solved To study history is to study both change and continuity

To study history is to study both change and continuity over time. In other words, history tells us not just about the past, but about the past’s relationship to the present. For your final paper, I’d like you to draw on the history of the Civil War, emancipation, and/or Reconstruction to shed light on a contemporary social issue or political debate. This comparison should be neither facile nor overwrought. For example:Weak: “Unless we find a way to compromise in politics we risk fighting another Civil War”Better: “Most politicians and political commentators argue that compromise is a virtue and that Americans can unite over common values. However, the history of slavery and the Civil War shows us that sometimes compromise is not an option, that all political positions are not equally valid, and that different segments of society have very different political interests.”Weak: “Slavery never ended because black people are still oppressed today.”Better: “The institution of slavery was more than simply forced, uncompensated labor and the legal ownership of one human being over another. Enslaved people themselves often emphasized arbitrary physical punishment, separation from their families, and sexual violence as things that distinguished slavery from other forms of coerced labor. Today’s system of mass incarceration exhibits many of these same dynamics, drawing a clear through line from slavery to prisons.”Use this assignment to mediate on something that you’re passionate about or that has dominated the news in recent months. What does the abolitionist debate about violence tell us about the ethics of punching white supremacists? How does the Fugitive Slave Act get us to think differently about immigrant raids and travel bans? Does the violent Southern response to the gains of Reconstruction offer any lessons for thinking about contemporary conservative responses to gains in women’s and LGBT rights?For this assignment, your sources should include a deep engagement with at least two readings from Unit IV (Lande, Du Bois, Foner, Downs, Rosen, and Blight) as well as contemporary news stories. Please be cognizant of the origin and author of such stories—do your research and make sure your sources are reputable. No fake news. I’m happy to help you if you’re unsure.Hey there, Please be sure to read the instruction carefully. The assignment asks you to make a connection with present social issues. I would say making connection with the Black Lives Matter might be a easier way to go.The essay is focusing on the Black Lives Matter movement, it read like a word salad. I don’t see you following the instructions I provided. The purpose of the work is to explain “Slavery never ended” Not describing the BLM movement.The essay I attached has too much information about the BLM and is clearly in the instruction the purpose related to slavery. So, I need you to change some parts and include more information about why slavery never ended. Is your choice the way you take in this essay and how much content you save. But try to focus on the essay as I explained in detail. Follow carefully all the requirements and the focus as I explained. Include new sources for supports your arguments and reflect the focus as I requested.

solved If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do

If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided?You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very real beliefs in some cultures.Differences in cultural beliefs, subcultures, religion, ethnic customs, dietary customs, language, and a host of other factors contribute to the complex environment that surrounds global healthcare issues. Failure to understand and account for these differences can create a gulf between practitioners and the public they serve.In this Assignment, you will examine a global health issue and consider the approach to this issue by the United States and by one other country.To Prepare:Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda and select one global health issue to focus on for this Assignment.Select at least one additional country to compare to the U.S. for this Assignment.Reflect on how the global health issue you selected is approached in the U.S. and in the additional country you selected.Review and download the Global Health Comparison Matrix provided in the Resources.The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Global Health Comparison Matrix; 1-page Plan for Social Change)Part 1: Global Health Comparison MatrixFocusing on the country you selected and the U.S., complete the Global Health Comparison Matrix. Be sure to address the following:Consider the U.S. national/federal health policies that have been adapted for the global health issue you selected from the WHO global health agenda. Compare these policies to the additional country you selected for study.Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each policy.Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the global health issue you selected. Be specific and provide examples.Using the WHO’s Organization’s global health agenda as well as the results of your own research, analyze how each country’s government addresses cost, quality, and access to the global health issue selected.Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the health of the global population. Be specific and provide examples.Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the role of the nurse in each country.Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. Be specific and provide examples.Part 2: A Plan for Social ChangeReflect on the global health policy comparison and analysis you conducted in Part 1 of the Assignment and the impact that global health issues may have on the world, the U.S., your community, as well as your practice as a nurse leader.In a 1-page response, create a plan for social change that incorporates a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.Explain how you would advocate for the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens might impact your local practice and role as a nurse leader.Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice as a nurse leader represents and contributes to social change. Be specific and provide examples

solved I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.

