solved The body of the report addresses Questions 1-3 in a

The body of the report addresses Questions 1-3 in a clear, concise and cohesive manner. This report should be business like, organized and methodical.?Please note: each question should become a section title.  
List at least two potential target markets for MHH. Identify how the marketing strategy would differ for each of these target markets. With the pricing strategy in the volume sold change? Why or why not? What are the supply chain implications for each of these target markets Be sure to consider if the alternative solutions help resolve more than a single issue.  
If MHH decided to pursue multiple target markets, what with the supply chain requirements be? Should they have multiple supply chains? Be specific. 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of going with one exclusive distributor. With this decision be influenced by the selection of the target market? Make some recommendations of what you would do if you were in the strategic decision-making team for MHH. Support your recommendations with facts and sound reasoning.
Parameters of this assignment: 
Minimum of two pages in APA style format.

Write as if you are employed by the subject company and writing an internal report. No need to cite internal sources (e.g. the Case Study).
Write in the present tense. You are solving this case as a current-day project.
Write as a formal document, avoid 1st person (i.e. “I” or “We”).

Read Case Study: 

Analytics should be included in core business decision-making processes. Analytics uses facts, not guesses, for the strategic best way to proceed with a project. It turns numerical data into a competitive edge to stay at the forefront.  

Mobile Hand Held Device (MHH) is a New Jersey company successfully competing in the consumer electronics industry. The founder, Victoria, started the company in her dorm room while a student at Lynn University. She never expected to see her hobby take off as a successful company. Victoria made sure that her company had a relaxed culture and did everything she could to encourage innovation. This relaxed culture of innovation helped introduce a new handheld device that enabled the user to simultaneously surf the Internet, text, take notes via voice, play music, and other functions.
At the point of its introduction, it was the most revolutionary and innovative device ever seen in the consumer electronics market. MHH considered partnering with one of the largest distributors in the consumer electronics space to achieve exclusive distribution rights. It would mean that they could utilize an existing distribution network second to none. MHH believed that this would mean significant distribution savings and the ability to reach a much broader market than they ever could have done by themselves.
Additionally, this partnership could provide top service support in multiple locations. However, they also knew that there were some severe disadvantages if they went through one exclusive distributor.  MHH knew they had an incredible product, but they also knew that the key to success would be effective marketing, excellent distribution, and, most importantly, a reliable supply chain. As you can see, Victoria had some decisions to make.

solved Thesis goal: Justify the existence of nepotism in some business

Thesis goal: Justify the existence of nepotism in some business environments, by explaining how it can be beneficial to company culture and HRM. Also, blend Kant’s categorical imperative into the paper and try to explain why outsiders should not get to have the final say about nepotism. Furthermore, emphasize that nepotism should only be accepted if the family members being hired is adequately experienced – incompetence has no place in business. Formatting: Use the 7th edition APA template which I have attached to the question posting and use proper in-text citation.References: Use the eight references which I have attached at the bottom of this document. I have also attached a rough annotated bibliography to the posting. Feel free to add a couple additional references if it makes your life easier.Do Not: Overly use in-text citation or create lots of small paragraphs to take up space on the paper. The paper must look respectable and academic.Final Research Project Paper:The research essay is an original essay where the student poses a research question, gathers materials, focuses the research, shapes the argument, and frames the material in relation to their chosen case scenario that is representative of their major. For this 8-9 page essay, students will describe the case or example in detail (Part 1), and then explain how the code of ethics of the pertinent field/industry/profession may guide the decision making process toward the best resolution of an ethical dilemma (Part 2), and then describe how the case and its solution may also be understood through the lens of the ethical theories introduced in this course, such as the virtues/deontological/utilitarian/etc frameworks (Part 3). A conclusion may be added (and is encouraged by the instructor) for the student to review their findings, and describe which particular approach is preferred if they were the protagonist or a stakeholder in dilemma!The body of the paper (Parts 2 and 3) will require a thorough discussion of the pertinent relationship of the applicable section of the codes of conduct to the ethical dilemma, and a discussion of the relationship of the code to the underlying ethical framework theory. Students will explore and build on this issue through independent research and through informal dialogue with faculty members in their major. Students should choose a topic that is relevant to their major or prospective profession, perform first-hand research, frame the topic with readings and present a comprehensive paper. In other words, a psychology major would choose one case scenario, and then, using the APA or ACA code of ethics along with other research, describe the ethical conflict, apply the decision making process, and develop and justify a proposed ethical solution (or several alternative solutions, if applicable). Sources should be cited from a variety of types of texts (books, journals, websites, etc.) with a full works cited page. The essay should have a clear thesis statement in the introduction, and a clearly flowing argument with sufficient supporting examples, quotes, discussion and analysis. Students may be asked to present their research to the class in the form of a formal presentation.

