solved In this project, you will work from the point of

In this project, you will work from the point of view of a senior consultant tasked by your target company to perform an analysis of the firm and present a strategic recommendation or set of recommendations to improve the company. Even if your company is a strong performer your job is to uncover even greater opportunities for growth. 
Target Company: Uber
This project will require you to perform outside research on your target company (as opposed to case studies where no research is required). 
You will be measured on the following teaching from class:

Strategic Evaluation of the Company (using the Growth Strategy Frameworks)

Make sure to look at current capabilities
Identify Key Risks &  Strategic Dilemmas 
As you come to your final recommendations, come back to this section and ensure the company has the ability to execute your recommendation (i.e. if you recommend Facebook gets into producing Electric Vehicles, discuss whether they have the expertise or budget to make electric cars. If not, and you suggest a partnership to produce cars, explain how this partnership makes sense as well as the risks)

Application of the 5C-STP-4P model


Provide an overview
If your recommendation takes your target company into new markets then perform a 5C for the new market


A clear understanding of the current products line and their target segments
Aligning your final recommendations to new potential target segments

Analysis using the Brand Pyramid and Loyalty Ladder

Explain current brand positioning
Ensure your recommendations align with the company’s brand or the brand positioning recommendations you make. Remember that everything has to align (i.e. if you suddenly want to make Apple into a beer brand, you had better have a strong reason their technology brand translates into customers wanting Apple alcohol and note the risks, else it would be better not to pursue this direction)

Channel & Distribution

Analyze channels, find efficiencies, inefficiencies and opportunities
Make sure that the channels or channel investments needed for your recommendation are in place (i.e. if you recommend Vauxhall or Renault sell cars in the US, make sure they have the appropriate dealer networks (with their parent company or otherwise) or that they have the proper e-commerce capabilities in place, else recommend a path to attaining them) 

Final Recommendations

This is the lion’s share of your grade. It needs to be realistic, feasible and align with your analysis (for instance, a cash-strapped company with a $1bn market valuation cannot do an M&A where they buy a company 10x their size. This is not feasible or realistic). 
Aligned with your assessments above, make a recommendation
Backup your recommendation tying it / connecting the dots to the arguments you have setup (i.e. If you’ve demonstrated that Google has Google Glass technology and your research shows this technology is scalable/integratable into auto windshields you may make the recommendation that Google and Tesla do a joint venture putting Google Glass into Tesla vehicles. You will want to detail who is responsible for production of the Google Glass and how they work with Tesla.)
Include a risk assessment for everything you recommend. 

solved Part 1:Â Briefly define the role of the virtuoso in

Part 1: 
Briefly define the role of the virtuoso in the 19th century. Who were some of the major virtuosos during this time and how did people talk about them? How does the role of the virtuoso become more complicated for women during this time?
Briefly define the musical canon. How does the canon mark a shift away from previous listening and compositional practices? How did composers respond to this change?
This section should take you around 150-200 words to answer.
This will due on Thursday(8/13) 8:00pm PST
Part 2:
This section will be for starting to think about the paper outline that is due this Sunday (8/15) at 8:00pm. 
Pick the two works (that include the piano) that you would like to talk about in your paper and the issue on which you would like to focus. Briefly define the issue and briefly introduce the two pieces (who wrote them, who was the intended audience, when/where would this piece have been performed, what issue are you choosing, etc.). Then discuss how these pieces relate to your chosen issue. For example, you could consider the following questions: How does this issue affect the ways in which the pieces were written and/or performed? What do these pieces tell us about the prominence or importance of these issues? Remember that the prompt asks you to compare the two pieces, so you’ll want to think about whether this issue affects your chosen pieces similarly and/or differently. Finally, you will need to draft a thesis statement. Remember that a thesis statement should be specific and should include the issue you’re discussing, the pieces you’re discussing, and how you plan on relating the issue and the pieces. Your thesis statement may be one or two sentences. 
This section should take around 200-250 words to complete. Your actual outline will need to draw out these issues much further, though.
For this forum you will need to provide feedback on one (1) of your classmates’ theses. You should provide constructive feedback based on the information they’ve provided in their post. Feedback that is something like “I agree” or “be more specific” will not be counted for credit (this is vague and not helpful for your peers). Feedback that is not worded constructively (e.g. using personal attacks) will also not receive credit. Please try to spread feedback evenly amongst your peers, so if you notice that one post has several responses, please choose another one (this will be more helpful for your peers). Feedback does not need to be more than a sentence or two.
If you are not sure about how to give feedback consider the following: How can the thesis be more specific (and what specifically could be added, clarified, or shortened)? Are they missing a piece of information (like which pieces they’ll talk about)? Do you know what conclusion they are planning to make (if not, what makes you unsure of their conclusions? What could be added/clarified)? Do their conclusions seem to make sense with the information given in their post? Is there another conclusion they might consider while they plan their outline? Is there another point you think would be important to make in their paper? You are welcome to consider other areas of feedback as well.
And also you will need to write an outline of this paper

