports fan always wears the jersey of their favorite player on game day to help their team win.Grading:Expectations for discussions include effort, connection to the material in the modules and textbook, and open engagement in thinking through the issue.

solved According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019, a

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019, a new strain of the coronavirus disease was discovered. Also known as COVID-19, this strain of the virus had previously not been identified in humans. A worldwide pandemic ensued as the virus quickly spread across the globe, impacting countless lives, including many individuals in the United States.
In an effort to contain the virus, numerous countries’ leaders encouraged social distancing, which is an infection control strategy aimed to help lessen the spread of a contagious disease. This directive was given by leaders in the United States as well. Two schools of thought emerged. In fact, many people were skeptical about the authenticity of this pandemic due to perplexing and often conflicting messages that were received across social media and news outlets. Therefore, numerous Americans assumed business as usual and maintained their daily living and social rituals. On the other hand, scores of others quickly retreated to their homes, embracing the warning provided by some of the nation’s top infectious disease experts.
This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed, psychology journal article that contains research examining the social psychology aspects of motivation and emotion. You will then demonstrate your understanding of the article by relating the research and conclusions contained therein to current events.
Begin by visiting the CSU Online Library to locate and choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of social psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and should be no older than 7 years
NOTE: You are not required to locate an article about COVID-19; instead, you must find a peer-reviewed journal article concerning research that specifically examines motivation and emotion. You will then be critiquing the article and framing the research and conclusions presented in the article in the context of how they can be applied to behavior and social psychology during such an event as the COVID-19 pandemic.
A good place to start your search is the PsycARTICLES database or the Academic Search Ultimate database. You can access these databases from the Databases box on the library homepage.
For assistance in locating your article, you may find the following tutorial How to Find Journal Articles helpful. Additionally, you may find this tutorial How to Search in PsycARTICLES useful.
Once you have chosen your article about motivation, emotion, and social psychology, you will write an article critique that addresses the following elements.

Explain the research methodology that was used in the study.
Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others.
Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others. (How does this apply to COVID-19?)
Indicate the structures of the brain that are involved in emotion and motivation. (How could a person’s emotions related to fear drive their behaviors during this pandemic?)
Examine the article’s generalizability to various areas of psychology.
Why would some people choose to follow the orders to avoid social contact and others allow desire for human interaction to be their driving force?.