solved Hypothetical Telecommunications Discussion Please read the case and answer the

Hypothetical Telecommunications Discussion
Please read the case and answer the questions at the end. Please respond to two of your peers. Do you agree or disagree?
Sales at a large telecommunications company were down for the third quarter. Management reviewed several strategies to improve sales and concluded that one solution would be to improve training for the large, dispersed sales force.
For the sake of expediency, the training department began using a needs assessment it conducted several years before as a basis to develop enhanced training. The plan was first to update the original needs analysis, and then to develop new training strategies on the basis of what it found. The department also began investigating new training technologies as a possible means to reduce training delivery costs. However, management was so intent on doing something quickly that the training department was ultimately pressured into purchasing a generic, off-the-shelf package by a local vendor.
One of the features of the package that appealed to management was that the course could be delivered over the Web, saving them time and expense of having the sales force travel to the main office to receive training. Hence, even though the package was costly to purchase, the company believed that it was a bargain compared to the expense of developing a new package in-house and delivering it in person to the sales force.
Six months after the training had been delivered, sales were still declining. Management turned to the training department for answers. Because no measures of training performance had been collected, the training department had little information upon which to base its diagnosis. For lack of a better idea, members of the training department began questioning the sales force to see if they could determine why the training was not working.
Among other things, the salespeople reported that the training was slow and boring and that it did not teach them any new sales techniques. They also complained that, without an instructor, it was impossible to get clarification on things they did not understand. Moreover, they reported that they believed sales were off not because they needed training in basic sales techniques, but because so many new products were being introduced that they could not keep up. In fact, several of the salespeople requested meetings with design engineers just so they could get updated product information.

Outline the key decisions made from the beginning to the end of this case. Who made each of those decisions, and why?
Describe the ideal process for handling the concern about declining sales, ignoring for now the pressure from management.
What arguments could be made to convince management that working with an outdated needs assessment is not wise?
If you were asked to develop a training program for these sales agents, what content, method, and media would you choose? Explain your answers as best you can, given the limited information provided.

Source: Excerpted from Eduardo Salas and Janice A. Cannon-Bowers, “Design Training Systematically,” in Edwin A. Locke (ed.), Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 2000).

solved How did Livy and Ovid’s views about marriage and sex

How did Livy and Ovid’s views about marriage and sex in Roman society differ?
In what ways did they seem to share certain assumptions about Roman cultural institutions?

When you have completed your response, please respond to another classmate’s post. You can engage in friendly debate or add additional analysis and points to your classmate’s post.

Livy: The Rape of Lucretia
Ovid: Amores 1.4

It seems that in both pieces, loyalty does mean a lot to the Roman society in the case that they slay the perpetrator in Livy’s piece and this man in Ovid’s piece touches on a creepy story line, but nonetheless he does not pursue even though he knows she is unattainable and the only way would be by force to lay with her. I feel that Livy’s piece it shows that sex is a man’s hastiness to pursue and it does not matter whether or not a woman wants to lay with you, marriage does not matter and sex will happen one way or another; however, it shows that no one agrees with that sentiment. In Ovid’s we can see that’s how probably very many feel with an unattainable woman, but there are boundaries and imagination is as far as that man can go which shows that there is a barrier of reluctance even if a sex urge is strong. The largest assumption that I can say is similar in these pieces about the Roman society is that men crave the urge to have sex and treat women terribly even if it is just about the imagination, it was like the man was giving the woman orders on what she can/cannot do with her husband. In the case of Livy’s piece, that is just the worst type of thing imaginable to happen to a woman and the fact that he actually traveled ways away just to do that shows how insane it is.