The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.

—William Gibson, “The Science in Science Fiction,” Talk of the Nation
The creative use of economic and social forces to address equity and fairness in the dissemination of resources across cultures and communities is increasingly becoming a focus of social change efforts. In preparation for this Discussion, consider how economics and entrepreneurship might be effectively employed as tools of social change in the service of an issue or cause that is important to you. With those considerations in mind, select an action or entrepreneurial idea that might address an issue of economic equity and fairness within a specific community.
By Day 3
Post by Day 3 a description of at least one action or entrepreneurial idea that might positively impact a specific community’s economy. Briefly explain why this community has a need for social change and how this action might address equity and fairness across cultures and communities. Provide a brief analysis of any ethical implications or concerns related to this suggestion.

Apfelbaum, E. P., Pauker, K., Sommers, S. R., & Ambady, N. (2010). In blind pursuit of racial equality? Psychological Science, 21(11), 1587–1592.

Belle, D., & Doucet, J. (2003). Poverty, inequality, and discrimination as sources of depression among U.S. women.Psychology of Women Quarterly, 27(2), 101–113.

Evans, G. W. (2004). The environment of childhood poverty. American Psychologist, 59(2), 77–92.

Holzer, H. J., Whitmore Schanzenbach, D., Duncan, G. J., & Ludwig, J. (2007). The economic costs of poverty in the United States: Subsequent effects of children growing up poor. Retrieved from Center for American Progress website:…

The following websites illustrate how social change agents are employing economics and entrepreneurship in new and creative ways:
BSR. (2015). Retrieved from

Fair Trade Federation. (2015). Retrieved from

Green Americaâ„¢. (2015). Responsible shopper. Retrieved from

Green Money. (2015). Retrieved from

Kiva. (2015). Retrieved from

Social Venture Network. (2015). Retrieved from

For examples of how the creative use of economic forces is generating social change that, in turn, is affecting one industry, review the following:
The Carpet and Rug Institute, Inc. (n.d.). GLP testing protocol and product requirements. Retrieved from…

Good Weave®. (2014). Retrieved from

Nature’s Carpet™. (2015). Retrieved from

Haslam, S. A., Reicher, S., & Platow, M. J. (2011). The new psychology of leadership: Identity, influence, and power. New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Heather Hefner, PhD, mental health support for at-risk youth [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Retrieved from 
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

solved Understand the 4 “D’s” to explain abnormality How was abnormality

Understand the 4 “D’s” to explain abnormality
How was abnormality viewed and treated in the past
The effects of Deinstitutionalization
Thoroughly understand the section on “What do clinical researchers do” (case study, correlation, experimentation)

– Advantages and disadvantages of case study
– Positive vs. negative correlation, magnitude of correlation
– Independent vs. dependent variables
– Random assignment

Understand the various models of abnormality (biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic-existential, sociocultural)
How messages move from neuron to neuron
Neurotransmitters linked to various psychological disorders
Psychodynamic theory
Various types of the Behavioral Model (modeling, classical conditioning, operant conditioning)
How cognitive theorists view psychological disorders
Definition of Diathesis-Stress Model of Abnormality
Definition of Mental Status Exam
Reliability vs. validity
Advantages and disadvantages of projective tests
Advantages and disadvantages of personality inventories
Strengths and weaknesses of intelligence tests
Definition of Naturalistic Observation
Definition of Diagnosis
Definition of Syndrome
Definition of Comorbidity
How and who developed the DSM-5
Difference between ICD and DSM-5
Definition of Evidenced-based Therapies
Definition of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Definition of Reactivity
Definition of Observer Drift
Definition of Self-monitoring