solved Now you will begin steps toward selecting your own topic

Now you will begin steps toward selecting your own topic to write about for your final paper of this course. A good essay often begins with a thesis statement. An exceptional essay begins with a Research Question.To begin with a Research Question, means you don’t know the answer (yet), but you are open to exploring the issue through research. The narrower your research question can be, the more you can save time and effort in finding sources. This assignment contains two parts to help you practice narrowing Research Questions.Part A: Narrowing Topics.Read the following topics and notice how each successive question narrows the focus of the Research Question:Example 1: Violence in schoolsWhat causes violence in high schools?Is there a developing trend in frequency or type of school violence?How should violent school children be punished?What can be done to prevent school violence?Example 2: Drug useWhich drugs should be illegal?What kinds of drugs are the most dangerous?Is there a correlation between childhood exposure to drugs and use of drugs in adulthood?What kind of penalties should there be for the various kinds of illegal drug offenses?Example 3: ImmigrationWhat are the effects of illegal immigration?What are the effects of legal immigration?How should immigration laws be enforced?What’s the driving force behind illegal immigration?After reviewing the three examples, write three narrowing questions for each of the four topics listed below in the following format.Education1.Is it necessary to go to college in order to be successful?2.(Your turn – narrow this topic)3.(keep going – narrow this topic further)4.(one more time – keep narrowing the topic)Sports1.Are professional athletes paid too much?2.(Your turn – narrow this topic)3.(keep going – narrow this topic further)4.(one more time – keep narrowing the topic)Health insurance1.Should health insurance companies be able to charge higher rates depending on a person’s age?2.(Your turn – narrow this topic)3.(keep going – narrow this topic further)4.(one more time – keep narrowing the topic)Technology1.Are people spending too much money in order to keep up with the latest gadgets?2.(Your turn – narrow this topic)3.(keep going – narrow this topic further)4.(one more time – keep narrowing the topic)Part B: Narrowing Your Own TopicsNow, pick three topics of your own and generate narrowing topics, as you did above. (Note: Please check with you instructor or the course announcements prior to see if any topics are not allowed for this course. You should make sure your topics are allowed prior to 11:59 p.m. Sunday.)Topic #11.(Your initial question)2.(Your turn – narrow this topic)3.(keep going – narrow this topic further)4.(one more time – keep narrowing the topic)Topic #21.(Your initial question)2.(Your turn – narrow this topic)3.(keep going – narrow this topic further)4.(one more time – keep narrowing the topic)Topic #31.(Your initial question)2.(Your turn – narrow this topic)3.(keep going – narrow this topic further)4.(one more time – keep narrowing the topic)Format: This assignment does not have to be written in essay format. Merely copy the topics and questions above and add your own questions. APA Style is not required for this assignment. 2 pages