Livy and Ovid’s perspectives on marriage and sex in Roman culture differed a lot where Ovid was more concerned with love and he disregarded marriage, but Livy was more concerned with the dignity and holy aspects of marriage. Ovid was head over heels in love with a woman who was married to another guy, but he didn’t mind since he adored her. In the poem, he tells his secret lover how they may spend time together when her spouse is at a dinner table. Ovid advises her to make her husband as drunk as possible so that he can join her. He is also jealous inside by the prospect of her kissing her spouse. Ovid saw her marriage as nothing more than a contract with another guy. He would go to any extent to be with her, and the poem is filled with passionate feelings. Ovid Livy describes how Lucretia was raped by Sextus in The Rape of Lucretia. He knows she kills herself because she feels her body has been ruined and she is no longer pure for her husband. Adultery is a severe crime, according to both Livy and Ovid that’s how they share the same roman cultural thinking, when Sextus threatens Lucretia in Livy’s “The Rape of Lucretia,” claiming that if he had to kill her, he told her that he would make it appear like she committed adultery and was executed as a result of it. This was enough to keep Lucretia silent, demonstrating the gravity of the offense. In Ovid’s poetry, adultery is equally severe because he knows he won’t be able to have any actual contact with his hidden lover because she is married.

solved Q1. Heat Village maintains a Pension Trust Fund for its

Q1. Heat Village maintains a Pension Trust Fund for its employees. At the start of the year, the Fund holds cash of $150,000 and investments that have a fair value of $4,000,000. The Fund has the following transactions. Prepare entries to record them in the Fund’s accounts.                                                                                                                                           (2 Marks)
           a.    Bills the General Fund $200,000 for the required annual contribution. The pension plan does not require contributions from the employees
           b.   Receives payment of $200,000 from the General Fund
           c.    Receives interest and dividend income of $150,000 in cash on its investment portfolio
           d.   Receives $215,000 from selling investments carried on the books at $200,000
           e.    Makes new investments totaling $275,000
           f.    Pays annuity benefits of $325,000 to retirees or their spouses
           g.   Pays administrative expenses of $100,000 in cash
           h.   The investments held by the Fund have a fair value of $4,100,000 at year-end.
Q2. Following information are related with Internal Service Fund of City of Jeddah. You are required to prepare a Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31st, 2018.    (1.5 Marks)                                                                                                                                 
Amount ($)
Operating income
Increase in Inventories
Interest received
Acquisition of Capital Assets
Payment to Suppliers
Depreciation expense
Payments for Rent
Increase in Accounts Payable
Receipts from  Customers
Payment to Employees
Cash balance at the beginning of the year
Q3. The following transactions are related with a Township Debt Service Fund. Prepare journal entries to record the transactions in the Debt Service Fund.                                                 (1.5 Marks)
           a.    The Township levies a special property tax amounting to $1,750,000 to pay debt service on its long-term general obligation debt. The tax must be accounted for in the Debt Service Fund.
           b.   All the property taxes levied for debt service purposes are collected.
           c.    The Township invests $525,000 in a six-month certificate of deposit.
           d.   Debt service (interest of $350,000 and principal of $700,000) becomes due and payable.
           e.    The debt service liabilities are paid.
           f.    The certificate of deposit in c. matures and the Township receives a total of $535,500, which includes $10,500 of interest.