Dear Student,Welcome to my DE Abnormal Psychology class. On D2L you will find the syllabus, power points, videos of the various disorders, and extra credit opportunities.The test dates are posted. The tests are open book essay tests. For each test I will give you about 9 or 10 essay questions and you are to choose 5 of them to answer. Each essay is worth 20 points so each test is 100 points. Because it is open book, I expect answers to be thorough. They arenot short answer tests. More writing is always better. In addition to the book, you can use other sources. If you do use other sources please reference them using APA style (no need to reference if you just use the book). Based on feedback from my other online courses last academic year  I decided to send all 5 tests to you (see attached) so you will have plenty of time to complete the essays. There is a dropbox on D2L and you can submit them when you are finished but no later than the date listed on the dropbox. Because you will have all 5 tests in advance, it will be difficult for me to understand how or why a test could be late. I selected the book because it is very clear with great examples. You will need either the book or the E-version of the book, not both. The videos were also chosen as a way to help you see and understand the disorders. The power points compliment the book. Please use all the materials I posted, it will help your overall grade.  Any extra credit assignment you do requires a 2-3 page reflection paper and you can earn up to .5 points for each assignment that will be added to your final score. So,  if you do 3 extra credit assignments you can earn up to 1.5 additional points which could raise a B+ to an A-. There is a dropbox on D2L for any extra credit you complete. If you have any questions, please email me. Good luck and stay well,Dr. Drago

solved basically, read the PDF I have attached and try to

basically, read the PDF I have attached and try to find solutions to it with 1500 words. it has to be in email format as if you’re writing it to someone else. please cite all sources.Your solution should be something NEW to your local community, or a significant improvement on an attempt that failed in the past. Perhaps you have an idea for a program, technology, or app that doesn’t yet exist. Or, maybe there is something out there in its infancy that you want to move forward.There are many ways to approach the research, including looking at other communities that have viable solutions to the same problem. Maybe that solution would also work in your city, neighborhood, workplace, school, or home?Important ConsiderationsOf all of the members in your local community, who is most able to incite change and bring your solution to life?What genre is most appropriate for reaching this individual or group?What does this audience need to know about the problem, before I present my solution?How will you incorporate rhetorical appeals–ethos, pathos, logos–to convince your audience to accept your proposal?How can you recognize and refute potential opposition?Basic Requirements1,500 total words (NOT including Works Cited page or multimodal components)A minimum of ten total citations from at least five credible sources (e.g. book, magazine, newspaper, online journal, film, speech, interview, etc.); be sure to include both scholarly and reliable, local source materials.A minimum of three informative, multimodal components (i.e. charts, graphs, maps, etc.) Consult AWR or Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.) for proper MLA formatting (in-text citations + Works Cited page).IMPORTANT NOTE: You must earn at least a C on the proposal in order to pass ENG 102, regardless of other points earned.Propose a Solution (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsWell-developed introduction engages the reader, creates interest, and shows awareness for the rhetorical situation. Contains detailed background information on the local problem. Thesis clearly proposes a significant and compelling solution.30 ptsWell-developed supporting evidence directly relates to the thesis, is concrete and detailed, and effectively incorporates rhetorical appeals. Body contains at least ten applicable, developed, and correctly cited pieces of research. Body includes the skillful recognition and refutation of 2+ counterarguments. Multimodal components are clear, engaging, and illustrative.70 ptsCONCLUSIONConclusion effectively wraps up and includes a clear and compelling warrant that goes beyond restating the thesis.30 ptsORGANIZATION AND STYLEEffectively utilizes decorum appropriate to the rhetorical situation. Logical progression of ideas with a clear structure and transitions that enhance the thesis. Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is consistent and language well-chosen and sophisticated.30 ptsCONVENTIONSFew or no insignificant grammatical errors.AUDIENCE AND GENREAddresses a specific, applicable real-world audience, using an appropriate genre. Chosen genre is formatted appropriately.10 ptsWORKS CITEDProvides a properly formatted Works Cited page that includes at least five credible references.10 ptsTotal Points: 200