solved Throughout this course, students have been focusing on a specific

Throughout this course, students have been focusing on a specific topic, collected articles and dissertations about related studies, composed a research question and subquestions, and designed a plan for collecting and analyzing data for the research study using a particular methodology. The goal of this assignment is to develop a draft of a full qualitative research proposal. The research proposal should be at least 15 pages (but not more than 25 pages), double-spaced, not including your title page, abstract, Appendix, and references page, and should contain the following sections:A title pageAbstractRationale/Problem Statement: Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to you or your specialization area, etc. State your Research Problem.Research Questions: Conclude your discussion of your research topic by identifying specific research question(s) and possibly sub-questions.Literature Review: a minimum of four pages on 5-7 articles or edited book chapters, plus at least two dissertations: Your literature review should justify your study. Information should be drawn from appropriate sources, such as professional journals, books, and dissertations. Information gathered from literature sources must be appropriately cited, following APA guidelines. Provide a synthesized literature review on your topic making the case for why this study will add knowledge that will “fill a hole in the literature.”Research Methodology: Describe what research methodology you are proposing to answer your research questions and why it is an appropriate method. In addition, include the following as a description of your research plan:Participant Selection: If applicable, describe the site of the data collection. Explain who your participants will be and what method you will use to select them. Be as specific as possible as if you were giving directions to someone on how to choose and obtain the participants. Include instructions on how to get informed consent from the participants.Data Collection: Discuss how you will collect the data (interviews, observations, documents, etc.). Tell what sort of questions you will ask (for interviews) or what you will look for (for observations) and why that will help you answer your research questions. Include the interview protocol (if applicable) including how to conduct interviews for your study and what questions will be asked in an Appendix.Data Analysis: Provide a description of how you plan to code and/or analyze the data.Methods of achieving validity: No research project is perfect. But how are you assuring that your study is as valid as possible?Potential Ethical Problems: Could your participants be harmed by your research, either in carrying it out or affecting society after it is finished? Who are the audiences for your research, and do they have “objective” concerns for the practical implications and policy recommendations that you make? Address these and other possibly relevant questions of ethics.Limitations: No research covers everything. What are the obvious limitations to your study? What will not be “proven” though your study?References Page: The references page should be formatted according to APA style.Appendix of your data collection protocol.

solved You just found out that the intervention program report you

You just found out that the intervention program report you finished in week 5 was accepted by the Director of the Department of Health.She wants to move forward with a proposal to receive grant funding to create and implement the program. It all comes down to this; everything you have learned is now being put to the test. You can affect the lives of the residents of Anytown. You will submit both the proposal and a video presentation for this assignment.Part I: Based on all the information you have gathered regarding the opioid crisis, create a mini-grant proposal to submit to the Director of the Department of Health.In your grant proposal, be sure to include:A needs assessment:Discuss the reason for a needs assessment.Include the goals and desired outcomes of this assessment.Determine the stakeholders you would seek to help you finish the assessment. Explain your rationale for your selection.Explain the strengths and weakness of this assessment.List the resources you would recruit from the community to help you accomplish your goals.An intervention program to combat the opioid crisis (from your week 5 assignment):State your null hypothesis.Examine the type of intervention you would use.Describe the population sample you would target, why you chose this population, and how you would recruit your participants.Include any other stakeholders who were not included in your needs assessment.Discuss how you would ensure that the intervention is culturally appropriate.The evaluation process:Determine the desired outcome for this program.Detail the types of evaluations you would carry out for this program.Assess the type of statistical analysis appropriate for this intervention program.Explain the type of budget that would be appropriate for this process.The effects of this program on Anytown, U.S.A.:Analyze whether the results of this program are applicable to the general population.Based on your anticipated results, what local policies would you advocate for implementation, and what community stakeholders would assist with supporting these policies?Conclude with the potential effects of this proposal.Your proposal should be 5–7 pages in length, excluding title and reference page. Use current APA formatting to style your paper and to cite a minimum of four sources. Integrate a minimum of four scholarly sources into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page.Click here to access an example grant proposal. Download Click here to access an example grant proposal.This is an accepted grant proposal that can help get you started. Please adhere to current APA guidelines. ( i have attached the example grant proposal)Part 2Part 2: Video PresentationFor this assignment, submit a 3- to 5-minute video presentation to the director, discussing your grant proposal.Recording, Uploading, and SubmittingIn your video response, be sure to include highlights from:The needs assessmentThe intervention programThe evaluation processThe effects on AnytownFinally, state why your grant proposal should be accepted as you conclude your presentation.For Part 2 : I will record it, you just make a power point highlighting the points above

solved I need an explanation for this Health & Medical question

I need an explanation for this Health & Medical question to help me study.