solved Note to study pool tutor:I am currently working on a

Note to study pool tutor:I am currently working on a project which is about convincing the CEO of Acer company, who is going to be my audience in this project, to change their company’s name. I have done my library research and gathered 4 sources so far to support my proposal (attached). Also, in the brainstorming process, I’ve decided to not change their name entirely because this might cause loss of customers, but rather adding the word “tech” to “Acer” so it will be “AcerTech”. I believe this would narrow the focus of the industry in the company’s name, which could attract new customers. I also believe that it would be affective for their marketing recognition ,especially when there are huge competitors running the show. So that’s basically my reasoning behind suggesting a new name to Acer . You can add more reasons why this new name would be a good idea for Acer (provide sources) . You can also look at the library research or come up with your own sources if you found better ones to support my proposal to the CEO of Acer company for a name change. Then, you could start working on the cover letter bellow by following the same instructions for each paragraph. we are to provide a cover letter detailing the company background and the intentions of the report.Utilize Block Letter or Memo Format——————————————————————————————————– Cover Letter:The following elements must be included:1-Introduction-provide contextual background. In this space, provide company background information, proposed demographic, and current issue.-Think of this as an abstract.Or a description of a menu item.2-Problem/Issue/ Suggested Recommendation/ Current Situation-inform your audience (in this case the CEO) your reasoning for suggesting a name change.-“Your name sucks!” does not work here folks.-Get creative. You may decide a reason for the suggested name change as a group.-Legal/ ethical/ rebranding are all options here.-This will better help align the research you will complete.3-Method-describes your action.Must include the following statement:This Recommendation Report will explain:-How you plan evaluate the benefits/ disadvantages of the name change.-How you will move forward with organization employees after name change.-How you will articulate the name change to the community.4-Discussion/ Limitation & Affordances-Present your research and finding5-Conclusion-Bring it all together6-Final Recommendations/Next Course of Action-What’s next?—————————————————–My library sources : ( you can use these or add yours ) 1-’s%20Name%20is%20The%20First%20Thing%20Customers%20See&text=The%20fundamental%20component%20a%20consumer,wishes%20to%20wow%20the%20audience.&text=That’s%20why%20Brand%20Name%20matters2-’s in a name? What leads a firm to change its name and what the new name foreshadows (attached PDF)

solved You are a trader on the Silk Road. You can

You are a trader on the Silk Road. You can be Chinese, Mongolian, Arabian, Byzantine, or Venetian. Your job is to gain access to spices, incense, glassware, and other commodities the elite demand. Remember that trade in this age has followed the old contours of gift exchange (i.e., items intended for elite consumption and redistribution in order to solidify political alliances). What if you made these goods available to a broader audience? What if you took the profit made transporting these goods and used it to leverage business growth against native and foreign competitors? For you to succeed in this scheme, you must eliminate of some of the middle men. Then, you must secure alternative safe passages to the main caravan hubs in central Asia. Will you need naval power to accomplish this bold and audacious plan? Consider your options wisely.Present an update on the status of your plan to usurp the silk trade from a powerful and cutthroat competitor. Use words with precision and skill as you present your step-by-step plan to gain control over the silk trade. Present an overview that makes an explicit argument. This will serve as your thesis statement. Then, in a systematic and logical fashion, lay out your bold and cunning strategy in your initial post of at least 300 words. Consult the HIS103 Conquest, Consolidation, Crisis and Creativity in the Medieval Era Tour (Links to an external site.)for additional sources.Think about these issues as you draw up your proposal:An adventure of this scale is costly. How do you propose to raise the money without incurring the wrath of your already heavily taxed subjects?Do you plan to use military forces for this operation?If so, are you asking for specialized elite forces to play the role of merchants in disguise?How do you propose to usurp trade from a rival empire that marks up the price of luxury goods that arrive in your empire? They are the cause of your negative balance of trade, and the time has come to bypass the middleman. Unfortunately, diplomacy has failed to reach a negotiated settlement because the stakes are too high for each side to make concessions.Do you seek out religious minorities within your rival’s domain and empower them in an effort to politically or economically undermine your adversary? Is there a potential for backlash?Do you seek to take advantage of social or economic divisions within your rival’s domain in an effort to politically or economically undermine your adversary? How certain are you that encouraging dissent will weaken, rather than strengthen, your rival’s hand?Do you dispatch envoys to China in an effort to monopolize the export of goods such as silks, spices, and exotic herbs? Who will you send?Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words, due by Day 3. Remember that you are drawing up a proposal. Be persuasive by supplying specific examples that are drawn from course materials, sources produced by your own research, or sources included in the collaborative annotated bibliography to support your position. Cite all sources according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Writing Center, using both in-text citations and providing full references at the bottom of your post.