solved Here you will get points for participating in the chart.Problem,

Here you will get points for participating in the chart.Problem, solution, result chart- Community ServiceWhat are the probelms? Add to this page by Friday 11:59 pm.On this page we will work together to list the probelms, solutions and results discussed in the article. You can add to any box in this chart. Make sure that the problem, solution, and result all go togther. Make sure you add the section number where you found the quote in the article. To participate in this assignment, click EDIT above, and type in document. When you are finished, click SAVE. ProblemQuoteSolutionQuoteResultQuotea mother with 4 kids is single and needs help to have ChristmasWade reached out to Gibbs on social media. She was 25, and she had a story to tell. It included the death of her boyfriend, and her own efforts to carry on as the single mother of four children. section 2Donte Gibbs helped herWade was the beneficiary of the Betty Ruth Family Gift, which is given to a deserving family nominated from social-media users or through Hands Across Cleveland. (Links to an external site.) Wade, in essence, nominated herself. Gibbs’ team was honored to assist. section 24her children got gifts, and the mother got the help she needed“To see how joyful they were when they saw the gifts wrapped makes this all worth participating in,” said Dominique Tucker, a team member of Donte’s Gift Express. section 26East Cleveland is poorGibbs, 31, lifts up the residents of Ohio’s poorest city through direct acts of kindness.section 9Donte Gibbs gives gifts at Christmas time to childrenMore than 1,500 other families have felt that way over the past six years in Gibbs’ home town of East Cleveland, thanks to Donte’s Gift Express (Links to an external site.)and the Betty Ruth Family Gift, which he named after his grandmother. section 5people are surpised and happyThey open the door and we say we’re from Donte’s Gift Express,” Gibbs said. “People show so much emotion. Some even cry because they’re so appreciative.”section 22People are poor and have difficult lives. “I hope we can grow into doing things beyond Christmas like providing school supplies, school clothes and whatever we can do to ease burdens for people of East Cleveland,’’ he said. 31They get help from Donte’s Gift ExpressDuring the Christmas season, Gibbs and volunteers purchase gifts, wrap them and deliver to families in East Cleveland. They buy the gifts with donations or with Gibbs’ own money. Then, they create an attention-getting suprise party.23Their life is easier. Gibbs, 31, lifts up the residents of Ohio’s poorest city through direct acts of kindness.31The big problem can make people feel hopeless. “Ohio’s poorest city “9People volunteer on a team to help others. During the Christmas season, Gibbs and volunteers purchase gifts, wrap them and deliver to families in East Cleveland. They buy the gifts with donations or with Gibbs’ own money. Then, they create an attention-getting suprise party. 13Volunteers feel happyTo see how joyful they were when they saw the gifts wrapped makes this all worth participating in,” said Dominique Tucker, a team member of Donte’s Gift Express. “The smile and the laughter that families have is ultimately what we look forward.”26

solved I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

Regarding the case situation, there are quite a few things happening at KCC. KCC is a first-tier supplier to the equipment manufacturer OEM, and OEM is the sole customer of KCC requiring their full capacity. Krayden’s Cycle Components relies on its business with OEM to maintain financial stability. KCC executes the production process of their rolling chassis in-house, but some of the parts they acquire are delivered by different suppliers. Krayden’s Cycle Components employs four line-workers who perform various functions for the company, and these workers have been cross trained in their field. KCC delivers eight frames daily. The company implements the principal of just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing and just-in-sequence (JIS) which assists organizing their production based on what frame is unloaded from the truck. The company has implemented Lean principals at their workplace which means they attempt to hold very little inventory. KCC is a strong believer in maintaining relationships and has done this by supporting multiyear relationships with multitier suppliers. However, these multiyear relationships are not serving as a large cost to KCC, and they have been experiencing a decline in profits in recent years. They have made recent efforts towards retooling, and plant modernization. The company needs to make a decision on whether or not they would like to continue their multiyear dealings, or to find cheaper options to improve the company. Krayden’s Cycle Components produces a rolling chassis which has many variants. These rolling chassis is a key component in the manufacturing of motorcycles. KCC sells its product to OEM who produces motorcycles in three different variants which are: Sport, Cruising, and Retro. The suppliers for KCC are very important to their business because they provide the external parts to build the rolling chassis such as Wheels, Front Fork’s, Handlebars, Powder-coating, and Steel tubing. The first tier of the supply chain has a direct relationship with OEM. The second-tier suppliers could be the ones who are able to provide a specialized part based on what they themselves can produce. Lastly the third tier would be the suppliers who are able to produce the more basic goods, in the case of the tires, for KCC. The company purchases a variety of different parts from these suppliers in order to meet the orders made by OEM. If there is an issue with not being able to provide the parts required to construct the rolling chassis due to delivery or quality, it would impact the KCC and in turn their ability to provide service for OEM. KCC would be billed $2,000 per minute by OEM according to the contract they have. An OEM might use several supplier tiers because of the appeal to operational simplicity. They would only have to deal with a small amount of tier one suppliers to fulfill their orders. 1) What is going on at KCC? Summarize your thoughts regarding the case situation.2) What does KCC produce? Relatedly, explain the importance of KCC’s suppliers. As part of your answer, consider KCC’s supply chain as illustrated in Figure 1. Notice that the supply chain consists of three tiers. Why might an OEM use several supplier tiers?