When one example could be things that people were seen online on social platforms about COVID-19 that weren’t necessarily true. Having trust and credibility is extremely influenced by the ability of someone persuading the affected people in order to follow the public health authorities’ recommendations when it comes to outbreaks or any public health response (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). In this example specifically I think it would be a negative impact because then people are believing everything, they’re saying on the social media platforms when it’s not necessarily true. An example is my grandparents. They share a Facebook and they saw something about the virus on Facebook and believed it to be true when it was the complete opposite of what the CDC and everyone else was saying. Positive examples of public health information that is being put out on social platforms is following those secure accounts. This could be following CIGNA insurance on Instagram or the centers for disease control and prevention on Facebook. CIGNA for example does identify the four factors that determine if the audience will perceive the information as trusted and credible. These four factors are empathy, caring, honesty, openness, dedication, commitment, and competence/expertise (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
It is also wise to be aware of the situation. Needing to understand things like identifying the affected or the potentially affected population which could be people like a target audience (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). Other examples could be identifying behavioral factors that could put a person at risk or partners who might be able to reach these affected people or population (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). There are good communication resources and tools that are used when there is an outbreak response. The Internet is a good example when used correctly. For example key information that you want to look for is a credible data, case counts, maps of the affected area, multi media sections for the media/general public, and much more (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). The centers for disease control and prevention are a very good example of this. When COVID-19 first started they had all of this information on one page of their website for people to check on a day-to-day basis. The message that needs to get across when talking about an outbreak response is starting with empathy, identifying/explaining the public health threat, explaining what is currently known and unknown, explaining the public health action that is going to be taken and why, and emphasizing a commitment to the actual situation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, December 13). Communicating during an outbreak or public health investigation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

solved A copy of the film’s production documentation including synopsis, production

A copy of the film’s production documentation including synopsis, production schedule, storyboard, animatic and any other relevant documentation will be uploaded to canvas. (must use Adobe After Effects)Synopsis:Around 1 Paragraph.A explanation of the story you want to tell or an outline of your project concept.Production Schedule:Outline of the important points you need to reach in the development of your project and the dates of when they need to happen.Storyboard:A visual outline of your story or concept.Other documents you may include:Any other relevant visual material that represents the style, theme, concept of your project eg.Mood-board, character designs, visual experimentations, stills from visual research/inspiration etc.Project ProposalProject ProposalCriteriaRatingsPtsSynopsis:120 words Approximately20 to >16 ptsAn excellent and concise summary of the project narrative/ concept16 to >10 ptsA good and concise summary of the project narrative/ concept10 to >6 ptsAn unconcise summary of project narrative/ concept6 to >0 ptsA confused description of project narrative/concept/ 20 ptsStoryboard20 to >18 ptsAn excellent and informative document and visualisation of the project narrative/ concept18 to >13.33 ptsA very good and informative document and visualisation of the project narrative/ concept13.33 to >10 ptsA good informative document and visualisation of the project narrative/ concept10 to >3.33 ptsAn adequate but largely uninformative document and visualisation of the project narrative/ concept3.33 to >0 ptsA poor and uninformative document and visualisation of the project narrative/ concept/ 20 ptsProduction Schedule:Outline of the important points you need to reach in the development of your project and the dates of when they need to happen.20 to >17 ptsAn excellent and clear schedule incorporating full detail17 to >14 ptsA very good to good schedule incorporating good detail14 to >10 ptsA good to adequate schedule10 to >5 ptsAn adequate to poor schedule- more detail required5 to >0 ptsA poor to unclear schedule – a lot more work required/ 20 ptsOther Documents:view longer description20 to >18 ptsFull MarksExcellent documents communicating the projects narrative, conceptual, artistic, and thematic intention.18 to >13.33 ptsVery good to good communicating the projects narrative,conceptual, artistic, and thematic intention.13.33 to >10 ptsGood to adequate documents communicating the projects narrative,conceptual, artistic, and thematic intention.10 to >3.33 ptsAdequate to poor documents communicating the projects narrative,conceptual, artistic, and thematic intention. – more work needed3.33 to >0 ptsPoor to Vvery Ppoor documents communicating the projects narrative,conceptual, artistic, and thematic intention – a lot more work needed./ 20 ptsClarity and quality of proposal including grammar and general ability to communicate ideas effectively.20 to >17 ptsExcellent Clarity and quality of proposal documents17 to >14 ptsVery Good to good quality of proposal documents14 to >10 ptsGood to adequate quality of proposal documents10 to >3 ptsAdequate to poor quality of proposal documents – more work needed3 to >0 ptsPoor to inadequate quality of proposal documents – much more work needed/ 20 pt