solved DISCUSSION 1:Ajunwa, I., Crawford, K., & Ford, J. S. (2016).

DISCUSSION 1:Ajunwa, I., Crawford, K., & Ford, J. S. (2016). Health and big data: An ethical framework for health information collection by corporate wellness programs. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(3), 474–480. on first letter of your last name, read one of the following:A-I
Ajunwa, I. (2017, January 19). Workplace wellness programs could be putting your health data at risk (Links to an external site.). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from…Write: Based on your learning in the Prepare and Reflect sections above, write at least three paragraphs that fully address the prompt below. Cite any sources you use or refer to.Identify the type of source you read in addition to the scholarly, peer-reviewed article. Who is the audience for each source? How does the intended audience affect the choice of language, images, and organization?Analyze the credibility of the two sources that you read. What specific features of the articles led you to conclude the source was or was not credible? Provide at least one specific example for each source.Explain how each source might be used to address a specific information need. What research situations would be appropriate for each source? What concerns would you have about using the sources in those situations?Your initial post must be at least 350 words and address all of the prompt’s elements.DISCUSSION 2:Reflect: Reflect on what you found interesting, surprising, or confusing in this past week. What did you learn that caused you to understand an issue differently? What habits, tips, or resources did you discover that helped you to complete your course work more effectively or efficiently? Cite clear examples and details to support your post.Write: This discussion forum is an opportunity for you to explore topics that interest you, share critical insights and questions that you are working with, share your struggles and triumphs, and discuss difficulties that may have arisen this week, hopefully finding solutions. Your posts should describe your experiences in the course this past week, prompting further discussion. You should address at least one of the following questions:What struck you in particular as you explored the course materials this week?How might you apply this information to your life in the future?What insights have you had?What have you been struggling with?What questions have come up for you at this point?What helpful tips have you picked up in this course or in a past course?What questions do you haveabout the assignment that your classmates might be able to help with? (If you have a question for the instructor, be sure to contact your instructor through email or Canvas messaging).You are required to post at least 100 total words in this forum this weekWeekly Learning OutcomesThis week students will:Summarize scholarly sources.Evaluate scholarly sources in relation to a research question.Apply search strategies to locate scholarly sources relevant to a research question.Distinguish between various source types.Relate important characteristics of different source types to a specific information need.