Health Care Policy and Reflection Paper & Grading Criteria (25% of grade)
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate an ability to:   

Identify a contemporary issue in health care policy and its relevance to advanced practice nursing.  
Conduct a search of appropriate evidence-based literature  
Utilize research to recommend improvements in the health care delivery system.  
Reflect upon the APN competencies related to that issue


In consultation with instructor the Student will select a current issue in health policy
Student will conduct a literature search and identify at least five recent (within 5 years) articles from peer-reviewed journals that provide information related to the identified issue  
Student will prepare a well-worded paper which integrates the information learned from conducting the literature search and summarizes reflection of personal and professional responsibilities related to the issue including the impact on the APN competencies of your chosen track
Assignment is to be typed and presented in APA format which includes a title page (identifying the student’s name, course information, date) an abstract page, the body of the paper, and reference page (listing all resources utilized making sure to cite within the body of the paper where those resources were utilized)  Total components of the Research Paper to be at least eight (8) pages.
Grading rubric for this assignment is as follows:

APA Format

Paper must be formatted in APA style to include:

Title page (name, course information, date, running head information)
Abstract (appears on new page, provides a concise summary of the key points of the paper, single paragraph, double-spaced consists of 150-200 words
Body of the paper is all double-spaced with professional language throughout, includes page numbers and running head
Paper is organized with correct spelling & grammar
Paper to include proper headings in the proper format  
Total paper to be at least eight (8) pages
In-text citations used for all paraphrased material and page # and quotations are used for direct quotes
Reference page is thorough and properly formatted (each source cited in the paper must appear on the reference list and all entries on the reference list must be cited within the body of the paper

title Page. 2.5 points

Titlepage (name, course information, date, running head information) pagewith relevant info, including descriptive title, section headings.
•Good graphics with appropriate citations.
•. Clean andprofessional looking

Abstract. 5 points
Abstract appears on new page, provides a concise summary of the key points of the paper, single paragraph, double-spaced consists of 150-200 words
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
(Lit Review, Intro, Body, methods used). 10 points 
to be At least a total of eight (8) pages.
At least three recent (within 5 years) articles from peer-reviewed
journals • Provide
an integrated summary which speaks to each article identifying what
was learned and how that impacted understanding of the issue. (

solved Post A)According to Brent Gleeson (2017), a former U.S. Navy

Post A)According to Brent Gleeson (2017), a former U.S. Navy SEAL and now leadership strategist writing for Forbes magazine, 70% or more companies incorrectly anticipate the length of time it will take to implement significant changes to transform their organization. He compares these changes to “Battle Fatigue”. This translates to a company dynamic where elements like previous failures negatively impact the morale of employees who have worked hard and made personal sacrifices to reach a previous goal that was ultimately unsuccessful. They often become cynical and discouraged when faced with another overhaul of the organization’s operating procedure (Gleeson, 2017).People fear for their future, their income, and the impact changes may create for their families. Understandable, right? These fears and concerns make it difficult for staff to focus and stay productive when they are needed most (Gleeson, 2017).Having a broad scope of changes to be made, such as improved internal efficiency or overhauling an organization’s vision of being the leader in their industry, is far too broad a realization. Rather, smaller goals need to be celebrated to keep momentum going in the desired direction. When the change leaders set milestones of progress along the path of success, it gives workers a sense of pride and satisfaction in their efforts to reach the overall vision of change. Victories should be recognized, rewarded, and spread throughout the organization as encouragement for other aspects of the business to strive for. These strategies offset the persistent threat of battle fatigue which slows progress for everyone. When workers see success happening, it energizes them and keeps everyone emotionally connected to the long-term goal (Gleeson, 2017).ReferenceGleeson, B. (2017, July 25). 1-reason-why-most-change-management-efforts-fail. Forbes. Post B) One factor impossible to evade is change. Though in an organization, people fear change. Therefore, when healthcare leaders implement changes in their organization, it tends to fail. This happens because of inadequate support from leaders, poor planning, lack of resources, and inadequate skills needed for the changes (Dye, 2017). Besides, people resist changes due to fear of the unknown. As change sometimes comes as a surprise to employees, they tend not to accept it. They are used to their monotonous way of operations, and therefore accepting changes becomes challenging to workers.Sometimes peer pressure causes healthcare providers not to embrace changes within the organization. Therefore, group resistance makes an individual resist change. For effective change to occur, healthcare facilities managers should clearly define the changes. While doing this, it is their responsibility to explain how the change aligns with the organization’s objectives (Dye, 2017). Organization leaders should effectively communicate this to employees before the change. Moreover, leaders can provide adequate training to employees. In the process, workers find it easy to embrace the changes.ReferencesDye, C. F., & Lock, J. D. (2017). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills.