solved Few people are surprised when politicians are accused of misusing

Few people are surprised when politicians are accused of misusing data, but the misrepresentation of information is a fairly common occurrence in other settings as well. For example, teachers may be disheartened by the data coming from their school district’s presentations concerning student performance. Or a training manager may be taken by surprise when the funding is cut for a training program he believes is worthwhile. While the numbers or data may not be false, they may be presented in a way that creates a false impression.For this Discussion, recall the examples from this week’s Learning Resources regarding how data can be misused or misinterpreted. Also reflect on the old adage: “Figures never lie, but all liars figure.” Then, bring to mind a situation or study in which numbers or statistics were used improperly, or come up with your own example of how this could be done. With these thoughts in mind:By Day 3Post a description of a situation/study or hypothetical example in which data or statistics are presented in a way that either intentionally or unintentionally misleads the reader or listener. Required ReadingsLocke, L. F., Silverman, S. J., & Spirduso, W. W. (2009). Reading and understanding research (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Table 6.1, “Names of Common Statistical Procedures”Table 6.2, “Purpose, Names, and Examples of Research Techniques Used in Quantitative Research”Appendix B, “Statistics: A Beginner’s Guide”Fink, A. (2020). Conducting research literature reviews: From the Internet to paper (5th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Chapter 3, “Searching and Screening: Methodological Quality (Part 2—Collection, Interventions, Analysis, Results, and Conclusion”“Purpose of This Chapter”“Data Collection and Data Sources: Methods and Measures” “Reviewing Qualitative Research” (subsection of “Information Analysis: Statistical Methods in the Research Literature”)All other sections are highly recommended, but not required.Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research: Principles, methods, and practices. Retrieved from
Chapter 14: Quantitative Analysis: Descriptive StatisticsChapter 15: Quantitative Analysis: Inferential StatisticsChapter 16: Research EthicsRequired MediaLaureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Lying with statistics [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.eduIn this program, you will explore examples of how data/statistics and visual representation of data can be manipulated to misrepresent the findings of a research.Optional ResourcesStatistics How To. (2016). Misleading graphs: Real life examples. Retrieved from Canada (2013). Misinterpretation of statistics. Retrieved from…Walden University. (2015). New to stats? An introduction to statistics and SPSS for Walden students. Retrieved from…Walden University. (n.d.). Research resources: Research design & analysis. Retrieved from…Note: Focus on section, “Quantitative Research Design and Analysis”

solved IntroductionInterprofessional communication with stakeholders will be critical to your succes