solved I’ve done my introduction and first body paragraph. It’s supposed

I’ve done my introduction and first body paragraph. It’s supposed to be a speech though, below there is an attachment of the task. You are supposed to use at least 2-3 quotations per paragraph. There are 3 body paragraphs. And the speech should be around 4 minutes 30 seconds. The speech must connect to the theme of guilt and the motif of blood. In the last two paragraphs, one should be on the contrast between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth through guilt and blood imagery. The last one should be how blood imagery is used to signify guilt and shame. Also I am in grade 10 and this is what I have done:In the classic Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth is a story of an ambitious and young noble, Macbeth, and his wife Lady Macbeth in the 11th century living in Scotland. Shakespeare uses many techniques within Macbeth to increase the intensity and excitement to captivate the audience’s attention. Blood imagery is used by Shakespeare to build Macbeth’s character, create a contrast between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, and to signify guilt and shame. As seen, blood is a prominent image that leads to guilt amongst each character. Overall, I will be discussing how guilt and the motif of blood are important for the understanding of Macbeth. Shakespeare’s use of Blood imagery within Macbeth has an effect on buildings Macbeth’s character, leading to the overall feeling of guilt controlling Macbeth. Macbeth’s character evolves throughout the play, as does the idea of blood. He makes the decision to assassinate Duncan and steal the kingdom. He has hallucinations and imagines the murder just before committing it, “a dagger of the mind” (2.1.50), before him. In delusion, he says to the knife, “I see thee still, / And, on thy blade and dudgeon, gouts of blood, / Which was not so before” (2.1.57-59).” This quotation foreshadows Duncan’s death, as beforehand Macbeth sees a hallucination of a dagger, on the tip, there is blood on it. Duncan’s impending murder and the guilt that will haunt Macbeth for the rest of the play are symbolised by the blood on the dagger. This moment marks the beginning of Macbeth’s transformation from a brave and honourable man to a treacherous, cruel, and merciless dictator, and it serves as a turning point in the play. In contrast to what it symbolised previously in the play, the image of blood now represents betrayal, ambition, and murder. It has become associated with evil. So, Is it Macbeths desire to become king that makes him evil, or his acts in pursuit of that power? After the Murder of Duncan, Macbeth starts to realise the seriousness of his actions as he tries to wash of Duncans blood off his hand he says, “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather / The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red. (2.2.78-81)” This shows how Macbeth’s character has altered as a result of his murder, turning him into a man full of shame and remorse. However, he does not stop at one murder, but rather tries to secure his position as king and eliminate everybody who stands in his path out of paranoia. Is Macbeth just scared of who will overthrow him or is his guilt just taking control of him?

solved “I understand you are taking a Corporate Social Responsibility course

“I understand you are taking a Corporate Social Responsibility course at CSUN. I’m very interested in seeing that we make CSR a practical part of everything we do here. Please utilize the knowledge you’ve gained in the aforementioned course to develop a plan for incorporating CSR into our company’s culture and business activity, helping us to become a ‘Leading Corporate Citizen’. Be sure to include the following concepts in your work: 1) leading corporate citizenship, 2) the three spheres of human civilization, 3) personal and organizational vision, 4) values in management practice, 5) value added via vision and values, 6) stakeholders in terms of relationships, 7) managing responsibility and corporate citizenship, 8) investment and assessment, 9) sustainability, 10) global standards, 11) value added via global futures, 12) leading global futures, and 13) Conscious (Business) Ethics.” Note that the first 12 concepts that must be included in your paper correspond to the same chapter in the textbook, and C(B)E correlates to the concept we’ve addressed in lectures throughout the courseRespond to this request by preparing a plan that deals with the steps to be taken to incorporate CSR into the culture and business activity of your organization. Your research paper (APA or MLA format) should include a discussion of the various CSR issues facing your company and the solutions you seek to employ. Establish the current practices of the organization and examples of ethical issues faced in the past. Then, offer suggestions for improvement. Be practical, bold, innovative, and as thorough as you can. Draw upon insights from assigned readings plus ideas gained from class lectures. Use resources from your company, readings, etc., and document all sources you use. This paper is due on the last day of class. It will be graded in accordance with the rubric you have been presented. Please be very sure that it is carefully proofread and that it does not contain any errors. Write it as if the CEO of your organization is going to read it.Note that the first 12 concepts that must be included in your paper correspond to the same chapter in the textbook, and C(B)E correlates to the concept we’ve addressed in lectures throughout the courseRespond to this request by preparing a plan that deals with the steps to be taken to incorporate CSR into the culture and business activity of your organization. Your research paper (APA or MLA format) should include a discussion of the various CSR issues facing your company and the solutions you seek to employ. Establish the current practices of the organization and examples of ethical issues faced in the past. Then, offer suggestions for improvement. Be practical, bold, innovative, and as thorough as you can. Draw upon insights from assigned readings plus ideas gained from class lectures. Use resources from your company, readings, etc., and document all sources you use. This paper is due on the last day of class. It will be graded in accordance with the rubric you have been presented. Please be very sure that it is carefully proofread and that it does not contain any errors. Write it as if the CEO of your organization is going to read it.