solved The cash account for Brentwood Bike Co. at May 1

The cash account for Brentwood Bike Co. at May 1 indicated a balance of $34,250. During May, the total cash deposited was $140,300, and checks written totaled $138,880. The bank statement indicated a balance of $43,525 on May 31. Comparing the bank statement, the canceled checks, and the accompanying memos with the records revealed the following reconciling items: 2. Journalize the necessary entries. The accounts have not been closed. Refer to the Chart of Accounts for exact wording of account titles.PAGE 1JOURNALACCOUNTING EQUATION A. Checks outstanding totaled $6,440. B. A deposit of $1,850 representing receipts of May 31, had been made too late to appear on the bank statement. C. The bank had collected for Brentwood Bike Co. $5,250 on a note left for collection. The face of the note was $5,000. D. A check for $390 returned with the statement had been incorrectly charged by the bank as $930. E. A check for $210 returned with the statement had been recorded by Brentwood Bike Co. as $120. The check was for the payment of an obligation to Adkins Co. on account. F. Bank service charges for May amounted to $30. G. A check for $1,325 from Jennings Co. was returned by the bank due to insufficient funds. Instructions and Questions: 1.Journalize the necessary entries. The accounts have not been closed. Refer to the Chart of Accounts for exact wording of account titles. 2.If a balance sheet is prepared for Brentwood Bike Co. on May 31, what amount should be reported as cash? DATE DESCRIPTION POST. REF. DEBIT CREDIT ASSETS LIABILITIES EQUITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3. If a balance sheet were prepared for Brentwood Bike Co. on May 31, what amount should be reported as cash? CHART OF ACCOUNTS Brentwood Bike Co. General Ledger ASSETS 110Cash 111Petty Cash 112Accounts Receivable-Jennings Co. 131Notes Receivable 141Merchandise Inventory 145Office Supplies 146Store Supplies 151Prepaid Insurance 181Land 191Office Equipment 192Accumulated Depreciation-Office Equipment 193Store Equipment 194Accumulated Depreciation-Store Equipment LIABILITIES 211Accounts Payable-Adkins Co. 221Notes Payable 222Interest Payable 231Salaries Payable 241Sales Tax Payable EQUITY 310Owner, Capital 311Owner, Drawing 312Income Summary REVENUE 410Sales 610Interest Revenue EXPENSES 510Cost of Merchandise Sold 515Credit Card Expense 516Cash Short and Over 520Salaries Expense 531Advertising Expense 532Delivery Expense 533Insurance Expense 534Office Supplies Expense 535Rent Expense 536Repairs Expense 537Selling Expenses 538Store Supplies Expense 561Depreciation Expense-Office Equipment 562Depreciation Expense-Store Equipment 590Miscellaneous Expense 710Interest Expense Amount Descriptions Bank error in charging check as $390 instead of $930 Bank error in charging check as $930 instead of $390Bank service charges Check returned because of insufficient funds Company error in recording note collected by bank Deposit of May 31, not recorded by bank Error in recording check Outstanding checks Note and interest collected by bank