IntroductionInterprofessional communication with stakeholders will be critical to your success at the practicum site, and identifying these stakeholders can help you understand additional areas for research in support of your project. For this assessment, you will communicate with your practicum site, as well as research stakeholders in the intervention, and synthesize the evidence, relating stakeholders to the problem or practice gap.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.Integrate evidence appropriately into writing.Competency 3: Create a literature review that supports a possible intervention or process change.Synthesize evidence in support of the assessment purpose.Competency 5: Communicate with organizational and community stakeholders in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the promotion, delivery, and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease.Explain how you will tailor your message to stakeholder groups.PreparationCommunicate with your practicum site about the stakeholder groups involved in or affected by the intervention you have identified. Conduct additional research as needed to find evidence about the identities and interests of these stakeholder groups.InstructionsNote: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.Summarize your intended intervention, and identify the stakeholder groups in the intervention. Base the assessment on discussions with the preceptor and the practicum site, as well as references to resources found through research.In Part 1 of your Project Charter, you will describe the focus of your project. The focus of the project is the implementation of the evidence-based intervention, including how it will be carried out, who will be involved, and when and where it will happen. Refer to the DNP Program Handbook for guidance on appropriate parameters for each element of the project.Your assessment should address the following:Explain how you will tailor your message to stakeholder groups.Communication about the problem and the intervention will require effective interprofessional communication. Explain how you will address different stakeholder groups.Synthesize the information in support of the assessment purpose.Synthesis means that you should connect identified stakeholders to the problem or practice gap in well-organized paragraphs.Integrate evidence appropriately into writing.Additional RequirementsWriting: Well-organized paragraphs and text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.APA Format: Use current Evidence and APA for references and citations.

solved review Chapter 10 in your course textbook, pages 109 to

review Chapter 10 in your course textbook, pages 109 to 120 in Chapter 7 of the Jarman e-book, and the Week 2 Instructor Guidance. Also, review The Chi-Square Test: Often Used and More Often Misinterpreted and The Chi-Square Test of Independence articles Also, review the Two-Way Tables, Chi-Square: Lecture 11, Chi-Square Tests: Crash Course Statistics #29 (Links to an external site.), and Chi-Square Test for Association (Independence) | AP Statistics | Khan Academy (Links to an external site.) videos; and review the How to Chi-Square Test (Links to an external site.) and How to Interpret Chi-Squared (Links to an external site.) web articles. Also, complete the Week 2 learning activity and Week 2 weekly review.
Your instructor will post an announcement with the scenario and data set for your Week 2 assignment.
For the calculations in this assignment, you may use either Excel or the free VassarStats: Website for Statistical Computation (Links to an external site.) 
program online. Instructions for performing a chi-square test of independence in Excel are included in Section 10.4 of the textbook, accompanied by a screencast demonstrating the process in the electronic version. Screencasts showing how to do a chi-square goodness-of-fit test and a chi-square test of independence in VassarStats are included in the Week 2 learning activity, which you may review at any time. For this test, you may prefer VassarStats (Links to an external site.) because it is more automated than Excel. You also have the option of calculating the chi-square manually but if you choose this option, you must show your work and explain all of the steps taken to solve for the chi-square value and to determine statistical significance.
In your paper, begin with a paragraph introducing the scenario and explaining why a chi-square test is needed for the situation. Then, address the following:

Identify which chi-square test you used and which program or procedure you used for the analysis.
Describe the procedure you used to calculate the chi-square.

If using VassarStats (Links to an external site.), copy and paste the data entry area and output into your paper. If using Excel, submit the Excel spreadsheet separately and mention in your paper that the spreadsheet is attached. If using hand calculations, include a table showing the observed and expected frequencies, along with the row and column totals and chi-square calculations.

Report the chi-square value, degrees of freedom, and the p
Explain how you determined the p Is the result statistically significant?

If the test is a chi-square test of independence with a statistically significant result, report the effect size using Cramér’s V.

Explain the meaning of the results in terms of the scenario.

Discuss any assumptions, limitations, and implications associated with the situation and analysis.

Summarize the main points of the paper in a concluding paragraph.

The Chi-Square Data Analysis paper

Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style.
Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted